Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 26, 1895, Image 4

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    ONCr OP A REint.
:. '
Vrnx heart I love yon ! all the day I wondcl
21 skies) are rich with blue,
" a --
Dear heart, dear heart, o'er you I
Dear heart I love yoa ! when pale stars ar
(Sad stars to me, and few
I wonder If God's lorollcr lights ore stream
Dear heart, door heart, o'er yon I
Dear heart If life had only one bright bios
One rose to meet the dew
I'd kiss It, climbing to your restful bosom-
And wear Its thorns for yon !
Atlanta Constitution.
T was. a barrel
country, and Wad
pery was generally
Bhrireled with
heat, bat he al
ways had roses in
his garden, on hia
window-sill or in
his button-hole.
Growing flowers
under difficulties
a h his recreation.
That was why he
was called Old Roses. It was not other
wise inapt, for there was something
antique abont him, though he wasn't
old ; a flavor, an old-fashioned repose
and self-possession. Ho was inspector
of tanks from this God-forsaken coon
try. Apart from his duties ho kept most
ly to himself, though when not travel
ing he always went down to O'Fallen's
Hotel once a day for a cup of tea tea
kept especially for him ; and as he
drank this slowly he talked to Tic, the
barmaid, or to any chance visitors
whom he knew. He never drank with
any one, nor asked any one to drink,
and, strange to say, no one resented
this. As Vio said, "he was different.
mcny Jierrnt, tne solicitor, wno was
hail-fellow with squatter, homestead
lessee, cocatoo-farmt-r and shearer,
called mm a lively old buffer.
It was he, indeed, who guve him the
came of Old Hoses. Dickey sometimes
went over to Xjong eck EiUabong,
where Old Hoses lived, for a reel, as
he put it. and he always carried away
a deep impression of the Inspector's
qualities. "Had his clay, said Dickey
in u r alien s sitting-room one night,
in marble halls, or I m a Jack. Hun
neck and neck with almighty swells
once. Might live here for a thousand
years an I ho'd still be the nonesuch of
the back blocks. I d patent him file
my caveat for him to-morrow if I could
bully Old Roses!"
Victoria Dowling, the barmaid, lifted
her chin slightly from her hands, as
ehe leaned through the opening be
tween the bar and the Bittinjr-room.
and said : "Mr. Morritt, Old Hoses is
a gentleman, and a gentleman is a gen
tleman till he "
'Till he humps his bluey into the
Kever Xever Land, Vic? Hut what do
you know about gentlemen, anyway?
ion were Dorn nve miles from the
Jumping Sandhill, my dear J"
"Oh," was the quiet reply, "a wo
man the commonest woman knows
a gentleman by instinct. It isn't what
they do, it's what they don't do ; and
Old Roses doesn't do lots of things."
"Bight yon are, Victoria; right yon
are ajain I Yon do the Jumping Sand
hills credit. Old Hoses has tho root
of tho matter in him and there you
have it I"
' Dickey had a profound admiration
for Via. She had brains, was perfect
ly fearless, and every one in the
Wadgery country who risited O'Fal
len's had a wholesome respect for her
Abont this time news came that the
Governor, Lord Malice, would pnsf
through Wadgery on his tour up the
back blocks. A great function was
necessary. It was arranged. Then
came the question of tho address of
welcome to be delivered at the ban
quet. Dickey Merritt and the local
doctor wore proposed as composer,
but they both declared they'd only
"make rot of it," and suggested Oln
They went to lay the thing beforn
him. They found him in his garden
He greeted them smiling in his enig
matical way, and listened. While
Diokey spoke, a flush slowly passed
over him, and then immediately left
him polo ; but he stood perfectly still,
his hand leaning against a sandal tree,
and the coldness of his face warmed
up again slowly, His head having
been bent attentively as he listened,
Ihey did not see anything unusual.
After a moment of silence and in
ecrutablo deliberation, he answered
thot he would do as they wished.
Dickey hinted that he would requiro
ome information about Lord Mulice'a
tost career and his family's history,
nut he assured them that ha did not
need it ; and his eyes idled somewhat
ironically with Dickey's face.
When the two had gone Old Rosen
eat in his room, a handful of letters, a
jhotograph, and a couple of decora
tions spread out before him ; his fin
gers renting on them, and his look en
gaged with a very far horizon.
The Governor came. He was met
outside the township by the citizens
and escorted in a dusty and numer
ous cavalcade. They passed the in
spection house. The garden was
blooming, and on the roof a flag was
flying, struck by the singular char
acter of the place Lord Malice asked
who lived there, and proposed stop
ping for a moment to make the ac
quaintance of its owner, adding, with
some slight sarcasm, that if the offi
cers of tho Government were too busy
to pay their respects to their Governor,
their Governor must pay his respects
to them.
But Old Roses was not in the garden
nor in the house, and they left with
out seeing him. He was sitting nn
3er a willow at the Billabong, reading
over and over to himself the addresa
to be delivered before the Governor in
the evening. And as he read his face
had a wintry and inhospitable look.
The night camo. Old Roses entered
the dining room quietly with tha
crowd, far in the Governor's wake.
According to his request, he was given
a seat in a distant corner, where ha
was qnita inconspicuous. Most of tha
men present were in evening dress.
He wore a plain tweed suit, but car
ried a hc.ndsome rose in his button
hole. It was impossible to pnt him at
disadvantage. He looked distin
guished ns he was. He appeared to be
prach interested in Lord Malice. The
arly proceedings were cordial, for the
Uovernor and his suite made them
lelves most agreeable, and talk flowed
' After a timo there was a rattle of
kaives and forks, and the Chairman
arose. Then, after a chorus of "hear,
bears," there was general silence. Tha
loorways of the rooms were filled by
the women servants of the hotel. Chief
among them was Vic, who kept her
yea mostly on Old Roses. She knew
that ho s to read the address and
(peak, and she was more interested is
ftaa and his SUCoeflS thi fa Lord,
MaHSef iria tolte. -v-iacef MmVaHbft of
him wu great lie tad Always treated
her aa a lady, and it had dona her
kindly into ner brown eyes, and
-And I call upon Mr. Adam Bher-
j wood to speak to the health of hia Ex-
cellency. Lord Malice."
in ma modest corner. Old Rosea
stretched to his feet. The Governor
glanced over carelessly. He only saw
a figure in gray, with s rose at button
hole. The Chairman whispered that it
was the owner of the house and "gar
den which had interested his Exoel
lency that afternoon. Hia Exeellesey
looked a little closer, bat Saw only a
rim of iron gray hair above the paper
held before Old Roses lace.
Then a voice came from, behind the
paper : "lour Excellency, Mr. Chair
man and Gentlemen "
At the first words the Governor
started, and his eyes flashed searching-
Iy, curiously at the paper that walled
the face and at the iron eray hair.
The voice was distinct and clear, with
modulated empnasis. it Had a pe
culiarly penetrating qnality. A few in
the room and particularly Vio were
struck by something in the voice
that it resembled another. She soon
found the trail. Her eyes also fastened
on the paper. Then she moved and
went to another door.
Here she could see behind the paper
at an angle. Her eyes ran from the
screened face to that of the Governor.
His Excellency hid dropped the lower
part of his face in his hand, and he
was listening intently. Vic noticed
that his eyes werd painfully grave and
concerned. She also noticed other
The address was strange. It had
been submitted to the committee and
though it struck them as out-of-the-way
ish, it had been approved. It
seemed different when read as Old
r T: -' i mi 1
!Ysss was tuu'i li. xuo worus
11 . . ...
sounded so inclement as they were
chiselled out by the speaker's voice.
Dickey Merrit afterward declared that
many phrases were interpolated by
Old Roses at the -moment.
The speaker roferred intimately and
with peculiar knowledge to the family
history of Lord Malice, to certain
more or less private matters which did
not concern the public, to the author
ity of the name and the high duty de
volving upon one who bore the earl
dom of i Malice. He dwelt upon the
personal character of his Excellency's
antecedents, and praised tli2ir honor
able services to the country. He re
ferred to the death of Lord Malice's
eldest brother in Burmoh, but he did
it strangely.
Then, with acute incisiveness, he
drew a picture of what a person in so
exalted a position as a Governor
should be and should not be. His
voioe assuredly had at this point a fine
edge ol scorn, iho aides-de-camp
were nervous, tho Chairman apprehen
sive, the committee ill at ease. But
the Governor now was perfectly still,
though, as Vio Dowling thought,
rather pinched and old-looking. His
eyes never wandered from that paper
nor the gray hair.
Presently the voice of the speaker
"But," said he, "in Lord Malice we
have the perfect Governor ; a man of
blameless and enviable life, and pos
sessed abundantly of discreetness,
judgment, administrative ability and
power ; the absolute type of English
nobility and British character 1"
Then he dropped the paper from be
fore his face, and his eyes met those
of the Governor, and stayed. Lord
Malice let go a long, choking breath,
which sounded very much like im
measurable relief. During the rest of
tho speech delivered in a fine tem
pered voice he sat as in a dream, yet
his eyes intently upon the other, who
now seemed to recite rather than refcS.
tie tnrilled all by the pleasant reson
ance of his tones, and sent the ble-Jd
aching delightfully through Vic Dow
ling's veins.
When he sat down there was im
mense applause. Iho Governor rose
in reply. He spoke in a low voice,
but any one listening outside wonld
have said that Old Hoses was still
speaking. By this resemblance the
girl Vio had trailed to others. It was
now apparent to many, but Dickey
aaid afterward that it was simply a
case of birth and breeding men used
to walking red carpet grow alike, just
as stud-owners and rabbit-catchers
Tho last words of the Governor's
reply were delivered in a very con
vincing tone as his eyes hung on Old
Roses face, "and, as I am indebted
to yon, gentlemen, for tho feelings of
loyaly to the throne which prompted
this reception and tha address Just de
livered, so am I -indebted to Mr.
Adam Sherwood for his admirable lan
guage and the unusual sincerity of his
apeaking ; and to both you and him
for most notable kindness." Imme
diately after the Governor's speech
Old Hoses stole out, but as he passed
through the door where Vio stood his
hand brushed against hers. Feeling
its touch, he grasped it eagerly for an
instant, as though he was glad of the
friendliness in her eyes.
It was just before dawn of the morn
iug that tho Governor knocked at the
door of the house by Long Keck Bil
labong. The door opened at once, and
he entered without a word.
He and Old Roses stood face to face.
His face was drawn and worn, the
other's cold and calm.
"Tom, Tom, "Lord Malice said, "we
thought you were dead "
"That is, Edward, having left me to
my fate in Burmah you were only
half a mile away with a column of
stout soldiers and hillmen you waited
till my death was reported, and as
sured, and then came on to England ;
for two things, to take the title just
made vacant by our father's death,
and to marry my intended wife, who.
God knows, appeared to have little
care which brother, it was. Ton got
both. I was long a prisoner. When
I got free, I knew ; I waited. X was
kiting till you had a child. Twelve
years have gone ; yoa have no child.
But I shall spare you yet awhile. If
your wife shall die, or yoa should have
a child, I shall return."
j Tha Governor lifted his head wearily
from the table where he now sat.
'Tom," he said, in a low, heavy voice,
'I was always something of a scoun
drel, but I've repented of that thing
every day of my life since. It has
been knives knives all the way. I
am glad I can't tell you how glad
thot you are alive."
' He stretched out his hand with a
motion of great relief. "I was afraid 000 coplesi Edna Lyall's "Doreen," 30,. ,r ot bewilderment on the young
you were going to speak to-night to 000; Conan Doyle's "The Refugees," man's face. He accepted the explana
tell all, even though I was your 22,000; "The Heavenly Twins," 47,000; Uon nd enabled to answer ths
brother. Tou spare me for the sake" "The Tellow Aster," 28,000; "The Story Colonel's telegram, forty-eight boors
"For the sake of our name," the J of an African Farm," 78,000. Twenty afterward, in these words: "Tour or
pther interjected, stonily. j thousand copies of Drummond's "As- fler" were obeyed. We were Joined at
. "For the sake of our name. But I cent of Man" have been sold. Marie uceH
arould have taken my punishment, ! Corelli's "Barabbaa" has reached the
taken it in thankfulness, because yoa 'fifteenth edition and has been trans-1 a Mere -rr-tri-
are alive." lated into French. German, Swedish,! .jjave von renalred nr nmr.ri.lli
"Taken it like a man, your Excel- Hindustani and Gujeraa "Dodo" U et? repaired my umbrella
tency," was the low rejoinder. I
iuu wiu uu v uxa umi uuc,
Tom?" said the other anxiously.
Tom Hallwood dried the perspira- '
tion from his forehead.
llt can never be wiped ont fcy yon
hook ill iny fain IB fly old. world.'
That's the worst thing that can hap
pen ft man. - I only believe in the very
oommon people now those who are
not put - upon tneir Honor. una
doesn't expect it of them, and unlikely
aa it ie, ona isn't often deceived in
thtfm: I think we'd better talk bo
more abont it" . .
Yon mean I had better go, Tom?"
"I think so. ; I am going to marry
soon." The other started nervously.
"You needn't be so shocked.- I'll corns
book one day, bat not till your wife
dies, or yoa have had a child, as J
The Governor rose to his feet and
went to the door. "Whom do yoa in
tend marrying? he asked, in a voice
far from regal or vice-regal, only
humbled and disturbed. The reply
was instant and keen. "A barmaid.'
The other's hand dropped from the
door. But Old Hoses, passing over,
opened it, and, mutely waiting for the
other to pass through, said: "Good
day, my lord J"
The Governor passed out from tha
palo light of the lamp into the gray
and moist morning. He turned at a
point where the bouse would be lost
to view, and saw the other still stand
ing there. The voice of Old Hoses
kept ringing in his ears sardonically.
Ho knew that his punishment must go
on and on.
And it did. Old Roses married Vic
toria Dowling from the Jumping Sand
hills, and there was comely issue, and
that issue is now at Eton ; for Esau
came into the birthright, as he hinted
he would, at his own time. But he
and his wife have a way of being indif
ferent to the gay, astonished world.
And, uncommon as it may seem, he
has not tired of her. London Speaker;
Punishment for scolds.
How Women Who Talked Too Much
Were Treated.
The emancipation of Women fron.
she oppression of mefi Cad from the
thralldom of conventionality being Just
now a favorite thme with debaters,
dramatists and Creismatc-rs, the occa
sion may be an appropriate one for
tho purpose of recalling an article of
headgear which was frequently worn
by the fair sex in the "good old times."
A few generations a o our forefath
ers were wont to Inflict upon women
certain punishment which sadly ex
hibited their lack of gallantry and pro
priety. Among the most curious of
these punishments was that of the
brank or scold's bridle. This carious
and cruel Instrument of torture was
employed by borough physicians for
the purpose of curing women of an ali
ment of the tongue to which they were
said to be subject.
The brank consisted of a kind ov
rown or framework of Iron, which
was locked upon the head of the delin
quent It was armed In front with
a trap, plate, point or knife of the tame
metal, which was fitted In such a man
ner as to be Inserted In the scold's
mouth so at to prevent her moving her
tougue, or, more cruel still. It was so
placed that If she did move It, or at
tempt to speak, her tongue was cruelly
lacerated and her Bufferings Intensl-
fled. With this cage npon her head.
and with the gag pressed and locked
upon ber tongue, the poor creature was
paraded through the streets, led by
the beadle or constable, or else she was
chained to the pillory or market cross
to be the object of scorn and derision,
and to be subjected to all the insult
that local loungers could Invent.
The Great Firefly.
The great firefly elater nocrilucns
Is an Inhabitants of the savannahs of
most of the warmer parts of America
and the West India Islands. It Is sMd
to attain a length of an inch and a half.
In the gloom of night these files are ex
tremely luminous, and the effect is
brilliant The light chiefly proceeds
from four parts, viz., from two glandu
lar spots behind the eyes, and one un
der each wing. They have tho power
to cut off the light at will. In which
case the glandular spots become per
fectly opaque. The light of this won
derful Insect by Itself is such that If
the creature be held In the palm of the
hand, print or manuscript Is at easily
read as by a candle. The aborglnal na
tives cage these creatures and make
use of them, It Is alleged, at lanterns.
Ladles adorn themselves with this electric-like
It la related of Don Domingo Conde
of Columbia that be would appear oq
the evening promenade with a large,
firefly ornamenting the buckle of his
broad hat, while a band of smalled lum,
lnons Insects surrounded It. The aam
Spaniard lighted bis palace with fire
flies In silver cages. The display must
nave Dtxu encuanuu. lor una
tne Hgnt is ruaay, at anoxner ine unge
It greenish, then there Is a change to'
golden yellow. It Is stated that when
the Spaniards were about to land one of
their expedition, against Mexico a
panic was caused by then luminaries.
The host of flitting lights on land was
supposed to be an Indication of the
enemy arousing their camp to resist
the attack.
When the English were attacking tha
West India Islands, the fireflies were
taken to be a Spanish army advancing
with burning matches against them,
and the upshot was a hasty retreat tr
the ships, All the Tear Round,
What IsTlead In London.
Some interesting figures of the sales
A MAMIlta ViAalra A irlvAII f VI trla T
Manxman," 60,000 copies have been
sold so far in England; of Stanley J.
Weyman's "Gentleman of France," 49,
OOO: of ft. T? nmrlcofr'a "The RAldem
80,000, and of "The Stlcklt Minister."
20,000. Ian Maclaren's "Beside the """"J- unt eise u mean r
Bonny Brier Bush" has reached 40.. A look intelligence replaced the
in us lonrreenui eaiuon, -Marcelln" .
-.. .... .' u t
seventh three-volume edition. Mr.
Balfour's "Foundations of Belief" has
had a
bad a very urge sale, bat the figure
could noj be ob&lfled
a Strange PrehUtorls City Accidental!
Uncovered by aa Adveatnroaa MhMm
M al vein W. Cres worth, an English
AlnlDR man well know throughout
Southwest Mexico, arrived at Map-
1ml, Mexico, recently from a long
overland Journey tbroush the Sierra
Madre Mountains, bis startling taint
being cancan, near toe .racinc coast
In the State of blnaloa. He claims
to have visited a section of country
never before visited by a white man
of the present generation, and tbat
be discovered a large and beautiful
deserted city. lie told a correspond
ent of the St Louis Globe-Democrat
that the wonderful city is situated
abont eighty miles west of Lake
Colorado, in the very reeesses of the
Sierra Madrea It occupies a basin
about ten miles long by eight miles
wide. Perpendicular cliffs surround
the basin on ail sides, rising to
height of hundreds of feet The
bnlr entrance to the city is through a
Deep canon, which has a width of
about thirty feet Mr. Crcsworth
states that he stumble 1 onto the se
pret entrance quite by 'accident. r He
gives a vivid description of the de
serted city. The buildings, he says.
are constructed or red stoce blocks,
resembling arantte. The business
blocks are two ana three stories in
bel-jht, and are entirely different In
architectural design from the struc
tures built by the Aztec and Span
lards. The streets are very narrow,
but are laid out in regular order. In
he city is a small park, which
vergrown wiin rare tiowers ana
roplcal vegetation, lie entered the
uslness nouses and decaying rest
oncea, but found very little of value
xcept some remarkable and strange
ornaments made of stone. lie be
lieves that the city was looted at the
time tbat It was deserted, whenever
tbat may have been. No records or
writings of any kind were found, nor
did be discover any skeleton that
would g ve an idea as to tb o race of
people who at ono time inhabited
the city. None of the natives of
tbat section of country bad ever
heard of the deserted city. Mr.
Cresworth Is making diligent In
quirt ot them. Mr. Cresworth'a
story Is very startling and remark
able, bnt it Is beliered by tho e to
whom he nas related his experiences.
He will organize an expedition to
make a thorough exploration ot the
city. ,
Oil Health wa too Poor to Permit Atton-
tloa to Business. A Great Sufferer
for Many Tears Bat Ha Mow
(From the Springfield, JLasj., Union.)
There Isn't a gun manufacturer In the
Cuited States who does not know Jefferson
H. Clough, and why? Because he has been
Intimately associated all his life with tha de
velopment of the two best American rifles,
the Remington and Winchester. For years
he was Superintendent of tha E. Remington
Sons' great factory at IUon, N. Y. After
leaving there he refused a tempting offer of
the Chinese Government to go to China to
superintend their government factories,
and accepted instead tho superinten ioncy of
ttte WIncnester-Anns Co., at New Haven, at
a salary of 7,500 a year.
It was after this long term of aetivo labor
M a business man that ha found himself In
capacitated for further service by the em
bargo which rheumatism had laid upon him
and resigned his position more than two
years ago, and returned to Belehertown,
Mass., where ha now lives and owns tha
Phelps farm, a retired spot where he has five
hundred um of land.
Delng a man of means he did not snare tbt
cost and was treated by leading physicians
and by baths at celebrated spriug3 without
receiving any benefit worth notl.-e. T-urini?
the summer of 1993 and the winter ot lS'Ji
"lr. ciouga was eonnned to bis house in
belehertown, being unable to rise from his
bed wlthoat assistance, and suffering con
tinually with aeute pains and with no taste
or desire for food, nor was he ablo to obtain
lumoient sleep.
Earlv in the year 18Mlfr. Cloueh heard nt
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peoote
He began taking these Dills about tha first of
March, 1894, and continued to do so until
the first part ol September following. The
ft ret effect noticed was a better appetite and
he began to note more ability to help himself
t.ff the bed and to be better generally. Last
august (1894) be was able to go alone to his
Minmer residence and farm of 163 acres on
Grenadier Island, among tha Thousand
Islands, In the river St. Lawrence, where
from the highest land of his farm he eam
Diands a view for 13 miles down tha river,
and SO of tho Thousand Islands onn be seen.
Instead of being confined to his bed Mr.
Clough Is now and has been for soma tima
tble to be about the farm to direct tha
men employed there and he is thankful for
rhat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for
These pills are znanufoJtorod bv tho Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Bcheneotady,
N. T-, and are sold only in boxes bearing the
firm's trade mark and wrapper, at SO cents a
box or six boxes for SI 60, and are never sold
In bulk. They may be had of all druggists
or direct by mail from Dr. MTiiliams' ilcdl-
sine company.
tier Translation. "r
A young English officer In India left
lis regiment on sick leave, and went
o a hotel, where, it happened, a lovely
:lrl was staying. They became en
raged, and the wedding day was set.
rhe Colonel, however, disapproved of
rub-lientenants getting married, and
artlcularly of the "sub" in -jnestlon.
ts be happened to be a friend of the
roung man's father, he thought he
j night prevent the marriage by send-1
i ng a peremptory telegram couched In
tese words: "Join at once!
loTer m ae8palr. U9 pre
u,m9elf w flancee wUh
B f M mke,Te ,n hu haa(
bnt look of ,easuro on h9
bnt wa,
AViUl a bI.h of maid-
tn simplicity, she cast her eyes npon
the ground and said:
"Dear me, I am glad your Colonel ap
proves of the match! But what a hurry
he is in I I don't think I can get ready
10 soon; but I'll do my best; because,
f course, his command must be
The young warrior was puzzled.
"Don't yoa see," he said, "that this
aiessage puts a stopper on our plans!
fou don't seem to understand the tele
rram. He says, peremptorily, 'Join at
once.' "
The lady's blushes redoubled; but
lovely eyes to his face, and replied
"It is yon, my darling, who don't
leem to understand it. lour Colonel
lays plainly, 'Join at oncer by which
D? cour h means get married Imme-
Kot vet. air-It will K
dona to
. 'Well, I've got to have It 1 don't
want to get soaked every day."
"Then yoa should swear ofL"
tfew York GlobA
Work of
Volwntarjr 8o
The work of village improvement so
cieties, which are the rural counter
parts of city boards of trade, forms tha
title of a very interesting article by B.
O. Northrop, in the Forum. The first
Of these societies to be incorporated,
says the writer, was the Laurel Hill
Association of Stockbrldge, Mass. As
a result, the Stockbrldge of to-day
stands ont in marked contrast with
the Stockbrldge of my boyhood. Tht
main street; irregularly laid ont and
unevenly graded, with deep pools of
standing water, with few trees and
fewer sidewalks, the "green" without
trees of any semblance of ornament,
loaded wagons making deep ruts almost
to the church door, the cemetery with
a broken-down wooden fence and full
of brambles and weeds these all ap-
pear in my recollection of Stockbrldge
as it was In 1353. To-day streets are
graded and lined with shade trees.
About 4,000 trees have now been plant
ed and tho association has the Income
derived from $4,000 of invested funds,
supplemented by Individual subscrip
tions. When 12,000 was given for a free
town library by a single benefactor,
this amount was nearly doubled by In
dividual contributions. The library
building, costing $25,000, was tha gift
of J. Z. Goodrich, whose wife, Miss
Mary Hopkins, was the originator of
the society; Cyrus W. Field gave $10,'
000 for a park, and David Dudley Field
gave fifty-eight acres of land for a
mountain park, together with $5,000 for
Its Improvement. The association with
an offer to pay half the expenses in
duced the railroad company to add an
acre and a half to the grounds about
the station and to erect an elegant
banding. These grounds have been
beautifully adorned by the association.
The improvements wrought in New
Mllford, Conn., by the Village Improve
ment Society of that place are almost
as great At first membership In tha
society cost $3, bat the fee was subse
quently reduced to $L The women held a
fair and raised $700, and in four yean
by appealing to civic pride and patriot
Ism the society raised $7,000. Beside
this, residents expended $2,500 for side
walks and other Improvements, As
result New Mllford Is now a model
town and property has been greatly en
But It Is in the Western States, says
Mr. Northrop, that the greatest progress
in rural Improvement has been made
during the last ten years. Here one
finds illustrations of co-operation and
enterprise surpassing the more staid
East. The Wyoming Village Improve
ment Society is the foremost organiza
tion of Its kind in Ohio. It was formed
In 1SS0 at a public meeting where sev
eral spirited addresses were made. The
Mayor of the village was made presi
dent, and a directory of four women
and four men was appointed. These
were divided Into committees on trees,
on sidewalks, on sewerage, on finance,
and on entertainments, concerts and
lectures. Though the population of the
village was only 700, they began work
with thoroughness and enthusiasm.
Nearly every man and woman In the
village Joined the association. They
first undertook one conspicuous Im
provement theenlargementand adorn
ment of the unsightly grounds ot the
railway station. They collected $1,200
by subscriptions, the railroad company
added $400 and hauled the needed grav
el and soil without charge. The result
Is the most attractive station-park on
this line of railway. In ISS1 there were
planted In this park 185 trees and sixty-three
shrubs of flowering varieties
and flower-beds, all arranged by a com
petent landscape gardener. In 1882
770 trees were planted along the streeta
The aggregate number of trees planted
by this association Is about 4,000. Dur
ing its first three years the society rais
ed through membership dues, private I
subscriptions, entertainments and the
like nearly $3,000. The membership
fee was $3 for the first, and annually
thereafter $2; for persons not of age $L
or the planting of one tree under tho
direction of the tree committee. The
society has secured an efficient street
sprinkling service. The property hold
ers have laid miles of artificial stone
sidewalks, and public-spirited cltizeni
have given to the village a commodious
and elegant hall in which Is a fine li
brary and reading-room. The Village
Improvement Society has been the lead
er in these and many other Improve
ments. It has shown the value of town
pride and civic patriotism.
Mr. Northrop then speaks of the re
sult of the work of village improvement
societies In many towns both East and
West and then goes on to discuss how
to organize Improvement societies
when there is little public spirit. The
best way to begin this work, he says,
Is to interest all classes by a free lec
ture explaining the aims and results
of societies elsewhere and then at once
to make an organization. Most com
munities are likely to wait for the Im
pulse of a leader. Many efficient asso
ciations have been formed by women,
and of nearly all at least a part of the
officers are women. If the Executive
Committee numbers fifteen, I advise
that eight should be women. Women
succeed better In getting money and In
securing the co-operation of all classes.
At the start, the alms of an association
should be few and explicit. Lead, bcl
do not too far outstrip public opinion
lest you excite stubborn prejudice. Ths
founders of such an association,
therefore, knowing the local con
servatism, should propose to them
selves the accomplishment at first
Of only "open, gross and palpa
ble" improvements and then wait for
the community to catch up with them,
But the co-operation of all classes once
aroused, there are few things that these
societies cannot do. Their alma, vary
ing of course with local needs, include
j uiuuiv'itu stviui PUU1V4U J luiyivTV
( ments especially as to water supply
auu Kitcia,v auu uieyusju vi wuit
ih Improvement of roads, of sidewalks,
of parks, of school yards, and other
public grounds especially grounds
around railway statJons-provldlng
drinking tanks and fountains, organiz
ing free town libraries, and removing
nuisances and front fences.
Another practical question is, "How
can we get the necessary money?" By
membership fees, large or small ac
cording to the means and liberality of
the community, by Ilfe-memberahlps
ranging from $10 to $50 or more, by an
nual subscriptions, by fairs, by lec
tures, by concerts and other entertain
ments. Largo gifts are often made by
wealthy citizens and by natives no
longer resident. Many whom fortune
has favored are glad to show a grate
ful remembrance of their old homes.
Thousands of dollars come in such filial
"Don't Hide Your Light Under a Bnshel." That's Jnst
Why we Tali Abont
ins. and sometimes rrom imerpecxea
auwa - A ... anlitlil I
sources. Money may oe b i
attention to a particular need of thr
rhe IctcIo la a Clever Com pound of
Blcrcle and a Skate.
Icycle is the novel and appropriate
name given to a new machine recently
Invented by A. lb Jordan, of this city.
This machine Is a combination of bi
cycle and skate. Or, to be more ex
plicit, It Is a. skate attachment that
can be nsed on any bicycle for ice rid
ing. The attachment consists of a steel
runner abont eighteen inches long fas
tened on a hollow steel frame. This
frame is so constructed that it can be
easily attached to the fronk fork of a
bicycle instead of tha front wheeL A
steel band for the rear wheel furnish
ed with short spikes completes the con
trivance. Mr. Jordan gave his lnven-
Uon fta first practical trial last Sunday
on the large lake at Forest Park. A
short time on the ice convinced him
that the new contrivance exceeded his
most sanguine expectations. Owing
to the density of the crowd he had no
opportunity to test Its speed, but he is
confident that a tremendous velocity
can bo obtained. He says that the ex
ertion of propelling it is not enough to
keep a man warm. This being the ease.
It will be possible to use a very high
gear, perhaps as high as 120. On
smooth ice and a straightaway course
a rider Ilka Johnson can very likely
ride a mile In considerable less than
a minute. Johnson has a similar ma
chine of his own, but ft' is a much
clumsier affair than Mr. Jordan's. St
Louis Star Saylngs.
The people of tropical countries
almost invariably use some form of
capsicum with maize as a stimulant
to the stomach, maize being more diffi
cult of digestion than some other
The Cleanse the System
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious or when the blood is impure or
sluggish, to permanently cure habitual
constipation, to awaken the kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or weakening them, to dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup
of Figs.
Women nowadays are generally ac
knowledged to be an inch or two taller,
and two or three inches greater iu
chest development than their grand
mothers were.
Adjust Family DlflYrencra.
Bad temper is often merely bad digestion.
Many quarrels attributed to perverse disposi
tion! are due to disordered livers.
Bir-au's 'labules adjust family differences, and
would prevent tiiem, wliicb la better. If taken in
hlpans Tabules. taken after meal, morning
and evening, for a while regulate tne system and
sweeten the temper.
Freight cars in England are only
seventeen feet long, carry but ten
tons, and foity five of them make a
train for one of their funny little en
gines. Delays are dangerous. A dollar spent for
Hood's Sarsaparilla now may prevent illness
which will be expensive and hard tn bear. o
Is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills curs all liver Ills, relieve consti
pation and assist digestion. 25c.
The sound of a bell can be beard
through the water at distance of 45,200
feet, Through the air it can be heard
at a distance of only 456 feet.
ITall's Catarrh Cnre Is a liquid and Is taken
Internally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces ot the system. Writ for tas.
timoniala, free. Manufactured by
F. J. CKixir & Co, Toledo, O.
Experiments are being made with
two ambulance wagons, the one
equipped with solid rubber and the
other with pneumatic tires.
riso'a Cure lor Connmntinn fa nn A -Vsh i
Asthma medicine. w. it. Williams, Antioch,
Ills., April 11, is, '
Sea anemones have been known to
live for three or four years without any
nourishment save what they extract
from the water.
tr. Kilmer's SwAjtr-rsoor curei
all Kidney and I'ladder troubles.
1 atiiplet and Lousullution trets.
laboratory Hmiiamtou. N. V.
An English inventor has devised sn
automatic air brake, in which the
weight of the tram eui lies the power
to set the brakes.
Mrs. Wlaalowt Smoothing 8jTvp for ehndrea
teething, softens the gnma, reduces inflamma
tion, aliu s jmIbv cures wl&4 coatc Xc a bouls
A number of physicians declared
that nuclein, the recently discovered
fluid, will create a revolution in medi
cal science.
Ifaffllcted with sore eyes nse Dr. Isaac Thomp
son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 2.rc rer bottle
Xo Clean Max trie.
Take two parts common soda, one
part of pumice-stone, and one part of
finely-powdered chalk; sift It through
a fine sieve, and mix It with water;
then rub it well over the marble, and
the stains will be removed; then wash
the marble over with soap and water,
and it will be as clear aa it was at first
Bleb. Tips.
One of the snuggest berths, though
by no means a sinecure, Is the hall por
tershlp of one of the great.servlce (Lon
don) dubs. In tips and salary a hall
porter in a very well-known cltfb owns
to having made 1,600 a year for som
The Oreatert iledical Discovery
of tne Age.
Medical Discovery.
Has discovered In one of our oommon
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Hnmor, from the worst Scrofula
rlown to a oommon pimple.
He has tried It in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except In two cases
(both thunder hnmor). He has now in
his possession over two hundred certifi
cates of Its vain a, all within twenty miles
Of Boston. Bend postal card for book.
A benefit Is always experienced from the
first bottle, and a perfect euro is warranted
When the right quantity to taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them ; the same with the Liver
or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts
being stopped, and always disappears In a
week after taking It. Bead the label.
If tha stomach is fool or bilious it will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No ehange of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tableapoonful In water at bed
time. Sold by aU Drogaiata
If You Are Tired
All the time, without special exertion, as tired
in the mornlns as when you retire at night, yon
may depend upon It, your Wood Is Impure and
Is lacking In vitality. That is wby It does not
supply strength to nerves and muscles. You need
Hood's Sarsaparilla
To purify and enrich your blood. A few bottles
of this great medicine wlU give yoa strength
and vitality because It wUl make pare blood.
Hood's Pills
nabttaal eonstlpa-
1'rtca zo eenu.
Restored to Their Pareata by tne Bell
man of Liverpool.
Francis George, tho Liverpool bell
man, Is to retire from the service of the
city, after a pnbllc career extending
over a period of sixty years. Ho was
ordinarily a member of the old dock
police force. It Is said that at one time
the office of bellman was worth to the
person who held It about 500 per an
num. In addition to making public
proclamations, it was part of the bell
man's duty on all civic occasions to
walk before the Mayor of Liverpool
with a portion of the resalla. It was
Mr. George's distinction In that capaci
ty during his long period of office to
walk before fifty-three Mayors. In these
later days the office of bellman has be
come practically a sinecure. The du
ties which he had to discharge have
become obsolete, and other means of
announcement have superseded that of
the bellman. Up to the present, how
ever, to the bellmnn's house In Greek
street are taken lost and strayed chil
dren who may be found wandering
about uncared for In the streets of Liv
erpool. During his long tenure of of
fice, Mr. George has received from po
lice officers at the bellman's house the
custody of no fewer than 130,000 stray
children, whom he restored to their
parents. Latterly this was the oid
bellman's chief emolument, each parent
paying 6d. for the recovery of the lost
children, and 23 a year was granted
to Mr. George from the corporation.
Teach the Boys to Work.
Somebody says, let every farme.
who has boys provide them with a
workshop. We say, let every father
have a workshop, or work-room, or
work bench where the boys may grat
ify their longing for tools, and Incar
nate their restless activity in "some
thing to do." It should be made pleas
ant attractive and comfortable. If
room enough, there can be a work
bench and vise, a shaving horse and
porhaps a small foot-lathe, two or three
planes, augers of different sizes, a few
chisels, drawineknife. saw and ham
For those who cannot afford the
whole, a part would answer; and to
those who can, other tools might be
added, the cost of the tools being but
a trifle compared with the advantages
gained, one of which is real progress In
practical education. It has been said
the best inheritance a man can leave
his children is not money to maintain
them, but the ability to help and take
care of themselves.
A young man who can at any time
mend sofa, chair, rocker, sled, harness
or tin ware, set the clock, repair an
umbrella, whitewash a wall, paper a
room, and do a hundred other small
Jobs, will get through the world far
more comfortably and thriftily than
one who is constantly obliged to send
for a mechanic.
Besides all this, and greater Rtill, Is
the moral Influence of tools in furnish
ing boys something cheerful to do In
stormy weather or leisure hours, and
thus weakening any temptation to at
tend those places of diversion which so
often lay the foundation of life-long
harm to character.
Too Hasty an Inference.
The consternation with which even
the most distant approach to the ap
pearance of censuring royalty Is still
regarded In some parts cf Europe Is
amusingly shown In an Incident which
Is said to have occurred at Copen
hagen. A well-knowa wag and cyclist was
summoned to answer for the offense of
riding on a footpath leading to Lyngby
Ton have been cycling on the Lyng
by Church footpath?" said the Judge,
severely. The cyclist admitted It
"Tou are fined 4 kroner."
The offender took out the coins am'
laid them down.
"May I ask your worship," be In
quired, meekly, "whether Prince Wal
deuiar and Princess Mario have per
mission to cycle on the path In ques
tion r
The Judge looked uneasy. "Um-nn
jertalnly not la this your first of
fense?" i -it. is ana win De my last."
"In that case," said the Judge. "I wll)
let you off with a caution this time."
The culprit picked up his money,
bowed and walked off. As he reached
the door the Judge's curiosity overcame
"Walti PId you actually see Trince
Waldemar and Princess Marie ridln;
on that path?"
"I? your worship certainly not," is
plied the wag with a look of mild sui
prise; and then with a twinkle lu bL
eye he disappeared, leaving the Judga
to what must have been queer reflec
tions. Allseed Her Aim.
Even feminine human nature some
times loses its patience, as, for In
stance, In the following trying case re
ported by the Boston Commercial Bul
letin: An energetic and muscular matron
who, In company with a friend, was en
gaged In some holiday shopping, found
herself hustled and shored about UQ
ber patience was clean gone. Then shf
retaliated with a dig of her elbow, aim
ed at otic of her tormentors.
"There!" said she, turning to bet
friend, "I think I have given one oi
those wretches a dose."
"I thick yoa bare," answered bet
companion, when she could recover her
breath; "it was ms you punched."
British Horsewomen.
England beasts some hard rld!nB
women, who are quite brave, enduring,
and stoical on the bunting field as men.
At a recent hunt one fox ran thirty
miles In three hours, and three women
ont of seven were In at the finish.
After a woman has been in love three
or four times, her heart becomes pet
nnea. -
Haw They liide.
Tourist What are all these train
flying past?
Suburban Boy They Is race trains
takln' city folks borne from the
races, you know.
Tourist Ah, yes, I see. Quite t
number of them have palace cars at
tached. Boy I guess them's for the
that wins. Good News.
She Should you die are yoa op
posed to my remarrying;? He No.
She Why not? He Why should I
W,olicitou9 about the welfare of t
tellow I'll never know? Ufa
Doctor Itoosevelt, describing in Scrri
ner's Magazine his life as physician la
a NeW York hospital, relates the tory
of a reproof that would have beea
more useful to him If ho hud been a lea
modest man. , i
One morning the night nurses carat
as usual, to report to me. John flnlah.
ed the general account of the nlghr
vents, and then began to stutter
frightfully. At first he was uninteu
liglble, but at last I discovered that ha
was talking about Flann!gaa-4h
whining patient. I finally made out tha
following sentence:
"I was ob-b-bllged to c-c-cnish Flan
nlgan Mast night."
"To crush him, John I What do yoo
"I m-m-mane t-to c-cr-crush
Didn't I s-s-say s-o?"
"What did you do?" I asked, with vis
ions of a mangled patient floating
through my mind.
"Well, be began t-t-talklng about D.
d-oct-tor R-roo-sevelt In a way i .
couldnt p-p-permlt. It was waiiu'
the others and d-d-lsg-gustin' the w-w
arrd." ,
"What did he say, John?"
. "Oh, he kep' remarrkin' an r-re pat
m' w-hat a folne m-m-man you are.
An thin he be-g-g-gun s-ssayin over
en over, If anything should h-h-hhap-pen
t-to D-doctor Krroo-sevelt,' until j
went and cr-crushed him. I s-Kald,
says I, 'F-f-flanigan, sh-shut np! it
you an D-doctor Roosevelt PhouM fly
out troo the r-r-roof to-night, w'u ul)
I-Uve here.' "
Unman Skeleton Twenty-five Feet Long.
M. Lo Cat, tho French scientist, ia
his monograph on giants snys: At
Dauphine on January 11, 1613, at a
place known as the Giant's Field, a
brick .tomb thirty feet long, twelve
feet wide and eight feet high was di
aovered. When opened it was found
to contain a human skeleton entire
twenty-five feet and a half long, tea
feet wide across the shoulders ani
sight feet thick from the breast bone
to the back. His teeth were each
ibout the size of an ox's foot and hia
ihinbones each measured four feet ia
length. -St. Louis Bepublio.
and all derangements of the
Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Of all druggists.
OXCE "ccn
Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable.
rerfeetly tastclcos. eleenntlv ffostcd. nnrra.
regiilate pnrifr, cleanse and strengthen. KAl
W AY'S rll.l-S lor the cure of all disorders ol the
Ptomach, Bowels. Kidnevs, Bladder, Nervous
Liscases. XJizzlnua, Yerlliio, Cosiivencss, I'Ues
Sick Headache.
Female Complaints,
All Disorders of the Liver.
Observe the following symptoms. resulting frm
filsenses of the digestive orjtsm: Constipation. In
ward idles, lullnefKOf blood in the head, acidity
rf the stomach. nuura, heartburn, dlsglfet ot
food, fnllnesn of weight of the stomach. Boat
eruc-tntlons. sinking or fluttering of the heart,
chockinK or sult'ocating tensations when in a ly
ing posture, dimuess of vision, dots or web lie
fore the sight, lever and dull pain In the heai,
deficiency of perspiration, yellowness ot the skin
and eyes, pain in the side, chest, limbs, and sul
den flush s of hent, burning in the flesh.
A few doses ot KADW A Y'3 l'l I.I.S will free tha
system of all the above named disorders.
rrlceSSc Box. Sold by Druggists, or
sent by mall.
Send lo DR. BADWAY A CO., Lock Box ii
New York, lor Book of Advice.
woott Farm tn it Lands ritnatel
along the line of a new railroa l
now being constructed in central
Wisconsin, anl near a through
trunk line already const mete 1,
for sale cheap to single purr inf
ers or colonic Special 1 ml ii co
me nt a ftlTn to colonic.
Long time and low interest, r-tvi 1
for full narticnlAni tn NiiRTII-
B V rom n IAS ATT WORK emrfly mrma raieois
rAI anarly)llollonluf LlA"J U "
lu rnn aad DalrjisM. On. Mytm mm she's Is
last number of tht. JoernaL a.tjr -lit n U
ctarl oat. JlMnwhll.. writ, for UmnAaownm Blue
trSoBook Free. H ui. B
LrcO-5. MauatMtaren. - .Caiomsa
bos been used by Millions of Mothers Z
for thflr children while l-e:htD(c fur over Z
Fifty Ycnrs. It soothes the child, softens ths a
aums, allays fill pain, cures wind oruc, and
is tne bent r.mlr fur dlanr?ta.
Twenrr-UTO Cents m. ilortieV J
WANTED 65,000,000 people to send for
MKCH'S carriage an l harness ratnlogiixv
largest assortment IN AMERICA; MuUKHATIS
1'KlCEa Address J. II- HI KOU, Burlington, N. J.
Pace Book Free.
Washington, U. C
f Men to learn Telegraphy. Station and Express
Agenta'Duties. F. WIIITK.M A.. Cnathain.N. V
asm mini, tics se dmlir,
CliRfS WHtKf All HSf fAIIS.
a m r
Best Couch Syrup. Tattles Good. Cse
VI In time, Sold hr druggists. 11
?f '.. l-JJslll sii.a. ji.i pjns
I Jw.-s.Jivirfin.i-
mTiVTT'T' ''P.J.ti.MAVksi,iuiiAr.t..,
Cotiiu!-m.'iiTO. XQtorMMnUd.hu.n. . i
OBW dMIB. AM. 1st t M.
Dyspeptic,DelicateJnfirm and