Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 26, 1894, Image 3

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WED5f8DAT.SEP.fi6, 18M.
Sabserlption, $1.60 per anas if paid
(q ed ranee; $2.00 If mot paid la adTaaee.
Transient adTertUemeata taaartad at M
aenti per inch for each taawttoa.
Transient trafllneae notices ta local eol
amn, 10 cent per Una for each In serf. mi.
Ded action will be nude to thoao aiiilnr
to adrertlse by the year, half or qui"--
Congressman Mabon will be io
t jwu ou rd-uwon day.
Cholera killed 23 Uoga for one
farmer in I ."nkhn county recently.
""be .VeXicD band furnished the
u. .- c for tbe Hasting meeting on
The people of the United Stated
-consume half the quinine that is man
ufacture!. Fifty persons were baptized in the
Se-onl M. i.. (Juurcn in Huntingdon
oil Sabbath.
Congressman Hicks of Blair coun
tv. spent a day iu town last week.
There is no doubt of his re election.
The Annual State Conrention of
Cj-.i.-ity Cjmmissioners will be held
at I'ottsville on the 9th and 10th of
Tim conference of the ' Central
Bl't'imsvU-inia Epworth League, will
i i'i :.. rin. tit it
ami IS.
What do you take medicine for?
B-cause you arc sick and want to get
well of course. Then remember
Ho S;irsaparilla Cures.
J . X. VanOrmer of Fayette, return
r,l from Mifflin county last week,
where be has a fine peach orchard.
II brought some samples of the
fruit with him.
The Utters uncalled for in the Mif
tlintown l'ust Office for the week end
! S.'ptember 12, 1894, were for A.
V. Liuvi r, Jrsiah M. -Waner, S. E.
Monroe, W. II. Sullivan.
Juniata people, who are living in
N" ii folk, Va , write to their friends
In re, that Juniata County peaches,
uere soM in the Norfolk market last
week at $1.50 to $2.50 a basket
The torture of dyspepsia and sick
htiailaclie, the agonizing itching and
1 :iin of salt rheni, are removed by
1: Mill's Saisaparilla.
1 1. C. Holloway, D. D., and Mr.
J-iseph Uotbrock, are atteiding the
4 1st annual convention of the Evan-
ieal Lutheran Synod of PennsyU
-mil at Lewistown.
Scrofula, humors and all diseases
used or promoted by impure blood
low state of the system, are cured
y Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Cmm-H Ai-ponrTMENTS for Son-day,
the :50th inst. In the 31. E. Church
at 10.30 A. M , Preaching by Kev.
A.. S. Fasick of Harrisburg. In the
veninjr. u sermon by the past- r on
he Christian Sabbath and rtilio 3
"Ilev. J. 11. Polsgrove, pastor of t
Methodist Episcopal Church, of Lew
itown, has been appointed by Bishop
Turst, Presidms Elder of the Juni
Xx District, Central Pennsylvania
inference, vice Rev. J. M. Lantz,
). D , ' tceased."
i ''st. On the night of the 18th
" . i'.'ptember, on thn road between
.'JeAiistersville and O tkland an En
ry Spring from undr a wagon bed.
The linder can receive fifty cent by
returning the spring to J. L. Van
Vrt at MeAlistervillo.
'Oh, papa, who is that raggedy
man? "That, my son, is the great
omposer of grand operas " And
-rho is the fine tonkin? peutleman
. ith such good clothes?" "That's the
ijun who wrote the latest popular
ssng, ''Nevr let your Mother carry
:ij the coaL"
Mrs. H. C. Holloway, Mrs. Henry
.Saholl, Mrs. Brannen and Miss Effie
( inss, represent ibe Lutheran con
gregation of this town in the
Woman's Home and Foreigm Mission
ary Society of the Synod of Ontral
Pennsylvania at Belleville, Mifflin
uoty. this week.
Mrs. James Speer of Gardner,
Krinsas. is visitinpf the familv of Mr.
i "rederiek Espenschade. The maid
!. name of 3Irs. Speer was .MaUie
K 'rrey, and during her maiden davs
-!ie was well known in this place,
invinsr her liomn with Mrs. Espen-
hade who was her sister.
iietion nt Heck's Store every ev
; np at 7 o'clock. The following
.: of goods will be disposed of nt
' : -tion Sale. Footwear of every
iption for men, women, youths.
. ses S-'and children. The entifl,
rk must bo sold. Also a line ;
. :ri-.as sjoods, fancy goods, notions,
a c Everybody ome. Ladies espec
:..!' v invited
One of the brcrhest asperations of
: tterican citizen is to be comfort
1 ; . and well dressed, according to
urn-stance and occasion. The
i'.ce to buy clothing to snifc all cir
ustances and occasions for ererv
. , and Sunday is at Ferd Meyers'
:-!;ii:iioth clothing store on Bridge
--: i i Read advertisement in an-
t'-iL'i' ejlumn.
i : o Republican tariff paid abnun
' every acre of sugar pmdnvd
'. American soil, which stimulated
. ' Qe raised sugar, and suarr was
r. r so low in price, but how chang
i' l ince the democratic reform tariff
k:1 i-ked off the American bounty md
a tax on sagar and the resnli 5s.
has been raised a cent and r
i i!f a pound.
The Huntingdon Journal says:
!'i,f re are some men io this town,
ffould not accept work if they
'1 get it. They have families to
tort and rent to pay. In a great
y cases the wife takes in wash j
9 and with this pittance pays the
; and clothes the children. The
and goes out at night and steals
.i bis more industrious neighbor,
. u, potatoes, tomatoes and chick-
us. He steals his coal from the
tr and, therefore, lives almost as
; t" as a man who works six days
)' -f the week.
On Mondav ilia .... i
ordel 'or 900 cues of apples
'm4f. and promptly wt
About filling the orderf
During the hot weather impurities
m the blood may seriously annoy you.
Expel them by taking Hood's Sarsa
panlla, the great blood purifier.
The Bellwood Bulletin gays:
Eighty-Beven properties will come
under the Sheriffs hammer at Holli
daysborfT on Friday on in.:.
is sad iistressiog news. Several
ire froir. BeUwood and vicinity.
Parts of Kossuth and Hancock
counties in Iowa, were swept by a
storm last Friday. Twenty people
were killed by their own houses fall
ing on them. The number of injur
ed is much larger. The loss to prop
erty is over $1,00000.
William Dop, a colored preacher
was killed on the railroad on which
he was walking on the 18th inst., at
Granville, Mifflin county by second
section of Western Express. Five
dollars in money and a Bible were
found oa his person. His body was
t&kuu to Huntingdon for interment.
"Tbe Presbyterian Synod of Penn
sylvania, will meet in the First Pres
byterian church of Tyrone, October
18. About two hundred and fifty
ministers and elders will be present
as deleiratM from ila 5tn PrUoka.
ies of Pennsylvania and West Vir
ginia, which comprise the Synod,"
Abraham Lincoln's first speech
was made in 1832, when he was a
candidate forLegislature in Illinois,
and was as follows: "Geiit.linnn FVI
low citizens: I presume you all koow
wuo J. am. J. am Humble Abraham
Lincoln. I have been sviciied by
my friends to become a candidate
for the Legislature My politics are
short and sweet like an "old woman's
dance." I am in favor of a National
Bank. I am in favor v i the inter
national imr? -tment " em and a
high protec-'v iriff. xuese are my
sentiments au i political principles.
If elected I will be tliMiikfnl Tf
fvated it will be all the same."
YO? llflVA beflilttillA ili77inAaa
drowsiness, loss of appetit and oth- i
f l I : it. i I
ei j lupiouis ut uiiiouauess; noons
Sursaparilia will cure you.
Plot of Robbers Revealed-
G:-orge Rusk of Oiiental, Juniata
county, reveals a plot to rob farmer
John Jiaily of wh:eh the Sunday
daily writes as follove-:
For the past year the residents of
Shamokin dam and tbo farmers liv
ing back of it have been annoyed by
petty robberies. Smoke houses and
cellars were robbed of meats and
lard. Potatoes, grain and produce
mysteriously disappeared, and all tf-'
forts to track the thieves were fruit
The victims watched with guas
ana Jabs, but on such occasions the
thieves came not.
Tbe t.velation came several days
ago, and a member of the gang gave
the information to an intended vie
tim. On Thursday last George
Husk walked from Oriental, Juniata
con- -, to the frm of John Baily, a
ee of fifteen miles and told
. y of a plot to rob him. Rusk
had mailed Biily a letter, giving de
tails of the plot, but was afraid he
would not receive it in time and
came to see him personally. Satur
day night was the time fixed for the
attempt on B tiley. The aug was :
j . v. i. u nibu u . u uu sua
gng tbe family. If Baily would not
tell where his money was the thieves
intended to torture him with fire uu
til he would tell The story of Rusk
pnt an end to the plot Bailev is a
well-to-do farmer and lives near Fish
er's hcho:.I hous", about two milts
from biiamokio Dam.
Rn-fc a'so told of plots to rob the
stores of vr. M. Gross and E. R. Hot
tensteiD ut tbe Dim. The gang was
to congregate at the stores on tbe
evenings t be fixed and a member
was to hide in the cellar and allow
himself to be lacked in. When the
rest of the gang came later in the
night he was to unlock the door
from the inside.
Rusk Slid that one member of the
gang acted as huckster and took the
stolen stuff to Lewisburg and sold it.
He would not give the n-tmc of this
man. He gave the nam 's f four of
the gang: George Hossinger, Nor
man L'jng, U. G. Heiser and Hor
ace Kruinbine. All these men live
back of the dam and are employed
by farmers. Hossinger and Heiser
are married. Rubs said his courage
failed him when i' . -me to torture
of victims aii'! . ": reason determ
ined to mak confes-ii n. He
worked on the f:i.-m of Jere Hummel,
back of tbe Dam, all summer and
went to his home at Orient li about a
week ago. He was to return and
help the gang in the robberies at
Bai'ey's house and at tbe Gross and
Hotteiintein stores. After telling
bis remarkable story, he started to
Vidk back to Oriental.
Bailey did not tell the story at
once, l'u". when he did, it soon be
came the subject of gossip at the
Dam. Mauy little evidences that
confirm the story of Rusk have been
brought out in conversations over
the affair. Several of the men nam
ed have long been suspected, but no
proof could be brought to substan
tiate the suspicion. It is thought
that there are more men in the gang,
asd the names of five or six more are
greeted to be revealed. Tbe farm
ers and people will soon take som
action and will have the men arrest
ed. Rusk'p l itement to Baily was
voluutary, and will hive to be sworn
to before anything can be done.
Dr S D Diffenderfer, graduate of
thf. University of Maryland Dental
jartment, desires to inform the
irlic that be has opened a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills. Pa., where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
an teed.
Henae and Abroad-
It is the duty of everyone, whether
at home or travelling for pleasure or
business, to equip himself with the
remedy which will keep up strength
and prevent illness, and cure such
ills as are liable to come upon all in
e-ery day life. Hood's Pills are
hand m.xde. an 1 perfect in propor
tion and appearance. 25c per box.
Peawsylvaata atsUlrosui Ceaa-
iswc the
The last of the Pennsylvania Rail
road GomnanVa ttnra ix tlim OnntW
for the season will leave New York
and Philadelphia on September 29.
This tour DiaaM thrni,rh U mnat
beautiful sections of Pennsylvania,
Maryland and Virginia, particularly
fine at this time of the VMr da.na-1 ttta
. J
BDecifie nointji onvArtwl n
burg, Blue Mountain, Luray Caverns,
natural onage, tne urottoes or tbe
Shenandoah, and tb
w vua
mond and Washington.
The party will travel in special
train of parlor cars, provided exclu
sively for their use. and thn rata for
the entire round trip, covering a
penoa 01 ten days, and including all
traveling exnenaea. is SKfi frnm Nt,
York and $53 from Philadelphia.
'or itineraries containing com
plete information an In rnntui nruu.
ial train service. lAHntisa nntM
&o , apply tD or address Tourist
Agent, j it Kroadway. N. Y or
uroaa street station, Philadelphia.
What a Bt law la tact Arnsy.
The above comprehensive title is
the name given to a new book bv Dr.
Jesse Bowman Young, well known all
over Pennsylvania, bis native State,
as a brave and gallant soldier of the
war for the Union, as also a preach
er, lecturer, and writer of the high
est rank.
The story is one of fascinating in
terest. Among the many books
touching upon the events of the great
civil war. few that we have rea 1 are
so graphic in description, so com
piebensive and accurate in detail, so
varied in incident, and so elegantly
written ns is this book from the pen
of Dr. Young. To read it is to live
over again the scenes and incidents
of that tremendous struggle.
Dr. loung is ma-ter of a style as
vigorous as it is picturesque, and bis
descrip'ion of the battles, the sieges,
tne marcu. and indeed tne whole
paraphernalia of war gives him high
rank as a writer of war literature.
His descriptions of the battles of
Pittsburg Landing, Fort Donrlson,
Frederick-burg, Chaucellorsville, and,
above nl', Gettysburg, are worthy of
a place alongsido tbo "sea fight" and
"chariot race" in Ben Hur.
Every old soldier should h ive a
copy of this remarkable I wok, and ev
ery family should secure it, and,
above all, every boy who loves his
country and his country's flag, and
wants to learn of the sacrifices that
were endured in order to preserve
the integrity of the Union, should
not fail to read this book.
We invite the attention of onr
readers to the advertisement in an
other column.
Court convened at, 9 o'clock A. M.,
on Tuesday, the 18th day of Sep
tember. In the case of Netter Bros. vs.
Charles B. Wilson and J. S. Weiser.
Rule on defendant to show cause
why supplemental affidavit of defense
should not be filed. It was ordered
by the Court .that defendant file an
affidavit of defense to plaintiff's
amended settlement, fifteen days.
All the accounts of executors, ad
administrators and gnardians, filed
in the Register's Office and advertis
ed for confirmations were confirmed
by the court, there being no excep
tions. In the estate of Harvey McClure,
deceased, it was ordered that tbe
real estate of said decedent be sold.
In the estate of Hugh Hamilton,
deceased, inquest awarded to make
partition of said decedent's estate.
In the matter of partition of the
estate of Sarah Imes, late of Fayette
township, deceased, answer to rule
on heirs to accept or reject the real
estate at the appraisement filed, and
the real estate accepted by the fol
lowing heirs: Benjamin A. Imes, T.
C. Imes, Sarah A Imes and William
W. Imes at the following price.
Tract No. 1. at $2,350, and Tract No.
2., at S783 34.
In the estate of William Keach
deceased, return to ordajr of sale of
said decedent's real estate, filed.
Sai'd real estate having, been purchas
ed by J. B. Merideth, for tbe Bum of
Order for Interpleader in the mat
ter of Fi Fa No. 3 , September Term,
1894, G. W. Campbell vs. W. B.
Crouse, made and feigned issue or
dered to be framed.
In the matter of Overseers of Fer
managh vs. the Overseers of Milford,
motion to quash writ of mandamus
filed and answer of defendants filed.
Answer of First National Bank of
MifHintown to rule on it as plaintiff
in the case of the First National
Bank vs. Solomon Bardell and J. B.
Bardell to maintain or relinquish
claims to goods claimed by C. S.
li ce, filed.
In the estate of Rachel A. McDon
nell, deceased, order for sale of real
estate made.
Iu the matter of tbe sale of real
estate of Joseph Marx, deceased.
Sales vol firmed by the court.
In the estate of Mary McConnell.
Order for sale of real estate made.
In the matter of the estate of Paul
Cox. Auditor permitted to tile re
port during vacation.
In the matter of the divorce pro
ceedings between Tobias W. Auker
and -Wary A. Auker leave granted to
file nunc pro tunc an affidavit to peti
tion. Sworn to before a Justice of
tbe Peace.
Answer of Tobias W. Auker to
rule at instance of Mary A Auker for
alimony. Pending proceeding for
divorce, filed.
Answer of tbe Sheriff filed to rule
to show cause why he should not. re
pay commissions paid to J. H Neely,
Joseph O. Brown was appointed
guardian of minor child of Robert
Campbell, deceased. '
It. E. Atkinson, Esq , was appoint
ed Auditor to make appropriation of
balance in Sheriff s hands held on no
tice of claim for labor against Joseph
and J. K Oberholtzer.
W. P. Graham was granted leave
to mortgage real estate of minora,
Joseph V. Nourse and James R.
Nonrse for the purpose of complet
ing their education.
In the matter of the interpretation
of the will of Maria Johnson, dee'd.
Argument was had and the court
held the matter for consideration.
A Qooc Apppetite.
always accompanies good health, and
an absence of appetite is an indica
tion of something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to
its merit in reatorincr tha annatitp.
and as a purifier of the blood, con
stitutes tbe strongest recommenda
tion that can be urged by any medi
cine. HouTm PUU cure all liver ills, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick
headacbe. 25c.
mmn oavsi
CommeBCiDff, next Toesdmy, October 2;
continuing until Saturday Evening, Oe
toberStb. Thousands of Dollars of New
which were bought in New York
Land Phihv. at my latest visit there,
at Lowest Cash Prices, and will be
sold at specially Reduced Prices on
these Days.
Ladies and Children's Coats and
Wraps, Blankets, Carpet and Oil
Cloths and underwear. Everything
in our ii a 'ores, will be sold at spec
iallv Reduced Prices.
$4000.00 of Jlfeu's, Ladies' and
Children's Shoes at specially Reduc
ed Prices. Ladies' and Misses' Rub
bers for 25 cents a Pair.
Don't fail and Come. Don't forget Ibe
datra, next Tnrsrliy, Octobt-r 2, VVednrg-
dy. October 8, Thoracis?. Oc obr 4, Frl
j day, October 6, Satnrdty, October 6,
j Our Stores will be closed until
i evening on next Monday, Ocober 1,
i and on October 10th.
That Tired Feeling
is a dangerous C'-niiuon directly due
to deple ed or impure blood. It
should not. be allowed to continue, as
; iu its debility the sys'em is especial
ly liable to serious attacks of illness.
; Hood's Sursapxrilla is tbe remedy for
j such a condition, and also for that
weakness which prevails at the
change of season, climate or life.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from the best in
gredients. 25c.
Mr. Win. Banks, recently visited
in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Harry Kelly is visiting rela
tives in Newport.
Col. John J. Patterson uud wife,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Annie Hawk visited Miss
Cox in Newport lately
Rev. Augustus Fasick is visiting
his parents in this place.
Miss Carrie Adams of Philadelphia,
is visiting friends in town.
Ed. Rhom of Harrisburg, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Harry Doyle of Huntingdon, is
visiting his parents in Patterson.
JVrs J. E. Rush of Al toons is the
guest of her sister Mrs. James Robi
son. John Etka is building a kitchen to
Lis dwelling bouse on Washington
Mrs. Baashor and two daughters,
of Harrisburg, visited in Patterson
last week.
Miss Powers of Washington, D. C,
was the guest of Miss Cora McClcl-
lan last week.
Mrs. Matilda Brennan and danch
ter Jessie of Lewistown are visiting
in tno county.
Danitl Pannabaker visited his son
Cioyd, editor of the Coalport Stand
ard last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lesher of Al-
toona, are visiting Mrs. Lesher 's pa'
rents in tovn.
Messrs. Philo Banks, Andrew and
Leslie Allison, were at the Newport
ran on Dat ui day.
Mrs. G. L. Derr and daughter
Belle, recently visited Mrs. Derr's
mother in Reading.
Mis Eleanor C-tmnbell of Port
Royal, was the guest of .Miss Richel
Henderson on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer JfcCauley of
TT : I it - -i . . . .
uarnnuurg receuuy VISlieu Jlir. MC
Cauley s parents in town.
Misses Hall Jackman, Jtfaud Krei
der and Mary North, spent Satur
day at the Newport Fair.
Mr nn.l Mr MV. A aI "I ,. :
ton, Va., were the guests of Mr. and
ft TT T" 1 , .
virs. win. liange, last weeic
Epbriam Hertzler and wife of
n.ansas, iormeriy ot tois county is
visiting in .Mifflin and Juniata coun
ties. George Ehrenzeller bf Philadelphia,
is visiting his nephews, John F.,
Jerome and Christ Ehrenzelkr in
this county
Jfi8s Minnie Strayer of Patterson,
sold her monkey to Columbus Sarvis
of East Waterford, who is collecting
a menagerie.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin and
daughter Belle, have returned to
their home, after spending the sum
mt-r in Atlantic City.
G. H. Esterline and wife. Misses
Effie and Bessie Esterline and Victor
Crossen and James Owens of Gran
ville, visited friends in this county
fast weex.
MirruiTOwa, Sep 26. 1894.
fn'ter 18
8 boulder, ......
ft heat 60
Corn in ear.......... .... ...... 60
Oata 85
Rye 60
Clovemeed .... .... ..
Timotby seed S2.00
Flaxaoad 60
Bras 90
Cbop $1.20 a hnnlrwl
: Middlings . 1.10
Grouud Atom Salt.... .... .u3
ia fJt GTe to 76
"Ckixuloid" Collars and Cuffs
are nude by covering a linen collar or
cuff with "celluloid," thus making
them strong, durable and waterproof.
When soiled they can be cleaned by
simply wiping off with a wet cloth.
No other waterproof goods are made
with this interlining, consequently no
other goods can possibly give satisfac
tion. Do not forget that every piece
of the genuine is stamped as follows :
Insist upon goods so marked and re
fuse anything else if offered. If your
dealer does not keep them you can
procure a sample from ns direct by
enclosing amount and stating size and
' whether stand-up or turned-down col
lar is wanted. Collars 25c each. Cuus
50c pair.
The Celluloid Company,
427-429 Broadway, Hew York.
ing WAR BOOK, published. Charming
dencriptions of thrilling personal pxper
ionces Bv the Rev. J. B. Yiipkc, Editor
"Central Christian Jdeor.ate." 1 1 0 Origi
nal illustration bv Frank lieatd (the pic
tures are worth more Iban price or botik).
Low in price. Extraordinary inducement.
Eiclii-ivc territory. Don't Delav; days ar.i
AGENTS, worth dollars. Send 60 cents
WANTED, at once for outfit. Satis
taction guaranteed or money refunded.
II IT SIT & EATOSi ISO Fifth Ave., N V
Spring and Sum
mer Clothing.
We are closing
our Spring
Summer Clothing
We will carry none over. Now is the time
for Bargains.
We handle no bankrupt Stock. All our
Stock is new.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Emb aimer and Funer
al Director.
North Main Nt, Mifflin town, Pa
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lamps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney,
Ring Bone, S trifles, Spraines, all
Swollen Throats. Conchs. etc Save
$50 by use of one bottle. War
ranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist Mifflintown, Pa.
Nov. 23, "S3.
ffwaaaatlaeet ,
MaBM heeL frjlt SOc
Itch on bumaB, mange on horses
dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min
utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
h Co., Druggist, Mifflintown.
Nov. 22nd 1894.
(Gradnate or the Philadelphia Dental Col
lege.) formerly of Mifflinhnra:, Pa., has lo
cated permanently in Mifflintown, as suc
cessor to the lata Dr. G. L. Derr, and will
continue the dental business (established
by the latter in 1860) at tbe well known of
fice on Bridge street opposite Court House.
Jo Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used.
No Sore Gums or Discomfort to patient,
either dnnng extraction or afterward s.
All these are Guaranteed r co charge
will be made.
CE? All work guaranteed to give perfeet
satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Dentist.
gmrmmnfimininniiiiniiiiiiiiiltiinuiiiiltiniiiiini 9
i i
j frrow best when plan ted with Pmre 3
: none nave A ierunzer inai bi-
: ways brin?8 a crop always lm- 3"
! nrnvM th soil. Sold dirort to far- 3'
: in era 17.00 ver ton. No agents. 9
) York Chemical Works, York, Fa. a t
S j ' alt x tatjto 1 W X1 ! V a! i?
Has been selected with especial reference to tbe needs of this locality Tbe
extensive variety it affords in every line of goods inoludrng tbe pi -k of the
market in fresh fall and winter styles will probably surprise all who see it.
No less astonishing are the LOW PRICE3 put on everything. Owing to tbs
bard times we have t-- able to purchase prtds very mm h under
market valuo and have eu. - d the opportunity. Our stock is now in good
shape and is well assorted : the following lines.-
An immense variety in Cass
lmeres, Cheviots, Clays. Hone
spune.lDiagonals, Serges Twills,
Tweeds and Flannels. All the
new shapes of sacks, cutaways
and Prince Alberts Perfect fit
and best workmanship, guaran
teed Prices from So . 3 7 to 8 1 5 .
A grand showing of Over
coats of every description. All
the new f-tyles tor 181)4, rang
ing in price from S3 to$lo.
An odd pair of pants helps
out a man when he cannot af
ford a new suit. We have
just the line to please you, and
prices are even more pleasing.
The finest pair of pants in
A grand line of regular $4
and $5 pants
Most of our regular $1.50
and 2 pants can be had
FOR $1, $1 SO AHO 3 OO-
Exclusive hatters get a dol
lar more for same makes. The
line of Boys' hate presents
some c'i'.rt'ly good bargains.
Complete lines o; i: : .rv. Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Over-shirts, Cardi.
gan JacKets, Gloves, &c; at lowest prices in the county.
Trunk and i?atohel Department complete in every respect
A visit to onr More means money saved on every purchase.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1881)
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai
to give him a call if in need of Clothingf
o I
the met
W "Kr id TXT tv If ,
JL. JL Jffi iJL, S-aT !
IT TT1''
Money Loaned at Lowest Rates.
Hrwriaa-qttaUtlaaw amy nrt. actually
tntlaMlnm two boxes of any other brand. Not
SecUd by baa. trUBT TUECO LIKE.
Nursery Stock. Salary, P - fines and
Steady Employment (ruaranit-- .
Dec. 8, 91. Roche ' r-( N. T.
Tbe Sentinel mud Ktpniltm office is Ute
place to get jab work done. Try it. It will
pay yen if yon need anything in that line.
ZSoy's Cloth i n g.
New and neat styles and val
ues for the money not to be
equaled anywhere. You'll
save money by clothing your
children here. Knee-pants
suits, new fall styles, 4 to 14,
1 OO TO 9C.OO.
Charming Reefer Suite, 3 to
8, several shades and styles,
9 to $4 30.
Long pants suits, single and
double-breasteJ, 25 diiVorent
styles of material for boys 14
to 19
S3 TO 810 OO.
All tLe new and latest colorings in
silk, in tecks, 4. in band, bows and
string-lies 25 to 50 cents.
Laundered white shirts, refect fit
tine 74 cents o $1. I' r-dered
white 6birt, re'fo :5 irrr : Vi"'
37 cents. "n!
white shir's 5 -
Men's naiuial v sb r. or drawe: j
24c to $1 49. Camel's buir --rts or
drawrrs 49 t. f 2 00. ' 'Mrts
or drawers, 74 vl.50. TcUCj col
ored wool shh or draw j o'Jo to $2.
50. Fast black su"o ,i; umbrellas 49o
to 99o. Silk gloria umbrellas for
Ladiesor genta 75c to $2.49. Men's
double trxture macgintoshea $3.75 to
J ukiata r A ey
j Stock " "era InaiTiduallj Liable
OCR, President.
T. VAN 1RTTIN, Cmhiti
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothroak,
Jobn Hertzler, Josiah L. Barton,
Robert B. Parker, Lonii B. Atkinson
T. V. irwin.
. (TOCa-HOlBIRe, S
George A. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rortifock, P. W. Manbeck,'
L. E. Atklnsca, K. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomoroy, J. Holmes Irwin.
Mary Knrts, " Jerome N. Thompson, Jr,
Jobn Hertzler, T. V. Irwin.
CharlotteSnyder, Josiah L Burton,
Jobn H. Blair, Robert H. Patterson,
F. H. K. T.-oneII, Levi Light,
?amnel8. Rothick, Wm. Swartc.
Three and Fccr per cent, ir.'erest will be
paid tn certificates of deposit.
fjan 23, 1894 1
Euflsrim from the effects of youthful errors, rl7
. ' wsettneweakoeas. lost manhood, sea. I will
Taluabto trastieal sealed) eontainlnc fall
1 i an tor bona ran. FREE of charge. A
tx:r -A nodical work : should be read by evar
man wao la ncrroas and debilitated. -Addreas,
rroC F. C FvWIXK. Hooaaa. Cowav
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tbs Ecrms: Please Inform your readers
that 1 hare a poeitire reimedr flor tha aboTa-named
dianaaa. By Urn Umalj naa tbooaands of hopeless
Banna bare been permsnantly earad. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy FBKK to any ot
your rsaitiini who hare aoosomptioa tf they .will
sand ma their Kapreeaand P.O. srtrtrsas, Beepect
folly, T. A. BLOOUM. at. O., 1S1 Pearl St.. M. T.
.ri: " -