SKRTIML & REPUBLICAN VirFLINTOWK. VtElttLfBAY. FEB. 27, IW5. B.- F. SCHWEIER t DfTOB AMD raoPSIITOB. France forbids Hie impoitation of Anieiic&n cattle on account of Texas lever. Ex Govebnor Pattisos's Presidtn tiai boom baa been aide tracked by il ...... ne e.ection in irriiadelphia. I he JK.e sas Iippifl'alure seems to bo greatly in ten sled in who shall be tb next nominee of tho republican t -a . party ror trresiaent. They took t -vote of preference last week, and Mc xuuiey iea mem ail; Kef d was sec ond cbojce; Eairiaon was tLird choice The policy of President Cleveland in reducing the rvct-ipfa or revibaea of Q-iVprrment Ik low (he expendi tures of uoverninenr, and then le aning bonds to make up for tho loss of revenue is hke an individual re- during his busier ss irjcnme acd then borrowing1 monev to meet the ex penses. Cleveland and his Congress -struck down the receipts of Govern ment htlow the expenses of Govern-met-t ly their reduction of the tariff, and new ILev want to make up the loss by sellinrr bonds, w Lich i.s ouly in -creasing the indebtedness of Govern ment. JPkkderick Doiv.lass, a distianish e colored man, orator and writer, fell de-ad in the hallway of his house, near Washington, D. C , oa IVbru ary '20, agid 78 years. He was born and res.ini a slave, but escaped from servitude uad immediately bfgan a vigorous work against the f-Livery cf his race. He held a number of 0V-rr.mrr-t ofEeerf. He wi;a "United Sta'es Marshall and Recorder cf DeeJ-i la ;he District of Cr lumbia. While sfivinnr in that office, ha mar ried n Mies Put a, a white clerk in the and fba surv.ves him. Ho had been pr-ious'y married to a colored wi:!iian. Ho was consul to H.iyti and San Domingo. Tub election return j from a!l parts Of the state prove that the people are 3 of ycro with the lit pttuliraa party. The democracy, who, nbi-n the panic sf t iD, pcobed, poohe.l, the depres sion. Lave ijuit treating the trouble lV"'''y indted, ib'-ir people wear as l-.rg fares a-- nay other people wht-u ikuy look at the fright' ul situation in bus ness that has been wrought since Cleveland came ir.t possession of the poverrmeut. There cun ba lit th. -change within the period of tw j years to come. It is true the repub lienn p-fty will seat a m.toriy con gress when Congrcj next ineeisttxt Deeeu-ocr, but a to-operating Presi dent iiil not occupy the White lu.use till two y ars Ieir.e when a republican President will bo elected, and not much business relief cro be expelled within two ye-irs to cume, ul' r-a a cua!:j:e takes in Prtsi-fc- nt Cleveland's course. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE AUDITORS OF JUNIATA COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 1894- 1S94. W 8. NORTD. TREASURER. Jn 1 To cub ef former Teasarer........ Outstanding Taxes County.. .... Outstanding Tares, State.. Taxrs levied hi 1894, County Taxes levied in 1894, State... .... Taxea levied in 1894. Dog S per cent added to Count Tax . 5 per cent added to State Tax. Additional araeasraents...... . Overpaid Taxea State Tax refunded........... Llqnor licenaea refunded ...... Caab from sale of Bonds....... Cash from temporary loana. Cash from K. McMren. tax of J. S.HcCaban. Canh from B. R. Mitchell, refunded sca'p money.. t'iuh fro to Terry Co. keeping tramps, &.C ("a.-h from Sheriff Lapp Mitchell Udo Cah from Sheriff Lapp, Frrre tine .... Casb from Sheriff Lapp, Other fine.............. Cash from Sheriff Lapp, verdict fera.... ........ Cash from Mifflin county, keeping tramps, fee... Cash from miscellaneous sources. ............. 1894- 81 Br outstanding orders of 1 893 By orders of 1894, paid ... By outstanding taxes, County By outstanding Taxes, State................ .... By outstanding taxes, dog . By amount of sheep ordera paid By balance Dec DR. CR. 6856 93 YEARS. .11811 86 1891 1431 12 - 1892 58255 94 - SJ3 2116 09 . 1087 00 886 09 u 47 40 . 19 09 444 1670 45 180 1)0 ci 1729H CO . SOOO 00 100 00 450 00 . 877 80 1894 600 00 250 00 6S50 , 62 0(1 . 84 98 . 80 24 . 826 82 . 61876 69 . 18222 88 1165 95 746 46 229 82 .. 2402 40 9 69969 92 69969 92 COLLECTORS. W.H. Rodgen.... O. W. VanOrmer J. H- Deen. ...... 6. W. Van Orroer John Knonse..... 8. H.'RolIman... JafobJBishop, .... H. M.ttnenberg... J. O.Hateer Outstanding Tuxes. DISTRICT!. Miffiintown , Fayette Bealo Fayette ...Greenwood . . Jf ifflintown ...Millord ,.. Patterson ort Royal Sinmel S. Yoder.... Lenin. Wilt W. S. Neimond II. P. Crouse.... David Haines... W. H- Kurti J. V. Brown, Beale J. F. Bpfece , John M. Mnsse C. E. Slower Spruce Bill ...... 