SENT PI EI & REPUBLICAN MTFKLINTOWN : wejwesiuy. dec 5. 1894. TERX8. 3ubf"ription, $1-60 per annum If paid In ni .-nuce; $2.00 If not paid to advance. Ynirnt ad vortleoments tn sorted at 60 -Qt per inch for each iatortlon. Trr.nrient bnsines noticea la local col umn, 10 cmt per line for each Insertion. iVd nations will be mado to those deairtnjr to advertise by the 7 oar, balf or qaarVr year. SHORT LOCALS. 0 mresa convenor! on Monday. Sisf.iiff Lapp is a sufferer with rlienmafism. The first winter rain came on the 1st, of December. Rjb'e moved his business pla;-e to Bridge street. Misn Doe Beale of AVaterford, spent Inrtruii week in town. UuiMsiness is felt for the Ameri c ) '" iti'-u iu Pekin, China. .V ss Ju!it Reynolds of Hirrisbarg i.-i vi-itin John Horniug's family. TT-.iry Deru of Altoona, spent I li-t;iksp;iiuj among friends in town. Ivf. O. C. Gortner spent Thanks f.riviu0' with his family in Selins grove. .tf:ss Mrra Dimm of IVmmsvillc, is vVifiny her brother, Ca'.vin Dimm's family. IV. IL?a'ir2 bongr'.it 2i acres of wl iu Beale towuship, from ilathew RV.-rs. A. 1. McAfee, of Tusearora Valley, Iih : '?cn quite iil with a carbuncle on his back. -,s Myrtle Ptttitt of Port Royal, i:,:U tl Isabella Schweyer on T.': mksgivisg Day. tT'-.s Je ilertzler of Port Iloyal viMted Mips R.xcbel ITenderson on lliauk-iviog Day. Mis Kate Boyer from near Port Royal, spent institute week with Miss Bf-.sie Groninger. Fmf. Ealor of Wiikesbsrro, spent sevvial days of Inst week circulating among "!d friends la town. M..5S .V.-try Moore of .WcAlister viila v,aa the guest of Mi.-'s Bessie Middah in Patttrhon last week. G illovv ay robes, better than the old time Buffalo robe, for sale at J. II 8im-"u' place ou Bridge street. Misses .'Vanie Hc-rr and Sarah' Sljel!;- ci i'oit Ravil, spent last week w.iii .'lies Maul Wilsou in Patterson' H-trti?on Bronsa and wife of Mc V-;, fown. visited friudrt in Juniata lu.-c tk, tud returi.fcd home on Mo:.iiy. Tile Presbyterian congregation i-ve introd.jc:d Macedonia water into their church to run the organ air pump. Mro. Harry Keily t f Boonsbcr ongli, returned to Iser home 051 Fri ,V.V ;t.; ..riKn-ij, after n leasant visit iicr parents. Scrofula, Lienors an 1 all ;s rises cau.v'd or promoted by impure b'ood or Ljw state of the system, are cured by food's Sarsaparilla. A iT. McAfee one of the oldest public school Teachers ia Juniata cmrtty, uied on Monday at Lis home in Turhett township. William Uyrjf-r plead guilty to at tempted rape aud was sentenced by the court to the Huntingdon Re fomntory on .Monday. Mrs. Naboriy ''Is your husband out much of n:s;bt)-?" Mrs. Jack Potts "2so. He's about, tho best poker jilayer in the gnng. George Kef.rns of Mifilin couuty and ifaae Beaver of Millcr.-town, were the guesta of Misses Ciara and P; !'o Itotiinjck last week. During the hot wcilher impurilies in the blodmay senniy anm-yj-ou. Exjwl them by taki!ig Hood's Sarsa lrri';, tb pleat blood purifier. Tho Citizens B.iml annouce that thi y will hold a festival in the Cinrt Hr.'j.-se Corrider on Saturday evening, Ut cemuer 14 ana is, 1 or the pur pose of pur!h;ising new iustruments. What do von tike medicine for Because you are si :k and want to get well of course. TLcn rtmember Hold's yarsHjifiriila Cures. .Vrs. Ijivini Cummin and daujli-t-r of Marior., Ohio, spent Sabbath veitLi Dr. Rulgers' family. Mrs. Cummins maiden mime was Bavieia Hrt and hi? father nivued wh-.t is no v suown as flu Djppin f trm ia Winter township Matthew L. Auison, son of tbe ed itor of the Herald bns purchased tho job printing office of J. L. Holmes, d'feast-d in Altoona. and will con uuct the job printing business in the Mountain City. We wish him suc cors beyond his brightest anticipa tion p. Do you have headache, dizziness, drowrsiness, loss of appetite and oth er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's SarsapariVa will euro you. Uriah D. Ferre, landlord of tho Seven Star Hotel in the east end of t his county, pled guilty to the chsrge of pi'Iing liquor to minors, and was Bervftiictd bv the conrt on Tuesday to pay a line of 250.00 and costs of proscfuti mid an imprisonment in tl.? county jail for the period of 30 dliv-i. O.i Hfonday Court sentenced Ci: i : W. Stouer to three years in i;.;. ViVstwi Penitentiary, he having j ! -A gu:!ty to horse stealing. He rd - pji ad guilty to the latceny of a :- i ot irun, and was sentenced to the Wef-tern Penitentiary one year, which makes a total sentence of four years for him. The letters remaining uncalled for iu tho Patterson post office for the week ending, November 30lh, 1894, were for Mrs. Josephine Itslr-v, Mrs. Elizabeth Yeager, .Martin Murphy, Louis Rannels, S. Henry, Samuel Sb-per, Frank Albert, Gabriel Ar caugcio, Caruso Luciano, Jacob Weidman, Jeremiah Weikey. Tka torture of dyspepsia and sick headache, the agonizing itching and vain tf salt rhem, are removed by Hood's Sareapariila. iurs. jonis it Graybill of Laucas , is visiting her daughter, Mrs. uiuce vrawiord. The Grand Jury on Monday, was cu must expeuuious jury heard of in uuniata in many days. They pass ed eleven bills. J F vn the llth of nest January, Adolphus Duncan, colored, will be nuDg at Atlanta for a criminal as. sault upon a white woman. Ruble has now some of the hand so mest and most valuable chamber suites in his new furniture ware room on iriUge street than have been seen in this county. Jobn Bryner died at his home at Lewistown Junction on the 27th day of November, aged 77 years. Inter ment in Buffalo Church cemetery, Perry county on Friday. The good democratic times that were promised when Cleveland was elected here and are realized when a horse or sheep buyer comes around, or when a farmer has wheat to sell. Not a single death took place in thu ranks of the school teachers of Juniata county the past year. A. T. McAfee a veteran school Teacher was not able to attend the Teacher's In stitute because of illness. Last Saturday a democratic gov ernor was inaugurated in the State House at .Montgomery, Alabama Oulside of the State House grounds, the Pojiulists inaugurated their Gov ernor. The Popnlis's want to carry their case to Court. Thev say the democratic governor was fraudulent ly elected. Tho remains of Cyrns Weeks were brought to this place for interment in Union Cemetery on tho 28th of November, from Harrisburg where he died. He was boss painter in the Pennsylvania Railroad Shops at Harrisburg. He was a native of Juniata county, and lived in this town many years. 'T. J. Jobnston, superintendent of the Johnstown public schools, is be ing investigated on cbnrgos to tho af fect that on October 26, in the pres ence of all the pupils, he used humil iating and improper language to ward Edward Hudner, by referring to and celling him a '"booby," a "sneak," "grand daddy longlegs," und speaking of his walking like a spiler oa stilts.". Liverpool San, November 25. One dny this week a party of sharpers at tempted to pliy the bunco frame on Jacob Bsl'.er, resi ling at Liverpool station. A stranger came driving down through the narrows aud met bim accosting him very famili-irly. Before the conversation went very far ho represented himself as a son of the late Hon. John B. Packer, of Sunbury, and said he'was on his wav to view tho farm of J. M. B nigird ner above town, with the intention of purchasing it, and requested Mr. Built-r to accompanv His mis sion spenipd nlfinsib'p. binl-inr nr I his pnrposo by exhibiting a roll of money. Driving around tho moun tain they met a stranger, who stop ped them aud inquired innocsntly the way to "Sunburytown." Then they engaged in the usual three card montfi game aud Mr. Bell soon won $5009. Of course, ho bad read too much about similar schemes t build on any such unexpected good fortune had kept bis wits together for liter developments. One of the sharpers then IiaiI a favorabla turn in the pa-no and he. too, won a round ?4,000. Next the usual $1,000 check was demanded of .Mc. Be'it-r to even no matters, but he shook Ids bene factors and toey disappeared. It is supposed V sharpers ar operat ing from Georgetown or Hemdon, looking for victims in these valieys. Keep an eye on them. Dest medicine in tho world. 1 can not recommend it to highly." Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly. That Tired Feellag is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especial ly liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Srsaparilla is the remedy for such a condition, and also for ,hat weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life. Hood's Puis are purely vegetable. carefully prepared from the best in gredients. 25c. Grafting; the Potato Tomato. on the When the potato is grafted on the tomato, which can be done bv reason of the close relationship between tho two plants, the potato roots continue t produce potatoes, while the toma to grafted on the potato stalk con tinues to produce tomatoes. This is considered in some of the agricultur al papers as remarkable that one plant should produce two different kinds of products; but it is no more remark able than all other experiences in grafting. A pear may be grafted on the quince, but the roots are still quince roots, although the pear comes from the grafted portion. There have been cas known where the graft will influence the stock, but to such a light degree as not to materially alter its character. Median's Month- HI SHERIFF'S SALES. Stomache, D spepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done ma more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicin in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve core ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Miffliutown,' Pa. Feb. 1, 93 ly. Home and Abroad- It is the duty of everyone, whether at homa or travelling for p'easnre or business, to equip himself with the remedy which will kotp up strength and prevent iiluess, and cure such ills an are liable to como upon all in every day life. Hood's Pill--j are hand, and perfect in propor tion and nppoauce. 25c pc-r boi. THREE DEER. The Port Royal hunters returned from their 9tb aunual hunt in Diam ond Valley last Saturday with three deer. James N. GroDinger shot two of tho deer; a doe and a buck. The doe he shot at the distance of tLroe hundred yards while she was run ning at full tpced. When the doe sprang to her feet a;d begun run ning, he drew his repealing rifle to his shoulder and began firing. SLie dropped dea 1 at tho seventh dis chsrge of the gun. The Sheriff's Sales on Friday, were attendad by more people than in many years. 1 ho amount of sales aggregat ed over $11,000. The 74 acre farm of Jobn B. Bar- dell in Fayette township, was bought by the Fermanagh BuildiDg and ' Loan Association for $1,800. The Forsha farm of 262 acres, near Waterford, was bought by W. D. WailB for $2,675.00. Ibe 1 1 acre farm of John B. Bardell in Bealc town.hip. was bcasht bv Mrs. Mary E Hardell for $1,200. The 47 acre ftrni of James A. Bar- dell in Bealo township, was bought by tbe Fermanagh and Building Loan As. sociatioa for $270 The 10D acre tract of land of 11. B. Bardell in Beale township, was bought by thj Fermanagh Building and Loan Association lor SuU. Tbe 39 aero farm of Wm. Eagler in Walker township, was bought by L. E. Atkinson and Robert MoMeen for $40. Tbe C acre farm of Wm. Dunn in Delaware township, was sold to Robert MoMeen for $35. The 72 acre farm of Joseph Wallaca in Beale township was sold to Miss Mary Wailaoo fo.' $1,240. The 57 acre farm rf Rebecoa J. Keely in Lack township was sold to J. Al. inair for 10. ' Tbe Solomon Buoks property MifHintown was sold to Fcrd Me for $950 with mortgages of over $1,-' ton 1 1 1 The 5 acre farm of Jacob Dietz in Monroe township, was bought by tbe First National Bank of Millersburg for $180. The 100 acre farm of Jacob Diefz in Greenwood township, was bought by tbe first JNational .Dank of Millers burg for $000. The B. U. Cubbison creamery at Mc Loyesvibc, was sold to A. R Hayes tor j. TLe Evangelical Association Church property in Palterson was sold to L E. Atkinson for $25. That Mastodon George W. Swayne, of Germany Valley, Huntingdon county, who dis covered the bones of a Mastodon on his place, gives the . following des cription of his find. Two teeth weigh ten pounds; they measure 16 inches aronnd and 8 inches long, and have eight knobs and four cogs. Ote tusk would measure 11 feet long and the other 7i feet; the first 15 inches aroud, the latter 14 inches. One part of leg 2 ft. 8 in. long across knee joint, 9 inches straight across. Collar bone 3 feet long. Neck bone, lOxlOJ. The vertebra 22 inches around and 2 inches thick. About one-halt of one rib 52 ' inches long. The mastodon would stand, I think, about 15 feet high and 20 feet long a fair size tor a common animal I Lave many other bones. About one thousand people visited Mr. Swayce's to Bee these relics of an an te deluvian period. . Nark Twain' Xew Book Mark Twain's most popular and successful books have been sold by subscription and the American Pub. liahiog Company of Hartford, Conn., announce for early publication, bis new book "Tte Tragedy of Pudd'nhcad Wilson and tbe Comedy Those Kxtra orpinary Twins." The Tragedy and Comedy were at first a dual story two etories in one and the author's given in the preface, of the difficulty be bad in writing tbe book, of tbe incompatibility of some of tbe characters and of bis having to finally separate them by pulling cite of the stories out by the rents and leaving the other a kind of literary Cassarean operation, is certainly one of the most original, breeziest and elevercst cbap. ters choice fun that lias been writ ten for many a day. We are told that There ia a time to laugh'' and TlIK CmacnsiAS says: "The reader will bogin to smile at tbe very first paragraph." I lie book will be sold only by sub soription and as it possesses, ia a pro nouueed degree, thereoiarkable char acteristics of tho outhor's bost works it 19 sure to have a large sale. Eicb page will be beautifully illustrated with marginal sketches, the work I one of our best artists. aDd tbe publish crs have wisely decided to sell the vol Tnacarora Valley Railroad. Trains on the Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8.00 a. m., and 2 r. it, arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. h. and 3.15 p. m. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 v m., arriving at East Wa tertord at 11.45 a. m. and 6.30 p. h. J. C. MOOREUEAD, Superintendent. 1 urao at a popular price bringing it , 1 h nuiii me reacu 01 an 1 U7 tr 1 f. r r nr. i.. j ,t- u. , . ivencr ix v;u , ui xuiiuueipuia a., tiave tbe exclusive rishi of sale in the States of Pennsylvania, New Jer soy, Delaware and Maryland and their advertisement for agents appears man other column. All applications for ageneies in their fi;!d should be sent direct to them. To be Sold at Private Sale. Tho undersigned offer at private sa:o a traot ft hftecn acres of land in Fermanagh township, bounded 1 1 I f . 