Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 05, 1896, Image 3

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wn!!ISAT. FEB.. MM.
?nfc;ription, $1.50 for annum tt paid
a-lvairrei $2.00 if sot paid in adrance.
Trweipnt advnrtisetnenta Inserted at 60
iints pur Inch for each fauortlon.
Transient bostness notice la local eol
tusin, 10 cents par Una for eneh Insertion.
E eductions will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
. March 11. W. F. Casner will sell
on the S'aaaian farm, Dear Mexico,
borsta, cow a, farm impliments. Sale
at 12.
11 akch 14. Mrs. G. Smith will
y. wjU at her place of residence in Mil
' flintown it 10 a. m., bngjjy, wagon,
, sluili, drag sleigh, Btone mason tools
and a full lice of household goods.
March 17. William Rome will Bell
in the Sieber farm, near Mexico,
hor-ws, po-nrs and farm impliments.
fettle at 11.
M.k; ii 18. Henry Swab will sell
in tha Charles A. Thompson farm, in
Wolker township, horses, cowa, hogs,
and farm impliments. S i!e at 11.
March. 19. Howard Leach will
sell iu Mil ford township, horses, cows,
shnat and farm impliments. Sale
at 11.
Mahcu 20. Benjamen Car well will
soli qa tbo Gross farm, in Locust
Ran, horses, cults, cowa, hogs and
iar:u impliments. Sale at 11.
March 21. W. N. Sterrett will
sell in Milford township, horses, cows,
other c it tie and farm implements.
Sile at 11.
4 Maroit 25. Cbas. Ii. Meloy will
- iell en the "Jenkins farm, in Milford
township, horses, colts, cows, other
cows, eh ats, sow and jng. Sale at
Gronr.d hog day was full of sun
shins. IvVocrt HcMecn, Esq., spent last
week in Wiikesbarrie.
John H. JJ iyer has moved from
Newport to this place. .
Ciothinsr merchant Tlarley, is re
covering from an attack of grip.
The sronnd bos w i;s shadow
on tba 2nd, t.nd on the 3rd it stow
ed. J. Howard Nsely and wife have
r:n KLcSjd bv the advent of a boy
G-orga Malny of Walker town3bip,
ff dioi .a tLe 27ih isst, eged 71 years
and 11 d jys.
Simon Fnulknor of lliddletown.N.
Y , a;d 102 rears, died on the 3 Jth
of J.tuaary, 1S0G.
TLa Slifilin Bacd has purchased a
tf.v.;:a:cdriira of the latest make.
Tht drum arrived last week.
T r. Vm. Boiks bought the G W
- Sjith etoue housa property on Main
alrt-tt at public sale for $1,725.
2Ir. r.nd Mrs. John Pattern, of
P v.wnirtown, Chester Co, are vis
Wayn- Cavduy in thij place.
Ftop'.e in the ricinity of Vn Wert
A btiit-va that n vein cf stone coal has
bt-t-E found near the Danker church.
Acknowledgement is duo and ten
d?:d to the band for the compli
mtLt of a serenado on Saturday even
ing. Oliver Ordt who has been a cilizen
in Northwestern Kansas the past 15
ye-ars is now here visiting his father
. aucl clher relatives.
O a S:tt jrd:iy the Senate passed the
X Iron silver coinage suhsitute to the
K inse bond bill by a vote of 4.2 to
' So, a majority of seven.
The Utters uncalled for in theMsf
flinto.vn post office for the month
ending1. Feb. 1, 1896. were for Mrs
Emma Davis, Mr. John King Homes.
An effort is being made to capture
A. small herd of wild buffalo in Texas.
Forty years ago, the buffalo roamed
in countless numbers over the plains
of the west.
f Last Sabbath, Rev. H. C. Holloway
D. D., stated to his congregation his
purpose to withdraw from the pastor
ate of the congregations, that he is
now serving.
The board of County Commission
ers desire to change the 4 per cent.
County Iuterost paying bonds into
threo par csnt. interest paying bonds.
See advertisement in another column.
