-UJ. "-! - t -" wtaralta Ihebnd cf Sflmewhers-a But days or year awayf Where brown bees ever bam there 'Mons; flowers of endless Ma) T No matter t Desrta must be ers-el On seas oar barks will oft be tnased, Ann many iirrami as jetsam lost. Ere reaching thee, O sutuewlwral Far. iim-gnesed realm of Somewhere, Be ond the preei;t'a pain, Wi ere dallying sails that eome there Ne'er leave ihy ports again V ben ille Is dnoe. and timing's o'er, l.y some strong band upon thy shore Jieach out a welcome evermor- "".L i. nail, in Hruphu Commerciat-i p- A FAITHLESS WIFE- The ennrmeT lay was dying in the (rest; along the low, far-off line ofjjhe horizon the iky was full of flanfmg brightness, that mirrored itself in the blue waters that seemed to meet it. Higher up, the sky was full of purple shadows, shot through here and there with lines of gold. Two persons walked along the beach a man, who saw only the brightness in the face of the woman by his side, realizing in a vague way from her features, that held such a charm for him, the splendor of the sunset pageantry. She was looking out to sea. The sunset fires seemed to glow beneath the lashes of her eyes ; its crimson ra diance made her check bright and totti-licd licr hair with shifting lights. I shall be gone three vears," ho lltn, and great light came Into Ma race, and lid wliIpored very faintly but still loud enough for her to heir him, "Agnes, darling, I have come" Lack to you. I knew yon would be true. Come and kiss me, darling." A cry of pain found its way to the EARTHQUAKES IK AMERICA A rotnij"ljUJy' Heroism. f ftatMr thin ex dom hi mother to tat at Chart to. Was Pelt at a Dtane J flinhtheria. IT year-old Prank Book, al- Of 999 SUM There have been three treat earth Jakes in the United States during woman's white lips. In that voice, so ! he present century." said Professor a-eak and low, and by the words, she recognized Uie man before her. John Derwent had same back to her, and be thought her true! And for a year she had been the wife of another man, "Don't yon know me, Agnes?" hi whispered. "I'm dying, I think. Won't yon kiss me?" She sank down beside him and kissed his face, her tears falling on ii like rain. Her husband came towardi her, wonderingly; but she motioueC him back, and he obeyed silently. 'It's a different coining home front the one we thought of, darling," Den went whispered; "but I knew yon would be true, and I never doubted yon for a moment, though I didn't gel any letter for a long time a very long time, darling; but I knew you would be true." lie said these last words in a dreamy way, and they knew he was drifting out to sea again out to sea, past all wreck and storm ; and on this voyage there would be no coming back Every word was like a knifo-thrusf in the heart of the woman who nac been so faithless, and whom he thought so true. "I'm sorry, dear," he said, a mo. nient after, opening his eyes and smil ing in her face; "but we can't help it. aari filbert, the geologist, to a writer for be Washington Star. "One that ras very remarkable occurred in 1811 cd lttl2 near the bead of tne delta though alck enough to die, tried to walk four miles to his farm home. Two hours later be was found beside, the road with blood-soaked clothing, having fal len from exhaustion, and Buffered a se vere hemorrhage. Young Rook la a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt Rook, who live on the Sexton farm four and a half -. i . - ; 1 1 An I Willi, mini v . 1119 cico sun vu ii.i; i . . . ... . "Three vcars are a long time." she ? c:ln d" asicr w,th OH ,by ' answered, slowl v. . '? ? ou'? " .. -I know thatj" he said; b.t thev 1 The bitter thrust again I She shiv cannot be longer to you than they will cred like a guilty thing, tome" "Kiss me I" he whispered. cu'.im t . k . And she kissed him, once and again, nnoi. -th... fndinV hrio-htnnM in tha and John Derwent lire went out into mass of rock in sucb a manner as to upon the fading brightness la the tcrna Miiied out to find change the relation of Its elevation 1A- , .. T, . 'the Happy Islands and the lands oil to that of a mass ad.oialnir. The 1 uu will "in" , "....-- -Mm M-Hnir th.!' front Inn ft "Your letters' - -----o tne woman lie iuvcu wno nuc. It was better thus. Hut, I wonder if, in the Hereafter he found out how faithless she hat been? Did it touch his soul wit thoughts of bitterness or was the nev life too far removed from the old U . know any earthly care or disappoint ' ment Who can tch ? ftne Mississippi- It enioracea a;mUea from JanesvUle on the Evans uraber of severe abo ka at abort ln.i vllto He nad compUlnlng trvala during several montha. In of not feeUn wen of Ute but would act, the disturbance lasted for about not admlt that he wa. 8lck. KlnaUr wo yeara. The ground was moved w mother fbaam he had tor see . . v . 3 " "T" "T I a doctor, and took the tad to JanesvUle. t the forest were rocked and in some ' . . , .,. ... ases uprooted their branches be'ng o entangled that It was impossible o separate them. Great cracks in be earth fawned and closed again at ach shock, while from the fissures oud was thrown Into the art so vio ently as to lodge In the branches of rees. Some lakes were drained by be escape of their water into the liasms which were opened, wbile tbers wen created by the sinking of be land. One great sunken area bus produced was eighty miles long ty tbirty-nve miles broad. The otber wo big quakes to which I refer oc turred so lately as to be remembered y the present generation. One of ihem happened in the Inyo Valley of ahforn a. It was caused by a re lewed movement on what we geolo ;ists call a great fault-plane at the (astern base of the Sierra Nevada uouotain In that part of the vorld there is extensive 'faulting' in be structure of the mountain raDges, such range consisting of one or more aue blocks of rock bound by faults and lifted above its neighbors. A lault Is made by the sinking of Young Rook went to a physician and was told that he had a severe case of Ulphtherla. Be left word for hia mother hot to wait for him and then proceed ed on his way home. When the mother heard of his act Bhe started In search of him and found the lad on the road aide. He was moved to the bouse and the family took up their residence In the barn. Although nearly dead from ex planation, the boy will probably re coverMilwaukee Evening Wisconsin, FIBRE CHAMOIS FAD3. Gastric Dyspepsia And constipation troubled tne for over a year. I grew worse and could hardly perform my bouaeho'd du ties. I bad severe rains in my stom ach, especially at night. I treated with our physician six months with out avaiL 1 resorted to Hood s arsa narilla and having token six bottles J am free from all distress in my stom ach and am no longer troubled with dyspepsia." Mrs. Margaret ejjner. Indian Falls, N. Y. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye.fl ;6 for 15 MOTHER'S TREi I: a w 0 m eaty in eneci. 31c. COMPENSATION. said, takiiiir her hand will help to make the time seem short er." "But you are not sure of getting them," siie answered. "You are go ing far away, and into a country where one doesn't enjoy the means of correspondence with a great deal of certainty or reliability." "But I shall know you have written if I do not get your let ter," be said, trustingly. John Derwent had a vast amount of faith in Agnes Brent. He loved her; consequent ly he trusted her. "Ami you arc going to-morrow?" She a-ked the questiou with a little shadow in her fare. "Yes. 1 start to-morrow," he answered. "I shall not see you again. I have cume to bid you good-by." Hie dropped the long lashes of her eyelids to hide the tears that gathered there. Her betrothed husband was going away for three lonesome years. Mie should miss him. Like most women, sweet words and tender caresses were pleasant to her. No one had ever cared for her before as .lohu IVrwent did. To know that he wa loved by some one that in that person's regard she was the one woman in the world was a knowledge -.i. 1 . , jr;tii"HL n iueaiiL i-mouiin. 1 Thev walked tin and down the beach. since been 1 resided while the sunset died awav into sun A Crimt Against Education A ffr mvtntr thu anh'onr. rt aitaw I crowded schoolhouses throughout ihi United States further attention, a jrouiised in a previous issue, wear prepared to state authoritively tha over 100,000 children are now ex eluded from the public schools fo . want of sufficient room. This an I nouncement may seem startling, ever. Incredible, yet such are the plain, cold facts, j Nearly all of the fifty larger citia In the I niteJ States are excludini I from 1,000 to 3,000 children each New York City alone has turned awaj as many as 9,000 children since Sep tember last. According to Superintendent Jaa ler's statistics ."',91 children werede nied admission to the city schools it September, and 3,875 in October. O ; this total of nearly 10,000 1,301 havi tor. As to thi night schools, the record shows thai bregrnvness, and till long after lhe ! wsiween . and i.ouo worKln n,..- lm.i Kt.irte.l on i...r vov.i r,. children who sought to gain a iitth thai creation of sucb faults Is often inci dental to earthquakes. The renewed movement along the great fault lino of tne Inyo Valley In 1872 produced a tremendous seismic disturbance. The shocks continued fur fourteen montha Great Osauies were formed along the base of the mountain range for a distance of forty miles, the lan 1 west of the fault rising and east of it falling several feet A feuce was, parted for a distance of fourteen feel In one spot. Owens Kiver was teiu. purarilyswallowed up, and the numer ous other phenomena excited the as tonishment and alarm of observers. The memory of the Cbarle ton earthquake ot 1SS6 is yet vivid. Th locus of the disturbance was atiout fifteen miles west of the city. Kunio bus big cracks opened In the earth of the surround ng country. Water and n ud were thrown up, and railway (racks were dislocated and buckled The first great shock lasted for about a minute, others following with gradually decreasing violence. At the end of four weeks they ceased to be destructive, but tremors were fett I occasionally for several months, j Twenty-seven people were killed out right. The invention of the delicaio re ordlng Instrument ailed the , seismograph' bus revealed the fact that earthquakes arc far more . erous and frequent than used to lie : Imagined. In some parti of the Fibre Chamois, the comparatively new interlining, has this season, by virtue of its rare and useful oualifica- tioe.8, been placed among the standard ' materials known as dress-maker's sup plies, and it also ranks high, as an interlining in gentlemen's coats and overcoats instead of buckram and canvas. It is claimed by large manufacturers of suits for firemen, policemen, letter one , carriers and soldiers, that Fibre Cha mois is more protective and quite as durable, as any interlining they have ever favored. The home dress-maker, as well as the bigh-claca modiste, knows without tel. ling the meritorious qualities of Fibre Chamois, for instance, that it will not 'brink, that it does not draw or pull out, hence the ekirt interlined with it holds its shaie, even after passing though a heavy rain storm, and it is surely uncrushable as ladies well real ize from using it in the large outstand ing sleeve Of to-day, but very few housekeepers are aware of the fact that the lightest, yet warmest blanket one can hud is made of No. 30 Fibre Cha- f nctdaat In th Utm ot Gear- Aagw taa Sala. When George Augustus S.ila was a little boy he suffered agonies from de fective eight, for he not only endured the deprivation of vision, but had to bear remedies from many physicians who suggested the possibility of curing him. He waa cupped, leaches were ap plied to bla temples, his eyes were rub bed with ointment, he was compelled to take various nostrums, his ears were pierced, and his head was shaved. In these circumstances. It was really almost a relief when the twilight deep ened into night and he became wholly blind, and then, for a time, nature was allowed to take her course. But he was not unhappy aa a blind boy. As be beautifully says: "Out of the depths of my necessity fame the sweet, low voice of my sister, to cheer, to comfort and to help me. 1'or hours every day she read to me. First the Bible, stories for children, and fairy tales. Then books of history, travel and biography; and lastly such extracts from the newspapers of the For seaside .such Ta TlXn- ' S M thought I could understand." ket is beyond compare, as it effectually excludes the salt air chill, that is so objectionable. The real Fibre Chamois which bears the brand imprint, routes iu black. brown, slate, ecru and llesh tint, and therefore can be evening dresses By and by a wise French physician undertook his case, and so built up his general health that he began to see. The doctor phophesled that the day was not far off "ven he should veur the vine green shade over the eyes before ill io.i :n i,: i seeing nice a genueraana." Aim lie as well as in 'heav- wa8 Tisht; the sight of one eye was per- a rftjuf lvaal I-o OasaaaWd Veaaty and j whtta etrollinir tbiougb the beauti ful lawn of Shadeland. Upper Darby, a few days since, viewimr me w havoc made bv the late storm upon the grand old trees therein, my atten tion was attracted to a structuie bearing a striking resemblance to one of the huts of the South Sea Islander of the late "Midway." My genial boat, Joseph Dunn, in formed me it waa made to protect 'mother's tree" from frost, and ap proaching nearer we beheld a jnoble lemon tree full of fruit, In all stages of maturity, from the tiniest forma tion to lemons of a size seldom seen in our market about 200 in alL The giant trunk measures 14 lnehea in circumference, and- huge branches extend eight or ten feet high, cov ered with masses of dark, glossy leaves, flecked with pink tinted buds and snowy fragrant flowers. - The tree Is a miracle of beauty and fra grance, and shows It baa been fondly and carefully reared. A few ques tions drew forth iu history. A way back in the 20's the seed from which this noble tree grew was planted by the owner's mother, who then resided upon the Trvon Lewis farm In Kadnor. Several times it h.is been fro. en down tothe large trunks. At the age of 50 it figured at the Centennial in 18t, as the largest and most flourishing Pain of tn con centrate all Its Misery in m km ca am sra ai . ST. JACOBS OIL If you want to feel it Co a cure. tatfsaififi ' a if 'East, West, Home is Best," if Kept Clean with APOL O TYRANNOUS DOORKEEPERS. AaOadSypaaff ISaaFMaUartotba Wbota. aala Soalawas Horns. From all outward appearances the moat important men in their own estimation in tbe targe wholesale dry-goods establishments of tbe city are thejioorkeepers. In this respect they occupy positions analagous to their prototypes, tbe floor-walkers of the retail establishments, Bays tne New York Herald. No doubt tbe positions bave their responsibilities, and what positions bavo not in a large business bouse, from the humblest 92-a-week office tree I boy and porter to the head of the there, bearing IsO ripe lemons and esianusnmeni. .nespousiuini. iijcic- about 300 in all. It was badly' 'ore, is uuv oiuuuwiiu uy scorched by the are at Laubers res taurant, which was quite near the Horticultural annex, and it recju red several years to recuperate. It is now perfectly healthy and wonder fully luxuriant for its age, having doubt ess few equals outside tha tropics. itolhint; would induce tbe owner tenders and affords no reason for the fine assumption of superiority whici; tbe actions of the men Imply. The duty of the doorkeepers Is primarily to take the time of the salesmen and clerks on entering and leaving the stores, shaking hands with hayseed customers and bawling out tbe names of the salesmen they Killing a lAn-lVlt Want. WoilT Brothers of Kieu nach, havs patented and put on the market a mute violin for the use of heitinnen on that instrument which rcmov i.he annoyance caused to listeners by :he constant exercises of niuslcj neighbors. The violin consists only if a mahogany frame without bottom hi top. In every other way it 9 bUlt like a ioiin. This uniiu Instru. ;nent is not entirely unite, however nit proiuc s Jin excceiinuly jofj tine, audible only lo the player. Tb -ound is delicately pure withal, aa unly in this way can it he of real value to the students St. Louu L'o&t-Dispatch. to send it to tbe World's Fair for ;oesire w see in sienionan icues. m lear of Injury, but had it been there addition to these they are expected it would have reigned queen, for no ito exclude peddlers and beggars and tree in Hon cultural Hall or else- ,to see that no one removes small par wbere, in our estimation, could com-' 08,9 ot merchandise unless they bear pare with It. jthe proper "out check" of some ooo It Is so large that housing It has ; ,u aumoruy. become quite an undertaking, and I v " ,n tne manner In which these often robs it of its wealth or beauty &"upio duties are performed which and fragrance. Doubtless all feel make many of the doorkeepers ridlc- that it should be where it need not uioua, They would be obnoxious be disturbed and have an even tern- ere tney not 80 supremely absurd, perature, etc., but the words n a voice, the volume of which mother tree" tell the whole story. mignt, uo creais to ine late JounL Wayne, Pa., Times, ler costumes, and there arc three ecuy recovered, and aitnougn uieouier grades, Nos 10, 20 and 30, light me- ne was never good for much, the sound dium or heavy in weight. It is very 'rgan did duty for both, wide and cuts to advantage for skirts. ' -As soon as he had cast off the green coats, cajies and sleeves, and cofts only ' hade his sister taught him to read, and 35 cents a yard. up tne sky. Then .lohn Perwcnt kissed her good by. She hung upon his neck, her warm tears falling swiftly, and would have kept him back. But he must go; and, with his kisses on her lips, he wli i oitrn. I lii tt'.tt-ila rt noi-limr fiti.f I r o , ritA it inn ,.1 nr.in niimluir Af thaji was gone. j-- I wonder if the moon looked down are not prop .y equipped ,. ,. i;,.. ,,.. :.,i,o! A natiou whose veiy foundation Did it see other lovers kissing good- education were barred out becaua of a grossly inadequate provision o this peculiarly pressing need. Chicago. M. Louis, Buffalo, Fblla delphla, Cleveland, etc, are con formed with a similar problem. Thi smaller towns are, as a rule, In bette. byes and parting with trust in each other's faithfulness through the days or months or years of separation? The days went by. John Derwent reached his destina tion safely. The situation offered to him was a lucrative one, and in his new Australian home he was contented, feeling that love was rests upon its public school system I committing a colossal crime again education, rendering all efforts compulsory education farcical am disclosing a condition which must seriously reflect upon its methods municipal government. The onl; remedy Is more school buildings Meet the want promptly. Let tin cry for new schoolhouses go froii auite ' ocean to ocean. American Schoa wait- ! Board Journal. A Wiae Judstment. Here Is a story which has gone the rounds of three entmies and a half. nuiu-jlt has bicn credited to many writers. but was first told by l;abelais: In l'a is, at a roast-mcut cookery Df the i'etit-C'hastelet, a certain hun jry porter was eating his bread and it the samo lime sulking the reck Hid st am from a fat goose which was being turned on a spit before a ereat fire, thereby gaining savory uo loinpaiiiment to his dry ration. He eat very slowly, that he might in'yy the recking, smoking savory as long as possible, and when his penny loaf had been consumed he attempted then came the happy reward for her lovely devotion to him. He was then hbout S or 9 years old. "My sister," he writes, "had uncon sciously taught me a large number of things. From the books she had rend to me I had gathered a fair knowledge lf English and French history. I was familiar with at least a dozen of the Waverly novels; I had the popular ver sion of the 'Arabian Nights' at my tongue's end, and 1 had begun to be ing him by and by that would amply rcpav him for the loner davs of lone some hours that were sometimes his. Letters came regularly for the first year; not half as often as he could have wished them to, but as often as Disproving a Common Saying-. It is a well-known fact that thi "bolts of Jove" seem to have special spite at certain spots, and that tb old saying that 'litrhtninc nevei he could expect them. Pleasant, loving strikes twice in the same Dlace" is ai letters, mat were iuii oi teiiuer muu , raise as most or the old proverbs are, wishes for his comrort ana happiness, The writer knows a tree that hai and of longing for him to come back ' been struck by lightning five tiniei to her. It was so lonely after he left, since July 3. 1884. a gate nost stand It was pleasant for John Derwent to ing within two rods of that tree bav read such letters to know that at ing twice been struck since the samt home one heart was so true and tender, date. During the last seven yean five horses have been killed bv light ning on a single knoll on the French farm, which lies on the road leading from Flint to Flushing, Mich., and nearly every tree on the same farm is said to bear the marks of the forked fury." An open lot at East Great Plains, Conn , has been "hit by thunderbolts," as an old resident of I never thought for a moment of doubt- that place expresses it, eleven differ ing vou, Agnes; I should not forgive ent times since the spring of 1887, mvself if I were to do so. You are and a piece of woods not more than my ideal of all that woman should be half a mile away has been literally true, tender, womanly." riddled by the electric shots. At You can see from that how much he West Heath, Mass., a hill near the cared for her what faith he had in tillage scbonlhouse has been struck that one heart thought always of him, and yearned for his return. 'lf every man could have a love like that which life has given -to me your love, Agnes," John Derwent wrote home in one of his letters, "there would be much more happiness than there is at present fewer men who scotl' at woman's truth and constancy. her. DT lightning so often that the old .seiners nave urea trying to keep a , . . . . record of tbe singular occurrences. ine iay was oying again in a pomp Two mllfi9 out from tDe Uue xlhw f purple glory. The sky had a gloomy of Gosport Iowa, two houses and a look about it, despite its lurid bright- barn nave atnick b nKhtnlna HAr-n -n-l.SkWA Clin 1 1 f 1 1 rTAIIA rllll' 1 m i.;.9 ,.c .,. an one-rounn or an acre, and several The wind moaned across the beach, head of stock were k lied on the same and beat against the rocK, wnere tno jpot before It was fenced waters had lushed themselves into a was fenced for resi dence purposes. St Louis Republic sum wootsuinl ftever mlndl Never mind! I Tootsum Wootsum Yaht Y-a-hl Y-a-a-a-a-hl ' Mamma (from adjoining bedroom) Say, Henry, can't you keep your child white, foam of fury. It had been a terrible day. The tiArm 1 a t aftotir it a -Lial oittn -ncar " Yaiit e a 4 iwn ii-v 1 tari aTa -1 iaaa the ship that had struggled so nobly to rapaThere, re. my precious Toot . o i -ii. r-i. ti- I . ti . I Tiilli.il a TmT nt lfiaf 1 to wind and water, and lay a helpless wreck a little way out at sea. Men and women gathered on the ihorc. They cast anxious glances sea ward, and watched the waves to see if mv semblance of humanity was swept vo land by them. A woman stood a little way off from Jie others a tall, handsome woman in rich garments. She looks towards the ivrecked vessel with a little pallor on er face. Presently a wave leaped in shore ivard, and then swept back again, 'caving a body on the sand. Seaweeds .angled themselves in his wet hair and llung to the man's garments. She cried out (o some one close to tier, and directly there was a littlo :rowd about the body. They took it lip reverently, as though they were bearing the dead; perhaps thy were, l'hey might b, for all they could tell then. The man was taken o some pUce where shelter and care could be afford ed, if there was any trace of life cling, ing to Iii m , and medical aid summoned. He was not quite dead. There were rreat gashes on his face and bruises on Bis body, and the waves had nearly shilled out of him the little life that tther injuries had left him. But by and by he opened his eyes and looked aroHjid. He saw the woman standing near to ITbose feet the waters bad brought world feeble shocks occur almost dally. Probably there is no part of the earth where they cannot be de tected at short intervals. Oneot thd most remarkable quakes of this coun try took place In 1323. On that oc basion several hundred miles of the coast were lifed a number of feet. It has been reckoned that enough rock was thus elevated to make a mount ain the si e of Mount Etna The Charleston earthquake was felt dis tinctly at a distance of 900 miles. A comparison of time showed that the shock traveled at the rate of 17, Ooo feet a second. Tbe fissures In the earth's crust, which are among the most terrifying of seLsmlc phenomena, must be of great depth sometimes, though nobody has ever tried to fathom them. They nave beep known to swallow rivers for days Without being tilled un. Severe shock foul, pnlcrnl lhi chnn ami r ho ni.it.. a:e commonly accompanied by sounds t r was referred to him like explosions near or distant.! "Wilt thou sutnuit to the judg- Quakes under tbe sea produce waves ment of this good citizen?" asked the in Ihn anrtiiM lib, f li,..n p-a-i k. ...... I . pebbl. thrown Into a pool, and some.l "Ay. by the blood of the goose, ! Z1"': limes sucn waves rush up on the that I will," answered the porter, land, doing a great deal of damage. The story was then told and the "There has been much dispute as case argued. Tho fool listened at to tbe causes of earthquakes. They tentively, and in the end he asked are often a-sociated with volcanic the porter to let him take two pieces phenomena. When the lava of a of his money. The poor man drew volcano contains much water the from his fob two pieces of copper, latter is converted into steam andlSeyny Jean took them and jingled produces explosions which jar the them awhile between his two hands, ground for miles. The explosion ol and then gave them back whence he tne great mine at Hell (.ate, In New York, occasioned tremblings of the to depart. I ut the o ok was not o' that mind. The master of the shop I id hold u on him by tbe gorget, iemanded pay for tbe smoke and steam of the goose. The porter de murred. Tho cook claimed that a iki: tion of the meal bad clearly been made from the savor snuffed up and swallowed. It chanced, while the discussion was going on, that Sevny Jean, the minutely conversant with tho career of Napoleon Bonaparte. "Thus It came about that as soon as 1 had the full power of my one eye, and could read distinctly and write legibly, I began to teach my sister. Out of tho pigeon-holes of my mind, which she had Idled to repletion with facts, I was able to impart to her things which bad made only a transient trace on her own dear Intellect She and I read systematically and Industriously, I being th preceptor till she waa sent away to school, pre paratory to being flnlahed' In Paris." Suggested Lone Ago. A correspondent of the Popular Scl ence Monthly calls attention to a curi ous foreshadowing of the Invention of the phonograph In a book published ut Paris In 1006, of an Imaginary visit to the states and empires of the moon ; de 1 Lune," by Cyrano de Bergerac. ' The author Imagines himself, In the j course of his lunar travel, left by his guide to pass an hour with some books. They do not resemble earthly books, but are little boxes. "On opening one of these boxes 1 found I know not what kind of metal similar to our clockwork, composed of I know not how many little devices was had received them. Then to the ' and imperceptible machinery. It cook he said: "The porter did smell ! a book certainly, but a most marvelous mil 1 1 ... . I. .... n .. ,1 i 1.1 i ... . the iinirle of his monev. Thou hast! nkm- a Knir i nmiiion.i n .ik - - I . ..UVK V. U 11 1.1 1 Oll.llll T, 11 1 1 11 IU, thy gooe Intact; he hath his money, !eyes are useless one needs only use as seemetb to me right and proper; ' hu mh "When one wishes to read this book ' j he connects It by a sort of little nerve i to his ears. Then he turns a needle to sarin wnicn were observed no nil lei, of thy goose, and thou hast heard one, which has neither leaves nor char- iway. Ixv of tha Fantastio. When we behold the wonderful re sults obtained- by florists who bring plants, notably roses, pansies and chrysanthemums, to the highest point of cultivation In order to Increase the si e of the bloom, we are tilled with admiration; that seems a worthy am. bition Indeed. But in the olden time the mania in tbe great gardens nl Euro, ean palaces and c tateaus was to torture plants, and by trimming make them assume the forms of men an I animals. A I.lt tie Economy. Biddy strutting proudly In the yard Is Unconscious how little valued Is the fluffv il u ui a co she Is so vain of. Tbe The time expended ito ob-1 cpnornlltv of bnsv housewives nrefer tain results was great but the results to scald poor Biddy until her feathers themseles were not Queer, quaint,'i- n nnanvnrv mesa. Havlnir reninv- are the qualified terms of praise that ed all wing and tail feathers, cut any alone can be accorded to them. Sucb ehaPp poinu off the remainder. Have gardens are now rare encugh, but one ' ready a bag the size of cushion yon exists near Steinbam, In Germany.! desire to till, with one end open. In As tbe cars speed along pas-en gen ' this place the scalded feathers, and let seeastrat ge beige, which gradually, water flow freely from pump, or hy- assumes the forms of sportsmen, a draat straining through the bag. Hang man on horseback, men Quarreling, nn and drv. then beat until fluffv. To a general with bis laurel wreath, an this first collection yon can add until elephant, a camel, a llama, sheep, you have sufficient It la very little and now this court doth decree, fur- t.l.er. tihaf. Acnrr nnA trnatvuiLhlanvn! business, lest we bave too many fools iimonrr iu " A story somewhat similar to this! . , ' . " " appears in the Arabian Nights." w e.uerBe, irom tne luouuiiicui, ,o (iiui cue uiuuiu Ml n man or from a musical Instrument, all tbe words and sounds which serve the grands lunalres for language." Tbe writer adds that Cyrano antici pated many aeronautic Inventions, and was, of course, considered by his con temporaries aa a verveau brule, or. In English, "somewhat off." This, as well as the above, only goes to prove that there la nothing new under the sun. deer, goat, bog, ass, cat. crocodile, monkey, ben, peacock, bird feeding its young, a spinning wheel, etc The dwarf trees of the Japanese a e now very well known. Some of them are ao small that you could nave a un: now ao you suppose i can lie; ao.en or them in your window gar. awake all night hearing that boy and flea In all tLese dwarf trees, the then work all day to-morrow getting root, unable toexpand, being hemmed out a full vote for Mandy Sufferage? 4! In by the pot, becomes distorted and Truth. f trops out of the ground, so that there Is sometimes more root apparent than For the Heathen. Mother Where did you get that six pence from, Fritz? I Fritz You gave It to me yesterday, for 'the heathen, you know. Mother But why did yon not give It to the teacher? Fritz Because teacher said I waa a regula heathen. Die Ostschwela. r?al truulc Among wealthy Japan, sse, it is not uncommon to And stand ing outride tbe window a little case sontaining a number of these dwarf trees, wnicb, left to tbelr natural ' growth, would have formed fa grove large enougn to surround and over, ihadow the bouse. work, and you will be surprised at the number of nice cushions you can make, Womankind. Hed Knd It. .-Ta'Io.r-'CureI' yoa don't mean to . - - U W.ant th,s Poat niade i n ' o 'a"u,u Between the shoul ders? Customcr-IIushl I'm a member or the Cycling club r.nd a randidate;for its presidency Journal AiuusanU Memorial to a Poodle. Lowell has on one of her roadsides ( targe urn, which Is kept constantly fill cd with fresh flowers at the expense ol a wealthy lady who resides In the vl clnlty, as a memorial to a pet poodln which was killed bv tha cars at thai point Whether the dog waa burled li ' a aatln-Uned casket and baa a lot bjl Itself In some fashionable cemetery h) not known. In Either Case, Mlased. He was a well-to-do looking stranger, and when he had retired for the night the landlord aald to his wife, "If we don't get a good speck out of him I'll miss my guess." After be had been there a week, he "cleared," leaving hla bill unsettled. "Well," aaid tha landlord'e wife, after , they bad talked the matter over, "yov . nave misaed your guess." Thera are a great many people wb "Yes," aald the landlord, bmnorooaly, are lazy In every particular except in -I haTe misaed my guest" Boatoa tha mattar of naraoaal r "arier. Pretty Names in England. With retrard to vour list of out landish names in the British Isles I The Decimal System. A modification of the decimal system for tbe division of time and angles is proposed by M. de Sarranton. The hour must be retained as the unit of time because It Is universally accepted and It Is hopeless to try to change It Ev ery hour, however, la divided into 100 minutes, and each minute Into 100 sec onds. The new minutes would be 30 seconds long, three-fifths of the old minutes, and the new seconds a little over one-third as long the present sec onds. Time would then be expressed In decimals: thus, 8.3348 woald read 8 hours S3 new minutes 48 new seconds. For angular measurements he proposes dividing the circle Into 240 degrees In stead of 360, with the same subdivision into 100 minutes of 100 seconds as for the hour. Goethe as a Joker In his younger days, Goethe, the .celebrated German poet was not at all aliove pract'cal joking of a com paratively harmless nature. Thus it ; Is related that once, while enjoying a bath in tbe river at midnight, he onservea a peasant crossing a neign boriiig bridge. Immediately the poet raised him self half out of the water, and with his long hair flying around him, gave utterance to a series of wild un earthly noises. j The peasant promptly fled from the iP'it, and lost no time in spreading the report that the river was haunted iiy a whole company of mermen, pixies, and other water spirits. i On another occasion, when he was , taying'at the Court of Saxe Weimar j with his friend, Duke Charles Augustus, one of the court ladies, I when about to retiie for the night J found her candle sudden y extin- j gushed just before she reached be bed-room door. Taking no noticeof the occurrence, she groped along in the dark, but to her astonishment, could not find the door-handie. Again and again she felt her way along the wall, but with the same result At last she made up her mind to go to the Duchess for ad vice. The later, however, was already asleep, and no help was to be had from her. The jioor lady did not care to take any ono else Into her confidence, fear of being laughed at and Johannes In passion, and with a look ' rill.li.. r l A of .llrn aw.ab . n ......... soul, one of them stationed in a Broad way jobbing house Overawes little messenger boys and creates in the minds of some of the linn's humbler customers an impression that be la a powerful lactor in tho firm. ; This latter quite possibly Is what the man desires to do, for as a sup ! posed power these simpletons seek to 'propitiate Cerberus. They drop an occasonal cigar into his hand and some time during the winter prob ably send him a turkey or a big j pumpkin. With the proprietor of the peanut-stand on the corner and tbe bootblack, both of whom are privileged to ply their trade in con sideration of keeping the sidewalk : clean, he exercises a mild system of black maiL The vender In return for his fa vored glances, supplies him with pea nuts and apples; the bootblack shines nis siioes ior nothing. Ao newspa per boy is permitted to enter the store without the understanding that j he Is to give the doorkeeper a paper. 'Su h are the perquisites of the po sition of doorkeeper in a wholesale down-town house. Not all of them, .of course, accept these petty favors TTow' Thin I Wo offer OnftHutnlrcd IinlUm Tlivr rf any rase of Catarrh tuat, dtiima Uicuied lit Liali'a 'alarm ( 'urr. F. J.Chkkkv & Co., Prop.. ToM0 o W, tho undrrHi1iriirl, have kf.n-.vri K. J.'cha, ney fur I Iih l.ir, 15 years 'i'l l iifVK him iT frctly honorable in all business tr.insactl,, ami liiiHncr:ally ahhi to carry 'jut aiiyobllrt. turn maile by their firm. West k Tkuax, Wholesale DninnMs. Toledo Ohio. Walhio. Kisvas & Marvin Jiruirtfibts. Toledo, (ih.o. ITa'l'M Ciiliirrh Cure Is taken lntirnallr, act. Ini directly ujioa the hioo I ati'l t!iiicousiilr. faee of the system. I'rh-e, 7-V-. p.-r h.,ttltj. hold by all Liruivyiat.i. lealiuiuuiuhi In. A hotel i9 to be buiit on IIis:li Knob, a mountain in Virginia. Trom its balconies guests will be able to tee into live States. Catarrh a constitutional .ll-w Hnd tig. not be cured by local ni.p.llc iitiorn. ll.-ol r, Pf. Biipurilla is a con-titutioiial remedy iin.l It cunt catarrh. Hood's I'lllaarc purely vecetiihlo. A slick of yeliow pine fifty-eight feet long and twenty-eight inches ffpiare was (juartered uti lan week lot Maine sawmill. We think ri-o' Cure for ( on-iiinpllon It th only im-.liriiti' f,,r CoiiL'lt. .Ienml riNiKAfta. frinyiield, Ills , Oet. 1, Imi-I. The remains of Mr. Rmhl, a Brook lyn artist, who was lust in tlie Italian Tyrol five years ago, have just been discovered. T'ohhlns1 Klectric Soa has I n nin h f.ir Veins l-j4t-li j ear's wiles hae infi,.n-e.l. la Is-ss sahis u ere ' 11 IT r.li ...... si 1 1 ...... . ... Ju. I and alisolule uniformity and runty, ijimie ih'li IniMiible. Do i.jii lire it ? Try it. Licorice grows chietly on the l.ankl of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. FITS stopped frc ny Dn. Kinfr'S Onrjl Nkhvk Ki-STOtiKH. No tit.s alter first dayViu MH vehius rtires. Trealisp and J.intnal hot tit Iruc. lr. Klin . 'd Arch St.. I'hila.. l'a. or exert these petty tyrannies, but some of them do, and display a very contemptible spirit too, in doing so. The Duty or Physician. The horror with which the dissec tion of buman bodies by medical stu dents was almost universally reuard- for , ed a generation or more ago, is grad so . uallv disaDDearlnff. Intelligent nul- spent some hours in the vain search, hie sentiment now recognizes the ne only to And at last that Goethe and . cessltv of knowledge In the Dhvsie an the Duke himself had, with their own hand', taken the door oil Its hinges some time earlier In tbe even ing, anu carefully walled up the eu trance of the room. Not Guilty of tieae-MnJoatj. Some months ago a German trl. nunal in a provincial town sen tenced a man to several months' imprisonment for lese-majesty, be cause be kept his seat while the Em peror's health was drunk, llecently another prosecution occurred in an other town, but the accused was ac quitted, the Judge deciding that keeping one's seat under such cir cumstances could not be regarded in the eyes of the law as an insult to liis majesty, unless words were use.J clearly implying an injurious intent ew York Evening Post. Eaally RrmedlI. Distressed Young Mother (travel ing with a crying infant) Dear me: I don't know what to do with this baby. Kind and Thoughtful nrh- lor tin the seat) Shall I open tbe window for you, madam? Life. TO a to h Monkey or Shut tbe Window British Ialea I A story Is told of a genUeman who (writes a correspondent,) 1 would or J waa reading In his second story parlor una that, there are no such nlflcea mt while the Chambermaid win nitttlnir Alvager or Coxhof, which would be his chamber In order, In which he had ! duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac- A laager and Coxhoe. Hut there are left a valuable diamond ring on the ccptabie to the stomach, prompt in Fnan InAl.l.d I. a A - .1 m .... 1 .a a I I T Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the ta.te, and acta gen Jy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, cyrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- wnicn ne can gain in no otner way, and in Wisconsin and many other States, there are statutes providing means by which bodies for dissection cau be lawfully obtained. If there ever was any excuse for the crime of body-snatching, there is certainly none now; and It would seem to be in the Interest of the medical profession as well as in tbe Interest of the public for scrupulous care to lie taken to prevent lawless outrage upon the feelings of people who are bowel beneath the saddest of earthly griefs the loss by death of a dear relative or friend. No physi cian with exalted pride in his profes sion will willfully be a party to what if generally known would tend to create in the comncunity a belief that members of that profession are de void of human feeling and ready to ruthlessly trample upon the Under sentiment of people in deep affliction. Tho law providing bodies for dis section in this State would seem to tie clear and ample. If not, it can be amended. Hut every physician with a tine sense of civic duty and pro fessional honor must stoutly stand lor quick compliance with the pro visions of the law, and must be above collusion with body-snatchers for the purpose of obtaining "subjects." Milwaukee Wisconsin. The only birJ that sin is the lark. ;s whi'e (lying 'A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned." But a penny saved l& buying a poor article of food is a dollar lost to the doctor. BUY SELF-RAISING Buckwheat. Saves Health, Dollars And Time. KaphaeE, Augi'lo. Kuu-1, Iu Ir. Kilmer's Swixp-Roor curat all Kidney and Bladder troubles 1 amulet and Consultation Iroj. laboratory Binghauilon. N. & The largest cast bronze statue in the world is that of Teter the Great at St. Petersburg, Russia. It weighs 1100 tons. Mr. Window's Soothing Syrnp Tor children teethlnv, softens the gums, reduce lnllamma Uon, allays pain, cures wind colic Ale a bout ONE MAN'S MISHAPS. Para plenty muio quiio as luiunu'iuviiui i laoie. aiici ii uuuiuoerniaiu lert De u mi tuix nuijr ueueuuiai in IIS hrok tha hnno nt as the rest you have quoted, e. g. : heard a slight noise In the chamber and, ' effects, prepared only from the most tnee. npI. tif I'ontac, yuy, iteicoo, jnoKeeiy, Aire- looklmr in saw a Ions: cord reaching healthv and arrreeable BuhHtnncea it most was, Ingestre, Insch, Drax, Oamlln- j trom the window under hla bed. Msh many excellent qualities commend it mi nilwern. (7ronredv. Ahv. eta. K . -11 l i . i ; .1 r . .V. -i 1 ii suiiu", .xnuu a uivutey aiiauueu VJ mi null uava uiuue H tne ur course 11 you ku w toe teuic uw tf the cord and In the monkey's paw 1 popular remedy known. ""'ow ---t nis aiamoua ring, xne monfcey aroi- you uia,K", ped the ring, sprang for the window Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- er Beldlngt Baa Had Hia Bhare of Hard Luck. Willard Belding, 76 years old, of Bel rhertown, Mass., has experienced more of casualties than usually fall to tbe lot of one mortal who lives to tell the ttory. At the age of 7 he had part of the fingers of one hand cut off. In later years he had the bones of one ankle smashed. The next accident that happened to him was the result of be ing caught by the mouth by the sweep of an old-fashioned cider mill. His mouth was enlarged to an unnatural capacity and had to be partially sewed up. Next a horse fell on him and one leg above the lMll1f nf a fall fia j had his rlba on one side broken In, next a sana Dans cavea in ana mined him under It, breaking his limb over again, and after It healed he was left with one leg considerably shorter than tbe other. Last winter he fell and shat- T.f ,, "NFNF." re th. Bmrt and Mot Beonmai enl Collars sod Culls worn: they are mitd.of ssj cloth, lxth milra umnlird alike, and hm missal Dip, one roltnr is equal to two of sny ot litf nd. Th'M "'" ve"r il '" smII. A kstsl Ton Cullars or iiv.IWs ol CuQs for T H riamplaronarand THtrof OnfraKraaalaVa MUa. Nxoiesiyltiitudiiize. Addrens RKVERSIBI.E COIXAR COMPAHT, tt Ftmntltn St.. Kew York. T Kllby St., BaaaSs (iFND . TOUT id.lma to s-iailav: l..lmt.y.ur-; weiur- Iilh til.- work in.. I l.-.ii h T"U rrr. u work in Oil I. --..lily h.r.- jou hl m-n.1 im voor f.l.lr. nn.l w.' UI rtilsln th? Imsim iH fulli , r. lii' in r u,r anm ..,Ar.roili o! $.1 iorrTT b. ..... aril. t .. 0 L aAMUC-riKIVIi COHI .M. rU, IS, ll.lr.U. Bkt. A DAY SURE., D I md t viil frw you 1 DAILY $3 PER YEAR. I'rertUlcntlnl Year. THE CHICAGO CIIUONKUiR, Uip prvat flrmO oratlc newHiKiKr of the wst, poHtpaiti every day In tlie wik fir one war. ;t. No substTlptlon al this rati? lntta than om v ir. Sam plea trtv. THB CHKoXICLt:, Jtii-Kw; WaHhiutftun At.. Chleaifo. 9 Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal KxAminHr U H. PmiisIod Bursu 3jrrsio last war, ldiiutUraLUjfclaiiiiia. aUvatuou KIPPERS PASTIUES.i:4S BBHsllMBSHsBnHCStowa. Mau. Tt YOU SVKdl.VrK! Then nend fnroar lMMk, Hmv to Spt'iMilute Snrcetiillr m Limited MutKins in .rtii antl Stock MtritV" MaiU-1 Krre. KlMs lUl'K, II rut! Kit liaukerM and ltrokoiN, iA Itroadway, r Vork. Wtwh I it Kia. 1. C. PATENTS I rr l.yarisiwl h r D I PH1LA..1A. VJX": J, 4tlU I tll. ft. EbdnrarKirt. aMr tiOAelia. tj. tnt ttrsaJtr, I rntn.n ot iU It? from hgainea taof pd ralclana. ladif nn.i P" utnsM ttMirf i Best CoiMih byrup. Tarus Oinid. vse in timft. (ld py dniggmlf. mnnainiiniiitiwmwuMiiiiAitm r? IVn.i.i'. Lr.i. Mii:ijt:T iwojii 3 names, but this Is perhaps hardly Z. Z7--J" fair. London Globe. " i 'L7io. 7 ,y IUD arnggist wno tered his knee pan. When he was over who immediately made off. The mon- may not have it on hand will pro- 60. nature, If to atone for some of Somk people are like candy with .JS K H? h VIJ "7 one who his shattered bonea, replaced the teetb red pepper in th. middle, CLLot ISj'sJg Do ot oept ttny -Jf Sif Jaw with a new aet of Sh.k Is grown In twenty Statea, would probably have been tried and j "SS O tee In apite of hU many ln- bile men who buy it groan la S 'convicted and sentenced, a. no other CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CO. l,"e,"',M' 1 . ccomPuh" Uta. . ' fnoa had enUrMl Ue caamta 1 tatMmn,.i'LnAMcmo-C4t Wo wMdHinitbBe. won. wmu$,a w rots, sit rby yffl Ubdwi maxtyV, IMPERIAL y 3rRANUM Prescribed by Physicians Relied on in Hospitals Depended on by Nurses Endorsed byTHE-PRESS The BEST prepared FOOD Sold by PRUOOIST5 EVERYWHERE I fllTa CmU A MMM Mm. Vn.ll. saisaasjas1""a'k''kaissTwaaisaasarsriJis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers