Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 20, 1895, Image 3

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wnwrrwt. FEB- tt, !.
drMtlptloo, 1U per mtavm eM
tu wrueej wz.m it not aett la ee-vsaee.-
Tthb-jsitcT artTf lflM a U IW
ot jr Inch for ao& BM allien.
TrvaSoat tafreas BOttoo In
onm. 10 oeale r Um rbr'w
Lvviat-tiMa wis be aw4e to tWw eaetrtar
k WerCse by tit jew, n'elf at snorter
It is intenaely ocll in Eog'aad.
C-nrlea Atami hei gone on a trip
to Florida.
Mrs. Aim Rwlrison of Maryland,
is visitfog Mr. JimN Kbin.
0uhar-J of Herri-bunr pnt
Sou Any t bis lion in P-tttereon.
If in Alice TodJ..f A'toone, vieit
ed her r s'OBts iu Pstteieon this
Womw presented 30 mils long
Temperance IVHiioa to Oongre
last we 1
.lobars Jjo ja. l 80 rears,
drd l hie him iu lie Coy grille on
thelStklnsf. : .
Mies'Kstberine Dtinl fcas return
ed horn-; after Tinting several weeks
in Kuriz Valley.
Last Fruiay, FeVr-iary !6, a anow
six inches de-p, fell ia western and
northern Fjcrid. -
Me. Albert Dimm and sister Mar
garet, visit i the blisses Diehl,- sev
eral ltyt last week.
JJr.-. Harriet EsHr.s of Lebanon,
P.. di-i on tb 16th day of Febru
ary, Age'! Ill years-
TI. small-pox brought to Lewis
town in 1894. rat Miffli.i county be
tween 14 and 15 hundred dollars.; .
Banks KauCnau hus started a ear
pet factory in the bnilding, be
bought froia Robert Parker oa -Water
Miss Mary .Beale, who vieited her
brother -Dr. Beale and other relatives
returned b ?er borne in" Frederick
aid., on Monday. ' ', "
Mr. and Mrs. Allison wer called
by a despatch io Washington on
WbJay erening by the serioas ill
ossi of a daughter.
Tin JuaUta Yallsy Bank sold the
Jjsph l'.g farm in Monroe town
ship to J. H. Mirtc of Northumber
land county for $2,100.
The appropriation bills -in the
State Legislature, if all pass; will re
quire 131,000,000, bat the revenues
of the State amount to $19,004,000.
A number of Mifflin town boys skat'
ei to Lewistown last week on the
river, asd a number of Lewistown
boys and girls skated to Mifflin town.
John ilonohan, aged about 78,
died at bia home in Patterson on the
morning of the 12th inst., of parelyt
ie stroke. Interment in Union
Cemetery on Friday last. -.
Dick. Showers of Altoona, ac
companied by bis cousin, Miss Helen
Grior, daughter of E litor Q.ier of
the. Altoona Tiroes, .ia visiting his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, Show
ers, this week. 4" '
Tbouaas MoBleir, aged about 24
yeni, died at bis home in Patterson
ef complication of diseases eoa
araj'tion and Bright'a disease on the
12th inst. Interment in Church Hill
Cemetery on the 15th.
William Thompson, fisherman,
died at bis heme near Tuscarora Sta
tion, last Saturday night, aged about
70 y ara of heart failure. The iun
ral took plac from the home of his
fn ia law, Andrew Cretwell in this
plane oa Tuesday. Interment in
Union cocnty.
Jndge Bell over rnled the motion
for a new trial in the case of ex-Juds
B. F. Juniiu and W. A, Sponsler of
Parry county, convicted at the No
e aher term for embezzling the funds
of the Perry County Back. Tbey
ara to appear ift court Tuesday,
.Varon 5, to receive sentenee.
A fire broke out through a defee
tiro flue in the bona of Allen Ms
Cafferty, on Valley street, Lewistown
about 2 o'clock last Friday morning.
Be for o the flamea were xtinguiahed
tLe house of Samuel Shade and. two
ethers were destroyed four dwelling
pUuAs. Lisa, almost $8,000. In
ssred. Ict. (iearge) B. Stewart, D. D-
Ou Tuesday evening, Feb. 26th,
at 7 o'clock. Rev. George B. Stewart.
l. D., Pastor of the Market Square
Prusbjterian Church of Harriaburg,
and fur three years President of the
Pennsylvania - Chriatian Endeavor
Union, will deliver an address in the
Presbyterian Oaurch of Miffl:ntown.
