SENTINEL k REPUBLICAN mjFLlNTOWN. tVEUXtSDAT. JAM. SO. IMS. R. f. SCHWEIER s Bouok abb- raoraiioa. Prkszdkrt Clevelakii issued a mea tatro to Ciin press on Monday on tbe nofcje t of tbe issning of more bonds. I Here aoetns to be turee points in the President's meesai's: First need of t;old; Second, no reuiooitization of auvar; Third, call in the five hundred million greenbacks and treasury non- ir.terest bearing noU-s ud in their steal iriaue interest bearing cold thttt can be used as a basis for National Banks to work on. Tarr man who attempts by violence to keep another man from honest work is an outlaw. ArrAtns between Mexico and Qua tenia's have a warlike appearance over a piece of disputed territory. The country has not yet recovered from ti e Cleveland tariff reform pan ic. That panic created a doubt in the miotic of Europeans who hold -American gold bonds, and that donbt c vises t aem to send their bonds here for ptyment, and being paid in gold, drains the gold from the Treos- nry faster than the yellow coin ac cumulate, and tha it reason for cverorneot bavin? to sull bonds. That is simply borrowing from Peter to par I ajl. Another reason tnat the government issues more bonds, is to get money to py its daily ex penwrS since its first proposal and ef fort to change the tariff. There is a bill before the Lgisla ture to create a Secretary of Agri-coUiir..-. Farming is the greatest of a l iaJastries. Upon intelligent and igurou3 farming depends tbe State arm Ni'ion. All other industries and affair of men languish when farming -declines. But the nature of the occu pulion of the farmer has ma le him a modet, unassuming, shrinking man vrben brought in competition with the political buffer, and that is why agi icuiture is not recognized in the aliuets of State and National Ad ministrations. It is the proper thing for the Legislature of this Cjmmouwealth to establish an agri cultural State depaitment and give it a cabinet officer. Ths men who are urging the pas sago of a compulsory education law iu the Legislature are trying to win popular favor fir thtir bid by declar ing that it ib from the cls3 of peo ple thttt pay little or no hted to text 'i'.ok schooling that th- vici'-us po- lo, crioiinsla end paupers are re t r:r"'.r-.-l The statistics of jails arid pf.'Uixntiaries prove nj such Jeclura tions for the majority of the inmates of the prison houses f the country have fair education. I', is not text txiok education that mikes a man a i;-od and better There j3 , , ! l. re fraud and vicionsness among bnh-neBg the inteliectuallv traiued people of the cjunty than the people Ti i. t tire doiicieut in text boc k iearn i""g Text book leaiing is a good thirg and people should avail than st-tvss .f the opportunity, but oppor fn. :? of a'tv-ndiL-f; nhrK.Ia is ones me, and forceful at mot ia anthar. Wherever the t t" 'r ,;..' icj' ib r-m:. of tne enactment 01 a ., !- .fTu;r froi ihe control of parents and guardians, BTraij to f iye them text bo-ik eduoatior, they have lost tho tr.;e spirit cf preserving their liber r es a-.d are apairi on tue high roal to btate pKvoho- d from which tbe fstbei iled to America and estab lished the Republic, Free Schools and Free Religion. A Fiddler's Fay T'is Lewistown Gazette says !) sg appears to be the rage a: Locke's Mills this winter, being al most weekly occurrence in a family or t wo. Thursday iht of last week th ha 1 an overflow or double gear f.i :.iuee, running it in two hnuses at once. Oje fiddler who had not much over three miles to walk says be got fifty eight cents for his night work, so yot can see how a prof eg &i jii pays. Coasting Notos- At Levi;town on the 22nd while Harry Wrgner a young man aged about 19 years was coasting on Acad emy hill, he ran into a number of coasters -vho had been upset from a double r junor and being on a single sled h i wa not only turned over with conxiderab'ie violence, but be was al so run in'o by another single sled, comirg just o&hind him and the re sult v-as lint he was knocked sense less1, his tiuid) wss injured pritty bad -and he fan considerably bruised. Among tLos-i who were on the op sot docMe zanner which was run in to by V.'sgner was John Noire, who was biained in a couple of places on the oack of the head and cat on tbe right leg. but he is Unable to say just wbr-Ti or ho he was hurt in the mix. At HazMon. Pa., on the 23rd A sled containing six bovs ran into a horse and wagon at tbe foot of Ilarwood Hill to day. Thom as Evacj was kickod in the far-e by the ho; and i hlly iujnred ab- ui the head. William McMomgle's bodv 'as crushed and it is feared he has '.tiinedinternaliujurios. Aug- ust Hiratcber's arm was broken and Wi bail I crushed. The others escap t i wiih but slight braises. At Shp.mokin, Pa., en the 22rd: A Ic.rible coabtintr accident occurred .. Chestnut street by wbicb a nam Ver of school children were badly in jiii':t. Thoee hurt were Sau.ii: J oxen, scalp wound and face cut. Am JoK3, riL'ht leg broken and body bruisee. Atnik IIass, fe badly braised aad itt frich' fully sashed. c ' Gbakbee, right leg broken - t v j pldr-s and severe bodv braises. rvAsx Rhoadks, leg broken and 'If - .'ult. The young people had just left the school room to enjoy coasting; find in choj.iiciir Cbstnut street for their fun ther took the steepest and long' cut hil! in the ci-ty. They started at the 1 u-hest noint of the street and drondd with frightful rapiditr. One square from market street the coasters saw a trolley oar, bat then was no possibility of stopping th sled. - When tbe motorman noticed the sled, be could not hold back his car and applied all the power possi ble in order to get oat of tbe way. As the last track was passing the crossing the sled dashed against it, hurling the school children in every direction. Spectators picked up thi injured children and carried them to a drug store close by, where their wounds were attended to after which they were conveyed borne Grave doubts are entertained as to the recovery of Graeber and Bboidea. Two girls were knocked down by a sled load of coasters on a street of Eagton, Pa., last Thursday. Christ ian Flucher an old man was knocked down by coasters. By the fall a blood vessel was ruptered and he i died almost instantly. Russell Coune- inan. aged nine years of Altoona, died from the affects of being knock ed down by a coasting sled. . - Beys ia the Pa'plt- The Philadelphia North American of January 25, if responsible for the following lesson in moral suasion. given two boys in Lebanon county. Some time ago a boy wasacoident- rlly shot in the Bell Grove Chnrcb, near Palmyra, while a compauion was carelessly handling a revolver. The report of the pistol created great excitement, and the trustees determined to punish the young men. Some wanted the bovs arrested. while others were undecided. Finsl- ly it was agreed that the accused should attend church for three Sun days in succession, and to sit on th pulpit one on each side of the minis ter. The boys agreed to this prop osition rather than be arrested. The penalty is now being carried oat, and tbe attendance has been very large in consequence. Tuscarora Valley Railroad- Trains on tbe Tascarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8 03 a. m., and 2 r. it, arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. k. and 3.15 r. m. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 r- m., arriving at Fast Wa terford at 11.45 a. u. and 6.30 r. x. J. C. MOOBEHZAD, Superintendent. Rheumatism Cared 1st a Day; "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the syrtem is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at on re the cause, and the dis ease immediately disappears. Ti.e first dose gretly benefits, 75 cents Sold by L. Banks & Co., drnrg-t. llifii ntown. Jau. 9, Clipping Cows. I A number of dairymen in tie vi- i , 1 . t cinuy oi wxiorii are naving ineir herds clipped, the cows having been Idehoreed a few years ago. William lonarpiess a aairyman living norm oi Oxford, he had his herd of forty bead sheared. It is claimed the clip ping prevents the cows from con froin contracting mange. County Treasurer J. B. Pussey, a neighbor of Mr. Sharpless, reports that the sheared cows gave twenty more quarts of milk the morning after the clipping than previonslv. The cows prevented from suffering in cold weather by keeping them in warm stables. . The experiment ia being notud generally, aud a strict account of the milk yield is kept by tbe pro prietor of the herds so sheared. Perseaally Conducted Toars via Pennsylvania .Railraad- It is at this season of the year that peopje's thoughts turn to some meth od by which the rigors of our north ern winter climate may be escaped, and a trip to tbe '"Land of Flowers," if only for a short time, offers the easiest eolation of the question. In order to give tbe public an op portunity to visit Florida at a very reasonable cost, the Pennsylvania railroad oompany has arranged for a series of tours to Jacksonville, and the well-earned reputation (acquired by that company for the superiority of its personally-conducted tours will be maintained for this year's series Since the system of personally con-' ducted tours inaugurated by that company has been in fleet, none but words of commendation have ben received. Its uuexcelled train ser vice, experienced Tourist Agents and Cbaperons, and above all, its moder ate charges, leave nothing to be de sired. The tours to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks' stay in Florida, will leave New Y- rk and Philadelphia on Jan uary 29. February 12 and 26, and .March 12 and 26, 1895. The rate, including transportation, meals en route, and Pullman berth on special train, is $50,00 frvm New York, and t4o.UU from I'niladeipbia; propor tionate rates lrom other points. i or further information apply to ticket agents, or uddress Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York, or RKm 411, Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, to whom application for space shomd also be made. Fire in Wedding Pants- Adrain Van der Sious was consid ered tbn most eligible young man in the rural community of Wisconsin in which he lived. A fair maid at lat won him, aud the other night they were married. There was a fine wedding supper with a lovely bride's cane, covered with a thick layer of soft sugar and chocolate. The cake had been too tempting for the bride's small sister, who had taken a quarter section of it, bat, being unable to eat it, bad bidden it in a chair. That was the chair in which Adrian Van der Sious sat, and Adriau Van der Sious bad on fine lavender trousers. When he arose and led the way from the wedding feast, the guests began to iaagn. rue bride wbo was a woman of resource, harried him into another room, and with a sponge ap plied gasoline where it would do the most good, and soon Adrian was able to return to hid guests, but alas, someoiis suggested a smoke, and the uniortunate bridegroom in his con fusion struck a match on his laven aer trousers, xnere was a pan, a bhtzo and a jell of agony, and some one had to put the fire oat with the door mat Adrian's lavender trous ers are a wreoVr but worst of all, all the girls who didn't win him think it very fanny. DORKINGS. A Ixmmt LlNi Hwtom an Prafttekto Bread. The sketch printed below is copied from that excellent journal, Tbe Pool- j try Monthly. It is made from a pencil drswiuff. It does not take a very critio al eye to see in these Dorkings ideal form, massiveness and beautifully pen ciled plumage. Their deep, solid breasts short- legs, broad, bodies and compara tively small bones show bnt little waste. It is not to be wondered that Dorkings make an attractive feature in the showroom. Few breeds of fowls have stood their ground with so little change for so long a period as Dorkings, during which lime many varieties of poultry have be- COLORED DORKINGS. come greatly changed if not extinct. The greatest change has been merely in the selection of lighter colored birds of tbe simple Gray Dorkings and called Silver Grays, all other points having been left undisturbed for the last 60 years. But this does not apply to the variety called Colored Dorkings, seen in the illustration. These are bred dark er than they were years ago, making the distinction between the two varieties more defined. Of course, since poultry shows have become popular, nniformi , ty in markings, size, eta, has been : more regarded. Dorkings are becoming 1 more appreciated every year. Mure i birds are shown at onr exhibitions than iu former times. There is no doubt they I will be still more appreciated when bet 1 ter understood. They do not stand confinement like the Asiatics, bnt with a fair run and ! proper care few birds con compare with them as layers, and tbey are par excel lence for the table. Tbey are a long liv ed breed, oontiuuing their laying to au advanced age; they are also careful mothers, caring for their broods longer than most fowls. MATING LIGHT BRAHMAS. Haw to Enhance tha Intensity and Braaty of Floniag-e. The beauty of a Light Brahma is greatly enhanced by the intensity and brilliancy of the black iu tho hackles and tail. The tendency iu breeding ia ' toward a failing out of this color, the brilliant Muck becoming a dull rusty ! brown and soiuetijies disappearing al together, as has been the ca.o iu the White Brahmas. I once elected a Light Brahma cockerel for a gentleman who had experienced great tlimculty in preferring the beauty of tho hackles iu his birds. lie declared it to be impossi ble to breed good hackles iu bis climate. His birds were otherwise very handsome ones, of laige size aud fine ehape The cockerel selected for him had a good stripe iu his bnekh and a deep darkly colored niidcrfinn. I saw the pullets the next winter which had been bred from this male, and they had very handsome ha-'kles, the stripe net only U:un oi good i'-ugth, bnt of a very brilliant black. But thf:SO dark luidcrfluffcd bird may breed some pull nt a with too much black iu tho hack. Such pullet eft mi mako fine hens, for ngo tends to a loss of color. To sum up, for male secure a cnofc with dark nnderflnlT; for females, ono with light underflnff, mid iu both cases luato to exhibition females. When tbe females are deficient in black, use a male, even for pullet breeding, with a dark nnderfluff. B. Cook iu American Agriculturist. Early Broiler. Iu raising broilers for market it i an item to have, them ready early and to have them weigh about two ponnds-each. Both these points are necessary to the highest price, and as the cost is the same whether thuy nre ready in good season or two or three weeks lato the differ ence iu price is all profit. Au iuenbator is necessary, because tho hens cannot be depended upon to sit during the caily part of the winter, and-at this soasou it is less troublo to manage a good incu bator that can be depended upon to hatch a good percent of 200 or SOOeggs at one time than to look after a doxen sitting hens. Then, when tho chickens are hatched, tbey can be looked after with much less troublo and with less risk of losiin a brooder than with ten or a dozen hens. Slsa of Flecks aad On general principles the smaller the flock the greater the per cent of eggs, but of course there is a limit. Very much depends ou the care given and the amount of work required of the hens. A pen 13 by 13 should be ample for 0U bens if kept clean aud the supply of dry earth or chaff or chopped straw ample to bury completely ail food and keep the hens scratching. Some of our most successful ponltrymen allow a building 13 by 20 to every 50 hens, and reap a rich harvest, bnt very much de pends upon the man. The majority suc ceed best with flocks of 13 or IS in pens 8 by 12. It seems easier to keep every thing in order, and this must be done. Maine Farmer. Ta Foaltry Beglaaen. If yon have a notion of beginning the poultry business, commence with a small flock an J learn the ins and oats from the gTonnd np. It is a mistake that there is nothing to learn in the success ful handling of fowls; that any one without experience can start in tbe bosi-' nuss wholesale at once and make it profitable. Many have tried it and fail-! ed. If yon find that yon can make a few hens pay yon and yon like the business, then enlarge tbe flock. Ten hens in a house that is 10 feet sqnare, with yards ten times tbe size of the bouse, is a rule to go by. Ten hens ! with one male is the correct mating, and ten eggs under a sitting hen in win ter are enough. Ten weeks are long enough to keep a broiler before it goes to market. A pair of docks or fowls Should weigh not over ten pounds; 10 cents per pound is nt-ar the average price for fowls in market, and 10 cents should feed a hen one month. Dowt Overfeed. Be careful about the quantity of food given to the pullets. Don't overfeed. If corn was worth $10 a bushel, it would be a blessing to the ponltrymen by arousing them to the fact that something else is better. Stop the waste of corn and permanent Injury to the pullets. Egg are high, and 'this should be the youltryman's harvest time. It may be If the hens and pullets are not overfed and allowed to get fat. ltebeoca Wilkinson, of Brown valley, InL, says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of tbe Stomach e, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gone. 1 had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I boueht one bottle of South American Nervine which done mj more good than any $50 worth of doctoring 1 ever did in my uie. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicine in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa, Feb. 1, 93-ly. Farmero'8 Institute- The Juniata Farmers' Institute will convene in tbe Court House in Mifflintown, February 12tb, 1S95, and continue two days, under the management of the President .Watt hew Kodgers, and Vice Presi dents, Ed Davis, M 8. Esh, Hugh Hamilton, J. S. McConnell. OBDKB Or BUSINESS, TUESDAY KOKSlKO. FEB. 12, 10 A. at., tO 12 M. Prayer by Bev. Dr. Holloway; Ad dress of Welcome, Hon. L. E. Atkin son; Response, M, S. Esh: Trucking, B. L. Shuman, Esq. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 1:30 to 5 P- If. Dignity and importance of agricul ture, J, J. Robison; Soiling vs. pas-' turing, Hon. E. M. Tewsbury of Col umbia county; How to make the creamery a benefit to its patrons, J. O. Hildeman; Dairying, D. KSpich er. TUESDAY EVEXntO, T r. it. Recitation, Miss Aary McCotraick; The outlook What shall we do? D. B. Esh; Specialities in agriculttite, ! W. II. Knouse; Two of the primary i causes why the average farmer does not succeed, M. R. Bashore; "Care of small things on the farm, J.E Porter. WEDNESDAY MOKNINQ, 9:30 to 12 at. Prayer by Rev. M. L. Drum; Econ omy in fencing, Ed. Davis; Can the Juniata Farmer profitably increase his corn area? M. S. Eb; Talks on manure, U. ts. AlcWiUiams; ssay, .Miss M. J. Hunt. WEDNESDAY AFTEBNOON 1:30 to 5 P. M. Ownership of Land in several ty,1 R. McMeer, Esq.; Is anv legislation j needed for the Pennsylvania farmer Hon. E. M. Tewksborv; Paosphates . and how to use them. H. J. Shellen-1 berger; Silo and Ensilage. A. P. -Dimm. I WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 P. M. Canneries Do they benefit the farmer? W. B. McCahan; How to grow fine fruits, J. E. Jamison "The Dollar," J. T. Ailman. Cot.t.ahs axo Ccfvs that are watrr pr.tof. Never wilt aud not effected by moisture. Clean, neat and durable. When soiled simply wipe off with s wet cloth. The genuine are made by covering o linen collar or cufif on both sides with "ccllcioid" and cs they nrc the only waterproof goods made with sttcb an interlining, it follov.-3 that they are the only collars and cuffs that will stand the wear and give satisfac tion. Every piece is slumped as follows: TRAOf MARK. I;' anything else is offered you it is an huitauoa. Refuse any but the genu ine, aud if your dealer docs not have what you viaut send direct to us, en. closing amount and stating size and whether a stand-up or turned-down collar is wanted. Collars 25c. each. CufJs 50c pair. Tbe Celluloid Company, 427-42 Broadway Hew fork. MONEYLOANED. Do ya wtnt It borrow miney on tquiUblt term. Do voa dtrirt to pay off a morteatt aud ! reborrow the moay 5 per eemt. intern t wasxsMy. WemM care to be to tituattd that yes could reduce tie mortgage again t your aunme by paying off a email amount mouth iy and at the end of each year metre ered it for all patdl Wtfk intereet betng charg ed only an remaning portion of loan Would yon like to buy your family a komtt If to, read the following: 1 represent a Company that his embod ied in its plan all the Haturri enumerated above snd many more. Can you see any reason why you should pay a large interest for money when yon have good security 1 Can yon present any good reason why it ia not as well to receive profits v early aa te wait from 7 to 10 years as one does in many of the Associations? Is not tbe reduction at interest yearly better, than waiting many years for profits Borrowers nnder tbe plan represented by me assume absolutely no risk as each $1 SO paid on Ihe loan ia credited on tbe mortgage, thereby reducing It in proportion to the amount paid. Building Associations have benefited hundreds of thousands, so did tbe old cars that were propelled by boraes. Our plan is as far superior to Building Associations as the trolley cats are to tbe oM antiquated borse car system. My time is to much oc cupied to answer questions tor the curious, but those seeking information for the bet terment of their condition will receive fell '"to"01100 promptly. We offer an invest- ,v mvn wuo nave a araaii amount to save monthly that has no superior as to safety and seldom equaled for profits. Call or write. Madbics Lkosasd, Oakland Kills, Ju28-3m Juniata connty, Pa DROESSCLD'S SAUr.V.LLANDEtlGIIJES A wonderful improvement In Frtetlae Feeda and Ot-Bark. Back motion of CarrlaceS ttmrarsUst a any otner la Um market. Fricttea C'lMirkj feeai, cauatnc all tha feed aaarint; to aland Millwntl bnrlc mc: ereat aavhaar ta aawer aad wear, tfend 4cnuinMmpsairlanraCataloanaaridpiicB Also Harrewa, Day Rakea. Caltivatera. 'arn Planters, tteellere, etc. ilrntton thti fwixr. HEKCH 4k- DBOatOOU. BAa, York. Fa. 51 & A Heeise Bag. ' A queer exhibit is on file at tbe clerk's office of tho Court of Appeals at Frankfort It is a "negro hoodoo bag." coctaJnin dice, a rabbit foot, and some other mysterious artie'es. Tbe b-ig is filed as an exhibit in tbe case of Edgar Bell vs. Commonwealth Trom Warren county. Bell, who is a negro, claims that he was "hoodoo ed" by this bag to kill a man, and he hopes to convince tbe Judges that bis claims deserte consideration Louisville Courier-Journal. Mr. Wm. A. Hmoth Indiana, Pa. Saved Iviy Life 05 Worth of Hood's arsa- parllla tevef Caee of Nicotine Poleonlna -C L Bood A Co., Lowell, Mats. : 1 "OratlcuMBs I write these Haes ta certify tbMt Hoed'sSarssparllla has cured m at a Boat painful disease from which I have suffered the past Soar years. It appeared ta the fens el eruption en nr neck and face, spreading ever soy body, e painful that I could not sleep at night, aad could not work In the day tune, and when I did lay down and get into a little don. If I would awve pjet Bttle, R would start that terrible sensation, and Blood Would Start from the eruptions en nry legs and body. I had to wear bandages alt tbe tine. My eyes were badly swollen, my back ha terrible condition. One physician said It was weed poison, another ecuima, aad the last Mi aae It was Nicotine? Poisoning, and that I would have to-go-to- a phystefaa whe mads a speciality of my disease. (I emitted te say that I am a cigar maker by trade.) But Hood's Sanaparilla had1 been recommended, and I thought 1 would try It, and I am heartily thankful that I dirt. I can truly say that ttood's fiarsaparilla lias effected A Prfec Cure. I am free from sores, have a good appetite, ae dull feelings, and tltat continual: sick headache Is gone. This wonderful cure has only cost met fire dollars. This small amount ot msnsy hae Hood'sCnres rid me of all ssy auffcrlnga. I am- SOU taking; Hood's Sarsaparllla, my faithful friend which aas eaved nay life. I cannot praise K eneeghi 99 Wm. A. Booth, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness. Jaundice, sick headache. indigestion. -J P.DERR, PRACTICAL. nESTHTi (Graduate or tbe Philadelphia Dental Cel leg,) formerly of M ialinborg, Ha., has- lo cated permanently in Mifljintnwn, ax sue cesror to tbe late Or. O. L. Derr, and will continue tbe denial business (established by tbe latter in 1860) at tbe well known of fice on Bridge street opposite Court House. VCJ TEETH EXTBACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. Jto CAloroform, Ether, or Gm wedi No Sore Gums or Discomfort to parientr eilhrr (turing extraction or afterwards. All tlit'Sti are Guaranteed tr co charge will be madn. EJ" All work guaranteed to give per rot satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Dentist. LVGJL, jKNERAr. APPEALS. Appeals will be held in tbe- Commission ers Office, Mifflintown, Pa., on the 7lh day of Fb 1695. for the esst side ol the river, and on the Sth day ol.Peb. 196, fop tbe west side or the river. Persons aggrieved will please altacd . w. u. Moons, Nial If. SrcwABT, SCotunx Attest: Jons Kkimobd, Wm. II. Ukosiioib. DMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. In the ettateaf MJROJRET J. REfTXE DY, late of Lack tovnukip, daread. Notice is hereby given that let tiers ot Administration on tbe eetate of Margaret A. Kennedy, lata ef Lack township. Jani ata county, deeeaaed, have been granted ra the undersigned. All persons indented to aid estste wi I p!eaae make immediate pay. ment, and those having claims wijl peasant them authenticated for settlement. Joseph B. Kssssnv Lbti H. CAMreiu, Janusry 1st, 1805. Jdmuuetratomu. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. la the enlate off S YBILLjt LEITZKL, lato of Ielawmr tomukip, dactaatd. Notice s hereby given that letters of Ad. ministration on the estate el Sybilla Leitiel, late of Delaware township, Juniata ceanty, deceased, have been granted to tbe under signed. All persois indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and thoae having claims will present themaath entioacad for settlement. IX E. LKITZEL. Sdmimtetralar. December 11th, 1894. JNSOLVIXT NOTIC. In the matter ot tbe petition of William H. Longacre for 'be henettt of the insolvent laws. To all tbe creditors ef said potitioner. Notice is hereby given that William H. Longacre, of Fermanagh township, Juniata Co., Pa., will present bis petition for tbe bene&t of the iaeolvent law of this Com mon wealth, to the Court ol Common Pleas of Juniata ceanty, on Monday tbe fourth day of rcbtaary, A. D , 1K9S. at ten o'clock A. M. WILL L. BOOPES, Att'y. for WILLIAM H. LONGACRE, Petitioner. To Louis L. Hudson, late or the town, ship of Belawere, County of Juniata, Stale of Pennsylvania. Wisbsas, Anna Laura Hudson, your wiTe, baa SI".! a libel ia tbe Court er Com mon Picas of JublaU County, of Septem ber Term 1894, No. 148, praying a divorce against yoa. Now you are hereby notified, and required to appear ia said Court on or before Monday; the 4th day of February, 4. D., 1S96 next, to answer the complaint ot tbe said Anna Laura Hadsoa, and in de fault of such appearance, you wiU be liable to have a divorce granted la your absence. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. Dnenars voce, imintown, Dec. 10th, 1894. SSrSr'Aoeitw.-.: wwark. KiclwM emissary. fSM lull Mati WaW. Wa,sv aaiiLs 11 ce aae raamily lasM sauauta. Ma mvnt ars es us FRk Vltava ami tag uw ha. Yej aaBSi tax- ttlwas, lis aefaiae sVarg Mm wm. M.m. --" mm4 rmmtrtaS livat Sea Bca ri" TillsifcaMiasi w.r.atAwwsam ir i m WesT? neat .irrfaea. ahlwswe !3 L. eUO j.r-ssffat tiTSS ZZ TZ w-: .tlUumsUtfWtlMII oro,oj.-s at trood-rnia, SUht .sesas as ear UHuliocL B: ffcs;UtoNU. ACHE ROADSTER $C5 UuaraBteed aaava aa aawatt sail for ITS tp fat ACKE ROAD RACER, 25 Ibt. tfOfj WOOD.RIM8. OUUl e w war - w wtrafaaly"taeverya.acliine. BrjEM'" ina bJ? a birfS. tliroMh an .rnt TOO HjWtoW amr wboleaaie prlco for eaataejaalltr. uleSfcou aa SicVto aeU Mercies tbrourh Jroaalarsaalt ooa to male the. LJ Slaaaaaaeoaoair auajrart Ua btter .ar.aotf pradanae "J . Hrnct at wholecala prices Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. BSD RAILROAD TIME TABLE. J3ERRT COUNT RAILROAD. The following ached ale went Into eSVct Nov. 19, 1898, aod the trains will bo ran as follows: p. m a.m. Leave Arrive a. m p. at 4 SO 9 16 Dnacanaon 8 40 8 60 4 3 9 21 King's Mill 8 84 8 44 4 19 9 24 Sulphnr Springe 8 81 8 I 8 41 9 26 Corman Siding 29 8 89 4 45 9 29 Montebello Park 8 26 8 88 4 46 9 81 - 'Weaver 8 24 8 84 4 61 9 86 'Roddy 8 19 8 29 4 64 9 89 Hoff man 8 16 8 26 4 8 9 41 Royer 8 14 8 24 4 59 9 44 Mshaaoy 8 118 21 6 10 10 0O Bloomfield 8 05 8 16 6 17 10 07 'Long's Koad 7 52 2 45 6 22 10 13 Nellsoo 7 46 2 89 6 25 10 16 Duns's 7 43 2 86 6 28 10 19 Elliotsburg 7 40 2 83 6 24 10 2fi Bcrnbeisl's 7 84 2 27 6 86 10 27 'Green Park 7 82 2 24 6 41 10 82 Montour June. 7 27 2 20 6 0911 20 Laudisburg 6 66 1 60 p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves BIoomBeld at 6.10 a. and arrives at Laadisburg at 6.4 a. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at BleoniBeld al 6. 60 p. m. Trains leave Loysrille for Luncannon at 7. 220 a. ni., and 2. lo p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 Si a. m., and 4.6G p. as. Between Landisbnrg aad Loysville trains run as follows: Leave Laadisburg for Loys villa 6 6A a. m., and 1 50 p m., Loysville for Landrsbarg 11 10 a. m., and 6 09 p. m. All stations marked () are Hag statiens, at wl.tct trains will come to a full stop on signal. AMV Or. m a - - - - . i xa V ia srtxiaI sat nmjTAt i ats.yy asjaT K R nT, gWrv Br I an Utri.RAI WrWS SSL -lC-Her-V Ji'SjiasaT eas Mupmr, CSlIdewv Zove It. fT TtaHr iJwia fcara a aotl ot Mlahiaauenai O rreaa SS,ailhwi Snl aftVSJiy W"OI Dl u Knlgtm, W i nan ii ma mini, i lis ia.ouaaa,.cairra. la aadr ar Limta. St 1 9 JatmSM or i Has aid Anatra iriM and mmraj . Vaa Sold mrrffhm Wn-r M h vapme pulsa . a. jobxbom 83,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If van waat work that is pleaatnt and praSuble, aaadaayaaraildriBioiUallr. W itaati inen aad wenu-o httm t aara from r da to StS.Oes par ycarwiiauat baring had prevtaaa aparieaaa, aua Saraiu tha raiplavment w whiah thav ran anaae that aawaui. tstkiii difDeult u leara er that rranirea aueh time. 1 h a urk ts , haatlhr, ana lianarafale, ad aaa bedvnedur la( davtUae' or eraaiag. right ia your aw a local ity, wderavar yea live. Tba roaalt ef a few trawrV warfc eftaa awaala a waak'a waarea. Wa hare lauaal liMMisaiwis of both seaaa aad all aa. and- raanr hare k,id fnanaalioas that wilt raralv bring raea ricaee. Saraa ef the aaurtaat ruea In this eanaWT awe their sneer e ia Mf to th. .tut iv.n chaia wUlW ia oar eaaDle-jr 1 aeo. Yon, render, raav da at wrllitrr n. Ton aanaat fail. So capital nimilrr Wafltroaaut with aomeibtnc that ia aaw, aalM, aad aura. A beak ariattai at aeriaa ia free te all. Hale roar, aalt by writing tar R te-aer not te-aaatraw. Belaya ma easily. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box ao, AOCUSTA, MAIN!. PRITATE IALE. John look offers at Private Sale a farm of 76 Acres, all clear land ia Fermanagh township, shout two miles from Afifflmtown. on the stage read ta Selinsgrove, with good Bank Barn 7Axt-. good Log flnnae weath er hoarded, corn crib, ehicken-honse and other oet fctitldings, piped water at the door ol boase, well water at the barn. There ia yonng apple orchard of 69 trees fast beainaing to bear, an abundance of grimes aad other trait. There ia a first rate location for a peach orchard of 1500 trees nit tbe farm. For particulara, address Joaa Zook, Box 16, ifilHiatown, Juniata Connty, Pa. LEGJLm OTJRT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH LTONS, President Judge or the Court, or Common Plena, for the Forty-First Jodicial District, composed or the eonntiee of Juniata and Perrv, and tbe Honerahles JOSIAB L. BAR TON and J. r. WICKEKSHAM, Associate Judges of tho said court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, by precept duly issued and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Geaeial Jail Deliv ery, and General Quarter 8ossiona of tbe Peace at Mifflintown, on tbe FIRST MONDAY OF FEBRUARY,. 1896, BKINt? THE 4th DAT OF TBE. MONTH. Notice acavsT oivbs, to theCoroi Justices or the Peace and Constables of tho County of Juniata, tnat tbey bo then and there ia tbeir proper persons, at 10 o'clock ia the forenoon of said day, with tbeir res ords, inquisitions, examination and Oyer remain be raactts, to do mote inings laaa- to tbeir offices respectfully appertain, and those tbat are bound by recognisance to prosecute againat tbe prisoners that are or may be in tbe Jail ot rata county, oe wen and there to shall be lust. prosecute against them aa By an act of the Assembly, passed the 6th day of May, 1854, it made tbe duty or Justices of the Peace of tbe several conn ties of this Commonwealth to return to tbe Clerk of the Court of Quarter Besaions of the respective connties, all tbe recegnt lances entered into before them by any ci. sen or persons charged with tbe cob mis sion of any crime, except such case as may be ended before a Justice of tbe Peace, un. der existing laws at least tea days before the commencement of tbs sessioa of the Court to ehich tbey are made returnable respectively, sad in all eases where recog nisances are entered into leas than ten days before tbe commencement of tbe session to which they are made returnable, the said Justices are to return the same in the same manner ss if said act bad not been passed. watea at Mitnintown, tbe 31st day of ueeemDer, in the year of our Lord, ono thousand eight hundred aad ninety-row. -SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. Saiairr'a Onus, Mifllntown, Dectmber 6, 1894. J UIUH PEUE3YLVASTA RAILEOAD. On and after Sunday, November 26, 1894. trains willrtimas follows: WBSTABD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Harris burg 8 18 a. nu Danean uoo8 64a.m; Now Port 9 24 a. m; Mil Irrstown 986 a. as; Oarword 9 43 a. nti Thompeentowa 9 47 a. ai; Tea Dyke 9 85 a. mt Tascarora 9 69 a. m; Mexico 10 02 a. m; Port Royal 10 07 a. tnt MUBia 10 14 a. m; Denbelm 10 21 a, mi Lewistown 10 40 m; McYeytowo 11 08 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 81 a. m; Mount Union 1140 a. m; Huntingdon 12 10 p. in; Tyrone 1 02 p. roj Altoona 1 46 p. m; Pittsbarf 6 60 p. m. Nail Train Itavea Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m, Ilarrisburg 11 20 a. m; Duneannon 1 1 60 a. as; Newport 1214 p. m; Mifflia 12 62 p. m Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McYeytown 1 88 p. m Mount Union I 66 p at; Huntingdon 2 17 p. m; Petersburg 2 SO p. m; Tyrone 8 06 p. m; Altoona 8 40 p. m; Pittsburg 8 60 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Harris burg at 6 00 p. n; Duneannon 6 84 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. in; ifilleratown 6 18 p. m; Thompsentown 6 24 p m; Tnscsrora 6 86 p. at; JfexWso 6 87 p m; Port Koyal 6 42 p. tri) Mifflin 8 47 p. m; Denbolm 6 66 p.m; Lewistown 7 18 p. as; JfcYeytown 7 88 p. m; Newtoa Hamilton 8 00 p. m; Haatiag don 8 82 p. n; Tyrone 9 16 p. m; Altoona 9 40 p. m, Pacifie Kx press leaves Philadelphia at It 20 p. m; Hsrrisburc 3 10 a. m; Marrs vllte 8 24 a. m; Duneannon 8 88 a. m; New. port 6 s. mi Port Royal 4 31 a. n; Mif flin 4 37 a. n; Lewistown 4 68 a. in; Me Yeytown 6 80 a. m; Huntingdon 101 t. m; Tyrone 6 66 a. as; Altoona 7 40 a. m; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Express leaves Harrisborg at 10 20 p. m; Newport 11 08 p. m; Mifflin 11 46 p. m; Lewistown 12 06 a. m; Huntingdan 1 05 a. n. Ttrone i z. a m; Altoona z iu a. m; Pittshnrg 6 60 a. us. Fast tine leave Philadelphia at 12 26 p. m; Harrrnbnrg 8 69 p. m; Dnneanon 4 15 p. m; Newport 4 87 p. m; Mifflin 6 10 p. m; Lewiatowa 6 29- p. to; Mount Union 6 09 p. m; Huntingdon 6-28 p. rcj Tyrone 7 06 j m; Altoooar 7 4V p-. m; Pittsburg 11 20 p. ni. EASTWARD. Harrisbur Aecoeamodatien leaves Al. toona at '6 00 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a mj Huat ingdon 6 05 a. m;- Newton H'tnl'ton 6 83 a. m; McVeylown- 6-62 a. m; Lawiatowo 7 16 a. m; Mifflin 7 89 a. m; Port Royal 7 44 a n; Mexico 7 48 a. m; Thompron town 8 02 a m; Milleratown 8 12 a. tn; Newport 8 22 a. m; Duneannon 8 49 n. m; Harriabnrg 9 2 a. mi Sea S bore leaves Pitttsborr 3 10 a m; Altoona 7 15 a tn; Tyrone 7 48 a to; Hunt ingdon 8 30 a m; KcYeytown 9 15 a m; Lewistown 9 35 a m; Mifflia 9 65 a ai; Port Roval 9 69 a u; Thompsentown 10 14; Milleratown 10 22 am; Newport 10 82 a m; Duneannon 10 64 a m; Marvsville 11 07 a m; Harrisborg 11 26 am; Philadelphia 8 09 p m. Dav Express leavea Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m; 4 'toona 11 oO ej ss; Tyrone 12 15 p. m; Huntingdon 12 48 p. m; Lewistown t 45 p. m; Mini in 2 06 p. n.; Harrisburg 8' 20 p. m; Baltimore 4 46 p. m; Wasbingten 7 60 p. m; Philadelphia 6 60 p. ro;:New Tork 988 p. m Mail leavea Altoona at 2 00 p. ni, Tyrone 2 85 p. ta, Huntingdon 3 20 pi m; Newton Hamilton 3 61 p. m; Meveytowo 4 1? pi m; Lewistown 4 88 p. m; Mifflin 5 08 p. ra. Port Royal 6 09 p. m; JbTexico 6 18' p. ror Tbompsontown 5 V p. m; Milleratown 5 SS p. tn; Kewport 6 49 p. m; Duneannon S-ZO1 p. ra; Ilarrisburg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at I 00 p. m; Altoona 6 15 p. m; Tyrone 87 p. m: Huntinsdon 7 20 p. m; McYeytown 8 04' p. m; Lewistown 8 26 p. m; Jfifflin 8 47 p III; Part Koyal 8 52 p. m; Millerstown 9 87 p. m; Newport 9 26 p. m; Duneannon 9 50 p. m; Harritburg 10 23 p. m. Philadelphia Ex proas leaves f'ittaburav at 4 30 p tn; Alioona 9 05 p. ra: Tyrone 9 33 p. m; Iluiitlngdnn 10 12 p. m; Mount Up- ion 10 82 i'. u; Lcwietnwn 11 16 p. m; Mifi. Hin 11 37 p. ru; narrisburg 1 00 a. w: P'ril- adelphia 4 80 New York 7 83 a. tu. ftKKl COUSTI RAILItOAD. Trains leave Dnncaunon for Bioornilo d a: 15 a. m. and 4 80 p. re; retaining, erriva at Dnncannon 8 36 a. ni. and 8 69 p. m. on week days. EAST DROAD TOP R. R. Traina leave Mt. Onion on week dsye- at'. 9 20 and 11 20 a. m 4 00 aud 6 15 p. tu, trains arrivo at Mt. Union 8 10 and 11 20 a. ni. 8 14 and 6 37 p. m. P. N. N. VT. R. R: Tra-na leave Bellwood at S 00 a. ra. aad 3 38 m. arrived at Bellwood at 11 10' a. m. and 6 46 p. m. N. k. S. V-- R K Trains leave Newport on week days at 10 00 a. m aod 6 05 p. m. arrive at New. pert 7 55 a. ra. and 4 00 p. uiv T. V. K. R Trains leave Pert Royal 10 80 a. iu. and) 6 16 p. m., artire at Port Koyal 8 45 a. m. and 8 16 p m , week dav. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Train for bcadury at 7 40 a. ra. and 3 00 p. ra., leave Snnbury for Lewistowo 10 08 a. m, and 2 25 p. m. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R R. Trains leave tor Bedford and Cumber, land at 8 10, 8 85 a. ta., and 6 35 p. in. leave Bedford for Huntingdon 9 60 a. m 8 65 and 4 20 p. ra , leave CuaakMrland tur Huntingdon at 2 36 p. ra. TTRONE DIVION. Trains leavo for Bellefonto and Lock uavea at 8 iu a. m., a 34 and' T 25 p. m., leave Lock Haven tor Tyrone 4t30, 9 87 a. ru. and 4 15 p. ra. TYRONE AND CI.EARFIKLD R. K Traina leave Tyrone ter- Clnartield and CurwensvilleatHSOa.ra.. 3:16 and 7 :t0 p m., leave Curwenaville loir Tyrone at 4 30 a. ui , 9 42 and ol p . ta, VT EWPORT AND SHBRNAN'S VAL I 1 lev Railroad Comnanv. Time table of passenger trains, in eSbet on Monday, uatobor 1st, 18l. STATIONS. West- East ward, wari. 8j 1 2 4 n ai an r a Newport ....... 6 85 10 00 6 16 4 0i Buffalo Bridge ..; 8 08 10 03 6 10 8 67 Juniata Fnraaoo 6 12 10 07 6 28 8 68 Wanaeta S 15 10 10 ii 3 60 Sylvan 6 25 10 17 40; 8 46 Wat-r Ping .... 6 22 10 2i 6 44; 3 41 Bloomneld. Junctn. 6 31 10 26 6 6lt 8 88 Yalley Road 6 39 10 84 6 69 8 82 Blliottaburg 61 10 46 7 1 8 15 Green. Park 6 64 10 49 7 20 8 10 LoyavMU 7 15 11 00 7 06 8 04 Fert Bsaeson 7 1211 07 7 33 2 66 Center 7 17 11 12 7 41 2 49 Ciena's Run 7 28 11 18 7 86 2 45 Aaderaonbnrg 7 27:11 22 7 46 2 40 BkYi 7 8511 80 7 48 2 83 Ueant Pleasant ... 7 41 11 88 7 62 2 24 Now Germant'n ... 7 4511 40 7 651 2 20 D. GRING, President and Hanaro r. G. It.. Miubb, General Agent. TRESPASS NOTICE. Tha undersigned persons have formed an Association for tbe pretention of their re anective Drooertiea. All aoraona hm. by notified not to trespass on tbe lands of iae uBaersiguea lor tne purpose or bunting gathering nuts, cbiping timber or throwing down fences or firms: timber in anv wav whatever. Any violation ot the above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John Michael, William PuSenberg er, Oldeoa Sieber, Beasher at Zook, Mary A. Brnbaker, Joseph Rotbrock, , John Byler, Samuel Bell. September 6, 1896. Garfsold Toaa CiirwZ.'fMlpatM, Banana CaeiLilmoaVn. n laua sasajaafn.. .lAanai I v 4ii ti.. if. f. P.u res Sick Headache uta. tasaaieSraa. SajswTaa Cassis WaaSt!3Cf Curos Constipation The 2U jy.i.r tile HKinafi KyaiecM T fa the i Cf ft is Kent Aefiw.r JV NOT DISEASE, is 'ma IvTS A DCA OARI t i :Cnrcs ",Icr Trt??sTi5s Iby cleansing: tS iAi SSila. thai tiri :$.; nut A .mil Imparl lifcs . 50 S' PER fe-5tTL P f THE WORLD OVr.R, hrTC IT THE MAhHl lr SA.claeA.u Ca SlNOMAMTON. N.1. HothingOiiEftrtlifUl T,IZX Sheridans Condition Powder t KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong aad Healthy : Praveata si! Otsaaaa. Good for ITottlUaf Hone. Mlsabaolualraara. Byhr mii. ua LtM. lsaas, Mr aaata tot of c i m ear- 44aroe-rM,tMl vroc. STlatlr a WSL ;ca. "OlokiTnte4u 0; ma-'. ax ta frrmuM Sgtw." ajm oaaaaaaanr. If yoa oaat sret It aeae ta VBaawiairKt PIT. A S M Ifc. aaa ' SI oar. as K .xpe-w pld. AtowMry oafe- OmU', prsom Xt cnaLfr wicta ai ssoroar r mtm. 8aa.r4 toff vf m law Povut Rii-w i-artri L 8. J0BMUN eu.S! Caawai Ilaniaa St, Doetoa. aas HENGH & DSQMSCUr. t an' A -osdcrtal laisaarameDt la Frtetloa rV4 (iic-Baeh. Bauk aaaUoacr larraun tt-. a foat aa any otbar la tt- fa&rlr4 ?:'??y losqh Faed, eaala( at ts? ac r- 3 m iJ .IU wSlla kaaklnt ereat aa ring .4 --r -war. WrUc tar c-a:ara k4 rfat , 'Ti ?ravapoh apeiec;n. Abu sipriaar Twatfl rawa, Har Itakaa, CalrKatara, Crt tfism era. aellrr, ere. iZtMan tU .v. TfllmiAInficop. TbererethoTj').:Mi. 1. wio haverejrolar l-. ttjrrs uiuil v-'.ui : v -jt-oordr i :' psiiu n: beauty Y z- it Mt L-T i i ont cntai.lexl jr.. ToaI neh Ve rtc-nimerj! fl. HESnA'S VTOU CffCAM as rmoui) Mii qu Itira that qri.HciTtlians;'? Ilia sv.ijw iai Jtrid ccior; -ion V; vn itur-l bti. cn untla'p!ii.i r3?H7- t 'JK V f ' n. Krttklfa, Jliack ITcaiiJ, F-tJ ii-..Ljr. "ii-, P'opla, Hid ttl lui .iWiJui'i ihe Ai.n. It u. wt d.-rar-a lnt a t-ox.-. 5-t x V--irr for '.bt tcilet Ukble lha r:wW. tcM . -Druagists, or;it flj5l nr-:n rirr g. c. oTteR a co.. Tvivt o. ,oie K. Arawsos. F. M. hi. Ptju ATKIXro Sl PPHfRM,, ATTORNEYS - T - LA v JJIfrLINTOIv-!", PA. Cy"'lltcting and Cor veaar:aj: oyt K attended to. Ovrtcs On Mala street, place ! ;ci.' dence of Loam R. Atkiuacs, " ; c Sridgo street. i'-.c it- i. Attorney-at-Law District Attoruff. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. OFFICE IN CO1'1- HOLwK., ss. iiisvin n.cxAr. JR. D. M. CRAWFORD A SON, have formed a partnership for the pract'rt of Medicine and their collatteral brancas. Oflsto at old atand, corner of Third ard Gr ange streets, MitBiatowa, Pa. One or to:b ot thosn will be luand at their eftce al all tiasaa, unress otherwise profcasioraliy en gaged. April 1st, 1890. jyR. B. F. ACKLKY, SrccuweT Propbylazis aad treatment of lua lion by Diphtheria, Croup, Tjpse'l Fe ver, Ac., and of diaeaaes of the Diyestlr System, Acute and Cbrocic. Dr. A't msih ods are in full accord with th' meat exact' ing Bacteriology. Havic; received tavcr. able recognition by advanced jaaraals azi members ol the two leading k.Iik' of nad iciue, tbe author ezprcsscscoufldence in uis on ability to render satisfactory nrt !s line of bis apeclalitiea. 8 ina saetheds ta gcim eiements ot diaeasn are dearrovad turn 1 to 8 days.audth patient prograwiaf tt con aleicence wiibout tbe usnai sttgM ot metorism er swcilinr, dlarrhoaa s"4 hmorrag in Typhoid Fever or the fern. gsrona aequencea ot Diphtheria, vis-, blood ptiaoDiug, Ac. They have a spnc:fle pot sncy in degenerative coadltioos cuaumP , e:derlt and aged persons and heretofore ragarded incurable. Aril 19, 1S8. liil.lMminfGar Wheat I and Grass grow best when planted wfta Pan- 4 Bourn Dnat. A fertilize- that al. -al : ways hrlnes-a r-rof. alwava im- 3? ; proves th-. soil. Hold Jli rt" ?o .t- ? ' : mera S"J7.W ner Inn. N, .rants. -- A : Bam pies free. 3 ! York Chemical Works, York, Pa. Wt Sulestifio Ambrf.-ar Agnoy for OAVKATS, DISION MTt.'ITI COPVRtOHVa, eta. d free Handbook write to SiJt A CO- t SaWABWAT. MBW tOUK. earaaa rr isiasliis aatae-B ia Awitea. tetpyaM oa ay as as Br-wnt ; - pash bj a aotlea srven tr. ot eaasa la ta gtxtniiixc mtxaxx world. SalamaiiDv i? HENS aaaa . arf a I I A ya afWataJiaO IB laSu mt t aKaatlfle eor c r.Dewirota, . ian abuuld be wKh rear: SLSfl wraidea