Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 27, 1895, Image 2

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YED:KSDAT,NOV. 27, 1896.
Cokoeess will meet next week.
Hawaii wants to be annexed to the
United States. Admit her.
The Cleveland administration is
getting ready for another bond issn?
Pehhstltaxia has expended $10,.
000,000 onn15,0C0 Soldier Or
phan School pupils-
Tris Dnocraii bnioe?? wrecker
Are now BayiiiK don't! Jjn'i! agitate
tbo tariff. It unsettles business
That dt-p: nds hoT you agitate the
tar ft.
A recent writer toys: Acetylene
gas was discovered nccideiitally:
That it is evolved by beatiiifj a mix
ture of coal and lime or charcoiil
and chalk in a furnace, and throwing
the resulting compound into water.
It Cleveland's time Lad expired,
would not take long for the incoming
Republican Congress to so re adjust
the tariff laws,' that goverment would
get enough money to pay usrunmn
expenses. But Cleveland has the
views of the importers of foreign
goods, and that will cause him to ob
struct all higher taritt law.
It has always be:n the policy of
th Republican party to provide sof
ficient means to pay for the running
of the Government, and now tbat a
Republican Congreps goes into pow
er, it will only bo in their line to to
change the tariff laws that the Gov
ernment is certain of obtaining
enough revenue to pay expenses.
The trouble in tbo way will be Presi
dent Cleveland, unless, lie bus charg
ed bis views. His n. ssa ge will like
ly tell wht-tber be proposes to standi
in the way of a re adjustment by the
Republican Congress,
The Democracy should g Mo
partnership with the Japanese for il;e
introduction of cheap goods. Japnn
ssys she can make a'l kinds of gomls
cheaper than the Europeans cna.
It has been the ambition of the C: v. -land
Administration and Deruoci h'.;o
leaders and Democratic newspapi-rs
to advocate a reduction of the tariff
to let in cheap gods from Europe,
but now Japan says she en furnish
the people of the United States Witb
goods at cheaper rates than Europe.
The next thing Democratic leaders
will do, will be calling Eun pe:tu m m
ufacturers, robber iiitroa manufac
turers, ami declariti for a lower tar
iff to got tbo JjpiU-s3 goods in.
Sold His Wife.
John Miller of Vt r.augo county if
71 years of ag?. Ho hnd a young
wife. She waate.l ;i younger man,
and Ciptaiu John Lyter, a G. A- R
man, made love to ber and negotiat
ed with the old man for htr pur
chase, says the PuLxsutawney Sphil
The following agreement was there
fore drawn up between them: "I, tht
undersigned, John Miller, party of t'-rc
first part, do hereby agree with John
Lyter, parly of the second part, to
give up to the party of the Eecouo
part one Martha, my wiie, tha c m
sidtration to be as follows: John
Lyter is to pay m in cash S2f), aVsu
a good suit of clothes, valued at $'2t,
a jug of the b-st whisky. tw. hound
pups and rishing tp.ck'e worth ."?2tJ."
. w -
An Important Office.
To properly fill its i -flics and func
tions, it is important that tlii blood
bo pure. When it is in such a eoud.
tion, the body is almost certain to 1
healthy. A coujpkiiut al ibis tin"
is catarrh in som of its various for:n.
A slight cold dcvelopes th! d 's-'v.fi-in
the bead. Droppings uf cjrii-i)
tion passing into tha lur.gs bring :n
corruption. The only -vay to cun
this disease is to pnrifv the blood.
The raortt obstinuto cases c ia!iu:!;
yield to the iu -dicinol of
Hood's Sarsaparill ! s if by nia-i--,
imply because it i- -.--ties tho S5.it of
the disease, su-1 ly purifig an.i
vitalizing the blood, remove the
cause. Not only do-j Hood's S:i:-n
parilla d- this, but :t gives rpneivi d
vigor to the w bolo systtir, inak iig i
posaiblo for good health to rsin su
preme. A yenrthi;? iriutiur to Lissn liM "OB
haii'licap: 1 with the iiamo ut M'iih
iiigtuu's Uinhiliiy. Kb will h:.o to
wear a pair of hoimles to hold that
name together.
J. F. Scott, iivMM'.cr of John R. Gen
try and the Karon Wilkes lior.-t! Baro
net, announced ut the Kiuiiii-uul meet
ing that those horses would never to
campaigned nguiu.
When Huiulin pere et fils read thr.t
the turnstiles ut the Khodo Island state
fair registered 5t,000 peoplo one day, a
prospectus for a big fair ct Buffalo next
summer was immediately blocked out.
Nettie de Coursey will probably be
the star of a big burlesque company
next season.
Wilson Banrott will probably make
another extended tour of this country
next season.
The musio of De Wolf Hopper's next
opera has been written by bousa, the
"March King."
Moliere's "Sganarelle" is the only
play ever written which may be proper
ly presented without "properties."
Thero is a greater demand for Shake
speare and the serions drama in the
smaller cities this season than ever be
fore. Henry Irving is reported to have been
mortally offended by the adverse criti
cisms of his "Macbeth" in New York
Charles Klein is one of tho yonng
American dramatists who has enough
orders for plays to keep him busy for
several years.
Boston's new stock company at the
Grand Opeia House is mee'.lug with
great success. New plays only of great
merit arc presented.
A prominent St. Louis capitalist is
anxious to star 17-year-old Florence
Rockwell as "Mary Anderson s success
or" in this country and England.
Glen MacDonongh has just completed
a society comedy, which will be pro
duced at the Lyceum theater, New York,
Dsioitd Frohman's stock company.
" Flying Machines.
It la evident that not one of these
would be flying machine men has ever
seriously undertaken to solve the prob
lem mentally. There is but one way of
getting through the air by mechanical
action, and that is by cleavage. There
are really only two forms of cleavage,
the one as represented by wing action
as applied by insects and birds, the oth
er a rotary action as represented by the
screw of a steamer. To the application
of the wing principle there is a limit
set by natural law, just as in animal
forms there is a limit set to either biped
or quadrupedal construction.
