fe REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWW r WEHXESJUY, APRIL S. IR95. TERMS. SnhoriTon, $1J50 per annnm if paid in lincf.; $2.00 if not paid In adrauco. Transient edvertisraenta Inserted at 60 rcM per incb for each Insertion. Transloct business notices tn local eol cmo, 10 csnt per line for each insertion. Detections will be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quart-r rear. SHORT LOCALS. Altoona lins 22 bicyc'e agents. Charles Adams, has returned from Philadelphia. Good Friday, April 12 abd then good br to Ler.t. Lesvistown proposes to have a 8 days cen'euoial celebration. There was considerable stir in money matters, on the 1st of April. Tbe winter st.ow was good for the wheat, bat the Mareh blow was hard n it. The State will meet at . and 4. Teachers' Association, Mi. Gretna, Jnlj 2, 3 Women vote in Kaneap, and one at Wichita, eae her ago at 115, and was proud of it. Plowing for oats has been harried every fn:r dty, by th.i farmers who want to be up with the season. PcDnsyivanians give tramps para- dim! treatment compared to treat ment xfeaded to the road sai'iora in other states. The Republican National League will hold a three days convention in Cleveland, Ohio, befiineing on the 19..h day of Jnue, 1895. A pair of horses from Cashier Djty's f rni, driven by farmer Bergy, got up a ruu off in Patterson, last Friday. The horses were not hurt. It is worthy of mention that the roads were smooth, dry nad dustr, on the 1st cf April, something that is no, often met with at that time of ti-.e year. Ihe Utah constitutional conven tion is considering the question of Woman Suffrage. The women of the j state ouco they get a vote will solve the Moiuin question. Mrs. Wislnrt, of Fulton county, is among her friends in Juniata, and hasb.ion beliiog tj install her broth er, Mr. W. H. Moor, in his bachelor quarter?, in McAlisterville. D.-. H llonray is holding Eister sorvire in his chnrch every bight ic ihe week, and will continue the ser vice until Eifter, wht-n the Lord's Supper will be administered. Sunday i3 intended for a day of rest, ilanyptople do not observe it as sii?ii and the result is, that on Mondiy morning they are more fa tigued than tbev were on Saturday evening. Dr. H. C D-rr, formerly well known in tin"-; town, wes found dead. death having been CitiMl by heart trouble on a sofa in his dental of St, ia Lswishur:, on the morning r.I tho -2Sih of Mirch. Th funeral of Mrs. Ilnbert Mc D i too!; plaeo froru the home cf Y. J. Z-:ders. in Patti r'-on, oa Moa d ty r.'icri.oon. Htr remains hd bo- )i brought from Harrisburg on SiUirlr.v, evening. Interment in th5 It : byterun ccmo'ery. God Friday, neif, Aniil 12. tha hoHveuly bodis vhich "ravitate ruund l;e bnn rill be exactly the siui j portion they occupied in the tirf.rssLit ths d;iy Christ!; died on the cr-'-.i. It will ba the first time such a thin has occurred since that great d iy, just 1302 years ago. Thf? wbolf-ar.le merchants, of New Y rk, are making montv, by ini porting under the democratic reform tariff 1 h foreign cheap goods, and American workmen have nothing to do and !! tbe good times promised by tix3 D -i.-ir.cratii; leaders. A, tle lata term of the Delaware county court the name of Thomas D. Pis'.-. wa3 drawn ss a juror, a tri.i! he was called, and ' Spring days for laasafraa and norseradisa. There were many people in town on tne 1st of April. There is a report that Japan and xkufcBia nave lormed a combine. The Beaver nail factory at Belle ionte is to be changed into a tin piau mill. People at flitting on Monday, worked under a strain of expectancy looking for rain. March came in like a lamb, and went out like a lamb. What became cf the roaring lion. Ex-Cominisioner John Cunning ham, is seriously ill with the break of tbe bona of his right leg between the knee and hip joint. Mrs. Laura E. A Greenleaf of Hen ry Clay, Delaware, has been Yiaitin" her brother, Hon. L. E. Atkinson and other relatives in Juniata. The turnkey of the Wichita (Kan.) jU forgot to look a door last Tues day and twenty-six prisoners walked out, bnt a'l but two were soon re captured. Mrs. Cuarba R?nninger was se verely scalded while lifting a bailor of water from ihe stove. She trip pod and the water splashed on her face, hands and arms. On Tuesday Apiil 9, will be the 30th anniversary of the surrender of General Loe to 'General Grant A generation not than barn hive come npon this stage of life. John McFarland, while blasting stumps on his farm pear Mononga helo, was killed. Husru McKenna. bis n-pnew, was badly burned that he will lose tbe sight of one eye. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa. Feb. 6, ly. Washington, D. C, is one of the most attractive places iu the cjuntry to visit. The railroad will run an excursion to the Capitol City o-j the 11th of April 1895. For timj and rates from -Vifflin, read in another column. The first announcement of the names of the Assignees of Newport Bank, Hon. L. E. Atkinson and Holmes Irwin was an erroneous an- i ii'iuuceiaeni iurc was sent out trom I Newport. The Assignees are B. M. j Eb v, John Fiisher, J. M. Sharon. I We return thanks for an invitation to the public; exercises connected with the Centennial Anniversary of the organization of the Presbytery cf Huutingdon to be held in the Pres byterian chnrch of Huntingdon, April 9, 1895, beginning at 10:30 A. M. The Sextubl ahd Ripublioax gives a larger variety of wholesome read ing matter than any other paper pub lished in Juniata." It is just the place through which to make known your bua5n-s as an advertiser, for it is more extensively real than any pa per in tbe county Some days ago, three men stop ped the etae tit a lonely place in the road between Cassville and Mill Creek, Huntingdon county. There were two women and three men pas ssngers, and Iho thievea took their inoBy w Licit amounted to about $90. w atches an. I papers were not taken. On April Is, members of the 1st Pennsylvania Cav!ry looked back 30 years, to April ltf,' 1865, on which day the battle of Five Forks was fought. Rebellion was thcie on its last trembling legs, snd the battle of Five Forks was a blow that sent it staggering toward Appomattox, where it surrendered in a few days. Milford, March 31. A couple of shek swindlers 1 v3 been ' working" Huntingdon county farmers. They would pay a few doliars fer the sole right to paint sins on a barn or fenee and get the farmer to sign a receipt for tho money. The receipt a at OC It AH All H. had of centennial exercises, of Hunting don Presbytery at Huntingdon. April 9, 1895. . . voisnra, 10.30 o'clock. Doxology, "Praise God from Whom all blesstBgs flow. Invocation, "The moderator of Presbytery." Hymn 435, "Dundee," "Our God, our help in ages past." Scripture Reading, Rey. D. K. Freeman, D. D. Prayer, Rev. D. H. Bu-roo, D. D. nymn 3, "Old Hundred," people that on earth do dwell-" Centennial Sermon, Rev. J. Mathers, D. D. Prayer, Rev. R. M. Hymn 32, "Cornation," "All me power of Jesus name. Benediction, J. W. Bain. ArrxKsoo::, Z o'clock. Hymn 574, "Shirland." Prayer, Rev. A. H. Parker Fragments that Remain," Rv. Joseph O. Kelly. Hymn 569, "Arcadia," "Oh where are kings and empires now." "The Sources of Presbytorianism" in Huntingdon Presbytery, O. W. Woods, Esq. Hymn 830, "America," God bless our native land." "The Bench and Bar during the past century, as viewed from the Presbyterian standpoint," Hon. A. S- uanais. Hymn 790, "Auld Lantr Svne. "Jerusalem, my happy home," Led by a Precentor. Prayer and Banedictiou. Kvznuta, 7.30 o'clock. Voluntsry, Huntingdon Church Choir. Hymn 373, "Dnndee," "Let the Children hear tbe mighty deeds." Prayer, Rsv. R. M. Wallace, D. D. Hymu 884, "Rockingham," "O God 1 beneath Thy hand." Address, "The Oddities and Sub limities of Presbyterians." Rev. S. A. Mutchraore, D. D., Moderator of the Gsneral Assembly Hymn 651, "Middleton," ' Glorious thing.of Thee are spoken." Address, "The Debt and Duiv of Preebyterians," Rev. J. P. E. Kum Ier, D. D., Moderator of the Synod of Pennsylvania. Hymn "951, "Webb," 'Stand up. Stand up for Jesus." "The Outlook," General James IC Beaver. Hymn, ' Lyons," 'Ye servants of God your Master proclaim. Voluntary addresses. not exceeding five minutes each. Prayer, Rev. Robert Hamill, D. D. Hymn 597, "Dennis," "Blest be the ties tbat bind." Rsv. William Pri. SHEatlTVS SALES. Sheriff Calhoun will sell in tha Court House at 1 P. M., on Friday March 19, 1895. ' A tract of 50 acres more . or leas with log house and barn and oat buildings iu Greenwood township as the property of C. Wetzel. A tract of 138 acres in Delaware township as the property of Wm. Neal, C. W Neal and R C. Neal, do ing business as Wm. Neal St Son. A tract of 3 acres with log house and other out-buildings in Spruce Hill township as the property of Fred Hester. A tract of 92 acres with frame house and barn and out -buildings as the property of Thomas Shiffer in Susquehanna township. A house and lot in Thompsontown ae the property of John T. Smith, D. A. Kepner and John S. Bear, Trustees. A tract of 100 acres, frame dwell ing house, bank barn and out-buildings in Beale township as the prop erty of John P. Me Williams, execu tor, &e., of Calvin Barton, deceased, and Elizabeth Barton and. John C. Barton, devises under the will of Calvin Barton,-deceased. A lot of ground and brick cased house and ont-buildings in Thomp sontown as tho property of E. A. Tennis. A lot of 142 perohes of cTound in i Thompsontown as the property of J5. A. Tennis. A tract of 5 acres and 61 perches of Ground in Delaware township as the property of E. A. Tennis. A tract of 236 acres, frame house and bank barn on north side of the Juniata river in Delaware township as the property of E. A. Tennis. A tract of 270 acres and 111 perches in Delaware township as the property of E. A. Tennis. A tract of 110 acre?, stone dwell ing ho usu, bank barn and out-buildings in Delaware township as the property of E. A. Tennis. A lot of ground and large frame building, and Hydraulic cider press N; 10 in Port Royal as the property of W. G Hooge. A tract of 109 acres, two frame houses and two stable? in Susque hanna township as the property of D. Oscar Dressier and Elizabeth Cox. Benediction, deaux. BARGAINS Hess' Miss Ellie Pannebaker is now in the city buying a full assortment of -millinery goods for her customers. Drop into ber place in Patterson, by the last of the week, and see the lat est styles, and buy at the city pricee. r.w l,nMV. AmfH.-an mnnnf.if I nrir I urns nP 'wo or three months later have- been drivt n out of business, by ia llaaJins a Prmissory note for $100 During not re- ri iii-,r, tne jnto ordered tbat he fined .40. The fine cannot be i --uted, as Piatt has been dead for i rear?, having been drowned in f Ptavaro river. A'igu:-t Markle, miller at Romig's II. on Cedar crr-ek, Lehigh county, ha ut-arly 400 duck. They spend in cf tlibir time on the d:m and pruve tbemst-lves very useful by kaj,ii)cj the dam free from moss. TLt.y are alo very profitable, for Mr. Markle receives twenty-five cents per dozen for the eggp. "Mrs. Walters of Clearfield, left her 6 weeks' old bibe in care of her sists-r' aged 6 years. During the mother's absence thj little irl at tempted to quiet the cries of the babe by administering paregoric but by mistake it half a teaspooaful of laud amum. Tho litt'oone went to sleep and never awakened." Tbe leaders of tho Democracy said we'll reduce the tariff, and then we'll have more goods come to this coun try, and though the tariff rates will be lower; the increased number of goods brought in will make up tor the loss of tbe high tariff. The im ports thus far have been valued at 519,000,000 more than for the same nnniber of days ia 1891 and yet the revenues are less and the govern ment is borrowing money. The Lev istown Free Press asks: Where is our fish warden? Bass are already being taken from the river. Juf t the other day we beard of one man bringing np eight big ones he caught at the dam. Fish are easily caught there ia the spring, no fish way being provided, there is only one place where they can get over the breast of lho dam, and there the fiij'i jriiur ia schools, often throw ing each other entirely out of the water in their efforts to pass through the rapid current- Pcacheag stand neir this piece with a throw-net and often take as high a3 twenty fish at I ene cist, Several arrests and fines! would soon pot a atop to this. 1 or $200. Thomas Reed, of Buskirk, N. T., was butted to death on Tuesday by a ram. Reed, who was a firmer 70 years old, went to bis barnyard in the morning to care for his sheep. While thup engaged he was vigorous ly assailed unawares by a powerful ram. The assault threw n im to the ground, and whils in this helpless condition the raca continued to butt him furlouely. When Rsed was res cued be was insensible and died in a few moments. From the Bonton Traveller. There is said to be a law in Mas sachusetts making it an offense to Rive away any object or thing as an inducement to purchase other things; for example, to give away a picture with every certain amount of other things purchased. There was once a law which made it an offense for a man to kiss his wifo on Sunday, but was strangely silent about kissing some other man's wife, Many a mui still living can remember when it was not permissable to open the theatres in Boston on Saturday even ings, and there was a law to punish any dissipated individual found smoking on the street Some of Where Business la Booming-- 'A stroll through the wholesale dry goods district ef Nsjw York City will convince the most skeptical that wholes do houses, larra snd small. are taking advantage of this era of Gorman Fren-Trada to buy every thing in their liae anywhere but in the United States. Tho sidewalks along the dry good sections are blocked with those strong, heavy boxes beating the inscription, "Made in England," ' Made in France," "Made in Germany," See. This looks to the casual observer iik food times and prosperity, but when wo const 1 er tbat each one of thcae foreign boxes fnd bales throwa a thimpeniag shower ou our own furnace fires, and that the prosperity in ovt-.r the water and iiot her-, the whole busiijes as sumes another aspect. An employee of the New York Custom House has st t'ed tbat during his twenty jears of service he has never before seen such a volume of imports hi ia now entering the country. The whole custom house force, as weil as manv substitutes, are employed ou full time. This is prosperity for the custom house employee, but it is des titution for the American workmen." Washington, D. C Latit Excursion or the Series via Peansjlvanla RaMroad. these fantastic old legal freaks have been dono awav with. DORSE MEAT. Among a lot of horses sold it the the stock yards in Chicago on Thurs day of last week, were about 200 which were sold for slaughtering purposes. They were driven across the State line into Indiana, where they were killed. There are in full operation, just across the state line, thr-e of these slaughtering nouses. Tkey are not run in defiance of the law, because none of the meat is sold in this country. It is shipped to Belgium, France and other coun tries of Europe, where there is al wija a ready market for it. The horses that were sold Thursday of last week, were killed Friday, cut up, pickled and packed in barrels ready to ship to Europe. They also man ufacture sausage from the meat. The bides and the part of the horse used for glue bring more than the original cost of tbe horse. This in dustry has grown of late on account of the number of cheap horses rut on tho market. Byron, III.. Express, juaren o. Tho last of the series of low rate excursiur.s to Washington, D. C, via Pennsylvania Railroad, will be ran on Thursday, April 11th, 1895. Ex cursion tickets, good within 10 days, and permitting of stop over in Balti more in either direction within limit, will be bold at rates quoted below, good for use on dates above named ou all trains except the Pennsylva nia Limited. Special traiu of par lor and day coaches will bo run on the following schedule: Train Leaves. PiUsburg 8.05 a. Jt. Johnstown 10.22 " Holliduysburg.... 11.10 " Ahooua 12 05 r. m. Tyrone 12.27 " Hun tingdon 1 2 55 " Bedford 9.50 a. m Mt. Union 1.15 v. v. McVeytown 135 " Lewistown June . 1.50 " Mifflin 210 " Poet Royal 2 U " Newport 2 41 " Dnncannon 2 58 " Washiagtou Arrive 7.45 .... Passengers from branih points de siring to take the special train will use the following trains: Southwest Penna. Branch, Train No. 101, to Greensburg; Indiana Branch, Indiana Accommodation No. 82, to Blairsville Intersection: Mart inaburg and Holiidaysburg, Accom modation Train 412, to Altoona; from Bedford, Train No. 4, to Hunt ingdoo. Return coupons good on any regulor train within the limit, except the Pennsylvania Limited. Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, Fifth Avenao and Smithfield street, and Union Station, and at all stations mention ed above. For full information, an- ply to Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, 110 Fifth t Avenue, Pittsburg. Rite $9 00 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 25 G65 6 65 6 30 5 95 5 60 5 25 5 15 4 60 4 20 Bargain period extended at JL'notograpa Gallery 1 Owing to tho excitement in the twin-towns as well as country caused by our great reduction IX 1 RICES OF FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, coup!ed with the interference of the bad weather, I havo concluded to xtend the time until April 11, in order to give my country friends as well as thoss in th twin-towns, an opportunity to profit by my re duction. Until April 11, my price will be for Aristo Cabinets $1 per dozjn. Prices of all other work reduced in proportion, particularly Family Groups. Manteld and Mantella Cardp, freak and reflection pictures, made at astonishingly low pi ices. Dariag that time you can purchase a ticket for $1 wbicb will entitle you to on D; zn Aristo Cabinet Pictures, and you can take your sitting at any t;nie between now and -May 11, 1895. N. B. If any thinjr ehould prevent your coming before May 11, you can return your t'eket and have money refunded. This gives country as well as town a fair chat.ee. JOSEPH HESS, Bridge street, Mifflintown, Pa. March 20, 1S95, 3t. e - Mrs. John Kirk is visitirg Lancas ter. Mrs. Wm Allison is visiting in Washington. Mrs. Harry Kelly of Barnbbor ongh, is visiting her parents. Portsmouth, Vs., March 31. An engineer's prreeuc of mind saved himse.f and trdr:. crew from death st a 75 foot tr?si.le near here yester cay, i na loomorive leaping tae gap causi''! bv nre. The trestle was a mass of flame; when the engicer cani to it around a sharp carve. Ho could not stop, so bo opened lue throttle and dash i - i to across, uniting wuu one cir ou the other sidp, while I hecaboese with the conductor with the rest of the crew, broke from the body of the train right on the brink. Eighteen cars went through the trestle. Three tramps, who boarded the train at Columbus, are supposed to be in the ruins. From Judgu. Dawey JC.ive "VY here ver bin fer de Jus lnoiit.li, pard?" Erako ODay Tuo bin t ravelin' wid de 'Power uv Love' t'eatrical company." Dewey Eave "You don't say Wot part did yer act?" Brake ODay "Wall in de fast set dere s a love f cene, endin' in a prize fight, m which ete nv de principals is killed by a blow on the jaw. I wuz him. Nex' act dere's an elope ment, endin' in a gran' railroad road wreck it; which the noble engi neer is crusned under the engine. I wuz him. Ntx' act de marriage, follored by a gran' steeple chase, in which the favorite falls an' kills his jockey. I wuz him. Las' act, rec oncihation an' gran' lynchin' scene. m. tuuiu er biooq aar, too, Dnt in jay towns uey wanted ter ring up de cur tain 'bout six times fer ancores." Thurston's PILLS Are pvrfmt health jnrali, nev er knuo n to dlilmi but InfU ! to relloTe. When Tery-tliine-lo ku failed to brine jroo relief for headfcrbe, bit lonmetia. stomach and liver i4l'ir,8T for-ruCK'ToK-s Tuicarnra Valley Railroad- Trains on the Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8.00 a. sl, and 2 p. v., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 v. u. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 p m., arriving at East Wa terford at 11.45 a. k. and 6.30 p. sc. J. C. MOOBEHEAD, Spnnttndent. -SCHOTT'S-STORES- Jl Tide that JYever Ebbs. The Flood Tide of UNPRECEDENTED BARGAIN VALUES , - - flows on steadily. There is no wavering of purpose; no diminution of force or no falling off in tbe supply of tbe freshest, brightest and best goods at oar exclusive bargain Prices. See how tbe flood tide can be made to fill your purse with tarxd Dol lars. Thousands of Yards of Carpets to select from; newest designs from tbe test manufacturers of tbe country; bought for lowest cost prices, and you will get the benefit. Prioea of Carpets, ranging at 16o, 21o, 25o, 30o,',88o and 45o and so on to tho Fiuest Brostel Carpets. Any special pattern of Brussel or Velvet Carpet, we will net for you at lowest prioes, Laving facilities, from largest manufactur ers and importers fer Special Seleoted Patterns, which even large City Stores cannot do for you. snd warrant you a saviDg of 20 per cent on your Carpet W ail papers, Newest sod Latest Designs, borders to match at less money than any Store. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Lace Curtains and Poles at acy Price to snit Your Purse, always Having you money. DRESS GOODS Brightest and freshest alio west cost prices. 5QOO f Shoes from best manufacturers in tbe country, bought at low Cssh Figures. Wo sell you better Shoes for less monay than any store SIPMjS G- WBAPS, Lte8f. Freshest at lowest Prices. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLIXTOWN. PENH A, H0LL08AUGH & SON, Clothiers, 116 MAIN STRET, PATT EE SOX, PA ., Offer to the People OF J uniata County, the most Complete Stock of Clothine and Gents' Fnrnichinw r,n tbey have ever bandied. Tbt x carrv all the Latest iu Hats. Shiri ir) V.Mr wear. It is conceded by all that tbey hve no CcrDcelitors in these Lines Their G or, ds were selected with the pretcat care, and comprise all the latest weave, id piain auu raocy unevoite, niacKS, Blues, mowos, riain and Fancv W . . .1 c : , f i . . . . . fnisiuu?, iassiuiere?, cto. i ceso uirmeuis are msae in ciogle snd Double Breasted Suits-, New Style Cutaways, Dove Tail Tutawnys, &e , &e. We of icr me lonowing special Bargains: MEN'S SUITS. For 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9. 10-1215-18 and 20 Dollais BOYS' LOXO PANTS SUITS -2 3-4-5 G 7 8 9 10-12 and 14 Dollar PERCALE SHIRTS Laundr:ed in 100 diffeient styles fi r -3&-50- 73c and 1 dollar. f IIILDREX'B KSEE PASTS 2 f air for 25c; better quality 20c, 50c i?ic acd $1. per pair. CHILDREN'S SUITS. 75c-90c 1-2 3 4 ar.d 5 Dollars. .Wen's Working Pantaloons 50o, ( 0 . 70o, 80c, 90c, $1 00 Jlcn's Dress Pants $2., 2.50, 3 . 3.50 4 , 4. 50 and 5 Latest Style Derby Ilatf $1., I 50, 2., 2.50, 2 75, 3 " Tonnd Ilat.o, $1., 1.35, 1 50, 2. " Cmfh Hats 25c. 50n We are Agent for tbe celebrated Sweet Overalls; we are Acents for tho . : ri - ..11... 1 , ' i.uu.u, uCci up uicr no, ciuio ict.e sou came gnsreniee as Sweet Orrs for less money. We are also Agents fjr tbe Douglass sbces. Grand Army All tbe latest in Collar?, Cuffs, psper, linen and celluloib. A pair of Celluoid Cuffs for 5o: Celluloid Cnll.ir 10a We have read- arrangements with a merchant tailor and Lave 500 samples from which to select. Wo will take jcur measure for a suit, guarantee a Der feot fit and save you from 5 to 10 dollars on a t-uit made to order by your tail or. All we ask is a trial. Spribg tvercoats made to order. Thanking our ..uw., pa.iuuagi-, aiiu essurwg mem we will endeavor to mer it a continuance of the wmc, we are yours to please, HOLLOBAUGH & SON. S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmcr and JFuner al director. 1 shall Iicm now on use tbe IN DESTRUCTIBLE BOUGH BOX or ouifcide box to last and le in good condition for ages, which will certainly be x A GRAND THING for people to ute to pieteive the remains of their fiienda. It alio is an exteiminator of all vermin. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR .NIGHT. SATISFACTION Gl'ABANTEED IN ALL CASES. Bridge St, ill i HI in town, Pa. MEYERS, 115 BRIDGE STREET. Spring Fashions in Men's, Boys' & Children's Clothing. o 0O0 JYew Tariff Prices. It was cur shrewd boring. It's our nervy selling that bas leveled tbe rosd for tbe Wage Earners to the dou. ble-prrcl;airg power of tbe dollar, for we are :n an excellent position to meet all reduced wages with reduced prioes! We have touched the popular chord of tbe people it has vibrated in our behalf, so shrll tbe booming of these bargains vibrate in behalf of tbe public Ap the Leading and Lirgeat Clottier of Juniata county, it behoovea us to supply tbe gentlemen of Juniata county with tie very newest Fabrios and Fashions in wearing apparal. This we are prepared to do, bavinp spent much time and labor in our efforts t produce a lire of gaiuent; cut, made snd finished in strict accordance with the most fine and latest dictates of Fash, ion. Next to quality and style the most important point to be considered in connection with your New Spring Suits is the piice. Bight here we assert without fear of successful contradiction, tbat if the superior excellence of Our Clothing entitles us to ycur custom, the price does even more so. Men's All-Wool Imported Clay Worsted Suits, in either stylish Sacks or the Dressy 3 button Cutaway and Regent Frocks molded in tbe most perfect fitting garment.. They're $10 values $7 98 Men's stylish, (tingle or double breasted Sack Suits, in plain black Thi bets and rich unfinished Worsteds; $8 gems, containing the most reliable Jecve 8D(! bidy linings, and fit just right . $4.70. We challenge any house in the county to equal the values we offer in Spring 5uifs for men. Look about, compare, ex amine, but before you buy don't fail to see a line ol new style Saclfc'uits in Black, Brown and Oxford mixed Chevoits, act ually worth 310, but being sold for the trifling sum of... $6.75. Men's extra fine imported All Wool French Worsted Suits, in either blue or black Sack, Cut away, Kegent or Prince Albert, best of trimmings, sewed and finished by artists, worth, every penny of $12; Price $9 90. Men's extra fine imported Diagonal Worsted Chevoits and unfinished Worsteds, in single'or Double-breasted Sacks, Cuta way or Regent frocks; genuine $15 to $18 values, elegantly trimmed and ficibhed, every size, fit as they should fit, $11.85.' BOYS' CLOTHING. Short rants SnitR. A ilne 4 these in dark rv!c sl! materials for vcryday wear and for school, special value at $1. Boys Kino Suits at $2.58, which are worth $4, $4.50, 5 and $G BJotbtrs, aftrr you lave seen three Bojs' Suits you will ncknowl edp that Ihey nre tW. fcrst and bipprst liarpains hich hae ever been brought to your notice. Long Par.ts Suits. Two specials in these, well worth investigating. A large and attractive line ef these in daik mixtures, single-breveted style, all sizes, 14 to 19, for $4.00. A Fine showing of Lod Pants Suits in Btact and Orav Mixed Chevoits, single ar.d Double Breasted, 14 lo 10 for $6.00. 600 pairs Children's Pants, in the re hab e Union Chevoits, every size, now sell tor 19. SPRING TROCSEHS. A choice line, comprising all the new styles in foreien and domestic fabrics. Fancy Worsted stripes 9Sc. H'ack and Blue Chevoits in go. rt quality $l.7-j. All wool stripes and checks, new effects $2.00. Fine imported Worsteads and Cassimeres, elegantly made and trimmed, $4.( 0. You should wear a hut the proper shape. London shapes, U what you want. We have th-m. A new and complele line of Gents' Furnishing Goods at the Lowest Price in the history of Jn,:i iti county. FERD MEYERS, Wholesale ind Retail Clothier, 115 Bridge Street, Mifflintown, Per.na. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 188! . Special liiviiation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing that goes on daily from IMMENSE ST0GK OF P. W. HAELEY, It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.. Uis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't hil to give him a call if in need of Clothiag D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN 3?. HAVE TGU MONEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER ? -CALL AT rm first MIFFLINTOWN, TA.. FOUR PER CE1SJ T. INTEREST PAID 0x TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. JUNIATA VALLEY BAISK OF MIFFMSTOWS, lA. Stockholders Individually Liable JOSEPH ROTfiROCK. Present. T. VAN IRWIN, Ctukia DIBECTOB W. C. Pomeroy, John Hertalor, Robert K. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Uothrock, Joaiah L. Barton, Lonis K. Atkinson BTOCKROLDERa I George A. Kcpne-r, Anni M. .Shel!v Joepli Rothrock, P. W. Macboek, L. K. Atiinsoa, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. JJolmea Irwin Mary Kurtr, Jerome ti. Thompson. FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IX THE WORLD. Tta WUf lngqtlalftlwTnnti r mi. mi! aH.nia QtiaMIas faro boxes of eayotlier brandT Wot Ofectad by beat. CVCiKT XHL iHf UN K. f OK g ALE BY DEAI.ER3 OESERAIXY. Jyf Jobn Jlflrtzlnr. CharltifteSnyder, John M. Blair, F. M. M. Ponnell, Bamnel f. Rothrock, M. N. Slcrrett, T. V. Irwin. Joaiah L Barton, Robert H. Patterson, Levi Light, Wm. Swnrti!. II. J. Shallenbergrr. Three and Fonr per cent, interest will be paid on certificates of doposit. pan 2S, 1S6 tt s AL.ESME N W A NT T Tr, T U UK 1 K A V t.L,L,li tj, 10 sail our Knrsery Stock. Salary, Expenses and teady Employment guaranteed. CHASK BROTHERS COMPANT, Dec. 8, '91. Rochester, N. Y. ! TO weak mn Buttering from the effects of youthful errors, ear! 7 decay, wuting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I wlj. end s Tslusbls treatise (sealed) containing full partienlan for Lome core, FR EE of cbsrgo. A splendid medical work : should be read by every msa who is ncrrons sod debilitsted. 'Address, INC F. C FOWLER, noodus, CiiiaV The Sentinel and Repuilirmn office is tbe place to got job work done. Tiy it. It will pay jroo tfyon need anything in tbat line. ! ' Consumption Surely Cured. j To Thk Editok: Please inform your readers ihst I hare a positive remedy for the aboTe-naiood 1 disease. By iu timely use thousands of hopelera esses have been permanently eared. I shall be glad j to send two bottles of my remedy fTBEE to any of j ronr resdem who have consumption (f tkey will sand me their Express snd P. O. address. Beeaect ftUly. T. A. SUKHJU, at. a, lot Pssrl St. M. X,