Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 29, 1896, Image 2

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- It
Sentinel & republican
tuirni AMD rOPUTO.
People in Pittsburg pay higher
nrater rnts than :.n any other city -
Thb Democratic National Conven
tion, will meet in Chicago on the 7th
of next July.
Professor Kontgek of Vienna has
Uncovered a new light that pene
trates many solids.
Rev. H. W. McKnight, 1. D., Preu-
J.i.) t T,.nlnn i"V.l!ur. Vina
i Ittsignei to take antct next June.
Now comet" the report that Turkey
land Russia have become friends. If
St is so, the bear will eat the Turkey.
Woven students of the Annex in
Sage College, N. Y., are preparing
f u to organize a rowing crew and a foot
, Dan team.
The New York Legislature pro
poses to pass a bill prohibiting wo
men from exposing their limbs in
shows that men attend.
President Cleveland last Thursday
afternoon. 1 hey are the only two
men living, who have occupied the
Presidential chair.
The edict of tbo Pope against
members of the Catholic churou be
longiDg to the secret orders of the
Knights of Pythias, Sons of Temper
ance and Odd Fellows is to stand.
Jtivl VV hex a foreigner can ship goods
I " I to the United States cheaper than they
1 I can be made in this country, he will
K I do it. The Cleveland Administration
ao reduced the tariff on foreign goods
that the cheap goods can be sent
here cheaper than onr people can
manufacture the same line of goods,
aad that act cnts two ways. First it
compels our manufacturers to close
their factories or reduce the wages
M, Pad to their men and the price paid
lor material, second the foreign ar
ticles, have all to be paid in gold, and
that drains the gold out of the conn
try and our gold bonds havo to be
bought by foreigners.
Queer Hog gelt.
In Lebanon Jacob M, Mease, sold
a fat hog to neighbor Milton H. Kti
ter. Tho hog was converted into
sausage, ham, shouldt-r, &a., of which
Reiter ato plentifully, aud then went
into a declining state of health, whiih
poor state of health, he says has been
caused by the eating of the Mease
hog. He has sued M ase for $10,000
"Million Dollar Tame."
Beresford News.- T'aere is a ru
mor out that the Lincoln, Neb. bank
wrecker Mosher, and defaulting
Treasurer Taylor, both work in the
boiler room of th Sioux Falls Peni
tentiary, where a big Norwegian, al
so confined there, assists in carrying
oat the big barrow of ashes, taking
the heavy handles and aUitricg tbe
-wrrow, while the above two noted
characters pull the ropes, and the
Norwegian wa. heard to remark the
other day as he started off: "tint oop
dar! Ah! see mai myllion dollar
Couldn't Stand the Ghost-
Freni the Pittaburg- Post.
Chapnaux, an old experienced
track walker between Colliers and
Holliday'e Cove, has resigned his
position on account of a very strange
object ttiat gets on the track in front
of him at Eagle Nest cut. Mr Traux
is as brave a man as ever walked
trucks for the Panhandle, but he
says that he cannot faca this thing
any longer and live. "Chap dea-
eriDes nis strange looKing object as
looking sumewhat like a j oang colt.
He has tried his trusty revolver upon
it time after time, but with no 1 fleet,
and be prides himself 113 being the
crack shot of Brooke county. He
has at last concluded t hat he has
seen tbe ghost of Wilse Owings'
blooded mare, from which Chapman
was anxious to have a foal, but when
kis hopes were about to be realized,
the mare took sick and died. Chap
man has worried himself very much
over this matter. All his friends
cannot convince him, but what it is a
genuine ghost that he has seen.
"When I shoot at a thing a dozen
times and the thing don't drop, ye
can't tall me it is no ghost," is the
clincher "Chap" generally gets in
when his friends tell him he is "gum
med up."
Th e Gold Fields or tbe West
are row attracting the attention of
the whole world, and the results of
plicer and quartz mining are fully
equal to the finds of nuggets in the
early California days.
Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Wash
ington and British Columbia vie with
each other as to the extraordinary
inducements offered to prospectorp,
practical miners and investors.
By nest spring tho gold fever will
hare taken possession of thousands
of people, and Western roads will
have all they can do to transport the
fortune hunters.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway, and its connecting
lines, is the best route to ali sections
of the Far West. For further in
formation address John R. Pott.
District Pass. Agent.
is causing that much maligned sec
tioD of the Western country ti bios
som like tbe rose. Quoting from a
published artiold 00 tho subject, it is
stated that "Men wli3 are accustom
ed to farming in nou irrigated dis
tricts are slow to believe the reports
cf enormous yields of all kinds of
farm products in those sections of the
country where irrigation is practic
ed." An irrigated 40 acre farm pro
duces greater and better results than
a 640 acre farm cultivated in the or
dinary way. In a few weeks we hope
to be able to publish various items
from different individuals giving their
personal experience id irrigation t
la the meantime send for a free
copy of an illustrated phatnphlet in
reference to Irrigation in Dakota,
published by the Chicago, Milwau
kee & Sr. Panl K'y Co. Address,
District Pass. Agent.
uood lor man or beast, it la one
of the best liniments put on the
markets for sprains, bruises, cuts,
rheumatism, tooth ache, and is a sore
cure for snake bite. Priee 25c.
Prepared by J. S. Kxsxpr,
Academia, Pa.
RheimatbM Cared la a Day
''Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon tbe tyrtem
is remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause, and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by L. Banks & Co., druggists
Mifflintown. ; Jan. 9, '96.
Your Opportunity.
Your opportunity to secure one of
the best magazines in America is
found in the subscription offered by
the Skktikel and Republic as. We
will tend you the Juniata SOTrxix
and Repdblicax and Th Cosmopolitan
Magazine to any address in Juniata
county for $1.84 in advance. Dar
ing 1896 The Cotmopolitan will pub
lish between one and two thousand
pages, and one thousand illustrations.
Many of the ablest writers and art
ists of the times are employed on the
magazine, lbe magazine will sur
prises you in its completeness. It
will prove itself to be one of tbe
most satisfactory publications that
you ever secured for yourself and
family. Send one dollor and eiphty
four cents and secure both the J Dm
ata Senttsel and Reicbucaj( and
Cosmopolitan one year.
Grandma Patlva.
Ripened as a sheaf of the garner,
Mrs, Maria E-, beloved wife of Geo.
W. Patton, deceased, passed peace
fully away at her home in Washing
too, on Monday last Her remains
were, conveyed to this place, her
former home, the home of her son,
Major Robert W. Patton on West
Third street.
Mrs. Patton was one of the oldest
residents of this placo at tbe time cf
her removal to ashington several
years stuct, where she lived with her
daughters, Mrs. A. Granville Patter
son aod Miss Rie, her surviving cons
being Robert W., living in New York
and George W., in Charleston, W. Ya
She was well informed on the his
tory of tbe town and its families and
being a close reader had stored her
mind with much useful information
about men and things.
In recent years tbe infirmities of
age, prevented her from going about
as was her wont and she was moved
about from one place to another on a
wheeled chair.
The funeral services were conduct
ed at the residence of her son Major
R. W. Patton on West Third street
on Friday afternoon by Rev. R. F.
Wilson, Rev. William H. Decker, Rev.
Dr. Wallis and Rev. David W. Woods
were present- Major Robert W.
Patton of Lewistonn delivered an
impressive prayor standing close by
the side of bis deceased mother.
Tho pall-bearers were her two sons,
Major Robert W. Patton of Lewis
town and George W. Patton, Esq , of
Charleston, Ya., and fcer grandsons
Robert Patton, Jr., and George Pat
terson. The day was an inclement
one and as Grandma Patton bad a
number of times expressed an aver
sion to interment under such condi
tions her remains were placed in a
vault in the Presbyterian Cemetery
for the time being. Free Press, Jan
uary 22, 1896.
mm i
Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public that he has opened a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills, Pa., where
he can be found at all times. Teetv
extracted painlessly. All work guai
an teed.
Nervous women will find relief in
Hood's Sarsaparillo, because it en
riches the blood and thus strength
ens the nerves.
Catarrb Cured-
Corvdon, Pa., Jan. fi, 1896. I have
had had catarrh for 20 years and
could get nothing to help me I
heard that Hood's Sarsaparilla was
good for this disease and purchased
six bottles. I need thi medicine and
now I am cured, and recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla to any one who
has catarrh " G. H. NicbolB.
Hood's Pills cure
sick headache,
Jan. 22-3 1.
Blood and nerves aro closely relat
ed. Keep the blood pure with Hood's
Sarsaparilla aad you will not be ner
vous. la the Beginning:
of a new year, when the winter sea
son of close confinement is only half
gone, many find that their health be
gins to break down, that the least ex
posure threatens sickness. It is
then as well as at all other times,
and with people even in good health,
that the following facts should be re
membered, namely: that Hood's Sar
saparilla leads everything in the way
of medicines; that it accomplisoe
the greatest cures in the world; has
the largest sale in the world, and re
quires the largest building in the
world devoted exclusively to the prep
aration of the proprietary medicine.
Does not this conclusively prove, if
yon are sick, that Hood's Sarsaparil
la is the medicine for you to take?
Itch on hnman, mange on horses,
dogs and all stock, cared in 30 min
utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by L Banks
St Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. , ly.
Tbe Hollobansrh Building ' on
Bridge street, Mifflintown. Tbe best
location for a restaurant in the coun
ty. Enquire at Hoiaobatjoh's Cloth
mo Store, Patterson, Pi. :
for active lady or gentleman acquaint,
ed with neighborhood. Compensa
tion from $40 to $150 monthly
Work outliped. Only energetic par
ty, ambitions to succeed, need apply
No capital required. Address, with
reference, state age and whetner mar
ried or aingle. Globe Bible Publish
ing Co., 723 Chestnut Street, Phila.,
Relief In Six Hears
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseaoes relieved in six hours by tho
"New Great South American Kidney
Cube." This new remedy is a great
surprise on account of it exceeding
promptness in relieving piin in the
bladder, kidneys, back and tvery part
of tbe urinary passages in raalo or
female It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want quick relief
and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown, Pa. Feb. G.
Kellef In OaeDay.
South Axebican Nervine relieves
the worst cases of Nervius prostra
tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
lief and blessing Las ever come to
the invalids of this country. Its
powers to enre the stomachs are won
derful in tbe extreme. It always
cures; it cannot fail. It radically
cures all weakness of the fctomacLe
and never disappoints! It is a luxury
to take and always 6afe. Trial bot
tles 15 ceiits. Sold by L. Bauka &
Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Ftb. 6, ly.
An Old Time Match With Revolvers In
the Tenderloin Police Station.
"Tho recent ordor of the police board
that all patrolmen shall become profi
cient in the nse cf the revolver," 6aid a
retired sergeant, "reminds me of a lit
tle target practice that took place in the
cellar of tbe Tenderloin station house on
West Thirtieth street three years ago.
There was qnite a sporty crowd of pa
trolmen doing duty in that precinct in
these days, aud there was always n pok
er game in the off platoon. The game
Was run on the dead quiet of course and
was pluyed in a small room in the cellar
used ordinarily for storing ballot boxes
and other election paraphernalia. The
boys smuggled a stove down there, and
a poker table that was seized in a raid
on a gambling house was corralled and
J laced m the room.
"Now, there were two ward men do
ing duty in the Tenderloin then, and as
they had no regular hours they were
able to play along with each platoon
without interruption. They were a cou
ple of pretty slick fellows, and it was
only a matter of time when they'd have
all the money on the table. Eventually
it got eo that the patrolmen wouldn't
play with them any more, and this
source of revenue cut off, they hit on the
idea ox shooting at a target with revolv
ers at 25 cents a shot. Now, some of
these coppers were crackajacks with'pis
tols, and they seized the opportunity
thus offered to win back the money they
had lost at poker. 0 one night a to
mato can was set cp at one end of the
long cellar, and a lighted caudle was
placed beside it. Tbeu the men began to
shoot Only two pistols were ued, but
every time a patrolman shot he missed,
while the wardincu bored a hole in tbe
can each time.
"Every night for a week the men
wonld shoot, and always with the samo
result. Tho wardmcu were winning
about $10 apiece a night, when the game
came to a sndden end. One of the patrol
men suddenly opened the pistol which
a wardman bad handed him to shoot
with and found it loaded with blank
cartridges. Then there was a howl, and
the bad shooting of the platoon was ex
plained. The other pistol, which the
wardmen had been using, was loaded
with 32 caliber bullets, and as both were
good shots of conrse they plumbed the
can each time. The patrolmen threaten
ed all sorts of things, but the wardmen
only langhcd and held on to the money
they had won. There was no nse kick
ing to the captain ubout it, for bo'd
have preferred charges against every
mother's son of them for gambling in
the station hourfe, and so the patrolmen
swallowed their loss and let the matter
drop. Bnt it was a long time before they
got over it, and some of them are laying
for a chance to get even to this day."
New York San.
The Yule Log.
In some parts of Germany the Tnla
log is placed on tbe hearth on Christ
mas eve and if possible kept burning
for two or three days. Then a piece of
it is laid aside for the purpose of light
ing the next year's log and of guarding
the household from harm. Pieces of fir
wood charred bnt not qnite burnt ont
in the Christmas fire are also placed un
der the family bed in some German vil
lages to avert the dreaded lightning
stroke, which appears in this relation to
be tbe type of lire in its evil aspect,in
contradistinction from the solar orb, the
representative of beneficent light and
warmth. Tho custom of burning a Ynle
log for three days and nights in each
homestead is almost certainly a survival
from the adoration onco offered to the
sun at the winter solstice.
Three centuries after the Christian
era sun worship was still maintained in
Brittany, and in Normandy not more
than 100 years ago the household fire
was extinguished on Dec. 24 and the
Christmas log was ignited by the aid of
a flame procured from the lamp burning
in the neighboring church. This fact af
fords a curious instance of the probable
transference of respect and reverence
from the sacred fire of a purely heathen
creed to the ecclesiastical lights cf Ca
tholicism. When tbe pagan rites for pro
curing unsnllied fire were forbidden or
fell into desuetude, the ideas to which
they owed their origin and development,
instead of perishing, continued to exist
mare or less perfectly by attaching
themselves to usages and ceremonies
having no direct association with them.
Gentleman's Magazine.
Falling from this Son to the Binrlh.
The nhilosonhers have fismrnrl rmt
some qneer problems since the time of
xioratio, bnt none ox tnem is more curi
ous than that relating to the amount of
time it wonld take for an object to fall
from the sun or moon to onr earth. It
has been decided, after an immense
amount of figuring, that if a bowlder
weighing a ton should fall from the sun
it would take it 99 years, 9 months, 7
days and 3 hours to reach the earth.
The same bowlder could make the trip
from the moon to the earth in 4 days.
St, Lonis KenntV-r
Lvt Sunday. G-Mgo Hace.jer,
Cert Miller, Hatlio Miller, Hantaan
M Her, B"sie Miller and Bessie
Wade, ranging in age from 9 to 13
j ire, were baptized in the St hoy 1.
sill river at Boyersford by B v. Jamea
L. Bojer, a Mennonite minister.
They Are Marked This Way
The Kenulna Interlined collars and
-n(l'wlth a "Celluloid" anrfaee, andth
only water-proof oouara and eaflk
xorth baying.
They are worth buying-, beeana they
u-ccralx times longer than linen, keep
clean longer, hnd when tolled, you
ciin clean them yourself.
You can clean them yourself with a
wet cloth aa easily aod quickly as yon
C.-V11 wash your hands whether at
home or abroad.
v a
At home or abroad, yoa'U find them
mora comfortable, more convenient
uml more economical than any other
collars and cuffs made.
Aorut Dw mllaUons. Hade la ma mjlc aad rnkarn.
rVt-rywbw or Ml b, as dlfvat. Collar, Sam. lanS,
t'R. pair poatftaid. State atie aad ctjle.
fiADAI fl is the best cleenmr
UASMaUlv fur these gooda.
Opposite Post Office.
o O o
Oa and alter the 1st of D camber, 189),
the rates :or inis notei win he:
2 SO per dar.
3 OO S
Silver Service in Dining Room
nil '.it..
Whereas Letter. Tesrani'B'sry havo
been isuei in due form br tho Register ol
Jnninls connry, en 'lie i-st.tte r Kurbara
Arp, late ot Suctih ina tvnlip, deceas
ed, lo ti e under; igntd. ihii i- lo notify all
persona indebted to sti I es'atu lo make
immediate jneni, si d tboi-e hiving
cls;nis to )reiei.t the i-SM.e pinperly auth
enticatu i lor settlenn t t-
JcsrrH Simla,
McAliMerville, January 2. 1S9H.
Whereas Letter T-sramea ajy hsve been
issued in due form by the RrpM'r of J un
it's county, on thu f statu ol Mrs. Amelia
Totbeit lattt nt Tnrrtetf rnrnshlp. deceased,
to tbe nnd rsis;nc1. this Is in not it y si; ner
sons Indehtert to iil t-xUtn lo niske im.
mediate pa' taunt jr.tl tim e having claims
lo presHi.t ili Mini.-, projwriy authenticated
fsr set Item nt :o
Joseph II. Matiif,s,
or to Executor.
Aikinfon & l'ennell. JIU'yi.
Mifflintown, IV, Nov. 19, 1895.
ltsla!t of BEKJANW F. WALLACE.
The undersienntl Adoi'iiis.'ratrix, having
bein granted letter teatHtnentsir or, the
estate .l Benjamin F. Wallace, Isto of Tns.
carora township, decssaod, o it or tho Or
hank' Conrt ol Jnr.i.tti comity, hereby
gives entice tm all l-r.-oiu indebted to said
estate to make iniM-Hut.! jMyment, am
those having claim will present them prop,
crly authenticated lor ' nlemvot.
ffriiiA Wallici.
McCu'loch's MilV, Juniata county, Fa.
Wl. re, g, the Hon. JEREUIAH LYONS.
I President Jil'lge ol lh Court ol' Common
I Pleas, lor the. Forty-I'ir.t Judicial District.
coirpo'ed ol the rontiti of Juniata snd
Perry, and lh I'ot.o'tO.V. J( SI H L. BAR
TON and J. P. iriCKKKSH AM, Asoci4to
Judges of thf said court ol Common Pleas
or Juniata county, hv precept dnlv issned
and to me directed lor holding a Court of
Oyer and Terminer -.d O -nctl Jail Dliv
ery, sn-t i; n-rtl Qii.irter e..i,n ot the
re-itce nl ViIUmiIowo. on
FIXST voNii V0Kr r-i; i;yi896
BElvrj THE Tlil D JJlT iK THE
Notick is ura.BT o.vn -i. tl e ,' ri ner,
Justic. s or lliu IVw .u.'l C .t-,1 of tbe
Ooniity ol Ji:ni.-.ta. thit thev be then and
there in thi ir t-roper p-ron, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said d ir, with their rec
ords, inqnisiiioi.s. laminations and Oyer
rememberances, to do Home thing that to
their . oA'cra r s-ecilnl!y appertain, and
those that are. hor.nd by rt-cnxance to
pros, cute sgatrist the risotiers that are or
may be in the Jail of paid county, be then
snd there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
By an Act of th. Assemble-, passed the
Ctb day of May, 18"1. it mule the doty of
Justices or Ibu Peace ol llio revrral coon
ties of this C'ommonw ,1th. In retnrn lo the
Clerk of the Onrt of Q ta-t. r Sestinns of
the respective coun'iiM, a I fm rac ogniz
ances cnNre-l juto before rein by an y per
son or per-ons charged with the Commis
sion of any cri no. e.xn-pt ii.-li cases as
may be tn.led belt.ro a Justice of the
Peace, nnder fxitiDg Ij, at least ten
days hel'oie lbe eviran enri tnent i f (he ses
sion of the Conrt lo wh ch they are made
returnable rrsie. tively, and in all cases
ht re r eoejnhs trees are entered into ltsa
Ihsu ten (lays bi'lore the coranicrcement of
the sciVon lo li ch Ihev arc made retain
able, the said Jns'icea ere to return tba
mine in ihe same n.anner at if said Act
bud cot In i u pajaed.
Dattd at Mimintown. lbe first day of
Jsnnsry. in tho year of onr Lord, one
.thousand eight hundred and ninety. six.
Janes P. 1'Aiuoca, Skerti.
Sherifl's Ollk-e,
. M'ttiitit .wn, January 1. 1896.
1 ars profitable if rriUy irown. J I
I . makes them grow as Uey"V
I v abouldgrow; makes Cera, "if I
1 ia. Wheat and other crops ST I
1 rrow better than any fcr- a3 I
1 EL Ultoerknown. Bend for , I
1 newPrlceUst. I
tom ZT I
BURN CO., Patent Attorneys, WaaUagtoa,
11. C, for tbix SIUO prfaa oOar.
The foltowing scale of prices for an
nouncements baa boon mutually agreed up
on by the undeTsifaed, and ao deviation
from lbe same will be made.
Congress, $25; Senator 10j Legislature,
7; Associate Jude, Protnonotarv snd
Treasurer, each, 5; District Attorney,
County Cenroisaioner, Bspresentative Del
egate and Chairman ol County Committee,
each $3; Auditor, 1.
All additional comniuaications recom
mend lug candidates will be charged 10
cents a line. Honey in all eases to be l"Air
Editor Juniata Herald.
Editor Skstixel aid RsrcsLiCAS.
Senate. I respcctlully announce myself
as a candidate for nomination for the office
of Senator, to represent the thirty-first dis
trict in tbe Legislatnte of Pennavlrania,
subject to the rrHea and usages of the Be
tublican party of Juniata.
Senate. I respectfully announce myself
aa a candidate for tbe office of State Sena
tor to represent this tbe tbirty-Brst Dis
trict in tbe Slate Senate of Pennsylvania,
sul ject to tbe rules and usages of the Re
publican parly of Juniata.
. January 71b, 1890.
Letitiature I respectfully announce
myself as a candidate for nomination for
the office ol Representative, to represent
Jnniata county in lbe Ligislature of Penn.
sylvama, subject lo the rules and usages f
tbe Republican psrty of Jnniata.
LtgUlature. I respectfully announce
myself at a candidate for nomination for
tbe office of Representative to tbe Legists,
lure of Pennsylvania, snhject to tbe rnleJ
and usages of tbe Republican party of Jim
ma. T. 11. UKMMINGER.
Ltritlaturt. I respectfully announce
my sell as a candidate tor Ibo nomination of
Representative to tbe Legislature of Penn.
syraoia. anbject to the nsages and rules of
tbe Republican partr of Jnniata conntv.
Jstoeimte Judge. In behalf at many Re
publicans throughout the county, please
nnonnce that W. North Sterrett, of Mil
ford township, is a candidate for Associate
Judge, subject to the rules and usages of
or the Republican parly or Jnniata.
Muriate Judge I respectfully announce
mrarlf as a candidate lor nomination for the
office of Associate Jndjre. snhject to tbe
ru'es ana nsages or the Repnblicaa party
of Juniata. ABRAV W. SIEBES.
Jteoeiate Judge. Please announce that
Kncch S bellenberger of Walker township,
is a candidate lor nomination for tba office
of Associate Judge, subject to the rales
aad nssges of tho Republican party of Jno-
taia. WALKE3.
jSttoeiate Judge I respectfully annonncs
myself as a candidate for the nomination
of Associate Judge, snhjnct to tbe rnles
and nsajtes or tbo Republican party of Jnn
iata county. A. J. HOIST,
Permsuagh Twp.
Asfociate Judge Please announce that
Leonard R. Maugor of Spruce Bill town
ship is a candidate for Associate Judge,
subject to the rules aad nsages of tbe Re
publican party of Juniata county.
Jan'y 21, 1896.
jtnoeiate Judre In behalf of manv So-
nbtteraa u, the lawcr end of the county.
please announce that Levi Lieut of
Susquehanna township is a candidate for
Associate Judee, subject to tbe rules and
usages of tbe Republican party of Jnniata.
Jan'y 20, 18S8.
Prothtnotaru I resDectfullir annonnea
that I am a candidate for re-noniintion for
lbe office of Prothonn'arr and Clerk r tha
Courts ef Juniata county, subject to the
rules sad ussares of the ReDnhliran inrirsr
jnniata. w. h. zkidkh
District JttarmU T hpnthr ann..n.
myself as a candidate lor re. nomination for
ID! oiuce Ol ulSTrtci Atfnrnsr anliiut a
the rules and usages of the Republican
pal I J Ol atUHlKIlB.
District Attorney 1 h:rebr annonnee
myself as a caodidite tor the offl ;o or Dis.
trict Attorney, subject to the nsagss and
ruies of the Republican party.
Communoner I respectfully announce
myself as a candidate for re nomination for
tbe Mtice or County Commissioner of Jun
iata county, subject to the rules aud usac-ox
ol tbe Republican party of Juniata.
GrnimusteaeT I respectfully announce
myself ts a candidate lor re. nomination fer
the office ot bounty Commissianer or Juni.
ata connty, subject to the usages and rules
that govern the Republican 'party of Jnniata
county. W. H. MOOBB.
Commissioner. I resnectrnllir annnn...
myself as a candidate for tbe nomination of
uounty uomiLissioner, subject to the rules
uu usages oi me nepuDiicaa party of Jon
Commissioner. I respectfu.ly announce
uoiuination or
County Commissioner, subject to tbe rules
nn n,,Ma aFIIia 15 n
e nepuuueau party or Jnn-at-
r wmmienoner. tfease anneunce that
unanrs rr . rsook at w,lt. i...i,i. .
candidate for the office of County Commis
sioner of Jnniata Conntv. inhii .a.
rules and ussgea of the Republican party of
Jn.l.l. DVnrrDi fl J
January 27, 1896.
TVeosnrtT. Please announce that Go orge
W. Wilson of Pattarsea is a candidate for
the office or County Treasurer, subj-ct te
tbe rules and usages of tbe Republican
patty of Juniata.
7Yarrrr. I reanectnll
"" as a candidate for the nomination of
County Treasurer, subject to tbe rules and
usages or tbe Republican party in Juniata
Tra jarrr. I reaneetfnllv annAnn..
I am a candidrte for tbe nomination ol
County Treasurer, sobjeat to tbe rules and
no nepuoiican party er Jnniata
connty. JAMES H. SIMONS.
Representative Delegate Pleut anaonce
J. 8. Graybill ot Fayette township aa a
candidate for Representative Delegate to
the State Convention, subject to the rales
snd usages of tbe Republican party of Jan.
lh. - FAYETTE.
Csaay Ciatrmaa 1 respectfully an
nounce that 1 am a candidate for Ihe office
or Connty Chairman of tbe Repnblicaa
party of Juniata connty, subject to tbe rules
aad usages ot the party.
Oae.ii risirM,,? T raMa,rnii
- .. j awj-
nonnea that I am a caadidatai fn, tha. rAn.
ty Chairmanship of tbe Republican party of
udww GvuDij, eunjec. to tne rules and
usages vi ido party.
Tired, Weak,Nervoas
Hood's Sarsaparilla Rsstorst
Strength and Bodily Vigor.
The cause of that tired, vrmk, nsrvous
eondiUon in wnlolx ao many peopto tod
tbainselvea, Is the faflnro of the blood to
tbe nervea and tis
sues. Feed the
nervea upon pure
blood, and they
will be steady and
atronar. Bead this:
It is with pleas-
are that J recom
mend Hood's Bar-
eellent nerve tonlo
tJt and blood pruifter.
(mw . . ,a
I nave laica u
Keithsburg.Hl. more tban once
and am taking it now. I was tired, my
body ached, and I felt very badly all over.
I was afraid I would be sick. . I thought I
would take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
It H Cured Mr
end I find that it is cheaper than tha doc
tor's bills. Hood's Pills aro the best I
have ever taken and I use no other. Iam
glad to have an opportunity to reoorn
rcend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mas. C H.
VENA.BLK, Keithsburg, HL
Be sure to getT U fGS
Hood's. SrV
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all dru--rists.
fl; six lorf5. Prepared only by
C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
HoOd'S PillS pen.ne.l,M-
fl. L- COOPER,
Correspondeace Solicited. Philadelphia
Long Distance Telephone S19.
A full line of all hardy FRUIT and OR.
NAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Evergreens,
Vines, Roses, Hedge plants, Ac. Agents,
men or women, wanted lor immediate em
ployment. Address witb reference to
Morris Narseries, Weat Chester, Pa.
Salary and expenses or commission.
High grade Stack at low prices. New
specialties. Seed Potatoes, tie.
in everr loan. Steady work. Pay Week
ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, Sec'y
Portland, N. T. Sep. 15, 1895.
Tbe nndcrsigm d persons have formed an
Association for the pratoction of their re
spective properties. All persona are here
by notified not to trespass on tho lands of
the undersigned lor the purpose of bunting
gathering nuts, cbipiog timber or throwing
down teuces or firing timber in any way
whatever. ' Any violation ot tbe sbove no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
Jobn Michel,
William Pufienberger,
Old eon Siober,
Bcashor at Zoott,
Mary A. Brubaker,
Joseph Ro'hrock,
John By ley,
Samuel Bell.
September 6. 1895.
flCffil AXLE
. BEST 127 TlsE T702IJL
2tararlna aualitlrs pre vmsnrr aa-tad, actosTTw
sanUaatin j- two br.xc of on, o't.ar bmnd. l?c4
aMMna oy iiaac . m 1,1,-1- -f -fi a. vui t;S5i laa
riUuTftCal CDtlCaTieM
rauencat IICain.TS.
lLJ!e B..fSut2r' Tiara. rW7. 'fk,
IT IWVlj Cw .Ca.lkt.f-a TWac.Tca.Scrk E-
S2 C.-a: Hcau. w.ili SaaaaVrarr,. aj-.
5a4,araf. SOMatf anta Caw
aVILUAWS a frowrs.
nocHcsTca. n. ,'.
ir-" R rt r-ft,r3irir js-.j-a.
aS.ai iJ.ii-U...v,: i Ci
X-lt a V,
rrrt anvlns In Mtrrr anil vr.rtr. Kn.i
cont in s'umiai foe .'art:" Cuts iokiw and irt.-. a Iso
'PrlM lltrrotv,, liny itn:fa, i,;iitj(ora.
- al .J' 1'7 ' 'V'i -
ts tho
Cf it I Kent kattiurtsi
Fata.UiS.jL.A-Jaa .till result
t? IWoliaraa Crituiael.
'and not thrc.iia tlaei
iiiin. tsiuis fcriviasr oati
OirawrwUM IUN, la.T.
Kothing On Eartn Win
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
8trcoc and Hea'thy Prevcnta all Disease.
09 fT MsmlUstff Jfcnu.
If foac.BC eat It aend isasT
'I'ni'- ra SC Pl, tl A 1 4 lb tinVia Sl
I 3. JOUJ.SO.N J .aaaUoJatisv. Boatac, Mnm
1 f I ' m
. ' "oi ro'enifiii in rr.dlM I orU find
C-13-.Snrk. 3.:ck Rlulhtuol t'arriaue:j liHivNl.9fa.tt
fciuiiyollirrlntl.f rwirkru i"ri.-li.; lulrl: I
CMttsili? 1)11 llmf :al .i .... cr , u: u.. iit .. .!.- ...
01 t- n
p -in
Tncarora Valley BaUrdad.
acanm w zmcr mohpat sxttmbm
nn one -
A. K. P.
8 00 2 00
8 05 2 05
8 10 2 10
8 152 15
8 20 2 20
8 30 2 30
8 37 2 37
8 42 2 42
8 48 2 48
8 56 2 55
9 00 3 00
9 06 3 00
9 10 3 10
9 14 3 14
9 16 3 16
9 18 3 18
9 20 3 20
9 25 3 25
9 30 3 30
Rlair'a Mills
VV !'"
Jjeonard'e Grore. . .
Rom Farm.. a..
Eaat Waterford....
nr.i.J .
HoMjGrore.. .....
rort Bigham
WarhlA ........
Plessart View
Seven Pines
Sprue Hill
nirl Vt.rt
Port Royal
Trains Kos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Boy al
mar D .a. and SamahorO EXOrOSS
on P. R. &., and Nos. 8 and 4 with Mil east.
M. IP. M
45,5 15
5015 20
55 5 25
5715 27
595 29
0l5 31
05:5 35
09 5 39
15 5 45
20 5 50
26 5 56
33 6 03
38 6 08
456 15
55 6 25
00 6 30
05 6 35
10 6 40
16 6 45
Port Itoyal
Old Port
Spruce Hill
Sov en Pines
Pleasant View
Fort Bighorn. ......
Honey Grove
Eaat Waterford....
Boss Farm
Leonard's Grove..".
2 8
Blair's Mills.. .. .Ar.
Trains Nos. 2 and t connect witb Stage
Line at Blair's Mills for Concord, Doylea.
burg and Drj Run.
The followinf schedule went Into effect
Nov. 19, 1898, sod tbe trains will be rnn as
p. m a.m Lreave Arrive
4 80 9 16 Dnncannon
1 So 9 21 'King's Hill
S9 9 24 'Sulphur Springs
8 41 9 2 "Corman8idiL-
4 45 9 29 Montebello Park
4 4 9 31 Wever
4 61 9 86 'Roddy
4 64 9 89 'Hoffman
4 66 9 41 'Rover
a. to p. m
8 40 8 50
8 84 S 44
81 8 4
29 3 89
8 26 8 86
8 Z4 81
819 8 29
8 1 8 26
8 14 8 24
o if
S 11 21
5 10 10 00 Blobmfield
6 17 10 07 I.nnf a Koad
6 22 10 18 'Nellaon
6 25 10 16 'Dam's
6 28 10 19 Eliiotsbarc
6 24 10 25 'Btroheml'i
5 86 10 27 'Green Park
6 41 10 82 'Hontour Jnno
6 09 11 20 Landbburg
p. m a. ra Arrive Leave
8 05 8
7 62 S 45
7 46 2 89
7 43 2 86
7 40 2 83
7 84 2 27
7 82 2 25
7 2
6 65 1 60
xa p
Train loaves Bloorotfald at 6.10
and arrives at Landisbnrz at 6.47
a. in,
a. in.
Train leaver Laodiaburg at G. 14 p. m
arrives ai oioomneia al o. tU p. m
Trains leave Loysville for Dnncannon at
7. 220 s, m., and 2. 15 p. m. Betnrning
arriva a. iu Ol a. m., ana 4.00 p. n.
. Batween Landisbur? and Lovsvilla train
rnn ss follows-. Leave Landisbarc forLoys
Tills 6 55 a. m., and 1 50 p m., Lovsvilla
ir LAnaisourc 11 10 a. .. and 5 09 d. m
All Stations mark ml im m 11 a a- ai.rinK.
at whicb trains will -coiue to a full stop on
Levis E. Atbjssos. F. U. SI. Paixm,.
u- Callectinr and Coavevanrlnv
ly attended to.
Orrioa On If sin atrent. la nlaoa.
, w. .,
uaiica ui aaoais a. Aumsen, Ksq., sonth
oriuju ,uxtu fUctZli, 1892
District Attorney.
DK.D.n.caAwroKD. d. das win isuim..
bava formed a rarhiiMliin ' k.
Of Medicine and thaiv a.ol!.r 1 vi!.
- uraucnes.
OfUce at old aland, corner of Third aad Or-
-""c.., airuiaiowB, r-a. uneorbotb
Ot them will tui fnnnrl al ,kl. . "
- .uuu vumrj at al1
t1e. -tnleet otherwise professionally en-
O r--
April 1st, 1896.
M.C3 t .
fu.iMelphi. Denf.1 r,.
rated' ".n5.'t. P-. h lo-
cr toThTDr. '.To'
continue tha nw.i s..fl
rr"v vuun XIOOM.
--vvjiU XA
A CMorofmrm .
- , , ww im wsea.
ei?w um D-fort to patleBt.
either dnnne extraction r .r I
All theses GnteecT.7 nrciar
nill be marla
Practical Deatiat.
v.-a --WAS8 HOTICX.
WillewH KVtr",.ntiM
sbip,.-Mi.U Co., 1 a?, t8t
strlckly forbidden not to t" PM
Und er stre,n of tSe H
Frank Vawa,
-PrU28, 186.Dy,0,,V""-
Mat 20
On na " .
1895. (rain. inIU;n M foUow
4W;MLTNtwV.rt t24 -i Mil-
raSsfif r-
r rMeTeytown 11 08 s. mi rfswtoti
Bsmila" tl- W Uonnt Uale. 1140
f Hutlndn 12 10 p. m; Tyrane 1 M
V 21 Altoona 1 45 9- m Pit's"'!1 '
F'Xll TrS- Vef PblWIpbi. at 7 n.
" N.-Iortl214p.mi Mimia 12 i p.
9 17 D. to: feivrauu'a r- i.-';
till, m, Altoona 40 p. mi Pltulwrg
AUoona Accommodation leaves 1 Hairis-
Knrw at 6 00 p. mi D''eSon P "
N.wr.W p. - Afilltaw. 13 p.-,
Tbeapsentown 24 p. ; Tavcaror. 6 M
p. ; Mexico 6 7 p. m Tart Keyal 4
I. m HUH 47 p. Penliol.
LvHstew. 7 18 p. JfcTsytewn 7 M a,
mt Newtoo HamiltoB 8 00 p. m; Ha.tl.f
don 8 82 p. n; Tyrone 9 1 p. -i AltH.
pUiBc'Bxpress lesres Pbil.selpbU at
20 p. m; HarTsbn S 10 a. nt; Marvs-.
' le 8 24 a. as; Dnacannon 88 a. ; Hew.,
pc, t 3 69 a. ii Port Boyal 4 81 a. m; Mlf.
Sin 4 37 a. m; Lelstow. 4 U a. s,lt
ytown6 80 a. Hnntinfdon 6 01 1.
m; yrone 6 65 a. ss; Altoona 7 40 . -it
Pittsburg 12 10 p. as.
Oyster -Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
40 p.m; Hsrrishorg at 10 20 p. Newport
11 06 p. m; Miaia 11 40 p. m; Lewistowti
12 68 a. m; Haatisgdea 12 65 a. m. Tyrane
1 42 a at Altosaa X 00 a. ast Pittshnrg 8 S3
' Psst Lino leaves Philadelphia at 12 26 p.
m; Hsrrrisbnrg S 60 p. m; Dnsesaea 4 18.
p. m; Newport 4 87 p. mi MiUia 8 10p.a
Lewistewa 6 29 p. ot; Meant Uaion 8 09 p.
Huntingdon 6 28 p. as; Tyrone 7 04 p
m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; PitUkarg 11 80
n. m.
Harrisbarg Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 00 a. m; Tyrone 6 28 a. m; Hant
ipgdoa05 a. aa; Newton Hsmi'tot 8 83
a. m; McVeylowa 6 62 a. a; Lewistewa
7 i a. m; Mifflin 7 88 a. m; Pert Beyal
7 44 a. m; Mexico 7 48 a. m; Thompson. ,
town 8 02 a. ra; Hillsrstown 8 1 a. m;
Newport 8 22 a. m; Dnncannon 8 49 a m
Barriaburg 9 20 a. m.
Sa Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 10 a m.
Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Bnat
Ingdon 8 80 a m; KcYbvIowb 9 15 a m;
Lawistewn9 86 a m; Mifllio 9 65 a B
Pert Boval 9 69 a m; Tbompaentewa 10 14.
Millers towa 10 23 ass; Newport 1082 a mt
Doncasnoa 10 64 a m; Marysvillo 1187 m
m; Harrbbnrg 11 21 a m; PbiUdelphia 8 00
p ra.
Maia Line Express leaves PitUkarg at
8 00 a. ra; Altoona II 40 a. as; Tyrone 13-
03 p. m; Hnatingdoa 12 86 p. mi Lowh-.
lown 1 83 p. m; MiSia 1 60 p. m; Harris
barg 3 10 p. ai; Baltimore 8 16 p. m; Wasb
ingten 7 SO p. m; Pbiladelpbia 8 23 p. at
New Tort 9 28 p. aa
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 00 p. w, Tyrone
2 85 p. to, Huntingdon 8 20 p at; Nswton
Hamilton 3 61 p. m; McTeytowa 4 12 p. mt.
I twistown 4 51 p. ai; MJBia 6 03 p. ts.
Tort Boyal 5 09 p. m; Afexico 8 IS p. mt
1 boaipsootown 6 p m; Miller town 6 88
p. ra; Newport 6 48 p. m; Doacaaaoa 8 2ft
p. m; Barrisbnrg 7 CO p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p.
m; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 87 p. m
UneiinitdoB 7 20 p. m; MeVevlawo 8 04 p.
ni; Lewiatowa 8 26 p m; Afifllia 8 47 p ast
Part Royal 8 62 p. m; Millerttowa 9 07 p.
m; Newport 9 26 p. ra; Paacannon 9 60 p
m; Barriabnrg 10 29 p. m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsbarg at
4 80 p. ra; Altoona 9 05 p. m, Tvrsae 9 SS
p. m; HnntingdoB 10 12 p. an; Meant Cn.
ion 10 32 p. ro; Lewistown 11 16 p. m; Mil.
Hin 11 87 p. m; Hsrrisbarg 1 00 s. m; Phil
adelphia 4 80 New York 7 S3 a. m.
Trains for sundnry at 7 85 a. m. aad k X
p. m., leave Snnbary for Lewiatowa 10 Oft
a. in, and 2 25 p. m.
Trains leave for Bellcfonte and Lo :
Flavrn a: B 10 a. n., 8 34 and 7 25 p. m .
leave Lock Uavrn lor Tyrone 4 SO, 9 10
m. and 4 16 p. m.
Trains leave Tyrone for Clearfield aad
Cnrwensviile at 8 30 a. an.. 3 16 and 7 30
p m., leave Cnrwensviile for Tyrone at 4 38
a. m , 9 15 and 8 61 p m.
F or, rates, maps, ete., eall oa Tieket
Agent?, or address, Thos. E. Watt. F
A. VT. D., 110 Fifth Aveaae, Fitul
burg. Pa.
8. 41. Prevost, j. R. VTood,
Geo'l Manager . Gen'lPass. Agt
V ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, la effect on Monday.
October 1st, 1891. J
P I A m
A It
- M
8 6T
8 46
8 41
S 88
8 82
8 16
8 10
2 48
2 48
2 24
2 80
Bnffalo Bridge.."
Jnniata Fornace ..
Wabneta ......
Wat-r Ping
BloomHeld J nn f 'a.
6 10 on
8 16
6 19
8 28
4 88 10 08
6 12.10 07
1510 10
25 10 17
8 22110 20
8 44
6 81 10 26
Taller Road
Elliot tsbnrr
Green Park
Fort Rohssn.
6 61
6 89 10 as
6 69
7 10
7 20
6110 46
6 54 10 49
7 16 11 00
7 88
Center ....
Ciena's Ron "
Andersonburg .
Mount Pleassnt ...
7 12H1 07
7 17jll J2
7 28 11 18
7 41
7 3
7 27111 22
7 35 11 SO
7 46
7 43
7 62
7 86
7 41 11 8A
new bermant'n ...
7 46111 40
c lLllH.WN6AI,i,,0,, M-for
C- A. Muxaa, General Agent.
CI -W- -r-.
t a few men tA uii . :
w 77
or NurrV: -er
rich in a iTL ' TO
tmrnimsmmmt m.A sn
Sve sen sUmdm
9m melt far iL
wv...V . corrPond with
""a taa
-u 14. iTaT."
Rochester, N. T.
Uaantatead ..
Written vrTrrZrV..t??- wll fortiaTaTS"
7' 1 bur a blersla 1 tiroiaihiV."'M'- -vvtsw CT
oots than our waSSt"nrt "e;"t r pari7tSt2
H coats a boat uT!aS.Dr for uom aiaiaaaT
7 sale. Oars as .J . -oars
atssa avTl .
S55rQ i,
5 i
Acme Cycle Compuy,
. --. a r: -