Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 19, 1896, Image 4

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fender a gnarled, old apple tree.
Back iu tlie grass-grown orchard lot
((Plain a 'twere yeaterday, to me.
Thirty yeara since I saw the spot),
fetood the old workbench, where Tom
and I
' With boyish terrors amnaed onrselves
(fringing from grandpa many a sigh,
Aa he slowly polished the hickory
Oh, many a wild, uncanny tale
O'ercame oar juvenile unbelief,
fTill the hair arose, and the cheek crew
At the fluttering sound of the aatumi
a&nd our startled senses were wont t
The evening shadows as horrid elves,
ttVhile grandpa, humming an old hymn,
Btlll plied the glass to the gleaming
j helves.
And when tbe thickening twu.gni au.u.
Over the ancient orchard broke.
With corncob pipe but rudely made.
We gathered the abavinga for mimia
(Till grandpa laughed with a boyish glee,
(And we joined in the mirthful play.
flfsa, lie laughed, and cried, as against
the tree
, He added one to bis finished helves.
A mansion standa where the orchard lot
Hallowed the play of my boyish will;
Crandpa sleeps in a sacred spot.
Close by the top of tbe meadow bill.
I'oor Tom is gone, there are none but me
Left mid the ancient joys to delve
But a sweeter memory cannot be,
Than grandpa scraping a hickory helve.
Cleveland Flaindealer.
' Hartley, or rather, his wife, had been
giving a musical "at home."
I An hour or so later, the "crowd" hav
ing dispersed, Birdy Jackaon, Hartley
and I were Idly discussing tbe events of
the affair in tbe smoking-room. Jack
eon and I were stopping over night
with our host, being old chums of his,
and living- some distance out of town.
"No Idea you could give such a rip
pling performance, Birdy," remarked
Hartley "and when your wife joined la
1 was perfectly astonished."
Juration laughed softly.
".No, she doesn't do it at all badly,"
lie admitted. "You know, Dick, there'a
a bit of romance attached to that wlJtav
tle of hers; in fact. It was the means of
bringing our matrimonial desires to
an abrupt point at an extremely crltfr
cal point In our courtship."
Hartley gave me a gentle kick.
"Then your union bad a spice of ro
fii.mce about it?" be said.
"Km her: Unique In tbe annals of
fove-uinklng, I should say. But folks
ere so confounded Incredulous nowa
days. I've never attempted to tell the
yarn but once and then I swore I'd
never do It again."
Hut be had to on this occasion, and
Soon began to Interest us as follows:
"First of all, you must know, Mr.
Kins;" addressing me "I'm called
Birdy on account of having practiced
from earliest infancy a cheap form of
musical recreation. Though cuffed as
a boy, reprimanded for warbling In
slack business hours and soundly exe
crated by tbe neighbors, I nevertheless
"A year niro last Mitnnie. I came In
for a sum r money, which rendered
uie a pi':ictie:ill.v wealthy and independ
ent man. and to celebrate my good for
tune I threw up my business berth and
Went into Yorkshire to spend a fevv
Weeks with a profesvio'iiil bachelor
frb-iid and to idle ireueniHy.
"W liile Hi. re 1 was introduced to a
Colonel Alloii and his daughter Evelyn
ujr.il --, who lived at 'The Chase,' and
weie iii'iniate friends nf my cliuin.
(Nice 111 she
out 1"-: ii- i h
a fort iiis.-!it I
love wiiii he
Dx!is a t ' I Ii
tennis. Vloti
was; plenty of o' with-
b ast '1'ast.' In less than
wns over bead and ears in
r. Tbe subsequent after
e Chase' Were too hot for
el Alton spent them suooz-
init in h:s study;
Ewlyn's elderly coin-
panion an 1 in
father's housekeeper
for Mrs. Alton bail been dead some
years iioildeil in tbe shade of her fa
vorite rim. and my friend had invaria
bly to leave for aa important case be
fore the tea came out. Very nice of
Dm. I thou-'ht.
"Tims thrown together, Evelyn and
I monopolized the arbor, aud I used to
amuse her by trilliin; selections from
the operas, latest airs icomic and seri
ous), am! she would occasionally Join
lu as a kind of fillip to my perform
ances. Though n woman In every re
apect, she eould whistle. In most of the
well-known tunes up to date or pathet
ically ae.l. she excelled, owing to thj
fact that diirini: the winter months fr
some years past she bad always otll-ciat.-d
at the piano for the village pop
ular conceits, when the vocal and In
strumental items were naturally of an
oniiislni; and light order at times
scarcely high class, perhaps.
"Then came tbe time when the colo
nel had to be approached. The old man
gave me a prompt and curt refusal,
lie bad other views for his child. I
tried remonstrance, then dogged per
sistency, but with no avail. Evelvn
stood out like a brick.
This burst of in-
dependence resulted in her Imiiit liat
banishment to regions unknown to me.
under the surveillance of a relative of
mature age and experience, and all .
communication between us strenuous- !
ly denied and forestalled. All chances I
of elopement, even, were reduced to
"A few days later I left my friend's
for Bournemouth, there to recruit my
shattered health and hopes, and think
things over quietly. I was crushed
for tiie time being. As I alighted from
my cab at the entrance to tbe North
Cliff, where I bad taken rooms, an el
derly lady came down the steps. Her
face seemed somewhat famlllnr to nie,
though I could not at the time recall to
tulnd when and where I had seen U be-
A Simile
There's all sorts of prades of tobacco plant. The best
comes from Havana. There's all sorts of grades of sarsa
p.irilla plant. The best comes frotn Honduras. If you
want cheap tobacco, all right provided you get value for
your money. Cheap tobacco's not as good to smoke but
it don't cost as much.
If you want cheap sarsaparilla . . . But you don't want
it. Of course 3'ou don't. You are paying for the best.
To pay for the best and get anything but Honduras sar-s-ipiril'a
is like paying for Havana cigars and getting
Pittsburg "Stogies." There's only one sarsaparilla made
exclusively front the imported Honduras plant That's
Aver s. Just keep it in r:r.d ihat you are paying for
Honduras sarsaparilla when you are paying for the best;
but you don't get what you pay X&r unless you get Ayer'a
Any doubt about Itt 8d for dw " Curabook."
It kills doubts but cures doubters.
Addreis : J. C. Ar Co., Loir.ll, Maa.
ire. When she started she mw me.
nd eoiui
Ul. I
gouiewb.it hurriedly re-entered tto
was further mystified. A
thought struck uie aa I waa signing
I aiy name in the hotel register of rlait-
Di-s some time later. T sages back
iuvufci. l - " a sap
I found an entry: Miss Alton and Miaa
E. Alton.' I tumbled to It in a second,
then. The elderly lady I had eneoun-
tered was, undoubtedly. Colonel Al
ton's sister, who had been staying at
tiie Chase and left two days alter iiiy
arrival In tbe Tillage, and before I
knew anything of Evelyn I bad once
passed her walking with the Colonel,
and she must have recognized nif
I remarked on the entry to the clerk
m a casual way, and he volunteered
tbe information that Miss Alton had
but a few momenta previously given
notice of her intention to vacate their
apartments tbe next morning. The
newa staggered me. Then Miss Alton
ttl l-.w- nl mnA mA 1aMaH Afl fllfrllft
, remedv under the Cl
"Not a glimpse could I catch of Eve
lyn. After dinner from a search on tha
pier I returned to the North Cliff and
sat disconsolately smoking oat on the
balcony of my room in tha growing
dusk. Almost unconsciously I lapsed
Into melody and appropriately began
to warble softly, 'Alice, Where Art
Thou? A slight movement on tae bal
cony above mine and on windew to
the left caused me to glance up. A fig
ure in white met my gaze, wltb one of
i its hands, as if demanding silence,
rtolntlne warninc-lv to the window be-
, , d Y it Evelvn. but her
attendant dragon of an aunt was evi
dently close at hand. Verbal communi
cation, as well aa writing, was out of
the question. It was already too dark
for the deaf and dumb manipulation,
even provided she knew Its working.
An Idea suddenly flashed upon me.
Why not try? No sooner thought than
done. Softly I whistled the last lines
of 'Whisper and I Shall Hear,' refrain.
A slight shake of the head and then a
rendering of 'Good-by, Sweetheart,
flood-by,' floated down. Then they
were really going away.
"'Evelyn, I don't think it's quite
proper for you to be standing there,'
came a voice from within, and which,
by straining my ears, I could Just over
bear. My heart beat wildly and the
girl turned to addresa her aunt with
out leaving the balcony.
" 'It's almost dark now and I can't
stay cooped up all the evening our last
oue, too! What doea papa want us
back in such a hurry for?
" 'Because be wishes It, my dear;
that's all the reason I can give you. Yon
t cully must help me to finish the pack
ing in a few minutes.'
"Then ber aunt had revealed nothing
and believed her yet to be in Ignorance
of my presence at the hotel. Luckily,
but the case was a desperate one.
Kvelyn returned to her former position
and leaned over again.
" 'Where Are You Going To, My Pret
ry Maid?' I began. There was a mo
mentary pause and then the answer
came In a line of 'Home, Sweet Home,'
from my darling's Hps.
" 'I do wish you would drop that v.nl
gar habit of whistling,' again came th
voice Inside the window.
" 'But, auntie, there's no piano to sing
to,' was the somewhat lame excuse. 1
must do something, and I can't possl
tdy shock anyone up here.'
Then there was silence once more.
"Back to Yorkshire again. Xo chance
there. Anyhow, she still cared for me.
and I must put her affections to a se
vere test. It was our only chance of se
curiiiK happiness.
" Oh. Nannie. Wilt Thou Gang WT
hlv':' I piped.
" 'Where Are You Going To? was
Iffnln utilized In reply.
"1 was stumped for a minute, but a
bar or two of 'Big Ben,' a favorite song
of mine, came as a hazardous rescue.
She understood, bless ber! but a lengthy
pause intervened before her answer,
Then. 'No, sir; no, sir; no, sir; no! wag
repeated four times in succession. She
refused, then! Why so emphatically?
What a silly idiot I was! The fourth
time the girl in tbe song said 'No,' she
j meant 'Yes.' I breathed again.
I "But about our departure. The morn
ing York train via Bath left at 9:45. The
lailiest Waterloo was 7:45, and we
should be easily tracked and our Inten
tions frustrated in consequence, If we
left it until then. I consulted my
watch. It was 9:15. The night train
up left at 10:20. 'Oh. Why Should We
Wait Till To-morrow?" went up With
out delay. 'All's Well from above soon
' settled that question satisfactorily, but
I was followed immediately by a few
I bars of 'Bradshaw's Guide' ditty. I
knew what she wanted, so, after a
, slight hesitation, I warbled 'Come Into
t the Garden. Maud.' and chirped ten
limes. 'Hope on, dear loved one, we
hhnll meet again,' from 'Dream Faces
proved that I was clearly understood.
Bud then she turned to address Miss
Alton in louder tones than before.
i"I declare you're nearly asleep, aunt
ie. I'm tired, and have a headache, too.
, We've a long Journey before us, so I
, think I'll go to my room now. Don't
disturb, there's a dear; the packing
won't tnke long in the morning. You'd
better do the same.
"The proposal evidently suited Miss
Alton down to the ground, for she left
her chair inside, and came a Uttle way
out on the balcony,
" 'A good Idea, Evy; so we will, she
"1 crept back, and a minute or two
later 'Good-nights' were exchanged,
and tbe subsequent slam of a door no
titled me that Evelyn had left for her
"By 9:45 I bad settled up, and left in
Itructlons that my heavy baggage, for
tunately not unpacked, would be called
ar sent for in tbe course of a week, or
less, dangling an old telegram form In
my band as I did so, to give color to
my hasty departure. At 10 prompt I
in Smoke.
ffcked op Evelyn tinder the plars Is
lie botet gardens, and. with a drtssiu;
ug and a small Ulatlatoue betwetu ua,
.I... ...! ..,,1 r.l.,.ll- .
BV aa.lJ,tra lUUI UJV VIAUvh. eavaavu ,
viched London safely, early in the
.mrninsr. I nnt ber in one hotel, where
, knew gDe WOuld be safe, wltb strict
,junctions not to venture out until I
( aA xl even-thing ud for the cere-
nony, and went myself to another. The
ong and short of it was. that long be-
i tore we were anything like tracked, tha
lleed had been done by special license,
ind the colonel defeated lor once in aw tntterfllea.
We. Flogging aa a punishment for girls la
"Come round, did he? Tea, when be wbmt tha jJoa6on achool board wants
tf terward discovered that the man he ggg toto Industrial schools,
ntended for hi. daughter had already , Nstherlln(U , mlda dluBOnd work
teen engaged for two yeara, and got Mn.K. v,h. . hols, onlv on
mrriMi ahortlv after we did. Even I
uld have told tbe old feUow that bad
le been more communicative and ex-1
iliclt In the first Instance, for my rival
urned out to be no other than the
Wend I was visiting. He actually ad-,
nits now that ha couldn't have wished
er a better match, but, anyhow, h
And Birdy broka off Into "Can't
Bhanga It."
"Lie ten," ha said, "If yon can't quit
rwallow tha yarn you will aot fail ta
aka thla in."
Than ho went through "Oh. Come,
iy Lady Fair." from tha "Gaiety Girl"
ion, feareoly had no concluded than
iway from another quarter of the house
mnie an anawenng cnorus or m
romlng." from the negro melody. "Poor
Did Joa," Half a minute later In stroIV
id Mrs, Jackson and Hartley's wife.
Birdy winked knowingly at us.
"I've Just been telling tftem how yon
rare practically wooed and won by
rvhlatllng, my dear," he remarked ta
tls wife, "and they want another tune
efore we turn In."
Evelyn bluabed. "No, Sir," etc., aha
a-arbled throe times.
Then Jackson took up hla candle and
oarched np stairs with the strains of
3ie national anthem on his Hps. Lou.
Ion Tld-BIts.
flit) TJsdqua Mission of a Company
formed 1st California.
A number of Los Angeles men have
ecelved a concession from the Mexican
government of the Island of Tlburon,
n the Gulf of California. A company
if 300 men is being organized, under tha
mmand of I. H. Polk. Each man Is
o receive $250 and 100 acres of land,
ifter the Island is conquered. Tiiu
noney for the expedition is being put
ip by Col. Bradbury, who Inherited a
nllllon or so a few yeara ago. There
ire only about 100 male Indians on the
Bland, but they are said to be such
rallant fighters that the Mexican Gov
ernment despaired of subduing them,
ind has offered the island to Bradbury
ind his companions If they would un
lertake the work. It Is the Intention
tf the Tlburon Conquest Company, .is
Jie new corporation is called, to eatab
ish a republic of Its own, and have the
I'nited States establish a protectorate.
is stated that Mexico lias consented
o this. One of the objects of the com
pany is to establish a great resort, and
ines of steamers will be put on from
oth Yuma and Guayamas. Los Ang
tes, CaL, Times.
England's Unbroken Hold Upon th
Rock of Gibraltar.
Gibraltar is almost an Island of rock.
Its only connection with the main land
of Spain being l. narrow causeway
known as the "neutral ground." This
Is patroled up to a certain point by
English sentries, looking neat, trim and
business-like In their short, red coats
and white helmets. Just beyond tha
ilne of the sentry boxes tbe Spanish
territory begins, and another relay of
guards, clothed in the yellow and red
of Aragon and Castile, stand ready to
see that the realm of his majesty, Al
fonso XIII., Is not to bo encroached
upon and that no one crosses the bor
der without first passing through tha
little Spanish custom house. For near
ly 200 years, night and day, these two
sets of sentinels have watched and
challenged and glared at each other,
and seem likely to continue doing s
for a good many yeara to come.
The fortress stands at the end of a
rocky promontory, extending abont
three miles Into the sea and about half
a mile In breadth. Tha north end,
which overlooks Spain, springs up
nearly perpendicularto a height of 1,800
feet. Tbe east and south sides are
steep and rugged and extremely dif
ficult of access, even if they were not
fortified, so that It is only on the west
side, fronting the bay, where tha rock
declines to the sea and the town is
situated, that It could be attacked with
tbe faintest hope of success. Hera,
however, the strength of the fortifica
tion Is such that the place may be said
to be impregnable. The lower batteries
sre all caaemated and marked by
bushes, while higher up vast galleries
have been excavated In the solid rock
and mounted with heavy modern artil
lery. The damage which might ensue
from the explosion of shells Is guarded
against by open traverses, and a net
work of passages glvea communication
between the different batteries and pro
tects the gunners from the enemy's
fire. Looked at from below there is
nothing save an occasional porthole to
indicate the deadly character of this
huge material monolith, but If It could
be looked down on from above. It
would be found to present from sea to
summit a perfect labyrinth of stone
tunnels, bristling with cannon and
stored with chained lightning sufficient
to shake the earth to its very center.
Gibraltar haa been besieged no less
than thirteen times. Ita possession
rested alternately with the Moors and
the Spaniards until 1704, when it was
attacked during the war of the Spanish
succession by the English and Dutch
fleets and surrendered after a short
resistance. Tbe Spaniards, during the
line years following, vainly endeavored
to recover it, but In 1713 iu possession
was secured to the English by the
peace of Utrecht The last and most
memorable siege waa in 1779, when
Gen. George Elliott and hla gallant
band of 6,000 half -starved men success
fully held tha place for four years
against tha combined fleets of Spain
and France. That was a close shave for
the English, but they have provided
against a recurrence In such a manner
that It seems certain that nothing short
of an earthquake will ever dislodge
them frosa the rock. It Is said that the
fortress Is kept victualed for a siege
of seven yeara. Aerial railways, tele
phones, telegraphs, electric search
lights, and a perfect code of signals
have united tha garrison practically iu
to a fighting raaahjaa. The blue waters
of tha bay uV saM ta be treacherQs
with sunken torpedoes, and even tin
elements are guarded against by mean
of position or rangefinders, whereby
the guns above, although enveloiied in
clouda of mists, can be electrically
pointed and discharged from half a
mile to a mile below and the enemy
made to think that great Jove ! buri
bag clouda at him, fiwin high heaven U
If. - . - . .
