Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 30, 1895, Image 4

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die merry heart that laughs at care
Befleeta a heavenly Ujrht
that makes th dreariest prospects fair
The gloomiest pathway bright
(be merry heart that langhs at ears
Needs neither rank nor pelf ;
Content Its thornless crown to wear,
And rich within Itself .
fhe merry heart that laughs at ears
Is lit for any fate ;
Tor fortune foal, nor fortune fair,
Jan change its equal state ,
, rhe merry heart that laughs at core
3ees good in everything,
fuels surompr's breath In winter's sir,
In deserts Otitis a spring ;
The merry heart that laughs at cam
Will best the mnxlm know
That he that doth contented fare
Is happier here below t
The merry heart that laughs at earn
Hath faith for guide and friend,
Ail hand in hand will walk with her '
Jt-rnnely to the end.
C. W. Hu'jner in Atlanta Conltiladon.
Uncle JaWs Advice
00N tips wrong
for taterplantin',"
remarked Undo
Jabez Whalenn, as
he eat in front oi
the old farmhonse
and between whifld
of tobacco smoke
threw forth casual
observations re
B p e c t i n cr the
i weather and kind-
rod topics, "but t'won't pay ter wait
eny longer ; it can't alias be jest ter
salt ns and one had better not be too
partie'lar; besides, I've seen the best
moon 'maginable tarn out tutors all
soggy, and, visy versy, I've knowed
'he wust one fetch a good crop."
"It's jest 'bout the same as 'tis with
people," he went on, alter a moment's
pause. "Them folks that prance
'round in fine clothes mny be all holler
at the core, while an old pair of over
alls kin cover the les o the best niun
ihet walks. "
"What do ycon think 'bout thet,
Jane?" said he, turning so as to ad
dress a comely young girl whi snt in
the doorway, cutting potutoes for the
text day's planting.
"You are always right. Uncle
Jabez," answer3d the girl, tossing her
head pleasantly.
"'Twant a very 'stonishin' thing ter
say, I'll low," continued the old man,
"but 'tis one people sometimes fergit.
I'd some intention of applyin' thet re
mark ter yeou, Sis, but it don't seem
et right when I see how purty yeou
Jane laughed merrily, and going to
the old man put her arms around his
neck and kissed him. "How would
you apply it to me, Uncle Jabez?"
said she softly.
"Wall, now," said Uncle Jabez,
. "yeou've tuk me so sudden like thet 1
hardly know what ter say, but what I
mean is thet yeou shouldn't git high
notions. I'll 'low veou're purty level
on most things, but same plys ter
conrtin'and fellers and poetry nnd sech
like. Seems ter me, yeou don't cere
bo much fer young Uobbes over there
as you used ter afore thet city chap
come over ter the Rntledges ter waste
the summer. Bitter not judc too
Tiuch by the outside sheL'-
"Hobbes ain't so smooth lookiV,
p'raps, but he's got common edicatiou
and sense. Thet young Kutletlge may
know how ter say cuter things 'cause
he's from the city, where people's
heads is alias fall o' trash, aud he may
hev lots o' money, but fer jest theuf
reasons he ain't goin' ter marry any
girl from the country ; besides, them
tine birds thet roost so high and are
bo 'fraid o' their feathers ain't worth
lickin' when they're caught."
Jeannette Clifford loosened her hold
on Uncle Jabez's neck, and the red
mounted to her brow as she resumed
Her seat in the doorway.
Uncle Jabez Whalens was a privi
leged character in that section of the
country, passing as a sort of encvc.o
paylia of information and always ready
with good-natured advice. He wag
nncle to everybody and generailv
loved and respected. His home for j
many years pasi nna been with the
Cliffords, and the family regarded him
with even more reverence than if hf
had been one of the family.
Jeannette worked in silence for some
minutes while Uncle Jabez smokeil
rigorously at his pipe. "Well," said
he, finally, drawing a long breath oil
determination, "Mr. Kutledge seems !
like a gentleman and is very much
moro easy mannered than Oscar
Hobbes, and if he wants to show me
attentions I shall not object until I see
something really bad in him. If Oseiu
doesn't like it he can lump it."
"Jane," said Uncle Jabez, while the
expression on his good-natured face
toftenod into a sudden seriousness.
"I may be a trifle for'ord, but there's
some things I don't like 'bout thet
fell or thet yeou mayn't hev noticed
an' it makes me b'lieve him shaller.
The sight o' him o set me thinking o'
something thet happened a long timo
ago, afore I knew yeou or your dad or
eny o' the folks 'round here ; when I
lived back East and had a little girl o'
y own 'bout your age.
"I never said much 'bout Sal, but if
yeou'll come and Bit on this bench I'll
seii yeou something I've never told j
The old man's voice had grown
nusky, his face twitched and he seemed
to be struggling to keep back the tears
Vora his eyes.
Jeannette forgot her momentary re
lentment and carried her basket tc
the little scat close to him.
"I will listen," said she.
T"ue oiu man sat in silence for some
moments, looking off into the dis
tance. "Yeou look a good deal like Sal,"
id he, finally, laying down his pip'
ind looking into her face.
"Seems ter me I never noticed the
resemblance so much afore. She had
iest seoh eyes and hair and was like
wise purty, bnt she died afore she was
quite as old as yeou. We nse ter live
in the oountry and had a place some
thing like your dad's, with a great big
house and barn and a brook runnin'
thru' the meadder, and two big oak
trees back o the house thet seemed ter
spread their great branches over the
roof protectin' like, only they some
times was a bit bothersome, fillin' the
eaves troughs full o' leaves and acornt
and rottin' the shingles 'cause thf
hadder kept off the sun.
"In front o' the house was flowers
And lilae bjishes and a row o maple
trees and a gravel path leadin from
the atone at the bottom o the door
step to the yard gate. Sal tuk care ol
the flowers and kept the grass mowed,
and everything looked as slick and
clean as eny o' the fine places in the
city, and she was a powerful help tc
her mother, and sometimes I used ter
think her cookin. beat her mother's,
but 'taint no nse dwellin on seel
Mrings now.
"Sal went ter sohool winters anu
lllua left off bjadmost, and harioaohex
was alius a snyin' whit ft scholar she
was, till one day Miss Simpson stopped
t oar house and told as how 'twas no
nse sendin' her, as she conldn t teacr
her no more.
"Then we sent her to the Vademy,
rod at Chrifl'mos I bought her an
organ, and it 'twant vary long alore
he was playin' in the church at the
village and was alius wanted wher
there was was to be concerts ana ao
in's o env kind.
"Evervbody thought her as good ae
gold, and she never seemed out o sorts
with anything, bat was alios a smuio
ind savin' hannv things.
"She bein' so good-tempered and
likewise purty, 'twant 6urprisin' thai
wo had lots o' company. She used all
the fellers first-rate, but Joe Martin
was alias her favorite, and I kind o'
liked Joe and hoped 'twould make a
natch, bat after she come home from
ihe 'cadomy I kind o' thought tnet
ihe'd got her mind fixed on somethins
higher than Joe ana tne rest o n
country folks, she still was as good ar
"1 knew she couldn't hey knowee
much nt the 'cademy chaps, 'cause
they was too strict with the rules, bnt
she'd seen 'em an' heard 'em recite ir
the class room, ministers' sons and
lawyers' sons and sech like, and 'twant
mrprisin' if 6he saw a difference 'tweer
'em and the fellers 'round home af
snly went to school winters.
"I didn't pay much attention tei
the change, which want really notice
ible enough to be wuth mentionin'.
fer 1 thought as how 'twould all wear
sway and she d be willin ter marrj
Joe or some one what's her ekal anr
ettle down on the old farm.
"She was beginnin' ter be more like
her old self, happy-like all the time,
when one day a young feller come tei
the village, 'ter spend his vacation,
so he said.
"He was tall and handsome and had
a mustache thet looked like silk, onlj
I didn t like it cause twas yaller, and
he boarded at the village hotel. Every
day he'd git a team from the livery
and go cavoortin' 'round the country,
spendin lots o' money and a-puttio
on all sorts o' airs.
"He told as how his father owned a
big lot o' property in Boston, and how
he was in business with him, but at
how his health was kind o' broken
down, and the doctors had 'vised him
ter go rusticatin'. So he rusticated
'round our neighborhood all summer,
ind people come ter think him jes
"I didn't like him first-rate after
jaw how ready he was ter squander
money, fer when a man finds time ter
do nothin' three or four months at a
stretch ' and then shows no signs o'
stoppin', something's alius the mat
ter. "Well, he got acquainted with oui
sal and used ter be 'round our place
a good share o' the time, but I said
nothin'. as I saw thet Sal liked him
better than the other fellers, and af
ter all I didn't hev any good reason
ter find fault. I kind o hoped the!
somethin' 'ud happen ter tire her oi
him, but they only got more intimate.
"Joe finally quit comin' and Sal gol
ter standin' at the gate with the citj
chap 'long inter the evenin's, and he'd
take her ridin', and when she'd come
back her face 'ud be all aglow and
she'd 6ing 'round the house all day,
but sometimes her mind 'ud kind o'
wander 'way from her work and she'd
30 'hunt thinkin.
"I 'spected what the matter was,
lint thought 'twan't no uso savin' any
thing, so I let it run along for a time,
but one day I heerd something boul
the feller I didn't like, so I told Sai
and 'vised her ter hev nothin more
ter do with him, but she flared up a?
never seen her do before and said a;
how 6he was a-goin ter marry him.
rhe next minute she begun cryin' and
come and kissed me and said soft and
low as how he was a gentleman and so
well e ldicated and how he was a-goin'
ter take hev ter a fine place in tho city,
rhere I cud come and live, too.
"rio te talked a long time and I be
gun ter think thet p'hans 'twas all fer
tha best, still I vowed I'd stay on the
farm, where I belonged, and not gc
antin' off ter the city.
"Tho young feller staid all winter ,
tho doctors had 'vised him ter, so lie
"Long the next spring, in 51a
when everything was bloomin' ag'iii
aud summer was beginnin" ter pee;
out o tho ground snd when evervtii1-
to notice- that Sal didn't smile so much
is she used ter and she seemed to fer
git how ter sing, and when the city
chap come 'round she'd git kind o'
nervous and seemed alius tryin' ter
jit-awt him, and sometimes I'u see :n
;n'kiu together earnest like, but he
lidn't come so often and didn't seem
o mighty anxious ter bo perlite and
lice as afore.
