SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFVLINTOWN : WED5ESDAT.OCT. 11. 1894. TERMS. Subscription, $1.60 per annum if paid t advance; $2.00 If not paid in advance. Transient advertisenenU Inserted at 60 oenta per Inch for each insertion. Transient business notioea tn local col amn, 10 cents per line for each Insertion. Deductions will be made to tbose desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter rear. SHORT LOCALS. Next Thursday a week will be re anion day Robert Nixon, Jr., is quite ill with gastric fever. The Tuscarora Valley Railroad will be extended to Waterloo this fall. On Santhy snow fell lapidiy for the period of three hours in South Dakota. The ComraiusioDers are at Potts rille attending the Commissioners' State Convention. Willis, the cashier of the looted Bloomfielil Bank, was caught in Washington, D. C. A thunder Bhower accompanied by a fierce wind passed over this town, last Wednesday evening. The Horso fc Mule protection com pany met in the Court House on Saturday. The attendance was large. Oliver Weodall Holmes died at 1." 45 on Sunday morning at Cambridge, Mass. He was born August 29, 1809. Judge Lyen8 held court in North umberland county last week. This week he is holding court in Blair county. . Clothing Merchant Harley 13 in Philadelphia and will be home with a stock of new clothing before Re-union day. There are 2000 females in the United States who are practicing medicine. Vote for Wilson for Leg islature. They bave war, cholera, the plague, and the Japanese in China. Certain ly misfortunes have not come singly upon China The democrats carried the Georgia election last week bv about 20,000 majority. They expected, to do bet ter than that. The Central Pennsylvania Svnod of the Lutheran church will be held in MitHintown the last Wednesday cf September 1895. The cannery will not take produce after Saturday, October 13. Eight thousand cases of produce have been put up this season. The stores and business places in Bloomfield are closed ev?ry evening of the week during the progress of Evangelical preaching now going on in that town. Cards are out for the marriage of John J Patterson, Jr., and Miss Nellie O North, daughter of Wash ington North of Patterson on the 18th dav of October. D. B. Mc Williams from a meeting of Na'ioiifil Congress at. has relumed the Farmers' Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mr. Mc Williams was a delegate to the Congress. The dwelling houst formerly oc cupied by Theodore B.irris in Fer managh township, was destroyed by fire a few nights Ago. The house was uaocc.ipied at ths time of the fire. The letters uncalled for in the Mif tlintown post ofti.:e for the week end in cr, Ojtobar 6, were for Miss Bsckie Witts, Mrs. Jennie B. Pattern, Char lep D-tllins. Vote for Capt. Lswis Djgen for Jury Commissioner. Because the 70,000,000, in country must do something to port themselves is no reason for this sup the domicratic party under tbo whip and Irish of thi Southern leaders to bring down pricss to European rates. Do you have headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's Sirsnparilla will cure you. James N- Groninger, republican candid it for Sheriff is a capable ra in for the position for which he was nominated. He is young, energetic, honest and abundantly qualified for the position. Vote for him, and help to place a worthy man in the import ant office of Sheriff. Andrew Gregg Curtin the war Governor of Pennsylvania, died at 5 o'clock Inst Sunday morning, aged 77. He was born at Bellefonte. April 22, 1817. His funeral which is to be a Military Funeral nr.der the General ship of ex Governor Beaver, takes hlace this Wednesday afternoon. Tho rpan who gets a pecsion and votes tho democratic ticket, county cr Stat . votes for an influence to cut down the pension list. If you vote the democratic ticket this fall, don't crmo around after the election and whine about it and try and induce republicans to stand up and fight agninst the cutting down of the pas sion list. Thfre was a jail delivery of Benja min Mitchell and Adam Daarier lat Friday. Mitchell was pardoned by the Governor on account of poor he-ilth, having 19 days yet to serve to the end of the term for which he was sentenced for violation of Scalp Law. D nner was turned out by the Comm;sioners, his term of imprison ment having expired, for burglariz ing the house of Porter in Milford township. A citizen of Delaware township thought that he was about to be call ed home the other night whena large turkey banged through the window jf li'.i sleeping room and lit on his h'-.l. Ho was not agreeably impress el with the place that he thought he wus ahtmt to be taken to for at first he mistook the turkey for the devil. The terrors cf his mind were most "give i!ly relieved when he realized that it was a turkey, and upon inves tigation he learned that it was one of bis vn Hoc that had been routed by horses at pasturr in a field. The i"wl when it took to wiDg flew fctra-glt for the light in his window. The Presbyterian Synod of Penn sylvania will meet in the . Presbyter ian church a( Tyrone, October 18. What do you take medicine for? Because you are sick and want to get well of course. Then remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. Within the past two years 20 mur ders have been committed in Luzerne county, and not one of the murderers have been hung. What's the mat ter with Luzerne county justice California democrats in office are grumbling over an assessment of two per cent, on their salary for politi cal boodle. There is nothing that the average democrat likes better than boodle. Miss Mussie K. Diehl Philadelphia, buying in is now in a Fall and Winter Stock of millinery goods, which will be on exhibition at her place of business in this place this week. Call aod see them. General Wm. Bill is with the Com mission to locate the line of battle occupied by the Pennsylvania troops at the battle of Antietam. The com mission meets this Wednesday at 2 P. M.. on the field of battle. During the hot weather impurities in the blood mar seriouslv annnwmi Expel tbem by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, tlie great blood purifier. If you have a tin roof that leaks or needs paint, you would do well to call and see H. C. JlcClellan on Bridge street He has the paint to fix them. It will last from 8 to 10 years, and shuts up all leaks. -Mr. Singerly itinerary for the Governorship will start from Phila delphia at 11:20 on Sunday evening, October 21, and their first meeting will be held at Tyrone on Monday, the 22nd. Will they visit this town is a question. There are six State tickets in the political field for this fall's election. In addition to the republican and democratic State tickets. There are the People's party ticket; the Prohi bition ticket; the Socialistic labor party ticket. Vote the republican ticket. Anson W il is an intelligent, agreeable and deserving young man, who is capable of discharging the du ties of the office of Register and Record er in a satisfactory manner. Vote for him and thereby secure good officer and help a young man who is trying to help himself under difficul ties mat. you are fortunately not af- lcted with. Scrofula, humors and all diseases caused or promoted by impure blood or low state of the system, are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Fchool directors can come nicely to the assistance of teachers and require the pupils every one of them when school is adjourned to walk quietly out of tho school room and out of the building. To hear a rushing noisa in a school room, and see a crowd of noisy pupils come from the building, pushing and yell ing as if every one feels determined to be out first, does not impress a locker on with a high opinion of the manners and training of the school. 1orlitnor Whitehead, a famous lecturer, delivered a lecture in the court house on the evening of the 3rd ou the subject of the finance and demonitiziitlon of silver. The lecture was an able oue and was attentively listened to by his hearers He pre sented a large fund of illustrations on finance to show how the shrink ing of valuta has been brought about by the demonitization of silver, and to those in the audience who had some acquaintance with tho processes of legislation employed by gold bugs to rule silver uut f:8 bond paving money, his speech was clear, but to the in ijority of his hearers, he did not mike liimself clear as au advo cate of opening the mints of the country to the free coinage of silver, j 1st as the mints are open to the free coinage of gold. His language was not quite plain enough to show that it is the legislation against silver that has in a great measure caused the shriukage iu value of all kinds of property. The torture of dyspepsia and sick headache, the agonizing itching and pain of salt rhem, are removed by Hood s aai'saparula. From Bloomfield Advocate, Octo ber 3, 1804: Two gangs of tramps rendezvoused at the upper end of Mary6yille on Thursday night. Oae of the tramps in one of the gangs discovered that a fellow of tho other gang had some money and attempted to steal it from him, and in the scuf fle the moneyed man was shot in the left arm at the elbow, the bullet tak ing an upward course, lodging in the under side of the phoulder. The wounded man was taken to the hos pital at Harrisburg. Officers went in pursuit of the other gang. m Dr. E. E. Moore, of this puce, while visiting a patient list Wednes day night was pursued by a wildcat. The doctor being unarmed and on a bicycle, was considerably scared, and pedaled toward hom9 in champion ship form. The animal followed him over a mile and then disappear d in the busb. Towards morning W. It. Brothers saw the cat near Jericho school house, in Centre township, and it followed him nutil near Perry Furnace. Here 19 a chance for our sportsmen. NEW DENTAL OFFICE- Dr. S. D. DifTenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that he has opened a Dental Office at Oikland Mills. Pa, where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. Home and Abroad- It is the duty of everyone, whether at home or travelling for pleasure or business, to equip himself with the remedy which wiil keep up strength and prevent illness, and cure such ills ns are liable to come upon all in evAy day life. Hood's Pills are hand m.ide, and perfect in propor tion and appearance. 25c par box. Tuacarora Valley Railroad. Trains on tho Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Watcrford at 8.00 bl, and 2 p. at., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. k. and 3.15 r. m. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. . and 5.15 p h., arriving at East Wa terford at 11.45 a. x. and 6.30 p. x. J. C. MoORKHEAD, Superintendent . BIG DAT. Re-union day promises to be an un commonly Big Day. Drum corps. brass bands, lodges and fire com panies, will be here to celebrate the day with the veterans. Sale Reslater. John Ziok advertises a .valuable farm at private sale near Miflliotown. October 17 H. 3. Schrefner will sell live stock and household goods, near East Salem, Delaware township. REPUBLIC A! TMEETISQ. An inter-county Republican Meet ing will be held fo-day at Richfield, that being a border town between Juniata and Snyder counties. The speakers fur the occasion are Con gressman T. H. Mahon, Prof. G. W. Herman, Dr. Wm. II. Rodgers, Wilborforce Schwever. PElfSIOXS IS DANGER. Immediately after the advent of the Cleveland administration there was a movement to cut down the list of pensioners and if the republican party had not raised up as one man and protested against the proposed reduction of the list, there is no tell ing how many pensions jrould Lave been cut. There is no telling whose name would have been stricken off the list. That effort of the demc cratic pirty leaders to cut tho pen sion list shows the heart of the lead ers of the democracy on the pension queption. Soldiers you know what will come if Cleveland is endorsed at this election. If you throw your votes with the democracy this fall and elect your enemies to office, don't come around lo republicans to stand up ami fight for your cause to keep a democratic administration from stripping you of your pension. A man ought to have wit enough to know who bis friends are, and suport them when they need friends. Vote the republican ticket, county and Slate. liar gain Daj Bargain Dayl AT SCHOTT'S STORES. Commencing next Monday, Octo ber 15th, uutil Saturday eveuiog Oc tober 20th. 1)4: CASES of Fall and Winter Goods unpacked, and all I his goods with our other merchandise will be eold to you at specially reduced prices. Ladies Cloth in all leading shades at 29c; worth 45 r.nd 50 cents. Serges in a'l wool and in all shade?. 40 inches wide, at 39 cents; worth CO ecu's. Broad Cloth at 75 cents; worth $1. Hill, bleached muslio, 1 yard wide at 5 lc; worth 9 cents. Columbia bleached muslin, 1 yd wide; 10 yards for 49 cents. Appleton A. .Vuslin, best make, 37 inches wide at Ge. A good unbleached muslin, 21 yds for $1. 100 pieces cf .Lancaster and Amos Keag. best ginghams, just unpacked at 4k-; worth 9 cents. Other good gingham3 at 4 cents. Dress ginghams at 6J cents; worth 10 cents. Canton Flannel, 10 yards for 49c. Best Canton flannel, 10 yards for 75c; worth $1. Ladies skirts, 2oc; worth double. Best Indigo and Fancy Calicoes at 5 cents; 10 yards for 49 cents. White Linen Table Damask at 24c; worth 40c. Ladies' and Misses' Rubbers at 25c. Men's good gum boots at $2.45. Ladies twilled Gloria Silk Umbrel las at $1: worth $1.50. 5 pair Men's Hose for 25c; heavier Men's Hofo at 25c. Ladies and Cbildrens black Hose at Gc. Good licking, 12 yards for $1. Sheeting for 15c; worth 21 cents. Men's Good Underwear for 25c, and 38c for Children's and Ladies' underwear very cheap. 4,000 .Men's. Ldies' and Child ren s snoes at specially reduced prices. Ladies' and Children's coats and wrap'; an immense variety, latest and newest stvles. Blankets and shawls, carpets and oil cloth. Everything in our three stores at specially reduced prices. Don't forget the time. Next MONDW, OCT. 15; TUESDAT, OCT. 16; WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17; THURSDAY, OCT. 18, FRIDAY, OCT. 19, SATURDAY, OCT. 20. SCH0TT'SST0RES,Bridgest. - M low lo Secure Drumming" Ptaeaaant. An old friend of ours while engag ed in conversation the other day. asked us if we knew how to bunt drumming pheasants, and upon be ing informed that a long still hunt, following up tbo sound of the fl ip ping was our method told us that we simply would not be "in it" with him. He says that the quickest, easiest and best method is to go walking along, whistling and making an crdi nary nroount of noi-o keeping in the direction of the diuiniaer, and when within sight of him to move on, still whistling. The pheasant will still be on bis log, stretching his neck and keeping both eyes on you. When you are about past he will think he is safe and you can turn, take aim and secure him for the pot. The whole plot seems reasonable, ss pheasants are surely up to many sharp tricks to fool the hunter, one of the most marked being their it to remain motionless when think they ate not observed. hab they The many above man vouches for having killed a drumming pheasant in the manner and it is worth a trial Ex. Feraoaml. Captain HcClellan spent Sunday with friends in Mifflin county. Samuel Meyers of this town spent a day in Harrisburg last week. Martin Pannabaker has gone to Clearfield county for employment. Afiss Maude Burcbfield spent from Saturday to Monday at Johnstown. Mr. and Mrs- Walters of Philadel phia, visited in the two towns last week. Miss' Minnie Strayer is visiting her Bister. Mra. Charles Stone in Wash ington. ' Fred Espenschade is again at his studies in the Philadelphia Dental College. Misses Sue Brindle of Patterson and Martha Fasick visited friends in Lewistown. fliss Emma Robison returned home last week from a visit to Mif flin county. Misses Jennie Adams and May Richeubaugb, drove to Port Royal, last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Will Wagner and sister Miss Ella Pannebaker, visited in Philadel phia part of last week. Me. and Mrs. Arthur Gotshall cf Lewistown are visiting Mrs. Got shall's mother, Mrs. Emanual Moyer. Mrs. Baker and sister .Visa Bertha Doughman of Altoona are the guests of Mrs. George Doughman in Patter sou. Misses Mary and Joe Hertzler, drove from Port Royal last Saturday, aod spent the afternoon among friends in town. Mr. Heory Sieber and wife of near .Vifflintown, were the guests of their son-in-law, Mr. George L. Kepner at Port Royal last week. Misses Nellie Doyle of Patterson and Etlie Robison visited Miss Nellie's uncle Dr. Heading in Academia, the latter part of last week. Mrs. Sarah Bartley, accompanied her daughter Mrs. Harry Kauffman to her home in Harrisburg last week, where she will spend some time. Charles A. Hinkle is home after years spent in the far west and in central Southern states He . tells some tall narratives oi the habits n 1 ways; of living of certain of t e Southern people. . A tiood Apppetite always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indica tion of something wrong. The uni versal testimony given by those, who liavn used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its merit in restoring the appetite, and as a purifier of the blood, con stitutes the strongest recommenda tion that can be urged by any medi cine. Hood's Pills cure all liver, ills, bil iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headucbe. 2uc. Without Necktie or Collar. The democratic candidate for As sembly in Union county, is traveling ab:ut the district electioneering, and for affect wears no necktie or shirt collar, which causes the LeWiaburg News to remark, that: Sixty years ago some cf the members of the Pennsylvania Legislature would oc casionally sit in front of the dpital in tbeir bare feet and squirt tobacco juice on the stone steps. In those days to travel about electioneering without collar or necktie might bave impressed the voters, but this yt-ar the people are too suspecting for Mr. Barber to make any headway with his little collarless scheme. That Tired Feeling; is a dangerous condition directly dne to depleied or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as iu its debility the system is especial ly liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Cursapariila is the remedy for snch a condition, and also for that weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life. Hood's PtHs are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the best in gredients. 25c. Have you fried South American Nervine the gem of the century T The great care for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, llifflintown, Pa. Nov. 14, lv. MARRIED-. Kirk Mark. On the 21st of last June, at the Olivet Presbvterian parsonage, Reading, Pa., Mr. Howard Kirk and .Wi?s M. Janet Marks, both of Patterson. VirrUNTOWN MAKKRTS. VirrLlwrows, Oct. 1, I8M. Miittor 18 18 Ham in Shoulder, ....................... 14 T.r! . a -.. 11 S:do M.'FFMNTOWSGHAIN MAKKKT Whoat 50 Corn in ear .... ...... 60 :l'B, 85 60 duverwd Timothy seed 2.t'0 Kl-.s seed 60 Bran 90 (i $1.20 a bun.ired Middlings Uo Groi.nd Alum Salt........ 1.03 rican Salt 80c to 75 Philadelphia Markets, October Cth, 1894 Wheat 54 to 57c. Con 51 to 55c. Oats 35 to 37c. Lard 9c. Tallow 40e. Smoked meat 11 to 12 cents a lb. Butter 14 to 32c. Eggs 16 to 19c Live chickens 9 to 10c. Dncks 10c. Potatoes 48 to 55c a bush. Sweet potatoes 15 to 27c per basket. Cioverseed $5 12 a bushel. East Libkbty, Pa., October 5. Cattle prime $5.50a5.75; good $4 70 a5.25: pood blithers' $4-4 25; rouo-b fat, $2.70a3.40: fair light steers, $2.30 a3.10. Hogs Receipts light; mark et slow; Phil tdelpbias $5 70a5.75; best Yorkers and mixed, $5 50a5 65; common to fair Yorkers, $5.30n5.40; pigs $5a5.25: good bows $4 75a5; stogs and rough sows $4 to $4,50. Sheep Supply fair; market slow and uu:U .sir $3.3 25; good $2 50a 2 80; fni r S160t.l2: common 50c. a $1 2S: v. S2a3.75. nr:ings, $1.503.25; lambs, r'4P5. imz Interlined "Cellnloid"CollarsandCafls turn water like a duck's hack and show neither spot nor soil. They are not effected by perspiration, and always look as if right out of the box. When they get soiled yon can clean them in a minute by simply wiping off with a wet cloth. These are but a few of the advantages of wearing the "Celluloid" Collars and Cuffs. There arc many others that yon will readily discover the first time yon wear one. They are the only waterproof inter lined collars and cuffs made. Be sure to get the genuine with this trade mark ELLULOiO mark- stamped inside, if yon desire perfect satisfaction. Hade in all sizes and all styles. If you can't get them at the dealers, wc will send sample postpaid, on receipt of price : Collars, 25 cents each. Cuffs, 50 cents pair. State size, and whether yon want a stand-up or turned-dowu collar. THE CELLULOID COMPANY. Braadway, HEW YORK. WHAT A BOY SAW IK TIIK ARMY. THE MOST ATTRACTIVE and intcres' ina WAR BOOK pun!ithed. Cliarmioc descriptions of thrilling perxonal expi'r ionres Br the Rev. J. B. Young. Editor -Ctntral Christian Jileocatt." 1 10 Oriel nai illustrations by Frank Beard (the pic tures are worth more than price of book) Low in price. Extraordinary inducements. Exr'iiic territory. Don't Delav; days are AGENTS, wor'h dollars. Bend 60 cents WASTED- at onco for outfit. SatU taction ;nirantoed or money refunded. 11 JIT & EATON. 160 fifth Ave., N Y AT COST. Spring and Sum mer Clothing. We are closing Out our Spring Summer Clothing AT COST- We will carry none over. Now is the time for Bargains We handle no bankrupt Stock. AH our Stock is new. HOLL.OB AUG H & SON, PATTERSON, PA S. S. Ruble, Practical Emhalmcr and Funcr al Director. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. v SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. North Main t., Mill, in town, Pa- English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Strides, Spraines, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist Mifflin town, Pa. Not, 22, "93. iSMfeWk Tf0 W Itch on human, mange on horses dogs and all stork, cured in 30 min utea by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by L. Banks A Co., Druggist, MitHintown. Nov. 22nd 1894. Extract I 1 H eatw. 1akaa JP. DERR, PRACTICAL. DEHTIST, (Graduate or the Phflndelpbia Denial Col lege.) formerly of Mifflinbarr, Pa., bas lo cated rx-rminenlly In Mifflintown, aa suc cessor to the late Dr. G. L. Derr, aod will continue the dental buaineaa (established by the lat'er in 1860) at the well known of fice on Bridge street opposite Court House. 07- TEETHE EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVe Chloroform, Ether, or Gat wed. No Sore Gams or Diseomfort to patient, either during extraction or afterwards. All tbise are Guaranteed r eo charge will be made. DtT" AU work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Dcatlst. It1lliimiillniinilimiiiniminiiiiiiiiiiiliniiiiilitt Wheat and Grass crow best when planted with Pan yr ink vnac a leruuzer mai ai EE n-nys lirioic" a crop, alwiivs 1m M provea-the toil. Hold Jlrert to fur gE mere 27.flO per ton. Ko agents. 8jE Samples free. gp York Chemical Works. York, Pa. iiia i-ft. TV ui na. VI &, I l. . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiniiiiuii(iiipj FOR $1, 91 SO A1ID $3 OO wiWligita4 , Exclusive hattPrs ovr MEYERS' JVJEJW FALL & WINTER STOCK Has been selected with especiaj reference to the needs of this locality The extentivo variety it affords in every lias of goods including the pick of the market in fresh fall and winter styles will probably surprise all who see it No less astonishing are the LOW PRICKS put on everything. Owing to the bard times we bave been able to turcLafe perdu verj n;u. I under market valuo and have embraced the opportunity. Our stock is now in pood shape and is well assorted in all the following lines: Men's Clothing. An immense variety in Cass lmeres, Cheviots, Cbys. Home spuns.jDiagonals, rges Twills, Tweeds and Flannels. All the new shapes of sacks, cutaways and Prince Alberts Perfect fit j and best workmanship, guaran iccu jrrtues irom 90.0 to $10. Overcoats. A grand showing of Over coats of every description. All the new styles for 1894, rang ing m price Jrom 3 to$15. Pants. An odd pair of pants help9 out a man when he cannot af ford a new suit. We have I just the line to please you, and prices are even more pleasing. The finest pair of pants in stock FOR OSIYT 4- A grand line of regular 4 and $5 pants HOW OXLY 93. Most of our regular 1.50 and $2 pants can be bad FOR 75 CE3TS. THE LATEST FASHIONS IN MEN'S DERBY AND ALPIXE II ATS b - lar more for same makes. The line of Bovs' hats nresents 1 some equally good bargains. Completo lioes of Hosiery. SusDonders. gan Jackets, Gloves, &o.; at lowest prices Trunk and Patchel Department complete is every respect A visit to our store means money saved on every purchase. T7VT71T" T TV T j? XL. rv ij ivi WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL CLOTHIER, 1865, ESTABLISHED. Ifi80 Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS2 Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUJL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. Hie prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIN TO WIST FVA. HAVE I0U MONEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER J 0 -CiLLAT- TH8 vim Bill f JMFFLINIOWK, FA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. FRAZER AXLE GREASE Rrjav fv ttwv wikoa.n Stamoiinc qua! itiea are ttasurtnaaed, actually Outlasting1 two boxes of any other brand. Kq FOB 3 ALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, tv Q A L E S M E XT LOCAL OR TRAVELLING, to sell our Nurserv Stock. Salarv. Kxnenaea ni Steady Employment guaranteed. lillASK BKUIaLUa COMPANY, Dec. 8, Rochester, Pi. T. The Senitntt and Republican office ia tor place to get Job irorfc dona.Tiy tu It will pay jon If yon naed anything to that line. a grand Exhibit of Boy's Clothing. New and neat styles and val ues for the money not to be equaled anywhere. You'll save money by clothing your children here. Knee-pant suits, new tail style, 4 to 14, $1 OO TO 6.00. Charmina Reefer Suits, 3 to 8, several shades and styles, 92 to 4 SO. Long pants suits, sinx'e and double-breasted, 25 dili'oreut styles of material for boys 14 to 19 S3 TO 8(0 OO- NECKWEAR. All tte new and latest colorings in silk, in tecks, 4 in band, bows and string-ties 25 to 50 ceDts. WHITE SHIRTS. Laundered while shirts, perfect fit tin? 74 cents to $1. Unlaundcred white shirts, reioforocd front and back 37 cents. Better grades, unhuodered white shirts 50 cents. UNDERWEAR- Men's natuial wool shirts or drawers 24o to $1 49. Camel's boir gbirts . r drawers 49s to $2.00. Scarlet sbirtn or drawers, 74o to $1.50. Fancy imI ored wool shirts or drawers 62o 50. Fast black sateen umbrella- !'.': to 99c. Silk gloria unibroii:i- ! Ladiesor gents 75c to $2.49. .Ven's double trxlure mackintoshes $ !.7 t i $15.00. Handkerchiefs. () rnr. shirts, f ? ! in the county. .1 W H ,11 XL. t rij re BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLIN") JUNIATA VALLEY BAiiC, OF MIFFM5ITOWS, PA. Stockholders Individually Lialia JOSBPH ROTH ROCK. Prrndrnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Caehr ' nsscToaa. W. C. Pomeroy, Jeih Rothi ti-1: Jobn Hertiler, JomuIi 1 . I'.:r.t Robert E. Parker, Louis K. a' , T. V. Irwin. rrocKBOLi'ERa Georee A. Keener, Annie "f S.ii.-He, Joseph Rothrock, L. E. AtkiDRCn, W. C. Pomeroy, P. W. v , 1. R. E f ;.-- V. .3. . - i..v, Jerome.N.I , T. V. Irwin. Mary Knrti, Jobn Hertzler, Charlotte Snyder, Jobn M. Blair, F. M. M. Pennell, Samnel S. Rothrock, Joaiah L Bat r.-. Robert H. Pa U--!-Levi Light, Wm. B warts. Three and Fonr per cent, interest will be. paid on certificates of deposit. jan 23, 1894 U TO WEAK LIEfl Battering from the effect of yoathful error, earlv daear. wasting weak neaa. lost manhood, etc.. I will aao4 a valuable treatise ( sealed i containing full partfcmLara for hotna cure, FREE0' chargs. A splendid medical work : should be read bj mrf Ban who la nervous and debilitated. Addraaa, Ttwt. F. C VaTOLEK. Hoodiia, Coaav Consumption Surely Cured. To Th Knrroa: Please Inform your readers that I hare a positive remedy for the above-named dujoase. By Its timely use thousands of hopeless canes have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FBKZ to any of tout readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. addraaa. Baspect fally. T. A. SLUCUX. at. C, 181 Pearl St. H. X.