a mr If. Pmiu EN f IML &. KEPlibUCAN MIPFLINTOWN. WEr.MSl'IT. NOT-14. 1894. H. F. S C H W EI ER cniTOn AND PBOrBIIVOB. Xobth Carolina elected a republi can Legislature. Thxpe is talk of President Cleve- laud infilling 50 million dollars more old bearing bonds to cret gold to lfrT) up the cold supply in the Treasury. Last week Presideut Clevelvnd of fered his services to the Chinese and Japanese government as a mediator to bMle tqe matter in dispute and cioha the wnr. What the President's interference mar do is hard to even fore-shadow. Sotttheks leaders are now calling1 democratic Congressman a set of cowards because they did not pass a Tree trade far iff law, and if the old rebfl element ean rule tho democrats inCongtesj this wiater they will pass a law of thai kind. The recent elec tion may ecaid tbcm off. It ie probablo that the recent re r"il!ican victory will halt the Cleve land administration on a further ro dui-tion of the tariff and that will stearlv the business from a further decline. However should the ad ministration continue the agitation of a further reduction of the tariff prices will continue to decline. Hos. W. D. Btsum of Indiana, one of the extinguished lights of the domoeraey says the public mind is diseased, and needs rest. If Bvnum had just gone a step further end told tbo fact that it is tho democratic party that has produced the state of unrest by its tariff tinkering, he would have struck the nail on the head, bnt liyuum is tho same man that ho wa when he promised the farmors in his district $1.00 whoat if thoy would vote for Cleveland. Cleveland i only half way through v:i'h his term and the farmers can noi g(;t a half dollar for tboir wheat, aud if Bynum, Wilson, Cloveland & C., r".:ss tho freo trade agitation .jli wintr, times cannot improve nl the people will feel still more dissatisfied with the democrats. Awful Fall- Lfifct. Friday afternoon while Har tv nud Keeley Baucerman and Ralph fJrubb were painting the outside of Kvt-rhirt's steam mill, they met with uc accii'cnt that might have been thf- dtjutu of all three. In order to get at their work it was necessary to put jacks out of the mill windows and lrjv n ladder across two jacks to foroi a (scaffold. The reach between tlK' picks was entirely too long, and v 'liie one of the vmwg men was in Mir centre the ladiler broke dropping aM ' L-ree to the ground, a distance of hirfy feet. Orubb received a nr-ius-! wrist Keeley Saucerman . e painfully bruised about the body, 'hi Ixaii Wi-re ablo to walk and are ,. .".bout nursing- their injuries. i: rry ii-crrmau fell npon a pile of H"d w.js rendered unconscious for toma minutes. He was taken to Lis r.cme ana medical aid summoned. His injuries consist of a contused hip, a bsdly lacerated face and other minor bruises. He will recover. It is -i uiirachi that all throe were not instantly killed. Newport Ledger. i Heavier Ralls for tbeP.R. R. The Pennsylvania Railroad Cora peny hi'.s decided to increase its stan iard of weight of steel rails on the main line from 85 pounds to 100 poundj The change is to go into affect iiert year and ail new rails between Jersey City arid Pittsburg will be of the new standard. The increase is principally due to the heavier loco mother), which the company has gradually lx-eu acquiring, besides the increase in speed. Most of the new rails will be 60 feet in length as against the 30 foot rail now general ly used. Euf'orclng a Law. Connecticut, like Pennsylvania, has a It to regulate the disease known as the -'peach yellows," but, unlike our own state, Connecticut enforced this particular statute. Inspectors are appointed for every county and these viBit every peach tree in the district. In some sections every or chard visited was infected. From twenty five to ore hundred peach trees were found daily in one county, and ordered destroyed. The penalty of non-c-niplianco there is from $100 to j500. Sn-h a law means business. In 1'enns.ylvanii there are no inspec tors, and tbt matter is left to the owners or informers, and the result is that njt much is done by either flu HI?. Struck Him in tlie Eye 1 f.i.li i ostk, Nov. 9.-A very strange and interesting incident has just oc-oi'rn-u in Aaronsburg, this county. Jacob lankle, a Boldier of that town, lost an eye in abattlo of the rebellion At the time he received tbe injury the surgeon merely waslieu ins eye and the bullet was not probed for, lie bfl9 experienced pain at times ev er since on the left side of his face his eve constantly running with wa ter. " Last week while in Milheim Mr. Dunk'" took a coughing hpell, and dviing the spasm his friends in his company noticed something drop from his mouth. It turned out to be a miuu e ball, which had become lodf'fd in the back part of the mouth, having found its way down from the eye. - - Ou Wednesday a flock of thirteen -v";.i iv.-keys, while attempting to fly r:--ross I ho river from the Dannhrn ;-o niiv mde, uropped into the rive? a -;t tbo tu.uof the mountain. Tbey -vl". noticed flopping in the water i,-. .i.e. "f the trackmen, who notified li.. Pii? nbuiiie, who went out in the r-ei- in a boat and captured five. Will Mayall pwam out in the cold wa ter ard was rewarded by securing four. A tram captured one and thinking thoy were the property of 'c'-i j of tii3 look-rs on from phore ty.ie it to a young man for a dime, Tbe other tmee turkeys went on down tho river. Duncannon Record. c Governor S3 2 K ot ' -5' 5 EL ? ? Mifflin town Fermanagh . . . Patterson Walker Miiford Port Royal Beale Delaware Thompsontown. Turbett Sprnce Hill. . . Fayette Monroe Greenwood. . . Susquehanna . Tuscarora .... Lack Black Log Hastiso's majority in Juniata, nc ! cording to the official count is 258; i Lyou's majority is 142; Nylin's ma ! ioritv is 185: Litta a maioritv is i 194; Grow s majority over .Meyers is 198. Grow's majority over Col lins is 230; Huff over -Meyers, 182; Huff over Collins, 215; Gabon's ma jority over Smith is 206; Wilson's majority ever Sartain is 134; Will's) maioritv over Jenkins is 147: Cal bouu's majority over Groninger is 29. ; Jerome T. Ailma, Populist candidate ' for Governor had 146 votes; Charles L Hawley. Prohibition candidate for j Governor had 77 votes; J. M. Burris, j Prohibition candidate gister 9G 124 1 92j 127 94 128 95 126 94 95i 126 125 i 99! 125 106 119 127; 90 3 125 90 127 91, 128 90 128 128; 91 90 128 97 123 98 97i 103 ..I 94 105 94 105 i 94 105! 95 95; 106 104 99, 106 104 103 218! 92 43i 232; 103 232 103 i 235 102' 235 230 103 101 241! 103 237 114 120 108 2! 116; 112 116 113 116 113 117 112! 114 1081 116i 114! 119 111 G0i 70 3' 55; 761 53 771 54 76! 55 54; 76 73 i 56 77j 43 90! 93i 90 9i 86! 95 89 95 i 88 95! 89 88 94 03 93' 90' 94 95 171 53 Si 172! 55 172 55 172 551 173 171i 55 54 173; 57l 166 61 35 28 5j 36! 29 35 29! 3o 29 S6 36 29 23 35: 30 2S 40! 54 87 14j 54 97 55 97 55 96 54 54 100 97 54 101 54 1021 99 67 9! 98 70 104! 69 102! 69 104 104! 69; 70 10tf! 69 103 72 234 103 16j 209 119 235' 10S 235' 108 j 237 238 107! 105 239! 109 220 129j 89 131 3 87: 131 8S! 132 88 132 88 87; 134! 134 871134 88 132 27 75 2j 25 76 25 77, 25 76! 25 25 76 76 24' 8l! 28 77' 70 38 4: 71. 39 7l! 39 i 71; 39 701 70 39 39 71 40 73 40; 106 156 12' 1021 159 102 160!; 101, 161 102 101 159 ir,5 108 159 115 16b 74 87 15l, 7i; 91 72 91,' 72 91, 73 72 90 88,! 74 95 80 93 1 ; 16 26 ..j: 16; 26 16 26: 16 26! 16! 16; 26, 26! 16 26 16 26,1 I V i ' ' : : Totals 1786 1528 146 1742 1600 17801595, 1783 1589 1791 1776 1593 1561! 1819 1613 I ' I 1 .1 ' ll ' I' ' ' ' I: ll ' - I &, Kecorder bad 46 votes; Daniel j Fhilaueli-hia Markets, November Keemf r. Prohibition candidate for j 10, 1894. Wheat 56 to 59c. Corn Jury Commissioner had 76 votes. 51 to 59c for 72 pounds. Out 33 to 36 cents. Kye 55c. Buck wheat fllur $2 to $2 25 per 100 lbs; pota- Of the 14 Judges elected at the 45 to 60 cents a bush.; sweet po recect election in this State only tatoes 23 to 28c a bushel: Tallow 4c three are democrats. I ? l,ou4-. buC" 30and 3i to 3 Only two democrats are elected in I J-ve chickens 6 to 9c a piece, duck, this State: C. J. Erdman und Howard fa Geese 9 to 10c. Turkeys 9c. Mntchler Eggs, limed ana ice house, 16c a doz John ii- Fow is the only democrat, j fresh 22 to 23c a doz; butter 11 to elected to the Legislature from Phil 30c a lb. Hops 9 to 12c a Jb. Dry adelphia. ' pitted chickens, 13 to 14c. Turkeys Of the 204 members of the Penn- j Ducks 8 to 13c. Praiiie hay 8 toc9 sylvauia Assembly the democn's ton. Clover hay $10.50. TimotLy elected onlv 28. Y $11-50 to 14 a ton. Hogs at Of the 150 members of the K';. $4 30 to $4.70. Senate, the democrats have only 7 , members. Sincerlv carried only 12 counties in the State. The republicans elected six of tlie seven California Congressmen, but the democrats elected their Governor Connecticut is republican fr in Governor down to the minor ofir.wa. The republicans carried Colorud , Idaho, and 12 of tbe 13 Congressi..n al districts in Indiana aud Iowa ur- solidly republican. The republicans, j gain 3 Congressman in JveniucKy. KanEas is republican, la rseoraeKa, tbe republicans get five of tbo six Congressmen, but lose t he Governor. Illinois voted republican: 19 of the 22 Congress nen are republican. The democrats elected only two of the eleven republicans in Massacbu setts. The republicans captured 3 I Marvland ConcJessmen. Louisiana " .... , i i i- is boiiaiy aemocrauc. Georgia is democratic, so is Florida. Dela ware is republican. Michigan is re publican. Mississippi is democratic. New Hampshire is republican. The republicans gain 6tven Congressmen in Missouri. The New Jersey Leg islature is republican ou joint ballot. The democrats lost the governor in Tennessee. South Carolina turned up democratic. West Virginia is re publican, but old Virginia is as she alwavs was. The republicans elected a Congressman in Texas. Ohio elected 19 republican of 21 Con gressmen; South Dakota elected tne republican ticket. The next Congress will be 251 re publicans; 99 democrats and 6 popu lists NEW DENTAL OFFICE- Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that he has opened a Dental Office at Oakland Mills. Pa , where ho can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. Te j Sold at Private Sale. Tho undersigned offer at private sale a tract ef fifteen acres of land in Fermanagh township, bounded by lands of Wm. Hawk, Dr Lucian Banks, .Woyer's heirs and Joseph Ob erholtzer. This land is well set with younar Chestnut and Itock Oak and is rapidly growing in valnes. Atkinson & Pesnell. TiMcarora Valley Railroad. Trains on the Tuscarora Valley I Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8.00 a. t a Tl a TT si., and z p. m., arriving ai i'ori ivoy al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. m. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 p. m., arriving at Ea9t Wa terford at 11.45 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. J. G. Mooreheas, Supennlendeni. Rebocca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctonne 1 ever did in my life, i would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicin in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks A Co., Druggist, MiClintown.' Pa. Feb. 1, 93 ly JUNIATA COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS, November 6tb, 1894. L. Got. ! A Gen L S. In. At Congress at-Large. Congress &.sse'bly. .. '..... ......... .... . H H r I p Q a h; H p H f3 t ? as $ 3 3 g Q S p 50 1 I g P jp ?W ll L? 5 ? w p s- ? "I S i w o P I P -5 o : p h P : : : i J ? p : p Butter 18 All " 1 SJ Km" i f I L M Ham 18 II !) 1 1 Shoulder, 11 I f 1 I MirrUNTOWNGHAIN IIAhKET I k :Z VQ . , I Wheat Cm in ear...... Ott hj Cto eraetid ...... T.uiotby seed... r lux Kvd....... 12.00 60 90 ..$1.20 a hundred 1.10 Uuup. .. . . lliudiiwgs Ground Alum Salt An.encan Salt...., l.UJ 80c to 75 Tlie Bear snl tbe Vmbrellm. How nineh danger is there to the pound iu si v.-ild black bear when yon meet him in his haunts accidentally and at closti quarters? Mrs. C. F. Latham, wife of mine host at Oak Lodpo, ou the Indian rivrr peninsula ( Brevard connty, Fla. ), was romming from tho beach alone :uid armed only with on umbrella. When just a quarter of a mile from this very porch, she heard the rustling of Kino aiiiinal ruining toward her through the paw palnu ttos. Thinking it must be a raccoon, the quickly picked up a chnnk of palmetto -wood nud lii-ll it rcarly to whack Mr. Conn over the head tho instant he cmertfod. All nt once, with a mighty rn.-.t'.ii;.', out stepped a big black bear within Fix feet of her! The tmrprise was mutual and profound. Naturally .Mrs. Latham was seari-d, but not out of her vrits, and she derided that to run would bo to invite pursuit and possibly attack. She Ftorxl her ground and said nothing, and tho bear rose on his hind lcgn to get a better look nt her, making two or three feints iu her direction with his paws. Feelin.'j that sho nm. t do Rjinething, Mrs. Latham pointed her umbrella at the bear mid qnickly opened and closed it two or threo times. "Woof!" said tho bear. Turning about, ho plunged into tho pi.lmettos and went crashing away, while the lady ran homeward ns fast an sho could pa So mnch for the "tsavaire and aggressive" disposition of the black bear. W. T. Hornaday iuSt. Nicholas. Roll.l Emery Wlit-rls. Iu tho production of solid emery ! wheels the best coincut that can be em- ! ployed is one that binds tho emery to-1 gether with that degree of strength which will resist the centrifugal strain due to tho high speed at which emery ! wheels cut lest about 5,000 feet speed per minute. It must not soften by fric tional heat nor glaze nor burst nor lie. como brittle and break with cold, nor must it hold tho cutting grains until j they aro too dull to cut nor release them so readily as to wasto away tho wheel too fast. It must bo capable of being thoroughly mixed evenly with the grain emery, so that tho wheel may not have either hard or soft spots and be out of balance, and mnst also bo capable of lieing tempered to suit different kinds of metal or work. Great care and skill aro required iu the matter of se lecting only pure and strong chemicals for these cements. Cassier's Magazine. So broad is the scope of modem char ity t-'mt in nnuiy cast's, particularly iu Enropt', it lias t:ikcn forms fanciful if not absurd. Loudon has three or four refuges for lofct dogs. These cstablish meut are kept up by bequests and do nations. "Xnias" is often written instead of Chriftma. aud tho anthoriity for bo doiug is that X is simply the initial let ter of the Greek word for Christ. "Remedies for toothache, my friend," said a philosopher, "will be fonnd to afford instant relief in every case but yours." Behind the Age. When the Mother Hubbard toilet was In tho lnud. one Ohio town dis- tnmiihed itself by passing a law pro- v;i,;k. tVi -n-enrina of tho gown out' Bide of house limits. And the landlady - mll vtllam inn in Enclmid has i..noH hnrclf down to posterity In similar fashion by refusing to let two women cyclists, clad in Knickerbocker suits, sit down to dinner In her public sjofiee room. Wosiiinirtmi has salmon fisher worth tl.500,000 year ana 10.000 fur seabJ. It exports t8, 000.000. worth of lumber and coal andraiaeav 16,000,000 bushels of wheat I t mm . Wi nurnft. sxewe from m mlatakT Its name was twill, but to m,,tlU. I m- MMSM uiTOiw".. T.imUZi fbanl the wora iooawi w fe It came Into owe. Fnbscr'i a for tho SasmwaB, asrs RaveaLr am, a good paper. .... .... ...... w i m. vLr :it. m o 3 5 w Asmta Reg. & r y H P P $ s B- 3. s 123 103 131 91 110 96 233 114 106 126 50 83 71 121 174 56 34 29 52 103 92 83 249 102 93 129! 34 69 75 38 89 184 72 104 16 26 !....'..., 1797 1603..1804 1657, 45 l m. SAX . Wm. A. Booth Iutllana, Pa. Saved My Life 85 Worth of Hood's Sarsa parllla Severe Case of Nicotine Poisoning. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : . Gentlemen : I write these lines to certify that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me of a most painful disease from which I have suffered the past four years. It appeared In the form of eruptions on my neck and face, spreading over my body, so painful that I could not sleep at night, and could not work in the day time, and when I did lay down and get Into a little doze. If I would move Just a little, it would start that terrible sensation, and Blood Would Start from the eruptions on my legs and body. I hasl to wear bandages all the time. My eyes were badly swollen, my back iu terrible condiuon. One physician said It was weed poison, another eczema, and the last told me it was Nicotine Poisoning, and that I would liave to go to a physician who made a sociality of my disease. (I omitted to say that I am a cigar maker by trade.) But Hood's Sarsaparilla had been recommended, and I thotiulit 1 would try it. mid I am hcirtily thankful that I did. I can truly say that Hood s Sarsaparilla has effected A Perfect Cure. I am free from sores, hare a good appetite, no dull feelings, and that continual sick headache Is gone. This wonderful cure has only cost me five dollars. This small amount of money has Hdod's'Cures rid me of all my sufferings. I am still taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, my faithful friend which baa saved wmj life. I rannnt praise It enough." y. A. ltooTii, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills cure liver lils, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache. indigesUoa. rt'l r-3 ab. No aierts. Vie sett frost rStj': 1 v" cutalociie al V hole 3"i gmloFrlee. Shlpfer ajn::P!it3 3r-!! f it oun nt 6i eamc csaeentsieii forfi(u,u.ira cttJ w.4Hlriius, 2S lbs.. samo as any rt ilCCl. tttjtjitSVltiWftU. ROADSTER $55 Cc-rsr.tced same as acuta sell for ITS to flGOL &GME RGAD RACES, 25 Ebs. Om wood-r;:v, wOUe i msta about aa m ich to aril w.-ies in.i'iirii ,-.-nuinddeulffrfirsu to itil-o lucr.. Jt )r'ulencs and eeononiv su"l-" tlho l tter rnT j-nfi tmj lr..m u iiln ct rt wl;i.k-t al- I rici llluMrated Catnlnptie tree. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. IND LEGAL. DM IN1S TRATOR'S NOTICE. In the estate of MARY S1EBER, deceased. Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Sieber, late or Fayette townbip, JunUta Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, by tbe Oiphana' Court of Jnniata County, notice Is hereby given to all persoi.s indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will please pre. sent them properly authenticated lor pay ment, JUUAi SlfcrJfcK, jsamtntttrator. Novembers, 1894. JOURr PROCLAMATION . Whereas, the Hon. JEREMIAH LYONS, President Judge of the Court or Common Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial District, coropored of the counties of Juniata and Perry, and tbe Uonoraliies JUAlAU u. UAK TON and J. P. WICKERSHAM, Associ.de Judges of the said court of Common Pleas ol Juniata county, by precept duly issued and to me directed for holding a Court of Over and Terminer and Geneial Jail Deliv er-, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace at MifHintown. on tbe FIRST MONDAY OF DECEMBER, 1894. BEING THE 3rd DAY OF THE MONTH. Notice heksst oiveh, to tbe Coroner, Justices of tbe Peace and Constables of the County ot JunUta, that they be then and there in their proper persona, at 10 o'clock in tbe lo.-enoon of said day, with their rec ords, inqnisit:3ns, examinations and Oyer rememberances, to do those things tbat to their offices respectfully appertain, and those that are bound by recotniiar.ee to prosecute sgsiDst tbe prisoners tbat are or way be in tbe Jail of said county, be then and tbrre to prosecute against them aa l snail ra luvt. sball be just. By an act of tbe Assembly, passed tbe By sn set of tbe ! 6th dsj of May, 1864. it made tbo duty of Justices o' the Peace of tbe several conn- ties of this Commonwealth to return to the , Clerk of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions of the respective counties, all the recogni aances entered into before tbem by any cit sea or persons charged with the cou mis- sion oi any crime, except sucn cases as may Mr. i Perfect linos. pepf!ct(itoeTiPC. pcrfecf rrtinFimf -t. - fiimranieeu same eki-h-i jwi v-c- '! Written wnirantyrltheT. rymirl'ir..- wr.trr . T"'i :nrit bieyeletlinmch r.n; tT' nt.'11 H'' -; 2 .i,.nnprhnlir.!iiiirm. 1 r . r'T r Sheriff! Jury Com'r. Q E. o a 3 S5 O i-i o s a IB 1 3. E O o a a i W B a 93 119 91 221 107 50 .75 134 103 97! 128 95 216 113; 54! 86! i72 128! 91 121 106 114 130 123 84 116 117 78 97 .57 32 98 172 30! 53 98i 236 86 29 72 109 71 16! 57 37 32 54 104 211 89 25 105 79 118 70 128 134 135 76 78 41 167 41 71 95! 71! 16 165! 107 26! 94 26 I728jl75 1749(1656 76 be ended before a Justice of the Peace, un. der exisliDg laws at least ten tdys before tbe commencement of tbe session of the Court to which they are made returnable respectively, and in all cases where recog nizances are entered into less than ten days before tbe commencement of the session to wbicb they are made returnable, tbe aid Justices are to return tbe same in the same manner as if said act bad ndt been passed. Dated at MilSinlown, tbe 6th day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. SAMUEL LAPP, Sheriff. Suisirr's Orrics, MifHintown, November 6, 1894. $ D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship lately subsisting between Johk J. Pat tcbsos, Jb., and Wilberfobce Schweter, in Mitllintown, in the State of Pennsylvania, under tbe Hrm name of Patterson At Fcbweycr, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. Dated July 17th, 1894. JOHN J. PATTERSON. JR.. WILBERKORCE SCHWETKR. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- In the Estate of JJCOB IT. KURTZ. The undersigned Administrator having been granted letters Testamentary on the estate of Jacob W. Ki st., la e of Dela ware township, Junist county, deceased, out of the Orphans' Court of Juniata conn, ty, hereby gives notice to aU persons in debted to aaid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre. sent them properly authenticated for set. t'ement. EPURAIU J. KURTZ, Administrator. November 6tb, 1S94.Q N OT1CE IN PARTITION. a the Orphans' Court of Juniata County. Efctate ot jonn tv. 'ayior, acccasea. To Anna Bell Meloy and S. R. Aft-toy. hrr husband, Salina Uilliken and W. A. Milliken. her biihband, David II. Taylor, Rachel Taylor, Wilbor Taylor, Norman Tay lor, Herman Taylor, Ethel Taylor, Stewart Coder, Bessie M. Coder, Olive L. Code and Will L. Hoopes, Esq , Guardian ad litem of said iloer Taylor, Norman, Tay lor, Herman Ta lor, Ethel Taylor, Bessie U. Coder and Olive L. Coder, minora, all of Juniata Ciunt, Pennsylvania; Elicaboth Colgate and Jamea Colette, htr husband. ol Hawioy, Wayne county, Pennsylvania; William H. Taylor, residence unknown, iast beard ol in the west; Sarah Aaeuire and Petet Afaguire, her husband, of Montgom ery county. Pennsylvania, heira of John W. Taylor, deceased, and all otherg inter, ested. Tou are hereby notified that the Orphans' Court ot said county, awarded an inquest to make partition and valuation ol certain real estate ol' said John IV. Tajlor, deceas. ed, consisting of a messuage an 1 tra-t of about tiine acres, more or less, situate in Spruce Hill township, in said county, and that said inquest will ba held on said prem ises on Friday, tbe 14th day of December, A. D., 1894, at 10 o'clock A. at wbicb time and place you are requested to attend if yon think proper. SAMUEL LAPP, SAeri". Sheriff's Office, Mitllintown, Pa., J Nov. 12, 1894. S gHEKIrr'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Fa cias and Fieri Facias and Venditioni Etponas containing waivers of iminisitions and ex emptions issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county, returnable to tho December Term next of said Court, and to me directed, 1 will expose to sale by public outcry, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER SOih, 1891, at 1 o'clock P. M-, at the Court Hons in Mitllintown, Pa., tbe several tracts of linl hereinafter described : 1. All that certain tract of land situate in Fayetto township, Juniata Co., Pa., bound ed and described as follows: Un the north by lands of Aaron Roush; on the east by landa of Jerome Aucker and Aaron Kousb; on the south by public rosd, and landa of Willlitubhirk and Luther Kinter, and on tbe west by lands of John Keller, John Smith, Adam Spenbourand John Gaarbart, containing seventy -four acres more or loss. baring tbereon erected a two story frame elling bonse, frame out kitchen, bank barn, wagon shed, frame shop, pig pea, and other ontbnilaings, seised and taken in ex ecution and to be sold as tbe property ot Solomon Bardell and John B. Bardetf. 2. All that certain tract of land situate in Tuscarora township, Juniata county, Pa., bounded and deacribed as follawa.- On the north by lands of Margaret White's heirs and George Divcn; on the east by John Showers and John H. Gillaland; on the south by lands of Walkei Stitt and James Laughlin, and on tbe west by lands of Wm. Stitt, J. J. Hcllullen aad A. J. Ferguson, containing two hundred and sixty-two acres more or less, having tbereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, a log weather. boarded dwelling beuse, a bank barn, a log stable, wsgon soea aad otner ontbnildinga, seized taken in execution and to be aold as iho property of Wm. P. Lauzhlla. tuisaoetn j . t ersna ana Henderson Forsbs Henderson Forsha and Eisabeth J. Forsha. ezecators and so forth of Mary J. Green. deceased, and Henderson Forsha and Elisa beth J. Forsha, trustees of the children of Jamea G. Laughlin. 8. All that certain tract of land situate is Beale township, Jnniata county. Pa bound ed snd described aa follows: On tbe north by landa of Barry H. Bechtel; on the ei by lands of James A. Bardell and Frank Faller; on the south by public road and Prank Fuller, and on the west by lands of D. B. Me Williams, containing seventy-one acres more or less, navtng tbereon erected a frame dwelling house, bank bars, wagon shed, pig pen, saw mill and other outbuild ings, seised taken in execution and to bo aold aa tbe property of John B. Bardell. 4. All that certain tract of land situate In Beale township, bounded and deacribed ss folfows: On tho north by lands of a. Q Bochtei; ou tho east by lands of H. B. Bar. dell; on the south by public road aad lands of Frank Fuller, and on the west by lands of John B. Bardell, containing forty-seven seres more or less, having thereon erectad a two story frame dwelling boose, frame stable and other outbuildings, seised taken in execution aad to bo sekl as the property Ol jamea a. Darae:u S. All that certain tract of land situate in Boale township, Juniata Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows: On tbo north bv lands of H. H. Bechtel; on tbo oast by lands oi u. n . naraau; oa ue aouui by tmblie road aad lands of Frank Faller. and thm t wast ey laaas ei Jamas A. Bardell, contain Rec. i rK;-H ing one hundred cre more or -boot wiTtn acres are cleared and toe W uee ( with timber, Mitetf and ke Jn rxeeition nd to M oia u ma Vivr"J "ir'AuTtbat'cerUin trot of land .Uurted bounded .ad described u follew.: Oa Ike .orth by Undi of John D.traj ; om Mm i ewt by lands of John Detra, on the soath by Und of Samuel Aratt, and on the west by lands of WUllam Swab, containing thirty- nine acres more or less, nie , "Z ertetfd a t.n-nterv loc weatnerooru dwelling house ano cut kitchen, log stable ecution d to be sold as tbe property of 7. All that certain tract f land situated la Delaware township, Juniata connty. Pa-, bounded and isseribod aa follows: On the north by lands of Henry Swab and Mrs. Amelia Rodgers; on the east by lands of I. C. Lantz; on tho south by lands of Mrs. Kate Shellv, on tho west by lands ot JMrs. Kate Shelly and Mrs. Amelia Red"", con taining six acres more or less; having there on erected a two story log weather boarded j.ii!.,. um. fr-ma stable and other out. k..sirfi... .icri taken in execution and to L .j ' ... r,..t. r William Dunn 8. All that certain tract of land situated in Beale township, JonlataCo.. Pa .bound anil j.-.,n,d aa follows. On the north i ir.n.-v Roblson: oa the east i it....- Hobison: on tho aontb t.L i nr itvPurii-an. and on tho LIT laiiua vi . .w . . west by Isnds or J. W.McCahran, containing seventy-two acres more or less, having thereon erected a two story stone dwelling house, a log barn, wagon shed and other outbuildings, seised taken In execution and to bo sold aa the property of Joseph Wa i 9. All that certain tract of land situsted in Lack township, Juniata Co., Pa., bound ed and deacribed aa follow On tbo north by lands of Robison Vaughn; on the eaat by landa Roblsen Vaagbn; on the south by lands of John Arnold, and on the weat by lands of Graham Reeder, containing fifty seven acres more er leas, having thereon erected a one and one-balf story log weath. erboarded dwelling house, frame stable and otber outbuildings, seized taken in execu tion and to be sold aa tbo property of Re becca J. Kteler with notice to Amanda Roes and William Rnes ttrrt tenant. 10. All that certain lot or piece of ground Situated in the borough of .MifAintown, Jun iata county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: On the north by John W. Kirk; on the east bv Mulburry Alley, on the south by lot of G. W. Smith, snd on tbo west Joy Main street, having thereon erected two two-story frame dwelling houaes, with brick fronts, a store room iu one tbereol, a frame stable, seized taken in execution and to be sold aa tbe property of Solomon Books. 11. All tbat certain tract ot land situated in Monree township, Juniata county. Pa. bounded and deacribed aa follows. On the north by landa af John Deitz; on tbe eaat by lands of Johu Deitz; on the aoutfc by lands of Fred Deitz, and on the west by lands of H. A. Foils, containing Bve acres more or less, baring thereon crcted a fraroo dwelling lioue and Irame atable, seized taken In execution and to be sold as the property ol Jacob Deitz. 12. All that certain tract of land situated in Monroe township. Juniata county. Pa., bounded as described as follows: On the north by lands or Philip Swartz and II. A. Foltz; on tbe cast by landa of Frederick Deits and Kate Shaffer; on the south by Isnds of Daniel Sbadle and Kate Staffer, and on tbe west by lands of Daniel Sbadle and Catharine Feltman, containing one hun dred acres more or less, having thereon erected a log dwelling bouse, shed stable and other outbuildings, seized taken in ex ecution and to be sold as tbe property of Jacob Dritz. 13. A'l tbst certain tract or piece of Ui.d situated in Tnacarora township, Juniata county, Pa , bounded and deacribed as follows.- On the north by lands of Wil. haw II . Middle-ton j on the east by lands of William Ii. Middleton; on the south by public road and lands of Neal M. Stewart, and on the west by lands of S. B Criw lord's heirs, containing one-fourth ol an acre more or less, havioz thereon erected a Irame building, used as au ice house, a frame building used as a creamery, with milk sep arator and creamery cbum attacnea, seized taken iu execution sad to bo sold ss the property of B. C. Cubbison, 14. All that certain piece or lot ot ground situated In the borough of Patterson, Jun iata countv, Pa., beginning at tbe corner of Foster aud Licking street, thence on the south along Licking street 120 feet to an alley; thence on the west along aaid alley 60 feet to lot of John I. Hawk; thence on the north along aaid lot 120 feet to Foster strett; 60 fret to place ot beginning, having thereon erect. d a Ira-no church, a frame tiling house and other buildings. Seis ed taken into eiecntion and to be aold aa the property ot W. J Zeidem, J. D. Zeide-a, (teo. W. Kelly and Geo. W. Weible snd W. S. Zeiders, Trustees ol' St. Paul Congregation of Evangelical Associs'lon of North America. CONDITIONS OF SALE : Fifty dollars of the price or sum at which tbe property sh ill be struck otT shall bu paid to tbe sheriff at the time of sale, un less the purchase money sball be less tnio that sum, in which case only the purchase money shall be paid, otherwise the property will again be immediately put up and aold ; tbe balance of the purchase money must bo paid to the Sheriff at bis omen within five days from tho time or sale, without any d3 ruind biing nitde by the Sheriff therefor. otherwise the propcrtr miv agiin be sold at the expense tni risk of thj person to whom it is struck off, who, in ca of anv deficiency at such resale sball mske goo I tbe same- SAMUEL LAPP. Sherif. Sheriff's Offloe, MifHintown, Nov. 1-3, 1834 V DDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of JACOB LEMON, deceased. Tbe undersigned Auditor appointed to make distribution of the bsf.tnce in tbe hands or J. E. S mucker, Executor of the Estate ot Jacob Leinan, deceased, wi at tend to tbe duties of bis appointment at bis office io MifHintown on Tuesday, Dec ember 1 1th, 18t, at 10 o'cock A M., when and where mil partita interested may attend. LOUIS K. ATKINSON. Auditor. pUBLIC SALE ALUABLE REAL ESTATE TUB JOSEPH PAGE FARM, containing 98 Acres. Good Buildings, Fine water, reach Orchards numbering 6.000 Trees, and situate in Monroe township, sixteen miles from AfilHintown and six miles from Thompsontown will be offered at public saie on ine premises, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1894, at 1 o'clock P. M. Tims or Sale $300 cash, and $700 when possession is given on April 1st, io-jo. l ne Balance in law annual pay ments, wun interest from April 1st, 18U5. The peach crop of 1892 netted $1,800, ana mat or lay, Mr. E. I) mra.es oas one-nan interest (expiring in April 1899) in 2,800 of the trees now bear ing. A new Orchard of 1,700 trees J should commence io Desr next season. For further information inquire oi Isaac Bis.ikr, Jb., Joskpb Rotheock, On the premises. Mifflintown, Pa . Agents WasjtSMl roa oca v book by America's Greatest Humorist, MARK TWAIN, Every one of bis previous books have har. immense saies. uis new book surpasses anything he has heretofore written. Two stories in one volume. A TRAGEDY A NO J LUMJLUI. A. great chance for agents. wo give exclusive territory. For terms ana i on particulars address. J. W. Kbelbb t Co., 626 Arch St., Phila. Nov. 7tb, 94-6t. Garfiold Tea nures Sick Headache wis VAL .VEWPOBT APU b tabU table of passenger trains, In effect oo Monday, October 1st, 189 . STATIONS. West ward. Eastward. i-! A P 6 16 4 0(1 6 19 8 67 6 28 8 63 6 85 8 50 6 40 8 46 6 44 8 41 0 51 8 88! 6 69 8 82 7 10 8 15 7 20 8 10 7 05 3 04 7 33 2 66 7 41 2 49 7 36 2 45 7 45 2 40 7 48 2 83 7 52 2 24 7 65 2 20 F A Newport Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... Wabnets Sylvan Wat-r Plug Bloomtleld Jnnct'n. Valley Road Elliottsbur? Green Park Loysville Fort Robeson ..... Center Cisna's Run 0 96 10 Of e oa io oa 6 12 10 07 6 15 10 10 6 25 10 17 6 22 10 20 6 81 10 26' 6 39 10 84 6 61 10 40 6 64 10 49 7 1511 00 7 12 11 07 7 17i 11 12 7 28!11 18 7 27U 22 Anacrsonourg 7 85jll 80 Blain . . Mount Pleasant . Now Gertnant'o . 7 41111 BO 7 4511 40 D. GBING, President and Manager. C. K-. MtlLEK, General Agent. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. JERRY COUNT! RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as follows: p. m 4 30 4 36 4 39 3 41 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 64 4 56 4 59 a. m 915 9 21 9 24 9 26 9 29 9 31 9 36 9 39 941 Leave Arrive a. m p. ra Duncannon 8 40 8 50 King's Mill 8 34 8 44 Sulphur Springs 8 31 3 41 Corman Siding 8 29 8 89 Montebello Park 8 26 3 36 Weaver 8 24 8 84 Roddy 8 19 3 29 Hoffman 8 16 3 26 Rover 8 14 8 24 Mabanoy 8 11 3 21 Bloomfleld 8 05 3 15 Long's Road 7 62 2 45 Nellson 7 46 2 39 Dutu's 7 43 2 86 Elliotsbnrg 7 40 2 33 Bernheisl's 7 84 2 27 Groen Pvk 7 82 2 25 Montour June. 7 27 2 20 Landisburg 6 55 1 60 Arrive Leave a. m p ra 9 44 6 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 6 22 10 13 6 25 10 16 5 28 10 19 5 24 10 25 6 86 10 27 5 41 10 32 6 09 1120 i. m a. m iv.in Iriivea BloouiHtild at 6.10 a. in. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. m. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at Bloomfleld at C. 50 p. m. Trains leave Loysville for Duncannon at 7. 220a. m., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m., sad 4.66 p. ra. Between Landisburg and Loysville trains run ss follows: Leave Landisburg for Loys ville 6 65 a. ra , and 1 50 p ro., Loysville for Landisbnrg II 10 a. ra., and 5 09 p. ra. All atations marked () are Uag stations, at which trains will come to a full stop on signs'. PRIVATE SALE- John Zook offers at Private Rale a farm of 76 Acres, all clear land in Fermanagh township, abont two miles from AfilHintown, on the slape road to Selinsgrove, with good Bank Barn 76x15. good Log House weath er boarded, corn crib, chicken-house and other out br.ildings, pipd water at the door of house, well water at Iho barn. There is a young apple orchard or 69' .trees just beginning to bear, an abundance of grapes and otbrr fruit. There is a first rate location for a peach orchird of 1500 trees on the farm. For pirticnturs, address Jour Zook, Box 10, jMilllintown. JunUta County, Pa. TRESPASS NOTICE. TLi undersign" d perrons have formed an Association for tho protection of their re. soective properties. All persons are here- hv notiOed not to trespass on tho lands of the undersigned for the purpose of hunting gathering nuts, cbiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot the above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John Micha-I, William Puflenberger, U id eon Sieber, lleashor &. Zook, Mary A. Urubaker, Joseph Rothreck, John By lev, Samuel Bell. Septmeber 5, 1R95. Lavish O tlavrl IHnJliWawAeY. Wsuhv-tUtlM ti'h" ff a rauiii iootw tnicoi. h l, rtnr sth! drirw fa-B ll)K't w7,tliti I tic tlMHla. Vo 1 wh 'lis.- tMttiun, ibs-asw;biDr4loi- t .-r at. It' h'. oUti-nl diabr. flic rful wive-a. No -U-J tii.it. r.iiosAilHlbata(ls)M'c(otiiiii( N .ti-k'tiitllrr,Botnsi. Ch-t, tlurhlr.warranU-d.Circulrfr-w W. P. niBRIMlM Jc CO Clerk ft. It. CWaMbaa. O- trntl all otber w cn he I Crpmtly locr-isaiei in frowifc I auui TW ae oy iiie use oi 20 Phosphate pnitrcHt soil rich snd pro.j il 1in4-t to Imrnujni. 2u! I for Price List. YORK CHEMICAL WCRKS, YORK, PA. It never tMls to rnre M ANNKRS doable extra HrfcRSAPAKII.l.A. 5Qc emrw&e OS O o o o to o CHOCIH OOOO o " T-t n CA00a000t - t - H Eh r M 0 hi OIOO J O rH CM Z O00O9 00 O O IO 1 ? fi o eo cn s eo n 91 s !!:::: o . . . I . .2 a a H fi H Is a a ti o "O-S .2 e C O Os m mt 5 3 . . o O O OO O CM - rH JO IO CO o eo icrj eo o CO IS 19 O IQ t jj (MOIOHCO : CM i-l eo l 1-1 1-1 Ed mm I l UW It makes the I iMSa?3 JB 0OHH(S5)05l!oHWOMH to io ep eo w eo so eo to te eo t-1- cc ec e o os P4 ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, umusctowv. pa. BCollecting d Oosvevsnelug prompt j attended so. Orrics Oi donee of Lou Bridge street w,""""ioct26,1892. ...orsroRCE CHWa' Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. uifPl.lNIOWN, PA. OFFICE IN CO"P- HOUSE. j-vr. D. M. CRAWFORD t SON, jje formed . partnership To, -th of Medicine and their co""" o?- Offlce at old stsnd, corner of Third aou ango streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One ot twin Tt thoni wil be found at their elbes t aU mes ..,Tes. otherwise professionally en- gaged. April 1st, 1890. R. B. F. ACKLEY, Specut D1 . i mm .w,a tAtmpnt OI iui'-- tinrrhy pbtherU. Croup, Typhoid Ke ver and of diseases of the DiKeat.ve SvsVm Acute snd Chronic. Dr. A's meth ods a in tull accord with tbi most exaet tag Bacteriology. Having received favor able recognition by advanced journal. nd member, of tbe two leading schools o! a-.u-teine, the author expresses corifldec-.o n hm own soility to render satisfactory serv.ee H hL of hi. specialities. By getm elements of disease are dehrod in f.om 1 to 8 days, and tbe patient progressing to convalescence without the usual stages of meteorisra or swelling, diarrhoea and bemorrage in Typhoid Fever or gerous sequences ot Diphtheria, vuv, blood loisoning, Ax. Tbey have a speciflc pot ency in degenerative conditions common to elderlr snd sged persons and heretofore regarded incurable. April 19, 1J. i'l'he Repair Shop ol the 4? is Hits erst is Et'ent Active H5SAE.TS2 wil! result IF NOT WIS15ASE. DOUBLE EXTRACT 'S3 A R S li PA IHUz A hvcs fivcr iTonnies the Nataral Channel, 'and wot titra.!??h tn kall ireimritics. 50- PLR R0TT THE VVO'-r'-D OTR VFG.BY TMC MiN!::fl5 SASr-A-nii. 1 w & HA..1 10 r.-. I v. ioEriGir;: 12 iT iWLta""brlf1llftV woTvirrfn. tmprovpm'Tt In Friction Pee"'1' Tkictc niolit'n of iirriim" , -- it lust tt any r!i-r In the Diarkt. '. f'l.itrh KtM-rfo "I'tf'ne :l the frnV. itvurtrHi: to iii:iw!n!u hr.r:;ir?; nvins in pwt x-m- v;ar. Wrirt t;r cirjiilars nnJ iina-w; .V-e nppl'cut'on. A 'i Spring TrttMfe l owm Mar Un!(M, "TulifvafrH rr sH-jr.-rra. fih.IIr. etc lUntin VIm vm-f: DESJCH & Sf.OMSClD, Vv frs YSsw.. f 33.9QO.0O a' year FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If yon want work that i iswcavant and profitaHe, Was your niWr imuulialftv. We teach iiitfn 6en ami wojnn how to i-utj truiu &MO pt-r !ny to 83,MM xr ytnr without having had previou4 sHrince, aud lurui-u 1 be rM'lm mvtit fit wl.r li th-y can inatte that aiuout. Not uine :ii'rih t; learn or that rrtinirt iimeli time. J'li- rk il e:is healthy, ami Itmiorabf. ndcan btait.vdtir liiff dartime or evening right iu yonrorji I - .il try, wherever yon live. The reaulf of a v lioiirn work often qr:ilta fA week 'ft wt- have tauetit thou-anrts o? both pexes antt aeef, aii'l manr have laitl fonmlnthmF t lie ; v. ill snn ly hritig them rirhe. Smite if the smartest men in thisj country owe their success in life to the start piveu the'ni while in our pmpl-r y i:r ti2o. You. reader, mnv rto a well. ;r'- fi. ' eniinot fail. No enpital neceaarv V e ti un imm with omet hl:ip ihat is ire it, tolitl, aiii - ure. A lMok hrinifnl of actvice i fie to :iH. i!lp ur-p--'tt hr writing for it to-uny not to moirot. Delays' ore cotly. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 420, AUGUSTA, MAINE. SO r-t H CO CI O CO CO tl t- O'tOOt-HLOO C10-I1COINOO 00 00 00 00l-t-C3OH HENOH & DROLHBGUrS OdcocociwHOOLocOHvncicoHO OOiMOIiaCMl.OOO'llXCflaiNCOlfJX'llOO i-ICOHCiaiO'COCCCMClC'CMlOHCl3CI t - - t - t - t - t - t - OCSi2l.'3iO'tlrH t ? d E: ; w c oo eo in 1.-5 ,-i obt- ia" CAOOCOCOQOOOCOQOOOCCQOtltt-C2W oo ic .3 o t 1-1 O US o o C5 to to to IO to 00 CO 00 fH"lO eo i-i to eo eo r-t eo i a s oo oo t-1- t- eo j s o '.1 s : "3 5 a m vP a. - fc & 2 a ' W a c o o - mZ, AmJ LJ 1 . 1-1 1- co eo 00 O CC X 115 CO o c lOCNCOOIOHH Ml IO IO S to t- L- ! 2toSmS2J;S53S;lzJ200r,oc",,,' HIOWWIIieoOHNIOtOHOlr! J 00C0C1C5OC1OOOOOOHHCIHHHO . ' " 1-1 1-1 11 B 2 f2 'J m ' cj eo r"Vo eo oss e,us'-' to ri co rtdciS SSS S eoeoeoco S 8 IO to oo eo eo o o cm o ot ti eo eot-t-t-iH 5 S 5 Scflfell3S5oSS" i i 1 Si I I ,4 X i I H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers