Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 19, 1894, Image 4

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. "
Bleen. Babv. sleoD I
purple curtain, of the night are eprea,
The, quiet stars are watching overhead ;
Through the closed casement, In these still)
There comes no wooing fragrance from tht
y ftow'rs-
nd all the merry birds are hushed to rest,
tyjwpjiaby Ilea within her own warm ncst-
Bleep, Baby, sleep.
$ jWalce, Baby, wake !
the JanTS" shining through the windo-'a,
sV&d Mother's eyes arebrlghterthan the stars
Out la the garden nod the roses tall,
And Mother's kiss is sweeter than them Sil ;
The birds are trilling from the boughs above,
A&4 Mother waits to sing her BOLg of love
f. Wake, Baby, wake !
dawn had be
m:n to filter
through the I
closed blimlf I
t.t the foot ol !
Lin lioH n,i
i l?J Z it " .
had just F t
tied hi in sol)
for a final snooze, when his night-bel.'
rang fvirionsly. The good doctor sprang
up and put his head out of the win
dow. "What is wanted?" he called.
"I.i that Doctor Banks?"
The voice was a clear treble, and he
SouM distinguish a female form in the
street below.
"Yep," he answered ; "what do yon
want ?"
"Oh! doelor," said the voice t rem
t:"-'i.sly ; "jiloisse come with me at onca
My lister is !yinp, I fear."
I'll lie ri.bt down," called the doe
jir, nnd, hnrrieilly dressinc' himself
bo iVKe-in..l nnd opened the loor.
"t.i:r.e in," lie said ; "I will be with
yo-.i ii:in:e;lintv'y."
Ar. hU visitor utepped into tun fuL
blii.i of t!io hall li;ht, the doctor saw
l;mt the vras vry beautiful. IKr fea
tur..'s, although pinched and pale, were
c!enr-cut and classic Her voica wat
lo'.v nnd well modulated, and, in Nj'ite
nf !n r apparent poverty, she had th'
i:r of n woumn oi' refinement.
The doctor was soon ready, nnd to
pf th'-r tin y left the house. Slie led
him by many turns, Ihronph narron
ttrt'ttf, until tli3 upened a door into n
lon', dark passage between two dwell
ings nnd passed in. The doctor fol
lowed her without hesitation. TYoii)
te passage they emerged into a court
ij! three sides ol which lneeil BFncs
of dismal nnd dirty tenements. infc
:i of those hi.s conductress led him
r!;d up tome rickety ttairs. On the
f.j-.;iih landing he opened a door end
entered an apartment. In a moment
they stood beside a pallet on which lav
a woman. The invalid stirred, and
turning her wan face to them asked
"ILivo you brought the doctor,
Alice V
"Yes, dearest," and turning to him
"Dr. Bank.", this is my sister, Miss
The change his name made on the
sick woman was electric. From utter
listlessness sha was aroused t the in
tensest excitement. A deep flush over
spread her face, aud her eyes sp:ir';ied
like coals as she raised herself upon her
iliow- aud gnzed into his face.
"It is not him," she muttered ; "yu
yes there is a likeness!"
fSh- paused, nnd abruptly addrossins,
the doctor said: "Hud you ever u
brother, Dr. Banks?"'
Her voice was clear and resonant, it
marked contrast to her previous m tit
terings. The doctor answered flov. iy
and deliberately :
"Yes, madam."
"And his name was Henry?"
"Where is he now?"
A dark shndo passed over his fiice.
'I do not know," he 6aid ; "I hnvt
not heard from him for three yenrs.
The lust word I had was a letter he
wrote me from California, tailing ol
his engagement to a Sun I'ratieiseo girl
a psragon of beauty and goodness."
"That inr:igon is before yo;i or,
rather, the w reck your faithless brother
has left of her."
The doctor caught his breath. "Mis
Carnold," ho said, "this is a terrible
surprise to me ! But, come now, your
sister shsll tell mo ull. Meanwhile,
you must not excite yourself, but must
obey mv directiousstrietlv, if vou wis!
to get well."
The doctor found that hex's w.is n.
organic trouble, but rather a general
exhaustion of nature's powers, arising
from worry and insufficient food. Jle
gave her a qnieting potion, and she'
fell into a gentle slumber. Ho then'
asked Miss Alice to ive him an ac
count of how the trouble with hi
brother had happened.
In answer she related that her sister
had met Henry Banks at a reception.
He was voting and handsome nnd hac
won her heart. Her father gave hit
consent to their marriage, end th
day was set. Then followed Mr. C'ar
nold's death, and the full from wealth
to poverty. He left nothing but hit
debts. But the climax of their trou
bles eamo when Jlenry Ban!."; disap
peared, leaving a letter for his li;i:u-e
ttatiug that he had decided to starl
anew elsewhere aXui Mie would ucvel
seo him again. The two women then
worked their way to Xew York, hop
ing to meet friends of their father who
once lived there, but only to find them
dead. They had then rented then
present apartments, and eked out a
scanty living by taking iu sewing.
I nder the severe strain Mary's health
gave way, nnd she was prostrated.
The younger sister, on her way for t
uhvsiciati, had been attracted by lr.
IlaTik's sign and had sought his r.M.
When she had finished her recital, the
dor-tor wnssilent for a time
'lia Carnold," lie said at last,
"theso 8urronnding3 are not congenial
to you. ?sow I have a proposition to
make which I beg yon will accept in
the same spirit that it is offered. The
second floor of my hou' - is vacant, and
I want you to occupy it. When your
sister is well enough to remove we will
take her there, and you shall be niori
Alice's only answer we.s to burst into
tears. The tender-hearted doctor sat
down beside her and took her hand.
"Won't yon consider me your friend,
iliss Carnold," he said carnefctlr, "an
v;cejt (his offer?"
She raised her lovely tear-stained
face aud their eyes met.
"Ir. Banks," she exclaimed, "you"
kindness quite overpowers me. Ferhaps
I ought to doubt you and spurn your
proposal, but I am going to accept, for
it seems to me that Providence has sent
you to us."
' "I trust that I shall prove a trut
emissary of Providence," he answered.
Two weeks passed. The invalid,
thanks to her improved circumstances
and the doctor's care, was so much im
proved os to be able to sit tip. The
doctor spent his evenings with the
ladies when not professionally engaged,
tB'l charming' '"mpaiOM ' hi '' fott"1
hem. ' One eveningrMle tEcywSrJ
engaged in an animated conversation;
v j .n j
tim8elf to went below. . As be opened
the door a tall fine-looking man steppe
into the lialL He stood there a m
Hent, and then said in a low voice :
., "James!"
. ' Harry ! " exclaimed the other, spring
ing forward and dragging him into tht
light. "It is yon, my dear boy 1 When
have yon been these three years ? Coat
n and get warmed np."
When they were seated before tlv
elicerfnl grata fire, James said :
"Hal, tell me : why did you deser
i"""" " " "4
. ?V0?8J ld J011
- : l l. 3 i'
is a strange one, and but for the most
substantial proofs I could never con
vince you of its veracity. But how dii
you hear of this?"
"From your fiancee. The Missel
Carnold are living upstairs in the ut
most poverty."
rev - 1 1 L - l.- . i 4"fct.
Jet me go to her ! he cried. "Do no'
detain me .
"Ao ; vou must wait, said his broth -
. ,.T, , i i -,t , a
?r nnietlv. "It would kill her to see
1 t -ii
vou suddenlv in her weak state. 1 will
, ; .- t i .
Pr,i;lmre r tl,a meetlnZ- But
! a- a "rz Vi t.J : a i a
wrote to Miss Carnold, saying that yoo
had decided to start anew, and thatdw
never see
sounds like desertion, doesn't it?"
Hal uttered an exclamation of sur
prise. "It was a forgery 1" he cried
indignantly ; "I never wrote such I
letter. As I intimated to you, mine it
a strange story, and this I suppose ii
ut another chapter.
"Mr. Carnold, Mary's father, the
day before he died, intrusted to mj
care a mortgage which he held on i
gold-mine claim in Southern California
and which he had intended to foreclose
in 4 1 . t-.io n-Ji fL-u T f Ti'l 1.T1 Oil niA talc
nnevfidnn rtf t.b claim nnd nin it fi
his daughters' benefit, as this would b
their sole support. I consented, and
as Boon as I lift him placed the preciou
document in a safe-deposit vault.
"Mr. Carnold died the next day, ana
in the confusion and sorrow I forgot
to mention the mortgage to the girls.
That evening, sitting in my room, 1
fell asleep. I woke to find myself se
curely bound and gagged. To mak
a long story short, I was carried to i
cab, conveyed a long way from the citj
to a lonely spot, and there kept pris
oner, being guarded day and night b;
:wo of my four armed attendants.
"After two years of this sort of life,
I succeeded in making my escape whili
my guards were in a drunken stupe)
after a day of debauch. I reached Sai
Francisco in safety, foreclosed tht
mortgage, ana caused the arrest ol all
concerned in my detention. Theii
eases come up in the November term.
Ibe mine was now the property of tht
girls, but no trace of them could I find;
they had disappeared. I then came 01
and sought you. Like a fairy story
isn't it?"
"It certainly is, my dear Hal," an
swered .Tames, when his brother hac
finished tha recital of his adventures
"I will run up now and break the goo
lews to Mary and Alice."
"A tiresome patient," he said as h
rn tered the room. "But I have leorneii
through him that my brother Henry ii
well, and, what will be good news tt
you, that
' he has been totally blamelesr
atterof his supposed aeeer
in 1 h Tittor r his Kiirmospi
, , . I
iietnen re atea his urotuer s story,
being careful to conceal the fact that
the mortgage interested them in au;
And so your brother is a rich minei
now?" said Mary. "Ihope, Dr. Banks,
you will do all m your power to kee;
us apart.
"I will do nothing of the sort, Mis.
Carnold, lie is anxious to see you,
"But do yon not see that we are mis
erably poor and he is a wealthy man?
he said sadly.
"Snppose I tell you he
swered, that you re both rich,
Suppose I tell you that
mortgage was lelt by your latuel
in my brother s care lor your ma
ttnnnce, ana timi, me guia-mino i
, i
'vo,lrs- i
The two women sprang up with ex-
clamations of surprise ; but the imper.
turbable doctor said to Mary, us h
gently forced her back into her seatj
"Come now, Miss Carnold, I eye
must exercise my authority. You must
not excite yourself; yon are still yeii
weak. Besides well, there's anothet
patient, he added, interrupting hiir. '
self, as the bell rang vigorously. AJ
he left the room, he said mysteriously)
"If the patient proves to be. a frient
"'".aTu.rttim. therehwere Vootstep, !
on the stairs a knock a crv and
the 1' -g separated lovers were clasped
iu each other's arms.
"What a joyous reunion !" said Tt.
Banks, as he and Alice Carnold set
apart watching the happy pair. "But
do you realize that it means a separa
tion to ns, unless unless you wish to
avoid it ?"
The beautiful head drooped to hide
her blushes, but she did not answer.
"Alice, darling," he continued, pas
sionately, "when first I saw those
lovely, imploring eyes of yours, I loved
you. Xow you are a rich woman, and
I only a poor doctor "
"Hush! denr,"she said, interrupting
him; "I am rich, indeed, with such n
Ir.'.'C jours. T'.ke me, unworthy as
lam; for you are my life." Xew
T.'ork Storiettes.
fTot for Kothlno
"Josiar," said Farmer Corntosel'a
wife, "the roof's leakin agin." "Is
it? Well, I'll Investigate it ter tiior
row." "Josiar and she spok ? with
a something like asperity which was
not usual with her I don't read the
newsj apers for not hin'. Whut thet
roof wants ain't investigation. It
waDts 'tendin' to." Washington
'Darling," he murmured, "I would
be ready to die for you." iShe raised
her eyes and smiled. "Then "
It was obvious that she was deeply
affected. " you, too, have noticed
that black becomes me." The evi
dence of unselUsh affection on h's
parr quite overcame her. Detroit
Blotner's Darling.
Suburban Boy Mamma asked me
what was my favorite tower, an'
we'n 1 told her golden rod she kissed
me and said I was poetic. Wot does
that mean? Little Girl I don't
know. Why do you like ihe golden
rod? Suburban Boy 'Cause it grows
without any bother. Good News.
, A Muter at Dialect.
Critic You seem to be getting
ahead splendidly with your works of
nctton. Author Getting ahead? I
should say so! Why, the last maga
zine that bought one of my dialect
stories bad to send out for an extra
supply of punctuation marks before
It could print It.
wouiti never txa you bxuiii. lUMai; i . r 1 j
to wbuxx silx and wool
uttl.m. i. nVi
Wash and dry either texture in the
usual way, or rather bang to dry ; take
it down and fold smooth while it if
still moderately damp.
Next get two tight barrels) of good
size, each with a single head; which
ihould be bored full of big augur holes.
In the open end of one hang the gar
ments to be bleached, spreading them
u onen as nossible: then cover thi
I mouth of the bowl with a thick cloth.
K-0w turn the other barrel open end
Jown over pair of braziers whicb
fon have set fire to a pound of sulphur,
previously wet with alcohol, and
placed either upon earth, a brick
if srth, or set in a large pan of water.
Set the barrel of clothes upon the
lulphur barrel. Sei that the covering
?loth is lanit, then leave it undisturbed
for at least three hours. The clothes
sill come out beautifully white, but
reqnire f bt twQ rweAa alr
I in to rid them of the sulphur smell.
, 2ii- i. vi .1 j j v
fctraw hats can be bleached in the
- . - , , ,
'eway nrst removing the band and
i manning ana washing tnem clean
with a stiff brush. Sift a little meal
j t,arrej takin care' that the brim is
, fc t mooth t,,d JeTeL Aftef . ig
Dver a block, keeping a damp towel be
tween iron and seam. Chicago
Washing-day is too full of hard
irork and vexation to take any risks of
having to do any portion of the work
aver, and the housekeeper who looks
(veil to the accessories to such labor
m n v un ninnv tn uinimtiM Ant &
I j J j
'rrreat deal of weariness, beside con-
! siderable time.
Among the unnecessaries of such
jeeasions is '.h pnt-h'n-j nnd piceir.??
otit of clothes-liues, the work of rui
bing them with wet rags and the not
anusual occurrence of a bad break,
when the entire contents of the line
may have to be rinsed again, even if it
not necessary to give them a thorough
vashing to remove spots and stains.
Clothes-lines should be carefully
;aken down as soon as the clothes are
dry. In doing this do not drag them
on the ground or pull them over the
dusty walks or porches, for they are
liable to be damp and will catch any
particles of dirt that they come in con
tact with. This necessitates a thorough
cleaning when they must be used again,
or the risk of making spots on the
clothes. Tie the line up iu a close bale
and put it in a bag kept expressly for
"Jiis purpose.
Some people leave the lines out from
week to week, and, as a consequence,
have to clean them and take the
chances of having streaks and soils on
the clean clothes, or, worse than this,
find them parted in some weak spot
and the wash spattered and dragging
in the mud. The few minutes' work
uecessnry to take down and put away
all lines is time well sjient.- Xew York
Tripe is such a nutritions food and
ajrrees so well with dyspeptics and
fevcrl,?tieDts1tl,nt1 U " " I'J " fef
Pcorle know huW to prepare and coo
In the country it is almost impossi-
;e t(J t lri ,t tIie butcherV, and
the canned article may be tripe iv
lame but not in flavor.
Tt ia rr nut drTinrfl riiiA r.t
' .i . ;' ,,;,. ,,i,r ;i'
I (re thfm v the eltra work
The metUoa Kse(1 in our familv js B
Ipasv and good that country people and
jU ' rsons that fcill tUeir own beef
iurmia give it a trial,
Fmpty the tripe of its contents as
(oon ug ropsiWe after the animal is
kuleJ AVash H well aml Uy it in CfJij
water to Foak. ltunning water is n.c-
pst but a large tub wiU do very well.
Let it SOili-a)1 rtv or over night, and
it is well to change the water once or
twice. After soaking, nrenare a kettle
, 1 . . i i i , Annim)(piitpil
i-., f.,.f. ,i, ri., in nieces of aniiit.
. - i --- i
lle size for easv handling. Have rer.dv
a tnl, hnif fnfi of cJid vater and a
smootU board or washboard. When
the Ive is boiling hot drop in pieces of
the tripe, let them boil a few minutes,
then t!tke thom ont( lny them on tba
,,OBri1 an1 with a sbarp knife
thcm well The brown lining will slip
oJT easily leaving the tripe clean and
v,JlHe Wissh V(.n and jay in mlt
wott,r over uiht tr for a day or
xad it is rea(lv for se-
XLe tril,e mnst first bo boilc1 until
to PicWo
or use in any way one
Detroit Free Tress.
Citron Cake Four eggs, beaten sep
arately. Three cups of sugar. One
cup of butter, one-half cup of sweet
milk, three cups of flour, twoteaspoons
f ul of baking powder, one-half pound
of citron, chopped and rolled in flour.
Bake in long, narrow pans.
Apple Omelette Stew eight largv
apples very soft, mash them fine and
season with a cup of sugar, a table
spoonful of butter, and nutmeg or cin
namon to emit the taste. When the
apples :;re col 1 add four well-beaten
c;.'s. Bake slowly for twenty minutes
anil eat while arm.
' Afraid or Thirteen.
Dick Singleton I congratulate
j-ou. my boy. I hear that It's twin?
this time. Hew did that happen?
Mr. Mu' hbleso Well, you see. we
had twelve already and my wife is
re.:r:uily superstitious. Xew York
1 t.oHe Dark Trotuer
"You don't appear to be puttln'on
no frilis," reraarke 1 Mr. Halcede to
bis city nephew, '-but 1 must say
that them there things you got on
jour legs would look a heap natural
ler if you did." Indianapolis Jour
At the KevlTak
The Deacon (to the cowboy who
has just dropped in to see what a re
vival was like) Young man, have
vou made your peace with your Crea
tor.'' The Cowboy I ain't never h-:d
uo trouble with him. Life
He Cndemtood.
Teacher The race is not always to
the swift. Do you understand th
Inner meaning of that? Bright Boi
Sometimes the bead feller's tiro
zets punctured Good News.
A Sbarp rrartlce.
This is what might be termed a
tit of sbarp practice," murmured the
barber's apprentice as be started in
an bis task of learning to bone a ra
tor. Buffalo Courier.
Ills Mis ake.
A .n:tm often thinks that a girl
"by any other name would be as
sweet" but he finds but bis mistake
after be gives her his own. Brooklyn
1 ttlTV .rDTVf,
tin mxKtat
nwru a warn
i Tfce VarrikU Kxporte.ee l a Well Kaswa
OAtelml-s Wlfe-A Starr That ap-
Hili ta Every Blether la the
from fh Chattanooga, Tenn., Prtit.
Ho county official In East Tennessee IS
better known and more highly esteemed than
Ur. J. C. Wilson, Clroult Court Clerk of
Bhea County, at Dayton, the home of Mr,
Wilson. Be enjoys the confidence and re
ipeet of all classes, and In the business com
munity his word is as good as his bond. Just
Bow Mr. Wilson Is receiving heartiest con
gratulations from his numerous friends be
sause of the res'oration to robust health ol
his estimable wife, who has for rears been a
helpless Invalid. Mrs. Wilson's high Stan 1-
Ing in society, and her many lovable traits
of character have won her a host of friends,
and her wonderful recovery has attracted
widespread atteation.
As tbe Press was the medium of bringing
to the Invalid lady's attention the remedy
that has effected her remarkable cure, a re
porter was sent to Dayton to interview Mrs.
Wilson, In order that the general public
might have the benefit of the sufferer's ex
perience and be made aware of tbe treatment
that wrought such a marvelous change in
her condition. The reporter was welcomed
at the Wilson home, and the enthusiastic
lady with becoming reluctance gave the his
tory of her affliction and the manner in
which she was rolieved :
"Yes," said Mrs. Wilson, "I was for D
years an invalid with one of the most dis
tressing afflictions woman can suffer. For 8
years I moped around, dragging myseli witii
difficulty and pain out of bml. Sly liitle
ones went untrained and were greatly m-c-leoted.
while I looked listlessly and he!i
lessly at the cheerless prospect bt fore mil
and them. I suffered t he most intense pains
In the small of my back, an i these seemed
even prealer in tbe region of the stomach,
extending down to the groins. I suffered
agony sleeping or awake. Despair Is no
word for the feeling caused by that dreadful
sensation of weakness and helplessness 1
constantly experienced.
"I was treated lor my trouble by several
local physicians, but they were able to giv
mo only temporal y relief by the nse of se.la
tiv and narcotics. 1 had almost given up
ull hope of ever securing permanent relict
when I saw an account in the Press of a cur
which Dr. Williams Pink Pills bad effected.
I decided to try them, as I knew the lady
who had been cure 1 and had great con II
dence in ber statement. I began to tak
the pills in October, 18'J3, and In two motulil
I was doing light housework and attenlin:i
to the children without any bad effects oi
weakness, such as I bad formerly experi
enced. Hitherto, I hail been unable to re
tain any food, but now my appetite gre4
stronger, and with it came back that ol.t,
healthy and hearty tone ol the stomach. Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills cured me, and I as.su rl
you thecuro has brought a great change U
our home. I can now rejoice in my hus
band's success, fori feel that I have soui
thing to live lor. Who has a better righ'
1 to levl this than a mother? Ono thing more.
1 1 have recommended these pills to others,
ana many or me women ot iiaytou tiavt
taken them with good results, and it is mj
greatest pleasure to recommend to everj
suffering woman a remedy that has done s
much for me."
An analysis proves that Dr. Williams
Fink Pills lor Pale People contain in a con
densed form all tbe elements necessary la
(ive new life and richness to tbe bloo 1 and
restore shattered nerves. They are au uu-
laiung s peel no tor such diseases as locomo
tor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance,
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
headache, the after effects of la grippe, pal
pitation ot tho heart, pale and sallow com
plexions, that tired feeling resulting from
nervous prostration ; all disens resu'tina
from vitiated humors in the bloo J, such as
scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They nr
also a specific for troubles peculiar to fe
males, such as suppressions, irregularities,
and all forms ot weakness. In men tln-j
effect a radical euro in all cases arising fron
mental worry, overwork, or excesses o.
whatever nature.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale reonU
are now manufactured by the Dr. Wilfia-::-
Medicine Company, Scheuecta iy, X. Y..
and are sold in boxes (never in loose forir
by the dozen or hundred, and tbe publk
are cautioned against numerous imitation!
said in this shape) at SO oents a box, or sis
boxes for $2.50, and may be bad of all drug
gists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams
Medicine Company.
Catchiar. Turtle.
A curious moil of citolnag turtle U
pract'c2l in the West Indies. It cou
lists in attaching a ring and a line to the
tail of a species of sucier iia kuoiva as
the remor. The tire fish is then thrown
overboard, and imnedUtely makes far
tlje first turtle he can spy, to which he
attaches himself very firmly by msans of
a sucking apparatus arranged at the ton
of his head. Once attached to the
turtle, so firm is his grip that the fh'uer
miia on drawing tbe line brings horn;
both turtle and the sucker. Xew Ytr
For Baldness.
An English physician named Mo po
ther has been making researches into the
influence of certain kinds of food on
baldoess. Two of the forms of food, he
asserts, that nearly everyone takes every
day, beef and milk, have, by their chem
ical composition, the effect of annihi
lating the primordial elements of the
hair and withering the roots. Doctor
Mopotber thinks that different albumin
oid food and starchy substances, partic
larly dark colored oats, which contain
twenty-two per cent, of silica, have a
powerful effect in making the hair grow.
The races of men that have the finest
hair are usually those living on starchy
substances and vegetables. Detroit
Free Press.
Beware ar nsatmeata Mr Catarrh Thst
t'ealala Hercarv.
as mercury will surely destroy the nans ol
smell and completely derange tbe whole systen
when entering it through the macnus surface!
Such articles should never be used except oi
Sresoriptions from reputable physician, as th
amafre they will do is ten fold totheirood v
can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarn
Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, aud Is take:
Internally, acting directly upon the blood an'
mucotMeuriaoes) of the system. In buyin
Hall's Cat irrh Cure be sure to get the genuine
it is taken internally, and is made in Toledc
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials fret
tVSold br Druimiats. iirice 7Bc. per bottle.
The robbery of graves is the onl'
crime under Chinese law for which tht
thief may be justly killed on the spot
by anyone finding him out.
Walter Baker Co., of Dorchester, Masa
Ihe lareest manufacturers of Dure, hiirh irrade.
non-cheniically treated Cocoas and Chocolates
n this coutinent. have lust carried off tha
highest honors at the Midwinter Fair In San
Francisco. The printed rules governing the
fudges at the Fair, st-tte that "One hundred
points entitles the exhibit to a special award,
or Diploma of Honor. The scale, however, is
placed so high, they say that it will he attain. '
d only in most exceptional cases.' " All oi
Waiter Baker A Cn.'s pond received one hundred
CnU, entitling Oiem to the special auurd stated
Uie tides.
A fish with a bead and body resem
bling that of an alligator was recently
japtured off Fort White, Fla. It
weighed 1 pounds.
Dr. Kilmer's Bvur-Booi cures
all Kidney and Bladder trouble,
Pamphlet and Consul Cation free
Laboratory Bl&zhamtoa. N. T.
The Suez Canal is only eighty-eighl
miles loner, but it reduced the distance
from England to India, by sea, nearly
1000 miles.
Ar Yost HcTTOva,
Are yon all tired out, do yon have that tired feel
Ing or sick headache? You can be relieved of aL
thtse symptoms by taking; Hood's Saraaparilla
vhlch (Ives nerve and bodily strength,
Hood's Pills are easy In action.
A Long Island woman found a pear
one and a half inches in diameter in
clam shell recently.
Karl's Clover Root, the great blood purlfler,
gives freshness and clearness to the complexion
and cures constipation 2S cts. 60 cti. U.
Tbe heaviest cyclist in thn world if
said to be Dr. Meldon of Dublin, who
weighs S78 pounds.
It's Hood's that Gures
The combination, proportion and process toy
which Hood's SanaparUla is prepared are pe
culiar to ltaelt Its record of cores Is unequalled.
Its sales arc th largest In the world. The test!-
monials received by Its -fXCT
proprietors by tbe hun- M UTC
dred, telling the atory
that Hood's SanaparUla
Cures are unparalleled in the history of medi
cine, and they are solid facts.
Hoo4a PUla cure Constipation. Indigestion.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever.
Removes Tan.
Frwklw, P I m
plm. Moth Patch
ttt.Itafth and Skin
i 1 h e a ii e n. and
?vfry blemish on
ttrautr and delicti
detM tloo. On its
virtues It ban
stood the test ft
43 years; no other
has, and to ko
harmless we tasto
It to dp sura tt 1
properly made.
Accept no count
erfeit of similar
, ras name, i ne uis-
tinxuirihed Ur. I
A. Sayre mid to a lady of the haut-um (a patient):
"A you ladies will use them, J rccuntmeml
'GourauU's Cream' as the least harmut of all
the skin preparations."
One bottle will last six months, using it every day.
Alno PoudreHubttle removes superfluous hair with
out Injury to the skin.
EKI) T. H PK I NS.Pmn. ,37 Great Jones Rt.N.Y.
For wile by al ; brustrlnts and Fancy Uoods Deak-rd
throughout the V. IS. L'anadas, and Kurope.
-)Sewareof liuse Imitations. luw Keward for
arnataud proof of any one sellins the same.
Pat. AWL 11, 1393, akb Ja. 30, 1KH.
Mads of can
vas and aU
vanlzed Iron.
through Into tba
basin, irrniiuaiiy
fillins It ntMiiit ono
Inch, directly untler
the horse's 'mmith.
This Bap prevents
m tt&tc, Frnian1i
lnjr, tlobberlnir.
brent h in jr In tfi
oats, uuver ffcta
Two Uses, oa
Inalda el th
other, with
pace between
quarts of oats.
tnem tor eigne
which orup
131. OO.
fonl, and posltlvel--
cores tbe habit
tnrowing in lirao.
F.mr quart. oCcuiti ilowlr fcl where tli horsa jcti
thm All I. of more value Ilian six wn.teil.
Wat ctuarantee It the only bac ever offered for aala
witti !ltee merits. Send for circulars.
One of the I-OTRttst and Best Omb
IKMX.l published. Mailed In exchange
for SO Lrge Lion heads cut from Lion
Coffee, wrnpiiers. and a 2-oent atanip.
Write for list of our otber fine I're
tniums wontoa Jnci Co..
a llurua it., Tui.r.iio, uuio-
M Pieces Finest Anti'ine carved Oak Suits ft
S.'l.J.'M or
lll'iviHxttt K1!.0!, Inrlwllng 1 H2ilten.l. 1
VKlitaiicl 1 Bureau, 4 Cliaira, 1 Km ker, 1 llouinl
Ilu-k Muttrt-ss, 1 Woven Wire Spring, i Chicteu
l'lllows 1 ilolster, 1 Parlor Table.
Finest anil bei-t line of Mattresses, Spring,
Tnbli-s, lee Uoxei, l'arlor Salts, Couches, Side
Hoards, Kte.
i'heupest and le-t line of Good ever offered.
(iiwhls shipped all over the countrv.
No. lL'JIt It I IK; 1Z AVE.,
ltet. Green and Spring Harden Streets, 1'liUa
WP HA VP alimitel
number of verv fine
v,a a.ia.a,
steel ellirrnveil ennlea fif ilceuii
Pteamshi. especially suitable for adornnient
of ollice walls, lliese engravings are of the
linest character mi l workmanship. In size
Kx-U'si Inches, copy of which we will take
pleasure in forwarding you upon receipt of ;)
cents to defray the express charge.
F. Missler & Krimmcrt,
llankers and Steamship Agents,
KMt West St., Central Building, New York
6 IAAA """'n '
bfMldM other TuInaMe
to good guesserB. Bn nr-
trrst. rm f r h amn.
2INE. Price, 25 oen U. Fample 31 atulne ran s
srn and full tjartlcu'ars obtained at this nflire. AU
aWewileatera, or 53 East l)th Street, Nr York C.ty.
lfWUk fttlckrrs, your name ami address, only 1
IWv i hk U euali. No. 147 A, Lura St., I'iiiJo. I'u.
ConnaitlTn ana people
who have weaklQDfrsor Astb
ma, should ose Fiso'a Cora for
Consamptlon. H tma car4
(honwa4sb ft baa not Injur
ed one. It ts not bad to take.
It it the best cough lyrup.
Bold everrwaere. S5c
The large leas, measuring twenty-eight
Inches in diameter, for the Greenwich
(England) Observatory, is completed and
the other parts are said to be well ad
anced. Tbe new sky navigator when
completely set up will have a length of
thirty feet.
What is said to be the largest gas
holder in the world has just been com
pleted for the gas company of East Green
wicb, England. It is 300 feet in diam
eter, and when fully inflated is ISO feet
high. The floating vessel of the holder
weighs 1300 tons, and the capacity of
the arrangement is 12,000,000 cubio
The new leather "membranoid," or
'boucle," is somewhat puzzling to those
who are not in the secret of its origin.
It is neither more nor less than tripe,
tanned by a new process and prepared
for use in about ten days. It is said to
be the lightest leather known and as pli
able as cotton cloth. It is made in tea
colors and can be used for pocket-books,
albums, millinery, dress trimmings and
slippers. Tho leather looks like crash
toweling and the honeycomb portion of
cross-bar pattern is most ornamental.
. A Cass avenue man, with a wife wht
tag her own ways about doing things,
satches her now and then.
"ily dear," he said the other morn
ing, as he was dressing, 'I think yon
were right when you told me last nigh
there were burglars in the house."
"Why?" she asked nervously.
"Because all the money that wag ia
my pockets when I went to bed is
"Well," she said, with an I-told-yo
so air, "if you had been brave and got
up and sfcot the wretch you would hava
iad your money this morning."
'ToB6ibly, tar dear. Bossiblv" h
said gingerly, "but I would have been
She laughed softly then and gavb
ttalf of it back to him. -Detroit Free
An TJafortunate. I
"Is Ethel goldg to the seashore
this summer-'" "Vn whst'a. th
So A fel
m m
Terrific Cog
use? Nobody would believe she had Paten ioJ thu car was signed by Preai
beeu away. She doesn't tan or fnt Andrew Tackson. The car had
freckle a lit" Washington Star. . three compartments of ten seats each,
1 tne doors being on the sides. It also
Odwellllve g, JJSV --!w York Tri-
Olsaaad from Tsrk
eaa Booreas
sathlBfj to Bawd Whlcfe
Will Mate 4ayho7 BlV Wall-Battel
Than Msdlrlnr IThaa Takaa Bf or Bav
4 '
A Narrow Eaeap.
Dashaway Ah. General, Just got
bp ck from your yacht cruise la the
Mediterranean? The General Yea,
air AnAoA ramft near losing our
lires, sir. Dashaway Got caught In
a sale? The General Ko. sir; worse
than that sir. Dashaway Didn't
cot. nhnrn nr run on a rock, did you.
Tho nomral Nn. air: wo ran out of
whisky. Life.
Be Felt Flattered.
Willie Wibblea had been talking
about a jest he once made until the
vntint? unman herame weary. 1
couldn't heln thinking It was far
fetched." she remarked. "Ob, y-a-a-a,
indeed." replied Willie, delightedly
'Genuine imported ahticle, you
know. 1 wead It In punch. Wash
Southern Dialect titorlea.
Mm Peastraw Land sates, Mrs.
Oatcake! What do you mean by
talking such gibberish? Mrs. Oat
cake We-uns is goln' ten keep
bonders dis summeh an we-uns waDts
tPh have a dialeck ten please un
with. I larned mine frum them air
luaifBTzine stones. I did. Harpert
A Settled Calm.
It is-eoing to be pretty tough
sleddinir for me the next few months.
1 owe so much that it is going to
take every cent I can make to pay
out." "That Is where I have the
best of j. I have auit worrying. I
owe so much that I have given up all
idea of paying out." Indianapolis
Hot Exacting
Yountr Munney Ah! fair one, be
mine; I will give up wealth, fame,
position, yea, even family for you.
Miss Pretty Shopgurl Well, Henry,
if vou still Insist 1 suppose I must
say yes; but I won't be bard upon
you, dear; you need give up only the
latter. Boston Courier.
v In Embryo.
i "Huh!" exclaimed the first little
girl, after she bad heard the story of
ihe fall of man. "the serpent
couldn't tempt me with an apple. I
don't like apples." "But." argued the
second girl, "s'pose somebody told you
not to eat apples. Detroit Tribune.
Easy to Explain Them.
"1 just i an't understand our yacht
gettin beat Ly .iLeui Uritish." said
the patriotic man. "Ef it was old
man Gould hisseJf that owned her it
would be asy enouirb. Everybody
would know that be was long on
Britannia stock." Exchange
To lie l'roven False.
"Well," said the man who tries to
be philosophical, there's always
room at the top, you know." '-I've
heard so. But if the weather keep
up, I'm looking for the thermometer
to furnish proof to the contrary."
Washington Star.
Its Properties.
She (nestling up to him) I know
we are poor, papa, but Charlie says
that love will make a way. Her
Father (grimly) Yes, yes. It has
made away with about eight tons of
coal and $50 worth of gas in the last
twelve months. Truth.
Jasper Girls always want to marry
for love but when they grow older
they look after tbe money. Junip
uppe You express yourself very un
gailantly. Women never grow older.
They simply grow wiser. Town
J is threat.
"What do you mean by threaten
ing me as you have? I hear you
swore if 1 cut across your Held agaiu
you would shoot me :is you would a
dog?" "Oh, that's all right I
never shoot dogs." Boston Tran
script. Trast worthy
Old Gravely If you do not care to
be my wife, perhaps the prospects of
being a rich young widow might
tempt you. Minnie (eagerly) Ob,
Mr.i Gravely I If I were only sure I
could trust you. Spare Momenta.
Hop -ti.
r papa," said Willie, as he watched
the colt prancing about tbe fields, "i
don't believe he'll ever grow up to be
a horse." "Why not my son?"
asked papa. "Because be behaves so
like a jackass." Harper's Bazaar.
They Don't.
Little Clarence Fa what is a Lieu
tenant Governor elected for? Mr.
Callipers To succeed the Governor
in case of death. Clarence Why,
pa, I didn't know that anybody ever
died while holding office! Truth.
No Use In Bis Business.
Mrs. hastack Here's a pair of old
pants you can have. Heavy Walte
I'd take dem pants, mum, but dere
ain't no sent on 'em, and I'm a great
teller rer slum' down. mum. Judge.
Southern Pine Forests" In Danger.
It is reported that the pine forests
of Baleigh, Webster and neighboring
counties of Virginia are in danger of
'u uen-ucuon tnrougn tne ravages
of a small insect which has appeared
of late years, and is multiplying
rapidly, and extending the sphere of
its destructive work. Professor O. D
Hopkins, of the West Virginia Agri
cultural Experiment Station, thinks
that he has discovered remedy for
the pest He spent some time last
summer in the Black Foreot f or.
many, and found there a small and
proliflo insect, which feeds on the in
jurious ones, and is not harmful to
'i'" H tas imPorted several
thousand of them, and is now engaged
in distributing them in the sections
where the ravaires of thn neat
It is to be hoped that hia remedy will
be successful. The destruction of its
pineries would mean an incalculable
loss tothe South. New Orleans Pica
yune. s"
The First Street Car7
A correspondent is informed that the
tit street car was built by John
oiepuenaon, x -was nrst used on
November 6, 1832, and ran from Prince
street in the Bowery, to Fourteenth
!cet' i8, fir trip it carried the
Xyor and Common Council. The
ihOian Homim,
A hornbill is something like a big
Aagpie in all its sly tricks and ways.
It catches little ball of food, if
thrown to it, with a sharpness and
precision worthy of a cricketer. On
one ooeasion, when Mrs. Hornbill had
made herself nest in tha hollow
trunk of the tree in their house and
deposited her eggs in it, Mr. Hornbill
came and plastered up the opening
with mud, leaving only a small space
sufficient for him to insert his bill and
feed the female and nestlings. He
feeds them in a very affectionate man
ner, by throwing up from his own
stomach pellets of food, enveloped,
eomething like a sausage, in "gizzard
sacs" formed of portions of the in
terior lin:ag chis own st-mach. This
is perhaps mone curious than nice.
songnian's Magazine.
Neve? ridicule the unfortunate.
Fanaticism is an obstinale vice.
Nc fool can be silent amid his cups.
Monarchy, in any shape, is but typ
A man with a prejudice is a man with
a chain.
The universe in its entirety is eternal
and self existent
Threo things to teach truth, indus
try and contentment.
It is a responsibility to think and act
for yourself. Mo3t peope hate responsi
bility. To deprive wormwood of its bitter
nest, and to take away liberty from
pecech, are both alike.
Glorious indeed is tho world around
as, but more glorious . tbe world wit'aia
as. There lies the Lml of Song; thera
lies the poet's native Uni.
Mea are unhappy oaly besiuse taey
ire ignorant; they ara iuornt only bj
sausj everything conspires to prevent
theft being enli;"jiaae.l; they are wicke I
nly because tUeir renoa U no: su.H
:iently develo;e i.
Every man may with truth say that
ae waited for a whole eternity to be brn,
tnd that he has no.v a whole eteraity
iraitlng-to sea what he will do no-v thit
le U boru. It U this which givji t
this little perio l of life, eo contetn:till3
when weighed against eteraity, a si
it&cance it never h-tJ without it. It ii
thus aa infinite aroa, whera infinite in
terests are pluye J out. Not aa action of
n in but will hava its truth realized a-i I
ri!l "o on forever.
Brinfrs comfort and improroment and
tends "to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, wlio live bet
ter than others and enjoy life inore, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's Lest products to
tho needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of tho pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tho
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to tho taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of perfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling eold.-t, headaches and feve'i
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given sal'sf:i,,tirn to millions and
met with the approval of thfi medical
profession, because it acts ci the Kid
neys, Liver and Howcls without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Svrup of Figs is for pale by all drug,
gist's in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Fig
and being well informed, yoxi will not
accost anjr substitute if offered.
e'3 s:riir.:
What They Are For
sick headache
bilious headache
bad taste in the mouth
foul breath
loss of appetite
when these conditions are caused by constipation ; ami con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con
sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druggist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
IS7m rAMLTDEM TO YOU? 5 vm:a hfpi th
f mm
WL.i sa s - "
wnai Brings Release Frcm
Don't You
of diseases and a,
ran gements have tbeii
origin in torpor ot tht
hver. Deranged an.
petite, constipation"
headache, sour stonS
ach, gassy belchiiip,
indigestion, or dy
pepsia, are due to
sluggish liver.
Mr, Johh A. Da.
Bcbrv, V. 8. Inspect
or of Immigration
at Buffalo, v S."
mmm writes as follows?
"From early childhood I suffered fmm n slui"
Irish liver. Doctors' prescriptions aud patent
medicines afforded only temporary relief J
tried Dr. Pirroe's I'lt-asani Pellets, tak'ini
three at nifrht and two after dinner every dal
for two weeks and then one " IVIIt " ererv
day for two niontl'S. 1 have in sii months in.
creased in solid tl-sri, twenty-six poundf I
am In better heaith t hrtri I have lh-'ii sinuQ
chiHt'Oixl. Drowsiness and uni'l- aKunt t..
logs after mettle have pfi;iiltt'ly lisi;pM:arwl,
Selnspector of Ii
mm ljrr.it Ion.
The Largest Jlanii'uetiirt is i.f
PURE, I!iCH crj.c;
On thit Continent, have rc?:Tr.r.
en all their tlf!Oi!s -i: t!;a
Thdr ErZiKFAST CC3:.'t,
Whirl., im l.kc fi.e !. 'i .-.
It rtiawl i:iiii;i! M.e u . f A I . -i:7!
or other Chri.tif -a! r ! i-(.,.
lutt-ly tuit fcwiua.:-.- ! ..-.
Itm thsm one ctnt m cup.
Always Reliable, Purely Vcir--able.
Perfectly tmteh'S, fh"j:;f.!!y t'o:;t. : f .far,
I WA -s -Jl.l.ir tin- t-nre at til ni- -i ; ..i u.u
Stomueli. lltwel-. Ki-UH-y-, It a'Mi-r. .-..,.,u,
liiseu'-es. lizziuess, Vuit.yti, otivi-tit. I'll--.
Sick Headache,
Fesnale Complaints,
All Disorders cf the Liver.
Olxerve therollnivlncayniptnuia.rvetiltl:)!; Irmn
di.'-ciSM's of the tliestivt-oti.'jin.'.: c.n-ti iiji.iii. in
wanl i'.ts. Illlli.t-.-ot Ii!imi. Ml tilt- lltii i f 1 1 1 -cf
the rtomach. tim:irt, luar Iburil, ili-uu-t ft
food. Iiiijiu-f-; t( wtipl.t l tiie tt'ni:ici(, fc..ur
eiut'liitiiiii.a, in k tn r r tl-.m i -u of n.r i,v:irt.
t'hoi-kiii r m;h 'vutiti -cniit:o:irt v, ht-n in a h
inir l-ot;irf. !iiiimj. o' v i-u.n. .r ,.;
fort- li.c .fill t. I' ft lllnl lilltl I'lt'll in tin- 1. .-).
tlt-lit-it-m-y ol p-rtiral!o. ycilow tu- il t::r -am
arnl ei:, puti! in tlie m-I,-. Vln-.-t. m!H. an I - wi
den Hughes oflie.lt. lil-M'iil! ill i;ie lie-ii.
A leu :., ot li AIA. .1 '.-i l-l i.- ,i ,.; free l!ic
system ol ull Uie above na.ne I liU.jrlel -.
I'rlcea-lc. a ISox. Soltl by Urnul i, or
rut lir unit!.
en.l to im. KAtiWAY .t to., I.ouk Ilox :y.
Neiv Yotk, lor liook ol AiK iee.
i3M ! O-CSirtfSJal n
4..5.5-5 FlNECAIf &ftK5Affil
2.I7s Boys'SckoolShoes.
Yoo cna earo moey ly wrnrinj tIo
V. Ta. Po-la S3.00 l-Mice.
X.pcansr. wo ore tho larrst iia:i:.f.-.clurrrj of
this g rati-; of shoes ia t ";o vrlil, ar ! ;ar-iiUv their
Vwlua by stnn.;ilu(5 tli name and iirlco a lLa
l"tt.im. which protoct yon c;Un.-,t hiirh prlc-qen l
im mMc! It-nan's promts. Our bhoej fii.I .-:. 1:1
wink iu ct;-!e, e:ts r.UinK aid warinK qiiu:;tk'i".
AVo iiave tlim vl i ever w'.rro atl-.-A-cr pricca f.r
tho valuoeiven than invth-r nV-jn. Takj noeub.
siltu:o. If i our dealer cannot sun'ily you, wj car
- -rf rii.l. r-rm.-tiis,
SKixi circu.svr.
sallow skin
torpid liver
depression of spirits
liny ii mi
13 U Tr
T 60 'Sanson St.
&.rl and
Know ?