Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 24, 1895, Image 4

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    JTH8 KIS OF CHtLOftEft.
jo t bought or mii muatlsflad
T Tb kiss of littl childron krlnL
Xo atter-ts M brMa things,
toartul frnjer lot imm dauil
ft.o mhmdow of ramorae wlngm.
Mo hih of Mica worth and prldo.
Mo fevarltb mica at Lotb tid.
Bat IxOta ttjcriioratilntinmt qui,
rtie k!f of liC! "hlldri nbn
" bop of uf ! boltor thing.
It stirs oor hacrli. till nmmr ing
Of oar loit lsKoonoo and takoo
Vm by tbo Bud tlist cnfldrika ollngt
To Mrs, along hr ittw. andmakeo
' U nobler for tlio troth, that feraaka
Tbo dream the kiss of ohllorea brings.
-Kew oglan4 ligas:Da.
Rate Treslo was, as he himself was
ont to declare, '-th' most patient
an long-sutlerin' man on airth." It
was Kate's way to be patient and
lonn-suiTerintr, just as it is some men's
way to 'My oil the hooks" and lose
their tempers on the sliphest provo
cation. 1'ernaps the latter way la
more convenient, as saving one a vast
amount of lacerated feelings and loss
of pride, but date's way had the ad
vantage of costing its owner fewer
post-mortem regrets and fewer
friends. True it is that3ate's friends
were wont to impose on him much as
other people aid, but he diJu't mind
that at least, thev thought he
didn't. And it was this supposition
that led some of them into subse
jnent difficulty.
Rate was one of the principal
characters and most important feat
ures of Manganese, where he lived.
To be a principal character necessi
tates the possession of much spare
time, and 'ate had this essential
qualification nearly every day in the
week. When nc marrc nave it, ne
wa3 at work, but this did not happen
often. Nate was like Rip Van
Winkle always ready to take a drink,
or to lend a band for the benetit of
lome cne else, but prone to shirk la
tor which might beneflt himself and
his family. So Mr. Preslo sewed
aresscs and thing, which was quite
convenient for Nate, as it gave him
more time to indulge his fancy foi
Nate's loating-places were the Ex
Change and lied Front saloons. These
places were most convenient, being
provided with plenty of chairs, and
being the places roost affected by
citizens likely to set 'em up. Here
'ate did most of bis suffering, of
whatever kind. It came mostly in
the form of jokes, practical and of
mouth, leveled at Uiiu by his fellow
citizens, and in thn c he took a sort
Of mournful pleasure, as being an in
dication of his popularity. It Is a
well-established fact that an unpopu
lar man Is seldom troubled by jokers.
Like most of his kind, Nate had a
dog (not a yellow one, however, but a
spaniel) to assist him in leafing, and
it was Curly whose misfortunes lei to
Hate's final reformation.
One afternoon, as Nate was lazilj
holding forth to some of his cronies
from his seat in the Exchange, there
was a slight commotion on the street
outride, and they went to the door to
ascertain the cause. It was Curly.
He had stopped in at the Red Front
to look for Nato, and some of the
crowd down there had proceeded to
have fun with him by tying a tin-can
to his tail. He was now coming up
the street somewhat more rapidly
than usual, and heading for the Ex
change, as a possible place of refuge.
Kate picked him up and carried him
inside, where he removed the can.
Then he sat quite still for a few mo
ments, petting Curly, and quite un
conscious of the laughing mob in the
saloon, cracking fool-jokes at his and
Curlv's expense.
Suddenly he arose, and, without a
glance at any one. strode out of the
door. The crowd followed, wonder
log what he Intended doing. 'ate
stopped a minute in front of the bar
ber-shop to speak to Jim Calkins.
Got a gun, Jim?"
"Gimme It, fr a few minutes."
'AVhat ye goln' t' do, Nate?"
"Jim," answered Nate, slowly, but
working his nails in and out of his
palms very fast, "I'm coin' down t'
lick th' brute th't put that canon th'
pup an' I want V bo fixed t' shoot
back ef he makes a gun-play."
Jim handed him the desired six
shooter, and he went on down the
street tD the Red Front.
The jokers had cone Inside, and
were laughing as they waited at the
bar for drinks.
"Hulto, Nate!" called Nosey Trice,
frho was "buying. " "Bring th dog,
an' come an have a drink. Dooi he
drink, too? I see 'iui rushin' th' can
les now.'1
Of course all the men laughed up
roarlonsly, but they stopped short at
eight of Nate's uplifted hand and
blazing eyes.
"Hoi' on. Nosey," said Nate quietly,
"I want t' know, first place, who tied
that there can on th' pup's tall?"
Tho knot of drinkers at the bai
jookcl at each other halt-amusedly
for a socond or two, and then one
asked, laughingly:
"Why, Nate?"
"Because," answered Nate, "I jes
come down yere t' r'mark th't I'm
patient an' long-sufferiu' myself,
but, "
Another laugh interrupted him,
and thon he went on:
"But I don't perpose no brute it
goia' V tease that dog o' mine, none
whatever. Th' man th't done it is a
dirty, sneaking coward, an I c'n lick
im!" -
They saw he was in earnest, and
A id not laugh. Bill Klley, a big raw,
boned. ham-Osted "bad" man from
High Pines, who stood at the further
end of the bar. stepped forward.
"Wh-what did ye say?" he asked,
iurprisedly. "W'y, you half-Rrowed
sniveler "
They were not quite sure how it
happened; none of them had evci
seen Nate lift his hand against a fel
low man, atd they were totally un
prepared fcr what happened. In
icarce fifteen seconds, Nate, bleeding
but triumphant, sat astride bis an
tagonist, enthuslast'cally thumping
Lira on the head with the butt of the
prostrate Kiley'snwn revolver which
the latter had dropped somehow early
In the argument when the crowd in
terfered and dragged them apart.
