Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 06, 1895, Image 3

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    sain iiiMiUtz nttrunnuAM I
WZDBESDA.Y. ROT- 6. 1895.
Eutettpt!om, $140 par anus If paM
Is i -. 83.00 If met paid te adwaaoe.
7fr.dMt adrertlsesMeti taenrted at M
Tr itat bnshiosa notices la leeal eoU
aims, I aaaw) per 11m far eeefc inaerttoe-
Pf.uttoas win be mad to those desiring
to ad.ertlaa by the year, half or qmarinr
The election on Tuesday was a
quiet one.
Els thia year, left the streams in
low water.
I-)wa farjaera ere preparing to crib
thv.r corn.
geese are on the wing, south,
wsr.l bound.
lias EUie Aucker is visiting friends
in Harriaburg.
The electric light will be here by
Institute time.
The lawful weight of a bushel of
apples is 50 pounds
Hon. Joseph Martin came home
to rpend the election vacation.
An earthquake is an effort of na
ture to produce a volcano.
Samuel Speddy of California ia
among his relatives in town.
The dog poisoner is getting in his
wrk among the dogs iu town.
Fred Especschado was home from
dental studies over election day.
Robert Nixon is at home from
I'iiiladelphia for a number of weeks.
November has two great days
Election Day and Thanksgiving Day.
Thomas Patterson is home from
dental school, spending the election
Squire Loadenslager ' sold a car
load of Missouri cattle on Monday at
private sale.
John R. Jenkins sold one of his
farms in Milford ' township to Mr.
Boyer for $7,400.
Rev. W. C. Bierly is holding extra
ncetings in the ' United Evangelical
church at Mexico.
Samuel Rthrock is home from
electric railroad duties,' visiting his
parents in this town.'
Charles Benson aged 106 years',
died near Welisbero. Pa., on the 31st
day of October, 1895.
Miss Pidge Patton of Lewistown.
spent Friday, with her sister Mrs.
Wilberforoe Sehweyer.
The fourth track is being laid at
both ends of the Middle Division of
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The earthquake west of the Alle
gheny mountains last Thursday
morning is still talked about.
The water in the river in the deep
es; place, on the "broad fording,"
was only a foot deep last week.
Benjamin Car well of Locust Run,
who has been sick for the past month,
is rapidly regaining his health.
Charles Adams, formerly of this
place, now photographer at Hunt
ingdon, Pa., came home to rote.
Fob Sale. A. four year old Jersey
cow with ealf at her side. Call on or
address Abram Sieber, McAlisterville
Ernest, a seven year old son of
Tihn HarJey of East balem, died,
lust Thursday of membraneous croup.
The Institute, Thanksgiving and
Christ map, are looming up as festal
occasions with which to close out the
year 1895.
In the wrecked material at Trim
mer's rock below Newport, a regis
tered letter was fonnd that contain
ed a $15,000 check.
There is some good corn in Jnni
ata county, but more poor corn than
good. The marvel is how did the
good grow without rain.
Samuel Rothrock was called to
Pittsburg by despatch on Sabbath
by the urgency of electric railway
business with which he is connected-
"Three young men were arrested
in Carlisle and fined $1.00 each the
other evening for expectorating to
bmotn juice on the Pennsylvania
House pavement."
M. J . Bernheisel's cider press at
Green Park, Perry county, made 15,-
000 gallons of cider, and would have
made more, had not the draught shut
off the water power.
Oak Flail School in Jnniata town
ship. Perry county, has been closed
for a week or more on account of
diptfaeria, which is epidemic in that
vicinity, several children having died
from it.
The MeVeytown Cotton Tail Club
ladulged in a grand hunt at MeVey
town on the 1st of the month, and
what was better still enjoyed a splen
did dinner gotton up by Nancy Hall
aaa her son John.
The Beaver Springs, Snyder coun
ty Herald of October 31. says: -John
Geshen. 80 veara old. father of Hen
ry Goshen, walked from Mifflintown
in one day to our town, arriving at 3
o'clock in the afternoon. Ha ia visit
ing with his son Henry for a few days.
The late drougth has demonstrat
ad that the water supply at Altoona
ia not aumetent for a city of its pop
mlation. The railroad eompanv own
land at this place and could locate a
fart of the Altoona plant here and al
ways be certain of an abundant sup
ply or tne best of water.
It will not help a man out of the
meahts of a violation of the flVi law
to tell the truth, that the fish law is
not based on a knowledge of the cir
cumstances, surroundings and wants
ana needs of the people who live
along the Juniata, Susquehanna riv
rs and their tributaries.
The average amount of rain fall for
this latitude is three inches a month;
thirty six inches a year. The past
ummer rrom the 1st of May to the
1st of November, scarcely any rain
felL and by the last of October this
munty was 15 inches behind with
its waterfall. On th W. da of Oo-
tober the protracted drougth came
" ena. isn mat aay rain began
to fall at noon and oontinnad n fi
until sometime in the night, bat
waa not encugn water to tart
the apringa or raise the streams.
Twentv-two acres of tit ni
of M aurioe Ijeonard'a farm in DV..
tU township, wera sold to Henry
Shellenberger, whose farm it adjoins,
for $50 an acre at public sale bv exe
cutor . ty. m. Toad.
The Cannery Company held a
meeting in the Orphan.' Court room
of the Court House on Saturday, and
appointed a committee consisting of
Ur. Liucian Banks, Ezra C. Doty and
John J. Patterson to assess and col
lecfc the full value of every share of
each stock-bolder to help par the
debts of the concern.
Last Thursdav was earthnnairA
day in many states and cities, wast
of the Allegheny mountains, and Fri
day was earthquake day in Italy. In
Borne the quake swayed the churches
so that their bells rang. It was be
tween i and 5 in the morning. Great
constornatiou prevailed among the
people, but no lives were lost. I
The Loysville cot respondent of the
Newport News says: Last week
John Kistler, turned his cattle into
the orchard to pasture. Some of the
cattle ato the rotten apples that lay
under the trees and became sick, and
six of them became so stiff they could
ecarcelv walk. One fine cow -went
entirely dry so she would not milk a
Thomas Browand, oldest son of
Jacob Browand of this town, was
run over by a locomotive tank in the
railroad shop at Dennison, Ohio, last
Ihursday and had a leg so badly
crushed, that amputation became
necessary. He was also internally in
jured. His parents were despatched
for, and left on the sorrowful visit,
taking their second son William with
them, on Friday morning.
Letters remaining uncalled for in
the Post Office at Patterson, for the
month eudiag, October 31, 1805:
(2), Josiah Dasrincf, (2), John Bell,
Thos. L Gilson, Yuey Boyd. Stepheu
S. Winters, W. H. Bogus, Lemuel
Quincy, Stewart Horning, Walter
Dennis, Lewis Jacobs. -Geo. H. Mov
er-, Frank You ag, Martha A. Malion,
Mrs. U. Jsidword Bennett, Alexander
E. Adantick. - Persons asking for
letters in the above list will please
say they are advertised.
Rev. Solomon Dressier, died at his
home near Oriental this county on
the 27th day of October acred 72
years. Mr. Dressier was a zealous
preacher of the Christian Church and
in the palmy days of Vinertown, fre
quently preichd in the church build
ing now in decay in that place.
He broke the bread of life with a
zeal that was born of a full and unre
served belief in the teachings of
Christ and his apostles, and his spirit
is doubtless enjoying the rich fruits
of its labor in the unseen world above.
Herman Mudgett alias H. H
Holmes was found guilty in 20 min
ntes by a Philadelphia jury after the
cose was given them last Saturday of
murdering Benjamin r . Pietzel for
$10,000 insurance. Holmes and
Pietzel were partners in swindling
life insurance companies, and when
the gamij got scarce, Holmes murder
ed Pietze!, cheated Pietzel's wife of
her share of tho insurance, excepting
$500, and then to get rid of two of
the Pietzal children, murdered
them. Holmes is a fiend in hu
man form and will pay tho penally
of his crimes to society, when he is
About 2 o'clock on Saturday morn
ing, a tire broke out in one cf the
cellars of the Tuscarora Houae in
Port Royal, !;ept by J. T. Maffit,
a new comer in the town. The bo
tel was owned by the McNanigle
heir3. The flames soon enveloped
and destroyed the building, and com
municated with the largo stable on
the hotel lot, and from the stable tbe
Cro spread to the house of Win. H.
Kauffoian and soon destroyed it with
fences and out-buildings, leaving
nothing on tbe square excepting a
building on the north end of the
equare. Insurance on K-iuffman's
house $500: insurance) on the furni
ture of tho hotel, $800; on the hotel
and stable, 2,500. A number of
the guests narrowly escaped with
their lives. Some of thorn were tak
en out of the windows by ladders.
The building was a three story brick,
and was built by merchant Samuel
Rice, deceased, about a half centurj
"Pennsylvania Day" at Atlan
ta Exposition.
For the especial benefit of tlinnc
who desire to be present at the At
lanta Exposition on "Poi nsvlvania
Day," November 14, tho Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company, will place on
sale exenrsion tickets to Atlanta and
return at tbe rates quoted below,
The tickets will be Bold only for
trains connecting with through
trains to Atlanta, leaving Union Sta
tion, Washington, November 12, and
are limited for continuous going pas
sage within ten days from dayof sale.
Altoona .....
HarrUborg ..
20 10
, 30 10
Wilkeabarre..S21 26
Pnnburr 1 86
17 76
20 66
Philadelphia.. 18 00
Eaaton 19 70
Jnniata Conference. Svnod of Cen
tral Pennsylvania, will be held in the
Lutheran church at Yeagertown,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
November 18, 19 and 20, 1895.
The subject for consideration is,
"&aivauon: ,
Monday. "The Necessity of
Rev. H. O. Hollowav, D. D.
Tuesday morning "The Divine
Preparation 'Rev. B. F. Kautz.
Tuesday afternoon "Tbe applica
tion oi. r irst, " he spirit and tbe
Word." Rev. J. B. Lau.
Tuesday evening Children's meet
ing io oe addressed by Hero. w. C
Dunlap, W. H. Hilbish and D. Mc-
Wednesday morninc Second
"The Spirit and tho Sacraments"
iev. unas. r iiciunger.
Wednesday afternoon Commun
ion Sermon by Rev. I, P. Neff.
Wednesday evening "The Fruits
of Rev. M. S. Grossman.
Belief la Six Hears.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseases relieved in six hours by ' the
' - , . . wig : v
"New GkkaT Soon A
Craa.". Thia new remedy is a great
surpriee on aooount of its exceeding
promptness ia relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneva. baek and aw nmrt
of the urinary passages in male or
female. It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in Dasauur it almost m
mediately. If you want quick relief
and cure this is your remedy. Sold
bv L. Banks A (To . TWnmvia ir.r
funtown, Pa. - Feb. 6.
Preaidant (HvAlnnl ha. . n:t-.i
Thursday, November 28, Thanks
erivinsr Dav. and f
Governors will appoint the same dav
A horse owned by Constable Hack
enberger died last Sunday morning.
The beast had not been well since a
drive last summer into Black Lot?
Vallov. B
Mr. K. S. ManbecV.
this county, sold his interest in the
flour and feed bnainui In IVnua
and has engaged in the business of
1 - - . .
mercaanaise, coal and tie and lumber
trade at Adamsburg, Snyder county.
The railroad
resume work on fourth track where
they left off when the Democratic
panic knocked the business off its
feet A good maay men will be em
ployed iu grading the track which
will be welcome news to store keep
ers, butchers and bakers and busi
ness men generally.
Ills First Sermon.
Rev. Mr. Raven who arrived from
Phillipsburg, N. J., last Saturday
evening, preached his first sermon
as pastor of the Presbyterian con
gregation in this town in West mi ns
ter church on Sabbath evening to a
large and highly appreciative aud
ience, from a text in 2nd Peter, 1st
chap., 4th verse from which he de
duced the theme of the sermon to be
"Tbe Greatness of God's Promisas,"
and from tho theme under four gen
eral heads preaehed:
1st: That God s promises are trreat
because of their source.
2nd: God's promises are great be-
eauso of tboir reliability.
3rd: God s promises are great be
cause of their scope.
4th: uod s promises are great be
cause of their preeiousness.
Belief In One Day.
South American Nebvixb relieves
the worst cases of Nervous prostra
tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
lief and. blessing has ever .come to
the invalids of this country. Its
powers to care the stomache are won
derful in the extreme. It always
cures; it cannot fail. It radically
cures all weakness of the stomache
and never disappoints. It is a luxury
to take and always safe. Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa;
Feb. 6,ly.
Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the Universitv of Marvland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public tuai no nas opened a JJ6ntai
Office at Oakland Mills, Pa., whore
he can bo found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
an teed.
Itch on human, mange on horses,
dogs and all stock, enred iu 30 min
utes by WooJford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by L Banks
Si Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. 6, ly.
"The Common People,"
as Abraham Lincoln called them, do
not care to argue about their ail
ments. What they want is a medi
cine that will cure them. The sim
ple, honest statement, 'I kaow that
Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me," is the
best argument in favor of this medi
cine, and this is what many thou
sands voluntarily say.
Hood Pills Axe the best after
dinner pills, assist digestion, cure
Bakshok Winey. On the 22nd
ult., at Richfield, by Rev. Solomon S,
Graybill, Mr. Isaac P. Beashor and
Miss Minnie Winey.
Wakxeb Bexxer. On the 5th
inst., in the Jacobs House parlor,
aiilnintown, by Kev. A. 11. bpangler
of Yeagertown, Mifflin county, Mr. J.
L. Warner of Reedsville, .Wifflin Co.
and Miss Lizzie Banner of McAlister
ville, Juniata county.
V irrLiTowa, So. 6, 196.
Batter 18
E(r? IS
Ham 18
8 boulder, 12
La?i . ......... .. .... 11
Sides, .....A.
Wheat . ..... ,
Cora in ear
Cloveraeod .....
Timothy aeed .92.00
Flax aetd 60
Bran 90
Chop....... $1.20 a hundred
Viddllug 1.10
Ground AInm Salt 1.00
American Salt 76o to 80
Philadelphia Mabkxts, November
5, 1895. Wheat 68 to 70c: corn 36
to 40c: oats 24 to . 25c; tallow in
cakes 4c; live ducks 9c; live turkeys
o te Uc; live chickens 8 to 9c; dressed
ohickens 9 to 10c: batter 11 to 29c a
lb; eggs 19 to 22c; hand picked ap
ples 30 to 40c a bushel; sweet pota
toes at zu to 4oo a basket; Pennsyl
vania tobecco filler. 4 to 12c; broad
loaf runniDg lots 10 to 12c; tangled
straw $8 to $9 a ton; hay 89 to $16
a ton.
East Liberty, Pa., Nov. 4. Cattle.
4.60a4.80: good 84.30a4.50; good
butchers' $3 80a4; Philadelphia $3.
80a3.90; best Yorkers S3.70a3.75;
common to fair Yorkers and pigs, $3,
55a3.65; rougbe, $2.75a3.25. Sheep
supply fair; prices unchanged; extra,
$2.85a3.10; good $2.20a2.50; fair $ 1.
40a2.10; common 50c.a $1; lambs $2.
254.25; veal calves, $5a6.25: heaw
and thin calves $2a3.
The Election, in Juniata.
The election in Juniata eoonty, re
sulted in a clean victory for the Re
publioana. The Demeencs carried
only six of the eighteen eEetricta.
For State Treasurer, .atajamin J.
Haywood, Republican received" 1,100
votes, and Baniamin T Unan TV.
oerat reoeived 896 votea. HavwanH'a
majority SOS. .
J. W. Dawson, Prohibition candi
date for State Treasurer received 10
G. W. Anton, socialist candidate
for State Treasurer received 1 vote.
A. B Evans, Republican candidate
for Countv Survevor reeeived 1110
votes, and Wilber F. McCahan, Dem
ocrat, 895 votes. Evans' majority
J. O. Brown. Republican candidate
for Coronor received 1098 votes and
L. P. Walley, Democrat received 901
votes Brown's majority 197.
W. J. Short Prohibition candidate
for Coroner, received 88 votes.
U. W. Hough, Prohibition candi
date for County Surveyor received
86 votes.
W. H. Berrv. Prohibition ennrli.
date for State Treasurer received 87
James A. Beaver, first on tha Tta.
publican ticket for Superior Court
Judge received lluo votes.
Herman Xerkes, nrst on tbe Dem
ocratic ticket for Sunerior Onurt
Judge, received 896 votes. Here and
tnere on Dotn tictets the vote vanes
one or two.
Beaver'a majority over Yerkes.
209 votes. i - -
Edward Camnbell of the Prohibi.
bition Superior Court Judge receiv
ed 14 votes. .. .1
John H. Stevenson, head of the
people's party candidates for Snnev.
for Judge received 14 votes.
The vote cast in Juniata county on
Tuesday, November 5, 1895 for State
Treasurer and County Surveyor and
Coroner was as follows:
Treasurer. -
Mifflintown........:.' 79 97
Patterson. . . . . . . 62 62
Fermanagh... -.73 57
Walker.... 141 43
Fayette 170 60
Delaware: 81 16
Thompsontown 24 22
Monroe...' 64 89
Greenwood 21 32
Susquehanna 41 25
Milford 67 60
Port Royal 51 45
Black Log S 11
Turbett 38 58
Spruce Hill 60 34
Tuscarora 37 76
Lack 35 57
Beale 61 50
Totals 1100 894
w "
Districts. "
f 9
. S
: "
Mifflintown 79 97
Patterson 57 68
Fermanagh 71 62
Walker 144 43
Fayette 172 60
Delaware 82 15
Thompsontown 30 16
Monroe 54 89
Greenwood 22 32
Susquehaana 42 24
Milford 67 60
Port Royal 49 46
Black Log 7 9
Turbett 39 55
Spruce Hill 60 35
Tuscarora 39 77
Lack 35 55
Beale 61 52
Totals 1110 895
Mifflintown ;. 76 99
Patterson 59 '66
Fermanagh..... 72 60
Walker .. 144 43
Fayette 169 .". CI
Delaware 80.. 17.
Thompsontown 25 : 22
Monroe 54 80
Greenwood. . : 21 31
Susquehanna.. 41 .25
Milford..: 67 60
Port Royal...-.- 49 45
BlackLog.. .. .... .... 6 ll
Turbett 39 56
Spruce Hill 61 34
Tuscarora ;.. 40 77
Lack 85 54
Beale 61 51
Totals 1098 901
Whan so mivnv twnnnla fs1ri'iw
-J jf f nwJBssJ
and deriving benefit from Hood's
Sarsaparilla, why don't yon try it
yourself? It is highly recommended.
for active lady or gentleman acquaint,
ed with neighborhood. Compensa
tion from $40 to $150 monthlv-
Work outlined. Onlv enermtin rar.
ty, ambitions to succeed, need apply
No capital required. Address, with
reference, state are and whetner mar
ried or single. Globe Bible Publish
ing Co., 723 Chestnut Street, Phila.,
Acting through the blood, Hood's
Sanapariila rjaf aidy cures scrofula,
salt rheum, &bt gives Jiealth and
vigor to the whole body.
. Ai. e.
KamOtoa, Ohio.
The Same as Bread
Hood's Sarsaparilla on the Tabl
i at Every Meal
In aay opinion Hood's Sanaparllla haa
sot an aqoal aa a blood porinar. I doc
tored months ior stomach trouble and
Neuralgia off the Heart
without any good and than took Hood's
Banaparula. Every spring aad fall since
I have uaed it and it has done me lota of
rood. I have not been attended bv a
physician for the last four years. . My wife
waa auneruiB- wun water .maan ana
Feeling All Tired Out.
She was severely afflicted bat upon my
preraiuua; upon ner to taze nooa s sun
pariua and Hood's Pills abe felt differently
In a short time. Now she ia quite well.
Wa nave great faith In. Hood's Sarsapa-
Hood secures
rllla and put it on the table at every meal
the same as bread." Al. G. Htams, with
T. V. Howeix & Sons, residence, 420
jMonn antra street, uanuuon, unio.
Hood's Pills S,S'aecrT8t5ifk'
. : '
' t .
.Look for E.
Scliott's n e w
Ad. next week.
1866, ESTABLISHED, 1889.
Special Invitation To The Pnblu
To attend the Attractive Sale .1 Clathing that gees on daily
from -
Who hav. atoney to inrest te examine the Stock ef Goods for
It u trtdy marreleua to See
ef Suit and OTereeato at the Wonderfully Lew Prices.
His prices leare all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
-"Mf of the Court f Ceamoa
Fleas, r the Forty-Firtt Jndiaial Distrfet,
composed of the conntlra of Jaaiata and
iJ the Heaerablee JOSIAH L. BAR-
ivf "J- P. WICKEBSHAJf, Assecfa
or e aaid court or Common FleaaJ
Sir Jn.Ut. . - . . . . .v
T i""'Ji py precepi amy laanee
aad to me directed for aekthur a Ceart af
wyer ana Temtasr aad OsmtiI Jail Deliv.
ery, and General Qaartar SaaaieBa ef the
reace ai Mifflintown, oa the
BBure thb UTD vat OF THE
Kotios u Himnr erven, to thaCoroaer,
usucea oi me reace and ConataMea ertbe
County of JuaUta, that they be thea aad
there in their proper peraoaa, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of aaid day, with their ree
erda, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
rememberancea, to do those thing that te
their offices respectfully appertain, and
those that are bound by recognisance to
prosecute against tbe prisoners that are or
may be in the JaU of said county, be then
and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
By an Act of tbe Aasetnblv. eaaaed ihe
8th day of May, 1864, it made tbe duty of
jasttcea ortho Peace of the several coun
ties of thia Commonwalth, to return to the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Seaaieas of
the respective eonntiea, all the recognis.
ances entered into before them by any per
on or persons charged with the Commis
sion of aay crime, except such - cases as
may be ended before a Justice of the
Peace, under existing laws, at least tea
daya before the commencement of the aae
ion of the Court to which they are made
retornablo respectively, and In all eases
where reeognisaneea are entered Into less
than ten days before the commencement of
the session to which they are made return
able, the aaid Justices are to return the
same in tbe asme manner as if said Act
bad not been pasaed.
Dated at Mifflintown, the second day or
November, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and ninety. fire.
Jambs P. Csxaoos, Sheriff.
Sheriff a Office.
Mifflintown, November 2nd, 1895.
Fall & Winter
are all in for the
of 1895.
the style and the
An Examination will demonstrate tbe truth of our assertions.
Pattterson Pa.
The McClintic Hardicare
Stoves and tin-ware, mill and black-smith supplies, Harness,
Collars, Lap Robes, Blankets, Fly-nets and Saddler's Supplies.
Best Goods at Low Prices. We did an encouraging business
during the past season and hope by constant application .and
prompt attention to do doubly as much in the coming season.
We are better prepared to furnish
Builders' Supplies,
Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing, Sheathing and Lining paper.
Paints, Glass and Carpenter Tools at low Prices.
Bl acksmiths will find it to their interests to call and ex
amine our Stock and get Prices of Norway & refined bar iron,
Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails and Teols.
Lumbermen and Mill Men will not go away uninterested,
after thev have examined and priced Our Stock of Cross Art
Saws, files, Gum and Leather Belting, and Lacer at Low
Prices, wood and iron pumps of the best make; silso a full line
of House furnishing Gocds, Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil
low ware, wooden-ware, Nickle Tea Kettle and coffee pots.
Wall Paper at all Prices.
that we are offering at Special Prices to close them out, Barbed
Fence Wire, Gasoline Store, Ice Cream Freezers, forks, scythes.
Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes of all kinds,
prices furnifhed on application, Cock Stove, Fruit Dryer, the
best out estimates to iumis-h contractors with the material so
licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance
of the same.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmcr and Funer
al Director.
Bridge $t., Mifflin town, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Pomeroy,
Joha Hertaler,
Robert X. Parker,
T.Y. Inria.
Joaeph Bothroek,
Joalab L. Barton,
Lovla K. Atkinaea
srocnoLBass :
George A. Krpner, Annie M. Shellt-y,
Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Manbect,
L. E. Atkinaoa, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin
XaryKorta, Jerome; N. Thompson,
John HertsJer, T. V. Irwin.
Charlotte 8 nyder, Josiah L Barton,
Joha If.' Blair, Robert H. Pattnson.
F. at. M. PcLBell, htm Light,
SamnelS. Rothrock, Wm. Swsrtz.
H. N. Sterrett, H. J. Shellenberger.
Three and Fonr per cent. Interest will t
paid oa certificates of deposit.
fjn 28, 18S-5 ti
The Stntuul aao! Aepuiltrm offica is the
place to get Job work done. Try lc It wil.
pj yon if yon aeed any thins; In that line.
! Miliar"" mcmjitm lasfccur
T88 P188T
Money ted at Lowest Bates.
Knrsery Stock. Salary, Expenses and
Steady Employment guaranteed.
Doc. 8, 91. Rochester, N. T.