Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 14, 1895, Image 2

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    i a-! nansnttmas ' ' .'.',.. i".'i ' ' 1 1 " ' ' t niiijj .
:. f i:
f? F. S C II W E IK R
eruro Ann moraiiTon.
Last Sitxr Lit Mrs. Stewrt, wid
ow of the Lit? h::r riiT Dan P. Stewart
of Green county, Ma , ms appointe l
Sheriff to suceeed Ler husband uctil
a successor can be elected.
Ooveesor Hastixos hn3 issued h
proclamation to the people cf (big
CoramonwaaHb in every walk of life,
to lend their nssiataura in making
the txhibit of Pennsyivani at the
Atlanta, Ge rjia Expct-iiion to b
he'd Sept-mbsr, October and Novem
ber, '-'a r. relation to our sister States
as 'vo-.l ai la lbe iverH cf tbo prog
i-fcss, enterprise, growth, develop
ment and UDrivalnd resources of
The Co! ion Siatts International
Exposition will bo opened oo tha 18th
of SupMiuV.r at Allan!.!, Goorgi.
Flit tho o inifurfc and conveuienca of
I'junivlvsnianfi attending the Ex
posilioa, a Srit3 BuilJiafj ia now in
tic c jurso of sreci n. It is expect
cl fiat tlii Exposition will compare
no : no favorably with ihi Chicago Ex
p )-;i! ion. Tbe gr ) i .is F.m'or.tco 13i)
acres. About to million, liva huu
di tij tho-jtinn 1 dollars will be expend
ed in the Fair pi rtt which is located
two niiks iron t? city of Atlanta
The fair will hp. open tbrre mouths,
aad a ha'.f. Cit'Zcs who Jc-siro to
partie'p-tte in the Exposition e-.n ob
tfiii more pariicular data c-mcsroing
the givat. fair by conimumeating with
Tiio.a-js J. Koonan, Jr., S.-Ci'3tiiry of
the siid Cotton S.'.ilea sad Iator-Nat-i-inr.i
Ksprv.tioa Ca.mi?s:o'i, Harris
b ir-T. l.
EspuLlican Convention-
Tha licpuhlicin Primary Election
on Situ relay resulted in the election of
Uriih Shurcan as delegate to tbe State
Convention to convene at Harnsburg
on the liHtb aay of August. Mr. Sim
la in W39 the prin3tinceJ candidatu for
Sem'.ar Q iy for Chairman of tbc lie
ubliCiQ Stat j Committer Ilia oppoa
eat was W. Sterrett, w'ud wa3 the
Governor llaitiag?, Gilkcson candidate
for d!e;ate to the State Conven'ion.
O: the 17 districts voting on Saturday,
biuitaa cirrted I-J aud bterrsU 4. The
cntirs votj cat was 1219. Stmman'o
Votewaa 781; Sterrctt's vote was 518. 1
Sliaman majority over Sterrett was
213. Tue number of votej cast for
William II. Kauffcnan waa 93R.
The rMuru judges met in tho Court
House on Mo od ay at 2 P. 51., to count
tho vote cast on Siturcay at the pri
mary eleo:ian. FoUowiog is tbe list of
districts and tic return judges who
presents 1 credentials and returns:
MifiLntown lleuber ,. Aakcr-
Fermanagh U. Otis Zaok-
Fayette ....Willis Shirk
iloaroe Daniel Finkanbiader.
Suiquehanna Thad M. Light.
Greenwood John ii-. Light.
Delawr.re Jouathan Keisur.
ThoaipsoDtow:i. . J. F. Wickcrsham.
. J. G. Thompson.
. H. II. Snyder.
Port 11 oval
Turbstt.'. .
. . Win. Ilcrtzlcr
Spruac Hill.
, ,f i
ewaii u. ;uaacrr.
... J- -Jo.j-r. -j-dj.-.r w-',..:. ci if t'U't c-I.o o.-. . . . . .. . I uu n-iccssarv ! . si t ion and sn Lirifi should
Tiiop'.r.ri Knosi.M . . -J -" ; Aiuims pvw two. rcrr? clone o; an tuo . . , , . , , . , ,
iU.o.rcra , , , , ..'IWSiiWl ' ,.,.- . (. v, .- ,i . . j , , I bu abolish!. iJ iin-!H-l:,i! ,nr"'i:ni.-s
Afi.f ,r.t Wi'li,:, r Pnm"rov ' l'el,et- the U' ,c',m 't , -T , 7' iUul'11 bo 11 u"i;'irl Taltmtlen e!
P ;:l7n W,1"-Vi I i-,r? Trt lua 1-coiui op i!t Is in Wh r.,r! for nU;a-,,..r4:o.,3; cori;6rum
1'It-ra0D JoLn Earaes'-!lu'-iv-rj :4:;,l tiforiionc to tho -rsai! control. jCflic Krlvil-ca nbould pay fo.
Pollowiog U tbs vote m cast aod re-ldaUimc-nt of our business men as! ThefljhtiuJLjat-.mfryc.aatyovwthe : wps5 schools shot. ;.l be divorced from
tUrCOd hff the iii,onfl. , ... ..l.airman .bin. which entlei .ttardnv . ponies a.iu iveoi ire; ifoni pou.ieai iu-
' i win n idi oattiiJ u.Jiiicrs, usouti u., - - - , cciiUol. At tHo next session o
1 .,( ii it.. i: niaht, has been ouo of the most bitterly , . .L
as pj
Districte. g 3 &
a a
; I a
Benie :i3 3S GS
Miniintown 4S 3G 03
Fermanagh 49 23 56
Favt-tb? IU 74 110
MJurr.f 2fi 13 30
Sa,(iue'-:tnDa 27 2 29
Gn.ttiwood 1G 3 19
Del ware 97 22 57
Tiiomi-nostawii ... 17 '21 21
Wulkcr 9! GS 121
Pott Itivl 20 24 33
Tu:beit ;!0 9 3S
Suiacc Iir.! 14 CO 72
TWart.r.i 33 27 4-3
Lick 25 2 11
Milford 8 83 8J
P.stt.r-OD 33 43 71
Totals 731 518 03b"
After tli' chvlr aanotned tha re
sult of tli) election held on S-duivbty
A. B. Evans wis noaiiaatad and
placed on tha ticket for Cjt l'y Sai
v.:y.r, tli-re liaviug beu no ca'idi
d 1 e r;gul.tt ly anuouacsd.
J. O. B:-o.va, of Baale township,
wa? p!ae?J uoon the tit-kot for Cjr-
onc-, there huviag ))9ea n j one reg
iilailv tVuiiotiDCd.
Jlon. Wm. Ilatl.lcr, J. G. Thonip
Ftli red Stewart Tj. Manger wcro ap
poi.;td a committeo to draft reolu
tionu. expressive of the egntiment of
tbe con wn Lion.
Tii9 following resolutions were
Resolvti, That tho Repnbiicara cf
Jnui iti couuty again deciara their
frtV.t to the Il?publicnn party and
th-ir belief iu Kepublicau principles.
Th b'.a!k cloud of financial and bus
iness dibtreos envulopod this nation
uutd tba magnificent victory of 1894,
replaced the Democratic mijority of
'90 ia tha Houss of Ileprcsentatives
of the United States with tho Repub
lican majority of 140, and the power
of the Democratic party to do further
barm to the industries of the United
St if. s was effectually destroyed. The
defeat of the Democratic party gave
our people hope and the revival of
business meager and unsatisfactory
as it is marks the dawn of the pros
perity that will come when the exe
culive and legitdativo departments of
toe general government are under
fu l Republican control
Resolved, That we hail the Hou.
Thomas B Reed as the leading spirit
of the next congress-of the United
States aud believe his brilliant record
as speaker of the 31st CoDgress - will
bo equaled by his achievements as
upeftker of the next Congress.
Resolved, That we recoginize the
Hon. William SIcKinley as one of the
most eminent statesmen of our time
aud we favor him for tho next Presi
dent of the United States.
Rtsohed, That tbe Republicans of
Juniata county deprecating the an
fortunate contest waged in our party
for fecpremccy, cow eeek harmony
and peace, aud to that end recom
mend the salection cf hi3 excellency
Daniel IT. Hasticjrs aa permanent
chairman of tho State convention,
and b&licving that tho interests of tb.3
party an well a? of tho nation, will, as
heretofore, bo advanced and further
ed by the srvicc-s of tho Honorable
iliittbew Stanley Quay, unhesitating
ly rcectnruond him for the position of
chairman of tho Republican State
Central Committee.
Resolved, That the services cf our
repre;cntative ia Cor.grtss, Hon.
Thd. M. Mahon meet the approval
a-cd dBcrve the endorsement of the
ReDublieai.s of Juniata C'iunty
Resolved, That the Hon. J. SI.
Wool Senator for this district and
V T 1 r i T 1 . ,
nugu ojaiimer n lison, ruemoer oi
tho Assembly for Juijidx couaty dis
charged their ( flieial duties well and
faithfully, and their tfflcial conra
deserves and ha3 our unqualified
Resotved, That tho Republicans of
Juniata present Hon. Louis E. At
kinson as a candidate for judge of the
bupprior caurt and cr.r tUlegto is
herebv instructed to support him for
the position.
ine now cmnty co.inmutea as se
lected by tbe respeciivw return judges
B?ale R. II. Brown, Cbarbs
Greenwood S. E. Zoider?, L. A.
Favette J. 21. Jam:sn, Dvid
Feinian'h Wiiborforje Schv.eyer,
A. N. Wilotna.
Delaware L. K. Jlevcrs, A. B.
Lr,c': R. II. Ptt- rso-i, I. N. Car
rut hers. I
P-.iU?rsia D. S. Rickcnbvjgb, J.
3Ii lil: n to wc Fiod E psnscliad?,
D.-.aibl Ilirh-v.
.Wilfoi-d Q3o. E B dsbach, J jscoh
Monroe Tho-j. G. Liuver, Jerome
Walker O. G. Detra, J:raes G.
Tin bet t Win. Herlzler, Charles
T:'c-uora A.J. Williamson, Ym.
C. McGiil.
Si-Td-j'jhrtnr.a L2vi Lr"rh A. S
L: - ubr'.
PorL Ryal A. J. Potit, U. G.
Spruaa Hill II. L Evanc, 3. L.
Thompsoatown E. E. II t:', J. C.
Chair-nir", Wm. H. Kauff a
"They that arwil-l bfl froa
1 bBnae!ret mast strike tbe b:o."
A'r. EJilpr: By your permission
throagh your vi! ib!o pipar, I bag
leave to inlrodu32 a subject for tbe
CjagiJoration cf property
and business men, which I cj-ni
of vi til irnp-iriaaeo attListim
and clciib-rate diji.'ussion ij
f.-i'fal of good re3a'.t..
And v'tirras wiitiag wordi by far-
, tii-jr pi-fii:.i!tiai:os ci will mention at
, oaca tii3 importiiit subject I refer to
j.- j j uu miui'iuiji ii lite iiiesuiaucu
ed ia s me localitio. to three per
cent. An o.itrage in the extreme
And this increase b-ts been made, too,
titles th.j introduction of tha best wa
wr faciiitifs ia central Pcnnsylvanin,
and our fire deptrtment, the two
fot ming a niaan of protection that
readers a sprc t I of lire almost im
possible. Of this then there ha3
bjea mora than ono practical demon
stration. Njw inaurance ought to
bo a protection aa i not a robbsrr,
and our prc-seat unfortunato siina
(ioa will never bo change 1 unlpss wo
strike the blow to freeing oursslves.
A:td tho priac plos upon which I
vropase to fcek de'ivararicc it one
that has l9ea l.id down long ago,
aud successfully followed ia our own
CJtmty and nil trojnd. -'If a Com-
pany can miiii moucy by tiki
cirrti:i? oar ri';-?" 11 -i h id v.
i . -i
lot go to woik r.t 01103 and crgaaiaa
a Home Mutual Fire Insmitjee Com
pany and limit its oportifwn to ourj
twin, boroughs? TLero is no simpler, j
ilf'?r, b;-H.r acd jzj?r asUsfactorvl
systtta of lusui'tnco ihaa tbeFanner-j'
Mutual, limited to the rural dhstrie's
erst oi t't3 rivar, (tad I saa a similar
Company is now in fall operation ou
the west sida. This is no louder an
expariment, f:r tha former has bo?n
in operation for about twenty years;
Aud I am. reliably inforoisd that this
Company has well nigh aborbed all
the propDi-ty wtthm its territory. A
similar plau of mutual insurance if
slopluJ by our t--vm boroughs would
provo highly sat'sfaotory in raora
ways than ona. It would save uj at
lea-jt four-fifth of all our money that
is now paid over to the trust. We
would take more interest ia tho fire
department and taako it more effect
ive. We woulu t ike better care to
Lav9 our premises Sbcure against
danger. If aa iucendi try fire wonld
occur all would taka an interest m
bringing the guilty wretch to Jus
tice. Wo would all take a deeper
interest in the safety of our towns,
for a fire in any ituirter would con
cern hs all. in conclusion let me
urie a serious but prompt consiJer-i-tion
of the subject, and if any doubt
the feasibility of this scheme, let the
objections be given, and if they can-.
not be satisfactorily answered tho
fault will be in the plan or system I
propose. A CITIZEN.
Kellef In six Hoars
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseases relieved' in six hoars by the
'New Gbeat South American Kidney
Cube " This new remedy is a great
surprise on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or
female. It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in passing it almost im
If you wact quick relief
1 and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by K Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
nintown, Pa. Feb. 6.
.luiLJUi nieui lUiiu luc mjio lucui.iru I ,,, , ,-iit. I our leiuibnix laws uecti-:t:y lor inn eg-
ir.f il, f nf lf. ,..t l,r.n voJc . eon 1 actional o.carre!s ta the lustory ti.l.!ishmeut of those reforms should be
jvsa, iuii 1 a y Lit.ttl . i v J a.i a f v ;ua..u
Special Train to SIC eretaa
via PcBHtylvanla Railroad
For farmers' Encampment at Mt
Grelna the Pennsylvania Eailroa I
Company h ie arranged to run a spe
cial t rain, returning Augast 23, leav
ing ilf- Gretna at 5.C0 p m , Ktoppir.tr
at J'arysville, Duneancon, Newport,
Thompsontown, P.tI Koya), Milll-.n,
L"wistown Junction, MnVeytowF,
Ml. Union, Huntingdon, Petersburg,
Spruce Creek, Birmingham, Tyrone,
Bel -wood, and Altoona.
Regular trdiu leaving Harrisbur
: 9.35 a. m , Augnst 19 to 24 iacla
Biw, w 1! stop at Conowago, on coti':e
t ooiidatorto letofTpaesaageis ho'd
iug tickets to Mt. Gretna issued fr
this occiMjn. Pissen"rers on Irabi
! leaving Altcoca 5.00 a m. can con
nect with above train at Harri.ibnr-r.
TiIH Til Wf WIW flAHniXTn
! 14 1 h iVPl.
1 XJ JJll 111 A J 11114 VVAIIVALI
Returns f:Ii7 n;i Oror whelm
ing Quay Victory in
Thfl Swiatcr Captures Every Dele-
gate m bcnuylkill Gounty.
Gllkeca Coniline Utterly . Kouted s.1
tli X'olU and Ztepodfalcd hy tbe TVo-
pl Tlx9 Cr ntrct Iot!tc3: Victor chat .
Has Been IVoa In Pennsylvaaia lolitica
In tho I.ct Quarter of a Genlurj It
Sieans tho I'nd ul the 1'hllcdelpliia end
rittabars niac
PniLADEM'UlA, Auir. 12. The return
from the Republican, primary eloc-
held ia five counties Saturday and
.Uu,vuvu.i j iut. ...a.L...j .
Burea the election of Hon. M. b. Quay na ,
the chairman of tho fitate vommittco. I
Convcmions were held in four districts in
Schuylkill county and primaries took j
place in Montgomery. Adams, Perry, 1
r..i . i -t-t. rp. .,- j i '
Juniata and vort. .twenty-four dele-;
, .
fratescomofromthosocouutiea. SanSuini
ljuny men say ha will have twenty-two
of these. Ho is abso'.utoiy certain of !
6u7Cuteen even should York go thocthcr j
WBy. j
The battle royal of tho day was fought
in Montgomery county, tho homo cf Sec
retary Tom Stewart and of Chief Cierk
Fottcrolf. The agents cf the ho(r combine
had thcro been active for many duys.
Thoy hod all tho inou:y they needed, and,"
to all appearances. Lad been authorized to
promise anything in the way of patroaauo.
istcwart had made personal appeals to his
friends to stand by the adminutratiou,
and Fctterolf had been even more native
for the combine candidate. Kvery poai
bio wire was pulled, but at midnight tha
Hn;itinj people admitted their defeat,
and conceded Montgomery's aeven stute
convtntiou dolegratos to Senator Quay.
In S:hnvlki!l thro wcra intreMini?
battles in fi'overal cf tha district couven-I thu ,vu,lr .cr -most whea uccom-j
tUna, chureed under the party rules with , f llrl!l j,.,... pah!lo o!;U.u sWJ lw
tho duty of ele.-tin- delegates to tuo st.'.ta . ror tho public Lonefit. cud it term in sub
convention. Tho result is a coinptt to vie- J ordinate positious shoitld be duria,: feood !
tory for the junior seuator, who will ret j behavior ; no statj or county cmyh.-yo ot
J L . 1 1. 9;YCM tUlVl ilU.U hUU k.JUUl'J 111 likj ,
j battle r.$raiust Corporal Gilkeson.
rnd '
Juniata votes ono delegate to Qt
cf tho couuty. Tiiu priiuiiries ia tha
several districts were held between tho
hours of 0 and S o'clock in thy ever.iug, and
brou-'ht out n3 larxe a vote as has ever
been polled In tho county. In Pott-stowa
cxpH-tedto havo his grt'xte.-.t support, the j
vote has shown that the sentiment of tho
pcopla is all c gainst Mm.
Senator Qtmy 13 a winner beyoud the j
preadventurc of a doubt, despite tho !
l.r.r..lli. .1 n ll (Kl. wf.if-li
i, ,vu lw.MT1
thrown into ths Fca'.is in
au iffort to
carry 1110 cotmtj iv;r inc .iiariia-iiaptiiigs- 1
Warwick coiabino. Secretary Fctterolf !
and the other coinMno kv.iU.rs who, a few !
days ugo, were satisfied that the county
would go against Quay, wcro sorely ttis-
appointed, imrt were not to ba found lata
in the evening. i
Toward midu.-r.ct ti:o people of Xoris-
town luarns'.l of tho junior senator's vic
tory, and enthusiasm rail riot. The seuti
mcat was all for Quay, and alti:ough scv-
' cral wards iu tho town were hotly con
I tested, tho result seem; to end r.ll bad
f-eling en boM: Bu'es, eii'.l a a.?ueral j 'll.a
catiuii closed tut ticit.i.j a7.
The twa cf Jf jrristjwg ckz for Quay
by a vovo of Id to i2. Tho first district of
tho First ward wont for Hastings, and in
tho Seaond district of the samo ward a
majority w.ts polled for Quay. The Sec
ond ward went the same wcy, but tia
Third was solid for the junior senator.
., . . Tr- it 1
Fifth went for Quay. Governor Hastings j
earrisu tno cixtn ana ine nagmn, wnue
Quay secured the delegates from tie
Seventh and Ninth wards, and the Tenth !
was evenly divided between the two.
District Attorney Holland und ex-State
6cnatcr Brown havo been running the
fight for Quay, and both men wore well
satisfied that Quay was tho winner by a
majority of at least SO, and as tho leaders
of the opposing fuctiou couM not be found
there was no ono to dispute the claim.
The Quay people hod grounds on which
to base their estimates. The returns so
far received show that Norrlstown went
18 for Quay to 12 for Hastings, with a lot
of contests apd small majorities in the
wards that lined up for the latter. East
Conshohocken will send 10 solid delegates
for Quay on Tuesday, while West Consho
hocken will add 2 to tho numbor. Roy
ersford registers 8 votes fur the junior
senator and North Wales 2, while the Haa-
-tings people carried Pottstown by a vote
of 12 to 8. North and south Ardmore,
which were unlocked for by tho Quay
forces, turned in 4 votes to add to the
victory, and Bridgeport added a similar
number. The vote so far as registered
shows 90 for Quay and 34 for Hastings, and
the supporters of the formor aro positive
that ho will have at least 80 majority in
the county.
Tho granger element was practically a
unit against Hastings and the methods of
the combine. The effects of the victory
tan scarcely be overestimated, as it vir
tually ends the light, and all hopo tbe ad
ministration faction may have had ot
gaining a victory must bs abandoned.
Much money was spent by tho Hastings
people, but it availod little in the contest.
SuDcribe for tbe Sestbiil akd Kiecei j
cm,i good paper.
TUa ca.it.r Wio t'.ta Sorcn irelrsatiu
from ttj Count. "
PoTTsvil.tr.. Au. 12. Ia the front strnic
ete for pu'.:tii;nl Miprcmacy betvvcoa the
(jiiay nml liiLS'.iugj factions of the lU'jiub
liiaia party In Sahcylkiil couaty the Quay
ninn wnro victorious, capturing tlio dulo
tso to the str.te convent ion fruin ail font
of tho districts cf the county. The nu::jJ3
of the UfU'g&tus nro lis fdllows:
Fir.-:c District Iforaoo E. Dangler of
EUonandoiih and Hurry J. Ball o A!uli:i
noy Cit y.
Kcc.;r.a District Hon. D. D. Ph:!l:i:3of
'J'hlid Dlstrl.-t V. P. Job t-f Tainnqna.
1 ourlli i):.si,rict Cliirl3i H. Hit:-slor of
1'ottsvilio, Dr. Cbc.rirs K. Quail of Au
burn and It.-iihon ISarto of l'iuo Grove.
SCcturns Not ouip!3te, nat tho Secsatar
ti l.ciictii;.
Tokk, Aaj. 12.?; turns from the Iio
puj.lii'au idectiu!) tuii;o In blc.wly, but tho
tuiiicnt ions nrj that tti flvo do! cantos ti
tho etato uonvcutlon will l for Senator
In York, out cf C3 dclcsriitea. Senator
Quay s frluntU bavo 15 isnd tho IJiist ln3
forces 11. In Dillsbury, Senator Qiiay'i
old homo, tho Haaingj delegates wcro
elected r.utt inst.-uctod to voto for Sou:itot
Qu.;y for ociito chairman.
Tim County Will Nairn, n Saiid li-tt gallon
fur t!io boater ftoiiator.
eeTTY.-SHURU. Aut. 1 iW c::ncml ad-
mission cf pron:liKiitliej.ullicr.ns Adams
Ia throo v,RrJs ,)f t!lU fcorougU tha bitr
torei:t contest in many yiv.rs has been
wnged, mid ia ail tho (Ju;iy men wou
easily, i'u it has booa iu most of tho
coucty districts.
'i'horc iu no qi'.or.tiou or a solid Quay
doloation being named at the convention.
Jnuiata iu fur Qaaj.
A Cirt AsrKtrHt 31untclpM Corroptlan j
Quit tinnjr Control. j
PiTTsnfRO, Aug. 1J. An editorial in the
rittshiir" lMispatcli of last yaturdar. re- j
forrinp to .Scui:tor Quay's riccut declara-
tion thnt- Lis fight is one "fcrgoeil govera-'
so.a nmi local KOVerci.,ui:t." Jn reuiy
that c.-ill .'.Vnntor Q;:a? qvr.ds the follow- ;
iiir, wlii'jh n; pear !?i ti-duj's Dispateh. 1
After r&trri!j t tha cnmiia-igsi for th
chairmanship cf tbo Stuta iiypublieao .
cominit&e the si-antor S!ifi: j
1 ho municipal coml.'tmitlons in tho twe .
. ,,, , , , , . . . .
great cith-j of Pulliid' lpuia and fitttuiiry
Cunslt,..c ,il8 ,ao .. 1;:,;ijrta:it Uut.)n u
the epjojit i-ji. Th. ir iut-tJioiU and pur-
pos?s hri;:, iu our j:i i;;iaom', sini.ter anc
ssMIsh, inaircct hostility to l',:c Unt istur
CitS 0 tUO pa.!J!0 Cl tUOSS C!lU-i, HDt
ci-.-.-uve oi tai.vovcriMiicTit.
In our jiuinieu. success will couiiuit .
t he MHto o:y;i:ization c.-iUist tho used
moiiey iu politics; to resistanee to coitiof
ato coatrol of t!io leialatnrcs cn-.i muni-
cipal councils; briui; political primaries ;
od elections into a form of civil scrvieo !
which will prjwr.t t';o enslavement of
public odieers au.l rmpluyej, a:id ccim.icll
those a'pointed to preserve the peace
and to euniine tuum-i.'lvoj to their olticlal
duties; to absolute freedom ai:d fairersj
in besto.v:uj t.:.;to, couaty and municipal
contracts, and tbe punishment of auy form
of favoritism; aaiustexelU3ivefri!iiihiscs
to deal In public necessities, comforts, I
conveyaiico and sanitary riquirpmoets;
ad to a recognition of utility and !i Iciity j
1,1 m.tv.ch, Icerpii;? eervicota;
. ....w.t. j u . V.
pnm.ines or auctions, or sliou.il n;:u auy ;
pretenso be assessrd n;)ou his ci.iary; all I
en.ii ted.
Ia our jti;'pu:cut the x,res"nt contest
v.iil result in tho suctcss nnl evolution
of theso reforms, which wo consider es
sential to the continued supremacy of the
! Itepulilican party iu Pennsylvania. Yours
Tlio Coralline nn-l tlie Governor. !
Their object is to iiicre:iso their powci j
until they doiuiuatc tiw state as they now
dominate its two principal cities, override
the repn-soatives ot the country and
coiitrui ilv i.'uuiiiuu nun o.iiei.vi pairon-
j ;"
I scuts 111 iuj u in iwii au:i.u j, tuervuy
to control federal patronage.
With this
object in view, they have taken tfio gov
cruor into a limited partnership, with
"The Administration" us tho flnn name.
Put, except on paper, tho governor cuts no
figure in tho opposition to Quay. '
Ho far as be Is concerned, it fa of little con-
ew...r.n... nllllin. M i.if . V. n ....... 1 .1 a
J a i. ,h.. . i.t ,......
; as a partner it will 'sujiport the adminis
J tration" with en hu-.iasm. When lie can
no !'.:vti:r bervo tiio c". .jU..o he v.i'i be,
', ' -'it -vail", a tucli l-.iin'.'.r. Ho.: sdale
All Tir.-it et Mbeti
'i'hla ta what C!;tls M .;.ce says: "fo
ei'ue tliat -'ialiir Uu.iy's v;ct4iy would
L.eaa au i::i;i-ovel coutitio- t!.!.iv;s in
i'ii.ittwtiiliia or Pittoarg is to yc ths
clearest evidence cf iguorauce of the pollt-
lcai auu leglslaMvo history of tlio state on
tJepart of those who do so." Which
means, of course, that the. Mace method
of government is the correct one, and it is
from Magee'3 standpoiut. But Uie people
uare acvvcd notic0' ou chfis
timo for nllu to stcp aowll. xhoy want a
change and nro wllllug to take ohuuee on
their ignorance of the polttleal and legis-
lative history of the st:tt& The Mae
end of the history is not popular. Ate.
Keosport Times.
Franklin County Republicans Aro with
tjaay and Acsiiust Cameron.
Niuoty-nino out of every hundred Re
publicans lu tho couuty aru with him.
Tho organization 15 uo, however, with
Cameron, neither fti uincty-nluu out of
evory hundred K.'pu'ullcaus. Chuiubeca
burg Knpository.
Tbe Hog- Couabino le on Its 1.8. '.t xegs la
the City of Philadelphia.
The com bi no has made a s'.urt toward
Soing to pieces in Fhi!udc!ihiu. Before
it is all over Mertiu is apt to reiriize that
ho doesn't uwu us n-.uuii of tho Quaker
Citv as bo t!ii:il3 bj u'oos. Columbia
Will UrtHfly r.:ak Co-jil t!io L-eclaratlon
V. ' ".'li!ult llo lu rtn il.
Vrin-iiu-i- Jii.tjto Oeiaily will make good
his leel:ua:ie:i, "it luo not c;irry my own
couuty 1 wni not bo & candidate' before
tho coVL-ntftju," remains to bo soon.
Cleariiidd Kuft .man Journal.
gaay lias Invincible Strength with tbe
Bank and Vila af tbe Party.
The result? in the county primaries have
settled tho contest in Quay's favor. It has
demonstrated that he has invincible
trongth with the rank and file of the
party. Media Xiedger.
X So Abend Regardless mt tha Opinion
of the Plain People.
It is not the intention of the combine to
do what the voters want, but what they.
themselves, want regardless of publlo
opinion. .Meadvtllo 'tribune.
No, tbe Hastings Republicans, who made
Pattlson governor im l&iQ, should be very
mum about "Del am aterlsm," Plttston
h a mcnt and heu-.r p:lilic?, i.oim:c!1 eut the
i - I. i .... i
; tiiiH th: r.rii-!nIo tt T;r ii-tttnfl in .
The Examiner of Shaky Banks
Also Deep in Politics.
Thla Man Banning Arocnd tbo State oa
Pot Honsa I'ulltica Initead oi Protect
ing the Helpleaa nod Fatherless by
XAokloff Out for Rotten Financial In
attentions Canting Scandal by Holding
Two Incompatible Positions.
HAHRlsiicrrca, Aug. 12. It has grad
ually dawned upon the people of Penn
sylvania, especially tho ttepublican voters
of the rural districts, that tha offices of
stnto chairman and bankfii jf commissioner
aro incompatible. It is now asserted that
no man with senso of dolicacy would
nrccipitato a scandal by attempting to
coiubino the two places. A cry of protest
has gone up from ono end of the state to
the other, and if Mr. Gllkeson Is wise la
his day and feneration bo will heed this
cry. A banking commissioner who is
presumed to proteet tho money of the or
phans and widows bos no business run
ning a political machine. If Gilkeson
persists In this he will ondang-er tho suc
cess of the party at the polls.
If ono thing is mora necessary than an
other it is that our banking- institutions,
which contain tbe bard earned savings of
the poor and of tbe fatherless, should bo
kept out of politics. This Is tbo view
takon by all sincere men. The Republi
cans in all of the counties are taking it
up. At a tremendous Republican demon
stration in Philadelphia the other day
Congressman John Robinson, ta the
course of a speech, said;
"I want a state chairman who will set
an example to the rank and file, and not
be guilty of that gross indelicacy of rush
ing after tho best plum for himself, as he
did, whininr and mewling around after
tha appointment of bunking commis
sioner. The two positions aro incompati
ble. Imagine a state chairman one day
sending nreuad requests for contributions
to a bank th.it nufy not bs too steady on
Its legs, and the next day sending one of
his examiners to that bank to examine ac
counts not perhaps kept with perfect reg
ularity. Could he do his duty as houastiy
as though he were not looking for that
little contribution?"
Seglectinb his duties.
Iustond of nejclfctiug his duties moving
around tbc state leobitig after delegates
GUtceTOii eboula be in his M.C00 office la
Hurrlsbur looking sftor shuty books. It
LnbtSaXeas that hi has absentee1 himself i
trout ads Qpleo fee weaks at a time. Tine
fallowing uKiiukih was ssot oat from '
JLirrlsbur-f a few weclis aj,:
Deputy Bank Exasjiucr O. V. Qockraa, ot
l'it'ubarz. t hore r nr.!a j a husjiai im
1lru aoc!ctiun ta I'tilabur wkii.1i ia tLwaxtrt
tobe akakr. A treaxin; to v.'Se uiitt.lr ui"y
tako pluee bf.;re te miv5,w)- Kenvrnl tttJs
a(lurau9prulia.t it U i'Mtfl te rroced
Oidiiajt.. llis sAjy;;fctu. K-j-.li rtvli hi dc
trriulaed via lhSuatieu vtll ka airvu at liis
bbsii:s.ilinrtiaeiit otiaartp eij. tt wis
loraed la nttauuric that several ulnar bullil
ins aol loan ?;"jci;iiieai cf a thriky ciiractpr
ere under esarnlcr.tioa. tut the ulc!aia
of at lcrast to h.".vc bean suiuTaoaed to liar
rUburg, where they vtijl lisA a hearing.
Why was not Gllkeson in Harrivbnrg
looking after such casss? Oi course "no
infCrmulion will bo given at the "bunk
ing doporUuent about llnancl.ti institu
tions." But if you want to know any
thing about factional politics apply at tho
banking depuatment.
Z.ii eft. toiih starch oa.i poii Kfrcn,
j !r I:iin c'tlhir s!'-jit ihc ttvjrn;
T .t" r. tt at ni:n:;re it is iren
... i'..-..' v.l:-.'. jc-.t j::ust expect of
fl T'rc. r.taiti-up collars won't stand
up, and tl-.e tnru-dov.'i collar- w ill r
t"i wilt down. Tit: cn.,y, clicsp, cn;t fi
tl pic asii'.t way out ot tliij ij to wear p.
p CHLLt'Lom " Collars akd fc
U Cuffs. These goods aic made Sj
N by covcrini; liitcu canal's or cuflb f5
U oa both sides witU"Cui.L0LOlD,'' j
M tuns iiiaKiug iiic-111 mjuiir Kiwi:
M durable, ami uuterproo, iwta'Acc- t
ted bv heat or moisture. A acre 3
arc lio other waterproo'f good3 B
madstuia way, consequently none
that can wear so well. When soiled ft
simply wipe them o.T with a wet 5
cloth. Everv piece cf the e'-U"6
is stamped like this : S
Insist nnon poods ? marked
If you expect full satisfaction, ai.d
if your dealer docsnot keep them,
ic-nd direct to us enclosing atr.our.t
and we will mail sample. State
she. and whether a stand-up or
turned-down collar 13 wanted.
Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair.
,S&S r., .r.r.tM hUi t I.
prompt rwaiptly
, Cetolcrn
mrwbim nnd !1 forciJ of
will prepare a person
than any other school in the State.
Try next year. 40 weeks cost
J. Harkt Dtsikgeb,
aiifflintewn, renna.
h' Bli1 1 'laHUBJ'il' 'Hill 'Hi "i 1
9 t.t
Sf-rvifA' ?i Cynontery. telle,
aft: i." "JHW
Jllr. T. M- Crocker
Washington, D. 01
Rests the Tired Brain
Hood's Sarsaparilla Gives Nerve
Strength and Bedily Health
Hood's Pill are " Much in Little."
u I have nscd Hood's Barsaparilla and
Hood's Pills for many years and consider
them the best on the market. Hood's Sar
saparll la has given mo health and strength
from time to time when tired and
Warn Out Fi-om Overwork
and the worry of business. It has purified
my blood, toned my nervea, and rested
my tired brain by rostoriar Bleep and in
vigorating lay entire system. Hood's
Vegetable Pills ere much in little. I use
no others. They invigorate tha liver to
healthy action, act gcnUy on the bowels,
-food's Sarsa-
nv5 paruia
relieve sick headache v
and indigestion, and ft t &
thns assist tired GStQiVfy
natu-c to rcn'ove dissaso r.ntl rc-.j.'ore
health." J. IT. Crockeh, 113 Ekode
Island Avenue, Washington, D. C. .
Hrvfl'c till''"'t harniouinnsly with
lilAlU -S flllS Uuoa s.Si.r aiiarill.1. 2ia,
K-tile of Geo. TT. Smith, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that loiters Tes
tamentary on tbj csluta of Qeorge W.
Smith, late ol tbe borough of Hifllintown,
have been granted ia due farm of law to the
undersigned. AH person indebted to slid
estate are requested to tn&ke payment, and
tiioje having claims rili pleass present
tbcoi for settlement.
W. G Surra,
June 15, 1895. Executor.
Etae ef Joseph K. Kauft nn. deceased.
Kotice i brrobr giTn that letters Testa
mentary oa tbo eatato of Joaeph E. Kauf
man, atef lie t(wnliiii e' Fayette,;
have bvro eraoted in due form of law to the
nnders'gri! d. Al! ersuaa iodobted to said
eatate me n-qaestcd to mr.te payniynt, snd
those bavins; cla'mg wil: pleaje present
tku lor sct:!eaient.
Liwn Df.oei,
Ja'y 8. 189. Extcnlor.
Ia the Orphan' Court of Juniata County.
Estate o( Samuel LoiulensNger. dcceasr-d.
I.oadentlngrr, deceased ; David Louden, j
To Hcltie LondeiiMaer, widow of .S.icumI I
eiacr,Jiuic5 I.iudec'iazer.Lniiia Korfgera, i
Susao We;t aud Joaaph. Wert, her buabnd, I
all of Juniata coi.ntv : Herry Lou.ieaslsg r,
Joserh Loadbtif'ager Md Samuel I.nuaen
slaiter, of ilcze, Sedgwich coui.tv, ICunw?,
aad Epl.rism Lomlt-nftlaft-r, of Beiieviie,
Uurcn coon'y, Ohio, cl.ildren and hiis ot
said decedrut, and all cthffrj interested.
You arc lit rchy notitted that the Orphans'
Court of said county of Juniata awarded an
;iiiuct to mjUo partition au j vnluation ef
certain real estate ot the said Satnunl Loud
ecKlager, deceased, consisting ot two tract
ol land.cituate io Faiker lowoaiiip, Janiata
coun'y, Punnsj Ivaaia, No. 1 containing
kiiont thirty acres, aad No. 2 containing
about Mty-sis acreu, np.i that said inquest
wiil be held on a-iid ; renast?s oa Wednes
day, the 21st dav of August, A. D. 1E95, at
II o'clock A. M., at which time and place
3 cu are rcqitesteJ to attiacd if you think
J. P. Caluoux,
Sntnirr's Orrice,
UilliictowD, July f, 189-5.
The undersigned eiocator of tba last will
and testament of EbzUsth Leonard, late of
Faietto township, Juniata couaty, l a., de.
censed, under aal by virtue of an order of
an order of the Orphans ICwnrt of Janiata
coucfy to pay debts, will sxpose to sale by
public vendue or outcry, on tha premises
in said township, on
SiTrRDAY, AI G. -J4, 1893,
at 1 o'clock P. M of ,airl day, the follow,
ing described Real Estate, to wit:
All that certain farm aad tract of lBd,
aituate in Fayette town-hip, Juniata county,
Pa., boaaded and dt.cii!ed as ioilaws.- Oo
tbe north by public road and Iat.ds of Jar
sev Leonard: on the east bv lands of Henry
Slielleiiberser; on the aouth by lands of
G. W. MeAister and Martha Bcek and on
the west by lands of Jarsey Leonard, con
mere or less.
This is a very eonMicrable farm. conven
iently located to churches, school, store,
mill and blacksmith shop, bring MtuateU
l miles (rem A-. Aister ille, ruilo from
Oakland Mi:s. The lsnd is very fertile
ard ucOr a bih state ol enltivation, is
well wateril, bavin; a
at the doer and a str'aut of water ruuning
through it. Itisin the center of the Lost
Creek Valley, it has erected on it a
Wagon-sbed, fairly good DwclliDg House
and other out buildipgs. It b a'so erect,
ed thereon a
Also an Appe Orchard of over 500 trees
and a Peaeh Orchard and 00 p?ar trees, all
la fine bearing condition; also 200 grape
vines and a large lot of rasp-berries and
black berrier; also a large number of tbe
flne.t grafted Cherry Trees.
This farm will be sod in parts or the
wbole as is most advantageous to the pur
chaser. TXRHS OF SALE. Ten percent, of the
nrcbaae money to be paid on day of sale;
25 per cent, on day ot confirmation of sale
by the court; 85 per cent, oa April 1, lB'JO,
when deed will be delivered and pessessisa
given, and tbe balanci April 1, 1S&7, defer
red payment to be secured by JusgaioBt and
to bear interest frera April 1, IV'JO. rosefs-
sfon will be given earlier, it desirable to
Attendance will be given on aay 01 m
by J. B. M. TODD,
Executor of Elizabeth Leonard, deceased.
nvta-r lv Tit it T'fi:t.U.
Xts-wverinf qunliticsare nwrn rnnaaad, aetoauV
entlasUaar two boxes of aa-rotl;er brand. Itok
fleeted b V asat. trdETnitt i.21 fIS t
nd U tha
1710 Chestnut St.,
Tenth Year.
Bran die.
urn ia tied.
Tbe ntiimnm of know.tdpre at tha mis imam of coat.
nriUfrdrtuUn. TatfcO. W. PAiaJt-m, Pi
and SID.NO.
(Seteendewb'a Faornt.)
.Usf&istoj;, Firi aid S!5?ra Ft?5i
Sr-nd tnt 1 Vhe Pewn I raw Reoflne and r-n-.n-Q.
estul.wuf- j s atlas Co. (Ltd.), TUiUu. '.1.,
ut prices, j
I Sale .11 Ira.
Founded In 1833. Faculty.
Two lu I cour es of tudy Classical and
Scientific, Special courses in all depart
ment. Observalorv, Laboratories nnd
new Otaioasicm. Sfeam beat. Libraries,
22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depart
ment of Uygione and Physical Cuitnre in
charge of an experienced 'physicisu. Ac
cessible by freqimnt railroad trains. Loca
tinn on the BATTLEFIELD fl G'Uvsbure.
most pleaaanf and healthy. PREPAR
ATORY MEI'IKI Hit H 1 . iu 1.1 par
ate building, tor boys and young men pre
pariDg for basiresj or College, under spec
ial care of the Principal and three assist,
acts, residing with students in tbe building.
Fall term opens September 6tb, 1895. For
Catalogues, ae drees
n. W. MCKNIGHT. V. U.,
or KEV. O. G. KLINGEU, A. M.,
(Jetttyrburg, Pa.
fl. L- COOPER, .
Corrcspondcace Solicited. Philadelphia
Long Distance Telephone 519.
The following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 19, 1893, aod tbe trains will ba run as
p. m a. in Leave Arrive a. n p. m
4 80 9 15 Dancannon 8 40 e 50
4 80 9 21 'King's Mill 8 84 8 44
4 39 9 24 'Sulphur Springs 8 31 3 41
3 41 9 2 Gorman Siding 8 29 3 39
4 46 9 29 Uontebeilo Park 8 26 3 36
4 43 9 31 'Weaver 8 24 3 84
4 61 9 36 'Roddy 819 3 29
4 64 9 89 Hnffinaa 8 10 3 26
4 06 9 41 'Royer 8 II 3 24
4 59 9 44 'Mabanoy 8 113 21
5 10 10 CO Bloomtield 8 05 3 1
6 17 10 07 'Long's Road T 52 2 45
6 22 10 13 'Nellsoa 7 48 2 39
5 25 10 16 'Duni's 7 43 2 3d
5 28 10 19 Elllotsburg 7 i 2 3-1
5 24 10 25 'Bernheisl's 7 81 2 27
5 36 10 27 'Green Prk 7 32 2 2
5 41 10 82 'Montour June 7 27 2 20
6 09 11 20 Lncdisburg 6 65 1 50
p. ni n. tt Arrive Leave a. m p m
Traia leaves lilaointlsM at 6.10 a. ui.
and arrtves at Landisbarg at 6. IT a. m.
Train leaver Lnadisbiirg et G.14 p. ni., and
arrives at Bloomtield at 6. mO p. iu.
Trains leave Loysviile for Duncannon at
7. 220 a. in , and 2. 15 p. m. Ke.'nrainj,
arrive at 10 37 a. in., aad 4.56 p. m.
Between Landisburg and Loysviile trains
ruo as follows: Leave Landisburg for Loys
viile C 55 a. ra., and 1 50 p m., Loysvillo
for Lnndiaburg 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m.
Al! stations marked () are (lag stations,
at which tra-rs will coin t9 a full stop oa
signal. b
Lot-is E. Atkimsoh. F. Jf. if. runs c v.,
ATKI.TiaOS tt, PE583&;.Fa,
ur"Cc-l!ectl2; and Conveyancias prompt
ly attecded to.
OrriCK Ou Main street, la place of rel
deace of Louis E. Atkinson, Esq., santh
Eriige street. fOct26, 1?2.
District Attorney.
Da.D.M.caAwreca, Mt. dakwiji x.caAwra'tr.
J-JK. D. U. C3AWF0ED 6l SON,
have formed a paxtnerfhip for tho j rattle:
rt 1 . . 1 1 1 r- i ri .udthAi. ....ll-it-o-jl KrunpSa
O.'iice at old staad, corner of Third aad Or
ange atreets, Hiitliatown, Pa. One or bolt
ot them will bo lound at their olice at f!
time:-, unless otherwise proiefniocuily e;; J
April 1st, lt55.
(Graduate of the Philadelphia Peutai Col
lege,) formerly of Miltlinlmrg, Pa., has lo
cated permanently in MiSIintown, as suc
cessor t the late Dr. G. L. Derr, and will
continue the den'al buaioess (established
by the latter in I860) at the well known of
fice on Bridg street opposite Court House.
Ao Chloroform, Elker, or Gas used.
No Sore Gams or Diseomfort to paiient,
cither dwrui? txtraction or afterward
All tbtsc are Guararieed r no charge
will be mado.
Zy Ail wori gunracteed to give perfect
satisfttctioQ. Terras, strictly cash. '
' Fi ktcdcal Dentist.
The nndersined persons have associated
themFeves together for the protection ol
Willow Ruo Trout stream in Lack town
ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All p.-rocs are
strictly forbidden not lo trespass upon the
knd er stream of the said parties to fish
as the stream has been stocked with trout
Persona violating this nofice, will be pros
ecuted according to law.
K. H. i'alterson,
T. n. Camthers, J. P.
Rob't A. Woodside,
W. O. Walls,
Frank Vawn,
Dyson Vawn.
April 23, 1895.
The undersijtnad persons have formed an
Association for tho protection of their re
spective properties. All persons are here
by notiSed not to trespass on the laads of
tke undersigned lor the purpose of hunting
gathering nuts, coiping timber or throwing
down fences or tiring timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot the above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
John Mictia:!,
William Puffeebcrger,
Uideon Sicber,
Beasber sc. Zoek,
Mary A. iJrnbakcr,
Joseph Rothrock,
John By ler,
Samuel Bell.
September S, 1895.
Salary and expenses or commission.
High grade Stack at low prices. New
specialties. Seed Potatoes, lie.
in every town. Steady werk. Pay Week-
lv. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, Sec'y
Portland, N. Y. Sep. 16,1806.
SAW imisBlGiS
A wonderful improvement In Frirtio Feed and
litf-ltnrk. Buck motkjnof C-MrriueU tliiM'HHSfat
aa any ouitr mine marKec. rroiion luich f eerti
Chu&luz all the feed ucarinff to 8t und ntill ia hile kxvk
1kk: rt vavina; la power and wenr. rvni
4cenUmstaroas for larseCataloueand prw-rt Also
prinaT Harrows. Hay jUnke, I'uliiTntorr,
arn iianrer,!iitFiier etc jit,-nnon '
iilCNCU fc DUOMCrOLD. VLtra. VorU, Iv
On nn-1 eftr-r Sunilav, May 20
1895, Mains will rnn ns follows: '
Way Passenger, leave Philadelpliia at
4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 18 a. ni; Ditnenn
non 8 54a. m; New Port 9 24 a. m; Hii.
lerstown 9 36 . m; Durword 9 43 a. nij
Thompsontown 9 41 a. ni; Van Drke 9 65
a. m; Tuscarnra 9 59 a. m; Krxico 10 02 a
m; Port Royal 10 07 a. in: Milllin 10 14 '
m; Derholm 10 21 a.Ui; Lewistown 10 40
a rn; McVeytown 11 P8 e. m; Newton
Hamilton 11 3 I a. ni; Mour.t Union II 40
a. tc; Huntingdon 12 10 p. m; Tyrone 1 02
p. n-; Altoona 145 p tr; Pilt-OvirgO !i) p. m.
Mail Train have Pbiladdbh.a at 7 00 a.
ra, Harrisbiirg 11 20 a. in; Dniic-innoa 11 50
a. in; Newport 12 14 p. m; MiMHn 12 52 p.
m; Lewistown 1 12 p. n; Mcrevto'.rn 1 33
p. m; Mount Union 1 f G p k; llnntfc on
2 17 p. m; Pt-tersh!irg 2 30 p. in; Tyrone
3 05 p. ni; Altoona 3 40 p. m; PittkUtrg
8 10 p- m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves IJjrris
bnrs at 6 00 p. m; D"ncannen 5 34 p. ni;
Newport 6 (12 p. in; JlfillTstown 6 13 p. in;
Thoa'psontown C 24 p m; Tuscarora 6 25
p. m; Mexicc 6 37 p 10; Port Royal G 42
p. m; Milllin G 47 p. ra; Dnnholm 6 55 p. n,;
Lewistown 7 13 p. m; JlfcVcytown 7 Zri p.
m; Newton Hamilton 8 IX) p. ni; Hunting
don 8 82 p. 10; Tyrone 9 16 p. iu; Alteon 1
60 p. ra,
Pacific Express leavos Philadelphit at
1"! 20 p. m; Harrisbur 3 10 a. m; Maris.
v '. le 3 24 a. ni; Duncannon 3 38 a. ni; New.
put 3 69 a. ui; Port Royal 4 31 a. n; Mif.
tlin 4 37 a. m; Lei?toti 4 68 a. ui; Mc.
Tetown 5 30 a. n'; Iluutincdon 6 Oi a.
it ; 1 yrone 6 55 a. re; Altoona 7 4'J a. tuj
Pittsburg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Exprei.s leaves Philadelphia at 4.
40 p.m; Uanisburg at 10 20 p. in; Newport
11 06 p. ni; Milllin 11 0 p. m; Lewistown
12 58 a. in; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m.; Trona
1 42 a ni; Altoona 2 00 a. ui; I'ittsLurg 5 80
a. m.
Fast Line leave Philsdelpiiia at 12 25 p.
ni; Harrrisbitrf, 3 50 p. m; luncanon 4 15
p. m; Newport 4 37 p. m; Mifflin 5 10 p.m.
Lewiatown 5 29 p. tr.; Mount Onion 6 OS p.
m; Huntingdon 6 2S p. m; Tyrone 7 00 p
ni; Altooaa 7 40 p. ni; Pittsburg 1130
p. iu.
Ilarrisbura; Accommodation leaves Al..
toona at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 2S a 111; Hunt
ingdon ' 05 a. m; Newton IInin"oi 6 'A
a. no; McVeytowii 6 52 a. u; Lewistown
7 15 a. ru; Miinin 7 ZH a. n:; Port Kovsl
7 44 a. in; Mexico 7 IS a. in; Tlioniojoii.
tonn 8 02 a. Ill; i:l!er.,town 8 12 a.
Mowpcrt 8 22 a. ia; I;:nc:inr.o'i S 4'J a
Uarrisbing 9 20 a. in.
bea Shore leavis PlttiJnrg 3 1?J
a mi
Altoona 7 lo a ni; Tjroo.. 7 -JS a m:
ingdon 8 SO a rt; KcVriKwa 'j lr
a nn
LiCniSlVHIl J OJ 11 Ui; .-i'.Ui'.Tl it
Port Royal 9 69 a m; Taonipiontown 10 11-'
Miilerstown 10 2i am; Newport 1032 a ui;
Duncannon 10 51 a 111; Marysvtilo 11 (17 a
ci; Haniburg 11 2i it; Philadelphia 0j
p in.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at
8 00 a. re; Altoona 11 40 a. 111; Tyro ie :2-
03 p. in; Huutir.jjlon 12 S5 p. ni; Lei.
town 1 33 p. m; Mi.in 1 50 p. ni; I!i-ri.
btirj. 3 10 p. ci; El'iiuora 6 15 p. m: V;i.ti.
ingtoa 7 30 p. in; Philadelphia 6 2;i p. :q
New York 9 23 p. m
Mil leaves Altoona nt 2 00 p.m. Tron9
2 35 p. 10, HoR'.in(rdon 3 it) p ni; Xewtua
Hamilton 3 ol p. ni; McVrt.vtowu 4 12 f.. re;
Lewistown 4 ?,8 p. ni; Mitliin 5 03 p. ni.
Port Royal 5 09 p. 111; Mesicn 5 13 , . ui;
Thompsontown 5 27 p. ni; ViHerjt'iwn i Si
p. m; Newport 5 4S p. ni; Duncannun 1 20
p. in; llarri.sburf: 7 ;0 p. m.
Mai! Exprrs- letves Piitatiur-; at 1 Ml p.
11.; Altoon 6 05 p. tr.; Tyrone 6 r, mj
Uunl;p;.1an 7 20 p. in; MiVeyin.vn S 0 p,
it; Lewistown 8 2;i p m; If t'iin S 47 p mj
Part Royal S f2 p. bu aiillertowa ' I T p.
le; Newp'rt !) 26 p. m;. Iiascaasiiu 9 ."0 p,
ia; llrriliur3 10 2) p. m.
Philadelphia Exprs lejves ri'ts'ir.' t
4 30 p. m; Altoona '.) 05 p. r.i; Tvrane '.1 :i3
p. m; Hanlitgdon 10 12 p. ni; Metu.: !'n.
ion 10 !2 p. 111; Levitown 11 10 p. ip; Iif.
tlin 11 37 p ru; IL.rrisbnr 1 00 a. 111; 1'biU
adelpbia 1 30 New York 7 -13 a. in.
Trains for tSuniury at 7 35 a. 111. anl ij )0
p. ni., learc Sanbury tor Lewistown lu OS
a. iu, and 2 2 p. ni.
Tisirs leave for Bollyf'onto nnd Lo ;
liav. a at 8 10 a. in., 3 31 and 7 25 p. to.
itavu Loclt Iliveu lor Tvroiio 4 3'J, 9 10 p
1:1. end 4 15 p. m-
Train leave Trone lor Clearticid aa.i
Curwensviile at 8 30 a. in.. 3 15 an i 7 :!d
p. tu.. leave Curwi-nttille lor Tyrone nt i 39
a. le. , 9 15 C'.il 3 51 p ru.
Fcr, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket
Agetif,cr addres, TLos. E. Wait. P.
A. W. D., 110 Fifth Aver.ue, Pitta,
turg, Fa.
S. ii. Frevost, J. II. Wunn,
Geh'l Manager. Gen'l I'a?s. Agt
I 1 lev Raiiroad Company
Time t.'Ola
of passenei r trains, in ttfect o't lli.r. lay,
October 1st, 1S94.
want. Fast
ward. p m '
6 05
6 C8
6 12
6 15
6 25
6 22
6 31
6 39
6 51
6 54
7 15
7 12
7 17
7 23
7 27
7 35
7 41
7 45
a u ;
10 O.',
19 03
10 07
10 10
10 17
10 20
i0 26
10 .'4
10 46.
10 49
11 OOl
11 07!
11 12:
11 18
11 22!
11 80:
11 86;
11 40,
6 15
6 n
6 2
6 35
6 40
6 44
6 51
6 59
7 10
7 20
7 05
7 33
7 41
7 36
7 15
7 1'
7 52
7 65
r M
4 (r
3 57
3 53
R 50
3 18
3 41
3 38
8 32
3 15
5 10
3 04
2 49
2 4S
2 40
2 S3
2 2
2 20
Newp' it
Buffalo Bridse
Juniata Furmice ...
Vi dhueta
Wat r Plug
BlcomHelt Junct'u,
Green Park .......
Loysviile .........
Fort Robeson .....
Cen ter ...........
Cisna's Rao .......
Mount Pleasant . ..
New Germani'n ...
D. GRING, President and Manager,
C. K. V.i:.leb, General Agent.
We want a few ra?n to soli a Choice Lin4
of Nursery Stock. Wo caanot muke vofl
rich in a monlh but can give jou tteatf
emphymtnl and will pay yau well for tit
Our prices curraspoo.i witn ine inn.
Write lor termi and territory to
July 14, 1895. Rochester,- "
721 , - ISO &PDtS. V
V I.Miaf
fc.4 "-re
e . , aafTii
.. ..II fnr Ki tV I
CumaoUoa same .
ACME BOflD RACER, 25 lbs.
i.-rro tUau lur nuuainicii.i.v
to mar.- lf";ri3
S-;nU anu ucuren u a nn-o y
lUuatruted tjataif puo frca.
Acme Cycle CompaoX'
L SI . - r
n r. v : . 1 .-e ours t
n3Li?iv?sf li'i '.", ovm ntt' wio
rTr.ct lines. pereteerl.lerfrtMJ
I 1
analTsealnsal tat) 1 T!1 " H ITi TnTTlin-