Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 04, 1896, Image 3
r i i r MIFFLINTOWN: WEDRHDAT. BAR. 4. ttH. TERMS. Subscription, $1.60 per nan U paM adTasfeet W.00 If not paid m m!tm. Transient sdvertlawaesUa tuerted s4 60 ewats par tach for aaeh taaertkm. Transient tmstnees antss j ta laoal ooU bu, 10 end per Una for each tneertioa, J1"U ? " 4-Wmr J -yea, aau or quarter appointed Door. bushels PIBUO SALES. A cbiranaT in V..tn. v- n hoau took fir laet Tbursdaj and for awhile created an excitement at Etst Point. iT wiaiMiwonara or Ditur uo., will erect an 11.000 Soldier Mono- mAltl HPU . . . ... . March 14. Mm. G. W. Smith will sell at ber place of residence in Mif. flintown at 10 a. m., buggy, wagon, leigb, drag sleigh, atone mason toola and a full line of honaehold gooda. Marcs 20. Mra. W- B. Harman, in Fayette live stock and farm im plements. Mabch 10. John Bashore, near McAliaterville live stock, farm im plements. . Mabch 11. Elide Daon, near East Salem, will sell lire stock and farm implemhnts. Mabch 16. Jerome Anker, near Oakland lire stock, farm machinery. Mabch 18. Tobias Billger, nar Brown's Mills live stock and farm machinery. Mabch 19. W. . Valentine, near Oakland .Mills lire stock, and farm implements. Mabch 3. Wm. A. Lore, near Heed's Gap lire atock and farm im plements. March 18. Henry Swab in Walk er township live stock and farm implements. Mabch 17. Wm H. Roush and L. E. Atkinson, near -Mexico live stock and farm implements. Mabch 19. Howard Leach, near Zook's Mills, Milford lire stock and farm machinery. Benj. Carwell at Locust Bun lire stock, farm implements. Mabch 10. Samuel Pannebaker, at Honej Grore lire stock, farm implements. Mabch 23. Stewart C. Henry on the Minnimum farm uear Johns town live stock and farm imple ments. Mabch 25 Charles L. Meloy in Milford township live stock, farm mauhiiery. Mabch 5. A. J. Bice, near Ma Coysville live stock and farm im plements. Mabch 11. Wm. T. Casner on the Shaman farm near Mexico livs stock and farm implements. Mabch 24 W. N. Sterrett in Mil ford live stock and firm imple ments. Mabch 26. -Mrs. Jerome Thomp son., near Mexico lire stock and farm machinery. menU cated Pure, rich blond An a a for nervousness, and Hood 'a Sarsa parilla ia the One True Blood Puri fier and nerve tonic. -wto v iaj u tun uimeu a i- . Jun paaaeu a resolution last Friday in favor of recognizing the belliVerftncr nf C.nhm o J - wwn. Thoneanda ham iwimA ,. auo OUlldinff-UD DOWir nf Hnn1'a parilla and have found renewed strength, vigor and vitality in its use Foster C. Stein nf Tjawiatn...,. cutter and designer of Gentlemen's vrarmenin, spent luesday evening in this place. Foster formerly lived here. The Misses Haves, dancrritAra nf Mr. and Mrs. John Haves, cava a len year partr at their home in Patterson on the evening of the 28th day of February. ' . The Woman's Foreign Missionarv onthlv tneetinrr will rA hcM in . .... u iisuucnuj evening. Mrs. Heaton will address lU. 1 1 Mra Hettie Carpenter came to WD Oil JfnrnlftT AVAninn at ff 1 wMauf3 tui Del v " iDg two years in the penitentiary for complicity in the murder of her hus band James Carpenter. The Scientific A Since the invention of the first har Tester tliiH imrtlamanf. lino r-rvuuai ajuq I'UJU vwlfU- stantly improved, there being no less K in ire . . iuu iv,iiu patents upon it or us parts. mo M SHORT LOCJlLS. The comet is going away. Easter will come on the 5th of April. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra C. Doty are on a visit to Philadelphia. f Governor Hastiogs has fixed April 10 and 21 as Arbor Days. . The Legislature of Iowa voted against Prohibition last weak. The 19 horses sold on Saturday by the Wilsons, averaged 971.80. The robins put in an appearance on Saturday, the last of February. The Horso and Mnla Protection Company met in town on Saturday. Jeweller, J. H. Sweger spent sev eral days of this week at East Wat-erford. - Mrs. Munshower of Philadelphia is visiting tho family of Captain Me Clellan. Afarcie Crawford has gone to South Bethlehem to become a train ed nurse. Mrs. North and daughters, Mrs. Jacobs and Crider visited in Wash ington, D. C. E. S. Parker and daughter Mrs. Larner, and her husband wero in town on Saturday. f Mord. Hower has gone into the Jewelry shop of J. H. Sweger to learn that business. Tom Patterson is at home from Philadelphia Dental College, where he attended lectures. There are 10,122 different modles ,' of plows in the U. S. patern office, and 4,691 patents on harrows. The wire and nail trusts are ad vancing the price of wire and nails, because of the spring demand. Mr. Dinehart of Reading-, a 6tu , nt at Dickinson college, visited the family of Mr. Schott last week. . E. D. and A. M. Barner of Oriental spent a day or two in town recently. They stopped at tne .National iionse Governor Hastings by proclama tion requeats the people to plant trees in the 10th and 24th days of April. Ttauhon Remolds was to Pittsburcr f last week to visit bis son donn, wno is in Penn hospital witn an injured spine. H. D. Smith in behalf of Landlord Zeigler of the Keystone House serv ed the Loyal Legion at a dinner on Wednesday. TV Praahvtarian Congregation will hold a sociable in Westminster , Ct'irch, next Friday evening, MarcD ae. Admission a cents. Tdufc week thronerh the kind ai tention of Hon. Wm. Hertzler, a five wnar nM Bnn nf Mand GilL was ad mitted to the Northern Home for Friendless Children in Philadelphia. The funeral of Solomon Barner of Oriental, this county, took place on Friday, February 28. He died from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. received seme four weeks before his death. The editor of the Democrat and Sentinel of Lewistown is happy over a, liberal installment of bear meat, that Solomon Peachy sent him. He nrnnonCAaa the meat good, and it has put him in a first rate mood to mt nff regular bear growls at the men who have been takiig his paper, k?-at not paying for it trouble, and O Milwuj Ia . . J . - uiu a receiver baa been The wheat r.ron in lnah.li. -:. init mwtn - to an acre. ' tu,wv uiaier nonn The monnmant will K AAi- next June. Bv State Wanted a local salesman to take ouvee oi an amna fnr t nted article. Good salary and com- mission to the right party. Apply stating references, etc. ; - N.aaco, Temple Bld'g, Philadelphia. MaUarla ausal Uemrt TrtaUe. Mats. Pa.. Jan. 29 1RQAt . been troubled with nuhm difficulty, and have been taking nooa s sarsspanlla. The first bot tie helped me. and T hn fton three bottles together with Hood's runs, ana x am able to walk ten miles a day. Jkbbmxah Pkubb, Hood's Pilla au..w., VM Iiousness. Home Seekers Excarslesis. In order to viva avanrnna mn DOrtanitv to see the Western Rnnntn and enable the heme seekers to se cure a home in time to commence work for the fieaeon nf 18n thm Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul B'y nas arrange;! to run a series of four home seekara exenrninna tn nrinm points in the West, North-West and South-West on the following dates : March 10. April 7 and 21 and M R at a low rate of two' dollars more than one fabb for the round trip. Tickets will be trood for return nn i Tn. day or Friday within twenty-one days from date of sale. For rates, time of trains and further details innl in any coupon ticket agent in the East ff . i . . . H . . or oomn, or aaaress Joun li. Pott, Diatrir.t Paasencrer Aornnt Will. iam Street, Williamsport, Pa. a rneqaalll- In Eyes. Mrs Muggins -Do von believe in hereditary influences?" Mrs. Bug gins "I should say I did ; Buggins used to keep me up lata nearly every night, and now the baby does the same thing." It has come to be observed that stone coal miners are free from the dreadful cancer disease. What there is about the work of coal mintn&r that exempts them from the disease re mains to De iouna out. A great interest has bean mani fested in the protracted meeting that Rev. Mr. Mortimer has been holding at Arch Rock.- People from far away attend and a number of happy conversions have been announced. The CBS38 from Juniata eountv on tho Superior Court trial list," are: The E. Keeler Company against Emil aciiott: u. li. otouner against Wil liam btcuffer; Overseers of Susque banna township a&rainst tha Over seers of Monroe township. ,ty A number of farmers sowed clover- seed in February. They considered the sowing early, but late sowing the past cumber of years, has done no good, and they will be no worse off by sowing early. Perhaps early sow ing will be just what is required to produce a crop of clover. $33 will pay for b!x weeks board and thorough instruction in music at the Musical College, Freeburg, Pa. Special instruction will be giv en to those desiring to teach vocal music in the Public Schools. Spring Term begins, May 4. For catalogues address, Hexbt B. Moteb. March 4, '96. The Lower House cf Congress adopted an Amendment to the Agri cultural Appropriation bill requiring the Secretary to expend $150,000 in the purchase and distribution of seeds, the best that he can procure, without reference to the requirements of the law about the varieties being rare and uncommon. Cashier T. Y. Irwin, and wife and daughter are home from Philadelphia, where they had gone to have an oper ation made on the windpipe of the daughter for the removal of a piece of turkey bone that lodged under the child s vocal cords. Tee little sufferer is doing quite well, and is in a fair way to a restoration of health. An exchange says: There are pat ents upon almost everything. The young American is taught to shoot by means of 793 patents, issued up on as many educational appliances. The old-fashioned birch ruler or sec tion of rubber hose used in educa tion is not protected by a patent, and may be employed by any pedagogue. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Patterson, Pa., February 29, 1896: Mrs. H. E. Fetterman, Chattie Serham, Ger trude Robinson, Annie E. Kirk, M. L. Donahue, Maude Bowersox, Wil liam Wilson, Harry Taylor, I'enal & Ohern, Sam'l W. McCahan, W. J Hill, Li. M. Hamilton, James Hen derson, L M. Brannon, Sam'l M. Allen, Mr. Mauger, Chss. Frost, Ger angi Gandolfo. The commencement exercises of the class of 1896, Philadelphia Dent al College, will be held in the Phila delphia Academy of Music, March 5th at la noon. In the class roll of graduates accompanying the invita tion that we hereby have the plea sure of acknowledging, ia the name of Fred H. Espenscbade, Jr. We present our congratulations to Fred, and wisn mm success in tne profes sion of his choice. He is capable, and will make a number 1 dentist. A birthday surprise party was ten dered F. M. M. Pennell, Esq., last Thursday evening in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Pennell on Cherry street, by which be became the reci pent of an extension table and rock- u t ir. t -j. ii presentation speech, to which Mr. Pennell happily replied not withstand ing the surprise that was spruDg up on aim.' A large company of friends enjoyed the occasion immensely till midnight when tney adjourned wish ling Mr. and Mrs. Penn U good-night, and a long and prosperous and happy me in tneir new nome. You are either left eyed or riffht eyed unless you are the eno person out of every fifteen who has eyes of equal strength. You also belong to the small minority of one out of every ten person?, if yourleft eye is stronger than your right. As a rule, just as p?cple are right handed, they are right eyed. This is probably due te the generally greater use of the or gans cf the right Bide of the body. sr. for example, a gunner, using his light arm and shoulder, uses his right