SEN7INFX &. REPUBLICAN MI7FMNTOWN. WEDJfLSDAT, FEB. 26, 1MI6. LI. F. SOU W E I E 11 s BuiroB its raoraiiTo-. Armenia nn murdered by Turku. The outrages committed by tbe Turks on the Armenians ia 1895 and 189G is dreadful, almost beyond be lief. The outrages reported ara: "Killed, 30,601; barccd to death, 1, 436; prtuehers and priests killed, 51; died from starvation, 2,401; died un protected ia tbe fields, 4,340; died from four, 680; wonnded 8,000; houses burned. 2S,542; forciblo con versions, 15,066; women and eirls ab ducted, 5,546; forcible marriages, 1,- 551; churches burned, 22 1; destitute and starving. 94,750. FLORIDA " PER30SALLT COKOl'CTED TOUBS VIA I'JlN'SSYLVXNIA BAILBOAD. Tbere ia no doubt but that every one has bad at some time a desire to visit Fioridi, the "Lau l of Flowers," and that many have Inen dtf.rred from so doing by the thcoht cf a loDpr and tiresome rtilrond journey, great expanse, and a thousand aud one other objections. Thcpo have been overcome by Ihs icaugnratiou of the Pennsylvania Railroad Coni pany'a psrsonaily conducted tours to Jai-k.soii villa. A special train of nn excelled equipment makes the run frcta New I'yrl: to Jacksonville in thirty hours-; a tourist agent find chaperon aocoinpniiy each tour to look after the comfort of passengers whilii en route; and tba low rates of fered bring tho tours within the emm of almost everyone. The tours, allowing two weeks' stay in Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia ou February 25 and Msrch 3, 18.)6. Tha rate, in eluding transport ltnn, mon's, en toule, and Pullman berth on epecial train, is $50.0.) Nsw York and $48 00 fron Philadelphia; propor tionate rates from other points. For further information appJy to licliet Amenta, or addnss Tourist Aent, 1196 Broadway, New York, or Jiocm 411, iroil btrett Station, Philadelphia, to whom application for si nce should also be made. CAIIF0BNIA- PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS VIA PES -SYLVASIA RAILROAD So beautiful i3 the sc utry of Cali fornia that Niture must hare n pendt-d more her uuhI energy in its creation, and especially is this true duri tm months cf March nnd April, wbi-n the rainy ceaaon has past and flowers bloom everywhere. Fortunato, !L'Jecd, ia the parson who csn CacI::uiC lh- wintry climate of the East, for the flow. r perfumed and he.-il htu! atmosphere cf Califor nia, nud no better method for doing this cna be hid than by partifiput isjr in the otcocd "Golden Gate" tour, orr'cizc-d under tbo perfect f i -1 a. Wncoy Wanisi Tt iV-rocvl Com-I PaET- The tourists will leave New York nrd Philadelphia, March 11, 1896,1 syd return to tlioso citiss May 7, al lowing four end one-half weeks in California. A new feature to the magnificent traia used for these tours in previous years is a thorough Pullman com partment ear. The car, which will be the very best that the Pullman Coaipaoy can BUply, will ejetaia niim inclosed ccmpcirl meats two drawing rooms an 1 seven stati rooms and wiil be attache- to the special ti'aia at Jer sey C:tv and rna through to San Fr"";h":... Applications for spjee or itiner aries giving all information should lw mad i to Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, Nsw York, or Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. A.OW RATES TO WASUHB- to, r. v. SPECIAL TEN DAY EXCfRSIOX VIA PEN'S KYI.VAMA IiAII.C'D. The uf xt of the series of ! rate excursions to Washington, I. C, via Pennsylvania Riilroad. wil leave Pittsburg. March 5, 189G. Escursion tickets, ptrmitling of stop-over in Baltimore in tither di rection within liiui', will bo sold at rates tptotud bolow, good for ne go ing un spei iiil train mentioned below, or on train No. 4, leaving Piftj-burg tit 8 10 P. M., returning en sty reg ular train (xctpt the Pennsylvania Limited Spt-cial train of purlor cars and day coaches will be run on the following sehtdult : Train leaves. Rate. Altocna. . . . Be 11 wood Jjellefonta . . Okarfu-id.. Pliilipbuvg OsCC'.'lo . . . . '1 vrocc. ...1140 a m. $7 35 . fU52 7 35 ..10 09 " 7 25 . . 9 31 " 7 25 ..10 14 " ..10 23 " ..12 03 p. m. ..12 35 . . 9 46 a. m. . . 1 33 p. u. 7 25 7 25 6 65 6 G5 5 60 5 25 4 60 4 20 B-dfrd Ltw htiiwn Juuj M-.llliu 1150 X:-wp:.rt f2 24 " f2 44 " WsHhiu-ton . . Airiv?. 7 30 " .... -j-l'awevgeis vrill ur regular train through to Ya?hinton. "i" Step only oa notice to agent.'.ng:r from branch points de-t-irii g take the pptcil train will upy ih." following trains: Southwest Brooch, Train No. 101 to Grcinsburg; Indiana Branch, Iu diuna Avcomtnodaliou No. 84 to B'.airsvilte Iutersertion; Martins burg and IIolliday6barg, Accommo csUou Train No 412 to Altoona; from Bedford, Train No. 4 to Huntingdon. Should tha number of paeKsngers not be sufficient lo wsirant the run ning of special train, the Company reserve the right to carry partici ptoita in this excursion ou regultr train. Tickets on sale at Pittsburg, at TJniou Ticket Office, Fifth Avenue and Smithtiield Street, and Union Station, and at all Staiions mention ed above. For full information ap ply to agents or Thomas E. Walt, Pastsenger Agent Western District, 110 Fifth Avtnus, Pittsburg. PUBLIC MALES. . Mabch 14 Mr. G. W. Smith will sill at her place of residence in Mif flintown at 10 a. no., bngy, wsgon, sleigh, drag nloijib, stono meson tools and a full lice of household goods." Mabch 20 Mrs. W. B. Harmtn, ia Fayette live ftock and farm im plea en ts. Thank. On the afternoon of January twr n ty ninth, Some rf the rnr-rob-rH of the Mexico U. P. (yngregioo (of which I was formerly 'the paster) with other kind friends, called on and spent part of the afternoon very pleasantly, and when they went away they left onr pantry and coal bin well supplied, for which unmerited favor we are truly thankful. Fbaxcis ahd Kate aIcBubxiy. Important Teachers. The undersigned, a committee ap pointed by tbe state superintendent to examine applicants for teachers' permanent certificate, will met all persons interested in th high school room, Mifflintowc, Saturday, March 2ls', 1896, betwesa the hours cf 8 a in and 5 p. m. ( Odex C. Gortker, Sirr ed: Katmabisz P. Dn tle, ( Marv W. xcCuixoch Fob Rest Store room and dwell icg. Loca'ion North Main street. For particulars inquire of F. W. Noble, Mifflintowp, Pa. Fob Rest Store room and dwell ing bouaf, or store room sepcrate. Tbe dwelling house has seven rooms. Call on Joseph Adams, Sr , Washing ton street. FaRvers We will tako all llio eggs and chickens yon want to rparc m oichanira for clotlnnr. an-.l I ay you market prices for the same. IlOIXOBACOH it box MARRIED: Shejieloff Richakdsox. On tho 17th inst.. by Justice of the Peac, Thomas Creighton, at Rted's Gip, Mr. John W. ShenslofF and Miss Bell L Richardson. Shover Price On the 19t!i ictt., at Mifilintonn, by Rtv. John H. Jlortimsr, Mr. Clayton E. Shovc-r and Miss 1'mtca Price. PmLADixfHii Markets, Febru-iry 22, 1896. Wheat 72 to 77c; Oira 26 to 27.', corn 32 to 33.-; butter 17 to 26o; egg-i 13o; smoked btt f 11 fo 12c; fimoktid haul 9 to 10o; sida 6c; sbouhltrs 7c; lurd 5 to 7c; tallow 3c; Live Chickens 10 to 1 If ; ducks 12s geese 11c; apples 1 50 lo $3 a bar rel; potatoes 18 to 25s a!: on ions 35 to 40c a bushel; hay 80 to SO cents per 100; s'taw 70 to 80 rents per 100; Cattle !?3 60:.4.60; Logs $3 4 50; eheep $2.23a3.65; luuibs .$3 50a 4.75. RECEIPTS ASD EXPENDITURES OF TJIE COl'SVY OP JP. IATA AM CF.RTIFIF.D TO DY TilE AUDI TORS OK SAIIa COI3ITV. TREASCRER'KEPOHT OF RECEIPTS AND KXPEVDITUBSS 1893. Jin. 1. mtt Cf c ( i it c. C C CI c cc cc . CC cc cc CC CC CC Cl CC CC CC Cl cc c CC CC cc cc C 'C cc c; cc cc t: c- cc cc Dec. 81 cc c. cc C cc ct CC " " cc cc cc cc W. S. NORTH. To balance from lt yar.. Outilii.d:!! toXr;S county state. '. " ' do? ' balance dog; tsx from list yar tas levied in county ....... c cc c .. c. state......... c. cc cc .c cc dog.... ..... additional ofe.Hminta " 5 per cent, additional to county tax. cc cc cc .c .1 c gtnto cc cc cc c. cc .c cc dog " overpvd taxes in II 95 cash from sale ot 4 per cent, bonds. ....... ...... " sheriff jury fuea CC CC CC CC g fl.oe, cc cc cc Draft on Newport Deposit Bank To cash from estate of Jam;s Crpenter ...... To cash from Fayette township, keepias U cu-t Gill.. To caih from Beale township, koep-ng Thilip Rauuk.. To c6h Perry county, keeping col. trsmp...... To cash from Liquor Licenses To carb trem Swti tax rclnndad To cash from tixes on unseated land... To csh from floe, jud cost Jos. Valentine To cash from Miscellaneous sources.... By orders of lf9l p. id By orltrs of 1895 paid county By orders of ls9i pa c'sbecp By culstandiDg taxes coriaty By outstiurliDg taxes state ." By outstanding txe dog By errr By baUnce . " OUTST.1JVPL Year. 1S93. Collectors Districts G. W. Van Ormcr, Fayelt:- S. H. ltollman, jSiflTCintowb,... Lewis Wilt, Sii'quebannj, M. F. Crouse, Tuscaror,..... J. O. Brown, Beale, Jacob Forry, Greenwood John E. 'I'rcge, Lark, S. n. Kollman. Afifflintewn W.B. VcCaban, MiKord, W. S. Neimond, Monroe, H. M. Isenberg, Patttron, B. F. Lytle Port Roval , M. S. E.h, Spruce Hill A. D. KerMelur, Surqusbanna, L. O. Calbous, Tuibett, J.?hu B. Birton, Tutcarera, , E. A. Smith, Waiker J. O. Brown, Be lo, J. F. Spece, Dnlawars J. M. Musser, Fayette....... C. E. Howcr, Fermanagh, Jacob Forry, Gresnwood, ..... ...... John E. Trego, Lack, S. II. Kcllman. Miftlintown W. B. McCahac Millord W. S. Nitund, Monroe............. II. M. Iseubcr?, Patterson, B. F. Lytle, Port Royal, A. D. Kerstetter, Susquehanna, M. S. Esb, Sprnce Hill, W. B. Brubakcjr, TbotupitoBtovro,. . .. . L. C. Calhoun, Turbott, Jotbna B. Barton, Tuscarora, E. A. Smith, Yalker, 1894. 189'.. Jtttst: Lxwis DiGK!f, Clerk. REPORT OP THE EXPEXOITURES OF JITXIATA COCUTT AS CO.UPIL.KI FROM THE SfclO.IEcll'S OFFICE PAYMENTS HADE TO ASSESSORS AKD COLLECTORS. Districts. A-cs Col. Com- Exonera Abate.- Total. sors. miRsion. tions. mauls. Black Log. $ 24 00 $ 24 00 Beale. 61 88 67 21 51 64 63 03 243 76 Delaware. 98 44 77 12 31 96 63 15 270 67 Fayette. 99 74 147 42 178 64 129 C4 555 44 Fermanagh. 65 85 67 56 64 01 56 05 253 47 Greenwood. 41 05 21 27 22 76 6 17 91 25 Lack. 94 65 25 89 21 95 142 49 Mifflintown. 65 34 52 70 76 11 194 15 Milford. 78 50 84 64 54 74 62 63 270 51 Monroe. 91 10 61 25 81 65 106 46 340 46 Patterson. 58 40 41 48 3 38 74 50 177 76 Port Royal. 75 56 43 00 45 30 18 05 181 91 Sprnce HilL 78 90 73 60 72 46 55 01 279 97 SutquebanDa. 69 51 52 95 16 58 S7 51 196 55 IhompeoLtcwn 40 91 10 82 910 7 53 68 36 Turbett. 55 84 65 63 33 80 51 42 212 69 Tnicarora. 117 20 49 35 51 192 20 Walker. 97 48 120 14 61 43 133 16 412 26 $1134 35 1052 17 $ 733 50 $ 1007 88 $ 4107 90 pEOISTEE'S NOTICK. Netlee i bereby r vea that the follew. Irr nraI pnrsosi have filed their teeonnt is- the Rogtater' Office or Jcniata eonaty, r nd the Mine will be Prreentrd for ceo. flrmntlon ut4 allowtnee at in Orphaa' Cenrt te be hn!d at IliBllatowa. Pa., oa Tnvadty. tie 10'h diy ef March, A. D., 189, at oVook, a. . No. 1. The Firat and Flaal acconot of 1?1Ub U. Ferg-utcn, Adminia' ralnx ef A.J. Ferriuon, late of Tuscamra tawaiblp, deceased. Kel'er, Att'y. So. t. Tbe account ef Ll H. Gnshee, admloUtrater ef Hicry S. Geahen, Ite of MifB'n'owa. deceaaed, a atated by Freder ick E;penacbado and C. B. Heminr, the anr'ira oa tbe administrat.on bond of aa!d edminiatrater. Atkinaen It Pencell, Att'ya, Mo S. The Firat ant Final accennt of Gee. D'easler, administrator of tha eatate of May Drexlar, late of Greenwood town hie, Jnaiaia conty, Pa., dvceaaed. Keller, Att'y. No. 4. The Second tnd Final account of Enoch aballanberaTT, executor ef Joahaa VanOrmcr. late of Fayette tewaahip, Jual ata ceuntr deceaaad. Neely, Att'y. No 5. The Firat and Final account of D. Williamson Stawirt, execnter of the Ust will and tratament of Sarah Ann Stow, art, lto ef Beale townahtp, deceaaed. Kaller, Att'y. No. 8. The Firat aad Fiaal account ef Z. W. Gilaoa and G. A. f.yter, aJmlniatra ter of the e.ta'e of Mary A. McOnaall, late of Sprnce Bill tewnahlp, deceased. No. 7. Tbe Firat and Final accoaat ef Z. W. Gilaon aad O. A. Ljter, adaaioiatra tes of Ue esatK ef Rachol A. McConno l, late of Spruce Hill towna'iip. ilocac1. Kellc-r, Att'y. No. 8. The-Kirt and Finnl account of J. B. MoT" and Keuben auvr,excuOla of tbe last nil) and tut. meal ol CalhcriB) LaTr, late ef Monroe towcahio, Jnniata coun'v, deccawd, aa atated by J. H. iloyer one of s;l tiwotor. Atkinson A Per.nell, Att'ya. No. 9. Tba flrat and final acconut of David . Lilzl, administrator of the es tate or Sybilla Leitzel, li'e of Delaware township, dne'd. Sohwyr, Att'y. No. 19. First Partial Account or Jamqs VcAHen, aminiitralor ef Marraret J. 11 lea, lite of the Borongh ot Port Royal, deceased. Htopes, Att'y. Ne. II. First and Fiml account cl Jaccs UcAllin, admisisTratur c. t. a. d. b. n. of Isaic Mc Allen, ljto e! tbe Br3u;h c t Mimintown.dceated. II opes, Att'y. Nn. 12. First and 'Baal aeconnt of V D. Walls, guardian of Lawrence J. Kirk, a mir-er child of Itatc Kirk, decatd, ujon guardian relicquishiog tbe trut. Hoopes. Atl-'. No. 13. First and flnl account "of W. D. Walls. cuaHian of Lottie M. Kirk, a minor child of Isaic Kirk, deceased upon guardian relinquishing the trust. Uoopea, Att'y. No. 14. First and flasl account of W. D. Walls, gua:diae, of Minnii B. Kirk, a miner child ol Iiaac Kirk, dccsed, ward having become of aga. Hoopes, Att'y. No. 15. First and final account ot W. D. Walls, pusclian of Bowerd J. Kirk, a minor child ol Icac Kirk, decreed, war! having becoire of Hoopes, Att'y. Nr. 16. The account f Tbeo. n. Mom ineer, and Emory Imes, exc,a'orof ihe'Jaf-t will snd testament cf Darid, la:e of i!ealc township, doceased. Ackinion A Pecnell, Ati'y. No. 17. Second and fintl account of Jo?i j:li Uothrock, c. t. a. e!' Jacob Frank lata of the Uoronjh of I attrion, d:csed. lloopes, Att'y. No. IS. The first and Anil recount of I!a-t B. Gray, dsDinitrator of ths estate of Eiizjl:h Cn;j,bfll, Ute of Lack Twp., Ja: ia: cr.unty, l' dcased. Neclv, Att'y. Keiis!e-S Olliir-, 1 SrC!itown, Pa. J Ahsos B. Will, Ft-b. 10th, 1896. J Rfgitter Treasurer. Dr. Cr. ....... , , , a 2341 IS 1105 93 74S 48 61 22 2!K65 45 2404 S 494 75 42 9J 25S 99 17 45 27 14 81 69 S6S90 00 40 00 .5 00 1000 00 50 00 100 00 IS 75 lfc8 7S U6 75 17t4 67 17 46 27 10 70 27 $ 657 51 68116 42 490 SO 159S1 57 1032 49 6S1 65 2 3336 32 $ 99400 G8 $ 90466 63 TAXES. County. State 61 02 39 04 93 75 Dog. 52 51 1 OS 11 V(i 457 21 1G3 G3 I-'fi 98 10 40 31 01 524 t3 81 84 260 89 108 35 115 00 1 G9 12 29 335 43 170 00 831 37 807 69 12b7 13 1272 45 451 13 590 83 641 18 1668 95 403 87 557 .: 257 55 400 75 878 60 174 81 576 09 945 41 1717 38 62 91 SO 93 42 10 6 65 42 62 21 52 82 71 6 77 27 83 15 11 80 12 4 05 11 82 2 79 G 50 62 19 17 73 55 46 40 36 45 59 41 23 12 07 35 49 48 18 58 53 21 27 40 60 20 71 26 25 G2 80 6 69 24 H3 !C7 64 26 97 $15931 67 $1032 49 $QS1 55 WM. GUSS. J. Y. SHELLY, Auditors. J. E. IIAKTMAN RECORD!) If THE COMMI- FOR THE YEAR Ii5. BUetim. 95 elec'innofficcrs.Feb., election. 27160 - 17 constables Feb. elec tion ... 170 It 441 C9 90 election officers Nov. election..... ' 17 coustablea Nov. elec t on 280 26 84 06 814 81 9 60 16 00 14 60 114 25 8 60 4 40 8 00 S. II. Wrifht eteetioa blanks Feb. election.. Frank L. Ilutter, eleclion blanks Nov. election. 7 persons keepirg booths. IS places nse of election nooses ............. J. W. Swarts, ballot murker S. E. Kinzer, electroplate of common names.... B. F. BnrcbBeld and F. II. U. I'ennell, clerking returns Nov. election. Total $58 26 Puttie OfflctM. W. H. Zeidera.Pre'hono- tary'sfeea $ 152 90 W. II. Kollman.nt a! blank boidtssnd blanks.... 47 93 J. C. Diuam, envelopes and otber supplies... 20 75 Goic and Sieber, stove for office - 12 60 f 284 08 A. B. Wilis, Recorder's fees (8 46 W. II. Rellman.ot al blank books anc blanks.... 10146 ' Kary J. Hunt, envelopes and other supplies.. 13 63 S. S. Knhle, table corn-. 1 50 Wru. St. Aliisoa. auditint; public ouiacs. ..... 169 94 29 00 Tolal $ 424 02 - Court and Jurort Pay, orors February term '95 $ 822 64 W. II Faries,stenogliar. 80 00 ' n W. Kvisoly.coart crier 7 50-$360 14 Jurors. April term 1895 . 300 87 Jas. T. CuNtninfs, sten ographer 20 00 H.".Knisely,courteriar 7 50-$328 S7 Jurors. Sept. terra 1893. 542 87 Jss. T.,steoo- graohrr 625- H.W. Knisely.ceurterir 10 C0-S 621 12 Jurors, Pen. term, 1895. 415 72 W. fl. FarUs, steno grapher 30 00 H.W. Knisely.court crier 7 50 t 453 22 Ex.'ra courts $ 85 00 Jury Coro3isioaer'a Lewis Demons aad Sanrnsl Watts 80 00 Jnrr Commuaioner'a Clark. W. H. Cron- ie?r 83 00 Special clerk, Carl F. Ripensbade and B. F. Crazier, Jnne filling Jury wheal... 7 00 Ice for September court 1 25 Total (1919.10 Ctmmouwealtk Costt. Pall by W. H. Zsilera Vrothenotarv Fob. term 1S9S.. $ 93 03 Apri' term 1895 18S 82 September farm 209 86 December term 82 20 Total 573 90 Constnblet and Jailictt. Paid br W. H. Z aiders Prothonotary. Courf andJnsticesinCora monwealth eases. ... S 43 88 17 Constables February term l9i 62 40 17 Cons'ables April tersa 1S95 65 40 17Constab!sa September i terra l0i 67 02 17 Cons'ab'es December teml95 60 90 Total $ 292 63 Printing and Slutionaru W m. M. Allison prtmtnr 4 court pTOcUioa tions...... Wm. M. Aliisoa. prinOvg . annua! report... ... Wm, M. Al son, Procla mation Nov. election Wm. U. Aillson, b!ank orders, bills, notice fcc B. F. Schwaier, 4 court proclamations B. F. Schweior, anneal report ............. B. F. Scbweier, procla mation Nov. election B. F. Scbweier, blank notices Ac W. J. Jackmsn, 4 court proclsmstictns..... . W.J. Juckms.n, snnual report.... ....... W. J. Jackmun, procla mation Nov election W. J. Jackmsn. notice of appeals.... ..... Harry E. Bontali. 4 court proclatati(in....... ilciry E. lioi.sit l, annual rt port. ..... ..... Usrry E BonnllJ procla mation Nov. election Hurry E Bonssll, sub scription to paprr. . J. C. Dinim, court pro clasastions... J. C. Dimro, proclama tion............... J. C Dimm, blanks, ajd envelopes, Prothon otary 's J nice. ...... J. C. Dnrtoi, Ka'lots for Feb. e'eetion ....... J. C. Diaita. Ballot for Nov. rlt'Ctinn. ..... Frai k L. iluiler, t.lark b.nd isni oilier Xt.Uory Co. .tax receipts Stationery ar.d supplies for ail olHees...... . Total $ 40 00 6S00 87 60 23 50- 169 00 82 09 68 00 37 69 6 96- $ 143 45 40 69 68 00 87 50 1 50- S 117 50 83 00 68 0) 37 50 1 69- $ 140 00 24 76 37 50 13 60 47 43 29 95- $ Mi 29 23 00 36 OS 19 82- 79 88 $ 882 62 CommissionrrU Office and Court Houtt . W. II. Moore Commis kioner, 87 days t 8.50 $ 3C4 69 W. H. Afoore Commis sioner, bxpentos. ... 90 00 $ 884 60 Keal Af. Steuart Cora mitaionKr, 85 days at 3,60 299 26 NcjI M. Stcnart, Cora- uissioner, expanses. 62 02-$ 861 27 Williamson Van Ormer Commissioner, 88 days at 8.5'). 133 00 Williamson Van Orravr Commissioner, ex pense 80 60- $ 163 60 John Neimond, services and expenses...... 164 78 Wm. 11. Groninger, clerk for Commis sioners............ 650 00 Atkinaon A Pennell, at torneys 40 00 Jacob Browani, Janitor for court bous?.... 182 90 Wm. Man A Co.. et al supplies, blanks Ac. 86 41 T. A. Condon, 1 dozen enpsidors ......... 3 10 Geo. W. Berger, rejoin ing cbaira.. ........ 60 Cliaing enpsidors and ottier small expenses 7 62 Total v. .... $1 968 78 Sheriff's Fees mud Prison Mxptuse. Samuel Lapp, boarding prisoners $ 27 00 Bamnel Lapp, fees of office 148 89 Samuel Lapp, working for prisoners 2 90- $ 17$ 89 J. P. Calhonn, boarding prisoners $426 17 J. P. Calhoun, fee of office 16$ 14 J. P. Calhoun, working for prisoners. ..... 86 76 J. P. Calhoun, clothing for prisoners 8 90 J. P. Calhoun, removing 20 60 21 28- t M6 74 J. P. Calhoun, sundries - supplies fce D. H. Crawford sc son ' medical attention $66, or which re turned by Perry Co. 10176 Total........... $ 944 88 . Road and Bridge Views mud Dammget Wm. C. Pomeroy, road dara- Milford., $ 25 00 Sarroel Funk, road view in Delaware 2 bv B. L. HcMeen, road view in f..ek . ' 40 John Hartman, road view I.rk Z W Charles S hrawder, road view in Lack o-v James Milliken, road view in Lack..... . ....... o v Robert Uaanmon, road view in Lack 8 00 K. Hartman, road view in in Lack 1 W A. C. Knouse, road view in Lack 00 A. B. Evans, road view in Lack 44 00 David U. Tat lor, read view in Fennsnsgb and Walker. 8 20 Wat. H. Greninger, road . view in Fertaaoagh and Walker 14 20 Eliaa Horning, road view In Fermanagh and Walker. 2 80 A. B. Evans, rosd view in Fermanagh and Walker. 13 20 Christ Yojcr, rosd view in Fermanagh and Beale... 7 40 Z. W. (iiison, road view in Fertuanasrh and Beale . 3 20 Total... $ fish-baskets....... - $ 145 lo $ 40 00 16 00 21 25 31 20 83 7e 4 00 60 1 48 $ 203 16 Trampt. Wm F. Snvder, burial of 4 men killed by Pennsyl vania railroad ......... . B. S. Scholl, Secretary .... Union cemetery, 4 graves aad digging same... .. John J. Jacobs, attending - Itnasian tramp J. P. Calhoun, sheriff.keeptng tramps during winter of ".'4 and '95 Banks Calhoun and A. B. Criswell, attending col erd tramp, money re turned by Perry county. Julius Dorr, laying out and asaisting with corpes... John Bergy, hauling injured tramps Rrailroad tickets for tramps. Total ftaa.'y Bridges. Mifflin Bridge, Kolbsch A Spsrg'er, et cl. work and material ! Thompsontown Bridge, B C. Groningsr, et al. ....... Mexico Bridge, Kennedy A Uoerehear! et al.... .... Port Koval Bridge, H. J. Sbellcnberger et a'..... 607 55 809 80 11 80 25 11 Bawn'a Bridgs, S. E. Ard ft Old Pert Royal, James A. -Groninger et al. ....... flroainger'a Bridge, D. L. Swans, et al Bearer Bridee.D L. Swarts. Watcrford Bridge, T. S. Thoirpiou ct al., work and material Dimiu's Bridge, Jooeph Fer guson .... ....... ... Licking Crerk Bridge, Man beck cf Nn'son et si. ... Aumsn's Bridge, J. L. Koup e: al Ba'do Bridge, D. B. Reit et al Cocoiiraus Bridge, Snyder Co , one half McCoysville Bri-lge, Jerry Wilenaa et al Thompsontown Iron Bridge, aliebaal Coidren, et al.. MtWci SrMfr, C'lTla Kip-" pie, etal.... Jsrico Bridge, John N. Smith et al, Dimrn's Iron Bridge, J. T. Dimm, etal Bea'etown Bridge, S. E. Pan nebaker, et al..".. ...... WcCulloeh's Bridge, James Milliken, etal McCnllocli'a Iron Bridge, George McCulloch, et al. Cuba Iron Bridge, W. II. Doming, at at Delaware Iron Bridge, Jona than Kroider, work and material..... Total Public Buildings. James J. Horning, repairs te jail aad court bouse..,. Geo. J. Stutts, work ou gas generator. ..... ....... J. W. conrt bonse clock Ae......... W. N. Starrett, 15 tons cosl for jail K. II. HcClinMc, locks for court buuso.... ...... .. W. C. liuiapbery, hauling away asbes. .. Jesse Howe, irons for jail windows. ......... ..... K. W. Jacobs, waiar aud sew erage plant complote... Isaac E:ka, plastering jail and court house. material Ac. II. W. Cavenv, paint lug and papering jail and painting court bouse ... J. II. Neely. See. borough water plugs. '.. ...... Mifflin Water Co.. payment for water. Jacob Etka, plastaring court house.... ............. Joseph Brindle, work on conrt house and jail.... H. C. McClellan, hardward, for court bonse and jail. Manbeck A Nelaon, lumber for court bouse snd jail. Daniel Pannebsker, iron and work on jmil windows. . . Jacob Browaud, extra work coart beuse and privies. Cbas. Kanninger, hauling at court bouse Geo. Johnson, cleaning jail chimneys.... Henry liawk, work on pave. ment...... ........... K. H. McClintie, gasoline for court house........... H. C. McClellan, gasoline for court house........... Guss A Sieber, bsrdware for court house. . . . B. Gilbert A Son, check tor conrt house doors ...... W. C. Hickok A Co , irons end rollers for coutt yard gatus W. S. Arbogaat, supplies, Jiardware, oil Ao. for court house. .......... Total 7 IS 23 00 12 00 9 56 20 CS 7 86 65 60 19 00 10 60 47 SO 208 C6 16 78 6 00 8 00 84 14 6 00 9 IS 45 21 1 00 84 67 1 689 64 9 06 1 00 2 25 61 0E 4 0) 8 00 2 50 813 20 42 30 27 65 80 00 66 67 6 00 180 70 45 69 84 60 10 25 19 66 1 15 1 50 85 22 61 18 04 2 26 900 14 92 17 89 $ 1410 6 Miscellaneous Payments. Edward S. Wright, expenae of prisoners at Western Pehitentiary $ 888 66 Warden, expenses ef inmates at Huntingdon Reforma tory 144 90 State Treasure, state tax on personal property...... . 2379 68 State Treasure, atate tax on county bonds..... 497 86 W. 8. North, Coanty Treas ure. salary on commission . 680 88 Manbeck et Nelson, coal for cenrt bonse 168 26 Wm. H. Groninger, payment from state tsx returned for state work 200 00 T. M. Marshall, superinten dent public school for county institute 188 99 Auditors, auditing county af fairs ; 120 00 Commissioner, attending Commissioners conven tion at Mesdville, Pa.... 66 10 Thomas G. Leaver, reward - for catching borse thiol. W. Gross,Treaurer State , Lunatic Hospital for mates J. W. Stimmell, agricuuurai society S K. Kinzer, cxprtwssge... Cbas. Knuninger, rreigbt and hauling W. Af. Beale, scslpa and justices fees Harry E. Bonsall, P. M., post age for county offices...' Ten districts, sheep damages, 80 cases J L. Barton, et al, burial ot 9 veterans...... .. T. W. Anker A Son, et al. tombstone lor i veier ana ....... Incidentals ........... ToUl Interest Paid. Six per cent, interest, Union Trnat Pomnsnv. . . . .. . 401 C4 Six per cent, interest, Tern norarv Loans.......... 187 60 Four per cent. interest, 6524 87 County Bonds i. ....... 6112 91 Bends snd other debt piid; Donas nearinc percent, aud Union Trust Com pany 'a elaim bearing 6 per cent. $368.90. of stolen was lurnianea oj sale of ether 4 per cent. bonds .. $ 40 774 80 Recapitulation. Money paid to aescsso-s and collector.. .... Blectiea Public o dices Conrt snd jurors pay. ....... Common wealth's costs... .. . Constal les and justices Printing and stationary Commissioners office and courthouse....... Sheriff's fees and prisoners eipepss .... Roads and bridgra, views and damagca.... Tramp County bridges Public buildings. Interest. 4 pei cent, bonds and 6 per cent., debts paid 138 90 of which was f u-niibd by silo of 4 per cent. ennnty bonds Miscsllsneous payments 4107 90 956 26 424 02 1919 10 678 90 292 68 832 62 1953 68 941 38 145 10 203 18 1539 61 1401 Cl 6112 91 40 774 59 6 693 04 All orders issued aes. Cash in the Ire-aaury Cash in the treasury from dog tax Outstandine cotintv tax due. Outstanding state tsx due... Outstanding dog tux due.... Due the county lor keeping lunatics $ CS 874 21 $ 8 088 80 217 52 15 931 67 1 032 49 631 65 f81 55 130 26 Total Liabilities 4 per cent, county bonds Liabilities over as-: Liabilities over assets in 189-". Reduction of debt daring tb year 1R95 $ 21 162 18 140 043 118 8S6 82 li6 199 72 7 812 93 We the undersigned Comnijioners o Juniata county, in compliance with the law, do publish tbe foregoing statement of tha Receipts. Expenditures. Assets and Liabil ities of the said connty for the year ending December dial. 2. D. 1S95, as compiled from tbe records of tbe office. WIS. H. MOORE. NEIL M. S flif ART, WILLIAMSON VAN ORVEH. fittest: Wm. U. Gacmisjoza Clerk. ConmssioxBB's DrriCR. Mifflintown, Fs., Jar. 27, A. D. 169. $ They Are Marked This Way PELLULOI0 MARK- INTCNLIsieo The cronuine interlined collars end curl's with a Celluloid" eurtaoe. and tbe piiI.y water-proof collars and cuffs worth buying. TRAOf ELluloIB INTCRLINCO They are worth buying, because they trenrslx times longer than linen, keep c-laau longer, and when coiled, you enn clean them yourself. TRADf LULOj MARK. INTERLINED Ytiu can clean tbem yourself with a -.vrt cloth as ecuiily and quickly as you c:n u-Hsh yonr hands whether at I'.ome or abroad. TRADE flT MARK- At home or abroed, you'll find them more. comfortaDle, more convenient ii:l more economical than any other collars and euiTs made. TRADE- LLULOIQ As A W MARK- INTCKLINCO Acc-tH no itmtal (. Msul la mil mt?v anrt liro-S-l tTTytefc-n'or sv-nt bj a dirrrt. rolIra SJO. CsWh. t i.f: 'c pair posuiaid. Stat aiie ,nd etvje. THE t'F.LLl 1.01D COSPANT, NEW T02K. ,c -2cSa a sa 1st Lb rest clesns-r I.rom S. ATEtxsox. F. M. M. P.-asan, ATKIM5JIN St, PERSELL, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, MliTLlNTOWN, PA. By Collecting end Ccsvayancing prompt !y attended te. Orric On Main street, in place of resi dence ef Louis K. Atkinsen, Ks)., aoata Sridge street. fOct 5, 1892 9TILBER FORCE ICnTTETER, Attorney-at-Iaw District Attorney. M 1 FrLlW TOW H, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. ea.D.n.CBA wroBB, bb. bakwih n.caawroae YyH- D M CRAWFORD A SON, have formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and their cellatteral branches. Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or. ange afreets, Mifflintown, Pa. .One or both el them will be found at their office at all times, unless otherwise profesciecl!y en gaged. April 1st, 18S5. JJP.DERR, rRACTICAL. DENTIST, (Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of MifHiobnrg, Pa., ha lo cated permanently in ilifliinfown, as suc cessor to tbe lata Dr. O. L. Derr, and will continue the dental business (established by tbe latter in 1860) at the well known of fice on Bridge street opposite Court House. VCF- TEBTII EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JV CMeroferm, Ether, or Ou sW. No Sore 6am or Discomfort to patient, either during extraction or afterward. All these are Guaranteed vr co charge will be made. ILf All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly csh. H. P. DERR, PractlcaU DcHtiat. OS u eyj 8.9 268 08 .- C WP'hS&b 100 00 1 S?&lm 16960 llP if) 33 00 I - yyj . 406 00 ai2o V J ,ass V Tired, Nervous V ... t.M.ble es anyoo could feel, urea " even after unable to $o out on the street even i a .i $7"5 T-uwilded to try Hood's il5 found1 Hood's Pill" - bc,,0',', benefit and Ihighlyremncadtheiri M ins J kssi Fbeiout, Saddle Biver, a. J Hood's SarsapsriKs Is tho Only Truo B!od Fasnfas? Prominently In the public eye toay. Hood's Pllla eureaUUverills. 25s. Tuscarora Yally Eailroad. SCHEDVLI IX EFTICT MOSDiT SXTTEMBEB 30, lf95. EASTWARD. STATIONS. NolNo3 DAILT, EICKPT SUMDAT. Blair s Mills Lt 8 CO 2 00 Waterloo 8 05 2 05 Leotard1 Grove 8 10 2 10 Ro.s Frm. 8 15 2 15 P.?rtt!ack S 20 2 20 Est WaterforJ 8 30 2 30 ITetiiaJD 8 37 2 37 Hot.ev Grove 8 42 2 42 Futt- Bighau 8 48 2 48 Wrb!e 8 55 2 55 PWasat View 9 00 3 CO Sevtu Pins 9 00 3 08 Seme mil 9 10 3 10 Grah-iu's 9 14 3 14 Stewart 9 lfi 3 16 rrcedorn 9 18 3 18 Turl-ttt '9 20 3 20 OU Pert 9 25 i 25 Pert Ilojl Ar. 9 30 3 SO 0a - Trains N'a. 1 and 2 c innect at port Royal with vTay Psstsneer and Seashor Express on P. R. K , and 'os. 8 and 4 with Hv.l ea-t TTESTIf AIID. c u a s STATIONS. I DAILY, ZXCSPT gCSDAT. 1T0.2NO.4 A. If Port ICoyal OM Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Seven Pines Pleatact View.. . . Warble Fort BIfbRra Honey Grove Hecktoan East W.Urford.. Perul.: ck Ross Farm Leonard's Grova. Waterloo 0.0:19 4515 1.310 50!5 2 8,10 5515 3.7 10 57i5 4.4:10 5915 5.e 11 0115 6.3 7.2 9.0 11 055 11 09 5 11 15 5 10.011 20 5 26!o 12.0 11 14.011 33 6 15 1 11 386 17.5111 456 20.5 11 55lfi 22.0 12 00 6 24.012 05 6 25.512 10:6 27.012 15:6 Blair's Mills.. Ar. Traits Nos. 2 snd 3 connect with Sia - Lin st Blair's Mills for Pnn..rH nwi..t bnrg and Dry Enn. J. C. iiOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. S100RHEA.D, President. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pEERT COPNTT RAILROAD. Tbe following schedule went Into effect Morns' 1893' "J th8 ,r"in, ,fiH be run " p.m 4 30 4 8 4 89 8 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 a. m 16 9 21 9 24 9 26 9 29 9 81 9 3C 9 89 9 41 Leave Arrive Duncannou King's Mill Sulphur Spring 'Corman Siding Montebello Park Weaver Roddy Hoffman Royer Mahanoy Bloomfleld Long'a Road Nellson Dun's Elliotsburg Bcrnheisl's Green Perk 'Montour June Landisburg Arrive Leava n 8 49 8 34 8 31 P 29 8 26 8 24 819 8 16 8 14 8 11 8 05 7 62 p. ra 8 60 8 44 841 8 89 8 36 8 84 8 29 8 26 3 24 8 21 8 IS 2 4f. 4 56 .4 69 9 44 6 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 6 22 10 13 6 25 10 IS 6 28 10 19 6 24 10 25 6 86 10 27 6 41 10 82 6 09 11 20 7 46 2 7 43 2 7 40 2 7 34 2 7 82 2 7 27 2 65 1 p. m a. ns Train leaves Blnnmn.i.i ZTl ' m P and arrivea at Landisbnrg at 6 47 Train leaver Landisburg at 6 14 n m arrive, at Bloomfleld "n4 arrive at t0 87 a. m.. .04.66 ru!:.".. cwi cuuiaourg ii w a. at., and 5 09 m All sUtiena msrh-H ,.v - " c 09 P- m- train. w, con,.' 7o MIFFLINTOWN MARKKTS MrvnutTown, Feb. 28, 1890." MIFFLINTOWNGRAIN Wheat Corn in ear...... Oars, " Rye ....".." Cloverseed. ...... .'" Butter .......... Es lllLlll"" Ham MAKKST 79 60 22 50 ... 29 12 18 12 7 Booulder, ....... Lard......... . csiues, .......... Timothy eed..... " 92.00 Bran 60 90 hundred no 1.MG1 ""toSO Mh;r "".Viio Middling ... ...... Ground Alum Salt American Salt...."" PENNSYLVAKU B1ILE0AP. a . fiuadar Mar 20. t tin aiiu V ii 1895.tmn.willirnn.vfoHow Imim Philsdolpbta at 4 88..nst Harflrtwrg If a. -I Dnncja- "' V Dvk. t M Port Koysi iu vi " " . " Sboliil0 21 a.mi Lewistewa 1 0 " u.w..m. n 08 a. sot Newtea t JUitaa lliia. m? Mount Unloa 1140 a.m. SHttaberarl M V. as. n.rrisbnrc 11 20 a. m; Duacaanon 11 f0 ro, Harriabnrg h M a. ! i"'f".':':'.:u.v..t.. its 8 05 p- ui; aiw"' - " " - -9J S HMta 47 pf -i !- "ft 7 1 p. -i fc;'! m- Newtoa Hn)iln 0t p. 5 Hunting ?' . m m: Trron 1 16 p. m; Alteo.a pJiflc',Sxre- taM rhU4elpbU at , Icizi a. , - " . nc-t 8 9 a. a; rors isoyw w ST. 4 t7a.t L.wi.t.- 4 68 a. -) rewn6 80 a. ; Huntingdon 6 0 a. ; -. yrone 0 66 . as; Alteoaa 7 40 a. ; Pittsburg 12 10 p. Oyster Expres leave Pbiladnlpbla at 4- 40 v m; Hanisbnrf at 10 20 p. ; Mawport 11 t p. m; sliasin 11 t p. Icewistowa 12 68 a. m; Huntiegden 12 66 a. ns-l Trojs) 142 a aa; Altoona 3 oo a. an; riiwr ' Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at II 25 p. m; Harrrisbnrg 8 60 p. an; Dnnsnen 4 14 p. Newport 4 87 p. m; MiOia 6 10 p.m. Lewistewa 2 P- ; P' Iluntingdoa zo p. w; u r Altoona 7 40 p. an; ntuaarg n F. in. SAO 1 n anv. Qirrisburg Accodatitn leave Al teon at 6 00 a. m; Tyraa2ta. i; Haat i.lon 6 05 a. m; Newten Hamill" 6 83 ,t .r a so a. na: LeWlstewa a to; cBcjyww ww- 7 IS a. m; Vifflin 7 88 a. oa; Pert Keyal 7 44 a. ro; Uexico 7 48 a. m; Thempsoa towa 8 02 a. m; Milleratowa t li a. an; Jfswport 8 22 a. m; Duncnon S 49 a ; Harrisburg 9 20 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttshnrg S 10 a b; Altoona 7 15 am; Tyren 7 48 a ; Hunt ingdon 80 a ; lleTevtewa 1 16 a at; Lewistewn 9 8 a ro; Mifflin t 66 a BB; Pert Reval 9 69 a m; Tseasn-entewn 10 14; M niestown 10 22 a is; II ewpert 10 82 a as; Dnncaanon 10 64 a m; Jlarvavilla 11 07 a n; Harrisburg 11 2i a m; rhilaaelpbU S 00 m. Main Lin Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. ip; Alte-aa 11 40 a. as; Tyrone 12 03 p. n; Huntiegdon 12 85 p. ; Lewls- ; town 1 83 P. m; IfifBiu 1 60 p. an; Harris. burg 3 10 p. aa; Baltimore 0 16 p. m; Wash ington 7 80 p. in; Philadelphia 6 3 p. m; New York 9 23 p. m Mail leaves Altoona at 2 00 p. na, Tyrone 2 85 p. to, Huntingdon 8 20 y na; Newton Hamilton 8 61 p. as; McVeytown 4 12p. m; Lewistewn 4 8 p. as; Uialia 6 08 p. aa. Port Koyal 6 09 p. m; Jsfexie 6 18 p. am; ThoniDsontown 6 p m; Millerstewn 688 p. in; Newport 6 48 p. m; Duncannen 0 29 p. m; ilsrrisburg 7 00 p. a. Mail Expre; leave Pittsburg at 1 90 p. m; Alteena6 05 p. aa; Tyrone 9 87 p. an; Huntingdon 7 20 p. m; HcVeytewa 8 04 p. re; Lewistown 8 25 p no; JfitVia 9 47 p ns; Part Royal 8 52 p. ra; Miilersttwn 9 67 p. u; Nsw port 9 28 p. re; Puncansea 9 60 p. m; Herri bnrg 10 29 p. so. Philadelphia Expreaa leave Pittsburg at 4 89 p m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrea 9 89 p. ui; Banti.gdoft 10 12 p. aa; Meant Un ion 10 82 p. tr; Lewistewn 11 16 p.m; Mif n,n II 87 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. an; Phil adelphia 4 80 New York 7 S3 a. ns LEWISTOWK DITI3ION. Train for sandury at 7 86 a. as. and 9 W p. m., leave Sunnury far Lewistewn 19 09 a. m, and 2 25 p. es. TYRONE DIT130K. Train leave for Bellefaata aad La : Haven at S 10 a. an., 8 34 aad 7 26 p. as. leave Lock tlaven tor Tyrone 4 90, 9 19 p oi. and 4 15 p. m. TTRONE AND CLEARFIELD K. S. Trains lesre Tyrone for Clearfleld aad Curnenarille at 8 20 a. m.. 8 16 aad 7 SO p n... leave Curwensville lor Tyroae at 4 99 a. ra , 9 15 and 8 61 p ns. For, rates, maps, ato., call oaTiekat Agent, or address, Tho. . Watt, P. A. W. D., 110 Fifth Aveaac, Pitts. bnrr. Pa 15 20 25 27 29 31 35 39 45 50 56 8. 11. PaiVOST. J. R. Wood, Oen'l Pats. Act Qen'l Manager. 03 OS 15 25 NEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAlr ley Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, in effect en Monday. October 1st. 1891. 30 35 40 45 STATIONS. West ward. a East ward. P M A Newr- it BnfUlo Bridge...." Juniata P;rnc.0 ... W ahncta Svlvae Wat-r Plug .... BloorntieM Junct'n. Valley Roarl Elliot torture. Green Park ....... Loysville Fort Robeson ..... Center .......... Cisna's Run Andersonbnrg ..... S'1"" Mount Pleai nt ... New Germant'n 9 95 10 00 8 16 9 19 9 28 9 85 8 49! 8 e;10 03 6 12 19 97 4 1510 10 6 25 111 17 22 19 20 6 81 10 26 9 8910 84 8 61 10 46 6 64 10 49 7 16 11 00 7 1211 07 7 17:11 12 7 23:tl 1R 8 44 9 61 9 99 7 10 7 29 7 f5 7 88 7 41 7 34 7 46 7 48 7 62 7 65' 7 27.U 22 7 85 11 SO 7 41 11 SR 7 451 11 40l D RING President and Maeagt,, C. K. Miiiaa, General Agent. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 3 SS 83 27 25 20 60 beTnTn" f!rV hav. jnni.,. ruBa,-y?:: rsg App.lata of Sasquehsnn. town.Mn h d. to tbe mdminrt ,v?? aeew. p..n. ;0Bv.iiw:. U immrdUte payment T.v ,0 "k cl.'m.topreP..yu?I'M'I.i1 0, fcwhj enticatod (or ettl.??- "T aatb- Joskph Swara, McAltstervllle, Jntrr 2f n,Ctr- p7BLIC WOTICE. th' 0a-ilBer wm2Sf n 8od. rnnniag from aT. io J2 ?T the purchaser. bssiwIbc. -Li " ta ra dear or all ?f ? -'deal-? '! : P k-t! . Brnd.cjrtitc,B""j,it.s Far?ie. Vum l" si T? futnr. wiH pf. - tb. C2 Don.. J.ary 20. "Sft W- H. JloOBB,' Atteat, WoiuiMog V-jfoV-B,, vf. H. Gao.M. ('-asssnss). "ifflintown p. Get a irrA - 67 9 6S 869 IM 9 41 8 99 8 82 9 19 9 10 24 990 9 49 9 49 240 2 98 924 220