SENTINEL & SEPUIiUfSAN VIITLINTOWN. WFUMKVAT. JUMF.Se. IS95. B. F. S C II VV E I E R bditob Ait d rsoraiiToa,. The Repnblicau Clubs 2000 strong, met in Cleveland, O iio, lat- week, but gave no expression on the gold and silver coin question. There is an under current of strong belief in Washington tbat the Pres ident is hoping t secure a third term nomination for the Presidency. Whim a mm borrows money, it does not foltow tlmt be is on the road to bankruptcy. Tho greatest achieve ments are accomplished on borrowed money and the money paid back to the man who limned it. Senator M. S Qcit and B. Frank Gilkeson. are cv.iididates for the State Chairmanship of the Republi can part. The State C invention will meet on tue 23th of August at Har- risburg, when the Chairman will be chosen. The Democratic Party proclaimed itself a party for revenue only. Well it ba.i not baen a pirty for revenue, sufficient to run the Government. It is behind with the payment of ex penses of Government seventy-five million dollars. Governor Hastings got a verdict of three thousand dulluri in the Cumbria county court Jast Friday, against fx District Attorney, Frank J. O'Con nor for slauder. The suit was for fifty thousand dollars damage for hav ing charged General Hastings with having appropriated large sums of money of the Johnstown Hood relief fund to his own me, and thereby re lieving himself from a state of bank ruptcy. NIAGARA FALLS. $10 TOCRS VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. In all the wide range of creation, there is nothing which approaches Niagara Falls in magnificence or grandeur, nor any other object which inspires the beholder with such awe inspiring wonder. One must see the great cataract in order to form any conception of its vastcess or secure a proper appreciation of its majesty. The series of tours arranged by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, leaving Philadelphia July 18, August 1 and 15, September 7, and October 8, and Washington and Baltimore, July 25, August 8 and 22, September 7, and October 8, affords an excellent opportunity to make the trip at a re markably small expense. The rate for round trip tickets, good for ten days, is $10 from Phila delphia, Washington, and Baltimore, and proportionate rates from other points. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run on each of the above-named dates, and a tourist agent and chaperon will ac company each tour in fact, every thing will be done t i make the trip attractive and pleasurable. The tickets will also permit of sfcip offat Watkius and Rochester in each direction, and at Buffalo on the re turn trip. For specific rates and time of trains application should be made to ticket agents or to Tourist Agent, Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadel phia. A Large Family- The About Huntingdon Globe says 600 descendants of George Mattern, who came from Switzerland one hundred years ago and settled in the Warrior's Mark Valley, Hunt ingdon county, held a family re-uuion at Warrior's Mark last Thursday. Wlx can estimate the number of de scendants of this family one hundred years hence? Beyond conception. Returned the Plunder- It is a common Bight during a rail road wreck to see men and boys who have come to view the scene to take burs, pieces of iron or whatever else tbey fancy and appropriate it to their own use, just as if it belonged to them. Writing ou this point the Newport News of a recent date says: Almost simultRueously with the re cent wreck near .Villerstown disap peared the bruss works about loco motive 1623, of which there was con siderable says the Harrisbnrg Tele graph. Dctectiva Boat went to work on the case. To all inquiries there was but one answer. No one knew anything about the brass. Detective Boat then gave the inhabitants a cer tain bridf time in which to return the brass, threatening to search every house in Millerstown, if it was not restored to its rightful owner. This threat had tho desired affect. Be fore the time limit expired the brass was found piled nicely in a heap along the track one morning. - TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Applicants for certificates will be examined at the following times and places in the several Districts of Jun iata county, lor lo'Ja. Patterson and Milford, in Patter son, Monday, July 15. Port Koval and Turbett, in Port Royal, Tuesday, J uly 16. Spruce Hill, at Spruce Hill, Wed nesday, July 17. Tuscarora, in East Waterford, Thursday, July 18. Lick, ut Cross Kevs, Friday July 19. Beale, in Johnstown, Monday, July 22. Mimintown ana Fermanagh, in Millliutown, Tuesday, July 23. Walker, in Mexico, Wednesday, July 24. lhompsontown and Delaware, m East Salem. Thursday, July 25. Greenwood, at Straightwatcr, Fri dav, July 26. Susuncbanna. at Prosperity. Sat urday, July 27. Monroe, in Richfield, Monday. Ju Jy 29. Fayette, in MeAlisterville, Tuesday, July 30. Special examination, in Mifflintown Friday. Aucust 30. The examinations will begin at 8 A. M- The School Law requires ap plicanta to be examined in the dis tricts in whiob they intend to teach so that directors have an opportunity to note the attainments of those who ask for schools; hence all perrons, de siring to teach must be examined in their proper districts. Directors should not employ teachers who hve found an xcuse for evading the reg nlar examinations. Certificates will bd marked upon the grade used lust year. The certinca'e is a good cri terion of the teacher's worth. 1J may be considered as the best av erage, and three the lowest. All consideration aside from merit, should be ignored in the selecting of teach ers. It is hoped tbat directors will not reduce the snlaries, as low salar ies drive many of our teachers out ol the profession or out of the county, while those who remain are discour aged. Directors and all friends of education are invited to attend. D. M. Marshall, Co Supt Walnut, Ta., June 20, 1895. NEW DENTAL OFFICE- Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that ho has opened a Dental Office at O lkland Mills, Pa., where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. In Your Blood is the cause of that tired, languid feeling which afflicts you at this sea son. The blood is impure and has become thia and poor. That is why you have no strength, no appetite, cannot sleep. Purify your blood with Hood s Ssrsaparilla, which wid give you an appetite, tone your stomache, and invigorate your nerves. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effect. 25c. Kellef In Six Honrs Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hoars by the "New Great South American .Kidney Cire This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention of wa ter and pain in passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Ii. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif flintown, Pa. Feb. G. --a A Daer Captured- This from the Liverpool Sua: A live male deer, about five year-old. was captured in the rivsr near 5'e Kees Half Falls, not long ago. I had been for some time on the hill back of Georgetown. Some dogs chased it into tbo liver, where it was seen by Messrs. Kerstetter and Hum mel, of JlcKees, and thf-y took a bout and pursued it, and soon had it in deep water, where thoy attempted to catch it alive, The buck would have got away from them, had not thn-e men from the other side come to help them. Since its capture, the an imal has become so tame as to eat from the hands of any person. The street railroad people of Shamokin purchased it from Hummell & Ksr- atet?cr and put it in their park. UOOD HEALTH. And a good appetite go hand in band. With the loss of appetite, the system cinnot long Eustain itself. Thus the fortifications of good health are broken down anil the system is liable to attacks of disease. It is such cases that the medicinal powers of Hood's Sareaparilla are clearly shswn. Thousands who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla testify to its great merits as a purifier of the blood, its powars to refctore and sharpen the appetite and promote a healthy ac tion of the digestive organs. Thus ip, not what we sav, but whit Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story and constitutes the strong est recommendation that can be urg ed for any medicine. Why not take Hood's Sarsaparilla now! July 05. m. Surprising the Preacher. The Evangelical Parsouago in Pat terson, was the focal point of a pleas ant occasion last Ihursday evening, and to make tho occasion more inter esting, Itev. JVlr. ohortess was invei gled by some of the arnatuer sports men parishioners to consent to go inner tbat evening. In point of fact there was nothing further from their desire, than the desire to go fishing, but to carry out their pur pose, they feigned a great desire to fisb, and as fishing was the calling of a number of the Apostles, and a bus iness in which the Master himself sometimes engaged in, it was proper that their pastor should accompany thf m in pursuit of fish, but somehow that evening, things would not work The preacher was ready and had be. decked himself in old clothes from his retired ward robe on the garret, till he looked as if he could wade aud splash in water and mud without in the least endangering his clothes. His clothes were suitable for the w ork tbat he intended to engage in, and not the kind that people usually wear at a society reception or church do nation party, btill bis companion fishermen were not ready. One had lorgotton this, and when he was ready some other had forgotton some thing essential to the fishing party, and when he was ready some other one was not, and just when the min ister was wondering what demon of confusion had gotten among the fish ing flock that they could not get themselves ready, the congregation, dressed in their church going clothes appeared upon the sceae to tender him a surprise. It was one of the most successful surprises, planned and executed in this community and was calculated to bring the preach er's heart to his month, and almost paralize his tongue. Between the surprise and the distaste of meeting his flock in his worst clothes, he was at first a cood deal abashed, and ex pressed himself as feeling that way, but he boob recovered himself and the occasion became one of the pleasant est that has taken place m the con gregation. It was a surprise that surprised, and left in the minister's bouse, many of the substantial things nf Mfa tn nrnra tn him that, rhav nr. 1 preciate his labor in breaking to them the bread of life. TO ONE WHO BIOS ME SINO. Hon eadem aetaa, nan men. Horse Too auk mnny wintcr'd bard" Whrro hi&c his old vocation Accept the answf r 1 not hard A classic explanation. "Immortal" though ho bo, he still, Tithononx-liko, grows older, Whilo aha. his ninae of Pindna hill. Still barea a youthful shoulder. Could that too sprightly nymph hot Ber ageless grace and beauty. They might, betwixt them both, arhtsSV A hymn de aenectufcJ. But she she can't a-row gray, and so Her slave, whose haira are falling. Most e'en his Dorio flute forego And aerk some graver callinir Hot iU cont.-nt to stand aside. To yield to minstrels ntter Eia ringing rolie. his singing pride Bis fancies sweet and bitter. Anxtin Dobsun in Temple Bar. HE MET HIS MATCH. Expert Testimony Cornea Hick, bat We Hare to Hare It. The scene was the private laboratory of the greatest chemical analyst known to science, J. Bigle Bighead, M. D-, F. B. S.. P. D. etc. There was a timid rap on the door, and a dark fea tured man entered, saluting with obse quious grace and handing the great ex nert a card, on which was the firm name of "Baggem & Fleecem, Private ! Detectives." The celebrated lexicologist glanced at the card and motioned tho visitor to a seat "Happy to make your acquaint ance, 6ir. Vhnt can I do for yon?" The swarthy browed visitor glanced around to make sure that they were alone, then drew forth from the folds of his clonk a small bottle containing some mysterious fluid. "Sir," ho began hi undertones, "this bottlo contains part of tho contents of a man's stomach. The deceased died two days ago tinder the most suspicions cir cumstances, after having dined with a very beautiful woman. I want expert sworn testimony an ironclad, all wool, yard wide, no rebate, expert analysis. What's yonr price, sir?" The great man held the bottle np to the light, then pnlled a string disclos ing a scale of prices on the wall, which tho visitor read, as follows : To And Dolaon and nwrar to it 11.000 Not to nod potion und swear to it.. To find poison and swear I didn't.. Not to find poison and sw-t-ar I did. 2,000 4.000 6.0UO To "ball up" tho Jury with learned t-ch-nlralltlrs, so that tt won't matter whether 1 did or didn't 1.500 To boonx-rang 400 yarchi of Latin at tho Jiv?K To brina ten other great men toxwear for 1,000 1.000 onr side, each. To cito eminent authorities whiehever way yon wish, per cito To throw up enor.iih aeientiflr dust to be fog and mutUilo the Judipi, Jury, prose cuting attorney and myself, per shovel ful Consultation, beginning with this one, per minute ISO 250 200 "Now, sir," continued the great tox icological expert, "on which side of tho fence are yonr Are you employed in tho interest of the poisoner or the poisonce?" But the detective had finished the last lino of the scale of prices, and his hair stood on end. Slowly he arove, looked at his watch, saw that ho had been there 30 seconds, drew forth a roll aud conntol ont $100, pressing it into tho band of tho great expert. Then, with a look of envy and admiration, ho fled just in time to save, another hundred. San Francisco Argonaut. Tho highest temperature e-i . in Loudou was recorded Jnly 15, 18S1, 95. Ti ilenrees ; at Palis, 101, on Aug. 20, 17C5; ut Adi-luiilc, Australia, January, 1841, 114; nt Monrzuk, India, July 10, 1S72, 13;1. The Ih.tutfitouic iii Connecticut was callfil Vy (ko 'Ju.luiiis WnsxiadcWX. the stream hevoml the mrmntuins. Fermanagh SCHOOL BOARD REPORT. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the School Board of mauagh District, for the year ending Statement of Account of C. E. Hower, To amount of School Duplicate 6 per cent, added to (76.17 uncalled tax By amt. paid Treasurer rebate on $043.11 5 per cent 12 per cent. commission od $043.44...... Exonerations amt. paid Treasurer.... ' Commission on Balance JlccH of Treasurer E. C. Doty. To State appropriation, 1894 Cash from Collecor Ilowur Oberholtrer Loan from Bank Amt from Dog I und Overdraft Total By amount orders paid, Sec 1894- By order to k 1 fa . c t c ( . i t M i tc cc . c u ( t -f C l ii i. cc u u C C( cc c tc cc c cc cc c cc CC CC CC cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc c. c cc C CC CC CC C CC C CC CC CC C. CC cc cc cc cc cc cc CC CC CC C l II cc c cc By oveniratt lay... B. F. Scbweier, printing statements. 1893- B. F. Scbweier, Auditor's tee 1894 . a. A. Ptambaogh " cc .... . S. A. Thomai, Auditor's fee, 1894 D. L. Weller, repairs at Cuba S.U John Morgan, nx ttug at Cuba..... First Nations Batik (note due), Aug. 6.... John Morgan, cleaning and wbitc-washing at Cuba... PufTeDbcrgcr, cleaning and repairs, H. Hollow...... . Wm. Kanch, plastering at Big Run..... ... J. C. Hower, cleaning W.Hall oath of office....... Lizzie Ryrjer, cleaning and white-washirjg at Cuba...., J. W. Williams, cleaning at Alt. Hope oath of office , J. C. Hower. freight paid on books . Banks Sieber, cleaning, Jlc. at Walker Twp. School Board Tuition Stouffer Children for two years, ending J una 1894... .... J. B. Lippincott fc Co., 6 dictiooaiies J. C. Hower, fro'ght paid on books .... Par id Wolfgang, repairs at kit. D. L. weller, banging blinds. O. C. Difl'cnderfer, Ireigbt on books American Book Co. Bill of books to date The Werner Co Bill of Books to data Haynard, Merrill fc Co., Book H. C. McClelan, bill merebandise to December 21, 1894. G. W. OiQenderl'er, hauling 85O01bs coal Big Run George Hower borrowed money paid with interest H.J. T. Wachob, State map W. Wm. FulTenberger, hauling coal North Son, coal bill, 1894 J. B. Williams, hauling coa, J. C. Hower, hauling coal, W. K. H. McClintic, merchandise Teachers Salaries and attending I ostitato Total amount $ Financial Statement, June 3rd, 1895. To money borrowed from Bank, 9275 00 " overdraft on Treasury til 88 By cash in Treasury from Hower Total liabilities. Resources . Liabilities in excess ol rsaonrces The foregoing Statement was isoara, ana to the best ol their knowledge, the Auditors believe their state ment to be correct. B. F. SCHWEIEB, S. Jl. THOMAS, D. IRWIN B ASHORE, AUDITORS. What Ailed Him. A gentleman of Berwyn, Pa., who is employed with an electrical light com pany, has two boys aged 3 and 5 years respectively. The older one, through freqnent conversations with his father, is familiar with electrical terms, appli- i ances and probabilities. - Little 8-year-old one cold morning was fumbling with a half frozen wasp that had lodged on tho window silt The wa?p thawed ont, and recovered mich cf hisusnal animation, a fact proved by a succession cf yells on the part of tho boy. "What's the matter with Dawson?" cried tho father as he rushed from an adjoining room. "I "spect he touched a live wire," re plied the brother, with a scarcely per ceptible grin. Youth's Companion. She Dtdat Notice Mr. Minks Who is that pretty young lady in the bine Mrs. Minks Huh ! Do you call her pretty? Never saw such a Mr. Minks Well, who is tbat young lady in the bine Mrs. Minks Perhaps she's a lady and perhaps she isn't You men seem to think every Mr. Minks Who is that or chit in the blue dress? Mrs. Minks I don't know. I didn't notice. New York Weekly. Cinnamon. Cinnamon is the bark of a tree which is native to Ceylon, south India and many of tho East India islands. During the middle ages it was highly esteemed as a medicine, and ono instanco is on record of a pound of it being sold in Spain A. D. 856 for a sum nearly equiv alent to $13(5 of onr money. It was be lieved to have tho property of keeping away dc.viL;. Bulgaria was formerly Volgario, at. called from tho Volsci who inhabited It MirFLINTOWN WAKKKTS. MirrLiarowa, June 26. l!-5 n ter 12 12 , 18 12 li Ham ? boulder, ...... I ard . . m . . Sides, MIFFLINTOWNGK&IN MAKKBT Wheat 80 forn in ear.... ...... .... ...... 60 Oati 35 Eye 60 Clover eeed.......... .... .... .. Timothy seed 2.C0 Flux seed HO Bran 90 tt-", $.'i0 a hundred Middlings ... .. 1 10 Ground Alum Snlt 1.00 An eri.aii Sill.. .......... ..75c to t0 PmLAPELTHiA Markets, June 22, 1895 "Wheat 75 to 85c; corn 53 to 51c; oats 35r; strawberries at 4 to 10 cents a qt; whortleberries 5 to 7c a nt; iroose-berries 4 to 6c a q?; cher ries, sweet 6 to 8c; soar 4 to 6c; cur- ran's 5 to 8c; red raspberries o to 10 crnts a pt; black, 5 to 63 a pint; Southern peaches $1 to $2 a basket; hay $12 to $15 a ton; butter 11 to 23c a lb; eggs 11 to 13c a doz; lhe chickens 10 to lie a lb: roosters 7 to 8c a lb: spring chickens at 15 to 25c a piece, according to size: lard 6 to 7 cents a lb; sugars 3$ to 4c a lb; tallow in cakes 4i a lb; old potatoes 56 to 60c a bush.; onions $1 a half bushel; tomatoes 75c, $1 a basket; encumbers 50 to 75c a bush. No olinngtt in rattle sheep aud bog markets. Township. Fvr- Juco 3rd, 1895. Collector of Taxes. $1065 04 8 80 .... ...... 643 44 o 00 ........... ......... 13 15 .. 87 92 .... 276 02 14 45 $I0G8 84 $10G8 84 DR. 106!) 16 843 44 682 t 272 25 82 20 81 83 CR. 2931 86 46 84 4 70 1 00 90 450 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 30 6 40 606 00 3 25 4 80 3 09 1 6 2 50 3 25 2 75 1 10 43 88 400 2 60 14 28 22 50 4 17 2 60 1 26 70 121 47 49 28 63 14 17 40 6 7 2 98 6 27 6 31 479 92 89 95 '94. Kenno.... .. Hope. ... .......i bill to date. Hall to Happy Hollow. 6 90 5 76 75 17 25 08 7 47 Mt. Hope., Hall to date... 8 81 2 22 1170 26 2981 86 76 OS S56 it 76 62 $280 81 presented to the Auditors by the School ajp WorK 15 never done It la a constant round of ear and toll from which there is no escape. How -entia I, then, are health and strongth, and yet with how many women these are al together lacking. Therare tired all day end una Me to sleep at night. In thia con dition the system will soon break dowa. Re3tor tho Strength, overcome that tired fooling, boild op the system by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla before It is too late. This ereat madic-ine is exactly what overworked women need. It makes pure, rich blood, creates so ap petite, gives strength to the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eys today. Hood's Pills rit- LEGAL. JXECC TOR'S NOTICE. fctatc of Geo. W. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters Tes tamentary on the eatate of George W Smith, lat ' ol the borough of Miftllntown, hare been granted in due form of law to tho undersigned. All persons indebted to saia estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will pleas present them for settlement June 15, 1895. Wm. G Surra, Executor tJDITOR'S NOTICE. Ac.iirnMi Estate nf John If. Williams. Tho undersigned Aadinr . appointed by the Court of Common Tleas of Juniata county, to make distribution of the fund a remaining in the hands of W. H. Robiaon, Assignee of John X. Williams, will attsod to the duties or his appointment, at his of fice in the Borough of JfifUintown on Fri day, the 12th day or July, 1895, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., when and where all parties interest ed must appear, and prove tbeir c'alms or be forever barred from parlicipatiag in said fund. WiLncsroBCK Schweysb. Juno 19, '95. JuiittT. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Assigned Estate of A.J. Ferguson . Son, A. J. Ferguson and J. B. Kergnsoa. Notice is hereby giv.-n tbat the under signed appointed an Auditor by the Court of Common fleas of Juniata county to die tribute the balance remaining in the bands of Geo. W. Kongo, Assignee ot A.J. rrr guson t Son, among the parties entitled thereto sod pa."s npon exceptions to the ac count, will be at his offlee in the borough of Mifflintown. on Thursday, July 11th, 1895, at 9 o'clock A. M., of said day, to at tend to the duties of his appointment, then and where parties interested muat present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. Wn....,o,ri ScawSYCB. June 19, 1895. Auditor. Announcements- Editor Sistinii. & Republic: ?ieas announce to the Republicans ! Juniata county, tbat Uriah Shu in an is a candidate for Representative Delegate tn the next Re publican State Convention. Mr. Shumaois a veteran Republican, and iiends no intro duction to the Republicans of Juniata. DELAWARE. Emtob Sestisiel ft. Repi blicas: Please present the name of W. North Sterrett of Patterson, as a candidate lor Representa tive Delegate to the next Republican State Convention. PATTERSON. GOOD OPElfllVG for active lady or gentleman acquaint ed with neighborhood. Compensa tion from $40 to $150 monthly. Work outlined. Oulr energeiic par ty, ambitions to suew-ed, nid apply. No capital required. Addnss, with reference, state age and whether mar ried or single. Globe Bible Publish ing Co., 723 Chestuut Street, Pbila Penna The waste water from kitchen , &c, that is allowed t- run int-j tho gutter across the street at East Point, rreatea a stench on warm d-iy, and fright ens a good many horse s of travelers, and if not abated it, is only a ques tion of time when some shy horse in crossing it will cause an accident and open the way for a suit, for heavy damages, Waterproof collars and cofla that will not wilt, are not effected by moisture and look just like linen are all the fashion now. They are made by cov ering a linen collar or cuff with "cel luloid " aud are the only waterproof goods made with an interlining, con sequently the only ones that will stand wear and give perfect satisfaction. Try them and yon will never regret it. Al ways neat, and easily cleaned. When soiled simply wipe off with a wet clot or sponge. Every piece of the genu ine is stamped as follows : ElMdio "ifTTUV Ask for those bo marked and re rase any imitations, as they cannot possibly please yon. If your dealer does not keep them, we will send a sample di rect on receipt of price. Collars 35c. each. Cuns 50c pair. State size and whether stand-up or turned-down col lar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, t7-4it9 anaaaar, InrYl aMHBBBBWaTaWawcaBWcafaWaWaWaWawa MM lUcs heat, Tr 0, Ml MONEYIjOANED. U yoa tef to borrow msaejf on ifitabl term, . . a Do t Do o you derirt to pay off m mmngag mum reborrow tkt atsaey at 6 per etut. internt ii- Would you ear to b as situated that you could rtdutt U t mortgage against your boms by paying off a small amount mouth ly aud at Iks end of each year reitiv cred itor all paxdt With interest bang charg ed only on