Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 24, 1894, Image 3

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n F.IKESDlY.OCT. St. 1894.
Subscription, IUO par aaanm of paM
m advance ; S2.00 if sot paid t advaaee.
fransient advertiatKnanta Inserted at 60
Mtta par inch for each Iniwtloa.
Transient bails am boUom in local ool
nan. 10 cents per line for each iaawUoa.
"Tk.j-.dnna sill ho mada to fhnaa ImMu
uih,mvh r.
to advertise by tha vear, half or qnarW
Tim wbeit crop in Russia is an ov
r abundant one.
Chestnnts Lave been selling; at 6c
Salt mixed with vinegar cleans
soiled isinglass.
What cute pictures might hare
been taken on reunion day. with a
Joseph Rodgers, of Walker town
ship, died !ust Thursday morninp of
Crushed limestone is being haul
ed from the quRrry sonth of town
on to Main street.
The price of wheat is down lower
than ever known by the two past gen
eration?, but the price of bread is
kept up.
The torturo of dyspepsia and sick
headache, the agonizing itching and
pain of salt rheru. are removed by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
There are men who believe that
Cemrebinan Mabon will be re elect
ed by over ti.OOO majority. Get in
out of the wet.
Mary Cannon, of Columbu, Ohio,
has n three weeks old baby that
weighs 4ti pounds, Mrs. Cannon
weighs 100 pounds
Last week a new organ was ship
ped to Superintendent Samuel Roll
wan for the .Wothodist Sabbath
school of this place.
Do you have headache, dizziness,
drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth
er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's
Sarsaporilla will cure you.
Last Friday was Arbor day. If
yon missed planting a tree that day
it is not too late now, any time bo
twecn this and ground freezing time
will do.
Ex-Sherift' Jamison was in town on
Thursday to witness the re-union.
His i collection goes back to an
acquaintance with revolutionary he
rocs of 177G.
John II. Sheibl.iv editor of the
Uloorufield Advocate bought the bank
building of Sponsler, Juukin & Co.,
iu Bloonifield at Assignee's sale for
$3,200. It is said tho building cost
$1 2,00k.
Mrs. Burger, residing in Center
..LfUULl, . ...u... . ' . m .'. . U . .....
war of 1812, is 102 years old. having!
just celebrated her birthday. She !
has n ec5 S1 years old and more than J
I'v) ileseeniirtuts.
I)jrii:g tho hot weather impurities
in the blood mar seriously annoy you.
Exppl t!wm by taking Hood's Sarsft
lirilla, the great blood purifiar.
The brfif. times the country ever
had were those during Republican
administration, just, as soon as the
Democrats came into the control of
the government, down went the f
fairs of the nation. Vote the Re
publican ticket.
The Huntingdon Journal nay:
Orders liavo recently been issued on
the Huntinsdon Broad Top Railroad,
to the effect that any employee con
trap finer a debt and then failing to
pay it will be dismissed from the j
company s employ.
The Adamsburg, Snvder County i
band, that participated in the reunion
was the first band on the scene on
Thursday mornincr, having left home
about 3 a. , and crorsed Shade
mountain by the light of the moon.
The remained till Friday morning.
Scrofula, humors and all diseases
caused or promoted by impure blood
or low state of the system, are cured
by Hood's Sorsap-irilla.
lien who enjoy coon hunting at
night, say that this season the coon
has chsnged its habit, that this sea
son they are found in daylight.
Nineteen coons have been shot this
fall in woods not far from Mifflin town,
in dav time by sportsmen looking af
ter squirrels.
The Tammany Hall wing of the
democracy in New York nominated
Nathan Strauss, a Hebrew business
mau for Mayor, but there was such a
kick over Strauso's nomination that
he withdrew and now the Hebrew
element in New York City are up and
against the democratic ticket. Vote
the republicen ticket.
Miss Louie Jackuuan left for Pitts
burg last Friday morning to teach
music. Miss Jack man has had care,
ful training in music schools, and is
a modest and exemplary young lady
with none of the loud and coarse
maunera that characterize so many
of the young ladies of this day and
The Huntingdon Journal say:
Diptheria is raging in Frankstown
township, Blair county. There are
about 25 cases reported and the
school houses have been closed.
Many homes have been quarantined.
