Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 06, 1895, Image 3

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sbeariptioa, IliO par aiu if paid
to rinmi SS.00 If act mM ta advance
Trsasteat adTertWe-aeata Inserted at M
Wi Pr kek for ma taaarttoa.
ThMhtt boalaeea netlaee ta local sol-
aaaa, 10 eats par Uaa for each Inenrtlon.
DadaaMflM vlH Ha aula to Hinaa l.r4n
to sdvartSae by the yaw, half or narter
Of lira stock and arming imple
Tuesday; March 26. Joseph Both'
fesk, Agant for the JaniaU Vallev
Bank, will sail at public sale at the
Joseph Page farm ia Monroe Twp., a
good mare, and all kinds of farming
implements, eora fodder and corn in
the ear. Jamas Cavsnv, Auctioneer.
March 11. D. T. Adams will sell
at his place near Johnatowa this
county, 7 horses, 2 of which are hand
soma, gentle Arabia a horses, colts,
cows, pigs and a fall assortment of
farming implement, wagons, mower,
reaper, household goods, potatoes
and apple battor, &o. 9 months
ersdit on all sums oyer five dollars.
D. L. Swartz, Auctioneer.
Marc 7-Kylea' heirs, in Walker.
" 8-E. O Kinch, Fayette.
" 11-D. T. Adams, Beale, 8 warts
" 11-W. F. Peiffer, Delaware.
" 12-Jameg Louden, Tuscarora.
" 12-J. W. Hoatetier, Walker.
" 13-Jseph Kiine, ilcCoysville.
" 13-Jacob Slaughter back, Yaa
" 14-B. L. Shaman, Mexico.
15-Geo. S. Wilson, Milford.
" 15-B. W. Aummerman, McAlis J
15-J. N. Monfouiery, Lack.
" 15-R. S. Ifced, Tuscvora.
- If -J. W. Beecher, near East
16-Gcj. Sole, Uimintown.
1S-J. B., Evans, Sprace Hill.
1S-H. O. Long; Davis' Lock.
" 18-Mra. S. M. Cleok, Ferman
' 18-Wm. Valentine, Oakland.
" 18 -J. C. Beale, Beale.
" 19-John E. Trego, Lack
" 19-W. S. Hepoer, Van Wert.
" 20-James K. Hertzler, TurbetL
" 20-G. H. Bogg. Cross Keys.
" 21-Mrs. It. II. Bobison, and
Stewart Bobison.
'- 22-Solonion Swart. Oakland,
Cavenj, Auctioneer.
" 23-Peter Bard, Honcj Grovs.
23 tfrs. H. Long, Walker.
" 23 Vra. Carrie Bardell, Johns
town. " 26-D. W. Gum, Turbett
" 26-Joseph Bothrock, agent for
Janiata Valley Bank, on Jos.
Page property, Monroe.
" 27-J. H. Allen, -Mexico.
Partridges and rabbits will be
scarce next season.
John F. Moyer, of Newport, spent
Saturday in this place.
For good Auctioneer work, call in
to service D. L. Swartz.
For cold and sleighing the past
winter beats the record.
The only State officer to be elected
next fall is State Treasurer.
In Huntingdon,
next fall's election
candidates for
are announcing
Families in need of servants will
please address Buth Bunce, Mifflin
town, Penna.
John Conn and wife and child of
Harriaburg, visited Miss Blanche
Wright on Sabbath.
An entertainment will be given by
the Epworth League in the M. E.
Church next Friday evening.
The Western Nations cannot un
derstand why it is that China cannot
put more men in the field as soldiers.
Ssnatorial eourtesy was strained
last week in the Senate, when Sena
tor Hill compared Senator Chandler
to a Lyena.
A doable house, owned by Mrs.
