SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : rTElMESDAT. JPKE gg. 1895. TERKS. Bnbacrlption, S1JSO per ananas if paid la adrance; $2.00 if not paid In adTance. Transient adTertisementa Inserted at 60 eenta par loch for each tnaertton. Transient bnalnesa aotleea la loeal co! nmn, 10 eenU per Una for eaek tnaertton. Deductions will ba made to thoee dean-tag to adTertiae by tha year, half or quarter JOK. SHORT LOCALS. The peneh crop of Georgia is large this year. Th newflst thing in trousers it the new woman. Watermelons sell in Florida at 8, 10 and locts a piece. Mrs. Turbett ia quite ill on her farm in Tuscarora Valley. Mips Bessie Hackenberger is visit ing acquaintances in Tyrone. Andrew 0. Allison returned home from Tyione last Wednesday. Sliss Alra Smart of McCoysville has been the guest of Mrs. Diehl. Judge Lucien Doty of Westmore" land was in town a day last week. Editor Bonsall has a trap in which he caught 13 rats one night recently. Tbo drought has played haroc with the hay and other crops in Eng. land. Mrs. B. Frank Burcbfield and Hiss Emma Robison are visiting in Water ford. .Vi and .Wrs. Liggett of Harris burg are boarding at the National House. tfiss Jennie Adams is visiting her sunt Miss Lizzie Curran in Walker township. Mies Carrie Stump of Lewistown, has been spending the past week with her parents. Miss Maud Burcbfield spent last Thursday with the Misses Grahams at Academia. Mrs. Merindeth of Ligioncr, Pa., wi3 rioed $4 for ten oaths on the 21st of June. Joseph Webb of Philadelphia fell dead last Saturday, while taking a hearly laugh. The peach crop in Juniata county will be light this year. It is estimat ed at 13,000 crates. Eels are plenty and may be bought and cleaned, ready for the pan at 10 to 12 cents a pound. Mrs. W. H. Manbcck and son Maxwell, visited the family of Mr. M. R. Bashore at Van Dyke. Rev. Mr. Pollock of the State of Indiana will preach in the Presby terian church next Sabbath. 'Some Norwav, Me., store builders are moving to the back streets to get away from the electric cars. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robison of kLtitoaa, recently visited the family ol Ueorge Y llaoa in Patterson. Miss Harriet Jack man returned from Pittsburg on account of Bevere illness, and is rapidly recovering. JViss Annie Heister of Lancaster countv and Miss Nora Boss of Mech- anicsburg, are visiting Mrs. Hess. Rsv. Mr. Herbert of Genoa, York State, preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath morning and evening. D. M. Marshall, County Superin temlent was in town on Saturday, shaping affairs for the teacher's ex aminations. Hot weather proves depressing to those whose blood is impure. Such people should enrich their blood with Hood s Sarsaparula. John Sheiblev, Esq., of the Bloom field Advocate, was in attendance upon the funeral of his kinsman, Dand Holmau on Monday. Caller. "Is the fashion editor in?" New Reporter "Yes; that's the fellow over there sewing his old neck tie around his new straw hat. Ex. Dr. H. B. Piper of Tyrone fell dead in front of bis house on Satur day. On Friday evening he gave a party in Conor of bis wife s birtn day The McVeytown Journal says Soiilfe nf fliA FVrroAra in trna mnntv have been obliged to plant corn the jru time on account of tnecut worms W. R. MemminErer of Spruce HilL had the end of a finger cut off while sawing shingles at his saw mill. It was done so quickly that he did not realize it, till several minutes had passed. The long drougth was broken on Monday afternoon by a copious show er of rain, that put new life into withered oats, grass, potatoes and corn. A trood deal of thunder ac companied the rain. Governor Hastings will run as a delegate to the State Convention from Center county, and has expressed a desire to bo msde President of the State Convention to meet on the 28th of August at Harrisburg. The Lutheran Sabbath School pic nic to be held on Thursday at Schmittle's grove, haa been postpon ed on account of the death of Mr. Hollman His son Dr. Hollman is Superintendent of the Sabbath School. The Huntingdon Globe keeps fir ing at the carp. Its last shot deliv ered on the 20th of June reads: A large number of carp, whose aggre gate