After taking a couple of drinks and
washing his face, Nate walked home,
preceded by Curly, who seemed to
feel that ho had been thoroughly
avenged, and acted like a callow pup
In his satisfaction. Nate did not go
down town again that day. He went
into the bouse and surprised his wife
by kissing her. after which he went
out and split a most amazing amount
of stovo-wood, and in the evening he
played with the children and "tink
jred 'round."
Mrs. Preslo could not understand
im. At first she feared bo was go
ing to bo ill; but lie looked quite
nealtby, barring a black cyo and a
raised cheek. His wifo Inquired,
ifter ti e children bad gono to bed,
if ha bad been hurt. Nate rose from
his seat by the table and came over
to where she sat
"Letty," fie said, stralghtenlut
limself up end looklat straigpt at
Ml. 'I'm th' mot patient aaV ion-
SuTTerirr man on ainor&n' you're th'
most patient an' long-eufferin' woman
on airth but, see yere, Lett Preslo,
we hain't, n'r onr kids hain't, n'r
Curly hain't a-goin' t do any more o
this fool-pufferin'. I've got sick an'
tired of it, an' 1 lea' c'nclnded f show
folks I hain't a-goin t' stan no mors
of it" And he told her about the
trouble that afternoon, and bow be
had made up bis mind to stop buf
fer in' " and do something more profit
able and respectable.
Next morning, Kate' did not go
Jown town until 9 o'clock. Then he
walked briskly down and called on
'Squire Field, who was a leading law
yer and politician. The 'Sqmro was
just looking over his letters when
Nate came in, but something In the
latter's face arrested his attention,
and he stopped his work to learn what
Nate wanted.
'"Squire," said Nate, earnestly.
"the city convention's two weeks I'm
t-dav, hain't it?
"M-m, yes; so it is."
"Wall, 'Squire, 1 want th' nomana-
tion fr city marshalL "
The 'Squire was amazed. "You,
Nate? Why "
"Hoi on, 'Squire. I want t' tell
e, first off. th't I hain't Ssufferin'
Nate' no more. That's all over. I'm
Nate Treslo. an' don't perpose t' do
no more sufferln. " 'SquU e, hain't I
always been a good party man? an'
worked hard ev'ry election? an' never
asked fr nothin' more'n a seat in con
ventions?" "Yes, you have, Nate; but but
see here, you know that we've got to
have a strong candidate for marshal.
The other fellows have beaten our
nominee three times with Buckley-
he's a strong candidate and a good
"All right, 'Squire; but I reckon I
;'n make as strong a run as anybody
in our crowd. Who've je got th't c'n
Jo better?"
The 'Squire pondered. "Well, Ben
'onant wants it
"Ben Conant's got one good job.
Squire. An' has he got more frien's
n I have?"
"Well, you see, Nate, to be frank,
:here are a good many people whe
don't exactly approve of you. Now,
there's something that the good folks
would look dubious about been fight
ing. Nate? 1 never knew you to."
Nate grinned. "That's th' b'gin
jin' o' th' end o' my sufferin','
'Squire." And he told him about it.
The 'Squire tapped his teeth with
.lis pencil lor a few moments. "Nate,"
he said, at last, "keep mum, and
come up this afternoon, about hve
o'clock. "
That afternoon, the four or five
jrentlemen who guided the destinies
of the party in Manganese held a
star-chamber session in 'Squire Field's
office. The 'Squire Informed them of
Nate's morning visit and the conver
sation that had taken place; and, af
ter some deliberation, it was decided
that inasmuch as Nate had. quit
"sufferln" and had resolved to
"brace up," he should have the nomi
nation he deslrel. They did not be
lieve he could beat Charley Buckley,
but they wanted to show their good
will by "slating" him, anyway.
To say that most people were sur
prised when Nate's nomination was
announced, would be putting it mild
ly. But the atute politicians, who
bad had a couple of weeks to consider
the matter, nodded their beads
wisely, and were fully convinced that
a much worse selection might have
been made. Nate paid small atten
tion to what people thought or said,
lie kept steadily at work at his tem
porary 1ob in the brick-yards, and
iid his electioneering out of working
Of course the "boys" had fun with
nim, and he tooK it all in good part;
they did riot go too far with him,
If people were surprised at Nate's
aomination, they were dazed at bis
election. He carried the city by a
majority of over a hundred votes,
much to the consternation of Mr.
Buckley and his party.
There was, as is customary, an in
formal celebration at the Exchange
ind other resorts tbat night. Amid
the congratulations and flow or spir
its (of various kinds). Nate found and
availed himself ot an opportunity tc
jutline his future policy.
"Boys," he said, "I'm mighty
thankful an' glad ye've put me in; an'
now I want t' say, an' ye may' ve seen,
th't it'll be a right good scheme t'
r'memberth't I hain't 'Sufferin' Nate'
no more an' that'll save any an' all
misunderstandings. Hain't I right,
"You just bet"' responded the de
feated Mr. Buckley, fervently, and
its response was approved by nearly
ill present.
But many people are forgetful, and
iome are neglectful and skeptical,
ind no sooner had Nate been installed
in office and donned his star (the
Mayor presented blm with a new one
it the next council meeting, when
the officers-elect were sworn in) and
strapped on his six-shooter, than
trouble began.
Buckley had celebrated his retire
ment from office by getting too drunk
to kick the clothes off the bed in
which he was placed ataa early hour,
ind Nate was called on to perform
duty at once. A gang of six "bad"
men from Georgetown, hearing of
Nate's election and his Induction into
office, had come down to "do up" the
town and make it uncomfortable for
the new marshal, to whom they sent
word tbat they would kill him if he
interfered. They had a wholesome
fear of Buckley, but "Sufferln'
Nate left the council-room ana
.valked 6ver to the Double Eagle
Saloon, Where the six "bads" were.
They were leaning against the bar
and talking of "eating" the new
marshal. Nate stepped inside and
up to the end of the bar, very pale,
but Arm, and "covering" the whole
line with his revolver.
"Boys," he remarked, as (with
.lands uplifted, of course) they stared
at him, bardly willing to believe their
eyes, "I beerd ye talkln about eatin'
a chap named 'Sufferin' Nate.' They
hain't no seen person; but here's Nate
Preslo, City Marshal, an' be wants
ye. It they's any klllln' goln' on, I
j'n git two 'r three t your one; don't
f'rgit tbat Wilt" be said to the
bartender, "take the'r guns."
The bartender obeyed, and Nate
marched his half-dozen "bad" men
to the lock-up, whence they emerged
next day to pay their floe and shake
bands cordially with Nate, who drank
with them in a friendly way.
This was not quite the end ot
Sate's "sufferln's;" for not a few of
his friends essayed to take advantage
of him, now and then, and Impose on
his good nature; bnt it was not long
before they found out that Nate was
no respecter ot persons when bis dnty
ras involved, and that be would not
"suffer" any more tbaa the pride of
i man would permit; so tbat when
ihc next city ilootlon came on, Nate
vu ra-elected by a rousing majority.
Last summer I was talking with
ilmOeft II HOW serving his third terms
stioTIt the pfialiar nomenclature ot
the West, and especially the singular
appellations carried by some of its
eluxena. r "
His eyes twinkled as. we talked,
"Yes1" be says, "they use' t' call me
Suffer-in Nate,' but they don't n
more. Ye see "
But lust then be was called away.
ind 1 might never have heard the
itorr of bow Nate'a safferla'a"
snded It 'Squire Field had not dropped
In. In one ot bis reminiscent mooas,
ind related it to me. RL. Ketchun?
in tbe San Francisco Argonaut
ararmlaf OnO Hondrod If can Ago.
Should our population Increase as
.-apidly during the coming 100 years
is in the last flirty It will not be less
than 400,000,000. I am, however, in-
;llned to think it . will not so in
crease; for one thing, we will not
have the same inducements to offer
to immigrants. When the price of
land goes up, as it is oouod to do, and
Its acquisition requires more money;
when more capital is required to un
lertake farming, except on thesmall
tst scale, and truck farms near cities
bring a high rent and call for the
rre itest intelligence as well as in
lUoiry on the part of the farmer
one of the chief inducements to for
eigners seeking our shores namely:
tbe acquisition of farms of their own
will disappear. At the same time
the liberal tendencies of all civilized
countries, even under monarchical
governments, will lessen the number
Df those who leave the older countries
ror the sake of greater political free
join. Immigration to tbe United
States will consist more and more ol
s few comparatively well-to-do per
ioos seeking opportunities lor the
profitable investment of a small capi
tal, and who, possessing some educa
tion and training in tbe art of self
rovernment will readily amalgamate
ivlth our own people, or of the poor
;st classes well content to serve for a
time in the ranks of labor, provided
the rate of wages is hili enouixh tc
reward their frugality witn moaerate
savings. Ex-Secretary Rusk inNortf
American Review.
It Was Only a Slipper.
She is a roguish and Jolly girl, bu
deing an Episcopalian, she has been
making a great effort since Ash
Wednesday to affect a certain sub
dued and demure manner. The other
afternoon the sewing circle to which
she belongs met Her gown for the
occas'on was, according to the New
York World, simplicity Itself of soft
gray cashmere, with a plaited bodice
made Quaker fashion. Her bonnet
was a quaint little gray chip poke.
trimmed with gray ribbon and one
large purple passion flower. The tie
strings were ot broad gray satin rib
bon. She glided into the room very
quietly and became at once Intent
upon her Lenten sewing. Suddenly
the sewing circle quiet was interrup
ted by wild shrieks ot terror and tbe
members with one accord climbed
upon tbe tables and chair seats.
What was the trouble? Simply the
demure little maiden's new house
slipper. It was of black suede. Nc
buckle ornamented the instep, but in
its place was a tiny mouse in high re
lief and made of gray suede, with
bright beads for eyes, and a long tail
with a regular mouse like curl to it
Now the fair practical joker is tremb
ling lest her rector may hear of it
. An Old Clergyman.
Years ago there lived in Connection'
an old minister who was quite cele
brated for his wit Many of his say
ings have been preserved and han1c
down from father to son.
In a meeting of ministers one day t
eernion was read, and according to cus
torn, criticised. It had been read in th
old. well-known singsong tone. On
minister objected to the tone of the ser
nion. and another found fault Witt
something else. The old doctor sal
quietly In bis corner until his turf
to speak came.
"If you take away the tone," be said,
dryly, "it seems to me there would bf
little left
While traveling in the Western coun
try he learned to shave without the aid
of a mirror. Long afterward, while
attending some gathering of ministers,
he got up early, and was discovered by
hfs friend standing face to a blank
wall to perform the act of shaving, al
though there was a good mirror In the
room. In answer to bis friend's sur
prised question, he said be had not user"
I looking-glass for thirty years.
"The last one I looked in." he said
with a curious drawing In of the corners
of his mouth tbat always accompanied
a Joke, "I got so little encouragement
I thought I wouldn't try it again."
He did not generally enjoy having a
)oke turned on himself, but sometimes
he fully appreciated it One day s
shiftless neighbor called, and asked if
he had a wheelbarrow.
"Yes," replied tbe clergyman, "but
X don't lend if
"Well," said the neighbor, promptly
" did I ask for it?"
This pleased the old minister so much
that the neighbor presently departed.
trundling tbe cherished wheelbarrow
with the old man's full consent
Poeta and Poena
"I begin to feel like my poems," sighed
the poet to the cruel lady who had ald
nay to his gentle appeal.
"In what respect, pray?"
"I have been rejected so ,ften.K-
Detroit Free Tress.
Why It Was.
Editor Smith, what do von men
itt ,fl1nff thi Tim KmnH tra who tha in
dies' Hon at the reception last night.
was mere anu am noi nee a bush
woman near him.
Kforv Knnrtnr Cif onnrna not: It.
dies are afraW of lions. New York
A Modern Demoothenea.
She Is Mr. Humbler such an eto
quent man?
lie He Is Indeed. He once pcrsuadei
cable car conductor to ring the bell
:o stop. Life.
Both Load, Too.
Teazer An onion is like a church bett
Weazer How so?
Teazer Got a peel on peeL Pblladei.
phla Inquirer.
Something of a Joke Heroelf.
A woman's idea of a Joke la soms
Jilng that will worry a man. Alilwau-
kee Journal. ,
Weary Ives Willie, If yon don't tr
working so bard you'll have a relapse;
that's certain.
Weary Willie (incredulous) Me wor.
Weary Ives Cert; I never seen
feller chew his food as long as you da
Ho Mora Ticket Here, Tkougfc.
Tommy Pop, what does nil desper-
ndum mean?
Tommy'a pop It means, my boy,
tever tear as your ticket until the
horses are under tbe tape. Pjdlaflel-
pma ttecora.
bits of taxe tome.
Lamp wicks should have the charred
art rubbed off with a rag kept for
ifaat purpose. They should very eel
lorn be cat They should not be need
o long that tha webbing becomes
agnt and non-porous.
Xaunpa should be kept filled with
u. it is had ror the wick andourner
rhen the oil left over from one even-
ng's reading is made to do duty asec
nd time.
The tank should be filled again.
About onee a month tho wick should
te removed, the burners unscrewed
ind boiled in a little water in which
sommon washing sot'a has been dis
solved. This will remove the almott
mpcrceptibla coating of dtut and
rrease that forms on the brass.
The lamp chimney snouia Dewasbec
a warm, soapy water each day, a mop
nade especially lor such work being
ifved. When dried it shonld be pol-
shed with soft newspaper or chamois,
Philadelphia Times. .
A great many housekeepers ai.
jhary about cooking game, as though
(here were some mystery in its proper
preparation, and a good deal of non
lense has been talked about "rare"
rame which has perplexed and warned
iff the ordinary person, who has no
tppetite for raw flesh. As a rule, all
lark-fleshed birds, like ducks and
grouse, should be cooked about as rare
is roast beef, so that tbe blood rnns
from the knife. Birds with white
lesh, like partridge, should be as well
lone as a barnyard fowL A simple
rule for time allows eighteen or twenty
minutes' roasting for either canvas-
back or redhead duek, fifteen minutes
(or teal, eighteen or twenty minutes
for grouse, twelve or fifteen minutes
(or doe-birds, ten minutes for either
plover or woodcock, and eight or ten
minutes for English snipe. Tender,
plump quail . require from fifteen to
iightccu minutes, and the average
plump partridge from thirty-five to
Forty minutes. This implies the brisk
est heat the range oven can give, s
lent that will turn a sheet of writing
?aper dark brown in ten minutes.
tew York World.
doit's fob this window garden.
Don't forget tbat the plants will re
quire plenty of fresh air on sunny
days, or they will resent the change
from their summer quarters.
Don't leave the door or window
pen too long, unless the weather ia
very mild, or the plants will become
Don't allow a direct draught on ths.
jlants, especially if the air is cold.
Admit it through a door or window at
some distance from the plant shelves.
Don't give too much water or try to
Orce the plants. Oive them time to
become accustomed to their winter
Don't forget to search for the crack t
ihat will let in the keen air. btufl
mem with folded newspapers.
Don't be sorry to give your onlj
,-ose or geranium blossom to youi
sick neighbor, it may do her mor
good than medicine.
Don't fail to keep a kettle of wata
m the top of the sitting room stove ot
(he water pan filled in the furnance.
Don't worry about the moisture
jeing unhealthy when it is necessary
to sit m the room with the plants.
You will be benefited as well as tin
Don't fail to use stimulants on youi
alla, and plenty of warm water if yon
want qnantities of the beautiful lilies.
Don't forget to look at the bulbi
vhich have been placed in the dark tc
form roots. Some of them may b
ready to bring into the light fol
Don't be discouraged if you can
jnake the plants bloom while the dayi
are short and there is little sun. Yon
will notice a great change in a lev
Potato Roulettes Mix a pint masheci
potatoes with a tablespoon tul of cream,
lt and pepper to season, and the
Deatcn yolk of an egg. Form 'Into ob-
ong roulettes, dip in beaten egg, roll
in bread crumbs and fry in hot lard to
i golden brown.
Cranberry Sauce Wash and picl
he berries, removing all imperfect
ines. Put them in a porcelain kettle ;
o a quart of berries allow a pint of
mgar. -Boil ten or fifteen minutes,
-.(iking eare not to mash the berries.
Pour into a deep dish or a mold.
Pumpkin Pie One quart of etewisi
umpkin pressed through a sieve, eight
:ggs beaten separately, two scant
auarts of sweet milk, one pint sugar,
t teaspoonful each of butter, cinna
mon and nutmeg. Beat together and
bake in pie pans lined with rich pastry.
Scalloped Oysters Butter a deep
tan or baking dish, cover tho bottom
ith rolled crackers or bread crumbs
ilightly toasted. Over this put a layer
it oysters seasoned with pepper and
lalt and a little butter, then another
layer of crumbs and one more of oys
ters, salt, pepper and butter. Tha top
layer should be of crumbs seasoned
with pepper and salt. Over this put
small pieces of butter. Bake about
half an hour.
Apple Dumplings Peel, core ana
nt up six pipe apples. Prepare a rich
pastry, take small pieces of it, roll out
ind cnt into slices about the size of a
breakfast saucer. Into each put a tea'
ipoonfnl of butter, two teaspoonfuls
A sugar and two or three tablespoon'
ful of the minced apple. Form into
balls by drawing tho edges of crust to
gether. Put them in a pan and
iprinkle over the top a little sugar and
iome tiny pieces of butter. Cover
rith boiling water and bake, adding a
ittle more water if it gets low before
k&e dumplings are done,
Parson Er excuse me which la the
bride and which the bridegroom -Tudy,
If a man believes In the natural
goodness and politeness of people, It is
because he was never last at a board
tV Titan More Than to Otncn la tke
jfelr rimy Accorded la W heahnaa. -
From the beginnlhg of cycling In thto
. - . i i . Kn If troau'wr.
bulwarks, and to them is dim the credit for the
nrond position news oi ids mcjo
f . r i Hi.. nf rirn wi owe
tne neniRn w , --: - - -
mneh, as it was their plnek and their money
mac nave niauw v -
Among the men who early telt the benefits
of cvelin. and did not hesitate to expend
money, ia Colonel Ben. 8. Lovell, ot Boston,
Treasurer of the John P. Lovnli Arm Com
pany, of that oity. Their firm name has
been a familiar one for over fifty years, hav
ing been established in 1840. doiror a sport
ing goods and gnn business. Belne in a
kindred trade. It was but natural that they
shonld encase in the making and selling of
hlnyrlns. Their success has been unbounded,
fix ilixv hnvo made a name for the Lovell
Diamond Cycles that is a familiar house
hold one in eyery hamlet in the land. It Is
not possible to have done that without cost,
and a considerable one, too, as readers of
current literature will admit, for have not
all of us encountered the symbolic words
'Lovell Dlampndsy" To estimate the gross
amount that has been expended for advertis
ing would beadifficulttask.butit is said that
considerably over SIOO.000 was spent by
them during 1894. All the big Eastern dailies
bad entire pages, which cost lots of money,
and tbe magazines filled many pages exploit
ing Lovell Diamond Cycles.
Can It be wondered at, then, that cycling
nas become popular, when men like Colonel
Lovell spend such sums to make it so?
Colonel Lovell is Treasurer of the John P.
Lovell Arms' Company, and is a man of rare
business attainments, a.-quired bv long ex
perience and an aptit uile possessed Dy lew.
In private life he has won the respect and es
teem of every one he has been brought in
contact with, while his public record is
equally good, on live different occasions rep
resenting his town in the Legislature, serving
in both branches. H served on the staff ot
Govornor Long for three consecutive years,
and isnowamomberot tSovornorGreenhalge'a
stafT. lit has been a dxlcate to four National
conventions, au l there Is not nu office in the
irift of his townsmen which would not be at
Sis disHil were it not for his urent business
r-s;ionsibilili-.. There is no tnau in the
tii-ycle btisiniMs more respected than Colonel
llenj. 3. Lovell. and no better bicycle is made
in the world than the Lovell Diamond.
Trained Bees.
Among the smaller animals none are
so Intelligent, practical and sober-minded
as the busy bee. lie will mount in
the air and fly in a straight line for his
hive. When a man wishes to say tha.t
he has gone by the shortest line from
one point to another and that, as
mathematics teach, is a straight line
he says he "made a bee line" for the
place. So In the structure of their
cells they apply by instinct the form
and' proportions which reason proves
to be the most effective and economica'
of space.
It would appear, therefore, a very
simple thing to teach bees tricks and In
troduce them to a professional life as
performers on the amusement stage.
Yet probably very few have ever seen
them trained. In 1831, however, a Mr.
W'Hdeman of Tlymouth did train a
troup and exhibited them for the recrea
tion of tbe curious public. He trained
a swarm of bees so well that he made
them enact maneuvers with as much
precision and unity as soldiers going
through field tactics. Wtldeman would
appear before an audience with the
bees swarming all over him. They
were on his face and hands, crawling
over his clothes, and his pockets wer
full of them.
The hives of the bees were in a cer
tain part of the hall quite removed
from the stage where W'Hdeman stood
with them thickly clustered on him.
He would give a whistle, and the bees
at once flew to their hives. When they
got well settled there he would whistle
again, and back they flew and settled
on his face, his hands and clothes once
more. This was done with the greatest
promptness and regularity. It must
have been some solicitude that the
spectators assisted at this performance.
But It Is due to the bees, and perhaps
to Wildeman, to say that no one war
ver stung by them.
After the Grip, diphtheria, pneumonia,
scarlet fever, typhoid fever, etc , Hood's 8ura
parllla is of wonderful benefit la imparting the
strength and vigor to much desired.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, harmless,
effective, do not pain or gripe.
The French Montpelier gave a name
to the Vermont Montpelier.
lrnffllr ted with core eves use Dr. Tsaae
con's Eye-water. Druggi-its sell at 25c. per bottle
A Hunting Ground 800 Tear Old
There is no older hunting establish
ment In the world than that of the
Goodwood Hounds, which Is now about
to be broken up by tho Duke of Rich
mond on account of Its expense. The
Hunt has been In existence since the
sixteenth century, and the final disap
pearance of the time-honored colors
orango coat with scarlet collars and
cuffs will be a source of regret tc
sportrmen in every part of the globe.
Tbe areatert fledlcal Discover?
of trie Age.
Medical Discovery,
Has discovered In on of onr common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrotals
down to a common pimple.
He has tried it In over eleven hundred
eases, and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in
his possession over two hundred eertlfl
eatas of Its value, all within twenty mlier
Of Boston. Send postil card for book.
A benefit is always experienced from the
first bottle, and a perfect sure is warranted
when ths right quantity Is taken.
When the lungs are affected It cause
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them ; the some with the Livor
or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts
being stopped, and always disappears in a
week after taking It. Bead tbe label.
If the stomach is foul or bilious It wiD
cause squeamish foelings at first
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can got, and enough ot It.
Dose, one tablespoonfu! la water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists,
''Tlie More Ton Say tbe Less
Word With
Always Tired
Describes a dangerous condition.because
it means that the vitality is becomingex
bansted by reason of impoverished Wax1
Give new life to the vital fluid and the
.or.U mnaOoa will STOW StrOOger.
Hood's Sarsaparilla givee strength, be
cause it makes pure, rich biooa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only true blood purifier prominent
ly in the puaiic eye today, f ljtntior o.
HnnH'c Pills the after-dinner pill and
Wingless Birds.
For ages before Its occupation by man
New Zealand swarmed with great
wingless birds, which found here no
carnivorous enemies, but an aDuna
ance of vegetable food. The moss not
only existed In vast numbers and for
thousands of rears, but had such aiver-
4ity of form as to embrace no less than
seven genera, containing twenty-flve
species a remarkable fact which Is
unparalleled In any other part of the
world. The commonest kinds In the
North Island were only from two and
a half to four feet high. Those of the
South are and were mostly from four to
six feet tall, while the giant forms,
reaching twelve and thirteen feet, wer
always rare.
Immense deposits of moa bones have
been found In localities to which they
appeared to have been washed from the
hills In tertiary times. Skeletons on the
surface of the.ground, with skin and lig
aments aflll attached, have given the
Impression that these birds have been
exterminated in very recent years, but
other facts point to a different conclu
sion. Tradition seems to show, ac
cording to F. M. Hutton, that the moa
became extinct In the North Island
soon after the arrival of the Maoris In
New Zealand that Is, not less than 400
to 500 years ago and In the South Isl
and about 100 years later.
The fresh-appearing skin and ligs
mcnts are supposed to have been pre
served by unusually favorable condl
Pr. Kilmer's Pwaxp-Uoot cnrsi
all Kidney and Blaildt'r troubles,
l'ampletanit Consultation frox
1-aboratory HlnKhamton. N. V.
A recent invention measures the
velocity of shot to the nine billionths
part of a second.
I could not get alone; withont Plso's Cure lo
ranMiniption. It alwavs cures. Mrs. E. C.
MofLTOs, .Needhum, Mm., Oct 22. 'W.
An English Court has decided that
the copyright of a photograph belongs
to the sitter when he or she orders it
and pays for it.
Mrs. Wlnalsw Soothing Srm for children
teethini;. Softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, aliai'a iain. cures wla4 cone Jbc a botu
A Maine woodchopper recently cut
down a tree containing a pock of buck
wheat which had beeu stored by
E. A. Rood, Tolelo, Ohio, says : " Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure cured my wife of catarrh, nt'tC4u
yean ago and she had had no return of it. It4
a sure cure." bold by lirUa-ists. 7jc
Charles Riker of Klwood, Ind., has
a dog which, having lost a litter of
baby dogs, has adopted an orphan
Kvrry Canse Bat the Right One.
Your headache : Yon lay it to every cause bnt
thetrueone lmltfrestion. bo few people know
what iudieeatlon reallv is. Hardly know they
have It The cure is Itlpans Tubules. A single
one gives relief. Ask your druggist
Difficult to Define It, Even If It Exist
in Women.
Absolute ugliness In girls Is, accord
ing to woman, very seldom met with,
irregularity. Insignificance or want of
harmony lu the features Is not sufficient
to constitute real ugliness. A high fore
bead Is nowadays universally consid
ered to be a misfortune.
A pasty complexion Is, no doubt, a ca
lamity, so Is a long upper lip, and so
is a large chin.
But a- girl's face may have any one
ef these characteristics It may possess
them all without be.ng positively ugly.
An Intelligent mind and a gentle spirit
may do wonders In transforming a
plain face and making It, if not buau
tlful, attractive.
And the proof of this Is tbe often
noted fact that many plain and even
ugly girls are led to the altar, while
their handsomer sisters win admlratlor
without Inspiring love.
It Is when plain and badly formed
features are the lome of stupidity
when they are nnlllumlnatod by n
spark or a ray of generous feeling that
they form a truly ugly face.
Such faces there are, and there art
also no doubt fnTs cn-t hy nature in
so broad a mold that nothing will ren
der them attractive, any more than a
deformed figure can be made comely;
but such comeliness Is almost as rare at
beauty itself.
Men often excuse themselves from at
tendance on plain young women on
this ground, that they are not only 111
looking but 111-temered.
There la, too, much truth In th
charge. But the ugly girl Is not with
out excuse. The consciousness that no
man or woman cares to look at her
face a Second time. Joined to the sens!
tlveness she has acquired. Is apt to sour
her temper, and this. In its truth, teudr
to Increase, her ugliness.
Yet it is a singular fact that if a mai
for any reason pays marked attention
to a plain girl, she Is apt to hold her
chin half an Inch higher In the air than
a good-IooklDg girl would do under thf
same circumstances.
It would be futile to Inquire Into th.
reason of this tendency on the part of
ugly girls to give themselves airs, but
the fact Is patent to all men. Clncin
atl Gazette. .
He Found Nothing to Iteport,
A young reporter was sent out recent
ly by the city editor of one of the Koch-
ester papers to report a meeting. About
two hours after the assignment was
made, the young reporter returned
with a sad countenance. The city
editor asked him to get the report up
Immediately, as It was nearly time to
go to press. "There will not be any re
port on that meeting." was the answer.
"Why not?" queried the city editor.
"There was not any meeting," replied
tbe yonng reporter; "It broke op In a
big row, and the chairman was chuck
ed under the table."
William Jenkins dronrjed dead from
joy at being released from the insane
noapiiai at Dpencer, w. Va,
English leather gloves were sold all
over Europe in 1847.
People Remember." One
Beacncumbers make a good living, n
a rule, by collecting nearly everything
.. u MQts nnon the beaches.
The fall of the year is their profitable
season. The September gales send the
on the beaches and
carry the surface sand back with them,
leaving the hard-pan expueeu. -hard-pan
is found on every beach, and
varies from a light yellow to a dark
brown. When Jewelry, money, or any
valuables are lost, they vjtork down
through the light surface sand with
marvellous quickness, and Anally col
lect on this hard-pan. There they re
main concealed from aU human eyes
until the fall gales expose them to view.
The beachcomber considers all such
findings hl legal property, and with a
long stick In his hands and tight rubber
boots on his feet, searches the whole
length of the beach for his booty. None
but a beachcomber realizes bow much
can be collected after, the first fall
storms. The summer visitors seem de
termined to plant the beaches with
rings, pins, watches, silver and gold
coin, buckles, and many trifles. Sev
eral thousand dollars' worth of Jewelry
are lost annually on the Long Island
beaches, and even more on the Jersey
coast. The watches are usually good
only for the amount ol gold or silver In
them, for the salt water ruins the works
In a short time. Last fall a beach
comber found on Fire Island beach a
handsome watch, which he sold for
$70, besides $20 in silver coin, and
many trinkets. Altogether his findings
amounted to over $.'500. During the
summer season many beachcombers go
forth every morning by sunrise to
search tho b aches, and every day they
pick up valuables of various descrip
tions. While one Is lying on the sand,
monpv verv easily rolls out of the
pocket, and a great deal of small chaiigr
U found in consequence.
