Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 21, 1894, Image 2

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ffKTMlMDAY. KOT 31, 1894.
sniroa a rmoraiiTon.
Why has the Cleveland administra
tion interfered with the CbinM and
J pen we wai?
Tramp General Coxey says he will
iirbd another army to Washington, if
C'-xgress don't legislate this winter
to pleas him. Keep on the grass
( ieseeai, Wzl, one Chinese cona-
mai-der of the battlo of Ping Yang,
L.ul his head cut off by order of the
Chinese government lor the loss of
tLd buttle of Ping Yang.
Pbesidfnt Cixvelakd 13 cut on his
far A near Washington, and will not
hs disturbed while he is there pre
paring his message to Congress. His
tripods say be will startle the conn
trj with the statement for a change
in bunking.
The Chinese soldiers ere such
".'les that they carry umbrellas and
...us to oattle. A dude with an um
im to keep oil tbe sun ana rain,
ai. j. h far. to keep himself cool is of
no ).-. . u lit against an all round Jap
IJitr, armed with breech
'-H I-flea.
. j. i. lib are censuring
j: . it-ve-in-i for -smashing a bottle
( ''iriianagu over tho bows of the
ricau steam pliip St. Louis when
ti-e ship was lauociie'l from the Piiil
mi. ia sl:; yard last week. They
tnink Mrs. Cleveland should hare
Mn u b.-t.Ie of water for the
nik.eulng or buptiia of the ships.
AllipTjee, Ohio. Nov. 14 While
"fi lw ; d Cox, aged 13 years, and a
siter two years his junior, were
j-:: -liny tLroagh a field near Like
i:acorti, 'ugut mil s east of here,
ou tb'ir way hvmi from school, laet
v-i in, a large flock of wild geese
s-.'Iod down near the children. Tbe
!- ' charged arong them, thinking
to put t'.iu to fligbt, but. the whole
il-i-l; iuio"s1y attacked niiu, using
(heir .ijl3 and wings. The boy suc
crrdi d :u 5jh!ij them off "for a
short time, when he suck to the
4fCTiiii! exhausted.
Th 11. tls girl ma screaming to
1? ir home, aad when she told her
tory Hie boy's father an 1 au older
ii. ii:er baste-"! to hU adaLstanue,
buf only hucceclej in affecting his
-vp-ne n'pr killing a number of
m a?;?, vhic'j thn txk to fliffht.
Tli Ind'j f:iv and hands were cover
ed w:-li bliiii.l, but hi3 injuries were
:oi serioiiH.
o -
A Praying President
rJ i.a fcditor of the Advance tells a
fitci) which he had from the lips of
thu renowned elucutionist, Jamas E.
Murdock. He said: '-I spent three
weeks in the white house with Mr.
Lincoln m his guest. One night !
it whi just after the buttle of Bull i
Run I was restless and could
nit'l I -vaa repeating tho
whi:a I -arcs to take in a public
forriiaiice. The hour was past
biht. Indeed it was criming
the t:T, when I herd low tones
proceeding from a private room near
-vbero the i'reaiJent slept. The
-. w-s partly open. It was the
Vi undent kueeling beside an open
window. Tbe liht was turned low
in the room. H.s back was toward
rn. For a moment I was silent,
looking in amaz-mant and wonder.
Tba he cried out in tones so
pleading and sorrowful, "O thou
iod that heard Solomon in the
night wh?n lie prayed for wisdom,
iitsr me; I cannot lead this people, I
cauuot guide the affairs of this na
tion without thy help. I am poor
ad weak and binful. O God! who
diJ.it hear Solomon when ho cried
for wisdom, hear me and save this
Tim Mr. Mn-dock added, "I think
fr m that time the clouds which had
1 '!,' lev and threatening over the
s cf our government began to
H:ty, ibe skies were brighter,
! . -rci!e of heaven was upon our
; . . :,r t. God hoord his prayer
:.t deliverance."
a. - -
Oeijhants Observe Sunday-
"I nevar understood," said Mrs.
r-otUr "why the elephant was con
sidered a snored animal until I went
to Bur jaah. There I saw elephants
tt work and my respjet and admira-:-.a
for tho streegth ond sagacity of
those liugh beasts are unlimited.
Barmah is the center ofa great Teak
wo d tinber trade. The hugh teak
trees are cut ia tbe forest hundreds
of miles away, ond are dragged, car
ried, rolled and otherwise transport
ed, all by elephauts to the river and
ll-ai-d down to Rangoon and other
c?ntcrs of the tr-.de. After the logs
liav.i b?en sawed into various lengths
tX the mill the elephants come into
us igiia. Ooe elephint will take a
bngh log, put his trunk down against
ir "ud wita his tusks and trunks push
it aloLg a. if it wore a straw. An.
-other elephant who is waiting takes
be log from him and lifting one end
-v..lfcs awy with it and stacks it in
its proper place. Ho also puts the
outside cuttings and barks ia their
proper piles. If the pieces do not
2 all ia their proper place or are not
lined up with the pile when he first
puts them down he pushes them
a .i . . .
anmna wua ms leg until tney are
where they should be. I saw aa ele
phant lift a log weighing seven tons
clenr to the top of a pile and then
adjust it nntil it filled its proper
place exactly.
"The elephants that work in Mc
Gregor's yard at Rangood are fed
evf ry Sunday morning with tamar
inds, salt and other things they like.
When the elephants are sick their
medicine is given them in tamarind.
Therefore they are always suspicious
of tamarinds, and before eating tbeir
.share Sunday morning tfcey carefully
rush thm to see that no medicine
is concealed in them. Tbe elephants
in this yard ate 1,200 pine apples in
four dnys They aae all in favor of
strict Sunday observance. Once
they attempted to make them work
Sunday to please sme American
tourists.bnt the elephants wouldn't
have it and begon to throw
pieces of timber at the visitors where-
upon the attempt was disdon tinned.".
Orange, N. J., Not. 14.
