Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 06, 1895, Image 3

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Y.FEB. . 1896.
Subscription, $1.60 per annum if paid
!b advance ; $2.00 If sot paid la aWanc.
Transient dTertlaementa Inserted at 60
facta fr Inch for raeh Insertion.
Transient business aotloea in local eol
cmn, 10 eenta pr line for each Insertion.
DadncHotta wiH be mad to thoas deeirtaa:
to dvertse by tb year, half or qoartrr
Winter Clothing at cost.
Hollobaugh & Son.
D. F. flersb, of Fattersou. is happy.
It ia a boy.
Two degrees below zero, last Fri
day morning.
S'eigliicg and sleddiDpr parties be
Yorni cumber.
Tbe oldest inhabitant don't remem
ber as hard a winter as tbis.
The funeral of Dr. Mubon, of Lew
istowo, took place on Monday.
George Ileller, of Lewistown, visit
ed in Patterton on Thureday.
Mrs. James BurcL field, of Harris
burg, :a visiting relatives in town.
One can o to England now as a
steerage passenger for ten dollars.
Farmers Institute next Tuesday
and Vedne8jay, evening of each day.
Ward ViAlister a swell society i
man of New York died on the 31st
.'.no Magpio Kepner, af Fiederick,
Mil., 5a visiting her uncle, Mr. J. E. !
Mrs. Robert McMVen gave a tea
for her mary ldy friends, last Fri
day afternoon.
List woek the Japanese captured
Vt-i Hai Wei an important naval
stronghold in China.
.Men. Thonna Forsyth died at the
home of her husband near Thomp
Funtown on Saturday.
It ia safe to offer a premium for
th miii who has not said Something
ahcut the hard winter.
Thfy did so, and Skobelrff, who
could not bear needlessly to expose
h's mn, jampsd down.
List week, one nigh, a thief stole
His rope of the flug;ole at Union
S;'!i xi uo'.ise, Perry county.
At the Prohibition primary elec
tion heid et KmTiPtt Square, Pa ,
last week leu women votf d.
Tw ice during tbe week Will Burch-J
fiel 1 supplies customers with coa: oil
ia tbis p!:ic Give him a call.
Oi the morning of tb 31 it of Jin
uiry the thermometer recpstered 30
dere-s below zro in Clearfield, Pa.
Revival meetings are croin? on in
tbe two Methodist churches in Hun
tingdon. Judge Mi-Ciure of Lq visbursr, held
court on Moudny for Judge Lvons,
in an old case from Perry county.
Miss M.-irrriret K-pner of Fre ler
"kCi'7, Md.. i visiting lier aunt,
J.''in Horuing on Patterson
is a bill ia tbe Legislature
tha? pr. popes to fncreaso the pay of
nit i.Ii- rs of the Legislature from
SI "00 L $2300.
MU;. nirna Johnson, of Philadijl
pliia, is visiting hrister lire. Harry
IsMiL.:rg, of Patterson. Mrs. Isen
borg is sbk with dropsv.
A biiih tub has heeu put in the
Buir c urity jiii to wash the tramps
w' o rn- v i.iko up tLcir quarters in
t':,.i resort daring the inclement
' A ilusr of tobacco furnishes an
ex-lle:it indication of an approach
ink.' cLar ge in the weather. When it
is ' i-up the nir is moist aud rain is
T'je siin shoni on Saturday, and
t'u. ;rjmd hog saw its nhadow and
w- .t back iiito its hole for an othor
winttr nap of six weeks according to
traditionary habits.
In Clearfield and Centre counties
this rear there his been a failing off of
over 75 per ceot, in the cutting and
rafting of lumber and over half of
tlie mills havo been closed.
Itch on human, mange on horses,
dog anil all Btock, cured iu 30 niin
u es by Woorford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Soid by L. Batiks
!c Co., Druggist, Mifflmlnwn, P:i.
Feb. 6, ly.
Last week in announcing' the town
cirididatc8 for offic?, the nam) of
Captain HoCiellan was unintsu
tiounllv odj f ed. The captain has
b-eu clo.-ted and re-elected a number
of times and has alwaja proved him
sell- an tllicient oflioer.
Mesera T. M. Fowler and Jamf-s
Muyer, artista have delivered birds
eye view of M'.fflintcwn and Patter
Eon to ail of our citizen who sub
scribed for the pictures. Their work
is A'ell done :nd will prove to be a
jov forever for those who havo se
cured a copy.
Tut letters remaining uncalled for
hi tbe Pat.t-iison post officr, on the
31st dav of Januarv 1S95 were for
IT. Barton, C. W. Hodgkt;:s, Wm. H.
Knffjian. Jno Tavlor, ITirry E.
Tooney, M;s .Mary E Htfferan, nat
tin Brvfii, C. W. Corrigan, John
Lf-jK'critic Wan uk, Pietro Seriama
Arcaiy.'lo, Jno Bohineubegm.
A young iloctor, desiring to make
a go i-l impression upon a Gfrmau
fariE'-r, declared that hn had recieved
a louble education. He had studied
hoiceopnthy and was also a graduate
of a regular" Medical school. "Oh,
Am w::s nodding," said the farmer,
"I h?l vim co a calf vot sucked two
C"wf, and he made nodding but a
common echteer after all." Ex.
A pp.rfy oi Marines from the TJni
t States war ship Concord landed
u-ur Chin Kiaug China to hunt. In
a quarrel with Chinamen a native
was killed, and that resulted in tbe
capi me of the American party. Tbey
were tk n 'mlind. Great conc9rn at
Wab:iington is felt over th occur
enct . Always of less magnitude than
thit bave roeulted in war between
Aristolvne Cabinet Phntairranla
Something new and beautiful, all for
$1.50 per dozen at Hess' Gallery.
P. W. Ford, formerly a citizen of
McAlisterville, but the past few years
a citizen of Patterson, died on Mon
day. On Wednesday evening. of last
week Colonel A. K. .WcClure deliver
ed an address before the Legislature
at Harrisburg in the ball of the
bouse on tbe life and public service
of the late Ex-Governor Curtin.
List Friday morning the ther
mometer at the fountain by the
Court House yard registered 5 de
grees below zero-. At the National
House it registered 12 degrees below
zero, and at some points in Walker
township it registered 13 degrees
below zero.
What do you take medicine for;
Because you are aids and want to get
well of course. Then remember
Hood's Sareaparilla Cures.
Kepresenative Farr, and Represen
ative Seyfert, each have a compusroy
education bill before the Legislature
and each one is determined that his
bill is the bill to be passed, between
the two the bill will in all probability
be defeated as it should be. There
should be no room in the United
States for compulsory laws except
for the suppression of crime.
Two hundred and twenty sacks of
mail for the United States, went
down with the Elbe, when she rank
in twenty minutes after a collision,
fifty mil. s off the the English coast,
about 6 a. m., on the morminsr of the
30th of January More than three
hundred people went down with the
ship. As far as heard from only 19
men and one woman were saved by
being picked out of the sea by the
ship Wild Flower that was near the
scene of disaster.
The river at this place closed on
the 1st of February. It eloped in
January but in the spurt of thaw
that cams in that mouth the ice
floated away, but got no further than
tbe Millerstown dam. There ii 23
miles of January ice crowded iu the
tbe length of 3 miles in the .Millers
town dam. The ice between this
place and the Lawistowu dam is a!s
there. What the next rudh of ice
will do remains ti bo experienced,
but tbere is a good deal of thought
about it.
The Clinton Democrat mentions a
number of miss-spellings th t appear
in the assessor's registry lists as re
turned to the Clint in County Com
missioners' Ofliee. O.ie assessor re
turned the "oriental" for tbe origi
nal lis-; another reports the occupa
tion of a man as being an infidel'
for invalid, and a third wanted pay
for setting up the "cow bosses" for
the election booths. Ia Lycoming
county s me of the assessors report
ed several persons as dying with
ammonia" instead of pneumonia
Si.-r ofula, humors and all diseases
caused or promoted br impure blood
or low state of the system, are cured
by Hood's Sarsapirilia.
Mr. Samuel Sibber, of Walker, met
with an uuusual mishap last Friday
while driving home ia a sleigh. A.
sled load of school children came ou
to tbe P.ke from Mount Pleasint
school house oppos-i e to the
Beaxhore Lome. The hilarity of the
children fxcited Mr. Sieber's beast
and it wildly let drive with its bind
feet. One foot passed through the
space between the shaft aud the
crossb-ir and shaft brace and that
threw tha marc In tbe fall the
shafts were broken. Mr. Sieber
quickly stepped out of the sleigh aud
pressed the animal's head to the
road and held it down till harness
and sleigh was carefully removed,
the beast, wis not hurt. The s'eig'u
was turned iuto Showers' & SjIijU's
shop for repairs.
Do you bave headache, dizziness,
drovsinefs, loss of appetite and oth
er symptoms of biliousners? Hood's
Sarsr.parilla will cure you.
The Sheriff sold in the Court
House last Fiid iy, the house and lot
of Robert E .1cMeen in .V-xic3 to
the Fermanagh loan association f r
$200 00.
Tbe. 60 acre tract with log bou.se
and stable and other out buildings
of Elias Ramp, iu .M mron township,
to D. B. D:mm for $123 00
The 793 acre tract of land on
Shade mountain of Aaron Singerly,
to Georio Hower for $40.00.
Tbe 800 aero tract of laid on
Shade-mountain of Aaron Singerly
to George Hower, for $20 1) 00
The 150 acre tract of land on
Shade mountain of Aaron Singerly
to George Hower for $100 00.
Tha undivided one half of 1G0
acres of land ou Shade mountain, of
Aaron Singerly to D. E. Hjwer, for
I $20 00.
Duri'-g the hot weather impurities
in the blood mar seriously annoy you.
Expel tbem by taking Hood's S.irsa
parilla, the great blood purifier.
Last Friday about 4 p. m., a sing
ular accident to:k plafe in .VcClin
ticd's hardware stord. It had been
the pract ice in the store from time
out of date to stretch wires across
the room from the cornice of the
shelves, and on the wires haug many
articles that are for sale in the room.
There never whs a reason why a
thought should be given to the pull
ing off of the cornice on either side
of the room by the weight on the
wires, but such an accident did take
place, at tbe' time mentioned and
with such sudduness that the proprie
tor and his clerk who fortunately
were in an other part of the room
when about 60 feet of the cornice of
the north side of the room came
down with a crash that was stunning
and awfully damaging on tbe goods
that it feil on, broken glass and bent
hardware of every description was
btrewn over all the front part of the
room, but worst of all a fire was
started by matches that were ignited
by tbe falling cornice. Tbe fire was
speedily extinguished. If tbe cornice
had dropped five hours later in the
day a fire would be to chronicle, and
the proprietor and every one in the
community would be at a loss to
know bow the fire started. .Millard
Kirk was speedily called in as boss
carpenter and within the period of
four hours the cornice was again in
place on tbe top of the shelves. Sir.
McClintick's loss is considerable.
Some davs aero a citizen nf thia
place brought an action against John
Bapp of this town - to recover the
amount of a prpmisory - note of 17
years standing. Rapp's best cow
was taken to satisfy tbe claim A
few days after that H C. Holloway,
D. D., started a subscription to raise
money enough to buy Rapp another
cow. When last heard from tbe re
quired amount was almost raised.
Sadie Copper, aged 12 years, who
hvesith her grand mother, Jtfrs.
Lydia Goss, was badly seeded on
Wednesday afternoon The bttle
girl carried a bucket of hot water out
of the bouse and set it down near
the back steps and a little later slip
ped on the icy steps and fell. In
falling she threw her right arm out
wnicn went its full length into the '
bucket of scalding water. Her arm !
was scalded from tha hand almost to
the shoulder auu suffered severe
ly for some time. Lewistown Free
Men's, Boys and Children's
Overcoats at cost.
, ' Hollobaugh & Son.
The torture of dyspepsia and sick
headache, the agonizing itching and
pain of salt rbem, are removed by
Hood's Saoaparilla.
Travel Across the Bridge.
The travel across the river bridge
at this place is many times larger
than most people bave knowledge of.
Oa Tla davs the travel ia larce. hut.
it is the day of coraon travel that is
to lie tai:en as tne standard. Oa
Wednesday, January 30, 1895, there
was no unusual stir in the commun
ity to briug out the people, and yet
on that quiet day between 13 and 14
hundred people crossed the river
bridgo at this place. Four hundred
and forty eight persons passed afoot
ouo way and four hundred and fifty
two persons afoot the other way.
Between 3 and 4 hundred Dennln
crossed tbe bridge in sleighs and
sleds. Sj Georire VTarner savs.
The above sworn to document is to
show the public that no other person
than .myself can us9 this compound j
in tue undertaking trade in this va ,
cinity. Regardless of all promises or
advertisements to the contrary, tbis
article is to preserve tbe wood from
decay for ages; and I shall use kami
on all out.-ide c ises or rough boxes
in my undertaking business.
Yours resn't-,
W. F' Snvder.
State of Peun'a., ( -X )
- S S -
County of Mifflin, ( )
1 ersonally came before me, Henrv
J. Walters, and acting Justice of lha
Peace in and for said CDuntr, at
Lewistown, E. L McClintick, who
being duly afii-"med according to law
declares and says, who b -iug duly
authorized and employed to sell the
pateut of A. D. Po!s;;rovti f jr a wood ,
preserving Compound sold nd con-'
veved to W. F. S.iyder, of Mifflin-j
town, tue sa'.e and exciUfcive
right to use the 6uioe for und'-rtak
ing purposes, for the towns of Mifflin
and Patterson and for his trade gen
erally, in Juniata County, on or
nbout the 1st of December, tS94,
having been duly authorized and
commissioned to make sale thereof,
and gave authority to no other per
son or persons to use tbe said pateut
in Mifflin or Patterson afore said,
and that he is the general agent of
the patentee in the United Slates to
sell the right to usa tbe said com
E L. McClintick.
Sworn to and subscribed
before m." Jan 30th, 1895.
Justice of tbe Peace.
Men's, Boys and Children's
Overcoats at cost.
Hollobiiugh & Son.
Washington, D. C. Special Ex.
curslons via. Pea nn) I van la
There is probably no place that
offers so much iu the way of sight
seeing and other things of general
interest as Washington, D C. Apart
from being the) -Nation's Capital, the
magnificent Government Buildings,
beautifully .planned public parks,
aud the country through which one
passes in journeying to Washington
would make the trip an ideal one.
With the object in view of allow
ing every one to visit Washington at
a very reasonable outlay the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company has ar
ranged for a series of special exeur
si n to that city on Febrniry 21sr,
Jl.irch 21-t: and April 11th, 1885.
Excursion tickets, good within ten
dnys, and permitting a stop-over in
Baltimore in either direction within
limit, will be sold at rates quoted be
low, good for use on dates above
named on all trains except the Penn
sylvania Limited. Special train of
parlor and day coaches will be run
on tbe following schedule: '
Train Leaves. Rate.
Pittsburg 8 05 A. m. $9 00
Johnstown 10.22 " 7 35
Uollid lysburg 11.10 7 35
Altoona 12 05 p. m. 7 35
Tyrone 12.27 7 25
Huntingdon 12 H5 " 6 65
Bedford 9 50 a. m. 6 65
Mt. Union 1.15 p. m. 6 30
McVejtown r. 135 " 5 95
Lewistown June . 1.50 " 5 60
Mifdin 210 " 5 25
Port Royal 2 14 " 5 15
Newport 2.41 " 4 60
Duncannon 2.58 " 4 20
Washington. Ar . . 7.43 " . . .
Passengers from branch points de
siring to take the special train will
use tbe following trains:
Southwest B;aud Train N. 101,
to Greensburg; Indiana Branch,
Indiana Accommodation No 82, to
B!airsville Intersection; Martii sburg
and Holhdaysburg, Accommodation
Train No 312, to Ai toon a; from Bed
ford, Train No 4, to Huntingdon.
Return coupons good on anv regu
lar train wit'iin tbe limit, except the
Pennsylvania Limited.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at
Union Ticket Office, Fifth Avenue
and Smith field Street, and Union
Station, and at all stations mentioned
above. For full information, apply
to Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District. 110 Fifth Avenue,
V That Tire Feeling - -,. .
is a dangerous condition directly dne
to depleted or impure blood. It
should not be allowed to continue, as
in its debility the system is especial
ly liable to serious attacks of illness.
Hood's Ssrsapnrilla ia the remedy for
such a condition, and also for that
weakness which prevails at the
change of season, climate or life.
head's Ptlli are purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from the best in
gredients. 25c.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
IncL, says: "I owe my life to tbe
great Sonth American Nervine. I
had been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up ail
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved me so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles cur
ed me entirely. I believe it is the
best medicine in the world. I can
not recommend it to highly." Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly.
tiood Apppetlte
always Accompanies good health, and
an absence of appetite is an indica
tion of something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to
its merit in restoring the appetite,
and as a purifier of the blood, con
stitutes the strongest recommenda
tion that can b3 urged by any medi
IIootTx Pills cure all liver ills, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick
headacbe. 25c.
Dr. S. D. DiC'enderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public that he has opened a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills, Pa where
he Ciin be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
The Seat of the Soul.
The pineal gland is a small body
almost in the centre of the brain.
It contains a cavity holding a sandy
substance composed of phosphate
and carbonate of lime. Its use in
the aniaal economy is absolutely un
known. Fanciful phyoiologists bave
coDj-ctured it to be the seat of tbe
Ttoratca's HLLS
Ar perfect hMlfh jewel. ner.
crKiuiitDUi tljstri's.. but lufai.
lite to relieve. When every.
- y"U reiief l.ir headii
Itm.TieMi, etuniitt h a
.yr.-or e'iniph.iins te-SK
K5jr Ki'.io.iiarforrm n
- inuietrts uiiea io oritur
7 -enit rf.i!.f h....l-.l ..?
oa Href
I U.IJ. nr mnU 3
per pwckajre
MiriMNToirs, Feb JO. 18t5
Muttur 20
Efft .' 24
Hum is
Shoulder, ....... . .............. 12
Lard ............... 11
Sides, .
Wheat 60
Corn in ear 60
Dais 82
Kyc 60
Citvuree U ....... ... .... ....
Timothy gi-ed $2.10
r'lax Beed , 60
Brau 90
Choi. .. $1.2u a huudred
Middlings... .. 1.10
(iruuud Alain Suit 1.U0
Aiuerivaii 3lt ,75c to 80
February 4tb, 1805.
Wheat 56 to 58c; corn 45 to 47c;
oats 34 to 37c; cloversced 8 to 9c a
pound; Pennsylvania roller wheat
$2 50 te $2 55c; potatoes 53 to 70o a
bushel; onions 65 to 75c a bushel;
sweet Potatoes 10 to 30c a basket;
bay at 60 to 75c a 100 pound?; hens
8 to 9c a lb; roosters 6c; turkeys 8 to
9c; ducks 10 to 12c; geess 8 to 9c;
butter 11 to 29c; Fresh eggs 2G to
27c; beef cattle 3; to 5J;-; sheep 1 to
5c; hops oc; thin cows ?8 to 2o
milch cows $25 to .40
CoT.t.ASS a:d Cuffs that are water
proof. Never wilt and not encctpd by
moisture. Clcaa, neat aud il-iraolc.
When soiled simply wipe otf with a
wet clol'j. The genuine are inatle by
covsring a lif.ea co'.lnr crcuTf .1 bo'.'.i
r.idc with "celluloid" and as they arc
11: e o.ry valerproof goods with
r.r.rh eti interlining, it follows that
they ::rc the only collars ci:d ci-.f.s t!:i
will s'a-.d the wear r.;:.l r'.vi f :t isfac
ti 011. Every piece is stem fed as fi-Uews:
If anything else id offered you i rji
imitation. Kcl'use auy 1-at ti'.c
vjc i.-id if your dealer decs ixil lave
v.l.at you Wi.:t scud direct to us, en
closing amount and r.tatiug si::c and
whether a s:.aud-uj or tLin!-.-dV..y, n
collar is wanted. Collars 2e. each.
CuiVs 50c. pair.
The Celluloid Company,
427-429 Broadway, New Vork.
Ilonaeaad Abroad.
It is the duty of everyone, whether
at home or travelling for pleasure or
business, to equip himself with the
remedy which will keep up strength
and prevent illness, and cure such
ills as are liable to come upon" all in
every day life. Hood's Pills are
band made, and perfect in propor
tion and appeance. 25c per box.
Bargain Days!
We will inaugurate tbe greatest
tar YOU AND I .t
Want tbe best we oan get for tbe money. Don't miss tbis chance.
$20000 worth or Goods.
All new, fresh and fimt class merchandise will be sold at specially re
duoed prioes. Tbe greatest value fifr tbe least money, have made Oar Stores
what ihey are to day, tbe most popular buying stores in tbe county.
A Big Bundle of Bargain Notes. We ask you to read with Speoial At
tention to every Item. f
Table Oil Clotb, best quality, at 14o; worth 25o
Lace Scrim for curtains at 5o; worth 9o.
Best Hill Yrd, wide bleached muslin at 17 yards for $1.00.
Turkey ICed Table Linen at 20o; worth 35cts.
White Bleached Table Linen a 25o a yard; worth 45 cents.
Best Apple ton A. -Muslin. 17 yards for $1; worth $1.40.
Bet Fine UnbleacLed Munlin, 1 yd wide, 13 yds for 49o; worth 75e.
' Best Quality Unbleached .Vuslio, 1yd wide; 21 yards for $1.
Lancaster and Aaioskeag Git gbaira at 4io; worth 9 cents.
Outiiig Flannel at 5o; worth 80.
Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton at 4o or 45o a dozen,
Men's Best Heavy Shirting at 74o; worth lOo.
- . Carpets at 20c; worth 35c.
Fancy Carpets in all Styles at spocially reduced and extra low prioes.
Felt Boots with extra Quality Buckle Overs at $2
Lariies Dress oboes, 89c; worth $1.38.
$4500 worth of men's, ladies' and children's shoes at specially and extra
reduced prices.
Ladies' dress clotb, yard wide, all wool at 25 and 29o; worth 50 and 6O0
Serges, all-wool, near 40 .inches wide; all colors at 33e; worth 50 cents
and CO cents.
Henriettas, all wool, near 40 inches wid, all on'or, at 33cts; worth 50o
and 60s.
Hcoreittas Dearly all wool at 18cts; worth 30d. ,
Underwear for ladies. Leavy ribbed, at 15c; worth 25c.
Ladies Swi-s ribbed fief ced vrpts, at 25c; worth 40i5.
Ladies Spring and Sumiuer VhMs, at t.c; worth lOe.
Mers underwear, at 25o and 30c; worth dcublc.
Camels Hair underwear for inn at 4Cc; wont 70c.
Cantin F:annel at 4ie, 5Jc and 7r; worth 50 per cent more.
Dress 'iinghauis at 6c; vrtb 10c. '
Zephyr Gingham at 7c; worth 124o
Corsets by tlio thousands t specially reduced prices.
Our 50ct. corsets, worth 75c; at 40c.
Our 75ot. corssts worih $1 00; at 69c.
Children's Corset waists at 253.
Ladies and Childrens coats at one half of their former price.
Blarketo, l.sp. end all winter goods, 33 and 50 per cent discount
From 10 to 11 o'clock we will sell ou Lancaster and Amoskeag giug
bams at 3 cenit; each person limited to 5 yaids.
Best Hill 1 yard wide bleached muslin at 4c; each person limited to 10
A fine jellovr Muslin at 3 cents, yard wice; eaoh person limited to 10 yds.
Calicoes Indigo Blue, and fanoy oolors, at 3io; eaoh person limited to 10
Buttermilk soap at 5at, a cake to each person.
Extract of Lemon flavoring, a one ounce bottle, at 1 cent.
Stove Polish Bcm goods, 3 sticks for 5c; that amount to one person.
Towelling, at 24s; 4 yards to each person.
103. 105. 107. 109 BRIDGE
of the
Juniata Valley.
We can fit a man wi'b a Good Substantial Suit, Overcoat. Hat, Shoe
Stockings. Shirt, Suspenders. Necktie acd Suit of underwear for $10.
A BETTER OUTFIT FOR $15; a still better for $20, $25, $30, $40, and
tbe Best Clay Worsted Suit latest cut; a Satin lined Blue or Black Beaver
Wvercoat, latest style; Latrst Back Dei by Hat; a pair of Douglas, finest Kan-
namn S1ij-i.3. - i. .- f C . . .. . - . .1 . " i - -1 1 t .
,- i- tAu urn- rui-jiuuein fur recB-ne; pair oiix nose, and a
suit ot very Jb ine A1I-H col underwear for ($50 ) If 30a can get as fine an
outfit for the money anywhere ele wc will present yeu with ours for nothing
All our stock is new, aud the prices re as low as tbe lowest.
Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3 75. .Ven's pants from 50o to $5.00.
Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10. CO. .Vm' Suits from 2.50 to $18.00.
Boys' Overcoats from $1.50 fo $7.(0. Men's Overcoats from $3. to $18.
Hats (rum 25 cents to $2.75. Caps from 15 cents to $1.50.
Neckties 5 cents to 50 cents.
We carry a fine line of GenfS Ur.Jerwtar. Gloves. Husnenders. Cuffs. Col
lara. Valises, collar and cuff Buttons,
finest lide of Trunks in the county.
ana snocs, particularly the Uouglas bboe.
Men's Gum Overshoes, Alaskan
unci Artie, &e.
Extre Sites in Pantalovi s. Suits acd Overalls and Overcoats.
jv" " '" Aiior ii.-aur, you
fertect Fit.
It costs nothing to examine Our Stock.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Emb aimer ami Funer
al Director.
I Bhall from now on use the
or outsider ox to laf-t and ie in good cor.dition for
f jtr, -which ivill certainly be
for recti lo tue to jiofive tic rn?airs of tbeir
IntiiO. It alto is an extciininalor of all vermin.
Bridge t, i!Iifliiitown, Pn.
Bargain Days!
Chains, Watch RiDgs, Neckwear and the
We also catrty a full line of men's boots
era save $0 to $io, ana oe sure of a
Wll Commence
The wisa merchant is be who carries no stook from one Season to anotbar.
We are determined to CLEAN UP, and here are prices that will do i!"
HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. That's the way we sell Clothing etui (rrm
Faraiehiog Goods now. Clothing for less than the cost of Kaw Material.
Oar- $15 Overcoats are reduced to $3 50
10 ' " 6 50
8 5 63
5 S 37
u 4 ft 2 S7
Oar $9 Hoyn9 Overooata are reduced, to $5 68
4 25
cc g c. f i w 3 60
Men's suits.
Our $15 Men's Suits are reduced to $9 50
12 ' " f Ci
8 " " " " " 5
" 5 . . i it ' 3 51.'
4 i n 2 87
Our $10 Boy's suits arercIuced to $7. 25 Our $5 Children's suits are redncr.t to 70
i 6 ii : 8 71 4 " " " 2 30
. 8 " ' ' " " 1 751
Hosiery, Suspenders, Neckwear, Handkerchief. Overr-hirts, Cr d p
Jackets, Gloves, and all those lines have been reduced 50 per cei.t.
25 dozen wren's Natural Wool Undershirts only, niade with pearl button,
silk cat-stitched neck aDd ribbed tail: regular price 75 cents, clearance rues
25 dozen Men's Camel's Hair or Natural Wool Underwear; g0oo that
sold at $1.25 and were worth itj c'.earanoe price ijOc
32 dozen Men's Natural or Fancy Colored Underwear; cheap at 50 em's;
clearance price .' 34.0-
18 doz-n Men's Pure Wool Derby Ribbed Uudrrwcir; regular pri -f -r
Clearance Price T5o
GLOVES. 35 dozen Meu's fiVece lined imported Jersey Gloves, come in
black or fancy mixtures, regular price 50 cents; clearance price 33u
iSow is your TIME to save DULLAliS at
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1S81 .
Special Invitation lo The Publ
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examiue the Stock of Goods ttr
It is truly marvelous to See
of Su;ts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Price.
IJis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't -to
gie him a call if in need of Clothing.
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Hawilaitqaalitira vnaurpaKed, actaaTty
CatlaiDg two boxes of ur other brand. Not
flaclad by haat. OTCET fll fc.CiSi LIKE.
Nnreery Stock. Salary, Expenaea
Steady Cmpioymen' fraaranteed.
Pec. 8, '91. Rochester, K. T.
Tbe Senltmei and Repuilir office ia tbe
place to got job work doae. Try iu It will
pay yon if yon need anything: n tbat liue.
StookholderB Individually Liable
W. C. Pomeroy,
John Hertaler,
Robert K. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joseph Eothi-ock.
Jonah L. V srlon,
Lonts R. Atkinson
George A. Kepner, Annie M. 8h-)iii'T,
Jof-rph Rothrock, P. W. Macbecii,'
L. E. Atkinacn, R. E. Psrkir,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holrue Irwir.
Mary Knrtz, Jerome N. Ttopifion,
John Hertnler. T. V. Irwin.
CharlottePnyder, Josinh I. Ejrton,
John M. Blair, Rohvrt H. Pattrrsoi..
F. M. M. IVn,t! I.I.V1 l.ii-'.l
pHmuel 8. Rothrock, Win. .-w,itt.
M.N. Slerrett, H. J. Shai:or.tt!gt.r.
Three and Four ptT cent. ir.ti'tKst wili t
paid on certificates of nop:.
fjan 23, tt
TO weak mt
- BoOeTisf Dram the effect of youthful vrnxm, auljr
decay, wasting weak neas, lot man hond. i c, I f '
end a Taluable tmtM(Baled"i containing tan
partiralara for homo enra, FREE of ch.ra. A
plendld medical work ; ehoniu tte read by evr
aoan who la Dcvoua and debiliLated. Awireaav
INC F C POVVXEB. KooT-a. Conn.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tn Knrroa: Plaaae In torn, your readers
iliat I hsre a posittTS remedy for tha abcva.cau.oii
disease. By it timely una thousands of hojx-l-ss
cases am been permanently cured. I sbiU La glM
to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to ary oi
your readers who have consumption if thy will
send me tbsir Express and P. O. address). Rrsp t
fully. T- A. rUXXJUM. al. C. 181 fsarl St.. V. X.