"Still he'd lots ter say 'bout Boston
ind his father's money and sech like,
ind 'twas kind 'o understood 'mong
is thet they'd git married in the falL
Bad time, thought I, fer no time's so
jood as when the flowers and trees are
ill ablossom with promises of happi
ness, but I said nothin' and only hoped
.hey'd be happy.
'One day I druv over ter Scottsville,
about ten mile away, and while there
hearl something surprising
"They was tellin' at the hotel ns
low a sheriff was there ter 'rest a fel
er as had forged a big note out East
ind was hid somewhere 'round in the
country. He'd been caught thet
mormn , they said, while out ridin ,
and the sheriff had had a terrible time
;ettin' the handcuffs onto him.
"Everybody was excited and a-talk-in
fer no such thing had ever been
heerd on 'round there afore. I asked
ao questions, but wheu I heerd thet
the Sheriff was comia' with the pris
oner I went out with the crowd ter
see him, and there was the feller as
had been spendin' his vacation a hul'
fear 'round our neighborhood.
"He grinned and nodded when he
leen me, but I was too much tuck back
er say anything.
"I hitched up the horses and dru.
aome, terribly upset and wonderin' ns
how I could ever tell Sal. I tried ter
lo it gently, but made blunderin'
work of it. Wheu I got done she just
stretched out her arms and grew so
tale that I thought she was dyin'.
"I tried ter comfort her, and
thought as how now thet the feller
had gone, thet she'd take up with
some one 'round home, but she only
got whiter every day.
Finally a paper come, tellin how the.
feller had been tried and sent ter the
State's Prison fer eighteen years. I
tried ter keep it a secret, but one day
Sal heerd of it and she found the paper,
snd when she read it she jest screamed
out loud as if she was crazy.
"Her mother and I did all we cua
CO pacify her, bnt we endn't do nothin'
ind she kept moanin' all the while,
'I'll go where he is ; I must go where
ie is?"
"She fell sick and tuck on so, and
enk on so, and we sent for the doctor,
and when he come and felt her pulse
ind talked with her he shook his head
snd told us how Sal was dyin'. "
The old man stopped ill his talk an!
2 v ;
tombled around Tor his pipe. iBa
roice had grown husky again. He
Inally found it, and after filling the
bowl with some rotten oak leaves which
he had pioked up from the ground and
pulled to pieces during his story, tried
to smoke, but with a pitiful lack of
success. With tears in his eyes he sat
for a long interval gazing off into the
distance. At last he laid down his
pipe, and taking Jeannette' band in
us, went on :
When she was laid out in the coffin,
foe come ter see her, and he jest broke
down and cried like a baby. J oe loved
her, he did, and if she had only tuk
up with him it might hey been dif
ferent. "Her mother only lived a year longer
art A sria Hiorl ton. and we buried her
by the side of Sal, and when I was back
there four years ago come next August,
tne nowers was a growiu over um
jr.ive as I'd planted there afore I left.
M hev never heerd anything more
bout thet city feller, but yeou know
now why I feel so much agin' people
as hey lots o time and money ter wast
rod nothin' ter da"
Jeannette put her arms around Unolt
Jabez's neck and kissed him, "while the
tears rolled down her cheeks. "I am
awfully rsorry." she Bobbed. "Poor
SaL poor SaL"
A month later, wmie uncie iaoei
mtuVinir another observation of the
moon, some one nudged his elbow.
... .
Be turned and mere stood isscar
Hobbes, his honest, sun burnt face
radiant with TnarminesH. and by hir
Bide was Jeannette. They said noth
ing, but Jeannette raisea ner arms un
til they encircled Oscar's neck, and
Uncle Jabez understood and blessed
them on the spot Chicago News.
A faerruan Has favnted alacblae to
lake Them.
Jew objects are more familiar than
the common oak or barrel; yet few
people have probably been at pains to
consider lUo skill and ingenuitv
which have succeeded in bringing to
perfection an invention as scientific
is bnnctlcial all the world over; and
probably fewer still are conversant
with the brain power and time which
have been expended in attempts to
produce machinery which shall at the j
same 11 rue eneapen aim expeune
manufacture of these well-known
;ind useful contrivances. -Barrels are
no new thing: as far back as the
time of riiney they were in use, and
that author mentions the Alpine
valleys as the locality of their inven
tion. The trade rcadilydlvldos itself intt
two great classes the wet and dry
manufacturers; or casks designed to
hold liquids, or dry goods. A third
subdivision, known technically a-
"white-cooperaKe'' that is, wooden
tubs, churns, pails, and other even-
staved vessels may be added.
When it is considered that tigh
casks have not merely to withstand
the pressure of the contained liquid,
but frequently that of gases, arising
from fermentation of such liquid,
in addition to the handling and
rough usage to which they are at all
times liable. It will be readily under
stood how important are the sound
materials and workmanship in their
A cask is a double conoid namelj
having its greatest iiameter techni
cally known as the "bulge" or "bcllv"
at its center; and this being born
in mind, the complex shape of each
scave will be at once appreciated.
Not only is the stave curved length
ways to form the "bulge," but cross
ways it is similarly made to form part
of circumference of the cask;
whilst the edges must re
ceive tne exact bevel to
tit those on cither side along their en
tire length. The two processes
known as "chiming' and croiing,'
which consists in finishing the ends
for receiving the heads yet remain
to le performed. The "chime is the
bevel formed on the extremity of the
staves; and the croze' is the groove
into which the ends or heads tit.
Hooping, generally with iron bands.
completes the manufacture of a cask.
Having thus sketched in brief out
line the routine in vogue in the coop
ers' trade for manufacturing casks, wt
pass to consider as concisely as possi
ble Mr. Oncken's invention for pro
ducing stavcless casks direct from the
tree. Mr. Oncken aims at turning
out casks from one piece of wood
the body of the cask to be formed ol
one single stave; the ordinary shape
that is, the double conoid being re
tained. The method of preparing
the body of the cask may be likened
to sharpening a lead-pencil by a
;ockct sharpener, the shaving pro
duced forming the staves of the cask
The stem of the tree poplar is fre
quently chosen Is first cut Into
lengths corresponding to the size ol
the cask. These lenytbs are then
boiled for two or three hours in u
closed vessel, a current of electricity
being passed through the water the
whole time. The chemical action
thus produced in combination with
the prolonged boiling gives to the
wood necessary softness, and enables
the subsequent cutting process to be
performed without ditllculty in a ma
chine rotating the log in the same
manner as the ordinary lathe, whilst
advancing it towards a broad block
fixed on a frame, having a slot In it
similar to that of a common joiner'!:
plane. As the trunk of the tree is
revolved against the block, a continu
ous sheet of wood is cut of any de
sired thickness, and drawn out flat by
hand on to a table at the rear of tb
machine. The sheets arc then passed
through a grooving-machine, which
cuts the croze' or groove In which the
head is eventually fitted. Another
machine seizes the sheet between two
arms, and by the means of knives,
cuts a series of mortises or slots round
the sides, giving it when made ud the
desired conical shape. Eventually,
the sheet reaches the cooper, whe
rolls it into cylindrical form, drives
on the hoops, and renders it a perfect
1 , . 1 ,
uarrei, alter uryiiig iu a special ap
The invention above detailed hat,
safely passed the experimental stage,
ana is already in full practical opera
tion at Merxem, In Germany, where
Mr. Oncken has started a factory,
and is busily engaged in turning out
his stavcless casks.
When His considered how numbet
less are the quantities of casks it.
daily use in every part of the globe,
ana tne innumerable purposes to
which they are devoted, hardly a
trade or industry being carried on
without them, the wide field open to '
improved anu economical means ol
production of such Indispensable
necessaries of civilization, will be
readily aDDrcciatecL
'I made $10 this morning, pa."
'That's right, my son. I'm glad to
ee that you recognise the advisability ot
being independent of parental assistance.
How did you make it, my boy I
Borrowed It from ma.r
AM It nma fram snd when did ItfiOf
ttu ra hm ssastlon that puxmlsd as so.
M WW W1W HIM V -S"w-y
ly the farm Ilk a river the eld oountry road.
7s atoc with our hair sticking up throvsh tfcs
Toss hat as the people went ap and went town.
lata trs wlshsfl la oaz beasts, as our eyas fairly
amid and where It cams from the old coun
try road.
Ws roraamber tba readier who earn with his
IdVwBtlw old highway and nevsr want back;
Ind wooSwad what things be bad asaa a"
Man aome fabulous place op the eld connti
Pe remt-aber the stags drivers look of JJ-ght
lad tba crack of bis whip as be whirled Into
And w tbo'orot ws could read In each glance
OS Dsatowea .
1 tale of Strang Ufa np tba old eonntry road.
Ike movers rsme bv like a skip In full Mil.
m Hn ruoaf dsihdu - - r .
With a r llleklng craw and a cow that was
With a ni on hot boras down the old eonntry
m. tK An nf tna hill tha rim of the world.
And tl eduat of tba summer that over It ourle l
Was tba curtain tbut bid train uar sight tba
Of tba fairies that lived np the old country road
The old fonn'rr road 1 1 can sra It still flow
Down tba bill of my dreams as tt did long ago)
And I wlh aTra nw I oonld lay off mv load
And rest by the side of the old country rokd.
lAOiea- ttome journal.
Knglanil'a Ureat Enemy.
The one formidable enemy of Grea.
firitain is Kussla. The recognition
f this obvious truth does not of it
self Involve any censure. Itls the
results of a natural law which has
oeen repeatedly and emphatically re-
.-ognized by the Goverments of India
ind of Kussla, as well as by our mili
tary ana naval aeparttuents. 10
rancy that the two empires can inrne
ind develoD in concord and amity Is
to trust that the egg may be batched
ind the chicken grow up to hen's es
tate without ever breaking the shell.
Russia's appetite for land is as insa
tiable as Krysichthon's hunger for
E en Russia's radical friends in En
;land candidly admit that It Is hope
less to attempt to induce her to con
tent herself with her present fron
tiers in the East, And for the beet
of possible reasons. Conscious of her
civilizing mission, she has cast her
bread upon the waters, aud is deter
mined to find it after not two many
days. During the -past forty years
she has annexed 140,000 square miles
and 3,500,000 Inhabitants a barren
conquest which in ten years (from
1838 to 187t)) resulted in a deficit of
no less that 67,000,000 rubles, la
this new territory there are vast de
solute stretches of wilderness where,
on a march of 4,37 miles, camels can
only twice get water to drink. Now,
Is It conceivable that Russia should
squander money and blood for such a
ruinous possession unless she re
garded it as the stepping etone to
something else? Fortnightly Re
view. The inhabitants of Thibet are the
dirtiest people on earth. Not only do
they never wash, but when once full
growth has been attained they never
take their clothes off. When the gar
ments they wear become old others arf
out over them.
State or onto, crrr of Toledo, I
Lucas Cobnit. (
Frask J. t'HKNBr makes oath that he Is the
enlor partner of the flrmof K. J. Chf.xev &
'o., dointt business In the City of Toloclo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said tirm
will pay the sum of ONE llUNIKr:i DOL
LARS for each aud every case of V iiarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of H ali."h ataiihu
Cckc FhankJ.Cii.nev.
."-worn to Vtefore me and subscribed In my
presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. lseo.
. , A. V. Uleason,
' , JVofin, Puh'fe.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucou surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Chesev & CO., Toledo. O.
PVSold by Druggists. Too.
Mexico imports potatoes from Cal
ifornia instead of raising them, which
she might easily do. This year the
price is very high and potatoes are re
garded as luxuries.
Mrs. Win-low's Boothlnc Sttti for chndrea
teeth i ok, softens the cams, reduces lndamma
tton. allay- jmtn. cures wind colic 2fc- a bonis
James Mahar, a native American,
recently walked the streets of New
York eight days without food, in
earch of work, and finally died of
Karl's Clover Root, the Brest blood purifier,
t ire-freshness snd clearness to the complexion
snd cures constliiation 25cts. 50 cU.. SU
Mexican cotton is prolific, but the
fibre deteriorates from yoar to year
anless renewed from northern plants,
precisely as does the wool of Texan
Representative men as agents in every town:
(ravelling or local; permanent position: salary
mid commission. Chautauu.ua Nursery Co., o.
26 Main St., 1'ortland. N. Y.
An Austrian nobleman in Vienna
won a big bet by standing on one foot
continuously for four hours.
Dr. Kilmer's Bwaar-BoOT cures
all Kidney and Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet and Consultation tree.
Laboratory Blnshamtoa. X. ?.
In reoria, 111., a house has just
fceen cut in half, and one piece torn
down because the half owners disa
greed, one only wanting to rebuild.
TP rifle nf til, rtninfttl tmtfn,l.i:..
, J ; - o
ana weaknesses that prey upon women.
They fade the face, waste the figure, rnin
the temper, wither you np, make you old
before your time.
Get well : That's the way to look well.
Cure the disorders and ailments that beset
you, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrio
tion. It regulates and promotes all the proper
functions, improves digestion, enriches the
blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy
and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep,
and restores health and strength. It's a
powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic
...... -- . 111, 1 111 pc.l Llllg V16U till LI tj LI CI IU
lo the entire system.
if rs. AmtA TJuuch, of Elm Creek, Buffalo Co.,
nco.. writes: "i enjoy
good health thanks to
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription and Golden
Medical Discovery.' I
was under doctors' care
for two years with womb
oisease, ana gradually
wastingr in strength all
the time. I was so weak
that I could sit up in bed
only a few moments, for
two years. I commenced
taking- Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription and
his ' Golden Medical Dis
covery,' and by the time
I had taken one-half doz
en bottles I was up and
going wherever I pleased,
and have had good health
and tieen mm rimn
Mas. TJxjtrcR.
ever since that was two years and a half ago."
A book of 168 pages on "Woman and Her
Diseases " mailed sealed, on receipt of 10
cents in stamps for postage. Address,
world's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
I'll ill
Nervous Woman
Says a great nerve doctor, "Should devote half
. --. .-. tr, .haninta rest. Her room
uowrrici; . ,
honld be darkened and orders given that she
shall not be disturbed." in is is, oejuuu
good advice, and If followed It may glva tem
porary relief. But then the question remains.
Why 1. she nervous? Of course It is because her
become debilitated and run down. Her appe-
ttte Is gone, and cannot nave iuwus "'
Hood's Sarsaparilla
IV. 1 iMtA hap hop riisrestira orcana. fflv ber
lUIUIItUIBW swa av- D -
an appetite, purify and vitalize her brood and
tone and strengthen her nervous mjt"-
LiLLiE FbuIch ofZelda, Ky., says: "I became
nervous and had no energy whatever. My lire
seemed gloomy and hopeless. I read about
Hood's barsaparUla and saw It was what I
needed. I began taking It and have re
gained my natural weight and am doing my
own house work." Thousands have found that
Be sure to fS
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, carefully
prepared from the best Ingredients. 25c. '
When needles are In your angers and toes ,
When Icicles hang from the snow-man's nose ;
When the frost on the pane makes sugary
And wagon-wheels over the hard ground
" wheeze 1
When the toughened old farmer flings round
his arms
As If he'd throw them across two farms
When ears are rubbed and noses are red,
And sheets are Ilka loa In the spare-room
bed 1
When water-pipes burst, and wells freeze up,
And the tea Isn't hot when it leaves the cup
When stray dogs oomlng along the street
Never stand for a second on all four feet
When little boys cry If they have to be out,
ind are heard for a full half-mile If they
shout ;
When the day is as clear as the thoughts that
Jut into the world from Shakspore's head
When the air about seems as still as a rock.
And a sudden noise Is a sudden shook,
ind the earth seems deserted, lonely, and
. old
lou are pretty saro that It's pretty cold I
St. Nicholas.
Getting a shine on your shoes Sit
ting in the sun. Hallo.
Even a lean person may fall plumj,
into the water. Lowell Courier.
Can a hungry man make a square
meal off of round stake? Lowell
The baker who mixes his dough
properly has a soft thing of it. Buf
falo Courier.
The fellow who was married in the
Ferris wheel ought to make a good all
round husband. Plain Dealer.
The pup was so good natured
That the tramps all turned him down
io they put a muzzle on him,
And ha terrified the town.
Yes, Minerva, there is a difference
between getting an option on apart
ments and getting a flat refusal."
Elmira Gazette.
The political worker is willing to
turn in when wanted and to turn out
at times, bnt his ahhorence is a turn
down. Philadelphia Ledger.
She "It is rank injustice to snj
that a woman is inferior to a man in
reasoning powers." He "Why?" Sh
"Because." Detroit Tribune.
In the gloaming, O my darling.
As the deep'ning shades advance,
I will meet you ; tie the dog np
60 he cannot gnaw my pants.
Kansas City Journal.
In Lapland the stylo in feminine at
(ire has not changed in 1000 years
What a delightful place that must b
for married men ! Hartford Journal
He had an iron will, they Slid,
That never could be trusted.
But, like all Iron, since he wed
His will seems to have rusted.
Indianapolis Journal.
"I hear you are going to be mar
ried?" "That is news to me." "Some
one surely told me yon were engaged."
"That's different "Pittsburg Chroni
cle. "I insist upon your leaving the
house," she said angrily. "Certaliv
ly," he replied blandly; "I have ni
intention of taking it with mo." Fred
Press. u
Tommy "Paw, what makes the
stars so bright?" Mr. Figg "Oh,
these astronomers are scouring the
heavens all the time." Indianapolis
"Mary had a little lamb,"
They sarnf- The youth dented.
She hadphe said, "a salad
And a dozen oysters, fried.
Detroit Tribune.
"They say he simply electrified his
hearers at the debate the other night."
"Why shouldn't he? He took the
negative and was very positive."
Buffalo Courier.
If revolutions never end in South
America it should be remembered they
come round regularly, and that things
that are round naturally have no end.
Philadelphia Times.
"Yon say that my work is easy com
pared with yours," said the hand-organ
man to his monkey attachment,
"bur I tell you it is an everlasting
grind." Boohester Democrat.
Police Sergeant "What have yon
run this man in for? Did yon find
anything crooked about him ?" Of
ficer McGobb "I did sor; It was a
corkscrew." Indianapolis Journal.
A conscienceless murderer has do
frauded the legal profession by com
mitting suicide. He has lost the
chance of an appeal after conviction,
and they have lost their fees. Hallo,
He knelt at her feet In silence,
But no tender speech did he study
She looked fair and sweet,
But it wasn't a treat
To put on her overshoes muddy.
Chicago Inter-Oueav.
"How long," says a contemporary,
"can one live without air?" It de
pends on the air. Most people could
live a long time without some of the
airs which have been popular the past
twelve months." Buffalo Quips.
Gertie Gnshier "I don't see how
you can bring yourself to marry him.
His small statue makes him absolutely
insignificant." Sarah Shrewdly
"Yes; bnt there is nothing of that
sort the matter with-his income."
Buffalo News. -
Intended as a Compliment Mist
Elderly (ooquettishly) "The material
is very good, bat the colors are too
gay for a person of my age." Well
meaning Clerk "Oh, I'm sure you
are not half as old as you look."
Ttytas Sittings.
In Japan it is considered undignified
to ride a horse faster than a walk.
battle debris in a well.
tons of attuket Balls and Other alalcrlal
. round In Tennessee.
W. A. Woolson has just returned
iom a business trip to Cumberland
Sap and Middlesborough, says the
Chattanooga Times, and while there
took pains to look up the truth of the
report that a well had been recently
discovered which was filled up by the
rmy during the war with several cases
jf guns and a number of barrel of
whisky, all in good condition, -and that
shrewd saloon-keeper had reaped
juite a harvest by having this same
thirty-year-old whisky on tap and sell
jig it rapidly at 50 cents a drink; The
iuth of the matter is that the well
was discovered, but no whisky or case
it arms in good condition, but it was a
remarkable discovery just the same.
Through the courtesy of a gentleman
who cleaned out the well Mr. Woolson
was shown the whole matter just as it
was. The well was located at the
leadquarters of Gen. George W. Mor
an of the Federal army, and is about
jightfeet across and forty-two feet
leep, and was filled np by that Gener
ic's order npon his hasty evacuation of
ixe gap, which was immediately occu
lted by the "Johnnies."
The well contained about four and ;
alf tons of musket balls of the old
Belgian or Harper's Ferry type; many
f them were the round ball with three
juckshot. Also a number of eight and
line-inch shells, with a few other
dnds; grape and canister were also
found, besides a quantity of other
things, such as damaged gun barrels,
jayonets, camp kettles, tripod3, stew
sans, one anvil, full size; wagon
wheels, some pieces of steam engine,
ieveral picks, shovels, mattocks, j arts
f tents, army shoes and an endless
juantity of other articles, such as boys
lsed about camp after they had got
jvell fixed and settled. A felt hat was
;aken out with the letter C of the com
pany still intact; also several hundred
nusket wrenches in good condition.
The paper had rotted off the cartridges,
which left ihe powder to mix with the
nud, making it a black mass some
Jaing like a plum. A little back from
leadquarters was the hurrying ground,
"rom which the bodies were afterward
emoved to the National Cemetery at
Knoxville. At This place was a flat
imestone with the following inscrip
tion: "In memory of Hardin H. Mc
Sullum, Company H, Forty-ninth Indi
ina. Died of wound Aug. 26, '62."
And at headquarters a board about a
foot wide was found with this inscrip
.ion: "T. F. Williams, Company A,
185 O. V. I." Tho most remarkable
jart of this was the fact that after thir
ty years beneath the surface wood,
eather, and cloth came out in a very
rood state of preservation.
Measuring the Power of Light.
The metiio 1 of measuring the can-ilo
power of light is simply to move an
object along a graded scale, away from
the lights until it ceases to a shadow
a mark on the scale at this point indi
cating the candle power ot the flame.
It is apparent that the shadows thrown
are to a great extent dependent on tha
intensity of the light. Thus water
gas, which gives a moro intense light
to a given area than coal gas, oasts
a strong shadow in the measuring ma
chine, but when put to practical use
it dooa not illuminate a room so well,
not having so great diffusive power as
a ooal gas light of the same measured
candle power. An analogous case is
that of the Bixteea candle power in
candescent light. It is very intense,
but does not illuminate a room so well
as a gaslight of equal canJJe power.
Vew York Telegram.
A Battle For Blood
Is what Hood s Snrapnr 11a vigorously fights
and it is always Tirtirius in expelling all the
foul taints and giving the vital fluid the quality
and quantity of perfect health.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 2.V.
An English officer ha discovered
that the descendants of the pure-bred
Arab horse bear hs a mark what is de
scribed as a dark blue tinge of the
Swallow It.
That is the best way to tnkf a Rtpan Tshnle.
best because the mut p!" imitiI. For all liver aud
giotiinch disorder Kiiit :s hilmlcs are the most
elTective remedy, in fact, the standard.
A fe w years ago a pair of wild ducks
were placed in a pond of a park in
Berlin, Germany. The flock now
numbers more than seventy birds.
We think Piso's Cure for fon-nmption is the
only medicine for Coughs Jennie I'inckahu,
Springfield, Ills., Oct. 1, 1S1M.
A max Is all the better for fying
to la guoJ, uo Hi-iiUr vuat the mo
tive may be.
A Texas clergyman about to bo ap
pointed chaplain of the penitentiary
preached a farewell sermon to his con
gregation that had treated him rather
badly. Ho selected the following text :
"I go -io prepare a place for you, so
that where I am ye may be also."
Texas SiftiriKS.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tha
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to lis presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, t'e refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and feven
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drag
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accost anr substitute if onered.
i."ki4HC aii nst fill 1
Best Conch Syrup. Taste Good. Use I
in nma. 001a ny aroaswa
smi sanus set mwimEs on mBr-
Is like a Good Temper, It Sheds a Brightness
Faper-maiing ranks Sftli among ous
The Roman supper was in three
courses soups, meats and fruits.
The King of Siam wears a goldei
hat which weighs twenty-seven pounds.
The use of cotton cloth was brought
to Europe by the Saracens, A. D. 800.
A one-armed resident of Youcalla,
Oregon, built, during the past month,
a house twenty-four feet square with
out assistance.
The State of Massachusetts Rt ono
time previous to the Revolution
claimed the Pacilio Ocean as its West
irn boundary.
Tho relative ratios of tho smaller
letters in orilinary printing is; Z, 1 ;
t j. 1, x, 3 ; b, v, 7 ; g, p, w, y, 10 ; c,
:, u, m, 12; d, 1, " h, r, 30; a, i, n.
o, s, 40 ; t, 4; ; e, CO total, 532.
In Heligoland Sabbath begins at 6
m. on Saturday, when the church
ell is tolled, and ends on Sunday at
the same hour. Formerly no vessel
lould leave port between those hours.
Vinegar will not split rocks, so Han
nibal could not thus have made his
way through tha Alps. Xor will it
ussolve pearls, so that the story of
Cleopatra drinking pearls melted ir
vinegar must have been a fiction. -
W. Thornrts, of Richmond, Ta.,
waved his arm to his wife out of the
open window of a moving railroad car
one day recently and had it badly
roken. It was liard to account lor
tho accident, but his arm is supposec"
to have struck the mail-bag catcher.
The discovery of the process of tint
ing white paper was the result of sheer
carelessness. Ihe wile ol an .nglisn
paper-maker named East accidentally
lronped the "blue bag into a vat oi
pulp, where it lay long enough to giva
ihe entire mass a bluisu tint ueioresuf
could recover it
The ibis, the sacred bird of Egypt,
is occasionally met with in the South,
mrticularly in llorid. In -t. Augus
tine and other coast towns the birds
are frequently seen perched on the
ridge of the roof of house or stable.
They are easily tamed, and seem lone
of human company.
The age of tho lat s dragon tree of
Orotava was variously estimated at
from C000 to 10,000 years. On the
lowest estimate it surpassed not only
Domesday oaks and Soma cypresses,
but the Hedsor yew, with its 3200
TAarn. and Alnhonsa Tvarr's baobabs of
. 1 1 1
Senegal. Xiauour gives me ages, as
ascertained by De Candolie, of the cy
press as 350 years, the oak 1500, tho
yew 2820 aud the baobab as probably
'he same as the yew.
In the Dome ot St. Paul's Cathedral.
There is only one St. Paul's, and
upon the summit of its dome there is
but one ball. At long intervals a Lon
doner, and more frequently a tourist,
climbs to this ball and sticks his head
and shoulders inside. Having done
this and looked npon the heart of the
world from the stone gallery and the
golden gallery, and npon the congre
gation from the whispering gallery, he
returns to earth and tells his friends
and acquaintances of his feat, and ad
vises them to follow his example. The
number of persons who make this pil-1
: oVnf tnrtv -nor dT
To reach the ball it is necessary to
climb 640 steps of many varieties. The
proportions of the gilded globe are in
perfect keeping with its surroundings.
It has a diameter of six feet, and twelve
persons can stand within its walls. It
weighs 5600 pounds. The gilded cross
that towers above it is fifteen feet in
height. From this ball nearly all Lon
don is seen on a clear day. Why there
are so many kinds of steps in the cathe
dral no one pretends to explain. In
the opinion of those who have counted
them, to climb these steps is equal to
oovering twenty miles on an ordinary
road. It is universally considered,
however, that the return journey is
equal to a Russian bath. The first
steps are of wood. These are succeeded
by steps of stone, and these in turn by
iron ones. Then there are ladders,
some with a gentle slant, while others
stand so straight that to those who
climb they appear to lean backward.
The first ladder stands on the crown of
second dome, where an officer gives
necessary directions to such men as
want to see the ball, for few try to go
above the crown of the dome, being
content to rest there and watch some
exceptionally active sightseer do the
est Chicago Herald.
Hasloass Is Dtutnasa.
A good story Is told of a millionaire
who was caught on a surface car
without change in his pocket, says
the New York Tribune. He went to
the conductor quietly and explained
his situation, and ended by saying:
"If you're a smoker, perhaps you will
not object to pay my fare and take its
value in this way." Here he drew
from bis cigar case a line after-dinner
Perfecto and offered it to the con
ductor. "AH right," said the latter:
"but biz 13 biz.' The fare is 5 cents,
and you'll have to give me two of
them." The passenger laughingly
complied, as be thought tle humor of
the affair, Intentional ornot, deserved
recognition. ' I
PAIN 6flN BRING .....
U Vitr, ACHES lo Everythir,
60Smsoh St.
7f LA DELPHI A , fA.
The comparative value of these two cards
Is known to most person?.
They illustrate that greater quantity Is
Not alwaya ciost ta be desired.
These car-Tj erprcas the heueflcfal quar.
ity of
Ripans Tahules
As compared with any previously known
Rlpana Tabules : Price, 50 cents a boa,
Of druggists, or by mail.
RiMNS CHEMICAL CO.. 1 0 Sprues St., N.T.
W. L. Douglas
?43-r- Fi::eCau&Kanga!W
1502 ? I 79
Over On Million People wear tha
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal custom shoes In style and fit.
Th-lr wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
Tha nrlcea are uniform,. stamped on sola.
From Si to $3 saved over other makes
II your "r caanot supply jwihb wu.
Raphael, Angelo, KnU-ni, Taut
Th LINEN E" are the Best and Most EconoTn
ral Collars and Caffs worn: they are made of fin
cloth, both sides finished alile. and bein reversi
bit, one collar is equal to two of any other kind.
The v Tit icelt, tccar teell ani n(fc wit. A box ot
Ten Collars or Fivo Pairs ol CuC for Tweuty-Fiw
A Sanirto Collar and Ta!rof Cnffsby mall for fib
Cent. Kame style and size. Addre&a
T7 Franklin 8t.. New York. 17 Kilby 8t.t Boston.
has been need by Millions of Mothers;
fur their children while Trething for over
Fifty Year. It sonthea the child, softens fhe
g'ims, allays all pain, cures wind colic, aud
is tae Dest remeay xur aiarrwa.
Twenty.uo Celts a BotlV
- Xl mwaa r aftMklKr Avw
Wanted A (rents for Pnfcty CMorlw
Kettles. The trest arth-le in the mar
ket for ajrentato make money selling.
One agent reports 3 sold the Mint da.;
another 36 In two duys; another lu
ten days. Hend 3c. stamp for circular.
J. H. CAY A CO.. Cincinnati, Ohij.
Mention tbts paper.
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lat Principal Examiner U . 8. Pension Bureau.
3xrslnlaat war, Xialudicatiiitf claim, attyslace.
Will ST LETTEH of valuf
n nuL I . Bellt KllKK to renders of tliti
paper. Charles A. UalUwln tt Co., 40 Wall
Street, New York.
PU1LA..PA. Kutllnocf: DOofruit. o. dt:' Irm baifflfN.
Has justly acquired the reputation of being
The Salvator for ,
An Incomparable Aliment for the
Growth and Protectioh of INFANTS am?
A superior nutritive in continued Fevers,
And a reliable remedial agent
In all gastric and enteric diseases ;
often in instances of consultation over
patients whose digestive organs were re
duced to such a low and sensitive condition
that the IMPERIAL GRANUA1 as
the only nourishment the stomach
would tolerate when LIFE seemed
depending on its retention ;
And as a FOOD it would be difficult to
- conceive ot arij-thing more palatable.
Sold by DRUOOIsf S. Shlrpine Dep..!,
mH t