& REPUBLICAN MIFFLCTTOWN: WEWflSDAT. JiH- BO, 189S. TERMS. c3tteriBfc, fl.W Mr aaaaa If tB artraino: $2.00 If lot mM in advance. Trtsaient aaerttaanta tnaertea at 60 casta par tttenvfer sack Insertion. fmalent buaiaoae motion la loeal ooU ah 10 seats Mr !! for each insertion. vtlactoiu wHI be made to taoee deeMng to atUertla by the raw, half or qaarter year. SHORT L0CJ1LS. Winter Clothing at cost. Hollobaugh & Son. Mi-a Harriet Jackman is in Pitts burg viaiting relatives. lis Annie Dimm of Centre iaris tiDH '.be Miige Diebl. lira. J. R. Henderson is visiting a schc-ol friend in PhilucL-'pkia. diaries Allison ot Pittsburg is vis K.njLis parents in this place. The Harrisburg Telegram was old by the Sbnriff last Friday. Mies Maude Irwin is visiting Mrs. E S. Parker in Washington, D. a Tho t-now oi Shade mountain north of town is said to be three feet deep P.i?. August ui Fasiclc of Harris burp is visiting bis parents in this place- J. M. .Vc Donald baa invented a Ved spring that beat ail former bed spv'ngs. Ji-nes ilcCauley will supply you with fruit trees and grape Tines of nl' ifinda. Brooklyn peoplo wrestled last Trt-ek with the grip and the trolly car men strike. Harry Slirom of Newport and Mr. Frank of Pittsburg spent Saturday evening in town. Ei Qj.-ernor Pattison. has accept ed the democratic nomiaation for .Varor of Poiladelphia. Edgar .Vusser harirg reooTer ed frojn his illnessreturned to Wash icg'on on the 27th inst Tlir Central Pennsylvania Episco pal Conference will meet in Tyrone cn the 13th of next March. Ttiiad in another column the ac count of a figct between preachers w'v-s in church in Oklahoma. Thui far the spoil of war that Japan Las fathered from China ami.inU to 40 million dollars. P- role in want of a servant for household work may do well to ad dross Rath Bunce, Mifflintown, Pa. Miss Lizzie Miiliken of'Lndis tarpr an.l Kile BaUy of Mifflin Co., are visiting -Miss Emma Robison Miss Grace Clair and brother Frank of Baltimore, M. D , spent list wek visiting friends in and ab-ui town. The Cleveland Bay Stallion that c-t $2,800 about two rears ago was fd in ttf- Court House on Satur Vy f-r $335. T Lucinn Banks and niece Miss Jen:o Banks, attended the funeral cf f'ranci? .Varicn Banks, Esq., at Readme", last week. "The Nebraska Legislature will in . titrate the lynching of Barrett S. 'r, the defaulting county treasu rer" 1 daacicg party at Locke's Mills, MirSIi county, danced one whole rJerit last week, and paid their fid-d-er fifty-i-ight cents. he Philadelphia Record saya: vf-veen telephones and electric 1 . there seems to be a shocking state c f ftff ::rs in Councils. Governor Hastings hs appointed Co. -.71 el J. K Kobison of this town, a deputy facto-y inspector for the central 1 -'strict of Pennsylvania. Sheriff Calhoun's experience with f wo tramps whom he sheltered one night 'asi wenk, has not softened his hear! toward the, turnpike sailors. M"." Emma Johnson of Philarfal ph:a, who has twen visitinar in Hunt ingdon li;e past week, is now visit in,' her sister Mrs. Isenberg in Pat terson. A. W. Hooley ef Mifflin county, bourht, what used to be known ss he Tfarefoo farm in Faytte town- hi from the Loan Association for :-" C0. The following letters remained nn ralled for in the M-fflintown Post Of fice lat Saturday evenincr: Miss An na M Showers, Orant Stuart, Mrs. Daniel Miller A wari. ftiend of Conrnessman Jtfahon "av; Hon. T. M. Mahon's brilliant achievements in Congress pais rfore the proud honor won lant week in becoming tl a . father of a bouncing boy. The newest reported wrinkle in aariti'Try is ine implanting of new artificial teeth in holes drilled in the j2w hone. An application of cocaine to the gum and jaws makea the drilling of teeth holes tolerable. In accordance with the joint reso lution unanimously passed by both branch n of the Legislature, A. K McClutc will deliver aa address be fore tlmt liody on the life, character anri public services of the late Gov Curtin, on this Wednesday evening, January 30. Last Friday evening a party of young people sleighed out to Mrs. Catherine McMeen's home near Mo- Aiistersville- When it was time to tan nome tney found they were toi rr staid, and had to remain . till thr Ktorm passed away. They spent th ninrht dancing aid playing games, and did not start home till the morn i-g. "While coasting on Sunday, Ed wari Piutto of French descent, aged 22 years, whe lived near Cumberland miue on the Sandv run branch of the Broad Top railroad wag killed. His sled struck a stone pile, throw mfir him with great force against a fracturing his skull and cans-ir0- slmost insUnt death. He was unmarried and resided with bis pa. rents." The acoustio properties' of the re modled chamber of the State Legis lature is poor. Aristotype Cabinet Photographs; Something new and beautiful, all for fl.50 per dosen at Hess' Gallery. There is a bill before the Legisla tare that makes the standard weight of a bushel of onions 50 pounds. John Stoner a life long citizen of Slim Valley, Fermanagh township, died on the 25th, aged 85 years. Judge Geo. Blattenberger of Per ry county, fell on the ice on the 8th of January from the affects of whieh he never recovered. He died on the 20th. It is a horrible thing to relate that in Allegheny connty there were 22 murders in 1894, and only two exe cutions, anu tney were brought over irom ine year lava. Men's, Bojb' and Children's Overcoats at coat. Hollobaugh & Son. "Physicians are puzzled over the case of Anna Grafton, at Orabtree, near Greensburg, whose eyesight suddenly left her when she struck a match to light a lamp." After the 1st of February, visitors to the Huntingdon Reformatory will be charged 15 cents admission fee, whicu sum will be devoted to keep ing up the prisoners' libiary. Do you have headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth er symptoms of biliousnesaf Hood's Saraaparilla will cure you. Jtfiss Mary Ann Smith of McCoys ville, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Margaret Given on the night of the 25th. She was born at Belfast, Ireland on the 3rd day of April, 1815 There is a bill before the Legisla ture to abolish Jury Commissioners. and directing the County Commision- ers to discbarge the duties nnw in cumbent upon the Jury Commis sioners. ' Petitions to the Legislature have been circulated in the Juniata Yal ley the past week, asking for the passage of a law requiring the plac ing of fish sluices in the Millerstown and Le wistown dams. Grocerymen in York, Pa., cut the price of retail molassus last week, Down, down went the price under the fierce excitement of competition un oaturday tne price bad been re duced to One cent a quart. Men's, Boys and Overcoats at cost. Children's "During the past year the connty of .ferry, paid for toe support of in mates of the Eastern Penitentiary Philadelphia, and Asylum, Harris burtr, $2236.78;!soldier's burial. $502 00; foxes and minks killed, $301.50. What do you take medicine for Because you are sifk and want to get well of course. Then remember Flood's Saraaparilla Cures. Charles Adams, Ed. Derr, Miss Jennie Berry, Miss Louie McClellan met with an upset at the intersection of Main and Bridge streets last Thursday evening while coasting down Bridge street. All escaped injury. The Board of Trade is in commun ication with a manufacturer of shoes who has in contemplation the locat ing of a shoe manafactory in this place. It is an enterprise that every one in this community would like to see put in operation. On Monday evening the Republi cans nominated the following ticket for the borough of Mifflintown. Judge of E'ection, J. Wallis Fasick; Inspector, Reuben L. Auker; Justice of the Peace, W. H. Rodger; Audi tor, T. V. Irwin; School Directors, Joseph Rothrock, John Bergy, James Robison; Town Council, Jame Mc- Cauley, Frederick Espenschade; Ov erseer of Poor, Daniel Pannebaker. Men's, Boys and Children's Overcoats at cost. Hollobaugh & Son. During the hot weather impurities in tne blood may seriously annoy you. JKxpel them by taking Hood a Sarsa parilla, the great blood purifier. martin lecnard aged t i years' died at Uamsburg last Friday. He had been a railroader more than 30 Tars. He was a member of Post 116 G. A. R, Harrisbnrg, and a mem ber of a secret societie. A wife and several children survive him. His remains were brought to this place lor interment in Union cemetery. The funeral took place from the heme of Mr. J. 11. JH. lodd on -Monday at 1 P. M. Jlfrs. Todd is a sister of the deceased. Rev. L. L. Sieber who is conduct ing religious meetings after the man ner ot Mr Moody, is meeting with success. His efforts in this county at Thompsontown, resulted in about 50 people joining the church. He ia now at Steelton, Dauphin countv. - i , . . ine ainorem enurcaes mere are united under his leadership, and one thousand to twelve hundred people are present at tne evening meetings, Between nve ana six nnnared men were in attendance at the . Men's .Meeting, Sabbath morning. The en tire town is awakened and hundreds are enquiring the way of Salvation. Some days ago after a fall of new snow.Jamea Horsing of this town went to Shade mountain. By and by he came upon a rabbit track and two weasel tracks following the rabbit track. He took the trail np the mountain to a hollow log into which the three tracks disappeared. The log was old and not strong and he soon had it pryed apart. In its cav itv he found the rabbit dead. The blood had all been sucked from its body by the weasels. He looked for the little animals that had feasted on the blood of the cony but tney were not seen. Hastening to the far end of the log, he found the hole thiough hich they had escaped, and by their tracks he saw that they had made a circuit and gone down the mountain in the direction from which they came. Scrofula, humorg and all diseases caused or promoted by impure blood or low state of the system, are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. ! Men's, Boy's and Children's Overcoats at cost. Hollobaugh & Son. A man was arrested in Chambers. burg one day last week, charged with profanity on the street- He was committed to jail for twenty-five days in default of paying his fine. "E. M. Johnson, a Kentnekv M Acr- istrate, does'nt fool away any time ia marrying couples that come be fore him. Here in hi fnmnii,. Wye met here to perform the sacred rites of mat'mony, Join hands. De you take man your lawful husband? Take woman be wife? Dismissed.'' rm "ii i .. xnere wiii oe an elocutionary en tertainment by Miss E Myrtle Drum at the Piesbvterian Church. Aea- deniia, Friday, February 8tb at 8 P. M. Admission, adults 15 cents: chil drenlO cents. i:f.c-dhments after entertainment, extra. Proceeds for use of Trustees of Tuscarora Acad emy. Fermanagh Township Republican Ticket: Judge of Election, W. A. Stouffer; Inspector, Huffman Bea shore; Supervisors, H. C. Penny, J. P- Smith; Overseer, Evan Davis; School Directors, David S. -Vumah, Solo mon Beashor; Assessor, O. C. Dif- fenderfer; Auditor, D.Irwin Beashor; Auditor s Clerk, A. J. Wileman; Jus tice of the Peace, Wm. Singer. Fermanagh Township Democratic Ticket: Judge of Election, Jacob B. Stoner; Inspector, Clayton K. Michael; School Directors, T. B. Su- louff, Wm. Puffenberger; Oreraeer of Poor, Evan Davis; Auditor, Jesse Elder; Supervisofs Lantz C.Shievely, David Hackenberger; Clerk, Wm. B. Dunn; Assessor, Wm. B. Horning; Justice of the Peace, E. E. Berry. The torture of dyspepsia and sick headache, the agonieiog itching and pain of salt rbem, are removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The coasting on Bridge street from the Lutheran parsonage to the river was fine last Thursday evening, aud many boys and girls enjoyed the si iding. The sled sped over the icy street at tbe rate of an Express train. A short time after nightfall a sled on which were seated a number of young people ran into a horse and sleigh that Samuel Cunningham of Milford township was driving. Tbe collision took place between the two banks on bridge street. Horse, sleighers, coasters for n moment were ming ed in almost inextractible con fusion, but to the surprise of every one, who witnessed the run-in, the the only injury done was tho break ing of a finger for Banks Hawk, and a horse kick on his head, and a horse kick bruise on shin of Harry Ellis and a threat from Murry that the coasters will have to pay for tho re pairs of his sleigh. From tho Bloomfiell Times: A good act has baen doue by the man agers of the Perry County Agricul tural Society in excluding all gamb ling devices from their grounds. Not less than a thousand dollars, dur ing each fair week has been carried away as spoils by these fakers, by their trampling upon the laws of Pennsylvania, by robbing tbe un wary. Let other counties follow in our footrteps. On Sunday the 13th, the dwelling houso owned by David Hair in Carroll township, and occupied by his son, William, took fire while the family were at church and was entirely destroyed. There was some insurance on the property in Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Ct mpanv of this county. A pocket- book in the house, having in it about f ou in money and several notes was also burned. On Friday after noon. Bertha, the six year old daugh ter ef Samuel Perry, was coasting on the hill at the south-end approach to Sherman's creek bridge, when she lost control of her sled and ran un dep the guard railing on the side of the bridge, and fell twenty-five or tnirty feet, landing on tne ice cover ing the creek. She struck the ice in a sitting position, the sled under neath her The plunge through pace was a fearful one and the won der is that the little one was not ser iously hurt; outside of being some what shaken up, she was not tbe least bit injured. Oa Tuesday afternoon, the wife of Albert Fry at Alinda, went out and found her hus band sitting on a log at the saw mill, suffering great pain. He complain ed ot nis Dead, but was able to say only a few words By the help of his wife, he was got into the house and Dr. -Williken of Landisburg, was at once summoned, but bis presence was useless as wr. JTry only lived i few moments after the doctor arriv ed. He nau woricea ail day and up to a few moments of the time, he was found by his wife, Mr. Fry had appeared in his usual health. He was aged about 12 years. He leaves a wife, who was a Miss Rosi of Cen tre township, and five children. Mr. Romig was Over-seer of the Poor, for many years an offiear and leading member of the Reformed Church. He leaves a widow and an interesting family ef sons and daughters- Our community is greatly ex cited and all business ia sua ponded. Miss Annie Potter ia aerionslv "In jured. Prof. Hartman was injured in the bead. A. W. Smith & wife, Chas. P. Ulrieh, Esq., Roscoe North, Prof. R. L. Schroyer and .Miss Carrie Hen dricks escaped uninjured. C A TERT GOD BIL.1. Harrisburg, Pa., January 25. Mr. Woodringof Northampton in the house presented a bill which reads as follows: "That any person who will willful ly state or deliver or transmit by any means whatever to the manager, edi tor or reporter of any newspaper, magazine, periodical or aerial for pub lication therein any libellous state ment concerning any person or cor poration, and thereby secure the actual publication of tne same, is hereby declared guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine notexceediag $500 and undergo an imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or either at the discretion of the court." SOHOTT'S STORES. PEOPLE APPRECIATE A GOOD THING when they are "dead sure" of it. That Tired Feellac Sleigh aad Railrsiel Calam-Uj. Last Friday morning about four o'clock, a frightful accident overtook a sleigh load of Selinsgrove people while crossing the Lewistown and Selinsgrove railroad at Cramer Snyuer county, which is narrated by the Selinsgrove Tribune as follows: One of the most terrible calamities that hart ever occurred in this com munity, took place at Kreamer this county, this county at 4 o'clock. A party of people from this place who bad attended a dance at Middle burgh, on their way home the sled was inn into by a double-header freight on the S. & L. Railroad at above place by which the drivers Is aac D. ttomig and hi son Charles were killed outrigbt. A. W. Potter, Esq , had one hand out off and the other arm seriously injured. Miss Mollie Burns had a limb so terribly mangled that it was amputated. Edward Hummell had his face terribly cut; Mrs. Chas. P. Ul rieh and Miss Lottie Eby, Mrs. Pot ter were seriously injured whilst all the rest were seriously shaken np. xnn train wnicn ran into them, ap parently gave no signal or they did not see or hear it until it was upon them. Mr. Romig, when found was seat ed upon the cow-catcher, he bad not got a scratch and died apparently from heart failure, caused by fright Charles Romig was terribly mangled Both were highly respected citizens. is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especial ly liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Ssrsaparilla is the remedy for Buch a condition, and also for that weakness which prevails st the chauge of season, climate or life. Hood's PitU are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the best in gredients. 25c. Heme and Abrvad- It is the duty of everyone, whether at home or travelling for pleasure or business, to equip himself with the remedy which will keep up strength and prevent illness, and cure such ills as are liable to come upon all in every day life. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect in propor tion and appeance. 25o per box. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in the world. I can not recommend it to highly." Sold by L. Batiks & Co., Druggist, Mif flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly. -oOo- ALL OUR GOODS ARE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND SOLD FOR CASH. and you will and must have money, if you buy at Our Stores, FOR THE CASH. Ladies Coats and Children's Wraps, Shawls, Blankets' Flannels and all underwear. One-third and one-fourth off from former prices. AN APPOLOGY On last Thursday, we had to lock Our Store Doors, be tween 11 and 12 o'ciock A. M. Our Stores were so crowded that no person could get in comfortnbly and buy Goods, and to the Teopie wno were locked out, we ask for an Apology and ask them to come to Our Store, and we will make it specially interesting in tne prices of our Goods. Spring Goods is coming in now: Carpets, Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, you find at Special Prices at Our Stores. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103, 105, 107, 109 BRIDGE ST, MEYERS' ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Will Commence SAT., JANUARY 12TH. The wise merchant is ho who earries no stoek from one Season to another. We are determined to CLEAN UP, and here are prieas that will do i HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. That's tbe way we sell Clothing and tiens Famishing Goods now. Clothing for leas than the eoat of Kew Material. MEW'S OVERCOATS. Our $15 10 8 5 4 Overooata it are rsdnoed to (4 t ( tt $9 50 6 50 6 63 t 37 2 87 BOYS' OVERCOATS. Our $9 Hoys' Overcoats are rednoed g ct 6 t. it tt 5 f " t to ti $5 83 425 3 50 390 Our $15 Men's Suits are reduced to 12 " u it 8 " " " " " it 5 tt ti it t tt 4 tt a Atieod ApppeUte always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indica tion of something wrong. The uni versal testimony given by those who have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its merit iu restoring the appetite, and as a purifier of the blood, con stitutes the strongest recommenda tion that can be urged by any medicine. Hood's PitU cure all liver ills, bil iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick haadacbe. 2oc. NEW DENTAL OFFICE. Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform tbe public that he has opened a Dental Office at Oakland Mills, Pa , where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. Thurston's PILLS Are perf rt fcaltb Jvwela. d r known to dialres, bat tntat jioie to rviipTc vtnen ry tDinrrl hu failed to brink yea relitf for noatUcb, bil iousness, stomneh and livrr complaint Hr AMK YOl'K MlliiOIST for Till' KKTMN'lt 11 B, ; per Backaca. MIFFLINTOWN WAKKKTS. Jfi-rHisrows, Jan. 80. I8P6. HuttAr 20 Ear" 24 Ham, 18 Shoulder, 12 Lard......... . ............... H Sid as, .......................... MIFFUNTOWNGRAIN MAI KIT i urdi . ..... .... Corn in ear Oat, Rye Cloverse wl ......... Timothy seed Flax seed.... .... .. Bran. ............ ., Cliop. .. . ...... Middlings Ground Alum Salt.. 1c eri'an Salt...... 60 60 82 60 2.00 60 90 .$1.20 a hundred .. .. 1.10 1.00 75c to 80 Philadelphia Jvabkkts. Jsnuarv zotn, loao. nneat 57 to 5Wc: Oat 34 to 37c; butter 10 to 28c a lb; eggs, fall packed, 18c; fresh eggs 23 to 24c; live hens 8 to 9c; roosters 6 to 7c a lb; turkeys 7 to 8c; ducks 10 to 12c; tallow in cakes 4c a lb; Tobacco, Pennsylvania filler, 5 to 7c. 11 to 14 cents; best 15 to 20 cents; Sumatra with duty paid $2 50 to 4 75; Wool, Pennsylvania. 16 to 22c. washed: wheat straw and oats straw J7 to 7.- 50; straight rye straw, $11.00; prairie nay o; ciover nay to $11; timo. thy $11 to $13. East Libkrtt. Jan. 24. Cattle $510S30; good at $4.604 80; bulls, stags and cows at $2.003 10. Hogs at $4 354.40; common to fair at $4.10420; roughsat$3 004.00. Sheep were firm; extra at $3.553. 75; good at $3.00(93 40; common to jair Lambs at $2.504.00. MARRIED: Watters MoClure. On the 16th inst., by Rev. J. K. Lloyd, Jesse M. Watters and Ella L. McClure, both of Juniata county. Thkcsb Allison. On the 17th inst, in Camden, by Rev. W. H. Burrell, John H. Thrush of Lewis town, Pa., and Irene E. Allison of of this place. Men's suits. $3 50 5 60 3 6T 2 87 BOYS' SUITS- i CHILDREN'S 9 CIT- OurSlO Bay's snits are reduced to $7.26!Onr $5 Children' suits are reduced to ft 7 g h . 25 " 3 " " " ? C g m 8 76 " 4 " " ( " 3 ' . s c . . i 75) Hosiery, Suspenders, Neckwear, Handkerchief, Overthirts, Oar Ce Jackets, Gloves, and all tbote hnes have been reduced 50 per eent. 25 dozen Men's Natural Wool Uadershirts only, made with pet-1 batto:, silk cat-stitched neck and ribbed tail: regular price 75 oentt, clearance ,t' 37. 25 dozen Men's Camel's Hair or Natural Wool Underwear; good tst sold at $1.25 and were worth it. elearanee price SOo- 32 dozen Men's Natural or Paoey Colored Underwear; cheap at 50 ocrt; elearanee price 34rC 18 dozn Men's Pure Wool Derby Ribbed Underwear; regular price l 25; Clearance PrlCe ;;:..;:..::.;...;;;;.;:.;;;.:;;;; T'Ow GLOVES.- 35 dozen Men's fleece lined, imported Jeney Ulovea, come ia blaokorfaney mixtures; regular price 50 eents; clearance price 33o Now is your TIME to save DOLLARS at MEYERS' WHOLESALE & RETAIL CLOTHING HOUSE, NO-115 BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLENTOWJN. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, THE CLOTHIERS of the Juniata Valley. a nil 11 j,k OUTFIT FOR $1 5; a still better for t'2( o; n 4n j Jrc!7 TdTSuit ,4te8 cn, - X iff Wvercoat, latest style; Latest Blaek Derby Hat; . p, of Doul fine.7K garoo Shoes; pair of extra fine suapender.f our ncltto mSKRmri eu fit for the money anywhere else we will present you with ours for nothin All our stock is new, and tbe prices are ss low as the lowest. Boys' P ants from 20 cents to $3 75. .Ven's pants from 50o to 5 00. Boys Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. Men'- Suits from $2.50 to $18 00 Bojs Overcoats from $1.50 fo$7.C0. Men's Overcoats from $3. to $18 Hats from 25 cents to $2.75. Caps from 15 cents to $1 50. " Neokties 5 cents to 50 eents. We carry a fine line of Gents Underwear, Gloves, Suspender, Cuffc, Col fiV.':. va ",?0,,Y .0d ,uff Buttons' CUiD8' ratoh Rin. Neckwear and tbe finest lide of Irnnka in the connty. We also csrriy a full line of men's booU and aboes, particularly the Douglas Shoe. MEN'S GUM BOOTS, LIGHT," HEAVY, AND HIP Men's Gum Overshoes. Alnekin and Artie, &c. Extra Sizes in PantalooE. Suite and Overalls and Overcoats. If V0U want a spit Tailrr Mad nn .K. (can Perfect Fit ' J w 9 "na ,UM of It coats nothing to examine Oar Stock. 1865, ESTABLISHED, 1889. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on dtvilj from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods tr MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFU1 STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prion. Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, i-m't i' to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN PA. S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmcr and Funer al Director. I shall from now on use the IW DESTRUCTIBLE BOUGH BOX or outside box to last and be in good condition for agtF, it hich will certainly be A GRAND THING for people to ute to prercive the remains of their friends. It alto is an exterminator of all vermin. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION Gl ABAKTEED IN ALL CASES. Bridge St, Mifflintown, Pa. HAVE YOU MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER ? -CALL. AT- THfi FIRST MIFFUN10WN, PA. FOUE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. FRAZERqkise BEST IX THE WORLD. Urn i taring iaaHUcarTiaiirriaiia'. aotnaTVy WOH am BTDCAXKB8 QEWEBATAT. twf SALESMEN W A NTED.ll LOCAL OR TRAVELLING, to rU our Nuner Stock. Salary, Expense! and Steady Employment guaranteed. vtlAoli ISiiOTHEBo COMPAJTl, Dec. 8, '31. Kocheater, N. T. Tbe Sntftnel nd StptHtnm office ia tbe place to get job work dome. Try It- It wCl pay yon if yoa need anything in that line. JUNIATA VALLEY BaM, OF MIFFt-IWTOV (V, PA. StooHeldera Individnally Liable JOSEPH BOTHROCK. PmUtml. T. VAN IRW1K, rAM tIICT0a. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rolhrork, John Hertaler, Joaiah I. Barton, Robert K. Parker, Louis B. Atkinson T. V. Irwin. STOCKBOLMKa : George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Macbock, L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin- Mary Kartx, Jerome, K. Thompson, Jr, John Hertzler, Charlotte Snyder, John M. Blair, F. M. M. Ponnell, Sarunnl 8. Rothrock, M. N. Sterrett, T. V. Irwin. Joftlao L Barton, Robert H. Patterson, Levi Lipl.t, Wm. fwarta. B. J. Sballcnberger. Three and Four per cent, interest w!l r. paid on certificates of d .pos't. rjan 24, 1894 ti TO 17EAEI mi from saa aaTnaia pf yugtMal ancra, aartr atjnawaaVnn avtniaob'o.l. tn 1 a aaOaaba Initial (aaaWu) ooaiai'ucaj St4 ntwraannt as etDcal work : aUm) who la senw and v. c pvwun. Hooa. cn aalvui ooiaf'U&f nt dabtlltataX ASdasaa, Consumption Surwiy Cured. To THB gut.vm: Kasas Inform your raadan fiiat I bar a porrtrlT reaudy mr the abore-naTr-, fisaaae. By Us timely nas tLsoaands of hxf-l s cases feaTabaanpetmaaantlyeaMd. I "baU be slad to send two ktclaa of mj ramady FI&P j any ut roar issilirs who Lava consumption it they trill asod ma thanr Express and P. O. ai'ilnwa Bus il folly. X. A. 8LOCUH. at. C. Ut Psar! St.. X. I.