The people of our county are cordial
ly in ited to bear Dr. SUwart, and it
is speriaUy desired that the various
Tot:ug People's Societies of the eo nn
ty will avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to bear this inspiring leader
in all the a E. Work. Seats free.
A welcome to all.
KaTBasxxa Dnax,
Cor. See.
discussion thai was paiiioipated in
by Williatn Banks, D. B. Esh, - ex
Sheriff Knonae.W. H. Moor. Mr.
Notestme of Mifflin county, Mt. Faa-
aiman or rerry Uoaaty, and all
agreed" that the nse of clover graaa ia
qf the highest Value as plant food'
for eropa. - - -' -'
A. B. Dimin read an intereating
paper on the "Hilo." There are three
ailoe in the' ooanty,owttedr-speotive-ly
by J. O. Haldeman. J. T. Ailmaa
and David Dimm. , ' '
MR Beaahdr read paper on the
subject of "Two of the Cauaea why
Farmers.- do not succeed Better."
Mr. Layer of Mifferstown, Perry Co:,
spoke to. the same subject, and ' that
brought out JVA. Gundy on the at
Umpt to esUbliah a ;8tU Agricul
tural Do'partment, and thai drew Dr.
Atkinson in to too discussion that
took a wide range ovsr the official
salaries, the State Bird Book, Ae.
Robert 51aMeen made an interest-
j ing address on the subject of "the
JOvneruhip of Land lu -Sevvralty."
Beginnibg wiU the digging of
vibw .f the title deeds of to day.
'."Ed. Davis and others gave an In
ttronuag talk on tho subject of pota
to raising.
Edwin Davis, talked on the sub-
. fact of "Rrr.nomT in Feneea." draw
1 inc comDariaons ir exoenaa Latwern
the wire and old time wooden 'fences.
Dr. Atkinson followed on (he, some
subject. , ' '."!!.
John E. Porter read a paper entitr
led "Care of , small things oiT the
D. B. Bfe Williams spuke on ' the
subject of "manure," which brought
put a diacaasion that took in the sub
eet of deep and ballow plowing and
tne paasage of ait the gram through
the manure pile. Wm. Bank cap
ped the climax on this point by ask
ing what the farmer will sell, if he
feeds all his grain to enrich the ma
nure pile.
On Tuesday after choir iug?ng,
''America," Miss Bessie Hackonberg
er recited the ' The Toboggan Slide,"
and 'Mia Gertie Scboft recited,
"Curfew most not Ring to Night.
Ex Sheriff W. H. Knouse read a
paper, entitled "Specialities ia Agri
culture." - - i. . . .-.
' John A. Gnndy, delivered an in
structive and interesting lecture on
"the Prehistoric Mu."
Ou Wedneaday evening the reso
lutions wore adopted; then music by
tLo choir; then a recitation bv Miss
Margie Patterson, "Labor is Wor
ship;'' then a recitation, "two Scenes
from Life," by Miss McCorauok of
Mifflin eountv. Then the lecture
entitled, "The Dollar," by J. T.
General resolutions adopted:
Whkbeas, There seems to be a
strong disposition -on the part of the
present Legislature to multiplv of
to, increase salaries and pension
certain officials of long standing, and
Whereas, All industrial pursuits
are now tadly depressed with many
farm products and articles of manu
facture selling below cost o; produc
tion and many of the pooror class
wanting the necessaries of life, there
fore, Resolvtd, That the Farmers' Insti
tute request our State Senator, Hon.
Joseph M. Woods and our Assem
blymen, Hon. H. I. itinaar Wilson to
use all honorable means to defeat
any hill that proposes to so multiply
oiiices, increase salaries or pension
official?, calling special attention to
the list of officials and salaries pro
posed in the bill intended to create a
Department of Agriculture.
httotvtd, That we believe that . the
preeent lh-vprohibiting the manufac
ture and aale of Oleomargarine is
just aad fail and should not be re
pealed nd urge our members in the
bnate and House ox Representatives
to use all honorable means to pre
vent aty change or mpeal, but ask
for an an-ropnetion to enforce the
present law.
Kuoived, That we demand the re
moral of all dama in the Juniata Riv
er sot needd for transportation pur
poses, because I be ice accuaunulatm ?
thereon endangers bridges and towna
aknir its hanks.
Resolvtd, That we favor the pas
sage of a law, granliog charters to
Electric Roads as common carrteis.
Ruolvtd, That we aak our State
Senator and Assemblyman to give
vigorona support to th State Trees
ory Bill and the Tax Bill as prepar
ed by the tax ' Commissioners with
any reasonable amendments.
RtiolveJ, That we favor a law com
pelling ' children to go to school
for a limited number of months
in the year for a' definite time and
demand some more equitable basis
for distributing the state appropria
tion and arc opposed to the extensiou
of the minimum school term beyond
its present limits.
Resolvtd: That we are opposed to
the granting of any farther appro
priation to Normal Schools hut favor
such additional appropriation to be
given for the establishment of grad
ed high schools in rural districts.
Ruolved, That a cony of these rs
olutioas be aent to our State Senator
Hon. Joseph M. Woods and one te
Hon H. Latimer Wilson, our . mem
ber of the House of Representatives
tJ. IS- Jamsox.
Cowtmitie. J D. B. Essl .
f J. G. HaldIka.
- .
awiirwaewHI K9SJtyAXIwS,
The Farmers' Institute of Jnniata
county, convened in the court house
on Tuesday, February 12, at 1.30 P.
M, and was called to order by
Matthew Rodgers.
Wellinartoa Smith was elected Sec
H. . Hollo way, D. D., opened the
exercises with prayer.
Hon. L. E. Atkinson, delivered the
address of welcome, and M. E. Esh,
tbe response.
J. G. Haldeman, the pioneer
creameryman in Juniata addressed
himself to the subject of "How to
makolhe Creamery Success." Mr.
Holdemsn's practical pointers, aroaei
d a lively interest in the oonaidera-
tion of tbe subjoct; and an intereet-
ing discusion followed, participated
in by Edward Davis, W- H. Groning
ai, ex-Sheriff Knouse, John A. Gun
dy, Francis Hower.
D. B. Esh, spoke on tbe subject of
"TLe Oitlook What snail w dot"
N. H Lah read a paper, Can the
JuaUU fanners profiubly measure
kit corn srea," which resulted in a
Tascarwra TaUtey sllreel.
Trains on the Tuscarora Valley
Railroad will run as follows:'
Leave Eaat Waterford at 8.00 a.
and 2 r. m., arriving at Port Roy
al at 9.15 a. at and 8.15 r. ar.
Leave Port Royal at 1050 a. at.
and 5.15 r- u., arriving at East Wa
terford at 11.45 a. m. and 6.30 r. x.
J. C. MoonawxAn.
- Simtrtnttrndtttl.
Belief la Om Day.
Soctb Amekioan Nxxvnrs relieves
the worst esses of Nervous prostra
tion, NervouaneM and Nervous Dys
pepsia in a aingle day. No such re
lief and bleaaing baa ever eomo to
tbe invalida of this country. Its
powers to enre the stomach are
wonderful in the extreme. It al
ways cures; it oannot fad. It radi
cally cares all weakness of the etom
ache and never disappoints. It is a
lnxury to take and always safe. Trial
bottles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
Jfc Co., Druggist, Mifflintown.JPa.
Feb. 6,ly.
Ceaaiaicate4.T -.:vi ;v.
LoBciguela, in bis communica
tion on Compulwry Sdooatiaa, pub
lished ia the Star, ia Jike many an.
other good fellow .whet does not' rise
to a correct oomprehensien of the
subject. .
"lie believes that intellectual text
book eluoatigo is a noaedy ' Tor .the
moral aociai, political and hnsrsses
Uatl him to advocate tU snaet-HT,LRotVw, ,or T"
in favor
of oonitiulsory education and asrainat
coiapulsory. religion. Thore is no
difference in the principles of the
two and wherever applied, in tijne
will reach the same result; namely a
despotic infringement upon . the
rights of the individual and family.
The trouble with him, is, hfs dis
crimination ia not keen enough to
see that there ia no difference be
tween the despotic principle of com
pulsory religion and compulsory edu
Tour correspondent does cot
know vho 1 Benguela is, but will
venture on it that he is a man ac
qusiuted with Church history, and
he has learned from the records how
the Church baa suffered and how
people have been oppressed by torn
pulaory religion and that is why he
cries out against compulsory religion.
. H j is familiar with the despotisms
that have been inflicted upon nations
by oompulacry religion, that is, giv
ing the power of the state to any
particular religions denomination or
sect. He'koows that Christ ws cru
cified, because the orthodox Jewish
Church, got the power of the Roman
state, which if it had not received,
Christ would not have been crucified.
He knows that some centuries after
the crucifixion when the religion of
Christ had taken hold of the minds
of men, it was given the power of the
xvoman state and coupalaory religion
was enforced and men were tortured
on the rack and burned at the stake
for not accepting it, and that is the
reason he ia cot in favor of compul
sory religion. He is like the child
that has once had ita fingers burnt
by fire.
Now, Lo Bengusls, whsn t'ue best
and holiest aspirations of religion
will tasks such despots of men who
have compulsory powers conferred,
upon them by the state, what can be
expected of men - who are working
only under the calculating, scheming
impulses of intellectual training.
But again, this champion of com
pulsory education baa another point,
and that is the point of taxation.
With a gladkoriai flourish, worthy
of a better cause, he . virtually says:
If you bare the right to tax a man
who baa no children for common
school purposes, you hav ths right
to compel people to send their chil
dren to school.
It is queer how so intelligent a
man, fails to comprehend the pur
poses of American education end tax
ation. In a free governraeut, people sub
mit to taxation to stenre common
rihta for all and for no oilier pur
pose. On that princi). Ie, the man
who Lss no children to send to school
is required to pay tx. People sub
mit to a road tax, hat ail nay have
the common right to travel on the
highway. They submit to a pnor
tax, that the unfortunate aud in com
patent, who cannot takj cars of
thomselves may have ths common
right of raintonanc in the daya of
want. They submit to a borrugh
tax that everyone may haw the com
mon rights of ths town. They sub
mit to a county tax to build jails to
give everyone the. common protection
against outlaws... vTer abmit to a
tax to build court, oaus and - pay
judges and jurors so that all may en
joy the common right of having dis
putes settled and wrongs righted,
without resorting to violence But
who, but men of the thoughts of Lo
a . . .
Dengneia wui say tnat because a
man ia taxed for achoola Lo must be
forced by prosecution and fine to
send bis children to school. Who
but man of his class will say that be
cause men pay road tax. tbey must
buy a team and drive and - walk on
the road. Who but men of his class
will sty because jails are built and.
maintained by taxation that all must
serve a term in jail. Who but men
who do not understand the common
baaia upon which taxation ia based,
will say becanss court houses are
built by taxation, all must engage ia
law euitai
Lio Becguela's arguments on earn
pnlsory education lead to such " eon
- . COMMOS 80BOOI. '
able persons to fill the intended
eaaciea, refused. ; " : ij :
A great commotion was
the demonFatio mob it.:.
last 8atujky forenJon-.wh it'wakr
tuesorered that the tiekste iaM
printed for the February election
not.oemgsate the term of office
el the democratic cahffiaatea -foH;
school direc tor, bOa'Uis.caadidaifsj
"m WMTnnnamu BCKSf reau as tqu
lowst jamas itobison. one Tear;
meat of cornDolsdrv snoaiiaB tawa ;
In that befiuf he places intellectual
text book training above moral and
religious training as a factor ia mak
ing men honorable in' social, business,
political and moral conduct, for he
holds up his bands' in ' holy' norrer
ovsr ths mere mention of compulsory
religion and emphaiiaeUv daclrfrto
that ."every preci;on is taken; thai
no particular religious doctrine of
worship is taught. . -
! He is cfrerry in fsyr. of giving Cae'
powers of the. state!' ; to. "com puke 17
text book; training, and is v jaet . aa
dearly against compulsory rau'gioaa
I r'ot Ansricu to advpeat, i eiith- fit ?t,?te atl""? ,Ti,?
JLilSSll!r-TI!?Z25rL nomber of votes would
sory education. .
But why is lVo BengOcla
John Bsrgy for three rears, desiraat-
iag the .tens of office of each candi
date. ' The 'omission to designate the
Ural of offios on ths part-of ths dem
ocratic candidates for School Direct
tors: Ezra & Doty, H. & Soholl
and Dr. L. P. WaUey was fataL
Tbe law makes pro vision, for just
6-joli csms and says: votes, for candi
dates for School Directors whose
term of , office is not designated shall
net be counted, where the term-' ef
e ffiee of some of ths 'candidates' is
':. lfftbe term ef offioe'of all the can'.t'. :' ,
didatea had not beeu designated thsa
ArgaiBSwsit Svosirt.
Court convened ih: the .'Register's
Office, at 3 o'clock. P. M.. 1 on Satur
day, ti e 16th a inst.' with Judge
Lvons and Associate ' J. F. Wirker-
sbam on the bench.
In the mtHr of the lunacy ef G.
W. Smith, Will L. HoopesV Esq:.' wa
appointed a Commissiouer dt lunm
ttco inquirtndo. . ...
- Jamoa W. McKaight was appoint
ed Judge of Election vice David Shu
man, removed, and T. J. Gussler -vice
John Mast. raon. ' removed, inth
.Thompsontoirn borough election dis
trict. Petition of David Watts for the
removal of George J. Parker, Esq.,
aa Judge of Electioa in the borough
of Mifflin town on th groouds that
he was disqualified been use be is a
borough Auditor, and also for ths re
moval of James W. Hamilton as in
spector for the reason that be was
disqualified, because hs is a oaadi
date for Juatioe of the Peace and
praying for the appointment of suit-
ts stofted to the longest term and
tbe next highest to ths next. longest
term and so uo.
The law being clearly against the
democratic candidates, a petition was
presented to Judge Lyons on Satur
day afternoon, p raving that he order
the tickets printed for the election
ii this borough, amended, and either
to order the term of of3 stricken
from ths candidates t or School Direc
tors on the republican ticket or order
tbe term of office of the candidates
for School Directors on ths demo
cratic ticket to lie designated. The
rsasons assigned in ths petitiwns
wsrs that tbe republicans had not
designated the term of office of the
candidates for School Directors be
fore the nomination papers wsrs fil
ed with ths Commissioners, but that
afterwards th amendment was made;
that ths wrd borough in4 ths
ticket was spelled "Rough;" that ia
designating the number of persons
to bi voted for under the bead of
School Directors, ths ticket reads:
"vote for two," whan it should lead:
"vole for three." That under the
head Auditor, the ticket reads: "vote
for two," whers it should read: "vote
for one."
Judge Lyons mads short work of
tbe petition by saying he could not
see how two wrongs could make a
right, and if the democrats had fail
ed to designate the term of office of
the candidates, that was their own
miaiake, and it also was their mis
take, if tbe allegation in the petition
was true thst the republican ticket
wss amended by designating ths
term of office after the nomination
papers were filod, for they bad al
lowed their day of ((race to go by
without filing objections or excep
tions to it. However the Judge said,
that if anyona could make the affida
vit that it was through mistake ths
term of office of the democratic can
didates for School Directore was!
omitted to be designated, and that
tbs caucus bad so instructed ita of
ficers, he would laako the proper
The petition was then withdrawn.
No one being able to make the prop
er affidavit, it was not again sub-mHed.
Harriet E. Hall of Way net own,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to the
great South American Nerviae. I
had been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prost ration and
a general shattered condition of my
whi'le system. Had rivrn ud all
hopes of getting well. Had tried i
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of tbe Nervine Tonic im
proved mo so much that I was able
to -alk about and a few bottles cur
ed ire entirely. ' I believe it is the
beet medicine in the world. I can
not recoia mend it to highly Sold
by L. Batiks & Co., Druggist, M;f
flntown. Pa. Feb. 9 t3, ly.
The letters uncalled for in the
Hiffiinto-rn post office at the close
of the wees, February 16, were for
Mr. J. K Gutelius, Miss Saliie A.
Rosa, and card for C-. O. McGinn
OeaweaeiBg this week sad eontianiag far Three Weeks.
m GOOD Vardn JYiew Ccrptte.
sarefallr selected from tee most relisbis JMsanfasrarers.
. Many sxoeediagly Beautiful Designs frets Kaglish and French patterns,
wragai si ise iiowstt tost rnees.
:." ' We show von the Ireaat Assertmeat ef Car eats ven ever aaa in Jwal-
atji Coaaty and sell them for. less money thsa jwu ara abls ts bay tarn within
WW BUSS. , , .
Fibs Ingram Carpets at 25e; worth 40o. . ,
Fiae lagraia Carps tsvat 38e; worth 64e.'
' Fine Ingrain Carpeu at.45s; worth toe.
Good Home .Waco Carpets at 25 eents; worth' 50 coats. 1
Brussels and Tapestry Carpeu at Lowest Prices I eesible.
at EoweerfPHoes ncjsible.
5000 Bolts of newest and latest designs of Wall Paper at vary lew prices.
spring oijioi 01 isrepo uooss are Dow arriving daily at lowest mess.
- - -
of the
J uniata Valley.
a Phiup Doxj. On the 11th iust.
by Rev. J. S. Brar, Mr. Benjamin
rhilip and Mit M. Uunn.
Farlsman Masttn. Ou the 14th
inst., by Rev. H. C ;Hol!oway, Mr.
Perry E. Farleman and Miss Martha
Martin. ' v' ; V ,
FaTMdtER Hci-riJE.Pn.jlho. :l4tb
inst., by Rev. H. U. HollowaTi -Mr.
George W. Frymover and Miss 'Ida
M. Hopple. ':
of Daily Wear
K Still in Rood riin!lt1nn.
lat'ibecanae it'stbe"CXLOioiB''.
Collar. Ita original cost wss 2$ eta
and hcst ths wearet nothing aftcrw
wards to keep it dean. When soiled.
simply wipe off with, sponge or wet
. These collars and caffs ere nnter-
pfOqf, asd arc tifr only -waterproof;
Kwui mwc who aa interlining m ;
11cm i mcrerorc ae.eoly one tint
can. in 1. ana Rwe ansolate aetMtav-
uon.. Every piece the genuine
luupni aa rouows;... rt . .
Refuse anything that is aot'so
marked, and if your dealer has not
got the right kind ecod direct to us,
enclosing amount, and we-will mail
you s sample .postpaid. - Collars 25
els. each. Cmos 50 ctapair. Give
aiae, and state whether stand-up er
turned-down collar is wanted.
47-2 ana I ay, WWW TOavK.
Ws eon fit a man with a Good Substantial Fuit, Om st. Hat,
StoehiDir, 8birt, Snspenders. Necktie and 8nit of nnderwesr for tlO.
A BETTER OUTFIT FOR (15; a still better for $20, $25, $80, $40, aad
the Best Oisy 'Worsted Suit steal out; a Satin lined Blse or Black Besver
fttercost, latest stjle; Latest Black P -iby Hst; psir of DongUs. finest Kan
garoo oncer, pair ci extra no sus ensure; our oack lte; pair silk Hose, ana
Smt of very Fin AIL Wool underwear for ($50.) If ion eaa get as fise aa
outst for the meacy asywbere els we will preent yea with ours for nothing.
ah onr biook is osw, sou ibs prices sre as low as tbs lowest.
. Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3 75. .ften's psats from 50e to $5.00.
"Beys' Suits frai $1.25 te $10.00. Men's Suits from $2.50 to $18.00.
Boja' Overcoats frvm $t 50 fo $7.00. Man's Overeosts from $S. to $18.
Rats from 25 eents ic $2.75. Caps from 15 seats to $L50.
NookUss 5 cants to 50 seats.
Wo.j0arrv a fiae lias ef Goat's UaJarwear. Gloves. Baenaadara. Caffa. Col
lari.'Yalises, collar sad cuff Battens. Chains, Wsteb Kings, Nsekwsaraad the
fiaeil tftj of Trarke ia the eeaniy. Ws also eamy a fall libe ef men's boots
ass oases, psrueaiariy tbe DongUs Oboe.
JtiiiVGum Overshoes, Alaskan
Extre Sizee in Psstsleaas, Suits sad Overalls sad Overcoats.
If you want a swit Toiler Made, yea eon save $5 to $15, and be rars
It costs nothing te sseauss Oar 8t ek.
sf a
S. S. Ruble,
JrcetieaM Ezzbalmcr and Fvner
J1 . al Ih'rcctor.
ZS. X ahaJl frow now on use the
at eotside box to last and be in - good . - concrition for
ajer, hkL will ceTtainly be - .
for j.ccple to r.se to pre teive the texgains of- their
. friends It ako is an eztiHiinatbrof ail Term in. '
Bridfje 8t, Irliffliotowii, Pa.
A wrmrT a w a ar w a naisir ctif K
Jlri vtJ AJ nMuEjIEKLM kfMOilJl
WU Cotntaence
Ths wise merehaat is as '.who carries ae ateek from one Seasoa ts saotser.
We are seteraised. to GLEAN UP, aad here are atieeo that . will do at
HEBE 18 TOUB CHANCE. That's ths way we sell Clothing and Osama
tayaishing Goods sow. Clothing for less thas the scat ef Row Mat trial.
- .
- 8
Ovareoats are
. .a
. "PI
8 87
$5 $
8 8
Men's sni1.
Oar $15 .Men's Suits srs rsdsosJ ts $90
u 12 4 . ' m fi OS
$ u $50
tt 5 m tt tt tt it g AO
4 " " " u fi 87
sraiOBov'sanitaarerodaced te f 7. 36 Oar 96 C alleies'e sails are tedettS te I
S m S SN " S
S M gt s 76 " 4 ' m t
u t u tt H - 7s
Hosiory, Suspenders, Neckwear, Haadkereaiefs, Overakirts, Oa r 1
Jasksts, Gloves, and all those lues hsvs sera redaeed 50 per seat.
25 desea lion's Nstaral Wool Uaderskiru only, made with pearl bsttos.
silk sat-stiteksd aeok and ribbed tail; regular prioo 75 os, slssrsass priec
25 dosea Mea's Camel's ttair or Natural Wool Uaderwtar; goods that
sold at $1.25 and were worth it; clearance prioo 0Ot
82 dosea Mob's Natural er Faaey Celotsd Uadersssr; skssp at 60 eraU;'
slesrsaee price 34w
18 dosea Men's Purs Wool Derby Ribbed Uaderwear; regular prirc $1.25;
Clsaraaoe Price T'fJJj.
GLOVES. 35 dosen Men's flsseo liaad, imported Jersey Gloves, seas a hV
Mask or faaey aixtares; rsgnlsr pries 50 seaU; laaraaea price 83a-
New is year TIME to sava DOLLARS at
Mlth JLilN TO W JN .
1866, EST A BL IS HE D. 188".
Special Invitation To The Publin
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that gees, on dnity
It will be
Who hare money to rarest to examine the Btoek f UvwV
It ia truly manrelova to See
f Sta and OTereoata at the Wwnderiu2Iy Low IV ;---.
Bia prieea laare all Corptitorr in the rr, c?3.,'( .r
to give him a call if in need of Clothing;. '
T88 ttm
DiajLerd it UmA Ettes.
r MI rFJLIJTX ow X. st.
Stookholdn iDdirUnalts ila'ai,
JOSam ROTHKOCK hri Del "
r. Tab tavnreWu
W. C. Veawrer,
EoSH . Parker,
T. V. Irwla.
eeapa aVatWaak,
Josiaa'L. Brea,
Lala K. Alktarnr
is Taut wei
mmmimm tw aaucea S rwc'v. r 1
yeasaiasTnsuijassaiatajLixT. ry
Naraarr Stock. Salarv. KxpeaaeS aad
Btaady Eatalayaieat faaraatacd.
l ac. fe, tl. Rorbtsiet, H. T.
6erge A. Xtjmmr,
Jtwapa Kethrerk,
I . E. Atkfoeea,
W. C. PuBJcrcr,
Kary Knrts, . , "ri
Jaka Hertsler,' '
'iiarlott S a vSr,
Jaka ST. Blxir,
P. M. V. PesaMl,
f aajael 3. Botkiaek,
MN. StujBtt, .
Aaate V. 4sVfr,
P. W. afM.heek.
x. . r-ta-.
bo;n. TastreB,
T. V. beta.
JoUk X, Bartaa,
E 'bc-t Parteraaa,
Levi l.irk,
v. a. iiwnrts.
B. i Ssallssasrge
.Thrre aad Poor pr eeor. Utnrrt 'riu ,
paid oa certlflcatai ef itpo'H.
fin 2. lSHt
. a!33i Snhu fai Ijo-t-tmii; ."W
.saaawa fc) mjnam mu e! iH'..1 FtM.
The Seuhmtl ami Rtpukhtmm, ,Bct ia tea
fieee to get Jos work done. Tiyh. ItwOl
say yea if yea aees saythaig la ttkat Hae.
OsmuWBStlww vfwjy urad.
Sail aa irtSu !OTii SwSH rtiTr -.-ar
titr By na UiiMlraa tkutAs arba-1:
tarn km hjtm gmmtmvmf tmvi. 1 bWJ SV '
mbS ac. jaf ar i1!' r C k f
t. a. ausewsu m. a. na aasifK.. u. .