After the Storm.
Another profitable season -for th
beachcombers is lu the middla of win
ter, after every severe storm. The
articles of valuo then come from
'vrecks, and consist of about everything
that one can Imagine. A lumber-laden
schooner may go to pieces on the reef,
and enough fine Georgia pine will drift
ashore to build several houses. By
means of a long pole, tipped with an
Iron hook, the beachcomber stands
knee deep in the water and collects
lumber by the wholesale. He may sell
this for good money, or use It for build
ing a house. A coal-laden schooner
springs a leak In the storm, and the
captain, to save the crew, beaches her.
She strikes a reef and goes to pieces,
and everything drifts away except the
coal. During the very low tides a hun
dred tons of coal are expos,-. to view
on the reef. The beachcomber gathers
this for the local market or for his own
use. Fruits, nuts and general mer
chandise are washed upon the beaches;
soma are water-soaked and ruined;
others are not Injured at alL More or
less personal property also makes Its
way to the shore. Wound In Rinong
thrt on tlio lpnr-1i.omlpra xvtll fin..
various articles of clothing, long colls J
of rope, broken spnrs and rigging, and j
even small anchors. Occasionally rusty,
broken, and tarnNhod rings, parts of
watch-chains, and other jewelry, will
glisten from heaps pf wet sand. It
would be Impossible for even a beach
comber to enunorate the great variety
of articles he collects. IJeachcombers
are usually farmer fishermen. They
collect the driftwood for burning, sea
weed for bedding their cows and pigs,
nod iini-ci.T f,,r f(-ti''-'!ng tl.eir few
acres of tillable land. Koine are natur
ally too lazy to work at anything other
than hunting for things thrown up on
the beaches. They make a precarious
ivlng, and, unless numerous wrecks
are cast up for them, they are opt to
feel the pinch of winter, and suffer fo
he necessaries of life.
Tiiroat i'ir.iijst.
(From fie Courier-ITfralJ, SajiuC b, 3ric7u)
It was publicly talked aU over Clara
County, Michigan, tor some tltno before tha
Courier-fci-aId sent a reporter to Dover to
fully lnvestlgatetU9 Coulter matter. Hs
finally wmt, and we publish to-day his full
report. Tha Coulters are prominent people,
though Mrs. C. ia response to the question
whether she objected to being lntorvleweJ,
t.;id, "Certainly not." Her story follows:
'About It years ago we decided to" takt
np oar abode in Dover anl everything want
'.odi? smoothly for eevoral years, business
progressed, and being of a saving tempera
ment we accumulate J quite an amount. Ou -family
increase! 03 the years rolled by anl
we now have 5 children living, the oldest 15,
yoonsiwt 3, but Flckn-ss mado Its way into
cur household, aal dor-tors bills flooded
npon us, until we hava nutlilns Mt but our
lrome and tbi-se sweet children. Everything
w-'nt to sntisfy the claims ot phvsiclaus.
"About three years a jo I had a mlsratl
feeling at the hack of my eare. my rihi hand
hwnme paralyzed and the paralysis extend
ed to my arm ami throat, and would affect
my bend and eyes, 8o'netim3. foi days I
would lose my Sife-ht, my far-e wns deformed,
lifeless as it were, my nose was drawn to one
side, and I presented a pitiable appearanoe
snd never expecting to retain ray natural
faeial expressions. I employed the best phy
sicians that could be procured, expending
thousands of dollars for their services, but
couid not obtain relief. At last, they stated my
cas was beyond the reach of medical skill,
and It would be but a short time until the end
would come. This certainly was not very
encourairing to me, but I never gave up
hope. In connection with receiving the at
tendance of physicians I have tried every
medicine known to tho apothecary but nevr
received any relief until Dr. Williams' J'ink
Pills for Pale People came to mv assistance.
Before I had taken half of the ilrst box ths
(.e'ormity In my face had left m", aud before
four boxes had been consumed the paralysis
had disappeared entirely, and much to my
surprise I felt like a new woman. I have
not taken any medicine since last spring,
just about a year ago, and my trouble has
not appeared since. I owe my health, my
Ufe to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"A. short time since my little boy John
was afflicted with St. Vitus' dance. Ha
could not walk across the room without as
sistance, in fact he would fall all over him
self, but after taking a few boxes of Dr.
Willinms' Pink Pills, St- Vitus' dance entre
ly left him, and no trace ol the affliction is
left These Pills are worth their weight In
gold. You may say In this connection that I
am willing at any time to make affidavit to
the truth of these statements, and further
more, I will answer any communication con
cerning my caso, as I consider it nothing
more than right and just that I should assist
suffering humanity."
Dr. Williams' Pink Tills contala all the
tlements necessary to give new lite and rich
ness to the blood aud restore shattered
nerves. They are for sals by all druggists,
or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company, Schenectady, K. T., tot
bit cents per box. or six boxni tor CSLC0.
She Saved Everything.
While cleaning and renovating the
premises formerly occupied by Miss
Mary. Moss, deceased, at Lansingburg,
N. a number of valuable coins were
found, some dating back 1S7 years.
Tho coins were mostly English, all sil
ver, although some copper and gold
pieces were found. A large number of old
newspapers and magazines were found.
The Troy Times, from 1S64 to the pres
ent time, was Included. It Is estimated
tbat Miss Moss' wardrobe consisted of
more than 200 dresses and a large num
ber of hats of styles from 1840 to the
present day were found. The house she
occupied for more than forty years was
a two-story frame dwelling, and the
relatives have removed about forty
trunks full of goods, and there seems
to be an Inexhaustible supply of curlor
A Gray Rabbit's Nest.
' Just as small boats always keep upap
1 iinre. tho short-legged rabbit Is n..,.
found far from a hidlng-pbwc ot 80m,
' sort. Nature gave the gray raiii.it a coat
i with a color that is a very great pro
tectlon to him; and when ho furls his
ears ana ues ciosa us u.o ground ons
cail sometime actually step over him
without seeing that ho Is there. The
ways of thlff little creature have sur.
prised me many times; but he nevt-r ac
tually paralysed me with astonishment
until one fine spring day when the
mowers In tbe Smithsonian grounds t
Washington were cutting the grass on
the lawn, not over a hundred feet from
the National Museum building. And
there, on a bit of ground utt-rly with
out shrubs, bushes, or even (lowers,
covered with nothing but lawn crsss,
at that time only four Inches In height,
with a busy roadway and walk circling
ronnd on three sides, with the oflice of
the curator of mammals in easy stone's
throw on the other, a shop full of dead
ly taxidermists and osteologists loom
ing up on the east, and dogs and 1 ad
boys literally swarming all about
there, on that naked Inwn, was the
nest of a gray rabbit, containing f,.r
young ones already so large that they
filled tho nest as full as it would hold:
The pleasant effect and perfect mfet,
with which ladies may use the Cali
fornia liquid laxative Syrup of Fig,
under all conditions, makes it tlu ir fa
vorite remedy. To get the true ami
genuine article, look for the name of
the California Fig Fyrup Co., printe.)
near the bottom of the package.
Two Mean Men.
"My husband," said the large, ti. siiy
lady, "has a habit of marking all p.-iru-graphs
In the paper that say iiumd
things about women."
"So you will not fall to see them, eh)
Still, that Is not as mean a trick n9
mine plays. lie cuts them all out. Then
I have to get another paper, only to
find that I have been fooled a:ulu."
Indianapolis Journal.
Ventilated school wanlrobn ar,.
about to be introduced into the I!n . lc
lyn schools.
ONI THF Dn.tll
- ifjCZ--to recovery, me
4lrt dT4slr younff woman
rtt3 ' . who is tnVinir
Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Pre
scription. In
maidenhood, w o
manhood, wife
hood and moth
erhood the " Pre
scription " is a
supporting tonic
and nervine
that's Dtcuiiarlv
71 "C-aL adapted to her
- fi I needs, refill it-
W , ing. and strength
ening the system
and curing the
of the sex. Why is it so
many women
owe their beauty to Dr.
Pierce's F.i-orite Prescription? Tiecause
cautv of form and face radiate irom Use
common center health. The best bodily
condition results from good food, fresh air
and exercise coupled with the judicious
use of the "Prescription."
It reaches the origin of the trouble and
corrects it.
Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable.
rerfertly fn)tele-. elt-irnntlv contcl, pnnjt,
rpj;n!iite, pnrily. cleftnse mut Ptn-nirthiMi. I(AI
W A V 'S I'lU.S ior the rnrn of hII ii.ir-M t the
Stomach, 1 towels. K Mney, It.alkr, Sltvoui
I'iiKttijea, Dizxiucaa Vertigo, Cosiiveiicss, rUet
Sick Headache
Female Complaints,
All Disorders of the Liver.
Observe thefoITovini-Trmptom.retm!tin:r fro n
disease of the di?estivcoiK.-ins:4'iiu.tipitiori. l'
wanl piles. Inline of blood in the head, -i litv
of tlie Ftomiich, naiwa, hear! burn, dU'ii,t ol
IimmI. Inline-. of weight of the blomm'h, s'ur
erue unions, sinking or fluttering of the heurt,
rhockiUK or eutl'icuting sensHtum. when in it ly
iiir posture, dimness of vision, dots or web. I
lore tlic siKht, fever and dull pain in the heal,
deliriency of perspiration, yellowness ol the skin
anil eyes, pain in the side, chest. limlH, aud sul
titn flushes of heat, burning in tho llesh.
A lew dose ol KAli WAV'S I'i I.I.S will free tin
system of all the above named disorder!.
Price Z."c a Box. Sold by- DraggLt., or
sent by mall.
Send in DR. Tt AD WAY A C ., Lock. Ilox :T.i
New York, lor Book of Advieo.
A PfMrlttM Leader.
Suecefttful. Mentorlout
I&mrhWt Mailed Fro
8ai Msuiut&cturers.
840-264 W. Lnke Si
Chicago, Hi.
tins rn. nuca nj iriiMior.i 01 i-imnrni
f.-r tiu-lr children whit TVctblng tt ov.-r
, Fifty Year. It soothe the ohiM, Mf tons ilitj
- F:ntr!, allnyB all pUn.cur iud colU . AjJ.
1 MB lilt? Lrr-Bl. rt:iI-"JJ oi uioi
Twrutf-uvo (Jour a uomt
HHMPC 100,000 Acre
1 IWiTlsUO ciuiltte Hard,
wood Farming Lnu ! litu-itol
alortjr the lino of tie ruilroi 1
now bolucomtnirtol in central
Wijpmi-fn, anl iieir a through
trunk line airA-l constrar6-i,
lor sale elieap to inelo pnrrhti
eruor colott tts !: la 1 Itittttc
ment given IA colutmlee.
Lome ttmcALd lo.r intcre t. Sn 1
(or lull uurtiriilara to N'KXil-
MUKU CO.. KaU Clair Wu
2 4 -Pa ire Rook free.
I1IH.U x miiuu,
Mon tn loam TaUaninh m Ua tn.n t?-n.
Acenu'Uutiea. C. V 111 r t3M A Chatham, N. X
oDDTtvltcfi nrrlsiiu 'n.i IuhImiL
to! CUHtS WHfcflE MIUSE fAiLS.
tjf Dtttt Coujrh fiyrup. TaeU Good.
tri in time foia ny oa'Mim.
' .
the best
Use W
Dvspeptic,DelicateJnfirm and
JOHN CARLS 80X5. NiW Yofk. )
Iffl left '