Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 26, 1896, Image 3

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FEB.ift. tWC.
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Sabuerlpttow, flJW r a,oB if
rnei J2.00 If nrt paid U adTasEe
Trauirat drortlMSMta tasertad at so
par Inch for each lnswraesT
Trusto trasLnen aoticaa t iai .-i.
msiaIO Miti per line for aack tawttonV
dTrtiM r th. year, half or qaarr
shout -locjils: '
Tbo J troiata Scouts held a re-noion
on Saturday: - ".
. Headquarters for Hardware at
, K. H. McCIin tic's.
Thomas Browand of Okio, is visit
ing his parents in this place.
Ezra Parker, of Washington, D. O.
visited friends' in this place last week.
The Mistes Betty Mayer, Gertie
and Lottie SchoU.-epent Saturday in
Iiewistown. "
Mr. Li'uri9 Himes of Indianapolis,
lad., was in Miffltntown on Monday
on Dtisinetss. ;
t : " " Mis Laura Sbeilenberprar of Al
toon a is the guest of W. J. Zsiders
m i'attorson.
A fantastic horse back party from
Mil ford township paraded the town
-on Washington a birth day.
The loth International Christian
Esdeavor Convention will meet' in
Washington, D. C, next July.
. When a conple ntarrie with one
interest-, one aim, one purpose in life,
marriage is a aucsc-ss with them.
Last Saturday Mrs. Reuben Auker
rejoiced the heart of her hnsband by
makiDg him a present of a boy baby.
If you would al ways fie healthy,
keep your blood pure with Hood's
. Sarsaparilla, the Oce Traa Blood
Mm. Lebr, of Millersrille, Lancas
ter county, ii on a visit at the home
of her father, Dr. Cyras Sieber, m
i Walker township.
Messrs. Boyd Parker and Roy
Kreider, attended the play, "The
Merry Milk Maids," at Lewistown
on Saturday night. .
Tou don't r.eod to Jose your um
brella now. Hollobaugh &, Son sell
umbralias you can fold up and put in
your pocket or gripsack.
Care 3, alo!ui, permanent cures,
fcave given Henri's Sarsaparilla the
largest sales in tbe world and the
H first placo amcrg medicines.
ImpoTerished blood causes that
tired feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla
punfi-Hi, enriches and vitilizas the
blood and gives vigor and vitality.
Mrs Mary J. Nipple of Qrepn
wood towr shlp. is visitiug the family
of Prothonotary Zeiders. Mrs. Nip
pie aDd Mr. Zeiders are brother and
Th Methodist Sabbath School of
this place, will hold Missionary An--
J nivfrsary Serriee, next Sundae- evr
iDsr in their chnrch st 7 P. M. Ev
ervb"3y invited. . c-
" Bruiser Fifziromowp, knocked brui
ser Maher onf in a'rmnvito and a half
in a priz fisrht in Texas, last Friday.
A fieht for a Isrce purse will be ar
ranepd between Fitzimmons and
The liquor license expired in
Mifflin eountr on the 20th. and as
Cout ont of spsiok till on the
23th. ell the liquor boaght or sold,
was bonffht and sold without a war
f rant of law.
A comet isi heading toward the
earth and a Chicago astronomer says,
"he would like it to strike the earth
ao that we niiT know the effect of
snch a collision. Tbe comet is to
- strike about the 14 of March.
A man in town says that he knows
")me, people who are angry and
' ''wear like infidels one minute and
pleasant and can ing with the
greatest gusto such'bvrorte ns "Lost
and Ru-'ced by the Fall" and "Roll
on Sweat Moments Roll On."
' Dr. Holloway has gone to Akron,
Ohio, to his brother Geo. W. Hollo
way, a veteran of the late war, who is
aanously ill of lung trouble, and not
xpected to lire. He does not expect
' to retum this week, hnce no ser
' -vices will be held in the Lutheran
church next Sabbath.
Martin Guso, while on duty as
watcbLJtn at Lauver's curve on this
Wednesday momine-, stepped so near
to the track on which Pacific was
jEJf Junning, that he was strnck by a
"Dumper and severely injured. He
' 'Vaa carried hom? and laid up for re
pairs. It is hoped by his . many
friends, tnat he may speedily recover
from the injuries received.
The Newport Ledger says: A
colored preacher down in Georgia
was lecturing his people the other
dav about the slowness of the con-
gregation in paying his salary. Said
ha: ""Some of die here congregashum
nnst think dat I preach in Georgia
andboa'din Heb'n." Some of tha
delinquent anbseribers of the Ledger
evidently have the same opinion of
tbe editor. Pay up.
W. C. T. U. A public meeting of
the Woman's Christian Temperance
fnion, will be held in tbe Presby
'Vwian church of Mifflinfown, on
Thursday evening. March 5, at 7:30
"P M. Mrs. Heaton of Cassvillc will
aidressthe meeting. Mrs Heaton
ia very pleasing, forcible speaker,
and will delight her hearers
Everybody, especially the women
of the community are urged to bo
present. ' .--
The club bouse of the Beta Theta
Pi Society at State Collage, was de
stroyed bv fire about 4 A. M-, on
Thursday!: The fire started in the
lower story in some unaccountable
way Tbere were fifteen students
. sleeping in tbe house. They made
their escape in their night clothes.