eye, toereoy strengthening it with exer cise. Old sea captains, after lomr use of the telescope, find their riet ere much stronger than the left. This law is confirmed bv the experience of aurists. If a person who has ears of equal bearing power has causa to uss one ear more than the other for a loDg period, the ear brought into requisi tion is found to be much strengthened, and the ear which is notions it hear ing in a corresponding degree. Robbed a Frela-bt Train. yon wouldn't like to tell your moth er," writes Ruth As more in an arti cle on -That Boy of Mine, in March Lmdiet" Bom Journal. "Don't think it ia smart to listen to stories that are not nice and which are about women. Gentlemen never nnite in deriding women that is a peculiarity of cads. Never read, a book that you could not share with your sister, and never look at a picture that might not be framed and bn-jg in her room. What? you think somebody will call you 'girlyt Oh. no, my dear boy. If anything is said about your con duct, there will be approbation given you, and the chances are the older man will say of that younger one who is properly modest, 'Brown is a nice fellow; I should like him to come and see my daughters." It is not neo essary for you to see the folly of any- tmng. Ahatisan exploded theory I Why should you sow a crop of wild oatsT Why not sow a crop of wheat and get a harvest worth having? From day to day, my boy, you make np the story of your life, and it is the little thing, the little honest things, that will make you a man, mentally as well as pbypically." GREAT BlReilN- For a limited time nnlvi Dnn't miss it: 1 Doz Cabinet Photnorranha and one 16x20 Crayon Portrait- made by one of tne finest Artists in Philadelphia, all for 13 75 .t. TTW Photo Studio, Mifflintown, Pa. - - Always with Seed Besalts. Bbookvuxk, Pa., Jan. 20. 1896. I take pleasure in writing that I have used Hoods bireaparilla for six years and always with good results. I rcccommend it to all my friends for cases caused by impure blood. I give it to my children as a spring med cine. Mrs J. M. Chebkdtt. Hood's Pill set harmoninuRlv with Hood's Sartaparilia. LIST OP DEALERS AND VENDERS or Foreign & Domestic Merchan dise IS TCS COCBTT r JOMATArrOa TBS TBAB 189H, AS ArPBAISBD Br TBS aiBCBNTllB At-PBAISBB. MI1TXJXTOWX. Last Thursday, James Rooner, railroad contract foreman at Bixler's, V88 seized upon by a number of tramp?, while he was riding on a freight train on his way home from some point east of this place. The outrage took place between this town and Ihompsontown. The tramps threw him down on a car and EeircL ed his pockets and robbed him cf 2.50; a pair of gloves and a razor, Kooney had 5 tramps arrested and brought before J ustice C. B. Horn ing, but when he came to identify them before the Justice, he felt cer tain only as to two of them The men be identified as being of the number who robbed him gave their names as James Kerniss and James McDermit. In default of bail they were sent to is.il to answer before court. The other three tramps gave their names os James Irish, John Snyder, Samuel William, were charg ed by Rooney with illegal train rid ing, and were fined $5 by the Jus tice, but having no money, they were sent ta jail for a period of five days. I Am Sick. Of It. A man and woman tramp appeared in the Commissioner's office on Fri day for such bounty as migCt by grace be given to them. They were such fluent talkers that they both talked at one and the same time. He claimed to be a veteran on a pension of 12 dollars' a month, but declared that the post commander at tLis place had given him and wife the cold shoulder. He ha3 been unfortunate in business in Chicago, and had been robbed and made the victims of the devices of scheming men. It was bard to keep a run of what be did say on account of the rattling conversation that the woman kept up. Sba was trying to sup port him in his declaration that he had been a prosperous man at one time. She said when she married him Le was worth forty thousand dollars, and that she herself was the daugh ter of an English countess. The last declaration was too much for tbe veteran and he turned on her and exclaimed, go long with that countess story. I have heard it so often I am sick'of it. They were forwarded to Newport. CLAM .. 14 ... IS . .. 14 ... 14 ... 14 ... 14 ... 14 ... 13 ... 18 ... 12 ... 14 ... 14 ... 14 . . IS ... 8 ... 14 ... 12 ... 14 ... 14 J. H. Simons. Barn!. S. 8. Rabls, Fat-nit oro. ... I. D. Mniser, Groceries ... II. I.. Wagner, Merchant . L. Bank 4l Co., Druga... John Elks, Groceries J. C. GiUon, Groceries, k.. K. H. McClmtic. Hardwa-e Hinkle & Sons, JaVrcbanW. W. F. finvdor, Furnitare... E. E. Noble, Merchant , Vard jlfrers. Clothier .... . M. P. Crawford, Drags D. W. Harlar, Clothier Juniata Valley Bank S. C. Mvers, Implements .. Emil Schott, Merchant W. H. Rodman, Jeweller... W. S. Arbogaot, Hardware. DELAWARE TOWNSHIP. C. G. Winer, Merchant 13 Samnel 8chlegel. Jfrrrbant.... 18 J. W. Knieht, Merchant 14 LenisBraidd ' .14 jOBEESWOOOTOWHSHlP. J. T. Dimm fc Brother 14 SU8IJCEHAHXA TOWSSHIP. n. F. Heal-, Metcbant 14 E. G. Shaffer, .Merchant IS B. S. Rhine, Hrchant 14 MOHROE TOWSSHTP. J. II. Diets, Merchant 14 Grarbill k. Garman, Merchants 12 S. 8. Graybill k. Co 14 M. S. Grarbill, Merchant 14 FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. W. S. Brown. Me-chant 13 E. M. Kelly, Merchant 14 A. J. Tarkea. Merchant IS 1. M. Lanver, Jferchant ...... 14 Elmer Smith, Merchant IS A. 3. Sansman, Merchant IS WALKER TOWNSHIP. W. W. Dimm, Merchant 14 W. H. Etcbman, Merchant.... 14 J. B. Crber, .Merchant 18 C. A. Thompson, Coal &. Grain 14 V. M. Haldeman, Merchant ... 14 THOIIPSONTOWN. M. E. Schlreel, Merchant 13 E. S. Stronb, Merchant 14 J. F. Baldeman, Drags 14 T. S. Thompson, Grain It Coal 13 PATTERSON. Guss l Rieber, Merchant 12 W. II. Banks & Co.. Drngs.... 14 Hollo tanjtb fc Son, Clothier,... 13 Man beck Jt Nelson 12 Mercantile Association........ 13 North . Son. Gtain 18 ' T. J. Middagh. Groceries 14 Joseph Penneli, Merchant..... 13 Howard Kirk, Tobacco II Oro. Goshen, Merchant 14 $cts. 7 00 1000 7 eo 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 1000 12 50 7 00 7 00 700 10 00 SO 00 7 00 12 60 7 00 700 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 Teacher Cer Silicate. The question of the power . of the County Superintendent of public schools to issue teachers certificates, is in the coarls of Huntingdon county, and is thus spokes of in the Hunting don journal of Feb. 28. The appeal of o. it. Kndy, County Superintendent, from a decree of the court of common pleas of Hunting don connty, directing him to issue a teacher's certificate to E, E. Kell, to be argued before tbe Superior Court, will no doubt attract wide attention. H. H. Waite as attorney for Superin tendent Rudy has completed his paper book, in which he contends that un der the law the county superindent'e action in refusing a certificate to a teacher who habitually uses intoxica ting liquors as a beverage is not re versivable by tbe courts. Mr. Rudy deserves great credit for the stand he has taken in tbe case. Under the law, he is compelled to pay the ex penses of appealing his case to the Superior Court, but he is determined to know from the highteat Court, whether be is obliged to issue certi ficates to teachers regardless of their moral character and sobriety. We trust his appeal to the Superior Court will be sustained. fr bots eriOASicE. "Don't be deluded into tha hKf ! H.