Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 14, 1894, Image 4

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HLLE crossing the
plains en route to
California in the
unmmer of 1851
ire had entered
the northeastern
edge of Arizona.
One forenoon wa
were plodding
slowly alonqf when
ahead on the trail
horseman riding
saw a
twiftly towards us.
'A white man,
bv thunder! anl
lone, boys," exclaimed our guide,
Sam Lount. "A mighty risky trick
for these parts. We're on tin
stamping ground of the Apaches an 1
they're always on the warpath,
ravening for scalps. We'll likely hear
somo news, boys. Thst miu't got
business on hand. That kind of a
fellow don't hurry for nothing."
By this time the lone rider hat
reached the head of our lin, and
singling out the guide, he courteously
baluted him. "You had better brin j
your wagons close together, and bo
ready to form a corral at a moment's
notice," he said, including us alL
"There's a big band of Apaches, led by
that young villain, Geronimo, laying
for yon behind Baby Range, about
eight miles further on. They intend
to stay there until you get into tin
pass, but may change their minds and
attack in the open."
".Much obliged, stranger," said onr
jrnide. "My name is Ham Lount;
laig'iit I ask yours and how you got
clear of the reds yourself?" I
"Well, smilingly responded tho
"mv Similar mn in fhria.
topher, but I'm generally called Kit1
Kit Carson, at your service."
"Ait Carson! Ait Carson! ti3
familinr name ran down our extends!
ranks like a cheer. Wo all hurried 1 1 1
thd front t o shake haads with the .
famous scout j
Carson was at this time in the prima
o' life about forty years old, I think, j
A casual observer, noting his rathei ,
i ri 1 .. t-u i , 1 f i T m tt i r- , f 1 1 1 mtTinur ir
and modest, unassuming manners.
would never have dreamed of selecting
liim frnm -itit a. rnvil nn xrA Tnrrct f'ur
ing rider, fewless explorer and success-!
ful Indian lighter known to Western
Carson went on to answer the guide's
question . ' I had no trouble to keep
cler.r of the redskin", because, though
I was often much nearer, none caught
sight of me nt a less distance than sixty
rod, and they know Liightfoot" (his
celebrated thoroughbred mare) "Ijo
well to wastd time in a chase."
"I've got men and horses camped
down on the Little Colorado," he went
on, "but I hare been riding alone for
a week trying to select the shortest and
easiest wagon route through thU part
of the country. Three days ago I ran
on Geronimo's warriors just aft.T
they'd wiped out a party of emigrant-.
The remains of four wagons wore Ft. 11
smoking, and, as nearly as I could
judge, sixteen bodies had been piled
up with them. Eight mules lay dead
around. Looking down on their ca np
yesterday I discovered th"y had f;vj
American horses and men," he adde 1
slowly, "they've got a young white
woman prisoner." I
"There were 106 Indians in the band.
There are 93 now. Most are armed
with bows and arrows, tomahaws, lances
"They have scouts out. You haven't
seen them, but they've couutod you
over and over again."
"But thv must know taut you'd
warn us
3?" I observed.
"What do you take
mo for, yonn-;
"Xot red has
p;r, langueil Carson.
hail sight of m for the lust twensy
four hiuirs. It was from th"!r :-iotioa
that I knew a train was ci:ii!u;."
"And now," continued thu scout,
becoming reriou", "it miit never bo
said that thirty-six American men al
lowed a countrywoman of theirs to bo
carried off by a band of savages. If
you'll join in ami do exactly as I say,
we'll rescue that girl before to-uiorro ,
liiorn.ing. Who says yes?"
"I," shouted every man of us.
"Very well, then," said Carson with
a sudden sunny smile. "Unhitch f;r
dinner, now, ana we snail not s.art ,
again until the middle of th a.ter-
toon. . The plan :s to reach llajy j
l:ange just before sundown and cam;) a i
little this side.
Carson mmaged bo that wo r.rplved,
seemingly in the ordinary course of
iravel, at the appointed spot shortly
a. 'tor the sua had disappeared behind
the range. In order to avoid all
chances of his dreaded presence: being
Bin 21 a
'"" , tend a second ambuscade to be set for p.
smooth bore nint lock crans. ! ii i . I ltrifiai
. o as it iook us oniy xen secujus iu re- i -
"And von think thev know that W2 ra i -.a i b'x,
coming?" asked Lount. J Corson, who carried two mngniScert
"I'm sura of it,' answered Carson. .Overs. ioinin ,:a nd leavin? h i
descried by the Indians he had dis-J (recklessly on. They had reached with.4 is particularly noticeable in the speech
mounted when within a mile of tha fifteen feet of the impassive horsemen, : of thoso who have lived but a compara
monutain, placed his famous Lorso in j when six shots, so rapidly discharge I kiTej Aort timQ ia th(J soutb.ern
the rear anioung our led animals and , that the report of one overlapped tin f fctat of the Tjnion. Xhe tendency to
concealed himself in one of the cov- ( other, blazed out aud as many brave. ' introdaca a vowel 80Und to round
ereii wacoiis. j
Everything in tha vicinity was quiet j
as tue .grave, but tho redoubted scout
assured ns th-t, lying behind the
frowning heights, were five seoro sav
ages, and that probably one or two
v.ero looking down upon us.
We formed corral in the leisurely
manner of men unconscious of danger.
Xight came on with a cloudless skvj
Ey the light of a full moon objects,
wjcld be quite distincly seen, while a
6trcng wind blowing from the west, i.
e., directly from the enemy's position j
t ours, effectually drowned the noiso
of en7 movements wo might make.
After supper Carson gathered r.t
aioun 1 him and said in his peculiarly
soft low voice: "Xearthe south enlof
this little range there is, as your
iguido knows, a deep, ragged ravina
winding around to the west and finals-
running out on the
plain quitJ
Icloso to the trail.
"Geronimo's men won't make aniova '
l.; ;.. 1 i.l : t .
souml to us, but they know that it j
will die away just before daybreak,
MUIIO LUIH H4UU 13 irilSWAU H. I k. . 1 1 f 1,
They propose then to steal through
tha pass, form up on this side, make a
rusu and tune you oy surprise ; it taey
could do that, not a man of you would ,
"Xow. I propose about midnitrht,
when tha horses will all be in the cor- , ont the length and breadth of his au
ral, to tike twenty men. ride straight . tive land.
down the east side to the ravine, pas.4
through it Hire sh a lows aud come out
on the trail in their rear. Here the
real trouble will begin, as we shall
then have to sneak, down wind, over a
mile of open ground.
"Lnder ordinary circumstances at-
tempting to surprise a band of Indians
in this way would be childish, but
these fellows aro gorged with stolen J
food, are intent only upon wiping out ,
this party, will never dream of being j
attacked "from the wc3t, ud if they
keep watch at all it will be only for a
short time and ia this direction.
"iut .remember, mea, whether we
rescue a live woman or a mutilated
corpse depends entirely upon tho
exactness with which you who tare left i
ia oamp follow instructions. I
I "if oar surprise ia perfect tho red
will all rasa-for war! it m3t or.r i
attack. Thoy will not. not hire
time to think of their prisoner, else
they'll murder h?r at once,
f One hoar after we leave here ten
of yon must silently saddle and mount
your horses. Ana intrant you near
our nrst volley uasa una ugntnw;
through the p iss.
"You'll use the woman tied up clost
to the roiks oa the left of the pass at
you go out. X wo of yon, appointed be
forehand, must snatch her up and fly
i i i . i . i . i i ii
Daca, wmie lae oiaer eigut join iu iui
fight- I won't last ten minutes, for
there's not a band of Indians on the
plains that will stand that long when
unexpectedly attacked at night on both
sides at ones. And now," concluded
- -, i - .
tne lnirepiu ana exjuerienceu iunoa,
"we may rest for a few hours in abso
lute security."
At midnight Carson and his selected
party left so stealthily that some of ui
who were dozing did not notice theij
Precisely at 1, Lount having
j previously let us draw lots to determine
who should accompany him, diracteJ
the mount. Ejth young Alec Frasei
and myself were of this number. The
whole ten of us, silent as statues, sat
motionless for somo time in oui
We were armed with percussion lock
muzzle loaders. Each man carried,
besides his bolt knife, a heavy Colt's
At last, when nearly a half hour haa
gone by, the old guide whispered:
"All goes well, boys. If the redskins
have no dos along, Carson'll surprise
He had hardly spoken when out upon
the night air rang a volley of rifle
shots, and simultaneously from tha
Indian camp rose a pandemonium ol
! Tells and shrieks.
"Bide, men! ride!" cried Lonnt
I The corral keepers whirled one of tha
encamping wagons asiue, uu c new
into the pass live abreast.
As we thundered headlong over its
200 yards of length Lount hurriedly
added: "You two, Trescott and Ad
ams, seize the prisoner. You others
follow me, and, boy, don't tU.ow a
bullet away !"
The next instant we flashed ot
I nPon the Apaches' campiu ' ground
and immediately caught sig'ut of taa
car.tive. Hho was sittin-j with hvi
aPk ? us bound to a rpear sha.'t
Unveil JUIU l lit? CJ11U. Act- uxnmi'i :
rein we dashed past her, leaving Prej
cott and Adams. We spurred oa whe J
a fight wa3 raging a hundred yards ti
the west.
The 6avages, ready to Cy when a
icore of warriors failed to rise alt r
the riflo roller, had now correct! r es
i: l .,m'.mr ii;i. nnilinf i I
JC ... .
I n 1 were raliviu Most werj oa foot,
but some had ssr.tmbled to their poniei
bareback. Just as we came out upon
them I saw two mounted braves chargj
furiously down with leveled lancos o i
Carson. Before either cn'ne wit.'ii I
striking distance the unerring msr iii
man had fired twice, lightning like,
and both fell.
They never noted our approach, nn 1
when wo lired upon their tear ta
whole bo ty broke and fled.
Tiin Carsou's voice, no longer s-j't
nl low, but rii'ng "-'t t'i
oue-.I, rii9 a iovo af i-.a : ...Juii
yo-ir guis anipistjls! Follow upl"
We eight msn h.i I aimed only nt
the six panics in llu melee an 1 we h.i.l
?rougiit ta?m down, so thst among tha
rusil of living savigs taera was no
aow a single mounted man.
It was a wild race. ve e.;d not in-
party to reload.
The sixtv-nvo Apaches wera stra;
iug everr nerve to reach the shelter
drrk ravine, a:; I cs they had but
nine to cover it seemed possib. d
oiie mile to cover it seemed possib
:hat we might not overtake them.
i CarsoD, Lount and Scott, superbly
jiounted, gained on them nnd came
within half ritle s!iot, while the other
six of us were still loJ yards in t'u
rear. Suddenly, seeing only thr. j
were close upon them, a dozen war
riors turned an 1 delivered their fir.;,
h'cutt fell, and his trained horta or.
lo a dead stop. In the hope of secur
ing at least one scalp, the braves ru-die 1
up with touitihawks and knives. As wa
pressed forward we could see in tin
I rilliant moonlight, chse on each tii'i
of the riderless horse, Carson on thj '
right and Lount on the left-the tw .
veteran plainsmen fritting calmlv i j
tueir .lles awaiting the onset. Vj
dill not lare to dischcrge our rifles fcr
ar of hitting our leaders.
Carson had said calmlv: "The'i
pieces are empty, Sam. W ait tid tm J i
almost touch us."
The Apaches, finding the whites d: 1
not lire, evidently supposed that the:.'
shoot-all-clay little guns were c i
loaded. With exultant yells they e.-.'i! I
went down.
Then, before the remaining six cor.! 1
turn and run, Carson, giving way to a
fit of rage, drove the spurs into his
horse's flanks, and, with an appalling
fhout, fairly rode two of the miscreant J
clown and the others skurried away,
but our riiles finished them.
The twenty mea wbo "had been le.'t
oehind to reload rejoined us hero for'
tho pursuit, but Carson put up his re-
volvers. "That will do, boys. The
rods have got their lesson."
All this, which has taken so long to
tell, occupied scarce a minute in the
doing. v e round boon witn but a
scalp wound, and we setoff back to thd
Indian camp a jolly party. J
scattered over tne ground we foun 1
blankets, buffalo robes, deer skins, j
prairie wolf pelts, war clubs, bows and
arrows and spears. Twenty sets o! I
theso weapons still lay by the warriori j
slain by the opening rifle volley. Neat1
nt hand were tethered more than a hua-
rlred rtnnies. I
Then we set out for the corral. The
approach, the attack, the rescue, the '
utrirmiali tha t-iti t-jti if i Km dAatnlCTtinn !
skirmish, the pursuit, the destruction
of the camp had been crowded into
ies3 than three hours.
This was only one among the daring
j.i .v.;i, ,.,iA t.-; I
! necessary deeds which made Kit Car- I
Eon's name a household word through
I In after years when, at his own home
in Taos, I came to know Christopher
Carson well, he assured me and his
history bears him out in this that
never onee in his long career of battle
had he needlessly killed a single red
man, though in those times among the
pioneers of the Western plains the lifts
of an Indian was considered of no;
more account than that of a noxious
When the "jubilation" had quieted,
dowa Carson inquired for the pri
"Safe here, tut utterly wora ouj
and nearly starved," replied Prescott
"The Indians would offoiher nothing
hut horseUesh. We gave her a gootj
scprcr, with plenty of hot tea, and aha
is asleep iu Scott's wagoa, fast asleej
i 9 awakened by our seiM.
i w a a - i
The rv W.n Wfca Severe- fat
Kiee Tfr-Hw ffce ffiiCini
(From the Xeieari, X. J., Evening JVeirO
On (he summit of a pratty llttlo knoll it
the heart of the villas of Clifton, N.
stun Is a handsome rcsiilenss about whlc'j
elnxter the elem"rntJ of what is regtrdsl by
the country people ronoi about as little
short of a mlracln. T'le honn Is oeeuple
by the family of Kr. Geo. Archer, a formei
attache of the police di?irtmeut of Nw
fork City, but who n-w hoi Is a rsponiib!
tosltinn with the Ktanlnrl Oil Company,
JTr. Archer's family consists of Ills wife, I
jprlgtilly little wo'min, who presents a pi
lure of perfect, health, an l a eon, twenty
even years of agr No oas woal 1 suppose
(o look at Sirs. Archer now that she was fn
nearly nine years, nnd less than two month)
sjo. an invaltj S3 lt)MIIUtl that life was
1 bur.Ien. Yet m:h w is the ens , aesorlini)
fo the statements made by Sin. Archer an4
kor relatives to a reporter who visited hc
fretly home reecotty.
In 1835 she str.itoel herself In running ta
.nlchabo it. Then ensoel along spell of
i:!ns, resulting froit ths tax upon hr
llrfn,tli. Doctor after doctor was consulted
and while all agreed that the patieat wiiS
iufffring from a valvular trouble of tha
heart, none could afford ber the slightest re
lief. ! "Oh, the agony I hare suffered," saM
Mrs. Archer, In speaking of hr illness. "1
could not walk across the floor; neither
could I go upstairs without stopping to let
the pain in my chest and left aria cease. I
felt nn awful constriction about my arms
'unit chest as though I were tied with ropes,'
Then there was a terrible noise nt ray ri(lit
ear, like the labored bruithini;of some groutj
animal. I have often turned expecting toj
sne some creature at my side. Tne only re
lief I obtained was wbn I visited Florld.'M
and spent several months there. Oa my rtM
Inrn, however, the pain came back with re
newed fore
''l'jist July," continued Mr. Archpr, "J
iwas at Springfield, Ma-?., visiting, and my
j.iolhor showed me an account lu the
fipringjield Examiner, telling of the wonduri
(Jul cares effected by the use of Dr. Williams';
i'ink Tills for Fn'o r--opl". My molln-f
Jitried me to try l'ie pii.s, nu 1 oa it'ovuuid
E5th last I bought a box tuii bexuu lakiniS
I hem, and I have taken them ever since, ex
jeept for a short interval. The first box did
ami seem to bem Ht mi", but 1 persnvi re I,
-ncouraKl by the requusts of my relativi-s.
I ' 1 I II , 'II 11 !, I'll C ' V,U1I4 UV. L J UJ
fwondor, the no!s at my rurht oar ceas. d m
liroly. I kept right on and the distress that)
1 used to feel in my chest and arm graduni y
lisappearod. The bloo.l has returned lo my
race, lips and ears, which were entirely dt
iold of color, and I feul wall and btron
I "iiy son, too, had been troubled with gas
tritis and I induced him to try the Plait
rills, with great benefit. 1 leel t lint every J
body ouht to know or my wonderful curj
end I bless God that I ii .vj found some-4
thing that has Riven mo this great relief.'
' Mr. Archer coubruicd his wilt1 statement
nhd said that a year ago Mrs. Archer coul l
not walk nni hundred leot without sittinJ
down to re-t.
. , v Wlj,j.imi.p;n;jriig-orr.1iHpl.0.,iearii
not a p uiTit miMlloina in the st-use iu wUil-Ii
tnatli-rmis usually unuerstoo i, but are a
VcK-ntlflo preparation successfullr used la
fci-iii-ral praci ice for many years befora be-
In offered lo the public generally. Tliey
pontnln In a condensed form all the elements
liecetfsary to give new life nn4 richness to
II lie blood, uud restore shattered nrv'.
i'hey are aa uu.fullnif specillc for m.-h 11
eases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis,
rit. Titus' danco. sciaiica, neuralgia, rheu-
uat lam, nervous hoadacho, the after effects
jef tne gripp, palpitation oi tne t,eirr, pan
tied sallow coiKplt xions, that tired fueling ro
kultlng from nervous prostration; all rtis-
ai')S resulting iro'n viiiatei numorsinina
lood, such as scrofula, chronic ervsipslas,
tc. They aro also a specilla for trou'ili-s
;.eculiar to fomal.-s, such as suppressions, lr
raulnritfes an i ail forms of wuanness. They
uild up the blood and restore the glow of
.euUb to pale or sallow checks. Ii men
hey effect a radical cure in alt cases arts
air from menial worry, overwork or ex-
E esses of whatever nature. '
These Pills are manuf iclnrel bytlioDr.
'.'dliams's Medioina Company, Schenectady,
and are sold only in boxes bearing tn
trade mark and wriooar. at 50 enta a
or six boxs for 92.50, and arn ncvul
(ait or by the dozen or hundred.
Climate and Language.
i in looking overtne aDorigina'. name
nnnn a man of t.hA TTnited States, it is
curious Ruj interesting to note "ths
,a,im:, ;n v, l,;l,u
nd vowels in the lower latitudes.'
J Jn Maine, for example, are found such)
j harsh sounding names as Paraedmu
! rook, Androscoggin, JIattawarakeag;
I'ongokwaken, while in Florida ard
iTallahassee, Suwauee, Kissimee and
, kppalachee, with vowels and liquid,
j Lounds in the majority. The same
i iieculiarity may be noted on scanning
u map of Europe.
Gutturals predominate in Norway
and Bussia, whereas, far to the south
j ward, in sunny Italy, there is a pro-
I 11 ul'llTl nf E TI I'll AIITtlinnillllB (J THOU U 3
jBiermo Verona, Campobello, eta
x-,.. in tha Erit;,., IsUnds. coverin-r
, bo few degrees of latitude, there is a
Inarked difference between the "bnrr"
of the Highlander and the soft speech
! of the native of Southern England.
difference between the speech of the
dwellers in the upper region of the
Bnsquehanna, in Xew York State, and
that of the inhabitants of the eastern
shore of Maryland.
The influence of climate onlangnaga
but a word is noted in the Southern
pronunciation of such words as
"electoral" and "Texan," which are
frequently changed to "electorial"
land "Texian. " Thackeray was amused
Bt the insistence of servants in South
ern hotels in addressing him as Mr.
A theory which may partly account
- for these climatic effects is based upon
' the contrast of the stillness which
j usually pervades Southern lands with
j the stormy inquietude of Northern
countries. Cloudless skies, for monthi
at a time, characterizes the climates
of Italy and Texas, while a firmament
entirely free from clouds is rare in
Mlline or in xorwBy.
It requil.es, of course, greater effort
to be he(irii in regions which are swep t
t,y winja Mlj storms than in quiet
Rontl,n .ml l a hnr t
distinctly amid the noise and con
fusion of the elements words nin&t be
used which contain manv consonants.
A l. i.:.,.,,. f ....,..".. -1
climes the tendency is toward so.t and
mn8iCal cadence, and travelers relate
LI--1. : - O .1. , : ..1.
that in regions in South America, such
as Fern and Venezuela, where atmos
hherio disturbances are rare, the
natives almost chant the phrases of
i , ,.- t.t i i i t i
jjalutatioa. Philadelphia Kecord
Snake redtHcrs.
Live rattlesnakes are sold for $1 a
make by peddlers in the streets of
Southern California towns. Buyers
ire found among persons who want to
lan the hides for various uses, and
each buyer can kill his snakes in the
nanner that he regards most conducive
k the preservation of the skin's colors.
Detroit Free Prea.
r Hoarurtondine.
She What's your idea of nnhappl.
lie (tenderly) Beinu away from
rou. What your.-?
She An undecided man In a drujr
tore trying to make up his mind
uuong scrcn different kinds of sarsa
oarflla, Soiaorville Journal.
X IYcssnra of a XTEIoa round, j
Eome interesting experiments havt
been made at Washington University,
Kt. Louis, with the largest hydraulu
testing machine in the world. Il
can exert a pressure of 1,000,004
pounds. Timbers such as are used foi
pillars in large commercial building!
were crushed, not broken, langthwisa
A piece of timber capable of sustaining
8000 persons was crushed like an egg
shell when placed in the machine. Th
best brick piers two feet square,
columns of granite a foot square and
sandstone three feet square are ground
to powder with the greatest ease. Ths
machine was designed for the purpose
of pursuing investigations being made
by the Government of the strength of
commercial woods grown in the United
States. Xew York Telegram. ..
CalarrU Cauaiot Ee Cared
With local app'loatinns, as they cannot react
the sent of the diae ise. Cutarra is a blood oi
constitutional iUsh-mw, and in order to cun
it you niitsr. taco internal rt-raedipa. Hail't
Catarrh i tire is taken internally, and acts dl
m:tlyn the hlimd and mucous surface. liall'i
Catarrh Cure is not aquack meilicine. ltviv
prttscrilie-l lv orm of th best pliysiciaiis H thi;
eonntry frr years arid is n re'lar preTiption
It is i-niiiirw I of t;ie rt tonies known, com
bined wilh Ilie best lil xl jmriiiers. acting di
reelly on tho miu-ous surtMccs. The perfert
V-oinbination of the two ingredients Ls wha1
Irolucer such wonderful results iu curing ca
itarrlu Send fur testimonials free.
F. J. t'.iiKNEY & Ci., 1'ropa Toledo, Ok
Sold by Urugigista, price 75c
According to a Roumanian! custom,
when a servant haa displeased hi;
master, the offender takes his boots in
his hand? nnd places them before th;
bedroom door of his master. It is a
sign of great submission.
Faeces la J.lfa
rer-en-t on Ilie little tlitnpr. A Tilpans Tahn'e
is a little tliini;. but taking one occ.isiinally
rives K.od digestion, and Ibst me.ois kmj-J
VIoihI. aud t'nat iik-mus ffuud bi'aiii aiiu
and tiiut mt-aus success.
In Belgium a dog can ' ride in nr j
p issenger carnage by buying a ticket.
Live stock in this country is kept out
of cars except the railway hog. Bj
the way, the dog's ticket ia usuallv
bought for him.
Dr. Kilmer's Snr-RooT cur
all Kidney and bladder tronblaa.
fan:pniet nod Conuhatlon Irs.
l.-orato. v- ?uu:ii:uutua. M. Y
A Cineinn-iti in ;n'a will inst mailt
public, beqiie.ilhs tlu sum of 51000 tc
bo used in seeking :i method whereby
nosquit ifs may be destroyed. He
had sulfcred for years from a large
bite on the noie.
Karl s Clover K'Mjt, ttie itreat blood purlflsr,
rlvefresliiiess utiil clearness to ttie comDlexlji
nd cures constitution icls- 5jct.. L
East Broadway, ; Now York City,
b lasts of a boy barber who is but
eleven years oi l. He is an T'-'l'-"
: 1 1 is ,1 skill'.;! I fi - c'i (-- a!. ,
lO 15 1. 1 11 1 OU U it ,ui
.11110 ue does hi:
Vr. Winnlow's Poothtnn Svrnn for cliildreo
Wlllin'.', glllO'IlS lliw limii'
ion, allays piin. cures wind colic zacm bolili
It is said that in 1775 a hailstone
weighing t.vcnty ounces fell at Murcia,
Brinn comfort and improvement and
tend? to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The manywho live bet
ter than others and cniov life more, with
les expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the worm s tesi products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
tho value to beiilth of the puro liquid
laxativo principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is duo to its rre?entin!r
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, t'e retresiung ana truly
beneficial properties of h pci-fect lax
ative; eflecttia'.ly clcar.jsing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and feve-!
nnd permanently curing constipation.
It has piven satisfaction to millions and
met with the artnroval of the medical
profession, because it acts on tne Kid
neys, laver nnd isoweis witnoui weaa
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Pvrnp of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
ctccob anjr substitute if oiiered.
I wl-h I had not eaten that salad.
Wby 1 thoitfjht it excellent."
M So it was. but it has Riven me inrtf
irenion. It ilijtresses me fearfully.-'
"Oh, that's linnwnse. fwallow thi.
You'll be nil rikht in ton miuuLea."
-What is it?"
4 R Spans Jabule !'
"lo you carry them around with
you i"
I do, indeed t Ever since I keard
about them 1 keep one of the little vials
in my vest pocket."
Furniture anil Being.
4 -Heine dealers and mannfacturera ire are
enabled to sell you goods lower than any Furni
ture Hon e in the country.
LOOK ! 10 Pieces Solid Oak, carved Bed Room
Pulls 1.IX, S21.0U, $.0U. 14 l"ie-e lrge Oak
l!ed Room Suit, tfi, r-"9, MCi 5a Includes 1
bureau, I Washstand, 1 Bedstead, 1 Best Mat
tress, 1 Woven Wire Spring, 2 rillows, 1 Bolster,
2 cliairs, 1 liocker, 1 1'arlor Table and Largo
Best line of Royal Mattrestea, Feathers, Tables,
Pide Boards. Couches, bounces, Parlor eultes,
( hairs. Springs, Hall .Stands, ttc Our goods in
-A orkmanship, durability or price bare no equal,
t all and be convinced. Goods sent all over the
No. 12IS Ttmon AVE.,
Above Spring Garden.
cash or ckeoit. Loujs Daniels
BfUULMl. awl Igc dxcar. 6M&en.AJt.lBirJC.'
(',' V LMi.t 1.1 flSf I
I Best Lnwh byruift. TaMM Oooo. XJm
la tuna, sifl dt arunrtsia.
4 oia
mis. n
and those about-to
become mothers.
should know that
TV Pierre's Fa
vorite Prescription
robs childbirth of
its torture, terrors
and dangers to
tmth mother and
child, by aiding Nature in preparing the
system for parturition. Thereby "labor"
and also the period of confinement are
greatly shortened. It also promotes an
abundant secretion of nourishment tor
the child. During pregnancy, it pre
vents "morning sickness" and those
distressing nervous symptoms from
which so many suffer.
Tanks, Cottle Co., Texas.
Dr. R. V. PlKRCK, Buffalo, N. Y. :
Dear Sir I took your " Favorite Pre
scription " previous to confinement and
never did so well in my life. It is only
two weeks since my confinement and I ara
able to do my work. I feel stronger than I
ever did in six weeks before.
Yours truly,
South Bend, Pacific Co., Wash.
Dr. R. V. Piercb, Buffalo, N. Y.:
Dear Sir began taking- your "Favor
ite Prescription " the first month of preg
nancy, and nave con
tinued taking- it since
confinement. I did not
experience the nausea
or any of ths ailments
due to pregnancy, after
I began taking- your
"Prescription." I was
only in labor a short
time, and the uhvsician.
said I got along- un
usually well.
Ve think it saved me
a trrpat deal of anfierinflr.
Mas. Bake.
I was troubled a
rreat deal with leucorrhoa also, and it has
3 - 1 Ar .luvl fnr wnm
Yours truly,
Mrs. W. C BAKER.
Tnlled bread is a delicious accom
paniment of cheese, and is an agree
able substitute for tha usual biscuits,
with lemonade, win and tea. Take
from the oven an ordinary loaf when
it is about half baked, and, with the
fingers, while it is still hot, put the
half set dough into pieces of irregular
shape, about the size of an egg. Do
not attempt to smooth or flatten them,
as they are better the rougher they
are. Set on tins, place in a very alow
oven and bake to a rich brown.
Bice bread is a variation of the stall
of life which breaks the monotony of
the continual wheat bread fare. Take
h -.1 f a pound of rice and boil gently
..v. r slow fire in a quart of water un
til it : softenourh to be beaten into
a smooth paste. Mix this while warm
into a pound and a quarter of flour,
adding at the same time the usual
qur itity of yeast. Kneed it very thoi
oiiguly. Allow the dough to work
near the fire, after which divide it into
loavea and bake.
- Potato bread is another variation
which is much liked. Place three
pounds of flonr near tho fire to warm ;
take a pound of potstofg, peel, boil
md wash them as though for the table.
lii with cold water until they are
morth ond liquid enonph to peps
shron;,'h a sieve easily. Add the yeast,
mix and bake in the usual way. New
1'ork World.
That success depends upon :
Using a reliable make of glass jars
nd testing the air-tight quality of
ch by pouring a little water into it,
'justing tha rubber and cover, and
landing it upside down.
Thoroughly cleansing all jars that
have been used, by washing them first
n warm water, then filling full of
cabling hot water to which borax,
mmonia or washing soda has been
vlded, and allowing them to stand at
ast two hours before rinsing.
Rejecting all old rubber bands till t
re stretched out, discolored, or in the
ast hardened.
Usin-j firm, large fruit of suitable
:rieties and having it under rather
jan over ripe ; rejecting all that arc
rushed, cveiripe, stunted or kuotty,
ind carefully preparing the rest.
Washing currants on the stems and
strawberries before they are hulled ;
trashing all small fruits quickly aud ho
llaring a few at a time in a colander,
hen, holding it over a sink, pour cold
rater en the fruit and spread it on a
.jwel to drain.
Allowing the pits of cherries and
leaches and the seeds of pears to re
gain in the fruit ; or, if this is objec
tionable, distribute five or six peach
its through each quart jar and put r.
mall white net or thiu muslin bat
.'ontaining a handful of cherry pits or
pear seeds in each similar-sized jar.
Paring peaches with a thin-bladed,
'harp knife instead of scalding them in
i ye ; not removing the skins of plums,
I ut pieroing each one, two or three
imes with a fork to prevent tha skins
j rora breaking badly while they are
Using only fine flavored sugar,
ither granulated or loaf, and only
I nough to impnrt a plcaeant, palatable
Cooking the frnit in the jars so that
ft is not broken by handling or its
flavor lost in escaping steam. To do
I his, place the frnit in jars as fast as it
I I prepared, cover with syrup to the
neck of the jar, then put on the cover,
ut not tho rubber band. Set a com
(non wash boiler or other suitable ves
fel on the back of the range, place the
Iirs of fruit inside, but not close
nough together to touch, fill tha ves
tal with hot water until it reaches to
withia an inch of the top of tha jars,
j'raw it to the front of tha range, oover
fj losely, and bring to a boil. Continue
oiling ten minutes (longer for large,
irm fruits) or until the fruit can "be
rosily pierced with a fork, and then draw
Ihe vessel to the back of the range. Take
out a jar, set it on a folded wet towel,
fill it to overflowing with boiling
water, wipe off the neck, adjust th i
rubber and cover, and screw the latter
tightly. Treat eaeh jar in this man
ner, and, as they cool, endeavor to
tighten the covers about once an hour.
When nearly cold, invert them all, as
a final test that they are air-tight.
Wrap eaeh jar in paper or draw a
paper bag over it from the top, label
plainly on tha outside, and keep in a
cool, dry place.
. Tha flavor of canned frnit ia greatly
improved by opening it two or three
hours before it is needad, to restore
the oxygen.
This is neither a new nor a difficult
method of canning fruit, but is vir
tually tha same as that need by all
can ifaeturers of such goods. And
ret, for soma inexplicable reason, the
oaj jrliy cf hsuoe wives fail to appreci
ate its superiority over tho method
commonly employed, and are content
to produce a third or fourth rate ar
tiole a sort of canned jam if only it
"keeps. " New York Times.
km Bla Armor TTaa Weatk.
'What's the matter with Cfaap-
?ie?M "Concussion or the bruin,
lis mother patted him on the head
this morning." Kftw York World.
I'hey Slake Semi-Occasional Visits to
the Queensland Islands and Ter
rorize the Inhabitants Their
Queer Kasal Jewelry.
HE Queensland Islands of Sal-
bai as well as llanan ana
Eoign, are in a state of terror
C over the Tugere pirates, wno
are reoorted to be making: their semi-
occasional visit into that territory.
But little is known of these people, aud
although investigated by the well
known explorer Douglass, scarcely any
definite information is obtainable even
I at this late day. From meagre reports
, which have been received from time to
time this much is certain, that they are
both warlike and numerous. They
come around tha coast from the West
in large canoes without outriggers, be
fore the northwest wind, and return
with the -d vent of the southeast. They
are far better warriors than the native
tribes in the Queensland possessions,
and their arrival has created general
consternation. Dozens of coast com
munities are reported to have broken
up and wandered away in small
parties into the forest to wait
for the arrival of the south
east wind, which generally marks
the departure of the Tugeres. These
pirates rarely camp on the same
ground a second time, last season
camping near Kadawa, where a Eu
ropean traveler named, juartin was
killed by a Tugere. It appears that
Martin, who was a trader, was caught
near their camp while in search of
oddities. The present camp has been
located near the mouth of the Kawa
Kussa Biver, and the length of their
sojourn will depend principally upon
their success in pillaging villages. It
has been impossible to determine the
exact number of fighting men of the
Tugeres, bnt according to Captain
Strachan, who was attacked by them
some years ago, there are not less
than 1500. Captain Strachan was at
tacked on the Mr.iktiHa Biver. He and
his men fired on them with Winches
ter rifles at a distance ranging from
150 to 200 yards. In his report the
captain states that it was an utter im
possibility to intimidate them, and he
was compelled to abandon his vessel.
It has been about definitely decided
that thene pirates come from Dutch
New Guinea.
In view of their depredations, a brie!
review of the Tugeres will prove of in
terest. As a body of men they are aj
fine as any tribe to be met with in any
of the possessions. In one band on the
Upper Fly Biver there are men as mus
cular and equally capable in appear
ance ; but those of the Tugere are far
tue nest ot tne tr:l2. Aiiiny are oi a
li.ifht brovn color. They are armed:
exclusively with bows and arrows.
They propel their own canoes, which '
are exceedingly clumsy in build, being
from thirty-five to forty feet long and ,
without outriggers, and propelled by '
means of poles made from the widest
of the sago palm-leaf. Paddles are
rarely used and are almost unneces
sary. In appearance the Tugeres
are anything but prepossessing.
They wear the tiara, which
is frizzled, plaited into a
great number of small cords, with a
kind of ledge, each cord falling down
on the neck, and at the lower extremity
the ledge is wound around to form at
the end of each plait a little ball. This
gives a man an appearance as though
he carried on the sides and back of the
neck a bunch of grapes so large and
heavy as to make it almost difficult to
turn the head. The forehead is high
and well formed, t ;ie eyes being a hazel
color. In the ears are large rings ol
the wire feathers from the wings of the
cassowary. Their noses are profusely
ornamented. A hole is made in each
from above downward into the nostril,
and into this bone are put bamboo,
bone, etc., the lower end coming out
of the nostril, so that the bamboo is
thus fixed in a perpendicular position.
One man wore in this way two-leg
bones of a pig, each one fnlly
three-fourths of an inoh in diameter
and about seven inches long. Some
wore bamboos of similar proportions,
others bamboos an inch in diameter
on each side and about two inches long.
Some again had cassowary claws stuck
into these holes with the nointa direotarl
toward the eyes. In many cases be- j
tween the holes for the reception of
this nasal jewelry there are on each
sideof theridgeof the nose perpendicu
lar slits about a half inch long. Many
wear braids, while around the neck
r.re sometimes suspended a half dozen
pitv'1 lrit of V. i ;--sh, probably
of those killed by the wearers, dried
and tanned, or perhaps several strings
of dog's or wallaby's teeth. On the
breast are cross-belts of fibre or Job's
toars, and around the waist are gener
ally two girdles, one fastened with a
shell that acts as a button. On the
arms and legs are rings of plaited cane
or mat work. But the most notable of
all is the fact that none of the Tuseres
are tattooed. New York Tribune.
Henbane as an Adulterant.
A correspondent of the London
Times relates an experience which
shows how dancer may arise from
the most unsuspected sources. He
rays that ten minutes after be and
his wife hud Cuiched their soup at '
dinner the other evening both were
attacked by faintness and dizziness, I
the symptoms increasing in violence
until he deemed It expedient to sum
mon his physlGlan. Then he disco v-t
ererl that, all his snrvants wore anffor. 1
intr in a similar way. The doctor, as
soon as he arrived, perceived that 1
poison was at work, and at once re- (
sorted to heroic measures, which
proved effectual. Investigation re
vealed the fact that the cook had
flavored the soup with what had been '
bought f;ir cslcrj seeds, but which
proved to be henbane. A visit to the
grocer who had sold the stuff was
then made, and in his possession were
found two m rc bottles labled 'celery
seed," but containing henbane. The
grocer, it appears, was wholly inno
cent in the matter. Ha had procured
tho seeds fiom a wholesale Brtu,
which had imported them f.-6ia
France. It appears that henbane is
50 per cent cheaper than celery seeds.
and that s me French exporter is j
using it as an adulterant. Persons ,
buying rench celery seed would do
well to make sure that they are get
ting the genuine article.
Imitation Peart.
Imitation pearls are now made pret
tier than the genuine. The salos of
a little fish that swims the Mediter
ranean are pulverized to dust, and tha
most luminous portion of tho powder
saved. This sparkling dust is then
spread on the innner surface of little
glass spheres, and your pearl is male.
At first the scale dust was spread otfer
the outer surface of the "pearls," bnt
it rubbed ofif. The pearls made by this
process are really prettier than tha
product of the oyster, but then, they j
aren't pearls, you knor. 2fvw York
t If It's a Sprain, Strain,
i St. Jacoos
Will Cure It
What They Are For
sick headache
bilious headache
tad taste in the mouth
foul breath
loss of appetite
when these conditions are caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world ; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, Nev
York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con
sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druggist the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
tire oerr
TraiiKHt for aSneceimrul Start la Btulacw Life, laagfet bow t st TJtIbit. Makn Money and b-com Ea
V rprtslng. I'niul Clili-n, at Eutuii Coluui, roiniumi, N. Y., On-ThK-Hndaoa, the only Srtanol la
Anw-rk-a devotel to tlil specialty. Sito&t-onfl prori4d far competent studentA. Refers to Pstrofts la
ststt Stat? and Graduate In nearly etry city an 1 1 wn. Total expe se of preocribed course $!f to a 130,
No clittA M'Ktem. B vacaf lotts. Afipl'cants eatar any day. Address for cataloims, fflvins full laformaUoa,
CLEMENT C. GA1'E. Prealdeetj 3t WaahlasTtoa Street, ronghkeep-ile, Pi. Y. A
"forbid a fool a Thing and that lie will do.
Don't Use
The Largest Manufacturers of
On Chls Continent; btm reiT4
Industrial and Food
In Europe ana America.
TTelike Hit Dutch Proccat, bo Alka
lira or Othar Chemical or Djcs ar
nsatt In anr of their DrrDaraaoaa,
ThetrdcHcimia BRKAKFAST COCOA la abaoluUl
pux and aoaubla, and amim Um lAam mm cmX ciq-
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
Removes Tan,
Freckle. Plm
plr. Moth Patch
es, Rash and Sk in
disease, and
vry blemish on
trtOaiitr and deflus
defe-ctiuti. Oa lu
virtues It has
food the tost ft
4 7 ears; no otbsr
has, and is mo
harm lass we lasts
It to b surs It Is
property made.
Accept do count
erfeit of similar
r name. i d am-
tliiffUaibed Dr. Ia.
A. Pay re snM to a lady of the tiaut-tos patient):
uAs you ladieo will (Asm, recommend
'Gouraud'o Cream' as th least harmjul of all
the skin preparations."
One bonis will last six months, nsln It every day.
Also Foudre Subtile removes superfluous hair with
ut Injury to the skin.
FKHD.Hol'KINS.Pro p., r Great Jones SCN.Y.
For sale by all DruggwtB and Fancy Goods IeaJers
throughout the U. 8. Canada, and Europe.
AsT-Beware of Be Imitations. Iiooo I W ward for
arrtst and proof of any one selling the same.
Oraof the Largest and Best Cuoc
Boo.ta published. KaUsa la aeaaaia
tor la Lar s Lion ksai eat fn.m Liua
CotTe. wrappers, airt a leent stamp.
Writs fur Hat of oar otber So. Pna.
maaSk Jf"-V J?" Co .
4S0 Huron St louuo, Omo.
haa bo-n twM by Millions f Mathers
for their vhtHren wtHle Te thine for over
F:rryYefxi. It stjottaes the child, softens .he
(rums, allays all pain, cures wind oaUc,aad
htt-u uv3t rouvtsjy xor a aiT3?a.
Twenty-live Cents st Settle.
was formerly pronounced incurable.
eaxiy stages of the disease
Scott's Emuision
eaalllllieBBBVattBlaSBBBaBy" sBHsBaBaaaaaHsHslBflslBBBBBBBBB
vaaec man.
-w awasa
or Bruise
sallow skin
torpid liver
depression of spirits
f mar rumrMM n rm is your health
to roof them ooorsE without
s0$ 60Sansom St:
Always Eeliable, Purely Vegetable.
Perfectly tasteless,
reeulate. onrifv. clean
elegantly coated, pnrae.
i. pnrifT. cleanse and strenffthtn. KA1V
WAY'S rlU.3 lor the cure of all disorders ot ths
Ptomach, Bowels, K Ulneys, B .adder. Nervous
Diseases, Dizziness, Vertigo, Codtiveneas, Piles,
Sick Headache,
Female Complaints,
All Disorders of the Liver.
Observe the following symptoms.resultlns Irom
diseases of the diRestiveorgttiii!:Constipailoii, In
ward piles, fullness ol blood In th. head, acldllT
of the stonmcb nauica, heartburn, disgust 6t
food, lullness of weight of the llomaoli, sour
eructutions, sinking or fluttering of the heart,
chocking or sufficming sensations when in a ly
ing posture. dimnt-M ol vision, dots or w.ba bi
fore the sight, fi-ver and dull pain In Mia heal,
deficiency of ier.irution, yellowness ol theskla
and eyas, paiu in the aide, chest, limbs, and sud
den flushes of heat, burning in the ties a
A few doies of UADWAY'S PI1.1.S will free lbs
system of all the above named disorder.
I-rle ItSe. a Box. Bold by Druggists,
sent by mall.
Fend lo DR. I5ADWAY 4 CO., Lock Box SU,
Haw York, for ltook of Advice
W. L. Bouclas
3.SP P0LICE.3 Soles.
4,52. WORKINGKej,!
2.L7 BoysSchgolShces.
. .AArQlO il 75
Test eaa ioto money by wearing the
W. L. Douglas 63.00 6koe. v
Beeawaa, we are the largest manufacturers of
this grad.of shoes In the world, and guaraaM. their
value by stamping the name aad price on the
bottom, which protect you against high prleM and
the middleman's profits. Our shoes euoal custom
work la style, easy Siting and wearing qualities,
w. have them aold everywhere at lower prices for
the value given than any other make. Take no sub.
ewnte. lr jrour dealer cannot auDvlr you. we can.
Now it is not In all
vT-if: a-
will effect a cure quiokor than any other
known .specific. Scott's Emulsion pro
motes the making of healthy lung-tissuo,
relieYes inflammation, overcomes the excess
ive waste of the disease and gives vital
strength. .
Tor Coughs, Ooldi, Weak Lungs, Sore Throat,
BronoMtia, Consumption, Scrofula, Anamia,
Loss of Flash and Wasting Diseases of Children.
Buy only the genuine with our trade
mark on salmon-colored
vruif itihtbi. s.-r ah a -S ai
VUI.13 BI1U 9 Em