Christian Baumgartner, a farm
hand, 59 years old and single, em
ployed by Xtxier Zwinge, a milkman
living on Mount Pleasant avenue,
West Orange was gored to death by
a bull last night. He went to drive
the boll to the barn, when the ani
mal turned on him and drove him
sgaintt tbo fence and plunged his
horns through Baumbartner's abdo
men three times, nearly disembowel
ing him. He was taken in a wagon
to Orange for medical assistance, but
died on tbe way there.
To be Sold at Prlrate Sale.
The undersigned offer at private
sale a traet ef fifteen acres of laud in
Fermanagh township, bounded by
'and-4 of Wm. Hawk, Dr Lucian
Banks, .Mover's heirs and Joseph O'o
erholtzer. This land is well pet with
young Chestnut and Hock Oak and
is rapidly growing in value.
AtkiNsox & Pehkdx.
E1TERITE Arc the only two Scientific adapta
tions having a record, and io fall ao
cord with advanced medical rasearcb
or the most ending Bicteriology.
r or the prevention of infection" by
diphtheria, croup, to , and destruction
of germ elements of Tvpboid acd Yel
low fever, cholera, cholera infantum.
Animal Ptomains, io., they have nev
er once failed through a period of ten
years to ezert tbeir specific roteuoy.
In tbe treatment of dypepsia or In
digestion, gastrio and intestinal ca
tarrb and all affections of tbe digestive
system, their antiseptic value is quick
ly manifested in thorough disinfection
of ibe intestinal traet and restoration
of health) nutrition in most distal
rar's of tbe body.
In tbe treatoieut of first symptoms
of Diubtbcria, Croup, Typhoid Fever,
Cholera Iufantuin, Ao., tbey nevej fail
to aboit or modify tbo disease, that the
patient progresses to convalescence
Hbout tbe usual complications, blood
poisoning, &o., and id less tban balf
the period required by old methods.
Absolutely harmless and palatal le
as sugar.
sent by return mail. Price 50 cents
Dr. H. F. Ackley.
lliffliuttwo, Pa.
frh Opportunity Wm Golden Oae, atad
Be Hantenrd to Grasp It.
When Major General Schofield went
to Keokuk, Ia., and married one of tho
belles of that town, Miss Kilboumc, an
amusing incident occurred which Ar
thur Clarke, business manager of John
Drew, the comedian, enjoys telling
about It appears that Mr. Clarke's fa
ther is editor and proprietor of Keo
kuk's leading paper, The Gate City, and
in his counting room he has a particu
larly energetic Hebrew, by name Joe
Klein. Joseph is a hustler iu every j
sense of the word, and tho day is bleak '
Indeed when ho gets left. Ho heard of
the approaching wedding of Miss Kil
bourno with the distinguished officer,
and early on tho morning of tho date
let for the happy event he called at the
Kilboumo homestead, rang the doorbell
and inquired for Mrs. Kilbourne, moth
er of the bride. He was informed by
tho eer-rani who anaworod his ring that
Mrs. Kilbonrne was very much engaged
at the time, but ho insisted that ho
must see her on very important busi
ness. In a moment she came half way
down the front stairs. Sho knew Mr.
Klein very well, as people always know
each other in small towns, and when
she saw him at the door she said:
"I can't see you now, Joe. I'm dress
ing for the wedding. Call another
"But I can't," said Mr. Klein. "I
want you to present me to Major Gen
eral Schofield. I must meet him. "
"That is impossible, Joe," said Mrs.
tt-: n tiTL. - l 1 . -1 . :
lmurcssivelr. "do von realize that von I
are about to take from us one of the
fairest flowers we have in Keokuk? Do
you know that when she goes hence
with you she will long for news of her
old neighbors? In order that she may be
really made happy by these tidings I
ask you now to place your honored name
upon the subscription list of The Onto
City, which is the best paper in Iowa.
Our rates aro $8 for tho daily per an
num and $1.50 for the weekly. Think
of your yonng bride. " And there were
tears in Klein's voice as ho pleaded for
"Mr. Klein," said tho general after
regarding tho business manager with
undisguised admiration for several min
utes: "I do not hesitate to proclaim that
you are a wonder. You deserve success.
Come in, and wo will have a bottle of
wine together. I will not subscribo for
your daily, but yon may put mo down
for your f 1.50 weekly," and The Week
ly Gate City now finds its way from
Keokuk to General Schofield's house
hold with great regularity. Chicago
MirrtisTowa, Nov. 21. ISM.
Hurler 18
trr i
Haai .....18
Shonlder, 14
l.rd 11
Corn io ear.......... ....
Oil's, ...
. 60
Timothy seed ....t'2.00
rl.x8eed 60
Bran 90
Chop. ... $1.20 a hundred
Middlmgs ... .. 1.10
Grouud Alum Salt 1-00
AM encsn Suit 80c to 76
Philadelphia Mabkbts, November
17, 1894. Whoat 59 to 60 cents;
rye 55c; corn 52c; 0U 36 to 37c;
mackeral $15 to $24 a barrel; geese
feathers 30 to 38c a lb; duck feath
ers IS te 25 cents a lb; apples' at 30
to 65 cents a bosh-; eggs, new laid,
20 to 25 cents a dozer-; ice house
eggs 15 to 17 cents a doz; bntter 11
to 26 cents k lb-, prarie bay $8 to $9
a ton; clover hay $10.50 to $11 a ton;
Timothy hay $12 to $13.50 a ton;
tallow 4c; raolassua 10 to 36c, Peon-
sylvanir wool, 17 to 18c; steer bides
4 to 5c a lb; beef cattle 3 to 4
c1 3-5s Sheep $1 87 t $1; hog
$4 83 to $5.10,
li u v Tl ,rT 1 No one need to recito tho oft sung uffec
for the church. But the soldier had ; be wi ,uvi(ih him N fae
overheard the controversy from on up- Jove9 ms flrearnL TlriV. po.-ticr.lly sak
per lading, and rather than create , M t(J a rfx foot gol(f iuluit,t
trouble he came down and was duly. na,6 loadiug horror of a matchiock.
presented. which would kick any man but an Arab
"General Schofield," began Klein f u i.
Tho Mat Hls-hly rrl4 ot All th Srvt
tea; (Mm of Chlvli7.
Of all '-o orders of mediaeval chiv
alry whicii nave survived the shock of
successive revolutions on tbe continent
of Enrope since the great cataclysm of
1788, that of the Golden Fleeoe ia per
haps the most distinguished and the
anoat highly tiovcted br personages of
royal birth or of illustrious patrlatan
lineage. Student of the history of the
art or science of heraldry Will learn
with interest and pleasure that, the Or
der of the Toison d'Or of Spain having
been conferred on the Dnke of York, his
royal highness was on Tuesday invest
ed, at Marlburongh House, with the in
signia of the order by the Prince of
Wales, himself a knight of the order.
acting in tho name of the queen regent
and on behalf of the young king of
Spain. Tho secretary of tho Spanish
embassy, as chancellor of the order, read
the royal commission creating the duke
a knight, and the august ceremony was
also attended by tbe Dnko of Saxe-Co-
bnrg-Gotha and the Duo d'Aumale as
knights of tho order, and by the Span
ish embassador and the Earl of Kimber-
ley, her majesty's secretary, of state for
foreign affairs.
The Duke of York only received the
badge of the order, in tho shape of the
figure of a cheep in embossed gold sus
pended from a heavy chain of gold, but
at a chapter of the order or at great
court functions at Madrid he would be
entitled to wear tho full robes, consist
ing of a long mantlo of crimson velvet,
cut in tbe fashion of a sacerdotal cope.
richly embroidered at tho borders with
emblematic devices of stars, half moons
and fleeces in gold and lined with white
satin, over a doublet and hose of crim
sou damask. The full robes also com
prise a cnaperon, or hood, with a
long flowing streamer of black satin,
bnt this headgear has in modern times
been generally dispensed with.
Originally tho robes of tho order,
which was founded in 1429 by Philip
the Good, duke of Burgundy, were of
crimson cloth lined with white lamb's
wool, and this circumstance has some
what strengthened the theory that tho
golden fleece was instituted by Philip
the Good in grateful recognition of tho
immense treasures which the Duke of
Burgundy had acquired from the
wool of tho flocks reared on his vast
estates in Flanders. Bo it as it may,
the woolen costume was changed in
14 7 3 at a chapter held at Valenciennes
for the more costly materials of velvet,
taffeta, damask and gold embroidery.
Loudon Telegraph.
Some rnczllui; Oui-riro That Appear Not
Hard to Answer.
If a goose weighs 1 0 pounds and a half
its own weight, what is the weight of
tho goose? Who has not been tempted
to reply on tho instant 15 pounds? tho
correct answer being, of course, 20
pounds. It is astonishing what a very
simple query will sometimes catch a
wiso man napping. Even tho follow
ing have been known to succeed:
How many days would it take to cut
up a piece of cloth 50 yards long, one
yard beiii! cut off every day?
A snail climbing up a polo SO feet
high ascends five feet every day and
slips down four feet every uiglit. How
long will the snail take to reach tho top
of tho post?
A wiso man having a window one
yard high and ono yard wide, requiring
more dight, enlarged his window to
twice its former size, yet tho window
was still only one yard high and ono
yard wide. How was this done?
This is a catch question in geometry,
as tho preceding were catch questions
in arithmetic. The window was dia
mond shaped at lirst and was afterward
made square.
As to tho two former, perhaps it is
scarcely necessary seriously to point out
that tho answer to tho lirst is not 60
days but 4'J, and to tho second not 20
days, but 16, since tho snail, who gains
one foot each day for 15 days, climbs
ou tho sixteenth day to the top of the
pole and there remains. Pittsburg Dis
patch. Where Woman Comes Last.
An Arab meaning a tent dweller; in
au equine sense the towu dweller is no
Arab loves first and above all bis horse.
, rr..f- .' .
ally, in Algeria or Tunis, when ho lives
near a city, it is morn apt to be a mod
em English breechloader. You must fly
from the busy haunts of men to find the
matchlock. Next to his gun he loves his
oldest son. Last comes his wife or ono
of his wives perhaps.
Daughters don't count I mean tho
Arab doesn't take the trouble to count
them unless in so far as they minister
to his comfort, dietetic or otherwise.
Until some neighbor comes along and
proposes to marry iu other words, to
mako a still worse slave of ono of them
sho is only a chattel, a soulless thing.
And yet she is said to be a pretty, amia
ble, helpful being said to be, for no
one by any hap ever chances to cast his
yes on ono worth seeing. This disre
gard for women, be it said to their hon
or, does not always apply to the Bedou
ins of the Syrian and Arabian deserts.
New York Journal.
"Conwielor Therefore.
Sergeant Kelly, a celebrity of the Irish
bar, bad a remarkablo habit of drawing
conclusions directly at variance with
his promises and was consequently nick
named '. 'Counselor Therefore. ' ' In court
on ono occasion he thus addressed the
jury: "The case is bo clear, gentlemen,
that you cannot possibly misunderstand
it, and I should pay your understandings
a very poor compliment if I dwelt upon
it for another minute. Therefore I shall
at once proceed to explain it to you as
minutely aa possible. " Green Bag.
A Campaign Relic
A relic of tho presidential campaign
of 1834, consisting of a copper coin is
sued by the opponents of Andrew Jack
son, is in the possession of Ira H. Ben
jamin of Romeo, Miclu Ou one side,
encircling the center, are the words:
"Perish Credit, Perish Commerce.
IK.'U." In tho center is tho figure of a
hog running, with tho words, "My
Third Hent" on it. Above the hog,
"My Victory. " Delow it, "Down With
the Bank. " On the other side, encir
cling the cento, ::re the words, "My
Sultstitutc For the IT. S. Bank. " In the
center is a medallion of Jackson, and
below it tho words: "Experiment. My
Currency. My Glory. " Chicago Her
ald. llany cases of catarrh might be avoid
ad and others greatly relieved if at the
first sign f any trouble In the "eatrly
snuffles" period the nose aad throat
were thoroughly sprayed si least ac a
day with one part of Usterine mixed
with two parts of water. A throat spe
cialist thinks this treatment as much a
part of the good and cleanly toilet as
proshtng the teeth or hair or bathing.
New York Post
Lewis town Gazette of November
15 Tuesday of last week Wil iam
Nearboof, of Burnham, seeing Rob
ert Barns with a gnu in bis hands at
that place, held ont his hat with an
invitation to Bob to shoot it. The
latter blazed away, and what shot
failed to bit the hat entered Naar-
hoofs hand and wrist and he now
knows just what kind of a marksmen
Bob Thursday night
between ten and eleven o'clock some
person was heard endeavoring to en
ter the front door ef the home of the
late Robert Foreytbe, east of town,
near the High bjidge. Homer For
ay the told one of the inmates to go
up stairs with a light to attract the
thief's attention and he then slipped
out of the bsck door with a gun.
When the burglar saw tbe light, he
ran and refusing to stop when For
ay! be called to him to do so, the lat
ter fired and hit tbe man, as be was
afterwards tracked some distance by
the b'ood, but it could not be told
just where tbe shot struck the fellow.
The court handed down
an opinion, that the Chief Burgess
of Lewistown wss elected for three
years and that he cannot preside ov
er council.
Smith Gilbon. On the 13th inst ,
by Rev. S. A. Davenport. D. C.
Smith, M. D., of Lewistown and An
nie M. Gilson of Juniata county.
Eabley Lakdis On the 30th ult.,
bv Kev. W. B. Cox, Ilarrv . Earley
of Dauphin county, and Stella Land.
is of Patterson.
Dimv Cbosses. On the 23rd ult ,
by Rev John Landis, Elmer E- Dinim
of Greenwood township and Minnie
A. Crossen of Delaware township.
WagxsR Kxiselt. On the 16th
nit., at Centro Hall, Centie rountv,
by R'.v. Isenbt rg, Austin S Wsgner
of .WifHintown and Lilly May Knise-
ly of Patterson.
15a.kdf.ll Kunyax (Ja the 15th
ult., by Rev. Solomon Sieber, John
D. Bardell of Fayette township, this
county and Mary E. Ruuyan of near
Torn Andrew Allison Todd, son
of J. B. M. and Jlfary A. Todd of
Patterson, died Nov. 15tb, 1894.
Age 31 years, 7 months and 2G dais.'
Shellexbebuer. On the 9th of
Oct., near Richfield, Mrs. Barbara
Snellen berger aged 60 years, 4ma
and 16 days.
ITrsoiJE. On the 10th inst., in
Fermanagh township, Phiola Bianche
Mingle, aged 1 year.
Pabtker. On the 12th inst., in
Milford township, Jonn Calvin Part
ner, aged 43 years.
KoroH On the 9th of Oct., an
infaDt child of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Kough,' at East Waterford.
Ierocson. On tbe Snb inst., on
th railroad, A. J. Ferguson, of East
aterf ord, aged lO years, 5 months
and 3 days.
Hood's Never Fails
A Business Man's Experience'
Cured of Rheumatism.
Mr. T. W. Haus,
A wall known business man In Pittsburgh, Pa
writes tha totter given below. Mr. Haus is gao
rat agent for the Maine granite quarries and
eon tractor for cemetery and building work, hav.
tag an office at So, 70S Tenn Avenue.
"C I. Hood & Co Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen We hare a very high opinion of
both Hood's Sanaparilla and Hood's fills at
our house and with good reason. 1 have taken al
most every remedy known for lieiunatism, and
feel justined in saying tliat Hood's Kirsaparllla
Is the only one that does me a uy good. I must
admit I have not taken it steadily, but only
when the pains ot rheumatism came on.
Hood's Saraaparilla has
Always Clven Me Relief,
and like many others, as soon as I am well I
never think of medicine again until tbe next as.
task. We are never without Hood's Sarsapa.
rilla and Hood's rills in our house, and have
recommended both to dozens of friends. When,
any of my family are taken sick, no matter with
what disease, the first thing wa do la to gave
A Dose of Hood's Pills
and follow It up with Hood's SarsaparillB. I
might write several pages In praise ot this ex
cellent medicine, but think I have said enoegb
to convince." T. W. II Are, Pittsburgh, ra.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yat
In action. Sold by all druggists, aae.
S3 acrnts sell f STi, ours etltf sanieaaagcnissell
f or iHJU. oii at w.MMl-rims. Slbe-.same as any
WSwdccI. Ustylcaiktlulsu.
Caarasteed sasae as agenta sen for ITS to (Ifiu,
AGUE ROAD RACER. 25 lbs. 00f
Perfect lines, p.! fees steetlar. perfect adlnitment.
ft varan teed eaaie as agents sell for SIX and tlii.
Written warranty with every machine. Eviry time
ma ImraMcyelethroacaan agent fun parROtnfjt
mnrr- taaw oar wholesale price for iaeal.tr.
1- roars Boat aa a, acta to sell hicTctei through
jrnteaaaasa leu salt does to make thro. Jx-t
m .Luueasy aiianest tne pcurr war ana
hwjr (rasa aa direct at wbolecalc prices
ttogee free.
Acme Cycle Cetnpany.
By virtue ef sundry writs of Levari Fa.
ciaa aad Fieri Facias and Venditioni Kspoaaa
containing waivers of inqaisi lions and ex
emptions issued ant of tbe Court
of Common l'leaa of Juniata conaty,
returnable to the December Term aezt
f ssid Court, and to mo directed, 1 will
expose to sale by public outcry, oa
. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1894,
at 1 o'clock P. M-, at the Court Reuse la
MilflintowD, Pa., the several tracts of laod
hereinafter described :
1. An that certain traet of laad situate in
Fayette township, Juniata Co., Pa., bound
ed and described as follows: On the north
by lands of Aaron Ronab; on the east by
lands of Jerome Aucker and Aaron Bouah;
oa the south by public road, and lands of
IfiUlam Shirk and Luther Kir.rer, and on
the went by lands of John Keller, Jobs
Smith, Adam Spoobooraad JohnGeaibarr,
containing atvea'T-four acres more or lees,
having; thereon erected a two story frame
dwelling bouse, frame -oat kitchen, bank
barr, wagon abed, frame shop, pig pen, and
other outbuildings, seised and taken in ex
ecution and to bo sold aa, the property ot
Solomon Bardell and John B. BardeM.
2. All that certain tract of land situate in
Tutcarora township, Juniata connty, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows.- On tbe
north by lands of Margaret White's heirs
and George Diven; on the east by John
Showers and John H. Gitlaland; on tbe
tenth by lands of Walker Stilt and James
Laoghlin, sr.d on the west by landa of Wm.
Stitt, J. J. atcalullen and A. J. Ferguson,
containing two hundred and sixty-two acres
more o' less, having thereon erected a two
story frame dwelling house, a log weather,
boarded dwelling beuae, a bank barn, a log
stable, wagon shed and other outbuildings.
seized taken in execution and to be sold
aa ibe property of Wm. P. Laoghlin,
t:sabetb J. I orsba and Henderson For. ha.
Henderson Forsha and Eizabeth J. Forsba,
executors and ao forth of Mary J. Green,
deceased, and Henderson Forsha and Eliza
beth J. Forsba, trustees of tbe cbidren of
James G. Laughlin.
. 8. All that certain tract of laad aituate ia
Beale lowtship, Juniata county. Fa bound
ed and described as follows: On the north
by landa oi Harry H. Bechte'; on the east
by lands of James A. Bardell and Frank
Fuller; on tbe south by public road and
Frank Fuller, and on the west by lands of
D. B. Mc Williams, containing seventy-one
acres more or leas, having thereon erected
a frame dwelling houve, bank barn, wagon
shed, pig pen, saw mill and other outbuild,
inga, seised taken in execution acd to be
sold as the property or John B. Bardell.
. 4. All that certain tract of land situate
in Beale township, bounded and described
aa follows: On tbe north by lands of 3. II.
Bechte!: on tbe east by lands of H. B Bar.
dell; on the south by public road and lands
of Frank Fuller, and on the west bv lands
of John B. Bardell, containing forty-seven
acres more or leas, having thereon erected
a two story franw dwelling house, frame
(.table and other outbuildings, seised taken
in execution and to be sold as the property
of Jamea A. Bard o I.
6. All that certain tract of land situate in
Beale township, Juniata Co., Pa., bounded
and described as follows? On the north by
lands l H. II. Bechtt.1; on tbe eaat by landa
of i. W. Bardell; cn the sooth by public
road and lands of Frank Fuller, and on the
west by landa of Jamea A. Bardell, contain
ing one hundred acres mere or leas, of which
about seven acrea are cleared and tho bal
ance sat with limt-er, seised and taken in
execution and to be av Id as the property ot
H. B. Bardell.
6. All that certain tract of land situated
in Walker township. Juniata county. Pa.,
bounded and described aa follows: On ibe
north by lands ol John Dctra; on tbe cast
by lands of John lira, on the sooth by j
lands of Samuel Amis, and on the west by j
Upds of William Swab-, containing thirty
nine acrea more or less, having thereon
enctrd a two-story log wealberboarded
dwelling bouse aud out kitchen, log stable
and other outbuildings, seised1 taken in ex.
rcution aad to be sold as the property of
William Eagler. .
7. All that certain tract of land situated
in Delaware township, Juniata county. Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: On tbo
north by lands of IJenry Swab and Mrs.
Amelia Rodgors; on the east by landa of I.
C. Lantz; on the south by lands of Mrs.
Kate Shelly, on the west by lands ol Mr.
Kate Shelly and Mrs. Amelia Redgera, con
taining six acres more or less; having there
on erected a two atory log weather boarded
dwelling bouse, frame stable and other out.
buildirgn, seized taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of Wifiam. T.'Dunn.
P. All that certain tract of land situated
in Beale township, Juniata Co., Pa., bo mid.
ed and dorcribed as follows. On the north
by landa ol Kenney Bobisoo; oa tbe east
by lands ot Kenney Robisoo; on the south
by landa or J. W. McCahran, and on tho
west by lands of J. W. McCabraa, containing
seventy-two acrea more or leas, having
thereon ended a two-story atone dwelling
house; a log barn, wagon shed and other
outbuildings, seized taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of Joseph Wal
lace. 9. All tbat certain tract of land situated
In Lack township, Juniata Co., Pa,, bound.
ed and described as follows: On tbe north
by lands of Robison Vaughn; on the eaat by
lands Robison Vaaghn; on the soutn by
lands of John Arnold, and on the west by
lands ol Graham Keeder, containing Hfty
seveo acres more or lesa, having thereon
erected a one and one-half atory log weath.
erbnarded dwelling honae, frame stable and
other outbuildings,, seized taken in execu
tion and to be sold as the property of Rs
bacea J.' Koefer with notice to Amanda
Rottt and William Robs Unit Unamt. '
10. AH that certain lot or piece o( ground
Situated in the borough of jkfifrlintown, Jan
mta county, Pa., bounded and described as
lollows: On tbe north by John W.. Kirk;
n tbeeast by Mulburry Alley, on the south
hy lot of G. W. Smith, and on tbe west by
Main street, having thereon erected two
two tory frame dwelling bouaes, with brick
fronts, a store room in one thereof, a frame
stable, seized taken in execution and to be
sold as tbe property of Solomon Books.
11. All that certain tract ot land situated
in Monrne township, Juniata caanty. Pa.
bounded and described as follows. On the
forth by lands af John Deits; oa tbe east
by landa of John Deitz; on the south Uy
landa of Fred Delta, and on the wast by
lands of B. A. Foils, containing five acres
more or less, having thereon erected s framo
dwelling houre and frame stable, seised
taken ia- esxention and to be sold aa lb
property ot Jacob Deitz.
12. All that certain tract or laad situated ia
Greenwood township, Juniata connty. Pa.,
bounded aa described aa follows.- On the
nortb by landa of Philip Swartz aad H. A.
Poltz; on tbe east by lands of Frederick
DeMaand Kate Shaffer; on the south by
lands oi Daniel Shadle aad Kate Chaffer,
and oa tbe weat by landa of Daniel Shadle
aad Catharine Feltman, contain ing one hun.
died acrea more or leas, having thereon
erected a log dwelling house, shed stable
and other outbuildings, seised taken in ex
ecution aad to be sold as tbe property of
Jacob Deitz.
13. All tbat certain tract or piece of
land aituated in Tuscarors township,
Juniata county, Pa., bounded and described
as follows.- On the north by lands of WiU
liana H. Middleton; an tbe east by lands of
William H. Middleton; oa tbe south hy
public road and lands of Neal M. Stewart,
and on the weat by lands of S. B Crawford's
heirs, containing one-fourth ol an acre more
or leas, having thereon erected a frame
bnilding, used as an ice bouse, a frame
building need as a creamery, with milk sep.
erator and creamery churn attached, seized
taken in execution aad to be sold as the
property of B. C. Cubbiaon,
14. All that certain piece or lot of ground
aitnated la the borough of Patterson, Jun
iata county, Pa., beginning at tbe corner
of Foster and Licking street, thence on the
south along Licking street 120 rent to an
alley; thence on the west along said alley
60 feet to lot of John I. Hawk; thence oa
the north along said lot ltO feet te Foster
afreet; 60 feet te place of beginning, having
thereon erected frame church, a frame
dwelling bouse aad other buildings. Seis.
ed taken into execution aad te be so!d aa
tbe property of W. J. Zeiders, J. D.
Z eiders, Oeo. W. Kelly sad Geo. W. WeiMe
end W. S. Zeiders, Trustees or St. Paul
Congregation ef Evangelical Asaeeiatien ef
North America.
Fifty dollars of the price or sum at which
the property ahall be struck off snaU be
pan io me anwu a
leas the purchase money snail be less than
tbat sum, in which ease only the purchase
money shall be paid, otherwise the property
will again be Immediately pot up and soldi
tbe balance of the purchase money most be
paid to the Sheriff at bia omce within Bve
days from the time of sale, without any de
mand being mad by tbe Sheriff tberefor,
otherwise tbe property may agals be sold
at the expense and risk of the person to
whom it is struck off, who, in case of any
deficiency at inch resale shall make good
the same-
SherifTa Omce, I
Mlfflintown, Nev. U, 18M $
Eilatt tJJCOB LEMON, itctmtti.
Tbe undersigned Auditor appoiated te
make distribution of the balance in the
hands of J.E.S mucker, Executor of the
Estate of Jacob Lemon, deceased, will at
tend to the duties of bis appointment at
bis office in Mifflintowa oa Tuesday, Dec
ember lltb, 1891, at 10 o'coek A. M.,
when aad where af partita interested may
In Iht Eitmtt nfLTDlA SHIRK. UU
Wulktr towuhip, itctanA.
Notice is hereby given that lettera of AJ.
ministration on the estate of Lvdia Shirk,
late of Walker township, Jnniata county,
deceased, have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted te said estate
will please make payment, ana inose nav.
ing claims will present tbem authenticated
for settlement.
November Mth, 1894.
in tht Etlatt of JACOB W. KURTZ.
Tbe undersigned Administrator having
been granted letters Testamentary oo tn e
eatato of Jacob W. Ktrarz, late or Dela
ware township, Juniata conotr, deceased,
ont of tbe Orphans' Court ot Juniata conn,
tv. hereby gives notice to all persona in
debted to said csta'e to make immediate
payment, and those having claims will pre.
sent them properly authenticated for set
tlement. EPHRAIM J. KURTZ,
November 6th, 1894.
In tht estatt of MJRY SIEBER, dtetmitd.
Lettera of Administration on the estate
of Mary Sieber, late of Fayette township,
Juniata Co.. Pa., having been granted to
tbe undersigned, by the Orphana' Cenrt of
Juniata County, notice la hereby given to
all persona indebted to aaid estate to make
immediate payment, and those having
claims against tbe same, will please pre
sent tbem properly authenticated for pay
November 8, 1894.
Notice to herrbr given that tbe following
accounts have been Hied in tbe office of tbe
Protbonotary of Juniata County, and the
same will be presented for confirmation and
allowance to the Court ot Common Plena
ot said County on Tuesday the I8th day of
December, A. D-, 1891, when and where
all peraona interested may attend it they
tbiak proper.
1st. Tbe account ot Jonathan Kauffman,
Committee of Suanna Kauffuian of Walker
Townabip, a Lunatic.
2nd. The first and tioal account of F. M.
M. Pennell, Aasignee of George M.Oraham,
Jr., of Port Royal, Pa.
Prothonotary's Office. Hifuintowu, Pa.
November 19, 1891.
ia Ve Orpkant' Court of Jmuiaia Ceaaf.
Estate of John W. Taylor, deceased.
To Anna Bell aieloy and S. R. Afeloy.
her husband, Salina Milliken and W. A.
Milliken. her husband, David H. Taylor,
Rachel Taylor, Wilber Taylor, Norman Tay
lor, Herman Taylor, Ethel Taylor, Stewart
Coder, Bessie M. Coder, Olive L. Code
and Will L. Hoopea, Esq., Guardian ad
Httm of aaid - ilber Taylor, Norman, Tay
lor, Herman Taylor, Ethel Taylor, Bessie
M. Coder and Olive L. Coder, minora, all of
Jnniata Conntv, Pennaylvaaia; Elizabeth
Colgate and Jamea Colgate, btr hnsband,
of Hawley, Wayne county, Pennsylvania;
William H. Taylor, residence unknown, fast
beard of in tbe west; Sarah JMagutre and
Petet snsgnire, her husband, of Montgom
ery connty. Pennsylvania, heirs of John
W. Taylor, deceased, and 'alt others inter
ested. Toe are hereby notified that the Orphans'
Court of said county, awarded aa inquest
to make partition and valuation of certain
real estate of aaid John W. Taylor, deceas
ed, conaisting of a saeaeuage and tract of
about i.roe acres, more or less, aituate in
Spruce Hill township, in aaid county, and
that aaid inquest will be held oa said prem
ises on Friday, the 14th day of December,
A. D., 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which
time an4 ptace y aro requested to attend
if yea think proper.
Sheriffs OfSee, Mifllintown, Pa,, j
Nov. 12, 1894. S
Whereas, the Hon. JERKVIAH LYONS,
President Judge of the Court f Common
rieaa, for the Forty-Firat Judicial District,
composed of the counties of Juniata and
Perrv, and the n.oraliles JOSIAU L. BAR
TON and J. P. WICKEKSHAM, Associite
Judges of the said court of Common Pleas
or Juniata county, by precept duly issued
and to me directed for holding a Court of
Oyer aad Terminer and Geueial Jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of tbe
Peace at Mihiintown, on the
Nones bsbkbt Qivga, to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
County of Jnniata, that they be then and
there in tbeir proper persona, at 10 o'clock
in tbe forenoon of said day, with tbeir rec
ords, inquisitions, examinations and Oyer
rememberances, to do those things that to
their offices respectfully appertain, and
those that are bound by recognisance to
prosecute against the prisoners tbat are er
may be is tbe Jail of said county, be then
and there to prosecute against them aa
shaU be jnat.
By an act ef tbe Assembly, passed the
6th day of May, 1864, it made tho duty of
Justices of the Peace ot tbe several coun
ties of this Commonwealth to return te the
Clerk of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions or
the respective counties, all the recogni
zances entered into before them by any cit
sen or persona charged with tho commis
sion of any crime, except such caaea aa may
be ended before a Justice of tho Peace, un.
der existing laws at least tea .days before
the commencement ef tbe session of tbe
Court to which tbey are made returnable
respectively, and in all caaea where recog
nisances are entered into less than ten days
before tbe commencement or the session to
which they are made returnable, the said
Justices are to return tbe same ia the same
manner ss if said act had not been passed.
Dated at Mifllintown, the 6th day of
November, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred aad aiuety-rour.
Snsairr's OrriCB, i
Mifflintown, November 6, 1894.
Aaremte WssBtMl roa oca iiv book
by America's Greatest Humorist,
Every one of bis previous books have had
immense Sales. His new book surpasses
anything he has heretofore written. Two
'l2Z'Jl volume. J TRJGED TjIXD
Jl VOMJCDTm A great chance for agents.
Lai;pr;VdrwlarT-For ,ern-
,an envnafAWS VAL
reja.wrun.i - .
1 1 ley Railroad uempany. s -----of
passenger trains, ia effect os Monday,
October 1st. 1891.
ward. Eastward.
8 1 g . j
6 06 10 00 6 16 4 OH
6 08 10 08 819 8 67
6 12 10 07 6 28 8 63
6 16 10 10 6 85 S 60
6 2510 17 6 40 8 46
6 2Z10 20 6 44 8 41
6 81 10 26 6 61 8 88
6 89 10 84 6 69 8 82
6 61 10 46 7 10 8 16
6 64 10 49 7 20 8 10
7 161100 7 06 3 04
7 12 11 07 7 S3 2 66
7 I7U 12 7 41 2 49
7 28:11 18 7 36 2 46
7 27 11 22 7 46 2 40
7 8611 80 7 48 2 83
7 41 11 86 7 62 2 24
7 46 11 40 7 651 2 20
Buffalo Bridge.....
Juniata Furnace ...
Wat-r Plug
Bloomfleld Janet's,
Valley Road
Green Park
Loyaville .........
Fort Robeson
Center ...........
Ciena's Ran
Andersonbarg . . . . .
Blnin .. .....
Mount Pleasant . .,
New Germant'n ...
D. GRING, President and Manager.
, K. Maun, General Agent.
Tha fnltAwinv schedule went Into effect
Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be ran as
p. m
4 80
4 86
4 39
3 41
4 46
4 46
4 61
4 bd
4 69
9 21
9 24
9 31
9 86
9 89
9 41
9 44
Leave Arrive
King's Mill
Sulphur Springe
Corman Siding
Montebello Park
Long's Road
Green Pvk
'Montour June.
a. ra p. m
8 40 8 60
8 84 8 44
8 81 8 41
8 29 8 89
8 26 8 86
8 24 8 84
819 8 29
8 16 8 26
8 14 8 24
8 II 3 21
8 05 3 15
7 52 2 45
7 46 2 89
7 43 2 86
7 40 2 33
7 84 2 27
7 82 2 25
7 27 2 20
6 65 1 60
a. m p m
6 10 10 00
6 17 10 07
6 22 10 13
6 25 10 16
6 28 10 19
6 24 10 26
6 36 10 27
6 41 10 82
6 09 11 20
a. m a. m
Arrive Leave i
Train leaves Bloomfleld at tt.10 a. m.
and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. m.
Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and
arrives at Bloomfleld at 6. 60 p. m.
Trains leave Loysville for Duncannon at
7. 220 a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning,
arrive at 10 87 a. m., and 4.6G p. m.
Between Lsndisburg and Loysvillo trains
ran as lollows: Leave Landisburg for Loys
ville 6 66 a. m., and 1 60 p m., Loysville
for Landisburg II 10 a. m.,and 5 09 p. m.
All atationa marked () are Uag stations,
at which trains will come to a full stop on
John Zook offers at Private Sale a farm
ot 76 Acrea, all clear land in Fermanagh
township, about two miles from Afifflintown,
on the stage road to Selinsgrove, with good
Bank Barn 76x15. good Log House weath
er boarded, corn crib, chictcen-honse aud
other out buildings, pip-l water at tbe
door ot bouse, well water at tbe ' barn.
There is a young apple orchard of 691 trees
just beginning to bear, an abundance of
grspes snd other frnit. There is . a first
rate location for a peacb orchard ol 1500
treea on the farm. For particulars, address
Jobs Zook, Box 16, Jbhtttintowa, Jnniata
County, Pa.
The undersignd persons have formed an
Association for tho protection of their re
spective properties. All persons are here
by notified not to trespass oa the lands of
the undersigned lor the purpose of bunting
gathering nuts, chiplng timber or throwing
down fences or tiring timber in sny way
whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no
tice will be dealt with accord ing to law.
John Micnart,
William Puffenberger,
Uideon Sieber,
Beashor sc. Zook,
Mary A. Brubaker,
Joseph Rotbroek,
John Byler,
Samuel Bell. .
Septmeber 5, 1895.
STOW best when nljuitaMf-wtHh
Boise Dust. A ferUlixer that al
ways brings a crop,, alwnvs im-
nmvM th. ..tl o.M . . ...
EE niers 127.00 per ton. No agents.
p Samples free.
H York Chemical Works. York. Pa.
Rnlit imtriahl nn nan. n.MMltr. Arfanlai
to City, VitltMt or Countrr. Xf BilaJ ia "M7
noma, .bop. atnr ann oaf, umuinwmTan.
ianoaaad hiwt wllar nnanrfh.
Om ia a rmiHtnn m.Mn a wkle to all tho.
neighbor. Fin intraro.fita. no tor, work.
anrwlMo.anrdiioiro. Coraplotat. io4r tor
oao wbon ahttd. Can bo pat aP hr any on-.,
never ontof 'ortlrr, no tvpairinu. laKta a lifa
time. Warrwntml. A moooy ihmhot. Vt'riro
.J.iajT4aA.CCtaraUVCaiumbus. OV
-MAjrWatRS doable
H ci io n o
- -
. !2 S 22 S 2 S 2 n s o o
),' SO 0 US US U3 Ifl IO IO TS -tl -tl -xrl CO W T 9 C
jg HCjHOieiO-!09ITt0flllSHOSS
j eaaoooQOttttt-tt-tose-oisi;-4-4
SR2SJ2JS25?3,-,I?I00 "o f-10"
eaoeoeooooooeooeoooooor-"t-i t-sosssp
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.2 a
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O '3
M2 a
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io to so so so so ea ss sp so to t-eo oo
fci -m '
SSstsssss' oiohio- i-i'io3ri-r
Ijknrn E. Atkibsow. F. M. M. Pbbbsu
BXCoIteetlng and Conveyancing prompt
v attended te.
" Owes On Main street, m place of re.fc
Bridge street.
District Attorney.
es.n.iixBAwroo, b. dab wis scttvtcts
have formed a partnership for the practice
of Medicine and their collatteral branchea.
Ofllce at eld stand, corner of Third aad Or
ange streets, Mifllintown, Pa. One or both
ol them will be found at their office at au
times, unless otherwise professionally en
gaged. April 1st, 1890.
R. B. F. ACKLEY, Specialist
o k.i..i. .nil treatment of infec
tion by Dipbtberia, Croup, Typhoid Fe.
ver, Ave., and of dieoaa or the P sestive
System, Acute and Chrome. Dr. A's meth
ods are in foil accord with th most exact
ing Bacteriology. Having received favor
able recognition by advanced jearnala and
members or tbe two leading schools of mad -icine,
the suthor expresaea confidence in hta
own ability to render satisfactory service ia
line or his specialities. By his methods the
germ elementa of dieease are destroyed ia
horn 1 to 3 days, and tbe patient progressing
to convalescence without tbe uaua stages
of meteorism or swelling, diarrhoea and
hemerrage inVTypboid Fever or the dan.
gerous sequences ot Dipbtberia, viz-, blood
poisoning, Ave. They tuve a specific po t
ency in degenerative conditions common te
elderly and aged persons and heretofore
regarded incurable. April 19, 1893.
.The Repair Shop ol ttaOi
i iiuman system
P f lhc
IT SI is Stent Ac(iW
iUEAi111 Will rCU-t
'Cores iivep Troubles
mv cieattsitie the blood.
Through tho Bowe!,j
the Nalnrstl c:ininel,'
'and not through lite
i&Uiii, thus irivia oati
.oil ImpurEtses
MTG.3Y IhE NMKMWi iAHSirfi..t Ca
etNuHNlTOM. M .
A won.trrlul Improvrmrnt In Friction Feorfecsts
tCI-Umrk. Jfctefc mot ton of f orrkMre flte r
a fa aa any vthr la toe markot. Vt h isan
l.lleb Feed, nuuliia all tbe feed sniaia SO esse
mill while b. areas oavloa In itaw.r ear-'
wear. Wri:a imc eh-calara anil prima; ItattaSSMt
frreuponnpptfcailoTi, Also tferfas TeoHblvooo
raws. 11a. Rikra, CaMtvators, Corn Paaar
era. Shelter, etc JCauion fM pans.
HEKCH & 3P0MG0LD, Mfrs., YQ& H
If roti 4Utt work, tbat i pleasant ao profitable,
ena at your atldrvs iutntc tliat . . We teach ma
and wobub haw to crtru frtxa tsVS.OO l-ci ui.y to
6)3,000 per yeju wuliou hawing Una petioM
experience, and furuiU .iieemn.ovmni at which
thev can matv that amtuut. lHotaitur difticuj; ta
leant or that reouirct tnr.. h time. The work la
euftr, health, aun honorable, nd can b done dar
In davtime er vening. rtrht in yovrowu Uci
ity, wherever you Uve. TIm raamlt of few
konrst' work oftr tr cala a wm.'- rrauefc.
We have tatipht thousand of both ieae aad all
aces, nrd many liuvn ibid fuwntaioiit that ifl
urely bring them rlclie:. Some of the eitfrtct
men in this country owe their Beces in life o
tl mart given them while in our nipoy year
afro. Yoa, rdr. mar do aa well; fry -t- Yoo
ran not full. No capital. ueeMar We fit yon art
with omethin that ia ww, aolld.and anr. a
book brimful of advice 14 free to a.. Help your
elf by writlnjr for it to-day not to-morrow.
Delays are cofljr.
E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box 420.
os -"
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