There is perhaps no form of cleavage
tbat represents the expenditure of force
more economically than wiuf action as
manifested in the flight of a wild goose.
Here is an exceptionally large avoirdu
pois for the wing area, but the bird
cannot carry any additioiiaj weight.
In the birds of prey the body is lignter
in proportion to Wing suiface a light,
compact frame, but immense muscular
action, capable of carrying for a short
distance a load of from 8 to 12 pounds.
But the limit is soon found, and there
is not a winged creature on the earth
weighing SO pounds that con mount in
to the air and cleave as a true flier.
Why do not the ostrich, the great
auk, the emu and other congeners of
these bird tribes properly fly, since they
are eqnipped with cleavers as are other
birds of flight? Walkers and swimmers,
as well as fliers, are all, by natural
law, limited within certain restrictions,
and it is remarkable that these invent
ors have not learned this, as it is a fact
of the utmost importance, and one
which, in a careful analysis, must early
disclose itself. Pittsburg Dispatch.
If Tarner Came Hack.
If the shade of Turner could return
to earth and "revisit tho glimpses of
the moon, probably it would be highly
gratified to find how much he is appre
ciated just now. I do not know wheth
er or not a ghost can havo a sense of hu
mor, but if it can, Turner's doubtless
would enjoy the discussion going on in
the Loudon papers os to the propriety
of buying his old house in Chelsea the
scene of tho vulgar orgies of his later
years and marking it as a memorial to
his genius. The old fellow would
chucklo over that; but if he' should vis
it tho National gallery, and see tho pres
ent condition of his "Dido Building
Carthago" iud "The S'nn Rising in a
Hist," which he considered his master
pieces, aud left to the nation ou condi
tion that they should be hung side by
9ide with the two great "Claudes, " he
would find little cause for hilarity.
What would ho say to the state of his
(chrciuate of lead) skies, when com
pared witb the unimpaired limpidity of
the ekiescf the Frenchman who, though
dead about a century before Turner was
born, ho qnecrly fancied to regard as
his rival? If he should stray into the
special "Turner room," he would find
tbingj much worse. Many of his pic
tuns there aro iu a truly deplorable con
dition. Art Amateur.
In the Place of Stroac Driuh.
Two writers in La Revue d'Uygieue
recommend that drunkards anxious tc
conquer their habit be encouraged tc
drink nonalcoholic preparations that
eiif:;est alcoholic wines or liquors. One
such pr.pnr:ttiou ccusists of white sug
ar, brown sugar, hulled barley, hops,
oeriander seed, extract of violet, elder
flowers, vinegar aud water, iu the pro
portion of 24 pounds of the first to an
equal part cf the second, I:n!f as much
of the third, 4C5 grains troy of the
fourth, cn equal amount of the fifth,
3TJij grains troy of thebixth, 1 pints
of tho seventh and a trifle under 11
trallous of tho eighth. These arc all put
iuto a suitable cask with a square hole
at the bung, 4 V to 5 iuehes ou a side
tho ingredients being thoroughly mixed
in tho cask with a paddle before the
water is added, and ti.a eu'ar bi'tug
put iu fir.t of Jul. A':cr eight days cl
i;itusi--.:i the mi"! cue is strained into
bunks j l st:- i;l-!7 coikcd. Four days
tlure:.,"N'r it is ready fur t..s.;.
To the ui'.idcrKto drinker .-.II tLIs sug
gefts Ecthi's;; very ::r;.l!e, bai the
ciixtr.-e is said to l .k lik- whifa wine,
aid ?.-. I'iuch lite champagne. The
mini that ir.'.j s-.vorn of? drinks it with
xeli.-!i. and r.o hanu f.;13;ws. Tho ecst
of tbo Uiir.tuio is than i ctuts a
Fliyn! Value of Tears.
Tears have thf ir functional duty to
accomplish like every o:l:cr flu'd of the
body and the lachrymal gland is nut
placed behind the eye simply to fill space
or to give er;-r! s--;ou to emotion. The
chemical properties of teurs consist of
pi.' sphr.to of lime and soda, malciug
thtiu very salty, bat never bitter. Their
ac;i-?a ou tho eyo is very b?u:ficial uud
bru consists their pr-scrib:l duty of
fhn body washing thoroughly that sen
sitive organ, which allows no foreign
Cu'd to do tho s:,me work.
Nothing cleanses tbo eye like a good,
salty tfhower bath, sad medical prt has
lo.jo.vc-l u;!;:'i.c's law iu this respect,!
u . fc. a v a. v ui I4iic a (
ig too invigorating solution, for!
esstd i-o-iSi'.iou of the optica, i
any rlistrei
Tira do not wcaktn the sight, bnt lin
prove it. They i'-t as a tonio to the mus
cular vision, keeping tho eye soft and
limpid, and it will be noticed that wom
en in whoso eyes sympathetic tears gath
er quickly havo brighter, tenderer orbs
than others. When the pnpils are bard
and ciM, the world attributes it to
one's disp-isition, which is not a mere
figure of speech implying the lack of
balmy tears that aro to the cornea what
salve is to tho skin or nourishment to
the blood. Exchange.
BoHton Police Beglnnlnga.
The police department of Boston was
first established in 1854. It took the
place of the old watch, which had been
in existence since 1C31. From 1838 to
1854 there had Iwwn a small police force
for day service, acting with the watch,
who patrolled the streets from 6 aud 7
p. m. until sunrise. The uniforming of
the police began in 1857. Boston Jour
nal. The bay filly Visalia has reduced the
California record for 4 -year-olds to
A down east man already threatens to
drivo a pacer in 2 :0u barefooted next
Abdell was barred from all the purses
and stakes for 2-year-olds in California
this year.
Marcus Daly, the copper king, soured
on tbe trotters because he did not win
all his races.
Famous old Miss Russell, white with
the winter of 30 years, is still alive at
Woodburu farm.
The perennial Fanny Wilcox has up
set about as many alleged "good things' '
s any trotter on the turf.
August Belmont and David Gideon
Lave traded trainers, Hyland going to !
Belmont and Joyuer to bideou.
Klamath, after a severe fit of rheu-1
mutism, is rounding to, and his owner, j
Thomas Raymond, sent him an eighth .
in 12 seconds the other day. I
George H. Bailey of Maine has bought ,
Sonata, sister to Poem, 2:11, and
will breed her to Lynue Bel, 2:10X
and figures that the produce will be a
Society Bard ITv-sted. .
Little Miss de Fashion (meeting no
ted author in the park) How do do,
Mr. Fiuemind I Mamma is awful glad
yon is comin to her reception.
Great Author I . am delighted to
learn that she is pleased.
"Yes, she says you is the biggt so
ciety lion of the season, and sbo's so
glad she got ahead of that Mrs. de Stylo.
Mamma has told everybody yon are
comin, and they is all worked 'most to
death. Mamma's head aches awful this
morning. "
"Dm to what work do you refer,
my dear?"
"Why, yon know. Everybody is near
ly killin theirselves tryin to read your
books, so they can talk to yon about
em," New York Weekly.
Tw Bad,
Fond Parent Tbat child is full of
Sarcastic Visitor Yes. What a pity
it's allowed to escape ! Collier's Week-
Unrecognized Gcnloe.
Black Browed Pete, the hero cf 100
stago robberies and 87 train wreckings,
sat lost in thought. His dark brow v.T.s
knitted aud ho held his chin iu his
hand as he had seen other villains da
He was thinking thinking thoughts of
extra large caliber and big bora
His wife, standing in the dusk and
shadow of the curtain, her white lingers
woven together, watched his face fur
tively, aud her woman's heart told her
tilings were going to happen.
At lust he sp: !:o.
"Unless," bo said slowly, thongh he
did not foiyet to place the proper in
flection on his last three words, "I get
a job wo ore doomed. Wc w ill return
to Chicago, where, in its wilderness, I
may once nioro lead mo wild, wild lifo. "
The woman shuddered.
"Why, ch, why. Fete," she implored,
and the howling of the wind outside
supplied tho shiver music, "cannot we
ct ay hero? Do not drag mo back to the
lifo I had hoped we had loft behind us
"Cfftise, wcinaa!" commanded hci
husband wearily ; "I do nothing will
ingly, but fate is against mo. I have
rebbed 100 stages, wrecked 20 odd
trains, saved 23 peoplo from drowning
and perishing in the flames and jumped
from tho tcu highest bridges in the
world, cud yet I have been in New York
tea whole days, and not a manager has
offered to star me ! 1 Tis a cruel world !"
And in tho silence that followed the
fjeutlo throb of his faithful Wuterbnry
might have been heard operating against
his stalwart fifth rib. Truth.
A Slan V. lthout a Fcst.
When Aclam had shaken himself and
looked nronnd him, on the day of hie
creation, he indulged in something like
tho following soliloquy:
"Well, it doesn't loc!; as if I were go
ing to have much company to keep me
from being lonesome, but thero is cue
thing I can congratulate myself upon,
and that is I'm a man without a past.
"I havo no foolish actions to griove
over, no notes coming due, no bad char
actor to live down, no breach i.f promise
suit cn my hands, no loss of lent money
to kick nivfclf abor.t, i:o creditor tc
maks mo hido iu tho woods, no dun tc
put off till next Monday week, ro apol
ory to make for calling on a girl when
I wn3 threo sheets in tho wind, no lies
to maunfiictnro to nppeai-o an angry
vrif ; raid a great many other things 1
haven't got to do, nni last and bci.t oi
all I'm in no clanger of boinp: run down
and killud by a bicycle ridden by a
woman iu bloomer--. Ou the whole, I
don's eco but that a man without a psst
is puetty weil ui. " Uostou Courier.
A Valnat;le Sonant.
An Anstii! merchant who had failed
several times to collect nLill from Colo
nel Yerg"r, went to the latter's . resi
dence determined t i pi t the money. He
was met at the d-jcr by t-'am Johusing,
who had orders to koep out people whe
camo with bills.
"Is Colonel Ycrjirr iur"
"What does yer want?"
"I wnv.t my mrr.cy. "
"Ail right, sal:, l.l hit's your lucnry
you wai:U, jess ft.-p in bi parlor. Hit's
only ! t'jiks c'.ai 's af;r de kernel's
money dat he don't krer to see. He
woul'iu't be in ef you was crter hi
money. " Texas Siftintjs.
Her Frei-ch.
At tho West Eud Restaurant Young
Lady (to her vis-a-vis, at diuuer table
for two) pr.rliiijj, gjyo yr.nr orders in
Fltil'-h, as it is Considered more dis
tingue hero.
The Vis-a-Vis Very well, my dear ;
I can easily do that. Gass-ou?
Waiter Yes, sir; it is ou, but we
are at pioseut using the electric light.
Tho remainder of the order was given
in English. Loudon Telegraph.
Well, Well!
He gazed at her witb a 2,000 volt in
tensity. "So yon have a past?" lie hissed.
"Oh, yes," she airily answered.
"Two or three of 'em."
However, on consideration, ho con
cluded that ho was willing to become
her third or fourth husband. Indian
apolis Journal.
A Martyr.
Muggins They tell mo Bjoncs is a
very devoted husband.
Buggins Yes, indeed. Why, he actu
ally goes to his own wife's afternoon
teas Philadelphia Record.
Romance and Reality,
Her in ia Vladimir Eckstein, you have
asked for a meetin, an I giv' it ; wot is
the result? You say you never loved
me ! Wot does all them letters mean, all
of them writ in poekry an perfoomed
wid wiolets? I throw the base calomel
in your teet' (with bitterness); notbink
yon kin say will vindicate yer oonduck
to me !
