Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 20, 1895, Image 2

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    8ENT15EL & tffiPlibLitJAN
KEIr:$DAi. MiH SO, 1895.
XDiroB abb rioriiTo.
CnxLiziD mail hates noise.
O.t to Pekio, id the war cry in
A p.EBELUoji is in progreia on tbe
Islanl of Cuba.
i.ne estimated loss to farmers in
the shrinkage of tlio value of borees
in 1S04, was 192,f-00,000.
Pkes't Cleveland was away duck
buntioy when tli-j altatk wua made
upon the Al'ianci.
Chaelis Fbei.6I.k Worth, the
fashionable tlrtss maker of Paris,
France, died of concastion of the
long, a fw dsya ago.
If the religions sarb bill becomes
a law, i:0 Danker, Mennonite, Quaker
or Catholic can teach a public school
and wear tbe clothes of their cburcli.
Ci.btelasd ia not satiatied witb tbe
way the Wilson tariff law is beinjj
treats! bv tus foreigner who gae
encouragement to the President and
bid frienos when the bill wss before
Tar lower house of the State As
sembly, passed a bill that no school
teacher ahall wear wmle teaclJicg
pub:ic school any clothes tb;t indi
cates that he or ahe belongs to any
particular religious fact.
These are petition? circulating
quietly in this county. t: the State
Sen.ifc praying fjr tne passage o. a
compu'gory eJacation bill. The oppa
l acts of compulsory ed icatiaa are
not patitiorjiujj tho Senate.
A woM ' in Ohio when iiasstioned
aa to hr ae in cmuectioa with har
right to vote, aaiu: T am &vor 21
years " "That givas ma a rota for
me:ulera of the School board."
"It i nobody's business how uiiich
oM&r I cm."
Tne Washington Agrieultur-l Bur
eau, estimates the corn crop in the
county at 475,564,450 bushel j. Not
u lilies crop, but thore has been so
much wheat fed to stock tba past
winter, that the pries of corn ha
be&a kept cewu. The estimated
amount rf wheat iu farmers Lands
75.000,030 tint is 39,000,000 bnthe!s
Its tLa ia .Vareh lS9i
Whit.": mtn vh load cation on
ship, made war on neproes eogagad
in the same work in Now Orleans on
the 12th inat. Thoy ctrova the De
grees from work whreT6r they fouud
iben?, shooting and kniS.-ig then
whei'9Tcr found. The m; b compli
cie 1 tbe situation by firing on ne
gro workmen .njj.iged in loading
British ehipa and French shipa
TiiraE are enough fool bills before
the Ii-jgialatura this session 1 3 loee
the Htatj to the republican party at
the next e'.act'.on, if the bills become
a 1,7. Tov einnpk: Ihere is
the Religious Garb Bill; the
Compulsory Education Bill, and tba
Bill that provides that every Com
mon School Boom shall be prowdad
with ,i sot of "250 photographic illus
trrtions at the expense of the tax
payers of the respective school dis
tricts. ''Wham the rods wish to
destroy, thoy first make mad.''
. -
Bottle Raising.
The I'erry County Djm'surat. says:
Nine little pigs that first fcsv the
liht cf da' near West Grove bad
the nv-fjiiune to 1 :se their mother
d.iri:. tho recent bhzzird. Th9
dinfnutive porkers, however, have
each bjeu supplied by Joseph Mur-
ley with a m lk bottle with a rubber
nozzl" and
they are all thriving
Pensiouers Fleeced.
i-ist Fridav a: Harrisburg Barney I w3'1 st.-aicship, by a Spanish mn of ! M tbejr V,11 aTh
npei , ilia's Joeph Dolan, alias j 'r, off tue coast of Cuba, ha result-1 "uinbs allow 3 egSs.
' . 1 . . . i t a. . Ann lint Twr?nfr. irinf
Wm. Dolau, tbs arrested at McSher-
rystown, Adams Co., Pa. DIan is
all.ed to have baon railing' upon
pensiosers in southcasteru Pennsyl
vania, rtpresecting to them that he
rad been sent out of the Pension Of
fice to examine them and to see that
the beard of examining "urg'ors had
done tbcni justice He is alo alleg
ed to have leprtsentcd that ne had
powr to increase pensions or reduce
them, as ho fcucd them, and it is
tiiared that aftiir nsakin.qf some motn
oranda in reference to the pension
er' case he would d'.mand a fee of
$1.50 t; nave tho matter put on rea
ord. Growin? Fat
from the Naw Orleans Tlmos Democrat.
Ia at.' interview in St. Louis on
Tuesday Dr. Maiks cf the City lies
pita', rwong other ibings, said: "The
psychological condition of patients
alllict. il with tuberculosis has a great
effect m retarding or advancing tha
inroads of tLa disease. For instance,
it has not bjen long 6;uco a pitient
was turned out cared who received
but little or no medicine. A wafer
of my own preparation was given him
and tho scries doctored each time he
was w-.igbtd. His caso was not a
virulent one, and his spirits were
greatly depressfid. I never sjw a
man who looked upon the slowly con
suming d'ease with so much horror
and terror, he wasted away to 115
pounds. Well, he took the wafers
and diet very readily, and shortly af
ter he was weighed. The scales wero
doctored so as to make bim weigh
120 pounds. Such a broad, hopeful
smile as lighted his wan features as
he gazed at the scales bas seldom
been seen on any patient's face
snatched from the brink of the grave
back to life. Immediately he com
menced to gain flesh in earnest. It
was not nectsaory to change the
scales after the second time. In a
few months ho weighed 160 pounds,
the cough disappeared, and with a
cheerful face he left the hospital car
ed. Thus, there is something, even
a great deal in tbe psychological con
dition of patients."
What the Spaniard Says.
A despatch from Havana, puts a
new fare on the Spanish Man of War
firing on the U. S. Mail Steamer At -lianca.
The despatch says: It was
the ccmncander of the Spanish Ship
Cunde De Venadito that tired on the
American Ship. The Am rican, ha
says was withi i a mile and a half of
shore and raised the English, flag
and the Spaniard thought she was an
English ship.
Cemmnnlon Caps.
The question of Individual Com
munion cups was brought np in he
Baltimore Methodist Conferencs on
the 12th inst. by a resolution con
demning as un-Chriatian the use tf
individual cups at the Lord's Supper.