Oratle, on Charles Stteet, Lewistown,
was destroyed by fire on Saturday
morning. Lops $1,000. No insurance
The young mtn who fails to realize
that drnnkeneas and disorderly con
duct, closes him out of good places,
will learn that fact as ha grows old
Qeo. L. Kenepp, of Huntingdon,
baueht the J. L. Kenepp farm in
Beale townabip from the Fermanagh
Building and Loan Association for
17 JO.
Bev. Mr. Stonecipber, preached in
tha Presbyterian church on Sunday
morning and eveuiDcr, supplying the
jmlpit for Mr. Henderson who ia in
The winter juat past was hard on
the colored people of the south, even
as far south as New Orleans the
death rate was 50 per cent higher
than in any winter known.
Detective Alfred Spitler of Har
risborg come to town last Thursday,
and after looking up ex Sheriff Lapp,
they walked to Daniel Peck's home,
about a half mile west of Patterson
to find a young man named William
Shaner. 8pitler wanted Shaner on a
charge of complicity in several rob
beries in Middletown, Dauphin Co.
They did not find him at Peck's, but
on the way back to town they met
the young man, arrested him, brought
him to town, and from there Spitler
took him to Harrisburg.
Soon the honk of the wild geese
will be heard as they wing their way
to the North Pole region. If some
one could interpret the wild geese
language, the question of an open
sea at the north pole would soon be
settled. For by bagging a few of
the return geese next fall, and in
terrogating them on the question
that ilea so near to the mind of many
scientific men, everything ' about
what kind of a place the North Pole
is could be learned. Would'nt it be
more profitable to learn the wild
goose language than to send so many
fruitless expeditions toward the
North Pole.
The M. E. Oonferanee will nut in
Tyrone next week.
The iee on this sias of the island
passed down the river on Monday
Common School, on the flight of
"Lo Benguela," came to late for this
week's issue.
The article entitled "Random
Thoughts," is a good article and will
appear next issus.
The Canning Company elected
their officers for the year en Monday
in the Orphans' Court Room.
Mrs. McDonald, mother of J. M.
McDonald of this town ia Mrinnal
ill, being prostrate with paralysis.
The snow lies deep on the moun
tains and all road sides and fnM
rowa are liner with deep drift piles.
Sarah Henrv. a Fnnanarh town
ship pauper, died of consumption at
ur noma on water street, last lion
day night.
There are many people living en
lo lands alonsr the river, anietlv
giving thanks that the damaging iee
flood did not materialize.
Democratic) tariff rafnrm 1 Aam-
ocratie tinkering with the finances
have plunged the affairs of the na
tion into a moat undeaira.hU atat of
Mas Anna Gould, and Connt Caa-
tellane of Fra 3c, were married in
New York on Honda. Miaa Hnnld
has the millions and the Count has
the pedigree.
On Tueadav. .TndrA Ttall MnrnnM-
ed ex-Judge B. F. Junkin and Wm.
A. S sonnler of Bloom field, Perry Co.,
to the Eastern Penitentiary for a
term of 1 vear each for fmtwzzHnr
of money of depositors in their bank,
the Perry County Bank.
The cannerv comnanv mat nn Mon
day and elected the following named
citizens director?: Jacob M. H.-wer.
Stewart Okeson, Solomon Beasbor,
Mitchell Varnes. Simon TTIeb. Brim
Horning, John Jamison., Tim time
lor the directors to meet has not
been named.
There ia a ramnr flnt thai in Mia
near future, citizens will ask that
Fumitiosh tnwniiki'n ha AimiAA
making Lost Creek the boundary!
xuu pari; suuiu oi uosi ureeK retain
ing the old name Fermmagh and the
pmt north of the creek being named
oower townsnip.
Bally of the W. C. T. TJ-. in Jun
iata County. Ars. Anna M. Ham
mer, State President is expected to
speak in the Court House in Mifflin-
town on the evening of the 14th
inst.; also, at East Salem onjtbe even
ing of the 15th. Let everyone try
to hear this grand speaker.
Mas. C. Vis Fossm,
3 4 1895. Local Pres.
Letters remaining uncalled for in
the Poet Office at Patterson for the
month ending Feb. 28, 1895. Miss
Mary Hefferson 4, Mrs. Mary Mc
Cullongh. Mrs. E. J. ' Kepner, Mrs.
Arthur E Cramer, Katia Forrey
Annie Fearing, Miss Jennie Wilson,
Henry Diiling W A. Dickerson, Mrs.
Frank Frankenberry, Evan Harris,
Watson Kelsey, CoFsimo Melons
Ginseppi Puglia.
The water rose as high as the ca
nal tow path on S.turday, and car
ried the ice down the river without
doing damage as it whs feared it
would do. On this side of the is
land a gorge was formed at tho is
land fording and damage was feared
for houses between L. Strayer's
buildings and town. Dynamite was
used to blast the gorge, bat by the
time dynamite was resorted to, the
water in the river began to fall, and
the explosivea might juat as well
have remained unused.
Agricultural Machine Agent Scble
gel had more Macedonia water in his
house in Patterson, one morning last
week, than he bargained for. Some
time during the night, a water pipe
in the cellar broke, and when the
family in the morning, attempted to
go into the cellar, they found it filled
with the clearest and freshest of water
just from the mountain. The water
was six feet deep and took a great
deal of pumping to get out. Mr.
Schlegle thinks -Macedonia water is a
good thing in its place, but out of
place, it is
John Casner, railroad foreman liv
ing at the lower end of the rock be
low Patterson, turned his cow out of
the stable on the 27th of February
The cow had a recollection of sweet
pastures on thia side of the river and
immediately took the road for the
stream and unhesitatingly walked on
the ice of the frozen river. About a
hnn ired feet from the shore, the ice
gave way, and the cow sank in the
water. A son of Mr. Casner was a
spectator of it all, and in his anxiety
for the safety of the animal he ran
upon the ice, broke through and with
difficulty succeeded in saving him
self from drawing. Meanwhile the
cow drowned and was sucked under
the ice by the swiftly running cur
rent From the Bloomfield Advocate of
February 20, 1895. Liverpool and
vicinity have been greatly excited by
the arrest of beorge Blattenberger,
a young man 18 years of age, son of
J. K. Blattenberger, and Dr. A. A.
Murray, both of Liverpool, upon tbe
charge of abortion upon the person
ol one Daisy Kilter, aged ii years,
daughter of Wm. Kitter and wife,
both deceased. Tbe particulars of
the crime, are that young Blatten
berger, it is alleged, on the 25th of
J anuary last, drove Miss Bitter in a
sleiga out into the country and Dr.
Murray met them. In a secluded
place, despite tbe young lady's strug
gles and protests an operation wa
performed upon her. An infant
child waa born dead on the 9th of
February. The crime is a heinous
one, and the maximum penalty is
seven years in the penitentiary and
$500 fine. The ease ot
Alma S. Karstetter vs. the Penney!
vanis Railroad Company for injuries
received at the Dock street wreck, in
Hamaburg, some years ago, waa set
ilea last week, tbe young lady re
ceiving from the Company $4,000.
Tbe suit was originally brought for
$10,000. Miss Karstetter is a daugh
ter of Squire Samuel Karstetter of
Seville township.
The late winter demonstrated that
then ia one place that a man will nat
unconsciously tresspass on the pro
perty of a neighbor, that ia when
shoveling snow.
'The Commercial Tramline nr..1.
Home Association held a meeting in
TAJ?-' SWwday. There are
480,000 traveling men in the United
atmvmm. XOI OOJMUOt the aSSOCuV
tion. are to buihl ani -
home for indigent commercial travel-
, proviae ior tneir widows and
orphans, educate t hair a
buil and maintain ahispital for tha
luju'cu ua amictea.
O. C. Shellenberger's horse got off
a short run away in Patterson on
Saturday, on Main Street, but aside
from a bent axletree and damaged
wheel of another buggy with which
the beast collided, tbe wagon to which
it waa hitched i.til damage was
done. The lines twisted about the
axletree and stopped the horse before
it got a square on its way to the
bridge. Tbe beast scarcely knew it
was running away.
howawatlssw. Care li
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to
8 days. Its action upon the syrtem
is remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause, and the dis
ease immediatelv diaannean. Th
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
sold oy Lu .Banks A Co., druggiats,
Mifitintowa. Jan. 9, '96.
Hast Leave the Lodge.
Archbishop Corrigan sent to every
priest in the diocese of New York.
the following letter:
"A recent decree of tha Halv Office
confirmed, by tbe Sovereign Pontiff
instructs tbe Uishops of the United
States to advise the faithful commit
ted to their charge against sffilia
tiou witn societies known as the Odd
Fellow?, the Sons of Temperance and
tbe Kllicbts of Prthiaa. with tha
further injunction tbat if Catholics,
alter sucn admonition, persist in
their connection with any of theso
societies and will not give up mem
bership therein, they cannot reoeive
ine sacraments.
Bargala Week, ta Hews
gr apt as.
This is the Bargain week of bar
gains. . During the week of Afarch lltb,
until the evening of the 16th, I will
reduce my flue Aristo Cabinets to
$1.00 per dozen, all other work re
duced in properation. Family group
down to bottom figures, Afantella
and Mantella Cards. Rtflection pic
tures and Freak pictures all made at
astonishing low figures. Daring this
week you can purchase a ticket for
$1.00 wbich will en tii Is you to 1 doz
an fine aristo cabinets, and you can
take your sitting anytime from 11th
of March, until 11th of Mar, 1895.
This will give all ample opportunity to
secure sittings and give the operator
time to do his subject justice, don't
fail to bring tbe children and bnbies
remember the week, from the 11th
to the evening of tbe 16th of March.
Respectfully yours, .
Joseph Hess.
Person alls Coadacted Tours
to Florida via tbe Peun
sylvaala Railroad
Undoubtedly one of tbe most orig
inal and highly satisfactory creations
of the Pennsylvania Bailroad is the
inauguration of personally conduct
ed tours under the supervision and
direction of a tourist Agent and
Chspeion, and tbe marked success
and popularity of the tours to Flor
ids are due to several causes; the
complete appointment of the special
trains, tbe liberality of the rate
and the return limit of tickets, are
among the features that have attract
ed the travelling public.
Tbe next tour of tbis year a series
to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks'
stay in Florida, will leave New York
and Philadelphia on March 12. Tbe
rate, including transportation, meals
ta route , and Pullman berth on spec
ial train in each direction is $50.00
from New York and $48.00 from
Philadelphia; proportionate rates
from other points.
For further information apply to
Ticket Agent, ll6 Broadway, Mew
York, or Room 411, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia, to whom ap
plication for space should also be
Penasylvaala RallreacVe Sec
Coldea Cate.
Tbe large number of people who
bave leisure, and tbe growing desire
of Americans to see the wonders of
their native lund,' are the prinoipal
agencies in advancing a bealthy sent
iment in lavor ol travel.
Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany's personally conducted tours to
UaJiioruia will be conducted in all
respects asthoso of preeeeding yeara
witn some added advantages, which
cannot fail to attract the attention
and enlist tbe interest of the tourist.
In addition to tbe high grade ac
commodations and entertainment in
transit, the Pennsylvania tourists are
treated with the same liberality
wherever the journey is broken. The
choicest rooms in tbe leading hotels
rre always reserved for their use, for
which regular rates are paid; so that
the guests, although members of a
large party, et joy ull the privileges
of individuals who may have made
their own selections.
The second tour in the 1895 series
to the Golden Gate will leave New.
York and Philadelphia May 16, 1895.
Detailed itinerary will be sent on
application to Tourist Agent, 1196
Broadway, New York, or Boom 411,
Broad street Station, . Philadelphia
Tascarara Tallojr Railroad.
Trains on the Tuscarora Valley
ttailroad will run as follows:
Leave Kaet Waterford at 8 00
sr., and 2 r. v., arriving at Port Roy
al at s.io a. k. and 3.15 r. u.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. at
and 5.15 r- u., arriving at East Wa
terford at 11.45 A. u. and 6.30 r. m.
J. C MooasHxaD,
Itch On human, rn antra nn kni
dogs and all stock, cured in 30 rain-
" oj nroojiora s sanitary Lotion.
This never faila. flnM h. r. ti.v.
Co, Druggist, Mifilintown, Pa.
mm -
prepares for Teaching; for College;
for Business; for Social Duties.
Eight DxrAanrxNTs: Equipment
worth half a million dollars. Spec
ialists of successful experience em
ployed as Teachers, A high stand
ard of scholarship - maintained.
State aid to all persona preparing to
teach. No school can give more for
the money. Few can give so much.
Special classes for teachira. Spring
term opens Jarcb 25tb, 1895. Send
for circulars and outline of course. '
J. P. Wiuh, Principal,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Wasalagtaa, C Special
zcarsloas vlaPeansjl
vaala Rallraaa).
The Pennsylvania . Railroad Com
pany's excursions to Washington, D.
C., offer an opportunity that should
not be missed. Apart from the at
tractiveness of the nation's Capital,
tbe scenery through wbich one trav
els m rmii makes the trip doubly in
teresting. But two excursions of the series
remain, one on farch 21 and tbe last
on April 11. Excursion tickets, good
within ten days; and permitting of
stop-over in Baltimore in either di
rection within limit, will be sold at
rates quoted below, good for use on
dates above named on all trains
except the Pennsylvania Limited.
Special train of parlor and day coach
es will ta run on the following sched
ule: Train Leaves. Rate
Pittsburg 8.05 a. m. . $9 00
Johnstown 10.22 " 7 35
Hollidsiysburg 11.10 " 7 35
Altoona 12 05 p.m. 7 35
Tyrone 1227 " .7 25
Huntingdon 12 55 " 6 65
Bedfird 9 50a.it 6 65
Mt. Union 1.15 v. u. 6 30
McVeytown 135 ". 5 95
Lewistown Juno. 1.50 5 60
Mifflin 210 " 5 25
Port Boyal 2 14 5 15
Newport 2.41 " . 4 60
Duncannon 2.58 " 4 20
Washingtoa Arrive 7 45 ? ....
Passengers will use regular trains
through to Washington.
Passengers from branch points de
siring to take the special tra.n will
use tbe following trains:
sontbwest Penna. Branch. Train
No. 101, to Greensburg; Indiana
Branch, Indiana Accomodation No.
82, to Bloirsville Intersection; Mar-
tinsburg and Hollidaysburg Accom
modation Train No. 412, to Altoona;
from Bedford, Train No. 4, to Hunt
ingdon. Return coupons good on
any regular tram within tbe limit,
except tie Pennsylvania Limited.
Tickets on rale m Pittsburg, at
Union Ticket office. Fifth Avenue
and Smithfield Street;,-and Union
Station, and at all stations mentioned
above. For full information apply
to Thomas E. Watt, Passenger
Agent Western District, 110 Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburg.
Dr. S. D. DifTenderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public that he has opened a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills, Pa., where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
Babies in Drove s-
Dulutb, Feb. 24 A Telegram re
ceived to-night from George F. Dan
ville, a farmer near Yankton, reports
the birth of triplets. Mr. and Mrs.
George Danville, have now twenty
seven children, although -Wrs. Dan
ville is not 30 years old.
She is a Norwegian and her hus
band is a Heosier All the children
were born in triplets, the oldest be
ing under 13 yeara old. All are
boys but three, one set of triplets be
ing girls, and they are all sturdy and
Belief la One Day.
South American Nebvins relieves
the worst cases of Nervous prostra
tion, Nervousness snd Nervous Dys
pepsia in a single day. No such re
lief and blessing has ever come
the invalids of this country,
powers to cure the stomach
wonderful in the extreme. It
ways cures; it cannot fail. It radi
cally cures all weakness of the stom
ache and never disappoints. It is a
luxury to take and always safe. Trial
bottles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggisi, Mifflintown, Pa.
Feb. 6, ly.
Queer Way of Counting.
The Indians of Guiana bave a cur
ious system of. numeration. They
count by tbe hand and its four fin
gers. Thus, when they reach five, in
stead of saying so they call it a
"hand." Six is. therefore, a "hand
and first finger;" seven a "hand and
second finger. Ten is "two hands,"
but twenty, instead of being "four
hands," is a "man." Forty is "two
men," and thus they go on by twen
ties. Forty-six is expressed by "two
men, a hand, and first finger.
McCaebn Train On tbe 7th
ult., bv Rev S. A. Davenport, Mt.
Charles M. -WcCahan and Jtfiss Mary
M Telfer.
Kbamer Caswell On February
20, by Rev. C. Bierly, at Scales, Mr.
Wm. H. Kramer and Miss Mary E
Liddick Rambler On tbe Snd
inat at the Lutheran parsonasre. at
Mifilintown, by H- O. Holloway, Dan
iel Liddick and miss nary xlambler
Sbkllt FiSbxb On the 3rd inst.,
by Rev. C Bierly at Thompsontown,
air. James A. Shelly and Miss Emma
Shoves Jacobs On the 3d inst
by Rev. W. B. Cox, of Patterson, Mr
Harry E. Shover, and Miss Ambra.
Its Jacobs.
Ceameseisg Monday, March lltb, and continues, until Satsrday averring
Marsh 16th. T
; Bargain Notes, of the Most Ocular Dcmonstrstioas snd clearest aad veest
convincing character, and evidence of price eetting, that stops at no Limit ef
Pants goods, worth 25 cents, sell at
14 eents.
.Area's heavy shirtisgs, worth 10 cents,
- 7J cents.
Cballies warth double at 8 eanU a yd.
Drew Gingham at 6o, worth 10c
Ladies underwear at 10 cents, worth 5c.
Fsooy Dress Foulards st 5io, worth a9
cents. . '
Lsnoaster and Amoskeag Ginghams,
worth 9 cents at 44 cents.
Hill yard wide, best bleaobcd muslin,
, ' worth 10c a yard: sell 17 ysrds
-- for $1.00.
Fsney 8atte, newest styles at lOe,
worth 16 seats.
Tsfeta Morie fancy figure makes up
, like silk st 15e, worth 25c.
40 inches, all wool acrges and Henri
cttas in all colors at 33 esnte,
worth 60 cents.
86 In Hcnricttss, nearly all wool at
19 cents, worth 35e.
Bed ticking, 9 yards for 80o, worth
Fsney Zephyr Gisgbsms st 8c, worth
Outing Flannels, Spring Styles at 5o,
worth 8o.
Ladies' Dreis Cloth st 25c sod 35o,
worth 50 and 60o.
Conets worth 75 eents at 46c.
Corsets worth $1 at fiflo
Lot of Corseta at 25c; . various kinds
f formerly 50 and 75 cent.
-Turkey red table damask st 25o,
! worth 50o
1 White table linen at 25o. worth 50d.
New Spring Wraps for Ladies' wear,
will be here on Bargain Week,
and be sold to jcu at . specially
rednoed priees.
Kwry day during Bargain Week from 9:30 to 11 o'clock in ths moraine.
10 Ysrds ot Yard wide unbleached
eacn person.
10 Yards of Indigo Blue or Fanoy Caliooes at 38 cents; esoh person limit
ed to ten ysrds.
1 Cake Buttermilk Soap at 5o, 3 cakes limited to one person.
Hill's b.st ysrd wide blesehed muslin st 5 cents; 10 ysrds to esoh person
Lancaster snd Amos Kesg Ginghams st 31 cents a yard; 5 yards to each
Extract of Lemon, 1 cent a bottle;
Stove Polish. 3 cakes for 5 cents,
cent, 4 yards to esoh person.
Commencing Monday, March 11th, to Saturday evening,
March 16th
SCBOTT'S STORES, 108 to 19 Bridge 8C, MlrFLINTOWK, PA.
of the
Juniata "Valley.
We can fit a man with a Good Substantial Fvit, Omrcst. Hat, Shoe
Stocking, Shirt, Suspenders. Necktie snd Suit of underwear for $10.
A BETTER OUTFIT FOR $15; a still better for $20, $25, $30, $40, sad
the Best Clsy YYerstrd Snit steal cut; s 8stin lined Blue or Black Beaver
Wvercoat, latest style; Latest Black Detby Ha; a pair of Douglas, inest Kan
garoo Shoes; pair of extra fine suspenders; onr neck-tie; pair Silk Hose, and a
Suit of very Fine All-Woo) underwear for ($50.) If jou esn get as fins - as
outfit for the money anywhere else we will present yen with ours for nothing.
All our atook is new, snd the prices are ss low as the lowest.
Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3.75. .Ven's pants from 50o to $5.00.
Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. lien's Suits from $2 60 to $18 00.
Boys' Overcoats from $1.50 Co $7-00. Men's Overcoats from $3. to $18.
Hata from 25 cents to $2.75. Caps from 16 cents to $1.60.
Neckties 5 cents to 50 cents.
We csrry s fins line of Gent's Underwear, Gloves, Suspenders, Cuffs, Col
Isrs, Valises, collar snd. cuff Buttons, Cbsins, Watch Rings, Neckwear and the
finest tide of Trunks in the cennty. We also earny a full line ef msa's boots
ssd shoes, psrtieularly the Douglas Shoe.
Men's Gum Overshoes, Alaskan
and Artie, &c.
Estre Bites in Pantaloors. 8nita snd
If you want a er-it Tailor Made, you
Perfect Fit.
It costs nothing to examine Our Stock.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmcr and Funer
al Director.
I shall from now on use the
or outride lex to last and be in good condition for
lir, vLnL certainly be
for people to ute to pieteive the remains of their
friends It alto is an txtei ruinator of all vermin.
Bridge St,
Applston A., best muslin, worth 9e a
yard, 17 yards for $1.
Appleton fine muslin, worth 8e, 21
ysrds for $1.
A good unbleached muslin, worth 6c,
13 ysids for 50o.
Best Indigo blue and fancy ealieees at
b seats, worth 7e.
Heavy Blue Dlain, best quality, mads
at ISie, worth 17o.
Ladies' Blk. Cotton Hose, 4 pr. for 25e.
Ladies' Sesmless Blk.' Hose, worth 17
eents st 10c
6000 yards of carpets, oil cloth and
sad matting at specially reduced
Good striped earpeU at 14c, worth
22 cants.
Fancy-flowered Ingrain sad striped
earpcts st 25o, worth 45c.
Elegant Qaality of Ingrain Carpets at
38o, worffi 68c.
Good ysrd wide floor oil eloth at 19c,
worth 25o.
Laoe Scrim for Curtains at 5 eents,
worth 8o.
Lsos Curtains sad Window Shades,
ball and stsir esrpsts, all at extra
reduced priees.
Embroideries, newest designs, whits
goods; trimming silks snd ribbons
at specially reduced prices.
5000 Dollars worth of Spring snd Sum
mer sty' rs of men's, ladies' and
children 'a hoes of the latest
styles and best quality at apaoslly
rednoed prices.
3500 bolts of Wall paper of tho nsw.
est designs st specially reduoed
prices. 3G0 bolts will be sold
during bargain week at 7c a dou.
ble bolt, worth 12o with borders te
muslin at 3 cents; 10 yards limited te
3 bottle limit to one parson.
to 1 person. Towsiling, 2 yards for 5
Overalls and Overcoats.
ebn save $5 to $15, and be sure ef a
Miff in town, Pa.
JVll Commence
The wise merchant is he who carries as stock front one Season to another.
We are determined to CLEAN UP, and hers sre priees thst will do It!
HERE 18 TOUR CHANCE. That's ths wsy ws sell Clothing snd Gent'
Furnishing Goods now. Clothing for less thsa the cost of Raw Material.
Our $15 Overcoats are reduced te $9.60
10 , 60
j$ ft 63
J M It h $ $7
4 " " " M 1 8T
Our $15 Msa's Suite srs redused to $9 50
M - 12 H 4 - & 63
t 8 " ( 8 60
5 w i 8 60
m 4 i i 8T
ar $10 Boy's salts are reduces to ST. 16 Osr $6 Chlldrea's suite arc raduce4 to $S Tf
u 8 it c m S Si H S ' S SO
i S u w S 7ft a " 2 i'i
g i cc c x 76
Hosier, Suspsaders, Neckwear, Handkerchief, Overehir ts, Crdlnc
Jackets, Gloves, and all tboss lines have been reduced 50 per cent.
26 dotcn Men's Natural Wool Undershirts only, made with pearl button,
silk eat-stitched neok and ribbed tail; regular price 76 eents, clearance nrice
: 37o
26 doscn Men's Camel's Hair or Natural Wool Underwear; "ds that
sold at $1.25 snd wars worth it; slesrsnee price )Og-
. 82 doieo Men's Nstural or Fsney Colored Underwear; ebrep st 0 -m
elcsrsneeprioe . . 80-
18 dosea Msa's Pure Wool Derby Ribbed Underwear; regulari ties 1 w
Clearasoc Pries 7 (5 '
GLOVES. 35 doses Men's leses lined, imported Jereej '.o-.-4, Is
blsek or fancy mixtures; regular pries 50 sents; elosrsnoe price
New is your TIME to savs DOLLARS at
1866, ESTABLISHED, 188.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend tbe Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to wrest to examine the Stock ot Good fc
It is truly marreloHS to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Price.
Sic prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't ii
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
Eaney Leaned &t Lowest R&tes.
eni7rn axle
hw two b etaay othr ansa. Ta
sell oni
Karaery Stock.
Salary, Expenses and
Stead? Empiovinaat naranteed
Iec. 8, !. Rocbeater, H. T.
Tke Btmhmtl aW Mtpmihemm esses w the
pUee to set Jab work doaa. Try it. It will
say yea if yea aced aaythfcag la that tine.
$5 68
4 25
Stockholders Indivifod.1? Lialls
T. VAN IRVflK, Cat
Jnbn Hertaler,
J.. fiirt.i.
Robert K. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
(tMla -ti'fH i
Gear ;a A. Bpnor,
Josaph Rotbroek,
L. E. Atkinaoa.
Ann!. i V. Slf-,
P. V. ti;.!)caY
R. K. Furar,
W. C. Poaseroy,
Mary Ksrts,
Jobo Hertslcr,
J. UiilTDK lrn.
Jerome . Tb-n?oB,
T. V. iraia.
Cbarlstte B order,
John M. Blair,
P. H. St. Panaell,
Banual P. Rotbroek,
U.V. Stsrratt,
Joxiah T Factor,
Robert H. 1 tters
Levi Lig-t.
Wm. fcwuri.
B. J. Cbaltcabrrger.
Three and Poor per cent, interest will ba
paid on certificates of deposit.
rjan 28, 1886 M
to UEAK mn
lililm final It i iF- T '' 1 "T
mmtm nlubto amllii tMattPBwiaSai-if Ml
irkajftM awemi work j aboaM HS taatto f I
aaai wae at aeraca aaj SebttUotaa. aadnav
Oenaumptlon SHiroly Oured.
TO Taa XaoDBi Plaaaa aafosai yemfjutea
Swtl aava apaaWve loawSr Sarsaeabow-iwiii
Stum, By 1U HuclrnM UVjoaaoda ot.r-imu
ittromo. Iaiiue jlM
SwabotilM ofariamedyFKBtoany oj
wao Save cuwampuoo v m'
EaiaiaeaadP.Qnllini TajmH
srs . rsdueed
any. T A. aUMJOBt.lt. 0.tStSaBWSa.SLV.