Vladimir (gazing at stack of letters)
Oh ! wot a ass I've bin I Truth. .
,if MfTn,
Dr. William Affleck, mayor of Cobb-
town, Conn., is 90 years of age.
t- John Barns is drawing away from bis
constituents. He has taken up the royal
game ol golf. . - -
The only game that the pope indulges
in is that of chess. He is said to be a
very skillful player.
Barney isurnato nas just given
925,000 to the poor of London, which
ia larger than any single gift ever made
by the Rothschilds.
Lord Wolseley, the commander in
chief of the British army, attributes his
success in life to his mother, who su
perintended his education.
Lieutenant Peary has learned to speak
the Eskimo language witb all of the
ease of a native. It is almost as easy to
! ieacii the north pole as to acquire that
I Robert Livingston Cutting, who mar
ried Minnie Seligiuau, tha actress, and
was disinherited by his father in Mr.
Cutting's will, has effects" a reconcilia
tion with his family.
Tennyson is said to have declared that
the late Mrs. Alexander's "The Burial
of Moses" was ono of the few poems by
a living writer of which he would have
been proud to be the author.
The home of Governor Morton's fa
ther in Winthrop, Me., is still standing
and occupied. It was built in 1800. It
was in this house that the present gov
ernor of New York was born.
Mrs. Mary Ann Smith of East Lyme,
Conn., is hale and hearty at 04. She
led a party of women recently to a road
repairing bee, the road being positively
dungerous through neglect, and carried
40 baskets of stone from the pike.
Colonel Charles King, the military
novelist, with his half pay salary, his
revenue from his books, is very com
fortably fixed in life. He is a handsome,
soldierly man of about SO, with gray
hair and mustache and a bronzed com
plexion. Ex-fc'enator Van Wyck of Nebraska,
who died recently, always believed he
would have been president if he had
not offended his western friends by
building a palatial residence in Wash
ington. It inude enemies for him among
tho farmers.
Dr. Hunkin, at Agra, nearly loFt his
life from cholera, owing to too great
confidence in the power of permanga
nate of potash to destroy tho bacillus of
cholera. Ho treated a polluted well
with permanganate and then drank
freely of tho water.
Senator Shcrruau's remark in his new
book tbat ho has been out of office only
ono day in 40 years recalls tho still
more romurkablo record of Senator Mer
rill of Vermont. Tho latter has been
continuously in congress, one branch or
tho other, since 185i.
Tho great charm cf the queen of Mad
agitscar is said to be her unconventioiml
ity. She chews tobacco, drinks cham
pagne, uses palm oil on her hair, wears
$5,000 Worth costumes at the same
timo going barefooted and is a member
of the orthodox Congregational church.
Wool braid with a corded edco is used
in place cf velveteen for tho bottom of
Persian and ribbed velvet ribbons are
among tho novelties used for drets
"Chiffou brilliant" is a now substi
tute for chiffon. It comes iu all colors
and is very glossy.
Ruffs of black chiffon, larger than
any we havo had before, are made very
pretty with tiny bits cf ostrich feathers
cn the edgo liko a frinjjo.
Necklets made of a band of fur four
or five inches wide, finished in front
with little beads and at tho back with
a big bow of velvet, are among tho nov
elties in neck protectors.
A hat of velvet has a wide brim,
slightly arched over the front. The
back is turned toward tho crown. Tho
trimming is a largo bird of paradise
and upright loops of rich velvet ribbon.
Black satin petticoats, warmly lined
with flannel and gored somewhat after
the style of an umbrella, so that they
button oa to tho lower odgo of the cor
set, are imlisncusablo additions to a
stout woman's outfit.
Among the now tailor costumes is one
made of narrow striped suiting. The
skirt bus five back plaits; there is no
regular waist, but a jacket with large
sleeves and turned over collar and lap
els faced with satin. A double breasted
vest, linen front and tie complete the
Balis of agate set with miniature jew
els make ctlectivo hatpins.
Powder puffboxes of cut glass have
gold covers wrought with enamel aud
Plain enamel in delicate colors is used
for be backs of h:vilr..thes a::d tho
t-.vs of combs.
Err.tu ivory, with ::xplii-d silver
decorationf, forms l!.e handles of some
cf the new antb:-c!!v.
Seal and velvet chatelairre bags,
mounted with silver iu antique designs,
are both stylish and serviceable.
Every kind of ingenuity has been
brought to bear with re-gard to now
forms iu bracelets, and a series of flexi
ble gold joints united by turquoise is a
new departure.
A charming bandeau for the hair is
furnished in a half wreath of grapevine
leaves aud fruit; the former is simulat
ed in small brilliants and the latter in
amvthcst. Jewelers' Circular.
Tho word atheist comes from two
Greek words signifying "no god." An
atheist is a disbeliever in the existence
of any deity.
The Cauqibellites are so called from
Alexander Campbell, the founder of this
dcuonii:iati: ;i. The name is not accept
ed by its members, who consider it of
fensive and call themselves "Chris
tians." The sect cf the Nazurcucs was named
from Nazareth. lis members were Chris
tiau Jews that is. Christian beliovers,
who, nevertheless, practiced the vows
and ceremonies of Judaism. St. Louis
Scandal is the dread of fools and the
contempt of the wise. Clnlow.
A sentence well couched takes both
the sense and the understanding. Felt
ham. A man must carry knowledge with
him if he would bring home knowledge.
Objects imperfectly discerned take
form from the hope or fear of the be
holder. Johnson.
Tbe public has more interest in the
punishment of an injury than the one
who receives it. Colton.
Mankind are always found prodigal,
both of blood and treasure, in tbe main
tenance of justice. Hume.
The world is God's epistle to man
kind ; his thoughts are flashing upon us
from cverv diioctiou. Plato.
Amy ItoseUe, who was killed, wita
bcr consent, by her husband in Austra
lia, commanded a high salary in juig
land until she became too stout to play
parts for which abe was previously in
The Brahman's faith was thus called
because it was supposed to be original
ed bv Brahma.
Tbe Gallican church was the church
of the Gauls, or French. It was founded
bv Pere Hyacinthe.
The Sabbatarians were so called from
their observing the seventh day as the
sabbath. Tneir lounaer was namea rjra
The BedemptoristFathers,also known
as Liguorians, had their name from St
Francis Liguori, who founded tbe order
In 1783.
The Trappists were so called from La
Trappe, the French district in wnicn
their first monastic establishment was
The football player was experiment
ing with a bicycle, and it balked, as bt
cycles sometimes will. He was disen
tangling himself from a barbed wire
fence when the stranger came along.
"Machine gave you a sort of sur
prise, didn't it?" asked the stranger.
"I should say it did," replied the
"Didn't exactly know whore you
wero for a minute, I guess," ventured
tho stronger.
"That's right," returned the player.
"For a minute or two I felt sure I was
playing in tho rush hue." Chicagc
Froof Positive.
Gladys What are you going to do
when you leavo college?
Tom Oh, live on my income, I
Gladys A man as clever as you
might do something to prove his clever
ness. Tom Living ou my income would
prove mo oue of the cleverest financiers
of the age. Life.
Is Your
bod Pyre
if it is, you will b c strong-, vigor
ous, full of life and ambition; you
will have a good appetite and good
d'i'i --ti.-ii ; your il:i-p will be sound
:.i;d r licsiiinp ; your nerves will bo
sti'o.ig-; you will huvc little need to
fear i'i."av in any form.
lut how few can say that their
blood i pure! How many people
i.re suffering; daily from the conse
ijiienec of impure blood, scrofula, salt
r!:cr,i:i. rheumatism, catarrh, nervous
iicss, slct plt-ssncss, headache, and
Tired Feeling
Il.tod: Sarsaparilia purities, vitalizes
p.:A enriches the blood. Therefore,
it is tae medicine for you.
It will give you pure, rich, red
blood aud strong nerves.
It will overcome that tired feeling',
create an oppetite, give refreshing
sleep K!:d make yon strong.
Is not this just what you want?
Then take Hood's Sarsaparillu. It
ia the best building up medicine.
Hcod'Q Sarsaparilla
Is tho Only
True Biood Purifier
rro;i;iut:ntly In the public oyc today:
it ly c- DiIIt euro fcaKtual renfttpa
. i W .j, rlllJ lino, l-ri U ctfuta.
More than 500,000 other people
nre reading it every day. They caa't
fcfford to miss it t.nd neithtr can you
The Associated Press, fhe best eer-
vice of sj eci&l dispatches in the Stats
and complete correspondence from
the Lbigh Valley, tbo Schuv'ki!!
Valley, the Chester Valley, Centra!
Pennsylvania aud New Jersey, gives
all the news in detail to Inquirer
readers. Pages :n sporting sub
jects, at tides cf special interest to
women, real estate, financial and mar
ine lnteiligtLca aro thoroughly cover
ed t Rf h day in The Inquirer.
Ihe very best paper published any
where. Contains contributions by all the
leading authors, newsy letters from
everj whore, carefully conducted De-lot-nts
cn athletics both ama
Uur and professional, the stage, so
ciety, tbe clubs, secret societies, fra
ternal crdere, music, literature, mili
tary lhatfers, latest scientific inven
tions, &c.
A most popular feature of tha Sun
day Inquirer is a beautifully colored
copy of some famous painting issued
each week as an art supplement.
By mail postage paid to any part
of the United States or Canada.
Daily Edition - - One Cent a Copy
Sunday Ediiton - Five Cents a Copy
Daily Edition - - $3.00 per Tear
Sunday Ediiton - $2.50 per Year
fT H A Swperf Cre ft Sttrf ATavarovf Pacwfcjs, TU
1 CUt ol StaJrcta.
Wtrt ?l-aoa-raarm.
IT guri'tS Zyn Uaa witfc ltU
KOCHCSTCft. ft. V.
A wonderful Improvement In Frirllaa FrrSn and
(ix-Bark. Buck motion of Carriages tlmeaaafefet
OAaxiy other In the market. Frietiaaf 'latch Feed,
causing alltuefed gearing to stand still while back.
tiK : creat savins la atawer anal wear, fend
4ot--ntHlnKtamuaforlanteCtaloiruaandprices Also
arinr Harrows. liar Hakes, t'altivatora,
turn flnntera. Shelter, etc M-titlon Hum )-;vr.
Is a safa and prompt remedy
lor tnaeuraof a11rram
dyaeatarr. aa-Ile, cholera
-To. as and all form of
IXHitcnais of tho oirela. If
kfPECMLLir caxrti
Tusearora Valley Bailroad.
. 30, 1895.
A. M. P. M.
8 00 2 00
8 05 2 05
8 10 2 10
8 15 2 15
8 20 2 20
8 30 2 30
8 37 2 37
8 42 2 42
8 48 2 48
8 55 2 55
9 CO 3 CO
9 06 3 06
9 10 3 10
9 14 3 14
9 16 3 16
9 18 3 18
9 20 3 20
9 25 3 25
9 30 3 30
Blair's Mills....
Leonard's Grove
Rots Farm
East Water ford.
Honey Grove. . .
Fort Bigham...
Pleasant View. .
Seven Pines. . . .
Spruce Hill ....
Old Port ...
Port Royal
Train No. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Passenger and Seashore Expre
on P. R. R., and No. 8 aud 4 witb at til asst.
x. P.
Tort Itoval
Old Port
GrcLam'e . . . .
Sprues Hill
Seven Pines
Plearact View
Fort Bigham
Honey Grove
Enst Waterford . . . .
lioss Farm
Leonard's Grove
Blair's Mills Ar
2 8 10
15.ll 11
220 12
97 n't-?
55 5
01 5 31
05j5 35
09(5 39
33 6
38 6 08
45'6 15
55 G
10 6 40
15 45
Trail- Hub. 'i and 3 connect witb Stage
L:na at Blair' Mills lor Concord, Doyle,
burg and Drj Run.
8 T .A. T E .
MifHintown, Penna.
In the matter at the
partition and valua.
In the Orphans'
Iia of the Heal Jl$
tale of Samuel Leni
ent lager.
Chart or Juniata
To Hotiis boudenslager. widow of ;said
Sniul Loudena'.iigar, deceased, David
LoudeniUger, Louisa Rodger, Suian
Weit, and Joaepk West, bur husband, and
Jama Loudeoalager, all of Janiatafeounty,
Henry Londemlager, Joph Loudanalager
and Samuel Londensiager of Maze, Sedg.
wick county, Kansas, and Ephriam Loud
Dslager of Bellevue, Huron county, Ohio,
beirs at law of said Samuel Loudenslager,
decaassd, and all other interfatcd.
. Take notice that on the 17th day of Sep
tember, A. O., 1895 the court granted a
rule on all the parties interested in tbe Rea
Iatata of said Samuel Loudenslagar, deceas
ed, to be and appear at an Orphans' Court
to be held at Hinlintown, in and for aaid
County ol Juniata, oa the 17th day of De.
cewber, A. D., 1895. at 10 o'clock in tbe
forenoon, then and there to accept or re
fuse the said Real Estate at its raluation,
or a higher price, and also to show caose
why the same ihall not be old by order ef
tbe Court.
Tract No. 1. was valued at $463.83, and
tract No. 2, at $716 3.
J r. UalMOoa,
Suaairr's Ornoa,
MifHintown, Pa.. Nov. 11, 1895. J
ft if? gas!
VaaiMl I IUI M
BUIs. aamulefne. GtH7i?uIuUa.,w.laaaL,I.I.
r.ures Sick Headache
A full line of all hardv FRUIT and OR.
KAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Evergreens,
Vine, Roses, Hedge plants, sec. Agents,
men or women, wanted ter immediate em
ployment. Address with reference to
Morris Narseriea, West Chester, Pa.
Get a good paper by subscribing for tha
Snrnn and REPtrauoAa.
b... 1H4. I.ara'a FaCBltT.
Two fui coarse or etady Classical and
Scientific. P pecui coarse id ucrp-i-
. m Ohiirw f rsr r . rahnratorisw and
new Gymnasium. Sfeam beat. Libraries,
22,000 Tolumes. fcxpensea low. iepan
ment of Hygiene and Physical Culture in
charge of an experienced physician. Ac
cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca
tion on tha BATTLEFIELD of Gettysburg,
mod pleasant and bealtbr- PREPAR
ate buildings, tor boys and young men pre
paring for bualneaa or College, under spec
ial care or tbo Principal and thren assist
ants, residing witb students in tbe building.
Fall term opena September 6th, 1895. For
Catalognea, add res
or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. U.,
Qetltjiburg, Pa.
Correspondence Solicited. Philadelphia
Long Distance Telephone 019.
Tha fallowing schedule went Into effect
Not. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be rnn as
p. m a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. ra
4 SO 9 15 Dnncannon 8 40 3 60
4 86 9 21 'King's Hill 8 34 8 44
4 29 9 24 "Sulphur Spring 31 8 41
8 41 9 2 Corman Siding 8 29 3 39
4 45 9 29 Montebello Park 8 20 3 30
4 45 9 31 'Weaver 8 24 8 84
4 61 9 86 'Roddy 819 8 29
4 64 9 89 'IIofTmia 8 16 3 26
4 66 9 41 'Royer 8 14 8 24
4 69 9 44 'Mabanoy 8 118 21
5 10 10 00 Bloomfleld 8 05 3 15
6 17 10 07 'Long' Road 7 52 2 45
5 22 10 13 'Nellson 7 46 'I 39
6 25 10 16 'Duni's 7 43 2 36
6 28 10 19 Elliotsbarg 7 40 2 S3
5 24 10 25 'Bertlmisl' 7 84 2 27
5 86 10 27 'Groen Prk 7 32 2 JS
6 41 10 82 'Montour June 7 27 2 20
6 09 11 20 Landist-urg 6 55 1 &
p. m a. ra Arrive Leave a. m p 111
Train loaves BloomtisM at 6.10 a. ra.
and arrives at Landisburg at 6.4 a. txi.
Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomfleld at 6. 60 p. m.
Trains leave Loysviile for Duncannon at
7. 220 a. ro., and 2. 15 p. id. Returning,
arrive at 10 37 a. ra., acd 4-6G p. m.
Between Landisburg and Loysvilla trains
ruu a follows: Leave Land isbui-g for Loys
viile 6 65 a. ra , and 1 50 p m., Loysviile
fur Landisburz 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m.
All stations uiirk-d (') are llag stations,
st wliick trains will como to a (all stop on
Loon E. ATXiNS?a. F. U. V. Pi'jxsv.
Uncollecting and Conveyancing crotr.p'.
ly attended to.
OrricE On Main street, in place of resk
dence of Louis E. Atkinson, Esq., soutn
Bridge street. f Oct 26, 192
Attorney -at-Law
District Attorney.
have formed a partnership for tho praclic
of Medicine and their collateral branches.
OlHce at old stand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, UitQmtown, Fa. One or bott
ot them will be found at their ofEce at a!'
times, unless otherwise prolenbionsMy en
gaged. April 1st, ib'.'O.
(Gradnate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col
lege,) formerly of Mifiiitibiirg, Fa., ha lo
cated p.Tiuanently in MifHintown, ai suc
cessor to the late Dr. (i. L. Derr, an 1 will
continue tha nwntal business (established
by tho lat'er in ISiiVJ) at the weil known of
fice ou Bridge street opposite Court llousa.
Ao Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used.
No Sore Gnm or Diseonifort to patient,
either during extraction or afterward a.
All these are Guaranteed tr cc charge
will be rasrla.
Ky Ail work guaranteed to give perfect
eati.-f.ic tion. Terms, strictly cua.
Practical Deatlnt.
The aedf rsigned persons have associated
th-msecs together lor the protection of
Willow Him Tront stream in Lack town
skip, . uaiati to,, i t. Al! p-tkols are
strickly forbtdilen not ro trespass npn the
land or stream of the said parties to fish
as tho stream has bees stocked with trout
Persons violating this noice, will b? pros
ecuted Recording to law.
K. H. Patterson,
T. II. Carnthers, J. P.
Kob't A. Woodsnle,
W. D. Walls,
Frank Vawn,
Dyson Van.
April 23, 1895.
The cndersignd persons have formed an
Association for tho protection of their re
spective properties. All persons are here
by notified not to trespass on the lands of
the undersigned lor the purpose or bunting
gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing
down fences or tiring timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot the above no
tice will be dealt with according tu law.
John Michael,
William Putlenberger,
U id eon Sieher,
Beashor t Zook,
Mary A. iSruliaker,
Josei-b Rolhrock,
John Byler,
Pamnol Bell.
September 5, Iri95.
Salary and eri.ei.srs r commission
High grade Stack at !' prices. New
specialties. Seed I'-iiatnes, kc.
in every towu. Steady work, fay .Week
ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS. Sec'y
Portland, N. T. Sep. 15,1835.
iMDtu. a r maa
Oomnienial I Via Utantiint I
Branches. I Philadalahil
Tbe atiimtnaof knowlvdmatthsB
uarairoaisra. THE. W. rUM PaaaV
Oonaumptlon Surely Ourad.
Xo Tn Kdttob: Plasse inform your laailms
that 1 have a positive remedy tor tbe above-naaad
disease. By' Its tunalynaa thonsands of hop-ales
eases have been permanently eured. I ahall be glad
to send two bottlaa of my raniedy FBKS to any ol
your readers wbo hava consumption It they will
end me their Express and P. O. addiaa. Uiwpctt,
tally. X- A. auXJCU. al. C. Ml Poari St.. M. J
I Tenth Taac
7 I laatraotion.
SW I Sitaatloaa
ft. I VntnimkMl
aialnna iif anat
On and after Sunday, M,- .
1895, trains will ru as follow.
Way Passenger, leaves Pbiladelnbi. .
4 80 a. ms Harrisbnrg 8 18 a. m- ! ' M
non 8 54a.ro; New Port 9 24 nUP"
lerstown 983 a. m; Durword 943 '
Tbompsontown 9 47 a. m; Vsn Dvk a?j
a. m; Tusearora 9 69 a. m; KniC(j t0 (is
a. di; 1 uacarora ign-m; Hnico 10 tn
m; Port Koyal 10 07 a. m: Miftlin 10 u "
mj Denholm 10 21 a, m; Lewistown in h.
a m; McVeytown 11 08 a. m- v...40
Hamilton 11 82 a. m; Moi nt Union Ii iA
m; Huntingdon 12 10 p. m; Tyrana J!
p. ro; Altoona 1 45 p. ro; Fit t. uurg 6 60 n T
Mail Train leaves PhilaJlpb a at 7 00
m, Harrisbnrg II 20a. m; DuBcannoaliila
a. m; Newport 1214 p. in; Mifflin 12 52,
as; Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McVevtowB i fj
p. m; Mount Union 1 66 p. m; Unntin.da.
2 17 p. m; Peteraburg 2 80 p. ra; Tvro7
8 06 p. m; Altoona 8 40 p. m; Pitubtl ,!
8 10 p. m. or
Altoona Accommodation leaves Harris,
burg at 6 00 p. ro; Duncannon 5 8t p
Newport 6 02 p. ro; AfilUrstown 6 IS p.S
Tbompsontown 6 24 p m; Tusearora 8 85
p. m; Afexico 6 37 p. su; Port Kayal ( 42
p. m; Uiffiin 6 47 p. m; Denholm 6 Si p.
Lewistown 7 13 p. ro; ifcVaytown 7 gs '
ro; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. m; Uuuii,S"
don 8 82 p. m; Tyrone 9 16 p. u.; Alison.
t 60 p. ro.
Pacific Express k-av Philadelphia it
i; 20 p. m; Harrisbur; 3 lu a. in; Huts.
v la 8 24 a. m; Duncannoa S 33 a. ai; New.
put 3 59 a. m; Port Royal 4 81a. m; Kif
din 4 87 a. m; Lewistown 4 OS a. ra; uc.
Yetown5 SO a. tr.; Huntingdon (j os
m; 1 yrone 6 65 a. m; Altoona 7 4 CI B.
Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. '
Oyster Express leave Philadelphia it 4
40 p-nii Harrisbnrg at 10 20 p. ni; Nwport
11 0C p. m; Mifflin 11 40 p. m; Lwi.towB
12 68 a. m; Huntingdon 12 65 a. ru.; Ttrons
1 42 a iu; Altoona i 00 a. id; Pittsburg 5 so
a. m.
Fast Line leaves Phi'.sdelphis at 12 L'Jp,
ru; Harrrisbnrg 3 50 p. ni; Duneinon 4 lj
p. m; Newport 4 87 p. m; Mifflin i lOp.ai.
Lewistown 6 29 p. m; Mount Union f, 09 p'.
m; Hnnticgdon 6 28 p. n; Tyrone 7 (16 p
m; Altoona 7 40 p. ni; Pittsburg 11 i)
f. iu.
Harrisbur)t Accommodation leaves AL
toons at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 2 a in; Knot,
ingdon 6 05 a. ru; Newton Hm lea 5 S3
t. m; McVeytown 6 62 a. tu; I. -willows
7 15 a. ni; Mifflin 7 33 a. m; Port Kirs:
7 44 a. m; Mexico 7 43 a. ru; Thanip.oo.
town 8 02 a. m; MUlerstown 8 U a.
Mewpnrt 8 22 a. m; Duncannon 8 49 a j
Harrisburg 9 20 a. ra.
Sea Shore leaves Fitttsbnrg 3 10 a ra;
Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 43 a m; Unnt
liifdou 8 SO a tc; lie Vevtcj vn 9 16 a ni;
Lewistown 9 35 u in: MilKia 9 65 a ro
Port Royal 9 59 a m; Tfcompaontown 10 14
Uillerstown 10 22 a iu; Newport 103'iacs
Duncannoa 11 61 a m; Marvsvjllo 11 07 ,
01; Harrisb'ir; 11 25 a ui; Philadelj-bia 3 00
I- m.
Main Line Expre? leaves Pittibnrg at
3 00 a. tn; A'!oosa 1 1 40 a. ra; Tyroae 12-
03 p m; Hunt"i'.doii 12 35 p, ro; I.siris
town 1 33 p. m; M:Uin 1 50 p. m; Harris,
burg 3 10 p. u:; Ea!ti:nore (3 15 p. in; 7nh
ington 7 80 p. m; Philadelphia 0 23 p. ru
New Tork 9 21 p. a
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 00 p. ru, Tyrone
2 35 p. in, Huntingdon 8 20 p m; cwtoa
Hamilton 3 51 p. u; McVeytown 4 Up. to;
Lewistown 4 88 p. so; Mifflin 6 03 p. ra.
Port R-jyal 5 09 p. mi; Afexico 5 13 p. m;
Thompsoutown 5 p m; Millerstown 6 XI
p. m; Newport 6 43 p. ru; Duncannoa 6 20
p. m; Ilarrisburg 7 10 p. m.
Hail Express loaves Pittsburg at 1 00 f.
tn;- Altoona 6 05 p. ni; Tyrone 6 37 p m;
Huntingdon 7 20 p.m; UcVeytuwn 8 Ui p.
n ; Lewistown 8 2? p tn; Jfifjlin 8 47 p m;
Part Royal 8 -52 p. ni; Millerstown 9 07 p.
ni; Newport 9 26 p. ni; Duncannon 9 50 p.
m; Harriaburg 10 23 p. m.
Philadelphia Express leaves rittthur; at
4 30 p ra; Altoona 9 05 p. ni; Trrjna k 13
p. ni; Huntingdon JO 12 p. ru; Mount Uo.
ion 10 82 p. ni; Lewistown 11 16 p. n; Mif.
fiin 11 87 p. ru; Harrisbnrg 1 00 a. m; Phil
adelphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. in.
Trains for Suodury at 7 85 a. ui.ands X)
p. ru., leave Sunbury Tor Lewistown 10 Oi
a. m, acd 2 25 p. ru.
Trains li-avw for Bellefunte and ho t
Haven at 10 a. in., 8 34 aod 7 25 p. .
leava Lock Haven lor Tyrone 4 30. 1) 10 V
ni. end 4 15 p. m.
Trams leave Tyrone for Clearfield and
Curwensviile at 8 30 a. m., 8 15 and 7 30
p 111.. liava Curwensviile lor Tyrone at 4 39
a. in., 9 15 acd 3 51 p m.
For, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket
Agents, or address, Tbos. E. Watt, P.
A. W. D., 110 Fifth Avenue, l'itts.
burg, Pn.
S. ii. Peevost, J. R. Wood,
Gen'I Manarsr. Gen'l Pas. Agt
I 1 ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenji-r trains, in effect on Monday,
October 1st, 1S91.
I 1
2 I 4
P at 1
6 65
6 0
6 12
6 15
6 25
6 2U
6 31
6 89
6 61
6 54
7 15
7 12
7 17
7 23
7 27
7 85
7 41
7 46
ar ;
10 ou
10 0o
10 07
10 10
10 17
10 SO,
10 2;
10 34
10 46,
10 49,
11 00:
11 07'
11 12
11 18
1 1 22;
11 80
11 SS.
11 40,
A M !
e 15
6 19
e 'js
e, 40
6 44
6 51
6 69
7 1
7 20.
7 05
7 33
7 41
7 3t .
7 45
7 4
7 62
7 65
r if
4 00
8 53
3 41
3 89
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 83
2 24
2 20
New rt ,
Bufalo Bridge....,
Juniata Furnace ..,
V. abneta
Sylvaa ....
Wat-r Plug
Kloorr.tield Junct'u,
Valley Road
Green Park
Fort Robeson
Cisna's Run
Aoiicrsonb'.irj: .....
Blain .
Mount Pleasant . .,
New Gcraiant'n ...
D. GRING, Prosident ,n Maoager.
C. K. MtLLEn, General Agoul.
We want a few nn to aell a Choice Line
of Nursery Stick. We cannot u.ke yon
rich 111 a month but caa give you steady
employment and will way yen toell for it.
Our prices correspond with the times.
Write for term and territory to
July 14. 1895. Rochester, N- T.
, Koaawata.
I catalona at .
. aale l-rla- "hl
I . .... h. rare
' ai. Ours at
emraatrllt ni.i,oan tU same sascDtsi"
.'orSKW.oin atf.o wooJ-riina, lbs.. saaa at any
siAwncei. UsijricsMStutsu.
Uuaraatead same as agents seU lor m te W
ACtrlE RGAD RACER, 25 lbs. 0(1
Porfeet linos. ParfectsiMriM. parfadJnitaeA
fliarant4samoss aii-nt
Written warranty with "rr machmf. 'JJJ'JSj
uiora than mr wholc-aai i prise i for """B
it rita ahont as mueb Ut sail al.--rle i-nrwus-Hn
and daSleS at do t a ajake thrr-
lllnstiated catalogue in
Acme Cycle Company.