Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 08, 1895, Image 3

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WEPSE3DAT. MAT 8. 1898.
Subsorlption, $1.60 per innw If paid
in advance ; S2.00 If not paid la advance.
Transient advertlsemenU Inserts at M
oanto par inch for each Insertion.
Transient business aotteea la loeal eoU
amn, 10 cents par line for each Insertion.
Deduction will be made to those desiring
to advertise by toe year, half or quarter
Tho base ball fever rageth.
The public schools in town, close
this week.
James Horninr is having his sta
ble rebuilt.
There are 20 inmates in the Hunt
ingdon jail.
A considerable percentage of corn
Has been planted.
The coping of the jail wall has
Deen white-washed.
lra. Harriet te of Lakeside is the
guest of Mrs. Van Irwin.
Stop, look and listen befsre Ten
turiDg on a railroad crossing.
Mrs. Rebecca Crider is visiting her
parents and kin-folks in town.
In the State of Delaware, they are
looking lor a large, peach crop.
The firm of Hinkle & Ellis has
been changed to Hinkle & Sens.
District Attorney Schweyer, spent
Saturday in Hamsburg, on business,
Miss Ruth Bunoo left this place
for Marklesville, Perrv county, last
Mrs. Thomas Shaver returned
home last week from a visit to Lan
caster. Miss Bess Mann of Letvistown, is
visiting Mrs. Robert McMeen in this
The number of spring birds from
the south, seems to be greatly reduc
ed ibis seaben.
The Republicans of Franklin Co.,
will hold their county convection on
the 4 th of Jane.
The communion of the Lord's Sup
per, was observed m the L'resbytenan
church on Sabbath.
The Mi6se3 "Warner of Washing
ton, D. C, are visiting their . aunt,
Mrs. McMeen in town.
Judae Lyons will ass'st Judge
Bell of Biair county in discharging
tho duties of the May court.
One hundred and five fire compan
ies, will attend the firemen's conven
tion at Reading next October.
The police of Altoona, the other
night, captured 19 persons in two
disorderly houses ia that town.
A committee has been appointed
by a meeting of citizens of Newton
Hamilton to solicit subscriptions to
further prospect for gold in that
The lowest price paid for a horse
at, the pn'olic sale of horses on Mon
diy was $46.00; the highest price paid
was $205.00: the averago price paid
was $8G.31.
The 5th Convention of the Juniata
Epworth Lpaauc, will be held in the
Methodist Episcopal church at Lew
istown. Pa., Tuesday and Wednesday
May 21 and 22, 1S95.
The police cf Philadelphia and
Chicago, have requested a photograph
of the three men, who are in jail,
charged with the blowing of the safe
and robbery of Hertzler's store, for
identification at the rogues' gallery
nr for some other purpose.
Abraham Lincoln had a sister
postmistress in a small town in Ken
tucky. Cleveland removed her and
placvd a Cleveland Democrat in her
place. The destruction of slavery by
LinerD, was not a meritorious act in
the errs of the Democracy.
While turning out to pass a wagon.
the bucffv wheel of James Youner of
Widdleto-vn, struck a rut with such
fores that he was thrown out. light
ing or. the wheel of the buggy, and
from that on the back of his head on
the road lsst Friday. He died on
Saturday, aged 72 years.
On the 15th of April last, W. S.
Elliott, suffered a loss of dwelling
homo and contents by fire at Reed's
Gay this county. He was insured
by A. S. Okc-son in the Teutonia of
Allegheny for fourteen hundred dol
lars, which was paid on the 27th of
the Fame month in which the fire oc
cnreil. Talking about industrial schools
hy the State, a citizen savs the best
industrial school for children is the
industry that they learn from parents,
who themselves are industrious and
wel! to-do people. What is tho use
of industrial schools to tax the peo
ple, when the children can be better
taught at home, the industrial work
and trades and busiuess in trade
houses and in business places. There
is to much school and not enough
The Huntingdon Jonrral of last
week says: The Sunday poker play
era, who have been in the habit of oc
cupying the shady retreats along the
gr issy banks of Crooked Creek, on
the lands of Jack McCahan in Smith
fifld township, have come to grief,
! r. McCahan having determined to
break up the practice. On Sunday,
a raid was made by the police, and
it was amusing to see the gamblers
breaking for the hills in every direc
tion. "J ick McCahan 's Gloucester,"
will be a thing of the past if the law
can prevent its continuance.
Last Friday, Officer Hackenberger,
received a request by despatch from
J. Linden, Superintendent of
rmlodelpLia, requesting description
and pictures of Parker, Evans and
West, who are now in jail here, on
the charge of safe blowing and rob-
btry of Hertzler's store at Port Royal.
Oa the same day. Sheriff f!lhonn re
ceived a despatch from Inspector of
m ui nicago tor photographs
and description of the prisoners with
the expression that if they are the
partus they are believed to be, their
past record will be teat here
J. B. Kurtz of Altoona spent t, dav
in town recently.
Bellsfonte, Center conty will oal-
1. : l i - .
mbwubj, wuns o, o ana 7.
Ira Wilaon and brother St&aton.
A. M a .
pent a iew noun in town last Fri
D.f J . .
.uoiuwu county u ia nave) a new
jail, which baa been contracted for at
Tha 24th day of Auarnat baa bean
set apart as re-union for the soldiers
of Blair county.
Mrs. Hesa has returned from Dun-
cannon where she bad irons to at
tend the funeral of an aunt
Priest Phelan of St. Louis, assert
that the Christiann Endeavor socie
ties and leagues are but courting
The Methodist church is baine re.
rvuivu. 10B root mat is Demg re
J Tl. L . - - .
moved was put on after the CTclona
1 tofm
james o. Adams employed in (ha
Watchman newspaper office at New
ton Hamilton, visited this place on
I he bill to pension common school
teachers, who have taught 50 years,
has passed second reading- in the Let?-
A 450 pound woman recently visit
ed the Huntingdon Reformatory to
see ber husband, who is in the Re
Children playing with matches, set
fire to and destroyed the barn of
Henry Peghtal in Penn township,
Huntingdon connty.
On .Monday Squire Weidman'a
time as Justice ef the Peace expired,
and the time of the newly elect.
squire James W. Hamilton began
.Lewistown Gazette, May
2- The
John K. Metzfarm, a short distance
south of this place was sold Tours
day last to Lotus W. JVetz for 13.
f.ni a j .
-rinneye aimcis many people in
Brady township, Huntingdon county,
n' 1 , n . . .
xuoeres oecome lnnamea. red in
flamed, and emit a burning watery
Some of the grass fields of the
county, are as well set with grass
tbey can be. Other fields of land
good as the former, are poorly set
witn grass.
No more premiums will be paid
for fox and mink scalps. The law
that authorize premiums on such
scalps is a suplement to a dead, re
peaiea act, ana is meriore of no
binding force.
Colonel Kasey of Virginia crave
talk on soap from a store box on Main
street the other evening. It will
take a Yankee with his eyes open all
day to match the Colonel on meritor
ious soap,
The Odd Fellows Temple at Phila
delphia, will be dedicated .May 21.
ine Pennsylvania Kailroad Company
sell r?duced rate excursion tickets for
the German Baptists Dunkards
meeting to be held at Decatur, HI ,
May 28 to June 8.
The McVevtown Journal says:
A misunderstanding is said to exist
between Presiding Elder Polsgrove
and the Juniata Valley Camp-meeting
Association as to tue oiosmg of the
gates on Sunday during the meeting
this year. Key. Polsgrove savs they
will be closed, while the stock hold
era of the Association say they will
not be. It is alleged that the Asso
ciation has lost over f 1000 in the last
three years over the agitation of the
Sunday question and the affair will
ba run hereafter so as to brin the
most money into the exchequer. The
directors will not do anything to in
terfere with the running of trains to
and from the camp ground, believing
that tue people nave as much right
to attend camp meeting as any other
religious gathering on Sunday.
The report of two tragedies eonie
up from the south within the past
week, owing to the stolen love inter
course of married people. It is the
same old recinriuge Btory witu
one difference, and that is, all the
pirties were married. In the Breck
inridge case, the man was married,
the woman was unmarried. In the
late Kentucky case, the husband of
the woman followed his wife and a er
lover to a colored woman's house, the
place wheie the unlawful lovers were
wont to meet, and there the husband
killed both his wife and her lover.
All tho parties were prominent peo
ple. The other case was in New
Orleans and was identical with the
one just mentioned with this differ
ence that the wife was not killed.
Her husband did not even shoot at
her, bnt he put five bullets through
her lover.
On Saturday a horse bitched to a
spring wagon in which was a number
of chairs, a milk can, &c, stood in
front of Robert McMeen's residencs.
The young woman in charge of the
borse and wagon is a member of the
family tenanting the farm of Mr.
McMeen. The animal, &c., belong
to Mr. McMeen. All of a sudden the
Presbyterian church bell began to
ring. It was not sweet music for the
beast's ears, but gave the animal
such a shock that it started to run as
if shot out of a gun. In turning the
corner at the Commissioner's clerk's
house the wagon struck a post. The
single tree broke, and anchored the
wagon, while the horse ran away but
was caught on Washington street,
and was returned none the worse for
the Chureh bell fright. The only
damage done, was the breaking of
the single tree.
Mr. Editor: Dsab Sik With the
spring of the year, when the ice and
enow have all gone, there is general
ly to be told in many circles, either
among the cultured or among the
"fishermen" some great fish story.
Probably some Juniata fisherman
has had some experience with a big
black bass, a shad or a piko this
spring; but this fish story is of no
such small game. No, its a whale.
A whale T Yes, a whale.
Down by the Fulton Ferry on the
East River side of New York city,
you will see a small canvass tent
built over a sort of a raft that lies on
top of the water. At the entrance
you will see in large letters, "The
Whale." Tickets for sale; adults 15c,
children lOcts." After you have
bought your ticket, you descend
about six steps from the dock onto
the floating raft, present your ticket,
and you are admitted in beneath the
canvass right beside the whale. A
boy that has been raised in the conn-
try wu tun want uib ajiowieage
or man fish is obtained only from
Dooaa and sometimes these doubted,
wumu oxciaim "ureal Bcott, what
nanT Uid that ever grow or was it
From the ticket agent at the door,
and by the way, who waa very kind
to me, gave me the information and
particulars of the whale. And when
he observed that his information was
being noted down, continued to re
late in aetaii. This whale was found
aead oy a merchant vessel near Nan
tucitet sboaia on the oouit nf M..o.
cutuetiB. it is not known, th
01 iw aeatn, but it is believed that it
-I!. , . . . . - , .MOV
una in some way been injured. At
tne rignt side, a larce niece waa
eu out Dy a shark, but this probably
uuiib uter iu nastri it
"'UU8U' uers w new xorK and is now
L L I IT V. - .
on exhibition, and during these ten
days, thousands of people have gone
to see "the whale." The length of
this monster is 75 feet, and weight
62 tons. This weight is considered
accurate, being obtained as the
weight of lading a ship is, by the dis
tance tue vessel ia sunk deep in the
water, there being marks on the fore-
1. r a 1 . - . -
puri. 01 uu snip uae tne scale on a
thermometer to measure the weight
ofthe ladinsr by the depths the ves
sel stands in the water. A professor
from Washington, who has made
whales a special subject for the last
fifteen years, visited it the other dav.
and from his knowledge determined
that this whale was at least 600 years
old. The jaw from one side of tha
mouth to the other is 14 feet. The
mou th is 7 feet loner, and it is said that
its throat is but 3 inches, ita food be
ing masticated like a cow before it ia
swallowed. It would seem a physical
impossibility for Jonah to go through
a three inch hole, but there is nothing
that breeds infidelity quicker thaa
whon we begin to question the Sacred
Pages; we should accept it and ask
no questions. A New York divine
Dr. Newton in his church a few
Sundays ago, and has likewise since,
stirred the religious circles by doubt
ing the physical resurrection of the
body of Christ.
But we are drifting off the subject.
The eyes of the whale are very small,
the ball being not larger than four
inohes in diameter. The skin is two
inches thick and the blubber six, suf
ficient to warm many an Esquimaux
from the inside out It is estimated
that it will produce thirty five or for
ty barrels of oil. The ontrals were
removed, and these amounted to
twenty one barrels. The fin on the
tail measures fifteen feet from tip to
tip. I must close or some one might
say, this is too '-fishy."
Ben Nox.
Jersey City, May 3, 1895.
Squire W. H. Groninger, clerk of
the Board of County Commissioners,
has been authorized by the Commis
sioner's Attorn ey, to notify all of the
Justices of the Peace in the county,
not to pay a premium on fox and
mink scalps as the act for the pay
ment of such scalps is unconstitu
tional. Walked a Thousand Miles.
Earnest Evans, who taught the
Corbin School in Juniata township.
Blaii county, during the past winter,
kept a record of the number of milee
he walked to and from the school
during the past six months. His
daily tramps footed up 1,192 miles.
Besides he woie out several "pairs of
shoes, one pair of gum boots, invest
ed capital in a mackintosh, ulster,
and a pair of school room slippers,
paid ma ooard and received f 5 a
Reduced Rates via Pennsylva
nia Railroad, acceant mt
Meeting-ofOermaa Bap
tists (Dankards) at
Decatnr, III.
For the accommodation of persons
who desire to attend the meeting of
the German Baptists (Dunkards),
to be held at Decatur, III., May 23 to
June 8, the Pennsylvania Railioad
Company will sell from -Way 24 to
J une 1, inclusive, excursion tickets
from all points on their system west
of and including Baltimore, Lancas
ter, and Reading, and south of and
including Snnbury, to Decatur and
return at a tingle fart for the round
trxp. Tickets will be good to return
to starting point not later than
July 9.
Reduced Rates te Pniladel
pnla via the Peans ylva
nla Railroad.
On the occasion of the dedication
of the Odd Fellows' Temple at Phil
adelphia, May 21, 1895, the Pennsyl
vania railroad company will sell, on
May 20 and 21, excursion tickets to
Philadelphia and return from all
points on its system east of Pitts
burg and Erie, north of Quantico and
south of Conandaigua. inclusive, at a
tinglt fart for the round trip, with
minimum rate of fifty cents. Tick
ets will be good for return passage
until Jtfay 23, inclusive.
This rate is open to the public.
and offers an excellent opportunity
for a visit to Philadalphia at a very
small cost
Fast and freqnent express trains
run from Philadelphia to all princi
pal New Jersey seashore resorts.
Juniata County Pomona Grange,
will meet with Fermanagh Grange
at "Arch Rock" two miles from Mif
flin station on the P. R. R. on Thurs
day and Friday, May 30th and 31st
at 10 A. M. The first session will
be devoted to the business of Pom
ona Grange and the report of the
Secretary of the Fire Insurance Com
pany. r-BOGRAM.
Welcome by Fermanagh Grange
Brother, W. H. Knouse. D. M. Mar
shall, J. T. Ailman, William Landis,
N. H. Esh and J. T. Work, will pre
prepare papers choosing their own
subjects. Bro. George Ubill will
continue bis subject, What the
Grange has Done. Sisters A. E.
Humphrey and Sister Simon Ulsh,
will read essayj. It is intended that
the question box will be an interest
ing factor during these sessions.
Come with your questions fully
written out
In accordance with the request of
Fermanagh Grange, Thursday even-
lug session wiu am puuuo. interest-
ing speakers will be present
D. B. MeWnxxAsts.
for active lady or gentleman acquaint
ed wun neighborhood. Compensa
ticm from 940 to $150 monthly.
Work outlined. Only energetic par
ty, amoiuous to succeed, need apply
No capital required. Address, with
reference, state age and whether mar
ried or single. Globe Bible Publish
ing Co., 723 Chestnut Street, Phila.,
Kellef In Six Hears.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseases relieved in six hours by the
"New Gbxat South American Kidket
Crax." This new remedy is a great
surprise on account of its exceeding
promptness in relievintr pain in the
bladder, kidnevs, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or
female. It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want quick relief
and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by Ll Uanlcs At Co., Druggist, Mif-
flintown, Pa. Feb. 6.
Bedeieed Rates to Denver, Col.'
via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the accommodation of persons
who desire to visit Colorado ou the
the occasion of the meeting
of the National Educational As
sociation, at Denver, Col., July 5 to
12, tbe Pennsylvania Kailroad Com
pany will sell excureion tickets on
July 3, 4 and 6, to Denver, Colorado
Springs, .Vamtou and Pueblo, at tht
extremely low rate of $50.75 from New
Tork, $19.25 from Philadelphia, $47..
50 from Baltimore and Washington.
147.25 from Harrisburg; proportion.
ate rates from other points.
inese tickets will be good for re
turn passage from Colorado points
on July 12, 13, 14, and 15, with an
extension till September 1, if desired.
A special tram of Pullman Buffet
Sleeping car s will be run, leaving
New York at 10.10 A. M., July 4,
stopping at prominent intermediate
points, and arriving at Denver on
the afternoon of July 6.
Ibis affords a grand opportunity
for a trip to the world renowned
Rocky .Mountain resorts in Colorado
at a comparatively small cost.
Keller in One Day.
South American Nekvixb relieves
the worst cases of Nervous prostra
tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
lief and blessing has ever come
the invalids of this country,
powers to cure the stomach
wonderful in the extreme. It
way3 cures; it cannot fail. It radi
cally cures all weakness of the stem
acho and never disappoints. It is a
luxury to take and always safe. Trial
bottles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. 6, ly.
On Monday the County Commie,
sioners, contracted with Mr. Jacobs
of Huntingdon to make sewerage
connection Pet ween his street sewer
and the jail and Court House. Three
eells in the jail will be connected with
the sewer that will be brought from
Bridge street into tbe Southwest cor
ner of the Court House, where tbe
closets for that builing will be locat
ed in the cellar. Thence the sewer,
will be run under the Court House
into the jail yard where connection
with the jail will be made. The con
tract price is eight hundred dollars,
and the work is to be completed
within 10 days.
Zkidebs Lai-ver. On the 30th ef
April, by Rev. Jam?s C. Benson, Mr.
Beiij. Zeiders and Miss Alice Lauvcr.
Bartov Pajwehiker. On the 1st
inst., by Rev. W. F. Steck, Mr. David
W. Barton and Miss Martha B. Pan
nebakrr. Okeson Kiloore. On the 27th
nit., by Rev. J. W. Bain, Hal. H. Ok
eson of Spruce Hill township, this
county, and Irene McCoy Qilgore.
Long Stkoup. On the 21st of
April by Absalom Barner, J. P.,
Daniel E. Long of Liverpool town.
ship, Ptrry county and Eve L.
atroup of Susquehanna township,
this county.
Thurston's PILLS
Arr pwrfcet boeilth Jewrli, nf.
rrlnuH&io dutrex but inlaw
llh!e to relieve. When ever
tiling ! OAS failed to brine
you rrtlaC lor headiwhe. bit
tonitn. atomarh and llvr
complaints tr AK YOl'K
PIUA It uU seats
MirninTows, Jfy 3. 1SP6.
Hotter 20
E(TRB io
Ham is
Shoulder, 12
Lard . n
Wheat 65
Corn in ear.... ...... .... ...... 60
Oata 82
Rye 60
Cloveraecd.......... .... .... ..
Timothy aeed. ............. ....S2.00
Flax seed 60 1
Kran go
Chop $1.20 a hundred
Middlings i.io
Ground Alum Salt........ .00
Aaaericnn Salt 75c to 80 I
Philadelphia Markets. Wheat 68
to 75c; corn 53 to 54c; oats 34 to 37c;
Live bens 10 to 11c a lb.; Snrintr
chickens 28 to 32c; butter 13 to 27c;
eggs 12 to 13c; old potatoes 60 to 80c;
Fiorido new posatoes $3 to $6 a bar
ren Southern radishes, 190 iu a
bunch, 25 to 75c; Florida tomatoes,
$2 to $3 a basket; Florida cucumbers
f 2 to $2-50 a crate; Southern peas
per ba-ket $1.25 to $1.50; Southern
beets 1UU in a bunch 10 to 12c; hay
$9 to f 14 a ton.
East Ihbebtt. Pa.. Mav 2. Cattle
Prime, $ 5.50a$6; good $4 99a5.30;
good butchers' $4.50a$4.90; rough
fat, 93.25a3.80. Hogs Receipts,
f4.95a5; mixed $4.90a4 95; best York
ers, $4-85a4 90; common to fair $4.70
a4.80; roughs $3.25a4 Sheep, extra,
94.20a4.45; good $4a4 20; fair, $3.20
a3;60; common, $1 50a2; best lambs.
$5,25a5.50; good lambs, $4 70a5; fair
Iambs. 2.70a4.25: SDrine Iambs.
J$4 50a8.
Bargain Days! Bargain Days! at
Commencing, Thursday,
Saturday evening, May 25th.
- zd to ou per eent. lower in pries than tbe lowest, crowds enr stores with
sger buyers. The wonder of the day: How it is our goods can be sold for
snoo pnoes. its a wonder to both buyer and seller. There is ne seers. We
bny at tbe right prioes from first hands and pay the eash down. We sell all
uur goons ior eaiD uown. X on don t
red in tha arsdit 1 .-.L..
-- "J ",wy. uwiuici
give Donte or inw and lower prioes, -the people believe it. Tbey coma in
great number. Tbe proud position of other imitator. Tbey are only isaitatina
" auvj .a,,, vj um wsjime
We sell you during Bargain Week
v O allies, worth Ave eenta s
rant, uur iricc ten Jtrdg for twenty-five
Fancy tnrkev red table linen flftv-aix
mcsei wiae, worm u cent, our price 21c
Imported turkey red table cloth. Hftv
six inches wide, worth 60c our price 25c.
L.ineu lame .damask, nearly white,
worm oc, our price Zoc.
Henriettas, worsted and delaines in rem
nants by the pound, worth 75c, our price
thirty-three cents a pound.
Sheeting muslin 40 inches wide, worth
9 cents, our price Ave cents a yard.
Henriettas nearly all wool, worth thir
ty cents, our price 19cts a yard.
Thirty -six inch dreas goods, half worst
ed novelty figured, worth 25c, our price 15c.
American best indigo calicoes not dam
aged remnants, worth 7c, our price 4c.
Fancy figured and chanibray calicoes,
lM-autilul patterns, no remnants or damag
ed prints, worth 8c, our price 4 Jc.
Hill best bleached muslin, 86 inches
wide.wotth 9c, our price 17 yards lor $1.
Fancy chintzes in light designs for
waists, worth 7cts, our price 4Jc.
Heavy twilled towelling, worth Cc a
yard, our price 8 yards lor 10 cents.
Good chaff ticking, worth 10c a yard,
our price 9 yards for 67c.
I'anta goods, worth 25 and 30c, our
lrlce 12 and 14c.
Ladies and children's summer vests,
worth 20c at 5c.
Percale and Gingham Sunbonnets. oar
price 22c.
Gingham aprons, ready to wear, our
price lOcts.
White or black aprons, ready to wear,
our price 12Je.
All Wool Forty inch Henriettaa and
serges, black and other colors, worth 60c,
our price 33c.
P. M. Corsets, worth 76c at 49 cents.
Children snd Misses corset waists, our
price 25 cents.
Fancy and figured black dress goods at
specially reduced prices.
Forty-six inch best table oil rotb,
worth 2 So, our priec is I4c.
Appleton tine muslin worth 7 c; vur
price 21 yards for SI.
$1000 worth or men's, ladies' and
children's shoes atfpecially reduced prices.
All new goods direc from tbe manufactur
ers We do not buy seeoad band rshoes,
sheff worn goods or leather cracked by ago.
Lancaster and Amos Keag Gingbans
worth 9c, enr price 4 Jc.
Clark'a teat O. N. T. spool cotton for.
ty-flvc cents a do2n or 4 cents a spool.
Five thousand rolls of wa1 paper, with
bsrders to match at specially reduced prices.
And every it during Bargain Week from 9 o'olook to 12 o'clock noon.
Lancaster and Amos Keg Gingham?, choice patterns at 3 io a yard; 5
yards to one person. A unbleached 1 jard wide fine muslin, 3 cents a yard;
10 yards to 1 person. 40 inch wide; heavy nnbleaohed sheeting; 20 yards for
95c, to one person. Best make, American Indigo Blue, 64 cloth calioos; 10
jards for 38o, to one person. Best make of Brown and fancy pattern of Cali
coes; 10 yards for 88c, to one person. Genuine Buttermilk Soap; no imitation
6o a cake; 3 cakes to 1 person. New silk emtroiderod Suspender at lOo a
pair, ro one person. Best Hil , do inch
a 1 I . Ll l: a . r
w . pcteuu. oive viai-aing, o oases ior cenis; o cages to 1 person.
Don't forget the time. Commencing, Thursday, May 8th, nntil Saturday
evening, May 25. Schott's Stores. 103 to 109, Bridge St., Mifflintown, Pa.
Offer to the People
J uniata County,
1 -! n. m ns . .
no most vcmpietc otccic ot Clothing and Rents' Furnishing Goods,
they taye ever handled. Thy carry all the Latest iu Hats, Shirts and Neck
wear. It ia conceded by all that they haye no Ccmpotitors in these Lines.
Their Goods were selected with the greatest care, and compriso all the latest
weaves in plain and Fancy Cbevoits, Blacks, Blues, Browns, Plain and Fancy
v.ooiuicict, a.u. jureo usrweniH sre made in single and Double-
Ureas ted Suit, New Style Cntawaje, Dove Tail Cutaways, &c, &a We of
ci iuu iuuuw:ug upeuiai xargains:
MEN'S SUITS. For 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 i
10-12 15-18 and 20 Dollars.
3-4-5 6-7-8 9-10-12 and 14 Dollars
Laundried in 100 different styles for I
-35-60-75c and 1 dollar. I
Men e Working Pantaloons 50c, ( 0c. 70o, 80o. 90c, $1 00
.Men's Dress Pants $2., 2.50, 3., 3.50 4., 4 50 and 5
Latest Style Derby tiatt $1., I fiO, 2., 2.50, 2.75, 3
" TonDd Hats, $1., 1 35, 1 50, 2.
" " Crush Hats 25c, 50o and 75c. Si 1 25. 1 SO 9
xt u Care Aent be celebrate Sweet Overalls; we are Agents for the
Newburn, never rip Over alls; same make and same guarantee as Sweet Orrs
' . I "j u'i ofc'ems ior me x'ougioes shoes. Grand Army
Smts, (7.
All tbo latest in Collars, Cuffs, psper, linen and celluloid.
A pair of Celluoid Cuffs for 5c; Celluloid Collar 10c.
We have made arrangements with a merchant tailor and have 500 samples
from which to select. We will take your measure for a suit, guarantee a yjer
feot fit and save you from 5 to 10 dollars on a tuit made to order by your tail
or. All we ask is a trial. Spring overcoats made to order. Thanking our
patrons for their liberal patronsge, acd assnrmg them we will endeavor to mer
it a continuance of the samo, we are yours to please, HOLLOBAUGH & SON
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmer and Funer
al JDirector. ' '
I shall from now on uee the
cr outride box to laet and be in good condition for
ageg, which will certainly be
for people to ute to picjeive the remains of their
fi iends It alto is an tileircinalor of all vermin.
Bridge $t.,
Schotts Stores.
May 9th, and continuing until
pay in our stores for tbe losses osenr
. j
uiure ana more apparent, WBSB WO
wan poper. nice pattern, border to
maicn, worth 10 and 16 ceuta, aur Mice 7c
a doable belt.
26 yards of One unbleached muslin, te
ucon wiae ior 91.
Heavy Blue Pernios, worth 16c a yard,
war price ?C.
Heavy 9 ounce, Blue Denims worth 18
cents a yard, our price 12c.
Men's fancy shirts, 16, 60 and 65cts,
won. -o per cent. more.
rine quaiitr or imparted dress goods
at a saving of 40 per cent.
White geods and trimmings, all at re.
ancsa prices.
Ladies' skirt for 24c. worth 69c.
Fancy satteens, newes ont, worth 17c,
aur price iuc.
indies- snni waists, worth 40c, our
price ZZcs.
Men's ganso veata, . worth 40c, our
price 23c.
Men's blue denims overalls, worth 60c,
onrprice 35c.
6 pairs nf men's hese, worth double
our price twentv-flve.
Ladies' black hose worth 10c: eur nrice
6 cent.
Ladies' seamless black hose worth 18c,
our price 10c.
Fancy striped carpet, worth 20 and
26c, our price 12 J and 15cts.
Domestic make of carpet, worth 36c,
our price 20c. Carpets at 85 and 65c in
finer goods.
Brussels 'carpets at specially reduced
prices. Some extra nice Brussels, worth
76c, our price 60c.
One yard wide floor oicloth, worth 80
cent, onr price 19c.
All floor oil cloth at specially reduced
Carpet chain, four ply oil color, worth
25 cents, our price 18c. Three f ly, car
pet chain, best goods, worth 20c, our price
15c. j
e'f window sliadet on 4orino- roller..
worth 25c. onr prioe two for 25c.
!t oil shades, ftpring rollers, worth
45e, our price 25c.
Lace cr:w worth 10c, onr price 5c.
Chenille curtains, table covers and enr.
tain poles at specially reduced prices. All
isce curtains, ten different stwes at extra
reduced prices.
Wash tilks for waists, worth 60 cents,
our price 35c. Idia aik and fancy trim
aning silk at extra reduced pricea.
Pillow case aheeting, 42 inches wide,
worth 12Jc, our price 9 cents.
Bleached and unbleached muslin at
specially reduced prices.
Men's best heavy shirting, worh 10c,
our price 7Jc.
wide, bleached muslin at 5o; 10 yards
e . -
z. pair ior zoo; Detter quality 20c, 50o,
i do ana i. per pair.
CHILDREN S &U1TS. 75o-90o
1-2 3 4 and 5 Dollars.
Mifflintown, Pa.
Spring FasMins in Hen's, Boys' & Children's Clothing.
oOo -
JVew Tariff Prices.
It was our shrewd buying. It's
our nervy selling that baa leveled tbe
road for the Wage-Earners to the don.
ble-purchasing f ower of tbe dollar, for
we are in an excellent position to
meet all reduoed wages with reduced
prioes! We have touched the popular
chord of the people it has vibrated in
onr behalf, so shall the booming of
these bargains vibrate ia behalf of the
Next to duality and stvle the moat
connection with your New Spring Suits
without fear of successful contradiction,
Clothing entitles as to year custom, tbe
Men's All-Wnnl Imnnrtod PLv WAfsJ finWa ;M .k- 1. Q.A.
tbe Dressy 3-button Cutaway and Repent Frock mf-.Mf, in ihn moat fnaafMfc
fitting garments. They're $10 values
Men's stvliah. ainolo nr JmiKIs
- j 1 w...
bets and rich unfinished Wrstrlc-
ieo ve and body linings, and fit just right
We challenge any house in the county to equal the value
we offer in Spring Suits for men. Look about, compare, ex
amine, but before you buy don't fail to see a line ot new style
Sack Suits m Black. Brown and Oxford mhrerl rhevAi'r.
ually worth 10, but being sold
Men's extra fine imported All-Wool French Worsted
Suits, in either blue or black Sack, Cut away, Regent or Prince
Albert, best of trimmings, sewed and finished by artists, worth
every penny of $12; Price $9.90.
Men's extra fine imported Diagonal Worsted Chevoits and
unfinished Worsteds, in singleTor Double-breasted Sacks, Cuta
way or Regent frocks; genuine $15 to $18 values, elegantly
trimmed and finished, every size, fit as they should fit, $11.85.
Short Pants Soits. A Hue of tbese in dark servicfable'Diaterials for everyday wear
and for school, special value at $1. Boys Fine Suite at $2.68, which, are worth $4,
$4.50, $5 snd $6- Mothers, afttr yon bare seen three Boys Sails yon will acknowl
edge that they sre tke tr si end bifgrst tsr; ains nhieh hate ever been brought to jonr
notice. Long Pacts Suit. Two specials in tbere,;well worth investigating. A large
and attractive Viit of tfctre in flaik mixtures, tingle-breesttd style, all ees, 14 to 19,
for f 4.00. A Tine chewing f Long Pants Suits in 'Black and Gray Mixed Chevoits,
single td Double Breasttd, 14 to 19 for $6.C0. 600 psirs Children's Pants, in the re
liable Union Cbevoits, every eixc, new sell for 19. SPRING TROTJSKK8. A choiee
line, coirprising all tbe new styles in foreign and domestic fabrics. Fancy Worsted
stripes 9Sc. Black and Blue Cbevoits in gord quality JI.76. All wool stripes and
checks, new efTVcts $2.00. Fine imported Worsteade Jand ;Csssiiners, elegantly made
and trimmed, J4.CO. Tou should wear a hat the proper 1 hape. London shapes, ia
what you want. Webavethiro. A new and complete line of Gents' Furnishing
Goods at Ibe Lowest Price in the history of Juniata county.
Special Invitation To Tke Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that gees on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Tts 1 H ow qualitlflesrs ttasnrpsased, scttiaTff
CnUsMiug1 two bovss of say oter brand. Hal
flsetsd by hss. CVC3ET 1'HK UEX CtSK.
Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and
Steady Employment guaranteed.
Dec. 8, f)l. Rochester, N. T.
Tbe Stnituel and Repmihra office ia tbe
place to get job work done. Try it. It wOl
pay yon if yon naed anything til that line.
As tbe Leading end Largest
Clothier of Juniata county, it behooves)
us to supply tbe gentlemen of Juniata
eounty with the very newest Fabriaa
and Fashions in wearing apparal. Tbia
we are prepared to do, having spent
much time and labor in onr efforts te
produce a line of garments out, made
and finished in striot aoserdanee witk
the meat fine and latest dictates of Fashion.
is the price. Right here we assert
that if thn
price doei titn more 10.
$7 98.
k - CL c.... : O'L:
v.vsfrcu kjavs. kjuus, iu uaiu uiaoa, Jul
8 k. k.li.
for the trifling sum of... $6.75.
Wholesale and Retail Clothier,
116 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Tenna.
Juniata valley bac
oi'mifflihtohii, va.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Pomeroy,
John Hertaler,
Robert B. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joseph Rotbreak,
Josiah L. Barton,
' Lonis B. Atkinson,
George A. Kpner, Annie .V. Sbelfey,
Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Manbsek',4
I.. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin
Mary Kurtz, Jerome, N. Thompson,
John Hertaler,
T. V. Irwia.
Charlotte S nyder,
John M. Blair,
F. M. M. Fennel),
Samuel S. Rothrock,
M.N. Sferrett,
Josiab L Barton,
Robert H. Patterson,
LeTi Light,
Wm. 8 warts.
H. J. Shallenberg'
Three and Four per cent. Interest will re
paid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 2?, 186 U
Baflbrinc from the effect of jauthful errora, mstf
M - - Tuusfnwt sfrs fwtA
i who Is ssnu sad dabOltsted. siMrsnB
Consumption 8urly Oured.
Io Tan Baoomt Plssse inform your rsssssa
Jkatl bSTS a posture rsmsdy tor tts stnTS nmuvd
disease. Br Its timely txsa Saunas nrta of hopslsaa
essaa asrs bsen pai aasucntly cured. Iafesllaela4
to ssnd two bottles f mj rsmodrFKBMC to any st
your asaStra who has ooosamattoa aT thsy wOl
sand mo then Irarnnal P.fX iiHias Respect
fully, j.A.uaocu.u.c..mPmnaus.t.