Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 17, 1895, Image 3

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Sabeeriptloa, $1.50 per ananas If paid
tn advance ; $2.00 If aot paid In adTanee.
Transient adTortlaeawnta Inserted, at M
ewtt per Inch for each Inaertton.
Transient business notices ta local ool
amn, 10 cents per Use for each Insertion.
Deductions will be made to thoaa desiring
to adrertta by tba year, half or quarter
Carl Espenscbacle, spent Eastsr at
Lwful troat fishine; began on
Quilting parties are fashionable in
Perry county.
The expected Easter storm turned
into a gentle rain.
Pittsburg will have a 15-story of
fice building for lawyers.
ilis Betty Mijer visited relative
in Washington mat week.
Mies Mury North Las returned
from a visit to Washington.
Mies Laurie Guss of Harriiburg is
visiting fneuds m Patterson.
Misa Blanch Crider of Bellefonte,
is the guest of Mrs. Oeoige Jacobs
John F. Schweier of the Sestixel
and Rkpubijoak, spent Easter in Phil
adelphia. Jacob Browand has the frame of
his new stable op, ready for weather-boarding.
On Easter Day a number of peo
ple in Youngstown, burnt Judas Is
cariot in effigy.
Porus A. Neely has bought tha
homestead farm in Tuscarora town- j
ship for $G,000. j
A man may smile and smile, but
if be doesn't quit ho will see snakes.
Tens Sifticgs.
H. C. Holloway, D. D., closed a
series of meetings in his churh in
this town on Easter.
Henry M. Groninger has placed a
new roof on his barn and farmhouse
in Milford township.
Charles Heber Clark, delivered a
speech in favor of silver before the
Legislature last week.
There ere 150 persons in the Cam
bria rounty poor honse and 69 per
sons in U:e county jail.
Youcgstown, Ohio, has 20 youpg
la lies who have adopted dress re
form and wear bloomers.
The 4-pound eel that D. K. Sa
louff caught in Zook's dam, has set a
grist of fish stories afloat.
John W. Kirk, was home from
Lancaster, over Easter, from duties
in the revenue department.
Edward Partcr, of "Washington,
has come from the cipitol city to re
main in Jnniata this summer.
On the first of April, the sheriff of
Clearfield county received 150 exe
cutions for the E6xfc term of court, j
At theatre of 100,Vich-l W. Byrd,
c-.lorifo, cf Crislield, Md., chops
wood and does other work of a
young wan- Ex.
Squire C. B. Horning is having a
psacb orchard planted oa hia farm
at Driho!m. He bought the trees
from Thomas Bulouff in Fermanagh
H?v. Mr. Adair and layman James
Kidd, represented the McCoysville
U. P. congregation in tho Big Spring
Presbytery, at Hopewill, York coun
ty, latt week.
Now doth the boy steal forth to tap
The maple trees with joy:
Meanwhile tho farmer, flail in band,
S:oaIs up and taps the boy.
Boston Courier.
Some tiights ago John Furguson
of DimmKville went to bed suffering
with a e6vere cold. During the night
L was stricken with blindness, and
at latest reports bo had not recover
ed his sight.
The bill abolishing the kissing of
the Bible in the administering of
oaths, and substituting therefore the
laying on of the hand on the open
book, has become a law by the sig
nature of Governor Hastings.
Sheriff Spccht, of Snyder county,
bought a fleet trotter in Philadel
phia, the first night he had the trot
ter home, another horse of the sher
iff kicked one leg of the new horse
so badly that the beast had to be
Mamma "I'm glad to see you
praying so much during this holy
week, Elsie." Little Elsie "Yes,
ma'am; I'm praying illl rain next
Sunday, so that stuck-up Minnie
Style won't be able to wear her new
President Cleveland was made an
gry by the speech of a Methodist
preacher, in a Methodist conference
in Salem, Mass., by stating that the
president gets drunk. A speech like
that is calculated to make any sober
nan angry.
A careful record kept at Yale for
eight years abowc that non-smokers
are twenty per cent, tailor, twenty
five per cant, heavier and have sixty
per cent, more living capacity than
smokers. Confirmed smokers will
hardlv profit by the smoke record of
Yale college, but the boys and young
men cun greatly profit by it, "if they
refrain from smoking.
The New Port News of the 11
inst savs :
Last winter George Biattenberger,
a young man, and Dr. A A. Murray,
of Liverpool, committed an abortion
on Daisy Hitter, an orphan eirl. of
the same town.
The men were arrested and held
for trial, whifh tnnt nlaed thin nealc.
Biattenberger pleaded guilty and was
sentenced to nnv a. flnn of 25. the
cof.ts of prosecution and undergo im-
I'ribODuient m tne eastern peniten
tiary for a period of fifteen months.
Murray stood trial and was con
victed yesterday. The court sen
tenced him to pay a fine of $25 and
the costs, and nndergo imprison
ment in the eastern penitentiary for
a period of two years.
Misa Rachel Hendornnu. muni laafc
, ... . r --
oaturaay wun Alias .Eleanor Camp
The fall meeting of Huntinjrdon
x reauyicry wiu Dm Held at ron
The State T.hra AaavM.t.'nn
will meet ot Mount Gretna, July 2,
3 and 4.
Miss Nell Musser spent last Fri
day and Saturday visiting relatives
in Newport
There are 33 republican candidates
for the office of sheriff, in Westmore
land county.
Abraham Milliken, of Tuscarora
township, died on the 12 inst.. of
Bright'a disease, aged 53 years.
Joseph H. Mathers, D. D., will de
clare the Westminster Presbytery
church pulpit vacant, the first sab
bath in June.
Rebecca Davis Shaffer, aged
months and 17 days, daughter of
Thomas' and Lillian Shaffer, died on
the 12th inst., after a protracted and
complicated ailment of erysipelas and
pneumonia. Interment on Monday
alter noon
From the Huntingdon Journal of
the 12th inst. There was a horse
buyer in Everett recently, who pur
chased ten or twelve in one day.
I be prices paid were from $3 to $40.
The price paid for most of the num
ber purchased was $5 each.
"Joseph Conrad, of Lower Augas
ta twp., Northumberland county
who secured a pension by imperson
ating his dead soldier cousin was
sentenced in the United States court
at Scranton, to thirteen month's im
prisonment in the Northumberland
county jail.'
That the able editor of the Hun
tingdon Journal is a practical man
and a utilitarian of the first water, is
mado eclar from the following from
his paper on the 12 inst There is
no excuse for swinging dumb-bells
and Indian clubs when you can get
a spade and nave access to a garden.
Somerset county farmers who
manufacture maple sugar report the
output up to the present time this
season as being unusually large.
The sap is more than ordinarily
sweet, and it does not require as
much of it to make a pound of su
gar as when the conditions are other
wise. Newton Hamilton people are atill
happy in the pursuit of gold, digging
for the precious metal in their gar
den lots, may their golden dreams
come true. But what a pity it
would be if gold should be found
there. The glorious campmeeting
ground would be changed from a
spiritual, religions summer resort
for the place of the gold digger and
money changer, however, the camp,
meeting place could te located in
soma oth;r place.
The Perry county Freeman says:
J ulge Lyons will teach the people
of this county that a court subprena
is not to be treated with contempt.
Michael Lauver, was subpoecftd in a
case this week, and did not put in an
appr-arance. An attachment was
awarded for him and the sheriff
brought him into court. His excuse
for non attendance was "that he
thought the weather was too bad."
Judge Lyons promptly fined him $15
and the cests of the attachment.
Presbytery at its meeting in Hun
tingdon last Wednesday, April 10,
elected the following Juniata county
ministers, commissioners to the Gen
eral Assembly, to meet in Pittsburg
on tne ibtn ot my, tin v. is. ju.
Campbell, of Port Royal and Rev. J.
F. Diencr, of Waterloo. D. T. Neely,
of Academia, was licensed to preach,
The judicial committee recommen
ded that the resignation of Rev. J.
R. Henderson, of the Westminster
Mifflmtown church, take effect on
June 1st, 1893.
Rev. F. McBurney with, layman
James Adsmn, of Walker township,
represented the Mexico TJ. P. con
gregation, in Big Spring Presbytery,
teat met last week ut Hopewell,
York county. The pastoral relations
that bad existed for a period of over
26 years between Rev. F. McBurney
and th4 Mexico congregation was
dissolved by Presbytery, on account
of the advancing age of the pastor.
Rev. John J ami sod, of York county,
will preach and declare the pulpit
vacant on the 21st day of ApriL
The Huntington News Bays: Wm.
M. Thompson and wife of this
place, have concluded to separate af
ter a married life extending over 55
years, lie is an invalid lit years ol
age, and his wife about ten years
younger. They wore the parents of
fourteen children, eleven of whom
are living. The cause of separation
is best known to themselves, but it
is very rare, indeed, that a couple
who have snared tne loys and sor
rows of married life for over half a
century will decide to part company
so near the close of their earthly ca
From the Lewistown Gazette,
April 10, 1895: One of onr citizens
recently received a letter from a
friend in Pittsburg and among other
things he says: "I noticed in an art
store on Sixth street, yesterday,
flag in a large frame with a placard
on it reading 'First flg carried to
Washington through Baltimorein de
fence of the Union, April 18, 1861.
The inscription on the flag was, 'Pre
sented by the Ladies of Lewistown
to tne Xjogan uuards. Tlius it is
seen that the old flag fills an honor
ed position wherever it may be.
The New Port Ledger, of .the 11th
inst, says: The majority of our
readers will remember a colored
preacher, named Keily, and hie wife,
who lived in the little house at the
upper end of Second street, belong
ing to the Betehel estate, and that
they were a very godly couple.
They will also remember that they
held service in the square in front of
the Ledger office on two separata
evenings, and during one of the ser
vices Mrs. Kelley stated that she
bad received a "vision"from the Lord
telling her that a great calamity
would befall Newport Whether
there was any foundation for her
"vision, is not here nor there, bat
that a "calamity has befallen New
port" is tine, and many innocent per
sons are susenag on account of it.
r a i .
xa oeoui, cures, a nog bell is
rang at sunset, all men are then re
quired to hasten home and remain
A I X ' 11 A 1 1
taere uu we next morning, if a
man appears on the streets after the
gates of the city are dosed, which is
shortly after sunset, he is flogged,
but the women are allowed to go
about and visit their friends.
Owinar to the fact in at th. j:.
trict attorney of Bedford county
will not have any business to briar
before the grand jury of that county
next week, tha ahariflT i .-
- F - UHU Ml-
tructed to notify citizens summon.
Bauujumnnoi to attend a
state of tinners that never Kofnm
happened in the hiatnrr nf TMAtA
The Pennsylvania Methodist says:
It was thought at the eloaa of th
last political camnai -u that the Penn
sylvania legislature was composed of
an unusual number ol able men. Its
sessions in Harrisburg have demon
strated that it contains a fair share
of well intentioned, well-qualified,
dignified members, but that it is des
titute of leadershiD. and thus tar baa
been the plaything of the demago
xne number of frivolous vimnna
money squandering bills thus far in
t 1 1 ! T.l
uuuuu unu ucvu legion. iTetween
the lobbyist who crowds its aisles at
his pleasure, and the nlsvf ul mooda
of its members, who spend much of
tneir time in guying each other,
throwing paper balls, and the coarsest
horse play, the time is worse than
wasted. The thoughtful visitor citi
zen is being convinced that once in
ten years would be ouite freauant
enough for its meetings.
Watson Leaoh. a citizen of this
town died, auddenlv. nnTnwlHl
about 1 o'clock on Monday morning.
tie was silting up witn Jacob Under
wood, who is aeriouslr ill at hia hnm
in Patterson. Mrs. Underwood had
not retired, but said aha wnnM t;
on the bed alongside of her husband
to take rest and aha nffararl a lava
rocking chair on which she had been
sitting to Leach, telling him he could
ait in it more comfortahlr than nn
the chair ;he occupied He seated
himself on the rooking chair and as
he did se, he groaned three times
and aank in the chair. Mn. Under
wood called neighbors and sum
moned a doctor, but before they
came the rrjirit of Wabuan TaaiK UmA
taken its flight to the world beyond
il l at w.
ois vaie oi tears, interment in the
Menonnite Cemetery about 5 milea
east of this town.
The Eastar Services held in the
Ltutharan church on Sunday evening
attracted a large audience, many
memDeri ox otner ennrcnes being
I will sell a car load of horses at
the Jacobs Houae in Mifilintown on
-Monday. April 22d, 1895, at 1 o'clock
P.M., on the usual terms. They
consist of all purpose horses; range
in weight from lOOOlbe; aged xrom
coming 4, to 6. years old. " True to
representations. Sale "rainorsnine.
u. 1. SNYDIB,
Reoloele's gallery will be moved
from Patterson to Walnut after April
20. But until that time will be giv
en, the best .bargains yet. A dozen
cabinets of your family for $1., is a
sample. Come, any day, rain or
shine. April 26, the last chance. 2t
Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland Dental
Department desires to inform the
public that he has opened a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills, Pa., where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
an teed.
The larirest subscription howse in
the country wants a first rate repre
sentative for this community lor
strictly special work. Short hours.
Good pay. Minister, teacher, or
wide-awake man or woman given
preference. Address, stating age
and former employment, Globe Bible
Publishing Co., 723 Uhestnut St.,
Phila., Pa.
Thurston's PILLS
An pcrta-t kMlta Jwl. M
trtunw Wrm bat lataW
llbl to nllcrt. WhM avvrr.
B thlaa-elM baa taltod ta briaa
M 7" rUf 'or b deh, bit
Se iooaMM. atoaaak aaa liver
cvmplalata or AK Vni'K
I-ill, my atail aa
PaTtzbson Cabteb Oa the 10th
inst, at Port Royal, by Rev. J. K.
Lloyd, Mr. K T. Patterson, and Miss
Lettie Carter.
ScnxaoLE Hotrrz. On the 9th
inst. at East Balem, by Rev. John
Landis, Mr. William E. Schlegle and
Mies Annie E. Houtz.
Oi tha financial aceuunta of tha Road 8aparriaort and of the Overasera of the Poor,
and of the Collector of Poor Tax, and Money Road Tax, with their liabllitiaa and a.
seta far the towatbip of Fermanagh, Janiata County, Pa., lor the year !.
Sapervlsors Accoejat far 1894.
H. U. riNH I , IB account with township for 1894.
To amount of work tax Duplicate. ......... ......
eaab received from all eourcas. ....... ........
$1041 30
S76 48
By Tax worked out and drbta paid. $1256 4S
Bv rxoncrationa allowed 8 49
By 91 days aerrice at SI. 60 per day 136 60
1896 46
$1416 68
To Balance
To Balance duo Towatbip oa Settlement.
20 28
1416 68
1416 68
20 23
S. P. SMITH, in account with Township (or 1894.
To amount of Work Tax Duplicate
cash received from all sources. .............
687 37
289 26
926 62
By 'ax worked out and debta paid 775 20
exonerations allowed .. mz
94 days aerrice at $1.60 per day 141 00
917 62
U 00
926 62
926 62
C. E. IIOWKR, Collector, in account with Twp., for 1894.
To amount or roor Tax Explicate
5 per eeat. added
i .... . ..
620 60
6 24
C26 84
By aaah paid Overseers. 677 32
By Commission and rebate ... 40 87
By exonerations allowed .............................. 8 66
626 84
626 84
To cash Roed Tax Duplicate
" o per cent, added
623 83
624 29
By cash to Snyerviaors. . . . . .
" note In J. V. Bank
axonerat ions allowed ... .
" Commission and rebate..
aaah to Aaditors ,
96 48
468 60
10 68
47 76
1 63
624 29
624 29
BVAK DAVIS, Overseer In sce't with Twp., for 1894.
To balance irons last year...
cash from all sources. . .
82 76
407 14
Br BilU'paid 895 98
3o daya service at $1.60 per day 87 60
488 48
To balance 6 46
419 HO.
To balance due Twp. en Settlement
J. L. ZOOK, Overseer, in account wifh Twp., for 1994.
To John Stoner, certificate of last year..
cash from all source.
4S9 89
439 89
6 46
22 16
672 63
By biJs paid
89 days service at $1.60 per day
By ealaaee
By Balance due Overseer and Settlement.
688 44
68 60
641 94
641 94
47 16
694 71
47 16
641 94
To Dote in Juaiata Valley Bank.. ,
ameunt due 3. L. Zook, Overseer
620 70
47 16
By cash ia hands af Davia $4$
' Penny 20 28
44 M u tt smith 9 00
" " " " John Byner on aM account of the year
1M I... 6 94
To balance 535 sj
667 86
To Total Liabilities or Twp .77
CxBTiFiao to by THg AgDrroBB, Attest:
B. F. SCHWEIER, A. J. Wilkhajl
667 86
667 86
626 28
mmn oavs i mmn days :
Sctiott's Stores.
Commeneing, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 1TH, matil Saturday
AvoniDg, April avin
It is Blowing a Breeze
There is reason for it. The Dry Goods and Notions, btfueht at less thsn
nail sue rrnoiesaie trice irom the Keeeivara K. S Jaffra Ar. Cn iaanarUra
aod Jobbers (New York), bas made a revelation in the Spirit of Trade, that
una oausea a nig sensation, and the other Big Stock of goods bought .from
other Large Concerns in New York about a week ego. This big lot of goods
will be sold to jou for less than market value. And at specially low prices
uuring Bargain v eek.
60 Cases of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods.
36 Rolls of Carpet of all kinds and Grades.
SO Boxes of all kinds ef Men's Ladies' aod children's shoos.
" 2000 Window Shades of all qualities. Wall Paper; Ladies spring wraps.
Oil Cljtb. Chenile and Laco Curtains
We sell jou Daring Bargain Week:
fancy Dress Goods, 86 isobes wide at 9ie a yard; worth 20o.
Henriettas, all colors, a yard wide at 19u; worth 30o.
Serges and Henriettas in all Shades, 40 inches wide at 33o; worth 80c.
40 inch wide, sheetiDg muslin, 20 yards for $1.00; worth 9o a yard.
25 yarda of good unbleached muslin for $1; worth $1.50.
21 yards of extra fine quality, yellow muslin for $1; worth $1.50
17 Yards of 1 yard wide, best hill bleaehed muslin fur $1 ; worth $1.50.
42 inohea wide, bleached Pillow muslin at 9o a vard: worth 12ie.
Lancaster and Amos Keae, fancy Gins-bams. 100 different stvles at 4io:
worm oto.
Fancy Dress Ginghams at 6j sod 74c; worth 10 and 12ic
Zepber Ginghams, extra fine eloth for dresses at 8c; worth 12o.
Chevoits and sbirlinss. extra nualitv 10 vard for 75a- worth ftl DO
Chaff Ticking, 9 jards for 69o; worth $1; also best feather ticking at low
V . ..' . .
r auoy inaigo, blue and fanoy colors and calicoes 100 diflcrent styles at
4ft cents.
Foulards of choie, dark, red, selected styles at 5&e; worth 8e.
Fancy Silks for waists, which you can wash at 35c; worth 50 and COo.
Ladies skirts at 24; worth 40 cents.
$5000 worth ef Men's, Ladies, and Children's rbr.es at specially reduced
. Carpets in fanc3 myles and stripes at 12Jc; worth 20c.
Carpets of Domestic make at 20o; worth 29e.
Ingrain Carpets, fancy Patterns at 25c; worth 40o.
Ingrain Carpets of belter quality at 35. 40 at.d 45s.
Brussels Carpets at 55 and 65c, selected gtylns, worth 50 per cent. more.
Best 46 inch Table Oil Cloth, 30 styles at 14o; worth 25o.
Wall Paper at 7c a double bolt; worib lOo and borders to match. .
3000 Bo ts of Wall Paper of all grades to soleot from, with borders to
Clark s O. N. T. Spool eotton 45o a Dos; 4 spool.
Ladies good blaca bose at 60. Better quality of Ladies' Hose, 3 pair for
26 eebts.
Full seamless Hose, 10 cents apa;r; worth 18c. Fine Bla-k Dress Goods, all wool at
a earing ef 40 cents oa the dollar. TriKiuina- silks and w.i.t . .n.;.u.. j
ad prices. Bice Deiuiu at 10 cents a yard; worth 16c. Pants goods at 12i and 14c
worth 2tfc. Deinin Overalls at 83c: worth 60c. Ueb'a Fanov .m-i. . aa .Ia an. '
And every day during Bargain Week, we i:t sefl vou from 9:30 te It o'clock,
nooa, Lancaster and Amos Kese Ginehams at tic. a TaVrf: a r.rri. .
Ana waeeiaaa. HaaJ
nnbleachmuslinat3ccntsayd;10yardstoono perton. Best Bill bleached mns
- ' 5 cen,8? 10 yards each person. 40 inch wide sheeting muslin at 6c
a yard; 20 yards to each person. 10 yards of Fancv Fifrnred rial
to one person. Buttermilk Soap at 6 cents a cake, 3 cakes to each person Silk em.
broidered suspenders at 10 cents a pair, 1 pair to a person. Stove blacking, 8 cakes
for Scents. Ladies S 11 in mer Vests, eood aualir at 6 cunt a vpii. rin. n
person. Heary Twilled Towelling, 8 yards for 10 cents; 6 yards to ontlperson
10 yards or Indigo Blue Calico, 38c; 10 yarda to one person.
Don't foreet the time Commencine Saturdav Marnino-.
April 13th until Saturday f vening, April 20th.
OiFer to the People
Juniata County,
the Biost ConiDlete Stock of Clothine- n.. nnta9 iv.i, r
1 r- uiuicuiug uuuup,
they have erer bandied. Thf y carry ail the Latest iu Hats. Shirts mrl
wear. It is conceded by all that they have no Competitors in these Lines
Their Goods were selected wilh the greatest care, and comprise all the latest
weaves id plain and Fancy Chevoits, Blacks, Blues, Browns, Plain and Fancy
Worsteds.-Casfiimorcs. X-n Theci (lirmcnii ;n c;.i. j r ...
- ' tn iiuuits auu xsousie
Breasted Suits, New Style Cutaways, Dove Tail Cutawajs, Ac, &c. We of
Spring f askisns in Ms, Boys' & CMldrea's Clothiiig.
o 0O0 o
JVew Tariff Prices.
MEN'S SUITS. For 2 3 4 5 G-7.8 0.
10-12 15-18 and 20 Dollars
3-4-5 6-7-8 9 10-12 asd 14 Dollars.
Laundried in 100 different stvlea fnr
.So-SO- 75c and 1 dollar. '
2 pair for 25o; better quality 20c, 50o,
75c snd $1. per pair.
( F1IIBEN S SUITS. 76o-90c
1-2 3 4 and 5 Dollars.
.Wen s Working Psntaloons 50c, 100, 70, 80c, 90c, il 00
.Men's Drees Pants $2., 2.50, 3., 3.50 4 , 4.50 and 5
Latest Style Derby Hatr $1., 1.50, 2., 2.50, 2.75, 3
Tound flats, $1., 1.35, 1 50, 2.
H Crush flats 25c, 50o snd 75o, $1 1.25, 1 50 2
We are Agenla for the celebrated Sweet Overalls; we are Agents for ths
newDurn, never rip Over alls: same make ami
at 1 ... ' . ...iuuilc H UBBCl 1 irrB
for less mcnev. W tltnt,i...i. 1 ,
Snita 87 uugiaes snoes. urand Army
All the latest in Collars, Cuffs, psper, linen and celluloid.
A pair of Cellnoid CnfTa fnr ruii..i..;j rii in.
) V.11UIUIU 1VC.
We have mad; arrangements with a merchant tailor and bave 500 samples
from wbieh to p1po w mil t.t.. . . r
j - lu'-BBure lor a (.uir, guarantee a ner-
fect fit and save you from 5 to 10 dollars on a Euit made to order by vonr tail
or, aii we ass is a trial, taring overcoats made to order. ThenkiD our
natrons for their liberal nairnnono 4 . . l. , . e UUI
. 1 0-1 -"u.-fi uicui wb wm euaeaver to mer
it a continuance of the same, we are yours to please, HOLLOBAUGH & SON.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmer and Funer
al Director.
I shall from now cn use the
or outeitie box to last and be in good condition for
ages, which will certainly be
for people to ue to prcteiTe lie remains of their
fiiecda. It aho is an exterminator of all vermin.
Bridge $t, Miffiintowti, Pa.
It was onr shrewd buying. It's
onr nervy selling that has leveled the
road for the Wage-Earners to the don.
ble-purchasing power of the dollar, for
we are in an excellent position to
meet all reduced wages with reduced
prices' We have touched the popular
chord of the people it has vibrated in
our behalf, so shall the booming of
tbeee bargains vibrate in behalf of j'the
As tbe Leading and Largess
Clothier of Jnniata county, it beboovea
up to supply tbe gentlemen of Juniata
oounty with the very newest Fabric
and Fashions in wearing appsral. This
we are prepared to do, having spent
much time and labor in oar efforts ta
produce a lice of garments out, made
and finished in striot acoerdanee with
tbe most fine and latest dictates of Fash,
Next to quality and style tbe most importsnt point to be considered ia
connection with your New Spring Suits is tbe price. Right here we assert
without fear of snocessful contradiction, that if tho superior excellence of Oar
Clothing entitles ns to your custom, tbe price does even more so.
Mens All-Wool Imported Clsv Worsted Suits, in either stvhsh Sacks or
the Dressy 3-button Cutaway and Resent Frocks molded in tha mnat narfaat
fitting garments. They're $10 valuea $7 98.
Men's stylfeh, single or double breasted Ssck Suits, in plain black Tbi
bets and rich unfinished Worsteds: $8 gems, containing the most reliable
lecve and bedy linings, and fit just right $4.70.
We challenge any houte in the county to equal the valuea
we offer in Serine Suit s for men. Look ahnnt. crnnmn).
amine, but before you buy don't fail to see a line of new style
Sack Suite m Black. Brown and Oxford mivpd rTiPvoi ta rf
ually worth $10, but being sold for the trifling sum of... $6.75.
Men's extra fine imported All-Wool French Worsted
Suits, in either blue or black Sack. Cut-away, Kecent or Prince
Albert, best of trimmings, sewed and finished by artists, worth
every penny of $12; Price $9.90.
Men's extra fine imnortf d Diagonal Worsted Chevnita and
unfinished Worsteds, in siDsle'or Double-breasted Saeka. Cuta
way or Regent frocks; genuine $15 to $18 values, elegantly
trimmed and hnished, every size, fit as they should fit, $11.85.
Short Pants Snils. A IIo of tliase ia dark aarvicaaMa malarial far atrnluaa,r
and for sebool. rrecial value at SI. Bots Fiae Snlta at fs.; hi-h worth m.
$4.50, 9 and $6- Mothers, altrr you bSTa sten tbrsa Bors' Suits ton will acknowl
edge lint tbey are Ike brst snd bireeet tart sins bicb bate ever been brouaht to Tour
notice, long; Psnta Su'ls. Two specials in tbee. wall worth investlaatiaa-. A larsra
and altraetiTs lice of ihrie in daik mixtures, sincla-fcressted style, all siaes. 14 to 19,
'"" 4- w rnowiDjr ai L.ort rants suits in U'ack and Uray Mixed Cbevoits,
eirale atd DcuMe titstUd, 14 to 19 for 6.C0. 600 psira ( hildren's Pants, in tba re
liable Union Chavoita, every size, now sell for 19. SPRING TROUSEHS. A choice
line, comprising all Ibc new atylca in foreien and domestic fabrics. Fancv Worsted
stripes 98a. Black snd Ulue Cbevoits in aro d analitv S1.7V All wool atrinaa and
cbecks, new effects $2 00. Fine imported Worsteads and (Csssimeres, elegantly made
and trimmed, $4. to. Yon should wears hat Iba proper bape. London shapes, la
what jeu want. We hava thtra. A new and roninlele li no fif fiiiti Fnmisihnsr
Ooodi at the Lowest Price ia tbe biitery of Janiata conntj.
Wholesale and Retail Clothier,
US Bridge Street, Miffiintown, Penna.
1866, ESTABLISHED. 188.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have meney to invest to examine the Stock ef Good for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
JVtiaaiBa; two bazas of any oUtor braad. Hs
sin ni l br a7sciivr T&h cucaicias,
Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and
Steady Employment iraaranteed.
Pec. 8, '91. Rochester, M. T.
The Sentinel mmd RtpMl .'u-m office is tbe
place to get job work dons. Ti j it. It will
fay yon if yon need anything to that line.
er niFru.iTowN, pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable
T. TAN IRWIN, Cstater
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothroak,
John Hertsler, Josiah L. Barton,
Robert K. Parker,' Lonls K. AUIasea
T. V. Irwin.
George A. Kepner, Aanle ht. Shelley,
Joseph Rethrock, P. W. Manbaek,'
L. E. Atkinscn, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin
MaryKorts, Jerome N. Thoaspsea.
Joha FTflrtalAr.
Charlotte R nyder,
John HT.' Blair,
r. M. Sr. Pennell,
Samnel 8. Rothroek,
H. N. Stcrrott,
T. V. Irwia.
Josiah L Barton,
Robert H. Patterson,
Levi Light,
Tm. S warts.
B. J. Shallenaarga--
Threa and Four per cent, interest will Da
paid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 28, lf 6 w
of youthfal emjra, fmtff
. lost manhood, eta. 1MB
(aaalMf) oocUiotM faQ
; hooid" mfbrfM
nd dabilUataS. .AaimaaJ.
from tfaa effacta of Youthful anna.
dacar. waatia2 waakoaaa, lost manhood. ato
aaad a aiaabla troilloo (aoalMf) ooctatoiBa; CsQ
paraeaiais ror aoasa esre. ff
aaaa wb ia BCTosa and
fttt V. C PSWUB, Mftodfca,
Oonensmptlon Surety Curod.
To Tmm Mwnomt Hasi lonma toot saaeara
Shatlhava aaeaittre naaadylor ttMatmre-naaasd
Siaaa By tta ttmaly nae Sanaasnils ofhopatoaa
eaaas aaTa boon j, iman1y enrod. laaaUbaglad
to aend SwoaotUaa ot mf ramedy IBU as aaa- at
toot roaSuia who hajra eonmaaBOoa tf thay wfQ
nnd ma tbdr Expnaa and P. (X addaaaa. aaanatEt.
folly, T. A. BLOCCat. af. 0. 181 Ptmii SL. V. X.