Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 18, 1895, Image 3

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gnbacrlptioa, $1.50 per mm If paid
H minaee; $2.00 If not paid ia advance.
Transient adTertlaraenta Inserted at M
eanta y 'nr each insertion.
Transient bnaloaaa aotieea la local ool
eiaa, 10 eenta pr Una for aaoh laMrttea.
pedncticns will b mad to those desiring
40 advertise by tha year, half r qmarter
Little fiib, bite at any bait offered.
The plaee to bay hardware ia at
Hra. North wife of Hod. James
Jforth ill-
Jeiee Howe has been quit ill with
an the past week.
There are 32 contested seats in the
present Coagreas.
Frederick Espenschade, Br., ia
laying Walnut trees.
W. V. Shirk has been appointed
.Mercantile Appraiser.
"If you hare not content, yoa ran
,D9r hTo enough of anything."
The thermometer dropped to with
ia 2 de-jreea of zero last Friday.
The place to buy your Christmas
Candy ia at the Riverside Restaurant.
HaTe your tale bills printed at the
office of the Sorarri, axd Refkbucam.
Buy your Christmas Candy at the
Riverside Restaurant and save mon
ey. Druggist Martin Crawford and his
mother went to Philadelphia last Fri
Miss Nannie Starabaugh hag gone
to reside with her sister in New York
The Presbyterian Sabbath School
will hold their Cantata in tha Court
a. large assortment of fine Christ
mas candies at the Rirerside Res
taurant.' A SreenTille' Ohio farmer, has a
farm of 125 acres, that he cultivates
in celary.
.A man in Michigan sold his wife
for $10, and invested the money in
two dogs.
Ticket Agent Joseph HcCatdey
and wife weiit to Philadelphia last
If vou wart to save money buy
your Xmas Can.ly at the Riverside
Win. Crawford, printer, has secur
ed employment on n newspaper in
Sharon, Pa.
Go to Mrs. Diehi's on Front street
and see the immense bargains in
Millinery goods. 2t.
The jealous Greeks of old made
their wives eit onions when they
went from home.
The National Prohibition Conven
tion will be held in Pittsburg on Ihe
-27th of next May.
The Republican National Conven
tion will be held in St. Louis on the
16th of hext June
The man who geta rich at the ex
pense of his conscienes pays too
aauch for his money.
Run. For fine watch and clock
repairing, go to J. H. Sweger, Noble
building, Main Street. tf.
One hundred and thirty thousand
CSaary birds were imported from
Germany the past year.
Miss Maggie Elder ha gone to re
side with her brother Dr. Thomas
Elder in Aurora, Illinois
William Miles has gone with a
Washington, D. C, friend an a visit
to the Atlanta Exposition.
Dogs have killed sheep for Henry
Hartman, Robert Wilson and Porter
Thompson in Walker township.
Last week the first Republican
Governor vts inaugurated in Ken
tueky. W. O. Bradley is the man.
Leonard Groninger bought the
McFadden lot 8 miles west of Port
Royal in Milford township for $650.
lfrs. Hollobaugh wife of John IIol
lobaugh, Jr., is visiting bar sisters
Mrs. Deen and Mrs. Cook in Harris
burg. Men and women ara old at 85, if
broken in health, and they are not
old, if healthy aad strong at 70 cr80
Ten days ago a Center county
manufacturer shipped 12 sleighs to
Christiana, the Capital of Norway,
Chairman Harrity has called the
Democratic National Committee to
meet in Washington on the 16th of
An actress is coming from Austra
lia to go over Niagara Falls in a bar
rel. Wbat some psople will do for
The three days of grace on bank
able notes will and on the 1st of Jan
nary according to a law passed by
the late Legislature.
There is a rumor that ex-President
Harrison and Mrs. Dimmick, a neice
of the deceased Mrs. Harrison are to
ba married before long.
The cold weather of last week froze
most of the streams in Center county
ao tight that people who had used
them were at a loss for water.
This month has had one full moon
and will have another a something
that Astronomers say took place
once before about 1800 years ago.
When so many people are taking
and deriving benefit from Hood'a
Sarsaparilla, why don't yon try it
yourself? It is highly recommended.