rtmatmug portion of loan. Would you tike to buy your family a homer If to, read the following: t twnrearat a Oomnany that has embod ied in its plan all tho features enumerated above and many more. Can you see any rrasoa why you snouM pay large mareat r. , ha von kava Knod SfCUrityf Can you present any good raaaou why it is not as wall to receive proms twit t wait from 7 to 10 years as one does ia many of tho Associations Is not the reduction of intarrat vearlv better, than waiting many years for pro tits? Borrowers under the piau representee By me assume airauiuiij as each $1 00 paid eu the loan is credited on tho mortgage, thereby reducing it in proportion to the amount paid. Building Associations have beaented hundreds of thoussnds. so did tbo old cars tbat wera propelled by horses. Oar plan is as far superior to Building Associations ss tho trolley ears sre to tho eld antiquated horse car system. My time is to much oc cupied to answer questions tor tbo curions, but those sacking information for tho bet terment nf their condition will receive full information promptly. We offer an invest ment tn those who hsve a small amount to save monthly that baa no superior ss to saiety and seldom eqnaleu ror proms, iui or write. M aubkb Leosabd, Oakland JKills, Jtn2t-3m Juniata county, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRT COrVTTRAI IERRT COUNTY RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as follows; p. m 4 30 4 86 4 39 3 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 56 4 69 s.m 9 15 9 21 9 24 9 2 929 9 31 9 36 9S9 9 41 9 44 Leave Arrive Duncaanoo King's Hill Sulphur Springs "Corman Siding Hontebello Park Weaver Roddy Hoffman Royor Mahanoy BloomBeld Long's Road Nellson Dune's Klllotsburg Bernbeisl's Green Pvk Montour June LandUburg Arrive Leave a. rn p. m 8 40 8 50 8 84 8 4 8 31 S 41 8 29 3 89 8 26 3 86 8 24 3 84 819 8 29 8 16 3 26 8 14 3 24 811 8 21 8 05 3 15 7 52 2 45 7 46 2 89 7 43 2 86 7 40 2 33 7 84 2 27 7 32 2 25 7 27 2 20 6 65 1 60 a. m p m 5 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 6 22 10 13 6 26 10 16 6 28 10 19 6 24 10 2 6 86 10 27 5 41 10 82 6 0911 20 p. m a. m Train leaves Bloonitleld at 6.10 a. 111. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. m. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at Bloomtield al 6. 50 p. m. Trains leave Loysville for Dnncannon at 7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 87 a. in., and 4.50 p. m. Between Landiabarg nd Loysville trains ran ss lollows: Leave Land isbarg for Loys ville 6 55 a. m., and 1 50 p m., Loysville for Landisburg 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked () are nag stations, at wbict trains will come to a full stop on signal. Louis E. Atmxso. F. M. M. Pes mi ATKIH801I A. FEMPJELL., ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. IO""Collectlng and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orrioa On Main street, in place of rest dence of Louis B. Atkinson, Bsq., south Bridge street. fOct 26, 1892. WlLRUrORCB ICQWETER, Attorney-at-Lw District Attorney. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DB.b.HXBAwrOBD, DB. DABWI UXBaWTOBD J-R. D. U. CRAWFORD A SON, hsve formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and their collatteral branches. Othce at old stand, corner of Third and Or ange streets, Mifflintown, Fa. One or both ot them will be round at their office at all times, unless otherwise professionally en gaged. April 1st, 1895. JLJP.DERR, PRACTICAL DENTIST, (Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of Mifflinburg, Pa., has lo cated permanently in Mifflintown, as suc cessor to the late Dr. O. L. Derr, and will continue tho dental bnsiness (established by the latter in I860) at the well known of flee on Bridge street opposite Court House. D7" TEBTU;EXTBACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. .Ae Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gams or Discomfort to patient, either during extraction or afterwards. All these are Guaranteed cr ro charge will be made, Uy All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Deattat. CAVTIOK. TRESSPASS XOTICE. The undersigned persons have associated themseves together for the protection of Willow Run Trout stream in Lack town, ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are strickly forbidden not to trespass upon the land or stream ef the said parties to flak as the stream baa been stocked with trout Parsons violating this notice, will be pros ecuted according to law. R. H. Patterson, T. H. Garuthers, J. P. Rob't A. Woodside, W. D. Walls, Frank Vawn, Dyson Vawn. April 23, 1895. TRESPASS NOTICE. The underlined persons hsve formed an Association for the protection of their re- sneetive urODerties. All persons are here- ot no tinea noi to trespass on mo lauua ui the nadersiraed for the purpose of hunting gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing down fences or tiring Umber in any way whatever. Any violation et the above no tice will be dealt with according te law. John slietuel, William Punenberger, Oideoa Sieber, Beaahor sX Zook, Mary A. Srubaker, Joseph Rothrock, John Byler, Samuel Bell. September6, 1896. . CHAUTAUQUA NURSERY CO., OFFEA LIBERAL TERMS TO AGENTS Salary and expenses or commission! High grade Stock at low prices. Nea specialties. Seed Potatoes, tut. ME WANTED in every town. Steady work. Pay Week ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, See'y rssriaaa, jl. i. Sep. 16.18W. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. On and after Saadar, May 20, 1895, trains will ran as follows: WRSTARD. Way Passenger, lesvoa Philadelphia at 4 80 a. tn; Uarrisburg 8 18 a. tn; Dnncan non 8 54 a. m; New Port 9 24 a. m; Mil lerstown 986 a. m; Durword 9 43 a. ro; Thompsontown 9 47 a. m; Van Dyke 9 66 a. m; Tuscarora 9 69 a. u; Mexico 10 02 a. m; Port Royal 10 07 a. m: MiBlin JO 14 a. m; Denholm 10 21 a, tn; Lewistown 10 40 m; McVeytown 11 08 a. m; Nrwton Hamilton 11 82 a. ro; Mount Union 1140 a. m; Huntingdon 12 10 p. ro; Tyrone 1 02 p. m; Altoona 145 p. ro; Pittsburg6 60 p. m. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m. Harrisburg 11 20 a. m; Duncannon 1 1 60 a. sa; Newport 12 14 p. m; Mifflin 12 62 p. m; Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McVeytown 1 33 p. m; Mount Union 1 66 p. m; Uantingdon 2 17 p. m; Petersburg 2 30 p. m; Tyrone S 06 p. m Altoona 8 40 p. ro; Pittsburg 8 10 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves riarrts- burg at 6 00 p. m; Duncannon S 84 p. m; Newport 02 p. m; ifilleratown 6 13 p. m; Thompsontown 6 24 p m; Tuscarora 6 85 p. m; Mexico 6 37 p. an; Port Royal 6 42 p. m; Mifflin 6 47 p. ro; Denholm 6 65 p. m; Lewistown 7 13 p. ro; AfcVeytown 7 88 p. Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. m; miming don 8 82 p. m; Tyrone 9 16 p. m; Altoona 9 60 p. m. Pacific Express leaves fhiladeipoia at 11 20 p. m: Harrisburc 8 10 a. m; Marrs- ville8 24a. m; Duncannon 3 88 a. m; New. port 3 59 a. ro; Port Royal 4 31 a. u; Mif flin 4 87 a. m; Lewistown 00 a. ro; Mc Veytown 6 80 a. m; Huntingdon 6 0S a. m; Tvrone 6 55 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. ui; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4- 40 p.m; Harrisburg at 10 20 p. in; Newport 11 Oo p. m; Mifflin 11 to p. m; Lewistown 12 68 a. m; Huntingdon 12 65 a. m.; Trone 1 42 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 5 30 a. m. Fsat Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; Harrrisbnrg 3 50 p. m; Duncanon 4 15 Lm; Newport 4 87 p. m; Milllin 5 10 p. ro. wistown 6 29 p. m; Mount Union 6 09 p. m; Huntingdon 6 28 p. m; Tyrone 7 06 p m; Altoona 7 40 p. ro; Pittsburg 1130 p. m. EASTWARD. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Al. toona at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a. m; Hunt ingdon 6 05 a. m; Newton Humiltun 6 43 a. ro; McVeytown 6 52 a. ni; Lewistown 7 15 a. m; Milllin 7 38 a. m; Port Royal 7 44 a. m; Mexico 7 48 a. m; Thompson town 8 02 a. m; Millerstown 8 12 a. Newport 8 22 a. m; Dnncannon 8 49 a Harrisburg 9 20 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg 8 10 a in; Altoona 7 15 a ra; Tyrone 7 48 a ra; Hunt ingdon 8 80 a m; McVeytown 9 15 a ro: Lewistown 9 85 a m; Milllin 9 65 a m; Port Royal 9 59 m; Thompjontowu 10 11; Millerstown 10 22 am; Newport 10 32 a m; Dnncannon 10 64 a m; Marysviilo 1 1 07 a m; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 3 CO p m. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. n:; Altoona 11 40 a. in; Tyrone 12- 03 p. ra; Huntingdon 12 35 p. raj Lewis town 1 83 p. m; Milllin ISO n. m; Harris burg 3 10 p. m; Baltimore 6 15 p. m; Wash ington 7 30 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. m; New York 9 23 p. ra Mil leaves Altooua at 2 00 p. m, Tyrone 2 36 p. 10, Huntingdon 3 20 p m; Newton Hamilton 3 51 p. nij McVeytown 4 12 p. rr; Lewistown 4 88 p. no; Mifflin 5 03 p. m. Port Uoyal 5 09 p. in; jVexico 6 13 p. in; Thompsontown 5 27 p. ni; Millerstown o SS p. ni; Newport 5 44 p. m; Dnncannon 6 20 p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m. Hail Expres-c loaves l'ittsb;irg at 1 00 p. m; Altoon:i 6 05 p. m; Tyione 6 37 p m; Huntingdon 7 20; McVeytown 8 01 p. m; Lewistown 8 26 p m; jlfilllin 8 47 p ni; Part Royal 8 52 p. in; Millerstown '.) C7 p. ni; Newport 9 26 p. ro; Duncannon 9 00 p. m; Unrrisburg 10 2') p. ra. Philadelphia Express leaves Tittsbu-g at 4 30 p m; Altooua 9 05 p. ni; Tyrone 9 33 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Meunt Un ion 10 32 p. 111; Lewistown 11 16 p. 111; Mir. Hin 11 37 p m; narrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. rn. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for sundurv at 7 85 a. m. and i VI p. m., leave Sunbury for Lewistown 10 05 a. m, and 2 25 p. m. TYRONE DIV1SON. Trains leave for Bllefontc and Lo Haven at 10 a. ni., 3 34 and 7 25 p ni leave Lock Haven lur Tjrmo l so, u 10 p. ro. and 4 15 p. in. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. It. Trains leave Tvrono for Clearfield and Curwensville at 8 30 a. m.. 3 15 and 7 :I0 p. m.. leave Curwensville tor Tyrone at 4 39 m , 9 loand 3 51 p ra. For, rates, maps, etc., eall on Ticket Agent, or address, Thos. E. Watt, P. A. W. D.. 110 Fifth Avenue. Pitts burg, Pa. S. M. Pbevost, J. R. Wood, Uen'l Manager. Gcn'l Pass. Agt WANTED SALESMEN. Wo want a few men to sell a Choice Line of Nursery Stock. We cannot iu;sku you rich in a month but can give ou ntcatly employment aod will pay vea well for it. Out prices correspond with tho times. Write for term sni trritrrv to THE HAWKS' .iVRSERV CO , Jnly 14, 1805. Kochcsicr, N. Y. H8TABU8HE0 J3S0. The McClintic Hardware QTHT?!? NO. 119 MAIN STREET, 0 1 VJiiJl. MIFFLINTOWN. PA. Hardware, TOOLS, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Stores and tin-wre, mill and Collars, Lap Robes, Blanket?, jjcbi, sjrouus jjow rrices. we am an encouraging business during the pas season and hope by constant application and J. A i J A 1 11 1 . prumpi, aiieniion iq ao aouoiy TIT 1 a a -l j n tie rw ui.ier preparea w iurnisn Builders' DOOliS. SASH. Tin. Iron and Felt lioofiner. Paints, Glass and Carpenter, Tools at low Prices. ' m i .l ii ii ... .a . Diacatsmitns will tond it to tneir interests to call and ex rmine our Stock and cet Prices of Norwav fc rAfinAri Kar in Horse and Mnle Shoes and Nails and Tools. Lumbermen and Mill Men will not go away uninterested, after thev have exsmined and tiriced Our Sfnolr nf t"!rna Art Saws, files, Gum and Leather M.iixat wuou ana iron pumps oi tne oest make; also a lull line of Housefurnishing Goods, Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil low ware, wooden-ware, Nickle Tea Kettle and coffee pots. wan raper at all Prices. 10T OF HANGING that we are offering at Special enee Wire, Gasoline Stove, Ice Cream Freezer, forks, scythes. Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes of all kinds, prices furnished on application, Cook Stove, Fruit Dr-er, the best out estimates to furnish contractors with the material so licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. K. H. M'CLINTIC. VIEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL II ley Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, October 1st, 1891. STATIONS. West ward. East ward. V n A M A M p 4 00 8 67 3 63 3 50 3 46 3 41 8 88 8 82 8 15 8 10 3 04 2 66 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 88 2 21 2 20 Newrrrt Buffalo Bridge.. Juniata Furnace 6 05 10 00 6 08 10 03 6 12 10 07 6 16 6 19 6 28 6 85 ahneta 6 15 10 10 Prlvan Wat-r Ping Bloomlield Junct'n. Valley Road Elliottsburg Groeu Park Loysville Fort Robeson Center Cisna's Rnn 6 25 10 17 6 40 6 22 10 20 6 31 10 26 6 89 10 34 6 61 10 46 6 44: 6 61 6 69 7 10 7 20 7 05 6 64 10 49! 7 16:11 00 7 12:il 07 7 17111 12 7 23 II 18 7 33; 7 41 7 3fi 7 45 7 48 7 62 7 65 Andorsenburg ..... Blttiu ' Mount Pleasant . . New German t'n ... 7 27 7 85 11 22 11 80 7 41 11 86 7 45 11 40 D. GRING, President and Manager. C. K. MfUES., General Agent. lr2lc Kcsiair Shop at ttiC f EMtimau System t&'wzw. ip1?! ef & STH is Eleyt Active SStiAI.TEl will reuilT msmmi ,TB 7 Q j r; t:jiis yi??i'.-si r r-T.? T ah:i;.i trivia? eu$$ a.i itiijfcurlCU'5 . a 5 vf. r-r. C' Fi 1 SO : I.E. KJ - CiTiBT THE MAN'fR3 SA'SAPAlti-.l w jtNCHAMTSM. N.V. No feints. VTe tro 1101 e- for ore iLirfl I s 1: i 11 ?... ocr : iio f&tno nfiaccutssell 't r ;.:;, o ir ct ?hj w(vtl-rini9, Z lbs., esati m any Ci-ij iTut-ci. IZ it:y lcs 13 lo tdi. CCK 00 fiviisE HOilQSTER $SB Guaranteed ?cn:3 m r?nt soil lor tt to fM). ASMS- KO&S RACES, 25 Ebs. enrt WOOD-RhVSS, yUUs IV-rftvt Jtncs. porfotB'ctrlr.a. perfect ptljusruir nt. O'lnnmtoctl arao nff.'iirs cil tor ii'y ft"d ?' Wiiuen warrant 7 wi;h cvery MHtainev j- v.-ry ttmo r-.: buy a bicyoM trouahaiiD.-TPiityM ii:y ' if. 0 noTCt thaour wSol"Wtlc prit c for cjnn: ty " 1 cost about tn'H-L to evil l-r-ytlc thn-Mclt - -enW and dop.lftM nstt tr b ;i!;o tUcii. lAt 'ru.lcnc ttntl ocoiioTiiy :cirr-t t(n hrttrr rr"'l bU7 lnn ua tiit-ift nt friitHcMii.' j-rit'O Ulutjtmted Catalone Xrcc. Acme Cycle Company, ELKMA'IT. !:0 Hi SAW MILL""HiiIs A wonr!rfi!l .niprovonn nt 'r Fr!rtio!i Vt-i ; I 4ai.i-Inrk, Bjirk motion ol irr;ni;: Iht: .: sf.i-t as any otln-rin tlicuiurkct, Frh-riun 'iufrh r -t!-mtisint; htl tlieft-J imring tn rftniiit still w h.; t.:i' k- rent nnrint; la p.wr mill -iir. -l 4sntsin:itnnifirU:r;cCa;alTrean,t pr: A'- sprint; llnrrovw, liny link. uti'nlor, t",i-r: !'!n:HprH,Shf!lrr w. Mnin :'!. IIIZXUI fe UMUMCKJLU iUfrfles) Vork, I d STEEL RQOFIUQ and SIDina, ieiicr?J's Patent.)'.ij, Fi?Q and Slsrui ?tstf, S"--: fcr i Tar rrnn Iron Kwofni nutl CofsTi .i : f - s. i ilo 31 f rat. black-smith supplies, Harness, Fly-nets and Saddler's Supplies. as mucn in tne coming season. - , Supplies, I I A RI )AVr T?ir Sheatkinfr And I lininnp nanar Bel tine, and Lacer at Low tm?Zf Prices to close them out, Uarbed