Some of the sufferers believe that
the norm of the disease was carried
into their homes by the New York
City Fresh Air children. Iu some
families there are four and five eases.
What do you take medicine for
Because you are sick and want to get
well of course. Then remember
Hood's Sareapaiilla Cures.
Business interests, farm interests,
are all to a greater or less degree in
volved in the coming election for if
the democracy succeed in electing a
majority in Congress, the Cleveland
administration will take it as an en
dorsement of their management and
when Congress again convenes the
culaini'y workers will wreck things
nioru than they have done Tbe
pension list will then be pruned out
by Hoke Smith's Southern pension
knife. If tbe pensioner knows which
side his bread is buttered on, he'il
vote the republicin ticket county and
A-VEf of weOolloch,a Mills.
d,ed last Thursday morning, ageX
years, mterment al Mifcitr:!
on Saturdav. JAma
The letters uncalled for in the Mif-
nfn30894-' Geo
LMead. Allen Hoopes, Mr. Samuel
The SEnrnrax aitd Rwublica len
ders congratulations to editor H. W
Wiokersham of the Thempeontown
S M 7r,hlwmrria"e to Miss An
IUhfa?t McAli8terville on the
Under the auspices of the Mifflin-
mIv, 8trCompanv' the Pelham.
Meeklem Music Company will Pive
an entertainment Music and Mim
icry, in the Court House on Tuesday
evening, October 30, 1894.
Mrs IBieber wife of John Sieber,
i'I.0 ?ayetfe township, died
on the lQrl, in.i .i it i r . .
- - - iuw Dome oi ner
son Joseph Sieber of .Fayntte town
Shin, nnexA Qf 11 . .
r. r - " job, n montns and
29 dan Afro . .
miuaen name
was Sausraan. John Sieber of Fer
managh township and Solomon
niehnr an1 T.an:l o:.t t .1
".iiuowmr 01 ine same
township are sons.
Bf Mlc. Mirth and 'MlMlcry.
A delierhtfnl ntWiinncii i
given in the ConrtJHouse on the even
ing of OctoW 31. 1894, for the ben-"
efit of the Mifflintown hose company,
by a company of musicians from
New York.
Mr. John Patterson. Jr anil Tiso
Nellie O North were married at the
home of the bride's parents in Pat
terson on the evening of the 18th
inst, by Rev. Joseph H. Mathers.
The Company was large and the
presents numerous and valuable.
The Prohibitionisfs
drawn tho name of editor John W.
Speddy for Assembly and in its stead
placed the came of Wm Rrtlnria n
the ticket for the office of Assembly.
xne name or rt. ts. Urav has ulso
been withdrawn from th t
was the Prohibition party nominee
lor iiuerin.
Thac;ht He Was Dead-
When the spectators saw Boyd
Parker stretched on the foot ball field
on the evening ef 16th, they thought
he was dead, and a man hurried to
town and reported that one of the
foot ball team had been killed.
Severe as the kuock-out was Boyd
was not killed. He was severely
shocked and had au ankle broken in
a rush. Tbe rehearsal was broken up
by the accien, and his comrads
when they leirnecl of the nature of
his injuries gathered around in a
sympathetic wav, and then four of
them, Eamely, James Murray, Thos.
Patterson, David Walls and Wal
ter Wilsoa in s'alwart style lifted
fei:u from tha ground on their should
ers and carried him to tho home of
his father. Robeit Parker, where the
broken ankla has been properly cared
for by Dr. Wm. B-iuks.
Teachers' Institute.
The twenty -eighth annual session
of the teachers of Juniata county will
couvene in the Cmrt House, iu this
place, on Monday, November 26.
Superintendent D. M. Marshall i3
making carefel preparations for it
and announces that be has secured
the following prominent instructors
from abroad, viz: Prof. Charles H.
Albert, of Bioomsburg State Normal
School: Prof. J. F- Baitoo. of Ship-
ptn9burg State Normal School; J.
M. Berkey, Superintendent of Somer
set couiitv; Superintendent M. Cough
lin, of Wilkesbarre; Miss Annie
Buckbee, Ex Superintendent of Pot
ter county; Dr. Juhn B DeMotte, of
Cunbridue, Mass; Louisa Rebecca
Browu, Elocutionist of Philadelphia.
For tbe evening he has arranged
as follows: Monday B. F. Schweier,
of this place, Hubject, "Wna wi'l
You Take;" Tuesday Dr. L I
Handv. of Delaware, subiect. "Tbe
American Idea;" Wednesday musi
cal entertainment by Ariel Ladies of
Boston, with V. A. McCormick;
Thursday Dr. J. B DeMotte, of
Mesachusett subject, "Old Ocean,
Our Slave and Master;" Friday
Prof. Emmett.
Foot Ball Uame-
Next to tho reunion demonstra
tion on the 18th inst , was the foot
ball game played on the base-ball
ground by the Mifflintown team and
the Academy team, lnere was a
turn out of several thousand men.
women and children to witness the
game which was so evenly contested
that the g me resulted in a tie
The members of the .Vifflintown
team in the field were, Allison, left
end; Derr, Jr., left tackle; Ellis, left
eruard; Warner, center: Bishop, right
guard; Noble, right tackl"; Diet rick,
Jr.. right end; Rod gers, quarter back;
Die! rick, Sr., left ha'f back; Derr, Sr.,
right half back; Robison, full back.
The members of the Academy
team in the field were McCahan. left
end; Haldeman, left tackle; Walls,
left euard; Wilson, center; Jlurch
field, right guard; Dimm, right tac-
kl ; Lloyd, right end; Mayer, quar
ter back: Murray, left half back; Pat
terson, right halfback; McClellan,
Score 4 to 4. Touchdowns, Mur
rav 1: Derr 1. Time of half, 20 min
utes. Banks was umpire; Sulouff,
referee. Berry wes linesman. The
incidents that grew out of the game
were nnmerons, humerous and ser
ious by turns. There were a few
faints, a number oi bruises, lots oi
fun for all and no one severely nuri
That Tired Feeling
;a a damrnrons condition directly due
i. onlAtA1 or imnuro blood. It
should not be allowed to continue, as
in its debility the system is especial.
ftitAcks of illnewe,
l V Af w aw--
Hood's Sursaparilla is the remedy for
such a condition, and also for that
.i,nAa. hiti rtrevaila at tbe
i aAoimn nlimate OT life.
Hoor$ PtlU are purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from the beat in
gredients. 25c.
Tko r.artth HeMie,
There nerer was a balmier Oc
tober dav than lt TV.J a
- - .uiuguii, Hill
the people took advantage of tbe ex-
Aavfivakjkl M m a
f "ne weatner, and came
to town by hundreds.
reunion of tbe soldiers who fought
Bgiuunt me sieve noider's rebellion.
It Was One of the emaiMt afto
days ever enjoyed by the oldsoldieis
1 t - wMnvftw VIMS
promptly formed according tn
gramme beyond the river at the rail-
oii.4Uf. a, with General J.
K. Robison at its tuutd u sh;f ...
shal. and orderlies John Pannebaker,
O. W BnrchfiM
by his side. Then mira Mia M.ai;.
torvUle baud playing the best of muBic.
x ueo came tue speakers in carriages:
Kay. Atkinson. Mahnn 7.a.U nnn.
ningham, Post on horseback, Post
afoot, and Colonially costumed An
drew Allison. Martin C.rat,
George Heck, drumming and fifeing
or au n was wortn, followed by the
order of American Menli Atiwa in ra.
galia; Pop Thomas aud John Fink
in a carriaffA. Then nam M.;.,
baud, arid Odd Feltnwci in rcrralia
followed by the Adamsburg band and
Patterson Fire Company, in fireman
Costume, With bovs aa aRsiatnla at
pulling the machine followed by tbe
M.'.w.awwnu KSOUlft IVKM O. 111(10 gin
dmm major. The whole line was a
thing of Beauty, that will prove
pleasant recollection forever, but
there was not a feature in all th nr.,.
cession so unique, and at tractive as the
I 3 . ..
Bin arum major of tbe ijewiston
band. After the Lawistown people
came Mifflintown Hose carriage
drawn by two black horses richly cap
arisoned. followed bv the Jbfifflintown
Post cannon drawn by boys The mar-
snails alonsr tbe line were CaDtain
McClellan, Wm. Hoops, George Wil
son, Jloscs Pannebaker and S. B.
Loudon. Long before the parade
broke ranks the Court H
filled to overflowing, and all the af
ternoon me targe audience was eu-
tertAinp.d hv ann era And rAiiatiiino liv
comrad Kay, of Philadelphia, and by
a speech, by comrad Atkinson, of
this place and by comi ad Mahou, of
I. I 1 rryi . i .
vtauiuerstuurg. ine nigut meeting
was kept up till nearly midnight, ev
erybody present, and that means just
as many people as could orowd luto
the Court House, felt like staying as
long as they conld for reunion time
comes only once a year, and many of
the soldier boys related experiences
and reminiscences of army life, and
comrad Kay threw in a song here and
there to season and spice tbe enter
tainments. It was a reunion that
will long be remembered and the
civic part of the procession, is suggest
ive of the thought, that the com
rads have all passed to where all the
good soldiers go excepting the
last living soldier, he will be the
chief feature in every civic demon
stration and parade.
Bargain Day!
Bargain Day!
Commencing next Monday, Oct.
29th, until Saturday evening, Nov.
118 CASES, Biiice Sep.
20, ot Fall and Winter Goods
unpacked, and all this goods with
our other merchandise will be sold to
you at specially reduced prices.
ladies (Jiotu in all leading Shades
at 29c; worth 45 and 50 cents.
Serges in all wool and in all
Shades, 40 iecues wide, 39c; worth
60 cents.
Broad Cloth at 75 cents; worth $1.
Hili bleached muslin, 1 yard wide
at 5c; worth 9c.
Columbia uleacbed muslin, 1 yd
wide; 10 yards for 49 cents.
App.eton A. Muslin, best make, 37
inches wide at 6c.
A good unbleached muslin, 21 yds
for $1.
100 pieces of Lancaster and Amos
Keair, best ginghams, just unpacked
at 4Jc; worth 9c.
Other good ginghams at 4 cents.
Dress ginghams at 61 cents; worth
10 cents.
Canton Flannel. 10 yds for 49c.
Best Canton Flannel, 10 yards for
75c; worth $1.
Ladies skirts, S5c; worth double.
Best Indigo and Fancy Calicoes at
5 cents; 10 yards for 49 cents.
White Linen Table Damask at 24c;
worth 40c.
Ladies' and Misses' Rubbers at
25c. -Wen's good gum biota a? $2 45
Ladies twilled Gloria Silk Umbrel
las at 1; worth $1.50
5 pair Men's Hose for 25c. Heav
ier .M-n's Hose, 4 pair for 25c.
Ldi-B black Hose at Ce.
Good ticking, 12 yards for $1.
Nine-fourths sheeting for 15 cent;
worth 21 cents.
Men's Good Underwear for 25c,
and 38c; Children's and Ladies' un
derwear, very cheap.
$4,000 .len's,- Ladies' and Chil
dren's shoes at specially reduced
Ladies' and Children's coats and
wraps; an immense variety, latest
and newest styles.
Blankets and shawls, carpets aod
oil cloth. Everything in our thrpe
stores at specially reduced prices.
Don't forget the time. Next
MOY, OCT. 29; TUESDAY". OCT. 80;
NOV. 8.
SCHOTT'S STORES, Bridge Street.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brown-
valley, Ind., says: "I bave been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stomache, Dspepoia, and Indiges
tion until my health was gone. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
m more good than any $50 worth of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicin in tbe world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomach
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
' bottle 15 cents. Sold bv L. Banks
! Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa.
Feb. 1, 93 ly.
MlSREllie Simons is iait.in friAnda
i"x Lancaster.
Samuel L Stoner spent a day in Al
toona last week.
Miss Ellie Simnna Ifl Itttit waaIt .-
visit friends in Lancaster.
Wm. Shirk of Oakland M;il ;D,t-
ed his brother in Tyrone.
L. E. Atkinson and wife are mat
ing a tour through Canada.
Miss Jennie Banks in malrincr a
pleasant visit in Harrisburg.
Misi Ella Kohrer of Harriahnrir.
recently visited friends in town.
Mrs John Ynhn of wnnrL in
visiting the family of Mr. Musser !
on Main street j
Miss Mau-1e Heuderson nf Altnnna
visited her cousin Miss Esther Mc-
Kinley last we k. I
. Ex Senator Smiley, of Bloomfield
paid the town a flying business trip
j i a .
out) nay jast weeK.
Rob Hughes of Lewietnwn and
friend JHr. Frvsinger of Chester.
spent Sunday in town. ;
Mrs. Beckie P-ople and daughter
f Greensburg recently visited her
brother Ezra C, Doty an t family. ,
Arthur Koeniff of Lewistown wu
the guest of his unci and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs Emil Schott on the 18th
Mbb .Warerie R.chenbaush of Mx-
ico was tbe guest of her friend .Viss
Marv nrinior in Pnllnrcnn fha '
part of last week.
Master John Grabill who has
been staving with his sister Mrs.
James Speddy in Harrisburg this
summer, is visiting his father and
mother 3Ir. and Mrs. John Gray bill.
To be Sold at Private Sale
The undersigned offer at privite '
sale a tract nf fifteen acres of land in
Fermanagh township, bounded by
land o Wm. Ha-vk, Dr Lucian
Bunks, .W.yer's heirs and J s pi O -erholtzer.
This land is wellet with
youuir Chestnut and Rock Oak and
is rapidly growing in vlne-.
Atkinson & Pesxeix.
A Good Apppetite
always accompanies good health, and
au absence of appetite is an indica
tion of something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to
its merit in restoring the appetite,
and as a purifier of the blood, con
stitutes the strougest recommenda
tion that can h urged by any medi
llood't Pills cure all liver ills, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick
headache. 25c.
What a Boy Saw In the Army.
The above comprehensive title is
the came given to a new book by Dr.
Jesse Bowmas Yorso, well known all
over Pennsylvania, his native State,
as a brave and gallant soldier of the
war for the Union, as also a preach
er, lecturer, and writer of the high-,
est rank.
The story is one of fascinating in
terest. Among the many books
touching upon tue events of the great
civil war. few that we have read are
bo graphic in description, so com
piehensiv' and accurate in detail, so
varied in incident, and so elegantly
written as is this book from the pen
of Dr. Young. To read it is to live
over again the srenes and incidents
of that tremendous straggle.
Dr. Yonoir is ma-ter of a style as
vigorous ss it is picturesque, and bis
description of the battles, the sieges,
tbe march, and indeed the whole
paraphernalia of war gives him high
rank as a writer of war literature.
His desci iptions of the battles of
Pi'tsburu Landinsr, Fort Donelson,
Fredericksburg, CbancellorsviUe, and.
above all, Gettysburg, are worthy of
a place alongside the "pea tight and
"chariot race" ia Ben Hur.
Every old soldier should have a
copy of this remarkable book, and ev
ery family should secure it, and,
above all, every boy who loves his
country and his country's flag, and
wants to learn of the sacrifices that
were endured in order to preserve
the integrity of the Union, should
not fail to read this book.
We invite the attention of our
readers to the advertisement in an
other column.
Nearhood Dcns. Ou O-'t. 2nd,
by Rv. J. F Ke'lv, Oscar D. Near-
hood and JrfiKS Maggie M. Dunn,
both of ar Locust Run this county.
fATTEBRON .North Un the 18th
inst. , by R-v. J. H. Mathers, Mr.
John J. Patterson of MifHintown and
Miss N -llie O. North of Patterson.
Spearman Davis. On the 15th
inst., at t'- e home of the bride's pa
rents, W. E. Speakmaa of Philadel
phia and Miss Emma Davis of Fayette
township, this county.
Vn'ruarows, Oct 25. 18P4
utr 18
Eggs ia
Rani is
f boulder, ...................... 14
t.i-rd...... , ............... 11
Sides, .....
W beat 60
worn in ear 60
''', 35
R' 50
Timothy seed... .....W.eO
K i a eed 60
Bran go
tbu $ go a hundred
Middlings 1.10
irro..ud Alum Sail........ 1.00
A f r. -ii Sal: 80c to 76
Philadelphia Markets, October 19,
1894. There was a stronger feeling
in wheat, corn and oats. Wheat 53
to 56c; Corn 50 to 58c; Oats 34 to 36V;
Live chickens 7 to 8c; ducks 8 to 9c:
Duller IS to UC; eggs lb to iyc; po
tatoes 50 to 65c a buxbel; sugar 3 to
4fc; hay $11 t $14 50; prarie li-y 8
to $9 per ton; apples 50 to 60c a
East Libeett, Pa., Oct 18. 'Cat
tie steady and unchanged, Ilogs
dnil and lower. PhiUdeiphiuS, $5 30
a5 35; best Yorkers and mixed $5.20
a5 25; common to fair Yorkers, $5.10
ao.Ii; pigs H.50 to 15; good sows
$4.25a $5; hogs and rough sows,
d.Z&aUU. Sheep Dull and
I A Clean
One that you can keep clean all
the time a collar that docs not
wilt when you get over-heated;
that does not fray on the edge, or
tear out at the buttonholes, and
can be cleaned by simply wiping
off with a wet sponge or cloth.
These collars and cuffs are made
by covering linen collars or cons
on both sides with waterproof
"celluloid," thus giving strength
and durability. They are the only
waterprool goods so made, and
every piece is stamped as follows:
Ask for this, and refuse to take
any imitation if you expect sat
isfaction . If you r dealer docs not
keep them, send direct to us, en
closing amount, and wc will mail
yon sample. Collars 25 cts. each.
Cuffs 50 cts. pair. State size, and
whether stand-up or turned-down
collar is wanted.
T- Broadway,
new 1 or.
THE MOST ATTBACTIVE ana intt-res'.
ior WAR BOOK published. Clirming
descriptions of thrilling- peronl exp-r
i nre B the Rev. J B. Yorac, Editor
"Central CkrUtian Jdtorale." HO Origi.
n' illuMrations by Frank rleaid (tho pic
ture are worth more than price ot book).
Low in price. Extraordinary inducement.
Ee'iiiw territory. Don't Delay; day ar.
GENTR. wor'h dollars. Send 60 cents
WASTED at once for out fit. Satis
faction puaranterd or money relunded.
iust . Eaton. iao Fifth Ave., n y
? a- i i I'l.i.itiaur,!. -a. I
' "SLZsrTZ
Spring and Sum
mer Clothing.
We are closing
our Spring
Summer Clothing
We will carry none over. Now is the time
for Bargains,
We handle no bankrupt Stock. All our
Stock is new.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embahncr and Funer
al Director.
North Main tVt, Uliffliutowu, Pa-
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and. Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney,
Rincr-Bone. Striflpa Snvsinoa .11
Swollen Throat. Cinntrha aL '3..
$50 by use of one bottle. War
ranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks
& Co Druggist Mifflintown, Pa
Nov. 22, 93.
Ti aV 60c
Itch on bnmap, mange on horses
dogs nn all stock, cured in 30 min
ntea by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
Co., Druggist, Mifflintown.
Nov. 22nd 1894.
(GrsdoM of Y PhUndclpMa Dental Col
e)te.) formerly of M'fflmhnr, Pa., baa lo
rted permanently In Miftiintown, as aoc
reseor to the lata Dr. G. L. Derr, anr will
rominne tbe denial bonineas (eatabliahed
by the Infer in I860) at tbe well known of
fice cm Bridge afreet opposite Court Honae.
JVo Chloroform, Ether, or Gat used.
Nn Soro Gum or Diaeomfort to patient,
-iih r miring extraction or afterward
All these are Guaranteed r ro charge
will be made.
07 All work guaranteed to give perfect
eatiofnciloD. Term, strictly cab.
Practical Deatlst.
and all other eemla rmn tie
a really Increased In srowili
and vk) ,e by Use un of
It makes the poorest soli rich and on
I ducltve. Sold direct to farmers. No
agents. Send for Price List.
nmkT v ill ;
f ifa
i mm
Has been selected with especial referenee to the needs of this locality The
extensive variety it affords in every line of goods including the pick of the
market in fresh fall and winter styles will probably surprise all who see it
No lest astonishing are tbe LOW PRICES put on everything. Owing to tbe
bard limes we bave been -able to jurcLs puds vrry much under
narkec value and have embraced the opportunity. Our stock is now in good
shape and is well assorted in all the following lines.-
a grand Exhibit of
Boy's Clothing.
New and neat st les and val
ues for the money not to bo
equaled anywhere. You'll
save money by clothing your
children here. Knee-rjanta
suits, new fall styles, 4 to 14,
91 DO TO 9S.OO.
Charmino Reefer Suits, 3 to
8, several shades and styles,
fS to 94 SO.
Long pants suits, single and
double-breasted, 25 different
styles of material for boys 14
to 19
S3 TO 810 OO.
All the new and latest colorings in
silk, in leeks, 4-in-band, bows and
string-lies 25 to 50 cents.
Laundered whi'e shirts, perfect fit
tins 74 cent to $1. Unlanndcred
white sbirts, reinforced front and back
37 cents. Better grades, unlanndered
white sbirts 50 cents.
Men's natntal wool shirts or drawe's
24c to $1 49. Camel's bir shirts or
draw. rs 49o to $2 00. Scarlet shirts
or drawers, 74o to $1.50. Fancy col
ored wool sbirts or drawers Gia t $2
50. Fast black sateeu umbrellas 49o
to 99c Silk gloria umbrellas lor
Ladicsor gents 75o to $2 49 Men's
double trzture mackintoshes $3.75 to
Complete lines of Hosiery, Suspfodtrs, Handkerchiefs, Over-sbirts, Cardu
gan Jacsets, Gloves, Ac; at lowest prices in the county.
Trunk and ?atohcl Department complete in every respect
A visit to our &tore means money saved on every purcbsse.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889
Special Invitation To Hie Public
To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Gocir for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Su'ts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't it.
to give him a call if in seed of Clothing.
Money LoanBd at Lowest Rates.
aflMUd ttr hMl. (TUET TBI. OEI SUE.
' W A NTED.1
Knraer Stock. Salary, Expeoaea and
Steady Employment guaranteed.
Dee. 8, m. Rocbetler. N. T.
The Stntmet nd Htpnihcmm atoza )a tat
pUea to get vark oaa. Ttvtt. It win
PW roc ifroi m apythtof is Hut line.
Men's Clothing.
An immense variety in Cass
lmeres, Cheviots, Clays. Home
spuns,(Diagonais, Serges Twills,
Tweeds and Flannels. All the
new shape of sacks, cutaways
and Prince Alberts Perfect fit
and best workmanship, guaran
teed Prices from $5.37 to $15.
A grand showing of Over
coats of every description. All
the new styles for 1804. rang
ing in price from 3 to I '.
An odd pair of pants li
out a man when he cannot
ford a new suit. We 1-
a -
just the line to please yoa, .
prices are even more pleasi
The finest pair of pants
FOR O.KL.Y 94.
A grand line of regular
and $5 pants
Most of our regular $1
and $2 pants ran be had
FOR 91. 91 SO AND 93 OO
Exclusive hatters get a dol
lar more for same makes. The
line of Boys' hats presents
some equally good bargains.
j Stockholders Individually Liable
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Kotbroek,
John Hertrler.'
JoRliih I . R.lrton.
Robert K. Farfcer,
T. V. Irwin.
Loci B. AtkiaioB
George A. Kopoer, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Mmbeck,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Porker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin
Mry Knrlz, Jerome N. Thompson Jr,
John Heiizler. T. V. Irwin.
Charlotte Snyder, Joaiab L Birton,
John M. Blair, Robert H. Pn'.terjon,
F. M. H. Pcnnnll, Levi Llehr,
Pamaol 8. Rotbrock, Wm. Swsrts.
M.N. Sterrett, B. J. Shallcnberger.
Three and Fonr per cent, interest will ba
paid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 23, 1894 rf
wmennm mm vim mumctm of Toataful error., mntir
T, nail wsaiiwa, lost msmiood. etc.. I win
i a valuable tsmis (sealed) containing roll
arasalan for honw enn. VDSraTof ehr. A
splaadld nwdiaal work : ahonldio road by mwf
MB who as acTvsas and dabUMaaM. Addraav
W Vm IfWIO. oaatoa. I
Ccmmtmpcion SuraXy Oursd.
To Tn artoat Plaase InJoraa yoor rsadass
ihat I baTS a paastfva resasdy for aba abOTaaatoail
aiaoaas. Bj lta ttoMly Dao tbaoaaada of aopalsu
to ssod two botU of my taaiajj WRMM tr any M
roar raanoia wba aara eoaaaaapNon at they nj
MdwtMlIirrMulF. O. Mn-a.
ttOj. T. A. BLOCDM, U. C HI aaarl K. M. X.
asBTaaraa. laaaabsakd