8 usquebaona Vonioe ..Tuscarora Turbeft . Wallet r ,. Beale .Delaware .Fayette ..Fermanagh Jicob Fany Greenwood J. H Twcgo Lack S. H. Rollmin Mifiliatown W. B. Vc""!. -n Uilford W. S. Neimond Monroe H. Af. Isonberg Patterson B. F. Lvtle Port Roval Al'DITOSS. WM.GUSS, J. Y. SHELLY. J. E. HUFFMAN. Atteft; LEWIS DEQKN'. Clerk. M. S. Eh.. A. D. Kerstetter. J. W . Leyder.... L. C. Calhoun..... J. B. Barton E. A. Smith COUNTY. 189 98 269 86 188 98 1 OS 190 88 144 27 111 77 241 74 27 96 28 72 497 21 166 77 104 98 783 08 706 77 1858 02 843 77 814 11 468 44 848 74 1811 68 472 89 421 76 836 81 761 85 824 60 Spruce Bill ..Susquehanna . .Tbomptontown 118 98 ..Turbett 686 99 .Tutcarora 657 25 ,. Walker 1242 29 STATE. 1161 18 47 41 61 115 28 13 12 1 08 16 76 to 20 36 10 8 68 42 47 88 65 93 75 45 89 70 49 86 69 V0 99 96 41 21 18 28 72 16 28 81 25 94 14 00 89 69 12 83 1179 14 60 45 63 118 11 42 10 CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT Assessing and Registering. OF Outstanding Dog Tax TILE EXPENDITURES OF JUNIATA $tms 88 746 46 1165 96 COUNTY. Payments Allowed Collector. Beale Towmthip $79 53 BlacK Log Township 28 4) DeUn-ero ' 78 97 Fayette 120 09 Fermanagh . 69 13 Greenwood ' 64 76 Lack " 81 5i Miffiintown Borough 69 CG Millord Township 67 97 Monro" 74 23 Patterson Borough 61 40 Port Koyal 46 08 Spruce Hill township 87 63 Snsqiirhanna 65 10 Thompsontown Borough 53 61 'l nrbetf Townxliip 48 33 Ttifcaiora 117 81 Walker " 136 70 1318 91 COMM.. EXOX'A ' ABATV3 TOTALS. 8126 89 Oi 120 82 133 3i " 87 80 4 .85 217 07 227 16 271 17 126 41 624 74 27 4S 51 81 67 89 139 68 9 9 4185 8 51 60 31 79 83 161 64 38 14 274 61 6153 09 97 6216 215 66 60 3(1 53 61 68 42 187 33 12 85 12 85 12 91 35 36 48 27 31 43 23 91 . 25 10 88 44 11107 95 11 42 10 248 8H 12 5 16 74 28 25 12 72 11 00 8 61 30 39 26 80 21 56 42 11 92 47 38 70 91 69 80 18 16067 114 21 " 9!6fS7 10 00 1120 90 101 71 650 22 225 95 2778 79 Election officers, February Election. Elections. .9 280 60 Election olKceiB, November Ejection 313 12 LEGAL. rjROTMOAOTAXY'S NOTICE." X E."ate -f Caleb C. Gray hi II of Thomson ton-n Bi'fngb. KotiCv- s hcrtbr given that the first and partial tc :ount of Joseph S. Oraybi'l, As. bigr- .v Deed of Voluntary aMnmuit of Call h C. (Jraybil!, of Thoinpioctown Bor uuph, bv-n tiled in the rroilionntary's ottice of County, and thu same vi:I be presented lor continuation and allowance to the Court of Common Picas of said Constables, Feliru.irv Ejection.. Constables, November Election Plates, E'ection prposes. ..... ............. Eli F.iriemuo, earning Congressional vote.... Rent lor K!actionrousea and keeping booths...... .... W. N. Sttrrett. JIL making 18H3 town-hip ticket Biircbrleld te. I'trrcll, cliiking election returns........... Care of Tramps. B Lrial unknown man, Delaware township. ........ .... l . M. Ciawford & Son, medical attendance, N. Lainish. W. S. Arbog!t, board ami room N. Laniiah . Railroad tickets to Philadelphia ... ...... ., Julius Derr. Kt Jll nursing Witt. Zilcr. t attention to lr:imps... Rii'.rOHd tickets . 198 40 8 77 7 5') 23 00 89 2 10 00 12 00 33 75 62 00 12 50 9 26 5 50 6 52 2 24 1026 67 121 77 Public Buildings and Grounds. Henry Ua vk, Et A I, repairs to Court House Huss &. Siuber, Tile, &c, forjul E ika 4. Si'n, El J I. repairs tojjil... ....... 11. C. McClellaii. El M Hardware ai.d Si. (;.!,-H lKnry Ilauk. jiil pavement Manlx ck i Nelson nd Jiorih luuibt r syi coal Sol. Kuhti A; Co., Harri-buig, Pa-, cirtM-tr .. Tax lor Tin Company, Philadelphia, tin lor Court House John M. Bender, nn and work on Court Hon.e.... J. V. S'immell, J. V. kker-hjm. in-urance Pvbhc Offices W. S. North, Treasurer, salary. $ County Auditors a? d clerk Wm. M. Allisuti, suditii j Co Otlices ..... J. R. Jenkins, Recorder Fees W. H. Zeidera, l'rothunot.iry Fees John W. Ilibts, crpjid Tees Bhir.k Boots, keccrrfcr's Offi:e Blank Books, Prolhonotsry's Ollice Blanks and o.iier supplies.. ContmiAStoneri' Office and Court House W. II. Moore Coram Neat M. Steuart, Comm. ....... . JoLn Neiinand, Comm.......... Wm. II. Gronincer, clerk, salary, Jacob Browatid, Janitor...... ... Atkinson & Pennell. Attorneys.. Cont Seal , H. C. lii ClirilDn, t jSI Gssolin-. Fred Jtfiller, Vil!, Pa., 3 Blai k Orders Clock turOthxe Stationary Bleaks, &.C rears eupplic. County, on Tuesday toe 12th dav of March. Postage Box rent, .c A. D.. 1855, when and where all p-rons I Expense to Comm. Conventional Pottsvilie, Pa. inttreted may attend if they think proper. J. N. Kelier. Att'y. V . H. Zidere, Pro'tbon.t arj's ofltee, Protl.'y. MifDinfown, t'a., Feby. lltb, 1S95. j4TOriCEIN PARTITION. In the Orphan's Ccurt of Juniata C'oun- To .nna Bell M-;oy and S. R. Meloy, br i:itsb;e: Salina Miliikeo and W. A.Miiliken, ter l.Ufband, David 11. Tay'or, Rachel lay lor, W.lber Teyior, N'orimn Taylor. Her man Taylor, Ethel Taylor. Stewart Codi r. Bcsio K. Coder, Oiive L. Coder and Will j I.. Hoopes, Eq , pundim ad litem of siid V llbir Taylor, Norniau Taylor, Herman Taylor, Ethel Taylor, Bessie M. Coder and OnVf L. ''ider, minors all ol JuninU coun ty, 1'eiosylvtnii; W i'Marn U. Taylor, residue- unknown , last heard of in the vol; Ssrh Mipuire and Peter Mauirt., ber bus bir i, of Mouiomery couniy, Punnsy Irani?-; fceir of John W. Ti'.ylor, deceasct, and all otiiers interested. Y'jn are beicby notified tbtt the Or nar.s' Court of said County, awarded an in i. t to p.rtiti-in and valua'ion of i . tain 'eiiiestais of snid JoLn V. Taylor, ' .rife.i. cor.ii'tii'j o a me' aid :rai :.i ibont nt"v acres of acd, more or I", BH'i.'te il Spruce Tlin townrbij., in ae- t co;;tty tr. t tl t rai J luquef-' will be I 1 : a sa.d remies nn Kiidav. tboe-.ii-cay i ..'arcl:, A D., lfU5, at 10 o'clock,: n. .-J., til nicu nice iua piur i you ara re queslid to attend, ii you think pioper. J. P. CALHOUN, pHEKnVe OrricE, SUtriff. SZHllin swn: Pa., Feb. 11, 1895. Commissioner's Convention assrssmout. . Printing. Wm. M. Allison, Blanks ail ofliccs $ Wm. M. Allison, b'anks lor November Election Wm. M. Alison, otber printing J. C. Ilin.m, baliots lor Kebruary Election........ .... J. C. Dimni, t i i r printing.... . ... Wm. J. Jackiuan, printing.... B- F. fr cliweier, .inning Harry E. Bonsai), priming Bjruls, other debts and Interest paid. Interest on e;r.por;irv loans $ Union Trust Co., Pbila, Thompson town Bridge debt........... Temporary Loans paid... County Bonds Paid... ...... I on Bonds Paid.... ! Roads and Bridges. Oeo. S. Conn and 3 others, darcage ............. ..........$ B F. Burct.tiald and !8 others vieK-g...... A. B. Evans and 2 others Bridg.i views H. C. KcCitllan, iron for Tbompsontown Bridge j II. J. S::el!taber'er, Et. Al. Piank 4vC " j H. A. Keyeit-, El. Jll. work ' " I W. F. Siaglo, paint Mifilin " David '.Voltgaiig Et. .il. plank ' 41 j Jacob Browaud Et. Al. work " II. tv. Civcny &. Brother, painting" - ...... ' (t. 1. Goodman, Mexico ............. Kurtz k. Caveny, iW. L. Reiser, " E;iward Gill, Kt. .il. f 15. C. Gronioger, Rep. Groninger's V. 11. Horning. Rep. Stamhaui;li's Suydt-r County a: joint, Oriental J. L. Roup. Et. M. Old Port Royal vVolfpang & YYi.lidii'H, Port Royal canal ' Port Uoyal River ............. McCIure " ............. Cuba Pant " ............ Anman's Mill " ............. 9 other Bri tges ............. i K'JISrEK'S VOTICE. Nclic is hereby given that the following persona have fl ed tm-ir accounts in ihe R-fii8tr otxi e of Juniati Cj:mty, and "tbe srili l; presented lor e.etiflrmition -aud ailowaiiLO at at. Orphiua Court, to be heM :t Mifilii:'on, t'a., on Tuesday the 12'.:. ..; of Karch, A D., 1895, at 9 oVUvif. A. M. No. 1. The account ot Robert E. Mc Mesr, rjccutor i' Leah Yohn, la' of Tur be:t 'onship, deceased. VeMeen Att'y. So. The sec.trjl and fio-l aeconnt of Jubn i). Burrs, at.l James L. Woodside. excvtlors ric of John C. Burn. lata o' Lark township, Juniata countv, de-eased. Nuelr Att'y. No. 3. The final account of Mahlon C Tana executor of the list v. ill and testa nuint ol William Kecch late of Delaware township, deceased. Atiaon ii. PfoneII Att'ya. No. 4. Tfcc tlrt r.rA Ann! account of An- drew U. nkv administrator nt the estate of Joseb EliioU, late ot Delawire township. Juniata rountr, dsccased. Neeir Att'y. No. 5. The first and final account of .TodsIi Dunn, administrator of the estate of 'athiirine Dunn, late of Fayette township. Ji:niar: county, oeccasea. Hceiy Att'y. No. 6. Tl e first and final account of C. E. Dunn, administrator of th"j estate of Thomis Dunn, .'ate of Fayette Township deceased. Iie!yAtty, No. 7 . The first and final account of F.pUriiin J. Kurtz, administrator of Jacob W. alnrtz, late of Delaware township, de ceaaed. Keller Att'y. No 8. Acc'int of Willi im P. (Jrahara, Guardian of -" pb P. Nourse, miuor child of Eleanor M Nourse, deceestid, on ward b;c.-ruingor?e. Hoopea Att'y. No. 9. Account of William P. Graham Omrd un of Sarah H. Nourse, minor child of Eluanor M. Nourso. deceaaid. ward having become of agn. Hoopes Att'y. No. 10. The first and final account of John Valentine, executor etc of Aaron Leidv, late of Fayette township, Juniata county, deceased. Neely Att'y. No. 11. The occount of J. W. Bsmiltoa, 17 68 9 90 11 no 29 57 il 20 211 33 64 00 67 35 68 89 mi 70 550 00 120 00 80 00 PS 57 12 74 16 50 90 00 31 00 79 72 275 10 297 50 212 t0 650 00 144 01 40 110 4 59 53 90 EI 9 50 15 20 6 50 25 65 27 00 31 25 5 CO 76 CO C9 76 167 75 It 16 25 00 164 25 128 65 107 25 lift 17 115'! 