Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 06, 1895, Image 2
.J. ft'- i- r.. Hi - t t ? r i . i , t -SENTINEL A. KEPUBLICA1S V17FLINTOWN. ElttLiWAf . FEB- C, 1W5. B. F. SCHVVEIER ff DirOH ARD BOPBIITOE INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION CUPS- At the present time, there is. per haps, no question in church circles so inttrestlDfr as the question of "Indi vidual Commanion Caps." Leaders in the church und ministers are not a unit on the question. Same are for and some are against the individ ual communion cup. The Pennsylvania M'ethodist of last week selected and published as lot lowb a few quotations from ministers cn the subject. R'V. G. M Steele, D. D, remarks: "I hevs no disposition to belitttie t'e atjt.t.on demanded in the interest of health and the prevention of disease. KcJigion enjoins care for the body as well as for the soul; but there is a limit beyond which carefulness be comes affesctatiou, and prudence some thing like whimsicality. I do not de sire to say unj tiling savoring of sac niece in connection with a sacred CL-remony; but would it really be ma.-It more 1 i.liculois to suggest, as a substitute for the proposed change, the use of teaspoons provided for tbe jiartioipautfc.? After all, would not this met every demand, and at the snme time be more bimple and ltss wasteful?" Rev. Hugh .tjntgomery, says: "InvigiriP, Mr. E Iitor, one of the loast of the afllicti.jus th it a delicate Udy must suffer in taking the cup direct from the nltl.y 1 ps of a nnD who is in tie hr.bit of using tabacco, Thtro are many ludieb who coull not endure it, though we are sorry to say uLJ !'cl-3 Ri" s'' nnfQriunato as to be oHignl lo er.dufe an enJles-a fcWictiou of this filtu in the person of ii.eir hiiobandf ; but they are ust d to it :tiid may tU'lure it. Not so witn the woman umiceustouied to it, if ehc br advanced in years and seusitive. and wc Lave no right to shut htr from the c-jmrnuiou taVde by any form of tilth. " Kev. David Hhi rmnn, D. D , writes: 'The use of the individual cup stands o, i- sed to the practice in celebrating the P(i3tr, wuieh really suprncsteil the nodo of iiiimiiiistrtttinn fur t' e Lord's Supper. Iu the Pa-suVt-r the children ot Israel at; ihe paschal lamb and the unleaveiicd bread, broken and dipped in the chtirosetlt Eanee. TLen iolloAcd the cup .f wine mingled with w;iter, tasttit firt by the celebrant and then passed to the rest of the company. They ail drauk of the common cnp." liev. H. F. Forest; ' I plead for the individual cjiuiu'il.ioii cup ou the Ct-.'!i:;.l ti dtf jcy simply. What would not oe decent ve n ki;ein! euu torn is net tiecttt as a rtiigiu- cere mcny. Ar notion or n custom is al wivs just wLai it is, tind its ailiai.ee i with religion does not change its character in theltaft .Vgrtc. What would not be decorous uud j.ropi r in a drawing-roi iii woul 1 not be de corous oi prop r in a chnn.-h. And who would think it decorous iu social life to at:k a hundred pers-ns to driLk out of the tnme cup or glass? Who would be willing to do it?" Put a good Baptist brother in Chiciigo Bump, to us, to deliver a EtDfcible cud correct verdict on the subject. He tayt: 'If you listen to tbe;se bucieiolt'giKiH. you cart at, can't bunthf, cant kis- our w.fe er be friendly witu your family, cuu't bang by a ;-i.ap in a street cur wtien there it::'t anything else to cling to, withoiu com:ng ia contact with Eome microbes. The only way to do is to seal one's self up hermetically. Why, they're making it so uncou.fortubie foi .s that I am beginning to think this world is'nt to live in any lorger As io this idea of individual cuj p, it is originated an-1 urged on by men interested in t'.eir manuf ic ure. who guiu the" !;old by frightening p!tnicky, fa."tidiiis people, uhd i'ppeaimg lo the prejudice of some who are a lit t'-'- sv!p:(.ious oi their neighbors, s peciii'.'" if iLeri are a g iod mum ! (. r t;cj ?( ;n the cliurch. I leok i.'uii jt it going to h'ep farther in :o modern Iretd toward ia:ntines r ed (XciusivtnetH, which has wlrta ly g.i;c fur enough It. mtiieale, I i; it k; an exclusive fi-eliug th.it has u g- d deal mori underlying it than lue.c plijsie.al ftHr. Then, I this k, there is danger of a.?ert:iin d- tractii. from the spirit of brotherhood that ic supposed to be piesent ,-ucu the :p is passed from hand to hand. Tiierc is less of the feeliug ef com mi.r.kn wLere each oie takes his wn lid.e tup fro.n a tray aid has it a': to b'D.Seif. V lit.) lists are suppohtd to' b i !ubo (o..iu;uni'.iHits, but this is the woit-t cat-e of cif'r-e c- mmunion I ever heard f." Curtin anc1 Eastings. .A -.Lory -Ahich illv. ,tiates the 'ale Ov. n or Curtin't; I . en judgment of iiitn, and ?.i the eau.e tim' tbe ster liD (lualiiits of rencsylvania's 20, 00() Govt ruor is related in George Knox MeKaii;'s new bonk "'Through tle Cumpaig'i with Hastigh uu t:i 8pe'.Uu:.ders," which ha- just b; en issiu it. Twenty odd jenrs ago two pent'e men, one of wht ui was the lute ex Governor Cartin, were walkii.g d-tD the uifiin street in Bellefonte. 'lo vn ee tLht ycui-f fellow :v jotider!'' said tut- Governor to hip Companion, and indicating the direc tian with a nod of hie head. The j-enMernan by bis eide glanced across i bo street and a tail, well bnilt j '-it: g man, with florid free and up r'bt carriage, marching along, bis arm linked in tbJt of u lit:!e old lady plainly dressed in black. Her fta tures bore the impress of the cares acd anxieties with whic'i a mother's L. . jrt, thronph long years had been opiressed. It was evident Irom the respect and pride of the young man toward the little old woman that she was his mother. "Well, what about him?" was tbe inquiry. "Nothing in particular," continued the es Governor, dryly, "except this, thaf you want to keep" your eye on that chap. I have known him only a short time, but any man who loves bin mother as be does is bouud to make bis mark in religion or politic". I don't kpow which it will bs iu his case." "What's his name?" ' "Dan HaEtiDgs." 9 A CnripBs War Relie- An interesting relic of the war of the rebellion has just been receive! from the south bv Walter H. Durfee of Providence, Rhode Island. It is a 20-foot section of a live oak tree which stood under firo at the battl? of Chickamauga. The tree w is fill ed with shot, grape, cannon balls and pieces of shell, and they are all em bedded there to day, more than thirty-one years afterward. The tree evidently was hardv enough to flourish and grow, not withstanding its battlefield engige ment, as some of the shot r lmf enclosed by new growth. The tree was shipped to Mr. Tin. free from Chattannoona bv bin mof h er, who is traveling in the It was brought into the town last month by a farmer who wanted t sell if for firewood. Mr. Durfea's moiher saw it and bought it, and hsd it sent to her son. It went to X.ir. folk by rail, and thence to Providence j oy tue uammore line. It is a most remarkable eurionitv. and one which convinces a beholder that the battlefield of Chickamaug.i, on September 3, 1863, wis not a healthy localitv. Several cannon ANNUAL STATEMENT 1994. W. S NO It Til. TRI'isidtd To cash ot firmer T insurer Outstanding Taxes County emiH.anaiPjt i ate n, giato Taxes levied in 1894, County...""". Ts-s levied iu '891. Statv., "..."". ."....". Tales levied hi 1891. Dog ..... V.V.V.. .... , 5 per cent silcled to Cnutitv Tax !!!!!".!!. 5 pjr cent ad'lcd to Statu Tax .","..,!"" Addiiional aFMsiucntft Overpaid Taxes ""... I""! State Tax refunded ""..... Liquor licenses rtfjnded Cosh from sale of Bonds .. .".". Cash from temporary loans Cah from R. McMeea. tax of J. S. McCuhao Cash from B. R. Mitchell, refunded clp miner.. Cash Irom IVrrr Co. keppiDg tramps, &.C Ca.-h tiom Sheriff Lai.p Mitchell fine Ca!i from S rierift" Lapp. Ferro tine Cash from Sheriff Lapp, Other One Cash from Sheriff Lapp, verdict fees Cash from MitJIin county, keeping tramps, Slc .. (.'hIi Irorn miscellaneous sources . 1S94 31 By outstanding orders of 189? , Bv orders l I s!4. pnlil '.'.'I'.', By i.uUtai-dmK taxs, County ISy outstar.dirg Tax. s. State , By outstanaipg taxrs, d (t My amount of aljecp order, pai l 7.7.7. rly hnlance. ..... Aipitoks." W.M. Gl'ss, J. V. SHELLT, J. K. UUfFMAN. CLASSIFIED -fsiMii ne- and fteiriserintr flea'e Township 3 s B'sck l og Town.hip Delawaro " Favetle Fermanagh Greenwood I.sck MifMintown Borough Mi'lord Township Vonrow Patterson Borough I'ort Uoyal Spruce Hill township Pllfqut'l.anna ! Thompsonton n Borough 'I nrbetf Township Tufcarora Walker , Elections. hlection otfieere, Frbrnarv Election Election etlicers, Noven'ber Election"."..". Y.V. j Constables. February E "ction ."."..".". Constables, N'oventber Election...".'..". fiates, Litction purposes Fli F.iretnan. carrying Congressional vote"."". neni :or Meetion hotMen and keeping booths u l,S,'r", mi'k'"gl3 town.hipt'i'ekVt.'.'.V butchlield &. IVnnell, clerking elect'on r.-liinis - , , C"re f Tramp. Bona' unknown n:an. Delaware township. ... tV M. Crawford & Son, medical at tendan'ce',"N." EaVlsh'.! ..';".; '. . t. Arlg,f, board ent room N. Laniish Kailroarl tickelx to t'l.il j,l.-t..hi . " JtilitiK Derr, El jtl nursing rn. Z-tgl r. Et jil attention to tramps Railroad tickets r, o t . Public Buildm ITenrv Hs k, Et A , repairs to Court Houxe Itiiss it Sieber. Til .,.. r...:..i E ka Ac Son. Et Jt repairs to "jil.V.V .."."." .".".".."." ' ,l- 'art. t.1 .11 Hardware and Supplier .. II. Dry .Jak. jul pavement lV c i t- . ........ ,.iui,f-r hiiu coal Sol. Kuhn Si. Co.. Harri-hMrp, Pa , carpetf T..i.Ti. , r. .? Ty-1' ii .. t. l"rn"j rniia.ieipnia, tin for Court House John M. Bend.r. ttn anrt work on Court Hon." itiniitiell, J p. Wickersluin. EtAl in nr'a'nje'.".".'.""." w o v. .. Public Offices W S. orlh. Treasnr. r, salary Coi.nty Anrtiu.rs arid clerk...!. Wm. M. AliiHon. auditing Co " Ol'h'c'eV.V.V. J. K. Jenkintt, Record, r Fees W. H. Ze.de, Proih,.Dot.."iv;; J..hn V. Ilibbs, ut paid fee. BUi.k Books, Herord.r's (.(Ii e Blai k Books, Prothom.tary'a Ot'licJ Blar.ks and other supplies '..".".". W. 11 Moore Com,., Com' Offiriaid "c0u'ri House Neal M. Mtriiart, C'.iutn. ."."."".".","."."" .". John Ne.mand, Con. in .""" Wm. H. Oroninei r, clerk "si.'VrV J-c.b Browand, J.J,,,or Alfcii soD at P.nnell. A.r..rnVV l'o-.:-.f Seal ' Tl. ( ilcClellun, Et j)t Uas'.irue.'.V. o:i,Wi',""sp"rf' .3 vearV;,;,,".;;. Clock l.rOm-e. ...!!"" Mationaiy Bi.ks. tc Poiago Bex rnt. L.C ., Expei se to Comm. Convention aVp'o'titlvVl'e V-" ' Commissioners Convention a, ssuimt . . ',;,,." v .. L Printing. m. M. Allison, Bunks all olBceg Wm. U. Allison, biai.ks lor K..ven.ber E"ection"." ." Wat M. Alftson. Other tiririlii.v J.. ,,- ... .................. C. 1'in.in. I ...I i,t :.e i.4.h... r. , ' . v. , UTI , ,1111.0,, J. C. Dinini, oti.er pnntir . J 1 . . r ............ ....... .. " -JecKiimn, pr.nl nz.... B F. fehweier. iiinfir Harry E. Bonsall, pr ii, t :ng. . .".V.V.V.V , , . Jionds, other debts - w s.jnirt(? i uus - Coioo Trust Co., PbHa. ThompKtuw'u" BVi"t'gVdbt" Trinvorary Loans paid aoueu... County Bon. In Paid . . Interest on Bonds Faid.".""""J"" , Koais and Bridges, Oeo. 8. Conn and 8 others, damage B F. Burcbfieid and !(J others views"" "" " A. B. Evans atj 2 others Bridge views III"'.'" u' V' C;!elII,, ,r0 for Tt""np""ntow"iB"ridge..;. H. J. Shellenberg.r, El. puk " H. A. Meyers, Et. Jl. work " "" W. F. Siagle, paint Mifflin '"" David Wolfgang Et. J. pUufe Jacob Browand Et. M. work "" H. W. Caveny k. Brother, painting" . 6. F. Goodman, Mexico . "" Knni Jr. Caveny, . .. M L. tietser, ,. EdardUill, Et. M. u I""' B C. Groninger, Rep. Groninger's ".".".. W. B. Horniug. Rep. Stambaugh'a Snyder County ot joint, OrienUl J. L. Bonp, Et. M. Old Port Royal - '"' Woligaog U Willurrs, Port Royal canal Port Royal ' oiT-r McClure ,. " Cuba Dam ' Auman'a 11 ill 9 other Bridges ' ' ' balls, such as are fired by a six pounder, are imbedded on bath sidep of the tree, and its entire length of twenty feet is filled on both sides with grape and bits of shell. Tbe timber is on exhibition to Mr. Durfee's friends at hi-i place of busi ness on the corner of Pond and Win ter streets. Fearless- - "Fear," said the Russian G-?nral Skobeleff to :a subordinate officer, "mast cea?e when a man reaches the grade of Captain." Evary officer under him was expected, when the cccasion cams to lay down his life as an example ro his men. "I m ist shoar my men how badly the Turks aioas," he sitd whi e stand ing as a target on a rampirt of a trench at the soige of Pievna. "I know how to cure him of expos ing himself and a fo'dier in tbe trenches. "The first time be jumps on the rampart let us all jump after him." Kubecca Wilkinson, of Brow&3 vnlley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomachc, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my he.iltb was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done mi more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to OF THE AUDITORS OF OR CR. 658 W VEARS. 11811 35 1891 Mil 12 M 23255 94 i533 2115 C9 .. 107 00 t 886 9 . 47 40 . 19 09 . 44 44 1570 45 u 180 HO 17299 CO . 800:) 00 100 no 450 00 t 877 30 1894 503 0i) .. 250 00 6S50 52 (K) . 8t 9S . 30 2 826 32 5lt7ii 59 " i2-Zl HH " 1 IB5 95 74t 4(1 32 24"2 40 C9Wi'J 92 69969 92 Attert.- LEW13 DEGEX. Ctrrk. ACCOUNT OF THE $70 S3 2$ no 7 S7 120 (19 co ia 54 76 81 54 60 r.6 67 07 74 2i 51 t 4 1)8 87 6S 6.". 10 f3 61 48 33 117 81 130 70 1318 01 i 286 60 313 12 108 40 86 77 7 SO 23 00 89 2t lb HO 12 00 ?X 75 52 ' 0 Vi 50 9?S 5 50 6 52 2 24 1026 67 121 77 and Grounds 17 68 9 .0 11 CO 29 57 11 20 2.11 38 M 00 CS5 68 89 181 70 550 00 120 OH 30 00 88 57 128 74 1G 60 9l t'0 31 00 79 72 275 t'0 63?J C7 H'4 63 .$ 297 50 212 0 6o'l t.0 144 00 40 00 4 50 53 00 819 5 15 20 6 60 25 65 27 00 31 25 6 go 76 CO CO 75 167 75 108 16 25 00 ..164 25 128 65 157 25 110 17 1156 14 7000 00 11114 60 5567 37 42 0.1 116 60 26 40 115 60 90 04 278 04 88 00 81 80 33 83 216 73 361 94 446 00 61 00 118 01 96 54 00 76 66 88 00 186 00 16 60 17 7J 8 vt iooo 2136 00 and Inter tit 896 81 i paid. $ 24944 28 t 23 62 6719 89 A few bottles of it has cured me eompletelv. I consider it the grand est medicine in the world.". War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever knownr Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold bv L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa. Feb. 1, 93-1 v. Men's, Boy's and Children's Overcoats at cost Hollobaugh & Son. Tuscarnra Valley Railroad- Trains on the Tnscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave ist Waterford at 8 03 a. k., and 2 p. m., arriving at Fort Roy al at 9.15 a. v. and 3.15 r. m. Laave Port Royal nt J0:30 a. m. and 5.15 P- M., arriving at East Wa terford at 1 1.45 a. st. and 6.30 p. h. J. C. MoOItEIIEAD, Superintendent. Relief in Six Hours Distressing Kidney and Bladder dissaues relieved iu six hours by tl e 'New Great South American Kxdsev Cddk " This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its xceeding promptness in relieving piin in tbe bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary p issages in ma'.e or female. It relieves retention of wi ter and pain iu passing it almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remadv. Sold JUNIATA COUNTY FOR Outstandinn Tares . DISTRICTS. .'...MiftiintowD Fayette Bealn , Fayette ...... ....Greenwood Afittlintown ...... ...Mittord .......... 1'attirson , i'ort Royal , Spruca Hill Su-quehanna , Monroe ..Tusrarora Turbett Haktr Mealo .....Delaware Fayettd Feimansgh ..Greeuwoed Lk Mi'Iiintnwn Vi !otd iVonroo Pa tti-raon I'ort Koval ... Spruce QUI S'lsqinhanna COLLECTORS. W. H. Rodgera O. W. VauOrmer . J. n Deen G. W. Van Ormer. John Knotne...... S. II. Rnllmao... , Ja-ob Bishop, ..... H. U. I reHberjr . . . . J. G. Mateer. .. .. , , Ssniuel S. Yoder... Lewis Wilt W. S. Neiuiond... II. F. Crouse David Haines.... .. W. H- Kurtz J. V. Brown, tieale, J. F. Speece John M. Mussel..., C. E. lower Jacob Fauy J. E. Tri-po 8. II. Koliraaa.... W. B McSalian... V. S. Neitnond .. H. jlf. lscntierg. ... B. F. Lylle M.S. Esli. A. I. Koratelter.., J. W. Ley ter L. C. Calhoun J. li. Barton , E. A. Smith . Outstanding Dog Tax. EXPENDITURES OF JUNIATA Payment .lllourea Collectors. COMM., 3t ro 133 3S 2J7 16 27 4H it 95 79 83 53 68 60 30 12 85 12 91 31 43 111 67 126! 12 72 26 80 48 70 114 21 EJXON'A A BAT'S 89 Ob r,7 8C ' 45 to 27117 120 41 54 21 57 S3 II M " ri'J- 161 64 R3 14 1-9 97 e ia 68 61 6B42 85 86 20 91 25 10 95 1 1 42 10 16 74 1H'6 G61 23 42H 91 f-9 30 18 10 00 1126 Of 10174 9!C 67 Covtts Jlnd Jurors Pay. Constsb'es Ketnrns and Justices Ftes, W. I,- Cap' ;n Chemist in Carpenter Case, W olrgarg and 8 toner. Reward in caso C. W. Stoner, Atkinson and Pennell Et. M. Carpenter and Jfitcbell cases Jurors, teom.iry Term 18i4, Jurors April Term, Jurors September Term, J iirors December Term, Board ing Jur.rs February and December Terms, Constables Costs in C mmonwealth Cases, Costs in Lunjcy Case,. 3 cases, Comiiisnwealth costs February Term. 1894 Commonwealth costs April Term, 1894, t.omuionwealib. costs September Term, 1804 Commonwealth cos's December, Term ISiil, J"-,J-umt'ings Et M Stenopr-pber, H. Y. Kciseiy ou, t Crier, Deputy bber.fPs acd constables Carpeiter caae J. C. Be e Jury Co.cra., 18'J4 and part of 1893, . a. Gray bill Jury Comm., Wm. U. Urouiugercltrk to Jtirr Comm., Crt-zter and O. G. Detra extra Cl. rks, Jory Comm., Sheriff s Fees S- Prison Expenses. Boarding Prisoners Washing lor Prikenwrs, Clotl.ing lor Prisoner.., Sheriff l D putieFees & Traveiirg expenses A. B. Criswoll; watch for James Carpenter J V. Leach Supplies lor Jail and PriMiners, D. M Crawford ; Son, Medical attendance jul M. P. Crawford, Medicine lor jail, ScrllMd and Freisht, Burinl et Jaiuvs Carpenter - R. O. Patinebaker nune io jail Rxra Fasick, . A .Miscellaneous. J. K. Thompson t 13 cthets, theep dimuge, Burial and tomb stones for 3 0:d So diers, Costs and Fees of Jfiftlin Co , Thompsont.-wn Bridge case, A. B. McCahan, Et. Jtl. overpaid tsx-s relunded Express?ge, W stern Penitentiary keeping prisoners. Huntingdon Reformatory State Tax on County Bonds, Jva. W. Stimmol Trail, of Juniata Co., Agricultural Society D M. Marsh ill, 8up'l for County Ir,tit ite, State Tax paid State Trcatarer, , Win U. Oroninger, for all Stat Work, Ril Road Fare, Freight A Hauling, Scalps and justices fees. Recapitulation Assessing and Registering, Common Exoner, 4c Abatements grunted Collectors: E 'eel ions Care of Tramps, Public Building AGrenads, Public Offices, Commissioners Office &. Court House Printing Bonds, Other debt A Interest Paid Roads and Bridges, Couris and Jurors Pay. S her id's Fees tc Pi iaon Expenses, Miscellaneous, Total Jlsseis Cash in Treasury, Cah in Treasury from Dog Tax Outstanding County Tax due, State " Dog " Total Liabilities. Outstanding Bonds Bearing 4 per cent Interest, Union Trust Co., Bal. Thorapsontown Bridge Outstanding orders of 1804 unpaid Liabilities over assets. pnbn.ntgor.Ut aideouBtyfortheyeareDdina-Decemheraiar of iki. office. - J-.aintownTj.nn.rTaT.r iipi'''" ,rora lae record - Atte., ' WJLH GRON1NGER Mif 6. Shooting Treatment in Georgia Savannah, Ga , J.in 34.-The grand Jury, after making a thorough invest igation, returned a sensational pre sentment to-day with regard to tbe count r chain-gang convicts made up of petty offenders. Twenty-cne men are disabled, of them permanently, from fearful exposure in recent freezing wsther. A number were made to break ice in the canal and work for hours in freezing water, without sh-jee, aud with but their troupers to protect them. Few of tbe men have been brought to the hos pital in this city, and seventeen, the report says, now lie on bard board beds in the convict cimp wrapped in blankets, emaciated and disabled. Tbe repjrt continues: "The convicts in the hospital can n-ithnr stand nor walk. They are un bid to wear shoes; they be chained and huddled together suffering from what in tbt.s climate is most unusual affliction, but which at tbe time is slow and certain torture,. Some of fiem will lose fingers and toes. rbeir feat are swollen aod dis collered, large gipiog wounds are discharging blood and mucous, and in two or three instances the men show signs of prostration." Of the convicts in the City Hospital one or more will lose a leg. An overhauling of the convict system rniy result. THE YEAR 1804- COUNTY. STATE. 11 51 13 47 41 61 115 28 13 12 1 03 16 75 '0 29 36 10 8 58 42 47 S8 55 93 75 45 89 70 49 85 690 99 96 41 21 13 23 72 16 2S 81 25 94 14 tm 39 69 12 83 11 79 14 0 45 63 113 II 42 10 1165 95 133 259 36 188 93 1 03 190 83 144 27 111 77 241 74 27 96 23 72 . 497 21 166 77 104 98 783 t3 705 77 135 02 843 77 314 11 4f,H 44 848 74 1311 53 472 39 421 76 336 31 761 35 32 1 60 Thomisoutonro 113 'M Tuib. lt 635 .Tu - carora 657 25 Walker 1242 29 13222 cK 746 46 COUNTY. TOTALS. 120 32 217 (7 61i4 74 139 6S M31 274 61 215 66 187 33 12 r5 48 27 fa 44 248 88 28 25 30 39 k2 47 160 67 650 22 225 95 1 2773 79 439 33 150 00 20 00 261 71 874 92 4H1 70 567 t'0 63S 52 105 00 157 98 105 41 610 12 46 38 13 36 203 87 401 25 It 2 50 220 00 08 78 67 60 33 10 .0 5077 52 467 80 32 00 18 15 6C0 43 123 25 86 00 23 63 K8 25 19 70 38 41 60 00 29 00 16 00 1572 58 229 32 IDS 80 293 86 107 85 13 50 682 04 84 48 6U8 28 100 00 174 83 2093 94 20)00 9 13 866 25 4971.88 1318 94 2773 70 1026 67 121 77 C86 67 1134 63 2136 t0 806 81 24944 28 6719 39 6677 62 1572 68 4971 83 952,980 78 2341 18 61 22 13222 88 1165 95 746 46 17637 69 136673 20 6189 81 874 87 143737 41 Total 126199 72 a n ,1Z ,,na l'""e of " . W.H. JtlOORE, ' . MEAL M. STRUABT, JOHN NEllf AND, , by L. Banks & Co , Druggist, flintown, Pa. Feb. Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats at coBt. Hollobaugh & Son. nbeumatlim Cared In a Day; "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism aud Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actio i upoa tha eyrtem is remarkabla andmydteriouat It re moves at once tbe cause, and the dis ease immediately disappears. Tbe first d ise crreutlv benefits. 75 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., druggists, ilim uton. Jan. y, yo.- Bellcf In OaeDay. South AmfbiCAW Nebvinb relieves the wnr-it C ises of Nervous prostra- tioo, Nervousness ana pterv jus uj i pIsia in a Biogle cUy. no suca re lief aud blessing has ever c.-ma to the iav.ilids of this country. Its powers to .cure the stomach are wonderful in the cxtrema. It. al ways cures; it eannot fail. It radi cally ci res all weaknefs of tie atom ache a d never disappoints. It is a luxury to take and always safe. Trial bottles 15 cents. S-Ubyli Banks & Co , Druggist, Midli ;town,;Pa. Feb. 6, ly. Hood's Never Fails A Business Man's Experience Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. T. ir. Ham, well knowu business nuui in 1'ltUburgh, Fm ! writes the lctti-r given below. Mr. Itaus Is gun eral ngent for the Maine granite quarries and I contractor for cemetery and builulng work, har- Ing an office at No. 70s Venn Avenue. j "C. I. H o(l & Co., Lowell, Mass.: I ' Gentlemen" We have a very blgb opinion of both Jlixxi's Sarsaparilla an.l Hood's Pills at our house and with good reason. 1 have taken al most every remedy known for rheumatism, and feel Jus'.I!k'1 in saying tiiat Hood's SarsaparUla Is Uie only one that does me any good. I must admit I have not taken it st.-a.Iily, but only when Uie pains of rheumatism caina on. Hood's SarsaparUla has I Always Civen Me Relief, . and like many otlivrs, as soon as I am well I never think of medicine again until the nextav SarsaparUla CURES tack. We are never without Hood's Sarsapa rUla ana it.'a villa in our house, and have recommend. '.1 boi.li to dozens of friends. When any of my family arc taken sick, no matter with what disease, the first thing we do Is to give A Dose of Hood's Pills and follow it up with Howl's SarsaparUla. I might write several pages in praise of this ex cellent medicine, but think I have said enough to convince." T. W. Hai's. Pittsburgh, Ta. Hood's trills arc prompt end efficient, yet a&y iu action. Sol.l by all .Insists, ioc. MONEYLO ANE D. 0O0 Do yon Iran lo borrow monty on t quit able :ernis. Do you desirt to pay off" a mortgage aid reborrow the money at 5 per cent, interest annually. Hon. v tare lo be so situated that you eould reduce tl t mortgage against your home by paying off a small amount mouth ly ami .! Ihe end of each year ret five cred it for all paidt IVith in erest being charg ed only on remaining portion of loan Would you like to by y.iur family a home If so, read the following: 1 represent a Company thit hja embod ied in its plan all the liatur. s enumerated above and many more. Can you see any reason why you should piy a largo iutcrest tor money when you b tve god se-curit)? Can you present any good leusoa wtty it is not as well to receive prolits xea.lv to wait from 7 to lOyers a-, one does in miny oftlte Associations? Is nut tile reduction of intert-Ht ye iriv bettor, titan waiting m my years for p-olitsf Borrowers u-ider tbo pUn iepres..n:..-l by ni assutuo abmlutXy nor.sk as each $1 W0 paid on th I.i.ik i crcilt'cd on the uiortKae, thereby reduoin,. k in prop.trtion to the amouui.pii I. Btii'dine -A ssociiions hive be-noliled hundreds of thotis ind. so did tho old cars that were propelled by hordes. O.ir pi 111 i. as far sttjer:or to Buil.liuif Assoct itioiis aa tbo trolley cus are to the old antiq-iated horsp car system. My time is to much oc cupied to auttwer questions lor the curious, but those ecking information for the bet terment of their condition will receive full information pronip'Iy. We otter an invest ment tn tbose who have a small amount to save monthly tlist has no supvnor as to satety and seldom cq ialed for profits. Cali or write. Maitbicb LtottAis, Oakland Mills, J iu23-3m Juniata county, Pa LEGAL. JENERAI. APPEALS. Appeals will be held in the Commission ers Office, Mifllmtown, Pa., on the 7th day of Feb., 1895. for the csst ' si.lo of tho river, and on tbe 8th day of Feb. 1895, for tbe west side of the river. Persons aggrieved will please attend. W. U. Moose, 1 Neal M. Strwabt, (comm. Attest: - John Neixono, ) Wx. H. Oboniigeb. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the estateof MARGARET J. KENNE. DY, tale of Lack township, deceased. Notice is hereby given tbt lettters of Administration on the estate of Uargaret A. Kennedy, late of Lack township. Juni ata cocnt v. deeeasdd. hava hnen trpaniHt tA tbe undersigned. All persons indebted to aia esiaie w.:i please make immediate pay. ment, acd those having claims will present them authenticated for settlement. Joseph B. Kehbidt, Levi H. r..n.... January 1st, 1895. rfraiaurateri. ill . m. , . jiaH lor mrce uataiotrne and nrli-es Also ' f. "rlw ''SIT ICake. t uliivatura. UKMH at IKOMCiOIJ. Mfrm. Yurk, pv" i-r i i" l7OTr",m KUcilatn Feed and (.ltiirk. Bur motion of Carriage; timraeslitct vi uny oilier tn tlie market. Frletiua f 'luteU Feed caustng til UiefiTd gearinir to stand still v. Iiila back--riLf """' "lnB tn power und wer.r. t-enrt 4 CentSItlRtantTJ. t.ir IcrACn.nlw... nH . - - 18 bntsklndccp. Tbcrearethonft.ndir'tlafli'.i who bT regular features ami would bo w oordod tbe palm of beauty were it not for a roer complexion. TouU such We recommend DR. HEESA'B VtOLA CREAM as potaesairg- tt:ei ruiiitiea that quiekir change jbe rnert Mllow and florid complexion to one of natural healtb and onbleiaisbed besoty. It cures Oily Pain. Freckles, JHack Heads, Blotches, Euaburn, Tan, fininlM, ind all Imperfections of te skin. It ii. nicosmetic but a care, yet Is bet ter for tbo toilet table than powder. Sow by ELECTRIC TELEPHONE PoM o..triul.t. norent. no rorMtjr. Viil.raorConntrr. in .err hom.hor. More nnd olBce. Onurf coneii inc and b o ler on ttrf h. AKrmtn mrcuf irin u o" w - ----One in a rmiHenve menu a a to all neitchbon. ine i n-l Turnout., n r-', anrwhere. nr dirtanre. O.mplet. readr 'or use vrben ohipied. Can be pui up lr n one never out of order, no rereirinK. fn'T a Ilia time. Warranted. A monejr niMVer. Writs' W. P. Harriaon 4 Co.. Clerk 10, Coiutntus. 0. Lotus . Atkissoh. P. M. H. Pbhreu, ATKH90H a. PESraBLL, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. jy Collecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orr'toc On Main street, is place of real dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Rsq., south of Bridge street. fOct26,18TO. ITILBERFORCE SCQWETER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFFICE IN COr,PT HOUSE. DK.D.M.CSAWrOBD, DB. DASWIH M.0SA WfOBD R. D. M. CRAWFORD A SON, bavo formed a partnership for the practic of Medicine and their collateral branches OBlce at old stand, comer of Third and Or an go streets, Hifiltntown, Fa. One or boil: ot them will be found at their office at al' times, unless otherwise professiocnlly eo- April 1st. 1890. JR. B. F. ACKLEY, Specialist Propt.ylaxis and treatment of inlcc tion. by lJiphtheria, Croup, Typhoid Fe ver, &c., and of diseases of tbe D. (restive Svatf.n. Acute and Chronic. Er. A's meth ods are tn full accord with th- most exact ing; bacteriology. Having received .favor able recognition by advanced journal ar.d members of the two leading srhnols of med icine, tbe author expresses confidence in bis own ability to render satisfactory service in line of hi specialities. By his methods tbe germ elements ot disease are destroved in tiom 1 to it days, and tbe patient progressing to convalescence without tho u-ual stages of meteoriem or swelling, diarrhoea and liena.irrag.- in Typhoid Fever or the dan gerous sequences ot Diphiheri, vir-, blood poidooing, &c. They have a vpicific pot tncy in degenerative conditions common to elderlv and aged ptrsons and heretutora regarded incurable. April 1), 183. I VEWrORT AND SHERMAN 'S VAI 1 t' ley Railroad Company. Timo table of passenzer trains, in elfest on Mondav, Oct .bcr 1st, 1894. t STATIONS. West war.1. East ward. I a a ; P M Newp rt Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... Wahneta Silvan Wat-r Plug i 6 05 IO IK 6 16! 4 ' 6 0 10 03 0 19 ! 3 57 b 12 10 07 6 28 3 S3 6 15 10 10' 6 35 3 50 0 25 10 17 40 3 46 6 22 10 21' 6 41 3 41 6 31 10 2.T 0 51 i 3 38 ! 6 39 10 34 6 69; 3 82 6 51 10 4ti 7 10 3 15 6 54 10 49 7 20; 8 Hi ; 7 15 11 Of 7 K5 3 f4 I 7 12 11 07 7 33! 2 66 I 7 17 It 12 7 4i; 240 I 7 28 11 I8i 7 ofj 2 45 ! 7 27ll 22' 7 45! 2 40 j 7 35,11 80 7 48 2 3S I 7 41 11 36 7 52 2 24 ! 7 45 11 40 7 65 2 20 ; Blooiutield Jtinci'it. j Vailev Road : Klliottsbun. . ..... vai.u 1 mh . . . . . . . I.ojBville ......... Fort Robeson ..... Center ........... Ciena's Run ....... Andersonburg Blttn Mount Pleafsnl ... New Germant'n ... D. GKIN'G, Presiient and Manager C. K. Midler, General Agent. ts e IVU.IOtlliO t M'laOlC- 4 U ' f. U lit I . aV:i(C at-f."?.. MlipfOr , S - t.irin 1 . f . - x!c. Uunt at $-t4 tvuie Ours niKu iv.Die ssaKemcftl oijil-nniy, 251b2., suilu s any tri:'0, o.-r.-i itt-,!j Cu..raatccd came ss atnta ?t.il lor r.3 Si. aUSS R3S SACS., 20 -is. QpO IVOOS-RJKS, O0?J Prrlrpt lines, perfcri steer! nir. perfect ni.jur'r.cr t ;.:nrantci Biiino as fc..n:s eru Tor fiu o-tt . Vii:on warranty wl?b cv-.-ry machine. l.r;i,. --. -i l.tiv t.icy. Irt through an nt y. n rivt' t-'f-:i r tltaa ourwholesafo pricctor .:-irei;tn?.fi . l'co5ts ab.i-t as luie-h to sell l.i tic? turvnri: "nts enrt rtculrs nr It fl.es lo mtii:e then-. l. t .U'ieCVS aurt ee..ii.mv nuuirest tb' t-itcr Trr' - buy Irnni na (th-nct ftt irttt.le.-ate pri.es 1 Uustrated Catal'ue tree. Acme Cyc!c Company, ELKHART. IND hi it Ss Kestt Active" 'UHAIiTES Mill BCsuJS Jt? SOT-BISE2aSE3. BOUSLS EXTRACT (? 'gA RSAPfiRI wis b . 3 Cciros I.Si-2 -Jx,. -1 -. it arc ia; the ?Jai ::. 5 :-5 :-; : : " 130 - I;0;lLJ; THc W i. ---. "j Ot-c-i. C .PJL-r..Kfy: i L.f . ig Y. T TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned persons have formed an Association for tbe protection of their re spective properties. All persons are her. by notified not to trespass on the lands of me unueraignea lor tne purpose of hunting gathering nnts, chtping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no tice will be dealt with according to law i John Michel, William Puffeaberger. Gideon Sieber, Beaehar fc Zook, Mary A. Srabaker, Joseph Rothrock, John Byler, - PamuelBell. September 6, 1895. 8 flisja -s-H S55.S3 P. DERR, PRACTICAL DF.TIST, (Graduate of the Philadelphia Dnts' ToT lege,) formerly of Mifllinburg, Pa., has In cated permaneqtly io MifMintown, as suc cessor to tbe lat Dr. O. L. Terr, anr; will continue the dental business (established by tbe latter In I860) nt the well knewn ,r- flce on Bridge street opposite Court H..n.-. 07" TEETU' EXTRACTED, ABSOLT"E. LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVo CAloroform, Ether, or. Gas used. No Sore Gums or Diseomfort patient eitrrr rnnng ra.rncuon or auerwars All tbese are. Guaranteed er rc rhcrf. will be made. XCT All work guaranteed to gtee ptr.ai satisfaction. Jerms, strictly caeh. H. P. DERR, Practical Ocntlat. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD On and after Sunday, November 26, 1894, trains will rnn aa follows: WESTA.RD. Way Passenger, leaves rhilsdelpu at 4 30 a. mj Harrisbnrg 8 18 a. m; Djr.can non 8 54a. m; New Port 9 24 a. m: Mil lerstown 9 36 a. ru; Durword 9 4 3 a. u. Thomrsontown 9 47 a ni; Vau Dlte 9 5 a. mt Tnscar.ira 9 59 a. mj :-xi.o 10 f 2 a. m; Port Royal 10 0 a. ra: Miftlin V- 1" a" m; Decholml0 21 a, m; I.e-A-jfR vc 10 40 m; McVeytown 11 '8 i. mj N'. nt.m Hamilton 11 3i a. m; M .u-t Lrni r II ;i a. ro; Huntingdon 12 .0 .. m; T. rune 1 02 p. m; Altoona 1 45 p rr; PittburJ j 6' . iu. Mail Train Iwaveo Phita le". l,;, at 7 00 a. ru, IIarribnrg 1 1 20 . Dur.c .nnon 1 1 60- a. ni, oewpur. u . y. 1.1; annim iz p. m; Lewistown 1 12 p. 1.1; McVertown T "3 p. ro; Mount Union 1 E6 p rc; ll'ip';- f0, 2 17 p. ra; Petersburg 2 30 p. m; 1rone 8 05 p. 111; Altoona 3 40 p. m; P.ttkbur 8 60 p m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Ihrri bnrg at 5 00 p. ro; Duncannon 5 34 p. n. Newport 6 02 p. rc; Afilli rsrown tj 3 p. U; Tbotrpsontown 6 24 p nt; Tuscar.ira t; .r, p. m; f.-xico 6 37 p m; Port K-va' ' l;, p. m; Midi in 6 47 p. m; DunlioltiiC 5 i lw; Lewistown 7 13 p. m; JUcV'eytown " i p. ni; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. ni; Iitit.tiLg rte.n 8 82 p. tr; Tyrone 9 10 p. it; A.l.v.t.A 9 60 p. ni. Pacific Express leaves Pbi!at.e!rh?i st 11 20 p. nt; llarrisbur; 3 10 s. tn; ville 3 21 a. 11.; Ditnciunon 3 3t a. in; .' port 3 50 a. iu; I'ort Royal 4 il a. 111; M . .". If in 4 37 a. ni; Leistov.n 4 58 a. 1,; ' -Vytov.n 5 ao a. m; lluntiogdnii C 01 i m; Tyrone 6 5 a. m; Altoona 7 4;' 1 x; Piitsbtirg 12 10 p, m- Express leaves Jlarri.sburg at 10 2 p. in; Newport 11 OS p. n;; Mltilin 11 i5 p. in; Lenistonn 12 Co a. m; Huntingdon 1 05 a. m. Tin.ne 1 42. a rr.; Altooua 2 10 a. tr: Pittsburg 5 50 a. m Fits: Lino leaves Philadelphia at 12 2.j ;.. m; Uarrrisburg .1 50 p. tn; l;un.';r.n '.i p. ic; Nrwpoit 4 37 p. ii", Mifliin 5 IC.y ; Lewistown 5 29 p. m; Mount L'".lo ' . , m; Huntipgdon 6 23 p. n.; Tyro; .' ..... m; Altoona 7 40 p. tn; 1'if--. :; r, p. ni. EASTWARD. Harrisbnrg Aecommodation 'civ toona at 6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 t !.:; ingdon 6 05 a. in; Newton 'l.i"i..s ... a m; McVeytown 6 62 a. ir; !..!' .-n 7 15 a. tn; MitPin 7 38 a. m; PoM li'- . . . 7 44 a. 111; Mcx'co 7 43 a m; Th. ir n town 8 02 a. n.; Miilerstown ! 12 a. Vewport 8 22 a. to; Duncan... .11 8 i'J a. in: UarrUbiirg 0 20 a. ia. Sea Shore leaves Pittfsbnrg 3 10 a ru; Altoona 7 15 a tn; Tjrone 7 4-t a m; Hunt ingdon 8 80 a ni; VcV. ytoMn 9 15 a m; Lewistown 0 35 a m: Mitllin 9 55 a m; Port Royal 9 59 a 11 ; Tfeompsont.-wn 10 1 Wille stown 10 23 a 111; Newport 10 s- a m; Duncarnon 10 54 a in; Marysvilio 11 1)7 a nt; H irri-burg 11 2" a tn; Phiisd.-lph'u 3 00 P ra. Tav Kxps luces Pittsbur.r at 01 a. ?; Altoona II 50 a. n ; Tvione 12 15 u. m: Mnt tirjrdon 12 48 p. n; Lewistown P45 p. ro; M ifti in 2 05 p. m; llarrisourir 3 20 p. j; Iiiimore o H :. ni; Washington 7 50 p. m; Fhi'aiieipti'.a 6 50 p. in; New York 3 p. iu Mail le.-.vfs Altooua at 2 GO p. m, Tyro. ) 2 85 p. in, Huntingdon 8 SO p m; wt.n Hai.iilloii 3 ol p. m; McVeytown 4 lp r; Lewistown 4 ifi )i. ni; Mifflin 3 03 n. in. Port Royai 5 09 p. tn; Afexieo 5 13 p. 1 h. nip.onfon 6 2' p n-; Miners '.-wn a 4 p. iu; Newport 5 48 p. 111; Duncannca S 20 p. lii; Ilsrrisburg 7 t0 p. ni. Kail Express leaves Pittsfcur; at 10? ; . ni; Altin.ua 6 15 p. ni; Tyrone 6 37 p ni; Hutiitnxdt.n 7 20 p. ni; McVeytown S '. t p. u; Ltwiaiown 8 26 p. nt; Af.tilin 8 47 p ni; Part R.iyal 8 .r.2 p. hi; J!i!:orsto-vn Of 7 p. u; Newport 9 26 p. ru; Dnr.cant.c-a !l jtl F. m; Uurrishnrg 10 2 ) p. in. Philadelphia Expr-;s leaves Pittsbtiv st 4 iiO p in; Al l. (.Da 9 05 p. ni; Ti roi e " 83 p. ui; litu.tit gdon 10 12 p nt; Vt-iint I"-, ion It' f2 p. 11.; L. wiftown 11 10 0 in; Mi;, tlin 11 87 p. nt; Ilarri?btf? 1 00 a." 1. ; Phi. cdelphia 4 30 New Y it ?1 ui PERKY COUNTY RVILI.OAD. Trams leave Duucat.non lo Ulo .111'; ft 9 15 a. 111. at d 4 30 p. u ; renin. :rt at Duncannon 8 35 a. 111. m d o tf ). in. t.D nveK davs. EAST DROAD TOP R. R. Trains leave Ml. Union on wek '. -i s; 9 20 and 1 1 20 a. iu. 4 00 : .. n trait. sarrtw at Mt. L'nicn 8 K' and 1 i -.' a. m 3 14 aud 5 37 p. m. P. N. N. W. It. R Tta ns haves Iieliwno.1 at J Oj 1. 1.1 ar 1 3 38 m. arrivtd at bclluoua at il I'.' a. 111. and 5 41- p. 111. N. & S. V: R K Tiains leave Newport en week diia at 10 00 a. in and 6 C'5 p. ni. arrive at New. port 7 oi a. m. tind 4 01) p. 111. T. V. R. It Trains leave Port Roval ft) ; 10 a. .it. and 5 15 p. 111., artive at port Royal 8 45 a. tu. at d 3 15 p in , week dats. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for bundury al 7 40 a. m. an ' " '0 p. ra., have Suttbury for Lewistown WC" a. ru, and 2 25 p. in. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP K. R. Trains leavo for Uedford and Ctinier. land si 8 10, 8 36 s. m., and a 3r p. tu. leave Bedford for Huntingdon 9 60 a, nt. 8 65 and 4 20 p. ni , leave Cumberland or Huntingdon st 2 35 p. ru. TYRONE DIVlON. Trains leave for Bellcfonte and L."'fc Haven at 8 10 a. ru., 3 .14 and 7 25 p. ,.., leave Loch Haven for Tyrone 4 SO, 0 87 a. ru. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Trama leaye Trrono for Clearfield and Curwensville at. 8 30 a. ra.. 3 16 and 7 : p m., leavt Curwct.sville lor Tyrone at 4 -Q a. m , 9 42 and 3 51 p. m. RAILROAD TIME TAIILK. pERRY COUNTY RAILROAD. Tbe following schedule v.nt b.t.i . -. t Nov. 19, 1893, aod the traina will b. r;n follows; p. m a.m Leave Arrive a. mi j - 4 30 9 15 Duncannon 8 40 3 V 4 86 9 21 'KinK'sMill 8 3-iK-tl 4 39 9 24 Sulphur Springs 8 318 4' 3 41 9 26 Corrcan Siding 8 2'. "! 4 4529 Montebeilo Park 8 26 3 30 4 46 9 31 Weaver 8 24 8 it 4 61 9 86 'Roddy 819 3 29 4 54 9 89 Hoflman 8 1 3 26 4 6 9 41 ' "Royer 8 14 S 24 4 69 9 44 'Mahanov 8 11 3 21 6 10 10 (10 Blootutield 8 05 S 15 6 17 10 07 Long'a Koad 7 52 2 45 6 22 10 13 "Nellson 7 46 2 9 6 25 10 16 'Dutn's 7 43 2 38 6 28 10 19 KIHotsburg 7 40 2 33 8 24 10 25 Bcrobeisl's 7 84 2 27 6 86 10 27 'Grocn Pk 7 32 2 2S 6 41 10 82 'Montour June. 7 27 2 iJ 8 09 11 20 Laudisburg 6 65 1 50 p. tu a. m Arrive Leave a. 111 p in Train leaves Blooiutield at 6.10 a. a. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. ru. Train leaver Landisbnrar at 6.14 n. m.. and amves at Bloom Held at 6. 60 p. ra. 1 ra.ua mhs .unyaviiia tor unnciDnc f 7. 220 a. m.. and 2. 15 r,. m. Returnini. arrive at 10 87 a. m.. and 4.66 p. ra. Between Landisbnrr rnn aa fr.Uows: Leave Lnnduburg forLovs ville 6 65 a. m.. and I aii m i .r.v.vian for Landisburg U 10 a. m.,and 6 09 p m. All stations marked ;) are lit tal.ens. at which traiaa will . n fXnal. it n fi t 1 1 i - - r" ' 1 ' 1 1 . ' "Lr" '. t