Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 17, 1894, Image 3

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Subscription, $1.60 per annas, tf paid
in advance ; $2.00 If aot paid la advance.
Transient adTertiaraeata Inserted at 60
enta per inch for each Insertion.
Transient business notioes In local col
umn, 10 cento per line for each InaarHoa.
Deduction will be made to those deau-tn;
to adTertUe by the year, half or quarter
Spiritualists are to build a church
-or temple in Washington, D C.
The new tariff law reduces the tar
iff on potatoes from 25 cents to 15
The communion of the Lord's Sup
per was observed iu the Lutheran
church on Sabbath.
Hon. Li E. Atkinson attended the
funeral of Governor Curtin at Belle
fonte, on the 10th inst.
It is an offense against the law to
nell cigarettes to boys that have not
reached the ago of 16 years.
'The bicycle riders of Pittsburgh
are in a state of mind over an attempt
to collect a license off them."
These Autumn Sundays chestnut
bunting parties and poker playing
parties may be found in the woods.
The Mumma farm in Fermanagh
township was sold on Saturday to
four of the heirs for five thousand
John Henry's barn about a mile
and a half from McCoy grille this
county, was destroyed by fire last
Thursday night.
Tbe wife of Mr. Joseph Gray,
die 1 at the home of her husband at
Reed's Gap on the 8th inst , of hem
oriage of the lungs.
The County Commissioners have
returned from the meeting of the
State Convention of County Commis
sioners at Pottsville.
"Lewistown Lodge No. 97, Inde
pendent Order Odd Fellows, will
celebrate their fiftieth anniversary on
Wednesday, October 24."
Do you Lave headache, dizziness,
drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth
er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's
Sirsaparilla will cure you.
There were 15 cases of diptheria
at Valley Forge, Pa., last week, and
therefore it was deemed best to close
the public schools at that place.
The recent meeting of Presbytery,
made provision for the installation of
Ksv. IL S. Welty, pastor of Lost
Creek church at McAlisterville.
Tuare will be a gam3 of foot ball
between the Academy and common
6chool boys on re union day next
Thursday on the base ball grounds.
Charles Beashor bought the Mc
Knight farm in Milfor.l township for
7,500. Mr. .MeKiight paid Jam3s
North .$2'),000 for the farm years ago.
Jonas Kauffman, William Harley
and Samuel Heterick having bought
II. J. Sbellenberger's stave mill will
lnove-ifr from Fayette . to Walker
The ice plant machinery is to be
thoroughly overhauled in December.
Vote tho republican ticket and get
awav from the depressing business
cold of free trade
The letters remaining uncalled for,
in tho Mifllintown post office for the
we 'k ending O.-tober 13, 1894, were
for Miss Miss S. A. Boss, H. A M ik
avitz, II. W. Seltzer.
D.iri-:g the hot wea'her imparities
in the blood may seriously annoy you.
Exp;-1 theni by taking Hood's Sarsa-IMi-illii,
the great blood purifier.
Tho holding up of passenger trains
at night for the purpose of robbery,
is becoming so frequent that it looks
as if an armed guard will have to be
seat out with every night train.
The Bioonifield Advocate says:
Two young women living in-Sheaffer's
Valley, were seen going along the
road puffing cigars, which wa con
sidered a novel sight in that com
mnnity. Mrs Kodgers an aged citizen of
Milford township, died on the even
ing of the 15th inst. Interment in
the cemetery of the Lutheran con
gregation of Licking creek valley on
Stepen Reno. Sr., was in town and
told some friends that when he lived
on the Elias Horning farm in Fer
managh township, a snow 6 to 8
inches deep fell on the 18tb day of
October 1853.
Miss Ella Pannabaker has return
ed from a business trip to Philadel
phia aud New York with a large and
well assorted stock of the nicest mill
inery goods for their lady customers.
Call at her business place io Patter
son. Scrofula, humors and all diseases
caused or promoted by impure blood
or low stto of the system, are cured
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It is estimated that on Sunday,
5ii bus' els of chestnuts were -gathered
on tho mountains around Altoona
bv the people of that town. The
4'.mntity of nuts varied. Some bad
only a pocket full. Others had as
many os a peck. The mountains
were full of chestnut gatherers."
The fnneral of Mrs. K. Sulouff,
wife of Mr. Jacob Sulouff of Ferman
agii township, took place on Sunday.
Vi s. Sulouff was one of the oldest
people iu the community aDd expres
sions of sympathy for Mr. Sulouff are
Lf-iinl on all sides for the severance
of family ties that were formed in
early youth.
hewistown Democrat and Sentinel:
Frederick lush, a highly esteemed
citizen who had been living on his
farm near Dor man town, died very
suddenly on Thursday. He was as
sisting his house-keeper to drive some
cattle iu the barn-yard when he fell
vcr and in i few moments was dead,
presumably from heart disease. He
was t)!t year3 old.
The torture of dyspepsia and sick
headache, the agonizing itching and
ain of salt rhem, are removed by
Ho ni s Sai saparilla. 1
"Senator Quay has purchased the
Garber farm, about a . mile east of
Columbia, Lancaster county, for $17,
500. It contains 125 acres."
Hoke, pokie, winkie warn,
Hoke Smith, the pension man,
Hoke Smith to Uncle Sam,
Cut and give the pensions a d m.
Vote for Will for Recorder.
The times will not agvju be as
srood as they were till a republican
President and protective Congress
baa been elected to run the govern
ment. Vote for Mahon for Congress.
Mrs. Elizabeth Robison, died at
the borne of her daughter, Mrs. J. E.
McCrum in Milford township on the
8th inst., aged 79 years. Interment
in the Presbyterian graveyard in this
In the recent election in Gorgia
there was a drop of about 70 per
cant, in the democratic majority.
That is where Cleveland's pension
cutter Hoke Smith hiils from. Vote
for GroniDger for Sheriff.
Inter-county ltpnblican Meeting
at Richfield last Wednesday evening
was well attended and was address
ed bv Dr. Wm. H R idgers. Prof. G.
W Harman, Congressman Mahon
and Wilberforce Schweyer.
Bruisers Corbett and Fitzimmons
have agreed to fight sometime next
summer in Jacksonville, Florida.
They did not sign an article of agree
ment for fear of arrest in New York
City where they met last Thursday
to arraugo for the fight.
If a soaking rain in the middle of
the month of October is tbe fore run
ner oi an riy winter tben on e ir y
winter will put in an appearance for
the soaking rain came on Saturday.
Vote the republican ticket and plac
yourself on the side of American pro
tection. Tie fountain is a great conven
ience to people who drive to town
for the watering of horses. Occas
ionally a man drives the tongue of
his wagon sgainst it which is not a
good thing for either fountain or
wagon tongue, particularly to tho
fountain. A word to the wise is suf
ficient. Last. Friday niht seven men held
up a north-bound passenger train
near Acquia creek, Virginia, and
broke an opening into tho Express
Car from which they took a Diimb-r
of packages5, aggregating the sum of
one hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars. The whole robbery was done
in about 20 minutes. Tho first inti
mation the engineer and firemen had
of the presence of bandits was when
two men leaped from tho tender in
to the engine, each with pistol, order
ing the train to be stopped. Tho lo
comotive was cnt loose and started
on the road and was thrown off ti
track on a switch at Quaintco.
The Lawistown Sentinel says: Re
cently some young ladies from Mat
tawana betook themselves to LVck
ing Creek to haat cbe3tnuts. While
there they bought some macaroni
from Martin Wueitsel's camp and set
about cooking it in a crock they had
taken from one of the cabins. The
crock was one in which some medi
cine for horses had bssn m:xeJ, but
they, not" knowing it, partook of
their soup. Ths medicine which had
socked into the crock was drawn out
into the soup and poisoned them.
Some of thf-m arc in a precarious
condition, but are convalescent, al
though still being compelled to s:sy
in the mountains.
What do you take medicine for
Because you are sick and want to get
we'll of course. Then remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures.
A commission house iu . Philadel
phia tried to plan a "skin game" on
some of our poach shippers, nnd the
members of it. have got themselves
in tho clutch of the law. Djring the
peach season an agent for tho firm
was in this place and Patterson and
succeeded in gettmg a consignment
for his house. For the first lot ship
ped our people received good prices,
$1.50 a crate, and prompt payment
was made, but (or the second lot ship
ped, about a car load, while inform
ed by telegraph that the prices would
be fully the above snm, niter a lapse
of some two weeks mado a return of
only 50 cents a crate, les3 29 cents
for commission and freight, and made
payment by check One of the
checks sent here was dishonored by
the bank on which it- was drawn.
Tames McCauley, I. D.-Musser, Eph-
raim and William Guss aud Thomas
J Sulouff were the shippers, and
knowing tha; mode of business wns a
violation of law, had arrest. issued
against individu d members of the
firm, which were served by Sheriff
Lpp last week. Bail was given for
their appearance at the December
term of Court, This is a common
practice of some commission houses,
as the city papers frequently have
accounts of the arrest of that class of
business men for attempts to cheat
consigners of goods. Register.
Mrs. Keziah Sulouff wife of Jacob
Sulouff passed to her Eternal rest on
the 12th inst., and was buried in
Union cemetery on Sunday after
noon last, the funeral services being
conducted by her pastor, Rev. M- L.
Drum- Mra. Sulouff was born Fe.
21. 1821, aud lived to the age of 73
years, 7 months and 21 days. She
was born within one fourth of a mile
from the spot upon which she died,
having lived within a radius of four
miles from the place of birth during
all these years She became the wife
of Jacob Sulouff in August of 1845,
and was the mother of ten children,
six of whom grew to maturity.
Three only survive her: one daugh
ter, Mrs. W. M. Crawferd and two
sons, James and Thomas Sulouff. Of
her own family of eight, but one sis
ter survives her. She became iden
tified with the Methodist, church
many years ago and has been uni
rersally recognized as an humb'e and
consistent Christian woman. Dur
ing the last years of her life she has
been a great sufferer, yet always
bore her sufferings with marked pa
tience and spoke of them with Chris
tian i-oairrnatioD. In her death, so
ciety and the church have lost a real
ornament, and Heaven nas giuum
pure spirit. Tbe high appreciation
in which she was held by neighbors
and friends.was testified by.an unus
lmllv larsrn concourse of attendants
at her obsequies.
Tun Hoiiidaysburg Register of the
10th inst., says: One dollar ''con
science money" came to the member
of a former Hollidaysburg business
firm, now out of existence, last week.
r o: i a. J - . :
-,-1 . . r, ' . . .. - , '
aiaate jor uovernor is not paiisueu , . . . - . . , . T
with the tariff law that the demo ? nr ""r" J
crats recently pnssed There is tv -WM w. allowed to
enough free trade in the law to smti, ' , . . 7. . , ...
Mr Sioe-rlv W ltW Rnu aMsclrg or illnoa.
" Hood's SrniTrill is the remv fr
"Antonio Cerevts a noted scientist Rnob a crtdHion, and els' for that
has just reached Oaxaca, Mexico jWeqfrnoSf which prevails t. tho
from the Slate of Tobaseo, where be j ehonm, of ann. climt or 15f.
has discovered pome of the moat Hood's Pills are nuro'y veewtaMe,
wonderful and interesting ruins yet ! crAfnllT nrnred fromhe best in-
lound in n-xico, wmie exploring a
wiin ana wooaea uistric; in too vai'
ly of the San Pedro river. In that
State he came upon an ancient de
serted village, which is surrounded
by eight-en pyramids. These pyra
mids are thirteen meters high, and ,
are constructed of brick and stone.
Mr GVrevas has ieturned to civibza-;
tion for the purpose of organizing a '
company to make further explora-i
tions of the ruins." !
A Juniata Man killed at
inn Aiioona inoune or vjcroDer
- . ,
10, 1894, savs: Yesterday morning
at 6.10 o'clock J. W. Henderson, .f,
the night shifting crew at Tyrone,!
discovered the dead body of a mau
on the south side of the railroa 1 a
sh'.rt distance east of the station. '
When discovered he was cold in
death. He was taken up by Mr.
Henderson assisted by brakeman Ed.
Strobaogli and removed to the surgi-
cal room in tho railroad building and
from thence later he was taken to the
undertaking establ shment of .Messrs.
Butlev &, Graham on Log.m avenue.
Coroner Poet of Altoona was notifi-
ed and arrived here on the 12:15 Dy ,
Express and lc arning the facts deem
ed it ncesary to empnnel a jury of
inq ubt which was done, and tho fol
lowing named: D T. Caldwell, fore
man, F. A. Harris, Matthew Stinc
man, Harry Wands, Samuel Graham
and Thomas J. Scott, who after re
viewing the remains and the scene of
the sccident and hearing the evidence
of the witnesses mado the following
report: That the deceased cauio to
his death by being struck by an east
bonnd train at Tyrone Station nuths
line of the Pennsylvania railroad,
sometime during tha morning .'f
Tuesday, October 9, and no blame
can be attached to the Company or
any of its employees,
submitted discovered
The evidence
the fact that!
his name was Joseph Pry, and a res-1 Chester county, visited the family of
ident of Jnniatt county, near Mifflin John Peoples in Fermanagh town
aul that he had left home on lst ; fthip last week.
Saturday to seek'employmeut on the Mis Minnie H. Smith is a pupil in
B:-acb Creek railroad. A telegram ' (he West Chester State Normal
in answer to inquiry received by 1 ch i. Miss Smith is a daughter
Thorn is J. S.'otr, dispatcher, stated j ,,fex County Superintendent Welling-
iuui, uia uioiuer, a wmow woman, re-
-i-!ed two miles from Mifflin. He
was nbciut 25 years of agp, atoutly
built, and five foot sis inches iu
heigtb. His jaw and left leg below
the knee were broken and a severe
cut in tbe f ehcid indicated that be
had been thrown some distance,
alighting on his head. He was found
some forty feet d wn the south truck
from where ho was first struck. Tho
remains were sent to Mifflin station
on mail train at 2.30 yesterday after
nom. Tbe funeral took place from his
home in Milford township, Juniata
Co., at 7 o'c'ock on Tharsdar after
noun, October 11, 1S94.
Iloiueund Abroad-
It is the duty of eveiyone, whether
at hnnie or travelling for pleasure or
business,, to equip himself with the
remedy which wiil keep up strength
and prevent illness, and euro such
ills as are liable to come upon all in
every day life. Hood's Pills ore
hand m.ule, and perfect ia propor
tion and appearance. 25u p?r box.
Tuscarnra Valley Railroad.
Trains on tbo Tnscarora Valley
Railroad will run as follows:
Leave Eist Watc-rford at 8.00 a.
m., and 2 p. m., arriving at Port ltoy
al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. m.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m.
and 5.15 p sr., arriving at East Wa
terford at 1 1.45 a. m and 6.30 r. m.
J. C. Mooreiiead,
9- .
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browa
valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stomache, Di spepsia, and Indiges
tion until my health was gon;?. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bougbt one hottlo of
South American Nervine which done
m.j more good than any 50 worth of
doctoring I ever did m my life?. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cured mo
completely. I consider it tbe grand
est raedicin in tho world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomach
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold bv L. Banks
k Co., Druggist, Mifllintown,' Pa.
Feb 1, 93 ly
Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the Universitv of Maryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public that bo has opened a Dental
Office at O ikland Mills Pa , where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlebsiy. AH work guar
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the ci-ntury ?
The great enre for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousnnss. Warrant
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Drnggists, Mifllintown, Pa.
Nov. 14, ly.
Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown,
Ind., says: "I owe my life to the
great Sooth American Nervine. I
had been in bed for five months from
the effect" of an exhausted Stomach,
Indigestion, Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. Had given up ad
hopes of getting well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief. The
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im
proved me so much that I was able
to walk about and a few bottles cur
ed me entirely. I believe it ia the
best medicine in the world. I can-
not recommend it to high i v." Sold
by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mif
flintown. Pa. Feb. 9 "93, ly.
That Tlrei Feella
is dannrprons oninO niroctlv fine
gradients. 25.
A nmm benter has been put in the
Jioba HUHft
Tint. thre he no n'av ar, horan r-
pnbUcann on lcHon dav.
The demoeracv have two State
ficks runnincr in York ''tote.
.TnmH Mathers is visiting relatives
and acquaintances in this place.
Miss Emma Robison visited rela
fives in Milford township lst wck.
M r n j n iu;i,lr,l-
a- ; ii,..
is visiting among inenos in tnecoun-
T' , . . . .
Sfewsrt AVm f IfcCoy.ville this
visited relatives in Perry Co.,
The WirMigh school directors up
pointed E, L. Allison, assistant to
Prof. Gortner.
Jam(.s g , paymaster in the
United States Navv 'has been visit
-1U friends in town,
Jlr- Barrier of Wa erloo is visiting
uis sister Mis. Emmet Anderson in
Toboyne, Perry county
Ans:in Stewart who has been in
raiirca I service in California is home
visiting friends in Juniata.
Fiack Loiig, wife and child of
Waitrford, Visited G.-org Btck's
family in Perry county last week.
Win. Wagner is having a stylish
Btuble buil for his hoise at the east
end of his Third street resident lot.
. Ti c .Uiss's McMuliiu and Mrs.
LiiiJcay of this couuty ore visiting
David HolIeL'baugh's fam ly in Perry
.Wi-s. Harry Mi-C ellnn and daugh
ter Mmy, recently visited Mr. Mc
Clellan's brother-in-law, J. C. Dimm
i in Lewistown.
John Patton and wife and sin of
jon jnjitb.
Mrs. Robert McMeen and son
Parker,ar visiting the family of
Thomas U. Parker in Pittsburg.
Mr. Parker and Mrs. McMeen are
brother and sister.
. .
Ab'ooa Apppetite
always cccompanirs good health, and
an absence of appetite ia an indica
tion of something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to
its merit in restoring tbe appetite,
and as a purifier of tho blood, con
stitutes the strongest recommenda
tion that can bi urged by any medi
Hoods Pills cure all liver il'e, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick
headache. 25c.
FawvER KersteTtep. On Oct. 4,
lit, iliunlnm P,imir T T T'Uanm.-tl.
J M. Fuwver and Lydia M. Ktrstetter,
ixiu 01 juoiaia county.
Passcbakeb Suively. Oq the 9.'h
itsst., by Rv. J. H. Mathers, D. D ,
ft - 1 1 m
.;aas. a. i-anueoaKer 01 uoaiport
i Standard and Miss Emma L. Shivery
of lipton, Blair county.
Wickeksham Moibt. On the 11th
inBt., by the Rev. Henry Treverton,
Horace W. Wickerpharo, editor of
the Tliompsoutown Globe and Jsfiss
Annio M' ist, daughter of Mr. Henry
Moidt of Fayette township.
Cbozier. On the 5th inst., in Beale
township, from pneumonia Mrs.
Marv Ann. wife of Mr. B. F Cmi.r
aged 04 vears, 5 months and 26 days
Long On the 7th inst., Ethel De
corah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. New
ton Long form rlv of Juniata countv
uut now 01 Aiioona, ngeel 2 years, 4
months aud 8 davs.
Hoppel Ou the 8th inst., in Walk
er township, Mrs Eliza Hopple, aged
about C2 years.
Gray. On the 8th inst., Mrs.
Annie, wife of Joseph M. Gray of
Reed' G ip.
Robison. On the 9th inst., Mrs.
Elizibeth Robison of Milford town
ship, aged 79 years.
VirruKTOwa, Oct. 18. 1894
"ntter........... ............. 18
Hm 18
Shoolder, ....................... 14
(!...... .. . 11
Wheal 60
Oorn in ear 60
Kvo 50
Cij en.e-d mm
Tiinolbv 8ed .....2.00
fl .2 seed go
Uraii 90
;':'! ...... ........$1.20 a bundrol
Middlings... ............ . 1.10
(iiui.i.d Alum Salt. ....... l.tK)
1 :i.-r.. en Salt 80c to 76
Philadelphia Markets, October 13,
1894 What 53 to 57c; Corn 50 to
56c; Oats 35 to 36:-; live ch.ckens 9 to
10c; .lucks 10c; butter 12 to 31c a lb;
eggtf 18c; apples $2 50 to $3 a barrel;
potatoes 45 to 6lc a bush ; Florida
oraupes $1.50 to $2 50 it box; bay $11
to $14 a ton; prarie hy $8 to $9 a
tou; su-aigbt re straw $11.50 a ton;
tangled straw $7 a ton; tallow 4c;
inoiussus, New Orleans 10 to 23
barbadoes 25 to 26c; whisky $1.23 a
gallon; Chicago cattle, heifers, cows,
bolls, seld at one cent to 2f c a pound;
stockers and feeders, Bold at 2c to 3J
ents h pound; hogs sold at c and
5c a pound; Sheep sold at $1 50 to
$2.85 n pifce.
Waterproof collars and enffe that yon
can clean yourself by simply wiping
off with a wet sponge. Tht genuine
look exactly like linen and every piece
is marked this way :
They are made by covering a linen
collar or cuff with " celluloid," and are
the only waterproof goods made with
an interlining, and the only goods thai
can staud the wear and give perfect
satisfaction. Never wilt aud not effect
ed by moisture. Try thcni ncd you
will never regret it. Ask for those
with above trade mark and refuse any
imitations. If your dealer does not
have them we will mail you a sample
direct on receipt of pri.e. CoHars 25c.
each. Cuffs 50c. pair. Stale whether
stand-up or turned-down collai is
The Celluloid Company,
427-429 Broadway, New York.
TI1E MOST ATTRACTIVE and int res',
inn WAR BOOK published. Charming
descriptions of thriHinjf pprson il exj-r-i.-nc-es
Hv the Rev. J. B. Vorxo, Kiiitnr
Central Christian Jlilrorate." 1 1 0 Origi.
iiB' illiistrnfions liy Frai.k Kcmd (the pic
tures are worth more than price of book). I
Low in price. Extraordinary ir.iliicrinentfi. i
Kxc'n-ii-e territory. Don't Delav; davs are 1
4r.l:TS. wor'h dollars. Send 50 cents j
W.iNTED atoncn for outfit. Satis !
I no I ii in cuHrantued or money refunded.
III'AT tL E.4T0.1, 150 Fifth Ave., N V
Spring and Sum
mer Clothing.
We are closing
our Spring
Summer Olothing
We will carry none over. Now is the time
for Bargains
We handle no bankrupt Stock. All our
Stock is new.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Emhalmcr and Funer
al Director.
North Main t., Mifflin town, Pa
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney,
Ring Bone, . Strides, Spraines, all
Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. War
ranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist Mifflin town, Pa
Nov. 22, "93.
trans fean, Ir,aV SOcwrta.
Itch on human, mange on horses
dogs and all stork, cured in 30 min
ntes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
A Co., Druggist, Mifllintown.
Nov. 22nd 1894.
Vm alyDtaat Uracil
r tka feaat Mean Rearm Tnaaai
(Gradnnte of Ibe Pbilndvlpliia Dental Col
lege,) ir.rmerly or MiiniDimrp, Pa., bas lo
rated rw-rnianontlv in Miftiintown, aa ane
cesfor to the late Dr. O. L. Derr, and will
continue Ibe dpn'al bnoiress (established
by the lat'er in 186C) at the well known of
fice c-D Bridge atreetoppoaiteCoort Bouse,
JVo Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used.
No Sore Gums or Discomfort to patient,
either during extraction or afterwards
All these are Guaranteed rr go charge
will be made.
07" All work guaranteed to give perfect
atipfuctioD. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Dentist.
I Wheat
cror best when planted with
?E Banc Dust. A fertilizer that al-
ways hrines a crop alwitys 1m
yr proves me poll. iiu Jirefi
to far- j
C- mers ?J7.00 per 1
frr S'tninlt's frw
No agents, -s'
gg Yorli Chemical Works, York, Pa. If
Has been selected with especial reference to tbe needs of this locality Tba
exteni-ive variety it affords in every line
maraTet in Iresn tall and winter styles - will probably surprise all who see it.
No less astonishing are tbe LOW PRICES put on evenihing. Owing to the
bard times we have been able 10 urcliafe prcc's very tnui b nnder
market value and have embraced the opportunity. Our stock is now in good
sbape and i well assorted in all the following lines:
Men's Clothing.
An immense varietv in CW
rnieres, Cheviots, Clays. Home-
spuns,iDiRgona!8, Serges Twills,
Tweeds and Flannels. All the
new shapes of sacks, cutaways
and Prince Alberts Perfect fit
and best workmanship, euaran
teed Prices from $5.37 to $15.
A grand showing of' Over-
coats of every description. All
the new stvlfts for 1WH r.nno-
ing m price from 3 to$15.
a . x 1 1
An odd pair of pants helps
out a man when he cannot af-
ford a new Suit. We have
JUSt the line to p!e1Pe you, and
prices are even more pleasing
The finest
pair of pants
A grand line of regular $4
and $5 pants
Most of our regular 1.50
and 2 pants can be had
MEN'S DERBY AND ALPINE HATS or dr.wers, 74o to $1.50. Taney c.l
FOR $1, $1 50 A.D $3 OO. red wool shirts or drawers 62o to $2.-
Exclusive hatters get a dol- 50. Fast black satceu umbrellas 49o
lar more for same makes. The t ?.9 Silk P'ria uf,b"llar fo,r
,. t , , . . Ladiesor cents 5c to 2.49. Men's
line of Boys hats presents doubIe ,r,ure maCgint08he8 $3.75 to
some equally good bargains. $15 00.
Complete lines of Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Over-shirts, Cardi.
gan JacKets, Gloves, Ac; at lowest prices in the county.
Trunk and Satchel Department complete in every respect
A visit to onr More means money saved on every purchase.
18G5, ESTABLISHED. 1881)
Special Invitation To llic Public
To attend the Attractive Sale
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Good? for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Su;ts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Bis prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai
to give hini a call if in need, of Clothing
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Krorearliiic qualitiesara vamrvaaaed. actnall
Ontlaatinc two boxea of attir other brand. KoQ
Sacted by haat. triiET THEGEJj CINE.
' "W A NTED .11
Kurcerj Stock. Salary, Expenses and
Steady Employment (rnaranteed.
IVc. 8, 91. Rochester, N. T.
Tbe Senttmtl and Kipni'tm office ia the
place to get iob work done. Tty it. It will
pay you if you need anything; in that Une.
of goods including tbe pick of tbe
aorasd EXHinn of
ew and neat stles and val
,,es for the money not to
eflua,ed anywhere. You'll
save money b.V clothing your
chl,dren here- Knee-panU
8U,tj, new lal1 8tJle8' 4 t0 14?
w 00 10 ,6-00-
Charmina Reefer Suits, 3 to
8, several shades and styles,
to $4 50.
T .... 4
LonJ? Pant3 Bult8- nS'e and
double-breaste l, 25 ditlerent
styles of material for boys 14
to 19
S3 TO 810 OO
All tte new and latest colorings in
filk, in tecks, 4 in-hands, bowa and
stritg-nos 25 to 50 cento.
Laundered white ohirts, perfect fit-
tmp i-i cent to $1. Unlaundered
white shirts, reinforced front and back
37 ceots. letter gradec, unlaundered
white shirts 50 cents.
Men's natmal wool shirts or drawers
24c to $1 49. Camel's bsir shirts or
drawrrs 49a t $2 00. Scarlet shirts
of Clothing that goes on daily
Stockholders Individnally Liable
T. VAN IRWIN, Cathttt
W. C. PonieroT, Joseph Rothi-oek,
John Hertxler, Jotiah I. Barton,
Robert B. Parker, Looii B. Atkinsoi.
T. V. Irwin.
George A. Kcpner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rolhrock, P. W. Macbec';,
L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomcroy, J. Holmes Irwin
Mary Knrts, Jerome N. Thompson. Jr.
John Hertzler.
T. V. Irwin.
Chariot te 8 n vder,
John M. Blair,
F. H. If. KVnnnll
Josiah L Birton,
Robert H. Paiterson.
Levi Ll?Lt.
Wm. SartK.
Samoel S. Rothtock,
Three and Fonr per cent. intercKt wil! it
paid on certificates of deposit.
rjan 23, 1891 'f
BoAring from tha etfacta of yonthfol error, aarly
decar. waatiuie weakness loat manhood, etc.. X wiU
aan4 a nlnabla tnatiaa (sealed) cooUlulnf fan
parUonlars for bom ears. FREEr eharga. A
aplaadtd medical work ; ahonld be read by every
xaaa who Is K.-w and debilitated. Sililnaa.
IM F. C FOWLER, nooataa, (
Consumption Sorely Cured.
To Tbs Editob: Plaaaa Inform your reader
that 1 have a poeibre remedy for tha above-named
disease. By ita timely nas tltonaanda of bopeleia
eaaea have been permanently cored, t shall be glad
to aend two bottles of my remedy FREK to any oi
your readers who hare consumption if they will
send ma their Express and P. O. eddreas. Respect
fully, X. A, UiUCCat. at. (X. lal Pearl St. N. X.