weight was 189 pounds, were caught near Alexandria last Satur day. The people of that vicinity, have determined to get these "water hogs" ot of the river, for which they deserve the thanks of every fisher man. A woman fiddler accompanied by a lilt la mj C .1 . ..v. uunnu on ui8 streets to turn an honest penny last Friday. She was a waif upon the great sea of life, trying to make a living Whose daughter was she? Possibly 30 years ago, she was the daughter of a de Toted father aad mother who provid ed for her the musical education that from8 U8iDff 10 gather Uline The "fire-fly" ia here. It gives ugui wimoui mat. woo is that man to invent light without heat Perry coantiana scattered everv- i. i t . . - nuvre wm noia a re-onion in irony county at Hontebello Park on the 20th of July. You cannot be well unless your blood ia 1nre. Therefore your blood with the beet blood pnri- nor, nooa m oarsapaniia. James A. and Andrew Banks, John Pannebaker, Burt Hinkle and Banks and Oscar Calhoun, are some of the bass fishers that have bad "look." The letters uncalled for in the Mif flintown post office for the week end iaar June 24. were for Mrs. Man n Server, .Mrs. Milton Bear, Scott's Stout. Despatches indicate that tha. ent English gold bug cabinet will soon resign, and that a new cabinet ior iuugland will be called, composed of men who favor the ramoni fixation of silver. When a man confesses that he can not compel his children to go to school, and that be wants officers to make them go to school, he confesses that he is not fit for self or family government. If reports concerning the growing peach crop be true, the fruit will de mand large prices in the after part of the season. It is estimated that this county will not have over 18,000 crates to sell. Itch on human, mange on horses. dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min utes by Woo! ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. Banks & Jo., Uruggist, Mifflintown, Pa. Feb. 6, ly. Subscribe for the Sxxtixel ajtd Republican, a paper that contains choice reading matter, full of inform- tion that does the reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in its columns- tf. It is no uncommon thing these mornings to see the eld father who has labored bard through life, laying by something for old age, out hoe ing in the garden or workinc on the farm while the son is snoozing off the fatigue gained the night previous by violent exercise on his wheel. Mead villo Tribune. Copies of the "Ode to Dr. Wilson." composed by W. W. Fuller and re cited by bim at the dedication of tne v Hson inenument, are on sale at the jewelry store of W. H. Bollman; ten cents per copy. They are dainty booklets, and no one will be disap pointed in their purchase. Thev contain a fine picture of the Dr. It. A correspondent of the Lewistown Gazette from Decatur says: We have some people in our neighbor hood who are more l:ko cattle than anything else. They run through corn-fields, and any other that they want to go into and tramp corn down. We would like to have it stopped or the next thing we will have to use the law. This is what a 75 year old man says: At 25, when a man ia young, ha trunks no knows it all; he likes to wag his active tongue and exercise his gall; he struts around in noble rage th6 world is all his own; he laughs to scorn the world of age and lists of self alone. He wears a window in his eye to see bis whisk ers grow; he thinks the ladies pine and die, because they love bim so. At 40, as you may suppose, he's knuckled down to biz; 'tis not till 60 that he knows how big a chump he is. "A family of ten sturdy children. all under o years of age, is attract ing a good deal of attention in Wau chula, Fla. The mother of the chit dren, Mrs. William Webb, first bore twins, then triplets, and April 4 laat, she gave birth to quintuplets, four girls and one boy, all of whom are said to be thriving remarkably welL It is proposed to introduce a bill in to the Florida Legislature for the relief of the parents of this large and little family, as they are very poor The local newspaper which vouches for this story, think Mrs. Webb's is a world s record. TOE LEWISTOWN E.tTEIf MAI.. "One of the features of the Cen tennial week in Lewistown in Sep tember next wnl be a G. A. Iv. En campment of veterans of Blair, Hunt ingdon, JHifnin, J uniata, Perrr, Sny der, Northumberland and Union counties, lasting three days. The Post of G. A. B , in that place has taken hold of the project, and sent invitations to tne various rosts, in the counties named, to participate." Foartti Annual Assembly el the Pennsylvania Cfcaa tauqaa at Mi. Gretna. Redaced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad. The Fourth Annual Assembly of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua will be held at Mt Gretna, Pa , from July 1 to August 2, 1895, and the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will sell ex cursion tickets to Mt Gretna, from principal stations in Pennsylvania, June 28 to August 2 inclusive, at re duced rates. The tickets will be good for return passage until August 5 inclusive. The beautiful Mt Gretna Park is situated on the Cornwall and Leban on Railroad, thirteen miles from Con ewago station. Meeting ofPhysiclaas. In pursuance of a call issued in the county papers, a meeting of physic ians oi i uniata county, was held in the Jacobs House, Mifflintown on the 19th of June 1895, for the purpose of taking into consideration the import ance of forming a Medical Society for Juniata county. Dr. D. M. Craw ford, was elected temporary Chair, man; Dr. A. J. Fisher, Vice Chair man and Dr. S. A. Sulouff, Secretary. It was determined that a meeting should be held at the same place on Wednesday, September 4, 1895, in order to affect a permanent organiza tion. On motion the chair appointed a committee of three to draft a con stitution and by laws for the perman ent organization. Dr. T. ftanba. Dr. A. J. Fisher and Dr. I. N. Grubb are the committee. The Secretary Dr. 8. A. Sulouff was requested to secure for the Society, of the 8taU Medical Society, all the requisite in formation to aid the formation of a Countv .Medical Honeiw. Tha ohV sicians present and participating in the meeting were: Dr. D. M. Crawford, Dr. A. J, Fisher, Dr. I. N. uTuoo, isr. u .Banks, Dr. B. Bitter, Dr. g. A. Sulouff. Dr. David M. Crawford. Dr. Wiiu rv nr.: -. -' . , it turner. Dr. Heading, about a third of all the physicians in tha county. C-awt PrCMiagfl. Court eanmnul at Q a - mr - -- " uw a. anu, on Monday, the 24th inst Pedlars' license was issued to E. S. Pettit of the borough of Port RoyaL In the assigned estate of Beuben Lauver. B. F. Burcbfield, Esq., was appointed an Aud.t.r to ascertain tne liens. In the estate of Jamaa Oallali deceased, motion on the part of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society for a rehearinc in the oninirtn anil Aa cree of Judge JtfcClure was filed and aomiEiea to rfuage JUcJlure- In Haldeman vs. Haldeman. Di vorce. ADDlicalion on thn narf ' nf respondent for increase in alimony. leiusea. In the ease of Keeler On Emil Schott, motion for a new trial argued, and held under considera tion. Am tm Miss TaaOrsner nht lost kr life la the) Atlaatlc row weeks ttge. The following laitar baa Iwutn pa. ceived by Miss VanOrmer's family, from the International Navication Company. Ihtebxatiomai. Navioatioh Compart., 106 and S07 Walnut St., Pblla. Jnaalff, 189S. Referring to the mattar rtf nfiaa VanOrmer's disaDnearauca. onr Liv erpool Agents write ns to-day as fol lows: "No one saw Misa VanOrmar go overheard. The lady who occu pied the same room savu there was nothing in the appearance or de meanor of the mjssincr ladv to indi cate anything wrong. This passen ger, Mrs. Berry, sat in her state room until very late on the night of, the disappearance, waiting for Miss Van Ormer to come to bed. and waited an long that she did not care to make any inquiry for fear of disturbing tne snip, and thinking that Miss VanOrmer had probably turned in with some other lady, made no re port of her non-appearance until earlv the following moraine, wThan her absence was remarked at the ta ble, and when the matter was made known to the shin's officers, who at once instituted a search without any result, we regret that no more light can be thrown on this painful ;ubject. Yours Truly, A. S. AimaiLanv- Mar. Miss VanOrmer sailed on tha 18 th of Mav. for Livernool. and lost hiR life sometime during the evening of Her sister interriewed the officers of the ship, during the past week, out could gain no more positive in formation as to how the sad event occurred, as no one had witnessed it. Alias VanOrmer being peculiarly conscientious in her demeanor ex peeted to find the same traits in the character of others, and felt it keen ly when treated treacherously. i i ar -i: and confidence prove unworthv she suffered from a sense of wroner and lniustice received, and crew melan For some time the family have not iced an increasing de6ire on her part to withdraw from all societv, and latterly, that her physical health seemed to be gradually giving away, and she becoming more depressed in anirf ii is nrmiy oeiieved Dy tnose wno . anew ner most intimately, tnat dur ing her latter days, she was a victim U1UUU111UU1U REDUCED RATES TO THE SEASHORE. $10 FOB THE KOUSD TRIP VIA PEJW8YL VASIA BAHJKMD. Everyone old and young, needs rest and recreation at some time dur- inr the heated Summer term, and where can it be obtained better than at the eeashortf No other place can compare with Southern New Jersey in seaside re sorts, cither in point of number or of excellence. Atlantic City ia the most popular resort in America, and Cape Mav, Sea Isle City, and Ocean City do not fall far short of Atlantic City's high standard. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany whose object always is to give its patrons tne cheapest rates com patible with good 'service, has arrant; nd for a series of excursions to the seashore, similar to those which were so popular last season. The excur sions will leave Pittsburg, July 18, August l, l-i and Td, and tne rates will be as follows: fittsbnrg. Union town, Connellsville, Seottdale, Greens- bnrer. Butler and Latrobe. $10: Johns town, $9.25; Cresson $8 50; Altoona, $8; Tyrone, $7.65; Clearfield, $8.90; Bellefoute, $8.65; Bedford, $8.50; Huntingdon, $7.10; .Mifflin, $5.65; proportionate!rates from other points. The tickets will permit of a stay of nearly two weeks, and a choice of either of the seashore points named above will be allowed. A special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on each of the above mentioned dates at about 8.50 A.M. For detailed information in regard to rates and time of trains Pplj to Ticket Agent, Pittsburg, or to Tour ist Agent, Room 411, Broad Street btation, Philadelphia. Belief In Oat Day. South American NKavnrs relieves the worst rannn nf Varmna nmaln. tion. Nervousness and Nervous Dys pepsia in a single day. No such re. lief and blessing has ever come to the invalids of this country. Its powers to cure the atnmiha wnn. derfal in the extreme. It always cures; it cannot fail. It radically cures all weakness of tha nVimuli and never disappoints. It is a luxury to take and always safe. Trial bot tles 15 cento. Hold hv L Rank. Jk uo., iiruggist, Mifflintown. ra. sod. e, iy. A IVDEH DEATH. David Holman fell dead while at work in his foundery in this town last Satardav about 4 aVM T r He had worked hard all day in put- ung a ,ouu ponna pianeing machine in place in the foundery, and was well pleased at beholdinc the frail nf tha days work when the machine .was snovea into place about tne hour just usuwuuvu. If l,u Ml UU VBIl 111 OH hand, he Stepped from the machine shop to the boiler room and there sank to the floor dead. The only sound that be ottered was faint moan. Klmer North and Boy Showers were in the machine-shop, and heard the moan. They turned X a mm ana looxea ana saw Mr. llolman at the place mentioned on the floor. They ran to him. He was not con scious, out melees, xney Hastened to Auker'a buainaaa nlv. and ha and Harrv Luck ran to the fonnderv. lift. d the prostrate foim of Mr. Holman, placed nun in a cnair, ..but he was limp, dead. Dr Crawford was speed ily summoned. When he arrived all heart action had ceased. The entire community was startled. They were again iaoe to lace witb tne fact that "in the midst of life we are in death." and that no man has ever lived who can explain the phenomena of life and death. While there was a can. eral expression of sympathy for bis family for the loss they sustain in his demise, many expressed a preference for such a short and hasty summons to the long snd distressing one of ly ing on a bed of sickness. The de ceased was 65 yeajs old, was born in Perry county and in his early man hood was a locomotive encineer. Then a merchant in Patterson; then a founderyman in Mifflmtown. He was a member of, the town council sod a consistent member of the Luth eran church. The f nneral took nlann at 2:30 P. M., Monday. Interment in Union Cemetery. Threshing Dene. I have a steam thresher readv for work. Give me a call at Oakland Mills. Jerome Aucxxa. Tnscarara Talley Rallread. Trains on the Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Watcrford at 8 fin i il, and 3 r. v., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. k. and 3.15 r. m. TjAara Pm-t TlV.-al at 10-90 w and 5.15 r. u., arriving at East Wa tenord at a. x. and U.30 r. ic. J. C. Mooreheao, Svpenntendtnt. Rheamatlsni Cared li a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the eyetem is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause, and the dis ss immediatelv disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., druggists, aiimintown. . Jan. 9. 96. Tascarora Academy Cona- meacensent. Every available space in the Pres byterian church at Academia was oc cupied last Ibursday evening, June zu, Dy an intelligent and highly ap preciative audience to witness the Commencement exercises of Tusca rora Academy underjthe management and directorship of Miss Mary Bod ney. That the school was a flourish- ing one under ner direction was abundantly proven on this occasion. Rev. S. A. Davenport of the lea demia Presbyterian church made tLe opening prayer. Miss May Rodney's address of come was echolastic and ladylike throughout, and was indicative of high order of ability. The Esay entitled: The Super only oi iviucauon over innate Tend' encies in the Formation of a Good and Great Character, by graduate Miss May T. Barton proved the thor ougbness of her Academics trainine: aad impressed upon the minds of the audience, the power that intellectual trailing and culture bos in subordi rating the coarser propensities and tendencies of human nature. The Essay. Entitled: "The In flunce of the Poetic," by graduate Miss M. Isabel Davenport, indicated not only a knowledge of text book training in the construction of an es say, but a comprehensiveness of the power of poetic influence over the hearts and minds of people of all phases of life. The Address "The Coming Woman," by Wilberforce Schweyer, contained few if any of the platitudes common to such occasions, but was a presentation of the positions in every aay me tnat women are seeding and findiig and filling to complete satis faction in the new order of civiliza tion that has been happily instituted in this country. The MCharge to Undergraduates," by Miss May Barton and the replv by Miss Alma V. Okeson of class '97, were each of a high order of merit The Valedictory. By Miss M. Isabel Davenport, was a display of talent that promises well for - the fu ture. The presentation of diplomas by xtev. a. a. lAvenport wa interesting and learned. The guitar and banjo music, was furnished by Miss M. A. Gilliford, Miss M. McLaughlin, Miss Hallie Gill iford, Miss Mary McLaughlin, was fine and added good cheer and en. livement to the occasion. The marshalls were Anna Beaver and Oliver Davenport The benediction was pronounced by Rev. S. A. Davenport after which the large audience speedily adjourn ed for the night was well advanced, all highly pleased with the commence ment exercises, and with Miss Rod ney as an Academic teacher. blacuerrt yffl!!!?! Is a aaft) aad prompt remedy for lb cure or dlarrbaea, yaemci7. cll, clMlera t and all tonus of twatr Cmaptelala and LooMness of the oweis. it 19 PLKASAWTTO TAKS AUB ESPECIALLY VtMm US can num. WOOI, BOUGHT. fl L C0UPER, O. S HORTBT FR9MT8T., Correapoadeace Solicited. Philudtlpki Distance Telephone 61 a. f G5ol "i This served Adv. H0LL0BAUGH & SON, Clothiers, 116 MAIN STRET, Offer to the People OF Juniata County, he mcst Complete btock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, they have ever handled. Tbey carry all the Latest in Hats, Shirts and Neck wear. It is conceded by all tbat they have no Competitor! in these Lines. Their Goods were selected with tbo greatest care, and comprise all the latest weaves in plain and Fancy Cbevoits, Blacks, Blues. Browns. Plain and Fannv Worsteds, Cassimeres, Ac. These Garments are made in Single and Doable- i,ia wile, Ken uijit vai;ri ler me louow'.Dg opeoiai Dargains: MEN'S SUITS. For 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9. 10-12 16-18 and 20 Dollars. BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS. -2 3-4-5-6.7-8-9-10-12 aad 14 Dollars. PERCALE SHIRTS Lanndried in 100 different stjles for -35 50- 75c and 1 dollar. .Wen's Working Pantaloons 50c, (Oc, 70c, 80c, 90c, $1.00. .Men's Drees Pants $2., 2.50, 3., 3.50 4., 4.50 and 5. Latest Stjle Derby Hate $1., 1.60, 2., 2.50, 2.75, 3. " Tound Hats, $1., 1.35, 1 50, 2. " " Crush Hate 25c, 50o and 75o. tl 1.25. 1.50 2. We are Agenta for tie celebrated Sweet Overalls; we are Agents for the Newborn, never rip Over alls; same make and same guarantee as Sweet Orrs for less mcney. We'are elso Agents for the Deoglacs shoes. Grand Army suits, mi. All the latest in Collars, Caffs, A pair of Cellnoid Coffs for 5c; We have mads arrangement! with a merchant tailor and have 500 samples from which to select. We will take jour measure for a bait, guarantee a tier- feet nt ana save you irom o to iu dollars on a suit msde to order by your tail or. All we ask is a trial. Spring patrons for tbsir liberal patronage, it a continuance or tbo same, we are S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmcr and Funer al Director. I shall from now on use the INDESTRUCTIBLE BOUGH BOX or outside box to last and be in good condition for ages, which will certainly be A GRAND THING for people to use to preserve the remains of their friends It also is an exterminator of all vermin. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IS ALL CASES. Bridge Nt, filifflintown, Pa. Space is re for Schott's PATTERSON, PA., -mi vuitiifi. sc., ao. vv e oi CHILDREN'S KHEE PAHTS 2 pair for '25c; better quality 20c, 50o toe ana t. per pair. CBII.DEENS SUITS. 76o-90o 1-2 3 4 and 5 Dollars. psper, linen and celluloid. 1 Celluloid Collar lOo. ovtrcoats made to order. Thanking our aid assuring them we will endeavor to mer yours to please, HOLLOBAUGH & SON. MEYERS, 115 BRIDGE STREET. Spring FasMans in Ms, Boys' & '(Mdrga's Clothng. -oOo- JVeic Tariff Prices. It was our shrewd baying. It's our nervy selling tbat has leveled the read for the Wage-Earners to the don. kle-purab aeiag rower of the dollar, for we are In an excellent position to meet all reduced wages with reduced priees! We have touched the popular chord of the people it has vibrated in our behalf, so shall the booming of these bargains vibrate in behalf of the publio. Next to quality and style tbe most important point to be considered ia connection with your New Spring Suits is tbe price. Bigbt here wo assert without fear of successful contradiction, tbat if tbe superior excellence of Oar Clothing entitles as to year eastom, tbe price does even more so. Men's All-Wool Imported Clay Worsted Suits, in either stylish Backs or the Dressy 3- button Cutaway and Begent Frocke molded in tbe most perfect fitting garments. They're $10 values $7 98. Men's stvlibh, sinele or double bets snd rich unfinished Wr.rstfds; $8 jeeve ana nooy .wings, ana nt just ngnt We challenge anv houee in we offer in Spring Suits for men. Look about, compare, ex amine, but le'ore you buy don't fail to fee a line ol new style Sack Suits m Black, Brown and Oiford mixed Cheveits. act ually worth $10, but being sold Men's extra fine imported Suits, in either blue cr black Sack, Cut away, Regent or Prince Airjert, test of trimmings, sewed every penny of $12; Price Men's extra fine imrortf d unfinished Worsteds, in sincle'or way or Regent frocks; genuine trimmed and tinisned, every size, fit as they should fit, $11.85. BOYS' CLOTHING. Short Pants Suits. A lice of thfse ia dark "frvicrable'niaterials for everyday wear and for school, necis.1 Talne at SI. Pots Fine Suits t 'l rb. mhirh r warth 4. 14.60, f5 cod $6 Kfolbirs, alttr too bave taf ifcaf they sre ite tt srd bipeest tarpaiss licb hate ever been brought to your notice. Lone Parts Suits. Two srrcials in tbrte. well worth invftitiDr. A larce and ltrsrt)T litr of tbrre in riaik inixturrs. for $4.00. A Fine (bowing at Lone Pants Suits in "Black and Gray Mixed Cbevoits, sirale rid Pr.uMe ftrotcd. 14 to 19 for S6.00. 600 nairs Children's Pants, in tha ro- liab'e Union Cbevoits, trtry size, now sell for 19. SPRING THOtJSEHS. A choice line, comprising sll ibe new styles in foreign and domestic fabrics. Fancy Worsted stripes 96c. Black and Blue Cbevoita in eord aualitr S1.75. All wool stripes and checks, new effects $2.00. Fine imported Wcrsteads 'and ;Csssimeres, elegantly made and trimmed, Ten should wear a bat the proper shape. London shapes, is what you want. We bare thtm. A new and complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods at the Lowest Price in the history of Juniata connty. FERD MEYERS, 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889. Special Invitation To attend the Attractive Sale of from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods ft ' - MEN, BOYS AND CHILDRB1 It ia truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLEj of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't 3x1 to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TOWN J. HATE M MOHEI TO DEPOSIT? ARC YOU A BORROWER? CALL. AT T8I PtBST MIFFLINTOWN, FA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. FRflZER oiiEKE BEST IV THE WOB1D. HrwtartaaqaaHttaaaraaasnrpMSMl, actual! aatiastins; two boxe. of uay other brand. Hot Ossta by haa. WUET TBEfiEH U1XE. TOR SALE BY DF-AIJBB BKSERAIXT. gff SALESMEXT WANTED.ll LOCAL. OR TRAVELLING, to sell onr Nnrsery Stock. Salary, Expenses and 8 teady Employment guaranteed. CHAsK BROTHERS COMPANY, , Dec. 8, Rochester, N. Y. Tha SeainuJ md Repuihrmm office ia the place to get Job work dons. Try U. It will pay yon if yon need anything (a that line. As the Leading and Largest Clothier of Jnniata county, it behoevee us to supply the gentlemen of Juniata oonnty with tie very newest Fabrics and Fashions in wearing apparal. This we are prepared to do, having spaat much time and labor in our efforts te produee a line of garments eat, made and finished in striot accordance with the most fine and latest diotates of Fash ion. breasted Sack Suits, in ttlain black Thi- gems, containing tbe most reliable $4.70. the countv to ecmal the valua for the trifling sum of. . .$0.76. All-Wool French Worsted and finished by artists, worth $9.90. Diagonal Woratpd Chpvnita and Double-breasted Sacks. Cuta $15 to $18 values, elegantly sren Ibrre Eovk' Suits Ton will scknowl- rirsla-tirerstfd stTlr. all 14 ta 10. Wholesale and Retail Clothier, 116 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Penna. To The Public Clothing that gees on daily JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF JIIFFUHTOW!l, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable JOSEPH ROTHROCK. Present. T. VAN IRWIN, Ca,kt ciaacToaa. W. C. Pomeroy, Joaeph Rothrock, John Hertiler, Josiab L. Barton, Robert B. Parker, Loola K. Atkinson T. V. Irwin. STOCKBOLMtS : George A. Kepner, Annie at. Shelley, Joseph Rotbrock, P. W. afanbeck,' L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holaiea Irwin at ary Knrtz, Jerome N . Thompson, John Hertzler, T.' V. Irwin. Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. Patterson, F. M. ft. Penncll, Lari Light, Samuels. Rothiock, Wm. S warts. H.N. Sterrett, B. J. Sbellenberger. Three and Fonr per cent, interest will ba paid on certificates of deposit. fjan 23, 1895 tl TO UEAK IM r from th Htects of roothfal wTorm, rW Ssear, waatlna waakaMa. tat nwabxMd. I wffi aaa4 a vaioabla ttasMss (saatMneootalDlBC fan aattimUaraforBaaaaeaia, FRH cmii aauama BMoJoal wan : aaonia os iw assa who ta atrrena and daMUtaatd. TrmU W. C romEH. Sieua, brarary aMraav Consumption SHirely Cured. Ib Tax KotiDSK naaaa Inform yoarnadasa that I hare a poaMra raaaadr aba aixm-naaMd Jlasaaa. Br 1U atmjr aae taonaanrts of hopalaaa caMaarabamfatauaanflyearad. IakaUbeglad to saad two bottles of my tsaaaaFRIBta aay at Tour leadsia who bars eonaomptkm it thay wfU sand ma tbair Knitaaa aad P. O. atiliaas. Sanact folly, T. A. aiXXXJat. at. 1S1 rsadSU S. X.