Aaron and Henry Weaver, cousins,
killed a garter snake along a spring
run on the Weaver farm in Walker
townihip, on the 27th day of Janu
ary. . The snake was about two feet
Thev are digging for stone coal in
Walter township in number eight
Marcellus Shale. Everyone in the
vicinity of where tho work is going
o, believes that a valuable vein of
coal will be unearthed.
The letters uncalled for in the Pat
tereon post office for the month en
ding, January 31, 1896, were for Mrs.
Stephen Moohier, Miss Lizzi.3 Rowe,
Mrs. Alice Reed former proprietor
Saratoga Inn ; Jno. Brennon, Aaaful
Mitgata, Frank Young, David O. Don
well, W. A. Deckerson.
It is an uncommon thing for a
preacher to appoint an Assignee, but
this ia what Rev. J. A. J. Williams, a
Methodist Epiecopal preacher at
Roaring Springs, Blair connty did
last Wednesday. In addition to
preaching, he was a house builder, a
contractor. His liabilities are $15,
000. It is said ha owns enough prop
erty to pay his debts.
The court room has been well filled
every day this week to witn3ss the
case of commonwealth against
Warren J. Moffitt, for manslaughter
It is the case of the placing and
abandoning of a new born child on the
porch of Mrs. Jerome Thompson on
1 a cold freezing night. It is charged
k.i tho hil.l belonged to Mrs. Mof-
bucv o .
fitt, who at that time lived at Fort
Royal, at which place sne naa movea
1,0, Vi,iKnd from Hantingdon
niiiu . t .
county. Herself and two other
near relatives ar also under indict
ment but they elected to be tried
y eperately.
Edward Sieber hm aa.;n
Citizen of fhia tni, 3-
d of his store in Newport
The jury in the case of the Com
monwealtk araiiMfW.... t u.eu
returned a rerdict on Wednesday
The Huntintrdon
ar7'i "ve: A.nworKniationcom-
iu 01 to wives of the members of
the Biotherbood of Locomotive En
gineers, was formed here last Satur
day. looking aftor his fox traps that he has
set on the mountain,' fell and dislo
cated his right arm. Dr. William
oanKs was called and rendered sur
gical attention.
Minnie Swanerer, aged 13 vears,
confessed to the poisoning of the
family of William McGregor of Al
toona by placing arsanic in their cof
fee Her object was to get a chance
to pj under the house and escape de
tection during the confusion of tho
sickness of the family.
Isaac Etka has found a black rook
on land of Solomon Bsashor near
Van Wert in Walker township, that
burns with a flame like wood. -The
thickness of the vein has not been
determined. A number of people
have pronounced tha material Pitta-
burg coal. In tl Geological scale
me material tnat Jitka is working in
is known as No. 8.
If the folio win it rrnn.l nrtwlnc mnn
oy me ajtoona Tribune was followed
in every communitv. how mnh hn.
Dier tbo neonls would ho. - Ttrtn't. in.
dulge in idle gossip. Don't talk
about your neighbors. Don't repeat
the personalities some busybody
pours into your ears. Read good
books. Cherish noble thoughts.
Endeavor to bring to the surfjee the
dssi mat is in yourself and those with
whom you associate.
By some unaccountable meana tit
bam on the Moyer farm northwest of
town was set on lire last Fn Jay night
shortly before midnight and entirely
destroyed with a number of farming
implements and a lot of chickens be
longing to the teiunt Harrison Cas
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Cisner wore not.
at home that night having gone to
visit some mends. The young peo
ple had soma company and were en
joying thems-iives with music when
soino one saw throngh the window,
the flash of the light' as it broke
through tho ro-f. Tpy ran to tho
barn aud with difficulty took out the
liv9 stock, for by that "time tho fire
was workicg its way in tbo rack, evi
dently liaving come down from the
barn floor where it is be.ieved it was
set on fi.-e. The air was in the di
rection of tho house and by tho time
the stock was out cf the barn eoroe
ons t,aw fire on the house roof. The
young people booii got out on tbo
rof anil extinguished the thine. It
s.s a narrow escape for the Louse.
The barn was insured.
For a limited time only. Don't
miss ii: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photographs
and one 16x20 Crfivon Portrait
made by oue of the finest Artis's in
Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Hess'
Fuoto Studio, Mifiiintown, Pa.
Sai ory Stewed Kidney.
, Carefully prepare a moderate-sized
bc6f kidney by removing all the fat
and fibre; place in boiling water in a
porcelain kettle and boil slowly for
about h'ilf an hour, tben cut inta
small pieces and plao in a farina
kf-ttle; cover with milk; add a table
spoonful cf butter, and thicken with
flour until about the consistency of
custard. Susson with salt and white
pepper, add a liUle chopped parsler,
and servo with boiled rice. Febru
ary Ladies' Home Journal.
More about Phosphate.
Tbo discovery of phosphate in Tus
carora Valley, Jnniata county, has
been confirmed by tho highest scien
tific public authority in the Slate.
It has been confirmed by an analysis
made at Pennsylvania State Coilt'gt,
which is expressed in the following
to T. S. Moorehead:
TOR. State College, Centre Co., P.,
January 30, 1896.
Mr. T. S. Moorehead,
Port Royal. Penna.
Dear Sir:
Your favor of Jannarv 11th. I
handed to Prof. Ihheng for informa
tion as to the nroeress of the work
and wben it was returned to me it
was mislaid for several days.
The work upon tbe samples which
Prof. Iblseng took is just about com
pleted and the results show a large
proportion of the samples to csntain
sufficient phosphoric acid to make
them commercially valuable. I con
fess tbat I am somewhat surprised at
the results, and I think you will be
pleasad with them. They will be
ready for publication very shortly.
Ycurs Very Truly,
H. P. Arms by,
Bad Effects Disappear.
Pleasahtville, Pa , Jan. 20, 1896.
I suffered from the grip about
three years ago, and I could find no
relief until I began taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. I used three bottles of
this medicine and it helped me great
ly, and all the bad effects of the grip
disappeared "
Mrs. E. J. Cathball.
Hood's Pills cure billiousness.
The Proper Time
when the most benefit is to be deriv
ed from a good medicine, is early in
the year. This is the season when
the tired body, weakened organs and
nervous eystem yearn for a building
up modicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Many wait for theopen spring weath
er and, in fact, delay giving attention
to their physical condition so long
that along siege of sickness is inevit
able. To rid tho system of impuri
ties eccumnaulated during the winter
season, to purify the blood and to in
vigorate tbe whole system, there is
nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla
It will do you good. Read the testi
monials published in behalf of Hood's
Sarsaparilla, all from reliable, grate
ful people. They tell the itory.j
PlKO Al Wia Jan 01 'OA
Sentinel and Republican: This trip
of about 260 miles is the most unin
teresting trip one can take, and yet
interesting to those who have never
seen the Great American Desert. It
is true, that we do but aee a small
part of this great desert; and yet we
see enough of it to convince us that
there really is one in America a
land as barren and unfruitful as the
great Saharab.
ne as strangers passing tt rough
this land see some very peculiar
things. The land is not level ns one
would eupposa a dessert would be,
but as the tram skims along, we can
see here and there large rocks pro
jecting from th pV.u.. With their
peculiar shapes ixiid lugged brows,
they look like ancient sentinels, who
have been standing there from age
to age, warninsr the strnmrar and
telling him to pass on quickly for
fear of th terrible storms that come
up so quick on the desert, which even
uproot the low sa.ee bushes that stow
there and carry tbem for miles across
the plains Leaving the sentinels to
do their bidding as it were, we piss
on and soon corao to what is called
the table land. This ia another pe
culiar formation of the earth, eo call
ed because of its likeness to a table
sitting out upon tbe plain.
ln earth rises abrutly out of the
plain to ths heigth of 30 to 40 feet,
and oa top it is as level as a ' table.
One would naturally suppose that
this is where the sentinels dine, but
to, these tables are as void of food
a the dessert is of water. Soon we
como to an oaais in tha dessert where
the train stops to get a new supply
of fuel and water. Even the old iron
horsu seems glad that this is a re
freshing place to stop and to get a
good square meal that he may be
able to carry us across the dessert
in safety. Tho well at which the en
gine takes water is very deep, and
the water is very hard to pump out,
but the wonderful genus, man, has
harnessed the wind and made it his
servant to pursp the water. lis has
dene th's by ertcting a wind puinp
over the well which does its work
very well. This pump is controlled
by a Mexisan who lives closi by in a
very funny little hut called a "hacel
Uh," pronounced (bakeL) This is
bciit by digging a ditch about a foot
wide and 2 feet deep around tbo
space intended for the inside cf tbe
hous?. Then railroad tits are stood
close tcjretber on end in tho ditch
a id dirt packed solidly in around
them to keep them standing erect.
The roof is tl.ea put on by laying
pules ncros-s on top cf the ties and
and thickly covered with mud. The
cracks between the tics are also shut
up with mud so es to keep the cold
out in tbe winter. Some plr.cts wlcre
thesa Lacellals
are built one can cf;en seo grass
growing on the top, acd the family
goat can be steu thero cilmly feed
ing oa the grssa and other food
wLich the goats eat such as old boots
and tin cans, which have bten ILrcwn
up there, l'is very funny, but the
latter food he devours as greedily as
a boy doos a green apple. Tho boy
terrifies the family with bis dreadful
piin bait. The gjat makes them
glad by ktsping tliem in very rich
miik which they devour as greedily
as tho goat did the cane'. Leaving
the watering place we pkb oa over
tbe deasert seicg nothing but a few
cactu.--:ttid s-ie bushes, which is the
only thing that can grow there, it bo
ing so. dry. Soon our hearts rrs
gladdened by the sight we see before
us, for now we will soon leave the
dessert with its wild wasto behind
us as in the distance we . ree the
foot-hills of the Hockeys looming up
itito the heavens with their snow cap
red crowns, around which the eagle
soars with the freedom and liberty
that be alone can have. O, could all
men Lave buch liberty and such free
dom! As we draw nearer the moun
tains, we se one of the beautiful sun
sets that may be eeen very often in
this country. Here uwaiting ns, ns
it were, &i a grand sight to feast
our eyes upon after leaving the
dreary dessert.
Lying right before ns was a small
lake half surrounded at the back by
a plantation. Looming up a little
distance beyond these, were two
large peaks. Right back of all and
between the peaks, we could Bee tbe
sun as it shed its last rays ever all
High iu the Heavens tho clouds held
the colors of tbe rainbow, making a
most beautiful sight to behold. But
alas, all things must come to an end
Beautiful sight has parsed away,
night bas compassed. us round with
its black shroud, we bave askea u&a
to watch over us from above and will
now lay our weary head to rest.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day
"?Jystic Cure" for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the syctem
is remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause, and the elis
ease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 conts.
Sold by L. Banks & Co., druggists
Mifflintown. Jan. 9, '96.
for active ladv or centlcman cceinninL
ed with neighborhood. Compensa
tion from 940 to $150 monthly
Work outlined. Only energetic par
ty, ambitious to 6uccr.ed, reed apply
No capital required. Address, with
reference, state age and whttner mar
ried or single. Globe Bible Publish
iner Co.. 723 Chestnut Street. Phila..
KeUef la Six Hears
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseases relieved in six honrs by the
"New Great South American Kidney
Cure." This new remedy is a great
surprise on account of its Tf-(1inrr
promptness in relieving pain in the
oiaaaer, Kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary Dassaces in male or
female. It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in passing it almost im
meuiaieiy. jj you want quick relief
and cure this is vonr romarlv
by L. Banks Sl Co.. Tirntrmiet. Ifif.
fliatown. Pa. Feb. 6.
' ' e. '
Yoke. Hudimoii On tV 9rA
olt, at Mifflintown, by Bey. Alfred
N. Raven, Mr. Joseph York and Miss
a., nenaeraon.
Bulk McClhrpl On ih arm.
ult, at E ist Waterford,,by Rev. J. K.
Lloyd, Mr. Joshua Beale and Miss
Lila McCIure.
StrawseB Folk. On th 2n.l
inst, at Oriental.by Rev. H. H. Spahn,
axr. jacoD a. atrawser, and Miss Uora
al. folk.
Campbkll Yohn. On tbe 15th ult..
at Waterloo, by Rev. J. F. Diener,
Mr. bairuel if. Campbell and Miss
Mertie E. Yohn, both of Lack towu-
politic ae, ahuovcehieivts.
The following scale ef prions for an-
nouncawenU bus boon mutually agreed np
n by tbe nndaraignsd, and do deviation
from tbe same will be made.
Congriii., $25; Senator $10; Legislature,
$7; Associata Judira, Prothoaotary and
Treasurer, each, SS District Attorney,
County Ceninjiatonr, Representative Del.
cgate and Chairman ot County Cemmittee,
eaco a; Auaiior, J.I.
aii aaamonai comtunalcationa recom
mending candidates will be charged 10
cents a line. Money in all caaes to be pais
Editor Juniata Herald.
Editor Siktixel aud Republican.
- Senalt. I respectiully announce myself
as a candidate tor nomination for the office
of Senator, to represent the thirty. first dis
trict in the Legialatmo of Pennsylvania,
subject to tbe rules and usages of tbe Re
publican party of J uniaU.
Senate. I respectfully announce myself
ss a candidate for the office of State Sena,
tor to repreient this the thirty-Bret Dis.
trict in tbo State Senate of Pennsylvania,
subject to tbe rules and nsages of tbe Re
publican party of Juniata.
January 7lh, lb06.
LetUlature I respectfully annouaco
myself as a cendidato for nomination for
tbe office of I:c ; r. :r.tative, t represent
Jnniata county iu the legislature of Penn.
sylvama, subject to the rules and usages of
tbe Kepublicsa party of Juniata.
Ltgialalure. I respectfully announce
myself as a candidalo tor nomination for
tbe office ef Rep-esentative to the Lcgisla.
ture of Pennsylvania, subject to tbe rules
and usages of the Republican party of Juu
tata. T. U. MKMMINGEK.
Ltgitlature I respectfully announce
mrseH ss a candidate Tor the nomination of
Rrpreaentalive to fbe Legislature of Penn.
syivanla. subject to the usapes and rules of
tbe Republican party of Jnniata county.
Jlssonmte Jujgt. In behalf ot many Re
publicans throughout tbe connty, please
announce that W. Ncr'b Sterrett, of Mil
ford township, is a candidate for Associate
Judge, mhject to the rnles and usages, of
of tbe Republican party or Juniata.
jisMciate Judge. I rtspeclfnlly announce
mrsp'.f as a candidate tor nomination for the
office of Associate Judpe, suhjert to tbe
rntf.s end nsagf-s ef the Rcinblicsn party
or Juniata. ARRAM W. SIEBER.
Jlitoeiat Judge. Please announce that
liiic-ch Sbelloubrrgar of Walker township,
is a candidato for nomination for tho eftica
of As?ciate Jodie, subject to the rales
sn-1 usicrs of the Rpnblican party of Jno
iata. WALKEH.
Jltsociate Judge. I respectfully announce
mvself as a candidate for the nomination
ofAs?ociato Judge, subject to tbe rules
and nsae-pii of the Republican prty of Jnn
iata countv. A. J. 3-Jlb 1 ,
yerniRDagh Twp
visiociale Judge Please announce that
Leomud R. Mallear of Spruce Hill town
ship is a candidate for Associate Judge,
subject to tbe riilcK and usage of the Re
publican party of Jnniata county.
Jan'y 21, 1896.
Associate Judge In behalf of mny Re
publicans in the lewor end of tbo county.
please announce that Levi Light of
Susquehanna township is a candidate for
AiMiciate Judge, subject to tbo rules and
usages of tbe Republican party of Juniata.
Jan'y 20, 1856.
Prothaitctary I rcpectfitlly announce
that I am a candidate for re-nomination for
theotFce of Prothons'sry and Clerk of tbe
Courts ef Juniata county, subject to the
rules ssd usages of tbe Republican party of
Jnniata. W. II. ZE1DERS.
Dittrict jltlorney. I hereby announce
myself ss a candidate tor re. nomination for
tbe office of District Attorney, subject t
tba rules and usages ef the Republican
party ef Junsta.
District attorney. I hereby announce
myself as a candidate tor tbe office of Dis.
trict Attorney, subject to the usages and
rues of tbe Republican party.
Commissioner. I respectfully announce
myself as a candidate for re nomination for
tho office of County Commissioner of Jun
iata connty. subject to be rules and usages
of tbe Republican party of Juniata.
Commissioner. I respectfully nnnouuee
myself ss a candidate for re-nomination fer
the cfn.e-cf County Commissioner of Juni
ata county, sclj'ct to tho usages and ruls
that govern the Rt-publicjn partv of Juniata
county. W. H.KOORE.
Commissioner. I respectfully announce
mynelf ssa candidate for tho nomination of
Connty Lomnrissioner, subject to the rules
and usages of the Republican party of Jun
Commissioner. I respectfully announce
myself sr a candidate for tbe nomination of
County Commi.i!ionor. snhi.t. in fh. ml..
and usages of tho Republican party of Jun-
ia. at. K. UKABUOB.
Communoner. Please announce that
Cbarl.s W. Book of Walker township is a
candidate for the office of Connty Commis
sioner of Jnniata County, subject to tre
rules and nssges of tho Republican party of
January 27, 1896.
Cemmtsttoser: Ploase announce tbst
Philip Barley of De aware township
is a candidato fer tbe office of Connty
Commissioner of Jnniata County, aubjeet
to ibe rules end nsages of the Republican
party of Jnniata.
Treasurer. Please announce that George
W. WiUon or Patterson is a candidate Tor
the oliice of County Treasurer, subject te
the rules and usages of the Republican
patty of Juniata.
Treasurer I respccfully announce my
self as a esndidale for tbe nomination of
Counly Treasurer, subject to tbe rules and
nsages of the Republican party in Jnniata
Trawearer. 1 re spec tf ally announce that
I am a candldrtai Wmw
- viuaiwivu in
County Treasurer, sobjeat to tbe rules and
"f " Bspnouean party ef Jnniata
eennty. JAMES H. SIMONS.
HmmrmmmmimHmm t.1t- m
J. S. OraybiU oi Fayette towasaip as a
candidate for Kopreeentatlve Delegate to
the State Convention, subject to tbe rates
-ss vi ie uapnoiican party ef Jnn.
ata. ii TiTTf
Ui IU,
GssaV Ckminmnm T -
- . - i.npjcimiij an-
Bounce that 1 am oirfi.. ...
i or iub vines
of Connty Chairman ef the Republican
party of Juniata eennty, subject to the rales
and urage ot the party.
Count u CAatrmaa.- T rno,rnii.
nonnce that I am a iii rn. n..
iy inairmsnsnip of tbe Kepublicsa party of
. .v, tun vWUIa
. suuuij, suujec( io me rules ana
"Hco v. uiv party.
E. Schott's new
Advertisement will
appear next week.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 188V.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale ot Clothing that goes on dailj
It will be
Who nave money to invest lo examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmcr and Funer
al Director,
Bridge St, illifflintowD, Pa.
Itch on human, tnanira on honuM.
dogs and all stock, enred in 30 nun-
nta bv Wonlfnivl'a Hanifartr Ttina
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
k Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
r eo. o, ij.
Always with 6eei SesalU.
Brookvuxb, Pa., Jan. 20, 1896. I
take pleasure in writing that I have
used Hood's Sarsaparilla for six years
and always with good results. I
reccommend it to all my friends for
cases caused by impure blood.: I
give it to my children as a spring
medicine. Mrs J. M. Chekxutt.
Hood's PUU act harmoniously with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Great Cut on
For . liar gains.
The Oldest Inhabitant
never saw Clothing as Cheap
As we aie selling it.
Hollobaugh & Son,
KamUSHfcD 1880.
The JflcCUntic Hardware
Stoves and tin-ware, mill and black-smith eupplies, Harness,
Collars, Lap Robes, Blanket?, Fiy-netsand Saddler's Supplies.
Best Gocds at Low Trices. We did an encouraging business
during tbe past &eacors and hope by constant application and
prompt attention to do doubly as much in the coming season.
We are tetter prepared to furnish
Tin, Iron and Felt Kcofing, Sheathing- and Lining paper.
Paints, Glass and Carpenter Tools at low Prices.
Bl sckfcmiths will find it to their interests to call and ex
amine our Stock and get Prices of Norway & refined bar iron.
Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails and IV-ols.
Lumteimen end Mill Men will net go away uninterested,
after ihcy la-e exMnined and priced Our Stock of Cross Art
Saws, files, Gum and Leather Beltin, ;.nd Lucer at Low
Prices, w eed arid iion pumps of the best make; also a. full line
of House furnifhirg Gocds. Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil
low ware, w ooden-ware, Nickle Tea Kettle and coffee pots.
Wall Paper at all Prices.
toT of mmm imvzf
that we are offering at Special Prices to close them out, Barbed
Fence Wire, Gasoline Stove, Ice Cream Freezers, forks, scythea.
Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes of all kinds,
prices furnished on application, Cook Stove, Fruit Drjer, the
best out estimates to iumish contractor with the material so
licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance
of the same.
Feunded In 1S34. Large Faculty.
Two lu'l courses ot study Classical and
Scientific, P pecial courses ia all depart
ments. Observatory, Laboratories and
new QTBDnasium, Seam beat. Libraries,
22,000 volumes. Expenses loir. Depart
ment of Hygiene and Physical Culture in
charge of an experienced physician. Ac
cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca
tion on tho BATTLEFIELD of Gettvsbnre.
most pleasant and bealtbv. PREPAR
ate buidinjs, lor boys snd young man pre
paring for business or College, under spec
ial cars of the Principal and three assist,
ants, residing with students in the building.
Fall term opens September Sib, 1895. For
Catalogues, acdret
or REV. O. G. KLINGEK, A. M.,
Gettysburg, Fa.
StockholderB Individually Liable
T. VAN ISWIJf, Ceskie,
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rnthmeb,
John Herfsler, . Josiah L. Barton,
Rolert K. Parker, Lonis B. Atkiusor
T. V. Irwin.
STOcanoLccBS i
Georee A. Ktrner, Annie M. Kl.i-tio.
Joseph Rothrock, p. W. Manbeck,-
jl,. r.. AiRinscn, r,. r. ranter,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin
Mary Kurtz, Jerome K. Thompson,
John Bertzler, T. V. Irwin.
Charlotte Snyder, Josiab L Barton,
John y. Blair, Robert U. Patterer.?
F. M. M. Pernell, Len I.ipl t,
SamnelS. Rothrock, Wro. Swsrts.
M.N. Sterrett, H. J Shellenbereer.
James G. Heading, H. & Schlrgtl,
8. W. Heaps.
Three and Four per cent, li.t.rcst will
paid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 23, 1896 f
The Sentinel arA Kcpuiiteun oEco tbo
pisce to get job work done. Ttylt. Itwil.
pay you if you need anything in that line.
4 Scientific Amerloaa
TRAfP ntaARsffi.
CDPY KlCHTS. eittui
X'or i-Tmationanafroo HarnltKxk wrtt t
li'J.l.; u CO- 61 Ban ad wat. New Yt.Rir.
C!i.r Inresu lr wiirLnir patnt In Americas
Every ret-T.t taken out hy us Is brounht buftirs
the public by a notioo given frto otcluireo la Uta
Xjar?et etrmlfltlnn of any Mfcntlfic par In tho
world. Bj)lndldly llliiitrafaid. No lntxllix'int
rnaa shonlc: be without It. Weekly. tas.OUa
rear: $1.00 six moiitlia. Addrwu. buSn'u cu
VuausiiBGd, 3i 1 Uroedvruy, Rtw York CUy.
Garfield geas
tijl Sample fcxa. c wl o.,alk w.miiS.I.
pen! F sw art .
Money Imsi at Lowest Rates.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Th EorjOTu-Plsese Inform yoar rsdenk
Shat 1 have a positive rsaaody for tbe above-named
dlaoam. By ita Umelyose thooaanda ofhsMlaw
eases have bean penaanena7amd. Iab.Hb.asad
to sand two bottles of my nmedr FasU t aay ot
Toot readers wko bar. oonsnmptloa tf tbay will
eanu me their EvpreH and P. o. addnaa. Keapeot
roily. T. A. tUQQUkl, H.0.,161 Fsait Bt. X.