Geographers say that tbe entire coast
ne of the glob measures 188,000 miles,
Numerous llaaor raids on tit hotels
b st Albans, Vt, axe yielding beary
j rhe entomologists bar captured and
q, upwards of 21,000 varieties of
ne-thousandth of an Inch In diameter.
Tha anaka move by meana of tha
ribs and tha scales on tha abdomen to
a-hlch each rib la attached by a aeries
If small muscles.
The moon moves 8333 feet per sec
and, day and night, and always pre
sents tha same aids to tha view of the
rpl thla earth.
A Qraaawldk (Ma.) family has owned
I pise of real estata for US years, and
fco nrasont owners aavo tha original
. lead to nrpva its ownership.
The totdjoiiB fsmHy of Walla Wajla,
(raaV, aaoS&srj tan InMdtuiIa. The
' iverag htigQt of the ton la 4& foot and
' the average weight 244 pounda.
In Lewlaton. Idaho, a squaw haa ap
plied to tha courts for a divorce from
er husband on tha ground that ha per
latently refuses to attend church with
Tramps have formed a compact to rot
ivery house In Norwalk, Conn. This
a what a vagrant told an ofllcer who
look him to tha lock-up a night or twa
go. J
At Groaswardeln, In Hungary. stat
le of St, Ladlalas haa bean dug u .
irvui uviMui iw mwm u u, "
built on the site of tha ancient oaths.
In Salvador a genuine revival In mat
tera of public instruction seems ta
lave taken place. Mixed schools an tha
imeiican plan have been establiahed
ta many places.
The Chittenden monument erected
y the State of Vermont In memory of
ler first Governor, Thomas Chittenden,
ind located In Wllllston, la now prac'
dcally completed.
A concession to build a carriage road
from Teheran to Bagdad and also to
ulld electric railroads In tha suburbs
if tbe Teheran has Just been granted
to a German contractor.
At Berlin the Academy of Arte la pro
larlnu an exhibition of tha paintings
f Adolf Menzel, Andreas Achenbach
ind Julius Schrader, who are now all
It) years old and still painting.
Vinalhaven, Me., claims the most coa
nopolltan population of any place in
ie country. With two exceptlona it
said that every nation on tha globs
si represented among its citizens.
An expedition sent out from St
Petersburg four months ago to collect
Russian popular songs In the provinces
las already secured over a hundred
tonga, many of them of great antiquity.
All the copper tubes In the English
torpedo boat destroyers of the reserve
leet at Portsmouth are to be taken out
ind galvanized steel tubes substituted.
'The copper fittings have broken down
a a number of the boats that have beeq
tested. '
A Parisian had the remains of hit,
orother cremated. The ashea were put
In a leather bag and sent by rail to tha
brother's home. The bag waa mislaid,
ind suit haa been instituted by the
brother against the railroad company
for the value of the dead man's ashea.
A feature of the Tennessee centennial
exposition, which will open Sept 1,
1806, will be a steel tower 100 feet high,
with a great revolving crown of In
candescent lights on top. As tbe crown
revolves the lights will spell In dissolv
ing sVmdes tbe words: "Tennessee Cen
tennla 1S06."
GeorgTa has Just made a strong effor,
toward obtaining good roads. A law
has been passed by the Legislature re
quiring aU male persona between the
tges of 15 and 50 to work op the roads
five dsys In each year, op In Hen of
working to pay to the county road fund
f 1 a day for each of the five days.
A correspondent on arrival at tspa
tan, Persia, found tha following no
tices posted on the walls: "Beware of
mosquitoes." Travelers are also ad
vised to have their native servants
sleep with them in tha same room, so
that the Insects snoujd Ktle on them
first and to offer a larger field for their
Tbe rata at which the use of the bl
ryele is growing Is seen In the state
ment that the 'League of American
Wheelman now nujmbea 87jd mem
bers, 0,522 of Whom are. credited to New
Vork, 5,883 to Massachusetts and
to Pennsylvania, while the tall-
enders of the procession are Idaho and
Nevada, witn two members eacn. Jptb
these states, however, are better adapt
ed to walking than wheeling.
Tbe Legislature of Georgia haa passe
a bill which makes tne earnings or a
married woman her personal property,
and not liable for the debts, or In any
way belonging to her husband. The
rourta of the State had several times
leclded that her earnings were not the
property of a married woman, and
there ware some members of the Legls
ature who evidently wanted to keep a
rrlp on anything their wives might
tarn, and so voted and spoke against
die bllL It was finally passed by a
ferg majority.
An Interesting relic was dlacovem
tear San Bernardino, CaL It la an
Immense sculptured arrowhead, four
Feet four Inches long and weighing
more than two hundred pounda. It la
f bluish granite and ahaped In per
'ect Imitation of the smallest arrow
heads frequently found ta fjhat region.
On the mountain aide, near Where tha
stone waa round. Is a natural format
Hon In the shape of an arrowhead many
feet in length and conspicuously visible
for many miles.
Underfed Germans.
How insufficiently the lower claasek
ta Germany are fed with nonrlahlng,
wholesome food Is well knew a. Fro;u
the annual statistics of the forty-seven
hrge German cities Just published I
fathered the following Illustrative
Item: In Berlin the annual meat con
lumptlon a head of population has de
liuuyuvu at vt pyui.uvii imm wr
ibout euncee of meat a day. An In
rrease Is shown In the consumption ot .
oraenesn xor nuuiau rooa, waue nogs i
neat haa become a regular staple artl
lie for the poor man's diet 1st Chen
lit and in Dresden eapeclally tkla na
nvltlng article of feed has bete lav
rreaalng enorraooaly. In Chamnlts
tome 327 dogs have been slaughtered
ind sold for human food, to the knowl
edge of the authoritiee, to say nothing
If the many cases where the fnct did
Mt come to their knowledge. Isn't that
bvivJd IBnstratlen to tht falsa d'etre
I Jtanptxhaa't "Die Wter." tht play
felled rttolntfannrv hery tUtS wjsjre
be real life of. the tan Gefrnan weaw
Ha It bat realistically nemayed
i Wei
Oleosa ta tae
Atlantic Voyastar.
The first glimpse of Great Britain thai
be American tourist gets on his Euro,
ean tour I that of the Faatnet light.
It stands on a rugged and solitary
ock, situated nine miles south of
Jrookhaven, at the extreme southwest
orner of Ireland, and Is, perhaps, mors
torm-beaten than any other around
r iymt Tha mck Is eighty feet in
lelaht and the lighthouse towers an
ther seventy feet above, yet, in winter
ales, the Atlantic billows literally bom-
ard the massive structure and nav
Ten smashed in a portion of the lan
era at the summit of the erection, th
.m fMiinantlv .wunlnf nvPf the fOCk
Wth tremendous force. Some two Ol lathe One True Blood Partner. All aruggsH
hreeyearsagothe atormy weather theq cure IJver Ills; easy to
irevaillng prevented all comunlcation Hood S PlllS Uke,ey to operate, use.
rith the rock for many weeks, so rnai
he store of food waa consumed, with
be exception of some flour. At last a Bee-Hives for Farmers,
chooner managed to approach auf. Mo-t f araiera would have better suc
Mently near to enable a email quaw wltn leet u they used only -me
Ity of food to be dragged through th straw or box hives. Bee-keeping
ea bynhe hungry men. and. fortunate. movable-frame hives is an art
r, tbe next day the sea moderated, h few rare t0 iearu; the straw hive
nd the stores were once more fully re a 8lmpIe tool wnich any one can use.
ienlahed. i gefore tbe bee-moth became prevalent,
Except to Tory calm weather, tVear.y eTery farmer kept bees In this
fastnet la eurrounded by a fringe ol amJ).e way. The introduction of the
bam, and the only means of landing tnllan ee has done away with this
I by the aid of a "Jib" fifty-eight feel jroubiCi with the old-fashioned hives,
a length, so placed on the rock that; ,.omn"aud children enn do most of tbe
a moderate weather. Its end reaches
ntslde the aurf. When a visitor wishes
o land (an unusual occurrence) he is
owed In a small boat aa near aa the
raves permit, and the lightkeepert
brow out a email buoy, attached to a
ope. whldh la secured by the man la
he boat Tbe Jib la then swung out;
nd the visitor, placing one foot In tha
top and oatohlng tight bold of the rope,
I hohrted about forty feet ertlcal'y,
nd then the Jib, being pivoted t ltt
' - - .
kef, swings him h orison tally abont 100
tet on to a safe landing. London
I Xa Daalgraed to Protect the Lnng.
Aaalaet Sadden Ckaaa-ee-
A bad cold cornea more easily through
be back than through the chest, for
he lungs are nearer the surface of the
ody there. We have noticed that
roodsmen, when they He upon ths
round, generally do so with the stom
ch down, for thus they are less liable
take cold from possible dampness.
The accompanying cut shows a vest
or tbe protection of the back. It la
omposed of two lawera of woolen
loth and one of silk, perforated for
-entllation and prepared with a chem
I possessing sanitary powers. It is
fflcacloua even without the chemical,
nd persona wltb weak lunga should
ee something of that kind during un
gual exposure.
"Been married seven times, has her
i be a man of leisure otherwise?" "Ob,
o! He's a hard-working taUor." "What
remarkable Instance of the survival
f tbe flttiat" Ghlcago Tribune.
Alas, tls eighteen ninety-six
And bashful man must falter;
For woman now with clever tricks
Will spesd him to tha altar.
Chicago Record.
"Shoes were blacked aa early as th
nth century," says an exchange. And
t might nave added that many of them
Kk as though they bad never been
lacked since. Boston Transcript
Horse Gyp Are yon satisfied that tbv
earn I soM yon Is well matched? Tic
lm Tea, they're wen matched. One la
rilling to work, and the other la satuv
d to let Idm. Philadelphia Record.
"Doea the old fellow have money?"
I rather think so." "Makes a show,
Ines be?" "Oh, no tut his daughter,
rho la 85. years old, and awfully ugly,
raa married last week." Gothamlte.
"We bave no use for bear stories,"
aid the editor. "Our readers demand
omethlng spicy." "Well," said the
lan with the manuscript, "this story
i about a cinnamon bear." Sports
Sootob and American Bee
It la a notorious fact that much ot
he beef sold aa "prime Scotch" la sim
ily prime American. The British con
nmer, it la averred, la unable to detect
other by eye or palate the origin of a
ide of beef or of the roaat cut from It
Dr. Glade Do you know anybody
rho haa a horse for eale? Drover1 I
eckon Hank Bitters haa; I sold him
Tie yeaterday. Truth.
A Nine-Year-Old Heroine.
There la a little girl 0 yeara old la
Bristol, Conn., who haa been granted
i bronsa medal for saving life by tht
Sonnectlcut Humane Society. Hei
lame la Grace Calvin, and ahe was
Maying with another little girl when a
stnd bank caved In and buried her
mmpanlon. Instead of running away
Ihe staid and dag away the aand from
te little girl's face so that she could
Ireathe. Poughkeepsle Eagle.
I . Kilmer's f HP-Hoof oirsi
til Kidney and Bladder troublst
I amplti slid Conatiltsttou rreo
Laboratory Blngbtmloo. X
Zone shaped belt clasps, incrustet)
sun smau stones and receiving addt
aonal enrichment from colored enam
lis, lend distinction to the simples
vening gown.
Vrs. WlnslOW'l floothlne fiTran ft, ehtlrir.
teething, softens the gums, reduces Innamma
(ton. allays pain, caret wind colic AM a hoEU. ,
The famous stveze olubs of Bar
. , .
noartar-ora being 100 rer cent pnr.. 1 1
aereior amiuiciy an oao. ni nas noiningu
in., Phlla., tbe manufacturers, guarantee
w turn r.,i.. ivituiriB map ji nuiariurint
Tbe blroh bark canoes used by thi '
Indians ef the Northern lakes wen .
nodeied sifter the shape of the fish, i
JtstBiataa wltb sore eyes use Or. Isaae Thona
KB'aEva-watae. llruaalMs sellal 25c. parbouu I
Lnoindy Bell, of Fort Dodge,
kwa, la a negro woman 103 yeara old,
tut ahe rides a bioyole, and doea t
The water snail haa a gelatinom
one which he can lengthen or short
j It nisaetire.
Ill lfe: ''sSJki
: KIraiyis
People wonder why their nerves are so weak
why they get tired so easily: wny ukj uu i
steep naturally: why they have frequent
aches, indigestion d
Nervous Dyspepsia. The Ptln
simple. is found ta that Impure btood fee
tag the nerves on refuse Instead of the ele
ments of strength and vigor. Opiate sod nervs
. compounds simply deaden and doi Dot euro,
Hooffs Sarsaparilla feeds the mrres pur
rich blood; gives natural sleep, perfect diee
tion. Is the true remedy for all nervous troubles
rork. and bee-keeping, uue pounry
nlslng, can be their special province
ind profit Aside from learning to hive
lew swarms, little knowledge Is nted
KL Country Gentleman.
When Dirt Ton Get This CoTm t
Bad the Ladies' Aid Society of oar Church
ut for tea, forty of them, and all pro-
noanoed tllo Qerman coffeBb8rry equal to
. , . . ,
Hint flals-ur'a Aof alilfril A ft-sallm vntt salt mrWITir
Blot Salzer'a catalogue tells you alt about
It! 35packK3 Earliest vegetable seals tl.OO
Order to-day.
15c. stamps to Job a A. Salzsr Seed Co,, Li
Crosse, Wis., you will gat free a puckaga ot
above great enffoe seed and our Its page
catalogue! Cutaloxue alone 5c nostatto. (A.'
Silver pen extractors are a new ac
cessory for the writing desk this 'ea
ion, and although small, are rtrotig
inouxh to extract the most ttubboru
pn fiora its holder and till a long-fell
Forecasters. -
Some people are so influenced tr tin
llectnc currents of the atmosphere thai
they imu foretell the coming of a
thunii raturin with perfect accuracy,
ind others there are with nerves so
leu-i ive that tbey are sure of having
neurnlgia from a low and fretful stall
of the nervous system. Now why can'l
tbe latter le warned in time and Ifnon
that an ounce of prevention is wo. i
pound of cure. To use St. Jacobs Oi!
promptly will ward off an attack, or it
attacked, will promptly cure. Such
people can do for themselves what
atbers do from weather prophecies
beed the signals and save the wrecj
aud disaster.
The present mania for Louis XV.
Styles has added to the eumptuousnesi
of the modem woman's jewel case, fa
many of it-.o brooches, coronets and
watches are copies of the old couri
Afl- r Ix vprs' ulTerlitE. 1 our d by I lo s
Cur MlKY Thomson. 1- Ohio Ave.. Alleg
heny, !'.. March l.
In the warship Terrible "of the Brit
lah navy there ate eighty-nine Mean
engines, large and small.
100 Howard. SI 00.
The readers of this paper will be pl-nRo-r' U
learn thnl there Is at leant one dreaded dieat4
that science has been able to cure in all i'j
stages, and tbat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrl
Cure is tbe only positive cure now known t
tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh beirs aeon
nttuUonai dinease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternaily. acting directly upon the blood an
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby do
at roving; the foundattuu of the disease, ant
giving the patient strength by building up tlx
constitution and assisting nature in doing in
work. Tbe proprietors bave so much faith ii
ita curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any case that It fails to curs
fiend for ll&t of testimonials. Address
- F. J. Cbenkv A Co., Toledo, Q,
a Sold by Druggists. 75c
Canada is conducting a scientific in
estimation as to the causes of the lo
water in the great lakes.
The forty-eighth Annual Statemen
bt the Penn Mutual Life Insurant
Co., of Philadelphia, appears in tbi
keeue of our paper. Tbe exhibit show
that the business of 1695 was the bes
in the history of this old, enterprising
and solid company. In these days o
speculative insurance it is a real pleas
lira to see this great Insurance Com
pany increasing its assets and busines
year by year, while steadily adbennj
to tbe true principles of mutual insur
Is nee.
The ball and socket joint is seen t
perfecti-in in the upper extremity o
'the thigh bone.
"Baows's Bronchial Troche" are a simp!
and convenient r m-dy for Bronchial Ant
juons and Coughs. Carry them In our pocket.
Tharley Hoyt'a Successful Speech.
The scholar In politics haa some odd
izperlences and la in a position to gel
bts of fun out of them. Charley Hoyt,
the playwright, is a member of tht
Kew Hampshire Legislature. Taklna
b Boston the other night he related
in Incident that took place In his po
ttical career. He said that he nevei
jade, to his knowledge, more than ont
lucceeeful speech, and that waa whes
he was endeavoring to get a certati
measure, calling for a large appropria
(Ion, through the house. Action had
keen delayed as long as possible, bul
a-hen the time came a bright youns
lawyer opposed the measure, attacking
II r. Hoyt In a most savage manner and
making many personal allusions. Me
Hoyt responded very briefly, but the as
tack had been so fierce aa to arouss
lympathy, and the measure waa car
ried. Meeting one of his colleagues tht
Dext day Mr. Hoyt was asked whai
action he was going to take about tht
tbuslve speech.
"Why, nothing," responded Mr. Hoyt
"Are you going to stand calmly 1J
and be Insulted In thla manner?" tb4
gentleman asked,
... ... -t1
I "I don't exactly see what I can do."
returned Mr. Hoyt, with a little mow
tnan U1S usual UTXWk 1UU kv, a hivw
fit speech and paid the man $25 U
than hla usual drawl. "You see, I wrote
deliver it," Troy Times.
wolsey's Kioe.
vv oiaey irai t ma preserver la
the Tower of London. It hi set with a
McnUar stone, the nature of which la
LnVnnwv hut which waa hellavarl h
sis enemies to possess magical propep
Feder What do yon think Of this
lesserta N seder What do yon call It :
Feder Charlotte ruase. Needer WelL
Charlotte knew her business when ahe
lamed It. In all my experience I never
Incoantered a flimsier rase for making
I man ballave he waa having- soma,
(bins; to aoC Blchmond Dispatch
V rartna ad He lctoiv
-weustnd dollar, lathe fee
TrSd at St Petersburg to O
w German physician who bad charge
the accouchement of the Crma
Thi. may seem big tw-I
, rrrnat be borne In mind that the re
J ,iiuv of the physician la aome
E?2Hi U beld accounta
H to auch a degree In the event of
Lythlng ioln wrong that the j
?lng left for him to do 1-to commtt
ilclde. That waa tne course adopted
Richard Croft the .ccocheur
I Princess Charlotte, of Great Brit
L. wSoTdeath in childbirth through
to alleged mismanagement placed
ueen Victoria on the throne. And It
, to the German accoucheurs who s
aided the first confinement of the Bm
ress Frederick of Germany totto
Mor William ta indebted for his with
d left arm. This waa why Emperor
erick d hi. wife alway. Inalated
rib. presence of English accoucb
Ir, at the birth of their subsequent
Drdrpiayfalr. Lord Playfalr-. broth
t baa brought a targe number of roy
I children Into the world. It was for
lm that Punch suggested tbe name of
ard Dellverua, and he figure, on the
it of member, of tbe Queen', bonse
ild aa physician-accoucheur to her
njesty. That Is no bed of roeea. In
first place, the royal bouse of En
and ta so prolific of daughters and
tand-daughters of the Queen, and aec
idly the office la of such responsibll
y that the presence of a cabinet mln
ter at the birth la required by stat
te Dr. Playfalr, by the by. received
i the occasion of each of his visit, to
ucharest to attend the nflnelnt,of
te Crown Princess fees of $12,000. bo
des his expenses, Jeweled snuffboxes
ad decorations. .
Tha Modern Way
Ommends Itself to tha well-informed . to do
leasantiyand effectually what waa formerly
one ta tae crudest manner and disagreeably
s well. To oteanaa the system and break np
olds, headaches and fevers without nnpleaa
nt aftar effects, use the deltghtf ul liquid lax.
ire remedy. Syrap of Figa. Manufacture,
p California Fig- Syrup Company.
Coal duit is successfully used as
nel fnr hnilera bv a r,rocs invenieu
v a fierman named Weeener. It is
id to tbe furnace automatically, and
nlj ini in.rv rhimneV drauent is
Mirer King; Barley, 110 Bushels.
Tha barley wonder. Yields right along on
oor, good or indifferent soils 80 to 100 bua
er acre. That pays at 20c, a bushel!
Salzor's mammoth catalogue is full of good
tings. Silver Mine Oats yielded
u.sbels in 1893. It will do better in 1SW.
urrah for Teosinte, Sand Vetch, Spurry
nd Giant Clover and lots and lota of graves
nd clovers they offer. 85 packages earliest
egetables tl.00. Send for them to-day.
Ir you will cor this out isto ssan it with
k p wtage to the John A, Salser Seed Co.,
a Crosse, Wis., you will get free ten grain
ad grass samples, including barley, etc.,
ad their catalogue. Catalogue alone 6c. ( A.)
Compressed air is coming to tbe
rontasameans of street car prcpul
ion in France. Three Parisian lines
ise it. .
Wonderful are tbe cures accomplished by
nod's Sarsaparilla and yet tt ta because Hood's
iruiiarilla. the one true blood puruier, makes
are, rich, bealtby blood.
.'lood'a I'llla for tbe liver and bowels, act
sUy, yet promptly and efficiently.
A microbe perfectly round that
s believed to be tbe cause of scurvy
ias been isolated by Drs. Tesli and
FITS Ktopped free nr n. KLnra'S Okai
SsKVe HMrroxca. No flu after rlrst day's nsr.
Marvelous cures. Treat ite and 2.00 trial bot.
fre. Ur. Kline. Kit Arch Su. PnJja., Pa.
The bones of flying birds are hol
ow and tilled with air, by this meana
ombining strength with lightness.
rrtK akrhiotoii co. eaw wies wwiffj
nndmlll bouness, because It bas redeosd me eoat at
rtnd power u 1 wkat It It bas ssanf braeca
aotiaie. and supplies Its gooes and repairs
.vru. at four door. 11 can aua eoa rumiso m
kwutlrtarnf ImmMBMIIUB
others. It makes Pumping and
Geared, Steel, Galranlaed-srier.
OomDletlnn windmills. Tilling
tg. 7 and Fixed Steel Towers. Sleet Bats saw
WA,P Frmm, steel Feed Cutters and Feed
wat kf. Grinders, tin appllcaUon It will name one
of tbeM articles that It wUI furnlsb until
lanuarr It at 13 the umal pnee. It alae makes
tanks and Pumnt of all kinds. Seed for eatalofrtia,
raoaoji Utk. HatkwsU sa4 FUlaars brests. Ckifesa
Olves relief In FIVS minutes. Send I
fora FUEJCtrlsl Dackse. Soldbri
Drairgikts. One Box wnt postpsia I
1 on rsreitit of gl.ee. BU bna LVK I
I Address Taos, rursua, rmu., r.
ITCHING PILEtS?W..S,,,',i.'sii
R cutes them. '.'-V. and sue. pots ac erugiclsis, or
ample stalled V It tt. J.J.
rLKt'K, fiffla, O.
tssffF 0a V ya to sell fruit trees. Stabjc Num.
If e. s w s bxkibs, unwa mtt.
Koekoart, III.
llDI II II snd WHISKY hsh.ts rnrl. Book
"riWMritt Br. a. a. woomt, atlasta, sa.
Morphine Bablt Cared la la
toaoaars. we par sill en red.
. Lebaaea.Okia,
U.P.M H..b
Hls)llll At 1.UIRIS
lUlaajtoss, U. O.
IILS 1 .
-it-JISS?. 'tf."
' "(llinjTWHijd AllSTTall""" t 1
Ij Best Conga BTrepTTasses Good. Use II
I I I I " ig!
M'r.'.J?J'JJf J?'"'lissa
I At r"ue.posta.rr,.l, -
Mfi )KY f?Low Falr S theTLight
Thoir Works." BiinAoiaiitf itl..8..1 f
aa-a. w
jnrns way w --y -
1 Soreness,0
Stiffness, .
would cars la the right way, rlgkt
Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
Jlet Assets. Ja. 1, 18". 'V3.TTe.l M
gpriau.--rV---- WEAK,
. iminmi and Annuitfesf6.371.lM 79
For Interest, eto .... "VWillM
Claims by Death ...l.fS.s4
M-".a"Wme""l"' 222.741 6
Surrendered l ollcles 2
i'remiutn Abatements .
Total 1'ald rmiur- seaoo
Holders 3,184,563 OV
Added to Reserve,
1,017,007 00
Salaries, Medical rees. Office
and K-Rair-xpenses - .
Commissions to Agents and
ientH 6S7.17S 10
Agencv'knd Other Expenses 78 6t,98
Advertising, Printing and
Office n;nitnre. Mslnten-
ance oi uuuu ug, c . -
Set Asset, Jan. 1. 1896, SS,aM,set
City losns.Rallroad and Water Bonds
link, and other stocks ;T"",V?J'e2
Mort"ages & Ground Kents (1st Llens)ll.a8,487
1 reml. m Kotea, secured by Folxles, w
U on Coilaleral. Policy LojOJS.eto 4,671.447 M
Uotne tmce sua ni , ...
f. secure Loaua. . . I,o70,28 as
Cash in KanKs. 1 rust Companies and
Set Ltdgu Aaael. 6,a4,se !
Net Deterred & Unreported Premiums .737 81
Interest lue aud Accrued, et: ew.ama.sa
Cross Assets. Jan. 1, 1896, a3T.3ea.Oaa SO
Death t lslms reported, but
awaiting proof 1133 7J0 W
insure Kiska. M.719,121 09
Surplus on Lnteported
tiiiii4sj ftc. .......... t z.yoi j
Surplus. 4'per cent. bals...S.442.3uO 58 27.sm.08S 5
Jfrw Bu.l.e.. of the Ve-r, ". M
Policies for - ,. vm
IsianraoeeOnlslandlna De
cember ai. ito; 61,74 Pol
icles for 130,14e,STee
EDWARD M. Bl 1-EDLES, Preeldewt.
HARRY V. WEST. Vlce-PreaWewt.
HEXH V C. BROWI, Secretary s4 T
JGyiE J. 1IAKKKK, Actwary.
1a, m
Instantly stops the moot excruciating pains, al
ls iiitlaminatton and cures congeallons.wbetber
ot the LunR-i. stomach. Bowels, or otber gland
or mucous membranes.
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza,
Bronchitis Pneumonia, Bheuma
matism. Neuralgia, Headache,
Toothache, Asthma, Dif
ficult Breathing.
CURE THE WORST PAIX3 In from on te
twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading tbla
advertisement need anyone bUFFH W1TII
For headache (whemer lck or nervous) tooth
ache, neuralgia, rheruatism, lumbago, pains sad
weakness in Hie back, spine or kidneys, pains
aronnd the livr, pleurisy, swelling of tbe Joints
and pntn- of all kind, the application of Bad
way's Kadway's Heady Kelief will aflord lame
dtate ease, arid its continued use for a few dais
effect a permanent cure.
TAKEN IWVAKbl.Y A half to a teajpoonful
In halt a tumbler of water for stomacb troubles.
Colic, V ind In tbe bowels. Cold Chills, Fever and
Ague. Diarrhoea, Sick Headache, and all Inter
na! pains.
Price SOc. per botlle.SoId by all Drag-gUta
Michigan Lands
12000 Acres Good Farming Lands
Title Perfect On Mirhliraa Central, Detroit
& Alpena and Loon lke Railroads, at prlosi
Mnclne Irom f to I'er Acre. Tbese lands ara
close to enterprising new towns, ohurabaa,
tclimils. etc., will besold on most favorable Unas
Apply to K. M. MhKCE. AgL West Bay oltr.Mlob
A Valuable Medical Book Free
With over 150 receipts, for the cui
of all diseases. Send 10c for postage.
19th and FEDERAL STS., FhiU. Pa,
Agnts-UdlM er Qtnfct, f 71
I sM kMt, Hoc sr aaslii
wis. a iannias taingOTa ssjg-a
I' naTSTssU mim amtslia, issMf. (aia
an, aeiTxiniTviMeeitAt, iMtasii
" S.M5, HIBKIU, iSMsja.
I haa la uatl. all a.i.us
jparloi, swiMhiDC. p-ac atav4 ta
'" tmj; sumsiii la mr,l
I " " saiaiiswiapav.
Oesl 17. ClsjakaaTw)
TtfmMh Annual sunnw-f
This Is Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa
box be sure tuat you don't gret an
imitation of It
SoW by Grocers Everywhere;.
Walter Bajcer &. Co .Ltd.. Dorchester. Mass.
- MiuT VoV
sassSaSal saassaSI 1 I
i at ssrs fao k.. iSJST."?,?" '.sssiei
7 ley USe
jnv tT
snstlns la WhaatfnllX.