The bnilding was completed about
one y.ar ago at a cost of $15,000 and
insured for $10,000, which will just
bout pay the mortgage on tbe.build
I iBg. The building was put up by
the club.
',. 'r: - - - ' ' ""'M.a.,JllrMit .Wl,- ........ . . '. . 1 . , -
fteaoen Moist was a wndidats for
Overseer, of the Poor in Wal
" "th. UU elecUoi! He
9w1tyaar. At tha .lee.
tion, he was aarprisad how the Mof-
Notwithatandwg the fact, that from
theaatureofthecaw he was com
pelled to take charge of the chdd,
thatwaa heartlasaly abandoned on
Mrs. Thompson's property and dil
igent y endsavor . to discover the
heartless parents, he was accused of
meddlesome interference in the case
to such an extent, that it cost the
township two hundred dollars; that
he had eharged the township, one
h jndred dollars for providing for tbe
baby the one day that it lived; that
the Moffitfs bad sued him for five
thousand dollars damage, and had
sued Walker township for nine thou
sand dollars damage; that hs had
brought all that financial woe uaon
the township by tbe suit against the
Moffitts, and therefore be should be
defeated. . If the 9 and 5 thousand
dollar damage items, and the one
and two hundred dollar cost items,
and the suit of the Moffits and the
meddlesome part of tha storv
jch on. xne oaiance of
is not far from the truth.
the report
Feb., rail Election Retarne.
Mifflintown. Jadge of Election,
John Gushard 112, Jamea McCanley
97; Inspectors. David H. Sieber 101.
H. A. Luck 102: School Dirpntora
Ezra C. Do?y 117, Howard Martin
113. L. E. Atkincon 96. John L
North 94; Justiee cf the Peace, J. F.
Patterson 113, C. B. Horning 92;
Constable, Clayton Stoner 140, W. E.
Harley 61; Overeetr, of Poor, W. E.
Auraan 120, Wm Culbertson 88:
Auditors. John E. HoHorum a
years, 105, Harvey Yeakley, 1 yer,
111, Jacob A. Davis, 3 years, 96,
Wm. M. Allison. 1 rear. 90: Ceunnil-
men, S. H. Showers, 3 years, 93,
osephh Switzsr, 3 years, 103. J. C.
GilsoD. 3 years. 85. Wao. Creswell. 2
years, 76, R. E. Parker, 2 years, 82,
W. U. lillman. 1 year. 103. J. O.
Dimui, 1 year, 81, F. Espenschad, 3
years, 118, Jcseph ltbrock, 3 years,
89. D. W. Harlev. 3 years. 90. T. V
Aoker, 2 rears, 118, B. W. Kanflf.nan,
yesw, 114, A H. Fcsick. 1 rear.
96, J. T. Sisl.tr, 1 year, 108.
Patterson. Judire cf Election.
D. K. Sulouff 75, G. R. Henderson
91; Iospfctcr cf Elections. A S.
Panncbtker 70, John Earnest 93:
School Directors, W. J. Zvidors, 1
year, 95, E. M. Guss, 3 years, 97,
E. E. McMeen, 3 years, 82, John
Yorpy, 1 year, 6S, George Wyble, 3
years, 81, John Doyle, 3 years, 76;
Chief Burgees, Samuel C. Gushard
99, Samuel Strayer 68; .Constable,
William Nantivrl 105. Gr f! Fierlr.
enberger 58; Oversesr of Poor, Dauiel
CrMntr 67, Joseph Landis 103:
Auditor, Fra
rankFueh k 76; Cor.rcil -
men, Joseph Mayer 3 yesre, 72, L
IJepew 6 vcarp, t Z, Hecry De-
Knft- S .ars hi Y V (!rimml! 9
years, 86, Joseph BrindU 2 years, 90,
W F. Bwsrd 1 ver,GG. D L Cramer
1 year, 94, S D. Ewing 3 years, 85,
Joseph 1'enneli d years, yj, iiaward
TTiktv c 3 renra 03 H J!r.inai.1 9
yesr", 82, Albert Robison 2 yoBrs, 84,
-r-r i t t v., -
narry ri imess x year, oo, o. r. (jtair
1 year, 72.
SprucaHil! Judcro of Elcclion. S.
A. Graham. 95; J. M. Ard. 53; In.
cr.f.f?tor of Elections. O. B. Wolf. 95?
D. B. De?r. 50: Sckool Directors. G. i
t Kattersou, b3: li. 1. &wnrtz. ys; S.
C. Deen. 55; C. Yoder, 44; Sn er-
visor, Wm. J. Alagill, U4; L. r. K:ce,
71. J If r.HBni. 55: William Vn.
Nicbt, 70; Justice of tbe Pep.ee, M. S.