-I- n l a . ju w mum l bu Know me tningaj R. R. McMeen, Merchant.. ., W. F. Slagle, ImpHments Wm. Nankivel, Groceries and Flonr W. M. Beale, Merchant M. T. Hibbs, Merchant J. B. Melov. Merchant. Hiram McDonald, Conlection- anes. 700 700 10 00 700 700 12 60 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 CO 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 09 7 CO 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 12 60 7 00 10 00 12 60 io oe 10 00 700 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 '7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 700 700 10 00 700 7 00 700 7 00 10 00 700 7 00 7(0 700 7 00 wny payee to see. a rod for to; fcswitcn Toucarvnavath FOR 13 TO 20 CENTS A ROD? Horse) main, dim sironax, pig nnd chicken tight. A man and boy can make from 40 to eOroOsaday. OverSOetylm. Illustrated catatssue Free. KIT8ELMAN BROTHERS Ridevnie. : Indiana. aaSaaaSlaat . ExaalnoX, J We warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the use of our name in advertisements of so-called traveling optical specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defective eyesight: JLto id traveling sjwn fslltfi aad pedlars of Spectacles. QUEEN & CO., The OptidanIOIO Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Mannmctorers and I m porters of Aeeauatta mmu BasertlnU Spimnlw mm Kye C Our Kye Bight MmMw sent on receipt of Ave 2-otmt postage stamps. bargain mm zmmn mm AT- SCHOTTS STORES. Commencing next TTTTT"RM"n A "V" TPTT.TVRTT- -iVC JL continues until SATURDAY EV" JiiN J.JN or, MAKCH.7TH. FEBRUARY VALUES, eclipse all other Bargain Sales. ' We give you a few Specimen Items: - 'Spring Capes tor Ladies are here, and we sell jou them for $ 1.00 a espe Some plain nnrrow sleeve Ladiei' Coats at $1.00 a eoat. Think of it Original price $G to $8. A nice assoricint of Ladies Coats aod ("apes, we d.o in consignment; sen lor less tbsn half price. Spring Dress Goods are unpacked. so men renob, all wool Serges and Henriettas at 25 cools a yard; VVI III 40 inch, imported, all-wool Series aad Henriettas at 33a: worth fi5e. All Fanoy Dress Goods, and plain feiar goods at rpecially teduced prices. Fancy Double Width Plaids, newest styles it 12Je; worth 20o. 7 yards of good towelling for 25o. All towelling and towels at redneed prices. 42 inch bleached or yellow pillow caseNnnslin for 10c. ' All onr 84, 91 and 101 sheeting at specially low prices. tk , . a CARPETS. CARPETS- iDonsands of yards of newest and cboiocst patterns at spcciallv low and reduced prices. It will repay you by baying your carpets now. J'- WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES- newest designs of Wall Paper hava come in, and we are selling it at specially low prioes. - Choice Patterns at 7c a doable bolt and borders to matob. Think of it, and make a selection now. Corsets at 25 and 39o; worth 50o. P. N. mako of Corsets at 48c; worth 75o. The celebrated -AHMORSIDE" Corsets at 75e; worth $1.00. All other Corsets below tbe regular prices. Pants Goods for 121c, 15, 18 and 25o. - . Striped white goods worth lOe; reduced to 6c. 5 pair men's half bose at 25o. All half hose below the regular prices. Ladies black hose at 5c; worth lOo. Misses aod Childress Heavy Ribbed Hoio for 6c a pair. Shoes and Boots. $4000 of Foot Wear at Specially Seduced Prices: Ladies robbers at 25e: men's rubbers at 33; 45 and 50c; Musea and Children's rabbers at 20 & 22o. Bt-JSUIAl, HOUK SALES, 9 o'clock A. AT. to 3 o'olock P. M. . 10 yards of 36 iach Hill Bleached muslin for 69e . 10 jards of 41 inob Heavj Yellow Sheetiog for 59a. 10 yards of 3G inch yellow sbeetins for 45o. 10 yards of 36 inch bleaohed muslin for 54o. 10 yards of fancy drees Ginghams, 56o; worth $1. 5 yards of Lanoaster and Amos Keag Gingham for 24o. 10 yard of extra heavy yel'ow muslin for 56o. Turkey Red Tsble Linen at 25c; worth 35 and 38o. White Table Damask at 25c. Napkins to match at 7oots a dosen. Lace Curtains by tte ya:d at 9c; value 20c. - -r 10 yards men's heavy shirting for 70o. 10 yard outing flannel for 59o. IS 14 14 18 14 14 14 BEALE TOWSBHIP. F. P. Bwis, Merchant 14 H. R. Kobisoo . Bro 14 T. K. Boaver, Merchant IS J. P. Kelly, Merchant 14 BPBCCE HILL TOWNSHIP. E. J. Hrcbendorn, Merchant... 14 J. L. Barton, Merchant 13 Samnel Mowery, Merchant.... 14 W. B. Conn, Merchant 14 TCSCABOBA TOWNSHIP. R. S. Henry, Merchant 14 Thomas Harkinson, Aferchant.. 14 H. 8. Thompson, Merchant.... 18 W. H. Robieon, Merchant...... 14 A. C. Harris, Merchant 14 J. B. Henry, Merchant ....... 14 M. Harris, Clothier. ........... 14 C. M. Lewis, Groceries. , 14 LACK TOWNSHIP. R. H. Patterson. Merchant 13 10 00 John Vanghan, Merchant 14 7 00 G. W. Campbell, Merchant.... 14 7 00 TUHBt tt mwicom Noah Hertzler, Merchant 18 10 00 O. W. Heck, Restaurant 14 7 00 POET BOYAL. Mrs. Ephriam Banncla tt Co. mrcbaat 14 7 00 J. C. Sartain, Groceries....... 14 7 00 A. J. Pet tit. Merchant 14 7 00 O. O. Crosier, Groceries and Tobacco 14 700 F. B. Hamer, Drugs 14 7 00 O. B. M. Kepler, CUtbier..... 14 7 00 Po t Royal Bank 10 20 00 M. C. Dimm, Merchant 13 10 00 G . T. Kepner, Coal tt Lumber. . 14 7 00 MILFORD TOWNSHIP. G. B. M. Wishaopt, Goal and Lumber 12 12 00 3. C. Mnorbead.Coal and Lam- 14 7 00 Tbe license medtionad in tha above list will be doe and pavable, to tha connty trea sure on and altar May 1st, 1896. An sppal will be held In tha Commit. rioners Office In tbe borough of Mifflintown, on .March 28th, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m . and 4 e'clock, v. m.. when aad where all parsons feeling themselves agrieved, may attend, if they tbink proper. Given nader my bsnd snd sesl this 271b day or reoruary, a. u. ibko Mifflintown, Pa.. Wm. T. Saras, nB. it.l i ana .. . . . ren. iiu, ioso. aiercnannie Appraiser, i 1 pait of Iron Heel Pities for 1 eent; save you 5Ce heels. I pair or bilk Embroidered Suspenders at lOe. Ladies Fleeo:d Vest at 18 and 25c. Men's nnlaundried shirts for 39c. .Wen's nnlaandried Percalo or White Shirts at 4c. Ladies Imported Fsst Black Herm.idorf Hose, double heel and toe at 18e: worth 25o Ladies Double Sole Hose, Lisle Finish, extra quality, Hermsdorf macs, uerman maze, worm ouo; sold at Zdo. A n ush and celluloid larva 1 1 r ai . i a .i o aiuuui tor worm Boys' Percale Waists for 22c; worth 35e, llany of these goods we only sell a limited amount of lo one enstomer. Hundreds of articles of otbar goods at reduced prices. Don't forget the time, February 20 th to March 7th. 9old Aluminum tiokets si van awav with every purcuase. SCUOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. 1865, ESTABLISHED, 1889. Special Invitation rIo Tfie Public To Attend the Attractive Utile of Clothing that goea on daily from THE IMMENSE ST0GK -OF D. ASLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who aava money to invest to examine the Stock oi Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It ia truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY, MIFFLIN TO WIST IA. S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmcr and Funei al Director. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION GIABAMEED IJALL CASES. Bridge &t, r.iifl.iiitov. n, Pa. H0LL0BAUGH & SOW'S Great Out on WINTER CLOTHING. MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Qwmmat . -AS OB9. NOW IS THE TIME For . Bargains. The Oldest Inhabitant never saw Clothing as Cheap Aa we are Belling it BUY JNOW AND SAVE MONEY. Hollobaugh & Son, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTE RSON, PA. ESTABLISHED I88O. The McClintic Hardware Q T.n"D T? no. m main street, 0 1 U H Hi. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Hardware, THE HARDEST WAV POSSIBLE tn irfrt alonsr in the world is to buv ''real cheap thine. As m rule, the less you pay, the more it costs in the long run. We don't boast of "cheap" prices at this Store, and Btill quality considered, we sell at prices that ought to interest careful buyers. COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of EAYilOND & CAMPBELL cook stoves tn this county. We have never heard a woman complain who bought one of these stoves. Every buyer has agreed on four things: The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they are easiest to regulate, and are less trouble than any other stove. We have them in four sizes. Prices range from $15.00 to $28.00. EVERY WOMAN KNOWS how easily things get "scratched up" around the house. Sometimes it's a chair or a table or a door. More than half the time, the scratches are neglected, because it seems hardly worth while to send for a painter. Why not do the work yourself. You can Get Prepared Paints all Ready ta use at trifling cost. You can brighten up furniture, doors, flower poN, buggie. and lots a? other things. We keep these prepared paints in all the colors. And we sell paint brushes, too good ones. The paints come in tin bnebets, holding 4 P. The priee ia 15o. K. H. McClintic. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE,, -.- CETTYSBITRC, PA. Focisjded la 1S3S. Large Faculty. Two Ju'l curves or study CJassical aod Scientific, Ppecial cenrac. in all depart, scats. ObMrratory, Laboratories and b.w OyBoasiom. Sfrara h.at. Libraries, 22,000 T.lomes. Expenses low. D.prt. rornt of Hygien. aod Physical Culture in charge of id experienced physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad traias. Loca tion o the BATTLEFIELD orG'ttrsburg, most pleasant an4 healthy. PREPAR ATORY DEPARTMENT, ia separ ate buildings, for boys and young moo pre paring Tor business or College, antler spec ial care of tbe Principal and three assist, aata, residing with students ia tbe building. rail term opens September 6th, 1895. For Catalogues, sddres. H. W. MCKNIGHT. D. D., President, or REV. O. G. HUNGER, A. U ., Principal, Uetttycburg, Jfa, JUNIATA VALLEY BAftrl. OFKIIFFLIIfTOWIV, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable t JOSBPH EOT H ROCK. Prtndnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Catkin DIKICTOM W. C. Pomeroy, John Pertsler, Robert B. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Rothroek, Josiah L. Barton, Louis B. Atkinson STOCK HOliPEaS I George A. Kftner, Annie M. Sbetir, Joseph Roth rock, P. W. Matbeck,' L. E. Afkinfcn, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin Mary Korti, Jerome N. Thompson, John Hertzler, T. V. Irwin. Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. Patterson. K. N. M. Pennell, Levi Liebt, Samnel A HtkTk'. Wm c..,. M.N. Sterrett, B. J. Sbellen'berger, mmuirm t. iieaaing, m. K. acnirgel, S. W. Heaps. Three and Konr per eent. Interest will te pal on certificates of deposit. fjan 23. 1896 WANTED AM inFArotunk - - - - mw wi oi some almiMe tiUngtopatentf Protect roar Ideas; they may i SolantiUs American i w tr rjiM emin. DS8ION PATKMTS. OOPVRIQHTS. exo. For Infomatloa anfl tre Handbook writ, to HU.-..1 ft CO- SU Bkoidwat. Maw Tosx. OtiUit buroaa for sscurins patsnto In America. Krarr punt taken out by its Is brousbt broc tbe public by a Botloe given txmm or cbarse ta, tfc. 9. tmi'xlxt mmm iAirest cf rentatton of any sasnittfle paper tn tae worlu. Splandldly lllutratsd. Mo laulllaant man sbonld b. without It. weakly, e3.0Os sari SUU six moatba, Address, MnWITat UO csisimnis, Mt Broadway. Kmw Tar City. . Oarfiold Too BUa. hmnli ti OAarajImAO..llSW.aSl..ll.l r.u res Ssck Need ache ME M MONEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER ? CALL. AT- THfi FtEST 'DADE, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST FA1D ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tn asooa:-Fkssi iafon yamr naden Jiat I bars a poaltrrs Ttrntij ear the sbos aarood disease, rr til Mulynsn tlimssi.ils llflls - uikSTs timn iitiMSiiMitli nl tadkj ra sot two nettles of say ieSMdynaBssaayol T3or readers who have eonanmntloB If tk win (3ud aw tbalr Expraas and P. O. lii naisti it taiiy. T. A. BLOUUM. H. 0. 1S1 rwtsi mJlO. J ."iaaie, ".