Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 23, 1895, Image 3

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TCKVK. f4ft", si. m a
TrWl MfHHMli ttto4 el M
f la k fu IomM,
M, I Mto f Iih fo aara tMrtu.
u a4frtl by ! ymf, furH
T'-lir' Ioatitut will begin on
flu. IMh of Xjvrrulx-r.
Kaufman A; JUrley are about to
t;n!ar thir carr et factory.
TIj DiM Siult-r farm near Mexi
co, na nwt wA'l on Saturday.
Tt.ere u a talk of a litill?ry firm
buying tLa cmnery buildings.
Tl most ignorant can find fault
anitiHt whomaot-ver tbfcy please.
Wra. II. JJerpcr bas two bogs that
each weigh four hundred pounds.
A number of fights were bred by
too much booz9 on Us union Day.
Cunrefsman Mahoa has purcbas
ed a creunisry in Fraaklin county.
Eighteen hundred and ninety-six
in within eight. It will be leap year.
Not in many years have so many
springs and wells in this county been
There were orer six hundred in
line in the Ro-union parade last
A ClearSeM county school teacher
fell from a chestnut tree and broke
both his arms.
The cannery produce was Bold on
Tnosday by the Sheriff to tn agent
of the directors.
Much of the late sown wheat baa
not sprouted, which proves how dry
the fall has been.
Canadian towns were snow bound
on Sunday. The winter has set in
early eren for that country.
Mrs. Wm. PI. Borger bas a vigor
ous banana tree as tall as a man,
growing in her conservatory.
Potions to Congre?8 are abroad
in this town akin Congress to rec
ognize the Independence of Cuba.
Pupils of the town schools erected
a handsome arch for the veterans at
the intersection of 4th and Cherry
Th 100 arro farm of Jones Auck
cr neir Thornpsontown, was sold
last Fridav to Wilson Gross for $1,
400. A number of firmers in the cotsn-
tv nre out of water, and take their
cittla to distant streams every day
for witi-.r.
Tbo New Orleans Piciyune c'airas
that George Brown, color.nl, a native
of Virginia, but now living in New
Orleans is 131 years old.
Street roilwaya were blockaded by
snow in Erie, Pa., on Saturday and
Sundav. That accounts for the cold
air in Miftlintown on fhoso das.
Auckcr & Son pnt up a handsome
monument over the lest earthly rest
ing place of the wife of John Henry
at Milroy Mifflin county, last week.
Some 20 citizens of the town went
to work this Wdnesday morning to
clean the Lutheran grave yard and
set up the tumble-down tomb-stones.
The Leonard farm with the brick
baildings therecn, a mile eastof Oak
land, was soM at pnblic sale on Sat-
urdav to George Wilson of Pattorson
for $2,700.
John C. Brown of Union county,
after ccminjr ont of a meeting of the
Tiennblican County Committee last
Saturday afternoon at Lswisburg f ell
dead on the pavement.
The Democrats have quit talking
about tbo Rubber Baron manufc-
fiirprs. The business wreck bv the
Cleveland Administration has opened
tlifcir eyes on tnai poici.
We return thanks to the many
friends of the Sentisel axd Republi
can, who havo paid subscription. We
would like to tbank a good many
others, if they will give us the chance.
The foot-ball game played last
Thursday between the Miftlintown
and Lewistown high schools at this
place attracted several hundred peo
ple. The Miftlintown club won 34
to 2.
When the people voted so largely
for the Cleveland Administration,
they said they wanted a change.
They got the change and they will
worry through with it till Cleveland
goes ont of office.
Two hundred and forty dwelling
bonnes were destroyed by fire in Al
piers, opposite New Orleans on Sun
day, rendering 1200 people homeless.
In a panic rush 150 people were
pushed into the river. A large num
ber were drowned.
' Xjunt Saturday, Judge Barker of
Cambria conn tyconld not understand
wi'iifs-es in their teetimony in the
case of a railroad right of way, and
to understand the situation, adjourn
ed the court, and with the jury visit -
ki tue grouim in dispute.
The other day James Fennell of
Lykcns, Danphin county, was dis
pleased with his Bon in-law J. J. Nutt,
and struck him on the head with a
pitch fork. Nutt bad bis warlike
father in law arrested and placed un
der six hundred dollars bail to ana
wer at court.
"Some folks has more money dan
dey knows what ter di wit," remark
ed plodding Pete thoughtfully.
"Yes," replied Meandering Mike;
"I wuz dat wav once."
"Git away!""
"Sure, I oncet bad 25 cents by me
and discovered I was in a prohibi
tion town." Washington Star.
On Saturday afternoon, October
12, Abraham crow of Hunter's Val
ley, Dauphin county, committed sui
cide by hanging in "bis father's barn.
He was found hanging to the beam
that supports the rafters. He had
a rope tied around the purline, and
to the rope a leather baiter strap,
with which he made a noose and slip
ped it around his neck, and, it is sap
posed, swung himself from the cross
beam. He was 28 vears old.
A now Uw iniMMMMi a I'ti
n. bupriaormant u tvU hw.a and
tljrpM nnpl-Trrs and manage
iniMit, f.r revealing WLM ( over
lhir lioea.
The WiltUmsport Otit ol tliiuga
wr -iitf od furriuont, when it riort
ft that tbe wituu lliK-h School
woo !: f.Kd ball Kaiue Ut I'bure.
ley at thiit phu-o. It wm thu M.lHin
lou liiyn ht-Uool Uam that wun tbe
fin .'J. Ut .
I.xpoauro to cold, damp winds,
may rt-sult in pneumonia unlets the
TfcUm is kept invigorated with
Hood's Saraap '.ril'a.
Le uus !'rtkidut, colored, injured
iu I'ei ry county ou the cars w hile
oUaliiig a ride'ou the 24th of last
July, and brought to this town and
wade a couiity charge, was pronounc
ed well enough to travel last Monday,
and wa wut to Pittsburg on Tues
day. The two young men dressed in
Colonial costume, carrying the star3
and btrijvos at the head of the col
umn of the Patterson schools, was
suggestive of the two last survivors
of the Juniata veterans in a proces
sion to take place in tbo future. Who
of the veteraiis are destined by Prov
idence for thet special distinction.
John Panncbaker, bugler of the
Ro-union parade last Thursday, was
thrown from the colt that he was rid
ing. It was a risky piece of work to
take a colt into such a place, but
Pauncbaker was equal to it. He was
unhorsed about a buadred yards
from the starting place, but be re
mounted and soon had the colt brok
en to the work of riding in the pro
cession. This from the Lewistown Demo
crat and Sentinel.- Mr. C. P. Dull of
McVeytown, will, when preparations
are completed, light his dwelling
house with a new gas, which is ship
ped in tanks from the works, each
tank containing a supply sufficient
lor throe mouths consumption. The
empty vessel is then returned and
another takes its place in the cellar.
Tbo light from it is said to be almost
equal in brilliancy to electricity.
A young man namod Zaiders and
a companion named Weaber of Mo
Alistervil.'e iu turning their bnggy on
Main street on Ro-union Day turned
too short and npset The horse was
caught after running a short dis
tance without damage to horse or
kugy- Weaber was not hurt by the
upset, but Zeiders was carried into
the B inks drug store unconscious.
He soon revived and the two friends
started anew for McAlisterville ea if
nothing had happened.
Look out for colds at this season.
Keep yourself wdl and etreng by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great
tonic and blood puriiier.
The Ro union parade on the 17th
inst., was the handsomest parade yet
seen ia this town. Everything about
jit was fin?, but the schools with
j their banners, their flags, their gay
i costumes and sombre costumes, gave
tuo procession a variegated appear
ance, that is hard to equal, and toe
pupil3 walked with such a youthful
abandon, that evcrj-body becamo en
tbusiaslic over the occasion. The
children all roarchd well, but the
Jlifilintown High School marched
with the prccisiou and abandon of
veterans, just in from a victorious
Hood's Sarsaparilla, takea at this
season, will make you feel strong and
vigorous and keep you from sicknets
later on.
me n.ioiutiea oi tna cmnerr are
S22.000. Theassstsnro the build
ing and stock on bond. The most
of the people who furnished the pro
duce this season have not been paid.
Orders were issued, poyabla on the
2Gth of October, but that dr.te dees
not come till next Saturday, and tho
concern has beon levied on by the
Sheriff on a judgment to which the
name of members of the Corporation
is attached. Quite a number of the
orders issued, payable on the 2Gth of
October, have been traded to busi
ness men in town for goods of var
ioua kinds.
Chtimatlsm fiirril Im a Uj
"MrUc Cure" for Kbrumstinui
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 t J
S dava. Its action upon the yrtm
ia remar kabU and ruyatftrioua. It re
loovrs at ore the cans, and the dis
m iwiuflittt-ly ditiftppears. The
fimt dose grratlr benefits, 73 cent.
Sold by L. Bank St Co.. druggiats
Miftlintown. Jan. 9, 9.
The foot-ball game last Thuradny,
was one of the most animated yet
I'layfd here and was participated in
y th following young men from
this place and Lewistown:
Mifllintwn Lewistown.
. ..Crothers
. . S. Gluam
i . . . . Philips
(Capt. Price
C. Noble .... Left End
GuHhard Taekle
W. Browand..." Guard
O. Calhoun ... . C.u'cr.
V. Derr It. End,
Stouffer R. T. .
Calhoun II G. .
Maver Q B..
H.Noble L H. ,
E. H. Derr, (Capt)R. H.,
H. McClellan....F. B..
Touch downs, Mifflin High School,
H. Noble 5; W. Derr 1; Lewistown,
ltice, safety 1; kick goals. Mifflin, W.
D rr 5; Referee, A. Banks; Umpire,
Duning; Linesman, Patterson.
V. Derr kicked 5 goal out of 5;
Homer Noble and Ed. Derr made
several largo runs around th end.
The interference of our team was
very good.
The game resulted 34 to 2 for the
Miilbntown High School Boys.
Dr. S. I) Diff. n-Wfer. eradiate of
the University of Mary land DeuUl
Department, desires to inform the
public that be baa opened a Dental
Ofilce at Oukland M.Ik Pa., where
be ran be found at all times. Tetth
extracted painlcbsly. All work guar
Itch on human, mange on horses.
dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min
utes by Woo) ford Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. 6, ly.
Diatnaainc Kidney artd JIUddoz
diMCSiM-i rlieved: in nvt boars th
Sv ilrT Sovru Amcsi: iitryiy
Ci'KX " Thie new renilr ix threat
surprise on account of ita exceeding
promptnesa in relieving pain in the
bladder, kiJneys, back and every part
of the urinary pasnaes in male or
female It relieves retention uf
ter and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want quick relief
and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown, Pa. Feb. 6.
AVhan to many people are taking
and deriving benefit from Hoods
Sarsaparilla, why don't you try it
yourself! It is highly reeouinitnded.
for active lady or gentleman acqnaint
ed with neighborhood. Compensa
tion from $40 to $150 monthly
Work outlined. Only energetio par
ty, ambitions to succeed, need apply
No capital required. Address, with
reference, state age and whether mar
ried or single. Globe Bible Publish
ing Co., 723 Chestnut Street, rhila.,
Hood's Cured Die.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 11, 1883.
l naa me grip very oaaiy two years
ago, and a friend recommended me
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so,
and soon began to get well. I know
of many people who have been cured
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
W. J. Cawood,
500 N. Broad St.
Hoods Pith.-digestion.
-Cure billiousneFs, in-
llearen Avert the Holocaust.
A first visit of the writer to our
School bouse, has caused tho unpleas
ant thought, which like Banquo's
ghost "will not down." The loca
tion of the beaters in a dug-out be-
neatii toe hall and stairways, and di
rectly nnder the two hall entrances
to rooms on the first floor, the long,
narrow, crooked and dippy stair
ways, which in case of fire, would at
once fill with dense f-moks through
wmcn anyone daring to escape,
would stifle, and no fire escapes
seems prolific of possibilities, and I
am told was happily averted on one
occasion last winter. Who is responsi
ble? B. F. Ackley.
Boiler In One Day.
South Americas Nervks relieves
the worst cases of Nervous prostra
tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
lief and blessing bas ever come to
the invalids of this country. Its
powers to enre the stomacbe are won
derful in the extreme. It always
cures; it cannot fail. It radically
cures all weakness of the stomacbe
and never disappoints. It is a luxury
to take and always safe. Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. 6, ly.
Subscribe for the Skntixei, asd
RxpubiJCAK. a rater that nntnina
choice reading matter, full of inform-
tion that does the render rrnnet and
in a ddition to that all local news that
are worth publishing find places in
its columns. tr.
The Re nnion last Thursday was
not like any previous Re-union.
The parade was a kaleidepcopie
procession changing by successive
steps from the aged veterans on the
right to the primary school pupils on
tue left oi tiie line, and was sugges.
tiva of what is past and what may
In the front of the line marched
the veterans, and in the raar march
ed the Mifflintown and Pattorson
The men in front have passed the
moss oi tueir days, xne school pu
pils in tho rear, have the most of
their days stretched before them in
the future. Every generation has its
war and the Bohool boys and girls
that wero in line, glorifying tho war-
liko deeds of the veterauc, cannot
escape the general fate of the human
many oi tee ooys who marched in
line last Thnradav with their elders.
will some time in the futuro march
in line as soldiers of the Republic,
and the girls will perform the same
kind offices that their mothers did.
during the time that their veteran
fathers and grand fathers fought
against human shivery.
Those who failed to Cuine to town
on that day, missed a sight that was
worth a journey to sco.
The procession was formed on
Bridge street, and promptly at 2
o'clock, took up its line of parade,
with a handsome lot of marshals in
front, followed by tho Walnut Band.
Next came the veteran cavalry, rep
resentative of the First Pennsylva
nia Volunteer Cavalry, the First
Company of which, was Company A.,
organized in, and composed cf Jun
iata county men. Then came veter
ans afoct, and distingu'bhed and
crippled citiz&ns in carriages, ond
the Post cannon followed by the Post
of this town in Uniform.
Next came the Mifflintown band,
majored by t-x Sheriff Samu6l L3pp,
the most polished band major in six
neighboring counties. Then came
the American Mechanics. People
who are skeptical on the question of
secre t orders having a goat for ina
tion purposes, had their f kcpticisin
shaken by a good sight of their liv
ing goat, that was chaperoned and
healtd iu leash by two stalwart me.
chanics. They bad the goat walking
between them, and as thsy passed a
Shakespearean scholar, he exclaimed:
"Oh Lord, when shall we three meet
again." The goat wa3 richly capar
isoned, and the number of the order
was richly embroidered in its blank
et. Behind tho festive mechanic?
came the Mexico band, leading the
.Miflbnlown high school; the inter
mediate schools and the primary
school and school ambulance. Then
came the McAlisterville band at
the head of tho Patterson sohools. The
children ail passed through the or
deal cf the march without requiring
the assistance of the ambulance. A
detachment of tho Mifflintown Fire
Company wun tne norso carriage,
brought up the rear of the proces
sion. The procession broke ranks on
Bridge street, where it was formed
into lin. A meeting was held in the
Court House after the parade, and
camp-fire in tho evening.
The bicycle clubmen in the parade
were: IS. Li. iJoasum, Jlifflintown, Pa.;
Mord Hower, Miftlintown, Pa.; Jos
eph N. VanHorn, Richfield; W. M.
Van Horn, East Salem; V. A. Harris,
Richfield, Pa.; J. M. Murray, Mifflin
town, Pa ; Wm. Gushard, Mifflintown,
Pa; Cleveland Kulp, Harrisburg;
Lude Snydt-r, -Wifflintown, Pa.; Sam-
nel Sitber -WeAlisterville; Charles
DIetrick, Patterson.
itoy ueaie ami juuoe onycer car
ried off the prizes for the best decor
ated wheels.
Herm. N. Howe of Tyrone, visited
ja this place last week.
Dr. Hollowav will go on a. visit to
Ohio to see bis aged mother.
Mrs. Boale, wife of D. J. Beale, D,
D., is visiting relatives in Janiata.
Wm. McCahan of JVfilford town
ship, has gone to visit friends in the
Hon. Herman North of Bradford,
spent Sunday with his parents in
Joseph McClure, Esq , of Bradford
spent Sunday with Mr. Washington
Miss Jeannette Swoyer of Altoona,
paid her friends here a short visit on
Harry Patterson, Veterinary Sur-
geon, visitea relatives in tnis piace,
last week.
Miss Esther McKinley spent Sat
urday and Sunday with relatives in
Squire Kreider.of Altoona, came to
r-e and march with the boys in blue
on Re union Day. -
Clark McAfee of Turbett township
was one of the many welcome callers
at this office last Thursday.
Mrs. Sadie Miller of Colorado, is
viBitincr her parents at the home of
David Diven in Walker township.
William Rumberger who had been
employed in Philadelphia, during the
summer, returned home last Uriday.
Robert Pctton, Esq., of Lewistown
paid bis sister Mrs. Wilberforco
Schwcyer a visit last Thursday.
ofiss Sadie Irwin of Lewistown
and Mie6es Strout and Winifred
Cuinuiinj;S of Ohio, are the gue6ls of
Dr. Rodgers.
Rc-.il estate dealer M. L. Littlo-
field of Washington, D. C, was in
town oa Ro-uaion Day and marched
with the veterans.
Miss fcivaline Thompson, who lias
been visiting friends in Harrisburg,
has returned, ncd is now at her home
near -VeAl'sterviile.
Miss Helen Diruw and friend Miss
Maud Haromaker of Lewistown
spent last Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Captain McCltllan.
David Etka after spending the
summer with relatives, returned to
Philadelphia as an employee in Dan-
do's printing establishment.
Thomas McClellan, jweler of Al
toona; r.nd a nathe of this town took
in the re-union. The yeors deal kind
ly with him, and he looks like a well
kept preacher.
The uadersigoad Adminintrmtrix, btviog
baeo graated letter ttitaiuootary on tbo
tat of BeDjamio F. Watlaae, late of Tua.
carora townafaip, dceaMd, oat of the Or
phans' Court of JuuUta county, hereby
giTea notice to all persona indebted to aaid
estate to make immediate Davment. and
those having claims will present theuiproD.
erly authenticated for suttlomtot.
Sopbia Waluci,
McCulloch's Mills, Janiata county. Pa.
Bookkeeping, PA I MM
nd all th I t'OI-aUfcC-E,
'oinruiviJ I 171U OhtMtnot St
BrAiirhaaa. I PhiUllhia
Tbe max imnm of know led are at tba mialoiaa ofooot
wnfrmromimm. XMJtt. W. FAUB, r l ml
Tenth Teat.
Instruct ion.
t? A full line of all hardy FRUIT and OR.
NAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Evergreens,
Vines, Roses, Hedge plants, &c. Agents,
men or women, wanted lor immediate em
ployment. Address with reference to
Morris Narseries, West Chester, Pa.
Acting through the blood, Hood's
Sarsaparilla not only cures scrofula,
salt rbeum, Ac, but gives health and
vigor to the whole body
limfo and prompt rom!r
tiAAiiraif rflaaraapa.
norbui and all fortus of
Stunner Complain, and
i awumm nf thu .owuls. IT
VSPM-IAIXX uas.'i "
Best made for
Gig" Fishing.
Write for Price List
The J. R. Bakeb
& Sons Co.,
Kendall ville.Ind
Bargain Bays!
Bargain II ay ft f
"The Common People,"
as Abraham LIlcoIu called them, do
net care to argue about their ail
ments. What they want is a medi
one tuat will cure them, xne sim
ple, honest statement, "I know that
Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me," is the
best argument in favor of this medi
cine, and this is what many thou
sands voluntarily say.
Hood s Pilfa Are
dinner pills, assist
the best after
disrestion, euro
Ckamer Delaney. On the 19th
inst., by Wm. Fry, J. P., at Mexico,
Mr. David W. Cramer of Mexico aDd
Miss Emma S. Delaney of Turbett
towt'Ship this county.
Williams Leach. On (he 16th
inst , ot the Lutheran parsonage in
McAIistervillo by Rev. J. C. Rei
gbard, Mr. Harvey Williams and
lliss Mary Leach.
Did Ten Ever Think,
that you cannot be well nnless yon
have pure, rich blood? If you are
weak, tired, languid and all run dowr,
it is because your blood is impover
ished and lacks vitality. These trou
bles may be overcome by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, beeausft Hood's Sarsa
parilla makes pure,rich blood. Iijis,
in truth, tho great blood purifier.
HootTt Pills cure liver ills, consti
pation, billiousness, jaundice, - sick
faeadachc, indigestion.
By the decision of a Chicaffo Court.
E. L. Allyn of Chicago baa to TV Tt.
W. Dunham for alientino Mm u'ffan-
tiens of Dunham's wife $15,000.
The Supreme Court of PenimvlvA.
nia. has decided that vote nV.aH
for only six candidates for Superior
Conrt Judges, and that sustains the
Act of Legislature nnder whih f Via
nominations have been made.
More than 500,000 other people
are roading it every day. They can't
afford to miss it end neither can vou.
lue ABsoeiweu x'rese, tne best ser
vice of special dispatches in the State
and complete correspondence from
the Lebigh Valley, the Schuylkill
Valley, the Chester Valley, Central
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, gives
an toe news in detail to Inquirer
readers, rages cn sporting sub
jects, si ticlPS of special interest to
women, real estate, financial and mnr
ine intelligence are thoroughly cover
ed each day m Ihe Inquirer.
j ne very orer Doner pttoiuntd anu-
Contains contributions by all the
leading authors, newsy letters from
everywhere, carefully conducted De
partmenls on athletics both ama
teur and professional, the stace. so
ciety, the clubs, secret societies, fra
ternal orders, music, literature, mili
tary matters, latest scientific inven
tions, AC
A most popular feature of the Sun
day Inquirer is a beautifully colored
copy of some famous painting issued
each week as an art supplement.
COMMENCING Thursday, October 17th, and oontinoes until Saturday
evening, November 2nd.
We are making business better by being on the Alert at all times to as
cure tho beat and newest dry goods, tbe market affords, and by adjusting
prices to the lowest level known for years.
Our Stores arc. full of beauty and brightness. Visit Our Stores, and we
sell goods during Bargain Days at specially and extra reduced prices.
36 ineb all-Wcol In.rerted Serges and Henriettas at 25o: worth 45o.
Ladies Skirts, Factory made, heavy quality, all wool for 79o; worth $1.00.
English Serges and Henriettas, 40 incbts, all wool, 8jds for $2 GO; worth ?4.
Selected Patterns, Lancaster Ginghams, 5 yds for 25c; worth 45o.
Extra wide French, all arool, finest sergis and Henriettas, 6 yds for $3.33;
worth $5.00.
50 inch wide cloth for 38c; worth 75o.
Hill, 30 mob Ueacbed muslin, 10yds for G5o; worth 90o.
30 insb, yellow muslin, 10 yds for 40c; worth 65o.
A Gna yellow muslin, yd wide, 10yds for 50c; worth 70o.
Genuino Appleton A. muslin, 10 yds for 65o; worth 88o.
Beautiful quality, imported Saxonia, 7o a bank, 4 hanks for 25o No half
hank in ours; full banks.
Factory Stocking Yarns, blue gray and Sbeeps' gray, 49e a bl.; worth 65o.
Our Lyon liraod, best made Saxonia, lOcts a hank.
Heavj Canton Yellow Flancell. 10 yds for 69s; worth $1.00.
Canton Flannel, light weight yellow, 10yds for 49o; ortb 65o.
4G inch beat Table oil clo'.h at 14o; worth 25c.
All oil cloth at specially reduced prices.
A pair white or gray blankets at 69c; worth $1 00.
Blankats of tbe finest tomedium quality at specially reduced prices.
75 envelopes for 10c; worth 25o.
$4000 worta at specially reduoed prices.
Men's Leather Boots at $1.69; worth $2 58.
Men's heavy fleeced underwear at 25o.
Ladies' silk front, ribbon fleece underweor at 25o.
Table Damask, gray and red for 20c; worth 40c.
Irish Table Linen and Turkey Rod Damask at 25c; worth 50o
Pants goods, pretty patterns for 14c and 18c; worth 20 and 25c.
Ladies Wraps, Ladies Capes, Ladies Jackets; $2,000 worth of goods to ee.
loot from. Every new style in tbe market will be shown for less money tban
tbe lowest, aad at specially reduced prices daring Bargain Week.
W ool Cassimeres for Men and Bays wear at 35u: worth 50e.
Men'6 unlaundried Sbirts for 89c; worth COo.
Dress Goods Rcrulets at 85c a lb or 5 pound bundle for $1.50.
Laoe Curtains and Window Shades at Specially reduoed prices.
Bed ticking, 9yds for 75c; worth $1.00, and all other ticking at speoially
red seed prices.
.Wen's Shirtiug for 10yds for 75o; worth $1.00.
Outing Flannel at 6c a yard; worth 9c.
Don't miss to come to Our Stores daring Bargain Days for Ladies or child's
coat or wrap. We sell them all at specially reduced prices.
Commencing Oct. 17th, continues until November 2nd.
103 TO 1O0 BRIDGE ST.,
By mail postage paid to any part
of the United States or Canada.
Daily Edition - - One Cent a Copy
Sunday Edition - Five Cents a Copy
Daily Edition - - $3.00 per Year
Sunday Ediiion - $2.50 per Year
-looo, JiiSTAJJLlSHE D. 1889.
Special Invitation To The Public
lo attend the Attractive bale oi Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overooats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all CosiDetitora in tli an
. j - y va.vaa v Jil
to give hun a call if m need of Clothing.
1895. 1895.
Fall & Winter
nVTir shoes
are all in for tbe
Fall & Winter Szade
of 1895.
the style and the price
An Examination will demonstrate tbe truth of our assertions.
Pattterion Pa.
Tlie MeCUntic Hardware
0 1 U li Hi. mifflintown, pa.
Stoves and tin-ware, mill and black-smith supplies, Harness,
Collars, Lap Robes, Blanket, Fly-nets and Saddler's Supplies.
Best Gocds at Low Prices. We did an encouraging business
during tbe past season and hope by constant application and
prompt attention to do doubly as much in the coming season.
We are better prepared to furnish
Builders' Supplies,
Tin, Iron and Felt Hoofing, Sheathing and Lining paper,
Paints, Glass and Carpenter Tools at low Prices.
Bl ack smiths will find it to their interests to call and ex
amine our Stock and get Prices of Norway & refined bar iron,
Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails and Tools.
Lumbermen and Mill Men will not go away uninterested,
after they have ext. mined and priced Our Stock of Cross Art
Saws, files, Gum and Leather Belting, and Lacer at Low
Prices, wood and iron pumps of the best make; also a full line
of House furnishing Gocds, Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil
low ware, wooden-ware, Nickle Tea Kettle and coffee pots.
Wall Paper at all Prices.
that we are offering at Special Prices to close them out, Barbed
Fence Wire, Gasoline Stove, Ice Cream Freezers, forks, scythes.
Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes of all kinds
prices furnished on application, Cook Stove, Fruit Dryer, the
best out estimates to furnish contractors with the material so
licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance
of the same.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embatmcr and JFuner
al Director.
Bridge St, Mifllintown, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Poraeroy, Joseph Bothmek.
Jobn Hertalor, Joeiah L. Barton,
Robert K. Parknr. T
T. V. Irwin.
George A. Cepner, Annie M. Shellev,
joaepn Kotbrock, p. w. Vatbeck,
h. E. Atkinacn, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomerov.
Mary Knrtx, Jerome. N. Thompson.
John Hertzlnr-
Jobn M.-Blair.
F. M. M. Pnnnell,
Batnnel 8. Kotbrock,
M. N. Sterrctt,
T. V. Irwin.
Joiiah Ij Barton,
Robert H. Patterson,
Leri Llftht,
Wra. 8 wirt.
H. J. Sheilenberger.
Three and Fonr ner e.rmt. ii-.iwoa tn ...
paid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 23. 1896 M
The Sentinel and Repnilim office ia the
place to get job work done. Try iu It wD
ray yon If yon naed anythlna- n that line.
T88 m&T
Money Leaned at Lowest Hates.
Iturserr stocB. Balarv. Kxnenaaa
Stendy Employment fruaranteed.
Dec. 8, '91. Rochester, N. T
aw. A. ttcOTZVNsw Tor Of ly