Eth, 86; William Walls, 59; Constable,
J. D. Tohn, 97; W. L. Brackbill, 50;
Auditor, D. B. Eab, 89; W. B. Conn,
60; Overseer of tbe Poor, D. L.
Swartz,93; G A Lyter, 55. Township
Clerk, J. K. McLangblin, Sr , 98; L.
Brackbil', 49; Treasurer, Milton B.
Miller, 86
Port Roval Judge of Elections
H. C. Eook, 48; J. T. Ores, 66; In
spector of Elections, William Dalton,
46; G. F. Weimer,63; School Directors,
J. W. Frazier 3 Tears, 46; W. C. Laird
3 vears. 45: S. W. Wvkoff 2 Tears. 45:
J.'H. Keller 3 yesrs, 60; G. B. M.
Kepler 3 years, 60; B. F. Stimmel 2
yws, 61: Cocstabie, Samnel Bair, 5S;
Martin iiailor, oli; Uverseer or tue
Pnnr Er-braim Ranntls. C8: G. G.
Crozir,43; Auditor, F. M. Carpenter,
48; R. E. McM'esn, 64; Conncilmer,
J. A. McGaw, 3 years, 56; R B. Duf-
field, 3 years, 60; P. D. CalhouD, 3
years, o'Z; Bamuel Uailor 2 years, b'J;
G. T. Kepner 2 years, 63; Bunh Bailor
1 year, 61; J. H. Wagner 1 year, 60;
J.'Groninger 3 years. 52; G. C. Ran
kle 3 years. 47: F. M. McLaughlin 3
years, 4b; li. v. rrazier, z years, oi;
John Foreman 2 yesrs, 44; C. M.
Funk 1 year, 49; J. G. Matctr 1 year,
Monroe. Judge of Elections, E.
Hertz. 62; John Hupp, 118; Inspec
tor of Elections, I. L. Zimmerman,
70; Jscob Grotfelter, 111; Sihool Di
rectors. J. B. Gelnett. 65: Jacob Pasre.
64; David Kelter, 119; Wm. B. Strau
ser, 118; Supervisors, i; reuariax Jjau-
TZ. Rnlnmnnn "ICnonf. 50: W. A.
Zeiders, 119; J. F. George, 110; Jus-
- . ww w t
tiee of tbe peace, narvcy xoitz, o;
W. S. Neimond. 135; Constable, D.
K. TJlricb, 40; Samuel Graybill, 135;
Auditor, H. W. Graybill, 66; H. K.
Swartz, 114; Overseer of the Poor,
Henry Pg. 73; P. H. Shadel, 107.
Til a wo rn .TnsTA nf Rlcrfions
Aciatrtni t w--aa' -
Jonathan Kiser, 101; David Humber,
25; Inspector of Elections, Ira Winey,
102; Wm. Doughten, 25; School Di
rectors. Ed. Jones, 124; Uriah Shu
Qt;. JiiKnh Tt MiiEspr. 2B: Snner-
vieor.'B.' F. Oliver, 124; G. W. Smith,
105; Wm. a. iuno, i; justice oi
the Peace, Peter Ferrer, 94; J. G.
Long, 31; Constable, Joseph Teigh,
116; Auditor, W. H. M. TompsoD,
114; Overseer of tbe Poor, Emanuel
, rr : 1 : T J I
Ward, 110; Areauurer, luu jiuiirwj,
flmmnnnA .Tudirn of Electiotis.
Jacot Updegrove, 34; S. C. Graham,
(U, iUp;wrw w- j
Sbelly, 41; I. R. Bostwick, 63; School
n:itnni Prrrv Nionle. 41: Janah
XUSliw" j X L
Cupp, 98; W. H Clemens, 66; Super
visors, W. D. Wileman, 41; Rauben
OS- John Rhonda. 75? T A
Dimm, 70; Justice of tbe Peace, John
a fWf r
Knouse, si; tiaooo rorry, n; ooe
-i-Vl. MP Tt rUicrU 4 J. M. fVix
ihp! ' - r
65; Auditor, L. A. Woodward, 39; W.
S. Castles, 67; Overseer of the Poor,
W. W. Ferguaon, 104; Tornship,
Clerk. W. N. Keister, 39; Treasurer!
Calvin Nipple, 99.
Sasqushanna. ludgeof Elections
John H. Troutman, 75; S H . Miller
45: Inspector ef Elections, John
Strauser, 74; P. G. Sho.ffer, 49;
School Directors. Oscar Stahr, 76;
L E. Goodling, 61; G. W. Lyter, 53;
H. K. Goodling, 35; Sapei visors, Is
aac Philips, 44; M. 8. Brubaker, 79;
Henry Earner, 71; George Clinger,
44; Justice of the Peace, T. J. Nichols,
69; A. M. Barner, 51; Constable, Jas.
Frey, 62; J. W. Miller, 59; Auditor,
U. W. Frymcyer. 80; Daniel Kaouse,
39; Overset-r of Poor, H. D Sheaffer,
67; Henry Bay, 51.
Thompsontown. Judge of . Elec
tion, Jos. A. Feehrer, 33; Inspector of
Election. Job n Masterson, 4; J. W.
Dunn, 17; School Dir-c'ors, J. G.
Haldeman, 3 year, 3"; . EL Nelson
3 years, 35; E. S. Stroub, 1 year, 35;
Justice of the Peace, C. D. Singer,
35; Constable, Thos. Crimmel, 34;
Overseer ef the Poor, J. G. ' Halde
man, 35; Auditors, N. Henkcl, 3
years, 35; Luke Davia, 1 year, 35;
Councilmen, J. W. Lyder, 35; A.
Wetz'.er, 35; W. R. Long, 35; H. A.
Meyers, 35; Israel Tennis, 35; A. G.
Haldemao, 34; T. Qrimmell, 33.
Walker. Judge of Elections. L.
S. Eauffman, 272; Inspector of Elec
tions, Amos Fry, 181, Henry Milltr,
95; School Directors, Zachariah Welz
ler, 167, Banks Basbore, 249, James
Hostetler, 125; Supervisors, H. O.
Sieber, 161, Fred Showers, 125, Jamea
YounguaD, 76, Jacob Fike, 131; Just
ice of the Peace, N. E. Lukens, 154,
Matt Rodgers, 110; Constable, Et
ward Gill, 198. Frank Frackhouse,
79; Auditor. W. H. Kurlz. 119: Jimo
A-lams, 142; Overseer of Poor, R. S.
Mojst, 140, David Diven, 15S.
Fayette. Judge of E'.eciiocs, Al
bert Weidmin. 323: InwucKtop of
Eltctiona, James Caveny, 219, John
Cargil!, 111; School Directors, Henry
Brown, 257; Wm. Reyccldi, 214; A.
J. Fieher, 139; Supervisors, William
S!Zsr, 185; J. T. Shelley, 184; Josiah
Ebrisman, 141; John Keller, 135; Con
stable, Kurlz OerhoitztT, 320; Audi
tor; H. J . ShelUnberger, 311; Over
seer of the Poor, E. L. Jamison, 170;
Simon Amy, 159.
Fermanagh. Judge of Elections,
Jscob Louver, 104, Jes?e Elder, 77;
Inspcctor.of Election, Ed. Coldren,
107, Harry Horning, 77; School Di
rectors, John F. Mover, 105, J. H.
Brent, 96, Simon U!6li, 81. Dvid
Huckeberer, 72; Supervisors, L. A.
Rennicger, 100, W. B. Lauver, 105,
L. C. Shively, 77, Cayton Michael,
84; J ustices of the Tt-ace, John Cor
kins, 99, D. S. Seiber, 94, Henry
Eicgle, 75, Jonrtban Ryner, 74; Con
btable. PhiliD Panntbfker.94. ClifT.ird
Singer, 91; Auditor, S. M. Horning,
103; W. B. Hcrninc. 77: Overseer of
tlii T,n-ii- .Irhn Klnnii. B1
! Saartz, 95; Townt.hin Clerk. E. F.
j Brett, 107, W. F. McCahac, 74.
tai-icra. jua-'S ci ili.ect.oEP. Jotin
Woodward, bU; John li. Jenkins,
Inspector, cf Elections, G E. Bals-
tacb, 87; James B. Stake, 77; School
Directors, FraLk. Burn, S6; Jolin
Siiovcr, 107; Lyioan Augliey, 72; Wil
linai M. Pertner, 72; Superrisors, A,
H Mcdonald, 104; JameB Powell, 157;
Jerome Ksrcbcer, 68; Joaioc"ofSthe
Peace. Jacob Sulouff 3; Frank Guss
80; Cocsatlfl, E. Shores 67; S. How
ard Lsacb, 158; Overseer cf the Poor,
M. Yarncs, 160.
Btale Judgs cf E'ectijts, PtUr
Uuil, 8G; J. Barton, 90; Inspector of
S ections, E. W. Evans, 83; S. B.
Paombaker, SO; School Directors, R.
II. Brown, 71; Samuel Aurjnd, 87; B.
P. Ciark,103: Robert Innis, 87; Sup
ervisors, Lewis Parden, SO; E nory
Woodward, 60; J. K. Lsaob, 105; G.
W. Pannebaker, 99; Justice of the
Peace, Joseph S. BrowD, 97; Con
stable, A. L. Kiciloe, 66; McClcllan
Foltz, 109; Auditor, Michael Lauver,
74; J. P. K Iky, 91; Overseer of tbo
Poor, WT. S. L2ach, 83; A. 51. Red,
86; Township Clerk, W. H. Patter
son, 75; D. F. Martin, 96.
Lack. Judge of Elections, J. P.
Wilson, 112; John Kern, 69; Iaspcc
tor of Elections, Thomas Hampton,
82; J. H. Bhil, 85; School Directors,
J. IL Brigss, 92; J. H. Wallace, 69;
J. L Woodside, 96 Harmon Hock
eiibferrr, 63; Supervisors, Wm. Leon
ard, 62; Wm. Yohn, 61; Diven Vawn,
121; L. B. Eaton, 76; Constable, L:vi
H. CampbalL 37; W. A. Deviney, 81;
A J. Ga'laher, 48; T. J. Smith, 9;
Auditor, Ezra Montgomery, 62; An
drew Shearer, 111: Overseer of the
Poor, John Andrews, 83; W. D.
Campbell, 97; To wnship Clerk, 159;
Treasurer, G. W. Cirnpbell, 113.
Black Loo.
Judge of Elections, James Gunter,
24; David Hammann, 11; Inspector
of Elections, Harry Oppel, 19; Win.
Lauver, 16; School Directors, J. H.
Briggs, 16; J. H. Wallace, ID? J . L.
Wco dside, 15; Hurmon Hoekenberry,
14; Supervisors, William Yohn, 22;
William Leonard, 15;Dicen Vawn, 12;
L. B. Eaton, 14; Constable, Levi H.
Campbell, 17; T. J. Smith, 1: Audi
tor, Ezra Montgomery, 13; Andrew
Sbearer, 15; Overseer of the Poor,
John Anorews, 10; W D. Campbell,
23; Township Clerk, T. Murphy, 14;
Treasurer, G. W. Campbell, 18; A
sistant Assessor, E. Gilliland, 13;
Frank Lauver, 19.
Judge of Elections, A. F. Herman,
'33; Cbcr'ea UcCormick, 56; Inspec
tor of Election, C. H. Groninger, 28;
D. K. Kenner. 64; School Directors,
P, J. M.Kilmer, 34; George P. Ms
Connell, 28; Samuel G uss, 62; George
McConnell, 56; Supervisors, J. B.
Ritzman, 48; H. P. Clark, 87; S. A
Koons, 43; Nonstable, Jebn Hasfett,
31; William S:ewart, 60; Auditor, W.
E. McMeen, 88; G. F. Goodman, 87;
Overseer of the Poor. Jo'au Turbett,
27; John McConnell, 84; Township
Clerk, S. M. Turbett, 84; Treasurer,
John Hertzler, Sr., 37; William Mc
Cahren, 50.
Judge of Elections, John Middagb,
108; William Milliken, 123; Inspec
tor of Elections, n. C. Ltwson, 80;
C. M. McCullocb, 145; School Direc
tors, H. L, McMeen, 120; J. T. Kirk,
197; W. A. Kinzer, 121; Supervisois,
J. H. Gilliland, 46; II. S. VanScyoc,
127; Thomas Yohn, 159; W. R. Wood
ward, 117; CoEs'.&Llc, T. M. Harry,
88; Solomon Fortaey, 8S; John M.
Dobbe, 133; Auditor, J. H. Landis,
77; J. C. Crawford, 149; Overseer of
the Poor, James Junk, 94; J. W.
Gray. 139; Township Clerk, Joseph
Maffitt, 213; Treasurer, J. P. Heffle
finger, 140.
Tfca Ium br MUlu i
up the system is at thia season. The
eold weather has made unusual draias
upon the vital foreea. The blood
baa become imnovriahad anl imnn.
and all the functions of the body Buf
fer in consequence. Hood s Sarsa
parilla is the great builder, because
it is the One Trne Blood Purifier and
nerve tome.
Hood s Pills become the favorite
cathartic with all who ue them
All druggists. 25c
Tbe fallowing teals ef prices for aa
Bonacemeati has beBamtsallj agreed op
en bj tha nndarsif nad, and no deTiation
from Iba lama will be made.
Congress, $25; Senator SU; Legislature,
$7: Associate J ad nf. friaf kniotarv an1
Treasarer, each, $S; District Attorney,
iiniasiooer, Representative Del.
egate and Chairman ol County Committee,
each S8: Auditor. SI
All additional eeatunaications "reeem
nendine candidates will h kJli in
cenU a line. Honey in all canes to be paid
Editor Junimim HtrtU.
Editor SlMTIKSl ASB Rkpublicas.
Stnale. I respectfully announce myself
as a candidate for nomination far tha efflce
vi oaneior, 10 represent the thirty. Orst dis
trict in the Legislataie of Feaasylvania
subject te tbe rales and usages of tbe Ke
pnblicaa party er Janiata.
Stumtt. I respectfully aoneance myself
oauiou, lor iae omce et stale sens,
ter to represent this Ike thirtr-Brst Dis.
trict la the State Sensta ef Pennsylvsaia,
subject to the rolrs and usages of the Be.
publican party ef Juniata
Jsnnary 7th, 1896.
Legflaturt I respect f ally announce
myself ss a candidate for nomination for
the office ot Kepresentatire, te represent
Juniata county in the Lteislature of Pmnm.
svlvaoia. suhject to the rules aud.usages of
me nepucucsa patiy er Jnnia'a.
LtgUlmturt. I rairetfully aanonnco
myseit as a canaidata lur nomination ter
the allies f Raprescotative to tbe Legists,
ture of PennsylTsnia. subject te tbe rules
sad usages of tbe Republican party of Jun
legit talurr. I respectfully announce
mysklt as a candidate for the nomination of
KpreentatiYe to tbe Legislature of Penn.
srrania. subject to the usages and rules of
the Republican party of Juniata county.
Jsfciale Judge. In behalf et many Re
publicans throughout the county, please
announce that W. North Si arret t, of Mil
ford towDjbip, is a candidate for Associate
Judge, subject ta the roles and mages of
of the Republican parly ef Juniata.
Jtsociate Judge I respectfully annonnce
mrself as a candidate ler nomination for the
oflife of Associate Judge, subject to tbe
ru'es aid usages ef the Republican party
or Juniata. aBKAM. W. SIEBER.
Atseciati Judge. Pluaso announce thai
Xaoch Shelter bcrger or Walker township,
is s csadidate tor nouitnatioa for the eflice
of Asciato Jutlze, subject to the rales
and nisgcs of the Republican party of Jun
iata. VTALKES.
. jlssociale Judge. I respectfully aononnos
myself as a csndidate for the nomination
ot Associate Judge, subject to tbe rules
and ntages of tbo Republican party of Jun
iita county. A. J. MOIST,
Fermanagh Twp.
J t social t Judge. Please announce that
Leouaid R. Nauger of Spruce Hill town
ship is a csndidate for Associate Judge,
subject to tbe rules and usages or the Re
publican piriy of JtiaUta county.
Jan'y 21, 1696.
jfssociate Judge Ia behalf of many Re
fliblicans in the lower end of tbe county,
please announce that Levi Light of
Susquehanna township is a candidate for
Askociate Judge, suhject to tbe rnlea and
usages of tbe Republican party of Juniata.
Jan'y 20, 18M.
Prothoittirif I respectfally announce
tbat I am a candidate for re-nomination for
tbeoKce ef Protbone'ary and Clerk ef the
Courts ef Janiata county, subject to the
rules atd usages of the Republican party ef
Juniata. W. If ZEIDERS.
Dittricl J Homey. I hereby annonace
myself aa a candidate for re.nnminatien for
the office of District Attorney, subject te
the rules aad usages er the Republicaa
party of Juniata.
District Attorney. I hireby annonnce
myself as a candidate tor tbe eflice ef Die.
trict A turner, subject to the usages and
ruea of the Repnblicsn party.
Commiittoner. I respectfully announce
mysalf as a candidate far re nomination far
the eflice of County Commisaioner of Jun
iata county, subject te the rules an t mopes
of the Republican party ef Janiata.
Commissioner I rosp-etlnlly announce
myself ss s candidate for re. nomination for
tbe office ot County Cnmmirsicaer of Juni.
a'a county, subj-ct to the usages end rules
tbat govern the Republican'pirty of Jnniata
county. W. II. MOORK.
Commissioner. I respectfully announce
mykelf saa candidate for the nomination of
Connty Comtrissioner, subject to tbe rules
and usages of tbe Republican party of Jun
Commissioner. I respectfully announce
myself a' acandidate for the nomination of
County Commissioner, subject to the rnlea
and ussgea of the Republican party of Jun
e's, it. R. BRAS HOE.
Commissioner Please announce that
Charles W. Book ef Walker township is a
candidate far tbe office of County Commis
sioner ef Juniata County, subject to t e
rules and usage of the Republican party of
January 27. 1898.
Cemmmfoaer.- Please announce tbat
Philip Barley of De aware township
ia a candidate for the office of County
Commissioner ef Jnniata County, subject
te the rules and usages of the Republican
party of Jnniata.
vax VATcaa or deliwakc towiihip.
Crmmior. In behalf ml manv Re
publicans throughout tbe county, please
uuwub'-o iuii u. d. na oi ftpruce Hill
township, ts a candidate for County Com
missioner, subject to the rules and usages
of the Republican party or Jnniata
Treasurer Pleaae announce tbat George
W. Wilson of Patterson is a candidate for
the office of County Treasurer, subject te
the rules and usages of tbe Republicaa
party ef Juniata.
TVeassrer I respectfully announce my
self as a candidate for tha nnminatlnn aC
Connty Tresaurer, subject te the rales and
usages oi me uepoDitcsn party in Juniata
TVerer. I respectfully announce that
I ana candidate for tbe nomination of
Ceunty Treasurer, subject to the rnlea aad
usages of the Republican party of Janiata
connty. JAMES H. SIMONS.
?rar(ate Deltgmi Pleaae annonee
J. 8. Graybill ol Fasatta tnwn.htn
candidate for Represeatative Delecate te
ui niaia uaaTaanos, niiKt te tbe rnlea
aad usages of the Republican party of Jun.
Caamfy Caetmsaa. I respectfully an
nonnce that 1 am a candidate for the office
of County Chairman or tbe Republican
party of Jnniata ceunty, subject to tbe rules
and nsagea ot the party.
' County CAsirmea.' I respectfully an
nounce that I am a candidate for the Coun
ty Chairmanship of the Republican party of
Juniata county, subject to the rules and
ussgea of the party.
zmm DAYS!
Commencing next THURSDAY, FEBEU"
AIIY20 and continues until SAT URDAY EV
FEBRUARY VALUES, eelipse all other Bargain Sales.
We give you a few Specimen Items:
SnriDaT Caaea for Ladies are hero and bo 1 tti.m rn st nn .
and up.
Soma nlain nnrrnw alaevn T.ailia
. I . ' vw.w w wm mm . mpm.w m vvat. auiu ui
Onginal priee $6 to $8. A nice assortment of Ladies Coats and Capea, we
have on consignment: . sell for la than hair nrina
Spring Dress Goods are unpacked.
36 inch French, all srnal Srsi inJ
worth 50a.
40 inoh, imported, all-wool Serges aad Henriettas at 83o; worth 65c.
All Fancy Dress Goods, and plain feiur goods at specially redneed prices.
Fancy Double Width Plaids, newest styles at 12Jc; worth 20o.
7 yards of good towelline for 25o. All towelling and towels at redneed
4- inch bleached or yellow pillow
All oar 8i, 91 and 10 i sheeting
IDOuRandS Ot VSrdS Of newsiit and
reduced prices. It will repay you by
newest desieas of Wall Paner hav
specially low prioes.
hoics fatterns at 7o a double bolt
tod make a selection now.
Corsets at 25 and 39e; worth 50o.
P. N. make of Corsets at 48c; worib 75o.
Ths celebrated "AHMORSIDE" Corsets at 75; worth $1.00.
All other Corsets below the regular prices.
Pants Goods for 128, 15, 18 and 25o.
. Striped white gnods worth lOe; reduced to 6o.
5 pair men's half bose at 25a. All half hose below the regular prices.
Ladies black hose at 5c; wont 10c.
Misses and Children! Heavy Ribbed Hose for 6o a pair.
Shoes and Boots.
$4000 of Foot Wear atSneciail Reduced Priiui. l.artioa rnhhiro at 9fw-
men's robbers at 88; 45 and 50,-, .Vissos
SPLCIAL HOUR SALES, 9 o'olock A. XL to 3 o'clock P. M.
10 yards of 36 iaob Hill Bleached muslin for 69a
10 jards of 41 inch Heavy Yellow Sheeting for 59c.
10 yards of 36 inch yellow theeting for 45c.
10 yards of 36 inch bleached tunslia for 54c.
10 yards of fancy dress Ginghams, 58e; worth $1.
5 yards of Lancaster and Amos Keag Gingham for 24?.
10 yard? of extra heavy yel'ow muslin for 56o.
Turkey Red Table Linen at 25e; worth 36 and 33o.
White Table Damask at 25?. Napkins to malch at 7oets a dozen.
Lace Curtains by tie yard at 9s; value 20o.
10 yards men's heavy shirting for 70o. 10 yards outing flannel for 59o.
1 pa ( ircn Heel Plites for 1 cent; save you 5Co heels.
1 pair of Silk Embroidered Suspenders at lOo.
Ladies Fleeced Vest at 18 and 25c. .
Men's nnlaundried shirts for 39s. JJpd'h un'-innrlrio,? Prr.i nr wk;j
Shirts at 49c.
Ladies Imported Fast black Ilermsdorf Hose, double heel and toe at 18c-
worth 25o Ladlea Doubln Sole Rusk.
- - 1
Black. German make, worth 50 i- a l,I
album for $1, worth $2.
Boys' Percale W auts for 22c; worth 35o.
Many of these goods we only sell a limited amount of to one- customer.
Hundreds of articles of Other frtnrfa at ror?nol nriiaa Il.-n r.-
time, February 20th to March 7th.
every purchase. . .
SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109
1865, ESTABLISHED. 188i.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on daily
U will
Who nave money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f jtil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Ernbalmcr and Funer
al Director.
Bridge tt, Ulifll intoui), Pa.
tEAT iSeAlH-
Form limited time only. Doa't
miss it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photographs
and on 16x20 Crayon Portrait
made by one ef tbe finest Artists ia
Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Heas
Photo Studio, Mifflintown, Pa.
Always with deed Remits-"
BBoorvrxxs, Pa., Jan. 20, 1896. I
take pleasure in writing that I have
need Hood'a Sarsaparilla for six years
ana always witn good results. I
reccommend it to all my friends for
cases caused by impure blood- I
give it to my children as a spring
medicine. Mbs J. M. Chkbhdtt.
Hoor$ Ptllt act harmoniously with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
nmw days:
fniti at ei nn . .i Tki.v r ;
Ranuii., -f ni ..nta - -...I.
case muslin for lOo.
at specially low prices.
nhnioat natrsrna at ananiallw intm inl
buying your carpets now.
enme in anil aa anlli'no it .
and borders to match. Think of it,
and Childdren's rubbers at 20 & 22o!
I.iolo FintuK n-II j r
m.m.i.m ijwniU, AlDIUiSUUn
nt A n'nh nnt iii:j i.
