Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 12, 1896, Image 2

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F. SCRff E I K R
The authorities of Khodo Island,
atate that it Las just been discovsrcd
that there has not fcctn a le;al mar
riage in the Comtiiot. wealth within
the past 50 years for the reason that
the persons performing tha marriage
ceremony have not registered every
year ai they are required to do by
law. The Legislature will be asked
to pass an act legfalizinr the mar
riage services performed by nuiicsns-
d clergymen.
I Korea in many qaoratiom past
and up to the present time, the top
knot of hair on men's heads bashed
considered sacred. The king deter
mined to institute a reform and cut
off the top knot. He met with preat
opposition. To institute the reform
he ha 1 his top-knot cut off and then
took a good cry. What a lesion.
What a slave people c.;i make of
themselves to social customs, politi
cal customs, business cusViina, cut of
hair and drese, an 1 the slavery cf
that kind is not confined to the Jap
anc32. ii iJJLlt.7 I ' x but; iiumtD'jiiiunuv
of E-jtfene V. Bvbs by a United
ci.7i tlt ;
before the United States Senate.
Debs was at the bead of secret asso
ciations that brought about the Chi
cago riot, and was sent to jail for
contempt cf court. For a court to
asHume power to eiid pnopla to jail,
eiinply upon tha opinion of the court
with "!t a harinp or trial ssems to
be as much a violation of the rights
of an American citizen as to institute
riot. It would ba only a common
sense ecactm.nt to pass a law defia
ing wheu a citizsn 13 ia contempt of
court. Ii wsxld give jaljas cf poor
judgment a chance to keep them
selves straight on th9 rights of their
fellow citizsns, and ia tli.it way, Leio
the ciurts from losin' the respect
1. .,l 1 41... 4:
mo ijwriji-j, nau buo diiuj liuis
1 , 1. L
erva tao individual rights of every
0 J
Court Proceeding.
Court eonvned at 10 o'clock a. m.,
on Slonday, February 3rd, 1S3G.
The constables made t:.'eir returns.
The Qrnnd J ury was sworn and
Constable Leigh t was appointed
to wait on the Grand Jury, Bsd
Crioiniell and Seller to w:iic on tha
The Court read end filed opinions
on the following case3.-
John Denton, Jr. and Bj'roa L.
Shnman. plaintifii in error, &.c, vs
Henry lliiler. dofandint in error, &c.
Certiorari to Judment and procead-
ln's ot ivni a:ji rrj, J. X'. Ja t
msnt of Juaticd eel aside.
Or.iraesro of ths Pjor of thq bor
ough of Patterson V3. Ov. r.i. ers of
the borough of 'Iifflir.town. Appeal
by Mifflin towa from ram.-.vnl of J ?n
BioJicib.i Appeal d'amuaod, and
order of removal confirmed.
Susquehanna Vo Monro?, appeal
b' Mour.jc, from ord?r cf removal of
Fred Sti 'ivsc-r r.iid fumily. Appeal
dismissed, and order of removal con
firmed. Tha Grand Jury was called,
sworn and charged br ths Court.
D. V.. Ilirlpy vs. M-ttirice Leonard
and E'izubetb Leonard. Auswer of
D. W. Ilrlby to rule to show cause
why judgment should cot b3 opened,
In estate of G. 51. Graham, deceas
ed. Return to order to mortgage
mad", ar.d mortgage as therein re
port-id, confirmad
Estate of William Shoj)e, deceased.
An order to sell real estate was
FeTomagh vs. Fayette. Appeal
from -rder of removil of Stewart
Wilson Page, filed
B. F. Burchfield, filed his report as
Auditor in assigned estate of C. C.
Ia tha matter of the rule t certify
Milford township as tha last legal
settlement of William V. Bratton, a
Answer of Milford townsVp Over
seers, filed.
Howard Kiik vs. TI F. Warner
dtfend.'int and J. N. Keller and Mrs
Joshun FereiniD, garnishes. Inter
rogatories filed and rule to answer
E-state of James H. Sneets, minor
child of Jamca B. Slieets, deceased.
Demurrer to petition for reviaw, fil
ed. Thomas K. Bctver was appo:.n'cd
guardian of Phuibc, Cora L and Re
becca Manger, minor cLildreu.'of Wm.
Mauser, deceased.
S.uuuel I. Stoner was admitted to
practice law in the several courts of
Juniata county.
Austin Strawser, charged with
fornication and bastardy with Cora
W Foltz, renewed his recognizance
to Af rd term.
Commonwealth vs. John Weller.
Assault and Aiattery: Simuel E. Ard,
prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty find
prosecutor to pay the costs. From
the testimony in th:s case, it appear
ed Samuel Ard tho prosecutor bad
been furnished whisky at Hany
Hayes' bar in Patterson, and a rule
was served on Mr Hayes to show
causa by bis license shou'd not be
revoked for selling liquor to known
habitual drnnkards. The rule was
he?.rd on Thursday uud after listen
iug to the statements of Mr. Hayes,
tli- rule was dischar-d. Tho evi
dence also disclosed the fict, tbut
two of the Common wealth's witnesses
baa assisted to rescue Ard from tne
custody of Jolin Welior, the defend
ant, who is a railroad police officer,
ami who was trying to arrest Arjfor
drunkenness, and the court directed
that they find security for thsir good
behavior for one year.
Commonwealth vs. Warren J. Mof
fitt, Sadio P. Moflitr, Dr. Thomas
Pyb and Mi. Pio. Indicted fur
manslaughter, fec , for abandoning a
new born babe", born of th body of
Sadie P. Moffitt, wife of Warren J.
Moftitt, on the 2od day of October
lust, and placing the same in the
yard of lira. Jerome Thompson, near
Mexico. This case vas before the
Grand Jury at the Dember term
at which time a true bill was found.
When this case was called on Mou
day, the defendants elected to be
tried separately. Warren J. Moffitt
was then pnt on trial end a atiocg
case of circumstantial evidence waa
made out by the Commonwealth.
The defendants nhowed by raedil
bstimosy that .Vrs. Wr.rren J. Mof- j
fitt sever i ad givn birih to the
ebiUl. liich was r.llep' d they had
abandond. Verdict, pot jrutby.
The caao arairft Sad:e P. -tkfStr.
Dr. Tharon S. Pylfl Vl Mr?. Py!e
wa thsD not protstd.
Cr.mm'inwealih V9.f Charles D
AfarkT. Wm. (i. TtlyfTf. prcse'jtor
Not rU'ltv, and prosecutor to paT the
Coramonwfslth v John TT. Sfronp,
for fornication and bastardy. Al
berta Frr.ntz. proscu?rix. Verdict, i
Sruiity. Ser.tcccd to pay $15 lyinij )
in fxp?nssf. S15 maictenapc to the !
present time, and 75 cents pr rrfek, J
nntil child arrive.' at the Rtfe of bpvsti ;
. -. . . .i
yaars. LJerenilHnr rerusea To comply
with the sentence aid i raw in ja.il.
Commonwealth vs. John Brown
and Wm. Hsnlnn. Ls.rcny of shos
from t-hop of TI. W. Kni.ly in Pat
terson. QuiHr. VVib. Hanlnn was
spn?etced to the Western Peniten
tiary for the period of two vora and
two monthe, and John Brown was
sentenced to the Huntingdon Reform
atory. (Jommoiiwealth v Bradv ("!. Kell
Fornication, &c. Liizz'e C. Biyer,
prosecutrix. Recosa:zDca renswed
I T . . .
T. .
Commonwealth vs. Lizzo
Larceny. J. C. Moorehead, prosecu
tor. A tru bill, and defendant not
apponriag, her recognizance was for
feited. Com. t. J. P. McHhenf. Forni
cation and baatardv. Prosecutrix,
Naomi Hseie. Prcscur'x not ap
pearing, bill was iffnorf d
James Pannebnker, cenvictfd at
Decemb?r terra of fornictir,n and
bastftrdv wth Jennie Jaeob?, was
sentenced, but rt-fasing to comply
with the sentence is now in the coun
ty jail
The cases in ths Common PJecs
court were all cord'Tined, exwpt tvv, I
as nnreafter reported.
J C. Crownovrr tr. Wi'I:am D.
tit 11 c . t-.
Walls, Samufl E.
Gorcr S. Conn.
Pnnbatpr and
Ejfct.mont. TI11
defendants admitted the f jc's and Sa
verdict w?a rendered for lbs 'and,
to htt r?'lesed nor the payment by
defendant of $553 0 within one
calendar month from dat of verd:c.
Ehz J. Clack v. John Atlama.
Feigned issue. Settled by tha pnr
Conrt. adjourned on Thursday
noon, to Marsh 10th. 18S6.
rriiUG sai.es.
March 14 Mrs. G. W. Smith will
sell at hsr place of resid-vica in Mif.
flir.town at 10 a. vi., bngy, wrgon,
sleigh, dr.ig s!ekr stone raison ti'ols
and a fall luio of hur.sehnM pood.
Jan. 1.
ct t
It If
:c ,
tt ;
ci cc
cc tc
cc ,c
1 tt
c. t
c: ci
c: cc
cc cc
cc ii
cc cc
cc cc
CC c
.1 'I
cc ct
cc cc
: c
cc cc
Dec. 31.
cc c.
c cc
cc cc
cc cc
W. S. NORTH, Treasurer.
To balance from las' e.ir
' Outstanding tixtj county
cc state........
; ' dojr....
ct balance doe t'.x tr-.ni list y ar
" fixes l..vi-'d in IS9 j, cnunty
" " stato
c. ct cc ti ct dog.... ..................
c ad'litional aHHsm nts.
c 5 per cent, additional to county tax
" ; 44 " state c ...........
c: ci f ci ic cc fi0g cs
c overpi:d tsxas in 1895
" cash f:om sale of 4 percent, bonds....
" " shcrilT.jury frfea
" 8 finos
" " " Draft on Nowport D.-posit Bank
To cusb from estate of J.im:'S Carpenter....... .....
To rash from Fa.vi.tte township, keepine Miid (Jill..
To cash from Besle township, keeping Philip Baunk..
To cash from Perry county, keeping col. tramp
To Cish from Liquor Llzenses....
To cash from Stito tax refunded
To cash from taxes on unseated land
To CHSh fiom fines and cost Jos. Valentine
To cash from Miscellaneous sources
By orders of 189 paid
By ordera of 1895 piid county
By ordera of 1895 pa ifsheep...
By outstanding taxes county ......
By outstanding taxes state ......................
By outstanding taxes doj. .......
By error.....
By bilance ,
Y'ear. Collectors Districts Counly. Slate
1893. G. W. Van Ormer, Fayette, $ 52 51 61 02
cc S. H. liollman, liffiintowh, 103
cc Lewis Wilt, Suquehanna 11 or. P.9 Ot
i M. F. Crouse, Tuscarora, 457 21 93 75
1894. J. O. Brown, Beale, 1G3 68
cc Jcob Forry, (ireonwood.... ISO 98
c. Jehn E. Trego, Lack 186 40
cc S. II. Uollmap, .Uifniutown 3101 loll
cc W. B. McCahao, Milford, 524 f.3 30 12
cc W. S. Neimand. Monroe, 31 34 4 05
cc H. M. Isenbere Patterson, 2G0 F9 14 32
. B. F. Lytic. Port Royal 108 35 2 79
cc M. b. Huh, Spruce Hill 115 PO 6.60
cc A. D. Kerstcttcr, Soqu banna 169
cc L. C. I'aibous, Turbett, 12 29
.c J shin B. Birton, Tuecarsra 835 43 62 19
c E. A. Simtb, Waiker 170 00 17 73
189 . J. . Brown, Bsile, 831 87 65 46
.c J. F. Spece, Delaware, 8G7 69 40 86
c J. M. Musser, Fayette, 1257 13 45 59
" C. E. Hower, Fermanagh; 122 45 41 23
cc Jacob Forry, Oremwood, 451 13 12 67
cc Jehn E. Trego, Lsck, 590 88 85 49
cc S. II. Kcllmao, Mifllintowa 541 18 48 18
cc W. B. McCahan. Millard, 1668 95 58 53
cc W. S. Neimond, Monroe 403 37 21 27
cc II. M. Isenbere. Patterson 557 55 40 60
B. F. Lvtlo, Purt Koyal, 257 65 26 71
A. D. Karatettcr, Susquehanna, 400 75 20 25
M. S. Eah, Spruce Hill 87 50 62 30
cc W. B. Brnbskctr. Thompscjntown, 171 81 6 59
" L. C. Cslhonn. Turbett, 575 09 24 08
cc Joshua B. Barlon, Tuscarora 915 44 . 107 64
' K. A. Smith, Walker 1717 38 26 97
Lewis Dices,
4o.Tirii-F.it reto.Ti the recoriis in tjie rwn.TH-
Districts. Ascs Col. Cora- Exor era Abate- Total.
s:rs. mission. tiocs. merits.
Black Log. $ 21 00 24 00
Bealo. CI S3 67 21 51 64 G3 03 243 7G
Dehiwaro. 93 44 77 12 31 9G 63 15 270 67
Fayette. 99 74 147 42 178 64 129 C4 555 44
Fermanagh. C5 85 G7 56 6101 56 05 253 47
Greenwood. 41 05 21 27 22 76 C 17 91 25
Lock. 94 65 25 89 21 95 142 49
Mifflintown. 65 34 52 70 76 11 194 15
Milford. 7S50 84 64 54 74 52 63 270 51
Monroe. ( 91 10 61 25 81 C5 106 46 340 46
Patterson. 58 40 41 48 3 38 74 50 177 76
Port Roval. 75 56 43 00 45 30 18 05 181 91
Spruce HiiL 78 90 73 60 72 46 55 01 279 97
SuFquehanna. 69 51 52 95 16 58 57 51 196 55
Tliompsontown .40 91 10 82 9 10 7 5J 68 36
Turbett. 55 84 65 63 39 80 51 42 212 69
Tuscarora. 117 20 39 49 35 51 192 20
Walker. . 97 4S 120 14 6148 133 16 - 412 26
$1134 35 I 1052 17 $ 733 50 $ 1007 88 $ 4107 90
NVtlee Is hrrtbf g'Ven that the follow.
frft n"iad persons have fi:d their ateonnt
In fee Regisiffr's Office of Juniata county,
-pd the same wlH be Presented for con
flrniillnn aid aHowaere at an Orpr.aas'
rnrt fe h he!d at HCTintown. Fa., on
Toearlw. day ef Utreh, A. D. ,
186,att o'olock, a.m.
Ho.l. The Ftrt aad Final a?cnnt nf
Kllm V. Fera-naon. J4m:mtrtnz or A. J.
FertnioB, lat of Tucrr tnhfp,
oee-'l. telr, Att'y.
No. t. Tbo arc-nnt of I.t TT. Go then,
. rtifiitrtr of Hcry S. Goaben. Ite
. WiS'ittawa. daeeaaed. !.ta.4 bv Freder-
anrrtiea on the admtnMrat:on bond
n'.d dm!3ltrtar.
! Zlkinian Jt Pennoll. Att'y,
I 5Jo S. TbarFirit ml Fml aeacnnt of
; Cm D'sler. aim'o:atrator ef t"io eatt
j of May DraisUr. lite of Oreewwond town
ship. Juaia'a coanty. Pa., de-eaa'd.
Jvo. 4. Tho Second n't rial aeconni 01
Fioch Fb;itibTir-r. ercotor of Joahaa
VanOrD;T, lata o( Favstte (OK-nsbip, Jnai
ata CBiintv dcraed. Neely. Aft'y-
No. 5. The First aid Fias! arcoimt of
I. WHMaroaon Stewtrt, exacntor of las
late will asl ti a;nent oT Parah Ann Stow
art, Mo of Bea!8 township, deceaaed.
Roller, A tl'y.
K. TboFirfand F:al acjnnt of
T. W. fJilon anrl (i. 4. f.yter, a"nitn:a!ra
tor of tho ea!af of Mary A". McOnnall,
late of Sarat a nil townah'a, deceaa-d.
No. 7. Th First aed Fiat account af
Z. W. Gilaoa cad ft. 4. L?ter, admioHtra
toa of tha cs'a'" of R"hol A. KcConno'l,
lata of Spruca Hill towns'iip. dpc2ed.
Keller, Att'y.
No. 8. TUa Firat and Final account of
J. H. Hover and Rcaaen I.auver, exacntorg
nftbs la! will and teataraaatot CatharinJ
Laarcr, lata of Monro tawnahip, Jnnlata
county, ioceaaed, as atated by J. H. Hoyar
one of slid execntora.
Atkioaon A Pennoll, Att'ys.
No. 9. Thi Drat and Snal account of
David R. Leitzel, administrator of tbs as
trto ofSybilla Lcitz il, lite of Delaware
townsbiv, dee'd. Schwayer, Att'y.
No. 10. Firat Partial Account of Jaes
KcAlien. adranistrfi'cr of Vr.Taret J. Al
ton, itlo of the Boronpta ot Fort Royal,
tJtceB"ed. rtipe, Att'y.
No. II. Firt and Final account of
JaDf-a McAIInn, ailm'niatratar c t. a. d. b.
n. of X3C UtAlldii, lite or tha Bjrunj'i ct
Miffl'nto-n.drceioJ. Hopea, Att'y.
No. 12. Firat aad finjl account of V.
D. Val'a, gnardlaa cr Lawrence J. Kirk, a
m'rar child of Isaac Kirk, dc?aisd, upou
gnardicn rciinquishiug the truit.
Il'ioae. A'.: '
I No. 13. First and fin! aocount or W.
D. Walla, f.uardian of Lottio If. Kirk, a
j minor child of Ii ,e. Kirk, doceaej upon
! gTs.'diaQ relicq'.iiahing the trust.
Hcupaa, Att'y.
No. 14. First and fintl account of W. P.
Wails, gurdUn. or iJinnie B. Kirk, a minor
child o!' Itac Kirk, A -c-iaafld, ward having
j beeom of ac. rjoopoi, Alt'y.
I Do. lo. t iriit and final cccotint ot W. V.
j Wall.i, puardiun of H wirl J. Kirk, a minor
j child ol Isaac Kirk, cocas? i. w ard having
become, of apt. lloopis, Att'y.
No. 16. Tho acco-int efThos. H. Uim
ir.enr, aid Fmory l;a-i, xecntor of list
wiil and testaraea t cf lavid Imaa, lalo cf
Bealo to nsbip, decoded.
Atkhnon & i'oinoll, At-.'y.
fo. 17. S?"onl and Hnil recount of
Juseph llothrnck, c. t. a. o" Jaco'3 Frank
Utj 01' lioroujli of Fattiirson, deceased.
H o per, Atf j .
No. IS. T h? first an t linil account of
Harvey B. Gray, adioinUtra'or of thoonta'e
of KHz ibi'h Orav, Infe of Lack townstiip,
Jutia: cuuutr, Pa deseai M.
Neely, Att'y.
Keeiaters OtTie,
ViflillitOWO. 1'.
Feb. 10!h, 18:16.
Ass'.s C. Witt,
$ 2341 18
13222 PS
lltjij 95
7 10 4'i
t',1 -2.Z
29lfi." 4 r,
2tr.4 85
4S4 "r,
42 9.1
25S 93
17 4-1
27 !4
31 69
3CS90 00
40 0i)
7 5 00
IGfiO 00
50 00
100 00
25 75
IKS 78
1 56 76
17f?4 67
'7 46
27 t'O
70 27
867 5t
68116 43
400 50
15981 67
1032 49
681 65
8336 32
$ 9C408 68 $ 90 1M 68
62 91
30 98
42 10
6 65
42 fi2
21 52
82 71
5 77 1
27 8
$15981 57 $1032 49
$681 55
J. T. SHEf.LV,
95 e'ec!i"0 ofucers.Feb.,
1 7 constables Pb o'oc
iion ............
90 election olaccrs Nov.
170 19
441 69
17 constable Nov. eloc
t "11. . .... ...........
11. Wright election
280 2C
64 05 344 f 1
9 60
16 00
14 50
; j.
t!ur.ks Fb. tluction.
t rank Ii. I!at!cr, election
, b anks Not. election. -
7 pvar.ns kep!Ig booth!.
13 places ne of election
W. Sarte, bcllot
t2. E. Kinxer, electroplate
- of common names....
B. P. Hnrchtiuld an t F. M.
U. rennt'li, clotting
reaims Nov. election.
Public Office:
W. B. Zeiderji,Pro:bono-
tarv' feci ....
VT. II. Kollman.et al blank
bu-.ksand b'anka....
J . C. Dimm, cnvolopea
ar.d otb-r supp'ita. ..
Gus' and Sieber, store
for office
A. IS. Wills, Recordur'a
foes. ...............
W. H. Kcllman.ot al blank
books ant. blank....
Jfary J. Hnnt, enrelopes
and othir stipples..
8. S. Hublo, table cos-er.
VTm. tl. Allison, auditing
public ctfijca
$ 152 90
47 9J
29 75
12 50 $ 2S4 08
63 45
101 46
13 53
1 60
169 94
20 00
$ 424 02
Court and Jurort Pay,
Juror Fbrnry term '95 $ 322 64
W. H. FsTtes.atonnfbar.
3 00
H W. Knisnlv.eourt crier
Jnrors. April term 1895 .
Jus. T. Cnmminf sr- sten-
TT. W. Knisely.eonrt rrir
Jarnm. 'Jep. term 189.
Jss. T. Onmmines.steno-
H.W. Krrfe!y,eourtrier
Jnror. D-. term. !895.
W. TT. Fariea, stuno-
H.W. Kniselv.conrt crier
Ex'r courts
Jury ('mmisioDCr'
Lewis Deeons and
SusnM Watts
Jury Commissioner's
"c!rk. W. II. 7ron-
Spfeial clerk. Curl F.
Fp?nshade and B.
F. Croiior. Jnne
fl'linjc Jnrv wheel...
Ice for September court
Paid hy W. H. Zeirlers
Prothonntary Feb.
term 189"
Apri' term 1895
September term........
December term. ..... ..
7 50- $860 14
800 87
20 00
7 50- $323 87
542 87
6 25
10 f0$ 621 12
415 72
SO 00
7 50- $453 ?2
$ 35 00
88 00
33 00
7 00
1 25
$ 93 03
183 82
209 85
. 82 20
$ 578 90
Comtables and Justices-
114 25
3 60
4 40
8 00
$956 25
Paid bv W. H. Z-iders Protbonotary.
Conrt and.Tnsfices inCom
monwealth esses.... $44 86
17 Core'ables February
term 189 62 40
17 Crr'ab!es April term
1595 65 40
17Coustahls Si'pteinbar
tfrraieOT 07 02
17 Cnnsfsliies December
term 1895 60 90
Total. 9 293 68
Printing and Stationary
Wm. M. Allison printing
4 court I'roclima
lions...... . ........
$ 40 00
Wm. M. Allison, printing
amiTial report..: ...
Wm, U. Al;son, Procla
niifion Nov. olec'ion
Wm. M. Allison, blank
orders, bills, notices
B. F. Schweier, 4 court
proclamations ......
B. F. Schweier, annua!
B, F. Schweier, procla
mation Nov. election
B. F. Schweier, blank
notices Ac.
W. J. Jackman, 4 court
proclamations.. ... .
W. J. Jackrhan, annnal
W.J. Jsckmun, procla
mation Nov. election
W. J. Jackman. notice
of appeals.........
Harry E. Bonrall. 4 court
proclamation .......
Hairy E. Bonaail, annual
report. .....
Harry E. Bnnsili, procla
mation Nov. election
Harry E Bonsai!, sub
scription to papr. .
J. C. Dimm, 3 court pro
clamations.... .....
J. C. Dimm, proclama
tion. ... ...........
J. C. Dimm, blanks, aad
envelopes, Protboa
oUry's office.......
J. C. Dimm, Hallots for
Fo. o'eeti.tn. . .. .
J. C. Uiiii'ii, Bi'lot fur
Nov. flection
Frank L. Ilmler, blank
bunds snd c.t.'itr
Mt. Holly Co. .tax receipts
Stationery snd kUppMea
for ail otli :es
68 00
37 50
23 50- $ 169 CO
32 03
68 00
37 50
5 95- $ 143 45
40 50
68 00
87 50
1 50- $ 147 50
33 00
68 03
87 50
1 50
21 75
37 50
13 CO
47 43
29 SC-
$ 140 00
$ l'.3 9
23 6 )
86 00
19 82- $ 79 83
$ 832 62
Commissioner's Office and Court Bouse .
W. II. Moore Commis
sioner, 87 days at
3,50 $304 60
W. II. Aoore Commis
sioner, expanses.... 90 00$ 884 60
Neil M. St-!uart Cora
mirsioDir, 85 days
at 3,60 299 26
Neal M. Steuart, Com
missioner, expenses. 62 02-$ 361 27
Williamson Van O.-mer
Comnissioner, 33
days at 3,5) 138 00
Williamson Van Orm-r
Commissioner, ex
penses 80 60- $ 163 60
Jobu Neimond, services
and expanses 164 78
Wm. U. Groninger,
clerk for Commis
sioners '. 650 00
Atsinson & Pennell, at
torneys 40 00
Jacob Browanl, Janitor
for com t house.... 182 00
Wm. Man &. Co., et al
siipplicg, blanks Ac. 86 41
T. A. Condon, 1 dozen
cupsidors ......... - 3 10
Geo. W. Bergsr, rejoin
ing chairs.......... 60
Clining enpsidora and
otiicr small expenses 7 62
$1 963 78
Sheriff'! Feet snd Prison Expenses
Bamnel Lapp, boarding
Samuel Lapp,
$ 27 00
146 89
2 00- $ 176 89
fees of
Samuel Lapp, working
for prisoners
J. P. Cslhonn, boarding
prisoners $425 17
J. P. Calhoun, feea ot
office 16$ 14
J. P. Calhoun, working
for prisoners 85 76
J. P. Caibonn, clothing
for prisoners 8 90
J. P. Calhoun, resaoving
20 50 '
21 2S- S 666 74
101 75
$ 11 38
Road and Bridge View and Damage
Wm. C. Poroeroy, road dam-
ages in Milford. ....... .
Samuot Funk, road view in
U. L. SJcMeen, road view in
Lack .
John Ilartman. road viow
Cb tries Sbrawder, road view
in Lzck
James Hiliiken, road view
"in Lsck
Robert Hanimoo, road low
in Lick
K. Ilartman, road view in
in Lsck
A. C. Knouse, road view in
Lack........ .........
A. B. Evans, road view in
David U. Taylor, road view in
Fermanagh and Walker.
Wm. II. Groninger, road
vie.T in Fermanagh and
Eliss llornir.f!, road view in
Ferraanugh and . a ker.
A. I. Evans, road view in
Fermanagh and Walker.
Christ Yodor, road view in
Fermanagh and Beale...
Z. W. Ui'son, road view in
Fermanagh and Beale..
fjsb baskets
J. P. Calh'iTW, snndriea
any plies Ac.......
O. 51. Crawford . son
medical attention
r $56, of which re.
turned by Perry Co.
$ 25 00
2 80
8 40
2 00
8 00
8 90
8 00
1 00
8 00
44 00
3 20
14 29
2 80
13 20
7 40
8 20
$ 145 10
$ 40 00
16 00
21 25
81 20
88 75
4 00
1 48
$ 203 16
$ 607 55
309 80
11 80
25 11
7 18
23 00
12 00
9 56
20 06
7 86
65 50
19 00
10 6'J
47 80
208 66
16 78
6 00
3 00
84 14
6 00
9 36
45 21
1 00
81 57
$ 1 539 64
$ 9 06
1 00
2 25
61 0
4 0)
8 00
2 50
813 20
42 30
27 65
SO 09
66 67
6 00
180 70
46 69
34 50
10 25
19 66
1 15
1 50
22 51
18 06
2 25
8 00
14 92
17 89
Wm F. Snyder, burial of
4 men killed by Pennsyl
vania railroad
H. S. Scholl, BecreUrv ....
Union cemetery, 4 graves
and digging same... ..
John J. Jacobs, attending
Russian tramp
J. P. Ca'honn, shnritTjkeeping
tramps during winter of
'94 and '95
Banks Calhoun and A. B.
Criawetl, attending col
ored tramp, money re
turned bv Perry county.
Julius Derr, living out and
assisting with corpse...
John Bergy, hauling injured
Rrailroad tickets fur tramps.
Counly Bridges.
Mifflin Bridgfl, Kolbacb &
Spangler, ot al. work and
Thcmpsontown Briitge, B C.
Groninger, et al........
Mexi-o Bridgo, Kennedy &
Moorehead etal........
Port Roval Bridgo, II. J.
Shelienberger ot a'
Dawn's Bridge, S. E. Ard
Old Port Royal, James A.
Groninger et al. .......
Qroninger's Bridge, D. L.
Swartz, et al .........
Beavers Hridsre.D L. Swartz.
Watcrtord Bridge, T. S.
Tboirpson et al., work
and material
Dimiu'a Bridge, Joseph Fer
guson ...
Licking Creek Bridge, Man
luck If Nelson et al, ...
Aumac's Bridge, J. L. Roup
e: al.
Ba-in Bridge, D. B. Reitx
et al
Cocolmuus Bri.lce, Snyder
Co , one lift If. ....
McCoysville Bridge, Jeny
W Herein ot al ........
Tbompsontevn Iron Bridge,
Michai'l Coidren, et al..
Nipple's Biiiign, Calvin Nip-
la, eta'
Jcrico Bridge, J hn, N. Smith
et al
Dicim's Iron Bridge, J. T.
Dimm, etal
Beslelown Bridge, S. . Pan-
nebaker, ct al....
McCul'ocl.'s Bridge, James
Millikon, etal
McCnlloch's Iron Bridge,
G'-orge McCulloch.ot al.
Cuba Iron Bridge, W. H.
Horning, et at
Delaware Iron Bridgo, Jona.
thau Kreidcr, wortc and
Public Buildings,
James J. Iloroirsg. repairs to
jail and court house....
Geo. J. Stutts, work on gas
generator...... .......
J. W. Wagner.cloaning ceurt
bouse clock fee
W. N. St?rrett, 15 tons coal
for jail
K. U. McCIintlc, locks for
court house..
W. C. Humphery, hauling
awr.y ashes
Jesse Uoive, irons for jail
R. W. Jacobs, water and sew
erage plant complete. ..
Isaac E'ka, plastering jail and
court bouse, material SC.
TJ. W. Caveny, painting and
papering jail and pain tin;
court bouse ...
J. H. Neely, Sec. boroujh
water plugs.... ......
Miftlin Water Co.. payment
for water
Jacob Etka, plastering court
Joseph Brlndle, work on
court bouse and jail ... .
H. C. McClellun, hardward,
for court house and jul.
Hanbeck A. Nelson, lumber
for court bonse snd jail.
Daniel Pannebakcr, iron and
woi k on jail windows. . .
Jacob Brow&nd, cxlra work
court bouse and privies.
Cbaa. Renninger, hauling at
court bouse............
Geo. Johnson, cleaning jail
Henry Hawk, work cn pave.
ment ...........
K. H. McClintie, gasoline for
court house
H. C. McClellsn, gasoline lor
court house...........
Gnss & Sieber, hardwaro for
court bouse. ..........
B. Gilbert A Son, check for
court bouse doors......
W. C. Hickok & Co . Irons
and rol'ersfor court yard
- gates
WJ S. Arbogast, supplies,
hardnaie, oil tec. for
con it bouse
1410 61
Miictllantous Payments.
Edward S. Wright, expense
of prisoners at Western
Penitentiary $
Warden, expenses of inmates
at Huntingdon Reforma
tory State Treasure, stale tax on
personal property ......
Stat Treasure, state tax on
county bonds
W. S. North, County Treas
ure salary on cominissioa
Hanbeck te Nelson coal for
conrt boose...... ......
Wm. 11. Groninger, payment
from state tax returned
for state work...... ....
D- M. Marshall, superinten
dent public schools for
county institutes........
Auditors, auditing cuunty af.
Commissioners, attending
Commissioner eonvan "
tionatMe-dville, Pa....
Thomas G. Lanver, reward
833 66
144 90
2879 56
497 86
630 88
169 25
200 00
188 00
120 00
66 10
I . for catching borso thief.
I D. W. Grosa.Treasnrer State
28 53
'J 256 08
100 00
8 60
2 91
169 50
23 00
406 00
312 00
Lunatic Hospital lor in
' mates....
J. W. Stiinmell, agricultural
. society..... .
q R Kiner. exoresssire.
i f iw. RnnninirBr. freitrht and
W. M. Beale, - scalps and
justices fees
Harry E. Bonsall, P. If., post
ago for county offices...
Ten districls, sheep damages,
36 oases. ...... ........
J. L. Barton, et al, burial of
9 veterans...... ......
T W. Aukcr & Son, et al,
tombstone for 14 veter
ans. .........
168 00
4 82
$ 6 693 04
$ 401 04
' 187 50
6524 87
Interest Paid.
Six per ceot. interest, Union
Trust Company .
Six per cent, interest. Tem
porary Loans.....
Four per cent, iuturest,
County Bonds
Bonds and other debts' pild;
bonds bearing 4 percent,
and Union Trust Com
pany's claim hearing 6
per cent. $368.90. of
nhichwas furnished by
sale of ether 4 p-r cent.
Money paid to assesso-s and
collectors......... ....
Public offices
6112 91
$ 40 774 80
4107 90
SSO 25
424 02
1919 10
573 90
292 58
832 62
1953 68
145 10
2"3 18
1639 61
1401 61
6112 91
Court snd jurors pay........
CommonweaiiD scosis..... .
Constables and justices
Printing and stationary
Commissioner olfice and
court bonse
Sheriffs fees and prisoners
experass ........
Roads and bridges, views and
County brMees
Public buildings
Interest -
4 pet cent, bonds and 6 p-r
cent, debts psM SSS 90
of which was furnished
by silo of 4 per cen.
county bonds
Miscellaneous pjyruer.ts. ....
AH orders issaed
Cash in the treasury........
Cash in tho treasury from dog
Outstanding conntv tax due.
Outstanding state t.tx due...
Outstanding dog taxdue....
Duo the county tor keeping
40 774 "0
6 C93 04
$ 63 874.21
$ 3 088 80
247 62
15 91 67
1 032 49
681 65
681 55
130 25
4 per cent, county bonds.'....
Liabilities ovar a-gi't. ......
Liabilities overasioti ia 1895.
Reduction of debt d urine tho
year 1S95
$ 21 162 18
140 013 00
118 8H6 82
liTS 199 72
7 812 99
We the nndersigned Commissioners o
Juniata county, in compliance with the law,
do publish tho foregoing statement of ths
Receipts. Expenditures, Assets and Liabil
ities of the said county for the year ending
December 3 1st. A. D. 1895, as compiled f roll)
the records of tiie office.
WM. H. MttORE.
Attest : Wm. H. GaomsoEa Clerk.
Cohuissioheb's Orricc.
Mifflintown, Pa., Jan. 27, A. D. 189. S
for prudent-minded men to wear "Cel
luloid " Collars and Cuffs. They are
waterproof, and besides saving laundry
bills and bother, they are comfortable
to -wear, never chafing the neck and
never wrinkling. They can be in
stantly cleaned with a wet cloth or
sponge. The original interlined col
lars and cuffs with a "Celluloid" sur
face. Everyone is marked like Uiis.
Trnitnted of eonrse, but you w.-.nt t-lie ircnuine
r.wl your nioney'a worth. Insist upon tro(ss
T:arkeJ Willi uttove tratte mark. At th furniplt
erx or direct from us. Collars 'Jo ets.: C ulls ucia.
t'ulr, manage paid. Plate slue and elyle.
Slew Yorfc.
SA 5S a 9 f ia the hfst rlcansrr
f-ir V B J tot tlieaa poc.le.
Locis E. Atkissos. F. X. M. Psiihsli,
S7Co'ieeting an 4 Conveyancing prompt
!y attended to.
Orricz On Min street, la place of reel
dene cf Lonis Z. Atkinson, Esq., sontb
Bridge streat. lOct 20, 1 392
District Attorney.
na.D.H.cRAwrt'ED, oa. daswih m.cs awvobb
bave formed a partnership for the practice
of Medicine and their cellatteral branches.
Office at old stand, corner' of Third and Or
ange streets, Hifflintowa, Pa. On or both
ol them will be found at their office st all
times, unless otherwise professiors'ly en
gaged. April 1st, 1S5.
UP. DERI?, .
(Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col
lege,) formerly of atifflinbiirg, Pa., has lo
cated permanently in Mifliintown, as suc
cessor to the late Dr. G. L. Derr, and will
continue tha dental business (established
by tbo latter in 1S60) at the well known of
fice eu Bridge street opposite Court House.
JV CAltwoferm, Ether, or Gas ustd.
No Sore Gums r Discomfort to patient,
either dnnng extraction or afterwards. .
All these re Guaranteed tr rc charge
will ba made.
LLP All work aruarantKMi tn .tv. u.rut
w O
satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Deatlst. '
If it w, yoa will be strong, vigor
ous, full of life and ambition; you
will hare a good appetite ami good
dk-wtion; your sleep Trill bo eonnd
andreftcshing; vonr ncrvcB -ni l
stronj?; yoa will have little utt-u tO
fear disease in any form. ' . .
But how few -can say that Uar
blood is pnrcl How many people
are suffering daily from the conse
quences of impure blood, scrofula, sslt
rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, ncrvou
ness, elecplcssnes?, hcaduchc, and
i g
Sdifii Vti
Hood's Sarenoarilla puril'es, viia'dzos
and cmielies the blood. Therefore,
it 13 the medicine for you.
It will give you pure, rich, red
blood and strong urrvee.
It will overcome that tired fcr.i:ir,
crcato an appetite, rive refrethiKjf
sleep and make yon strong.
Is not this just what you wrnt?
Tueii ts;ke Hood's fc?arscp:iri!fci. It
ia t!ie best builditts: up nicdiciiic.
Hood's arsapariSIa
Bs the Only
True BJood Pivniler
Prominently in the public eya fctlay.
Hood's Pills
Tuscarora Valley Eailroad.
Blood Pore
n a.
30, 1S95.
No 1 No.3
A. M. P. M-
Blairs Milla Lv 8 00 2 00
Waterloo 8 05 2 05
Leonard's Grove 8 10 2 10
Ro: s Farm 8 15 2 15
Perulack 8 20 2 20
Eait Waterford 8 30 2 SO
Heca man 8 37 2 37
Hor ev Grove 8 42 2 42
Fort Cisham 8 48 2 48
Wurble 8 55 2 55
Plessat View 9 00 3 00
Seven Pines 9 06 3 06
Sprue. Hill 3 10 3 10
Grahams 9 14 3 14
Stewart 9 16 3 16
Freedom 9 18 3 IS
Turh.-tt 9 20 3 20
Old Port... 9 25 3 25
Poit Itojal Ar.j9 30 3 30
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Passenger and Seashore Express
on P. R. It., snd No?. 3 and 4 with Mail east
No 2
A. H.
Poit Koval
Old Port
Spruca Hill
Seven Pinns. . . .
Pleasant View.. .
Fort Eiorham. ...
Horn y Grove. . .
East Wuterford.
K0S3 Farm.
Leonard's Grove
0 010 45
1.3 10 50
2 S it) 55 5
3.7 10 57'5
4.4 10 59:5
5.f'jU 01'5
6.3;ll 055
7.2jU 09:5
9 Olll 15 5
11 20 5
33 6
38 6
20.5111 55;6
22.0l2 00 6
24.012 05;6
25.5112 10 6
Blturs Mills. Ar.27.0jl2 15,6 45
Trains Nos. 2 and 3 connect with Stije
Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doylcs.
burg and Dry Run.
The following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as
p. ra
4 30
4 36
4 39
8 41
4 45
4 46
4 61
4 64
4 56
4 69
a. m
9 16
9 21
9 24
9 26
9 29
9 81
9 36
9 89
9 41
9 44
Leave Arrive
King's Mill
Sulphur Springs
"Corman Siding
Montebello Park
Long's Road
Green Prk
Montour June
Arrive Leave
a. m
8 40
8 34
8 31
8 29
8 26
8 24
8 16
8 14
8 11
8 05
7 52
7 46
7 43
7 40
7 84
7 82
7 27
6 65
p. m
3 50
3 44
8 39
3 36
8 84
8 39
8 26
3 24
8 21
8 15
2 45
2 39
2 2
2 83
2 27
2 25
2 20
1 60
6 10 10 00
6 17 10 07
6 22 10 13
6 25 10 16
6 28 10 19
6 24 10 25
6 36 10 27
6 41 10 82
6 09 11 20
p. m a. ra
a. m p
Tram leaves Bloomiiaid at 6.10
a. ru.
ana arrives at Landisburg at 6.4'
a. m
Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomfield at 6. 50 p. ra.
Traina leave Loysville lor Duncsnnon at
7. 220 a. ra., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning,
arrive at 10 87 a. m., and 4.66 p. m.
Between Landisbarg and Loysville train a
mo as follows: Leave Landisburg for L'.ys
ville 6 55 a. ra., and 1 50 p m., Lovsvillo
lor Landiabnrg 11 10 a. ra., and 5 09 p. m.
All stations marked () are lUg stations,
at whict trains will come to a full atop on
The nndcrsigrjkd persons have formed an
Association for the protection of their re
spective properties. ' All persons are here
by notified not to trespass on tho lands of
the nndersigned for the purpose of hunting
gathering nuts, chiving timber or thravin.
down fences or firing timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot the above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
John Michel,
William Puffenberger,
Gideon Sieber,
Beashor t Zook,
Mary A. Srubaker, j
Joseph Rothrock,
Jona By lev,
Samuel Bell. ' -SeptMnber6,
1806. ,
On and after Sunday May 20,
1895, irnins "figM1
Wav Passenger, leave. Philadelphia at
s?jk rrori 24 w.s. D:r-
non 8 64a.ro, no , . a .3 . m.
. a Al a in:
van orav v vw .
Thompson... - - - 10 02
a. m; Tuscarora "wSs. in 14 .
irt Rnval 10 07 a. m: MiflJm 10 H
m ZOTt i Lewlstowa 10 40
a m:
McVeytown ! -. " Yi j5
Haniiiif n 11 o - Trron- , e.
P'M li trrZ leavcf Philadelphia at 7 00 .
m, Harrisbnrg 1 1 20 a. m; Dj.nno" 1 1 60
2m; ewpo?t 12 14 p. m; ; Mifflm 12 1 52 p.
1. 1 awiatown 1 12 p. m; McVeytowa 1 83
p'm, aouuTunion 1 66 P. ; Huntingdon
2 lTp. ni: Petersburg 2 80 p. i Tyrone
g ( 6 p! , Ahoona 40 P. m Pitbtarf
8 10 p- m. . ,
Altiuma Accommodation laavea Harria
1 . R nn n. m: Tioncanooi) 6 84 p. nij
Vewnort 6 02 p. nf Jlillretwn 6 II P
K-tn.. C 24 o. mi Tuscarora
p. m; A'exico 6 87 p. m; Pert, Hoy.! 6 42
p. m; Mifflin 0 47 p. m; Danholui 6 65 p. m;
Lwistown 7 18 p. at; AfcVeytown 7 $8 p.
ms Newfon Hamiiten 8 00 p. m; Hnating
don 8 32 p. ro; Tyrone 9 16 p. m; Alteon
Pa ttc' Ex press leaves Philadelphia at
j 20 p. m; Harrisburf 3 10 a. ui; Marys,
v lc 8 24 a. ni; Duncaanoa 3 38 a. i; Ms-pv-t
8 59 a. ru; Port Beyal 4 31 a. m; if-.
die 4 37 a. m; Lowistown 4 58 a. ns; Mc
VeMtown 6 30 a. as; Huntingdon 6 0J a.
n; yrone 6 65 a. as; Altoona 7 40 a. ;
Pittsborg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
40 p m; UanUbnrg at 10 20 p. as; Newport
11 06 p. ; Miftlin 11 40 . sa; Lawistown
12 68 a. in; Huntisgdon 12 65 a, m.; Tron
1 42 a in; Altoona 2 00 a. so; Pittsi urg 6 80
a. n.
rast Line lsavaa Philadelphia at 12 25 .
m; Harrriabnrg 3 60 p. an; Dantaaon 4 19
p. m; Newport 4 87 p. re; Mifflin 6 lOp. as.
Lewistowa 6 29 p. us; Mount Union 09 p.
bi; Huntingdon 28 p. m; Tyrone 7 04 p
m; Altoona X 40 p. ra; Pitubarg 11 30
p. m.
Harrisburg Accomaiodation leaves Al-
tooni at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a. na; Hant-
: in !.d on 6 05 a. m: Newton Hamiltos 6 43
!a n-; McVortawn 6 62 a. iu; LswUfowo
l7 1a. m; Mifflin 7 38 a. na; Port Ksyal
7 44 n. 111; Hcxico 7 45 a. ra; Thompson,
town 8 02 a. m; Millerstown 8 12 a. m;
Newport 8 22 . m; Dnncanaon 8 49 a m;
Earri.-burg 9 0 a. m.
Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 m;
Altoona 7 15 a in; Tyrono 7 43 a tn; Hunt
ingdon 8 30 a ns; MeVeytown 9 IS a m;
Lawistown 9 35 a m; Mifflin 9 65 a m;
Pert Roal 9 59 a m; Thompaentown 10 14;
Millerstown 10 21 am; Ncwpart 10 82 a m;
Duncannon 10 64 a m; iiarysvillo 11 07
Q5 ! in; Harriburs 1123am; Philadelphia 8 00
v ra.
Kam Line txprsss leaves r iiiinurK sis
UO a. re: Altoona 11 40 a. w; Tyrono 12-
03 p. ra; Huntintrdon 12 35 p. m; Lewis
town 1 33 p. ra; MiSia 1 60 p. m; Harris,
burg 8 10 p. tn; Baltimore 6 15 p. no; Wash
ington 7 0 p. m; Philae'phia 6 23 p. sa;
New York 9 23 p. m
' Kil leaves Altoona at 2 00 p. m, Tyrone
2 35 p. ui, Kuntincrdnn 3 20 p m; Nowton
Hamilton 3 51 p. :; MeVeytown 4 12'p. m;
l ewistawB 4 S3 p. a; Mifflin 6 03 p. as.
Pert Royal 5 09 p. m; Afvxico 6 13 p. as;
Tbompsontown 5 p m; Uillerstowa 6 38
p. 01; Newport 5 49 p. ra; Dancaanen 0 20
p. m; Hsrrisburg 7 00 p. a.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p.
in; Altoona 6 05 p. tn; Tyrone 6 37 p. m;
Iluntinpdcu 7 20 p. m; AlcVeytewn 8 04 p.
m; Lewistown 8 26 p m; Aitkin 8 47 p m;
Part Royal 8 52 p. m; Millerstewn 9 07 p.
ra; Newport 9 26 p. in; Dnacannoa 9 50 p.
m; I'urri.burj 10 23 p. in.
Pbiicdelph'.a Express leaves rittsburg at
4 80 p m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tvroae 9 33
p. m; nuntiogdon 10 12 p. in; Mount Un.
inn 10 82 p. m; Lewistown 11 16 p. m; Mif.
tl'tn 11 37 p. ro; Harrisburg 1 00 a. 111; Phil,
adtilphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. m.
Trains for Huodurv at 7 85 a. tn. and to
p. n., leave Sunbury for Lewistown 10 05
a. m, ncd 2 25 p. m.
Trains leave for Be'lefoato and Lo :
Ilav. n st It 10 a. in., 3 34 and 7 25 p. m
ieivo Lot k Ktvt:n for Tyrone 4 80, 9 10 p
m. and 4 15 p. m.
Tratcs leave Tyrone for Clearfield and
Curwersvi'.le at 8 80 a. m.. 3 15 and 7 30
p ra., leave Cvrwcnsville tor Tyrone at 4 8$
a. in , 9 15 and 8 61 p m.
For, rates, maps, etc, call on Ticket
Agent?, or address, Tho. E. Watt, P.
A. W. P., 110 Fifth Avenue, Pitts,
burg, Pa.
S. SI. Prkvost, J. R. Wood,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agt
' v Icy Railroad Company. Time table
pfpassenner trains, in effect on Monday,
October 1st, 1S94.
ward. East
ward. A M
0 16
Newr--t ,
Buffalo Bridge....,
Juniata furnace ..,
Vi ahncta
Wat-r Ping
Bloomfield Junct'n,
Valley Road
Green Park
Port Robeson .....
Center ...........
Cisna's Run
Andersonburg .....
Mount Pleasant . ..
New Germain' n ...
6 PS 10 00
6 es.10 03
6 12 10 07
8 19
6 28
6 85
6 1510 10;
6 25 10 17
6 2'.M0 20
6 81,10 26
6 39 10 84
6 51 10 46
6 40
6 44
6 61
6 69
7 10
7 26
7 05
7 S3
7 41
7 SC
7 45
7 4S
6 54 10 49
7 15 11 00
7 1211 07
7 17!ll 12
7 23 II 18
7 27; 1 1 22
7 35! 11 30
7 4111 86
7 62
7 4511 40
7 65
D. GRING, President and Manager
K. Mh.lib, General Agent.
Whereas Letters Testamentary have
been issued in due form bv tho Register of
Juniata county, on ibe estate or Barbara
App, lata of Susquehanna township, deceas
ed, to the nnder-igned, this is to notify all
persons indebted to said estate to makes
immediate payment, and those bavin
c.a'rcs to present the same properly amth
enticated tor settlement to
Josjph Sntncn,
McAIisterville, Janoary 2, 1896?'C'r'
in order to change the bonded debt r
Juniata county from 4 p., cent. lnt.r.!
bearing bonds to bond, bearin? 1
ceit the Commissioner, will seB CennTI
Bonds, running from 2 to 10 yeara to .
the purchaser, bearing l per cent. in?er?.t
r'V?f ! coupon.
bank or dealer, a great convenience to "hi
holder. Bonds can bo purchased at anJ
Urn.. Partiea wishinc, bond, in tha no
utnrow.ll pl m,ke .pp,,cilti '
they will k, retained for them "
Address all coasiannication. to the Com
missio-ars' Offlc., Mifaintown. Pona
Done, Jannary 26. le.
W. H. Mooaa, '
Kbax II. 8BAT,
Att-t: VOub,
W.H.Gaoawo,,, ComaasMs
Mifflintowa, Pa., Jan. 20, lSM8ia.
Get a good pajer by .ubacribina; for tha
Sbbtmibi, Ana RarrauoAji.
6 85
r at
4 00
8 67
3 58
3 41
8 82
8 16
8 19
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 88
. t