SEN riNEL & REPUBLICAN VI?FLINTOWN. ftfcltfESBAY, JULY SI, 1895. B. F. S K H W R IER 9 Kbiroc AHit rioraiiToa.- Quay in fivor of a Vote by the People- If the people had their" way, officers of high and low degree would be elect ed by a popular vote. It seems a good deal iike a burlesque on a popular system rf Government to elect soms of the officers by a popular vote, and pat other men in offi'te by appoint ment or delegate their election to a eecon J Land body of men. For ex ample a United Stales Senator is elected by the Legislature, which may bo called a second band body of men for election purposes. That is, first the Legislature is elected by the psople, and then the Legislature elects the Senator. So a President is elected by a second body of men or clfctois instead of being voted for directly by the people. It is strange that just as soon as a man is elected to a ln'jrh office, be turns directly against the election of high officers by a direct vote of the people. Is it because they all get big hpadb? Senator Quay is an exception to that rule, and is an exception among the men of the Uaited states in fpvor of enlarging tho fisM of popu lar Government to comprehend the election of all officers by a vote of the people, he ahonld command almost the entire Republican vote in his fi vor ia the great contest in which he is now engaged. He desires to be elected Chairman of the Republican State Committee. The Hastings Ad ministration under the corporation, traction Democrat and lobby cora bice, fay no, he shall not have thL phic?, wo waut the plfict ; we want the place for our six thou sand dollars a year bank Comiuiesion tr B F. Gilkeson, and when Senator Quay proposed to submit the question to a vote f the people, the ( Hastings Adiniuiritratiuu sai !, No! No! which clearly shows that they expect to trick the voters of tho Republican Party at the primiuy election or they are afraid that their six thousand dollar candidate will be beaten or they are not in favor of letting the people of the parly voto their choice for a Chairman. Senator Quay's challenge to leave the question to a vote by the people has been met by, No! No! from the Hastings combine leaders. loLbyman Cris Magee of Pittsburg, one of Hastings' leaders put his foot down ou the proposal, and so all over the State the combine leaders did likewise There are, however, a few honorable exceptioos. For example in Mifilin county, at the primary election to be hell on the 17tb day of August, the question of tho State Chairmanship will be de termined by a direct vote of the peo ple, aud if Senator Quay has a ma jority of tb.2 vote3 eiit in his favor the Million county delegate to tiie State Convention wi'.l ote for Quay for Stnto Chairman. If on the other hand, B. F. Gilkeson the Histiogs combine caudidato receives a majori ty of the votes c?.st at tho primary election in Mifilin county, then the Mifilin county dolf gate shall voto for Gilkfsor. for Slate Chairman. Sen ator Quay should bo made Chairman of the Stute Committee. His merits and usefulness are vell known, but if he Lad only co-uuion merit, and if his usefulness could be put into qu8 tion, tbt) fact that ha stands before the peoplo of Pennsylvania and be fore the nation ns the champion of advance J grounds for the popular election of higher officers of Govern tucnt, should ciiuse the Republicans to vote for him en-mass. The dele gate who will vote for Senator Q'lay i.i tho Stile Convention is Uriah Suuman, and all Republicans in Jun iata who favor Senator Qiay for Chairman of the Republican State Committee will vote for Uriah Shu man at the primary election on the 10th of August. Governor Hastings' Sun Shooting Match - Whenever Center county develop's a ri'in who can make a speech, and wl.: becomes troubled with political ambition, he strikes out for Stite and National oflice upon the pre sumption that if he aims at the Sun, he wiil hit so;ao high rnnk. That ie the way Hastings got out of Center county int State politics and that is the way he expects to get out of State politic! into National politics. He is almtug at the Presidency, the highest political Sun iu tbo United Slat s. Ia his shooting match for the Presidency, ha has eo far forgot tou himself or so clouded his judg ment by ovtr-vaulting ambition, that he will brook no one in sight that: fails to take off his hat to shout fr ! his shots ut the Sun. He is strain ing every point to make Gilkeson Chairman of the SLate Committee with the object of Laving Gilkeson to use the State political machinery iu his interest to boom him for the Presidency. To help Gilkeson, so that bo can help him in his plans has driven tho Governor to eat the most nitiisiivting dish of crow. It will be reiambfreq that when tho legisla ture was convened the Governor de livered a sugar-conted speech on the question of expenditures, and how be i-cjoined th&t body to exsreise the most rigid economy to tide the State finances through the great Democrat ic financial and industrial panic. That speech took like hot cakes, bnt nlat, before people had done reading his speech or message, he sat down nnrf gormandizpd on a dish of crow, aud signed the extravagant bill to put bin pet Gilkeson into a fat of fice. An office that formerly was a four thousand dollar othca, now un der Hasting's reform speecb, raised to six thousand dollars. If the Gov ernor had made another speech to the Legislature, there it no telling where Gilkson's salary would have gone to, and there is no telling how iaary mere factory inspectors and other b'ttle or nothing to do of fice-3 would havo been appointed to drive aroun Jin Liia SLata to boom I Hastings shoo! iog match at tho Sun. I J.I it was not a BiCKentng uisn 01 crow f to Hie uovernor, it nas a mcaening ;mcut the next two years, i a round num oder to thousands of Republicans ben, $i,oi,OjO, while in 1693 the amount and proved what jingle of words 7 Ws,ooo. his speech to the Legislature was. To help him in bis Sun shooting match, ho has surrounded himself with men who have gotton rich on tke spoils of corporation contract, traction watered stock .transactions and lobby work. The Martins, Port ers and Magees now are the Gover nor's advisers. They are the city combine against thu country. Phil ad?lphiaand Pittsburg aad Belle fonio are a center point to the new combine. The Republican party will not follow tho Governor in bis shoot ing match, for it involves the destruc tion of the rights and privileges of others, for no other purpose than to make the Governor's f needs the chief beneficiaries. What sense is there in tearing the Republican party to pieces for the especial benefit of the Governor's shooting mitch If Hastings' work had for its object the good of the peoplo of the State or rim crmul nf th Ttenublican uartv. wtnJe.h vraa entrusted with the wt1. ,rin i, lain ui tun uiuuuuuwTOir, mci. I mod food eomnilMloMr. JTorry-eight toon- might think of holding up the bands (iuld UoUnrVni be required to pa? tho of Hastings. Quay is to be put down ' twenty deputy factory inspectors author and the festive six thousand dollar J 1 to be appointed under a new law pro- bank Commissioner is to be made Chairman of the State Committee. Cameron is to be put down. All of the evil Legislation of office niAkinsr and salary increase that was done before the echoes of his reform i tpeech had died out, were fnr Ilia shooting match and the especial ben- j efit of the new city combine. Quay j is to be put down. Cameron is to be .lin.m. A, 1 fllA V1AW fC TYl lll'fl A I "1 ft f. ' - , , j has grown rich and saucy on watered stock transactors and lobby move merits that are condemned by the people from one end of the Common- . SeJ&h to the other, are to feast with J the Governor in tho btata and to reap the harvest when the Governer s snootier; match down the . Presidential Sun. Smith editor of Wliaf n arotnrlo . Tt.:ill,; the Philadelphia Press and ells tne owuer oi me . m 11., I Philadelphia Press and Martin and ' Porter and Democratic combine con- t t. . T0, l-uK-is i t1 . . . . - . . .. bu in whu nasiiugs 1U niec&ing mo Republican party in Hasting s sun shooting match. Everywhere We Go we find someone who has been cured by Howd's Sarsaparilla, and people on nil hands are praising this great medicine for what it has done for them and their friends. Tckcn in time Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by keeping the blood pure and a'l the organs in a healthy condition. It is the great blood pur ifier. Hood! Pilla become the ftvorite cathartic with every one who tiies them. 25c per box. Just what's reeded Exclaims thousands of peoplo who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season of the year, and who have noted the success of the mr-di-ciiiO in giuing them relief from that tired fei-lin, waning appetite and state of extreme exhaustioa after the cl ise counnetnent of a long winter season, the busy time attendant up on a l-rge and pressing business dur iog the spring months and with va cation time yet time weeks distant. It is then that the building up pow crs of Hood's Sarsaparilla are fully appreciated If. seems perfectly adapted to overcome that prostration caused by change of season, climate or life, and while it tones and sus tains the BVoleua, it purines and vit alizes the blood. Aug. 22, 189S. iiAiNGsonira FarmerB Hold Hiin Bcsponaible for Extravagant Legislation. $060,000 EXTRA IN ONE BILL. The Coventor Dictated tbo Passage of Acts Which Take Millions Ont or the State Treasury An Increase of S88,Om) so the Banklnc; Department for the Beneflt of Corporal Oilkoson All of These Pernicious Aets Signed by Hastings- Hahrisburq, July 90. The farmers of this state are up In arms against Governor Hattlng-i, and not without good causo. They elaira that tho last legislature wm the most extravagant body of Its kind that ever aassrub:.-:'. In Harrlshurg, and that the governor cr d his cabinet were re- I ior, , lation which was rushed through and turuugu Itgned by Mr. Hostlng3 without any re gard whatever to the interests of the farm ers and the residents of the rural districts. It is a significant fact, aud one that will not be lost sight of in the present political contest, that the greatest drain on the state treasury is by reason of special guber natorial legislation for the benefit of Cor poral B. Frank Gilkeson. By it his salary as commissioner of banking is increased from 94,000 to 0,000 per annum and the expenses of the depart ment inoreased over tS8,00). It is no won der that the rural newspapers and the farmers of the state are smarting with In dignation ovor this display of wanton ex travagance. Mr. C. H. Krumbhoar, who preceded Gilkeson in the office, conducted It at a cost of $100,000 par annum less than It Is now. But then Krumbbaar was a conscientious man, who attended to his duties, and not an inflated politician who runs about the state hunting for political jobs. Just think of It; little Gilkeson sad dled on the taxpayers of the state at an Inoreased expense of 1100,000 every two years. Hastings must answer for this. 00,0M0 MORE THAX KVIB. But a glance at the figures copied from the officials record Is of Interest. The gen eral appropriation bill is the receptacle of all sorts of financial oddities and repre sents as well about two-thirds of the money semi-annually expended by the state. TLe one passed by the last legisla ture overtopped in the amount author ised to be disbursed any of .its predecessors and in round numbers represented in the aggregate 1 660, 000 more than that which It Immediately followed. The amount appropriated for tho payment of the state flicers, elerks and employes In the sev eral departments of the state government and for the incidental expense of the in dicated departments for the next two years is t&.,003 greater than the sum ap propriated for the previous corresponding " 'period, reform! This lun increase is due in a material degree to the creation of the department of agriculture, tho enlargement of tbo powers of the stato banking department and the Increased amounts provided for expenditure by tbo department of public buildings aud grounds under new legisla tion. The iucrc:tse of the salaries of many officials also figures in the largely in If nil the money appropri- total 1 ated should be disbursed there will be ex- pgnUod UlJU(.r th nead f stato depnrt- TUB EXECUTIVE DEfrABTMEST. There; to no material Increased expends tare provided In the executive depart ment, bnt the state department Is author ised to pay ont over 17,000 mora than In 1803; the auditor general's department nearly (15,000; the stato treasury nearly (8,000; the department of internal affairs about (85,000; tho bunking department ($8,000, making Its total possible dis bursements (124.000; department of publie instruction, (9,000; adjutant general's de partment, (0,000; factory inapoctor's de partment, over (37,000. making it3 total authorized payments (82,000; harbor mas ter's office of Philadelphia, over (6,000; department of public buildings and grounds, almut (23,000, making its total this year (77,000. Tho large Increase In the department of banking is due to larger salaries, more averks and additional bank examiners. The amount appropriated to the depart ment of agriculture is fja,O0o, of which (48,000 are payable to the secretary and other officer. Including the deputy, dairy and food commissioners, economic zoolo gist, forestry commissioner and stato vet erinarian. The department is provided with (10,000 as a contingent fund. (15,000 for tho pen of the fiurmor.' Institute 'and23,OOuforthe expense or tne dairy shop methods, aud (.'0,000 to pay their ! traveling exponses. BXPESCSKS OF THE JUDICIARY. Bills passed by the last legislature and approved by the governor Increased the expenses of the judiciary from (i,i75,ooo l,.K.wu. wi tue increase 01 en;,o.w, ; (100,009 are dae to the creation of the su- eoarti whose members alone will receive for their services for two years (98,000. The number of common pleas Judges was Increased from 84 to 88, and the eonsequont cost to the state (32,000 for tb nM wo yeRpt An ,a(lltlotlal OI, pn,n,' court Judge in Schuylkill county added $s,ooo more to the judiciary expense account. There are twelve common pleas lgJg . Birtrreirate aai, the uoxt two vears will be eS40,dbo. The supreme court judges will draw from the state treasury (132,000 in salarlos. 'aud $10,800 will bo disbursed for clerical . .... ...- , .,. ,v, tribuDoL The orphans' court judaos will cost the stato (104, 400, the associato judges (M.00O, and the mileage and extra pay of common pleas judges for holding court In gtacr uiotntn uiau kuviiuRuun I estimated in the gone nil appropriation bill at f 75.W.0. There arc about sixty associate judges in half as innny counties in the state. LEOISLATIVK AND OTHER EXPENSES. The amount appropriated fr the pay ment of legislative expenses is JOJl.sTI, while two yours ngo S511,S5S were provided for a similar purposo. A portion of the increase of f 37.513 was oscribablo to the Inoreased length of the session, and te tho consequent Increased compensation nt nearly all thu officers of the sennto and house and of nil employes. The neiiato Is credited with an expenditure of 13.3T0 and the house with $148,501. The snlarh s of the senators amouutcd to $?&,'J0O and thoe of the Members of the house te tat, goo. Outside of state department, judiciary and legislative expenses provided for in the general appropriation bill 12,20.538 are set aside for many other purposes. For the support! of the schools tho same mount is voted as two years ago, $11,000, 000 for two years. The amount appro priated for the payment of county superin tendents is increased from IIUO.OOO to19S. 000, and for the education of teactiora in ihe normal schools from klVo.COO to $360, 000. The latter sura Is in addition to the 1300,000 the governor disallowed In a veto, which he soon after withdrew and supple mented with the approval of the bill mulc ing the appropriation. For the payment of interest on tho funded debt thero is ap propriated o53S,T2, about itfH.OUO lens thau two years ago. The appropriations In the general appropriation bill aggregate about S15,2M.U0O, whioh la !3, in excess of the amount carried by that of 1393. QUAY'S SWEEPING VICTORIES. Bctnrna from the Countlm Show That the People Are for tlie Senator. Pbilapkli'HIA, July 29. Dispatches from Columbia, Greene, Potter, Monroe and Dauphin show that Quay will get tho delegates from all of those counties. Tho sombino was badly beaten In Greene. The llaallngi papers that have placed Mon roe's delegates lu their column are deceiv ing only themselves ia their ostimutc. Delegate MeNeal, who wus elected long before the begau, refuses at this time to announce his preference, but snys that be will voto as bis constituents wish, and that Monroe county has always stood by Senator Quay. Nobody doubts that the entire Dauphin county delrgatiou will be for Senutor Quay. There have been frequent confer ences by his opponents looking to a con test for delegates, but the field was so un promising thnt they decided to abandon it. Senutor Quay's friends ure in control here aud will see to it that he gets tho delegates. At a well attended mooting of tbo Re publican ooanty committee of Potter county the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, our Inst county convention was held before the state chairmanship f the Republican commit tee was at issue, and whereas, It is the expressed wish of our dclceute. elected to renresent as in tho Btato ,0,,, to bear and to t n ccoraance with h sentiment of the Republicans of Potter county, there fore be It Resolved, that In the opinion of the Re publican county committee the best In terests of tho Republican party In the county and state will be best subserved by the election of Governor Daniel H. Hastings as permanent chairman of the state convention and the election of Sen ator M. S. Quay as chairman of the stato committee for the ensuing year. QUAY IS A WINNER. Semraw Baatlaga Stoat Renllao That tho Tide Ia Against Bins. Governor Hastings may not realize that the tido has turned, but the public Is aware of It, aad Senator Quay can drop his oars, hoist his sail and speed away a sure winner. The conspiracy which was hatched against the junior senator has miscarried. It was responsible for any bitterness which may have crept Into tho campaign, and it has resulted In en trench lOS Q'-tav Bnr nrmly thau ever in state politics. The governor has made a gravo mistake by becoming a party to the con spiracy the object of which was to down Quny, and occupying as he does the high ollice of chief executive of the state bo should have turned a deaf ear to Martin, Magoe and Porter and left these politi cians to fight tholr own battles. Tbo governorship should be divorced from politics. When a man takes the of fice be should devote his time to looking out for tho Interests of the people. If po litical schemes are afoot he should en shroud himself in the dignity of his office. Ho cannot take part in the meetings of politicians, the object being to dethrone the acknowledged leader, and conscien tiously approve or veto bills In which his political associates arc interested. Hast ings started out under the Very brightest prospects, but bo has descended to pot bouse politics, and it is because of this that we condemn him. The discovery has cemented the friends of Quay, and hence we see that Delaware county alone, tak ing It for an Illustration, which gave him 6 600 majority, is solid for Quay. Cheater Wmes. 1 GILKESON THE INFLATED." Be Roafry Cats Me Pignre in the Prose at Political right, Uksson Is really so figure in the pres tmt fight. He is merely what he al Wgjjs has been, the pliant tool of shrewder nBlpulatcrs. Keys, Martin asd Has. THE FIGHT AT A GLANCE. BatrceU from the State newspaper All Point te a Qaay Tletery. I la no exaggeration to say that 80 per cent, of the state newspapers are for Sen ator Quay In the fight now going on be tween tho junior senator and theeombincd hog combines of Pittsburg and Philadel phia. Qaay Boa Taken the Wind fraon the Salle of Hie Opponents. The public must give Matthew Stanley Quay credit fur frankness and honesty in this campaign which he Is making. His frank and open avowal that he was for either McKiuley or Tom Reed for the presidency, whlehever would bo tho most available, has completely captured the stronghold of the Hastings combine and thrown down the only protective wall which they had raised about them. It has been a rag baby sort of an issue all along, and Mr. Quay has taken the wind from the enemies' sails, spiked their guns and left them without so much as cartridge shell for ammunition. Erlo News. Be Cats the Ground Completely from Un der the Combine Apologists. When Mr. Quay says ho is in favor of the nomination of either Keod or Mc-Kin-ley, whichever may be deemed most avail able by the convention, and that he Is not In favor of the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1, ho cuts the ground com pletely from under thoiu combine advo cates and apologists who have been pro-' fessing such great fears of Cameron's can didacy for the presidency and for the souudncss of the state platform on the sliver question. Pittsburg Commercial fait.Tette. ailkesen UUely to Prove n Jonah for Governor Hastings. If Governor Ilustlngi is wise he will preserve his dignity ond prestige by shak ing Gilkeson out of his skirts and requir ing him to light Senator Quay In this battle on his own merits. Had the gover nor done this weeks a?o and not allowed Gilkeson to light behind behind his skirts we think the present feeling would not have been aroused aud the governor would be much strouger for a battle iu the future. As It is, (iilkcsou is likely to prove the governor's Jonah. Shenandoah Herald. A Very Serlons Charge Matte Against the Stats Administration. Tho Scrauton Republican reprints ex tracts from tho Harrisburg letters of Mr. E. A. Van Valkxnburg to his paper, the Tioga county Republican Advocate, show lag that Governor Hustings aud the cor porations early last winter made an alli ance, and that no important bill except the public school appropriation passed tho legislature without the governor's orders, while no Important bill except the gerry mander was defeated without sithilur or ders from tho gcveruor. A Great Oaln.y of Ins-rate. Arrnnfred Agniaat Senator nay With such a galnx of iumtes, aided by the powerful iuUieuces of state and municipal ndm!ntstritionarrr.yud against him. It would be no d'sgrnce to Quay to suffer defeat, but lc would be a niodt 111:13 cifleent victory for him if ha won. That ha could win beyond doubt would cot lie worth considering if the great ir.ass of t'le public would show but a little of the in terest In the contest that is being displayed by the polltlehins. Krankford Gazette. The State Mtt Not Fall Into the IIa:lj of a Corrupt Combine. The affairs of our commonwealth sim ply must not fall completely into t'ae hands of the corrupt ring who for years havo controlled tho municipal govern ment of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and should the voracious combine be success ful in this fisht retribution sure and swift may fall upon them from the aroused peo ple. Chambersburg Public Opinion. Bastings Responsible for tbo Factional Fight la the State. Governor Hastings is destroying hU popularity. In looking through our ex changes it Is surprising to seo what a bongo of opinion bus taken place reganyl lng him. He is held responsible for this factional fight which Is ripping the party up the back. Beaver Radical. Poor Ollkoeon. With Hta SS.OOO Position!, Not to bo Knvled. Poor Gilkeson 1 in splto of hls88,000 posi tion, he is not to be envied. He has not been indorsed by a single county since the contest opened. The larger counties are all for Quay, and the same can bo truth fully said of the smaller 01103. Carlisle Leader. Mo Hog Combine Shoul.l bo Allowed to Disrupt tho Party. A great majority of the people in this country now see that the UupuMienn principles are right aud must prevail, aud no man or set of men should lis allowed to disrupt the gnat party In Pennsyl vania. Greensburg Tribune. The Wedding of Corporal Gilkeson to Mia lllackest Ingrntlinde. We rospcctfulty announce the m.irrlico cf a well mated pair, Mr. H. F. Uilkesoa to Miss Ulackost Ingratitude, by tho Rev. MartinPorter. Tho ceremony was in tended to be kept secret. but it is now pub lie property. Carlisle I reader. Philadelphia Controlled by n Bend ef Treacherous nnd Dehnnched Roeeee. If Philadelphia, a city that should be the central star in the constellation of pa triotism, is willing to be controlled by a band of traitorous and debauched politi cians, Pennsylvania In net. Bethh-hem Times. Tbe Kdltors of Xorilmvftfrrn .Vnttsylvn nl are il for Quay. The northwent"rn Pennsylvania editors of the Rupi:blitnn porty are almost ro a man for Senator Mat ihew Stanloy Quay for the chairmanship of tho Republican state committee. North East Breeze. Hastings, Martin aad Magoe the Pledged Xfrteuds of Cameron. If Cameron desires to remain in the senate he will doubtless try to secure the support of Hastings, Martin and Magoe, who have always hitherto been his most faithful servants. Pittston Gazette Ings lobbyist, professional polltlolan and governor, what a combination for gods and men I are the real factors In the present contest. Behind them arc ranged tho traction eorruptionlsts, the "pinch" Mil promoters, tho treasury looters, and all the rag-tag and bobtail that are in politics for what they can make out of it, by hook or by crook. Isn't It disgraceful to view the spectacle f an honored governor honored by a majority of 141,000 carrying the banner for euch a motley crew f Where Is tho gubernatorial dignity, the sense of public decency, the regard for public opinion that should deter him from such a ooursef It U useless to Inquire. Explanations are not possible, hence will not be made. Orders are being issued in stead. The Republicans ef this state are asked by tbs governor and his gang of po litical "hobos" to overthrow the tried and trusted leader who, more than all others, Is responsible for tbs party's splendid suo- They are asked to elect in his place Ollkeson, the lngrate; Gilkeson, the gas Inflated; Gilkeson, the willing tool. Will you do it, Pennsylvania Republi- 1 Answer at the primaries. Impudence of the Bosses Who Kelther Toll Nor Spin. The followers of Martin in the eastern city and of those of Magec in the western announce with brazen confidence that they will deliver at the state convention at Harrisburg, next month, so many dele gates, If they owned, body and soul, the tanas of voters who go to make np the Toting strength of the organization. These boawes who toil not, neither do they spin; who feed upon the pelf of lit gotton gain nnd fatten upon the labor ef better mom, have the power, It would je-m, to en iik for the many, and to speak with authority. Phosnlxvillc Messenger. It Nmt Mto to CararAKXRS CHagerbread Soldiers. The dally mail of Senntwr Quay com prises some queer missives, and again some that are very clever. This was writ ten to the senator after tho writer bad ro etved one of Governor Hastings' vote seek ing circulars, and Is ns follows: NORTH Wales, July 18. Honorable comrade: Enclosed you will find a per gonal letter addressed to me on a type writer, written on a printing press and signed with a pen- Those battle scarred ve terns, whose military title, were won on beer laden picnic grounds, where the rants were rallied mid the vapor of death dealing red lemonode.ond where the brave pcanot boys charged with blanched faces In among the flying horses, white the krasen mouth steam calliope shook the gingerbread stands, ean doubtless appre ciate the strictly private and confidential communication. I cannot. But on the Other band, if there Is any tulner under tho sun that I oan do to aid your cause with voice or pen, please command me at once. Tour public course has won the respect of Jl veterans, and it Is but simple justice that yon should have their united sup port faithfully yours, Cbosby J. Graves, Late lSlst regiment, N. Y. Voln. i Bitten by a Copperhead- The Beaver Herald of July 27 says: While Ammoo May was repairing a fence on William H. Iteigle'a farm. west 01 town, one day last week, a large copperhead snake struck its fangs three times into his right log above the knee, and through two pair of heavy pants. He tied a hand kerchief around his leg and not considering the wound serious kept at work for nearly two hoars, when the poison bad so penetrated his sys tern that ho became very sick. He went nome and Dr. Wasrnr was hastily summoned, who administered the proper antidotes. The victim bad already been attacked witn con vulsions and bis body greatly swollen. At present he is rapidly recovering. Had be delayed much longer in giv- Mcg the wound attention a swift and terrible death would have resulted. Collars and Cuffs that are vcUer proof. Never wilt and not effected by moisture. Clean, neat and durable. Yl:en roiled siruply wipe off with a wet cloth. The genuine are made by ccverinp; a linen collar or cuff on both sides willi "celluloid" and as tl:cy arc t::e o;:'.y waterproof goods irjadi with ruc't-an iutcrliriir.g, it follow:; tiir.t t!:c y ::re the only collar- anil cu:Ts t!:; t will tUi::d the wear mid i;t: satSifac tiou. Every piece ic rU-mpcJ .is fo'lov.-c: 1 an-.-iIiiug else :j ofTercl vou it .3 i.t.'iL-lirMi. Refuse any Let ibe j;.rr.u i:;, if your dcclcr clm-s tct have uhat you w2.1t scuu i ircct t us, en closing amount and :ilati::g sic end whether a staml-up or tarucd-dou n collar is wanted. Collars 25c. ccch. CuSs 50c. pair. The Celluloid Company, 427-429 broadway, Hew fori. Announcements- REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATE. Editob Sihtincx & Kipcbmcak: Plessd announce to the Republicans of Jnniata county, that Uriah Shuinsn is a candidate lor Representative Delegate ti the next Re publican State Convention. Mr. Shumao is a veteran Republican, and needs no Intro duction to the Republicans of Juoiuts. DELAWARE. Ma. Editor: When I announced my self as a candidate for Delegate to the Re publican State Convention no issue was be fore the party whatever. Since then, bow. ever, one has been presented, to wit: As to whether Mr. Quay or Mr. Gilkeson shall be made Chairman of the State Committee. And now us I have beea questioned by many of my Republican friends as to where I stand d that issue, I have concluded to make this plain statement fer the informa tion of the party, that I am positively and noquahtldly in favor of Mr. Quay as Chair man and, if elected, shall do all I can to elevate him to that position. Respectfully, URIAH SllU.MAN. Delaware Twp., July 10, 1896 Eurroa Sbhtihel & Riri'BLicaa: Please present the name of W. North Sterrett of Patterson, as a candidate for Representa tive Delegate to the next Republican State Convention. PATTERSON. COUNTY CHAIRMAN. We are authorized to announce W. H. Kauffman as a candidate for Chairman of the Repnbliean County Committee, subject to the rules ol the party. Mimro will prepare a person FOB COLLEGE UfLESS TIME and FOR LESSMOJVEY than any other school in the State. Try next year. 40 weeks cost $100. J. Habbt Dtstkoeb, Principal, Mimintown, reana. Nervousness la only another name for impure blood, for no person is weak and ner vous whose blood is perfectly pure. When the blood is full of the genus of disease, and lacking in the red cor puscles which jrive it vitality, when it fails to properly nourish the organs and tissues of the body, what can you expect but that tired feeling and ner vousness? Of course Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh and Klieumatfom are uni versally recognized as blood diseases, for which Hood's Sarsaparilla, as the best blood purifier, is everywhere acknowled the greatest remedy. Therefore,, as Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all blood diseases, it is the best remedy for that condition of the blood which causes Nervousness. It is a false idea to think you are curing your nervousness when you are taking a preparation which only quiet your nerves I It is like tryinfr to "drown" your sorrows in the flowing bowl.. They are sure to return. We wish to make most imDressive, then; this truism: You cannot purify your blood by deaden in or yLiBTnio your nerves with opiate, narcotic or nerve com pounds. If you take such articles you arc only triflino with your troubles. There is sutw to be a keao tion which will leave you worse than you were before. Why not then, take the true course, follow the bee-line to tho state of health, purify your blood and cure your Nervousness by taking HOOD'S Sarsaparilla LEGAL. JjVJCECOTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Geo. W. Sail lb, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters Tes tamentary on the estate of George W. Smith, late oi the borough of Mifllintown, have been granted in due Term of lew to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, snd those having claims will please present them for settlement. Wm. G. Smith, June 15, 1695. Executor. JgXECUTOB'S NOTICE Estate of Joseph E. Kauffman, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters Testa mentary oa tba estate of Joseph E. Kaulf lusn, ale f il.e tcwnikjp of Fayette, have been granted in due form of law to Ihe undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate sic requested to make pay moot, and those having claims will please present them Tor settlement. L&wis Dcais, July 8, 1896. Executor. N OT1CE IN PARTITION. In the Orphans' Court of Juniata County. Estate of Samuel Loudenslsger, deceased, IOiidcnMsger, deceased ; David Leaden. To Ilettie Loudenslsger. widow of Saranel slagrr,Jsmes Ludenslaeer,Louisa Rodger, Snsao Wait and Joseph Wert, ber husband, all of Juniata county ; Henry I.ouricnUper, Joseph Londens'sgcr and Samuel louden, elager, of Haze, Se.gwich county, Kansas, and Epl.riam Loudenslsger, of Bellevue, Huron connty, Ohio, children and heirs ol said decedent, and ail others interested. You sie hi reby notified that the Orphans' Conrt ot said county of Juniata awarded an inquest to make partition and valuation of certain r.-al estate of the said Ssmucl Loud enslsger, deceased, consisting of two tracts ot land, situate in Walker township, Juniata county, Pennsylvania, Ho. 1 containing about thirty acres, and No. 2. containing about fl'ty-six acres, and that said inquest will be held 00 ssid premises on Wednes. day, Ihe 21st day of August, A. D. 1895, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time and place you are requested te attend if you think proper. J. P. Calhoum, Sheriff. SuiRirr's Office, Mifllintown, July 8, 1895. TJlXECUTOR'S SALE a j VALUABLE REAL ESTATE- The undersigned executor of the last will and testament of Elisabeth Leonard, late of Favette township, Juniata county. Pa., de. ceased, under and by virtue of an order of an order of tbo Orphans Court of Juniata county to pay debts, will expose to sale by psbiic vendue or outcry, on the promises in said township, on SATURDAY. AUG. 34, 1895, at 1 o'clock P. X., or at j day, the follow, ing described Real Estate, te wit: All that certain farm and tract of land, sitaate icJFsyette township, Juniata county. Pa., boaaded and dsiciibed as lollaws- On the north by public road and lands of Jar Bey Leonard; on the east by lands of Henry Shellenberger; on the south by lands of G. W. McAister and Martha Bood and on the west by lands of Jarsey Leonard, con taining EIGHTY-NINE ACRES, more or less. This is a very considerable farm. conven iently located to churches, schools, store, mill and blacksmith shop, being situated 14 miles Irom ikfeAisterville, mile from Oakland Hvl. The land is very fertile and under a high state ol cultivation, is well watered, having a NEVER FAILING SPRING OF WATER at the door and a stream of water running tbraugli it. It is the center of the Lost Creek Valley. It has erected en it a LARGE BASK BARS, Wegon-shed. faltly good Dwelling House and other out baildings. It has a1 so erect ed thereon a FIRST-CLASS CIDER PRRSS; Also an Ai p'e Orchard of over 500 trees and a Peach Orchard and 90 pear trees, all in one bearing condition; also 200 grape vines and a large let of rasp-berries and black berries also a large number of the flnest grafted Cherry Trees. This frrm will be sold in parts or the whole as is most advantageous to the pur chaser. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid oa day of sale; 25 per cent, on day ot confirmation of sale by the court; 85 per cent. on. April I, 189S, when deed will be delivered and possession Sivan, and the balance Apri 1, 1197, defer- rea payment to be secured Dy Judgment ana te bear interest rrem April 1, 1890. Posses sion will be glvea earlier, II desirable te parcbaaer. Attendance wiTl be given on aay 01 saw by J. B. II. TODD, Executor of Elisabeth Leoaard, deceased. FRTZElTSJS BEST IX THE WOIUL Tta worn Ins qiialltlrainranneTiriTTHS-11 aetaalr cntlaeUnc two ooxea of anr other brand. Bfas Steetod b' boat. preF.T THE EJf SUlC FOB BALE BY TgAUR3 GEXCT1ALLT. Jrs Consumption Surety OurocL To Tn Bnnon: Please Informs yoor raaAera Shulhsve s iiiwlllie isineflj for Ihe slwna nanunl aiaaaee. By lta tunebj nse tin ills efhoneleas easoi have been pennaiMntlyennd. IshaDbeglad to nana two Dottles or my reemoay rasss to any o4 your readers who have eonsnmnttoa If they will send me tbelr Kxpreas aad P. O. aililiem. Beevect-, fnllv. T- A eXOCUaf. at. 181 Pearl St. X. X. Tho Indications that Warns Connty fts Afalswt Governor Hasting, The Indications seem to be that War ren county Is against Governor Hnsllngs In his fight and that Senator Quay can count oa her vote. Warren Mirror. Bfartla Cannot Biiim saosa Voannaoaiwonlth. Dave Martin may bo boss of Philadel phia, bnt he will find that be U not f Pennsylvania. Chester Times. FEfiHSTLYAHIA COLLEGE, CBTTTSBITBC. PA- n tt4 Tree Faculty. Two fu:l courses ol etndy Classical and Scientific, Fpecuu courses iu an meats. Obtcrvalory, Laboratories and new GTsnoasiuin. Sfcam beat. Libraries, 22.000 volumes. Expenses low. Depsrt ment of Hygiene and Physical Culture In charge of aa experienced physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca tloa oa tho BATTLEFIELD of Gettysburg, most pleasant and healthy. PREPAR ATORY DEPARTMENT, in separ ate buidings, for boys and youog men pre paring for basinets or College, under spec ial care of the Principal and three assist, ants, residing with students in the building. Fall term opens September 6th, 1895. For Catalogues, address n. W. MCKNIGHT, D. D., President, or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Principal, Oetttysburg, Pa. W()6i7BOUGHT. II. L- COOPER, HO- 8 MOUTH FROST ST., Correspondence Solicited. Pkilmdelpki Long Distance Telephone 519. 'railroad time table . pEBRT COUXTr RA EERY COUXTr RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, sod the trains will be rnn aa follows: p.m 4 80 4 36 4 89 8 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 a. m 9 16 9 21 9 24 9 28 9 89 9 31 9 36 9 89 9 41 9 44 Leave Arrivo Duncannon 'King's Mill 'Sulphur Springs "Corman Siding Montebello Park Weaver Roddy Hoffman Royer Mabanoy Bloomfleld 'Long's Road Nellson Dum's Elliotsburg Bernbeisl's Green Prk Jfontonr' June Landisburg Arrive Leave a. m p. m 8 40 8 60 8 34 3 44 8 31 8 41 8 29 8 39 8 26 3 86 8 24 S 34 8 19 8 29 8 16 3 26 8 14 8 24 .8 11 8 21 8 05 3 15 7 52 2 45 7 46 2 89 7 43 2 86 7 40 2 33 7 34 2 27 7 32 2 25 7 27 2 20 6 65 1 60 a. m p m 456 4 69 5 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 5 22 10 13 6 26 10 16 6 28 10 19 6 24 10 26 6 86 10 27 6 41 10 32 6 09 11 20 p. m a. m Train leaves Blooinn-Md at to. 10 a. in. and mrritea at Landisburg at 6.4" a. m. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at Bloomlield at 6. 60 p. m. Trains leave Loysville for Dnncannon at 7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m., and 4.5G p. m. Between Landisbarg and Loysville trains run as lollows: Leave Landisburg for Loys ville 6 65 a. m., and 1 50 p m., Loysville for Landisburg 11 10 a. m.,and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked () are Hag stations, at wblct trains will come to a mil stop on signal. Locis E. ATCiasoa. F. Sf. Sf . Pbssr-.l ATKINSON A. PEXSELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, K1FFLINTOWN, PA. jy Collecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orrios On Mala street, in place of reel dence of Lonis B. Atkinson, Bsq., south Bridgo street. f Oct 26, 1892. fflLBERFORCE 1CRWETER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DB.D.M.CtAWrOED, DB. PAS WIS M.CKAWrOKD JR- D- CRAWFORD A SON, have formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and their collatterai branches. O.Uce at old stsnd, corner of Third and Or ange streets, Mimintown, Pa. One or both el them will be found at their office at all times, unless otherwise professionally en gaged. April 1st, 1895. JJP. DERR, PRACTICAL DENTIST, (Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of MifHinbarg, Pa., has lo cated permanently in Mifllintown, as suc cessor to the late Dr. G. L. Derr, and will continue the dental business (established by the latter in I860) at the well known of fice on Bridge street opposite Court House. C7- TEBTH'EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JSo CMoroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or Diseomfort to patient, either during extraction or afterwards. All these are Guaranteed r co charge will be made. 07" All work guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Dentist- CAUTION. TRESSPASS NOTICE. The undersigned persons have associated tbemseves together for tho protection ol Willow Run Trout stream in Lack town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are stricsiy lorDiaaen not to trespass npon the Isnd or stream of the said part les to fish as the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violating this noice, will be pros ecuted according to law. R. H. Patterson, T. H. Caruthers, J. P. Rob't A. Woodside, W. . Walls, Frank Yawn, Dyson Vswn. April 23, 1895. TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned persons have formed an Association for tho protection of their re spective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on the lands of the undersigned lor the purpose of hasting gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot the above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John Michael, William Pufleoberger, Gideon Sieber, Beasbor A Zook, Mary A. Brubaker, Joseph Rothrock, John Byler, Samuel Bell. September 6, 1896. CHAUTAUQUA NURSERY CO-, OFFER LIBERAL TERMS TO AGENTS. Salary aad expenses or commission. High grade Stock at low prices. New specialties. Seed Potatoes, (te. If EN WANTED in every town. Steady work. Pay Week ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, See'y Portland, N. T. Sep. 16,1896. HEKCH & DROia&OLD'S SAur."LLE:s!::Es A wonderful Improvement In nvttlAa - i Ciln-Bork. Back motion of Carries 3 time, aa (axt aa any other In the market. Friction 'lntrn Feral, caualna; all taeterd gearlnc to eland still w hile bm-k-Ki."r"t Hrr nnd weir. tnd tcrntnlnstanipa for iareeCatnlomie and prim Also '"T". IIrrow, liny Babe. Cultivator. ' ore Plantan, SKi-lIrr. etc. UnttUm i"r HBSCH en HltOltOOLP. , Tswhe V vrA -i-evA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, On n and after Sundav, May 20 5, (rains will rnn as follows: ' 1895, WBSTARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia a 4 80-a. m; Harrisburg 8 18 a. m; Duncan non8 54a. m; New Port 9 24 a. m; y,. lerstowa 936 a. m; Dnrword 9 43 a. m" Thompsontown 9 47 a. m; Van Dvke 9 55 a. m; Tuscarora 9 69 a. ro; Mexico" 10 02 sT m; Port Royal 10 07 a. m: Mifilin 10 14 , m; Denholm 10 21 (a, m; Lewistown 10 40 a mi McVejtown 11 08 s. m; Newton Hamilton II 3 i a. m; Mount Union 11 40 s. m; Huntingdon 12 10 p. m; Tyrone 1 02 p. ro; Altoona 1 45 p ir; PiftihurgG 50 p. B Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 . m, Harrisburg 11 20 a. ni; Duncannos 1 1 55 a. m; Newport 12 14 p. 111; Mifflin 12 52 p ro; Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McVevtown 1 33 p. m; Mount Union 1 6 p re; iluntingiioa 2 17 p. tn; Petersburg 2 30 p. m; TyroB4 i 05 p. m; Altoona 8 40 p. m; PitUbur 8 10 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Harris- bnrg at 6 00 p. m; Duncannon 6 34 p. a Newport C 02 p. ro; Jfillerstown 6 13 p.m'; Thompsontown 6 24 p m; Tuscarora 6 35 p. m; Afexico C S7 p. m; Port Royal 6 42 p. m; Mifflin 6 47 p. m; Denholua C 65 p. n Lewistown 7 13 p. n; JfcVeytown 7 33 p. ra; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. m; Hunting don 8 32 p. ro; Tyrone 9 1C p. in; Altoona 9 60 p. m. Pacific Express leavos Pbilalulphia at 11 20 p. m; Harrisburg 3 10 a. tn; Marji. villa 8 24 a. m; "Duncannon 3 38 a. ni; lien, port 3 69 a. m; Port Royal 4 81 a. m; Mif" din 4 87 a. m; Lewistown 4 68 a. ni; nc. Veytown 6 80 a. m; Huatingdon 6 03 a. m; Tyrone 6 65 a. ro; Altoona 7 40 a. a, Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4. 40 p.m; Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m; Newport 11 06j. n; Mifilin 11 40 p. m; Leniatowa 12 68 a. m; Huntingdon 12 65 a. m.; Trons 1 42 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 5 30 a.m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 -5 p. tn; Uarrrisburg 3 50 p. m; Duncanon 4 15 p. m; Newport 4 87 p. ro; Mifflin 6 10 p. m. Lewistown 6 29 p. tr; Mount Union 6 09 p. m; Huntingdon 6 28 p. ro; Tyrone 7 06 n ra; Altoona 7 40 p. ra; Pittsburg 11 20 p. m. EASTWARD. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Al. toons at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a m; Hunt ingdon 6 05 a. m; Newton HatuUlei 6 S3 a. ro; McVevtown 6 62 a. ni; Lewistown 7 15 a. m; Mifflin 7 88 a. m; Port Royal 7 44 a. in; Mexico .7 48 a. m; Thompson, town 8 02 a. m; Millerstown 8 VI a. Mewport 8 22 a. in; Duncannon 8 49 a ; Harrisburg 9 20 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 s mi Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 a bi: Hunt. ingdon 8 30 a ro; McVevtown 9 15 Lewistown 9 35 a tn; Milllin 9 65 a tn: a mi Port Royal 9 59 a ro; Thompsontown 10 14- Millerstown 10 22 a in; Newport 10 32 a m; Duncannon 10 64 a ra; Marysvillo 11 07 s m; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia i 00 f m. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. ro; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12. 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. ni; I.iwu. town 1 33 p. ro; Mifilin 1 50 p. ni; Harris, burg 3 10 p. m; Baltimore 6 li p. ni; Wash ington 7 30 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. ra; New Tort 9 23 p. ra Mail leaves Altoona at 2 00 p. in, Tyrnne 2 36 p. tn, tluntingdon 3 20 p. iu; Xinvton Hamilton 3 51 p. m; Mc Veytown 4 12 n. ro; Lewistown 4 38 p. m; Mifilin 5 03 p. m. Port Royal 5 Oil p. ui; Afexico 5 13 p. m; Thompsontown 5 27 p. ro; Millert-town S .IS p. m; Newport 6 48 p. ni; Duncannon 6 20 p. ra; Harrisburg 7 t0 p. in. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. m; Altoona 6 05 p. ra; Tyrone 6 37 p m; Huntingdon 7 20 p. in; McVevtown 8 04 p. ni; Lewistown 8 2'i p ro; .Vifliin 8 47 p m; Part Royal 8 52 p. ni; Millerstown '. 07 p. m; Newport 9 26 p. ro; Duncannon 9 50 p. m; Harrisburg 10 2) p. m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsbuv at 4 30 p. m; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tvroio 9 23 p. ru; Huntingdon 10 12 p. ru; Mount I'll, ion 10 82 p. in; Lewistown 11 16 p. tu; Mif. Hin 11 37 p. ni; Harrisburg 1 00 a. in; Phil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 -33 a. m. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for sundurv at 7 S5 a. ru. and c X) p. m., leave buobury for Lewistown 10 W tn, and 2 25 p. m. TYRONE DIVI3QN. Trains leave for Bellefonte and Lo : Haven at 8 10 a. m., 3 34 and 7 25 p. ra. leave Lock Uaven lor Tyrone 4 30, 0 10 p. ni. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEAHr IKLD R. R. Traina leave Tvrone for Clearfield and Curwensville at 8 30 a. tu.. 3 16 and 7 M p. in., leave Curwensville tor Tyrone at 4 89 a. m , 9 15 and 3 51 p m. For, rates, maps, etc, call on Ticket Agent., or address, Tbos. E. Watt, P. A. W. D., 110 Fifth Avenue, 1'itts. burg, Pa. S. M. Prevost, J. R. Wood, Geu'l Manager. Gen'l Pa3s. Agt VIEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL I 1 ley Railroad Company. Ti ir.a table of passenger trains, in effect on Momlav, October 1st, 1891. STATIONS. West ward. 3j T Eaxt wari. ' a ' t a 6 05 10 on 6 OR 10 03 6 12 10 071 6 15 10 10 6 25 10 17j 6 22 10 20 6 31 10 26 6 39 10 34: 6 61 10 4C 6 64 10 49: 7 16 11 00l 7 1211071 7 17 11 VI 7 23 11 18, 7 27 11 22 7 35 11 80j 7 4111 86 7 4511 40 A M ; 6 15 6 1!1 G 2M 6 35 6 40 6 44 6 51 6 59 7 HI 7 2' 7 05 7 33 7 41 7 36 7 45 7 48 7 62 7 65 r a 4 Ol 3 67 8 63 3 50 3 46 3 41 3 88 8 82 8 IS 8 10 304 25 2 49 2 4S 2 40 in 2 24 29 Newr-rt Buffalo Bridge Jnniata furnace ... W ahneta Sylvan Watr Plug Bloomlield Junct'n, Valley Road ....... Elliottsburg. ...... Green Park ....... Loysville Fort Robeson Center Ciena's Rnn Andersonburg ..... Blain . .. Mount Pleasant ... New Germant'n ... D. GRING, President and Manager, , K. Mnu.BB, General Agent. WANTED SALESMEN. We want a few men to sell a CAoict Lih of Nursery Stock. We cannot make you neb in a month bnt can give you tteaJv employment aud will pay yea well for iA Our prices correspond with the times. Write for terms snd territory to TIIE HAWKS' NURSERY CO. July 14. 1895. Rochester, N-1. altfn" pwfh "oajronta. Wer.fieil 9 B h RSI FoJ) examination M-nrS for ili-i oiii riOT worxl-rltna. Sfc lb., mmwe mm aa J iswnoci. izstjisstiuiutisu. ACHE ROADSTER $55 UuaraDteed saoio as agents sell for F k " ACHE ROAD RACER, 25 lb. 0Q(1 WOOD-RIMS, WUWI .rudenoe and economy suesot the n " " 1C4S IUnstrated Catalogue f ran. Acme Cycle Company, EUCMART. 1N& PeTf lines, porf.ctste.rlrur. txrfert JostiMnt, nnnninMl nno aa Bnts soil f"r 1:2',i!S Wrtn rrant j with every nmrlilne rr.!?,nSj Job i bore blcyelethrontSanaitentjr.." r"'""J iiretSau our wnolasela price for ""Sfi'lS i.ts snoot aa mnch to sell Sloyc!-' "'""Kt nnt.aandMl.raaslt dons to aiukn :T:.2