- .i.wt.. J . u u u . mVVmm IUD
'iold Aluminum tiokets given away with
Bridge Street,
examine the Stock of Geode for
Great Gut on
" is ergs.,
For Bargains.
The Oldest Inhabitant
never saw Clothing as Cheap
As we ara selling it.
Hollotoaugh & Son,
The Mc din tic Hardware
to get along in the world is to buy ''real cheap things. As a
rule, the less you pay, the more it costs in the long run.
We don't boa&t of "cheap" prices afc this Store, and still
quality considered, we sell at prices that ought to interest
careful buyers.
COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of.
cook stoves tn this county. We have never heard a woman
complain who bought one of these stoves. Every buyer has
agreed on four things:
The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they are easiest
to regulate, and are less trouble than any other stove.
We have them in four sizes. Prices range from $15.00
to $28.00.
how easily things get "scratched up" around the house.
Sometimes it's a chair or a table or a door. More than half
the time, the scratches are neglected , because it seems hardly
worth while to send for a painter.
Why not do the work yourself. You can
Get Prepared Paints all Ready
to use at a trifliDg cost. You can brighten up furniture, doors, flower pots,
buggiea and lots of other things.
We keep these prepared paints in all the colors. And we sell paint
brushes, too good cdp.
Tbe paintg come in tin buckets, boldjDg 1 P. Tbe price is 15o.
K. H. McClintic.
Founded In Large Faculty
Two la 1 csur-es ot ttudr Classical and
Scientific, ? pecial camse ia sll depart.
nisDts. Obsarratorr, Laboratories and
Dw GiBiiiasiDm. Sham heat. Libraries,
22,000 Vfluncs. Expeuaes loir. Dpr(.
rotnt of Hvjiens and Physical Culture in
chart of an axpcrioDccd pbysxiau. Ac
cessible by frfquant railroad trains. Loca
tion ou tbe BATTLEFIELD orGrttrsbur?,
most ptesaav and bealthr. PREPAR
ata buiMiuga, fur boys an l youag men pi-sparing
for btiaipess or Collrga, under spec
ial care of tbe Principal and three assist
ants, residing with atudeata ia tbe building.
Fall term opens September 6th, 1895. For
Catalogues, address
, B. W. MCKNIGHT. P. D.,
or EEV. O. G. KLINGEK, A. H.,
Oetttysbare;, Pa.
Stoekholdera IndiyidBally Liabla
W. C. Pomeroy, Josrph Rothroe,
John Hfrtilcr, Josiah L. Barton,
Robert K. Parkor, Lonis E. Atkinor,
T. V. Imin.
srocEnoirzKS :
Geo-)re A. Kuner, Annie M. Sh'--
Joseph Bothrock, P. W. If acbeck,
L. F.. A:k:ni-oa, R. S". Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Iran
Bsry Ktirti, Jerome K. Thompson.
Jrthn Hertzler.
T. V. Irwin.
Chariot te 8 ny der,
John M. Flair,
F. M. M. Ptnn.n,
Psnine! S- Rofbr;k,
M. N. Sterrett,
Jsmrs G. Beadtnp,
S. W. Uesps. '
Josiah L Barton,
Robert H. Pat'.rrMM
Levi Lirlit,
H. J Shellenberger,
M. P.. Scblrgel,
Three and Four per cenf. it'erent will t
paid on certificate a of deposit.
f.ian 28. 18P5
thin to patent? Protect tout Meaa; they may " aU twa aotUaa of ay raaaay FMsl ta imj M
bring, you weaUth. Write JOHN WXDDKR- Tmir raadsrs sks apa aimsnasfuksa at uusy wUl
BORN A CO., Patant AttonxtTS, Waahinctoil, send sss their Ssprass sod P. O. asanas. Baasaia
IX for their priaa offar. j fnlly. 1 tTifTTTTat It n III TaaaS m nijl
4 8cisntil Aaerlou
TRAM saawKS).
"r ii irnarioB ana rrm. nantoooK wnM to
t k (JO. Ml SaoADWAT. Kiw Tomr.
C!i?t bnrvcu for aanrtac paunta In Amiriw
Xvery nau-til tAkn out by na la broaght bafcra
tfea public by a tutice (Ivan tn. ot ehaiaa la t&
Larerat slrrstattnn of anT salanune papar In uaa
worlX SpiMKlldir llltuaraMd, Ho lawtlMat
man should ba wtlhoui It. Waaklr, SJS.OO a
Km sue rtx months. Addraaa, MUXnT LXJw.
BiiaBtas, Sl ltnwdwar, Saw Tosk Cltf.
lam a lea
tram Coti-mmt , Mnemrt Qu nleVn.Barrmf L
ai SaOUaa fTttUa. AAJaHllLa) TfA 0IU W. 0aTk C
flu res .ck Head act
MGcey Loaned at Lowest Rites.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tn m in f ii M
ihat I hara - Jrfrria sssis aaaii
1 1 ....... mj na umeij nsa tasaaavaaai of aa