Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 31, 1894, Image 3

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ioucrfptlon, IM per umm If paid
France ; .00 If not paid te adraace.
Tnotient adTertUeneiito inserted at 60
M par lack for each taeertto.
aMdeat tratlnees aotioee ta loeal eoU
in cents per lis for aaeh tnserttoek.
.' .. fill tu. mAm t Am. -
VdVertiM by th yaw, half
r qaarVr
Jesse Howe has reconstructed
Butchers sell sausage at 14c
The democracy in xork
in bad way.
Horca about Pittsburg bare a
distemper, something like a cold.
Last Friday the Japanese again
routed an army of 20,000 Chinese.
To protect potatoes and apples
from (rout bite in cellars, cover them
well with paper.
The "0tli anniversary of No. 97.
I 0. O. F.. of Lewistown was cele
brated on the 24th, present month.
The schools have baen closed in
Fmukstotvn township, Blair county,
to prevent tne spread of diphtheria.
The man or woman who has a sin
cere love for his or her work, what
ever that work may be, is on the road
to success.
The reorganized band was out on
Monday evening, and delighted all
who were within hearing distance of
its good music.
Durii:g the hot weather impurities
in the Mood may seriously annoy you.
Expel tbein by taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla, the great blood purifier.
An Allensville, Mifflin county man
shouldered a ride, went to the moun
tain, met a bear, forgot that he had
a pun, and in his fright ran home.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Presbyterian Church, will hold a
gociablo on Friday evening in the
lecture room of the Church building.
Mies Rebecca Bertmer of Butler,
Pa, who visited her aunt, BIra. Hol
lobau;;li and other friends in town,
returned to her home last Thursday.
General Coxey of tramp army
fame was unfortunate last Saturday
nibt. His house about 4 miles from
lla-isillion, Ohio, was destroyed by
Perry county papers say: "Judge
Ly 'Ob will hold a continuous Court
in Perry county in January until all
the cases on the Common Pleas
docket have l)een disposed of.
Tbc city of La Rioja, capital of the
State of La Ttioja, was ruined bv an
earthquake a few days ago. It is
reported that 2000 people lost their
lives. Twenty, thousand people are
The protracted meeting in the
F.vangclical church in Patterson, the
past several weeks, brought out many
penitents. The attendance upon
some of the night meetings being
larger than the house could hold.
List Wednesday morning a thun
der shower seemed to traverse the
entire length of th Juniata Valley
At Lewistown lightning struck the
electric light plant and damaged the
concern to the extent of five hundred
Mr. Singerly started on his cam
paign tour of the State on Sunday,
which in the opinion of a great many
good people is enough, without any
other ciu39 to insure the overwhelm
iog defeat of the democratic ticket.
Vote the republican ticket.
If you desire to surrender the bus
incss of this country to foreigners
and give them the benefit of low
tariff and thereby bring things to a
level with European affair vote the
democratic ticket, but if you want to
live like an American vote the re
publican ticket.
Do you have headache, dizziness,
drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth
er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's
Sarsaparilla will cure you.
The Newport News says: "The
farm of John M. Smith's heirs near
the cemetery was sold at public sale
last Saturday to Henry Wilson of
Port Royal for $3,000. Mr. Wilson
is n brother of Benjamin Wilson of
Oliver township, and will make this
his future home.
From the Newport Ledger: Philip
Leonard, a resident of this county
until about two years ago. when he
went to live with his son William in
Waterloo, Juniata county, died on
the 11th of October and was buried
on the 12th in the Presbyterian
gnu? yard at Waterloo.
The torture of dyspepsia and sick
headache, the agonizing itchincr and
pain of salt rhem, are removed by
Hootfs Sarsaparilla.
The O ld Fellows demonstration
at Lewistown was interfered with by
inclement weather. The McAJister-
ville band that was to have accom
panied the Odd Fellows from this
town were storm stayed at this place
ami .ill not get to Liewistown.
Many of the order from Mifflintown
disregarding the weather, attended
and report an enjoyable time.
Bioomfield Democrat Richard
L Migee, Esq., of Centre township,
has been granted a dependent fath
er's pension of 812 a month and
$)0; back pay. His son Ambrose
was wounded at Fredericksburg and
died in hospital. He belonged to
he Pa. Reserves. Joseph Eberly, of
Falling Springs, has bad hia pension
increased from $8 to $12 per month.
1 wo boys were accidentally shot
with one bullet on Sunday evening,
October 21, at their home in Milford
township. They were Clarence and
William Lewis, brothers. The eldfr
one was handling a revolver. The
weapon was accidentally discharged.
iue ball pssed through the index
nnffer of his right hand and lodged
a the right forearm of William his
"rother, aged 12 years
hat do vou take medicine for
B cause you are ekk and want to get ! and the lawless young men fled with
of course. Then remomber ' ont bavin c accomplished their pur-
Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures.
t w--w--.flBpel.iid of Burlington,
toSn!" TMnbDg paTOt8
Wm Wagner bought the Witmer
$2Sird Btreet p-buc
frSi inkle hM the
front ef his business place on Main
street, a coat of paint!
Mrs. Mowery sold ber house on
tT!Sf B ee- ? Kirk MoOintio for
f 1,800, at private sale. '
Dr. Fisber of IfcAlisterville is
home from serving hia country ae a
juror in the United States Court in
. iiutourg.
The Tuscarora Valley Railroad is
being pushed vigorously on in the
direction of Blair's MULg, Hunting
don county.
Get your smoked glass ready to
view the planet .Mercury cross the
sun on the 10th of November from
10 a. it., to 3 r if.
It will be well to look after the
man here and there who proposes to
cut the republicau ticket for some
little DttV lrriniuu
u 1!'maPael -"over has bought , Farleman was gunning in the moan
theOeorge Jacobs, Jr. propertv, on tain in JJflford township, he saw a
Mam street, hnd will build a house ' large bird anl shot at it The bul
on the vacant lot part of the prop- i let from hia rifle passed clean through
j the eagle, killing it instantly. He
Mrs. John S Grarbill and husband brou2ht il to town n1 b7 "frence
have taken up th-ir residence in Ltn- bxks the eagle was identified.
caster. Pa., where JWY. Or bill ia in
Traction Railroad Management busi
ness. Hastings and Singerly will engage
in a debate at Nnrristown on Satur
day evening at four different meet-!
ngs. Ech speaker will be given
half hour.
John M. Garman. District Attor
ey oi .Li'izeme county is
. . .
.r.ni (l :i .. . 4i -
around the circle as one of the speak-
ers for free trade cand.dae Singerly
for G vernor.
Under the McKinlev law there was
a reciprocity feature in the trd
with Germany for American cattle
and German beet, sucar. The new
Democratic tariff shut down on '
American cattle. !
The letters uncalled f-r in tho
Mifflintown post office for the week
ending October 27, 1894, were for
Miss Ruth Point, W. A. Heller,
and card for W. H. Rudv.
A thousand bushels of chestnuts
in Somerset connty. Pa , sold for a
cent and a half a pound. Chestnuts i
win oe extensively ana prontabiy
cultivated by the coming American.
Singerly is the first man in Penn-
sylvania who hos bad tbe courage to
stuuiu the State in favor of franlradA.
You don't believe in free trade, and
therefore you cannot vote for Sing-.
On Sabbath Rev. J. R. Henderson
expressed the purpose of resigning
the pastorate of the Mifflintown con
gregition of the Presbyterian church.
If his resignation be accepted this
community will lose a gentleman and
a devont and sincere Christian.
Scrofula, humors and all diseases
caused or promoted by impure blood
or low state of the system, are cured
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
- .Thieves entered the house of Jacob
H. Will one night Inst week ond
stole two dollars and fifty cents.
No ore of the family were awakened
bv the pi mderers but Blept until the
usual hour for rising in the morring.
Entrance wis obtained to the house
by a bak vard window from under
which a fly screen was removed.
The Altoona Tribune claims that j
J. W Gartland of Altoona is the
champion corn huskT of Cpntral
Pennylvnnia. List. Friday he husk-1
ed 112 bushels ef ears for Mr H M.
Hilnman near Allegheny Furnace.
The roj thi ye r is not more t' a ,
half a oiie, yet h tied bis fodder and
set it np in good shape. He worked
12 hours
List Friday U-ited StateR S cret
Service rffiors, male a ratd on sil
ver coin counterfeiters in Snyder Co ,
just beyond the Juniata line, rear
Richfield nn4 enprnred a man named
Zimmerman and Furra. and brought. :
them to this plsce to tike a train for
Altoona last Friday night. Zim
merman is a sun of the man Zim
merman, who plinned the raid on
Ancker's bouse that led to the mur
der of Auker by Lovering. On Sit
urday, they were taken liefore U. S
Commissioner Giffios of Altoona and
in default of $2,000 bail were sent to
HoIlidaburg jail Zimmerman's
hearing will tike place November 5
Ferre's hearing will take pface on
November 1st. The prisoners deny
the charge.
Next Tuesday one of the most, im
portant of elections will be bel 1.
Upon the resnlt of the verdict, of the
people then to be expressed, depends
the foreign trade and bvsiness inter
estaofthe United States. If the
democrats win, they will make such
laws as will tender to do away with
the different conditions of living be
tween this conntrv and the people of
the old world. If you rote the dem
ocratie ticket and the times get hard
er, don't complain for yon have not
only been cautioned against voting
for such a dangerous party ticket,
but you have been coaxed not to vote
for the democracy that is under the
j management of men who bave not
the interest of the p-op!e at heart.
Vite for Mabon, W ilson, Wills and
George Miller was lodged in jail
on Saturday on a charge of having
a VT 1 r T
in company witn vuiiam xyucr,
made an indecent assault upon Miss
Annie Wileman of Fermanagh town
ship, on Friday evening, the 26th.
The information was made before
Squire C. B. Horning by the girl and
her father on Saturday, and the rea
son that. Rrner does not share a cell
in jail with Miller, is officer Hacken
berger failed to catch him Miss
Wileman who is about 15 years old,
with a bi other that is younger than
she is, attended a meeting of a liter
ary society in Cuba school house in
Fermanagh township on Friday ev
ening, and while on their way home,
CUlUg, .. . .
were overtaken by the accused, who
made indecent proposals to her and
when she would not agree to their
indecent proposais was thrown to the
ground. She screamed, and her
Kent her ran home and crave the alirni.
' pose. Ryner is still at large.
Children in Milford township, are
u wim mourned type of scar
let fever.
xurry Alcdellan has put a steel
sneet iron roof on the bouse of Banks
Kauffman on .Main afreet.
Jtfrs. Mary A. DiehL wife of John
Diehl, late of this town, deceased,
has been granted a widow's pension.
If you want the times to tret hard.
er vote the democratic ticket. If you
want the tunes to grow better vote
the republican ticket.
There are so many coses of small
pox in Washington, D. C, that the
whole interior department haa been
Charles Huggins Snyder a 16 year
old boy ofXiverpool, Perry county,
Pa , last week, trAveled from Liver
pool a horseback to Philadelphia,
140 miles in three days.
"The town anthorities of Brad
deck, Pa., have passed an ordinarce
imposing a fin of 671 cents for ev
ery profane word used by any person
on the streets of the town.
A Golden Eagle Shot.
i Last Friday morniner while John
WH9 a Golden Eagle, a bird that
is not often con in this nnrf. if ftiA
wuinirr Tf. mmionni,! 7 f .
the tip of one wing to the tip of the
other wing, and was on exbib Hon
at tho Banks drug store on Saturday. !
A Falsehood t'arneied
Some ba l-hearted and evil-mind-;
ed person or per-ons, circulate I the
' wiuto a,, uiiwiuk-t in
n .,k;, i, -ii..:,.- i.
ioD. T,le purposf, of tho reDOrt is f0
! iviiann tlia tnirt7a rf fl-ii-ief ion nutnln
against him to such a degree that
thf y will not support
coming election for
him at. the
the offii-e of
Sometimes truth is a long tima
in catching np to a lie, but in this
case, trutu round out what a lie bad
beii started about Mr. Groninger,
and at once gav pursuit, and uiw
has the conteroptiMe falsehood cor
nered by the testimonial of Joseph
W. Stimmell as foil ws: j
Owifg to a report bfing circulat-
el throughout the county, that Mr. j
James N Groninger is a disbeliever !
in tne trutn or Cliristianitv. and an ,
opposer of all religious worship, I .
certify, hereby that the Tressarera
D0OK r,t tne rrsbytenan cburcli rt
rort lirJ shows Jmes
Groninger to be a contributor for
SUPP I pastor since 18tW.
Poet Royal, Pa., Oet. 27, 1894
Rev J. K Lloyd and other good
citizens of Port Roval pronounce th
reported unbelief of Air. Groninger
a falsehood
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the century ?
The great enre for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 14. lv.
Home and Abroad
It is the duty of everyone, whether
at. home or travelling for pleasure or
uu-iuri, iu niuiu uiiuneu Willi iut) :
remedy which will keep up strength
business, to equip himself with the
and prevent illness, and cure such
ills as are liible to come upon all in
every day life. H'ioiVs Pills nre
hand m ule, and perfect in pr -portion
and appennce. 2ou pjr box.
That Tired Feeling
is a lan7rons "MHi'ion direcrlv dne
to depte'ed or impure bio d It
shuii'd not he allowed to continue, s
iu its debility the system is especinl
lv liable to serioui attacks of illness.
Hood's Scrsiparilla is the remedy for
snch a condition, and also for
weakness which prevails st
chance of season, climtito or life.
Hood's PtlU are purely vegr-table,
Cirefr.Uv prepared from the best in
gredients. 25c.
Reliecca Wilkinson, of Bnwr,
vnlley, Ind., says: "I bave been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousness, Weakness of tho
Stomache, D spepsia, and Indiges
tion until my health was gona. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
md more good than any $50 worth of
doctorinp I ever did in my life. I
wuld advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few tiottles of it b-is cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
eat medicin in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomach
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold bv L. Banks
A Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa.
Feb 1. 93-ly.
A toedApppetite
always accompanies good health, and
an absence of appetite is an indica
tion of something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to
its merit in restoring tbe appetite,
and as a purifier t tbe blood, con
stitutes the strongest recommenda
tion that can be urged by any medi
HootT PilU cui. 11 liver ills, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick
headache. 25c.
Skele ton of a Mastodon Found
Our Newton Himiltou correspond
ont writes us: Ono day the latter
part of last week, as George Swayne,
who resides in Germany Yalley. was
burning some bruau on bis farm, tbe
ground which appeared to partake
something of I be . nature of peat,
and in digging around to ou'en
the fire, be came npon tbe skel
ton of a mastodi n which he partly
uneartbed, end as far as can be seen
appears to be in a perfect state of
preservation. The tusk is about sev
en feet long, the ribs about five feet
in length and tbe molar teeth weigh
near 2U pounds. JLiewistown Free
Press, October 24, 1894.
On Saturday a week, about Tr. it ,
ttw large steam saw-mill of A. W.Op
pie's Sons, on Blacklog mountain ov-J "
er.Iooking Mattawana, was totally
destroyed by fire, with all its ma-1
chinery and about $2,000 worth of j
manufactured lumber. Work had j
beenliscontinued for the week and
all the hands had gone home, hut
Herman OppeL one of the proprie
tors, who was eating supper when
the fire broke out. Owing to the
high wind prevailing, the destruction ( -of
the entire plant was the work of a '
short tim . By almost super-human
exertions Hei man . succeeded in re
moving the large saw and several
rolls of beltii g. but was burned '
somewhat about tho h nds and face.
Loss between three and four thou
sand dollar?, with no insurance.
Origin unknown. Th plant wa- to
have been abaudon-d a week or o.
as soon as the logs on hand were
worked up, the firm having erected
extensive saw and planing mill build
ings elsewhere. Lewistown r ree
Press of the 24 ill inst.
What a Bay Haw la the Army
The above com prhermve ti'Ie is
the nam given to a new look by Dr.
Jesse Bowman Youno, well known all
over Pennsi Ivania, bis native Stxte,
as a brave and gallant Mi- r of the
war for t.'-e Union, as ulso a preach
er, lecturer, and writer of the high-
t rank.
t T,,e 6t.orv 18 "r'ef tfisc.aiUne in
'er,T: An"i e ma-.y b .oka
"P"n of tb great
civil wsr few tii.t we have rea are
so grapi ic in (liscHption, st c m
pf netmivi- ana accurate in aetmi, so
varied in incident, and so elegantly
written hs i this bin k from the mn
in ui X'limir. loreaauiH 10 live
... . .- ... j, . . . .
of ,,,, . -.i,,,.,, kIrn(.le
Dr Yoimi is ma ter of a stvle
vivri'iis s it is j ictusque, end bis
dwrip-H'-n if tliH ba'tl.s, the i-i'-g,
the iurcli. and indeed tho "bole
par :i l;-rriaiia of w-ir eives him i igb
r.n-k r.s h writer of war litest'ir
Hi dt'sciinti ins 'f t'''H bitil4 of
Pi Khuri.' Landini'. Fort D'ml-r.u,
Fredt-rick-burg, Cba!.,ll)l'8vill',an,.
above all, G.'ttysbnrr, are wurthy 'f
a ilace alin?side th- "sen fight" and
"chariot race" i; Ben Hur.
Every old soldier should hav a
coiv of t his remnrknblo lrfinl- ami ev.
ery 'family sboulJ fccsre it, and,
above all, every boy wlo loves his
c mntrv and hm conntrv'a flatr. and
wants to learn of the sneiifices that
were endured in order to preserve
the integrity of the Union, shmild
not fail to read this book.
We invite the intention of our
readers to the advertisement in an
other column.
Taylor Zimmerman. On the 25th
inst., at Mexico by Rev Francis Me
Burney, Mr. John A. Tuvlor and
Misa Surah C. Zimmerman, both of
Kaitfm.vx Grontngeu. On the
llth ins:., bv Rev. W. F. Steck, Mr.
Edgar F. Kauffman of Walker Twp.,
and Miss Cora B. Groninger of Tur
bett township.
Patteksox Midday. B v the Rov.
S. A. Davenport, Mr. French C. Pat
ters'm of Aradem:a and Miss Sadie
B Midd'i&h of Tus-caiora township.
Zeioler Bookwalter On O'lt.
10, by Kev. J. C. Rtigbard, Lewis H.
Zeigler, of Perry Co., and Jennie
t . 1 i. . e 1 1
Rkwal,r "f at V-
PoxTirs Beasom. On the 9 th
i-Jst., by Rev. J. J. Minemier, Peter
H. P.m'im and Annie M Beagoni,
both of Greenwood township.
Bender Hack. Oa the 14th inst.,
by Rev. Wm. C Bierly, Thos. C. Bend
er, of Turbett Twp., and Josephine
L. Hack of Mexico.
Gekdt -Murphy. On Oct 15, by
Rev Isaac Bonk, Wm. Gecdy and
Vlrn. Is .bulk J. Wurpi-y, both of
Oliver Twp.. Ji.fflin county.
Schell Cattle. On the 16th
inst., ty Rev. J. J
Minimier, John
Scbe'l of Swales and Grace A. Castle
of Dimmsville.
Bracks i.l Yodeu On the 17th
inst , bv Ri-v. J. K Lhyd. James M.
Br ckb ll und S .ll:e D. Y der, both
of Si-rue Hill township
Gambv - Barxeb On the 2lst
inst.. by R- v. W C. Bierly, Adam
W. Gamby of P rry Co , nnd Annie
G Barner of this county.
Schreffi.er Bressler. On tbe
7th of Oi t,, by Bev. H. S. Welty,
Cha. D Schrfffler of Fermaniigh
Tp , nnd LI 1 J. Bressler of Fuyette
Gray Drolsbacgh. On tbe 8th
iut., bv R v Wm. M. Burcbfield
G . B Gr..y of tlrsc.iunty and Cath
erine li. Urolesbnugu 01 ferrv countv.
Harris. On the 21st inst... in Mil.
ford townshio. Mrs. Ellzaliotli Ae.
nold, wife of Robert Harris, aged 78
SlMOSTOS. On tbe 1flr.li inst in
Walker townshio. from THuM Vierio
Vovle. infant SOU of Chfirleannft Vnrn
S monton of Harrisburer.agad 1 year,
1 monins ann iy navs.
Virrunrnwu. Oct 81. 1894
. T6
. n
.. ii
ShonMer, ........
I-;imI .. .
trie. .........
C train ear... ...... ....
Re..... ...............
l':'i er- ......
T-aii!lv seed t2 i
r' ?. seed o
t;ib 90
tti. ...$! SO a buudred
Middliwgs i jo
tir... :id am Salt..... ... i.of)
- ""- We to 76
i"HILADtlJ HI A NARKTT8, Oc'libT 27,
1894. Wi eut 53 to 55 ; com 50 !
&7t :oat 32 m 35e; uve chickens, 6
t" 8c a lb; ducks, 8 to 9c; turk ys 8
to 9 ; but ter 16 to 28c; eg js 17 to
20c; appl- $1.25 to $3 a barrel; cran
berries 1.50 to $3 a crate; Flojida
orances, green, per box $1 50 to $1.75
Potatoes 58 to GO cents a bushel;
prarie bar, $8 to $9 a ton; clovar;
mixed. 811 to $11 SO- timntliv tn
I to $14.60 a ton; hops at 4 to 8o lb.
and do it too in a way that he will like.
Every man that wears collars and cuffs
should know about the " CELLULOID "
Interlined. A linen collar or cuff cov
ered with waterproof " Celluloid."
They are the" only Interlined Collars
and Cuff's made
They arc the top notch of comfort,
neatness and economy. They will go
through the day with yon in good
shape, no matter how hot or how busy
you get. You can clean one yourself
In a minute, without dependence on
busy wives, unskillful hired girls or un
certain and distant laundries. Simply
wipe them off.
livery piece is marked as follows:
Yoq must insist upon goods so marked
and take nothing else if yon expect
If yonr dealer should not have them,
we will send yon a sample postpaid on
receipt of price. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs
50c. pair. Give size, and specify stand
up or turned-down collar as wanted.
48740 Braadwar, NEW YORK.
TnK MOST ATTRACTIVE and intcres.
ina- WR BOI1K rnb'iNhed. narnvnr
dernpfon of thriHinir iwrnnsl .i"r
f-rren Rr the Bk-. J. B. Yorsn. Kditnr
"Ctnlral ChrMian -Ideoralr. " 1 ' Oriei
tin' illn'i'ion liv Frark Beard (tlin pic
tured am worth more tlinn price of bonk)
I,ow in price. Extraordinary inducements.
ETcliiii-e territory. Pon't D'U; dnva an
aGFiWTS. rl dollars. Send 60 cents
w a !J T E I at once for outfit. Satin-
hctlnn riMranteed or money refunded. j
II IT NT ii. E4TOS. 150 Fillb Ave., N Y !
buckwhe.it flour $2.70 to $2 75
100 pnvid. ; !a low .4 io 5.: a H-;
7c a ib.
Spring and Sum
mer Clothing.
We are closing
our Spring
Summer Clothing
We will carry none over. Now is the time
for Bargains.
We handle no bankrupt Stock. All our
Stock is new.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmrr and Funer
al Director.
North iMain t,
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lamps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney,
Ring-Bone, Strides, Spraines, ail
Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. War
ranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks
& Co Druggist Mifflintown. Pa
Not. 22, "93.
Itch on human, mange on horses
dogs and all stork, cured in 80 min
uten by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
& Co. Druggist, Mifflintown.
Nov. 22nd 1894
(Gradnat or the Philadelphia Dmtal Col
Vfre.) formerly of Hifflipbnrr, Pa., baa lo
ratrd pt-rroanrntlv Id MifHIhtown, an aoc
eesaor to tbe lata Dr. O. L. Derr, and will
eontinne tha denial bnaiaaaa (established
by tbe lat'er io 1860) at tba well known of
fice on Bridge afreet opposite Court Honae.
JVe Chloroform, Ether, or Gat used.
No Sore Goma or Diaeomfort to patient,
rithrr donna; extractioa or afterwards
1 All there are Guaranteed tr bo charge
will be made.
B" All work guaranteed to give perfect
natihfitctton. Terms, strictly eaah.
Practical Deatlat.
, X fc' hxjf and alt other ormla caa ba
1 I:, law lrW rrmA1T Inercaiml in (rowlfc
' mrlTllr7. and va) M by tbe uae of
mm 2o i
I ta 'iltDiokoa the poorertaoU rich and pro. .
I tf rlvlur"ve euld dlrvc to fimnera. Kol I
1 S llA U! axFDta. Send for Price Liar. I I
Mifflintown, Pa-
Has been selected with especial reference to the needs of this locality The"
eztentive variety it affords in every line of goods including the pick of the
market in fresh fall snd winter styles will probably surprise all who see it .
No leu astonishing are tbe LOW PRICES put on everything. Owing to the
bard times we have been sble to inrrlafe putir vrrj nmli under
market valne and have embraced tbe opportunity. Our stock is now' in - good -shape
and is well assorted in all tbe following lines.-
A gkand Exhibit of
Boy's Cloth in jr.
New and neat styles and val
ues for the money not to be
equaled anywhere. You'll
save money by clothing your
children here. Knee-pants
suits, new fall styles, 4 to 14,
1 TO M.0.
Charminp Reefer Suits, 3 to
8, several shades and styles,
$3 tm $4 SO.
Long pants suits, single and
double-breasted, 25 different
styles of material for boys 14
to 19
All tte new and latest coloring in
silk, in teckn, 4 in-hand", bows and
string-lies 25 to 60 cents.
Ltnndered white shirts, perfect fit
tins 74 cents to $1. Unlsundered
white shirts, reinforced front and back
37 eents. Better grades, nnUnodered
white shirts 50 cents.
Men's nstntal wool shirts ordrawe's
240 io 91 ?. earners nair shirts or
drawrrs 49o t $2.00. Scarlet shirts
or drawers, 74o to $1.50. Fanoj col
ored wool shirts or drawers 62e to $2
50. Fast black sateen umbrellas 49o
to 99o Silk gloria umbrellas for
Ladiesor gents 75c to $2.49. Men's
double trxtnre mackintoshes $3.75 to
Complete lines of Hosiery, Suspenders,
gan JacKets, Gloves, &o.; at lowest prices
Trunk and ?atobel Department complete in every respect
A visit to our .tore means tnooey saved on every purchase.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will
Who have money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Surts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fmi
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
-call AT
Money loaned at Lowest Bates.
Mil !.' two awn of ut athm brud.
anowa er mm, ituet tub uu w uiat.
Nnraery Stock. 8 alary, Expense and
Steady Employment (raaraoteed.
linasa nauiuixi! uuair&M I, ;
Dec. 8, 91. Rochester, N. T. :
The StmtmU md Mtpmihfmm office u the
place to (etjvh work Try it. It will
pay 7ntf 70. vvH Byaif hi that Una.
Men's Clothing. -
An immense variety in Cass
lmeres, Cheviots, Clays. Home
spuns, Diagonals, Serges Twills,
Tweeds and Flannels. All the
new shape of sacks, cutaways
and Prince Alberts Perfect fit
and best workmanship, gunr.in -teed
Prices from $5.37 to $15.
A grand showing of Ortr
coats of every description. All
the new ptyles for 1894, rang
ing in price lrom $3 to$15.
An odd pair of pants helps
out a man when he cannot af
ford a new suit. We have
just the line to please you, and
prices are even more pleasing.
The finest pair of pants in
A grand line of regular 94
and $5 pants
now onitr ss.
Most of our
regular $1.50
and $2 pants ran be had
Exclusive hatters get a dol
lar more for same makes. The
line of Boys' hats presents
some equally good bargains.
Handkerchiefs. Over shirts. Cardi.
in the county.
examine the Stock of Good? io?
Stookholderi Individually Liable-
T. VAN IRWIN, Ctuhtt
W. C. Pomeroy,
John Her filer,
Robert I. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joaeph Rothroek,
Jotiab L. Barton,
Lonia B. Atkintob
Rocnnuiu :
George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Mabbeck,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C Pomeroy, J. Holmei Irwin.
Mary Knrti, Jerome N. Thoropcon, Jr
John Hertsler,
T. V. Irwin.
Charlotte Snyder,
John M. Bla'r,
T.U.M. Peanell,
Pamael 8. Rothrock,
M.N. Sterrett,
Joaiab L Barton,
Robert H. Ptttmoav
Leri Lipht,
Was. B warts.
B. J. Sballenberger.
Three and Poor per cent, ictereat will b
paid on certificates of deposit.
(Jan 23, 18S4 M
t ha ba aVk ut mthM rrora. stair
4momj. wmUm woakAa lost njuihoo4. I win
' Gotwumotlen Survty i
To Tn Eraow Plaaa tafwat awroa4s
SfaatlBM. a peattlT. riawly fcr la. ahota-uwuwl
dlaeaM. By IU Maaaly ass In a as of fcopalais
oaats ara born yuataaiftlr saiart tabaHtwglad
ta aaaA Swebettlaa of sty raw lily IMEwiut ot
Who ban naiisjiMiiaaT thay will
lallnlnhttaHctit FREI
sjlaalU atmaal wrk; akonliTb. nod Vr vraff
aasa) who at iimi sad oabUKatad. MUtsy
r.0.a4daaa. Cutpeca-
at,HBaM9t.. y.T.