nTOBL & REPUBLICAN MJFFLINTOWtf . TER VS. . Bnbwlj,tlon, J50 pes- annum if eesrta par taeh for aach Ineortioa. "&"SEto P for esch CST toj4Trti, by tta ysar, aalf quarter SHORT LOCALS. A lato epring. Maple sugar trees ore on tap. The wild gese are on the wing. Haitiag.loTi ia one hunirod years Old. J Tue man with a hand organ will soon be ciound. ergo Heck h enlarging his riv erside restaurant. This is moving week and many are on the flit to-dav. Dr. Atkinson has had electric liht pat loio his bouse. " "Wanted. Six sheep. Address this office and state price. Tbe Bloomfield, Perry county town clock is 27 years old. Cracking Easter Eggs" is a great past time for children now." The past month of March give the growing wheat a black eye. Tho base ball fver has not ye broken out among the boys. Taa nnuitvns bordering the val ley ire yet covered with snow. Sucker fishing is engaging Ifce at teution of amateur fishermen. "When the devil fishes for an idler he never has t- wncto I,.-,; Senator Qaav'e Presidential Wn is gatheiing strength every day. Thf-re are 508 boys in tbe Hunting don Reformatory to be reformed. In all its features March was more a winter month than a spring month. Gilbirt H. VaaOrmar has gone to Iowitoengigs in the tUiry busi ness. Tin erlad the winter is over, is an expression that is heard on every hand. Seventeen new mesabers joined the Lswistown Presbyterian church, re cently. The booming of railroad blasting reminds veterans of the datts of re bellion.' Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will bo 50 years old on the 13th of April. '-'Juniata is an Indian name and means standing stone Standing stone river. In three shots, Henry Fettsrolf of ' Troxelville, Snyder county, killed 25 crows, last week. The Juniata Male Quartette has been giving musical entertainments J ( . " The place for theiiewsk and lat est millinery is at the Misses Diehl's plac?. Front street. Professor Gortner was off to Sel ins?rove on business on Friday and Saturday of last week. "Concord. Franklin county, has twenty inhabitants, each one being over 70 years of age." Tbe peach crop in Ohio and West Virginia is said to ba damaged to the extent of forty per cent. Chester Stouffer of Philadelphia, spint Sunday with the family of Bhiip Craaier in Patterson. uruciai v.li v. - will lectors in .Lewistown on tbe ev ening of the 5th of March. Senator Cameron is still talked of as the Presidential candidate for the double standard coin men. There were fourteen light scows the past winter; 3 in December; 1 in January; 6 in February and 4 in March.! W. E. Auman is the latest candi date to enter the race for the office o County Superintendent of Common Schools. The Perry County Agricultural So" cielv is in the field early to announce tbsir fair to be held: September 22, 23, 24 and 25. - A stock company will erect a two Btory Aedemv building in Bloom field, Perry oounty'at thexpense of four thousand dollars. The man who predicted a cold March because ?the moon changes throughout tbe month were all mad in tbe morning, is ahead. The Turkish Government is highly displeased with tbe Confess of this Government for having expressed itself against Turkish atrocities. "The Esquimaux give their doctor his fee as soon as he comes. If the patient recovers, he keeps it; other wise he returns it to the family. n, nrtnira shoots in Florida stood the frost of last week, but tho young corn, encumbers, Irish potatoes and mch vegetables were severely nipped. Hunters say the past winter was Bot destructive of game, because " there was little snow. They expect the coming season to be productive ef many wild turkeys. Tbe Carlisle car manufactory pass ed into the hands ef the Sheriff of Cumberland county several days ago n a judgment of one hundred and gjxty-ona thousand dellars. A leak in the chandelier of the Lutheran church in Bloomfield, Per ry county on Sunday evening, March - 82, caused a fire, which fortunately was pat out before much damage was -'" don. The proper weight for people is 2 wounds to the inch. Any weight he- lowthatistooltght far the proper M weignt, ana aojimug -- to heavy lor tue rr-uimi freight. The daily papers are filled with accounts of mnrder, and all right jnindrtd peonle are asking each other hat bas gotten the matter with the people, that there ia ao much rima y mg mom. Mrs. FU.rH or wk. 1 l ... her daughter Mm. Kauffman in Har- nabnrer hn ntnr t i , - . . " . ..w ivu noma) in this place. . r Rmt . Store room and dwell ing. Location Nni-fl, M.: i - - . .u Burnt. For particulars inquire of F. W. Mrs. FrBb Sbv i.'in. daughter of State Lane were the guesTB oi Mrs. Frank M. M. Pennell, during some time last week. A bill has been introduced in Con gress to incrcate the pension of every Mexican war veteran in destitute cir enmstancea from $3 to $12 a month. Ready for inspection. A very large line of Spring millinery, novel ties, trimmed bats and Bonnets at Mrs.. Ickes, Patterson, P. Prices lowest. 2w. Fob Resit. Store room and dwell ing house, or store room seperate. The dwelling house has seven rooms. Call on Joseph Adams, Sr., Washing ton street. Mrs. Diehl has juet received a full nno oi tspnng and Summer millinery. Give her a call and examine hr lin of pattern hats and boo nets. Prices tue lowest. at. The Democratic tariff has knocked the profits out of manufacturing es tabliahments, and, general business demoralization lins knocked the prof its out of firming. It is difficult to tell which is in the worst predica ment, the manufacturer or the farmer. David Ronsh late of Company "I," 21st Pa. Cavalry of Thompsontown, ra, bas bad increase of pension granted from $14 to $17 per month for gun-shot wounds through both tbigbs, increase dating back to Oct. 16th, 1895. Through the agency of Wm. Fry, Mexico, Fa. It is estimated that 1,200 to 2,000 people attended the sale of personal property of wife murderer Charles Ramsey at Waterford recently. Tbe house was over-run from bottom to top by sight seers, some of whom car ried pieces of blood stained furniture away as relics of work of the H men ial Dawn'wife murderer. At a congregational meeting held ia the Lutbotan church on Saturday, Joseph Roth rock was elected elder; J. G. Hockno9rgar was elected dea con; S. E. Kinzsr, B. C. Wagner were elected Trustees. Tbe minutes of February 25, 1896, approving tho ac tion of the board of Trustees in re questing Dr. Holloway's resignation were approved The Ballefonte Watchman snvs: Isaac R. Rven of Hillbeim, the man whs was recently givsn the whole of the .Wiliheim turnpike for injuries sustained while driving over it two years ago, has just been appointed to a good position in the Custom House at Oswego, N. Y., to which place ho will mGve. It will be re- mowbfcr6d that Mr. Raven sold his turnpike back to its original owners Noirross assaulted a white eirlJ in Harrisburgon the 25th iust., and made their escape. The authorities sent despatches along tbe railroad to arrest all traveling negroes. The re sult at this place was about a dozen negroeswero'arrsted on Thursday and lodged in jail till on nday wnen ucoa examination they were all re leased for wnt of identification as the parties who committed the orime, A SigUrville correspeudent of the Lewistown Gazette of March lb says: A pet ground hog owned by Jos eph Siford, near Lockes Mills, which holed up early last fall and never put in an appearance until last Alonaay a week after a Bleep of almost five months, came oat sieek and tame es when it retired ia tbe fall, viewed his old stamping ground, got some thing to eat and again retired to his underground home. That great oaks from little acorns oft do grow is exemplified in the lives of many Americans. For example, a few may be mentioned: Lincoln split rail for a living. George Washington carried a chain for a surveyor. Garfield rode a mulo that hanled a canal boat. Ex Governor Hoard of Wisconsin, was a wood-chopper. John M. Thurston, Senator from Nebraska once drove a dray in Chic ago. ' Ex-Govsrnor Alger drove a team in the pineries. Cushman Davis, Senator from Min nesota, drove his father's team and guided the plow. Henrr Ward Bsecher when he first began his ministerial career, milked the cow and did tae 6to:e wotk. Daniel Webster earned stray shill irgs as a chore boy. Huntingdon Should the n amber of passengers not be sufficient to warrant the run ning of special train, the company re serves the fight to carry participants inis excursion on regular tram. Tickets On Ml in Pl'tlaknvo. at Union Ticket Office, Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street, and TTninn Station and at all stations mentioned above. For full information apply to agents or Thomas E. Watt, Passen ear Aeent Western Dintrint iin Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. LOW RATES TO WASUIMG TOIf, D. C. SPECIAL TEN-DAT EXCtJBSIOS VIA PEN'X STLVANIA BAILKOAD. Tko navf rf ihn avrios of low.rata excursions to Washington, D. C, via Pennsylvania Railroad, will leave Pittsburg, April 2, 1896. Excursion tickets, permitting of stop over in Baltimore in either di rection witbin limit, win oe aoia at ..tm sirntd below, food for use BO - r o tng on special train mentioned below train A Ipnvinrr Pit I nhtirir ot 8.10 P. M., ref timing on any regular train except tbe Pennsylvania Limit ed. Special train of parlor cars and day coaches will be run . on the fol lowing schedule: Train Ieavts. BMo. Hol'idaysburg 11.08 a. m. 7 35 Altoona.... 1140 " 7 35 Bellwood f 11.52 " 7 35 Bellefonte 10.09 " 7 25 Clearfield 9 31 " 7 25 Pbilipsbnrg 10.14 " 7 25 OsceoJa iu zo - i zo Tyrote.. 10 03p u 7 25 Huntingdon 12.35 6 65 Bedford., 9.46 a. k. 6 65 Lewistown Jane . . l.o3 p. m. 5 60 Mifflin f 1.50 " 5 25 Newport f2.24 " 4 60 Duncannon I a ' 40 Washington Arrive. 7.30 " .... j-Passengers will use regnlar train through to Washington. T Stops only on notice to agent. Passengers from branch points de airing to take the special train will use the following trains: Martinsburg and Hollidaysburg wla.tion Train Nn. 419 tn Al. toona; from Bedford, Train No. 4 to GREAT BARGAIN. For a - limited time nnlv. T)n'l miss it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Phnt.nrrsrha and on 16x20 Crayon Portrait made by one of tbe finest Artists in Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Haas' Phuto Studio, Mifflin town, Pa. Klaty Per Cent. o f all the pcopl need to take a course offHoed's Sarsaparilla at this season to prevent that ran down and debili tated condition which invites disease. The money invested in half a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will come back with large returns in the health and vigor of body and strength ofierves. Hood's Pillt are easy to buy, easy to take, easy to operate. Cure all liver ills. 25c. Why pay eo la POc. a rod for f anea whanjrou can moke tna P&T W0VES3 17I3E FEECECn E.1TU FOR 13 TO 20 CENTS A ROD? Horse msn, bull strong, pi and ohlokan ttght. A man and boy can mekafromeoto TO rods a day. Over 5 style. Illustrated Cctolocue Free. KIT8ELMAN BROTH ER3 Hldgovilie, s Indiana. " ) jlf II - es. in, jl V Exaralno V V ssas Year Eyes. We warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the use of our name in advertisements of so-called traveling optical specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defective eyesight : Arotd trtrcliag specialists and pedlars of Spectacles. QUEEN & CO., Tbe Opticians, lOIO Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Uana&ctaren and Importors of Arearat and Bceatlfal Spaetaelae ud Eye Our Kjre Sight Monitor sent on receipt of Ave 2-cen.t postage stamps. STATEMENT or TnS ACCOOKTS OF TIE TOWN COUNCIL OP THE BOROUGH OF PATTERSON, PA., for tbe ytar commeoclnf Vareh 12th. 189S, sod endlnt Much 11 lb, 1895. tsa, 120.78 Balascaofdaplieate 1196 ia heads of H. II. Iaeabanr, Collector ASSETS. Amount In bssds of Hewsrd Kirk, Tressnrsr Amoaod dne frois Town Coancil, (See Auditor's Re pert for 191 Amount io bssds ef H. M. IsoBberg, Cellseter ' Total.. n EI ABILITIES Order Ne. 6, 180a 6. W. Wileen Balance due E. S. Parker en lot DneW.n. A Urn on note..., Due Jnniits Vs'l.y Bmakoo note Order No.102, 1898, J. N. Keller Total Liabilities over Assets eot M 16 114 74 lte 4 4 60 114 74 1768 50 76 M 6M00 2MM 6 00 780 60 604 82 Having examined tbe above accounts sf tbe Tew a Council and Celiac ter we fled tbe asms correctly stated Psttersos, Ps., JAMES A. CASIfER, ) Msrch IBtb, 1896, B. C. McCLELLAN, JditT. i.C. DIETRICK, j Tow Casaeii f tht Boron rh et Psltert. Pa. To balance in hard of Howard Kirk, amount received County Treasurer, liceaas money 1895 H. M. Iwnberg, collector, 1893 taxen. ........ c u . 1894 ' Geo. Geikes, Chief Bur;aa Finei and Liceaaes J. M. Pancebaker, roropeaing gutter in front of " W. H. Banks and G. L. Hower properties..... H. M. Iaenberg, collector, 1895 taxes " Snrcharged theia at Utt io1!'. . Dr. c, M " " Cf K (I 15. Mar 2, c c U It April" ,c c ( U t My. 7, t ! rt ! ( t -c Juno 4. t M l ' t it Cg CC 4( C C f CI II II U II II . II II July 2, H ii i ii it ' ii i i ii ii i ii i ii ii i i . ii .i ii ii ,1 w ic ii Auf. 6. ii .a ii ii Sspt. S, i - ii ii ii i ii II la II M II II II II II II IC I. I II II II I II II H I. II II II I l II II Oct. 1, ii ii 11 ii ii Nov. 7, ii ii i ii ii ii i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii K II II II II H 1S96. Jan. 7, ii ic ii .ii ' ii ii i. ii ii i ii ci ii i II M II II Mar. 2, IS II II II ' U CI Tott...-. CONTRA. WO. a 448. J. A. R'd.n, libor 496. J. I. Hawk. 2 car load et atone 4D9. Trustees Friendship Fire Co., appropriation 1. David Stouffer, Gravel 2. J. A. Csacr, Auditor. , 3. S. C. McClellan, . 4. F. M. M. PennelLi' 5. W. IT. McKitt, 1 1 parch crosaing stone at 16 7. Rarriion W Uer, hauling grovel . 8. D. B. Haiti . 9. Pattaraoa Water 0.,it caontha rtr rest, 12 daya deducted for one ping 10. Jnbn Jacobs, labor. 11. J. A. Rid es. labor " 12. B. F. Scbweier, printing; Borough statemeat 13. Howard Kirk, tax on money borrowed...... 14. George Dillman, labor 15. J. A. Riden ibor 16. J. D. Z.idvrs. labor 17. J. I. Hank, labor 18. Isaac Ia?arrr, tabling stoas gravel 19. G. W. On.s, labor 20. James. Pannebaker labor............ 21. Joha Pannabakar, labor.. 22. Philip Bishop. labor 23. Harrison Wdler. baulina; gravel..... 24. J. J. Clare, hsullng grarel 26. Harry Groainyer, hauling gravel 26 D. B. Rails, baulisg grarel 27. Howard Kirk interest on 0200.00, note 28. Beware Kirk interest of 6 percent, on $500. 00 borrowed from W. H. Allen S9. W. J. Jvknan, printisg ordinance . 80. W. 1. Zeiders, carting slaua 31. Id Heikes, bau'ing gravel 32. A.J. Koiat, ha n'ins gavel 83. Wm. ebiTsiy, hauling gravel 84. D. B. Keitz, haalmg gravel .... 85. J. J. Clsre. i 36. Harry Bardell, bauliag gravel.... 87. Emory McCahan, hiuling gravel St. Harry Gronicgiir, haaiiez gravel........... 8a. Ijaoc I,oniicrfl, bauling gravel 40, Howard Emery, haniiog atone.... 41. Pavid Stouffer, royalty on gravel 42 G or Goabea, weighing- gravel 43. J. I. Hawk, laying crcssir-gand gutter 44. Jas- A. Hidea. labor 45. W. H. McNiit, royalty on stone 46. John N. Paor.ebaker, labor... .... 47. John Bowers, Ubor...... 8. Pkilip BiFhor, labor 49. John J. Hawk, grading gutter .' 50. B. O. Walters, daatroying Canada thistle.... 51. Harry Heikes, labor 62, J. A. Ridea. labor 63, Clarkson Wright, labor 64, Phihp Bishops labor 66. Robert McDonald, driving cart 66. J. D. Zoiders, labor 7. Jobs Jacob, labor... 68. Chas. Coansr, labor.. 69. W. G. endorses 0. John I. nawk 61. W. J. Zcidirj. use of horse sod csrt 62. Charles Ufneisger, htnlisg rites 63. Howard Eitery, hauling brick 64. George Hackenbsrger, pe!i?c services snd putting np o-dinasce. ........ ..... ..... 65. D. S. Rickenbiugb, use of berse and cart.. 66. B. D. Funk, repairing (oaatsin 67. Mrs. IS. A. Todd, laying gutter sad curb stone 69. D. B. Reilt, hauling gravel 70. W. J. Jackman, printing electric light or dinance , , 71. F. B. Goshen, laker 72. O. W. Gu, Secretary fer six months $7 60 " Statiensry .35 78. Jos. Bnndle, brick and stnd fersewer 74. Philip Bishop, labor 76. B. B. Roils, hauling gravel 76. Jos. Weaver baulisg gravel 77. David Stouffer, royalty on gravel 78. D. B, Reitz, haaling gravel................ 79. G. W. Gus, labor. : 80. G. H. Hsckenbcrger, fines and police dnty.. 81. Joha P. I.each, notice du'y on Reuniea day. 82. Jos. Weaver, hanling gravel 88. W. H. Banks, ordinance book 84. Guas & Siebsr, eewer pipe ssd cement..... 85. George Ooahsn, Weighing gravel...... .... 86. Isaac Longacre, bauling gravel 87. Philip Blusop, labor 88. Patterson Water Co., rent ia Hill to Nov. 1st, 1895 89. L. C. Shively, duplicate for order 68 lost. Mauling gravel 90. 1. 92. 91. 94. 95. 94. 97. 98. 99. 300. 101: 103. 104 16. J. I. Hawk, laying sewer F. B.Goahea, labor Cbarlra Renninger, haaling dirt.... O. Hackenberger, police du'y to Jan. 8, 1896 W. J. Jarkman, printing ordiaance......... Gnss A. Sieber hardware etc Howard Emery, banliog atone, dirt and plank Geo. Goshen, Laying gutter W. B. McDonald, laying gutter Jas. A. Riden, labor Hewsrd Ki'k, interest on $200.0 trom Dee. . 1st. 1895, to June 1st, 1896 Treasurer of Friead.bip Ce., appropriation. Howard Kirk, tax oa money borrowed..... . J. M. 1 asnebaker, labor , ' G. W. Gnus, Secretary 'a bill and poatage. Total Credits. Balaace....... Deduct 2 per cent, commission on $1240 88, Balance dne Borough ef Patterson as follows In sends ef Howard Kirk, treasurer In lissds of Town Council H. M. henberg Collector. $ To ssaeunt ef Duplicate 1895 To 6 per cent, additional on uncollected tax Feb ruary 6tb, 1898, $116.03 Total COMTstA Hy amount of exoneration.... ............ ....... By amount of $ per cent, rebate on $484.99...... By amount ol 8 percent, commission on $418.25. V amount or 5 percent, commission en $77.49. ...... By amount ef 6 per cent, commission en $188.86. .... By aasoust psid Treasurer.. By smoant of 6 per cent, commissioa oa uncollected Cr. 1 so 60 25 00 80 2 00 200 2 00 1 65 8 90 2 00 113 12 1 08 2 40 8 00 1 68 120 14 80 1 20 5.C0 10 85 1 80 600 9 24 4 20 2 3 18 97 8 89 253 600 SO 00 200 10 85 18 61 8 30 8 IS 28 28 14 80 6 27 6 90 10 80 84 80 76 IE 36 7 68 7 76 14 62 1 65 7 68 1 20 48 1 50 1 20 60 17 40 1 92 00 8 60 14 16 3 00 8 84 2 88 10 40 19 20 1 25 26 600 2 00 1 75 31 0 . 17 6$ 900 1 20 7 85 8 60 1 20 22 37 . 6 80 7 6$ 4 95 1 44 6 60 1 60 26 61 2 0 (0 86 8 80 16 80 1 66 120 00 20 6 2$ 1 68 26 225 2 60 12 87 7 40 26 00 20 0$ 1 20 6 00 26 OS 2 09 84 7 85 166 44 4 60 Br. Cr. , 7 21 76 12 40 ei 694 00 81 8426 842 00 48 28 193 90 2060 60 606 89 4 60 1246 83 1069 67 186 76 24 82 1694 BARGAIN DAYS AT SCHOTT'S ST ORES. Commencing, Saturday, Maroh 21st and continues until Saturday even lag April 4th. Two ether great Bargaiojleeks have passed: . These Bargain Dsjs are "of more importance to yon than before. SPRIISTG IS APPROACHING: SCHOTT will have-bis Spring Goods unpacked We will sell jou tbe newest and latest novelties at Speeial Bargain Priees. New Waist Silk at 35o. Dress Ginghams st 5lo. Corsets at 25, 39 and 48o. Bed Table Damask at 20 and 25o. White Table Damask at 25e. 42 ineb Pillow Oase muslin at lOo. f- Double Width Wool Henrietta and Serges at 26c Crash Towelling, 7 yards for 25o. Boys' Perosle Waists st 21c. W bite nnlsundried Shirts at 39o. Fine Laee Curtains at 75c a psii. Laee CnrtaiDs by the yard at 9o. Curtain Sorinas at 5e a yard. Window Shades, F sit Sorim Rollers at 2 for 25o. 011 Wiadow Shades st 29c. Bill 36 iaoh Bissau Muslin, 10;ds for(69o. Blue Striped and Columbia Shirting, lOj ds for 69o. Ticking for Be is, 9yds fer 69o. - Differiag Varieties of FJaveriog Extrsot, 3 bott'es for lOo. Yellow muslin, See quality, 36 inch wide, 10yds for 45o. Heavy Yellow Jlfuslin, 41 inch wide st 6s. Lsdies Hose st 5o, 8o, 10s and 124c. 12 Doi. Shirt Buttons for 2o 10 Bows of Pins le. 250 Envelopes for 36a. Men's Silk EmbroidrUd Snsfenders for 10c. . Plush Album for 99c; worth $2.00. Box Writing Paper and Envelopes for 5 and 7c. Sheetings at Reduced Priees. 7- 4 Sheeting at loo. 8- 4 Sheeting at 16o. . 9- 4 Sheetin j at 17e. Wall Papers! Wall Papers. We have just received 5000 bolts of New Spring Designs Wall Paper. We will sell you ehoice patterns at 7o a Double Jolt, with bordeis to match. Don't fail to call snd examine our stock. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! We have reeeivod over 70 rolls of Carpets in Brussels, Ingrains. Dom estio and Rag Carpets. Also a fiue lino in "Alt Squares." Choice Patterns Ingrains at 25c. Striped Carpets at 12, o. Don't fail to lock over our immense stock. All .our Oil Cloths, Lsoe and Chenille Curta;nB, Chenille Table Covers at Reduoed Prioes. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Wfl Will Sol! TflN!.Tiiiti. Vivo nnni. Tn..l . r or Buttons; worth $3.00; will be sold for $2.00; Lsdies Calf Skin Shoes, lin ed or unlined at $1.19. Original Price $1.50. All our Men's Shoes at Reduced Prioes. Don't forget the time, Msreh 21st to April'4th Schotfs Stores, 103 to 109 .'BRIDGE ST., ' MIFEMNTOWK, PA. 1889, 1865, ESTABLISHED. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on dailj from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEI, It will be TO ' THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to inrost to examine the Stock ef Good for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It ii truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLI'i of Suite and Overcoat at the Weaderfully Low Prices. Bis prices leave all Cemcetiters in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY, MIFFLINTOWN 1883. Hollobaugh Son JL(J7 riO. have reeeived their entire line of Spring Clothing and Gents furnishing OeesVa. . Oar Speeial effort for Spring of 1896 Jkfen'a $7.60 Cat Saits. Last jear this identical quality of goods sold for ten dollars. These Suits in over twenty styles of goods have no equal for the saoMy. The eloth is absolutsly all wool and fast eolor. Tbe body tnrassamge leatherine a very heavy Statian George Annitage Brand. Best dye in the world. The sleeve lining is a splendid three lesf twill. Count 80 by 84 te the square inch; tbe buttons best mettled Ivory not elay or rubber nobby effeett; reamed bole Those Garments have in addition to the above, all tbe inside vitals eoas plete, making the Seven Dollar and fifty cent Suit oomplete as durable as say that retaila at $25.00. WE JUSTLY NAME IT "The Best Trade and Profit Maker in America.'" Spring Clothing, latest styles. Spring Hats, latest styles. Spring Shirts, nobbiest pattern. Oar prioes ore tbe lowest. Our goods are the best. Our styles sre the latest. All we ask is a test, snd he who asserts he oan sell clothing lower, must sell inferior Goods or else he is a "Blower.'' A Fine Life Size WATEE COLERED PORTRAIT given away free to eaoh customer whose cash purchases amount to TEN DOLLARS. We ere Agents for the eelebrated Douglass Shoe. Sweet Orr Overalls and Folding Umbrellas HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, PA. ESTABLISHED 1880. The McClintic Hardware QTHDF NO. 119 MAIN STREET, 0 1 U 1 V UJ. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Hardware the nwmr way possible to get along in the world is to buy 'real cheap things. As a rule, the less you pay, the more it costs in the long run. We don't beast-of "cheap" prices at this Store, and still quality considered, we sell at prices that ought to interest careful buyers. COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of RAYMOND & CAMPBELL cook stoves tn this county. We have never heard a woman complain who bought one of these stoves. Every buyer haa agreed on four things: The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they are easiest to regulate, and are less trouble than any other stove. We have them in foiir sizes. Prices range from $16.00 tnS98 no EVERY WOMAN KNOWS how easily things get scratched up" arcund the home. Sometimes it's a chair or a table or a door. More than half the time, the scratches are neglected, because it seems hardly worth while to send for a painter. Why not do the work yourself. You can Get Prcpnred Paints all Ready to use at a trifling cost. You can brighten up furniture, doorp, flower pots, buggies and lots of other things. We keep these prepared paints in all (be colorg. And we sell paint brushes, too good ones. The paint come in tin bncbets, holding 4 P. The price is 16o K. H. McClintic. T76 14 17 7M8I S. S. Ruble, Practical Etnbalmcr and Funer al Director. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. satjsfactioa;gcafanteed ik;au cases. Bridge t., filifll iiifoTi n, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, CETTTSBI'RC, PA Fwllllded In 1833. Large Facnltr. Two fu'l csunes of study Classical and Scientific, Special caurees is all depart meats. Ooscrrstorj, Lb?rafQris sad new G BJBasinm. Steam h.at. Libraries, 22,000 relumes. Expenses low. Dep;rt Bicnt of Hygiene sad Physical Culture i? charge ef an experienced physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca tion on the BATTLEFIELD of Gettysburg, anest p'essar an4 brstthy. MEPsR. ATORT DLPiRTMEKT. in st pir ate buildings, for boys sod young men pre. paring for business or College, anaer spec ial care or lb. Principal and tbrea assist. 8M, residing with students ia tbebailriing. I an term opens September 5tb, 1895. For Catalogues, address H. W. MCKNIGHT. D. D President, or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. If., Principal, Octltysbarg, Pa. 8c!er,iiao Aaerioaa Agency for rr OAvsaTsu TAaDI mars. DSSICM PATSMT0. r vmatlou. and fr n&ndBoCic wrfsa to .cl.-.. bureau for sucurlac patenu In Amti JJTry i.-i.uttafcrnontbjrMla bronabt bafor. Vc pu'.I'c lij a aot!oa given tree ofoluina la ska Sf. tunlitic gmtxltm I"rt ctrratattnn of any srieaaifle papw tn aba JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF MI FFUSTOWU, PA. Stockholders Indiridaally Liable JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Prttidtnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Casku niatcress. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Kothi-nek, John HwtTler, Robert R. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Josiah L. Barton. Louis E. Atkinson STOCKBOI.rKas s Geors-e A . Kepcer, Annie V. Shit-. Joseph Kothrock, P. W. Man beck,' L. E. Atkini-cc, R. E. Park, r, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holaws Irwin Vary Knrts, Jerome; N. Thompson, John Ilemler. T. V. Irwin. CbarluiteSnyder, Josiah L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert B. Patterson, F. M. M. Peiiuen, Ivi Llpht, Samuel S. Kothrock, Was. B warts. M.N. Sterrett, H. J. Shellenberper, Janaea n. Heading, at. K. Schlrgel, 8. W. Heaps. Three and Four per cent. Interest will M paid on certificates of deposit. jan 28, 1896 U WANTED-AN IDEAr.f thlna to patent? Protect yoor ideas : tbermar tsrlnc roa waalth. Write JOHN WT5DUKR-I BORN as CO., Patent Attorneya, WaahingtoaJ D.(Xt for their $M00 prise offer. j HAYS I0U MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER 1 CAE.E. AT- tbi first M A SI OBI A a MIFFUNTOWN, PA. FOTJE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Honey Loaned at Lowest Hates. Consumption Surely Cured. So Tna -- Mini iaJaaan Jtmr n ut. iimiinMiiraa.,i i dUcMi. -T- "--T-i i ttmnili fl i oT. smma iiiimsaaiisjj aassas. Ia y-tnt fo;iv- crnd --1-tlia nf sj issnailj ssaavot tt Soar wUl I P.O. aVaL00aaf.lC.0L. USPeadaujI. .