Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 07, 1894, Image 3

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    rmfri, & E.EFUBLICAN I
ffKlF.SiT. SOT. 7. 1894.
9ncri;tioi, tJ50 per aanmn if paid
.iTiice; $2.0 If not pud in advance.
Tin3ior advertisement Inserted st 50
r lu-b for each Insertion.
Trs-icT. bnires notice to local ool-
yt ; ut". f"t line for each insertion.
jc'J'-ts il te mad to thosa doairfrg
ja vefo : e ypar hlf or
q ;. Hmver is quite ill.
ii':v l.iutioos aro now made of po
tato. c; .IV,..; l.)tlnook came homo from
p;ttb'i'ir.,' to v-.ite.
r;.o ;.t t:un i over and the cam-
inner r- nil say they are glad.
tt.., V'.iiron, Jr., is liome
Pittsb;nv, visiting his parents.
irh3 vvi Ladies Q'lartette, at the Teach.
ij,Bn'f on Wednesaiy eveniag
0.' (!.- GOO school teachers in
Chester connty ouly 4.0 are men.
W:n. Ail'inis caniehome fromPitts
jjarff t, f,ruJ several days on Sun
day. Kim-ti-t-n million ballots were
printc'. "r the New York City elec
tioa. C1. Thos. loareheal of the T. V.
B R , sj ut a day in town last week
on bas-ii'-!-s.
S;in ifl Kothrock and Dr. Ed.
Striv-'!-, were at home from Pitts
bur;i en Tuesday.
o.ilv ttU tho Sliftlintowa men em
p!oytl ,'tsv.iv from horns cam 3 . home
to vot on xuesuay. .
T'ns it aehers Institute will con
vert' in tie Court House on Monday,
Xovrmber 2G, 1894.
Miss Blanch Wright has an assort
ment uf tho handsomest chrysinth-
emutiii iu her yard.
R- v. A. S. Fasick role- from Har-
risbnr r 50 miles on his ' bicyclo - to
this p!a?e in 5 hor.rs. -E
iiiker E. S. Parker of Washing
tvio. D. 0 . spent- several days here
last week on business.
John J. Patterson, E3q., and bride, !
returned from their wedding trip
last Saturday evening.
D.ivld E.ka and E!li3 Stump were
at th' ir hotne3 in this place from
Philadelphia this week. . ...
Tlie friends of Governor Curtin,
deoe.is.ed, want to . erect a 25,009
monument ov&r his grave.
Prof. Jwlm BDcMotte, at the Teachers'
Iiititnte on Thursday evening, subject,
Old Oi-saii Our Slave an I Master.'
Dr. Aeldey was called by despatch
to Pittsburg to.eeo his brotLer James
AckUy who was fctricken with parP
Misi Mau'le Wilson gave a party
for a number of her friend at her
homo in Patterson on Hollioweou ev
Ca l F. Ef-ponfechado of Lancaatsr
and brother Fred, student at dentul
college, Puiladelphin, spent Tuesday
at b-;me.
A wat?.r company ha3 been organ
i.vi in Lewiritown to bring raoau
t'lin water to the town from .WLne
lnri'srua. T! o torture of dyspepsia aad sick
l'.e.n! iehe, the agoniziDg itching and
pair: t f salt rhem, are. removed by
Ji"roa'e Sarsapariila.
James McC-iulpy ha3 -bought the
!';! that lie has lived in the past
number of ye:trs from the heirs cf E.
1. IV.rLer, deceased.
Scrofula, humors and all diseases
caused or promoted by impure biood
or low s'.-ife of the system, are cured
t "
'" uriz an agea cuizen oi
l,v ,,f Otolior ntri TA vp in
months and 23 davs. '
What do you take medicine fo
B. rauso ycu are eiok and want to get
well of course. TLen remember
Hood's Sarsapatilla Cure3.
B. F. SshsveiiJr of MiiHintown at
the Teachers' Institute on Monday
evening, November 20, 1894. Sub-jer-t:
' What will You Take."
Do you Lave headache, dizziness,
lrv; '.-siness, loss of appetite and oth
er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's
Su.vap ;ril!a will cure you.
Hoy. Cressmaa has accepted the
eaa to bo pastor of the Lutheran
c!"irch of L'.-wistown, and will take
charge on the first of January.
D it i'ig the hot weather impurities ,
'i tho blood may seriously annoy you.
Ex pi I tbem by taking Hood's Sarsa
I ril.'a, the great blood purifier.
A letter for Beckie E. Watts, was
the only letter remaining uncalled
for in tho MiiHintown post office for
the week ending, November 3, 1894.
Jims Mc.Wullin of E isfc Water
ford, was on a business trip to the
c-j;i:ity Capital last Wednesday, and
with Col. Moorehead remained over
Rv. M. L. Drum of the Miftlin
town M. E. Church will deliver the
a ldiess of welcome in tho Teacher's
Institute, aud Frof. S. H. Knisely of
TJyfmpsontown the response.
The Juniata Conference of Central
Pennsylvania Evangelical Lutheran
church will be held in St Mark's
Lutheran church at Kistler, Perry
county on November 12, 13, 14, 1894
"Bears are becoming so plenty iu
the eastern end of Centre county that
the farmers are organizing to exterm
inate them. Bruin has been feast
ing off tho farmer's sbeep, calf es and
The public schools of Reading,
had a 'potatoe day recently, when
each scholar brought a pot a toe to
school for the Reading hospital.
There are 10,000 children in the
Robert Pannebaker is prepared to
butcher hogs. He uses steam to
take the hair off and steam to run
the choppers, and in that way does
the work more rapidly than by the
old wtiv.
w .McCuiioch, died "t hj8
noon, from blood poison, from sn ab-
cash on hia risrht leer.
He moved to
ijancaswr irom iork Kojol, this coun
ty, about a year ago.
On the 1st day of November at 2 -2.15
P. M., the Czar of Russia died,
aged 47 years. His son Czr Nich
olas II, was proclaimed king on the
2nd day of November, and the gov
ernment goes on as before.
The speaker, was thoroughly ia love with i
bis subject, and for aa hour and a half held
his aadieace saellbou-d by hit pathos aad
eloquence. Should Professor Handy ever
,u aaeuia again, II would be difficult
to gat a hall largo enough to held the aa.
dience that will auemhla M.rii. P.
The ther nitrLt thieves killed a
large fierce watch do? by quick poi
son in the office of the Treasurer of
Altoona. The dog being disposed of
the thieves forced a rear window op
en and drilled and exploded the safe
and got $8 in monev.
It m indeed a fine lecture. Mr Handy
is aa eloqueat, brilliant speaker, with a
sparkle of humor ia his discourse tbat is
most pleasant, lie is a man who must bo
heard to be fully appreciitsd. The hall was
crowded to its utasost capacity, and many
turned Faway for want of room. Canton
(Ohio) Evening Reposi'y.
Levi Irving Handy at the Tsacher's In
rtitutn on Friday evening, subject "The
Read to Victory."
His tonches of humor and pathos woa
for him the attention and control of his au
dience. He ia eloquent and forcible, and
racks among tbe foremost of platform on.
tors. -Washington (Pa ) Journal.
The reports of the second blossom
ing and bearing of pear, plum aqd
apple trees are Dumcroua this season
and to the superstitious is an omen
of disaster, but to tho3e who pry
deeper, it only ineaua that the sec
ond crcp as it is cilloi cotaes from
the behited buds.
Shortly after uicht fall last Satur
day evening, a bright light showed
itself on the clonus beyond Shade
mountain almost directly north of
this town. All who 6a w the light ex
pressed the belief that it was ciu3od
by the burning of some lirge build
mg in Jlifflin county.
Norman S'aellenberger id looking
for Williara Studioger of Fayette
towusuip for having stolen hia dou
ble barrelled brcccL loadiDgeLot gun
Stadinger brought the gun to this
town and left it at Brgy's livery
stable where bhellenbergcr got if,
but Stidingcr escaped.
'The LsbighCouaty Co!urnissivn
ers have decided to purchase a Ion
cf pig iron for placing in the jail
yard and compelling vagabond
tramp3 to carry tbe bars back asd
forward f.-om one end cf the prison
-yard to the other daily during their
psiiod of incarcsraticr."
"Old Ocean, Our Slave and Master," at
the Opera Home last evening, was grind.
Prof. J B. Deniotte, as is always his aim,
pleased the audir.nce, and at tho turns titn
gave them an unlimited amount of knowl
edge. Tiiu Prof, is thorough Iv imbued
! with his subject, and speaks Titb an earn
cstness seldoai seen in oar platform ltc
tures. It was by far the host of the course.
Pani (HI.) Evening Gsr.'tto.
Tbe most delightful entertainment !lut
tho residents ol West Philadelphia havH
had tbu privilege of hearing was given last
evening by the Ariel Quirtttto of of Boa
ton. The rnazuiflcuut contralto voice of
Miss Unit, onibined with the reft of tho
Quartette, mads it one of tho most enjoya
ble of the season. The residents ol this
p-irt of the city are to be congratulated np.
on securing ueh taleut Pbila. Times.
Tjettera remaining uncalled for in
tho Post Oaiae at Patterson, Ps.,
October 31, 1804: Laura M. Kines,
Martha 1. Mills, Bell Latham, An
nie Cuiberson. Geo. W. Arnold, Will
Doael, Hiirrv V. Yate3, Joe JIareen,
A. B. Ren, Jno. G. Hersb, Frank O.
Purker,"Al. Sic norGia eppe, Buff jlk
Mr. Harry ilcClt-llon was taken by
surprise when he arrivod a . homo at
East Point last Tnes lav eveuinif by
! a Iar;'e partv of neijrhbor. .1ra.
McCieMan and the neighbors ha:l
kept the party p. secret from him,
but ho suivivd tho surprise and en
joyed the occision with the liveliest
vf ta3 company
John P.. Eaglebert demanded ad
mitfanca to the Louse of his friend,
i urian ivoppenntiicr at n-.ie, Lunpu-
in county, oa tho nieht of the 30th
of October about 10 o'clock. Tho
demaud was intended for a joks, but
Englebert had so disguised himself
that Koppenheffer mistook him for
a burg'ar and shot Lira dead.
A Brooklyn girl died a few days
ago from eating peanuts. She was
taken violently ill and it was found
necessary t perform an operation.
Fully a qu irt of undigested peanuts
were found in her stomach. An ex
change culd like to know whether
she will be held responsible in the
future world for taking her life Id
eating to mmy peanuts.
Lincoln Univkrsitt,
LivootN, In.. December 20, 1891.
Tbe Ariel Ladies Quartetts has sting two
consecutive seasons in our lecture conrat.
No other vocal combination so well plsaiud
our paople. In addition to their roaJitiun
rich, full and melodious of popular and
classical music, yon are impressed by tho
fact tbat yon are listening to ladies of tho
broadest culture and refinement. They
have many friends here.
S W. Garvin,
Chairman of Entertainment Com.
H. H. Emmett, whose father was an In.
dian chief and whose mother was the daugh .
ter of a ilfethodist minister, lectured on tbe
theme "Tbe North Amorieaa Indian" last
night. Mr. Emmett is as white as tho ay.
erage full b'ooded Caucasian, is about six
feet tall, as straight as a fib ing rod. lithe,
supple and handsome. He has a good voice
Is pohsessed of au excellent eollege educa
tion and has made a conscientious stuJr of
the ludian problem. Uo is dramatic ia hia
stylo ol' oratory, tells lots of stories and oc
casionally grows quite eloquent-
The stereopticaa views, which represent
ed not fancies, but pictures of actual reali
ties, were the finest ever shown in this city.
Tbe instruments used in practical iile by
seafaring men were also very interesting.
Prof. Demotte at times grew oratorical and
gave somo choice English in bis descrip
tions. As a speaker he has won a place in
the minds of the Carlisle people, which is
high indeed Evening Leader, Carlisle, Pa.
One of the grandest that ever was the
privilege of your reporter to bear. Tbe
lecture will delight any one Morning Tri
bune, Altoona Pa.
Some nights ago, the store of L G.
Knight of Maze this county was bur
glarized. The safe was taken into
an orchard adjoining the store prop
erty and there exploded. The
thieves got some money, a lot of
postage stamps and stockings and
clothing aad underwear. It is be
lieved the thieves crossed the river
on the Thomp3ontown bridge to the
railroad early on Sunday morning,
October 28.
lber are mnna huIim :. il.
Hethodist church in Huntingdon as
j J "o icarnea rrom the Hunting
don Journal of flm ;not ?
Iowa: "Six months ago ten dollars in
nve cent pieces were distributed
among the members of the Methodist
church, the object being to see how
much each person could make out of
that nominal snm Him.l.. tnt
"Talent Day," and the money return
io me cnurcn amo unted to 600.
Miss Mary S. Socer of Torii. v
is one of the pioneers of drees re
form. - Because of her father in
firmity, she says she is the man of
tHa ffifm a ... 1 1 . 1 - a ,
' . i-- u.i. li mey live, ana Bue
finds trousers much more convenient
than skirts. That's why she wears
wem. one noes, and bows and chops
wood, and her trousers Bhe wears
tucked in her high top boots just as
any farmer does. Miss Soper. wears
skirts, however when sho ventures
beyond tho domain of her firm. Ex.
n. H. Emmett. at the Teachers' Inatituta
on Friday evening, subject The American
inaien." ur tins lecture The Alliance Re
view, says:
The lecture last night by II. H. Emmett
was in some respects superior to tbat ef
Dr. Dixon of the 3rd. It was a scholarly ad
dress, very Instructive, and spiced with jast
enough humor to be quite entertaining.
Mr. Emmett is a polished speaker, and bis
lecture upon "The North American Indian"
can be made one of the tlanst to be heard
on t'e American atago. To heai it and
realise tbat the man who stands before yon
upon the rostrum is himself an Indian, is
indeed an intellectual treat worth going
miles to hoar. It is alone worth the price
of tha whole course.
The reflection of the Huntingdon
Journal, over Hollowe'en capers
finds expression in the following
item: Boys in observi ng Ilollowo'eu
do not stop to think what amount
of damage I hey do iu a few hour's
time. With an old juicy cabbage
st-ilk battered several times against
a cic;ly polished door, the stiins are
so visible t;at it is often necess try to
repaiat. With this and other repiirs
some people have a considerable out
lay just for tho amusement of the
boys. This thing of distroying
property in Hallowe'en season should
be stopped even if it requires a whole
army of police to accomplish the
About 3 o'clock on Sunday morn
ing the fire alarm whistle and rail
roaa locomotive whistles sounded a
fire alarm. Many people did not
hear tho whistles, but thoso who did
turned cu. and tbe fire drpartra:nls
responded promptly. The fira w.-is
in a small uuiidiur; close to tno ice
house at the railroad and that gave
the Patterson firemen the icsida
track on the fire, and bv the time
tbe Srcm .n fram this side reached
the scene of the conflagration, the
Patterson company had monopolized
the plugs, and were rushing the wa
ter in so vigorously that tbe fire got
no chanaa to get out of wheie it
started. How the are originated 13
not known. The building had been
xised for quarters for men who used
to ice refrigerator cars, but latterly
it was unoccupied.
From the Bloorofield Advocate,
October 31. Dr. Wm. R Brothers,
of tin's place, last Friday was notiii
ed that he bad been appointed phy
sician of tho Pennsylvirda railroad,
with headquarters at Derry, Pa., at
a salary to begin with of $75 per
month. While at school
l lbt Thursday, Alice R., an luven
year old daughter of George Zelleis
of Juniata county in getting off the
roof of an cutbui'ding fell, breaking
both arms near th6 wrists. The ua.
fortunate child is helpless.
G. J. Crouso on his melon patch at
Lgania, this ccuuty, this season,
raised and disposed of 25,000 canta
loupes end 1500 watermelons.
Wedcesd iy of last wtek in
driving to his home in Watts town
ship, from Newport, Serry Liddick
struck his horse a sharp blow with
tho whip. The anini'tl leaped for
ward throwing Mis. Li.'dick who
was with her hueband, out of the ve
hide. When picked up it was found
that her back was broken, skull frac
tured and besides she had sut lined
severo internal injuries.
Mr. Ilecry Goshen known to every
one in tbi town, died of apoplexy,
between tho hours of 7 aod 8 o'clock
on Saturday eveD'iDgat tho home of his
son Levi in Altoona. Ho went up
stairs about 7 P. M., with the evident
intention of going to bed. About 9 P.
M., a grand son went to bis grand
father's room and found Mr. Gosben
on his back oa the floor dead. A doc
tor was called and be adjudged him
dead about an hoar. Mr. Uoshen was
born in Lancaster county in 1818, and
cam a to this place ben rjmte a young
man, and lived bere until within tbe
past 4 yearn, wbioh be lived with bis
son Levi II. Goshen in Altoona. The
children who survive bim are Mrs. E.
Rush, Mrs. Elizabeth Kessler, and
Levi II. Gofhen of Altoona, Mrs. Jane
Ilodgcrs of Reading, Jobu O. 'joshen
of Arkansas and Jlfrs. James Robisoo of
this town. George Goshe n of Patter
sod aud five other brothers and three
sisters and seventeen grand children
survive him. lie was a Mason and a
member of tbe JUethodist cburob. His
remains were brought to JWifflintown on
.Won day, and on Tuesday tbe funeral
took place from tbe borne of bis daugh
ter, Mrs. James Kobisoa. Interment
in the Presbyterian cemetery.
The terrible destructiveness of tbe
nickle coated bullet used in tha new
small calibre navy rifle when driven
at the euormou3 velocity obtainable
by tha employment of smokeless
powder is set forth in tho report of
Leutenaut Lincdn Karmony of the
United States Marine Corps, upon
the results of the experiments recent
ly tmado with the cadavers of horses.
Iu simply passiug through muscle
the bullet produces a iliah wound of
no serious importance, unless it hap
pen to cause bemmorege by cutting
an artery. But if it meet with re
sistance such as tha1. offered by a
bone, liio result is L jnib'o. The
wound has the appearance of having
been caused by an explosion; tbe mus
cles are reduced to pulp and the
bone ground to powder and the frag
ments are carried through the wound
of exit, leaving the Matter a gaping
oriSce. A limb thus struck by one
of those missies would bo mangled
beyond repair, and a shot in any
part of the bead or chest would al
most infallibly prove fatal. If it be
true that tbe best way to abolish war
is to increase its possibilities of des
truction, then tho new navy rifie
should prove a veritable peacemaker.
Philadelphia Record.
Last week mention was made in
these columns of an outrage tbat was
attempted on Miss Annie Wileman
while she was on her way home from
attending a meeting of a Literary So
ciety in Cuba School bouse in Ferman
agh, and that one of tbe parties arrest
ed for tbe iodeeent assault George
Miller, bad been arrested and put lo
jail. Tbe statement was a mistake as
far as tbe putting to jail was eonoerned.
After being brought before Squire C.
B. Horning, be was discharged. Wil
liam Rjner tbe other party ebarged
with the aasanlt, esoaped arrest until
last Sunday evening, when be waa ar
rested by officer liackenberger and
lodged in jail.
- Oa Saturday evening the following
letter in tbe interest of George Miller
was reoeived at this office. Tbe letter
was mailed at Mexico as is shown by
the post mark. Tbe letter baa no eijr.
catnro to it excepting tbe word father,
which is crossed with several pen
"Me. Swover:
Dear Sir: I wish you to rectify
what you put in yoor paper about
George Miller. You must no tbat he
never was near tbe jil, and yon will
git yourself into trouble if you don't
fix tbat right. You have no businoss
to put suoh stuff in your paper unless
you no the right story. Go to Squire
Horning and get tbe right story. JNo
mind if it is not rectified till next week
you will be jerked np for it."
The authorities of this eounty owe
it to thomselvos and to the right of tbe
decent portion of the community to
sift this outrage. The women and
girls most be proteoted and made safo
en highway and byway in day time and
at n:rht time from indecent assault It
lewd and worthless men. The lynoh
ings that take place throughout the
oountry for such outrages, aro owing
to the fact, that such depraved people
as debase themselves and outrage
women are not pnuisbed as they merit.
n e don't want to bear of a ease of
Ivuchinr' io this county, and officers of
tbe law should vigorously push this
case so tbat no charge may lie at their
door for negleot of duty in bringing
such people to justioe.
Bargain Days! Bargain Days!
Bargain Week! Bargain Weekl
Commencing November tho l2th,
until .Saturday evening, November
the 17ih.
1500 dollars of Diy Good?, Fancy
Giods and Carpets at specia'ly re
duced prices.
S003 pair of Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Shoes ty select from at a
reduction of 20 per cent.
Lid'e.i Coats and Capes, Chil
dren's Cioaks, specially reduced; a
saving of 20c o the Dollar at our
Cheaper than vou can buy within
150 miles of MiiHintown.
We don't discriminate against our
Pa'tersocand R-ulrad customers in
our prices lio Humbug Silver Pres
ents. Railroad men and others, who pay
every JJ0 davs are discriminated
against nt other stores.
Look out for fake Merchants.
Be sure and come to our stores.
NOV. 16TH and SATURD AY, NOV. 17.
-scHorre stores-
Atiood ipppetite
always accompanies good health, and
au absence of appetite is nn indica
tion cf something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
havo used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to
its merit iu restoring the appetite,
and a3 u purifier cf tho blood, con
stitutes the strongest recommenda
tion tbat can be urged by any medi
Hooils Fills cure all liver ills, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick
heab:che. 25c.
Newport Doomed.
The Newport News of November
1st, soys: Sister Kelly, a colored min.
strel made an astounding declara
tion between two songs that sli9
sing on the streets: That last Sun
day morning she had a vision in
which she stood in divine presence.
She was commanded to deliver this
message: That the Almighty was
about to sit in judgment upon New
port. She warned her hearers to
flee from the wrath to come, saying
that she could not only at her own
peril refuse to carry the direful tid
ings of hasty annihilation to all with -ia
the sound of her voiee and to
others too.
That Tired Feeling
is a dangerons condition directly dne
to depleted or impure blood. It
should not be allowed to continue, as
iu its debility the system is especial
ly liable to serious attacks of illness,
flood's Snrsaparilla is the remedy for
such a condition, and also for that
weakness which prevails at the
change of season, climato or life.
Hood's Pills tiro purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from the best in
gredients. 25c.
For Bad Conduct.
People in Lewistown are now de
termined to break up the bad con
duct tbat so frequently takes place
at places of entertainment and to
that end a half dozen of Lewistown
people were put under arrest and
bound over in the sum of $200, each,
to answer at court for unbecoming
conduct in the opera bonse during
the recent performanceof the Georgia
minstrels Free Press.
Home and Abroad-
It is the doty of everyone, whether
at home or travelling for pleasure or
business, to equip himself with the
remedy which will keep up strength
and prevent illness, and cure such
ills as are liable to come upon all in
every day life. Hood's Pills are
hand made, and perfect ia propor
tion and appeance. 25c per box.
Edward IWtley carn borne to vote
on Tuesday. .
0'atfrr"collars and cuffs that will
not wilt, are not effected by moisture
and look just like linen are all tbe
fashion now. They are made by cov
ering a linen collar or cuff with "cel
luloid " and are the only waterproof
goods made with nn interlining, con
sequently the only ones that will stand
xseat and give perfect satisfaction. Try
them and you will never regret it. Al
ways neat, and easily cleaned. When
soiled simply wipe off with a wet cloth
or sponge. Every piece of the genu
ine is stamped as follows :
Ask for those so marked end refuse any
imitations, as they cannot possibly
please you. If your dealer does not
keep them, wc will send a sample di
rect on receipt of price. Collars 25c
each. Cuffs 50c pair. State size and
whether stand-up or tumcd-down col
lar is wanted.
437-429 Broadway, Blew Vorkt
THE MOST ATTRACTIVE atirt intires'
ing WAR BOOK piiblihhcd. Charming
depenptions of thrilling jtersonal expor
ii nces iiv tbe Rev. J. B. Yorso, Editor
"Central Christian Jiivo.-att " H-0 Orici.
rial illustrations by Frank Heard ('lie pic
tures sre worth more than price of book)
Low in price.' Extraordinary inducements.
ExeltiRiyo territory. Don't Dt-lav; days are
AGEKTS. wor'h dollars. Bend 60 cents
WANTED at once for out fit. Satis,
faction tuirir.tecd or money refurdcJ.
Ul'ST ti EATOX, 150 Fifth Ave., N.T
of the
Juniata "Valley.
We can fit a man wi'h a Good Substantial Suit, Overcoat, Hat, Shoes,
StookiDgs, Sbirt, Sucpenders, Necktie and Suit of underwear for $10.
A BETTER OUTFIT FOR $15; a still better for $20, $25, $30, $40, and
the Uesl Clay Worsted Suit latest cut; a Satin lined Bine or Black Beaver
Overcoat, latest style; Latest Black Dei by Hat; a pair of Douglas, finest Kan
garoo Shoes; pair of extra fine suspenders; onr nook-tie; pair Silk Hose, and a
Suit orvery Fine All-Wool underwear for ($50.) If 3 cu can get as fine an
outfit for tbe money anywhere else wa will present ycu with ours for nothing
All our stock is new, aod tbe prices are s low a9 the lowest.
Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3.75. .Wen's pants from 50o to $5 00.
Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. Men's Suits from S2.50 to $18.00.
Boys' Overcoats from $1.50 fo $7.00. Men's Overcoats from $3. to $18.
Hats from 25 conts to $2 75. Caps from 15 cents to $1.50.
Neckties 5 cents to 50 cents.
We carry a fine line of Gent a Underwear, Gloves, Suspenders, Cuffs, Col
lars, Valises, collar and cuff Buttons, Chains, Watch Kings, Neckwear and the
finest lide of Trunks in tha county. We also carrry a full line of men's boots
and shoes, particularly tbe Douglas Shoe.
Men's Gum Overshoes, Alaskan
and Artie, we.
Estre Stzes in Pantaloons. Suits and
If you want a spit Tailor Made, you
i erieoi r 11.
It costs nothing to examine Our Stock.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Emhalmcr and Funere
al. Director.
North Main t, JHifflintowti, Pa-
English Snavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney,
Rincr Ron a. Strifles. Snraines. all
Swollen Throats, Coughs, ete. Save
50 by use of one bottle, war
ranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure fivpr known. Sold bv Ia Banks
& Co., Druggist Mifflin town, Pa.
to aal car taka aaaorsDoaMoKa-
Itch on human, mange on horses
dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min
ules by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown.
Nov. 22nd 1894.
Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col
lege,) formerly of Mifllinhnrp, Pa., baa lo
cated permanently in Mitnintowo, as snc
cesror to tbe lata "Dr. O. L. Dorr, and will
continue the dental bnsinees (established
by the latter in 186G) at tbe well known of
fice on Bridge street opposite Conrt House.
jVo Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used.
No Sore Cures or Discomfort to patient,
either during extraction or afterwards.
All these are Guaranteed cr co cbargo
will be made.
All work guaranteed to give perfect
eatibfuclion. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Dentist.
and all other cereals can be
K really lucrvnBt! in it row Lb
and va) ie by tbe nse of
7 It makes the poorest nol rich and prr
7 atuu. Bend fur lrtce List.
rauouve. txMQ direct 10 irtriuers.
Overalls and Overcoats
cbn save $5 to $15, and bo sure of a
1 m
Has been selected with especial leferenoe to tbe needs of this looality The-
extensive variety it affords in every line of goods including the pick of the
market in fresh fall and winter styles wili probably surprise ail. wLo see . it.
No leas astonishing are the LOW PRICES pat on everything. OwiDg to tbe
bard times we Lave teen able to jcrclir-?e ptrdH very mucb under
market valno and have embraced the opportunity. Our stock is now in god
hape and is well assorted in all the following lines:
AORANi .exhibit of Men's Clotllinff.
Boy7s Clothing. -
T , . An immense variety m Cass-
New and neat styles and val- imeres cheviot3) Clays Home-
ues for the money not to be SpunsDi agonal, Serges Twills,
equaled anywhere You 11 Tweeds and Flannels. All the
save money by clothing your new ghape8 of cutawayH
children here. Knee-pants and Prince Alberts. Perfect fit
eWa fal1 8tyleS' 4 t0 14, and best workmanship, guaran-
1 OO TO $6.00- x J V3 r 5- 7 t llR
teed Prices from 3o.37 to ijlo.
Charming Reefer Suits, 3 to
8, several shades and styles,
1 to $4 50.
T , .. . , ,
Long pants suitssingle and
styles of material for boys
to 19
S3 TO 810 OO
AM th now and lafosi eoiorinos in
silk, in tecks, 4 -in hands, bows and
string-ties 25 to 50 cents.
Laundered while shirts, perfect fit-
ting 74 cents to $1. Unlaundered
white fchirts, reinforced front and back
37 cents. Better grades, unlaundered and $0 pants
white shirts 50 cents. ROW OStY 93.
TT'TiT?PWT?Ap Wost ot our regular 1.50
ULMJJUtnJIiAK- and 2 pants can be had
Men's natntal wool shirts or drawers FOR 75 CEBITS.
24o to $1.49. Camel's hir shirts or
drawers 49o to $2.00. Scarlet sbirts THE LATEST FASHIONS IS
or drawers, 74o to $1.50. Fancy col- MEN'S DERBY AND ALPINE HATS
ored wool sbirts or drawers 62o to $2.- FOR $1, 91 50 A.1D $3 OO.
50. Fast black sateen umbrellas 49o Exclusive hatters get a dol
to 99e Silk gloria for ar more for eame makes. The
1 sriinena nnnia 1 t e if U AI nn'a
double trxtnre macintoshes $3.75 to
Complete lines of Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Ovei-sbirts, Cardi.
gan Jacsets, Gloves, &c; at lowest prices in the county.
Trnuk and Satchel Department complete in every reppect.
A yisit to onr More means money saved fin every purchase,
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1885)
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods fc
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai
to give him a call if in need of Clothing,
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Ita-wcarim qoalitfaaare sasurpaased, actnolt
Outlasting? two boxes of aoratber brand. Koa
OactMl byhMt t"ET THIiVU I'UE.
Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenaea and
Steadv Employment guaranteed.
Pec. .8, 91. Rochester, N. T.
Tbe Senttnel and Jteputhm office ia tbe
place to get job work done. Tty U. It will
pay yon if yon need anything bi that line.
A grand showing of Over-
coats of every description. All
the new for
ing in price from $3 to15.
An odd pair of pants helps
out a man when he cannot af-
ford a new suit. We have
just the lino to please you, and
prices are even more pleading.
nnest pair 01 pants in
roJ osv f.' c ,
A grand line Ot regular $4
llne oI Bo's hats presents
some equally good bargains.
Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Porneroy,
John Herti'er,
Robert E. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joseph Rothroek,
Josiah L. Barton,
Lonig E. Atkinson
George A. Kepner, 'Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rothroek, P. W. Mar. beck,'
I. E. AtkiDscn, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Ponwroy, J. Holmes Irwin
Mary Knrtz, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr,
John Hertzler, T. V. Irwin.
CbarlotteSnyder, Josiah L Barton,
John M.' Blair, Robert H. Patterson,
F. M. M. rennel), Levi Light,
Samuel 8. Rothroek, Wm. Pwarta.
M.N. Srerrett, H. J. Sballenberger.
Three and Four per eent. intermit will be
paid on certif catea of deposit.
rjan 23, 1894 t
Bafleriaa from tbs effects of youthful errata, ai?T
dacar. waatingweaknuas, loat manhood, etc. I wtf
end a valuable tnatiaa M.lI) eontaiolnc fx.
aarttonlara (or bom. cam. FREE cbarg& A
plaadid modinal work : should l mad hj
maa who la narrona ana debilitated. Addr.
11 aC F. C FOVreCR. Sfoodaa, OasaaV
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tm Kditob: Ploase lnfona your reader
ShMt I bar. a poaitire remedy tor the aboro unnie
diacaas. By ita tim.tr nae tkouaauda of aanr'
caeea hare been permanently cored. I ahall be fcL )
to send two bottles of my vunedy FRKEto any of
your readers who bars eonsumvtion if th.v will
end me their Expreea and P. O. addraaa. Baapeot
foUy. T. A. &UXJUM. at. a. Faari 8t N. Y.