The resolution brought to thstr feet
a largo portion of the delegates.
Kev. Dr Richard Harcourt, pastor of
Grace Church, Baltimore, which re
cently adopted indiv'duid caps, sticf:
"I would like to know in what par
ticular tbo US9 of individual cap?
conflicts with the Bible or the Math
odiat Discipline'"
"I think their ia nrt anthoritv lor
their use in either." tbe Bishop ans-
warel. "Jeans Christ said, cup.
not 'cups. That is my conviction, i
(Applause, wnue ail eyes centered
again upon Dr. Harcourt)
Well, as to that," Dr. Harcourt
replied. "I thiuk I can sav there ia
i scriptural authority for the use of in
! dividual cups. Cmist said, Thi
I cud divide amon? vou.' As to the
individual cup?"
"You can read tho Discipline,"
Bishop Andrews announced.
"Bat I aai waiting for rou as the
piaaident of this Conference to read,
Dr. Harcourt said.
"I decliuo to do it," the
"There wae a tim," Dr. Harcoart
rcauaied, "whan it was at id every
body had to s;o c!en-shavea like the
Bishop of this Conference when
tLert was no dipping of the mous
tacha into the cup, with perhapa to
bac:o juice on it; whan there waa no
offensive suffering from the grip af
ter having lofi the handkerchief at
home. (Groaua) I tell vou, Mr.
Pres:derit, that fioai t'u-.sc- caua's at i
the Ubie of tho Lonl and His Com
munion, I lava administered slops." :
Groans followed and t-xclamations '
of "Oh!" and arias cf "3top!" But ;
Dr. Harcourt csntinued: "If thoro
wera nut so many la lies present, I '
might give you brethren some fur- -ther
facta (roana, oa1!s to order and '
criea of "Oh!"); bat 1 refrain." '
The Bihrp called Dr. Hircourt t:
crder, and Dr. H&rcourt uaid: "t r
tainly, Biahop, I aaid I would refrni
o:i account of the presence iu tuis
congregation of ladies from giving j
further unpUaant Nets which are J
appropca in inn macasaion ot tnis
Finally the mattar wn laid on the j
table 70 to 90. Inter ia the fe ;
ion the following resolution was nn-'
animously adopted
'Reao!vaJ, That we hereby declare
that oar action taken this morning
with raforeriee to the use of individ
ual Communion cups is not to be
construed as either approving or
condtrinning this innaration."
prepares for Teaching; for College;
for BiiEiness; for Social Dnties.
Eiorrr iikpaktvexts: Equipment
i worth half a million dollars. Spec
ialists of f ucceesful experience ern
tilovcd as Teachers, A Ligh stnd-
ard of scholarship maintained.
State aid to all persons preparing to j pointer is passing over tiic stiaees bc
leach. No school can give more for i tween tho strips of metal. The growing
the money. Few can give so much, j of com may 1j heard direct by means
Special classes for Uaclurs. Spring! nf tho microphone, and there aro those
teim oii(,na .V.ireh 25tb. lS'lH S.n-.d ! who declaro that they hao heard it
for rircuiiirs and outline of cours".
J. P. Welsh, Principal,
B'.oomsuur, Ta.
Spain ABksd to Apologise.
The firing upon the United States 1
fed in Secretary of Slate, Gresham, !
r K mj
bpanisu goverr.ment, through the
Lnited States minister at .Madrid,
"Taylor; Minister, .Vadrid: This
Department ia informed that on the
8th inat., '.he United States mail steam j
ship Alliance, on her homaward voy
age from Colon to New York, when-1
nines iruui ine coast OI UUOS, oil I
Caps .Maysi was repeatedly fired up
on by a Spauish gnnboat with solid
f-hot, which, fortunately, feh short, j
The Win J ward Passage, where this!
occurred, is the natural and usual
bigtiwav for vessels piying between
ports of the United Statea and the I
Carribbena Sea. Through it several i
1 1 : ' a - .. .
rrguuir nues oi American man ana
commercird stealers pass weekly
within sight of Cape Maysi. Tbey
aro weu Known, ana tueir voyage em
braces no Cuban port of call. Forci
ble interference with thorn cannot be
claimed as a belligerent act, whether
they pass within three miles of the
Cuban coast or not, and can under j
no circumstances be tolerated when
no state of war exists. This govern
ment will expect prompt disavowal
of the unauthorised act and due ex
pression of regret oa the part of
Spain, and it must insist that imme
diate And positive orders be given to
Spanish naval commanders not to in
tcrfeie with leeitiniate American
commerce passing through that
channel, and prohibiting all acts
wantonly imperilling life and pro
perty lawfully under tbe flag of the
United States. You will communi
cate this to the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, and urge the importance of
a prompt and satisfactory response.
RateaiaaatiSDa Cured la a Day
'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the canse, and tho dis
ease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by L. Banks & Co., druggists,
Mifflintoans. Jan. 9, 96.
How BirmingUasa Loofcn Cloaoly After tho
Ii;t--t-stn of Ilrr ClUarna.
Cecrgo Francis Train's famous at
tempts to iatro;lace tramways in the
British tj-vus in iKCOdid not neglect
Birmiuglinni, says Dr. Albcirt Shaw in
hii "Municipal Government In Great
Britain. " Mr. Train ras granted an ex
perinioutnl concastiion, which ho failed
to utilize, and in 1861 tho corporation
itself oMaiucd parliamentary authority
to build tramway. But nothi'i was
doiio nntil after tho Roncral tramways
act of 1870 was passed.
At U'lifTth, in mix, tho council laid
tho first life i.t a cost of f 75,000 and
leased it for sovon years toau opcrariiiff
couipnny. i'loiu time to limo otlitr lines
have been buils and leased, hat tho cor
poration's limiis included only 8,400
acres until Jcv. 9, lhiii, when they
wero increased to 12, acres by the
annexation of tiabnrbd then containing
aomo 00,on0 pcojilo. Thus wluu tho
corporation's arrcct railway system was
under cmstrnctiou the a.vrraso lista:ico
from l!io renter to the ircnmfer
cccoof Birmingham was only two miles,
and 23 miles of tram lines are tho total
extent of tho muuiciiutl owuersliip. Ont
doof the city's juri.sdic:ion the operat
ing conipiii:ies hnvo t.tci:di'd the liiies
by a still greater mileage. Ia tho future
undoubtedly thesa extensions will bo ac
quired by the Birmingham corporation
at ft fair valuation, in nccordauco with
tho methods prescribed in tho genernl
tramways nc-t. Tho present mniiicipal
lijK"S aro opcratud iu part by horso pow
er and iu port by yteam, with cable and
electricity al.so introduced on certain
Tho terms of rental ara worthy of
mention: 1. Tho kaing companies
ajjree to pay 4 per cent on tho full mu
nicipal investment for tho mt 1 4 years j
of tho 1 aso r.nd 5 per cent for t!:o re-
uniniii feven years. 2. Tlio compr.uics
also pay an annual sni.'i which nt com - I
! pomid iiitt ivst will nccnnmlntc a fnud !
equal to tho whole capital outlay at tho
, I end of tho 21 j cars' lease. It is ralcu
Bishop ! ,,., an,j :..,r..u(i tjmt 4 ptr cent for 14
years and 5 jht cent for tho remaining j
seven years will Mifiieo to raise tho fall
amount t c;.pit:d. .Meanwhile also tlio
companies pay ail enrrent charges for
repairs and maintcniineo cf tho lines
uponrcceiing bills certified by tho city
surveyor. It simuld be rcntcmbered t'ur.t
Birmingham i. ablo to liorrov at very
low rates, mid it is clear that these
terms are prolitablu to tbe mnvicipality.
At tktM i: 1 nf the 21 years the earning
valuo of tho francliises will have in
creased, and r.e'.v leases c;:n be executed
on terms stiil more advantageous to th.
city. But wliilo Birminhaiu h::.i thus
protected the ratepayers so handsomely
it has sccciunlisiied even more in tho
gcardiiii; of tlio interests of tint travel-
ing public, Bvery dvtail as to rates r-.f j
f;:ro and character of ser vice is deseri bed j
in tho byh.ws :iud reuulatious that tho !
companies have to aci-ept. Tin? miliar.)-
nessof the rennirct-ieuts touching duties !
and condiict i f drivers and conductors,
fariiishi:! and liqlaiiiK of cars and so
on would iiiua.o an American cominn
uity. IXT(-s7.:i nnil SppI,: Il.-iiits irmr.
Thero aro several ways of icirlerirg
I the growth cf X'htuts both audible and
visible, but tiie modus operandi 1:1 t::u
"lattst iiiipioveu" rxperimeiits is ns
follows: J;i order to make tho cro'.vlli
of a very vignrons plas:t visible, a i:no i
platinum wire hhoul.l bo ci.rt I'idly ;- !
tached to the growing part. Tho other j
end of this wire should Irj attached to a
pencil pressing gently against a drum i
which it being driven by clock work. If j
the growth be uniform a straight lino j
is marlx-d ou tho paper, but the very
slighu.ti incre.vo is f'iowu by incline. ,
A slight modilicath.n of this r.rr:i;i:e- ;
ment renders the growth andilih. in :
this experiment the dram mnst bo eov- i
ered with platinum foiis of a certain j
width and separated from each olher by
spares of about oue-cihtl. cf an inch, j
These strips nf plaiinr.m sh-mld 1 o
ru ado to complete tho circuit of a gl- !
vanio battery, to which an el.ctric Ir.dl
is attached. Iu this caso the bell ia
kept continually l-innim; wbilu the
plant is growing the hei;;ht i:f the wiiitli
f tbo strins ns.!d and is silent while th..
without any artificial assistance what
ever. St. Louis Republic.
Two Savory fcuppr Dl.-J.es.
Cheese puffs are made by taking an
equal quantity of gratud cheese and
bread crumbs, writbs Elizabeth Kobin
son ijeovil i:i Tho Ladies' Home Journal.
Soak tho bread crumbs iu as much milk
o eacn ptni or
gs. neasou wiin sail
V IFPer- riace a ter.iate .ayers
fliult mlti tlift Airtra ami lf l.-o nlunF.
minutes. Servo as soon as the dish is
taken from the oven.
Cut thin slices of bread about three
inches square, heap them with grated
cheese, taking care not to spread itwith-
in an eighth of an inch of tho edges of
the sqnare. Placo them in a pan and
Pnt them iu a Q.uick oviU-
Ited Topped ISoot.
"When I was a boy," said a middle
aged man, "everybody, men and boyg,
too, used to wear boots. Who does not
remember the pride and joy of the small
boy over his first pair of boots with red
tops? What delight of early youth ia
there now to equal it? The first pair of
anspenders is all very well, but what is
li nr-n lilf.t flu, tif tiiit- i .t i-riA t.r. luifjT
there like tho first pair of red top boots?'1
New York Sun.
Saves Time,
"Are yon doing anything for
cold?" asked Rayuor.
And Shyne handed him a card in
scribed as follows: "I'm taking the
advice of every blamed fool that cornea
along with a remedy. W hat s yours?
Chicago Tribune.
The first patent for a sewing machine
was issued in England in 171)0. This
early invention was not successful, and
other patents were issued in 1S04, 1818
and scores of times since.
The carnival season is the most high
ly esteemed holiday in most Italian
cities. In many respects it bears a re
semblance to tbo Roman batnrnalia.
Tbe name of Nathaniel Macon of
North Carolina was bestowed on Macon,
The Swiss lake dwellers mado more
nse of spelt than of wheat.
An Optimist.
"My husband," said Mrs. Sharp, "is
one of tbe most cheerful of optimists"
"Oh, yes; he never doubts his own
judgment" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The first watches, made at Nuremberg
ana oaueu .Nuremberg eggs," com
manded nearly $500.
An ourx seal ring, belonging to i
ancient Athenian, waa lately dog ap
How People Talk lu One or William Sharp's
Mr. William Sh.arp, tho disciplo iu
England of Maeterlinck, has written a
volume of dramatic interludes which
he calls "Vistas." It may interest somo
readers who cro not well acquainted
witb tho deendeut species cf dialogue tJ
see the following scrap taken from the
"PassiiiR of Lil i th, " which by souio is
regarded as the most typical of the " Vi
Uliitd Lili;h, hears "of beauty, wilt
thou come?
Lilith 1 pcriyu yonder.
Uinel Thau canct not die. Thou ni t
Lilith I dreamed that I el'ould Uia
daily mid a thocsaud deaths.
t",k.i Love Fcoructh la:;r.
Lilith Fe::r warnetli love.
Ulnel t'O'-no. -
Lilith S.'iow mo tho portals of thy
gohlou bonse.
Uluel (troab!al What wouldst
Lilith Thee.
Uluel I niu.it go hence. Already
If this dialoirne has tndei.cy to be
wilder the-untutored end nuivycholos
ical mi ml, what will he tboeilYctof this
brief quotation from "The Whisperer?"
Tho Man Who Kpokc?
Tho Whimperer it is I.
The Man-, Who art thou?
Tho Whisperer I run of taoso who
Tho Man -For whom? (Si!c::co.)
Tho Man For what? (SilcL-ce.)
The f.Ian Art thou there?
Tho Whis perer I am here.
Tho Man I eo theo not. Where art
Tho Whimperer I am tho rhythm of
the whirling wheels rt:i tho tailing
hoofs, in tho iiji:.o cf imicmeious feet
and tho mm mnr of m; riad breaths. The
sparrows flicht-riu tho light of my foot
fall, and thn high sunlight is iu my
This conversation, be it nuted, i tak
ing place en a crowded modern Loudon
street. Mo.-t peopio v.-onld prefer even
Oscar Wildo as a bttciy diet. Boston
She l'rtrit4 Ai;Kii:st Ai.y IM:blic Library
CriiMrilii ct lookit.
Thero is another matter iu which, to
my view, great libraries aro as much at
fault as when they desire to dictate the
price of books. It is when they at
tempt to constitute themselves tho cen
sors of opinion, tho judges of what tho
public should cr should not read. It is
as monstrous for a librarian or a com
mittee of librarians to exclude a work
which is asked for from tbeir book
shelves on tho score of its immorality as
it would bo lor a groce r to refuse to sell
a customer tea because he thought it bad
for tho nerves. Tho purveyor has no
business to dictate tho tastes of bis sup
porters. The public is tbo solo judge of
what it wishes to read. If the wickedest
book in tho world bo in doiuaud, tho
circulating libraries, which are merely
tho go between, uniting tho publisher
and the readtr, are bound to supply it.
Its character is no affair of theirs. They !
are not popes or police officers, nor is j
tho public a child or ward in chancery.
Ouida in Ki;rth American Review. j
Symbolical Jewelry.
Tho Japanese ladies, by tho several
ways of dressing tho hair, deuoto wheth
er they aro maid, wife or mother. Oth
er nations and tribes attach a similar
t-ignificanco to the wearing of certain
articles of jewelry, as the Algerian wo
men, who, upon the birth of tho first
child, asdumo a round silver brooch, en
circled by small coral roses and finely
wrought knobs of metal. If tho child is
a girl, this ornament is worn on the
breast. If a boy, it is placed on tho fore
head. Theso women, young and old, are
fond of trinkets and wear a multiplicity
of bead and coral necklaces, as well as
those made of spices and a sweet smell
ing paste, said to be composed of pressed
rueo leaves. Bracelets and necklaces of
tho h.tter kind arc found on sale in largo
bazaars and are desirablo not only as
curiosities, but on account of their pleas
ant and lahtiug perfume. Kew York
"Fear," said the Russian General
SkobeloiT to a subordinate officer, "must
ceaso when a man reaches the grade of
captaiu. " Every officer under him was
expected, when tho occasion came, to
lay down his life as an example to his
' I must show my men how badly tbe
Turks aim," he said while standing as
a target on a rampart of a trench at the
siege of Plovna.
"I know how to cure him of exposing
himself," said a soldier in tho trenches.
"Tbo first time he jumps on tho rampart
let us all jump after him."
They did so, and bkobeleff, who conld
not bear needlessly to expose hia men,
jumped down. Youth's Companion.
lias the Mont Lrs.
Tho little creatnre which hears the
distinction of owning more legs and feet
than any other known organized being
is the unllepcd, which literally means
thousand footed. There are several
species of these curious worms, all pos
sessing tho characteristic of having a
many h'egmcuted body, each segment
provided with a pair of legs. Unlike the
ceutipeds "hundred footod" they
are perfectly harmless. St. Louis Re
public. Lebanon County English.
"The most beautiful girl I ever saw,
either in face or form," said tho bach
elor doctor, ' 'was over in the good old
Pennsylvania Dutch county of Lebanon.
I met her nt a party and foil iu love
with her even before I knew that sho
was worth S100.000 in her own right
and before I had been introduced ti her.
Tho moment I saw her I resolved to trv
to win her. Iwas dead gone. I couldn't
rest nntil I was introduced.
"An embarrassbig siionce followed
the introduction. I had expected a friend
at tho party and hadn't seen him. I
broke tho embarrassing silenco by ask
ing my enslaver if Bhe had noticed
whether ho was present. A Mush deep
ened her cheeks. Her beautiful eyes
grew brighter! Teeth cf matchless white
gleamed between iter red lips as sho
opened them to reply. And this was
what bho said:
" 'I haven't saw him yife, I gnesa he
hasn't come already. '
"That was guod Lebauou county Eng
lish, hut somehow I didn't try to wiu
the girl." New York Sun.
Women Win In Sooth Australia.
Word haa come from the president ot
the W. C. T. U., Mrs. Nichols of Pros
pect, that in Adelaide, South Australia,
adult 6ufTragc haa been carried, giving
the women a right to vote on the same
terms as men and with no barrier to
a seat in parliament. The bill now only
awaits the queen's consent
Mrs. Nichols says, "It is a grand vic
tory tor a hard and well fought battle
of seven years."
Get a good papa ly nbrcrilire 'ot
Dr S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the TJniverpity of .51aryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public that he bas opened a Dental
Office nt Oikland Mills, Pa ,. where
he cn be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
an teed.
The deadly coal mine water from
the mines on the West Branch of the
Susquehanna is killing the fisk this
spring by the huudrods Tae banks
of the stream into which the deadly
water rnns, nra literally strewn with
''ead fish, eays the Shickshmny
Democ! at.
B again period extended at
Pht.-togropu Gallery 1
0iDg to the excitement in tho
twin-towns as weil as couutry caused
by our great i ed uction
Coupled with the interference of the
bad "weather, I have conclnded to
a oidtr to give my country friends
aa well ks those iu tho twin-towna,
an upportnnity to profit by my rs
duction. Until April 11, my price
will he fr Aristo
Pric a of all other work reduced in
proportion, particularly Family
Dui hg that timyoncan pnrcbase
a ticket for $1 which will entitle you
to tne D- z-u
and you can lake your sitting at any
time between now and JHyll, 1895.
X. B. If anything should prevent
your coining brf ro May 11, you can
return your ticket and Lavo money
This g" ves country as well as town
a fair chatce.
Bridge street, SI:ffl;n!ovn, Pa
March 20, 1S05, 3t.
VirLtrnw. I March 20 1-6
iiMor ...
'i'l A hundred
1 10
.. ,73s to 80
ara in r. ...
I 'n -r4 i1 ...
T iro'l v swil.
H 2 xre.l
ItHtlli.. ...
O'e'.m! a-iini
A (..-r-,- .n i'A
rHtLAl2U'HIA HaUKCTS. Mulch 18,
13'.)5 Clovf recd 9 to 10.-; wheat 61
to 62c; mra 4 ) to 50c; oats 36 to 37c:
rats Mi aw ?7 to $S a ton; tcngled
tye fdratv $1 1 to $12 a tot: clover
buy $5) t-. $1 1 a ton ; timothy hay $11
to $13 50 a tot ; butter 15 to 25c;
eg2S 1 1 to Me; duck ejjrs 23 to 32c;
iioosa eggs Co to 70c; live hens 12 to
13c; rooattia 8r; duek 12 to 13c; tal
low 4c; potatoes 58 to 70c; beef cattle
4 to 5h", sheep 3 to 5c; Iambs 4 to
(5c; hogs (is; milch calvts 3i to 7c; fat
cows 3-; thin c-jvs $12 to 21: milch
cows $20 to 5'40
Did yon ever see one of the famous
waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs ?
It's very easy to tell, for they are all
marked this way
Thcv are the only Interlined Collars
and Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov
ered with waterproof " Ceixcxoid."
They'll stand right by you day in and
day out-and they are all marked this way
st cost is the only coat, for
tney keep clean a long time, ana wncn
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by siniply wiping off with a wet cloth.
mat is rue suna maricea ma way
These collars and cuffs will outlast
six linen ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials and laundry bills no
chafed neck and no wilting down if
vou get a couar marked tins way
Ask vonr dealer first, and take noth
ing that has net above trade mark, if
you desire perfect satisfaction. All
others are imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
marked this way, we will send you a .
sample postpaid on receipt of price.
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cnffs 50 cts. pair.
Give yonr size and say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
497-2 Bra4wsr, NEW YORK.
We want a few nin to sell a Choice Lin
of Nursery Stock. We cannot make you
rich in a month but can give inn tleady
employment and will pay you well for il.
Our prices rorrufpoud with the times.
Wiitefor trim and territory to
July 14,195. Roches'er, N. Y.
Sslary and eapensrs or commission.
High grade htoek at low prices. N
specialtirs. Seed Potatoes, Jtc.
mem wasted
in ever town. Steady werk. Pay Week
ly. Addrets. H. B. WILLIAMS, Secy
a-oriiann, a. 1. ssrp. 15,1896.
Ruli:r:t lor the Scntimtl aso Kaposi.
cab, a good p ip--i.
srv a
j wm
Lone E. ATameos. 9. M. M. Phiiw
ATKIHSOlf gt PEftWHl.1.,
oyCollectinf and Oonveyanciag arempt
ly attended to.
Orncs Ob Mala atreot, ia place of rcai
dence of Lenia X. Atkinson, Ksq., seoth
Bridse etreet. fOct 36, 1892.
District Attorney.
Lave formed a partner" hip for tba practice
of Mediciae and tbeir collatteral brancbea.
Oaice at eld ataad, corner of Third and Or
azf streets, Mifflintewo, Fa. Oaa or both
el tbcni wilt be found at their office at all
tuuoft, uulras otherwise profrssiorslly oo
gotd. April 1st, 1890.
(Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col
lege,) formerly of Mintioburg-, Pa., baa lo
cated permanently in Mifiiintown, aa anc
cesort the lata Dr. . L. Derr, and i!t
continne the dental buainesa (eatabllabfd
by the Utter ia 186G) at tba well known of
fice on Bridga atraet opposite Conrt Bouan.
ny tkktu bxtk acted, absoltjte-
JVo Cliloroforvi, EtAer, or Gat toed.
Ko Sore Gums or Dinoorafort to patient,
rither rtnriDg extraction or afterwards.
All tbff e are Guaranteed ar ra e bar go
will be made.
All work guaranteed to give perfeet
satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Dentist.
WhercsB. the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS,
President Jn'tge of the Court of Common
Pleas, for tho Forty-First Judicial Distiict,
composed of the counties ol Juniata and
Terry, and the Hoi.orsbles JOSIAH L. BAR
TON ami J. P. WICKEK3UAH, Associate
Judges of tha aaid rourt of Common Pleas
J of Juniata county, by precept duly issued
: and to me directed for holding a Court of
' i T.in.. n.n.i.1 T.;i n al l ; .-.
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace at Milllintown, on the
IS'otics iikrkbt oivex. to the Coroner,
Justices of tbe Peac and Constables of the
County of Jimi.ta, that tbey be then and
thero in tb-ir proper p"rsons, at 10 o'clock
in tl.c forenoon i.i nai l day, with thnir rec
onls, inqiiisiii'ins. examinations and Oyer
remembemnces, to do those things that to
tbeir oftlces respectfully appertain, and
thosu that are bound by recognizance to
prosecute against tbo prisoners that are or
niny he in the Jail of Mid county, bo then
and there to prosecute ajraiuit them as
sbali be j'ist.
!y an net of tho Asiernhl)", pissed thu
Gth rlav of May. IS31, it raids tho dutv of
Justices of the Pesco ot the several coun
ties of tlii.-i Couiinnnwenllh to return to tn."
Clerk of the Court of Quarter
the respective conaMfH, at)
tho recogt.t
zinccs entered into before iliooi by any cii
zjn or persons char-tJ wifn tue eoaimits
sion ot'anv crime, except sush cases a, may
be ende.t h.f re aJastic" of the P.nco, un
der exisiins laws at leist t.-n days betor';
the coinmiiccnient of the session of tbe
Conrt to which ther are made returnable
respectively, and in all cases whs-re recog
nizances are entered into les.-i th in ton days
before the commencement of tho session to
which they are made returnable, tho fraiJ
Justices are to return the same in the same
manner ns if ssid act had not been paKd
Datedat ViMlintown, the ItHb day of
March, in the year of our f-ord, one
thousand eight htindrMd and ninty-five. f
J. P. CALHOUN, Sheriff.
?H,Birr's OrricE,
MilHintowr, March 13, 1S95.
The following schedule went Into rti'tet
Not. in, 193, sol the trains will be run as
p. m a. m Leave Arrive a. 01 p. ni
4 30 9 16 Duncannon 8 40 8 50
4 56 9 21 Ring's Mill 8 34 41
4 2i 9 24 'Sulphur Sprinea 8 31 3 l
3 41 9 25 Corman Sid ine t 29 3 39
4 45 9 29 Montebll Park 8 2C- 8 3r
4 45 9 SI 'Weaver 8 24 3 34
4 51 9 3G 'Roddy 819 3 29
4 64 9B9 'HofTnaa 8 IS 3 2C
4 t',6 9 41 'Koyer 8 14 3 24
4 59 9 44 'Mabauov 8 118 21
5 10 10 00 Bloemflpld 8 05 8 14
6 17 10 07 'Long's Koa-i 7 62 2 45
5 21 10 13 'Nellsoa 7 4C 2 89
6 25 10 IS 'Dun. 'a 7 43 2 36
fi 28 10 19 Klliotsburr. 7 40 2 33
6 24 10 2" 'Bcrnheisl's 7 84 2 27
5 86 10 27 'Gron Pk 7 32 2 2-S
6 4110 32 'Montour June 7 27 2 20
0 00 1 1 20 Landisburg 0 55 1 50
p. m a. iu Airivn Leave a. m p m
Tr.in 1 .afn-t 81ialUH at C.H a. at.
and arrives ' Ltndisbur at 6.4 a. ra.
Tta;ti leaver Laieliklmr at 6.14 p. 10., and
arrvrg tit &lotuti;:lil ai (j. 50 p. 111.
Trains leave Loynvi'io for Ituiicn.non at
7. 220 a. m , and 2. 15 p. iu. Retarniaj.
arrive at 10 i7 a. in., au.l 4.60 p. ra
llutwevn l.anniaanrz i.nd uoyaville trains
ruu as tollnwa: Leave Laadmlar,r for Iv.y.
ville 6 65 a. ra , and 1 60 p ra., Lovsviile
for Lan.lishurg 11 10 a. ra , a'li 5 09 p. m.
All stations inarferd () are Dag stations.
at whict trains will come to a f till stop un
Do yea tctnt to borrow money on (qnitcble
Do yon detire to pay off a mortgage and
reborrow the money at 6 per cent, interest
Wonll y care to be sa eilutted that yea
couM redce tit mortgage mgaintt your
home by faying off a email amount mouth
ly and at the end of each year receive cred
it for mil patdt tt'tlh interest betng charg
ed only ou remaining portion of loan.
Would you tike to buy your family a homel
If so, read the fallowing:
I represent a Company that has embod
ied in Ha plan all tbe teaturea enumerated
above and many more. Can you see any
rrasoa why yon should pay a large interest
f"r money when yon have good aecnritjT
Can you present any good reason why it is
not as well to receive proHta veatly as to
n-ait from 7 to 10 years as one docs in many
of tbe Association? Is not the reduction of
interest yearlv better, than waiting many
yeara for profits! Borrowers under tho plan
represented by ma assume absolutely no risk
aa each SI 90 paid on the loan ia credited
oa tbe mortgage, thereby reducing it in
proportion tu the amount paid.
Bailding Asaoeiationa have benefited
hundreds of tbousanda, so did tho old cars
tbat were propelled by horses. Oar plan is
as far superior to Building Associations aa
the trolley cars are to tbe old antiquated
horse ear ayslem. My time ia to much oc
cupied to answer queationa lor the carious,
but those seeking information for tba bet
tevment of their condition will receive fell
information promptly. We offer an invest
ment to tboaa who have a araall amoant to
mommy mat oaa bo soperior aa to
aaiety aad seldom equaled for proflta. Call I
or write. Macbicb Lbobabb, !
, , Oakland Mills,
Js.nl.3-8m Jnniata coanty, P
On and after SuadaT, November
26, 189. trains will ran as follows:
Way Passenger. Iravea Philadelphia at
4 80 a. ra; Harrisbnrg 8 18 a. m; Dnncao
BonSA4a. as; New Port 9 24 a. m; Mil
leretewn 9 3d a. m; Dnrword 9 43 a. m;
Tbompaontown 9 47 a. m; Van Dyke 9 M
a. m: Ttteearora 9 69 a. m; Mexico 10 09 a.
m; Pert Reyal 10 07 a. mi Mifflin 10 14 a.
re; Denholm 10 21 a, nt LawistowD 10 40
a m; McVeytown 11 W a. m; Wawtoa
Hamilton 11 a. m; Mount Uaiaa II 49
a. m; Huntingdon 12 10 p. w; Tyrene 1 OS
p. an; Alloona 1 45 p nt; PitUburg 0 6w p. m
Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 09 a
m, Ilarriabarg 11 SO a. m; Daocaanoa 11 60
a. aa; Newport 13 14 p. an; Mifflin 19 p.
m; Lawistown 1 IS p. m; MoVvtowa 1 83
p. m; Mount Union I (9 p. m; Uaatiafdao
2 17 p. m; Petrrsbarjr 2 80 p. m; Tyrone
8 05 p. m; Altoona 8 40 p. aa; Pitt.burj
8 60 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation laavea Harria
burjr at 6 CO p. m; Uancaonon 6 81 p. m;
Newport OS p. to; Jfilleretewa 6 IS p- in;
Tbeaspaontowa 8 24 p m; Tasearora 6 85
p. as; Afexieo 6 87 p an; Port Koyal U 42
p. m; Miflliu 6 47 p. m; Dcnbolaa 6 65 p. so;
Lew'.stawa 7 18 p. an; JfeVeytowa 7 88 p.
m; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. m; Hunting .
don 8 82 p. m; Tyrone 9 16 p. m; Altoona
9 60 p. m.
Pacific Kxpresa laavea Philadelphia at
11 20 p. ni; Harrisburf 3 10 a. m; Marya
villa'8 34 a. ni; Dnncannoa 3 38 a. m; New
port 8 59 a. m; Port Royal 4 81 a. ca; Mif
flin 4 87 a. aa; Lew is town 4 68 a. m; alo
Veytown 6 30 a. n; Hnntlngdon 6 08 a.
to; Tyrone S 65 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. S
Pittsbarg 12 10 p. m.
Express leaven Harrisbarg at 10 23 p. m
Newport 11 08 p. m; MUUin 11 46 p. Bi
Lewistown 12 OS a. an; Huntingdon 1 06 a.
m. Trono 1 42. a' re; Altoona 2 10 a. m;
Pittsburg 5 50 a. m.
Fast Lice Wares Philadelphia at 12 25 p.
m; Harrrisbnrg 3 60 p. m; Dnneanon 4 16
p. m; Nawport4 37 p. ni; Mifllin 6 10p.m.
Lewistown 6 29 p. tn; Mount Union 6 09 p.
m; Hunticgdon 6 23 p. n; Tjrono 7 00 p
m; Altoona 7 40 p. a; Pittaborg 11 il)
p. m.
Harriaburg Aeceanmodatlon laavea Al
toona at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a iu; Uuat
iogdon 6 05 a.nl; Ki-wton Hamilton 8 83
a. il; McVaylown 6 62 a. ni; Lawiatown
7 16 a. m; Mill) in 7 38 a. id: Port Koyal
7 44 a. ni; Mexico 7 48 a. m; Thompson,
towa 8 02 a. m; Milleratown 8 12 a. tb;
Newport 8 22 a. n; Duncannon 8 49 a. m;
Harriaburg U 29 a. ni.
Sea Shore laavea Fitttsbnrg 3 10 a ni;
Altoona 7 16 am; Tyrone 7 48 a in; Hunt
ingdon 8 30 a cd; .VcVaytowa 9 15 a m;
I.owjt..wn9 35 a in; ilitnio 9 65 a ni;
Port Koyal 9 f.V a nr.; Thompsontown 10 II;
Milleratown 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m;
Dnncaanon 10 54 a m; Marysville 1107 a
m; Harriaburg 11 25 a m; PbiladelhU 3 00
p m.
Pay Express learea Pltttburg at 8 00 a.
n; Altoona 11 50 a. ic; Tyrone VI 16 p. m;
Huntingdon 12 48 p. m; Lewistown 1 45 p.
m; Mini in z uo p. m; liarruhurx 3 20 p. ai;
! Baltimore 6 45 p. in; Wssbingloo 7 60 p.
' m; Philadelphia 6 60 p. m; .Nit York 9 33
p. IB
I Hail learcs Altoona at 2 00 p. ni, Tyrone
2 85 p. ia, Huntingdon 8 20 p ra; Newton
i Hamilton 3 51 p. re; McVeytown 4 12 p. oi;
j l.ewistewn 4 -H p. m; MIOlin 6 0? p. ju.
, Port Koyal 6 00 p. in; Afsrico 6 13 p.'ni;
; Thompsontown 2" p ui; MillerMown 5 38
i p. in; Kewporr 5 48 p. m; Dancanaoa 6 20
j p. m; HarrUntirg 7 00 p. m.
Mail Express learos Pittsburg at 1 00 p.
j re; Altoona 6 05 p. ni; Tyrone H 87 p m;
. lluatinpdoa 7 20 p. m; MuVevtown 8 0$ p.
! in; Lewistown 8 26 p. ro; Jlfitaiu 8 47 p m;
j Part Royal 8 02 p. ra; Milleratown 9 97 p.
! tn; Newport 9 26 p. m; Duscaaaon 9 60 p.
in; Hwiiburg 10 21 p. ra.
! Philadelphia Knpres iearas rittsbura- at
4 80 p. nj; Altoona 9 05 p. ni; Tyrone 9 33
1 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p m; Mouut Cs.
; . mso 1 n u .... r
; r- - - r 1 -
! din 11 37 p m; Ilarrisbure 1 09 s. id; Pbil
! adelpbia 4 30 New York 7 33 a. ui.
Trains have Dnncai.aon forBloumdeld at
9 16 a. in. and 4 80 p m; relnrning, arrive
at Dnneannon H So a. tu and 3 69 p. ns. on
week days.
Trains leave Ml. Union on week dart at
0 20 and 11 20 a. in 4 00 Mid 6 to p ro. j
traiaa arrive at Mt. Union 8 10 and 11 20 a.
m. 3 1 4 and 6 37 p. ux.
P. N. N. V R. K.
Trains leaves Bellwood at 8 00 a. ni. and
3 38 p tn. arrived at Bellwoo at 11 IV a.
m. and 6 41 p. ra.
N. k. S. V: R K
Trains leave Newport on week daye at
10 00 a. m. acd 0 05 p. in. arrive at New.
port 7 56 a. ru. and 4 0 p. sa.
T. V. K. R
Traits leave Port Koyal 10 80 a. m. and
5 15 p. vo artive at Port Koyal 5 45 a. u.
aad 8 15 p m 9 werk days.
Trains for buninry at 7 40 a. ro. and K)
p. a., leave Suobury tor Lewistown 1C 9
a. m, and 2 25 p. ni.
Trains leave for Bellefonte and Lo
Haven a? 8 10 a. m., 3 34 and 7 26 p w
leave Look Haven lor Tyrone 4 30, 9 87 p.
ui. and 4 18 p. m.
Traina leave Trone for Clearfield ard
Curweusville at 8 30 a. m.. 16 and 7 30
p ra., leave Curwensville lor Tyrone at 4 30
a. ni , 9 42 and 8 51pm.
Fer, rates, ma pa, eto., call onTioket
No honest man can eell Goods Cheaper than we can and
stay here.
Oar 'Joodg are Arguments. Our prices are eloqusnoe itself. Our aim il
to make both Goods and Prieee satisfactory evsry time. If you have tried
elaewbero aud failed, give aa a trial and be convinced. We auooeed wbera
others have failed.
A PAIR TEST. Call at every Store in lowo, thee osll on ns. Tho jaat
comparison you will then be able to make of qualities aad price, will preaob
a far more forcible sermon than anything we eould esj. This is a fair teat.
TRY IT. Then come and see the difference between desling with live and
dead men. Remember "no old stock" here. Yoara, unbiaaed and witkoat
prejudice. ,
K. H. McOlintic,
- V are Headquarters for overs thing thatlcaa be found in a irat elaaa hard
war store at lowest hying prioaa.
n: it, Main street, miffmwtow a, fa.
i Agent', or address, Thoa. E. Watt. P
a. w. v. uv hub Avaaua, Fitti.
bnrg, Pa.
8. M. Pbmtost, J. R. Wood,
Qen'l Manager. Oen'l Pass. Agt
I 1 lay Railroad Company. Time table
of paasanrrr trains, in effect on Montiy.
October lat, 1894.
war. r a a a
" a
6 1 8 67
6 29; 8 il
Buffalo Bridge....,
6 05 10 oe
6 08 10 63
0 12 10 07
Jnniata Furnaca ...
Vf at-r Ping
BloomHeld Jnnct'u,
Valley Read
Green Park
l.oysTille .........
Fort Kobesoa .....
Cisaa'a Rna
Anderaenburg .....
ShllD .. .
Mount Pleasant . .,
New German t'n ..,
8 16 10 10
25 10 17
6 85, t (0
0 22 10 20' 6 44 Sl
6 81 10 26 9 61; 8 13
8 89 10 84! 6 6: I g)
0 61 10 46,
S 64 10 49
7 16 11 00
7 1211 07!
7 17 11 12
7 28 11 181
7 27dl 22
7 10
7 20
8 16
3 10
7 06' 3 94
7 3. 2 6
7 41 2 41
7 34 2 46
7 48' 2 40
7 85 11 80; 7 4S
2 38
7 41 11 86
7 61 114
7 65' I tt
7 45 11 40
D. G RING, President and MaQ;er.
K.. Mi&lkb, General Agent.
Size Kcpa!r Shop t5 ifca S
asuaeuui am
la tbe
Sf it Is Kepi JafjvJ
f52SJAL,Ti MEil resell
.the JatGS'c5 Vh-Jzcl.
'and not titouju xasr
.til fmpBiraties.
PtR eofru.
MTaiV THE MAKKtfil iA.TU5JL4 gfc.
eiNftr'AMTOri. ti.X
Dr. HniphrT'STepl6csarsrleniltcalysd
carvtully lin-.irc1, AemoduM. nrd fur yenm In
liTaM praottca aad fur aT tfelrry yr. by tbo
people wlta entire sunecm. Kfcrj nogle pcfBD
a special sure fuf Uie 41iM-ufte cru-O.
The, cure wltliniu drntUK. lrslnr or re,lnriu
tae.ytcuajidbxi li:-futauda;UU.tte4.welaui
ilemedice of the World.
un or Hmu. , ,.. raiM.
1 Fevere, Concetti. TnAnmrcAUris. ,39
a-nsraiN, v. t,ria rvcr, ivorai (.'niw...
S Teethlnx; C.itic, Cr'ln. w aaerkm
n:s .4.)
a lll.rrlea. of CIJi.lrr or KKlu.
ilraenlery.UTlplse, InJ.H.iM OJic it 4
O Cholera Mttrba, V,-ujliing
7 Oenebe. CoW. X'roa.Alrfci.
H?learIala. T.H'Lhbo. r'aatAca..,
e-Kradai'hc, Vuc l:cu.,BC. Vrrtlrw.
lO Hyasjva. pa,uci. . 'C?i.s,T-l,-.u ,
1 1 Halre.r,l er Paialcl rerieae-
12 Wliltc. T ITUK! lTiwla
13 Croup. I.arrcsltfs, Houwim. ...
14 Hail libi-Hiu, r.i7.:yL-t. VruUana.
15 UheMmKiUfle. or Pl.c..ialc Pmttm..
16 .Ualaria. ..hllb. -vr und .Kgu....
17 Fllea.Wlu'l ur i'.lcviHn-.
IS Olhlhalif, irf ',v.k Br on.
10 Caiarrh. lnAuKi, tlu In UcuKi
!Sf) Whoouiur Conalt
ttl Aitnii OL-tcvi utl raititra'..
2 Kar fiwvSaaraf'. 7.-r-reU S-artug
24 Uuncrn: cuur, rt)ai,l
tlS DreDev. und ScaaT av-'WiBB .
at-KiJury Diseases il
29 Si.rc iMentb. orCznaci 'IA
SB-trluary Woaase.s, WcUlugBrd.. .
31-raiafal rcrted is
S DlphlWorin, l'lcrwlSorcnmjt..
33-1 hronie CoaaeMieue FtoviIom. ,t4
IS Krrvsoi llobllitv, ailna) wk-
n-. Irvolwiijr. L-w,-liura l.S
SS Kpilcper, K7a.1ma.s1. Vitus' l)anoe...l.O
S44 fcf lmit., or mmnt pi. y.14 r..i mt pttcn.
Ba. Unman.' Nakul ( 114 prv..j e.iLae raaa.
arBTiHcr.is' nao. ra..i 1 1 a 1 is wuau St., m ask.
' VnrPnes KxtaraalsrlntMvut. IUadorBliiburl
; ristsla In Ann: IicMiikut iilevdiag of Uie faevMimi.
Til. re-Urf w lmu.etllMCe Ibe cure iwruia.
SeM Vr I-Wt. oc rm'. iHMV-y.u en m.! ot pmhrn.
: BOaraiuna'avxeo..iiia imiimJ.su.Bi van
ill' saaulafru.
1 temple trim. CAjuRtLai t ,31. V. caJK.f .
P.u res S?e k Head scfre