There is something the matter
with the engine of the electric light
plant. Whatever tha matter ia.
keeps the light from continuonsly
What little electric light that baa
been furnished by spurts tha past
week, has been ifine, but there is
some defect in tha machinery of the
plant thst prevents a" supply of tke
.? t 1 www VVIMIVCB
in the cellar to keep them from
The question at Port Royal is, will
the Pennsylvania. Railroad L.
er track through tha town.
People who claim to be weather
wise, say the wafer will
go lower and lower till the January
iaa.es piace.
"The law aboliariinir dn f
in Pennsylvania, takes affect January
, ua wiu apply to ail paper made
en er after that time."
The thermometer registered zero
on Saturday morning, the coldeat
weather experienced here in a num
ber of years in December.
Holmes, Hay ward and Dun-ant,
were all men of fair education and in.
tellectually capable men, bat they
were immoral monstrosities.
Moonlight reflection from a grave
stone in tke Elliottaburg, Perry Co.
cemetery, gave rise to a first class
spook atory ia that neighborhood.
MeYeytown people are talking
about orranizinc an alao.tria licrtit.
Company The people who put ia
T i- 1 a. -v .1
tuw fiaut wigah get a jod mere.
For tha harvest of 1896. tha Ari.
cultural department at Washington
says: Zd,G4.7,UUU aeres in tbe United
States have been eown to winter
There is a saloon or drinkinw rlas
far everv 278 nennle in the TTnitad
States, and there is a school house
for every Z8b people in toe United
The cold weather of last week froze
the Springs that supplied the town
of Shamokin with water. It affects
every family and street railway lines
and colleries.
Landisville, New Jersey people are
agitated over the proposal that some
of her citizens are making to abolish
the borough of Yineland and return
to the township government.
Mis Rebecca and Jean Trimble,
have returned from Carlisle where
they attended the wedding of their
cousin Miss Jean Bosler and Mr.
James I. Chamberlain.
The Commissioners have fixed the
county tax as lest year, that is 4.V
mills for current expense rate that is
to run the county affaire, court Ac ,
and 1$ for debt reduction purposes.
The State Grange held its conven
tion in Witliamsport last week. Mario
E?h represented Juniata conaty end
will be able to tell his fellow Grangers
in this county what took place in the
State convention.
Now that his majesty, Cleveland
the 1st, has returned from duck
shooting, Congress will be informed
of the state of the finances of the
country, if his majesty pleases to im
part the financial information.
Bodies stolen from cemeteries at
Topek.i, Kansas, were found in the
Kansas Medical College, which so ec
ratftd the people of Topeki, that they
with difficulty were restrained from
destroying the college bui!dinga last
A Frenchman named Jabez Bal
four, inveigled many people in Paris
in a financial scheme and then failed.
Many were made poor by his failure,
and 151 cf his victims committed
suicide, and he was sent to the pent
tentiary last week.
The San Francisco Minstrels un
der the lead of Will E. Nankeville,
composer and tenor ainger, played to
a fall house and appreciative audience
last Friday evening in this town. A
Mifflintown audience is hard to please,
but they were pleased with the enter
tainment of the San Francisco Min
strels. Lewistown people are nneasy about
the break in the river dam. They
are uneasy because they know if the
break is not repaired, it will grow
larger, and in the sweet by and by
let all the water out of their dam and
thus destroy the handsome sheet of
water along the south front of the
town. The dam will not be repaired
unless the town people repair it at
their own expense.
Some one is again after the millers
for pay for using some kind of a pat
ent milling process. The millers
seem to be unfortunate for as soon as
they adopt a new process in comes
some fellow and claims that the new
process is an infringement of his pat
ent, and if they don't pay so much,
they will be sued. It might perhaps
bo well enough to find oat whether
the claim ngaicst the millers is or is
not made by a bunco man.
Lizzio Jackson nee Jones now of
Steelton, but formerly of Port Royal
was arrested at the former plaee by
Sheriff Calhoun, last Wednesday,
charged with having stolen $15.00 in
gold from tha house of John C.
Moorehead in Port Royal. The pris
oner demanded a hearing on Mon
day the 16th before O. B. Horning,
J. P. The Squire after listening to
the evidence, bound the prisoner oy
er to appear at the February Sessions-
Sixteen years ago the coming New
Years, S. Boyd Murray, while cele
brating the going out of the old year
and the entrance of a new one, acci
dentally discharged a revolver which
resulted in the loss of tho forefinger
of his right hand. Recently the
crippled hand became so sore that
the amputation of the 2nd finger be
came a necessity. Dr. Dowd M.
Crawford performed the operation.
Boyd now has the use of two fingers
and the thumb of this hand.
From the MeYeytown Journal:
George Benney while shooting at a
musk-rat in the canal last Friday.
The shot glanced on the ice, striking
Charley Hart on the forehead, should
er and leg Eighteen shot in all were
imbedded in bim. T. B. Mo Williams,
also, while shooting at a muk rat, a
shot glanced on the ice striking Janet
Sttvenson below the right eye.
One of these fine evenings there will
be one or more of the smart fellows,
who loaf on the street corners and
make bets with their cronies that
they can go home with this or that
girl, will get suck a knock out that
they will remember it to their dying
day. lhe time is ripe to bring some
of these repated yonng men ap be
fore the law that they may be "taught
a few street manners."
The aditnr nf .- l
uv uoiijiuwa
Journal ia talking about building an
electric railroad on the tow path of
the abandoned eanal in the Valley of
the Juniata. Now Cooney, we do
hope that when the enterprise mate
rializes that you will not do like the
common herd of electric magnates,
water the stock and bonds several
hundred times, and divide the swaar
paper aaaona- nnr v. nr.i
a good thing, bat it has drowned
many an able swimmer. It is de
voutly hoped that drowning with
Watered atnV nil - i . ....
Charles Markel of Eaat Salem was
arrested upon a warrant isaued by
Justice a B. Horning last Thursday.
The information upon what the war
rant was issued, was made by Wm.
G. Meyers, charging Markel with as
sault and battery and mayhem. Mr.
Meyers' arm, throat, fingers and
thumb, haying been badly bitten by
Mr. Markle while the two were bar
ing a firht in the latter'a atm-a in
East Salem. At the hearing on Mon-
wuauoa jaorning placed jwr-
Markle nndar ball fit ftftaWaM) rlia
cbargi at the February Twm of the
r a -
turner sessions.
President Cleveland and his party
leaders are in favor nf .t,.an iyn4e
therefore they should favor the im
portation oi goods and grain made
and raised in Japan. The best farm
hands there, get only a dollar a
tntnfh. mnA nil other man vnrk at
proportionately lw wages. The
T .-j hara and uM
at a profit, for the bt of printers
get only 12cts a day. yes! Japan is
tbe place for the Demooracy io lavor
.itl t . ;ir -n that, mm mv
get cheap goods and pl Americans
. .1 1 i . t n
io ioe wage level oi japa--
John Reynolds, aged about 24
years, eon of Renben Reynolds of
this town was fatally injured last
Satur lay morning by being pulled
from the car of the train on which
he was braking at a point about 20
miUs west of Pittsburg. The rail
road Company had issued strict or
ders to their train men to keep tramps
off the cars, and at the point men
tioned, John in the discbarge of his.
orders tried to keep tramps eff the
train on which he was braking. A
huge negro pugilist laid hold of him
and pulled him off backwards. Ia
the fall his back was broken and he
was internally and fatally injured.
He expectorates clots of blood, and
he is paralizsd from the hips down.
His death is expected at any moment.
His father was sent for and is attend
ing him at West Penn Hospital,
Pittsburg. The negro was arrested
and is in prison.
Could Hardly Drag Areaad-
Obbisohia, Pa., Nov. 24, 1895: I
waa so weak that I could hardly get
around and always had that tired
feeling and sickners at my etomich
and ae eppetite. I Lave taken five
t-ottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and
now I am able to do a good day's
work. Ella E. SecEkst.
Hood's Pills eure indigestion, bill
Court convened at 9 o'cleck, A. M.,
on the morning of the 17th, with
Judge Lyons and Barton on the
Wm. M. Alliaon was appointed by
the Court to audit the account of the
public officers.
In the matter of tha execution of
John Adams vs. John Cleck and Sam
uel Clock, answer of plantiff to rule to
maintain or relinqu'sh claim to prop
erty levied on by virtue of Ft. Fa
No. 16, December Term, 1895, filed
in open Court.
Ira A. Cramer and Lizzie L., his
wife, petitioned the Court to adopt
Margaret Emma Sulouff, child of
Fanny May Sulouff, dee'd. Petition
granted as prayed for.
In the assigned estate of Reuben
Lauwr of Monroe township. Return
to order of sale made. Tract No. 1
being sold to David R. Benner for
$1,195. Tract Nos. 2 and 3 to Jen
Die D. Morgan for 895, and tract
No. 4 to M. S. Graybill for $50 00.
In the assigned estate of Caleb C.
Graybill of Thoapsontown, Pa , B.
F. Burehfield, Esq., was appointed
an Auditor.
Answer of plaintiff to rula to have
Judgments opened in the matter of
the judgment G. W. Eougb, Assignee
vs. S. B. Bartley.
Percival Roberta, trading as A. P.
Roberts & Co., as E. A. Tennis and
Fonrth Street National Bank vs. Ed
gar A. Tennis. Answers of Dr. J. H.
Hassenplug and Israel Tennis to rule
to maintain or relinquish tbeir claim
to property levied upon. Filed in
open Court, and order for Sheriff's
interpleader made.
The P. R. R C. filed a bond in the
sum of $3,000, given to secure the
payment of damages to Anna Ball
Sieber to pay for land taken by said
railroad for the purpose of. widening
said road.
In the matter of the commission in
lunacy on William W. Brat ton. Pe
tition for rule on Milford Township
Overseers of Poor to show cause why
said Poor District should not be cert
ified by the Court as the last legal
settlement of said William W. Brat
ton. In the case of Julian H. Hughey
and Mortimer H Brown vs. the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, the Pro
thonotary was directed to enter the
plea of the general issue.
In the estate of John 0. Burns,
deceased, real estate ordered to be
In the estate of George W. Smith,
late of the borough of Mifflintown,
deceased. Report to order to mort
gage, with prayer to sell the proper
ty, filed. Also in same estate, peti
tion of Darwin C. Smith for appeal
for issue devisavii won and for cita
tion. Also answer of William G.
Smith, executor of said decedent to
petition of Darwin C. Smith for ap
peal, fca
In the estate of Dr. G. M Graham,
late of Port Royal, deceased. Peti
tion of Administrator to mortgage
tracts No. 19 and 20, filed and prayer
In the estate of Jenas Anker, de
ceast d, return to order of sale made.
Tract No. 1, being sold to Wilson
Guss for $4,405.00; No. 2, to James A"
Cameron for $150.00; No. 3, to David
Auaor lor saa.oo.
. In the estate of J. EL Winey, de
ceased. Return to order of aala nf
real estate. Tract No. 1. baiair a.M
to E. E. Snyder for $925.00. Tract
No. 3 to Reuben Caveny for $225.00.
December 30. Twi'a Tw.n -ex
ecutor Of Joseph KanffWian A.
ceased, will sell the farm of 36 aeres,
mora or less, oi said decedent on the
premisea near McAHatrv;iu t . i
o'clock in the afternoon. The im
provements are a house and barn and
out-buildinga. The land is lime
stone flint -
Die Tea Ever Think,
that you cannot be well unless yon
have pure, rich . blood? If you are
weak, tired, languid and all run down,
it ie because your blood is impever
ished and lacks vitalitr. Theaa im-.
blee may be overcome by Hood's
O .,, . WW .
KMUBBparuie, oeeauae rxooa s Saraa
parilla makes Dure trich blond. Ttfia
in troth, the great blood purifier.
HootPt PtlU cure liver ills, consti
pation, billiousness, jaundice, sick
headache, indigestion.
Belief la Six Mean.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseases relieved in six hoars by the
"Nbw Gbkat Sodtw AiieaicAir Rmm
Cub." This new remedy is a great
surprise on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving nain in tha
bladder, kidneys, back and every part
oi tue urinary pasMges in male or
female. It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want auick relief
and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by L. Banks St Co.. Drn?criaL Mif
flintown, Pa. Feb. 6.
Relief In Oae Day.
South Aitebioan Nervccs relieves
the worst cases of Nervous prostra
tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
lief and blessing has ever come to
the invalids of this country. Its
powers to enre the stomachs are won
derful in the extreme. It always
cures; it cannot fail. It radically
cares all weakness of the atomache
and never disappoints. It is a luxury
to take and always safe. Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
B eb. b, ly.
Special tea Day Excuralea via
Pennsylvaala Railroad.
Apart from th fact that Washing
ton is one of the most interesting
cities in the world, it seems almost
as if one were neglecting a principal
duty of citizenship by failing to visit
the "Nation's Capital.'' More appar
ent does this become when taking in
to consideration the small expense
attached to such a trip, and the ease
and comfort with which it can be
made by participating in the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company's special
ten-day excursion leaving Pittsburg,
December 26, 1895. Exclusion ticll
ets, good within ten days,, and per
mitticg of stop-over in Baltimore in
either direction within limit, will be
sold at rates quoted below, good for
use on date above named en all traina
except the Pennsylvania Limited.
Special train of parlor and day
coaches will be ran on the following
Train leaves Rate
Pittsburg 6.10 a. m. $9 00
Altoona 12.01 p. m. 7 35
Bellwood 12.12 7 25
Bellefonte 10 09 a. m. 7 25
Clearfield 9.31 " 725
Phillipsburg . . . 10.14 " 7 25
Oseeola 10.23 " 7 25
Tyrone 12.22 p.m. 7 25
Huntingdon... 12.54 " 6 65
Bedford 9 46 a. m. 6 65
Mt. Union 1.12 p.m. 6 30
MeYeytown . . . 1.30 " 5 95
Lewistown June. 1.48 " 5 60
Mifflin 2.05 " 5 25
Port Royal 2.09 " 5 15
Newport 2.38 " 4 CO
Duncannon . . . . 2.58 " 420
Washington ...Arr. 7.20 "
Passengers from branch points do
siring to take the special train will
use the following trains:
Southwest Branch, Train; No. 101
to Greensburg: Indiana Branch, In
diana Accommodation No. 84 to
Blairsville Intersection; Martinsburg
and Holidaysburg, Accommodation
Train 412 to Altoona; from Bedford,
Train No. 4, to Huatingdon. Re
turn coupons good on any regular re
turn train within the limit, except
the Pennsylvania Limited.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg at
Union Ticket Office, Fifth Avenue
and Smith fie Id Street, and Union
Station, and all stations mentioned
above. For full information apply to
Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, 110 Fith Avenue,
Book MnxrxEN. On the 12th
inst., by Rev. J. K. Lloyd, Mr. Isaac
H. Book and Miss Effie J. Milliken.
jairrLiNTOww hakkkts.
HtvnniTOWB, Dec. 18, 18C6.
hatter IS
Er 22
Bam 18
6 boulder, 12
Lard. .. . ............... 11
Wheat 2
Corn in ear 60
Oats 22
Rye 60
Cloverseed .. .... .... ..
Tinothy seed $2.00
ITUxeeed 60.
Bran SO
Chop $1.20 a hundred
Middlings 1.10
Ground Alum Salt i.oo
American Salt Te to 80
Philadelphia Mabxxts, December
16, 1895. Wheat 66 to G9c; corn 30
to 33c; oats 24 to 26c; live chickens
8c; ducks 9 to 10c; geese 8 to 9c; tur
keys 9c; butter 15 to 32c; eggs 23 to
24c; hogs Sic; thin cows $8 to $15;
Milch cows f25 "to $55; veal calves 3
to 7c; sheep 1 to 4c; beef cattle 3 to
5 cents.
Gwld aad Silver Mia.
The TnaseT Mountain OnlA anA
Silver mine, is located in Liberty
A S Va m -a . .
townanip, raiora county. Xbe near
est railroad station ia Saxon, three
miles distant from tha nin A
nel large enough for mules and cars
. ....
nas Dean aug into tbe mountain 130
feet. An assay office in t"!alnraifo
pronounoes the material taken from
ii . . .
ine mine as bignly encouraging in
the amount of onA and ailnr that it
yields. The stuff that was damped
oatside of the mine as worthless was
assayed with the result of $960 silver
to mt ton.
Whereas Letters Trstamaatary have been
leaned la dae form by tbe Kejriater of J ae
tata county, oa the estate or Mrs. Amelia
Tarbett late efTarbetttowBshie, deceases
ta the uadtreigaed, this ia to aetif y all oer
aoas indebted to said eetate ta make 'im.
Mediate payment and these having- elaias
to present tbe same, properly aatbenticated
fer settlement te
Joisrn- H. Matbbbs,
or to ExtnUr
Atkinaon A Penaell, Jtt'y.
MifBiatowa, Pa., Nov. 19, 1S95.
ia ftmlt if BENJAMIN F. WJLLJCE.
Tbe naderaigaed Administratrix, having
been created letter testamentary oa the
eitate ef BeajaaiB F. Wallaee, late of Tea.
carora township, deceased, eat ef tbe Or
pbana' Cenrt er Junista county, hereby
gives notice ta all persons indebted to said
estate te make immediate psyment, aad
those having claims will preseat thorn prop,
erly authenticated for oettlemtat.
SoraiA Wallicb,
hfeCulloch's Mills, Jaalata ceaaty. Pa.
Commeneiag, Saturday, December 14th, and continues natil Decern,
ber 31st
TION" of beautiful and useful goods is under full swiog in Our Stores. Never has a
modern Mereantile Establishment been better equipped to serve the oommuB.
ity at this, the busiest of all busy seasoas.
The best from almost everywhere is shewn at our oonaters. Tbe
to bay is surely here and at a mosey saving pries.
Dress Cloth for Holiday Presents iti off ef ear former prices.
Serges and Henriettas for Holiday Presents 33 i off the former value.
All styles of Dress Goods 33J off of former priees daring these Bargain
Daj. j
Ladiea' and Children's Coats and Wraps for Holiday Presents at I off,
aad same wraps as maeh as oae half eff of our former priees. It is a pity te
sell such coats sad wrsps for less than cost, bat it can't he helped. Mian
faeturets made to many and waited to loag for the Cold wave.
The Bargain Days exert their Petcnd Inf nenee oa this goods: Greatly
reduced priees everywhere.
Special low prices
Daring Bsrgsin Days in Holiday Goods.
Rich and elsgsnt Brio. Brae, fine jewelry fer little money. Holiday
Handkerchiefs, Men's and Women's gloves and neekties, silk umbrellas, sil
ver plated ware jewel boxes, eemb and brush bexes, albums, dolls aad tbou
saads of toys and playthings to amnio the Children.
Fanci Sbocs sod Boots, Slippers ef all kinds. Lsdies Robber Over
shoes st 25 cents.
Men's Overshoes st 45c; Misses
boots and buckle overshoes at $2.15;
at 91.UU.
All Goods at speeially low priees during Bargain Days.
WE 8ELL IOU: From 10 o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 e'eleek in
the afternoon: Domestic Dry Goods,
Blankets and Haps, Oats aad Wraps, Carpets and Augt, Oil Cloth and Win
dow Shades and Curtains st specially low and extra reduced prices.
Our Stores are constantly lesding
Commencing Saturday, December 14th and continuing until Dee. 31st
103 TO 109 BRIDGE ST.,
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1880.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attewi the Attractive 81 oi Clethiag that gees on daily
It will be
Who Aavej money to inyeet to
It is truly n&rralouj to See
of Suits and Orereeate at the Wonderfully Low Price.
Hia pricea leave all Competitor in the rear, ao don't fail
to giro him a call if in need of Clothing
as Abraham Lincoln called them, "do
not care to argue about their ail
ments. What they want is a medi
cine that will euro them, ine aim'
pie, honeat statement, -MI know that
Hood a Sarsaparilla eared me, is tne
best argument in favor ef this medi
cine, and this is what many then-
sands voluntarily say.
Wa Pillmkx the best after
dinner pills, assist digestion, core
Itch on hnman, mange on horses,
dogs and all stock, eared in SO min
utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
at Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Fa.
Feb. 6, ly.
for active lady or gentleman acquaint
edwith neighborhood. Compensa
tion from 940 to $160 monthly-
Work outlined. Only energetic par
ty, ambitions to succeed, need apply '
No capital required. Address, with
reference, state age and whetner mar
ried or aingle. Globe Bible Publish
ing Co., 723 Chestnut Street, Pbila
Rkewamaittami Cm reel Im m Day
"MVatin ' f!nr" far Rhaumatiara
and Neuralgia radically cores in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon tbe system
ia remarkable and mysterious. - It re
movae at ones tha ran Ha. aad the dis
ease immediately disappears. Ine
hrst dose greatly benenta, io cents.
Sold by L. Banks A Co., druggists
Mifflintown. Jan. 9, '96.
& Children's rubbers at 25c; heavy felt
heavy buckle Arties for Men and Ladies
ualins, Calieocc, Giaghams, Sbirtings,
with the highest values and the lowest
examine the Stock of Goods for
"The Ce
Christina Presents for Mt
of 8ilkMaf8ers ia all eolora aad prices
oiia naoaaerobiefs 25 35 50-75-f 100.
Nobby Neakwear.
Fine Silk Plash Caps men and boys'.
Extra Fine Sngpenders.
Gentlemen's Fine Kid Gloves.
Fine Hosiery, gweatera and Cardigan Jaekets.
Cake .Afaokiotoshes Warraated water-proof.
Box .Mackintoshes warranted water-proof.
Dress Overeoats Men and Boys'.
Fine Dress Suits for Men and Boys.
Children's Suits in 50 styles.
Fancy Laandried Shirts.
Gam Boots, light and heavy knee or bip.
Felt Boots with Heavy Overshoes only $2.00.
Leather Boots from f 1.50 to $3.00 per pair.
Heavy Flannel Shirts.
A splendid line of underwear.
And last but not least, thefinest line ef all the latest styles in bats.
In fact here ie the place to buy your
and Our Prices are lower than the lowest.
Call and satisfy yourselves.
Answer to Proposition No. 1. A Suit
will sell at $5.00 Even.
Answer to Proposition No. 2 A Suit
will sell at even $3.00
Answer to Proposition No. 3. A suit
15.00, we will soli at $13.
East Wind's Boy's Suits at $2.93, we sell for $2.00.
The McCUntic Hardware
Stoves and tin-ware, mill and black-smith supplies, Harness,
Collars, Lap Robes, Blankets, Fly-nets and Saddler's Supplies.
Best Gocds at Low Prices. We did an encouraging business
during tbe past season and hope by constant application and
prompt attention to do doubly as much in the coming season.
We are better prepared to furnish
Builders' Supplies,
Tin, Iron and Felt Kcofing, Sheathing and Lining paper,
Paints, Glats and Carpenter Tools at low Prices.
Blacksnr.ths will find it to their interests to call and ex
amine our Stock arid get Prices of Norway & refined bar iron,
Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails and Tools.
Lumbermen and Mill Men will not go away uninterested,
alter ihey have examined and priced Our Stock of Cross Art
Saws, files, Gum and Leather Belting, and Lacer at Low
Prices, wood and iron pumps of the best make; also a full line
of House furnishing Goeds. Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil
low ware, wooden-ware, Nickle Tea Kettle and coffee pots.
Wall Paper at all Prices.
that we are offering at Special Prices to close them out, Barbed
Fence Wire, Gasoline Stove, Ice Cream Freezers, forks, scythes.
Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes of all kinds,
prices furnished on application, Cook Stove, Fruit Dryer, tho
best out estimates to lurnith contractors with the material so
licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance
of the same.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmrr and Puner
al jUirector.
Bridge 8t., MifflintowD, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Pomerey, Joseph Rotbreek,
Jobs Bertsler, Josiah L. Barton,
Robert B. Parker, Leais B. Atkinaet
T. V. Irwin.
George A. KepBer, Ann! V. Shettov,
Joseph Botareck, P. W. Ifanbeck,'
L. E. Atkinsoa, E. E. Parker,
W. C. Posoerey, J. Holmes Irwin
Hary Kurtz, aroma; N. Thompson,
John ertslar, T. Irwin.
CbarlotteSa7der, Josiah L Barton,
John If.' Blair, Robert H. Patterson,
P. M. M. Penaell, Levi Llfbt,
Samnel 8. Rot block, Wm. S warts.
U.K. Starrett, H. J. Skellenberjer,
Jamae 6. Beading, at. B. Schiegel,
8. W. Beapa.
Three and Foar per cant, interest will to
p!4 oa certificates of deposit.
fjan 28, 1896
Tbe Stnttnel mad Jtqtniltemm odea ia the
plaee to get job work doae. Try it. It wil
pvr too if yon need anrthinc; 'n that line.
that Eaat Wind nlU at tfi fi5 Wi
that East Wind sells at 19.65. wa
or Overcoat that East Wind sells at
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
(Saaeaisrtb'e PaisaO
Lifcin!ng, Fire and Storm Protf
W-r,3 for I The Peaa Irra Kaaflaa Cam
rru.1 rufw I carina C. ( Ltd. PBU
ale Mfra.