1 - T 1 r -w- launs or n m. iiawK, JJr. Ijucian B:mk., .Voyer's heirs and Joseph Ob erliollzer. This land is well et witl young Chestnut and Rock Oak and is rapidly growing in values. Atkinson & Pessell. rooT-ntLL 31 tuiiu Illoomfleld O. 24; .NEW DENTAL OFFICE- Dr. S. D. DiflV-nderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, de3i"res to inform the public that he has opened a Dental Office at Oakland Mills, Pa , where he eon be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlebsly. All work guar anteed. A Good Apppetite always nccompanics good health, and an absonce of appetite is an indica tion of something wrong. The uni versal testimony given by those who have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its merit in restoring tho appetite, and as a purifier of tho blood, con stitutes the . strongest recommenda tion that can be urged by any medi cine. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bil iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. 23c. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my whole system. Had given up ad hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is The game of football on 'Thanks giving, between Mifflin and Bloom- field, was a very interesting one lue Bioomfield bovs came on the field confident of success; but when mc .niium team touciieu tne pig- SKin down Oonind tueir ODDOnents ... A goal post in less than ten minutes, oy rushing through their centerwith the series of plays called tbe Cornell , 1 1 1 i . 1 luuj , 11 tnouKca tne conceit so en tirely out of Bioomfi.dd that our 1 ..... ii 1 . . " o cuiuieu to mane nvo- touchdowus. Throughout the whole game our boys played very good ball. llieir tackung, interfering and run ning with tho ball was eqnd to Pennsylvania or Harvard; John Robi?;son at quarter-back, a graduate 01 I'nuceton, iut up a fine game. Patterson at oigut half bick made some very good runs. Two from which he made touch downs. The first from the twenty five ,'yiird line on Mifflin's ground, and the second second from the center of the field. Iu fact all the boys are entitled to much praise for tLeia good playing. isioomheld did not do anything at playing, except making some very good Kick-ona down hill. It being a oeanuiui uay, me attendance was very large. Everyone seemed uleas ed with the game, except Bioomfield, whose colors and horns, which they had bought at Newport, were hidden awa out of sight. Perhaps they can get tho Newport si ore-keepers to buy taem acK. 1 lie teams lined up as ioiiows.- Bloorufitild. Minim. Rice...... .....Left end ....Davia W. Birnett Left tackle McCahran Clefrg.. Left guard Walls Kell Cer'er VV. Wilson Bniiley Right guarj Burcnneld A. C. Burnett... Left tackle .. .L. Wilson Clark Left end Derr Grojh Quarterback. ...J. Kobison Cauibell Klght balf back .... Pat teraon riickioger.. ..Left ball back Dielrick Biir Full back A. KobUon Touchdowns, Patterson 4: Davis 1: Kick Koals, Dietrick 1: Robison 1: Time of halves 30 min. Umpire. Patterson. Referee. Banks: Linesman. Kell. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., says: "I Lave been in a distressed condition for three the J from Nervousness, Weakness of the MARRIED-. ult Mr. Haines Bvers. On the 6th by Rev. H. C. Hollowav, D. 1)., Albert J. IIiine3 to Miss MaryByers, ootu ot lurtett towusuip. Fisher Scumittel. On the 22nd ult., by Rev. M. L. Drum, Charles F.-Fisher and Margaret J.Schmiitle, both ot Inscarora township. Hartmax Robixsox On the 22ad nit., by T. II. Caruthers, J. P., John Hartman and Fannie Rjbinson, both of JLiucik township, Juniata county. JMaloy Brant. On Nov. 20, by Kf.v. A. IS. Hoover cf tho M. E church of retersbnrc-. Mr. Clarence B. Meloy of Patterson and Miss Nel lie Brant of Huntingdon. X.EITZEI. Freeman Oa the 8th ult., by Daniel S. Boyer, J. P Janits P. Leitzel, of Aaronsbunr. anyiler county, and Mary J. Free man, of Monroe Twp., this county. mrTLruTovrs kakkkts. i!irLi.iTowa, Dee 5. 18M. 20 24 18 14 U Eges flam Sl.oilder, ................... T.rrd...... 9 SiitaH, MlffJ-lNTOVt GKAIN &1AKKKT Wheat 60 Cora in ear .... ...... 60 Out, i.... 35 60 Clovorsoed .. Tiiuottiy seed tii.t'O FI ix seed CO Urcn jo Oor. .. . t."l a buudred Middlings .. 1.10 Ground A!am Salt l.oD Salt ,80c to 75 we sen from cf,. Cihlp for ulloa l.rore :3lr. oura lit ai4 turn Tj.Ours lit MmttMimntHMll orji, zti ) vruotl-rims, 25 lbs., same as an 3 r.intsoSJ p:D!9ER0&DSTER$S Guaranteed sama ma aennts sell for $73 to f 100. ROAD RACER, 25 Ebs. 00 WOOD-RIMS, Prrfort linos, perfect alcprlni?. Dcrfrtpdinafnprt. CnnmntoU same oa scents Bt-ll for 1125 a d fl. Written warranty wim every cinHjinc. ETfrtim " :.r j than onrwholesale price feu rtr-cquntlty. r ri'Sis BDuui us mucn io pen no'.rig turcurn T,nte and dealers aatt dors ;o ir.i-.ko tlicw- lct iuJecca and onnmy surKn-t the hrttr vnv and buy Ircra ns direct at wLoler alo p rice- I'lustratetf Cata'.cguo free. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. I.VD wtit ti iru . . Tf finti" for a fmiuly inutto wiuuie V-h , i aud irii- 'I. tc j V' r ron;u it1nretrttiiicaj W. P. liiKHlb.W CO liaik a, u, CvtoabB. O &2L Cot.t.ass and Cuffs that are water proof. Never wilt aud not effected by moisture. Clean, ucat mid durable. V.licn soiled simply wipe off with a r.ct clotli. The genuine arc laac'c by covering n linen collcr or cuiT 0:1 both tiJs v.'i'.h "celluloid" cr.d cs tiicy the only waterproof goods rr. jdc with an i::tcr':afcg. it :o!!o7..i t'.:r.t t'.-.ry r.ra tho cniy collars c-;d ctuTs t::ct ".v:i! stui:d tU wear and g'.va satis fcc ': : .: . V-j picca is eta::; -j1 aD ".:! ot.-.;: rU e wfji RIG ' .rT.-r....-ylii:g cL:o 5a o.Tercd ycu it L . r i-iitation. Refuse auy but Ih? genu ii:?, a::tl if your dealer decs uct bivi you v.-aut soi:J Oircct to u:;, cn cl'.ijUJg amount end ntating sue cl wliothcr a stand-up or tumeil-dowa collar is wautcd. Collars 25c. each. Cu:Ts oc. pair. The Celluloid Company, 427-429 Broadway Sew forK. UP. DERR, PRACTICAL DEHTIST, (Gradnate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of Miftlinburg, Pa., baa lo cated permanently in Miffllntown, as snc cessor to the lata Dr. G. L. Derr, and will continue tha dental business (established by tbe latter in 1860) at tbe well known of fice on Bridge atreet opposite Conrt House. ttT" TEETH' EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVo Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or Discomfort to patient, eilbcr curing extraction or afterwards. All these are Guaranteed er co charge will be made, Cy All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Dentlat. A wonderful Improvement (n hriotioti l-'rrri.s &r.'l (jC-Hark. !iiM-lc n.olionof :irri:iy; iffNfS I:;-: ariunyollitrlo the market. Frirtiun 'Itr.e! !.:, cnusliiR oil tiiefei d e.fniii to stand still vl:n.? :;u k liitt: crcat Mnvintj in power ucil vpr.r. 4cinblnstamii for large, eutnlrMrui'ind prka A!f Spring IlarravTM Hay iitilir, 'u Mi valor, ('orn !'lntpH,Shri!irs,eU. -V atitn thisjij r. MEYERS' JYEW FALL & WINTER STOCK Has been selected with especial reference to the needs of this locality The extensive variety it affords in every line of goods including the pick of tho market in fresh fall and winter styles will probably surprise all who see it. No less astonishing are tho LOW PRICES put on everything. Owing to tbe bard times we Lave been able to purchase prrds very much under market value and have embraced the opportunity. Our stock is now in good shape and is well assorted ic all the following lines; MUM RUPTlIRE'i Cure gmarantrf I A anK C 7 '. I7L kll i tit -- Vn niismonn ab . .. delay. 'IhouH'.'to o cnroH. Dr. Msvcr i. Itvtcl Penn. KraMnc. l'a.. upcnnrl Sitr..rr: earn tuomr i..r nuculars. vico Jie- and nil other cereals can he greatly iiicretiMeil In growth and va) le by tbe uw of 20 Pbosphate us tyjifvji 11 n::ikf a tbe poorest soil rich nr.d rr YORK CHEMICAL WORKS, TOHK, PA. ElTf.tG TEtZPHONE SoM ontriaht. no rent, no royalty. Adopted I t., tot.tiy. iiiimn or v.ouniry. iwim LV. home,fiho(, More nnrl othen. GrwaUt conven- V !ienc nun in- frnn "'"' )io in a r-ti delicti meniw a aaletoatltha neighbor. Fine inctrnment-, no toT, work nn ne (at n oy any one, rvrmirtnhE, iasxw n inv money maker. W rite hi 1 xiiuiywhera. anyai lTT I use when win pied, t A I llneTeroutor onicr, nr 1 I I time. Vorrnted. A W. P. !liUTtn & Co.. HQLLQ8AUGH & SON, THE CLOTHIERS of the Juniata Valley. We can fit a man with a Good Substantial Suit, Overcoat, Hat, Shoes, Stockings, Sbirt, Suspenders, Necktie and Suit of underwear for $10. A BETTER OUTFIT FOR $15; a still better for $20, $25, 30, $40, and the Best Clay Worsted Suit latest cut; a Satin lined Blue or Black Beaver Overcoat, latest style; Latest Black Dei by Ha!; a pair of Douglas, finest Kan garoo Shoes; pair of extra fine suspenders;, our neck-tie; pair Silk Hose, and a Suit oMrery Fine All-Wool underwear for ($50.) If 3 ou can get as fine an outfit for tbe money anywhere eUe we will present you with ours for nothing All our stock is new, and the prices are as low as tbe lowest. Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3.75. .Ven's pants from 50c to $5 00. Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. Men's Suits from $2.50 to $18.00. Boys' Overcoats from $1.50 fo $7.00. Men's Overcoats from $3. to $18. Hats from 25 cents to $2.75. Caps from 15 cents to $1.50. Neckties 5 cents to 50 cents. We carry a fine line of Gents Underwear, Gloves, Suspenders, Cuffs, Col lars. Valises, collar and cuff Buttons, Chains, Watch Rings, Neckwear and tbe finest lide of Trunks in tha county. We also carny a full line of wen's boots and shoes, particularly the Douglas Shoe. MEN'S GUM BOOTS, LIGHT, HEAVYfAND HIP Men's Gum Overshoes, Alaskan! and Artie, fce. Extre Sizes id Pantainnnn .Quito .nr Oral n , - w ..u u. son.? ouu viviuuais. If VOU WaDt a SlUt Tailor Made, xt.n r l-r euro r nA k r - M, bllUt 1.' Ill It costs nothing to examine Our Stock. Men's Clothing. An immense variety in Cass imeres, Cheviots, Clays, Home 8puns,',Diagona!s, Serges Twills, Tweeds and Flannels. All the new shapes of sacks, cutaways and Prince Alberts Perfect fit and best workmanship, guaran teed Prices from 85 . 3 7 to 8 1 5 . Overcoats. A grand showing ol Over coats of every description. All the new t-tyles for 1894, rant? mg m price from S3 to$15. Pants. An odd pair ol pants helps out a man when he cannot af ford a new suit. We have ljust the line to please you, and prices are even more pleasing. The finest pair of pants in stock ron Otfl.Y $4. A grand line of regular S4 and $5 pants ROW0.1LT 93. Most of our reerular 1.50 and 82 pants can be had FOB T t'KSTS. THE LATEST FASHION'S IN M EN 'S DERBVAAD ALPINE II ATS FOR $1, 50 AXD $3 OO Exclusive hatters eet a dol lar more for same makes. The line of Bjys' hats presents some equal !y good bargains. A GRAND ExniBIT OF Boy's Clothing. New and neat styles and val ues for the money not to bo equaled anywhere. You'll save money by clothing 3'our children here. Knee-pants suits, new iall styles, 4 to 14, $1 OO TO $6.00. Charming Reefer Suits, 3 to 8, .several shades and styles, $2 to 94 50. Long pants suits, single and double-breasted, 25 different styles of material lor boys 14 to 19 S3 TO 810 OO NECKWEAR. All the new and latent colorings in silk, in tecks, 4 .in Land, bows and string-tics 25 to 50 cent?. WHITE SHIRTS. Laundered white shirts, perfect fit ting 74 cents to $1. Unlaundcred white shirts, reinforced front and back 37 cents, bettor grades, unlauudered white shirts 50 cents. UNDERWEAR- Men's natural wool shirts or drawers 24o ta $1.49. Camel's heir thirts or drawers 49o t $2.00. Scarlet shirts or drawers, 74o to $1.50. Fancy col ored wool shirts or drawers 62o to $2. 50. Fast black sateen umbrellas 49o to 99a Silk gloria umbrellas for Ladiesor gents 75e to $2.49. Men's double trxture mackintoshes $3.75 to $15.00. Complete lines of Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Over shirts, Cardi gan Jacsets, Gloves, &c; at lowest prices in the county. Trunk and Patchel Department complete in every respect. A visit to our store. means mocey saved on every purcbtse. FERD MEYERS, WI!OLESALK4AIVPtfcETAIL CLOTHIER, BRIDGE STREET, M1FFUNTOWN.PA. S. S. Ruble, Practical Emb aimer and Funer al JDircctor. m CA1XS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. North iflnin 8t, Miffliutown, Pa- 1865, ESTABLISHED. 188 Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. ft will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS' Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't faj to giv e him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TO WIST J?J. HAVE 100 MONEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER? 0 -CALL. AT THS FIRST IIfIIl in; MIFFLIA'TOTirif, TA. FOUR PER CENT, INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money leaned at Lowest Bates. FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IX THE WOBLB. eatlastfoff two boxes of najrotqer brand. Ko flsctMl br hut. trUET THCdEA tlXE. xva BALiK pi HEALEKa QErlERAIXY. fyt JUNIATA VALLEY BAN K OFMIFFLIIITOTYIV, PA. StookholderB Individually Liable JOSEPH EOTHROCK, Prcidnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Cathut DIBKCTORS W. C. Pomoroy, John Herlzler, Robert K. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Rothroek, Josiah I. Barton, Lonis B. AtkinsoL STOCKHOLDERS : Georfre A. Kepner, ;Annio M. Shellojr, Joscch Kolhrock. ' P. W. MsnhArfc I.. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Poroeroy, J. Holmes Irw:n Mary Kartr, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr, Jobn Hertzler. Ch srlot te S ny d or, John M. Blair, F. M. M. Pennoll. Samuels. Rothrock, M. N. Sterrett, T. V. Irwin. Josiah L Rsrtoc, Robert H. Patterson, Ievi Llpht, Wm. Swsrtz. H. J. Shallenberger. Three and Fonr nur cent. lr.trpl ;n ha paid on certificates of deposit. fjan 23, 1814 tl .N U ALESME i.yjy A Lt un 1 it A Vr.LiL.mlx, to sell onr Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and Steady Employment frnaranteed. CHASB BROTHERS COMPANY, Dec. 8, '91. Rochester, N. Y. Tbe Sentinel and Ilepi!iean office u the place to get job work done. Tty it. It will pay yon if yon noed anything n that lino. TO veak mm Boftxing: from tha effseta of toothful rrora dacar, vaatinc weakneaa, lost manLood. ate. I wU sand a valuabla tnaiiaa 'sealed) ccniaixiiiia full yartlcnlara for bom ears, p R rt cbara. A splaarllj uadjoal work ; should ba raad by nrr man who la Berroos and debilitated. AdJnaa, 11 aC F C. POW1VEB. Hoaafliaa. Otnav Consumption Surely Cured. To Tax EDtzoac Please inform your readers that 1 hare a poaltlTe remedy for the abore-named disaaae. Bj its timely nee thousands of hopolnas eases hare been permanently enred. IshallbeKUd to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of Tonr readers who have consumption if tbey will send me their Express and P. O. address. BeapeiH. (oily, T A. aiXlCUM. M. 0. 11 Iari SC. JL X.