XJTTLE OKE. LEE, . - . ZJttto one, sleept - feear withered bad, we will not wep, or God in His wise ProTldenee Knew best, and took thy spirit heaoe, tad where His angels Vigils keep, Little one, sleepl ? tittle one, sleep! -t - In restful slumbers soft and deep, Beneath the brown September leaves Where wind of autumn moans and grieves, Though wintry tears thy grave shall steep Little one, sleepl Little one, sleep t Sometime the April sans will peep A'xiTe the hills, grsen leaves will prlnj Around thy bad, wild birds will sing 4nd springtime's earliest r03es creep. Little one, sleep I Little one, sleep ! Kever dreaming of the storms that sweep The human soul in mortal sin, With fears without and foes within Kew grief en bitterest anguish heap Little one, sleep 1 Little one, sleep I Thy happier lot shall be to reap Joys with no sorrowing seed to sow ; Smiles where no blinding tea shall flow From life to life one paintes leap Little one, sleep! Little one, sleep I Thy memory in our hearts we'll keep, Striving to turn the joy we miss Into a hope of holier bliss, Vhen these dimmel eyes no more thai one, sleep 1 Montgomery 1L Fo!som,in Atlanta Joornar GETTING EVEN. HEX summer cam : I shut the booki in my uncle's of fice ami prepared to go on my va cation. Unci was always verj good to me anc gave mo July and August of eacl rear in which t recuperate and prepare for the lonj winter weeks of hard Tort . I am at work in my uncle's conntinj house and generally supposed to b his heir, as he has neither kith not kin except myself. So I walked int the private oiEee that Saturday after noon and gTe him my address iu case he nhonld want me at any time. That's right, my boy," he said, m he read tho address. "Brooksid Farm, Hollowdale. I am glnd you ar goin m for quiet instead of hothoust flowers and midnight dances," refer ring to my lost year's dissipations al Long Branch. "And now, I dare say, you will want some money, rven it that out-of-the-way place. Here ii your salary for the next two months Oh, bother the thauks!" as I attempt ed to speak. "Now be off with yor and enjoy yourself. Bo sure you ori back by September 1, and by th way, how do you get to this Brooksid farm?" Somewhat surprised, I gave him th directions, and was still more aston ished when he said : "I may run dowi some Friday night and stay over San day with you. Jersey milk and battel never hurt me. Well, goodby, mj boy, and steer clear of the snmme) girhj," with a twinkle in his eye. Ten o'clock that night finds me jolv ing over country roads in a marl.e wagon, drawing deep draughts o country nir and listening to the cheer ful chirping of crickets. Soon wo tun into a pretty lane, hedged on botl Bides with-small crabapple trees. Stil another turn, and we draw up in fron f a iittle, old, gabled far.n house covered with pretty green vines ant climbing roses. To tell tho truth, I sar very littl of it that night and at that hour, lm I was up early the next morn ing and out on an explor ing expedition. The house was built on a small knoll, and through th clover field at the back I found a path Following it slowly I came upon t email, pebbly brook, dancing in th sun as it rushed over tho pebbles, an now loitering, as if loath to leave th: shade of the drooping willows. As J watched it I softly repealed Tenny son's lines : I ohatter over 3iony ways. In little sharps an i trebles, I bubble into e.Myin bnrs ; I babble on th pebbles. With many a carve my banks I tret By many a field and fallow. And many a fairy forelnul set With willow wee-land mallow. This little stream wound in and out, shaded here and there by graceful, drooping willows, whose branelie.' swayed and kissed their shadows in tlx water. I wauderod along, drinking ii the pur fresh air and revelling in the unexpected sights and beauties of th place. Now I espy a tiny ford in tb shape of a half-dozen stepping stones, which soon land me on the other side I would have explored farther, but nt unmistakable sensation in the regiot of my heart proclaims that break f.-is-must be nearly ready, so I slowly re trace my steps and find mine hog anxiously looking for mo and jus: about to ring the bell used on week lays to call the farm hands iu. Mine host is a genial aid chap o perhaps fifty, and his wife, Mrs. Per kins, is a motherly soul of about tin tame age. I follow them into tin cool, vine-shaded dining room anc find a new member of the family, i pretty, bright-eyed, brow maid is singing little snatches of song ya she feeds two Huffy yellow canaries. '3Iy niece, Hazel, Mr. Lnnton." 1 bow nud then involuntarily glnnci around tho room, evidently dining nn sitting room combined. Whr.t a prettj room it is, with its old-fnshioned raj carpet, tho pretty chintz-covered sofa a great, deep lounging chair near thi window covered with tho same end etnfT and tho table with its snowy cov ring. The dear old motherly lady sits ot ne side, tho pleasant-faced farmer op posite, and down at the other end i bright face with rosy cheeks an roguish eyes. Yes, I am sure I shal njoy my holiday. How delicious th orisp rolls, yellow butter and thicl Bream wera. Why cannot such thing) )e found in the city? ) We always go to the meeting bona, every Sunday, Mr. Lauton," said Mrs. Perkins, "and if you would like to g yith us we should like it right well. I look at pretty Hazel and make u ay mind to go. Ye gods 1 What termon that old man did give us. Tw hours and a quarter by my watch dii e preach. Poor old mata I How sorry I felt fo im as h wiped the perspiration fron bis face and thundered forth again the sermon waft about Abraham an Isaac, and I will be honest and saj that in spite of the length of his dis course the simple old man drew tear from the congregation as he pictured the sublime faith of Abraham and hii trust in his God. I declined the ride home in the oh arry-all and strolled homeward, mind ful of Mr. Perkins's last instruction r'Mind vou're back in time for dinner. fee 'don't have hnJ two meals on San 43 V aViAirtM fiad ITVaA UTiaa TTawaIJ f Vitl . T fu it: 4m 4nrt AAii she might nave refused, v - . Bo the happy . care-free days go ov ft does not take long for Hazel am me to beconme the best of friends Such walks as we take;. Hazel, wit! her big red Irish setter, and mysell We fish, not in the shallow brook the runs through the meadow, but fnrthe lown, where the little brook hi ridened into quite a stream. When I have been there about thra .reeks Uncle Lauton comes down an levelopa as much activity as myself 9e does not seem to know what fatigui means and tramps in all directions Instead of staying two days he stays week, and leaves in the best of spirits 'I'll be down again before yon conn dome," are his parting words as th train starts. Tea. he doe come. He comes ever ?riday and stays until Monday a fuesday. How he enjoys it 1 It doei ne good to watch him. One morn in lazel ( "Witch Hazel," I have chris iened her) and I go oat for a stroll. She carries a book of poems unde. aer arm and I know where we shal top. There is a grassy seat under th rillows and near the Witch's ford, a lazel calls the stepping stones. Witch Hazel throws her broac rimmed hat on the grass and openinj he book hands it to me. I always d the reading while she pulls the clove: ead.3 and listens silently. To-day shi ias handed me Tennyson, open at thos nournful verses, some of the mos eautiful lines ever written, I think Break, break, break. On thy cold, Rray stones, O sea ' And I would that my tongue could ntta The thoughts that arise In mo I I look np and say: "Hazel, I lovi 'ou." She springs to her feet. "Mr. Lauton 1" "Indeed I do, Hazel," as I rise frot ly place at her feet. At this she retreats or rather r.v .erupts it, but I am in tho way and sh mrns to the Witch's ford. "The stonei ire slippery from recent rains. She ii :rcmbling and slips when in the mid- He. Of course she could not drown, jut she could soil the dainty muslii Iress and spoil the pretty slippers, s ( take her in my arms and carry hei back, bhe struggles to free herself jut I will not let her go until she an wers me. Finally she gives in and says : "I do love you, Harry. There ! Dot. .hat satisfy you, you silly boy?" witl wondrously tender look from th iright brown eyes. The next day finds ns at the Ban. laoe. and as we throw" ourselves or the bank, she with her head on Xap'i icck, she says : "Harry, where will we live when w ire married?" I start. Married I I sea I have . lard task before me. She does not eeiu to understand that this is merely a summer pastime. Mow ignorant thes ;ountry girls are. "My dear little girl,"putting my era .round her, "why look forward to th ;norrow? Let it take care of itself. "Yes; but we will be married som. lay, you know." "Listen, Hazel," I say gravely. ". .m in no position to marry now. Lei is love each other this summer. Wt rill enjoy every minute of the time ; Jut when I go back to town we mnst or get this. You will marry some on :oine day who is worthy of you." "Mr. Lauton 1 Harry 1" with a pite ms look. I know it would never do to give in. i I say, firmly: "I mean it, dear. ,Ve will be happy this summer and not ook forward to the winter." "Leave me," she says, imperiously I want to be alone nnd think." I try to kiss her, but she waves m. ock. '".'ot now," with a shake of hei lead, and I go up the path. I amrtilJ rhere I cm sea her nnd hear as sh ilks to Xap. "Ho doesn't love us, Xap. He wa nly amusing himself. He do?sn't car bit how much he hnrts ns. Oh, Xap Nap! an t sne puts Uor fnio down on ho dog an I cries bitterly. This makes me feel very uncomfort i'jIc. I have just starts 1 toward hei .hen she raises her head, looks at the I03 nnd says: "I have an idea, Xup, i brilliant one. Ji'n, I nm not goingtt ell it to yoa," as the dog wags hi ail in sympathy, "but we will ge) ren with him, Xii, or I am not Iluze.' .Jcane." She wipes her eyes ru 1, calling thi o', walks slowly horn-award. Tho .ears are still near her eyes, bnt I can -co that thonght is fast drying them. i draw bock that she may not see m ind do not go iu nntil tea time. Tho next day she gravely asks me t, will tako a walk, and I assent with i award rejoicing. Mr. Lauton, I wanted to tell you !hnt I am very glad you said what you ml vesterdav, as it opened my eyes to .he fact I never really loved von, and :ow don t follow, please, for Nap and I are going to take a walk," and she :nrns away with can I believe it? rith a smile on her face. I stay for a day or two longer, bu. .lie spell is broken and I no longer en- oy myself. One morning I pack my things, bid them all goodby and hie me back to town. Uncle seems really glad to see me. md sends me to Detroit on business, j im gone about 6ix weeks. When I coma back ho calls me intt .ho inner office, and after expressing nmself well pleased with the success nt my mission in Detroit says, after playing with his .watch guard a few minutes; Ahem I Well, Harry, I ha vf i piece of news lor you. I look at him in astonishment. H. is actually blushing. Keally, he does not look as old as I thought he did. I mu curious to hear the news. "Yes, Harry, the old man is goini to be married,'.' and he looked at me with a smile. "Married!" I gasp. "To whom?' "To an old friend of yours, I think." I rapidly ran over in my mind at. die old maids and widows of my ac quaintance and discard them all as pre posterous. "I went down to Brooksido farn. iast week," he eaid, nervously. A light breaks in upon my clouded brain. "Sot to Hazel Deane? Not to WitcL Tazel?" He laughs. "You've guessed it, my boy. W are to be married the 15th of-October. It will be very quiet, as I have not piven my Witch much time, but, Harry, laying his hand on my shoul ler, "you will be there and wish th ld man joy eh, my boy?" I answer something, I know not what, and rush from the office. I see, ss in a dream, a curly brown head pillowed on the neck of an Irish set terand hear a voice saying: "I have an idea, a brilliant one, .ap. We wLl get even some' way." X go home and read the poem which 1 interrupted at tho brook. I read thr last verse twice : Break, break, break, At the foot of thy crags, Oseat But the tender grace of a day that is dea J Will never come back to me. Chicago News, . A BRIGHT STAB. . A SKETCH or TBI Si AW WKt Lsf MARY AKOEBSOX TO FAME. AIM Flared Lea alius Rlea With Boats Barrett aad Thame. (JVom Hit SL Louis Chronicle.) . One of the most conspicuous figures la tho Algol and of America to-day is JohnW. Nor ton. Born la the seventh ward or New York City forty-s'x years atro, the friends of bis yonth were Thomas W. Keens and Frank Chafifrau. Wa find Keens a star at the.a of 15 aad Norton, la the flower of early man hood the leading man for Edwin Booth at the famous Winter Garden Theatre. Ill was starred with Lawreaos Barrett early in the 70s, and alternated the leading role with Charles Thorns at the Variety Theatre la New Orleans. Early In the Centennial year, In Louisville, Norton met our Mary Anderson, then a fair younfltfflrl who aspired for stage tarn, took ber under bis guldaaoe and, as everybody knows, led hor to fame. Mr. Norton Is now the proprietor of th Oraad Opera House In St. Louis, tho Da Qurane Theatre, rirfsburc an I one of the r-lookholdero in the-American Extrmvaganss Company. , , One afternoon early In June he hobbled Into bis New York Oluoe on Broadway an rn-onntered bis business manager, Oeorg HeAl.iiius, who had also been a rheumatic suf ferer for two years. Norton was surprised that HoHanus bad discarded his eane. Who cared you? he ufceri. "I cured myself," re plied McUanas, "irlth Dr. Williams' rink Vills." "I was encouraged by Mr. McMunus' cur and ns a last resort tried th rink PiUs my self," said Mr. Norton to a Cftrentrfe re porter. "You bave known me lor five years and know how I Imto suffered. 'Why, dur ing the sammer of 1893 I was on my back at the Hullanpby Hospital, in this city, four weeks. I was put on the old system ot dlet ln(r, with a view to clearing those acidulous properties in my blood that medical theorist! say is the eaoso of my rheumatism. I left the Hospital feelins; stronger, but the first damp weather brought with it those ezoru elating pains to the legs and back. It wnl the same old trouble. After sitting down for a stretoh of five mtnates the pains screwed my legs Into a knot when I arose, and I hobbled as painfully as ever. After I bad taken my first box ot Pink Pills It struck me tbat the pains were Ires troublesome. I tried another box. nnd I bepnn almost un consciously to 1..y r.i.'.h u ill.-I'iv.lc l'l". I Improved so rapidly that 1 could rise ullt-c sitting at ray dt-sk for an beur and the twimres of rheumatism that accompanied my rising were so mild that I scarcely noticed them. Daring the past two weHs we bavn bad much rainy weather in St. Louis. Put the dampness has not hadlbesHhtest effect in Bringing back the rheumatism, whieh I consider a sufllutont aad reliable test of the rmcacy of Pmk Pills. I may also say tbat the Fink Pills have acted as a tonio on mj siomacb, which I thought wns well nigh de stroyed by the thousand and one alleged temedirs I consumed iu the pat five Yean." Mrs. Hastings' Gowns. The outfit of our present firt fady in the State of l'ennsylvania, Mrs. D. II. Hastings, wife of the new Governor, is remarkable at once for its quiet elegance and pimiilic ity. The materials are of the choicest qualities selected in colors best suited to the complexion of the wearer and made up by artists. Some choice gems were created by the modiste who made Mis. Cleveland s gowns, others were de signed in Philadelphia and still others, it is whispered, some of her prettiest dresses, by her Bellefonte dressmaker. A very handsome dress, the one worn on Inauguration day and which is now to bo taken for her visiting and calling costume is of 'aJy's cloth light mauve in color and trimmed with velvet in the darkest shade of the same color. In this suit a change has been rung upon the almost universal plain skirt, by piping either side of the front breadth with a cord of the velvet, quite as thick as one of her own slender fingers. The waist for this skirt is round and finished at the waist with a roll of tha dark velvet, and at the neck with tho conventional stock collar. Very full sleeves finished at the wrists with velvet roll, and a full vest of moire silk show ing a shade of mauve between the very light cloth and very dark velvet with just the least bit cf cream lace forming a tiny jabot at the throat, the whole forming one of the most exquisite com biuatious imaginable and one that could only have been evolved from tho brain of a "really" artist. For carriage wear with this suit is a coat of the dark mauve velvet, almost if not quito three-quarter length, tight fitting, full skirt and sleeves large enough to take in the fashionably large uleeves of the dress waist. A Frenchy feature of this exquisite coat is a very full fall of heavy cream lace, which seems simply to have been tacked at tho throat and then left to take its own course to the waist line. With each full snit there is a small bonnet to match. Ono of Mrs. Hastings most becoming gowns is a street suit of tb viat no.v popular velutina-cord in so shade of wood-brown and trinimci. w " tiiat chest of all fur, the brown marten. Wlutina cord, it may or may not be kuuivn generally, is of corduroy weave but with a surface as soft nnd glossy as real velvet, and certainly promises to be the most popular winter goods in the market. The architectural idea of .Mrs. Hastings' suit is plain full skirt, showing two- wide box plaits at the back. A coat basque with two small box plaits from the yoke to the waist line, back and front. The yoke was rather wide, cut in three points back and front, and edged with tho brown mar ten fur. The sleeves "aud edge of the basque tvere finished with the same fur. A pretty house grown and the one in which .Mrs. Hastings was receiving calls upon Ih afternoon of my visit was a fine cream wool shot with a cerise red silk which combination was particularly becoming to her brunette type. The skirt of this gown was as plain arid full as possible pipe-organ plaits at the back and the whole crinolined "until able to stand alone." The waist was laid in the new box plaits with stripes of red velvet showing from under them; a roll of red velvet finished the edge of the waist and. wide folds of the same bound the throat. Another, and probably more costl) than any is a Lyons black velvet, short length. One peculiarity of Mrs. H's wardrobe is the absence of trained skirts. The waist of this velvet is heavy with cut jet and so made that with the eleeves removed and the heavy yoke of jet, a fully-fledged eve ning bodice is left all ready for wear. With this velvet skirt there are to be worn several waists of silk, chiffon and grenadine that almost defy description. One certainly does. An illuminated grenadine in stripes fully three inches in width, one stripe in dark green shading out in the lightest green, and the alternating striiie in the darkest red shading into palest pink. The stock, and waist, and sleeves, finished with red velvet and sparkling jet, the whole, when worn with the elegant velvet skirt making an almost bewildering combination and one of Mrs. llasting's most becoming suits. ) M. T. B. No one should sit down lo his own meals nntil seeing tbat all the animals dependent on his care 'are provided for. . Never let us be discouraged with our selves. It is not when we are conscious of onr faults that we are -the most ' wicked. (The lucky have whole days which still they choose; the nnlnckr have but hours, and those they lose. . Ckiw ot Tornadoes From the' Gulf of llexieo to ths fforth Pole and from the lakes to ths Bocky Mountains is a vast extent ol country crossed by no mountain chain" la intercept or retard the velocity ol air current. - The extent of this conn- try is equalled by none on earth. tJold air being Heavier to tne square incn than warm air, the cold air, when com ing in contact with a warm current from the south, always predominates, fnrninir tho warm air into the uooer currents. The cause of cyclones is the . - . . - . .1 v nesting ox a neaa wina irom iumui srif T . h Ad wind from the south. They meet like two vast armies of men. The pressure at the point of meeting is so rreat that the air, by comprehension, L.nm liAavinr to the square inch than wood or the human body, hence either one will' float in the same man wnnl will float in water it floats because it is lighter to the square inch than water. Place water in an prdinary wash bowl and remove tho dug and it will be observed that in uinff nnt th water forms a circnlav reaction. , Air being a liquid does the ame in passing either npwards or Qownwards ; hence the fnnncl-shaped pout of the cyclone centre. When two immense Douies oi air coming irom hnnnal f.A cliiAption meet, tha nnlv egress is upwards and sideways, and in passing npwarus is xorras tue innnei the same ns water passing out of a washbowl downwards. The theory that cvclone forms a vacuum is ansaru. Withdraw air from a glass jnr with an and. a feather within the vaccuum formed will drop with the lame velocity as lead, or, on tne otner inJ. run nan comnress nir until it fs heavier to the square inch than wood, In whicn case wood win 110111 m tne lir. The lifting power of a cyclone is caused (1) by the compression or den lity of the air, and (2) by its velocity. n..mr.ininr tbn nmvf r of densitv with n r that of velocity, which occurs at the centre or funnel, no power can resist it. xne leeling oi sunocation or aim ;nlty in breathing when near the track f a cyclone is caused from the com presaion of air. Minneapolis Tribune Acts as Ills Own Horse. A middle-aged man walked Into town to-day dragRini; a cart In which was a horseload of beading, camp ntensils, etc. He stopntd to rest near the flume compan'3 oillce and was soon surrounded by a curious crowd of people. The stranger, who appeared to be a little queer in the upper story, stated that he had just come In from Markwood's Meadows, near Kenyon's, in Fresno county, and was on his way to 1 irebaugh. lie was rather reticent about biniselfand spoke only In answer lo cjucrtions. It was learned that he had been traveling for a loug Uruo, dragging the cart behind him. "Why don't you get a i ony?" askef one of the curious. "I don't want any," said the pedes train, "It would give me too much touble to find feed for a hor?e." 'Don't your team ever get balky y" asked a bystander. "No: be is the most faithful ant- nal la tho world," answered th traveler with a smile, as be took tht 6hafts of his cart and struck out at a dog trot down Yoseiulte avenue ir the direction of Firebaui:h. 6100 Iten-anl. SI 00. The rentiers of this rapnr will be T'Vaj-C't' t farn that there N nt Iint one draael diea that science ha- been aide to cure in all iti FtnKes, and that is ratarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive core now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh leiir aron KtiiiiiMniAl fliteae. invire. & ennat 11 lit iunal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo ia taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system, thereby do- Etniviug the foundation or me mseasc, ana Hiving the patient strength by buildiiiK VP constitution nnd afiftiiiK nature- in tioinir it work. The proprietors have fco much faith in its curative iowursthat they offer One Jlun- cred 1 loiiars ior any cae i imt 11 iu imo F. J. t'nr.NKV Co., Toledo, O. E Sold by Irum:i-ts. : be. Tlie famous codfish, so long the jacred emblem of the Massachusetts Legislature, is to be taken down. . II has hung in the House of Kepresenta .ives since March 17, ITS I. art's Uovcr root, the ere.it Moo t purller, t ivtfrchnes and clearness to tlio eo'nplexiol LU lutes coirtlliaUon 2t-U. iJCU,, ;L There are no idols in tho Shinto emples in Japan. Shintoism con sists of the worship of ancestors and the powers of nature. Mrs. WinsJows Pootliliur Srmp fnr rhIMrsa tee lb I n. sinbeas the gums, reduces inllannma. turn illm sala. cures wind colic. St bonis The oldest ho use in Ohio is said to ce the one situated on Gilt Kidge, Ad- pms County. It was erected by Gene ral Nathaniel Mn&sie, 1707. Dr. Kilmer's Stur-KooT cures ail Kidney and litadder troubles, Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Elni.-t:.-initon. N. " Some of the little bronze images oi Chinese deities are supposed to have nn antiquity of 2,0JJ years before Christ. Ifltllc:cit with sorejym uss !r. Is.iae fin ns tou'fclve-water.Uiueiiistssell :iti.j. ;ct u :U4 The construction of tho New : York elevated railroad required 2,'JOJ tuna of iron per mile nnd cost t-'-O a yard ON THE ROAD .! s . .1 -SA 2tLtV "youuir woman ' . w ho is taking Ioctor Tierce's I-'avorite I're scription. In raaidenliood. wo manhood, wife hood and moth- J -W r- erhood the " Pre . supporting toniq and ii c r v l n o that's Ticcii'.iarlv adapted to htf needs, rrirulatinar. stretiRthcnitisr and cur ing the dcr.it?trcinents of the sex. Whv is it so many women owe their beauty to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Ik-cause beauty of form and face radiate from the common center health. The bet bodily condition results from good food, fresh ait and exercise coupled with the judicious use of the; "Prescription." If there be headache, pain in the back bearing-down sensations, or pcncral de bility, or if there be nervous disturbance. nervous prostration, and sleeplessness, the "Prescription" reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. It disncls aches and pains, corrects displacements and cures catarrhal inflammation ot tne linintr mem branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir. , . - , . . i -. - 1 regularities anu jcinurcu maladies. FALLING OF WOMB." FIELD, ofEast Dickin son, Franklin Co., JV. y., writes : " I deem it fnv dutv to evrtress mv deep, heart-felt grati tude to you for having been the means, under Providence, of restor ing me to health, 4pr I have been by spells un able to walk. My trniiil.. vim tf V. a worn o in nammatory virW uu uctutn-uuwii sea- iC7r- - sations and the doctors iv'SS?ik; all said, they could not H 'NJ 4-l3V tutc me. ,r Twelve bottles of Dr. Mrs- CAMFIELD Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription has cared me." mm 7- as (flattie Well and Happy Used "to Suffer, From ; Impure Blood and. Eruptions. Battle Varvcmr Lawrence Station, N. J. 'noo.l- Sarsumirllla cured my child ot 1m- ure blood and eruptions on the bead. Bhs ironld scratch her head so that it would bleed. fhe sores spread behind her ears, and the poor ntia sutierect terribly. 1 aocioreu uc - knew how but the sores did not et any But thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood s 0Uo Ointment she is now well at any children. Hood's58 Cures the Is as lsnre and healthy as any child five rear old. This is all the medicine wo I do not think there t any better." Gaoaoa VAAtEK, IStfa'OCfl CtailOU, i- - Hood's Pills SSecTc? THE homes iHA: wrwwl Farmlns: Landi situated POOR MAN'S CHANGE alons: the line of a new railroad now being constructed In central Wisconsin, and near a throiiea trans line aireaay cousiruciea, for sale cheap to sinaie purchaa era or colonies. Special tsdaea anemia ztvea to colonies. Loot time and low interest. Send for lull particulars lo fUKiu- WESTERN LUMBEJi CO., Kan Claike, Wis. e so SHE WAS BLIND. A blindness comes to me cow anj thca. I hare it new. It is queer, I can ace your eyes but not your cose. 1 can't .read because same ef the letters art "blurred; dark spots cover them; it ia mighty uncomfortable. I know all about it; It's DYSPEPSIA. Take one of these I It will cure you ia ten minutes. What is it? A Ripans Tabule. W. L. Douclas SS SHOmfSt for a kn. 4 CDEDOVAN, rKNCHJLtNAHCUXO CALF. 43.5? FlNECAinKANGARta 3.SJP0UCE,3 SOLES, 5oi2.W0RKIKGME " -EXTRA TINE- ,Jt 2. 17 BaYSSaiELSKua LADIES" t.-XCXTOliLftSS. Over On Million People wear tho L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They five the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and fit-Th-ir wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices aro unllom, -stamped on sola; From $1 to $3 saved overctSer makes. If your dealer caanc 1 3u?p .? "uwe can. S16i0: A YEAH MADE Rt- rel'ios nlv 'Z booltii a da of U ol u- K :or bu.lneaa men. rmperlj i.muhi-v, lunnt-r, c, ever i.uoii-A ert. An ii .n-nc '1T r. Attrm u mwu ! co.iin-et. !. M. ".f H A K 1 t v i ii., i-jn'in.r-. hi ro- (- iVhat She Wanted. A certain shopwalker in one of the .-ire dry gcoJs establishments on the West Side is noted for his severity to those under hiru in business One da he approached a jun or assistant, from whose counter a lady had just left. "You let that lady go out without her making a purchase?" be askee severely. "Yes, sir 1 " 'And sha was at your counter fully jen minutes?" "I'oubtless, hut then you see " Exactly. I saw that In spite of ill the questions she put to you, you rarely answered her, and never at temple 1 to at what she wanted." 'Well, but" "You need not make any excuse. I shall repo t you for carelessness." 'W ell, I h;dn't what she wanted. "What was that?" 'One dollar and fifty cents! She's i l ook canvasser, getting subscritXTf to the 'Life of Mr. Croker.'" Th . shopwalker retired crestfallen, amid the audible titters of all the assistants in the department, who greatly enjoyed his discomfiture. Mercury. A I'ertlncnt rarajrraph. "Our country if right, should be kept right; if wrong should be put r'ght," is a political 'maxim which paraphrased applies to other conditions of life, thus: our health if right, should be kept right; if wronij should be put right, es; ecially in bodily ailments, such as pains and aches, which St. Jacobs Oil promptly cures. Many out of work should heed to give it a chance to cure and it will give them a chance to go to work cured. Another adage is: "he dojt th Lett, who docth well." Well, of course, you want to be well from all sorts of aches, and the best thing to do is to use the great remedy. lie who ocs so is doing well indeed. Over one half of the sand of every shore is composed of minute shells, each of which was once the home of a 'iving trtattfre. Are Tow Xrrvons, Are you all tired out do you have that tired feel ing or sick headache T You can be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla which gives nerve and bodily strength. lood's Pills are easy In action. A colony of medusae has been com pared to a collection "of muslin snn bonncts floating right side up in the vater. Dlaclc Kings jndcr the eyes and a sallow complexion show biliousness. This is one of the most dlsageeable of stomach disorders and if allowed to have lta own way will result In great harm. Cure bUlous- esx ai ouce oy using -itlpans Tabulea. One abule gives relief. Soap bubbles are round because every part of their surface is equally pressed by the atmosphere-. Plso's Cure Is a wonderful Cough "medicine Mrs. W. Pickkbt. Van Siden and Blake Aves, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct 26, 'M. A manufacturer of artistic furniture) m Paris has jusf completed a chairs the forlegs of which are of solid gold. FUNERALS IN ARQENTINBi Btrssr,AdTtlsmt fro rha Fsnr-Oir cotmvry : m,o iinvinir advertisement appears n' a recent number of an Arsen Jne newspaper: --- ' M. MIRAS. UNDERTAKER AND COACH RE POSITORY, i . CallBalooree212-62& . Between Callea Alalna and Moreno. This oarnMlahmant . la tha first and .wif-r ono to rodnca to fair 11ml ta the price of Interments, thus allowlns f anil llee of moderate resources to honor their rfonri anitablw. end it Dubllshes taruT In order tbat the public may compare prices with those or otner nouses. - TABiirtr. enooiai rrntpmrv SDlendld hearse, its horses, mutes, etc.. engraved coffin, with doc ble metal , case and bronxe haniTiM lnnrlnn for wreevUrs. 3 special mourning coaches, 39 carriages, service for waking corpse, Gothic or woman, sliver plate for coffin, servants to re ceive mourning cards, advertisements In papers, permit of registry, coacn ior errands at disposal Price $1,600, Ir i-h!ch everything Is mciuaea. T-niiis XV. Stvle Hearse and horses, S mourning coaches, mutes, etc., lan rlnn for wreaths. 23 carriages, wroubut coffin with metal case and European handles, service for wake, Gothic plate for coffin, permit, advertisements, etc servants and coach for errands, etc. Price $050. - European Style Hearse, 4 horses, k monrnlne coaches, mutes, eta, 20 car riages, wrought coffin, double metal isp. Euronnin handles, plate for coffin, service for wake, permit, advertise ments, service, coach ror erranus, etc. ?rlce $S00. First Category A. Hearse, 4 horsea mutes, 2 mourning coaches, coffin with double metal case and European han dles, table, clothes, etc., house arranged In mourning, permits, advertisements, ltc., coach for errands. Price $C50. Tt. Hearse. 4 horses. 2 monrnlnt coaches, mutes, 15 carriages, coffin with metxl case and European nannies, table, clothes, etc., permit, advertise ments, etc coach for errands. Trice JSC0. C ITearse. 4 horses, mourning coach es, 10 carriages, coffin Imitation ebony with double metal case and bronze han dles, nickel-plate for coffin, table, linen, stc, permit and advertisements, ser rants, coach for errands. Trre $430. SwondCatetrorr A. Hearse. 2 horses. mourning coach, 8 carriages, plate for coffin, cloths, cnndiesticKs, etc., permit, rtc. Price $320. B. Hearse, 2 horses, coffin lmltatiot ebony, mourning coach. 6 carriages, candlesticks. Trice $250. C Hearse, 2 horses, cedar coffin leaden case, mourning coach, 5 car riages, cloths, candlesticks. Trice $200. This establishment undertakes the transference of remains from any part of the world, also from one cemetery to nnthnr. from the ramn to c!rv. Church services with catafalque, mass es, and without any additional charge. Families may rest assured that they will be scrupulously attended to, and will not be in the slightest inconven ienced, owing to the employes being tharoughly trained. An order by tele phone Is quite sufficient to promise the attendance of an employe with a de tailed tariff. AN IMP0RT.3IT DIFFERENCE. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not affected with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition is easily cured by usin Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the CaIiforn;a Fig Syrup Co. Miniature Klcclrlo Battery. In contrast to the very largo genertv tors of eloctriclty batteries and dyna mo electric machinery iu such com mon use to-day. It may bo iutorcstln-; to note what Is perhaps the smallest electric battery ever constructed, anj no doubt also the smallest gc-uerator of electrical or iueli.-iuioal euorsy. This battery was constructed soiu years ago by on! of the lectiicltus til the Boston Telepboue Company, ani consisted of an ordinary glass head, through vblch two wirei, oue of co;- j per nnd the other of Iron, were looped aufl twitted so as to prevent their com Ins in contact. The wires actci! as th clcclndes, and all that was necessary to cause a current to flow waa to place a drop of acidulated water In the head. Certainly such a minute battery fup Dished but en infinitesimal current, but could be esal!7 usoj Iu a delicate tele phone; la fact. It Is paid to have been jutiinlly used In signaling to a distance ot i:.-:'rly 200 miles. Cass'cr'fi ?.r:.-l lae. An Old Story la New Form. Tho platform of the electric cat was pretty well taken op by the driver, a man of the "slugger" va riety, and a big bag, over which the man of the "slugger va riety appeared to be standing guard When the conductor came to collect the fares be looked sharply at the bag, and then 6aid to the tough: "I'll have ter charge yer fer that bag." 'Til bet yer won't," answered the nan, looking angrily at him, as it any attempt at collection would la duce a prize fight. Yes, I will, an If yer don't pay, I'll put ther bag off. - See?" taid the conductor shortly. lie gave the mac five minutes more, asked him a sec ond and a third time, then stopped the car and put tha bag off on the sidewalk. The slugger" didn't even move, and when the car bad gone about a mile further the con ductor said to him: 'Yer don't care much for tbat baa if you wouldn't pay 5 cents for it" "Ah, come off!" was ' the reply "What's der bag got ter do wld me? 'Tain't mine. I'd a told yer so if yer'd asked me." TThy it"lsi Tabble Cat." Some writers on the curiosities ot mimal nomenclature tell us that the reason we call a feline of certain markings of oolor a "tabby" cat' is be cause Tabitha was ths goddess of the crooked-clawed species. - Wagner's "Names and Their Meaning," although it has a splendid department on the nicknames of birds, 'does not refer to those applied to the animal species at all, therefore it will be of no use to consult that work to find out why "tabby" eat bears its mniqne name, or why m "Jerusalem" donkey is so called. In a carious old work (printed in Lon don, in 1606) entitled, "Names Ap plied to Animate Things, M I find the following, whioh seems to explain the tabby cat enigma: 'The terms Tab bis Cat ia derived from Atab, a famous treete in Bagdad, aeittie of the Ori ent ; This street is inhabited by the manufacturers of a silken stuff called atabi,' the waved markings of the watered aUke resembling cat's coat. From that weeallall ekA so marked ftttftY bie-' ply tabbie' cats.'VStjjAuia BsUlubUo. 5T. OIL Is TTTT T TTh A TT f 1 IT A H kf A 1 A WITHOUT RELAPSE. COLLAPSE, AISHAP5 or PERHAPS. B E E CH AM'S PILLS (Vegetable) What They Are For Biliousness ' . dyspepsia . . sick headache bilious headache indigestion bad taste in the mouth foul breath loss of appetite when these conditions are caused by constipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. One of the most important things for everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness in the world, especially of women; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book, free at your drug gist's, or write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal Street, New York. Pills, ioc. and 25c. a box. Annual sales more than 6,000,000 boxes. ME 5PR UF DEM 1A CASE OF THE MIME HAL WATER IM THE MARKET. JU OH 5UE AT ALL THE LEAH5 SIMPLE BOTTLES SENTfiSE mfflESmWET ' m YOUR GROCER OB THE BOHLEH FOB m - 1 East, West, Home SAPOL! Some Idea in Canal Navigation. F, W. Warner, in a paper recently real at a meeting of the Rochester Academy of Science, favors the adop tion of a cog system on the Erie canals, by laying an iron track in the bottom of the canal -mil making con nection with It by adjustable cog wheels, securing perrect alignment and requiring little power. He says: "I believe in the near future we shall see long trains of eight or ten boats morii.g east and west in our water ways at the speed of not le-ss than five miles an hour. The trains - will move noiselessly and the power will oot be expended ia churning up the water and damaginz the ca al. These boats will le run on schedulo time with greater accuracy than the rail way trains. The entire cost of trans, portation can be reduced to much less t h;:n one fifth of the present rate. Besides this, the carrying capacity of the canal would be more than quad upled." Effectual Warning. It la well known that certain vaga bonds desire nothing better, eepcc'.atty when the cold weather comes on, than to be arrested and locked nr., la crdcr that they may be taken care of for a while. One of this fraternity succeeded !u getting himself arrested for vagrancy, aud on the way to the lockup he was so much overjoyed by the prospect cf not hnvlnjr to sleep in the open air that he behaved somewhat boisterously. ICeep qnlctr threatened the police wan; "if you don't I'll let you go!" TheCireatertriedical Discovery of trie Age. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF R0X3URY, MASS., . Ha3 discovered in one ' of oar common pasture Weeds a remedy tbat cum every -kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. He bas tried It la over eleven hundred eases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humop). He has now 'in" his possession over two hundred oertlfl- . eates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card, for book. . A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect care is warranted when the right quantity is taken. When the longs are affected It causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them ; tha same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking ft. Itead the label. It the stomach Is foul or bilious it wil cause squeamish feelings at first . No change ot diet ever necessary. Eat he best you can get, 'and enough of 1L Dose, one tablespoon! ul in water at bed time. Bold by all Druggists. . For Twenty Years Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. There is no; secret about its ingredients. Physicians prescribe " : Scott's Emulsion BBBJBBBBBBBajaBBjajp j------ because they know what great nourishing and curative prop erties it contains. They knor it ia what it ia represented to be ; namely, a perfect emulsion of the best Norway Cod liver Oil with the hypophospnites of lime and soda. Tor Coughs, Oolds, 8a'Throat, Bronchitis, "Weak Langs, Oonsnmp ,tion, Borofak, Anemia, "Weak BabiM, Thia Children, Bickets, Ma atrnus, Loss of Flesh, General Dehuityi and all oonditiona'of Wasting. . The only genuine Scott's Emulsion w put in same.i eolored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes 1 - " SenJ far famhlctScotCt Emulsion. F&EE. 8oott a Bowne, N. Y. All tte Perfect CURE f or sallow skin pimples torpid liver depression of spirits , ISim FAMIlYDiAB TO YOU? 15 YOUR HEBLJH TO YOU? THEN DONiBt lYrfOl7 BEST CHEAPEST TABLE rfiILADELPHl.1, Is Best," ifKept Clm With Forhf-aJsrhr (wtirtner sick ornerr-ons,tooths''!. tieur&!ia. rhenm&tlsm, lumtrfugo. jmlits sntl irj ness In ttie back, spine or ktlneys, pains aruutii till liver, pleurtay. swelling of tne JtilnU jtntl pain-, of ht kinds, Uie spplitstion of lbvlwttr a IU-atly JMM til afford ImmedUceeaae.-ttiia ItH columned uae jj a tew ctATS vfjecxs a pernnuient cure. ' A CURE FOR ALL Summer. Complaints, DYSENTERY, DIARRHEA, CHOLERA MORBUS. A half to a trvpoonfull of ila-ly K.-Iirf tn a hi1! tumr.ler of tvetrr, rp-atl n oftpn us tht ir--t continue, and Haanel raturutol w ttti Ii;t ;y placeil over th ntomarh or bow-i will air-r.i nu.-u dlatr relief and aooneftet-tactin. InU-rnally A half to a tfaMK-nful in !i:i'f.i t-im Mer of wiltT will tn a few iiiiiMit.- -uit-1 r tiurn t-patun. Sour Ktomarh, Naust-u. omitif:, I ! Lurn, NervoURlms, ISlt-epleMiiit'Vi, r c ; 11'mUou,, Flatulency and all Internal pallia" . Malaria fta Its Various Forms C ure I and Prevented. There tn not remedial aent in the wnrH fittr will cure Kever and Agit anrt nil ot!itr ni.tl.iri-j Ul toil a and other feven anled by K VI'W V - I'lLU ftoqtilckly as HAUWAY'6 11 K A It Y KKI.IKK rrineiu cents per bottle, toold bv uil Jru-iu. WALTER BAKER & CO, The Largest Manufactures of PURE, H1CH C3ADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES Oa this Continent, have rtcrircd HIGHEST AWARDS from the fret and Food EXPOSITIONS lii Europeand America- raiiae tin Dnlrh rcr. M Alka lies ctr other 4'hrmifttAOT LM rt Their drtiduua BRKAKFAST rOI'lllu lo.utf pan sad soluble, sad cotu Jm thorn one ctnta of COLO BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER 6 CO. DORCHESTER, KASt MRS. WINSLOW S SOOTHING SYRUP has bfn ir.pA h MPffnn f Mothers Z for their culMrcn v.hiic i'rnrliUj r.-i overt Fifty Yecrs. It soot Iks theehlM. sofims iw St-.ms, allays all tmln.cnm wind culiciiod la tbe host remody forrt!nmya. TwcBtf-fcvo Cents a Botiir. Consults ' E im. ToUtrtnrntm ni . I1,iin1: rM!ll a i inniM, BferalMaiw. 6ibtaiJi.AM.u31J. .UKtS WHtKl All tiaSt AilaV Conch Byrup. Tates GkaI. V in t1m. Sold by dniftirHt Druggl. BO cents and 91. - iSPLJCL2f CtirrlsMarsinlM-! hi a I O n I .v-O tttli Arrli M- lDia. 73
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers