SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN mT?flk:tov.v. n'KliSiESUAY. SEP. 18, ISJi5. B. F. SCflWEIER iMfim axd ricriurot. The Flulailtlpairi Judges have de cided to wecr jo wc 8 while Bitting on tho bench, nidr the belief tii&fc Ihe gown will ndd dignity and solemnity to the eppeiraace of th6 court Accordhm; to telegrams from Lon don, Amn-ic&a peaches s-M at high prices in London last vveck. Peaches can be lai.Jed in London aod Paris ia 7 to 8 flays, if the steam ships have favorable weather. Wkej tbe Czar of Ku.snia goes fish in; tier put a gamd of tsn thou sand troops around the fishing to iotp him fiom Leng a&rfaair.ateJ. How would yoa like to be ibe Cm-x ti Kutsm. Thr RoJijrious Garb Hw end kin riieJ lcfslsliia is d;-.uaiD ibopeo p!o iu liiany places of this Common wealth. The School Hoards of In easter county Laving f.xainine.l the n.-:iguu legislative enactments, liave pivfn notice that religious meetings hu1 Sunday Schoole shall .no iot iiti Ii LolJ iu the public bcn-;'l bouse.. Tiuie vas auother flurry aiuoi.g the . bags last wetk, and a cor rcipomiiLj;- apitatior. :n Washinc'Ion ovjr tha reduction of thy hundred million gold reserve in the U. S. Trcscury.. Bat fcueh flurries and ptrhpa ones sre to bs looked fur, tiil a ICopuMit'&a administration j adjust: !hu tariff that goM enough bo obtained to keep up the Tn a&u?? ret.f l ;e t.itliuut leacrticg it- borrowing. It is a p oti while to wait till all. j. ;ib!ican President w illi a Rapubli . ".n Congress, has been selectee! for i: tier ticiex Tint that i what will Lave b be lone. The people elected a Democt-otic low tariff President :;;id low tariff CJoEgrtSr:, and tlityaio r;'.iffuiing now fiiiauuialiy for their folly. Wli::- a Hopublics.ii PreuUent with Li?her t8rift views bus bjon jTsced, the t;iv-y will grow better, but not till then. Thehk are niiny men and women of good intentions who malie the greatest of blunders that precipitate upa theinsolve? and all who have fellowship with them, misfortunes of various f'egreep. Such baa been the . case with the Demoaratie party the pest eei.fcrntio?. Its northern lead ers have been nr.- n of good inteniion, but asid-j tioiathe quality cf entrcy aui umbitiun. they Lave do qualities for leaderohip. They are blunderer?, that lead all who follow f i.kjio into mistake?, the rffcct3 of which ore tviJespreud. The tinies cannot gtt bcttw til! the Croveriiiii&rit gets uri mash liocty us it prays. Government i3 iviv payinpr out luore nir.n:-y liiau it gs-s in. Ii has bean falling in?e dc-bt cv err year, sinco the Cleveland admin iuaticn lowered the tariff. If thej Govurnuent was yettii'g sorr.i-itiiiig every timj it mnkts a nf-w debt, thtr: would be noting to coinp'iilin of, j bv.t it gittiug nol'ui'g but a big ar iile of U l-t. The tinius ;aiicut get Letter till tLert --3 h. 'h.TLgo in tho management of the Govtri-nient, j to that it gets Us much mony as wih pay exiyciisicp, and ihrt Tiiil lift be till thi Jubl; ;;ot into power ant: rai.j t':P trifT. Then the tiou blo wi.l Tdu;Uly lpptar, and j Go"'-:'ujf-?it wiil get enc.'i'h ru.ney i to pay its way, and manufacturing esta,-!-'liiiiei,tj wiil again resume I work, uud :nen vi!l find cmro oppor-1 tunny to wort, hua times wnl grow bettf!, fTvl herp will bo iD'-re .le inanct ur eil kiud ot farm products. A rl'm;r iu VVisbington prcva:"!-, l..d l'r.sident Cleveland wiil tall (Jc." ia rtrn. sHsint ir consider Ibd finanti'.' situation. Tho Prieii . .nt h:ii bo? a it'ifortunatc with tho finane. R t f the couniy, not because ot r iptciioa io oAug (bout a panic, but bt-canse of a wsnt of proper under standing of w? sho-.ilc ba J.ce. Tlif ;;ar-o tl -.A ho l;.is Vsca i.tnsao ing is the w-vf to produce hard times K" r.uti ! ! Congress have rcduced Jl'e f lioci"' misciy that ainicts the country by t m-ir low tsriff legisla tioii. which has o cut do. a the in cutuo of the Government that it does not pay expenses. Goverumsnt is jusf hke an individual. What woa'd betfimjlit of an individaa', who wo-'K; stoj.- 1 l.rgo pirt of hi3 in-oonv-: '.ut bis incoma away below his exf ?t:s'-a, a-id they borrow money to pay tiie expenses. The new Cau- will bo Republican, but even if it provide a revised tariff, the Pre: 'ent h so blinded ce Ba incora- pc l-:)1 that ho will refuse to sign a i v t.u-iit law tint win give nnanciai rt-::'totha couutrj-. Ho believes be iias a war, but like many another m if- -.-ho believed be hid a way, he has tUe wrong way that leads to fi nancial disaster. The limes will get better after tha net Republican Pre ; nt and Conrnes has been elected. Tho Performing Bear- Tho people liv:ug in tho suberbs of Greensburg were cleverly takoa in by au It:ilian and a performing baar, sirs a despatch from that place. The animal was trained up to nature, and at the command of the Italian would turu sjuiBisaults, walk on Lis bind legs add uach acts. Tha women and children, who were delighted with the petf Jimiuce, fed the auimal candy and crackers, and loa bd the fdlow who fed the baar with hard earuod cs. Iu the evaning the man aad baar t?ok np quarters at a remote sjiot two miles from town, and carious urchins who. followed thaoi saw full grovn Italian sto p from tho baar skin aad prooeeded t- assis: iu dividing tb.9 day'ff o.'.rnin gs Shot in a Paaah Orchard- Some dav s ago John Noy, ae d boal 20 years, went to the woods iu0 Oliver township, Perry coaaty tfl hun. squirrels Oa bia return li passed tbc-n -h the poach orchard o John Myp- j While- p-ta-vng tLr-;-.. Jn ir:A'-,l -.. "i - I in the face. Whan be started to ran he was again shot in the back. Not managed to mke his way to the public road, where he wai observed by James McClure Barnett, a mem ber of the Perry cOunty bar, and Miss Julia Tressler of Philadelphia, who were out driving. Miss Tress ler at once volunteered to remain by the roadside while Mr. Barnett drove the wounded man home, a distance of several miles. Dr. Orris of Nwporr, was immediately summoned, and on ex imination discovered that Noy bad been dangerously wounded in the groin, side, hip and head. It is thought he cannot live. Sheriff Rice arrested Myars and l is son. They "were placed under boil to answer at court. HIS ATTEMPT -TO. FIGHT IN RING DESCRIBE A RAM VERNACULAR. Tlie Erl! TrntnreJ a S?;3ceslen Which Cuglit On Tho Prracber llidat Fally Succeed Zn Appearing Cnfpbictlcated. t bo I,lt;lo !?' Illii Tactics. A preacher told this story at a wed v.iug Kuppcr ou the Soatn Siuo tho other evening: "I v.23 ridiuu rdonz a country road bear Eloomgton," lie said, "when I i noticed a group of sheep iu a pasture. pm i nut...N . Thf;ie was a lar;;e open space in tho liiiL-t of the flock, aud ut either end of the space Rtood u rum. In tho center, but Hti.iidhit a little at one side, was a third rum. The two r;-.ni9 had evidently hnd a falling ont about something, or eliM they had come to settle iu a friend ly contort v hich v.'a the better ram. Ham Ka 8 seemed to bo acting a. juihfo, umpire. what do you call it? Kefcrec? Yls, that's it, the third rani w.a.1 tho referee. I dou't kuow under what rules the meeting ti;ok jilace. It umy hav b u Qiieenbcrry or Rosobcry. Yon see I :".m n.t m to these technical mat i era. "When all tho proliminarh'S had been urr:i?.'il :.nd Luth c-.uiuiaiits lnal buen I'untioncd uy.p;i;t:iriy ihat there wan to be no 't'onling' i think I havo seen t!l!'t V'.T'? y. a t!i rift vor-.l e:-.cli it:u-':' f. ;o I .iipu'O jt is a cor- "n. e i:i I his camectioa ! i3 tho f.:rthe,t limits cf I t'.v, cir-.-U, a:v;..-v;d i (r.i i tlie v vard cs.f'i 1 !!!, It the v.h", wa;; not rile. Iho n-ioreo .stepped ,iV, .l Hiliia dnSilt'd to- uth'.r. When their heads eavi to;,t ;!u r, th-re vus a tt::rillcvrasli, aiid t!;' loi o f the ci.ncus.-iuu thiew them fur apurt rj tho leuth of this table." A;l the prets loJKcd the full leupth ,..i tu. i ;.i.'. j. I imsmctim t!.. n a th. tMlu.r iu ! the miiiit-'o uistiuicc, but nube-iy tsaia aiiyiliiiiii. "i'hen," continued, tho precis-hex, "thpy took tlicirjiliu-c-!, apnireutly none tlie worse f-r t!;0 e-ieonntcv. Airaiu, evi dently at u lu'tjooivcrted rleiinl from the n 'c-rt", tlv tt.rf:.I t. nether. Thistimo i tlie s!..-k v.-i.-evi-u ni'.re territlo tuau the Cr.-r, aud Itioiii o.l tif:it iu; ono of them went hack to his alt, Vint do Unreal! it, comer: liowiu a littlo un steady ou his 1?-;. " "tirt-r.-ry !" veuturod the bridc. "I beiir-vi! is the techuicat t i:n," replft-d tiie pir jvcher, "although, a' I havo intimated, I am not at all familiar with Fp-it.-i.-;; phraneology. When time was called f(-r the lliird round ahem that is, I m"-n t. say when th-t rairs had recovered strength for a tliird cid lif:o:i tl!-re was unother rush, a crash, uml ouo of tho ramd, th.T oao you t" ajtl" desi:bed as 'gvi.-y' (with an acknowl.;dfci!i-nt to tho bride) fell to his kueo.1. His a(ivcrsary did not 6e-m inclined tofoilo7u? his ndvaTIai, bnt posi iiily he may have be en restrained by tho rul-.Sjf the iu ting. At toiv ruse, af tereoutemplating his fAi?eu foe suave ly for a momciit ho walked bt-.k to his place The oilief ram, aft'er restlr.a brk-tly, struggled to his feet. Tb third raiii the oue I havo called tho referee lo.ked i.s him rather inquirin;jy, us it Kriuul to me, but tho warrior show ed no bign of recognition. Iio ambloii to h:s sido of the ring and f..-ced about. A mo'-mur t sorio sort seem'cd to g- v.i.-evcu terrino tiisoi throu-jh lMi-e-litIv tho C.'ic''-. The wV. wo ?-p- 3 to 1 in favor of the other ram that i:i to sav, it seemed to be tho genexnl e'pinica that the i am with tho weak knees had been outclassed, as tho other uo was decidedly the beavie-r of the two. "Howcvea, tho smaller ram teemed to have woaderful secupsrativo powers. Vheu tlie proper interval had claimed, he ciime up Bridling, as it were. I even thenaht I couM see a twinklo in his eye, fur I wu3 qnitu cla-e to tho fence, and this thing i. k place only a little dis tsncp away. As the referee Btopped back from the center of the ring, where ho kept his position between the meetings, the o'i.or two ranis !rovo at each other IvllcielL At tho very instant when their hard he.nis would havo HK-r, how cwr, tlie sn-.uller ram smldrnly chmiged his e-iur.-.e t-j tho right, ::::titho other Wuvit tiirough th" ranks like a wiLupulL '-fuf- lis he tamed aV'ut, evidently boilir v.ith indignstion u the tii-;k which liivtt l-e?a pl-.ycd on him, (hi olhei witii Shond'h-d fori given t:e :s !.,.!t,-4- mil ir-. eie t a itil:!t .-we :ii on? jiil.M't the c;r al feet ( r.i:;hir of ii, Whsro I: C;.,i'ied 1 t..;:!. si; ku-s r ram's iu-.un.-:ituu had ., shot at l'l.e n ig hi: l toll it: r!,e f: eo a,id :i s;-.i, .:3 feet av.rr, who-'.' . !- i ICS. r:l I . l,C. T: de d iu;: r: .. i v. : i-'i J-it ;:t" head. o:i li'i rind -,;l'V: :!.l -.1 tim.-; ii: . .1 : ii ' ;.::t- f.'.!: i .-en fr.ilim; M ek i:i.t.-.-!.vd away to- I:-: i.i l,.. t .-i t:: ; !:.e .eiitly v I'j-orioii- ,:..d3 his v v a litrlo i:iri at v-i.-.u got ; 7 t o a f,e- Pi. ; lc;-: :n. i .1 hi' it dovn I s:.v him recllniiuc in au of a large willo-,7 tie ro:le :v.vay." ng study nut oral "What ii!i iutcse-. Isibniiyis," said il.o bride's grandmoth er as she a.lj.-.s.ted her la-ses. "It is indeed," s;-:d tho groom's fa ther, coughing behind bis napkin. Chi cago Tribune. d'hcrmeii's Queer Ways. Fishermen havo queer custom?. A few years hj the fkhcrnicu of Preston, Laue'iK-hiie, used actually to go fisiiiug em Sunday. It seems incredible, but they did. A clergyman of the town used to preach against this Sabbath desecra tion aud iu-ay that they might catch no fish. And they did not ! Bnt they found out how to make his prayers of no avail. Tjie fishermen usbd to make a little effigy of tho parson in sags and put this small "fuy " up their chimneys. While his reverence was slowly smoked and cousnnied, the fish bit like anything 1 London Fishing Gazette. Logwood is the marrow of a peculiar tree in the W est Indies. It is shipped in long, thick pieces of firm, heavy, dark ( l.-d wood. It is sr,!:t r p and moistered : If Wlt'Ol or T11 Ti A WAITER WHO LOST' MONEY. . . . . . Ha Intruded Cpon a Cmwmlfcm aad Dtdnt Get a Tip. ., . Rom JJffi evidently nncle and niece, and thelat. ter was from tbo country. Her gown was trimmed with muuy ribbons, and ruiul dressmaker. Notwithstanding that fact, she was good to look npoi. and her inteit in everything atoouTher was vigorous and broad. They found a table in a restae raut in the Tenderloin not far from tflo intersection of Broad way and Sixth ave nue at tho iliuiicir hour. "lfen,' said the uncle, "I have been here loug ciiough to becoma a pretty thoaongh J7cw Yorker," aud then he ordered a modest dinner. ' "This is one of tho bong up restuarauts, and you'll always find first rate people here. My boarding' houne is bang np, bat this boats it all hollow." The uieco straightened out a, ribbon aud then looked around in an etnbar raeded way. She was sfrnggliu witU a question. As if the snggction were al- togotlier improbable she asked : "Did you ever see Jay Gould?" "Snie I have," be answered; Mlota and loto of times. " "Iiid you ever see Mr. VanderbiU?',' "Coruele?" said the uncle inquiring ly. "Yes, indeed. When I boarded np town, I used to see Coruele nearly every : day." "What did be look like?" axked the niece, beginning to feel the imiKutauce OI uimug wiui u now xoir uucw wuw had seen millionalre!. "Why. Canute VanderbiU is onepmn j a thousand." said the uncle, puffing rn no witn priiie. "Ho is a tall, niio look ing man with a heavy black beard. Y'ou would kuow him in any crowd for a man of importance. He wears his hair long and" "i'oidon, m'sieur," interrupted tho Waiter, who nod began to servo the soup, and who hud stopped in snrprhm as the city uncle began to duscribH Cornelius Vondcrbilt. "Pardon, m'sieur, but I huf had to honor to serf Mcet'er Corne lius Vunderhilt, aud youmuke '0S mis take, lie is not. bee;, uud he has uot uo black whiskers, full l-eiud, so. He is one" "Just bring me a lare spoon, wait er," interrupt tiie uncle. As tho wait er got outoi earshot ho paid: "You see, I haven't seen Curuelics Vanderbilt. since I moved down town. lie's changed then, and I have heard thil. uw whisaers lwd been trimuiotl. ine waiter uion i nave uuoitier op portuuity to intrude iu tho conversation, and ho received no tip. Kew York uu. The Iniluence of i'erhlo. To uudorst.iud the re.lation of Musml tuau rule to religious and iiitol!e "tnal freedom we must uuto "the iuliueuco cf tho conpiejt of Persia ou tho Arab miud. When tlie invaders took the cap ital city of Khjru, they did not know the value cf booty S;'Eo offered to es;- chauge gold f'r silver, and oilier mis totik camphor for sulphur. They cunio like swurius of half starved locusts to devour tlie hind. They weTo banditti of the desert, with uo culture but the in spiration of tho clans. The only idea of gov.-ruuK-m, u im e-w v.u .io ' , .... --i- . sent-t nt the sluit;, v.-itu a naztuai cvx- tuiv of-herodituiy resjx-et. On the d-:th of Mohaiiiiiied they broke iuto rolielliou. L-lam really came ou tho world like a fierce de:x-ht of drtrt claus ou their f oe.t. Jiliihammed's idral of guvcrumeut was just to st,i:d his piveruors through Arabia to establish Islam and then to eollec-r tnibulo from the poor iu camels end sheep : aliK) as plunder to meet tho expense of his campaign. Uuder tiiene circumstance'., it. wa:i an ili;( neces sity for th founders of t'no Jfujsulnian j e.uiiiio in tho east to adopt in the main the liuaneiid aad adreinMrutivo exjerf euco of tiieir more cnUered subjects. Arabic names, customs, L.sua;j, rit(.-s, penetrated the empire, hut under their external form appeared tho native ideas cud methods. l-rsi:iu:i v.-ei.- tho leaders and thapers of IsLiMiio culture. Tho simple Araks learned of these larger brains mid more Fensnous imag iiiL,ions, mn.ic. architecture, sculpture, philosoj)hy, wine and fine npparl. Per sians were thj real finnders and teach ers of the. great academic clubs aad etiiools. Johnson's "Oriental Rcli pions." Attacked b7 a Moom. A conespondeut, writing from Mecn noma, Mnskka, to the Montreal Wit ness, gives an iuterestiug aeount t-f an adventure with a mouse. While making a tolxjggau trail flirouli :. pine forest he came tipou a mocte yard, and on locking round saw one e,f tho "giants of the forest" about 00 yards distant. After a moment, ho writes, tha moose tnrtiod -iiiri w,.!;rfl bnhind n hill, which. i ti.eni'h net hiiili. was fctee'i. I ran to - , - -. - i all speed, hoping to got j lordlv cie-ii-i6 as ho made the ton with view of tlie his way through tho bush. I could not see him at flrt, but on looking down the steep incliue ikere he wus, aud ten yarns aay. He turned to make off, but striking his ribs against tho projectiiiR limb of n small hemlock ho was thrown down !nd round tho tree, mid as he rope he Jtmti.m tuid by tho ae-lien of heat. Fil faced me. It was now my turn to run, I tration is the eldest nad least efievtive : for the mooso charged at mo with erect- : ed mnne, expressing hia rqe bj- n fierco i be.U'--.v. Iu turning I stumbled, the ground being very uneven, aud his feet nearly came down on mo as I dodged among some trees. I tried to stiiliO with my hatchet, the only weapon I had, but did not succeed iu injnrlug my pursuer. With some difiiculty I at last got into iho deep snow, where my snowshoes were of mere uso to me. The moosie hliU pruned me, roaring at intervals, and who has not hesrd a moose roar can form bTij little idea of tho terrible bellowing. After several attempts to strike me with his front fevt he balked and stood .bont 20 yards away pawiurf and roaring. I seized this opportunity to climb a tree, ami soon after tho nnimi.l turned and mado off. Of all the adventures I havo had in tho bush aud they liiimlwr a few the ouo I have jupt related came the nearest to being my death. Rnbinstcla and Bnlow. Kubiusteiii was undoubtedly inaccu rate at times. People who held scores through those long programmes could easily find that out. He not only em broidered even Be-el hoven, but he would invent IJwu. What he invented was probably quite as good es what ho hap pened to fbrget aud always extremely interesting. Still, it was not nitfe for note, ami that is what the dullards gloated over. Bulow was more ruto, but even Bulow forgot or mHUJRi,i traces of oxygenated water, foi furad a bar or two occasionally. 3r I A very small "quantity of pc these, if spots, were spots m the sun, anl certainly all Rubinstein did or left undone SM-re but to accentuate his in dividuality and display his genius in new and startling lights. Fortnightly Review. A Bala Diver. It appears the most sifted native j diver a Sulu islander of the finest phy- Bique ai:d in perfect training cannot Btay longer under water than about 2t os. The p ates -c. h su'-h d've- HE JUST STANDS" STILL. That ! Ill Btutnm, awl B Makes Faa j Fw the Crvwd. I Any man can have lots of fan in this 'world lif he only knows how to star oat , haMwork is necei-sary. This , ' ,V .; 7 LT.-"i and other folks than any single Individ' Tial cu or otf . the fctage doesn't do a in- gle "l'D8 bnt 8tand rtia . .... ! ..SiS! a big bniiit-ss hoahe at the comer of Ciurk and Madison streets a tall, well built colored man, wearing a bottle green coiacbmon's livery, white helmet and white glove. . His name fsAlphonso Costello. H wed foi-merly a member of tho city police fence and lias been a pri vate detective nd a constable. His dnty now is really only to attract attention to tho honse where he is employed and j to act as nshez to patrons who come in j ccrJlaKcs- j Some men won Id get mighty tired end lonesome with nothing to do bur ctuud in front of a big store all day, bnt he docHu't. Whenever time hangs heavi ly on his hands and he feels the need of recreation, he strikes a statuesque posi tion and fixes his eye ou the advertise ment of a "Here death to codtroaches" sign acroKs the street. The nttitudo never fails to attract the at tout ion of poKscrtiby. As soon as one person stops to satisfy himself whether 'it is a statue or a real. Jive man the fun begins. Everybody else stops to look too. The comments of the crowd make no impression ou tho figure standing be- t rm .1 1 a Ztierl-u "to seo if the thing will mova " Alphonso catches his breath and an other crowd, lie repeats the trick may bo 20 times a day, and it always works to his satisfaction and that of the clerks inside. Chicago Inter Ocean. A TRUE HERO. Though a Complete Physical Wreck, a Chi ago Man Lives For Others. Eighteen ye-ars a physical wreck, laid r.pcu his back, witlfthe principal joints of the body as rigid as iron, and yet with a bruin us bright and active and useful as many of ho most active men of Chicago, describes the condition of ouo whuin we often see as we pass his office window, flc is a lawyer and has qniio a good paying business, although to see him yon would wonder how he t-ouid hold a pen. He is tho editor of a paper called Tho Cripples' Friend, which is 1,1 irtfit and chewy. He is the head of a s .-ioty far the relief cfittho needy, but especially cripples, by raisiuy- funds for them and getting suitable employment and places of usefulness suited to each cade. Ho is aL-o attorney for some soci ety that seeks the enforcement of law and tho protect 5-m of iuuoceut people from imposition, and he is ready to as sist tho churches iu their work and do go 3 in all directions. This man is an example of what a Christian can do nuder difficulties by the grace of God. Many would sny that they could do nothing, but deis-ftd on others to be fed and cared for as babes. B-it not so with this man. ne uot only maintains himself, but makes himself u blessing all uround. With no hope' of ever risiiMt from hid cot, except as lifted by other hands, ho patiently works and j wults lor the coming oi his Ixirrt. How many tlire are who, 'with strong, healthy bodies, Ui.e their p-.vwersouiy to drown their souls In destruction and perdition ! Chiistian Instructor. Tlie Motionless Tffe-r. Now and then a soldiur has been found knei hu im the battlefield as if about to t:eke "aim ut the eueiny, bnt Ktouo deail. A bullet iu tlie brain hud converted him into a statue of himself, t'uptidn Forsyth, iu his "Highland of Central India," tells ot a similar effect produced by an explosive shell on a j ngcr. Tho captain, while tu tlie howdah of bin trained elephant hunting a tiper, saw the bettst crouching under a bush on the bank of a ravine. He got a steady shot aud tired a three ounce shell at the tiger's broad forehead. To his surprise, for tho distance was but JJO yards, there was no result. Not a motion of tho tiger acknowledged the shot. He rede round a quarter of the circle, but still the tiger remuiued motionless, b"ut looking intently in tho same direo tiou. Growing more and more amazed, tlie captain lode nearer, with bis ritlo on full cock, hut the tiger did not move. Tlieu he caused tho elephant to kick the boast. The tiger fell over. He was stone dead, The shell had struck him full in tho center of the forehead, burst in his btuin and killed him instantly. A NEW" WAY TO PURIFY WATERi Chemicals Said to Be Superior to Either Collins; or lilteriue- Accordiug to Dr. Dupont, a physician of Paris, writing iu Lea Auualos d'Hy- gieno Pebliqne, a safe mid effective I method of purifying water- by chemical ! action has been discover jd. I5r. Dur-mt ' uoti that hiihevto the me'Jioels ei puri- I i : , .- . . I 1.. 1 1 mOthod. Even filisutum tmouKh poions . piircelaiu, the most effective substance known, cannot always be trusted, espe cially after tho appurutus has been long in use. Dr. Dupont does not assert that boiling fails to destroy noxious germs, but he says that it f ten loaves in the water organic mutter tliat . might be dangerous to health, and that boiling makes walerleAs digestiblo by robbing it of its gases. He instances a caso in which water from tho Seine was found j after boiling to contain more mlorobea . i, ,i i- -. II. Girar, director of the municipal laboratory of Paris, and Dr. Bordas, a pupil of Piofessof Brouardel, have re cently presented to tho Academy of Sciences, through the chemist FriedeL a couiinunioation on the purificat ion of woter by chemical aotion. The chemic als used are permanganate of lime and binoxido of manganese. The permanga nsto of lime, coming in contact with or ganic matter aud micro organisms, de stroys them and decomposes itself iuto oxygen, oxide of manganese and lime. Then, to carry otf the surplus of jer miuiganate aad complete the purifica tion, the water is poured cvei biuoxide of manganese. Oxygen in tho nascent state is thus freed, mid it burns up any remaining germs. There remain then in tho apparatus inferior oxides of manga nese, w!eh hiwTen to reoxidine Uiem-selves-iid furnish again a certain quan tity of binoxido of manganese. The wa ter, as thus finally punned, contains a littlo li:.:o in the form of a bicarbonate ' . , . , . ! very small quantity of permanga nate of lime is used in this process. Not more than 1.3 groins troy to about a quart of water taken from the Seine at a point near Paris resulted in the production oi perfectly pure water as wholesome as spring water. Dr. Du pont says that if the process can be made successful ou a largo scale tho question of purifying water is settled. Water containing 100,000 colonies of microbes per cubit centimeter can thus be puri fied, and ice placed iu water with per mar -linage t.f n: is a! . quickly Her-. '.Ii7.vl. THE INDIAN S LAMENT HE MOURNS FOR THE VANISHED HAP PINESS OF HIS RACE. A Chippewa Talk Familiarly cf tba Caa (oaa of Bis Tri: He Feel Tbat 'tba Whites Did the Indian Grievooa Wnag. Tba Paradise That Is Gone. "Before the white men came we were men," said a Chippewa friend. These people look back upon their past as upon a lost paradise, in which there were happiness and innocence. They repudi ate Iho descriptions of them written by White historians as the Work of enemies, seeking to justify cruelties and wrongs. "Our fathers always did what was riaht, and tbey punished bad men. They Wfrc kind and true to their friends and terrible only their enemies. We were peat warriors, and we fooght for our own a long time. It waa not the white men's arma, but their vices, which ruined ns." "What makes yon think that the old times were so much better? Yon have good laws, no wars, and the government will not lot you go huugry. Is not this better tbun the old precarions and dan gtronn way of living?" "We did not gohuugry. Wehad more than wo wanted. Yon can see for yonr- J self what we had from what is left after so much destruction. There -was no end to the deer, moose, caribou, beaver, lynx and all the smaller fur bearers, aud as for the dsh, yon said there waa no fun catching them when you oanie, they were too plenty trbut, boss, pike, pick erel, sturgeon tho waters swarmed with them. Then look at the wild rice, nuts, blueberries, wild plnms oceans of them. And then we had cornfields, and for smoking tho kiuuikinic Tho pkiiiiHwero black with fcnfiulo. We had no hard work to do. What we did was manly sport, while it provided ns with food and clothing. And then we were free, tho f reestfVeople in the orld, with a whole continent in which to enjoy it. We are not now what wo were. Our cople have become drunkards, beggars and cowards. The white man has de stroyed ns, along with everything elso. I see that you hava among your photo graphs the picture of a Chippewa grave. That is the grave of the last of the Fuvo Brothers, great warriors. Yon niayay that is the grave of the last of tho Chip pewas, becanso what were left after tho Seven Brothers and the Five Brothers were no louger true specimens of oty great and uoblo peopla The Seven Brothers were Tee-uroseh's best men. They were known all over the Mississip pi valley, and the Fivo Brothers, who came after them, wero as good. They adopted me whim my father died Th last ouo died if) years ago, a very old uiun." "Istfppose you thiuk tlie Seven Broth ers mode a president of the United States becanso he beat them at Tippeca noe?" "Yes, they mado two, nud the Chero kees mado two. The white men thought it was a great thing when, four or five to one, they could whip un Indian, and they made heroes of those who did it. Tbat is what the white man thought of the Indian. " "What about your sign language and pictnro writing?" "Tliat is nenrJy forge tea. Only a fw know anything about it, uittl thry aro old men. Tho sin louguago was what deaf and dumb people liitvc, only it was simpler, and all the Iribra uuder.stjrKl it For exa.aplo, if you-came a stranger to a tepe-o of a village, a stamp of the foot on the ground meant that yon were welcome two cr tlirec stamps, that yon were very welcome, limning siimals wero made with tire htfiida. Four Augers and tho thumb down meant a bear with the thumb up a dees. If a lynx or other climler, climbing signs, lf tbo animal were running, the hand with fingers down mado bounding motions. lf a blal)( Uj0 fort,nUKPr wai) Bp. if the man were hiding, tlie finger was closed down to the bund. Picture writ ing was douo on bark and was a map with various signs and animals hero and there upon it A circle meant a yell by which tho reader .was instructed to call when he reached a certain point." "You had a freemasonry for your fam ilies, did you not?'' "Yes, I can recognize a relative, theugh I never met htm before The use for this has died out, but we'canupt givo it to r.ivy one not utitlcd to it." "What was your totem?' "Tho ulligator. Tbo niligctorcnn live In the wut6r and cu the1anL He lives to be Tery old. It iueu:is long- life and good lack in hunting and fishing. It wns tho totem of the Five Brothers, and they gave it to me when They adopted me." My friend thinks that the Indians would havo developed civilization ljy this time if they had- been lot alone. They were already cultivators of the soil and were no loufier nomadic. One element of their success in War waa j their endurance and jpced on foot. j Wheu he was a youth, ho led a dog team on the snow C5 milss in one day. He walked from the St. Croix to Bay field, 73 miles, in 28 hours, and this was not exceptional among them. Tho sud denness of attack and swiftness in re treat rendered them the most difficult native people ever conquered. Bnt-their paradise is gdne. Chicago Interior. A Chinaman's Ideal Wife. The Chinamen of Australia, When they take a notion to marry, write to a matrimonial agent in Hongkong some thing as follows: 'tl want a wife. She must be a maiden, under 20 years of age, and most not leave left her father's houso. .She must also have never read a book, and her eyelashes mnst be half an inch in length. Her teeth must ben sparkling as the pearls of Ceylon. Her breath must be like unto the scenes of the magnificent -odorous groves of Java, and ber attire must be from the silken weaves of Ka-la-Ching, which are oa the banks of the greatest river jn the world the overflowing Yong-tse-Ki-ang." Servants Who Win Not Take Tips. The servants in a well ordered Japa nese household are the most deferential beings ali-ae. Every time they bring yon a cap of tea or come to remove a dish at dinner or breakfast, they will kneel aud bow nntil their foreheads touch the floor. Nor will any of them accept a foe. The other night, ns we left the residence of the Japanese gentleman where we had been taking dinner, one of his servants piloted ne through the grounds to the gate, where our carriage was waiting, and I attempted to give him a small coin. When I offered it, he clasued his hands together and made a very low bow, keeping his head down .1. x - j fu.i--i. Onul WW mma(n vuinsju Record. o Haaaa"Far tba Vi An nn married man or woman of mar riageable age is something tbat is rarely seenin the Fiji islands. The reason of this is not far to seek. The natives bo lieve that if a person dies while in an unmarried state his or her soul is doomed to wander about through end less ages of eternity in an intermediate region between heaven and hades. At the end of each moon they are allowed to look into heaven, bat are never per mitted to enter. St. Louis Republic. 5un, WorK 15 never done It la a constant round of care and ton from which there is no escape. How es sentia!, then, are health and Btrengtb, and yet with bow many women these are al together lacking. They are tired all day and unable to sleep at night. In this con dition the system will soon break down. Restore tho Strength, vreroome that tired feeling, build up the system by the nee of Hood's Sarsaparllla before it la too lata. This great medicine is exactly what overworked women need. It makes pure, rich blood. creHlea an ap petite, give strength to the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's Pills SiHSXtJ&iXSr mmm will prepare a person FOR COLLEGE IJVLESS TIME and FOR LESSMOJVEY than any other school in the State. Try next year. 40 weeks cost $100.- J. Harbv Di-simqer, Principal, MifflintowD, Tenia. 'SUe Rcpstir pi hoj; Lav fey a it-Era ts the KCit Is Ucni Aetltc' Il&IiTH will rtsuit IF NOT DIS and not thr"v all Isnprd: ic. OU PER BOTTLE. IHt WCul3 CVCR. MrTxBVTlf mav-vchs sa;priua ta BIKOMAMTON. K.T. SAVrdUl'fl3 A wonrlerful lmirovinpnt In Frictloi Ktrd- rrd al-llrk Buck moiiunof Cnrriupu tiuu -4 an Hnyotbt-rln the market. Friction 4 lutrk I cnuslxigallUier.- gearin to stand utiit wli -ic 1; k crvnl tmrinm lowrr nntl war. J-otrti ;-trnti!.:?tnmF!j for larceCiktulfjEUfani piio-s Ipriny Harrow. Iluy Ititkr 'i:t (lrn riant era, !br1na.etc. Jfmtton this t.n.. UNCH A miOM(OlU lttl-a. York, Fa- STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (SaaeadarnaS Patent.) Llgbfning! Fin and Storm Prosit Send far I The Pa i Irea Ksnlu and Cn eatolocnel cattacCo. (Ltd.). PhUau,Pa t prices. i Sole atfre. 03,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE IKDUSTRI0U3. If yea want work that it alessaat sad nralHaMe, ssadasyearaildressiMsasautstT. WsMsshsMa and waan bum to earn sua fer dar S.ltOO par year without hsring tasd arsviaM esuericBes, aad fsnusk ths nleviut u wbiak (St can sssae that uihbi. Vetktar drCsnlt lesra or Ihut rennirc mneh thne. Tim ntk Is aty.hstathT.nadlieeorable, nd saa Uw 4ur iag darnaM or eeaiaca, tidhik iu voorsws kwal. Ity, wbrrerer you Ure. The rswait as a few hoars' work afliea oejnala a week's waswa. We kav usf ht tbovwitSs of both sens sad S src. and unr hsre kiM (onmlsUsas thM wiH lurslT krtnf theai rich. ae ef the nirtst mea In lais csantry owe theu- aneseas la We ta ths ert airea tneaa whilt in ear sauplev ysars ace. Tea. reader, mar da as wslljtrr H. Tea eaaaetlkil. esaiul nsmassry. We ft you sat with snmethine that is new, solid, auS sore. A boek briaiftti ( advise Is tree to ail. ilclprnar self br writiDK tor It to-day not to-morrow. Dstays'are eesfly. Ea C. ALLEN & CO., Bex 420, AUGUSTA, MAINE. OarfS eld leaf irai o BartipaUon. ir!irrtrt Coiiijijox oit Svrj Biliv baniDkifiaa. o.arauj'rrA P.u res Sick Hsadacho vmsm 9CUBLE Utt'SAST : A1 PEHNSILVANIA COLLEBE, GETTTsBCRC, PA- ia. Larce FacultT. Two full coaraes of study Classical aad mil tanorL ScientiHC, p peciai course, iu ... - moat.. Ohaurratorv. Laboratories and new Gymosainm. Sfeam beat. Libraries, 22,000 volumes, fcxpenses low. . iepsn ment of Hygiene and Physical Culture io .i ..ion.ul nhvsician. Ac- cavrvvi h. t j eeasible by frequent railroad trains. Loca- .. n . mm r nu,, r .mlit.kitri tion on tne oaiiuuic" ..j,, most pleaaanf and baaltby. PREPAR ATORY DEPARTMENT- in separ ate buifdiiifra, for boys and young men pre paring for business or College, under spec ial care of tho Principal and three assist ants, residing with students in the building. Pall term ODens September 6th, 18U5. For Catalogues, address II. w. ait, a. 11 liu i , v. .t President, or REV. O. O. KLISGEK, A. M., PriDcipiI, Oetttysbm-g, Pa. WOOL BOUGHT. H L- COOPER, HO- 8 HORTII FRMTIT., Correspondence Solicited. Philadelphia Long Distance Telephone 019. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DERBY COUNTY RAILROAD. Tbe following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as follows: p. hi a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. m 4 30 9 15 Doncannon 8 40 8 60 4 36 9 21 'King's Hill 8 34 8 4 4 89 9 24 'Sulphur Springs 8 31 8 41 8 41 9 26 "Corman Siding 29 8 89 4 46 9 29 atontebelle Park 8 26 3 80 4 48 9 81 'Weaver 8 24 8 84 4 61 9 36 ' 'Roddy 8 19 3 29 4 64 9 89 'Holt man 8 16 3 26 4 56 9 41 'Royer 8 14 8 24 4 69 9 44 'Xabasoy 8 11 8 21 6 10 10 00 Bloomfleld 8 05 8 16 6 17 10 07 'Long's Koad 7 52 2 45 6 22 10 13 'Nellsoa 7 46 2 89 26 10 16 'Dam's 7 43 2 86 6 28 10 19 Klliotsbnrg 7 40 2 33 6 24 10 25 'Bernbeisl's 7 34 2 27 6 86 10 27 'Green Pvk 7 61 2 'J5 6 41 10 82 'Montour June 7 27 2 20 6 09 11 20 LandUburg 6 55 1 60 p. m a. ra Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leave3 BloomtteM at 6.10 a. m. and arrives at Landisburc at C.47 a. m. Train leaver Landisbnrg at 6.14 p. in., and arrives at Bloomfield at 6. 60 p. m. Trains leave Loysville tor Duncannon at 7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 87 a. m., and 4.6G p. m. Between Landisbarg and Loysville trains run as follows: Leave Landisbarg for Loys ville 6 65 a. ra., and 1 50 p m., Loysville for Landisburg 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked ( ) are flag stations, at which trains will come to a full stop on signal. Loeii E. Atkissos. F. M. &f. Pi-iskll ATKIHSOM a FEMELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIKFLIITTOWN, PA. Recollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orrioi On Mala street, in place of rest dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Esq., south Bridge atreet. f Oct 26, 1892. WILDER FORCE SCHWEVER, Attorney-at-Law Distriot Attorney. M1FFLINTOWK, PA. OFF1CK IN COURT HOUSE. DK.D.M.CBAWruBD, D. CAWIM M .CSAWFOBB D R. D. M. CRAWFORD a. SON, have formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and their collateral branches. OHice at old stand, corner of Tbird and Or- anga streets, Hitflmtown, Pa. One or both ol them will be found at their oliico at all times, uni6s otherwise crofesaiQPidly en- gsed. April 1st, 1BTO. JJP.DERR, PRACTICAL DESTIST, Rradnate of the PhiladetnhU Ddn'il Col lege,) formerly of M ifflinunr;. Pa., hit lo cated permanently in Mifilintown, as suc cessor to thelatw Dr. (J. L. Derr, ao't will continue tha don'st business (established by tbo latter in le6C) at the well known of fice on Bridge atreet opposite Court House. D3T TEETH;EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVe CAloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Eora Gnms or Discomfort to patient, either during extraction or afterwards. All these are Guaranteed cr co charge will be made. All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR. Practical Dentist. CAPTION. TRESSPASS KOTICF. Tbe undersigned persons have associated themoeves together for tbe protection ot Willow Baa Trout stream in Lapk town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are strickly forbidden not to trespass npoa tbe land or stream of the said parties to fish as the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violating this noice, will be pros ecuted according to law. K. H. Patterson, T. H. Carnthers, J. P. Rob't A. Woodside, W. D. Walls, Frank Vawn, Dyson Vawn. April 23, 1895. TRESPASS NOTICE. The nndcrsigntd persons have formed an Association for the protection of tbeir re. apective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on tbe lands of the undersigned lor tne purpose ot hnntmg gathering nuts, cbiping timber or throwing down tences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violatioa ot tiie above no tice will be dealt with according ts law. John Micbajl, William Pnffenberger, Uideon Sieber, Beashor At Zook, alary A. Brubaker, Joseph Rothrock, . John Byler, Samuel Bell. September 5, 1895. CHALJTAUCtUA NURSERY C0-, OFFER LIBEBAL TERMS TOSAGENTS. Salary and expenses or coimni.iRion, High grade Stock at low prices. Now specialties. Seed Potatoes, sic. HE WANTED in everv town. 8 teady work. Pav Week ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, Sec'y Pertland, N. Y. Sep. 16, 1896. Bookfcut,uis-, Arithmetic, Fenmsnithin, snd all th. CommfTCial PAI..WS BUNlNKjaS COLLKtili, 1710 Chntout 8 Philaal.hi Tenth Tasr. looronan. Individaat Inatrn.- on. 8itnsliona The fnaaimamof hnowlwlgastthsmlnhanBlof oust. BraDchen Varnished. maj.nwn. XBUia w. rAUaS, Prest. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tn Kbttox:P1ssb inform --our readers Chatl haws a poalttT ranied tor tlM above-named diasaas. Br Ha timely an thousands of hopeless caul! a ham been permsnentty eared. IshaUbegUd to send two bottles of my rsaiedy FBEK tn any nf ronr readerii who hava consumption if than win sand SMtbasr Express sad P. o. address. BespecU aouj, a- a. oiAAjym, am. tfc. .at i-san m . . a- PENNSYLVANU RAILEOAD. On and afttr Suaday, May 20 1895, trains will rnn as follows: ' WESTAED. Way Passenger, leavn Philadelphia at 4 30 a. mj Ilarrisborg 8 IS a. in; Duncan non8 54a. m; New Pmt9 21 a. m; Mil lerstown 9 3ti a. m; Dunvord 9 43 .' m". Thooipsontown 9 47 a. m; Van Dyke 9 55 a. on; Tuscarars. 69 a. m; Uexict, 10 02 a mj Port Royal 10 07 a. m: ilitllin 10 14 a. ni; OeDholm 10 21 a, mj LevrUtown IU 40 a mi McVeytown 1 1 08 a. ni; Newton Hamitlon 11 8 i a. n:; Mount ITninn II 41) a. ni; lluntiDgdon 12 10 p. mj Tyrone 1 02 p. m; Altoona 1 45 p rf; Pitt-hurg( ) p. m" Mail Train leaves Pliila lelpliia at 00 a" ra, Harrisburg 1 1 20 a. ni; Dimcannoa 11 50 a. m; Newport 12 14 p. 111; Mifflin 12 52 p. nj Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McVeytowa 1 S3 p. m; Mount Union 1 66 p rr; Hintiiiflon 2 17 r. m; Petersburg '1 3J p. ni; Tyrone 3 06 p. m; Altoona 3 40 p. m; Pittsburg 8 10 p. m. Altoona Accommodation lcares Harris, burg af 6 00 p. in; D'mcannon 5 Kt p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; ifillerstown C 13 p.m; Thompsontown 6 24 p. ra; Tuscarora C 35 p. in; Afexico 6 37 p m; Port Royal tl 42 p. m; MiPlin 6 47 p. m; Denholm 6 o5 p.n; Lewi sto wn 7 13 p. m; JfcVeytown " 38 p. ra; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. ni; limiting don 8 S2 p. m; Tyrone 9 16 p. EC; Altooui 50 p. m, i'acific Express leaves Philadelphia at :'. 20 p. m; IIarribur.t 3 10 a. ni; Marys v le 8 21 a. in; Duncannon 3 "8 a. m; New. pel t 3 59 a. mi Port Koyal 4 31 a. ni; Mlf. ttin 4 37 a. ro; Lewistown 4 58 a. nn; yc Ve town 6 80 a. ni; Hiintingdna G 03 a. 1.1; 'tyrone 6 55 a, ru; Altoona 7 40 a. m; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves I'hiiadelpMa a! 4 40 p-m; Uarrisbnrg at 10 1') p. tn; 2Vw),rt 11 06 p. m; Mitffin 11 if) p. m; Lewis-town 12 58 a. m; Uuntir-KiioD 12 55 a. m.; Tyrone 1 42 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. ra; Pittsburg 5 30 a. m. Ff't Lino leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; Iiarrrlsburg 3 50 p. m; Uuncannn 1 13 p. ru; Nbwport 4 37 p. 111; Mifflin 5 10 p. 1.1. Lewistown 5 29 p. n; Mount Union 6 If.) p. m; Huntingdon 6 28 p. nii Tyrone 7 I p m; Altoona 7 40 p. m; Pittsburg 11 20 p. ni. EASTWARD. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Al toona at 6 00 a. ni; Tyron?6 2S a 1: Uunt inedon f. 0 a. ru; N:wton Humii'o : 6 !3 a. 111; McVeytown ti 62 a. 111; Lewismwu 7 16 a. n:; Mittlin 7 38 a. in; Port Koyal 7 44 a. in; Mexico 7 43 a. in; Thompson, town 8 02 a. m; Miilcmtown 8 12 a. Mewport 8 22 . ni; Duiicjumoii 8 4'J a , Harrisburg 9 20 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 a m; Altoona 7 15 a ru; Tyrone J 48 a ru; Hunt ingdon 8 SO a m; McVeytown 9 li a ni; I.ewistown'J 3i a n;: Mitllin 0 55 a ni; Port Koyal 9 ED a 1.:; 1 liompsontown 10 It; Millerst' 10 22 a ui; Newport 10 32 a ra; Duncannon 10 54 a m; ,1! irvM-ii!o 11 07 s m; Harriburg 11 25 a iu; l'liiladalphi i! 00 p in. Main Line Expnn lenves I'itUbnrg at 8 00 a. m; Aitoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12- 03 p. m; iliintinr'ton 12 p. m; Lewis town 1 33 p. ni; Milllin 1 50 p. ro; Ilirri". burg 3 10 j. m; Baltimore 6 15 p. in; Wash ington 7 30 p. iu; Philadelphia 6 23 p. mt New York 9 24 p. m Mill leaves Altoona at 2 00 p. m, Tyrrme 2 35 p. in, Iitintindon 3 20 p. m: Xvwton Oiinilton 3 51 p. ru; McVeytown 4 12 p. ni; I.nwislown 4 38 p. ni; Mifliia 5 l'o p. Port Koyal 5 09 p. m; exico 5 13 p. r.i; Tbonipsoutown 5 p. oi; MiilerHewa 5 "A p. m; Newport 5 4!J p-ni; Dtinuantion 6 2'J p. r.i; Ilarrishurg 7 00 p. ni. Marl Kxpre leaves I'ittsburg at 1 00 t. m; Altoona 6 03 p. in; Tyrone '" 7 p n,; iluniingdon 7 20 p. 111; Ale Vytr-wn H C4 p. re; Lewiitiiwr S 26 p 111; .V.liiin 8 17 p in; Part Koyal S 1,2 p. ;n; f "7 p. rc; NcM-port 9 p. m; Duncannon ! 50 p. ill; Harrisburg 10 20 p. in. Philadelphia Express leives Pittsbur; st 4 30 p. ia; Altoona ! 05 p. m; Tvr-Jno ! '.'A p. m; Iliiutingdon 10 12 p. iu; Mou'.: icn 10 32 p. in; LewiMown 11 16 p. n;; ii . ttin 11 37 j). ru; Harrisburg 1 00 a. ni; fLil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. ru. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for Sllndury at 7 85 a. m. and h M) p. ni., leave Sur.hury for Lewistowa 10 0-3 a. m, and '2 25 p. u. TYKOMJ DIV150N. Trains learo fr-r iJt-IIefonto nnd L"1 : Haven at H 10 a. m., Z ,'14 and 7 25 p. m . leave Lock Haven lor Tvrono 4 30, 9 10 p ui. and 4 15 p. m. II K(' E A. UI.SAKriii.LU R. K. Trams It'- Tvrono for Olearii"!;! anrt CurwensviUn at 8 30 a. m.. 3 15 and 7 .10 p. re.. Ii-ave Curwcnsviilc tor Tyronoat 4 39 a. m , i lo end 3 01 p ni. For, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agent:-, or address. Taos. E. Watt, P. A. YV. D., 110 Fifth Avenue, Fittu. bur?. Fa. S. M. Prevost, J. R. Wood, Gen'I Pass. Agt Gen'I Manager. "VIEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL I v lev I; lilroad Comranv. Time table of passe-neer Iraius, in eflect on Monday, October 1st, 1804. STATIONS. WeM ward. East ward. 3 1 1 r 1 r m ; 6 05 6 08 A SI 10 00 a a ; 6 15; 0 1J 6 28, 6 35 fi 40 6 44 6 51 6 69, 7 10 7 20j 7 05. 7 33. 7 41 7 36; 7 45 7 4H 7 52 7 55 V M 4 0 3 57 3 53 3 50 8 -16 3 41 3 -ft 3 82 3 15 8 10 3 04 2 ") 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 33 2 24 2 20 Newyrt Buflalo Bridge... Jnniatn Furnace . Wabneta Sylvan Watr Plcg Bloointield Junct'i Valley Road Elliottsbnrg Green Park ..... Loysville Fort Robeson . . . Center Cisna's Run Andersoiibirg ... Blain , Monnt Pleasant . Naw Gerraant'D . 10 03 10 07 10 10 10 17; 10 2": 10 26 lu 34; 10 40 10 49; 11 00' 11 07! 6 12 6 15 6 25 0 22 6 31 6 39 6 51 0 54 7 16 7 12 7 17! II 12' 7 23 7 27 7 35 7 41 7 45 11 18; 11 22; 11 30; 11 80 11 40j D. GRING, Prnhident and Manager. C. K. Miller, General Agent. WANTED SALESMEN. We want a few men to sell a Choice Line of Nnrsery S tock. We cannot makrf vou rich in a tn!i!h bn can trive yon steady employment and will pay yen well or it. Our prices correspond with the tiuies. Writ-j for term and territorv to THE HAWKS' MITRSERlf CO.. July 14. 1895. Rochester, N. Y. Ba r ,: 5 v r") scoots. We wit rron ?fcVU? S." cslahwe at Whole S2cI-"-v s11 "' mp ' '- - Jr0 ,rt)-. Otira at 41 a. n aa s jnts aoi! f ?t ?T j, onrs ai$& enrno sasKentsiCil orll).oitis aife Troo.l-ri:na, -Ji lbs., ani J any tl2 wheel. iSarvlea I W 10 jM. ROASTER $SS Uaaranued same ss agents sell lor rT5 to 1MB. ..C&E ROAD RACER, 25 lbs. PCA WOOD-RIMS, OvVt Piri-!t lines. rrtitt?rtriJ. rTfeJ nrtjnsiment. .-j.iriitcc4snie oki'iim fell f-r Il-S rn i.4v Written warranty every l-f 'ry t-n,.e you liHy t:.:ve.o tliruoghoni- utyt ti r-:i '-"'.-tT mure thaarmr wholesale price for .uin-i jo'II'V' -.-(.ntaauddes.orasalt ooos lo mete tben. U irudenea mefCOJtUrM ... and PBIWl'l".--"- " ' Illnalrated Catulugtia free Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. 1ND.