Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 10, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 30.
CHAPTER VII. Continued.
"That i a long price, my dear Mrs
Ttuthven," ,
"Not too long, I tliink; there are om4
field, attached which insure privacy a(
present, anil are worth a Rood deal af
building land. Then there is a good deal
of handsome old-fashioned furniture itf
.he house." ,
"Oh! If your solicitors are sntisfied. 1
have nothing to say ngainst it. My busij
ness faculties are of the lowest order. I
fer, however, tliat I cannot return befor
Saturdny week. You will bo sorry to heal
that my friend Ie Meudon has been dan
gerously ill. I will try to return by Paris,
and have a look nt him."
"Yea. I am sorry." said Mrs. Ituthven.
"Then, I may only pet on the track ol
your jewels, and have to so further a-fielj
to discover them. ISy the way. have yoi
ny note of their size nnd weight?"
"Ouly of some a few. But 1 wish yoi
would not go off on such a wild-pooss
chase. As for mo. I am wenry of the suit
Ject. and inclined to lot them po! The
whole affair has depressed and exhausted!
me. I feel pursued by an evil fate as it
everything was insecure I never fee'
"Merely morbid feeling, such as you;
accused me of indulging, and prove, that
you ought never to be left alone! Why
do you think of going to so heathenish S
place as Folkestone? My sister will onlj
be t.x delighted if you will po to Ched
worth. Dorrinpton's place in II shire.
They will be there in about a fortnight,
and get some pleasant people to meet
"You are Tory kind! But, at present
t want to be quiet and "
"Captain Shirley." announced a waiter.
Marsden elevnted hia eyebrows inter
rogntively, and Mrs. Ituthven replied
with a smile.
"I beg a thousand pardons," said Shir
ley, a sullen look of annoyance cloudiuf
W face. "I thoupht you were alone."
"I assure you I am very plad to set
you." cried Mrs. Ituthven. gaily. "I have
been trying to feed my inexorable trustee,
here, into pood humor, to pet his consenl
to my new purchase. Come and help me
ind pray, take some luncheon.
"I have already lunched, thank you."
"A glass of Burgundy, then? Thia'
I assure you, is not to be despised."
Shirley condescended to take a glass
ind began to thaw.
"Come into the next room." said Mrs
Buthven. leading the way; and, nestling
Into the comer of a large sofa, she pro
ceeded to coquette with both visitors.
"Mr. Marsden is going all the way to
Amsterdam, on the chance of finding my
poor rubies," she remarked, after a littlt
discursive chatter. "Is it not good oi
"We would all go further than Amster
dam, If we thought we could find them,"
laid Shirley, gallantly.
"If? Yes, that is just it. But it is too
far for a mere chance. By the way, how
far Is Amsterdam from Ostend?" asked
Mrs. Ituthven, in a curious mocking tone.
"I really do not know," returned Shir
ley, gravely, and looking very straight at
her, his face darkening. "Why do you
Mrs. Kuthven was saved the difficulty
of answering, as her courier came in be
fore she could reply, and banding a card
to his mistress, asked:
"Will you receive the gentleman, mad
line ?"
"Oh, yes, show him up." Then, with a
little confidential uod to Shirley, she add
ed: "This is my engineer!"
lie has lost no time," he returned.
"I shall not let him stay long. I will
tell you all about him afterward" te
Shirley looked sharply at the door; but
Marsden seemed too niuoh occupied with
bis own thoughts to heed what was goln
In a few minutes a middle-aged man, ol
average height, with iron-gray mustach
and whiskers, his right arm in a sling,
came into the room, and made a deferen
tial, though clumsy, bow.
"Oood morning. Mr. Colville," said
Mrs. Ituthven, who had risen, and was
standing beside a table near one of the
windows. "You have lost no time in an
swering my note."
"I was anxious to thank you for your
kindness In writing," he returned, la
low, hoarse voice.
"And how is your little girl?" continued
Mrs. Ituthven. "Let me see, she must
W nearly eight?"
"No, ma'am, she is nearly seven, and
looks less. She is a delicate, weakly little
creature, that's why I am anxious tc
eep her away in the country."
"Very naturally. I am sorry I cannot
attend to you to-day, Mr. Colville," gra
ciously. "You see I am engaged with
this gentleman nnd Captain Shirley,"
bending her head in the direction of the
atter. "But if you will call to-morrow,
I ran give you half an hour; do not b.
'ater than twelve."
"I shall be punctual, and I thank you."
"Wait for a moment," said Mrs. Ituth
ven. "I have a little gift here for my
god-daughter." She went to her writing
table, and took from a drawer a small
packet, tied with ribbon, which she placed
in his hands.
"You are very good, madame," he said,
as with another clumsy bow and a look
at each gentleman, he left the room.
"Do you not remember him at all?" .sk
id Mrs. Ituthven.
"No," returned Shirley. "I never saw
aim before, and I cannot say he lookr
the sort of man I should be inclined t
"You are too suspicious. The poor fel
low has been unlucky. His arcn was
broken in some machinery and ne our
vf work."
"I have a fellow-feeling with the un
lucky," said Marsden, rousing himself.
-I've not had much good luck myself."
"Why, you seem to me a remarkablj
lucky man," said Shirley.
"By the way. Captain Shirley," began
Mrs. Ituthven. in a languid tone. "I
hoDe vou will excuse me for breaking my
engagement; but my head Is "quIte'To.
bad to drive down to lwicaennam. it
would not be worth while going In I
closed carriage, and with my neuralgia a
oien one is not to be thought of.
"Pray do not dronm of Incommoding
yourself on my account," said Shirley,
turning white. "But as you do not need
Ime, I have business to attend to In the
city, and will bid you good morning." He
bowed to Marsden and went quickly
svrajr. . ...
''Ilow cross he ia," said Mrs. Ituthven
as the door closed to him.
"Yes, poor devil." returned Marsden,
carelessly, "you treat him rather badly."
"Why does he court bad treatment? I
lo not want him to come here."
"There is a strong dash of cruelty is
ron. charming though you are."
"Do you think so?" looking down and
ipeaking softly. "Ye., I am capable of
taking my revenge, believ. me," her Hp
juivering as she spoke.
"I am quite eur. these pretty velvety
'lttle hand, could strike unflinchingly; bui
:hey could caress tenderly, too." '
"Clifford!" she exclaimed with sudden
motion, then, correcting herself "I
oiean Mr. Marsden."
"No, no," he said, smiling on her, "you
jave broken the ice, and I will not hav
the colder appellation."
"Not yet," she said softly, withdrawing
ier hand which he had taken. "I may
call you Clifford one day but not now.
Tell me, when do you go on this rathei
wild-goose chase to Amsterdam?"
"To-night. I cross to Calais, and .hall
get to Amsterdam some time to-morrow.
shall not write, as I hope to .ee yon
so soon again. I trust you will go and
amuse yourself somewhere. I can't bear
to think of your moping in an hotel at
Folkestone; do go to my sister."
"Well, perhaps I may, but I am anxiour
to settle about this place."
"We must also arrange about a second
Tustee; I feel my responsibilities too
"Oh! we can see all about that whei
on come back."
"Good-bye, then, my dear Mrs. Itutf
ren. Wish me success."
He pressed her hand and was gone.
Mrs. Ituthven grew very pale, as sh
tood for a moment in thought, and press
ed her handkerchief to her eyes, then she
looked In the glass, smiling at her owd
"I should never be alone," she mur
mured. "Does he mean to be my con
stant companion? I am to select another
trustee. Ah! Marsden, if you but loved
me, I could forgive anything. Sometimes
I almost believe you do. Be that as it
may, you are bound to me for love oi
for revenge I will never let you go."
The result of Miss L'Estrange's self-.-ommune
was very perceptible, at least,
to herself. The careful watch she estab
lished over her own words and manner.
however, was too delicately exercised to b
in any way remarkable. She was bright
and frank as ever, but she slid easily
away from any approach of sentimental
subjects, though talking readily on other
topic. The chief change was an increase
of animation and a tendency to mock at
what used to touch her. Mrs. L'Estrangf
only noticed that Nora was in remarkablj
jood spirits.
Winton sometimes looked a little sur
prised, and bestowed more of his conver
sation on his older acquaintance than h
The quiet weeks went by swiftly, then
monotony broken by occasional dinners
at the houses of the cathedral dignitaries
at Oldbridge, where Nora's songs and
lively talk, and Mrs. L'Estrange's gentle
tact and sympathetic "listening" mad
both welcome guests.
October was more than half over, antf
hunting had begun a congenial amuse
ment which interfered a good deal with
Winton's frequent visits to Brookdale.
The rapid falling of the leaves, and a
succession of stormy nights, made Mrs.
IEstrange think seriously of spending
November and December in town a pro
position which Nora originally urged.
Mrs. Buthven wrote at length, verj
She was detained in town by business,
the said. She was In treaty for a pretty
villa on the Thames, and would be da-
lighted to have Miss L'Estrange's counsel
and assistance when she set about fur
Mr. Marsden had been so good In try
ing to find her Jewels, and had gone to
Amsterdam In search of them, but all In
rain. Was he at Er.sleigh? for no one
seemed to know what had become of
"Do you know, I think it would be Tery
lice to help Mrs. Ruthven In choosing
ier furniture? Shall I tell her we are'
thinking of going up to town? Perhaps
he would take rooms for us," said Nora,
when she had read this letter aloud at
'My dear Nora! she would not care foi
the trouble; and what a price she would
agree to give for room.! We mu.t be
very prudent; my little savings during;
uie latter part of our stay In Uermanr
sill not go far."
"Oh, yes! I forgot. Yon ar. really i
ironderful woman, Helen; I .ball never
be such an economist; but as to not car
ing for the trouble, I do not think yon
quite do Mrs. Ruthven justice; you and
Mr. W inton are always of the same opin
ion, and I think you have caught his
prejudice against her."
"I am not as much fascinated as yoi
ire, and I must say, I am a good deal
influenced by Mark Winton; when I look
back" .he stopped abruptly. Nora, who
longed to hear her reminiscences, gazed
Hi-nestlv at her. and -Mrs. iyr.stranse.
raising her eyes suddenly, encountered!
those of her stepdaughter fixed upon her,'
and colored through her delicate pale skin,
to Nora's great surprise. "Some day."
aid Mrs. L'Estrange, quickly, and with
ome confusion, "I must tell you my little
history; every one has some touch of ro
mance in their lives, even so prosaic a
person as I am."
"Do, dear; tell it to me now.
"Now? Oh, no, I must interview cook,
ind plan the dinner; the romance of the
past must give way to the needs of the
present, vulgar though they be; some even
ing, by the firelight, I will prose about
lays gone by. It is fine and calm to-day;
let ns give Bea a holiday, and walk across
fne park. The meet Is at Crowland CJat
and we will see the hounds .throw oil."
"By all means, I feel as if I wanted to
be in the open air."
Mrs. L'Estrange went away to her
household duties. Nora sauntered into
the drawing room and sat down at the
piano, but she did not begin to play for
some moments. Was it possible that her
quiet, unselfish step-mother had had thrill
ing experiences? She was so reasonable,
so wise in a simple way, that Nora could
never imagine the irregularities and re
dundance which constitute romance gath
ering round her. How good she had al
ways been! even from her first entrance
into the family. How she had stood be
tween every one and her husband's nasty
irritation; how much Nora herself owed
to her justice and generosity. What a
good influence she had been, how much
she had endured from ber selfish, unsym
pathetic husband, who looked upon her as
a slave whojn he had, bought and who
had no right., no title to consideration,
whom he had married to be an upper ser
vant. What a life of suppression, of care
ful conscientious sick-nursing aha bad
had, without the reward of gratitude or
recognition! From how much aha bad
saved Nora herself! How strong and
patient she had been.
"If I can reward her I will." thought
Nora. "I do hope Bea will be a good,
loviug child; she Is like my father, but
no woman would be as selfish and trou
blesome as he wa.l perhaps his bad health
made him worse. I wish I were busier!
my life ia too ea.y; it leave, me too much
time to think; I mu.t not think."
And she applied herself diligently to a
piece of Chopin's bristling with accident
als and crabbed passages, till Bea, with
a radiant face, came to tell her It was
time to get ready.
The walk through Eveslelgh Woods
and across the park was delightful. It
was a soft autumnal morning, slightly
leaden in coloring, like one of Wouver
man's landscapes, as If nature gently
mourned her departed youth, the nine.
and larches gave out their aromatic odors,
the ground was thickly strewn with red.
withered leaves from the beech trees, for
which Eveslelgh was famous, and when
the trio reached Crowland Gate, which
opened on a wide common, where the
woods ended and an undergrowth of
brushwood and furse afforded abundant
cover, a tolerable field had assembled, but
not many spectators. The rector's daugh
ters on horseback, the curate's little chil
dren, with their governess, on foct. the
banker's wife from Oldbridge, In hot
smart carriage, with a couple of visitors
from London.
Every one knew every one else, and
greetings were exchanged. Winton, who
rode a powerful chestnut, with the tem
per that color is usually supposed to en
tail, managed to keep the fiery creature
.till for a moment beside Mrs. L'Estrange.
"Very glad to have caught a glimpse
of you. I am going off to-morrow to Dev
onshire, an old Indian chum of mine has
asked me to share his hunting quarters
in a splendid country. I hope I shall
find you In town next month. You'll let
me know your movements?"
"Yes, certainly. We shall miss you
rery much."
"I hope yon will, unlikely though it
seems. We must do some plays when we
meet. Good-bye, Miss L'Estrange." He
stretched out his hand to Nora, who had
taken a vantage post on a stile, pressing
his horse with beel and knee to make It
approach, but the animal kicked and re
sisted, glancing round with wild, wicked
"Consider yourself shaken hand, with,"
said Nora, laughing and shrinking. "J.
am afraid of your horse."
At that instant the hounds gave tongue.
'They've found; they're away," cried
every one. Winton's horse, wildly excit
ed, tried to bolt, and strove by every de
vice that could enter into the heart of a
horse to unseat his rider, rearing straight
up, buck jumping, lashing out with his
heels, in vain. A hand of iron controlled
him, and the firm grip of the knees was
not to be shaken. At last he darted off
in the direction his rider chose like a bolt
from a catapult During the struggle
Mrs. L'Estrange covered her eyes, but
Nora could not remove hers. She turned
deadly white, for at one moment It seemed
as if the horse would have fallen back,
then she knew how little all her self-con
trol had dons to uproot Mark Winton
from her head. How splendidly he sat.
She had not observed before what a fine
figure he had. Would he come back safe
after a run of such a vicious animal?
(To be continued.)
The Ink la Fading Away.
"Some of the earlier 00-yea.r leasea
made In this city were written In lnka
that are In great danger of fading out
long before the lease expires," said a
microBcopist and expert In handwrit
ing. "There Is not an Ink on the mar
ket but will fade seriously In thirty
years. My business requires me to be
Informed, and I purchase samples of
every Ink I bear of and submit them
to microscopic and chemical examina
tion. I base what I have said on the
results reached in those examinations.
The inks made thirty or forty years
ago were not so good as those of the
preceding; three centuries, for many
documents written In the latter are ex
tant, tbe lines In which are clear and
bright. The Inks of the present day are
poorer than those of a generation back.
because in this age of adulteration
nothing escapes the adulterator. The
same Ingredients are used, but In a
weakened form. Iron and aniline dyes
are the basis of most inks. Where Iron
Is used time produces a process of Cor
rosion and oxidation gradually fades
to a pale brown. Tbe logwood disap
pears. If documents written in these
inks are kept In vaults where ventila
tion Is bad, certain gases that are de
veloped by the conditions act directly
on the Inks and hasten their disappear
ance. If in tbe middle of the next cen
tury a future biographer wants to ex
amine the correspondence of any Chl
cagoan living to-day It Isn't unlikely
he will find in it pieces of paper that
once was covered with writing; which
has passed away, leaving only pale,
faint lines. As to leases, probably there
is some understanding of these facts,
for Instruments that have a long time
to run are now printed."
Sea-anemones and some other marim
creatures of low degree Increase their
species by budding. A small knot or
wart annears on the body of the animal.
and by and by develops Into a perfect,
though minute, animal of the same spe
cies, separates from Its parent and sets
up In business for itself.
To be happy is of far less conse
quence to the worshipers of fashion
than to appear so.
Bv carnitine we lose both our time
and treasure, two things most precious
to the life of a man.
Blessed is the man that has found
his work. One monster there is in
tbe world, tL? idle man.
Commend a fool for his wit, on
knave tor his honesty, and he will
receive yon into his bosom.
Why shouldn't ws speak of the dri
ving clouds? Don't they hold the
When we are out of sympathy with
the younpr, then I think our work ia
this world is over.
Married life should be a sweet, har
monious song, and, like one of
Meadefcsohn's, without words.
Every woman is sorry for some
, other woman on account of something
uer nusoanu toia ner aDout tne other
' woman's husband.
There are some people who wcnld
sneer at the industry of the bee,
because it doesn't furnish them with
bread to spread the honey on.
1 Fear nothing so much as sin and
your moral heroism is complete.
Calm Bank. Whera tbe Breezy Z,ad
Di-Ito MmlM and Pick B lata A Min
er.) Home and It Diamal Surrouiii?
Ins.. Everyday Life.
Ia the Anthraclt. Beslon.
The original method of preparing au
hraclte coal for market was simply to
divest It of slate and other Impurities,
and of fine coal and alack. It was
passed over a chute with longitudinal
bars about two Inches apart, and all
that passed over tbe bars was mer
chantable coal, and all that passed
through them was rejected. There was,
consequently, much coal deposited on
the dirt banks, which, at the present
time. Is considered of full value; also,
much left In the mines as unmerchanta
ble on account st Its small size. The
market would not accept any coal thai
would not pass for lump couL
After a number of years it was sua
gested that coal for household purposes
ought to be broken at the mines, and
purchasers paid
60 cents extra a
ton for coal
broken down to
a size suitable
for burning In
grates. Thecoal,
thus prepared,
was known In
the market ai
" broken and
screened," and It
commanded 50
cents per ton
more than lump
coal Finding
this mode o f
preparation re
ceiving popular
was extended.
favor, the system
Screens were manufactured of Iron
rods (subsequently of wire) with meshes
kf various dimensions, which assorted
the coal Into the sizes now known In
Commerce. This refinement of prepara
tion, resorted to by the operators to
captivate their customers, added great
ly to the cost of the coal, for which tiey
were uot renumerated, and It cultivated
1 fastidious fancy for uniformity of
llze, which was Impractible and of no
Idvatage. Indeed the caprice of ho
customers in tne acmana ror ainrerent
ilzes of coal, and the fluctuations from i
one size to another In their preferences, '
have been a fruitful source of expense i
ind annoyance to the operators ever j
since the introduction of the system. '
The first method of breaking coal on
he pile with hammers was slow, waste
ful, expensive and laborious. After
being broken It was shoveled into bar
rows and dumped In to the cars. The
coal was then hauled to landings with
Mnrxa's bomb.
torses or mules on the railroad, dumped
on tbe wharf, screened and assorted In
to various sizes and deposited on a pile,
ready to be wheeled into the boat. Tbe
whole process) was crude, primitive, ex
pensive and, compared with the present
system, absurd.
The matter of breaking and preparing
the coal became the subject of great
cogitation among the operators, and
many Improvements were suggested,
which finally resulted In the massive
Itructure of wood and machinery,
known then and to the present day a
the "coal breaker." Tbe machinery con
stituting the breaker la driven by steam
engines, generally of CO to 100 horse
power, and consists of two or more
east Iron rollers with projecting teeth,
revolving toward each other, through
which the coal Is passed; and the coal,
thus broken, hi conducted Into revolv
ing screens, separating tbe different
sizes and dropping the coal Into a set
of chutes or bins. Here, at this stage,
the boys pick the slate, rock and Im
purities from tbe coal. Then the coal
Is transferred, by raising a gate. Into
the railway cars. Sufficient elevation
above the railway to the dump chutes
above the rollers Is always secured to
carry the coal by gravity through all
the stages of preparation Into the cars
The cost of tbe average breaker runt
from fTS.OOO to $100,000, and employes
from 100 - to 800 hands. Such Is
the modern coal breaker, which en
J ablea the operator to handle an amount
of coal that was Impossible before Its
adoption, some of the structures having
I capgettr of L800 tons per day -Tfcs
coal breaker is now the conspicuous
and striking feature of every colliery
In the anthracite coal regions, and 90
per cent of the coal used for domestic
purposes is now broken, assorted Into
different sizes and cleansed by tbe coal
Upon all the cnlm or dirt banks ol
the breakers In the anthracite coal
regions are employed boys who do the
hauling- of the dirt from the top of the
plane to the damping board.. Tne coal
in the rough shite and dirt la brought
from the mines, carried np a shaft to
the top of the breaker, and then dump
ed down a.chute. Here It Is crushed In
to the different sizes and goes to the
slate-plcklng rooms, where the good
coal Is dumped Into delivery chutes,
and the slate, dirt and waste la dumped
Into cars, which are hoisted to the top
of a plane. Hero the boy with hia mule
hi vhes the car and drives out to the
end of tbe railroad, where the dump
Is made. A large colliery will employ
ten or twenty culm-bank boys, some
having nothing more to do than to spray
the cars as they come up over the plane
landing. Others attend to tbe switches,
drive the mules back on the return
trips, and change tbe dumping board.
As a rule, these boys are cheertui,
healthy good fellows, and enjoy their
work. In winter their work Is very
undesirable, the altitude at which they
work being uncongenial for mild
weather. They, however, build rough
shanties on the banks and In severe
weather take refuge In them. In sum
mer their merry voices can be heard in
the distance as they sing and ride up
In the air. On Saturday nights they
come Into the nearby towns and re
plenish their supply of tobacco and en
Joy looking Into the show windows.
Sunday Is their play day, and after at
tending service once are free for the
balance of the day.
Of late years these boys very seldot.
follow their father's footsteps and work
hi the mines, but. later on. choose work
vuai lean, to a business or tradesman's
life. The culm bank boy Is fast be
coming a thing of the past, as the more
modern colliery equipments supply lit
tle locomotives to haul the cars and one
locomotive does the work that ten culm
bank boys can attend to.
In the anthracite coal regions o
Pennsylvania a miner's home is the
ftnallest part of bis possessions. In
most cases, the little houses are owned
by the Individual or corporation that
peratos the nearby colliery. Nearly all
of the houses are either one and a half
or two stories high and contain very
rarely more than four rooms. Never
are they built of anything but wood
and their little frames look Insignificant
In contrast to the mammoth culm banks
that ore always In close proximity, very
often five or six of these little houses
are built near one another, then the
eo under the general name of a "patch,"
These "patches" and solitary houses are
generally within easy walking distance
of the colliery, and in very few locali
ties, are they embraced In any borough
or city. They stand distinctly alone
and by their location and appearance
become recognized at once by the
stranger as the home of the miner.
The Immense culm banks always art
near by. In mining settlements of any
age and are destined to be the future
environs of any new settlement The
length of these culm banks varies from
200 yards to half a mile, and In height
they creep up to the heavens as high as
400 and 500 feet These banks are
composed of little else than the refuse
from preparing the coal, and there Is
computed to be 75,000,000 tons of this
coal dirt In the anthracite region. So
far. It Is a total waste, all the experi
ments towards consuming It In some
manner being of no avail. There was
a plant established at Mahanoy City to
nse these culm banks, by pressing tbe
toal scraps Into fuel bricks, but the ex
pense was more than the mining of coal
ind after the plant had a thorough In
ipectlon by prominent experts and ln
fen tors It was abandoned.
Day after day, .then, these black hlllk
ire growing larger and In many cases
are forcing their way Into the yards of
the miners' homes. It Is not unf request
that landslides and settlements take
place, often being attended with dis
aster. Tbe man that can advance some
theory or devise some plan by which
these culm banks can be consumed, has
it that moment made a colossal for
tune. Until then, the miners will go
dally hundreds of feet below the sur
face and bring to the breakers the
rough coal, and the refuse will accumu
late proportionately as the coal Is mined.
Germany's Manufacture a,
Statistics show that Germany la re a'
ty now a manufacturing nation and,
can no longer be called an agricultural
country. The subject has been serious-'
ly discussed in the Reichstag, and thi
statement Is made that In many of th
factory towns the percentage of youns,
men physically fit for the army hai
gone down to 10 or leas, factory opera
tives not being so robust as young meo
from the country districts used to be,)
A like condition of things to declared
to exist in France, and this wecdlnj
out of "a bold peasantry, their coun
try's pride," might have Important rc-
suits In the event of either one of thesi
two great powers going to war In thf
near future. Philadelphia Inquirer.
There la absolutely nothing original
left to be said in making lore. ,
Every woman believes she hates to
come down town.
mt laeUmt. Occurta tne WarM
Owe Smylg that Ar. CfcMrfal tm the
CMrybedy WU1 Kajoy B dls
A Schemer.
Laura "What a clever girl Jennie lsi
She had sixty-seven offers of marriage
within a week after she le-C college.'
Clara "Indeedl And she Is not very
Laura "No, but the subject of the
essay that she read at her graduation
was 'How to Keep House on 112 a
Week.' " Munsey's Weekly.
A Strong; Defense.
Wool "What are you going to brin&
.n as a defense to Miss Sears' breach o
promise suit?"
Van Pelt "They will haveahardtlm
to convince the Jury that I was sane
when I proposed." Town Topics.
tint Citizen "What Is the matte
here? Is any one hurt?"
Second Citizen "Oh. no. Two meu
aver there got Into an argument about
sliver, and the rest of the people are
waiting to see who wins." Chlcagr
Not a Friend.
Fran A. "Is that gentleman over yon
der a friend of yours?"
Frau B. "No: he's my husband."-Zeltungs-Lesebuch.
HI. Revenue.
Jlorton "Is Miss Casey In?
Butler "No, sir. She has gone ou'
walking with a young man."
Morton "All right Just tell her that
I came around with a four-ln-hand U
ake her for a drive." Truth.
All the Old One. Tried In Tain.
Caddlngton "I was. insulted to-day
by Maddox."
Fulljames "Has he invented a ne
word 7" New York World.
The Penalty.
Father (to young man) "Sir, I saw
you kiss my youngest daughter. You
must nfury my oldest" FUegend'
Female Rivalries.
Mrs. Yanewun "My husband, you
Snow, Is a member of the genera
Mrs. Proudphlesh "A senator or rep
resentative 7"
Mrs. Vanewun "A representative."
Mrs. Proudphlesh "Obi only In the
drst house; my husband is a member
of the third." Boston Transcript
Making; Bncceaa Certain.
Footlytes "I am going to call my ner
play The Baby. "
Orafllk "That's a queer name."
Footlytes "I know; but a baby is al
ways a howling success." Judge.
fhls picture does not represent a
scrimmage. It Is only a ladles football
team who think they have aeen a
mouse. Judy.
Where to Go.
Jlmbly "There Is something the mat
ter with my head and the doctor doesnV
teem to know what it la."
Jorklns "Why don't you go to I
wheelwright?" Indianapolis Journal
A Bavins; Instance.
"Tell me, honestly," said the novel
reader to- the novel writer, "did you
ever see a woman who stood and tapped
the floor impatiently with her toe for
several moments, as you describe?"
"Yes," was the thoughtful reply; "I
did once."
"Who was she?"
"She was a clog dancer." Washing
ton Star.
Bad Bnoosb.
Little Johnny, who had heard hia
papa talking about the Schoolmaster's
Club, expressed the opinion that the
schoolmaster's switch was bad enough
without arming him with a club. Bos
ton Transcript
All Ha Did.
She (effusively) "And so you are In
terested In posters I I am so glad. De
Ton paint them yourself?"
He "No, I don't paint 'em; I enly
post 'em." Boston Transcript
Delated Precaution.
New Hampshire to taking steps to
create forest preserves In the White
Mountains, and the State Forestry
Commission reports that If proper
measures are adopted tbe mountains
will continue to be a source of con
stant revenue unfailing water supply
nd perpetual ecento rOeaaur.
Xn teres tin at
Football for Ladles.
rhe Brooklyn Divine's Sunday
Subject: "Woman's opportunity."
Text: "She shall be called woman."4
Genesis it., 23.
Qod, who ran make no mistake, made man
(and woman for a specific work anil to mors
In particular spheres man to be regnant
in hia realm; woman to bo dominant in hersj
I The boundary line between Italy and Swita-
I erland, between England and Scotland, is
not more thoroughly marked than this dis
tinction between the empire masculine and
! the empire feminine. So entirely dissimilar
are tne nelds to whim uod called them that
you can no more com pare them than you cai
oxygen and nydroKen, water ana grass,
trees and stars. All thia talk about thesu
periority of one sex to the other sex is
everlasting waste of ink and speech. A jew
eler may nave a scale so delicate that he ca:
welch thb dust oi diamonds, but where ar
' tbe scales so delicate that vou can weichi
mom aueciion against aiittcuon, sentiment
KaiDst sentiment, thought against thought,
soul ajrainst soul, a man's world acainst it
Woman's world? Vou come out with your
stereotyped remark that man is superior to
woman in intellect, and then I open on my
desk the swarthy, iron typed, thunderbolted
Writings of Harriet Martineau and Elizabeth
Browning and George Eliot. You come on
with yourstereotyped remark about woman
superiority to man In the item of affection,
but I ask you where was there more capa
city to love than in John, the disciple, and
Matthew Simpson, the bishop, and Ilenry
Uartyn. the missionary?
The heart of those men were so large that
after you had rolled into it two hemisphere!
there was room still left to Marshal the bosti
of heaven and set up the throne of the eter
nal Jehovah. I deny to man the throne in.
telleotual; I deny to woman the throne at
fectional. No human phraseology will ever
define the spheres, while there is an Intuition
by which we know when a man is in his
realm, and when a woman is in her realm,
and when either of them Is out of it No
bundling legislature ought to attempt to
moke a definition or to say, "IShis is the line
and that is the line." My theory is that if a
woman wants to vote she ought to vote, andj
that if a man wants to embroider and keep(
house ha ought to be allowed to embroides
and keep house. There are mascnline wo4
men and there are effeminate men. My
theory is that you have no right to interfere
With any one's doing anything that is
righteous. Albany and Washington might as
well decree by legislation how high a brown
thrasher should fly or how deep a trout
should plunge as to try to seek out the height
and depth of woman's duty. The question
of capacity will settle ftnaily the whole ques
tion, the whole subject. When a woman U
prepared to preach, she will preach, and
neither conference nor presbytery can hinder
her. When a woman is prepared to more
la highest commercial spheres, she will have
(Treat influence on the exchange, and no
boards of trade can hinder her. I want wo.
man to understand that heart and brain can
overfly any barrier that politicians may set
np, and that nothing can keep her back or
keep ber down but the question of incapac
ity. 1 was in Sew Zealand last year just aftei
the opportunity of suffrage had been con
ferred upon women. The plan worked welL
There had never been such good order at
the polls, and the righteousness triumphed.
Men have not made such a wonderful moral
success of the ballot box that they need Teal
women will corrupt it. In all our cities man
has so nearly made the ballot box a failure,
suppose we let women try. But there are
some women, I know, of most undesirable
nature, who wander up and down the coun
try having no homes of their own or foH
Baking their own homes talklngabout their
rights, and we know very well that they
themselves are fit neither to vote nor keep;
house. Their mission seems merely to hu
miliate the two sexes at the thought of what
any one of us might become. No one would
want to live under the laws that such women
would enact or to have cast upon society the
children that such women would raise. But
I shall show you that the best rights that
woman can own she already has in her pos
session; that her position in this country at
i this time is not one of commiseration, but
one oi congraiuiuuon; mat tne grandeur
and power of her realm have never yet been
appreciated; that she sits to-day on a throne
so high that all the thrones of earth piled on
top of each other would not make for her
a footstool. Here is the platform on which
she stands. Away down below it are
the ballot box and the congressional assem
blage and the legislative hall. Woman
always has voted and always will vote. Our
great-irrandfuthers thought they were by
their votes putting Washington into the Pres
idential chair. No. His mother, by the
principles she taught him, and by the habits
she inculcated, made him President. It was
a Christian mother's hand dropping the bal
lot when Lord liacon wrote and Newton
philosophized and Alfred the Great governed
and Jonathnn Edwards thundered of Judg
ment to eome.
How many men there have been in high
political station who would have been in
sufficient to stand the test to which their
moral principle was put had It not been fot
a wife's voice that encouraged them to do
light and a wife's prayerthat sounded louder
than the clamor of partisanship? The right
of suffrage as we men exercise it seems to be
a feeble thing. You, a Christian man, eome
up to the ballot box and you drop your vote.
Bight after you eomes a libertine or a Sot
tas oftsoouring of the street and he drops
his vote, and his vote counteracts yours.
But if In the quiet of home life a daughter by
her Christian demeanor, a wife by hex in
dustry, a mother by her faithfulness, casts a
vote in the right direction, then nothing can
resist It, and the influence of that vote will
throb through the eternities.
My chief anxiety then is not that woman
have other rights accorded her, but that she,
by the graoe of God, rise up to the apprecia
tion of the glorious lights she already pos
sesses. First, she has the right to make
home happy. That realm no one has ovei
disputed with her. Men may eome home at
noon or at night, and then tarry a compara
tively little while, but she, all day long, gov
erns it, beautifies it, sanctifies it. It is with
in her power to make it the most attractive
place on earth. It is the only calm harbor
in this world. You know as well as I do that
this outside world and the business world
are a long scene of jostle and contention.
The man who has a dollar struggles to keep
it; the man who has it not struggles to get It.
Prices up. Prices down. Losses. Gains.
Misrepresentations. Underselling. Buyers
depreciating; salesmen exaggerating. Ten
ants seeking leas rent; landlords demanding
more. Struggles about office. Men who are
In trying to keep in; meu out trying to get
In. Slips. Tumbles. Defalcations. Pan
ics. Catastrophes. O -oman, thank God
you have a home, nnd that vou may be
queen in it. Better be there than wear Vic
toria's coronet. Better be there than carry
Uie puise of a princess.
Xour abode may be humble, but you can.
by your faith in Uod and your cheerfulness
of demeanor, gild .it with splendors suoji as
an upholsterer's hand never yet kindled,
There are abodes in every city humble, two
Stories, four plain, unpapered rooms, unde
sirable neighborhood, and yet there is a man
who would die on the threshold rather than
I surrender. Why? It is home. Whenevet
he thinks of it be sees angels of God hover
ing around it. The ladders of heaven are let
j down to that house. Over the child's rough
erib there are the chantingsof angels as those
' that broke over Bethlehem. It ia home.
. These children may come up after awhile,
! and they may win high position, and thev
may nave an an. lent residence, out tney wiu
not until their dying day forget that humble
roof, under winch their father rested and
their mother sung and their sisters played.
Oh, if you would gather np all tender mem
ories, all the lights and shades of the heart,
ail banauedngs and reunions, all filial. fiater-
gal.paternal sndeonJuRaIatTecrlon.1. and you
ad only ju?t Tour letters with which to spell
ut that hel ;ht and depth and length and
hnuidth an 1 matmiinde and eternltv of mean
ing, vou would, with streaming eyes and
tremblin-- voice and agitated hand, write it
out in those four living capitals, H-O-M-E.
What right docs woman want that 11
rrander lhaato be queen In such a realm!
why, the eagles of heaven cannot By acrost
that aominion. Horses, punting arid with
lathered flanks, are not swift enough to run
to the outpost of that realm. They say that
the sun never sets upon the English Empire
but I have to tell you that on this realm ol
woman's influence eternity never marks
any bound. Isabella fled from the Spanish
throne, pursued by the Nation's anathema,
but she who is queen in a home will never
lose her throne, and death itself will only be
the annexation of heavenly principalities.
When you want to get your grandest idea
)f a queen you do not think of Catherine ol
Russia or of Anne of England or Maris
Theresa of Germany, but when you want to
ret your grandest idea of a queen you think
if the plain woman who sat opposite your
lather at the table or walked with him
trm in arm down life's pathway: some
times to the Thanksgiving banquet, some
times to the grave, but always together
soothing your petty griefs, correcting
four childish waywardness, joining io
four infantile sports, listening to your even
ing prayers, toiling for you with needle ot
St the spinning wheel, and on cold nights
wrapping von an snug and warm. And then
K last on that day when she lay in the back
room dying, and you saw hertakethose thin
bands with which she had tolled for you so
long, and put them together la a dying
prayer that commended you to the God
whom she had taught yon to trust oh, she
was the queenl The chariots of God cams
iown to fetch her. and as she went in all
heaven rose up. Xou cannot think of het
aow without a rush of tenderness that stirs
the deep foundations of your soul, and you
feel as much a child again as when you cried
on her lap, and if you could bring her back
again to speak Just once more your name as
tenderly as she used to speak it you would b
willing to throw yourself on the ground and
kiss the sod that covers her. crying,
"Motherl mother!" Ah! she was the queeo
she was the queen. Now, enn you
tell me how many thousand miles a
woman lino trial J
travel down before she got to th
ballot box? Compared with thi
work of t rniuing kings and queens for God
and eternity, how insignificant seems all
this work of voting for aldermen and com
mon councilmen and sheriffs and constables
and mayors and presidents! To make on
such grand woman as I have described how
many thousands would you want of thost
people who go in the round of fashion and
dissipation, going as far toward disgraceful
kpparel as they dare go, so as not to b
arrested by the police their behavior a sor
row to the good and a caricature of th
vicious and an Insult to that God who mads
them women and not gorgons, and tramplna
on, down through a frivolous and dissipated
life, to temporal and eternal damnation.
Your dominion Is home, O woman! What
i brave fight for home the women of Ohio
fiade some ten or fifteen years ago, when
hey banded together and in many of the
towns and cities of that State, marched in
procession, and by prayer and Christian
songs shut up more places of dissipation than
were ever counted: were tney opened
again? Ob, yes. But is it not a good thing
to shut np the gates of hell for two or three
months? It seemed that menengaged in the
business of destroving others did not know
how to cope with this kind of warfare. They
knew now to nght the A.aine liquor law. and
they knew how to fight the National Temper-
knee society, and they knew now to fight the
Sons of Temperance and Good Samar
itans, but when Deborah appeared upon
the scene iiisera took to nls leet and
cot to the mountains. It seems that
bey did not know how to contend against
'Coronation" and "Old Hundred" and
"Brattle Street" and "Bethany." they were
so very intangible. These men found hat
they could not accomplish much against
teat kind ol warfare, and in one ol the cltlej
regiment was Drought out ail armed to
disperse the women They une down la
battle array, but, oh, what poor success! foi
that regiment was mode up of gentlemen,
ana gentlemen uo not like to snoot women
with hymnbooks in their hands. Oh, they
found that gunning for female prayer meet
lng was a very poor business. No real
damage was done, although there was threaf
of violence after threat of violence all ovel
the land. I really think if the women
of the East had as much faith iu God as thcil
sisters ot the West had and the same reok-
essness of human criticism, I really bellevtl
that in one month three-fourths of the
grogshops of our cities would be closed, and
there would be running through the gutters
of the streets Burgundy and cognac, and
Ueldslck and old port and Schiedam
ichnapps and lager beer, and you would
eave your fathers and your husbands and
your sons first irom a drunkard s grave and
secondly from a drunkard's hell. To this
battle for home let ail women rouse them
selves. Thank God for our early home.
Thank God for our present home. Thaulr
3od for the oomlng home in heaven.
One twilight, after I had been plavi ng with
the children for some time, I lay down on
the lounge to rest. Tbe children said play
more. Children always want to play more.
And, half asleep and half awake, I seemed to
dream this dream: It seemed to me that I
was in a far distant land not Persia, al
though more than Oriental luxuriance
crowned the cities; nor tbe tropics, although
more than tropical fruitfulness filled th
gardens; nor Italv, although more than
Italian softness filled the air. And I wan
dered around looking for thorns and nettles,
but I found none of them grew there. And
I walked forth, and I saw the sun rise, and
1 said, "When will It set again?" and the
sun sank not. And I saw all the people iu
holiday apparel, and I sal 1, "When do
they put on workingman's garb again
and delve in the mine and swelter at thf
forge?" But neither the garments nor the
robes did they put off. And I wandered in
the suburbs, and I said, "Where do they
bury tbe dead of this great city?" And I
looked along by the hills where it would be
most beautiful for the dead to sleep, and I
Saw cast les and towns and battlements, but
Dot a mausoleum nor monument nor white
flab could I see. And I went into the great
chapel of the town, and I said: "Where do
the poor worship? Where are the bench
on which they sit?" And a voice answered.
We have no poor in this great city.
And I wandered out, seeking to find the
place where were the hovels ot the destitute,
hnd I found mansions of amber and ivory
and Bold, but no tear djd I see or eifc'U, hear,
t was bewildered, anul sat under thesliadow
Of a great tree and 1 said, "What am I and
whence eomes all this?" And at that moment
there came from among the leaves, skippina
Ep the flowery paths and across tbe spark
ng waters, a very bright and sparkling
tcroup, ami when I saw their step I
knew it. anil when 1 heard their voices I
thought I knew them, but their apparel was
so different from anything I had ever seen (
bowed a stranger to strangers. But after
awhile, when they clapped their hands and
houteu. "Welcome! welcome!" the mystery
was solved, and I saw that time had passed
and that eternity had eome, and that God had
patnere i us up into a nigner home, and 1
(aid, "Are we are here?" an 1 the voices ol
Innumerable generations answered, All
he'v, and while tears of gladness were rain
ing down our cheeks, and the branches ol
Lebanon cedars were clapping their hands,
and the towers of the great city were chim
ing their welcome, we began to laugh and
sing and leap and shout, "Home! home'
Then I felt a child s hand on my face, and
It woke me. The children wanted to play
nore. Children always want to play more
Mistook Ills Son' Hat for a Mark.
At Dyers Bay, Canad i, James Graham, a
farmer, mistaking his son's bat for a murk
which he had gone to set up lor him to shoot
at. the dense brush hiding his body from
view, shot the boy tnrougn the nead, uuata
raHulling instantiv.
t.aaU fwr.n ! vF TVrrv Tnri.. ban
V MV-UW A v -J t .
been exhibiting with pride a hen's egg
weiguiug a tiuuikci " w fvuuu.
unmnn Tnamrn in an (vinstitnted that
U.UU,a " -"
all see and judge better in tbe affaire of
other men than in their own.
If you h-we buiit cities in the air,
your work need not be lost: that is
where they should b; now put founda
tions under them.
To kaow a man that can be trusted
will do more foi one's moral nature
than all the books of divinity that were
ever written.
Line all people with whom the beard
is scanty, the Indians regard it 88 a
blemish and plnck it out.
4 a
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it rV
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