Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 09, 1895, Image 2

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    J...- ; ;, --: :r.J--&--,;"'C-- t- V'f;i-,,V . , . ....... rw i V- ". '
KltM-MM V. J AN. 9, J?t?5.
Goyxuxor ITAsTisa's inauguration
day, Jaiiuary15
Japan will ne t listen to proposals of
peace until after s!se baa captured
President Cleveland and Senator
Hill have amoked the pipe of pea?e
on l buried tuo hatchet.
Coxgbsssmax Reed is housed, n.nrs
ing an anklo iLutl was strained by a
fall on ice in New York City.
Two Kentucky women, relatives of
Mrs Abraham Lincoln are to Wash
ington, pleading fcr cne and the
pame post effieo.
Colon-el ATookehead's railroad rout?
ia tho ouo to make thorough conncc
tioa between the Patomao ar.d the
Siia-iufhaiina by vay of Port Iiova!,
rdilllicfown and F.iebSell and Wa!er-f-rJ.
"ckinKipgb has taken to the plat-:
for n to lecture, and parties to whom
ho it indebted for casts in his suit
wi!b ilis Pollard have bsM foil tv
inj attaching tbo revenues of the
The Democratic ref irui tariff ou su
par is causing trouble with Groiauy.
The democracy are reformers only in
pretention and nme. Their so call
ed refur.'as only create trouble and
v,- ttrf-rr
Carlisle cau-ot sgree on a flnRncial Jme County South Dakota. In
policv for tbo government, au 1 iLo "92 it Lad eanaed.dauiige amounting
baykm last week asked IWdit "veral mi. lions of dollars.
ClevtUnd to demand Carlisio's res! Keports tu the department id Nov-
innatiou. The President sa:.d 'w." f,rabeLr ?9J' i5l0wed" the ooucties of
South Dakota, east of tbe Missouri ltiv
The Lgislntur? lik s the Kiag cf ! er aod twenty conutics in North Da
France, marched up a hid and dr.vnjkots iufcsteJ bj tbo thistle. Its pres
again last week. T!:ev crireisod n-) nco was also reported from four places
to Capitoi Hill at Harrisburff, orga::-! e.st of ,h8 io counties in
. , , , . 1 .Winnosota, throe in Iowa and four in
ized, adjourned, and niareueil do.wi Xebrsska. The seed was scattered
to meet oa this Yedne-.diy, the 9:h . from Denver to Madison, Wis., and
of January. from the Red Kiver of the North iato
. , Kaosas on te South. Tbe dry fcasou
The sii'sir ru4 men ran 'ho deal- , , ,iw nnn
r. u..r of IS'Jt. leaves a territory of 200,000
ccraiic Cvjneress wen it was reform- .. . . J . . . , '
. ' , . o - , , I pnuaie miles tlioroohly infested by
tli- tar: II, and now President. , 'nmnMl J
. , u this courge and an area of 100,000 has
Cleveland Las i:i. rs than a rtvk uf ; , . , ... ,
, ,, .1,1 .ii felt its presence as a destructive blight
fr-rlb! Willi Old ivntid gov-ru:iio!ts, ,,'
bicsiiiac of tLo f.iL?ir
trii.'.t rtforini
tariff, ba" thtu & vir:a .(,.-.iii
istrsiioa is oidv ;-.t its b--t '.v
a dnrn-
lt-U !llIK.-
ir.g trojLl-.
CoHni-priN- atiu hn tiua'K'ial ni-i:i
age:nei.t and burdensome taxition,
Lavo iinveu ti;H l'!ians to tue v;rge .
of revolution, asd th.-ir ki:i is so .
badly scared ovt-r the situation, that
ho has sout h."s priraie .'o:tune out cf
the country to t'. U if ho i chased j
fria th throne, lie may Lavo some-:
fhing to live oa. ;
Tils L?0'isUtu;-o ooevdued at IUr .
riiburg Tues lav, Jnnnarv lsl. ,
isj.3. T: deiaocrats are "f-w and :
far bctivf en," :tr bring ouly seven !
dfemorrati KjnaN.ra ani..t.. f.rtv. ;
three ror.ubiinan ScTjator,-, :iad in
tbe House thero are twenty-eight
democrats r.mr.g ouo hundn-d and
UiAi:trT rn,ibi;..ir,a O -i i:,int
bail .t iiie r pib!ic:iD3 havo 1S4 ma-
--.v?T,v..!? PvTri-...s- ia Lis i ite mes -
Kuge lo tl:o LL'gi.-la'urr, ( xpff ss;-"
bijijsf !f tsgiirsi tlx r-r i com-, ir tsaSaujtu'.ug property ny acejntriia
f iii Tl i i' lacing in heaps of infiicniible material, i
pul.v Hclnsl law. It is hoped :Uor-s w csnnot be drivcJ
t.iat u,.vrnor uas:igs win no as
Governor Pa'.tison when a compul
sory cdvi national bill was presented
to him. Y'eto it. Ail compulsory
1-iwa except for the suppression of
crime are uu AaiHri?an. wise rich farming hods vast regions
"u.'.:u: in a compulsory education j without a furrow turned where in o'h
l:i ri3(!r lis buitif-hr-d nrr,n tbs; er sensoDs all the crain lards were
biuuched upon the j
rhe w:-rd eommiiaorv i
L-Lri,lutura. T
at. I arrest do not appear in the bili. i he sicns on every band of the devasta
It is a complete blind on those points, j ''(,n wrought by tbe Uns-ian thtstb in
It ic(1'ires parents aiid gu-trdians of
child-"!! bjtw.icn the ajres of tip-lit
and i't,-vn ypra to sutid tbc-ra to a
pubi c or private a-hool for at least
sixteen cousicntive weks each year.
A violation ot the proposed act sh-ll
be a ir.isdeiLeauor, punishable for
tho first otT'.-oso by a tine not exceed
in tivo dollars, and for each 6iibso
quen t offence by a fiuo not exceeding
twenty five dollaip, or by unprisor;
ttint not ex 'eidicg thirty days or
bo'b, at the discretion of tho Court.
There is preat destitution in cf r
tain psrts of Nebraska. The desti
tution is extreme in Buffalo, Dawson,
Lincoln, Keith, PerkiiiM, Hitchcock,
Cii-.se, Hsj-es. D.md.- and Frontier
counties. Almost two-thirds of the
ptople are depeudtnt upon charitv
fortxistti.ee. There in little or no
fuel jn the country. There is no
tiioa' y in the county treasuries to
help the destitute, because in 15
cou'o.ios of the State almost no taxes
hav ec.i collected since June. The
shifekss have left the country and
only tht: f-irtn owners remain. There
is almost no water there.
Most of.the destitute liv.i in sod
houses. There have t:-en only three
crops raised in nine yeais. Heart
rending casrs of oestitution and suf
fering are heard oi in tvtoy town
ship. The Care of Milk-
The neoes-ity of keeping strong
smelling sabstaoscs away Irom the
rriug house or where milk is kept was
... : J 1... r
-ii-i:kuubu uj ono ci our larmers a
s'.o-r time ago. Tbe family bad made
their wintsr supply cf chow in the room
where their milk was contained- and
when they went to make their butter
discovered their milk was taiated with
onions. Having been yery careful.
bey couIJ not understand how the
utoMnsot into the milk. Milk is verv
su.-ptible to oders. end the following
from the Scientifia Arserican may be of
be: ent to milk dealers and butter
maker: '-Farville relates some inter.
eating facts upon this subject. If a
itn ot nulK i j plaoed Dear tc open ves
el containing turpentine the smell of
larpentiae is soon commnnioated to the
iHiik. Tte same result cocu-s as re
giwds ifbacoj, parsfin, asafetida, cam
phor and many other strong smclliog
hutn-tances. Milk should be kept at a
distance iroai ever) volatile substance,
and milk which has stood in sick cbam
bers should never be drunk. Tbe
power of milk to disguise lbs power of
drugs as potass'inni iodide, opium, !
iolrte, Sia. is well known."
- ia 8SS pnd Ho.
From the Bloomfiqld Advocate:
"All claims thus far to eliauipionebip
in hog raising must ba relegated far ro
the back number by tbe ene just ro-
oeived from Grosh Ileaoh of southwest
Madison township," writes a corres
This monster of tbe swiuo family, 24
months old, was butchered by William
AJair, John Kobison and Clarion Rice
ss bead batchers, snd Iaaao Barclay
and Bob Hench assistant butehers
tbe last mentioned, as usual, being tbe
most prominent at tbe dmner table.
"Tbe weight of this chstrpion bog
was 853 pounds, seven 60 pound cans
of lard being taken there from. Tbe
boss botchers who killed this hog de
clare that it weighed 150 pounds more
tbay the Loy hog tutebtreo' some time
ago, the Heoch hog being nothing oth
er than solid meat."
The Kussian Thistle A Scourge to Agrl-
la 1891 the Russian thistle was first
reported to tbe Department of Agri
culture. Described as a species of
cactus, soiectifij investigation showed
that it was neither a tbi-.Ua cor a cao
tus, but a variety of common salt wort
(Slsola kali tragus), with the habits of
tbo tumble weed of tbo American
This weed, which has become the
worst scourge that his ever- afflicted
agriculture in the prairie Stales, was
introduced in tbo United States ia flax.
iseed brouebt from Kus?isn and sown in
' .. .
Owinp to the drought cv?r this graiu-
growiig region, no correct estiniate of
aatuai dani&ge by Kus.sian tbi!lu can
be f'nrojed. In tbe Dakotas tlr.u-aods
of fii lds of crain and ftax that would
iiVe jielaed a partial crop wirr- abnnd
oned. No harvester or thresher has
Leeo found ti !andle a crop infested by
ibi? pest. It clops tLe machinery,
funis the grain and renders fall plow,
jDp impossihie. TLe land must first be
cleared of thistles before it can be
plowed. If thistles are plowed under.
CVPn w5)0n partiuPy uiatuieti, t!1Py will
8Pri,1fJ ut more thiekly than ever,
trough six inches of soil,
Tbe tree'ess, windswept prairie
St'ei re n f therthtstle. It
is iitributed by the wind, which rolls ,
"tbc tuH rown ba" shaped plants, from
I'tsc to six feet m dmmeter and each
hoidice from 20,000 to 200.000 seed.
I - 'e the tumble-weed it bounds over the
praires with a moment resembling that of
a Jack rabbit, traveling hundreds of
jmije iespir.g over cr breaking down
j feness, ctrjiog fire be'ore tba wicd,
scross fitfld rankly ?roan up to this-
ties. No animal wi'l eat it after its
myriad of sharp spikes appear.
Grain elevators cloed, railroad?
without trhflic, farmers without crops.
er sensnns all the grain U: ds
plowed for next year's crop th
the Dakotas. At present it is impossi.
blc to predict the future ravages ot a
scourge that has caused damage this
year running into tbe scores of millions
and that may drive tbe grtia farmer
out of all the prairie States.
The first affects of tbe thistle will be
to drive farmers in the infested region
to tilling more cultivated crops. Tbe
grain acreage in this region will be re
duced from fiftv to aiventv-five per
cent. The cr.iDger railroads will show
cn-.rmous falling off in grain freight re
ceipts fur tbe last quarter of 1894, and
about three elevators rut of four are
closed for want of crops. An immense
emigration is taking place out of the
regions mentioned By E. Iloffer ia
Scientific American.
Washington, D. C Special Ex
curaionH via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
There is probably no place that of
fers so much in the way of sight seo
inj and other things of gmeral in
terest as nshingtcn, D. C. Apart
from being t!'. littion Capital, the
magnificent Government Buildings,
beautifully plant. ed public parks, and
the country through, which one
pusses in journeying to Washington
would make the trip an ideal ono.
With tho object in view of allow
ing everyone to visit Washington at
a very reasonable outlay, ths Penn
sylvania Railroad Company has si
raigtd for four special excursions to
that city on Jauuarv 1G, February
21, March 21, and April 11, 1895.
Fxcurfcion tickets, good within ten
days, and permitting stop over in
Baltimore in either direction "within
Linit, will be sold at rates quoted bo
low, good for use on dates above
n .med on all trains except tbe Penn
sylvania Limited. Special train of
parlor and day coaches will be run
on the following schedule:
Train Leaves.
Pittsburg 8 05 a. m.
Johnstown 10.22 "
9 00
7 35
7 35
7 35
7 25
Hollidsy&bnrg. . . .11.10
Altoona. .
.12.05 p. m.
Mt. Union
McVey town ....
Lewistown June
Port Royal
Duncannon. . . .
Washington. Ar .
.12.27 "
..12.55 "
. 9.50 a. m.
. 1.15 p. M.
. 1.35 "
. 150 "
. 210 "
. 2.14 "
. 2.41 "
. 2.58 "
. 7.45 "
6 65
6 65
6 30
5 95
5 60
5 25
5 15
4 60
4 20
Kfrnnivawp, Jan. 9 1896.
Hmur 20
Fft? 24
Unra, , 18
Sfcoulilor, .- 1-
fird . . It
S)d)S, .........a
Wti:-i;t 60
Coru in ear . 60
(t, 82
Ejc 60
T-.jiotby seed $2.00
Ft 3 cved 60
htii 90
Ct-.n,- ! 'IU a huo'lrcd
JSiddIi,.g ... ........ .. l.tO
Gro it.d A;r,ui Silt 1.0'J
ir-i.ti i .It SCc to 75
1 H1LADELPHIA .WAKKi-Tl, January 14
1895. VYbftat to G2 ; cora 49 to
50c; oats 38 t SO '; lVDnsjlvinia
wool waahud 15 to 22c; potatoes 48
to COc; s.eat pjeitjts 30 to 35 cents
a b'kskai; apples 65 to 75 cents a
bashel; P.o i la ora-gea ?2 to ?2 50 a
box; e-gp, fiesh 2 i; ho; ie eggs 16
to 17.-, livt, chickens 6 to 10 j a lb:
turk s 9 to IDe a lb; "cess 9 to 103
a lb; hops 4 to 8o a lb; prairie baj
S3 o 9 a ton: clover Loy $11 to $12
a too; timothy hay $13 to $14 a ton;
timothy hay $13 to $11 a ton; butter
East Libertj, Ph., Jan. 3 Cattle
Prime $5a5 15: jocd, $4 l-5s4 50;
butchers' $3.90a 14 15; rough fat,$2.
65a3.15; fair light sfeers, $3.30a3 45;
iightstuckers, $2.653.15. H gf, $1,
65a4.70; mediaai $4 55-;4 60; b st
Yorkerp, $4 40-i4.50; coiumoa to fair
Yorkers S4.25a4.35; pigs $4-25u4 33:
roughs $3a4. Sheep $3 10a3.30;
good, $2.30a2.C0, fair, $t 70 12; vcar
liug, 2a3.10; best lurnb., $3 70al -20;
c -uiuioa to fair lambs, $2.25j3 40.
LAN-jASftR. Pa , Jan 3. Cattle
Receipts, 500 bead; nv'slly fat or
butehers' stnff, few slocktra or food
ing cuttle on salf ; medium fat, $4 40
a4.75; common to fair, $3.50s4 25;
stockei s and feeders, $3a3.80; stock
bulls, ?2.50a3.25. Hogs, $5.505.70.
C.wful Knliinntt of (lie rruflts of Caeh
KrHUlt la Favor or the Hen.
A good cow will cost v-"0. Siio will
avt-rso during tbo year atoat two gal
lons of milk per tiay anrl about fivo
ponn;b; of bntter per week. Two gallons
per clay for 805 days wonld be 7:10 gal
lons per year, which, at 25 rents per
gallon, wonld be f 140 per j ear for milk.
Five ponnils of batter per week for 53
weeks would bo 20 pounds por year,
which, at 20 cents per pound, wonld bo
$53 per year for bntter. Tho cow would
taiso a caif, which at weaning time
would bo worth about I0. .So that tho
receipts from tho cow would amount to
$20S, from which uiu.t bo subtracted
the cspcii.) of kuepiujr, which wonld be
a'?out $1 a week, cr $52 per year. Yo
then have $150 profit from our $50 in
vestment in the cow.
Wo will now invest $50 iu chickens,
anl for this amount can bo bonght 100
good bens. Tho average egg production
of a hcu is about 125 per year. Wo then
havo frr.m 1C0 hens 12,500 eggs, or
1,041 ' dozen eggs per yer.r, which, nt
au average of 17 g cents per doztu, would
bo $182.25. Each hen will riii.se on an
avcrao ton chickens per year, which
wiil malm 1,000 chicks raised from 100
hens, and at 10 weeks old wiil be worth
25 cents each, or $ 250 for tho 1,000
chirks; this added to tho lfJ2.25 for
egg.:, and we have f4""3. 25, from which
subtract tiio txpeuso of keeping, which
will amount to $75 per year for tho 100
hvit.:, and 12 cents each for tbo 1,000
chicks ten weeks, would bj$12o, or a
total expense of 200 per year, which,
tal:en from tho gross income, will leave
$2:32 profit, which leaves a bulauco cf
0G in favor of our $50 investment in
Vt'tiy Ther Are IW-t lor Early Markets
anil Cold Climate.
Au cxperienco of over 20 years rais
ing titrkeys, says a Vermont farmer, en
ables me to state positively that tho
medium sized bird is tho ona that can
be raised hero with tho greatest profit.
And what is trno of Vermont is truo of
all eectious of tho country that havo
loii( cold winters and late springs. As
a rule, turkeys commence to lay in Ver
mont dnrins the latter part of March.
Even if they commence earlier it is not
F&fo to batch the youngsters before tho
20th of May, and there are more hatch
ed iu Juno every year than ia May.
This gives tho yonng turks & to 0
mouths iu which to get their growth
and become fat enough for tho Thanks
giving market A flock of Narragansem
at this time, if tin y havo been properly
cared for, will dross from 10 to 12
pounds, according to tho proportion of
hens and toms, and will look plump and
clean, not pinfeathery.
Tho Thanksgiving market is to tho
turkey raiser what tho early markets
aro to tho broiler raiders. I havo re
peatedly known turkeys to sell in Bos
ton tho week beforo Thanksgiving at SO
to 23 cents, while tho week after they
would drop 5 to 8 cents por pound and
stay there. It doesn't need a magnify
ing glass to see the point. Tho Narra
gansetts or even the common turkey
will bring in more dollars at Thanks
giving at tiie prices which rnlo then
than thoir Mammoth brethren will one
or two months later at the price which
rules at that time.
Forced Jloltlns.
I nm somewhat interested in chickens
and winter eggs, says a farmer, bnt have
bad tronblo in getting my hens feather
ed and laying before winter. I tried an
experiment this season which, I believe,
will assist winter egg production. I
plucked tho greater portion of their
feathers abont July 1. The result is that
those so treated wero feathered perfect
ly Nov. 1 and laying eggs. My reason
for this is to grow feathers while the
weather ia hot and eggs cheap.
Poultry Notes.
Strong, stimulating food has a tenden
cy to disorganize tho stomach and pro
duce indigestion.
Better results can bo obtained by giv
ing a warm feed iu the morning and
warm water to drink.
Gather the eggs in winter ns soon as
possible after they are laid to prevent
them from getting frozen.
Milk iu any form is both meat and
drink for laying hens, as it contains
constituents cf tho white or albumen of
Poor laud is well adapted to tbo ponl
try business.
A littlo linseed (oilcake) meal siy
a tables poonful to each udult bird tiue
timvs a week will help to add gloss to
the ujumagc
Irregular feeding is thought to be the
canso of many disorders among fowls.
Poultry raising is on the increase as
farmers get better acquainted with the
A westeru ponltryman says that there
is nothing that will bring eggs liko
Ft. foned cat bay and granulated frecb
Bow to Keep Hrai Healthy aa4 iMjfmK
ESX- ...
First of all, the fact of regularity ia
feeding must be established. It not only
means better health and larger profits,
but also reduced cost; hence it is to be
placed at the head as of great conse
quence. Begin by feeding at regular
hours, and let the practice extend over
all the stock.
Feed the morning meal at daylight.
Tbe bona fed at 3 to 4 in the afternoon
and going to roost immediately will be
hungry by C the next morning and ready
for breakfast If this be delayed, the
system will suffer and the forces which
wonld go to the bnilding of eggs be di
verted io supply heat to the system.
Let tbe morning meal be of cooked food,
something easily digested, and this
should be fed warm to raise at once the
temperatme ol the body, tbe quantity
being only enough to supply tbe de
mands, satisfy the hungry cry and send
tho hens to their work singing all the
while. An abundant breakfast means
a dull stnpid flock for half a day at
least Activity is the secret of good
boalth and the underlying principle of
egg production. To insure this the
morning ration should be of cooked
food, fed warm, moderately dry and not
enough to satisfy tho hens. Let the
noon ration, if any bo fed, be entirely
of vegetables, a few chopped onions or
a cabbage hn'ng iu tho pons just high
enough to oblige the hens to jnmp to
peck it About 3 p. m. feed the whole
grain, oats, wheat and in the very cold
est weather a little corn. At present
prices feed wheat, but bo sparing of tho
quantity. Ono quart for 15 to 17 hens
is snflicienr, and this should be so scat
tered and buried that only a kernel at a
time w ill bo fonud. Clean pens, fresh
water, pure air and a system of feeding
such as is here outlined will bring mon
ey to tho owner every month of tho
Ilaii tail a Aro X-iltc .Jnfm, anil fihancl'als
Are Like Swede.
"Have you ever thought Low closely
fowls resemble people'r No? Well, I al
ways think of a Swedo when I see ono
of my Shcrgl.ai roosters stalk past. Tho
Cochin Chinas, low set and broad in tho
beam, sogge.-t Snabians. Tho Plym
outh Eo'wk reminds mo of a Platt
deutschcr, and tho bantam, with its
bright ej o and glossy plnmago, is like
tbo Jap iu more ways tlian one.
"Bat, say, I Cud tho barnyard flock
a mighty faithful picture of modem so
ciety. Tbo obi dowager hens aro tho so
cial c-.ns.ns, iiud any tlyubnut, r-Littish
young pullets that try to head tho pro
cession aro vijcron:-ly chaperoned into
the !acl;:rou!iil by too old nus Voo of
ten see a pais;. ) of dignified, middle ag d
fowlo enjoying n 5 o'clock dust bath in
tho garden ?nd gossiping away ovtr
family secrets.
"There is tho emancipated hcu with
epnrs, who can whip her weight in
game cocks. Thero is tho ben in knick
erbockers, who tries to crow nnd f,rts
cackled down and guyed to death by the
half grown broilers. Thero is t!ie hen
that pets set iu her ways and incubates
herself thin over n pair of glass ixst
eggs, despite nil tho arguments of her
friends. Tht ro is tho barg;.i:i coa::tcr
hen. Jiy wife always finds her on the
skirmish line vhou she shakes out -tho
tablecloth. Thorn io tho timid hen, who
jumps with alarm every time a gross
hopper leaps from r.n.'li r ht r feet. Thero
is tho foolish, gadding bin, who is al
ways getting iu front of road v.T.grn3
or sitting on tho comb of t'-c rtaWo
roof, cackliii:; about nothing. Oh, 1 tcU
you, thiTo's hens and hens! A Phi
losopher. A I'ocrl'4 Stonim-li.
Fowls srrallo'.v their food, 1 ro!:on oi
not, and it ci.-t-.rs the crop o;-fovt stom
ach r.:i'l remains iu it until it !.:.. be
come sofrcLcd, moro cr less. When a
small quantity ct a time, jw. i as grr-ii:
rnns i-ito n g! ;.-:t miil, it is forced int i tho
gizz-ird sp '" tj-.o gril". Tho girzrml is
a strong, muecntar stomach, and it is
at work niyht and tb.y, wiicn thero io r.
grist to grind, similar to bellows, con
tracting and expanding, and thus forc
ing tho grit into the grain and triturat
ing tko v.holo mass, nftcr which it is
iu a sui table condition to l o quickly digested.
Did you ever sec one of the famous
waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs?
It's very easy to tell, for they are all
marked this way
They are the only Iuerlined Collars
and Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov
ered with waterproof CELLULOID."
They'll stand right by you day iu and
day outjand they arc ail marked this way
1 ivri ('
The Erst cost is the only cost, for
they keep clean a long time, and when
soiled you can clean theut in a minute
by simply wiping off with a wet cloth
that is the kind marked this way
These collars and cuffs will outlast
six linen ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials and laundry bills no
chafed neck and no wilting down if
collar marked tins way
.vn a
Ask vour dealer first, and take noth
ing that has not above trade mark, if
you desire perfect satisfaction. All
. others are imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
marked this way, we will send you a
sample postpaid on receipt of price.
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair.
Give your size and say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
43?29 Broadway, NEW YORK.
A wr:i:Tfi:l Imr-rovemtTit !n FrJrfio;i I't rilM
Kinny oihcrin tuennn Uct. l'rictiun ''.trri !!.
cntisii! the ft-U sfvarinc to a tint! ? ii I v 1.13 bnt
Irs; r-1 nt wiivsii fin fcivpr ftnd wrnr, ts:n
4c"iilsU!.-fi:njiJi tor hu so C'.i!ofn.e JiCtJ -rifs?i Iso
"pririr llanor.-s itny jUki's i tismtor!,
.'wit (MnntiTH fihilllM t& x! n'.u tliisjsifjrr.
?ras7lTnla AgncnltTiral Hctis, Tors,
Trv'.tou bi a ut)ific Ct
i-t a good pa o - I M.tciibiL: Icr the
Sebtiski. aso KsetaLicaa.
you jet a
IV. S. D Diffenderfer, graduate of
tho University of Maryhmd Dental
Department, "do3ires to inform tbe
oublic that he bas opened a Denial
Office at Oakland Mills. Pa , where
he can be found at all tims. Tettb
xtracted painlessly. All work guar
fTm. Jolinsott
KornuinviUe, Pa.
Injured While Coasting
Impure Blood Asserts Itself .
1 i
But Hood's Sarsparllla Cures the
Disease and Restores Health.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
During the wlr.tcr of 1387, 1 was Injured on
one limb while coast ing. It did not trouble ma
much at first, but soon became more painful, ray
strength began to decline and I could not rest at
night I was attended bj several different doc-'
tors but all failed to check the trouble and I,
grew rap! My worse. Early In 1890 I bad to use
crutches and my health was very poor, having;
lost my appetite and being reduced in flesh. Ia
the fall ot 1891 I bad to take to my bed and,
it was thought '
I Would Not Live
notil spring. During nil tills tune I had tried,
many diflerent medicines but did get relief. In
the meantime to give n:e relief, Die several
bunches around my knee were lancet and later
every effort matte to heal Uie running sores bull
all hi vain. Then it was, while confined to my1
bed last spring, that my father, having read
much about the merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
decided to have me give Ita trial. I have taken
it regularly, using nearly ten bottles. All the
sores but two aro healed and these are nearly
welL I have throw n away my crutches as I can
walk, ro to S'-lmol and do some work. I have
a gnoii npiietito and rcnl kikm! health ami
have lurreased In weWit very much. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has been a Mcwtiug to me." Wil
liam Johnson, Normanviiu, 1'emisylvania.
Hood's Piils are ttie best family cathartic,
gentle and ective. Try a box 25 cents.
f I.
(nracitiatf of tie rii!de! bia Denial Col
li pe.) former!- of MifMiribnrf, Ts., has !o
rtod pi-rmanrntlv in Mifriiniiiwn, n rr.c
r t'ssor to the late Dr. (I. L. Derr, an-l wit'
ronlinue tho den'nl tns'ntc (etallishe1
hv the lat'er in 1S60) nt the well known of
f'ce on BrMge street opposilo Court House.
Jo Chloroform, Ether, or Gns vsed
Ko Sore ftuma or Diieomfort to patient,
tilhrr ti ru g t xtro!on or afterwards
Ail il.tfetre Gutrsrtctd rr re charge
will le male.
r7"" All work guararterd lo g:ve -trfect
sjliefaclloD. Term.. strrtly ca-h.
II. P. 015RR,
Practical Dentist-
fn Iht ttiaieof MJRGJRRT J. KEKSE.
UY, late of Lack townthip dtrtastd.
Notice is hereby given tint leitleis of
Administration on tlia estate of Marearet
A. Kennedy, Ints 1 1 Lack tow.iliip. Juni
ata connty, deceasi-d. Intra been granted to
t lie nndt-rsigned. All persons indebted to
'aid eitate wi'l p!ea-e maku iinmcrtiate pty.
ment, and those having claims will present
Ibt'ni aml:rntictrd f,r st-tt'ement.
.'oiiph B. Kkkskdt,
Levi II. Caxtrkll.
January 1st, 1895. .idmimstrator:
Jnthe estate of SYBILLA LEITZEL, late
of Lei air a) 4 township, dn eased.
Noliro a hereby givi-n that li-lttrs of Ail-nii-is!ration
nn the estnteot Sibil's Lri:zel,
late of Delaware tnnhip, Juniata county,
deceased, hare been granted to tie under
signed. All pTWn indebted to said entote
ill p'esse msk- inimediMte raymepf, and
lioe having claims wiil prtsent ilierua:ilh-
inticattd lor settlement.
Picenilitr 11th, i94.
Io tbe matter ol tbe petition of William
H. Longucre for h benefit or the insolvent
To all tbo creditors ef said petitioner.
Notice is hereby given that William II.
Longacre, of Fermanagh township, Jn:,iat.i
Co., Pa., wiil present his petition fur tt e
bent n; ot tne insolvent law ot tins Com
monwealth, to the Court ol Common Plc.ig
of Juui.it coutitv, cn Monday the fourth
day t February, A. D . It95. at ten o'clock
Att'v. for
To Louis L. liudson, late of the town.
hip ni Delaware, Ciunty uf Juniata,
State of Pennsjlvania.
Whereas. Anna T.niii. ri ...i ...... ..
F - iiuurniij Jl'Ur
wife, has Hied a libel in the Court of Com-
mi'D rieas oi juniaia county, of Septem
ber Term Nn. 143 .iin. . - '
" - n uivuicb
gainst you. Now job are heiehy notified.
..... . (i;F3r in sam Court on or
before Moodat t the 4th dav nr vt. ......
D., 1895 next, to answer the complaint' ol
1 1. .. .. L rl . .. 1 r, . '
'" mu iiuason, and in de
fault or mch appearance, vou will l,o rUDie
to have a divorce granted in vonr absence
I" L mTT
Sh-rifl-. ,Hi it:m . .wrijr.
- - -, . iiiiititun n,
uie. luin, ism.
Ageutti Wanted roi our kkw ook
by America's Greatest Uumorist.
Every ene of bis previous books have lat.
immense sales. Hi new book surpasses
anything he bas heretofore written. Two
stories in one volume, jt TRAGEDY AST)
A COMEDY. A great chance for agents.
Wo give exclos.be territory. For terms
and full patticuUrs address.
J. W. Keelek fc Co., 26 Arch St., Phils.
Nov. 7tb, '94.
HnA AntpitrM MA Milt. aUfMlltr. liHtJ
to Catjr, Villa or OtHtntir. 5isdd i mt
nOM,lMP,KOiaoaniiKsj. urow wssi mm
Imm and tosMt mIIm sMamrth.
Om ia midADOB nauia a wl to ail th
Mix b born. Fin inMrmBMits, no Urr, worku
tnrwbtn. any disotsvnc. Oomploto, mmt for
tM wbn shipped. Can b put oi bj mnj n
Dvr out of order, no rrMirimi, last a lite
tamo. Warranted. A money maker. Writ
W. f. HwrltM Ck. Chwfc WMwakiM. a
mm ucnu e-ll f r Si. curs ntG6 same aa an t jell
ImwliML netyleakUtatsa
Uuarsatced mbm aa aaata sell 1 or S3 to C3.
ROAD RACER 25 lbs. 00
vvv-v w
Port eet lines, Pn'1P7l?,r?d"tT
nnirinteeduoou afrits sell fur tia ai u iu
r- i,ny from us ilH-act at wLulc: aio l r...
Illustrated caiaiesno im.
Acme Cycle Company.
The following schedule went li.to . H'ect
Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be ru;: zs
r. ru a. m Leave Arri7u a. ni p. ru
4 80 0 15 lr.ncaonD 8 40 8 f0
4 K 9 21 'Kirg's Mill 8 81 8 44
4 29 9 24 Su,.hiir Sprirps 81 3 41
8 41 9 !!C Corman Sidine f 29 3 8ft
4 45 9 29 fcontbel!o Park H 20 3 36
4 40 9 81 'Weaver 8 'U 3 Si
4 61 9 36 'Kcddy M9 3 L'9
4 64 9 89 Hofliufin 8 10 3 26
4 L0 9 41 Mioyer 8 14 8 24
4 69 9 44 Vahar.oy 8 11 31
6 10 10 0U Blocrofield 8 ('5 3 id
6 17 10 07 'Li rg's Koad 7 62 2 4S
5 22 10 13 Nelleon 7 40 2 39
6 25 10 10 'Prm's 7 43 2 38
5 28 10 19 Elliotbbure 7 40 2 33
6 24 10 2 B.-rnln inl'r 7 84 2 27
6 86 10 27 ' 'Groen Pk 7 32 2 25
6 41132 "Jlontoiir June. 7 27 2 20
6 09 11 20 Laodbburg 6 55 1 60
j. m a. iu Arrivo Leavo a. in p m
Train leaves Bluo-iiHsl.l at B.10 a. ra.
and : ir.ves at Laiidisburg at 6.4 a. m.
.Train leaver Landikbnrg at 6.14 p. nt., and
amvt g at HloomfieUl at 6. 50 p. m.
Trains leave l.oysville tor Duncannon at
7. 220 a. m., ar.d 2. 15 p. m. Iiciurning,
err vc at 10 87 a. ni.. r.d 4.60 p. ta.
Tctwec n Landisburg Ktd LoyaviHu trains
run a lullows: Leave Landisbur for Loj's
vil!e 6 6S a. in , and 1 50 p in., l.nsville
for Lai iiisbura 11 10 . m., an l 5 03 p in.
A!l stitions marked () are II ig stations,
at which trains wtii come to a fu!i stop on
rv - - - " '
S v la UHTimTAI. asd BZISSTAL nie.
Jrppr Suynr, Children Xor Tt.
Cvery Invoirr ahonM Et k bocile uf It in hi- tuf
Every Sufferer
raoit n9tlache, PIpbtherio.tTVwicb
luthtna f'hklMni ViariiD- fllTThiTll I amaMlTfli fa
4nmre nn. nnru.ijiuirrii. nn rip i mm
io bvir or Urabtt, Hritr JtUnU or Strains. wtU llr2 Li
Ui ol ADodyno re lief end t-cW our. Parsjt
Itml Mold TN-yw'tert. rnr ctA.. hr rn-JU
S. JOLlNSU A CO.. Bw3ZuM. 3kU3
Nothing On Eartli Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
Strcng and Healthy ; Prevents aU Disease.
Gooit for Moulting ttenm.
It l bctointrlT sure. HlirHly eoncentrstcd. In qiiuv
J:imumiulot xMOlv. So oOicr oue-f ouixk n
tromr. Strictly netl.-4ne. "Onlujeumrt-
M : nri ids to prrM.t Koap," rm.ym one ni-t.-iiinr.
ir you can't get It send to u.
VT mail one tc IX Fllr SI A J 1 4 lb cn SI . Si
cans. Sioo. ezprvm paid. Iltrg taihto tSwde. pri
cnt. rre with Sl.tiO OTlrm or mora. Sample oopy
of Ti: IVtst Pott.THT I'lto: -fnl-frw.
1. S.JOUNSN tfU.SKCUvtcin lioubuSt..Boetoa,llM
John Zook oders at Private Ra'e farm
ol 75 Acres, all clear land in Fermanagh
township, ahont two miles from .H:fIlintown,
on tho slape rnrd to Silingrnre. with good
Bank Barn 7tixt . good Log House weath
er board ed . corn crib, chick-n B nse and
other out b.-.ildings, piped water at the
door ot house. e;i water at thfl barp.
There is a yonng spute orchard of 69 trees
just beginning to I ear. an abnndrce or
grapea and otht r truit. There fs a tirst
rate location for a reach orchird of 15C0
trees on the farm. For particulars, address
Jon Zook, Box 1G, iVittiintowo, Jnnista
Connty, Pa.
Wheress, the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS,
President Jude-e of the Court of Common
1'leas, for the Forty-First Jndici tl District,
composed of tho counties of Juniata and
Perry, and tbe Honoral.les JOSIAU L. BAR
TON and J. P. WICKEKSH AM, Associate
Judges of the said court of Common Pleas
of Juniata county, by precept duly issued
and to me directed for bolaing a Court of
Oyer and Terminer and Geneial Jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of the
reace at Mitllirtown, on tho
Norica BaaRBT oivem. to tbe Coroner,
Justices of tbe Peace and Constables of tbo
Connty of Jusiita, that they be then and
there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon or said day, with their rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
remembcrances, to do those things that to
their offices respectfully appertain, and
those that are bound by recognizance to
prosecute against tbe prisoners that are or
may be in the Jail of said connty, be then
and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
By an act or tbe Assembly, passed the
6th day ol May, 1854, it made tbe duty of
Justices or the Peace of the several coun
ties or this Commonwealth to return to the
Clerk or the Court or Quarter Sessions of
tbe respective counties, all tho recognt
zances entered into before them by any cij.
ion or persons charged with tbe coir mis
sion of any crime, except such cases at may
be ended before a Justice of tbe Peace, un.
der existing laws at least ten days before
the commencement of the session of tbe
Court to which they are made returnable
respectively, and in all cases where recog
nizances are entered into less than ten days
before tbe commencement of the session to
which thry are made returnable, the aid
Justices are to return the same in the same
manner as if sid act bad not been paused.
Dated at MifMintown, tbe 81st day of
December, in ibe year of our Lord, ona
. thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. '
j SAMUEL LAPP, baenff.
Snaatrr's Orricx, i
iMifflintown, December , 1894,$
- 1 t- A M V fl
rvu -r ..
- 4
- On and v.i.fT Su.ndnv, Nov-m'.sr
26, 1894, irams will ran bh follow?:
Way Passenger, leave Phil rdlp:.l at
4 3D a. a; Uariuburg H 18 a. m; Dancau
non 8 64 a. ro; New Port 9 24 a. n. Mil
lerstown 9 36 a. w; Dm word 9 43 a. m;
Thorn, soinown 9 4 a m; Van Dyka 9 65
a. id; Tm-carora 9 fi9 a. m; K xico 10 02 a.
m; Port Royal ! 07 a. ui: Vii.liu 10 14 a.
in; Oenhoini 10 21 a. r ; Lewio" '0 49
a m; Mi V.-t:own 1 1 -8 a re; Nrwtnn
Hsroilt.n 11 31 a ni;3l .i"t Uui l II 4
a. m; tfuuUi ca . '' . ; .: i . 102
p. m; A tiui: 1 4 p - ; I ' .' " ,u-
Mail l ram -av. pi.i. ti v a- 7 ''0 a.
in, lljrrn-buig 1 1 20 a. n1; Ohik. innnii 1 bit
a. Vl; Neapur' 12 i4 p in; M'Hi n 12 52 p.
m; Lewigtown 1 12 p in; McVeytuwa 1 KS
p. m; Mount Union 1 .6 p m; Uuctingdou
2 17 p. in; Pettri-burg 2 30 p. m; Tyrono
8 06 p. m; AHoona 8 40 p. n; Pittaburg
a 60 p. m.
Altoona Accommodation leaves Hftn's
bnrg at 6 00 p. m; Duncannon 34 p. m;
Newport 6 02 p. m; Afilirtown 6 Up m;
TboBpsontown A 24 pro; Tusesrora i SO
p. nt; itfrzico 6 37 p bj; Por; K'ya (5 42
p m; W Olin 0 47 p. m; Docliol o 6 5"i p. w;
Lcwistown 7 13 p. m; AfrVeytown 7 38 p.
ro; Newtou Hamilton 8 00 p. m; Hunting
don 8 32 p. u; Tyrone 9 16 p. tc; Altoona
9 CO p. m,
Pacific Exfi-oss It-.-tves Philn lphia at ;
II 20 p. ni; Uarrisbriri 3 10 m; Mw
ville 8 24 a. ni; Dam annoii 3 3rf a. ni; New port
3 59 a. ai Po.t Royal 4 31 a. in; M:f
ti n 4 37 a. m; Lewiatitwn 4 8 a. in; itio
VeTtown 5 30 a. n-; Ihiiitir'g'lon 6 Orf m.
m; Tyrone C 5a a. in; Altoona 7 40 a. Tri,
PiKsburg 12 Id p. Dl.
Expievs li-fcV-K riariiilurg al 10 2" p ni;
Newport il 08 p. m; MilUin 11 'A y. io;
Lewislono 12 05 a. ni; Hui tinttdun I 05 a.
m. Tvronn 1 42. a m; Alt oua 2 10 a. i;
I'iltai.urg 6 &( a. m
Fiot Lite l-aves I'hiNd. lptiu t i U" . .
m; Ilsrrrifbnrg 3 5 p in; Pn:t"nnn 4 15
p. il; NVon 4 37 p n'; Mifllui 5 I0p. r.;
Lewistown 6 29 i. in; !!ouHt CM' in 6 I'tl.
m; Huntingdon ti 28 p. n.; TAronr 7 or.
n.; Aiioona 7 40 p n ; PiU-b .rg 11 2(1
p. ui.
Hariisliurs Accommoilation leaves Al
toona at 6 00 a. ui; Tyrone A 28 a m; Hunt
ingdon 6 05 . m; Newton llnmi'ton (j ;13
a n-; JluVevlown 6 62 a. ir; Li-v.-i-.inw .i
7 15 a. m; JlifHin 7 88 . n ; .i n R a'
7 44 a- m; Mexico 7 48 a. iu; Thi.mpvin
town 8 '2 a. m; M'llerstowii 5 1? a. in;
Mew port 8 22 a. ni; Diincaiinon 8 i a. in;
Uarrisburg 9 20 a. ni.
Eta Shore leaves Pitttsbnig 3 10 a ni;
Altoona 7 15 a iu; Tyrntii! 7 18 a m; fcluat
fngdon 8 3U a nc; .McVryto vn, 9 15 a m;
LewistownOSi a iu; MifTlin 9 65 a in;
Port Hoi.il 9 59 a n.; ThonipsRt-irii 10 14;
Mi!lers:own 10 22 a in; Newpuit 10i2 m;
Duncanuou 10 64 a ui; Vfarvsvillo 1 1 07 a
ni; Hariisburg 11 25 a m; Philailnlptiia 3 00
p m.
Tay Express leaves Pittkburg at 8 00 a.
n ; Aitoona 1 1 50 a- iu; Tyrone 12 15 p. ni;
M ilntirgdon 12 48 p. m; Lewlslowo 1 4-5 p
tt; Mtlhin 2 05 p. n;; Harri'tiurg 3 20 p. u;;
Baltimore 6 45 p. m; WsshitiRion 7 ot) p.
in; Philadelphia C 50 p. m; New Vork 9 3i
p. m
Mail leaves Altoona at 2 CO p. m, Tyrone
2 85 p. in, Huntingdon 3 i0 p ru; Newton
Hamilton 3 51 p. m; McVeytown 4 12 p. ro;
l.twistown 4 8 p. m; Mifiliu 5 03 p. iu.
Pi rt Royal 5 09 p. in; JHoxico 5 18 p. ni;
Thotiipsoutown 5 2" p ni; Milieri-town 5 38
p. ni; Newport 5 48 p. m; Duncannon t 20
p. m; Harrisburg 7 (0 p. in.
Mail Expre-i leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p.
m; Altootm G 15 p. m; Tyrone 6 87 p in;
Huntingdon 7 20 p. in; McVrvtown 8 04 p.
n ; Lewiton 8 2 p m; jl rHin 8 47 p m;
Part R..yai 8 52 p. in: Miilerstown f l7 p.
n ; Newjiort 9 2'3 p. ui; Uuncinnon 9 50 p.
in; Uurri.burg 11) 20 p. m.
Philadelphia Exprea lenvt s Tittsburg at
4 30 p ru; Altoona 9 05 p. in; Tyrone 9 33
p. m; HunriLgdon 10 12 p. ni; Mount Un
ion 10 82 p. it; Lewiitown 11 1G p. m; Mif
t!:n 11 87 p. m; H.irrii-b ire I 00 a. m; Phil
adelphia 4 3i) New Vork 7 33 s. iu.
Trains leave Duncannon fo Bionm!ield at
9 15 a. ro. and 4 80 p. id; returning, arrive
at DuccaDoon 8 35 a. iu aad 3 69 p. ui. on
wceK davs.
Trains leave Mr. Union on week days at
I 9 20 and 11 20 a. m 4 00 and 0 15 p iu.
I trait a arrivo at Ut. Union 8 1? and 11 20 a
in. 3 14 and 5 3 p. m
P. N. N. W.;.R. R
Tia ns leaves Bellwoo.1 at 8 0.) a. in . aaJ
3 S8 i ni. arrived at Bellwood at 1110 a.
ui. aud 5 45 p. ra.
N. &. S. V; R K
Trains leavo Newport on week days at
10 no a. m and 6 05 p. m. arrive a: Ncw
pnrt 7 53 a. m. aud 4 00 p. m.
T. V. R. R
Trains leave Port Royal 10 30 a. ru. and
5 16 p. re., artive at Port Royal 8 45 a. m.
a:.d 3 15 p m , week d.-.vs.
Trains for Jsutdury at 7 40 a. iu. acl 3 00
p. re., leave Sunonry for Lewistown 10 05
a in. and 2 25 p. ru.
Trains Irave lor Bcdiepl and Ci.iiun-r.
land mi 8 1;. 8 35 a.m. and 6 35 p. m
leave Bee tori for Huntirgduu 9 til a. in
3 55 atd 4 20 p. in , Joivo Cuuibriand tor
Lluirtiii;duii at 2 35 p. in.
Trains leavo tor Uellefi i-te ami Lock
lUviu at 8 10 a. m , 3 31 and 7 25 p in.,
leave Lock lttven :or Tvr-iue 4 SO, 0 37 u.
i tu. and 4 15 p. ni.
Trama Irate '"riiie tur Cli'arneld and
Curaensvi.le at 8 30 a. m.. 3 15 an I 7 : 0
p iu.. leaves Cu'weniiville lor Tyroueat i 80
a. in , 9 42 and 3 51 p m.
I V ley Railroad Company. Time table
r.f passenger trains, in effect on Monday,
October 1st, l0i.
ward. East
ward .
6 15
6 19
4 01
3 57
5 53
3 50
T. 46
5 41
8 88
3 32
8 15
3 10
ii 04
2 68
2 4!l
2 45
2 40
2 83
2 24
2 20
Newp it
Buffalo Bridge....
Juniata furnace ...
Watr Plug
Bloomtield Junct'u,
Vatlev Koad
Klliottfrmr?. ......
Greea Park
Fort Robeson
Cisna's Ron
Andtroonburg .....
Blum ...
Mount Pleasant . ..
New German t'n ...
6 05 10 O.'i
' 6 08 10 03
j 6 1J 10 07
; 6 15 10 10
I 6 25 10 17.
i 6 22 10 2tj
! 6 31 10 26
6 39 10 3f
I 6 61 10 481
6 2H:
6 35;
6 44
6 51
6 59
7 10
7 20
7 05
6 54 10 49'
7 15 11 00
7 12 11 07
7 17 II 12
7 33!
7 41
7 3
7 45
7 4
7 62
7 65
7 28 11 18
7 27)11 22
7 35(11 30
7 41:11 86
7 45 11 401
D. GRINti, President aud Manager.
C. k.. Miller, General Agent.
The tindersiirnVd tieranna hnv.i forniAil an
Association for tho iToteclion of their ro.
spective properties. All persons are here
by not ilk-d not to trespass on the landa of
the undersigned tor the purpose of hunting
gainer ing nuts, chiving timber or throwing
down fences or firing timber in any way
whatever. Any violation ot the above no
tice will be dealt with according to law.
, John Mictia;!,
William Puflenberger,
Uldeon Sieher,
Beaabor &. Zook,
Mary A. Srubaker,
Joseph Rothrock,
John Byler,
Samuel Bell.
September 6, 1895.
w.!? rolull';"o". ir,j Comulcx:ou. awn Doct.rs'
Gorfiold Ton
Cures Constipation
a1 2 ? " & ; ; -K:Ff
l:;, .-vt, -...
!T?''iiitoi?3C aau C" - -. 't;jpfr,i
It attended ta.
Ovricc On Main stre- U ..r . .
dance of Louis K. itkiti , . . . .. V
Btdge b rb,i. fOci 'G,
mkfi'ji. :
"JR. 1. ii. t'HAw rOt'L
!:3Ve lorit.iri n ta-.' -r -'i
of Yndi-'f2' .!-.,; it.
O't.i-r.at o'n 'i"i.-" : t-
, c MifKiR",
i! tii "in '! I.-
ti:. Dti'i-bri Ot-? ' -'
April I" :"
nt:C Or
r both
t all
Pr..p"y.. - i-
r .
- ; c .
vei . 4:C a . . . - -
Syat- .u A t --
odt a-e in in' - . i-
inf K.-i-l. ii iti - - ' ..iur.
ibi? r:-ce.iiw i'lr; t- d
:.iilib-ri ( l'e . " ' - l-
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