11 7l-00 00 I 1114 60 5557 B" 42 00 116 60 JC 40 115 60 90 04 i73 04 83 00 31 frO 33 8 t 210 73 3615 94 446 00 61 00 113 01 96 CO 54 (10 76 66 38 00 185 00 16 CO 17 72 8 (3 10 00 23 62 686 67 11'4 63 2136 00 896 81 24914 28 Ccurts Jlnd Jurors Pay. Constab'es, Returns and Justices Fees, M. L- Capl'n Chemist in Carpenter Case, Wot. pang and S toner, Reward in case C. W. Stonor, Atkinson and Penuull Et. Jll. Carpenter and Afitchell cases Jurors, February Term 13S4, I Jurors April Term, Jurors September Term, Jurors December Term, " Bosrding Jurors February and December Terms, Constables Costs in Commonwealth Cases, Costs in Lunacy Cases. 3 esses, Cnmmsnwealth costs February Term, 1894, Commonwealth costs April Term, 1894, Commonwealth costs September Term, 1891, Commonwealth co December, Term 1894. Jas. T, Cnniroings Et .il Stenographer, II. v. Knisily Court Crier, Deputy t-ber rTs and constables Carpenter case J. C. Bc'e Jury Comm., 1891 and part of 1893, B. S. Grtybill Jury Comm., Wm. U. Grnninger clerk to Jury Comm., B. F. Crozier and O. G. Detra extra Clerks, Jury Comm., Sheriff s Fees Prison Expenses Boarding Prisoners Washing for Prisoners, for Pritoner-f, Sheriff t Deputies F-e & Traveling expenses A. B. Crtswell; w.ilc for Jamus Carpenter, J. W. Lea?h f Supp'iea l r Jail and Prisoners, D. M. Crawford it Son. Medical attendance j ail M. P Crawford, Medicine for jai!, ScsfTtld and Freieht, Burial ef Jain; Carponter R. O. Pannpbaker nurse in Jail Ezra Fasick, " " ' Miscellaneous. J. M. Thompson 4t 13 others, sheep d n;e, Burial and tomb stones for 8 O'd So'diers, Costs and Fees of jlfifflin Co , Thorapsontowa Bridge case, A. B. McCahan, Et. .11. ovtrpa'd taxes refunded Expressagn, Western l'ei-.itentiary keeping prisoners, Huntingdon Relormalorv " State Tax on County Bonds. Jo. W. Stimmcl Troas. of Junia'aCo.. Agricultural Socloty D M. Marshall. Snp't for County Institute, State Tax paid State Treasurer, Wm II. Oroninger. for all Stato Work, Rail Road Fare. Freit!it &. Hauling, Scalps and justices fees. Recapitulation Arsesing and Registering, Common Exoner, It Abatements granted Collectors; Elections C.r of Tramps, Publie Bnildir.g t Grounds, Public Offices, CommUbioncrs Office & Court Hons? Printing Bonds, Otber d-bt . Interest Paid Koails and Bridccs. Courts and Jurors Pay. ci'.erib'.s Fees K Prison Expenses, Miscellaneous, 439 33 150 00 2000 261 71 874 92 481 70 667 06 638 52 105 00 167 98 105 44 619 12 46 88 1"3 36 203 b7 401 25 102 60 220 00 98 78 57 60 83 t o 10 t.0 467 86 82 00 18 15 660 43 123 25 86 00 28 53 108 25 19 70 38 41 50 00 29 00 16 00 229 32 108 80 293 86 107 85 13 60 682 64 84 508 23 100 00 174 33 2093 94 201 00 9 13 866 1:5 1318 94 2778 79 1026 67 121 77 686 67 1134 53 2136 00 896 81 24944 28 6719 89 5077 62 1572 58 4971 83 5677 62 1572 58 4971.83 Total jJssets 6719 89 Cash in Tteasury, Cash 'n Treasury from Dog Tax Outstanding County Tax Sue, State Dog $52,980 78 2341 H 61 22 13222 88 1165 95 746 46 17537 69 130673 20 6189 84 874 67 143737 41 $ 126199 72 Tots' Liabilities. Ontstsmling Bonds Beating 4 per cent Interest, Union Trust Co., Bal. Thompsnnton Bridge Outstanding orders of 1894 unpaid Total Liabilities over assets. We the undersigned Commissioners of Juniata eocnty in compliance with the law, do publish the foregoing statement of the receipts, expenditures, assets and liabilities of Raid county for the year endina December 31st, A. D. 194, as taken from the records of Ibis ottice. Afilliintown, January 81st, 1895. W. H. HOORE, MEAL M. STEUART, Attest. JOHN NE1MAND, WM. II. GRONINGER. County Commissioners. Ciurk. executor of Margaret Dunn, late of Borough of Miffiintown. deceasfd. JfcMeen Att'y. No. 12. The first and final aecount ot David H. Shirk, sdmimslrator of Lydia Shirk, late of W hiker township, deceased. Axsob B. Win, Keller Att'y. Register. Kellef In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidni;y aDd Bladder d'se-iHes relieved ia six houra by tbe "New Great South American Kidney Cure " This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceed inp: prornptrjees in relieving pain ir. the bladder, kidneys, back Dd every part of tbe urinary passages in nmle or lemaio. it. relieves re'ention ot wa ter nd pain in passing it almost im medintely. If j'ou want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by W Banks & Co., DrugfriKt, Mif flintown, Pa. Feb. 6. Rheumatism Cured la a Day 'Mystic Cure" for Rheurnatiera nnd Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actioa upon tbe syrtem is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause, nnd the dis ee immediately disappears. Tbe first dose trreutly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., drnpgit-ts, Mitflntowo. Jan. 9, 96, Itch on human, m& on horses. dogs and all utock, cued in 30 tnio utes by Woo) ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thin never fails. Sold by L Banki & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Pa. Feb. 6, ly. Tuscarnra Vat ley Railroad Trains on the Trtscarrra Valley Railroad will run ns follows: Leave East Waterford at 8 00 a. aal i. m., arrtvmp; at fort nay al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. m. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 p. m., arriving at East Wa terford at 11.45 a. m. and C.30 p. sr.. J. C. MOOREHEAD, Supenntemltnt. Relief In One Pay. South Ajieeicas Nervihe reliovcs the worst csea of NervDua prostra tion, Ne.rvo lsness nnd Nervous Dys nepsi.i in a single day. No such re ii;f aud b'efRiti!; ban ever come to tho invalids of this country. Its powers to cure the stomach are wonderful in the extreme. It al wnys cures; it cannot fail. It rndi cally cures all weakness of the stom ache ar.d never disappoints. It ia a luxury to take and ahvavs safe. Triil bottles 15 cents. S by L. Banks & Co , Druggie', Miflliutowo, Pa. Feb. 6, ly. Thurston's PILLS Am purWt heafth Umm. a r known to distress bat inraj Hbie to reliev. When arvrry yon relief for nraonehe. btl ovsnana, mom a en ana liver rotnnlaintn tr TOCR DIE L UUIST for THl frnTHNV lILU.LBr natt mm aim MONEY LOANED. oOo equitable Do you leant to borrow money term. Do you dttir to pay off' a mortgage reborrow the money al a per cent, annually. Subscribe Tor the Sbntmki, aid BtroaLi oa, a good paper. Would you care to be to ntuated that you could rtdtiet II e mortgage againtt your home by paying off a email amount mouth ly and at the end of each year receive cred it for all paid! With iu-erett being eharg. ed ouly on remaining portion of loan. Would you like to buy your family a homtf If to, read the following: I represent a Company that ban embod ied in its plan all tlie Itatures enumerated above and many more. Can you see any reason why yon should pay a large interest for money when you liavo Rood sreuritj 7 Cnn yon present any good reason it by it is not well to receive profits yearly as to wait Irom 7 to 10) ears as one does in many or the Associations? Is not tbe reduction of interest yearly better, than waiting many years lor profits? Borrowers under tba plan represented by me assume absolutely no risk ss each $1 10 paid on tbe loan is credited on tbe mortgage, thereby reduciog it in proportion to the amount paid. Building Associations have benefited hundreds of thousands, ao did tbo old cars that were propelled by horses. Unr plan is aa far superior to Building Associations as tbe trolley cars are to tbe old antiquated hortte car system. My time ia to much oc cupied to answer questions tor the curious, but those seeking information for the bet torment of their condition will receive fell information promptly. We offer an invest ment to tboae who have a small amount to save monthly that has no superior aa to sai'ety and seldom equaled for profits. Call or write. Maubice Ltoiiu, Oakland Jfills, Jtu23-8ni Juniata county. Pa Lot-is E. Atkmso. F. M. K. Pbbnku. ATKINSON & PEXaBUj, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, MlfFLINTOWN, PA. .a u-iioi lectins ana uonveyanctne inlerett ly t"e4 to. Orricc On Vain street, in place of rfi- aenca ot uouta K. Atkinson, Ksq., south ol mage street. f Oct 26, 1892. ITILBERFORCE ICHWETER, Attorney-at-La-w District Attorney. MirrLlNTOWM, pa. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. na.D.M.caAwroiD, na. daiwih .OKAwroaD M . CRAWFORD & SON. JJR. D.I have formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and their collatteral branches Office at old aland, corner of Third and Or ange streets, Miffiintown, Pa. One or both ol tbem will be round at their oilice at a!' times, unless otherwise professioPKlly en gaged. April tst, 1890. r"pUtfkhItt.jrr. rT.-.i .tibu3t -m iit Uir baux. T-t ' I. h'. Vilaii "" i '.e t--l wit Xa : r.u-.i IftHwHU'-re-! i. r -i-at-aii kes.aua'ia,' n. lisi.-aMo.w'sriaaiU.ClrvralaJ'M. W. r. ilWIiOM CL Cktk Bm. I CH O Rnrfiold Too OnraaWok HaaaA.fcaaioraaOcapUioai JalBaa Ht BUnv fctkVUitotoan. fliarflTla 4V m W toth ftt , aLl Cures Constipation RAILROAD TIME TA1IE.B. JERRY-COUNTY RAILBUAU. nta went into effect Hov. 19, 1898, aod the trains will be ran as follows; p.m a.m Leave .Arrive a. m p.m 4 80 9 )5 Doncannon 8 40 S 50 4 86 21 'King's Mill 8 84 S 44 4 89 9 24 'Sulphor Springs 8 81 8 41 8 41 9 28 Cormau Siding 8 29 8 89 4 46 9 29 Montebello Park 8 26 8 86 4 41 9 81 Weaver 8 24 8 84 4 61 9 86 'Roddy 819 8 29 4 64 9 89 Hoffman ' 8 IS 8 26 4 66 9 41 Koyer 8 14 8 24 4 69 9 44 M.banoy 8 118 21 6 10 10 00 Biootnfleld 8 06 8 16 6 17 10 07 . Long'a Road 7 62 2 45 6 22 10 13 Nellson 7 46 2 89 6 25 10 16 'Dun's 7 48 2 86 6 23 10 19 Elllotsbnrg 7 49 2 83 6 24 10 2 Bernhetsl'f 7 84 2 27 6 36 10 27 'Groen Pk 7 82 2 25 6 41 10 82 'Montour June 7 27 2 20 6 0911 20 Landisburg 666 160 p. m a. m - Arrive Leave a. m p m Tnn leaves Bloomtleld at 6.10 a. m. Ml arrival at I .and ishnrff at 6.47 a. ID. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at ttinomneia ai o. ou y. iu. Trains leave Loysville lor Doncannon at 7 ton m . and 2. ir D. tn. Kotamine, arrive at 10 87 a. tn.', and 4.60 p. in. ... . . - . a : 1 1 . . Jjeiween L.anaisonrg d run as follows: Leave Landisburg for Loys ville 6 55 a. tu., and 1 50 p rn., Loysville for Laitdisburg 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m. All stationa marked t,') are Ug alaliens, at wl.ict traina will come to a full stop on signal. TRESPASS NOTICE. Tbe undersign! d pvraona hsve formed an Association for tbo protection or their re. spoctive properties. All persons are here bv notified not to trespass on tbe lands of the nudersigned for the purpose of hunting gallicricg nuts, cbiping timber or throwing down leucCa or firing timber in any way whatever. Any t iclation ot the above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John Micliael, William Puffenberger, Gideon Sieber, Beashor &. Zook, Mary A. iirubaker, Joseph Rothrock, John Byler, SauiuolBell. September 5, 1H95. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. On nnd after Sunday, November 20, 1894, trains will rnn as follows: WESTARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. rn; tlarritibnrg 8 18 a. mj Dancao son 8 54 a. in; New Port 9 24 a. in; Mil lerstown a so a. rr; U urword V i s a. m; Thompsontown 9 47 a. in; Van Dyke 9 66 a. m: Tuscarora 9 59 a. in; Mexico 10 02 a. m; Pert R..ya 10 07 a. m: Mifllin 10 11 a m; Denholni 10 21 o.n; I.ewistown 10 40 a ro; MeVejtown II 08 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 32 a. id; Mount Union 1140 s. id; Hnntiugdcn 12 10 p. m; Tyrsne 1 02 p. n; Altoona I 4 o p c ; Pitt-barg6 50 p. m Mail Train leaves Phila.lolpb.ia at 7 00 a. ro, Ilarrisbcrg 11 20 a. ui; Dnncaunoi 11 60 a. m; Newport 12 14 p. in; Mitilin 12 53 p. n:; Le.wiatowo 1 12 p. in; McVeytowa 1 33 p. m; Mount Union 1 f 6 p tc; Huntingdon 2 17 p. m; Peterr-btirg - 80 p. m; Ty rutin 8 05 p. re; Altoona 8 4 p. m; Pitubarj 8 ftt) p. in. Altoona Areommodittion leaves fjarris bnrg at 5 00 p. rn; Jnncannon 5 8 1 p. iu; Newport 6 0- p. m; Jfillrrslown 6 13 p nt; Tboicpsontown 6 24 p m; Tusearnra 6 S5 p. in; A.-xieo 6 37 p u:; Port Koyal 6 42 p. in; MtfHin 0 47 p. ia; Dentiol-o 6 55 p. n; Lc;9town 7 13 p. n; .WeVeytown 7 88 p. m; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. ni; Hunting .l.n H 32 p. rr; Tyrone 9 16 p. ic; Altoona 9 50-p. iu. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. in; lfarrisbnn 3 10 a. m; M trts viilo 8 24 a. ni; Dnnc; New port 3 59 a. n; Port K'jyi! 4 31 a. in; Mif ttin 4; Lenistonn 4 58 a. m; Mc Veytown 5 30 a. ir; HnntiDgilon 6 Ul a. m; Tvrnr.o IS .')5 a. iu; Aitooua 7 40 a. m; PlTttburg 12 10 p. oi. ' Ezpretis IctiVeH Hart1ibnrg at 10 20 p. m; Newport 11 08 p. in; Mifiifn 115 p. ro; Lew is ton n 12 05 a. n; Uuntingdon 1 05 a. m. Tyrone I 42. a ic; Aitooua 2 10 a. tn; Kittshurg 5 50 a. tu. F-tftt Lice leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; fJarrriaburg 3 50 p. m; Pnncsnon 4 15 p. re; INtuport 4 J p. m; Mifflin 6 IC p. m. Lem-ftown 5 29 p. in; Mount Union 6 09 p. ro; Ilnntirgdon 0 28 p. n ; Tyrone 7 06 p m; Altoona 7 40 p. n ; Pittsburg 11 30 p. as. KASTVV AKL. Hsrrisburg Accommorlation leaves Al. toona at 6 DO a. ni; Tvroneo 28 a m; tluot- ir.gdon 6 05 a. ni; Newton Hamilton C 33 a. m; olcveyiown b 62 a. ni Lrwistown 7; Mitilin 7 88 a. rr; Port Roval 7 44 a. ro; Mexico 7 4$ a. tn; Thompson tow o 8 02 a. ui; Millerstown S 12 a. m; Me port 8 22 a. m; Duucauuon 8 49 a. m; IJarrisburg 9 -0 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbnrg S It) a ni; Altoona 7 15 a tn; Tirono 7 48 a ro; Hunt ingdon 8 30 a n.; ilcViTtoirn 9 15 a tn; Lewist..wn9 35 a is; Mitilin 9 55 a ro; Port Rojul 9 59 a n; Tl-ompontown 10 14; tlille'Stfiwn 10 21 am; Newport 10 32a m; Duncannon 10 ai a m; Marvsvillo II 07 a ni; liarri.-Lurg 11 25 a m; i'luladelhia 3 CO p m. Pav Er press leaves Pit tr burg at 8 00 a. ; Altoona 11 50 a. ic; Tvrone 12 15 p. ru; Vuutit.gdon 12 48 p. tn; Lewintown 1 45 p. m; Mitilin 2 05 p. m; Hsrnstmrjc 3 20 p. m; Baltimore 6 45 p. m; Washwii(toa 7 50 p. Phi:le:p5iiJ 6 60 p. Hi; New York 9 33 p. m Msil leaves Alioona at 2 TO p.m, Tvrone 2 35 p. tn, hi-tiiiugdon 3 SO p- ru; New too Hamilton J 51 p. n-; McVeytonn 4 12 p. ro; I.en istown 4 i p. m; UifBin 6 04 p. ro. Port Ro al 5 09 p.m; .Mexico & li p. ni; Thonipsoutown 5 2" p in; Millerstowu 5 38 p. m; Newport 6 48 p ni; Duncannon 6 20 p. m; llarrisburg 7 00 p. ni. Mail bxpress leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. ; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 87 p. m; Uunlingdon 7 20 p. ni; McVeytown 8 04 p. ro; Lewistown 8 20 p. in; Jf'ttiin 8 47 p m; Part Koyal 8 62 p. ni; Mlllerstown 9 1 p. ro; Newport 9 26 p. m; Duncannon 9 60 p. m; Hsrriaburg 10 20 p. m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at 4 80 p. tn; Altoona 9 05 p. ni; Tyrone 9 38 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. ro; Mount Un. ion 10 2 p. ni; Lewi-town 11 16 p. ru; Mif. ttin 11 87 p. tu; Uarrisburg 1 00 a. ro; Phil adelphia 4 30 New York 7 83 a. m. PEttRY COUNT T RAILROAD. Traina leave Duncannon for BloomHeld. at 9 15 a. tn. and 4 30 p. in; returning, arrive at Duncannon 8 so a. an. ana 8 69 p. m. on week flays. EAST DROAD TOP R. R. Trains leave Mt. Union oa week days at D 20 and 1 1 20 a. m. 4 00 and 6 15 p. m, traina arrive atl Mt. Union 8 10 and 11 20 a, m. S 1 1 and 6 37 p. m. P. N. N. W. R R. Trains Icavea Bellwood at 8 00 a. m. and 8 38 p m. arrived at Bellwood at 11 IV m. and 6 45 p. m. N. at S. V: R R. Trains leave Newport on week day at 10 00 a. in. and 6 05 p. m. arrive at .new- port 7 65 a. m. and T. V. B. R Traina leave Port Royal 10 80 a. ru. and 6 16 p. tu., artlve at Port Royal 8 45 a. m and 8 16 p m , week days. LEWI&TOWN DIVISION. Traina for suodury at 7 40 a. m.audb 10 d. re., leave Sunoury for Lewistown It. V a. ro, and 2 25 p. m. TYRONE DIVIsOH. Traina leave for Bellefonte and. Lo Haven at 8 10 a. m., 8 34 and 7 26 p. ro leave Lock Haven lor Tyrone 4 80, 9 87 a ro. and 4 15 p. to. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Traina leave Tyrone for Clearfield and Curwensville at 8 30 a. m.. 8 16 and 7 30 p. m., leave Cnrwenaville tor Tyrone at 4 80 a. m , v 42 ana s Ol p m. - For, rates, maps, eto., call on Tioket Agentf , or addreas, Tboa . Watt, P. A. W. 1. 110 Fifth Avenue, Pitta, burg, Pa. 8. M. Prkvobt, J. R. Wood, Gen'l Manager.. Qen'l Pasa. Agt Get a good papo- hj snbecribing for Sanrnan aao Rkfvblioaw. ' tbo . nuunvM tit fl. KhalTsr. r TfOLaWiUiTT M iCBIifA, res th tsak 1895, a AFraaiaao t tbb naoBAHraa ar raaiaiB. . Cu. Jtn't: vaok TWP. R. H. Patteraon, merch't 13 John Vaughen, " l G. W. Campbell, " TUBCABOBA TWP. H. S. Henry, merchant 14 Thoa. Harrison, "14 H. 8. Thompson, " W W. H. Robinsoc, 14 A O. Harrip, " 14 J.B Henry, , " 14 8PBCCE BILL TWP. T. N. Heckendorn, merc't 14 J. Lk Barton, " IS - Samuel Mo wery, ' 14 W. B.ConD, " 14 TURBETT IWP. Noah Hertzler, merchant 12 post botal. G. B IL Kepler & Co , clothier 14 F. B. Horner, drugs 14 G. O. Crozier, grocery & tobacco 14 A. J. Petti, merchant. . . 13 J. C. Sartain, grocery. . . 14 Port Royal Bank, Bank. 10 W. B. Bobitson, shoes . . 14 31. C. Dimm, merchant . 14 Mra. E. Reynolds & Co., merchants 14 G. L. Kepner, coal and lumber 14 MIUOKD TOWJtSHIP. G. B. M. Wiseh'inpt, coal ard lumber 12 J. C. Moorhea i ' 14 BEALE TWP. P. D. Harris, merchant. . 14 Hackedorn & Grav " 14 T. K. Beaver, " 13 John P. Kelley, " 14 PATIIRSOX. Guss & Seiber, hardware 12 W. H. Backs & Co., drags 14 Hollobaugh & Soz, cloth ier 13 Mercantile Association . . 13 North & Son, Grain .... 13 Maabcck & Nelson 10 T. J. Aliddah, grocery. . 13 Joseph Pesr.eU, merchant 13 Howard Kirk, tobacco . . 14 George Gusher, merchant 14 E. E .Ve-Veen, merchant 13 W. F. Sls.le, impiements 14 Wm. Nankival, grocery and flour 14 W. M. Bealo, R. R. Com. merchant 13 W. M. Beale, Wilson baiMing, merchant. . 14 M. T. Hibbp, merchant. . 14 P. Bishop, grocery and tobacco 14 P. W. Ford, con 14 J. D. Zttiderf, shoes. .. . 14 MlFTUJiTOWN. John W. Kirk, mtrrhant 14 W. F. Snyder, furniture S. S. Ruble, " Biuks W. Kauffman, or gans Hinkle & E lie, merchant 13 IL H. McChtitic, hard ware 13 J. C. GilBon, eroceries. . . 13 L. Banks & Co., drugs . . 14 H. Li. Wagner, merchant 14 John Etks; groceries. ... 14 L D. Muss-r, urocerirtrf . . 14 D. W. HarW, clothier . Emil Schott, clothier . . . M. P. ilruiM. . H. C. JVcC el.'aB, hird- v--are 14 Juniata valley Cick,. . . . 8 W. H. Riliman, jowo'ry. 14 Jas. H. Simons, harness 14 S. C. Mytrf, iaipliments. 14 Ferd Mvere, clothier. ... 13 John Sweger. jewelry.. 14 I'AYETTE township. W. S. Brown, mtrcha;t. 13 E. M. Kellr, " 14 A. J. Yarkers, " 13 McAljRter & Smith, " 13 A. J. Siutmau " 13 MOSBOE TOWNSHIP J. M. Diftz. mr rcbant- 14 Gravlvll & Garman 12 S. S. Grnvbil & Co.. " 14 M. S. Grr.yHIl, " 14 BrSQUEHASNA TOWNSHIP. G. W. Frou'z. merchant. 14 U. R. Beale, " 14 $10 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 10 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 12 13 14 13 12 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 CO 12 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 j0 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 12 ro 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 12 5!) 7 00 7 03 30 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 10 Ot) 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 0 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 (0 13 14 OKEEirwCOD TOWRSBIP. Dimm & Bros., mer chant 14 DELAWARE TOWXBHtP. O. O. Winey, merchant Id Samuel Schlege), " 13 L G. Knight, " 14 Louis. Braidd, 14 THOMUSONTOWlt. M. E. Schlegel, merchant 13 E S. Slroub " 14 J. F. Huldemao, drugs. . 14 Ed. A. Tennts, & Bro., grain and coal 12 T. S. ThompsoK, " 13 WALKEB TWP. Sansman tic Garber, mer chant 13 E M. Haldamon 14 C A. Thompson, grain 8c coal 14 W. H. Eichman, merchant 14 B G. GraybUJ, " 14 W. W. Dimm, " 14 The licenses mentionea in ttis ab-ive lt will be due and payable to the conuty trea aurri on and after May 1st, 1895. Jin appeal will be held in Ibe Commis sioners Office in tho borough of Ififfiintuwn on March 9tb, between tbe h'-urs of 10 o'clock, a. m.,BDd 4 o'clock, p. at., whu and whore ail persons feeling th. :jseU4 ezrieved, nisy attend, if they iliink proper Given under ray h;tnd snd seal this 6ih d j of Kel roary, A. D. 1895. ' Miffiintown, Fa., A. S. KArrrMBmont ' fib. 0, 189f . ilorcbantile AiiaUr. 10 0 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 700 10 00 7 00 700 12 SO 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 700 700 JP.DERE, PRACTICAL. DE.1TMT, (Graduate of tLe Philadelphia bents'. Col lege,) formerly of MifHinbiirp, Pa., has lo cated permanently in Miffintoirn, u Cuc ccssor to the late Dr. O. L. Derr, tnt U! continue the dental basinets (isublu! by the latter in I860) at the .-ll knowa of. Cce on Bridge street opposite Co art Hou. C7" TEETH EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITIIOUT PAIN. A a CAloroform, Ether, or Gas vstd. No Sore Gnrus or Piaooo.forf to p-.!iat, either dunrg t-xtraction or a'turwart". All tfcrse are Gnaraptei d ?r rc ch'.rjs will be made. 07 All work guarantcei to gira pen'.t satisfaction. Terras strirtlv cusb. H. P. DEIlIt, Practical notfft. .VIEWPORT AND SHiCRil . " '3 V L I v loy Railroad Company. Tttaw of passenger trains, in f-3ect on i&'-rx-.j, October 1st, 1891. STATIONS. VTcst- East ward, ws.-l. I I ' 8 i I m m N"ewr-rt Buffalo Bridge.... Juniata Furnace .. Wahneta Sylvan ...... ... Wat-r Plug BloomHeld Jnnct'n Valley Road Eiliottsbnr?. , Green Park ....... Loysville ......... Fort Uobeson ..... Center ........... Cisna's Ron ....... Audersonburg ..... Monut Pleasant . .. Mew (iermarjt'n ... P ; a si 6 So 10 IM 6 OS 10 03 6 12 16 07! 6 15 10 I0! 6 25 IU 17, 6 22 10 20 .' 6 31 10 2 6 89 10 31 ' 61 10 46 6 54 10 4l! 7 20 7 15 II 00 7 fiS! 7 12 11 17 7 17 11 V2 7 Till 18 7 27,11 22i 7 85 11 SO 7 4111 36 7 45 11 401 r m ft IS: 4 J 6 1 8 57 6 28 8 53 0 85, 4'- G 44 6 6 53' 7 It; sr,t 8 4 8 41 3&a 8 82 8 15 8 10 8 04 7 83l 2 56 741 7 86 2 49 2 4ft 7 46' 2 40 7 4Sj 2 88 7 62 2 24 7 bo 2 20 D. GRINS, President and aTacager. K. MtLLltt, General Apenl. A ir:-ir.I tmpicvcrtrnt !n rrit-iiT I r -; r 1 4-J-?K.li3 K- K ntot'oi: tf l:nlKi'e:i ti : - I. cu:.; -rti.t faits.eumrck:i. FriVli I I-.. i -i-r, -rtusi.ii r t! rli-fffl t-irii'tr Is ui.rt m ;I t i ; i. . Ci'at HVstta Ih jtowtr i. nd irr;'-.-. - t i 4 rt-nts iirfaKT-s jar rci Cuts"W.e ! r U i striiijr llnrrc Tin- Sfftki-. ';rv. ..-. v n i'UtitttitT, .lii'Ii't'VsSo '. LGTRf 8 TELEPHGKE . V I to tity. Vill or rarr. --"c:lillne,hol. np.i ntiire.! oit-;-:i.t, ito rn. no roynity. Vi ;mj liraLrR .ur vvn- h. A cents Mi4 front 8.1 lol Vr tsar. One in l :-. t n.rcivs a Mtinwji.ini noiu) ?k8. I nw inlrurnt. nn tor, iror;. ruii whnro. rr-5 di-tanct. Complete. rc.(iy htn rt era. tiu3 r ' , , V;ir" ni-U. A ricn-TT ra':j-T. u t?. &iup.c iivc. CAn-u:i-D3."C.t'UVT.;.iift. DON'T BE A BAT. CSSar?Sr and DOW'T BE BUW0. THERE'S CORN IN EGYPT YET. JWe JLead:--WT THOSE FOLLOW WHO CAN NOTICE! THE WORLD STILL MOVES! WE ARE IN THE PROCESSION RIGHT BEHIND THE BAND. No honest man can sell Goods Cheaper than wo can Our Ooodg are Arguments. Our prices are eloquence itself. Our aim ii to make both Goods aod Prioea satisfactory everj time. If yon bave tried elsewhere aod failed, give ns a trial and be convinced. We succeed wbere others have failed. A FAIR TEST. Call at every Store in town, tbec eall on ns The just comparison you will then be able to make of qualities and prioe, will preaeb a far more forcible sermon tban anything we could say. This is a fair test TRY IT. Then come and see tbe differenoe between dealing with live and dead men. Remember "no old stock" here. Tours, unbiased aod without prejadioe. " IC. H. MCCU1MTIC, DEALER IN HARDWARE- Wa are Headquarters for ever thing that can be found in a first etass hard ware store at lowest living prioea. HO. 119, MAIM STREET, MIFFMHTOff If, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers