Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 12, 1895, Image 2

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V i.SIU r. J I S E 1 8, 1 SP5
- P. S U II ;V K I E R
eiMf.B 1KD mnrBIITOK. '
Tos si Macros.
Vic epnt four houra ia the pold
fiillof Newton Hamilton 1-ist Fri
day, find learned that rnor than a
qaartor of a cantury ago, a man nam
ed Waiter Btrle;v, bora in L-uifj
Hollow, about three miles from Niw
ton Hamilton, went west, and d-ift
ed into Colorado, and at Colorado
Springs w.nked Lituself into the bus
iness of muling far precious metals,
and there prospered. As the fiMi
mtura'ly lon.j t fet back to the
placo whero it was spawned, so Bor-
iew lo.no.i f. ?t back i tho place
where he was hum, and last winter
he followed hia loninfy and came
back to Mifflin ciuntv and visito-I
Lnar HJ!ow. Xv!m Hamilton is
tii". jcal railroad point t j the Lonsr
Hollow peor,l9 and of course Borlew
visited Nuvt-n HarMlton, and one
lay tvhPe in .Vrr.'snn's ttore, notic
ed .some Pf-crilior Licking pieces of
f-.t-r-s on Morrison's desk, and he !
f-xiaiifiod the o'on-i Ey the' wav j
B. E. M .rii'siu is quits amin of af
fair?, rutaud aod jolly, and one ofi
tue inisiftt mg-j i the town, basy
enough fvr a millionaire. Ha is aa
editor, a store kwper and hotel keep
er, and with a!I that finds tiaia to
pry into tha b.-.k.s cf nature, the
water cf the B? reams, tho trees,
sbruh.--, WLt-di, stories and rocks, and
that is how he cnuc to have speci
mens of reck Iyiu;r about on his desk,
and whui IJ.-rk-w l-wkod at the ruck
piece, Morrison's eye twinkled.
n r; was a new man iu sympathy!
wun n;s tastes, a Jiaii fellow well met,
and he answered Bcrlew's questions
as to where the specimen stones came
from. Thoy w;iv- ;;ottou o:;. of a
weil th:it w.s in the course of di;
Xing on Jjh:i D. Mills's !oc in the
town, cljsii t the bum b:nk of the
abandoned canal. "Ah, slid B?rlow,
thesa pieces of lock, arc ths sanio
kind of reck oat of which w got
gold bi Colorado. Tkey lt!or.gio
the S.hiiiia ijitnatioa an ) mjst cer
fairly contain 1, and a penwiJago
cf silver.
That Etaif ia i.t v.ts a mrpiiso to
Morriuoii, mil alnvwt raid hiui eing
the song ?f walking the gol lou etrcc-t
"f the No? Jvru'jsleiu, for snro'y if
Boriow's st.it-.wjat proved itsV:f "cor-rt-cf
-be, every day with other people
of th: t .v.i, walked tiie "old'vn
tree's rf XecSn Hamilton.
C l le-.v t.jok s;)?.:i:ii'.!is of the rock
with him t-. C dorado, and in due
time rc-ti;rned a siat-nmii to lln-rl
s nioi m a-)i!'v.i'.fof th.f Bpeciia jqs,
be had i.:k ;;i virh J;.:- ji-c;.--rcv-
:;!-.. l.-v ocn tesi, was $;$Q gold:
$2 silver ) tho t-in; .-.nolher PIC 10
gold, -J si'.wr; ttuothcr 12 gold, .2
lhe we'd on tko Miller lot is about
27 feet deep, nsd c ton or two of the
greyisS, blue rock taken out e-f it,
lies on ike Kr-v.?jd at the mouth of
tho v.-..!;. The same rock wns en-coii!it-
rr in a wed on .n adwinii.-jf
lot. tvvnod by Colonel Rhodss ofLew-
isiowr-. I
'i'fn has sev.'-rrd Imndrcd j
P'J'J'.'l-f of tiie rock lyiu.f loose in and
about his store, and has letters from
I.tTi.--.- s'arip.g iris v.;i'i ;g;-.es3 to go
it. to f mining ent--r.-ri3f) at Newton
Hani'itor: for gold, whwli is evidence
th it l.a is i; !y t o prove t!is faith
t'u:;t ii in him.
Thr. reek to the easnal observer, ha3
the appearsneeof limestone. It dots
not xposT itself at V: can bank as
one Might e xo- et ii :o do from the loca
tion r t tas v.t i;, bnt insjcsahcRvy dip j
5 -.skfrt.w tho river, d-j-t-p under the j
ea.ii-i ineeliii-grjund where it v.-.is e:l- (
c a:.ered, -tOOieet under the d.i'. k D-;- j
voaiaa sl;!es, several ye ars ago wiser I
taey sank a wen f r watsr on the
ciiap gron:. i. Ij i3 a li.r i reck aad
whs ub-vu 7 f-et in thickness vrliere
encii::terod by tho camp mooting
well -ujiiers. Vk-;i tho c tcip.tn'c t
ia jr wi-Il was nuuk t,-,r water consider
ub!e exui: -ru-nt was aroused ia the
ooai'nuniiy ovr :l:a manifestation of
gas that babbled out. of the wo? I at
certain t;nf-, and it is asserted t.--
(tav. ilia1 i'' ytone br tied to a rnne
and dr.pr d into the '.veil and puil
ed up and down that gas in snilieieni
quantities will come out at tho top, j
that it may be lit with a match.1
Tho gas f;-r-r is in a st ito of abate- 1
""-'I. uuc i.ia riii levet is r-igmg us
an epidemic, and wii' prevail till the
question h is be' n settiedas to wheth
er Bcrlew i3 correct in Ids analysis of
tho rock, that belongs whero tha Up
pr Silnvian foria.v.ioa j jis3 the Uu
vocian fr iiniien.
The Upper Helderbe rgcr limestone
would fit in qnita nicely at Newton
II million, but Beile-y did not name
tho rock; and not bt iug maeh of a
geologist, we will not cail it Uppr
K'jlderb rger limestone, and even if
we felt, like doing are not prepar
ed 1' say that it is destitute of or is
full cf both gold snd silver.
Tho ground immediate! v cast of
mp lucehng ground is a depos
rf a Juniata Hood drift mud and
st nir-s or ice vir'ft deposit, lying on
the dark shales of the Devonian pe
riod or formation. The dark shales
are clearly revealed in tho ravine
ti'Kt runs through the camp back of
tho bote!. .Mr. Appleby who was
inisy putting on tiie whito wash pol
ish when we passed through the si
lent camp, told us that the dark slate
or shales that have here and there
bei n pet on walks in the camp were
i'i!g from the side of the ravine just
mentioned, but ths geological form
!;on is of no concern to the averege
people in Newton Hamilton. If they
can pick apples from cherry trees,
they don't care whether the geolo
locate gold in the formation at
Newton Hamilton or some other
formation, just so they find the gold
there. Morrison Las a number of fostils
that have come out of the Silurian
system among which is one that has
the form of a turnip, which a New
ion Hamilton preacher, whose name
we have forgo.' ton, told him , is a fos
silized fish. It is devoutly hoped
that their golden dreams may be
rea'ized, and that brother Morrison
may become a golel bug with enough
of the silver lining about him to
make Lba tnihnsiastically in iavor of
both gold aad silver as legal tender
. m
A DESfATca from China on Monday
j says: The Eoglib, French and Amer
ican missionaries at Cheng Tu, have
been massacred.
Tiie Legislature adjourned on Sat
urday, after an all Friday night
stormy session over an effort to ap
propriate $20,000 to investigate Phil
adelphia RDd School Book Legisla
tion. Both efforts at investigation
failed on aecouat of no appropriation
of money to carry them on. The
Philadelphia investigation, however,
will bo carried on by funds contribut
ed by private citizens of the Quaker
Uxdkb tho McKinley Tariff, not a
furnace lire was banked; not a chim
uey of a manufacturing estubl'g' -meut
ceased to smoke. The mere
threat of the pa sage of tho Wilson
Tariff, closed tli3 furnaces, forges
and mills and Democratic ascendency
i cost tha people a greater su n than
j would have paid the National debt,
j Ths Dmooratio Stata Convention
of Illinois, nit last werK ana pusnea
the silver ooesMon fo tho front by a
declaration demanding tho freo coin
age of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1;
ftn.l that "such coins shall bo legal!
tender for all debts, both public, and I
private, and that all contracts here-!
after eseutea tor tne pajmrnt ot
money, whether in gold, silve?r or
coin, may be discharged by any mon
ev which it bv law a legral tender."
On the Cutting and Removal of
The Perry County Freeman of
June 5, says: Oa Monday Judge
Lyons beard the testimony and argu
ment in the case of Ahl's Hssignea vs.
D. Gring. This was a bill in equity
and writ of injunction brought to re
strain the defendant and tho E:k
Tanning Co. from removing tho bark,
ties and lumber from a tract of some
S,0C0 acres of land in tha upper end
of the county.
The allegations wero that none of
the purchase m ;U!-y ha I been paid,
and ttie defendants by removing the
timb:-r a-id bilk, wero taking- awav
the only security they had, ta the j
laud without the timber on it was!
valueless, and they atked the Court
to declare D. firing insolvent and to I
resir.iin him or any others under him I
lroin remoMcg nny more wirs or
Tuc matter catao up for hearing j
upon a motion to dissolve the pre
l.m.nary injunction. Alter hearing
the tsiitinioiiy and argument t:i9
Court mads the following om! -i:
And now Jane 5, A. D , 1SS) , the
mo'ion rlissolvo the pre'.inmi iry
mj'ir.etii ii is over ruled, and the same
is continued until final hearing or un
til iinal hiraring or until snch time as
t!;e defer:!a,:ts either pay or s :cure
to be paid t ) the plaintiff one-half of
the said "jjortgsge d-bt t?4,230); up
on the payment or securing lb-? pay
ment of which tlio said injinction
wil: be removed as to all timber cow
cut end bark peeled on sail laid.
Bv The Court.
Everywhere We Go
we ficd soineona who has been cured
by Hood's S is.:paril!a, and people
cm r.'I he.: d 3 aro praising this greraf
medicine b-r what it ba done for j
!bem ftt:U t -ivir friends. Taken m
iiine Hood's 8e.rsapcri;;a prevents
sc-rious i'ln. ss by keeping tho blood
pure ar.d a.l the organs in a healthy
lltion. It i3 the great blood pur
llocd's Pill's become the favorite
cathartic with every one win tries
thiuii. 2io per box
Tramitijitestlou Solved-
Acer.r ::rg to t': Hidgwcy Demo
frat our iit-i?bkors o a tho northwest
of us have wived the iramp question
a-; fo!;--.vs: Tues.lay eve.'iing polies
m.an McFirland eip'nreei a tramp in
Iji '.tie's addition while in tiie uci cf
crying from door to d or lje;"ing.
H3 was taken before Justice of the
L'eaco Power?, who fiao-.l the vaga
bond -j 8 j and costs. A3 the tramps
tlnanei;d condition did not warrant
the a;, ment cf elc-bt, ha was con
fined to tho "brick m-arision" e ver
night and the next morning put to
work eligging trenches for the water
liiH'3 on the west lino. He will be
charged 75 c-nts for every elay h? re
mains in the lock-up. His fine and
costs amounted to $7.75 and he will
bo allowed $1 50 for a day's labor.
After a few worthless vagabonds
have been treated ia this manner the
tramp nuisance will abate, and al
ready is growing less troublesome.
To Tell the Weather.
A means of forecasting the weath
er from a morning cup of celfee is
riven bv tho Leeels -Veivurv. t hieh
asserts that it has proved more trust
worthy than the c2i :ial guesses.
JJrop two lumps ot 3ugar carefully
into the middle of tho cup; if tho air
bubbles remain ir, the center of the
cup it will be fine; if they rise rapid
ly and go at once to the sides it wi'l
rain all elay; if thev gather in the cen
tre. and then go m a cluster to out
side, look out for showers.
And a good appelate go hanel in
hand. With the loss of appetite, the
system c-mnot long sustain itself.
Thu3 the fort ideations of good health
are broken down aael the system is
liable to attacks cf disease. It is
8Kch cases that tho meelicinal powers
of Hooei's Sarsaparilla are clearly
shewn. Thousands who have taken
Hood's Sarsaparilla testify to its
great meri'.s as a purifier of the blood,
its powors to restore and sharpen, the
appetite ana promote a bealtby ac
tion of the digestive organs. Thns
it if, not what we say, but what
Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells
the story and constitutes the strong
est recommenelatiou that can ha urg
ed for any medicine. Why not take
Hood s Sarsaparilla now? July 9o.m
Keller In Six Honrs
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseases relieved in six hours by the
"New Great South AmekicaN Kidney
Cube." This new remedy is a great
surpilse on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving pain in the
bhlddftr. kidiiviJ. l'.i.- ir iii'.d f -et v i-iin-t.
of tho urinary patrhages ia muio or T7lo comiiiirateu Time Keeping oddity in
female. It relieves retention of wu-; - TrBted hy a i: assign Pole,
ter-unif pain in passing it almost :m ! T!io priuo v onder in the shape tf a
mediately. If you want quick relief ' clock is '.uo inveutiou o? n Hn.icM Folo
and euro this is your remedy. Sold ! named Uolrifadon. Tl;c inventor is a
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist,
flmtown, Pa. Feb.
Th Huntingdon News sarfi P.,r-
J.ne Huntingdon flews says. ijr
baps the largest fisn ever caught in
the Juniata river, was landed at this
piace dj cieore uanectine. tiowas
n3uing Irom a boat in tne nver, us
ing thiea hooks fastened togetho.'
aad attached to a light rod and line.
He saw a monster carp in the stream
near the II. & B. T. Ii. 11. biidge,
and determined to capture i!. Af
ter repeated efforts, he managed to
fasten the hook in tha side of the fish,
aad then bgan a tussel. Tho fish
made a dash far liberty, dragging
the boat anil its occupants after it at
a livvl-rate, but its efforts to nanoolc
itself were futil-i and after it ha I
flouudered and splashed for throe i
tpiartors of an hour, the successful j
fisherman lauded his pi;.t, and has !
the honor of capturing the largest
carp evar caught at Huntingdon. It j
measured 34 idches, is Cinches thick, I
r.nd weighed 22 pounds. H c ir-;
ried the monster through the streets;
attracsing the attention and wonde r I guao, while a third busies himself stow
ed hundreds of our citizens. ing away small lumps of coal in tho eil-
Is fur Drinking Men-
A man prominent in tho sffdrs o
Dunkirk, says the Buffalo Courier, I
yesterday, related the following ir.ci-1
dnt: " j
"Ooo day, two months after I bad j
signed the pledge, I had a craving '
for a drink of whfsky so strong that j
I could see nothing else ihan drinks :
ubout me. and felt as if I must have j
nt least one drink. I told a friend t f j
my ettto of mind. He taid: '"You j
neea not tirmK i can teu you oi a
substitute that will stop your discom
fort. Get a bowl of ice water and a
raw potato, peel it and cut down ono
end of it to ii siza coTivi-nipnt to take
in tho mouth. Dip the prtatoe in j
the ice water and sa?k it every time :
you think you must have the whisky.' j
I did as ho advised. I took thebo.vl
of ice water and the potato aad I lac-
1 11 V1 A 11 . 1 1
tj lueui on u moio ui eue ueau oi iy j
bed, and would dip the potato ia the!
water and placo it between my lips I
every few minutes till I went to '
Klftei". T nwr.k.- fr,-n frnm n-iv trcSrn i
to driok whisky, and have been free '
from it ever since. That treatment !
eradicated tnv cravings for whiskv. I
for all tho time that has since elap
sed." V.'HEN SHE GOES "BY.
Mion flic c 3 v. '.th Siea.l ( net,
A HprinirtUe li!.".' ;.i t:;ir und svreeS,
Iwcnder it .:.,'( .-.v::vt
liow !u:e.l.; ;.n- tf.ri: .! :iltn tV.-.r btrcvt,
Or h-.w I try ta c.Uli ht r eye
Av.'l Wi'-i a s::,ie v la-.i r n.3 by.
i '
When she 7
Anil ehei lix
!: -.'i!e '. 1:
IfH tiet-n l,;
OU, hj-.v l
iio I .it , r:
. v. i'i.l t 5
.-. ii.r- r r.i-.i -
1 r jrli
i 1.V,
. s by.
-.:e i uri,
l';l. t .'.V,
.:. : ,
ivt-Li: :.! ..
.".I :
To tol'ow UT 1 tM 1
Auti 1
ia ..;:
,1 at fa to
Ana r:i
:h r.rjo
Hot? th l::e;" ei;
c.-ru. a w. i
::: c:.i
The mud e;.!y
two twins a;;d
tacked ou! he-. 1. e
room fr j.cii.
not a chink i:i 1
narrow ch".i::e.i ;
aa.-'.v.-ers its ur
the ca.it stud em
:i ri l:-e
! orfsii:!-.- :
:i s:;::iil tA'!i;!!e
cscd as u st-irj-
Cil ?
jtrt i.-s. "1'lieie is
li s or thatch ;avo ;t
;e v.-;il
, -.vi.ii ii seltlom if f.-er
' i:e 1,1. ::-W.'.V
,.,1 1,- I
1 t.-.-iui.:. .1 i:ui j;t j
tie liUt ;:. trt.trs
tiny v. i:H'". j".' disc!
laio stain iiem the
which I;;av:i;le.i the
.trs iiisiilt! ilii-. r.gh ihe j
chicvs the deep e ' k:;i-
cteiiial ta-f reel-: i
.:mo.-p!iero cf the i
p:;:titj walls, roti: i
interior, eml !i!
ami furniture a
liitnre is ri.'.'i
:! color. '1 ho iur- ',
l:vO ::eai:iy, :t ti-v i
.e ot'cusiouul Colli
stools atoi
pl;o ab.-e'iii-: ifeii::
The laud ti x.r is
vet from tho patt
bare fet t cr tri in
'ays more cv ! .'s 1
r ot t!ie e;.il .iei: :
the anii:i:i.s wh.el:
have live
there is
ot.-'S to the iioa:.e.
i:.jo;I;y company w
.t Bigh:
walk; e.i this : -.aen.;:
itie--ido room there an
beds or berths, where
ac'vii'iing to their a
1 m:m.::..:s. In t.-.e
t ..-o or I'.ree be.
ti.e children sice; ,
age s;nd eex. Fie;::
11 uut u::ii!wn uamU-r
lhe stute berth in tho
: iii the sit le of ;:;e
ii'. -l i:i:it!ivr rep' .so v.i:
liv. .,toi:k ( f liir- f.-rm
ae at lie '.--511.0: e us s( :::e
9 to 13 is n.a :
in a f.i:.:i!y.
calliot,', or r- ee
health, the li.tl or
screened from the
eisjiit (jy.aonpeil.; be.
ides tho poultry.
l-is, cu'tle,
horse ordouk
ig.:, cats, and p:
.-, have their b - !
,'L.ibIv r.
seace i
spectivtdy, and je.-.h
croackmeiit by a bvti
Abto::ishh;g :::: it
are hardly any tllsag
overiX'we'rii.g .sm.-ll
aaly rc. tnt any
iiiuy appear, tiier
'eaiiSe odors. Th
of tlio peat suit 1.:
evidently acts .s a ci .mp-ete disinfectant,
and fortunately it is innoxious to the in
habitants of the hovel. Fipially astoni.-.h-ing
is the fact that the whole commu
nity is in comparative harmony, am:
even tne baiaes rarely cry. mere is
plenty cf occupation for all tho family
who aro able uud willing to work, tho
mother doing little elso but nurse tho
youngest infant. Cornhill Magazine.
31 ct hy Chance.
An amusing story is told of Robert
Franz, tho famous Gorman song writer,
and another equally celebrated compos
er. The incident ocenrrod soon uftcr
the publication of Franz's famous
"Open Letter to Edward Eauslick," in
which ho made severocriticism npon
some musical work of tho composer,
Johunnes Brahms.
Franz bad occasion at that time to
take a fivo or six hours' trip by raik In
the compartment with him was a littlo
man with whom ho fell into conversa
tion. The follow travelers found each
other delightful and whiled the hours
aw:;y in agreeable talk, which did not
turn npon music.
When tho train reached Franz's des
tination, bo took ont his card case, say
ing to bis compiuiion :
"You have made me pass a most de
lightful afternoon. Allow me to give
you my card."
The stranger seemed highly gratified
and offered Franz his card in return.
Each looked at the bit of pasteboard ke
had received in amazement. Tho stran
ger's eyes opened wido at reading the
name of his merciless critic, "Dr. Rob
ert Franz," while Franz himself was
equally astounded at reading on the card
in his band, "Johunnes Brahms."
There was no time for mntnal expla
nations, but each of the musicians had
discovered that, however their ideas
might differ from a musical standpoint,
they were at least admirable traveling
companions and had found mnch to en
iwin each other. Youth's Companion.
;al wc-ndsr.
eloclunaker of Warsaw and boarts thct
: he worked eiver 2,000-days on this time
i keeping aldity. Tho clock represents a
railway station, with waiting rooms for
j travelers, telegraph and ticket offices
i 011(1 a vcry rrCtty and uatl?l"al Plaonn,
j wen i;ghtf,(i and bavin? in its center a
ttov,er 'mi(ien and a sponting fountain.
Thcrc, PJ.e aJjjo siguai boxes, lights,
, gwitches, water tanks in fact, every-
thiua used in conjunction with a well
reflated ruilway station. There ia a
dial in tho center tower, which shows
time at New York, Pekinfr, Warsaw and
London. Every quarter of an hour the
station begins to show signs of lifa
! First all of tho little figures of telejrrapb
j operators begin to work their machines,
j tho head antoinat&a poiifff throcyh the
I form of sendin"- a tlisnatch to tho effect
I .ine ii,,0 j3 dear. " Then the door
opens, and npon tho platform appear
the station master and lift opsmtants.
Next a lony lino of little, figures filo np
to tlio iTiiniaruro ticket oflieo.
After this tho porters appear, carrying
lngs!ij,'e, tho bell rings, and instantly a
miniature train dashes ont of a tunnel
and halts boforo the platform of tho sta
tion hotiso. While tho train is waiting a
iniuiatnre figure tests tho wheels and
axles with a tiny hammer, another
puinp3 water into tho tank cf the cn-
j of tin) bell, whereupon tho door of tlio
j aiiifdo coach opens, and tho littlo figures
j slide iu on an tdmost invisib'o wire,
tho opening clcninfj after them. A sec
ond tap of tlio Ix-ll is tho signal for the
J wheel tester, waterman nral fuel carrier
' to retire into the -station house,
j After the third signal tho whistlo
' pives two toots, and the train quickly
j disappears in a tunnel opposite to the
one from which it emerged five minutes
I before. When the train is cut of sight,
the station master cud his -assistants
leave the platform, tho doors close be
! hind t'r-id, and thy all retire to tho
! other sido of the station house, where,
j at the expiration of 13 minutes, the
truiu ai?am appears, and tho passengers
q0 ovi
nd t:eat themselves in tho bnild-
in; prepoi-atory to te.king uuother trip
around tho station honso. St. Louis
How a Cape l:liral)"tl n!m rroduoed a
ftrecd of NoD-crHtchcn.
pe.Liug ef liens remiiitlj mo of a
worthy townsman of ours, J. Fairfield
Tottte v'ho hild
hemes so situated that only a fence,
Our frieu.i tried many ways to rid
himself of them, but failed until one
cImv lie saw his reigh'oor in the act of
sett:r' iuiolli' r b"ii.
Now, it's la-cess.a-y for you to knew !
that tlio bens ahovo nieatioued wero of j
what is know n as the Shanghai bre-cd I
end bad rry loiig legs. It .xnnvd to i
oar friend Tut tie that be eav a va.y out ;
of tiie difficulty. So procuring hulf a ;
dozen b:i:itam (.;hort leg: ) e'gs be t tole ;
ever diu-iiig tho liigot, tix kout six
' 1
the c-;,s that were nndrr tho ben and
replaced them with the six bantam.
What was ihe result? When tho ehieks
wero hatched, e;u ti e ne h .d one short !
and one lung leg, and when they would
stand ou tho ekort leg and try to so-teh ;
with tlw li.'g (-no llvy would on'- suc
ceed in throwing tliem;el-. e-s over.
Vv'heu t;.-yv.-ou!d sta'. l on the long 1. g. 1
the short e:;e v. ould not re:ieh tlio I
groimtl Vy cevevid inelif r.nd so in tiie
matter of scratching tin y were not in it,
so to epeak. Capo El'zuheth ScntiueL
Nainoi of tho Ctatipcd.
"Tlio word t-entiped in tho month of
the old sailor, as ef tho negro, becomes
'Eimtipedo' or 'suntifec,' but I think .Too
(.ialhr.iith, a Kilx'ruian rancronon of!
New Mexico, should be credited wtth
and a poor one er, Uiitr, (i.vioea tiiem , 1 d,t,t is set down 8$ 1,300,000,
fromu noigl.Kor'3 krnye.rd, tmd these . 000 it idoaijpeiire tbaWhe diffiemVy of
same hta.s Inhered e.ur friend very j m;lki ug b((th cud3 meerhaseatly in.-
I uiue.i io hvK,i.:x v..r..-..K" u, jvmu ,.,1 sjuee M. JVIeline sec-ureel the tri
, scratching rp the strawberry phmts. ,.,.. i,;sfiVrfm. Thocourt of ftudits
giving it tao must remiirlianio twirt ! carry out your wishes, though they may
from its die. ionary pronunciation, "said j do so through defere-uco to your ex
tho tapogrnj.lier in a surveying party, j pressed preferences. It is also important
"Joe camped alongside us one night on to remember that three witnesses are
our way to Camp Grant. As two of our j needed in devising real estate instead of
men in tho morning wero shaking a j two.rts in bequeathing personal property,
bl.iuket which bad been spread next: "When a woman will, she will, do
th" ground a ceutiped six inches long ; p011a on't," says the proverb. But there
ran out from tho under side of tho , nro so mrmy sharp turns and short
blanket up the sleeve and face of one of : curves iu tho course of the law that
tho two men. The man's whiskers saved j though a woman wills to will what she
his faco from the needlelike feet, and ho 1 will, how tho will in nine cases out ot
brushed tho reptile eir to the ground ; ten eho cannot nioko her will so that she
without sustaining injury. Tho cenri- j wni.s what she will as she wills to wilL
I ped was killed, and the party gathered j
! round to look at it, among them Joe,
j eager to air bis knowledge.
I - " 'Don't yon know what that is'r bo
said wisely. 'It's a Santa Fe.
.iiiey say j
they're piscner'n hell.'" Nov York J 0f
Tide and Storm a.
a tempest is approaching or
passing ont em tho ocean, the tides aro
noticeably higher than usual, ns if tho
water had K-cn driven in a vast wave
before the storm. The iufiueiie-e extends
to a great distance from the cyclonic
storm center, so that the possibility ex
ists of foretelling tho approach of a dan
gerous hurricane by means of indicatifns
furnished by tido gauges situated far
away from tho place tlot occupied by
tho whirling winds.
Tlio fact that the tidal wave outstrips
the advancing storm shows how extreme
ly Sensitive the surface of tho sea is to
the changes cf pressure brought to bear
upon it by tho never resting atmosphere.
Youth's Companion.
Mux O'KoTl R n "Sluf ser."
Kax OT.rll fella many stories about
other people. Here iaono that in Mont
real ho told nhmrt himself. When lec
turing in an Au-araliau hash town, hr
vav.-.l eloov.c'.ii c:i the athletic frats of
deep It .2.
.ite r e:-ch
It's a i:e'
ho inte r:"
Give me a
Max to ir
down j;
assertion eamo a
freaj a drunken
liens became r.n
: top of five inru
! andunee. Oft'
::q ed the laetur-
nmlif.x-. T
ba..--..T,h '
ni --,' fcaid
went h:s en.
cr, and iu a
moii-cut l.o bail collared tho
ard bniid'ed him or.t. If I
mierrn pe
loid kuov.
tho mam
prices. ' "
yon lni'.'-'.it to do ta.;t, said
;er, 'I'd have charged double
And ho could easily havo got
Po3)c' Favorllo.
Pope deemed tho "Essay on Man" his
most polished production, bnt was so
fond ef revising bis poetry that the
priuted copy contained almost oue mar
ginal note for every line. If his wishes
had been fully carried out, the second
edition would have had so many changes
as to be practically a new work.
Pucts aud Poau.
"I begin to feel like my poems,"
sighed the poet to the cruel lady who
had said nay t' his gentle appeuL
"In what respect, pray?"
"I have been i"iected so often."
Detroit Free Press.
The Alleghany rivet w:s called by
the Delaware Indians the Vu-likhwne.
"fair water. " Several other namis were
given to this stream by the eaidv ex- .
iinnuusce to (he Itepnblicans of Juniata
conntv, that Uriah Shumin is a candidal
inr Kfi'resentativo Delezate tn ths next Re-
Dubli.'.au State Convention. Mr. Shurainia
a veteran Kopnblican, and needs no intro
dnciion to the Republicans of Juniata.
Fi.itor Sestixcl fc Biri'ticA: Please
prenent the name of W. North Stcrrctt of
l'atlcrson, as a caoaiaaio lor iaprot;in
tive Delcgato to the next Republican State
Convention. PATTERSON.
Tired Women
Bhor.ld stop and conolder the dangers
which threaten tham because cf the!r
weakness, languor and lack of ambition.
Thonscndo of women find their strength
unequnl to ili3 dcxaaiis of duty. And
yet there is no escape from the Incessant
round of care and toil. They re.ust have
strength. How shall it be given? By
building np their systems through puri
fied, enriched and vitalhcd blood.
Hood's Saraaparilla will give them
strength because it will make their blood
pure and enable it to feed the nerves upon
proper nourishment. It will create on
appetite, tone ths stomaehsnd invigorato
every organ. It Is what tired women need.
Hood's Sarsaps?n!a
3s the Only
True Blood Pisiifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
It feeds the nervc3 o:i pure blood.
Hood's Piiis
:t-i!r wHh
1 1' i tin. :?ic.
llMtlK s tr -;'
Financial Affair of France.
The finuueiul speech cf the ex-Prime
Minister M. Loubet, in tho senate, is to
be posted, by order of that house, all
ovr Fran; e. There ore some" statements
in k vorvhy of cousiderution. Thus, tho
i has dii-covcred 211 irregularities in the
j lust budgetary account of money paid.
1 By irregularities it means embezzle
j meuts, set down under the head of ' vire-
Among them figures the 800 spent
on behalf of a minister for "cabs,"
uud i'u-iO a month for little "de
jeuners" at Voisiu's, where a min
ister of justico entertained his friends.
The "virements" at tho home office are
Bet down at 050, those of the wdr of-
flee at 1,330, those of the colonial office
! at 2,090, thoso of the public works of
fice at 2, 37. '. When M. do Freycinct
was war minister, the "virements" of
: his department amounted to about 0,
j 000 a j-enr. lie, as minister of public
! works and war, swelled the national
debt more than any one else iu power
since Thiers' retirement. The redeem
able loans wero an expedient of M. de
Frcyeiuefc to give employment to the
publio works department. London
Some Points About Willa.
Do you know that you cannot will
away your body ; that a clause iu your
will giving your body after death to uny
person or institution is neit legally bind-
1 tngr lour executors cannot bo forced to
New York Press.
Acta ft inters.
Ants are terrible fighters. They have
very powerful jaws, considering the Eize
their bodies, and tiieretore their
I meth'id is by biting. They will bite one
I another and boh on with a wonderful
! grip of the jaws, even after all their legs
have been bitten cEf by other ants.
1 Sometimes six cr eight ants will bo
I clinging with a death hold to one an-
other, making a ieculiar spectatde, some
j with a leg gone and some with half tho
j body gone. One singukir fact is that Wie
! grip of an ant's jaw is retained even
! after the body has been bitten off and
notmng but tho head remains. Ex
change. Eps wero used as a medicine and as
a Basis for r.u intoxicating beverage in
Egypt as early as 2000 B. C. Tho plant
is represented on tho Egyptian monu
ments of that elate.
Cost of Uvlng In Europe's Capitals.
An investigation into the comparative
cost of living at the various European
capitals results in the following interest
ing facts : At Vienna the prices of most
articles of food are lowest. At Madrid
they are dearer than in any other capi
tal, and such things as bread, meat, sug
ar and coul are very expensive. At St.
Petersburg also the price of bread is so
high that white bread is still considered
a luxury above the means of the work
ing classes. Next to Vienna, Brussels is
an inexpensive city. Paris is a little
higher in the scale, bnt Loudon is "ter
ribly expensive." Westminster Ga-
The Flelades.
These timekeepers the Pleiades have
been used to mark the days from the
most remote periods. Mr. T. W. Fewkes,
describing the fire ceremonies of the Pu
eblo Indians of Tusayan, says that, hav
ing been present on t wo such occasions in
1&U3 and 1893, he found that the error
of time made by the Indians as to the
13th of November in those two years
was insignificant. It was the culmina
tion of tho Pleiades which told the In
dians the proper time for the beginning
of their rites. New York Times.
Overeating is generally condemned ou
the ground that by staffing tho digestive
organs or by giving them too lunch to
do the food taken is prevented from
properly nourishing him who takes it. It
Is possible, however, that one may suf
fer from too mnch narriment as well as
from too little, even when it is properly
- S M I
Do you want to borrow money
os tquitablt
Do jom dttirt to pay off a mortgog and
reborrow tkt money at 6 per cent, inierett
Would you tare to be to tUuaied that you
could redtice ti e mortgage against your
home by paying off a email amount mouth
ly and at the end of each year receive cred
it for all patdt With inierett being charg
ed only on remaining portion of loan.
Would you like to buy your family a hornet
If to, read the following
I represent a Company that has embod
ied in its plan all the features enumerated
above and many more. Can yon see any
rrason why yon should pay u large interest
for money when you have (tood aecurity ?
Can you present any good reason why it is
not as well to receive profits yearly to
wait from 7 to 10 rears as one does in many
of the Associations? Is nut the reduction of
interest yearly .Letter, than waiting many
years for profits? Borrowers under the plan
represented by me assume absolutely no risk
ss each $1 00 paid on the loan is credited
on the mortgage, Ibereby reducing it in
proportion to the amount paid.
Building Associations hare benefited
hundreds of thousands, to did tho old cars
tbat were (iropelled by horses. Our plan is
as far superior to Building Association ss
the trolley cars are to the old antiquated
horse car system. My time is to much oc
cupied to answer questions tor the curious,
but those seeking informition for the bet
terment of their condition will receive fnil
information promptly. We offer an invest
ment to those who have a small amount to
save monthly tbat bas no superior ns to
safety and seldom equaled for profits. Call
or write. Macbick Leonard,
Oaklaud Mills,
Jio2S-3ni Juniata coun ty, Pa
The following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 19, 1S93, aod the trains will bu run as
p. m
4 80
4 36
4 89
3 41
4 45
4 4o
4 61
4 54
4 56
4 69
a. m
9 15
9 21
9 24
!) 2S
9 29
9 31
9 3t
9 89
9 44
Leave Arrivo a. m p. m
Duncannon 8 40 3 50
King's Mill 8 31 8 44
Sulphur Springs 8 81 8 41
Corraan Siding 8 29 3 39
Montebello Park 8 20 3 30
Weaver 8 21 3 34
Roddy 8 19 8 29
Hoffman 8 16 8 26
Royer 8 14 3 24
Mabanoy 8 11 8 21
Bloomtield 8 05 3 15
Long's Koa I 7 52 2 45
Nwtlson 7 46 2 39
Duni's 7 43 2 86
Elllotsbarg 7 40 2 33
Borubeisl's 7 84 2 27
Groen Pirk 7 82 2 25
MontBiir June 7 27 2 20
Latidiburg 6 65 1 60
Arrive Leave a. ia p to
6 10 10 00
6 17 10 07
6 22 10 13
5 25 10 16
6 28 10 19
6 24 10 25
6 86 10 27
5 41 1032
6 09 11 20
p. ia a. m
Iraiu leave Bl enfl : 1 at G.10 a. 1,1.
and arrives at Landisburg at 6.4" a. m.
Tiaiu leaver L'iniiibaig at 6.14 p. at., and
arrives at Bloomtield at 6. 60 p. tu.
Trains leave Loysrilie tor Duncannon at
7. 220 a. ra , and 2. 15 p. m. Returning,
arrive at 10 37 a. in., aod 4.56 p. ra.
Between Landisburg .-.r.d Loygvillis train
run as follows: Lave Lsr.disburg forL'iys
vilie C 6" a. m., and 1 50 p m., Loysville
for Laudisiburg 11 10 a. ni .and 5 09 p. m.
All stations marked () are Ujg stations,
at which trains wilt come to a full stop on
Lotus E. ArctxsoN. F. U. it. P.Z(.l
27" Collecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Office On Main street, in place of ri-si
dence of Lonis K. Atkinson, Ks j., south
Bridge street. fOct28, 1S92.
District Attorney.
have formed a partnership for the pracfet
of Medicine snd their coll.iftertl branches.
Olfice at old stand, corner e.f Third and Or
ange streets, Miffltntowo, Pa. One er both
ot them will be found at their otiiee at a!'
times, unless otherwise professiorsSly en
gaped. April 1st, lS'.'o.
(Graduate or tie Philadelphia Dental Col
lege.) formerly of Mililinburg, Fa., bas lo
cated permanently in ili.iiintowa, as suc
cessor t3 the late Dr. ii. L. Derr, aa 1 will
continue th dental busine:. (established
by the latter in 1800) at the well known of
fice on Bridge street opposite Court House.
Jo Chloroform, Ether, or G-js used.
No Sore Gains or Diieotufort to patient,
either durit.p extraction or afterwards.
All these nro Guaranteed ?r co cbargo
will be made.
All work guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction. Terms, strictly ci?h.
Practical Dentist.
The nndersigied uursons Lave associated
themseves- together for the protection of
Willow Rub Trout stream in Lack town,
ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persona are
strickly forbidden not (o trespass npon the
land or stream of the said parties to fish
as the stream has b.'en stocked with trout
Persons violating this noice, will be pros
ecuted according to law.
It. H. Patterson,
T. H. Caruthers, J. P.
Roh't A. Woodside,
W. D. Walls,
Frank Vawn,
Dyson Vawn.
April 23, 1895.
Tho undersign d persons have formed an
Association for the protection of their re
snedive nrODerties. All persona are here
by notified not to trespass on the lands of
the undersigned for the purpose of banting
gathering nnts, chiping timber or throwing
down fences or firing timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no
tice will be dealt with according te law.
John Michael,
William Puffenberger,
Gideon Sieber,
Beasbor A Zook,
Mary A. Brubaker,
Joseph Rothrock,
John By lev,
Samuel Bell.
September 5, 1896.
Salary and expenses or commission.
High grade Stock at low prices. New
specialties. Seed Potatoes, SlC
in every town. Steady work. Pay Week
ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, Sec'y
Portland, N. Y. Sep. 16, 1896.
On and after Sunday, May 20,
1895, trains will ran as follows:
Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at
4 30 a. m; Uarrisbnrg 8 18 a. tn; Duncan
non 864a. m; New Port 9 24 a. m; Mil
lerstown 9 30 a. m; Dnrword 9 43 a. m;
Tbompsontown 9 47 a. m; Van Dyke 9 65
a. tn; Tuscarora 9 59 a. m; Mexico 10 02 a.
m; Port Royal 10 07 a. ra: Mi III in 10 14 a.
m; Denholm 10 21 a, m; Lewistown 10 40
a m; McVeytown 11 08 a. m; Newton
Hamilton 11 Si a. m; Mount Union 1140
a. m; Huntingdon 12 10 p. tn; Tyrone 1 02
p. ro; Altoona 1 45 p. n; PittsbargC 60 p. m-
Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a.
rn, IJarrisburg 11 20 a. m; Dimcannon 11 60
a. m; Newport 12 14 p. nt; Mifflin 12 52 p.
m; Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McVeytown 1 33
p. m; Monnt Ui.ion 1 66 p m; Huntingdon
2 17 p. m; Petersburg 2 80 p. m; Tyrone
8 05 p. mj Altoona 8 40 p. m; Pittsburg
8 10 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Harris
burg at 6 00 p. m; Duncannon 6 84 p. m;
Newport 6 02 p. m; Jtfillcrstown 6 13 p. m;
Tbompsontown 6 24 pro; Tuscarora 6 85
p. m; Afexico 6 87 p. m; Port Royal 6 42
p. m; Miff in 6 47 p. m; Denholm 6 55 p. ni;
Lewistown 7 13 p. m; AfcVeytown 7 88 p.
m; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. ru; HiintiDg
don 8 82 p. tu; Tyrone 9 10 p. m; Altoona
9 50 p. m,
Pacitie Express leaves Philadelphia at
11 20 p. tu; ilarrisbtir 3 10 a. m; Mart 3
ville 8 24 a. ui; Duncannon 3 38 a. m; New.
port 3 59 a. m; Port Royal 4 31 a. m; Mif
flin 4 37 a. m; Lewistottn 4 58 a. m; Mc
Veytown 5 30 a. ic; Huntingdon 6 0-i a.
rr; Tyrone 6 55 a. no; Altoona 7 40 a. m;
Pittsburg 12 10 p. m.
Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4
40 p.m; Uarrisburg at 10 20 p. ra; Newport
11 06 p. m; Milllin 11 iO p. m; Lewistown
12 58 a. m; Huntingdon 12 55 a. in.; Tyrone
1 42 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 30
a. m.
Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p.
m; Harrrieburg 3 50 p. ro; Duncanun -1 15
p. m; Newport 4 37 p. m; Mifflin 5 10 p. in.
Lewistown 5 29 p. in; Mount Union 6 09 p.
m; Huntingdon 6 28 p. tr; Tyrone 7 06 p
ni; Altoona 7 40 p. ni; Pittsburg 1130
p. m.
Harriaburg Accommodation leaves Al
toona at 6 00 a. tu; Tyrone 5 23 a m; Hunt
ingdon 6 05 a. m; Niwton Hamilton 6 ii
a. to; McVeytown 6 52 a. m; Lewisiowu
7 15 a. m; Mitt! in 7 38 a. m; Port Koai
7 44 a. tn; Mexico 7 48 a. m; Tbompson
tcvrn 8 02 a. ni; Uillcrstown 8 12 a.
Mcwport 8 22 a. m; Duncannon 8 49 a
Qarrisburg 9 20 a. m.
Sea Shore loaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 a iu;
Altoona 7 15 am; Tyrone 7 48 i id; Hunt
ingdon 8 80 a m; McVeytown 9 15 a in;
Lewistown 9 35 a in; Milllia 9 6-5 a ni;
Port Royal 9 59 a m; Tbompsontown 10 11;
Milleistown 10 22 am; Newport 10 32 a m;
Duncannon 10 54 a m; Marvsville 1107 a
m; Harrifburg 11 25 a tu; Philadelphia 3 CO
p ra.
Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at
8 00 a. m; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12
C3 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. to; Lewie
town 1 83 p. id; MiCiin 1 50 p. re; Harris,
burg 8 10 p. ui; Baltimore 0 15 p. in; Wash
ington 7 30 p. m; Philadclpbia C 23 p. ni;
New Tork 9 2'5 p. m
Msil leaves Altoona at 2 CO p. m, Tyron-i
2 3a p. m, Huntingdon 3 20 p ni; Newton
Hamilton 3 51 p. m; McVeytown 4 12 p.m;
Lewistown 4 38 p. m; MiBlin 5 03 p. m.
Port Roya'i 5 09 p. in; Afexico 5 13 p. in;
Tbompsontown 5 2" p. ni; Milierotown 5 38
p. m; Newport 5 43 p. ru; Duncannon C 20
p. nt; H nrisbiirg 7 00 p. ni.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg nt 1 00 p.
n.; Altoon i 6 05 p. ro; Tyions 6 37 p ni;
Huntingdon 7 20 p. in; McVeytown 8 01 p.
n ; Lewistown 8 2o" p m; JiHIin 8 47 p m;
Part Royal 8 52 p. m; Miilersto.vn 9 07 p.
ir; Newport 9 20 p. ui; Punciunon 9 50 p.
ni; Hirriibur 10 2) p. m.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at
4 30 p. ru; Altoona 0 05 p. ni; Tyrone 0 Si
p. ni; Huntingdon 10 12 ;. ni; Mount Un
ion 10 32 p. rc; Lewiftowu 11 10 p. ni; Mif
flin 11 37 p in; Hnrrisbur 1 00 a. ni; Phil
adelphia 4 30 Now York 7 33 a. tn.
Trains for SunJury at 7 35 a. tu. ami i )0
p. ui., l?ave snnonry ior iji'wisiowa iv uo
a. ru, :ud 2 25 p. m.
Trains leave for UcHefjut. ami Lo
Haven at 8 10 a. rn., 3 31 and 7 25 p m
Ieavo Lock f I iron ior Tyrone- 4 30, 9 10 p.
ro. and 4 15 p. ni.
Traina leave Tvrona tur O.'-virhVid an.i
Curwensviile at 8 30 a. iu.. 3 15 aa i 7 "0
p. ni., leavij Corwensviila tor Tyrone at 4 S;'
a. in , V lo and 3 51 p ni.
For, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket
Agent1, or address, Thcs. E. Watt, P.
A. W. D., 110 Fifth Avecue, Pitts,
burer, Pa.
S. M. Prevost, .J. R. Wood,
Geu'l Manacer. Gon'l Pass. Agt
Wo want a few men to sell n Choice Lute
of Nursery ot jek. v'o C iisim: mako you
rich in a month bat can give jou slculi)
tmuloymcnt and iciiV pay yan well for it.
Our prices correptma with ti.e tuue.i.
Write tor terms and t-rritorv to
July 14, lsoi. Koches'er, N. T.
No honest man can sell Goods
stay here.
Our joodg are Arguments. Our prices are eloaueu.ee
to make both Goods and Prices satisfactory everv time.
elsewhere and failed, give us a trial and
others have failed.
A FAIR TEST. Call at every Store
comparison yon will then be able to make of qualities and prioe. will preaoh-
far more forcible sermon than anything
l cen come ana see the difference between dealing with live and
Remember "no eld stock" here. Yours, unbiased and without
dead men.
K. H. McOlintic,
We are Headquarters for everything tbat can be found in a first elasi hard
ware store at lowest living prices.
l 1 ley Kailroal Company. Tuns table
of passenger trains, in uffjct on Moaday
October 1st, 1891.
STATIONS. West- East
ward, warl.
Ji I 1 2i 4
P M ! A M 1 K p k
Newp it 6 65 10 00 6 16 4 00
Buflalo Bridge 6 08 10 03 6 19; 3 57
Juniata Furnace ... 6 121007 6 28:3 63
Uabneta 6 15 10 10 6 35,3 60
Sylvan 6 25 10 17 6 40! 3 4?
Wat- r Plug 6 22 10 2uj 6 44 3 41
Bloomlield Junct'u. 6 31 10 2Q 6 61: 8 83
Valley Road 6 39 10 34 6 53 1 8 32
Elliottsbur? 6 61 10 46! 7 10: 8 15
Green Park 6 54 10 49 7 20 3 10
Losvil!e 7 15 11 00 7 05, 3 01
Fort Robeson 7 12 11 071 7 83 2 58
Center 7 17; II 12-! 7 41! 2 49
Cisna's Ron 7 23 11 18 7 3b! 2 45
Andersonburg 7 27,11 22 Z 45 2 40
Blain 7 85jU 80 7 48 2 83
Mount Pleasant ... 7 41'U 86 7 62 2 24
New Gerraanl'n ... 7 45 11 40 7 65 2 20
D. GRING, President and Manager.
C. K-. Miller, General Agent.
Z lilt is Ucpi Asttrr.
S9!SA5.TI w?iJ2 rtxvU
4. cc
i sr -jy? fs j ks . -
coy?'. fiT?.;;ST
i r .-. -.-1 ?" ::? r
.-. ......
it?: i ".r.
s - ; i . .
IfTOBV V.'t.:An:,l :; .-.;.:-.',.v.i-.i CT
CIS Ar-'''' t3 r"o aj-rTits. A7e sr-1! tmt
fee 3 j y-V i; ;i I; B rj.iui,ctie at hoiel
fJ 5 ij H ft ; rt1 3 K fi examiTiBtlcu hefore
"5 f !j -t --CiSivs. or at to tr.ms
C3i.':.':iitsfl.-.-:!f..i s:j,c:;.rs euiuu at a't-uts t'll
i'irt-:'w,e irs ci.r-J tr:; .'.:-r:ijc, lbs., satua as any
6i'j iriii.cl. licsksUoio;.
:.:u.:;ai.Icci f:t.e U3 Bi;wrila tell lr i'l tc VJZS.
Vrftt iin-s. rrfcrtPtrfrine, pe-rttct f iiuf.ViC nr.
VV'i;jn xn rni.it v v, t.u pvi rv i::r.n!'iro. xJvfiy tsn-?
-l imvn iiiyt 1 tl-r :h r.n r.-.t uiv'i t- utf
i :i.r .nr n hok".ii ;n ic(- 1 r .-r- I t
! f '. rii'iyt nu:-'.i ?. t:'ll ' t-. . !" iJuN-uacti
.-'.!. jra neulr-r-i fi? 1 dti-i t r..a!- ' It
buy lr:u ti3 tiir-ct a; T;.t.,j..: ale j. rice
;.P-CV27KH I'liiclratcd Cs-tnlcune t roo.
.VMrSOf -w - j , jT
" 'f.f -1 (T f ?-? 3 3; i
("!-' l-rri 'a F-.C-.Ti.)
; i.-l ' Vi ?eTfl Vrin lefle(r rr..S
:;eg i. I t.'. l. " Ri-.ii., :
lr:i.!3 Mire.
ii at -i-j
t . C-i UiJV.fl..l..!.v.
i.'.rr:';l' .... .-'
ii'ffu! i:;;j rfi'
i nny otlit-r in ilieLturk.-'. 5" -'ii,'- i
a'Ciiil.; Jt'l lit' ft al j.ii!;- :,. h
1- il -.r,--n Mvina i:; t.-t;,rr
ciTi.- in!t;ii:..- i'-.r hti' . ul: t- m
"iairin ?In.r;;'?s liny tlwn---,
;'r.i ii '!iiitr-4, 1. lii cic. : '
Cheaper than we can and
itself. Our aim ii
If you havo tried
We sucoeed whero
be convinced,
in town, then call on us. The iast
we could say. This is a fair test.
VV Sfti t"- - f-1
m. s".- s .'. as