Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 20, 1895, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY. MAR fO, igfffi.
BnlMcripttun, $1.50 par aanua If yaM
te advance; $2.00 If met paid hi advance.
TreasiAnt advertiso-nonta Inierted at 60
aests per Inch for each insertion.
Traoaleat basinos sottoee te local cot
sum, 10 cent per line for each Insertion.
Deductions wilt bo made to tiioaa desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
Of live stock and farming imple
March 23. E S. Warner will sell
a wile north of Otkland, a top bng
t7, core by the busLtl, potatoes by
the busbel, chickens and household
goods. Sale at 1 P. II.
March 25. J. F. Babr will soil at
bis place in Walker township, a
horse, cattle and fsrm uicrsila, and
at the. eaiae place, Mis Eva Auker,
will soil household good?. Sale at 1
Tuesday. March 26 Joseph Roth
rock, Agent for tbo Juniata Valley
Bank, wilt sell at public sale at the
Joseph Page fcriu in Monroe T-p., a
good mere, and all kinds of farming
implements, com fodder aud corn in
the ear. Tames Carenv, Auctioneer.
Marc a 13 Joseph K!ina, McCoysville
" 20-Jat.es K. HertzW, Turbctt.
" 20-G. XI. Bop, Crcsa Keys.
" 21-Mrs. li. H. Robison, aud
Stewart Robison.
J2-Solomon Swarte, Oakland,
CaTcny, Auctioneer.
" 23-Paler Btirtl, Honey Grove.
" 23-.Vrs. H Long, Walker.
" 23 -Mrs. Ciirria Bardell, Jobna-
" 20-D W. Ouj, Turbett.
2fi-Joseph Rothrock. agent for
Jnniafa VaIy Bank, on Jos.
Pasrfl Dropertv, Monroe.
" 27-J. H. Alk-al -Wexico.
St. Patrick's Dy, Inst Sunday in
th morning.
of three iucbee
Th?re wa a snow
on Friday xnoruiof.
J. D. Miller is digging f?r old in
his lot in Newton HsuiiltoB.
Tin Secretary of Agriculture ad
v:cit.s d.?p plowing. Gjod.
Biuker E. S. Parker c " Washing
ton, D. C, was in town last Friday.
Tl ground l;og is a Chestnut that
cverv'ody declares to be a success
this year.
Good boises can be bought st pnb
lie sa'es on the farms for $-10 to $90.
Cows $16 to SiO.
There id a small rebellion nr.ong
the Cuban people, but there is no
telling what it iiiay amount to.
A 20 poun.l otter was ciug'ut and
drowned in a net that Thomas Bi3
sett of iiawpsrt set in the liver to
catch fish.
The letters rs-naining uncalled for
in tin Miftlintown post office for the
week ending March 16, were for Mr.
Chas. S!iellcnberg?r, Miss Emma
PiTruouth, Pa., farch 15. While
ujjt.-r'd at praver at her home hero,
Mrs. Jrhn Moonay expired. She
was lrnf-lirg at the time death over
took hr.
The Daboin Bank at Dubois, sus
pended last week. The President of
the bick, J. E. Long is on a trip to
the Holy Land while t he 400 deposi
tors ere groaning over tba loss of
their money.
Tha Prpsbyteriaa congregation
will mt at 2 p m., on Thursday,
.Var"h 28. in the lectnro room of the
church b'lildiog to take action on the
re-ig'iatiiMi, tendsred by the pastor
I;r. J. It H.8ndsr3on.
sp'.in has need l promptly ex
pressing regret for, the act of one of
her ships of war. firming on the Uni
ted States mail eteanier Allianca,
wlisn she was on the sea's highway
of Cuba, coinin? from the Carrib-
buia sea to the United States on tbe
Rfb of March.
The Bloomficld Democrat save:
We learn from various parts of the
county, that the intensely cold weath
er of February, destroyed nearly all
the pirtrides and pheasants, and
that wild turkeys have been found
dead on the mountains and that even
manv crows ware found frozen to
The fit ft county ticket named this
year wes that by tbe Republicans of
Union, March 9. The primary elec
tion official vote retnrns W. O.
ShaflVr for Prothonotary, D. R. Har
bison for Associate .fudge. D. L.
Glover for District Attorney, E. B.
Riehl for Surveyor, J. E. Hanek for
Coroner and H. B. .Mussina for dele
gate to the State Convention. The
totil vote was 2,035.
Keplogle's Photos have been creat
ing quite a stir in the twin-towns.
i neir auvent nas marked a new era
in the Photo business. Prices have
dropped and quality has raised. You
can now get the best cabinet pictures
ever ouVred to the public for $1.00
per dozen. Replogle'a gallery ha9
been enlarged and fitted up for the
best trade, and over two thousand
eabinets hare ben issued during the
past winter. Those fine aristo cab
inets only $1.00 per dozen. The
gallery will remain opposite Man
beck & Nelson's mill in Patterson a
few weeks. 2w.
In a letter to the Pittsburg Times
a corresponded speaks of the early
nys of the lumberiDg industry in
Clearfield county and ears in part:
"But these good old dajs have gone
never to return. This spring there
will he lees than fifty rafts on the
river. Clearfield county was not
greatly benefitted by the millions of
pin i trees that went out of it
Neither did the men who owned th
trees, made the timber, hauled, raft
ed and ran it, make much more than
agesattho business. The supply
was coiisidbrcd inexhaustible and for
tunes were floated away only to en
rich the Eastern capitalists who
bought at their own figures. Look
Haven and Williamsport were built
by our people and their citizens en
richt-d by our labor."
1$ is proposed to abandon tha ca.
nana the Valley of the Sutque-
miss Mary Worth is visiting her
ncie ualeb Worth, in Washington,
The public sales on the farms have
been well attended, and prices about
as wen as expected.
J. A. Lumbard of the Selinagrove
iribune, spent an afternoon in town
last week, on business.
The Centennial of Huntingdon
rresoytery is to be held at Hunting
don on the 9th of April
George Picere of Shamokin, Pa.,
won a bbt of $ 50 that he could drink
a quart of whisky, but he died.
It is estimated from present re
turns, that the income tax of Chioaj o,
will be less than a million dollars.
There is a bill in the Texas Legis
ture, that proposes to tax bachelors
nnder 30 years at the rate of $50
a year.
Thera were hard times amonc
chickens in Tyrone last week. The
Methodist Conference was held in
that t3wn.
Two hundred thousand shoe mak
ers, are on a strike in London. They
oppose the introduction of American
Read in another column of the ad
vantages to be secured by attending
the Bloomsbnrg Literary Institute
and State Normal School
The Altoona Daily Tribnne has
been enlarged and put into the form
of an 8 page papr, and other ways
mads uncommonly attractive.
John Cleck, aged 81 years, died at
Lia home near Van Wert, Walker
township at 4 P. M., on the lathin-t
Interment in the Lost Creek Valley
Monnonit cemetery on Saturdav.
March 16
Mre. Anna H. Hammer. State Pres
ident of the W. C. T. U. Association,
leotured to a large audience of ladies
in the Court House on Tiiuralav
T A I. , ..
4.1 tue general sentiment concern-in.-
the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany s personally-condocted tours
to Florida is to be taken as an index
to weir popularity, they may in all
yenty be styled the ideal tours.
The next and last of thi .....
series of tours to Jacksonville will
leave New York and Philadelphia oa
March 26 and the rate, including
round trip transportation and meals
and Pullmsn berth on special train
going is $50.00 from New York and
$48.00 from Philadelphia; propor
tionate rates from other points.
Tickets for this tour will be good for
return passage en regular trains on
May 31.
The number of persons for which
accommodations can be provided is
necessarily limited, and it would
therefore be prudent for those who
desire to join this party to make ap
plication for space.
For further information apply to
Ticket Agents, or address Tourist
Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York, or
Room 411, Broad Street Station.
Philadelphia, to whom anrjlicition
for space should also be made.
Sal. ion
were few
evening. Subjecl:
against the home.
men present.
A dead German cam was taken
from the river bank near this place
on Tuesday. It is supposed the fish
waa billed by t?.e ice and washed
sa. lore. It possibly escaped from a
fish pond in the Juco flood of 1S89.
Weight 11. pounds.
The men who aivertiee are the
most successful business rutn, and
the boys and girls who spend their
evraiags reading newspapers aud
good books, become the intelligent
and leading psoplo in the localities
in which they live. It counts evtry
Justice Henry W. Williams savs:
That uoder the common law there is
no sucu ming es legal property in a
dog, but that the owner of premises
where a dog is habitually kept with
tbs knowledge and consent of the
owner is responsible for the mis-doings
of the dog.
By rule of Conference, Rev. John
H. Mortimer succeeds Rev. .M L.
Drum at Mifflintown; Rev. John K.
LI jvd is his own successor at Port
R-ya!; Rev. Henry Trevertou suc
ceeds himself at Thompeontown:
Rev. A. S Fasick, Curt in Heicrhts;
Rev. M. L. Drum goes to Shippens
burg. An cxchaDge Fays: Mr. Charles
Esterly, a single young man aged 26
year?!, resident with his parents in
Lenai k, is an expert with the needle,
and amused himself with racking
fancy patchwork quilts, he now be
ing ou his sixth quilt. Oo quilt
contains 4,150 patches. That young
mau onght to have no trouble in get
ting married. He ought te nurry a
female reformer, an equal rights
woman, a' damsel who demands from
that monster and tyrant mac the
right to vots. While she was re
forming the world, Mr. Esterly could
support the family miking quilts.
The American steamship, Allianca,
as fired upon and ordered to stop
and bo examined by a Spanish ship
of war, but Captain Cros-nia: order
ed the Allianca to press on all steam, !
ami by ko doing get away from the
meddlesome Spaniard. The chase
was given up after a 25 miles run.
Considerable indignation is express
ed by some people in Naval circles
at the Spanish ship of war. The
Captain of the Alliaoca says bis ship
was more than 3 miles off the island
of Cubs, and the Spaniard had no
right to attempt to atop bim for
search. There is a rebellion in Cuba,
aud it is probably that which caused
the Spanish ship to attempt to over
haul the American steamer, nnder
the belief that she was a vessel giv
ing aid aud comfort to the rebels.
But with all that, it seems that the
Spaniard was to hasty in his demand
and firing upon the American ship.
The annual meeting of the Cen
tral Peunsylvania Couference of the
United Evangelical churob. was held
in York. The following are some of
the appointments made:
Iobk Distbict: A. H. Elder. Pre
siding Elder.
Albeiton, S. P. Remsn
York Graes, Benjamin Heagst.
Caslislk Distbict Noah Youdit.
P. E.
Carlisle. J. W. MeesiDger.
Perry, E. L. Kessler.
Newport and Marysviile H. H.
Liverpool, H. T. Seario.
Fishing Creek Valley L. K. Har
ris. Juniata W. C.Bierlr.
Cextrc Distbict A Stapletou, P.
Lswistown George Joseph.
Patterson I D. Shortes.
Ballefonlo O. E. Zehncr.
LnwisuCao District. H. W. Buck.
P. K.
Lewisburg C. W. Fitkbinder.
Miiton .V. 8. Fe-salman.
Bloomsburg G. W. Currin.
Berwick J. C. Reeser.
Dstweilvr, P. E.
White Deer H. A. Stoke.
As Pastor of the M. E. Church, I
desire iu this public manner to ex
press my high appreciation of the ef
fective service rendered in the late
Entertainment, by members of other
Congregations. I extend my heart
iest thanks.
M. L. Drcm.
Marshfield, Ore., March IB.
The schooner Leeds arrived here
last nigh with Daniel Clark and
Thomas .Moore Who are supposed to
be the only survivors of the crew of
the British ship Yeoman, numbering
31. The ship was bound from
Antwerp to Rodondo. While short
ening sail, a squall struck the
and a swell, resembling a tidal wa
capsized the vessel. "I was swept
overboard," said Clark, to day. "A
lull followed, and when the ship
righted I got on deck, bat found no
one there. The cook, Moore was ly
ing in the galley with his head split
open, and barely alive. Captain
Ferguson and the mate were gone.
I cat loose a lifeboat from the sink
ing ship; put the cook in it and pull
ed from the wreck. For 14 days we
lived on 16 biscuits, salt water, and
oar hunger driving ns to eat the up
per part of onr shoes. We also
sucked blood from each other. When
the Leeds picked us up, our eyes
were swollen shut and we could not
The following are the balance cf
Court proceedings of last Tuendav
facd Wednesday's Court, which came
too late for publication last wsek.
Wm. M Allison, Esq., filo-l his re
port as Auditor in esats of Baltzer
Lauver, deceased.
Trego vs. Varnes, exceptions to
bill of costs of plaintiff and appeal
from Prothonofary's appeal sustained
taxation, and oosts excepted to, strick
en iff bilL
George J. Parker, Esq., filed his
iv.port as auditor iu estoU of James
Carpenter, deceased, awarding the
funds to the Assignees of Mrs. Car
penter the widow, and James Car
pentor the eon.
The report of the Administrator of
G3orge M. Graham, M. D, deceased,
as (o the sale of resl estate of deced
ent was filed, and the sales made,
confirmed, and order of sale extend
ed as to traots 19 and 20.
An order was made by the court,
directing that the petitions for the
vacation of a rGad near Patterson
and a road in L'cking Creek, pay
cost of views.
A rule for alimony, &c was area
ed in Haldormcn vs. Halderman and
a similar rule iu Auker vs Auker.
Thomas G. Louver was gran
an oraenor cae pavment ol tho re
ward of $20 for the capture of David
atU, a horse thief, who pleaded
guilty and was sent to the Huntmsr
don Reformatory and was also allow
ed $8.52 for mileage.
Road in Spruce Hill and Bt-ale
Twps, exceptions to report of view-
eis, argued.
Road in Fei managh aud Walker
townships. Rul for exceptions JWe
pro itm Argued.
Exception to report of F. M. M
T" is Ti a - .
c-eoncu, Jiitsq., Auditor passing upon
exceptions to account of Joseph Bell,
guardian of Ella E. Kinzer. nee
Sheets. Argued.
Court adjourned nntil 10 o'clock
on Tuesday, the 19th day of March,
1895, when J udge McClure is expect
ed to preside and hear argument in
some matters in which Judge Lyons
was instructed as counsel.
The Selinsgrove Tribune of March
, f 11 . ...
ao, says: ado iouowing letter was
received by G. W. L-jpg, Esq. of this
placo. Mr. (Joonrad was born in
what is now known as lower Augusta
townsbip, isortbumboriand county,
and moved west 77 years ago. He
was 116 years of age on the 22nd
of December last.
Makchesteb, Iowa, Feb. 28, 1895.
Dear Friend: Your letter of the
14th was received, and I was glad to
hear from you. The letter found me
as well as usual. I will try and aos
wer your questions as far as I know.
I heard George Washington speak
at Philadelphia. My father and I
went to town afoot. It was only 5
I remember that we used to have
to guard the fields while we cut the
grain, oa account of the Indians.
There was plenty of fish in the Sus
quehanna river when I was there.
I don t remember any such place as
Shamokin. - 1 have eleven children,
six girls and fiys boys. My eyesight
is good, and I cannot write in Eng
lish; my learning is in German; my
Health is good for as old a man. but
if I walk any distance, I use a cane.
I used to know Governor Simon
Snyder. He lived across the river in
Union county. I have used tobacco
ever Bines I was 15 years old. I was
a farmer all my life, and have drunk
as much liquor as any man living
I came west with a team and wairon.
and first eame to Ohio. I am not
crippled in any way, only with eld
age, and I sleep food at night, but I
ait up late. I knew preacher Shin
dsl , but he liyed in 8unbury. I
would like to see the country first
rate, but I am to old to go so far.
I can stand it to ride in the cars
pretty well for a short distance, but
I soon get tiredWell I believe that
is all you asked me, but if you want
to know anythiDe. write and ask it.
and I will try and answer it. Well I
will bring my letter to a close. Write
as soon as you get this.
From Your Old Friend,
Chhistiaj- Coovbad-
The Baal bcss Letalioaf.
"Dun's Review" of the business
look for the week ending -Varch 16,
1895 says.
Substantially all indications ot-the
stote of business are rather more
favorable. Farm products are a lit
tle higher, railroad earnings a shade
better, clearing: house exchanges a
small percentage larger in compar
ison with two years ago in February,
and most of the industries show a
somewhat better front, though their
gains are not large.
ine higher price of cotton, whieh
has risen to 6.06 ctg., results from
belief that the aoresge this year will
be greatly reduced.
I he boot and shoe manufacture is
really doing better.
Money is in better demand, the
market hardens aa usual before April
The small wheat boom was because
of faith in the absurdly low estimate
of wheat in farmers' hands issutd by
the Department of Agriculture. The
figures given were 75,000,000 aa
against 114,000,000 on March 1, 1894.
The unofficial estimate is 140.000,-
The alight advance in earn was
owing to sympathy in the advance cf
wheat. The government reports in
farmers hands 475,000,000 bushels
against 68C,000,003.
Manipulation of packers in the
west has resulted in a slight advance
in better prices for lard and live
Tb.9 dry goods market shows symp
toms of improvement in some direc
tions. The silver bullion market has b6H
strong all week, with a great many
theories expressed cs to the cause of
the upward movement.
Tra ffio on the railroads measured
by gross earnings, ia still slightly
abovo lest year, when all industaics
were depressed and greatly reduced
compared with tfo years ago.
One bank failure is reported, Bank
of Dubois, Pa.
Failuros for the week in the United
States number 266 and in Canada 57,
total 323, agairst 292 last week, 28S
tho preceeding week, and 319 the
corresponding wek last year, of
which 264 were in the United States
and 55 iu Canada
Tuscarnra Valley Railroad.
Trains on the Turcarora Valley
Railroad will run cs follows:
Leave East Waterford at 8 0!) a.
m., and 2 p. m., arriving at Port Roy
al at 9.15 a. m. aud 3.15 p. m.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m.
and 5.15 p. m., arriving at East Wa
terford at 11.45 a. m and 6.30 p. m.
J. C. Moorekead,
Supertnftti'JeTtt .
Itch on human, mange on botses,
dogs aud all Block, cured in 30 min
utes by WooJford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. 6, ly.
Jl Tide that JYever Ebbs.
The Flood Tide of
flows on steadily.
There is do wavering of purpose; no diminution of foroe or no falling off in
the supply of the freshest, brightest and best goods at onr exclusive Kargain
Prices. See how the flood tide ean be made to fill your purse with $avtd Dol
lars. Thousands of Yards of Carpet to select from; newest designs from the
best manufacturers of the oountry; bought for lowest eost prices, and you will
get the benefit.
Prieea of Carpets, ranging at 15o, 21o, 25o, 89o,c88o and 45o and so on to
the Finest Brasael Carpets. Any special pattern of Brussel or Velvet Carpet,
we will get for yon at lowest prioes, having facilities, from largest manufactur
ers and importers (or Special Seleoted Patterns, whish even large City Stores
eannot do for you, and warrant yon a saving of 20 per cent on your Carpet
VVail papers, Newest and Latest Designs, borders to tnatoh at less money
than any Store.
Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Laoc Curtains and Polos at any Prioe to cuit
four Purse, always saving you money.
DRESS GOODS Brightest and freshest at lowest cost prices
J95QOO f Shoes from best manufacturers in the country, bought at
low Cast Figures. We sell yen better Shoes for Ies3 money than any store
SIVRIiN'Gr WKAP3, Latest, Freshest at lowest Prices.
130 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET, MlFFLIlfTOW-f. rElfn.
Spring Fashions in Ms, Boys' & Children's Clothing.
Yew Tariff Prices.
It m our shrewd buying. Iig
our uervv seliioff thafthaa l.
road for the Wage Earners to the dou.
uie pureoasiog power of tfce dollar, for
we are in an excellent positicn te
meet all reduced warns Hn..j
prioee! . We have touched the popular
ohord of the people it has vibrated in
our ueuair, so sniiu tbe booming of
these bargains vibrate in behalf of the
Ae the Leading and Largest
Clothier of Juniata eounty, it behooves
us to supply the gentlemen of Juniata
o.iunty with the very uewett Fabrics
and Fashions in wearing apparal. This
we are prepared to do, .having spent
much time and labor in oar efforts to
produce a line of arnsentt cut, made
and finished in strict accordance with
the most fine and latest dictates of Faeb
.Next to quality and stvie the 111 on f imnnrtan r im i n r tn mn.n r A
connection with your JSt Spring Suits i the price. Right here we assert
" UT ,e,r r successful contradtction, that if tho superior exccllanoo of Our
Uothicg entitles ug to your cu?toui, the price does even more so.
Men's Alt-Wool Imported Clay Worsted Suits, ic cither stylish Saoks or
tho Dressy 3 button Cutaway and Regent Frocks molded in the most perfeet
fitting garments. They're $10 valued $7 ys r
Meu's stylish, single or double-breasted Sack Suits, in plain black Thi
bets aud rich untiniitod Worsreds; $8 gems, chaining the most reliable
lecve aud body linings, aad fit just right $4. 70.
We challerge any house in the county to equal the values
w e offer in Spring Suits for men. Look about, compare, ex
amine, but before you buy don't fail to see a line of new style
Sack Suits m Black, Brown and Oxford mixed Chevoits, act
ually worth 10, but being sold lor the trifling sum of...iG.75.
Men's extra fin? imported All -Wool French Worsted
Suits, in either blue or black Sack, Cut away, Iteeent or Prince
Albert, best of trimmings, sewed and finished by artists, worth
every penny 01 rrice... $y 9U.
Men's extra fine imported Diagonal Worsted Chevoits and
unfinished Worsteds, in single?or Double-breasted Sacks, Cuta
way or Re-ent frocks; genuine $15 to $18 values, elegantly
trimmed and finished, every size, fit as they should fit, $11.85.
Sl'Oii Pants Suit "a . ... : , , ....
, ,, . , . - ,-- - ii r ici-auio maicruia tor evervaay wear
school, sji, ,-j.al value at $1. Bays Fine SoUs at 82.53. whi.-h aro wnrth 4.
?2 u 0,),ers:alu"rro ve seca these Bovs Suits tou '.will acknol
eflgo that they are the best ocd h-nrt li,,-,..:. .:.., ,. 1. '
notice. Long J ants Suits. Tiro sncrinlj in tli.n n .fk . .
and attractive lino of lhese in dark mixtures, tico-brejatpd :.lo. all 14 to ia
torl.W . A Fine showing of Lou? Pan's Suits in Black and" Gray Mixel Chovolts,
ingle and Double Breasted, 14 to 19 for tG 00. 500 pairs Children's Pant, in the rel
lab.e Union Chevoits, every size, nov Poll for 19. SI'RIXG TROL'SESS. A choice
una. COmnnHITiif All tVi.i ....... ...! r : . . .
... .You ,? V . . ." lureinn nui uoiuemic laarics. fancy Woi-stud
stripes 98c. Black an1 Blue Chevoits in gfod quality $1.75. All wool stripes and
checks, new efterts $2 00. Finp imported Worsteds and Css.rare, elegantly made
and trimmed, $4.00. Vousl.ouldwearal.it tho prop-r Hlwoe. London shapes, U
what you waiit. We bare :htm. A new and complete line" cf Gents' Furnishlna
tioods at the Lowest Price in the hisiory of Juni ita county.
Thurston's PILLS
A re prf wt b s 1 1 b Je w! . vT
er known To ditrc.-s but infU
hbl to relieve. Wh vrry
tii.nKrt lias failrd to hrinff
too rellsf Xur beadarhe. bil
otimftjf. stomach and lWer
enmpintntft 17 ASK Yol !l
lKro;i r for Till KTN
I" i ma ir i
Relief la Six Hoars.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder
diseauts relieved in six hours by the
"New Great South American Kidney
Cure " This new remedy is a great
surprise on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinarv passages in male or
female It relieves retention of wa
ter and pain in passing it almost im
mediately. If you want quick relief
and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown, Pa. Feb. 6.
Belief In One Day.
South American Nbrvdjb relieves
the worst cases of Nervous pros tra
tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
net and blessing baa ever come
the invalids of this country.
powers to cure the stomach
wonderful in the extreme. It
ways cures; it cannot fail. It radi
cally cures all weakness of tbe 6 torn
ache and never disappoints. It is a
luxury to take and always safe. Trial
bottles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa,
if eb. 0, ly.
Rkbman Stayeook. On the 14th
inst., by Rev. H. C. Holleway, Mr.
James Rebman, of Black Log, and
Miss Nannie Stayrook. of .Mifflin
Woodward Fortney. Ou the 11
inst, at Mifflintown, bv Rev. J. F.
Stonecipher, Mr. Albert Woodward
and Miss Ida Fortney.
Harlan Lacghliv. On the 7th
inst., at McCoysville, bv Rer. N. C
Adair, John F. Harlan, and Miss
Amanda Jkf. Laughlin.
Middleton -Warshaix. On the
14th inst, by Rev. H. C. Hollowav.
Mr Charles M. Middleton and Miss
Blanch B Marshall, of Waterford.
Knight HoppLK.-On the 7th inst..
by Itev. James Benton, in Delaware
township, Mr. Irwin G. Knight, and
M 188 Annie Hopple-
Landis Hower, On the 14 inst..
by Rev. H C. Holloway, Mr. W. E.
Landis, of Harrieburg, and Miss
Tillie A. Hower, of Fermanagh.
of the
Juniata Valley.
We can fit a man with a Good Substantial Suit, Overcoat. Hat, Sho
StookiDgo. Sbirt, Surpenders, Necktie acd Suit of underwear for $10
A BETTER OUTFIT FOR $15; a still better for $20, $25, 80, $40, and
the Best Clay Worsted Suit atest out; a Satin lined Blue or Black Beaver
Overcoat, latest style; Latest Black Dei by Hat; a pair of Douglas, finest Kan
garoo Shoes; pair of extra fine suspenders; our neck-tie; pair Silk Hose, and a
Suit of very Fine All-Wool underwear for ($50.) lfjcu can get as fine an
outfit for tbe money anywhere eke we aill present you with ours for nothing
All our stock is new, and tho prices are as low as the lowest.
Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3.75. . Ven's pants from 50c to $5 00.
Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. Bicn'n Suits from $2.50 to $18.00.
Bojs Overcoats from $1.60 fo $7.00. Km.'s Overcoats from $3. to $18.
Hats from 25 cents to $2.75. Caps from 15 cents to $1.50.
Neckties 5 cents to 50 cents.
We eorrv a fina 1 inn f flcnt tTr.ln.... m.. u. i i-i-ar- n.i
lars. Valises, collar and , cuff Buttons, Chains, Watch RiDge, Neckwear and the
fineet lide of Trunks in the county. We also carrly a full lice of men's boots
and shoes, particularly the Douglas Shoe.
Men's Gum Overshoes. Alaskan
and Artie, &c.
Extre Sises in Panlaloots. 8utts ar.d Overalls and Overcoats
If you want a srit Tailor Made, you ebn save $5 to $15, and be sure of a
Perfect Fit.
It oosti nothing to examine Our Stock.
Wholtsalo and Retail Clothier,
115 Bridge Street, Miftlintown, IVnua.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 183tf.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend tha Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examiue the Stock of Goo-J for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothiag
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmcr and Funer
al Director.
I shall from now on use the
or outside box to last and be in good condition for
ages, which will certainly be
for people to ui-e to pmeiTe the remains of their
friends. It aho ie an extei ruinator of all Terrain.
Bridge St, Mifflintown, Pa.
9 e Sb f)
o- --CALL
T8S mat
Honey Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Itewurii:gtBBltea.-ansaiirpa.d. .staUy
OaUKseia? two boxes of any other brand. Nob
Oflestoo. by beat. iit:x Tilt, UE& CIS C
ryiHAi.KBTDE.rEa3oyrrAixY. fxrf
Q A L E S M E Vf
Nursery Stock. Salnrj, Expenses and
Steady Emplorment pnarantued.
Dtc. 8, 91.. Rochester, N. T.
Stookholders Individually Liable
W C. Pomeror, Joseph Ketfcroei,
JoLb Hrrtrler, Josish L. Bsrtn,
Robert E. Parker, Loaia . Atkicsea
T. V. Irwin.
Georpe A. Kepner, -All In M. Sholloy
Josp Rotfcrock, p. W. Masbeek,
L. E. Atkinses, R.E.Parker,
W. C. Pomcroy, J. Holxes Irwin
Mary Knrtz, Jerome . ThompKen.
John Hertzlor.
Charlotte 8 ri.vder,
JohB if. Blair,
F. K. M. Pcnnell,
Samuel P. Ko'hiock,
M. N. Slenett,
T. V. Irwia.
Josiah L Barton,
Rcbort H. Patiersea,
Luvi Light,
Wm. Swartz.
H. J. Sballenbtrger.
Three and Four per cent, irtereht wilt b.
I'aid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 23, ISM tf
to mm ueh
The Srnintl and RtpuHtcen office ia the
place to set job work done. Tiytt. ItwUl
pay yoo if yon need anything n that line.
eonenna from to. effects of youthful errors, .ay
aMn.wastiiigireaknoM, lo nunbwd. ota, 1 u
pvtioulars for horn, enre, FOWVat i
OModiil aaetlicsl work : LiiM h b
saaa who la mmu and douiUtau. -addrwa.
Trot. V. C FOWLEH, Bf OOdus, COBTV
Oonaumption Surely Oured.
Io Tbb Borroa.. Plaaae Inftwm your nsdsm
Sfaat I bm a poaltrn romady for tbs abore-nnued
duoaee. Br Ms tbnalyoM thousands of nopea
cusc hT been pemaiBtl cored. Ishallhaclad
to send two bottles of my iwmsdr to aay oi
Toux readers who hare eoidamattoa iS they wttX
eud me tb.tr Express and P. O. adrtress. Besseet
xully. X. A.6LOOOat.at.0..1oirwl8t..a. I.