SENTIXEL & REPUBLICAN ,'ITFKLINTOWN : WEDNESDAY. OCT. , 18M. TERMS. gnbscriptlon, $U0 par aannnt tf paid i. .rtvance ; 92.00 If not paid In adraaee. Transient adTertiaraanta inaarted at 60 aasta per lnCB tor eacn userooa. Transient business notices la local col .n. 10 cents per line for each Insertion. Deductions will be made to tboa desiring la adrertise by tb year, half or quarter rear. SHORT L0CJ1LS. The buck-wheat is said to be good tbis seasoi. The cannery will close ita work for the season tbis week. Editor Singerly has accepted the jetuiiTiitic nomination for Governor T?P1 r.epper sprinkled in rat holes. will cause the rats to leave the prem ises. Grant Kauffman is rushing his Louse c n -oi tii street toward Com pletion. Tj Jr-flforsm c )uity farmers have ab li-i'i' l ' or-e racing at fieir an nual f iirs. Tiiuio i-t a weJdingr or two ou the carpet in town, looming np for the near future. The Lord's Supper will be admin -isterel in the Presbyteritn church, next .S.iWmth. Coust-ible Hackpnbprger's best liorse died of colic last Friday even ing after a day's drive. A new schedule for the running of passfiiisfer trains went into affect on the railroad on Sunday. The Horse and Male protection Company will meet in the conrt house on the Cth of October. Philip Weber tells us that there were 8:1,000 crates of peaches ship ped from Juniata county this season. Liptitnin killed a liorse of Eph riaiu (iuss, in a pasture field of Mr. Guss on Lis farm in Licking Creek Talley. The Jews celebrated their new rear last Monday. According to Jewish calendar this is the 5555th year of t!ie world. The torture of dyspepsia and sick head'icho, thfi agonizing itching and pain of salt rhem, are removed by Hood's .Sarsaparilla. The Fayette township school board, lias forbidden its teachers taking school on sleighing excur sious on f-ohool days. Do you have headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's Sirs-ipirilla will cure you. Hon. L E. Atkinson will deliver the re union hddress for the veterans at Lmdisburg, Perry county, next Saturday, October G, 1894. Those of our citizens who have in vested in the Lancaster Traction rail way concern aro in receipt of the first seini-annual interest on their honds. Samuel Mowery's store nt Spruce Hill was burglarized a few nights ago. The thieves pryed open the front door and stolo tobacco, notions and clothing. reneral J. K. Robison has been swinging round the circle as the yiiest of Gpneral Hastings. Robison was one of the original Hastings tiit-n for Governor. John Tyson csup;lit sibt of a Mack Lear on Shade mountain a few d:tya ago. That bear had better lo"k out a new place to vegitite in, or Tyson will trap it. The report cf the Pennsvlvan:a Statrs Coilfpe for the year 1893 lies on our table It is a valuable re port to people who take an interest in education and agriculture Paring the hot weather impurities in the blood mav seriously annoy you. Expel tbeiu by taking Hood's Sirsa parilla, the great blood purifier. A fire broke out in the cellar of Belle's store in Patterson, about 9 A. M., last Wednesday The fire alarm was sonnded and in a short time there were two streams of water ttirued into the cellar and the fire was extinguished before it did a grrat deal of damage. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, will be administered to the members of the Westminster Presby terian church on Sabbath morniner, October 7th. A full attendance is req'iested. Preparatory services on Fridav at 7:30 P. M , and on Satur day 10:30 A. M. John R. Hkspf.rsos, Pastor. The calamity makers are displeas ed because Hastings is not talking about state issues They don't know that all state issues are lost in the National effort of the democratic congress to drag the mannfactnring and mining and agricultural interests to European level. Vote for Groii inger for Sheriff. What do you take medicine for? Because you are sick and want to get well of cr urse. Then remember Hold's Sarsaparilla Cures. Moonshine local blockaded the Port Royal railroad crossing, some nights ago long enough to make a liorse restless that Oscar Wolf and Stewart L. Mauger were driving. The beast became unmanageable and in getting out cf the buggy Mr. Manger was thrown to the ground and rendered unconscious qaite while, and was compelled to remain in Port Royal till the next day. Tbe democratic editors and speak ers of the calamity makinsr party, were premature in their denunciation of Hastings 'for not talking about state affairs in his speeches. Their own candidate for Governor, Mr. Singtrly in accepting the nomination talked of nothiug but the National issue of free trade and protection. Mr. SiDgerly has the courage of his convictions and tells what he means. If vou nre a free trader, vote for him, but if you are a protectionist vote 'or Hastings and the republican ticket. Scrofula, humors and all diseases caus' d or promoted by impure blood r low state of the system, are cured iy Iloud s Sarsaparilla. The fire onmnmi wvm v.- . tae river, appeared upon the scene of VD ? n i-aiierson, last Wednea aay in a remarkably short time. Mr. Ho ard Kirk and Miss Jennie ; were married in Beading, T r , on me I8tu of last uus, ana are now receiving theoon gratulationa of their many friends. The "Joniata Veterans Re union," to be held in this tnn nn i i o.l of October, promises to be an event- ui uy. extensive preparations are beioer made tn ho tions participate in the festivities of uw occasion. Lost. On the ninrht of .. inn. of September, on the road between Mifflintown and Oakland an Emory Spring from under n. ai. k4 The finder can receive fifty cents by returning the spring to J. L. Van an, ai iucAiisterville. Miss Carrie Adams of Philadelphia- is visiting the family of Mr. William Guss in Milford township, and will be pleased to enlarge nhot,oorrha in colors for all who desire to have such work done at reasonable prices. She may be addressed Mifflintown, Pa., in care of Joseph Adams. List of letters uncalled frit fflmai'n g in the post office at Mifflintown. P., for the week ending Sep. 29, 1894. Persons callinc for lettora in this list will please sav they are ad vertised. Ons cent will be charged I for each letter advertised: Miss! Maria Anderson. B Jqikawi iselle Soner Cards: .Mr. Dave Auk- er, A. G. Birbour, Miss Lizzie Grum izzie Grum- wen, A. J. Jones, S. E Shurtz. Editor S:ngerlv the democratic candidate for Governor will begin to swing around the circle after the fashion of Hasting th 9 t Octob . . ----o- - i i, Kiarung irom Itldgwav. Elk county 1 he Star and Tribune . called Hastings itinerary, a Hippo drone, and it is reasonable to sup pose that they will call Singerly's . swing a Circus. The Singerly free trade circus may be looked for ubout the close of this month. Our democratic friends of the TrtUiino .1 Ct.... M. " a 1 nun our are iryiug lomase jor vjenerai in ine triun Army in merry over what they cill Hasting's India, and had accumulated a for t ravelin? hippodrome. Thev are ! tune bv the time be dieil Sh im. like the Irishman who !aurhed - 0 I when his billy goat squared itself to i butt a running locomotive The j goat was knocked into the middle of a iu acre he.d dead as kingdom come. When tho Irishmen recovered his ' speech, he exclaimed, "Oh Lord, it is I a good tumg that 1 laughed before billy attempted to butt the locomo.j tive. The Second National Bank of Al-' toona, has again opened its doors for ! business. The bank was unfortunate : n having selected a rascallv man for j cashier. The cashier stole the whole : Capital Stock and a lot of money on j deposit, but the stock holders have had the honor to replace the stock, j which is the same thing as starting a i new bank. Their example is of the right kind to make good what has been lost by confidence reposed in their business ability and individual integrity. If the cashier bad been of the same honorable clans of men as they ore. they would uot now be financial sufferers. It is hoped the new cashier may be an honorable man. The calamity makers aro t liking about starting Mr. Sin jerly on a tour of the stato in the two last weeks of this mouth. Siagerly is as nearly a free trader as ha can well be. They want to give him Crisp and Voorhees for speech making company. Would'nt that be a nice three, all of them free traders. Voorhees. an old rebel sympathizer, and Ciisp, a sword redeemed rebel. Mora Iv considered, it is nt right to disconrage discouraged people, but it is fair to say that if Singerly, Crisp and oorhees make a tour of Penn sylvania, half the democratic voters will vote the republic in ticket. Suc!- a politic d dose as frva trader Singer lp wnd ex-rebel Crisp and ex-r-bel sympathizer Voorhees would turn the stomach of half the democratic party in this state and cause tbem to ru-h over to Hastings for good re publican medicine. iEWMNTLf3FFICE. Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the pjllic that he has opened a Dental Office at O ikland Mills. Pa , where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlebsly. All work guar anteed. Home and Abroad. It is the duty of everyone, whether at home or travelling for pleasure or business, to equip himself with the remedy which will keep up strength and prevent illness, and cure such ills as are liable to come upon all in every day life. Hood's Pills are band nude, and perfect ia propor tion and appearance. 25u par box. m- Tuocarora Talley Railroad. Trains on the Tuscarora Railroad will run as follows: Valley Leave East Waterford at 8 00 a. M., and 2 p. m., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. m. Leave Port Roval at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 p m., arriving at East Wu terford at 11.45 a. m and 6.30 p. xi. J. C. MOOREHEAD, Superintendent. Personally Conducted Tours to the Soath via Penn sylvania Railroad. The success of the two regular tours to the South via the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company s lines has led that Company to arrange for an o'her porsonally conducted tour from New York ana PhiladeloLii. . on Oc tober 16, including Gettysburg, Blue Kidge, Luray, Basic, Natural Bridge, Grottoes of the Shenandoah, Rich mond and Washington. The members of the party will travel in special trains of parlor cars provided exclusively for their use. The entiie round trip covers a period of nine days, and excursion tickets, including all necessary expenses dur ing that time, will be sold from New York at $55 and Philadelphia $53. For itineraries containing com plete information as to routes, spec ial train service, descriptive notes, Sic. apply to or address Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, N. Y., or Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. vtraiaiaT meet in Herbett Grange Hall ir "uraua" October 18th, at 10 A. ioere will be four sessions. avouuig session will be private except xuroett lirange prefer to 106 '"ng session public. Ane lollowing program will be disposed Of: Welonma. hv Grange; Beaponse, byMasterfof Pom- iu louowing persons will reaa papers and choose their own auDjects: VV. H. Knouse, WeUinirtoi Smith. N. H Eh. Janh w;.Ak.nn Prof. D. M. Jtfdrshall, W. B. McCah an will speak of "The Advantages of m vauuery to me f armer. Kssavs, by Annie E. Humphrey and Mrs. uorn,Dg. The Directors of me r ire insurance ar rMnaot t De present at this meeting. Reports mW.M W rum me ainerent uruimii will K called for. The Lecturer Will crivfi report of the National Farmer's Con gress. D. B. McWiujAMS. Lecturer. What Was Her Game. 4- m aome davs ago. a woman. noA about 70 years, appeared in Tusca rora Vallev. a short distance west of Port Royal. She said she had come to invest in farm land. That nhn had looked at land owned by tb Hon. James North and while drivin with her son in a buggy, the horse shied and she was thrown out of the "er. Bon lo R bugf?y- "he then told her son to go rlCl V "'B"ur. 8 would take her own time in returning to tJ Smoky Uity. She was kindly treat ed while she lived upon the bountv of the land owners of the vallev, aud ti,. m,mo u..a. j' r. IT Z" " " "'r1' ueu uci liiuus uu Biuu mat wsra in. invaA hv th fall frnm t.h K.,.. Meanwhile she L-onK nn j, r- f u.. ui ni u lor land, and showed large sums of money. She claimed that she was the daughter of an English noble man, but had married a British Army Officer against her father's will, and be had disinherited her, but that her husband had become a Ma- " - .1 - ... . Dressed herself r - fuvav wa IUO Vallev as no common woman, nn.-l lected three edjoining farms and purchased two verbully. Bv verba contract she bought the farm of David Guss for $11,000: the farm of Frank Goodman for $7,000, and she ohered George Herman $10,000 for bis farm but he declined. He want i ed $500 more. She told him she would not give him more than she had offered, but when ber son came, he might make Herman a present thut would satbfy him. After beiug with tha people mentioned aud wit h other people in the valley she left, promising to soon ret irn and pay fr the farms and assume the pro prietorsuip. sue has not returned aQd she is now as much talked about as when she first appeired in the valley, and people are wondering what she had in view. She certain ly had a good time among the hos gitable people where she received good living, boarding and lodging As she showed a large roll of money on several occasions some believe that she was engaged in shoring bo gu3 money. She however passed no money, but cflVred to make a pay payment on her purchase, but her of fer was declined until ber return when the whole trans iction could he completed at one payment and deeds made. The expression is now heard that if she had made a payment, she would in all probabilty have made it in large notes and received change in good money. That is only con jecture, and is made by the people who met her fu a motive for her action, as they btlieva her to have been a sane woman with her wits about her. What game was she try ing to work is the question low in the valley. Have you tried South American Nervine the gem of the cc-ntury ? The great enre for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Stomach and Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifflintown, Pa. Nov. 14. ly. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges tion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine which done mj more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy; A few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grand est medicin in the world." War ranted the most wonderful stomach and nerve cure ever known. Trial bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks A Co., Druggist, Mifflintown.' Pa. Feb. 1, 93 ly. What a Boy Saw in the Army. The above comprehensive title is the name given to a new book by Dr. Jesse Bowmas Yorjto, well known all over Pnnslvania, bis native State, a a brave and gal ai t soldit-r of the war for the Union, as also a preach er, lecturer, and writer of the high est rank. The story is one of fascinating in terest. Among 4 he many books touching upon the events of the great civil war. few that we have rea t are so graphic in description, so com- ptebensive and accurate in detail, so varied in incident, and so elegantly written as is this book from the pen of Dr. Young. To read it is to live over a?in the scenes and incidents of thai trtnecdous struggle. Dr. Young is ma-ter of a style as vigorous SB it is picturesque, and his description of the battles, the 6ieges, the march, and indeed tne wnoie paraphernalia of war gives him high rank as a writer of war literature. His descriptions of the battles of Pittsburg Landing. Fort Donelson, Frederick-burg. Chancellorship, and, above all. Gettvsburg. are worthy of a place alongside the "sea fight" and "chariot race" ia Ben Hur. Everv old soldier should have a conv of this remarkable book, and ev ery family should secure it, and, 5 to 32c. Eggs 17 to 20a. Chick above all, every boy who loves his ens 7 to 11c a lb. Ducks 10c. Po- country and his country's flag, and wants to learn of the aaeri&ees that were endured in order to preserve the integrity of the Union, should not fail to read this book. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement in an. other column. That Tlrei Feeling is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. Ii should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especial ly liable to serious attacks of illness. liood s Svrsaparilla is the remedv for such a condition, and also for that weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life. Hood Pult are purelv vegetable. carefullv prepared from the best in gredients. 25c. Personal. George Friday of Osceola was in town a dav last week. Mr. Ewing of Boston is stopping at the National House. Noah Sulouff of Osceola iu visitimr ms parents in jratterson. Reuben Anker made a business trip to Concord last week. Alton Cx. Scholl. Esn . baa located in the State of Washington. 1 nomas ArbucUe of McCnlWh'a Hills is ill with rheumatism. Wm. M. Miles and wife visited ac quan.tances in Carlisle last week. i iBuuncit rispmscnaae. Sr.. was on a business trip to Lewisburg last ween. Will North of Washington. D. C. . has been spending tbe past week iu town. -Wis. Joe Cottle of Osceola is visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gush ard in Patterson. Miss Daisy Eirnest of Patterson is visitiug the family of E. W. Evans in Ihompsontown. Mrs. O. C. Gortner and son of Sel- msgrove, is visiting her husband, Prof Gortnor in town. Alton Russell of Port Rovnl lino become a student of Howard Univer sity, Washington, D. C. Edgar Musser received 83 appoint ment in the pension department at uasnington last week. John Shaffer, wife and daughter of Philipsburg, Center county, visit- ea air. and Mrs. Hess last week. Win. H. Long of Patterson visited is parents in Thompsontown on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Jaaies .Vnrray. Jr.. and sister Em- ily, drove? in a carriage to Lewishunr and MifHiubnrg to visit friends last week. J. H. Hamilton and dane-hter of Chicago, came to town last welr nnA Miss Hamilton will stav awhile here with ber grand parents. Miss Benlah Shaffer of Phillina- burg, who was visiting here last week. and Miss Mary Snyder, spent last X rtday among friends in Port Royal. Mr. and .Mrs. Solomon Hieb of Lancaster and Will Cronse of Chi cago, were the crnests of T. W Auker's family on Cherry street, last wees. Sale Register. John Zook advertises a valuable farm at private sale near Mifflintown. October C James Hart will sell farm of 150 acres of land with buildings thereon in Tuscarora Twp. and Tillie Hart, will Fell a lot of per-, sonal property, live stock, &c. October 17. H. G. Schrtffler will sell live stock and household goods, near E ist Salem, Delaware township. A (Jood Apppetite. always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indica tion of something wrong. The uni versal testimony given by those who have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its merit in restoring the appetite. and as a purifier of the blood, con stitutes tbe strongest recommenda tion that can be urged by any medi cine. Hood t Pills cure all liver ills, bil iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. 25c. MARRIED-. Watt Bejweb On the 23rd u!K by Rev. J. Landis, Mr. James A. Watt and Miss Annie A, Benner, at the home of the bride's parent nnr Oriental this county. Weimhi Robisov. On the 12th ult., by Rev. W. F. Steek. G M Weimer of Port Roval and Ada R. Robison of Spruce Hill township. Stong Bbyneb On the 20th nit- by Rev. H. C. Holloway, D. D., Dan iel F. Stong of Tuscarora Twp., and Mrs. Maggie A. Bryner of Spruce Hill. Arnold Karstetler On the 24th ult.. nt East Salem, by Rev. J. Land's, Mr. Grant Arnold and Miss Sarah Kerstetler both of this county. DIED: Rohrer. On the 11th ult , in Tus carora township, Samuel Q.. infant son of S. Q and Maggie A. Rohrer, aged 7 months. wirrLTNTOWN MAHKKTS. MirvLMiowa, Oct 8. 1EB4. "nrter 18 E 16 - Hum ..18 . Shonlder, 14 I. rd. ...... s , . 11" Sides, - MTFLINTOWNGRAIN UAkKKT Wheat M Corn in ear.... ...... .... ...... 60 ', 35 60 reverse.! Toothy seed $2.00 "fs seed 60 k-an i go Cboa...... ...... ..$1.20 a hundred M (Idlings 1.10 MTO salt l.m - licaaSalt ..80c to 75 Philadelphia Markets, September 2H, IS! Wheat 5J to 56o. Corn ! 56 to 58c. Oats 32 to 35c. Butter tatoes 40 tufrf. Wwet. C;,:u id atte a U ..I." Cl-.-erwf! 0 a Apples -f 1 50 t . $3 50 a bar- -!. Did you ever see one of the famous waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs? It's very easy to tell, for they are all marked this way WlT AfARK- They are the only Interlined Collars and Cutis, and ate made of linen, cov ered with waterproof " Celmjloid." They'll stand right by you day in and day onLand they are all marked thia way coat is the onlv cost, for they keep clean a long time, and when oiled you can clean them in a minute by simply wiping off with a wet cloth that is the kind marked this way FELuablQ These collars and cuffs will outlast six linen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bills no chafed neck and no wilting down if a collar marked tnis way : your dealer first, and take noth ing that has not above trade mark, if you desire perfect satisfaction. All others are imitations absolutely. If yon can't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you a sample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair. Give your size and say whether stand up or turned-down collar is wanted. THE CELLU LOID COMPANY, BrM4mr, NEW YORK. WHAT A BOY SAW IN TflK ARM V. THE V03T ATTRACMVE n.i inter -ing WAlt BOOK 'iil'it.h'd. Charming descriptions of thrilling -ronl expr i 'Tice Bv the Hkv. J. ft. Yorso. Kditi-r "Ctntral Christian Jldwatr.." 1 11 Origi nal illuslrntioni by Frai.k Hejtd (iliti pic lureB ar worth more than prion of book). Low in price. Extraordinary indi:ct-iiitnt.. Eic'ii-Ke territory. I'oii't D'-liu; dy aro ,t(il:TS. rorh dolors. Send 50 cents WANTED at onue lor outfit. Satia taction 1 it iMiitued or money relutidcd. IlX'.Vr li. EITOI, 150 Filth Ave.,N Ti 'w mr Eg nil fin vou eet eJlai Ask AT COST. Spring and Sum mer Clothing. We are closing Out our Spring Summer Clothing AT COST. We will carry none over. Now is the time for Bargains. We handle no bankrupt Stock. All our Stock is new. HOLLOBAUGH & SON, PATTERSON, PA- S. S. Ruble, Practical Emb aimer and Funer al Director. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. North Main St., Mifflintown, Pa- English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Strifes, Spraines, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc Save $50 by use of one bottle. War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist Mifflintown, Pa. Nov. 22, "93. staaeattaaal 1 tisct mi Tif S. SOoaata. Itch on human, mange on borees dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min utes bv Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by L. Banks Ac Co., Druggist, Mifflintown. Nov. 22nd 1894. Tatei Ts the tost I JP. DERR, PRACTICAL DEHTI8T, (Gradnste or tbe Pbflsdelpbia Dental Col lege,) formerly of Mifflinhnrs;, Pa., bas lo oted permanently in Hiffiintowa, as suc cessor to the lata Dr. 6. L. Deir, and will continue tba dental bnsinesa (established by tbe lat'er in 1860) at tba well known of. flee on Bridge street opposite Court House. E?- TEETH-EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVe Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or Diseomfort to patient, either during extraction or afterwards. All these are Guaranteed tr to charge will be made. DS" All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Dentist. nmiiiinimiiiimiimnmniimniiiiiiii Wheat and Grass : grow best when planted with Para : none araaa. A fertilizer mat al- ways brings a crop, always lm3f : proves the soil. Sold Jirect to far- 39 fc niers 27.00 per ton. No agents. j Samples free. e York Chemical Works, York, Pa. a2 i MSSSISSS 5&t ! eemmmmn 1 a 1 i 1 MEYERS' FALL & WINTER STOCK Has bean aelAeteil arith Muil .1 j r . ... . . . . " 1 . ..s.oUue v wo useus 01 tuig locality Toe extensive variety it afford, in every line of goods including tbe pisk of tbe market ia fresh fall and winter ety lea will probably surprise all who see it No less astonishing are tbe LOW PRICES pat on everything Owine to tbe riarn tin.. V. . V .li. . , 0 fc - iie 10 lurcuaee j-tcds Terj mncb under market valno and have embraced the opportunity. Our atook is now in good shape and is well assorted in all tbe following lines.- Men's Clothing. An immense variety in Cass lmeres, Cheviots. Clavs. Home- 8pnns,lDiagonals, Serges Twills, Tweeds and Flannels. All the new shapes of sacks, cutaways and Prince Alberts Perfect fit and best workmanship, guaran ' teed Prices from $5.37 to $15. Overcoats. A grand showing of Over coats of every description. All the new styles for 1894, rang ing in price lrom $3 to$15. Pants. An odd pair of pants help3 out a man when he cannot af ford a new suit. We have just the line to please you, and prices are even more nleasincr The finest pair of pants in stock j FOR ONLY 94. A grand line of regular $4 and $5 pants jwow oxtvr s. Most of our $1-5 ' and $2 pants can be had a- use ia Jtar THE LATEST FASHIONS IN MEN'S DERBY AND ALPINE H ATS FOR 91, $1 SO AHB 99 OO. Exclusive hatters get a dol lar more for same makes. The line of Boys' hats presents some equally good bargains. Complete lines of Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Orer-shirts, CaiU; gan Jacsets, Gloves, &e.; at lowest prices in the county. Trunk and Satchel Department complete in every respect A visit to our 6tore means money saved on every purchase. FERD MEYERS, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL CLOTHIER, BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWX, PA. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889 Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARXjEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS : Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai to give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN IPJ. HAVE I0U MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER 1 -CALL. AT T88 HOST MIFFUNIOWN, Ta. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Hates. GREASE BEST IX THE WOBUK StSwariaicqilaJlttgiara am uaa id. actoally Outlasting two boxes of any otter brand. Not aslecud by boat. SJr-ClET THE CEX KINE. FOB SALE BY DEALERS GEKERAJXY. tyf QALESMEf O W A N T E 3D .IX LOCAL OR TRAVELLING, to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and Steady Employment guaranteed. CRASH BROTHERS COMPANY, Dec. 8, '91. Rochester, N. T. The Sentnul mad Remtltrmm office ia tn place to get job work done. Tiytu It will pay yon if yon need anything in that linn. a gkand Exhibit of Boy's Clothing. New and neat styles and val ues for the money not to be equaled anywhere. You'll save money by clothing jour children here. Knee-pants suits, new lall styles, 4 to 14, 91 OO TO 96.00. Charming Reefer Suits, 3 to 8, several shades and styles, to 4 SO. Long pants suits, single and double-breastel, 25 different styles of material for boys 14 to 19 S3 TO 810 OO NECKWEAR. All the new and latest colorings in silk, in tecks, 4 -in hands, bows and 6 1 ring-ties 25 to 50 cents. WHITE SHIRTS. Laundered white shirts, perfect fit ting 74 cents to $1. Unlaundered white khirts, reinforced front and back 37 cents, tetter grades, unlaundered white shirts oU cents. UNDERWEAR. Men's natutal wool shirts or drawers 24o to $1 49. Camel's hair shirts or drawers 49a to $2.00. Soarlet shirts or drawers, 74o to $1.50. Fancy enl ored wool shirts or drawers 62c to $2. 50. Fast black sateen umbrellas 49 to 99c. Silk gloria umbrellas Ladiesor gents 75o to $2.49. M'i ' double trsture macgintoshes $3. $15.00. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OFNIFFLIilTOW!!, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable JOSKPH ROTH ROCK, fretultnl. T. VAN IRWIN, Ca DIBECTOBS. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rotfcoefc, Jobn Hertcler, Josiah L. B.irt-in, Lonis K. AtViT.Ror, Robert R. Parker, T. V. Irwin. stockboldess : George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelter, Joseph Rothrotk, P. W. Macbeck, L. E. Atkinson, R. K. Parker, W. C. Ponwroy, J. Holmes Irwin- Mary Knrts, Jerome N. Tliomj son, Jr, John Hertzler, T. V. Irwin. Charlotte Snyder, Jobn M. Blair, F. M. M. Peanell, Samuel 8. Rothrock, Josiah L Barton, Robert H. Patterson Levi Light, Wm. B warts. Three and Four per cent, i&terent will be. paid on certificates of deposit. fjan 23, 1864 TO WEAK riEfJ Buffering from tba effect of Toothful errors, aarly dacar.waattxur' Band a nluabla tzaatiaa (aealed) containing fall sartioalan for bomo enre, fTRBXCof charga. A apUodld saodleal work : ahonld be read by ersry aiaa who Is acnu and debilitated. Addroaa, FraC F C. FOWLEK. Hoedtu, Conav lost mannooa, etc. i win Consumption Surely Cured. To Taa Korroa: Please inform your readers thut I hare a positive remedy for aba above-named disease. By ita timely nae tbonaanda of hopeless oaaaa hsTe been permanently cured. I alkali be glad to send two bottles of my remedy to any of your readers wka hare consumption if they will send ms their Eapreae and P. O. addsess. Beapeet foily. T. A. SliOOUM. st. C. 181 Paari 8t. Ji. I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers