Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 19, 1894, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY. SEP. 19, 1894.
Subscription, $1.60 per ananas if paid
la advance; $2.00 it not paid la ad ranee.
Transient advertisement Inserted at 60
Mata per inch for each Insertion.
Traaaieat business notices In local ooU
omo 19 easts per line for each insertion.
Pod actions will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or qnarter
Daniel H. Hastings, Bepub
lican candidate for Governor,
and James W. Latta, Republi
can candidate for Secretary of
Internal Affairs, will be in Mif
flintown, on Monday Afternoon,
September 24, 1894. Every
body come end shake hands
with the coming Governor and
coming Secretary of Internal
Affairs. They are able public
speakers and will nave some
thing to say on the situation
that interests every individual
Other prominent citizens of the
Commonwealth will accom
pany them. Bring your friends
with vou that day to town. If
the Court House isn't large
enough to hold the meeting the
Court Yard will do.
Don't forget Heck's Auction is still
Farmers are busy sowinjr wheat
ami cutting corn.
Consrressman Ju.ibon will be in
town on re-union day, October 18,
The G. A. R. National Encamp
ment next year, will b3 held at Li uia
ville, Ky.
Peoplo who have fed wheat to hogs,
declare it to bo a first rate feed lor
The peach crop this year in tin
UniieJ States, was not quite a quar
ff a crop, being 23 per cent.
Hiss Minnie Gross of Patterson,
Libelled G100 cans of frnit in the can
nery at this place last Thursday.
Twenty-eight thousand veterans
have died sinca last year's 'meeting
of the G. A. It. Nntional Encamp
Five hundred and eighty sugar
grovers in Ltouisian-i have expressed
a dot ruiination to pin the Republi
can party.
Judge Bucher of Liewisburg, got
in out of the wet by getting off the
democratic State ticket for Congress-lnan-at-Large.
Djri"g the hot weather impurities
in the blood maj seriously annoy you.
Esp.-1 them by taking Hoo Vs Sarsa
parilln, tho great blood purifier.
"The Marshal furnace, at Newport,
Perrv 03untv. which has been run
almost constantly for the past
x-prs. has shut down for an
nite period."
Th9 government reports 40,873,
S84 acres, planted in corn in the
United States this year of that num
ber of acres, 15,506,000 acres pro
duces no corn, but has already been
cut for fodder.
Ou the night of the 9th inst ,
thieves got into the bed-room of Al
fred Glen and wife at Landisbnrg,
Perry county, and chloroformed
them, and stole $30 from under the
pillow of Mr. Glen.
To hear men talk every man can
run the other man's busines", a grpat
deal better than the proprietor. The
womsn are a pood 1ph that wav to.
Every woman can run hr neighbor's
house better than her neighbor can.
Augustus Cunningham of Nebras
ka, came to Pittsbur? to participate
in the Grand Army Encampment at
Pittsburg, rame from the Smoky City
to Juniata to see his native place
and boyhood relatives and neighbors
Forty thousand veterans took a
part in the Grand Parade of the G.
A. 11. at Pittsburg, last week, and
they seemed to be covered with flafjs
and ever ereen decoration. It was
the grandest ovation ever extended
to the veterans.
Tlie torture of dyspepsia and sick
headache, the agonizing itchin? and
pain of salt rhem, are removed by
Hood's Sai-eaparilla.
Do you have headache, dizziness,
drov sinees, loss of appetite and oth
er svmptoms of biliousness? Hood's
Sarsaparilla will cure you.
Last Friday night a 17 year oli
boy, named David Watts, was lodged
in j.iil for having stolen a horse from
the stable of J. P Swartz of Fayette
township. By the time the horse
was ridden to Shamokin dam Snyder
county, the young thief waa tired,
dismounted and lay down on the tow
path and slept. While he slept, the
horse ran away. That hitch in the
program, confused the boy, and when
the pursuers came npon him he was
a foot in the road, walking in the di
rection of his home.
Scrofula, humors and all diseases
caused or promoted by impure blood
or low state of the system, are cured
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Parker McMeen soi ot Rjberfc Mc
Metn, Esq , of this town, was knock,
ed unconscious, last Tnursday, on
Port Royal Fair ground race track
hy a running horse striking him in
his breast with his knees, Several
thousand people witnessed the acci
dent, and a general groan was utter
ed by the crowd for every one that
tad a boy there thought it was their
joy. The lad was quickly picked up
by sympathetic people close by and
cared for. Mr. and Mrs. McMeen
were quickly sent for. They were on
the way to the fair and were speedily
"uKui io tne side of their uncon-
s.iouseon. The boy was brought
"y uere ana medical attendance
given by Drs. Lucian and Wm. EL
Elias Pennvpacker. the oldest
school teacher in Mifflin county, died
me otner aay aged 71 rears.
The veterans speak in the highest
praise oi tne treatment that was ex
tended to them by Pittsburg people.
Hon. John Davis, ex -associate
Judge of Mifflin county, died at his
home in Lewistown on the 9th inst.
Christ Snyder, a blacksmith, has
opened a vein of gold, silver and con
per. on Tnssey mountain, near Hen
rietta, Blair county.
Dr. D. O. Smith of Freeburg, Sny
der county, has been nominated by
tue democrats oi Una the 18th Con
gressional District for Congress.
The Juniata Christian Endeavor
Union, have selected November 13,
next, as the day on which to hold a
county rally in the Lutheran church
in this town.
Baltimore is to have a big fair in
1897, and the Paris, Effiel Tower,
1000 feet high is to be brought from
r ranee ana put up tnere at an ex
pense of five hundred thousand dol
lars. The freelumberclauseof the Wilson
tariff bill caused the lumbermen to
cut big chunks out of the democratic
vote, and pile them up for the re
publicans at tho late election in
The letters uncalled for in the Mif
flintown post office for the week end
ing September 14, 1894, were for
Miss Blanche Kenepp, Georere R.
Shaffer, Dr. S. 3. Hendrew, John
Gunster, B. Jsakamitz, and cards for
Mrs- Mary Basster.
Mr. Joseph Murray of Lewisburr,
and Mr. John Murray and sister.
Mies Mattie Murray of Elizabeth N.
J., were here attending the funeral
of Miss Jane Murray last Thursday,
and rem lined a few davs after the
funeral with their kin-folks at the
National House.
The democratic State Convention
met last week at Harrisburg and put
Heniy Meyer of Allegheny and
Thomas Cjllins of Center on their
ticket for Congressman-at-Larcrd to
fill the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of Judge Bucher and the
death of H K. Sloan.
Mrs. Powell of Pittsburg-, has been
in Juniata county the past week,
iookin? at a number of farms with
the object of buying. She looked at
land owned by James North, Wiliiam
Ritzman, George Herman and Will
iam Guss, a'l land owners on the
west side of the river.
Satnrday, October Ctb, 1S94,
James M. Hart, administrator of
William Hart, late of TuscaroraTwp ,
deceased, will sell a farm of 150
acres with house and barn thereon at
public sale on the premises. See ad
vertisement in another column for
particulars. At the same time and
place Tillie Hart will sell cows, younsr
cattle and other property. For par- j
ticnlars see advertisement.
The school houses in Pittsburg, j
were all set apart for lodging places i
for the veterans last week. The
scats were taken out of the buildings
and new clean mattresses were plac
ed ut the disposal of the old soldiers.
Water, eoap and towels were in
abundance, anil a gutrd was placed
at the doors cf each school house, so
that the boys in blue could leave
their clothing there out of the rer.ch
of thieves.
General Hastings with a company
of friends will be in town next .Mon
day afternoon on a campaign tour of
the State. Don't fail to come to
town and have a shake of hands with
the next Governor. If he was'nt a
rail splitter like Abraham Lincoln,
he is just as tall and bigger round,
and was raised and worked in bis
boyhood days on a farm. Don't miss
him when he comes more than half
way to meet you
The Port Royal Fair was on derk
as the old sailor says last week,
and the attendance was large, and
the exhibition about as usual, with
many foreign fakes tr beguile those,
who have an inclination to play fakes
at their own traine. The races were
as races usually are, snd the grounds
were more attractive than ever, and
the new grand stand gave satisfac
tion to those who sat on it, which the
old one never did.
On Thursday when Parker Mc
Meen was knocked down on Port
Royal Fair ground race track, a fath
er sitting on the grand stand, thought
it was his boy, and with a groan of
horror sprang to his feet, rushed to
the side of the stand, leaped over and
disappeared in the crowd only to be
rejoiced when he discovered that it
was not his son, but all the sime, he
speedily looked up bis boy and kept
him by bis side the rest of the day
while the races were going on.
What do vou take medicine fort
Because you are si k and want to get
well of course. Then remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures.
Oliver Cunningham who has not
been back to this his native county,
since he went west 28 years ago, is
now in Juniata, having come from
his home in Nebraska to attend the
Grand Army Encampment at Pitts
burg, and irom there here among
friends and relatives of boyhood days
While .Yifflintown has been slow in
its changes, the changes since he"
went away have been so marked that
he would not have known the place,
had he been set down in the town
suddenly and without previous no
tice as to bis destination. Jerome
Funk also a Juniatian of 28 years ab
sence, and a neighbor in Nebraska,
accompanied him.
At the late court in Mifflin county,
a beast named Peffer was convicted
of assault on a 12 year old girl The
jury wa9 out five hours and reeom
mended Peffer to the mercy of the
court. It is hard to believe that
12 jurors in Central Pennsylvania
could be found with their moral sen
sibility so deadened as to hold them
five hours in reaching a verdict which
they should never have gotten off
their seats in the jury box to empha
size in the sternest manner. A beast
in toe form of a man who will pull a
child 12 years old from a buggy and
outrage her is not fit to live. The
legislature would do well to pass a
law making such an offense punisha
ble by hanging.
Elus Griffith, wife and child of
Kansas, are visiting Squire C. B.
Horning and wife. Mrs. Horning is
a sister or air. uruatn, wno lelt Ju
niata for the west years ago. He
came to Pittsburg to attend the
Grand Army Encampment and took
that opportunity to visit his relatives
in his native county here.
Bloomfield Democrat of last week:
During the prevalence of the se
vere thunder storm which passed ov
er a portion of this county on last
Saturday evening the barn of Geo.
Lickel, near Roseburg, in Saville
township, was struck by lightning
and totally destroyed. .Vr. and Mrs.
Lickel were in the barn at the time
it was struck and escaped injury, but
a valuable horse was instantly killed.
A buggy and a wagon were removed,
but all the rest of the contents of the
barn were consumed. m
On last Sunday evening when return
ing from Blain where he bad been to
church, Geo. S. Briner, Esq , noticed
a number of baits of ligntning which
seemed to strike near the brick resi
dence belonging to himself and
brother Jacob. He hastened home
ward. When about to step upon
the porch there was a blinding flash,
followed by a tremendous report,
and at the same instant he appeared
to be struck: on the top of the head
by a stone falling from a considerable
distance. He was dazed and stun
ned, but his wife and children, who
were on the porch felt no shock.
There was a smell of smoke, but, on
examination, no fire was found. His
sisters living near by. saw the bolt,
saw the bolt descend and it appear
ed to them as if the building was en
veloped in a sheet of flame. Several
jars of fruit, in the cellar were broken
and a chicken was found dead near
the point where the lightning rod en
ters the ground at one end of thV
bui dinar. On lst.Wn1 npr.
day evening, white Mrs. Harper and !
lamny, enr next door neighbors,!
were at prayer meeting some bold
thief climbed from the garden fence
to the roof of the out-kitchen, remov
ed the screen from a window in the
m tin building, entered the rooms on !
the 2nd fl xr, ransacked the bureau ,
drawers and stole therefrom between J
five and six dollars in money belong
ing to Miss Margaret Harper and '
her cousin; Miss Mary Harper of
Shippenaburjr, and a gold watch, the
property of .Wins Carrie Harper. Evi
dently the thief was no stranger, had
soeu the family leave the house and
knew exactly how to accomplish his
purpose. During their absercs a
light was seen in the room from
which the stolen articles were taker. !
Sooner or iater sombody from this
town will don a striped suit in tho
Eastern Penitentiary.
Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of
the University of Maryland Dental
Department, desires to inform the
public that he has opened a Dental
Office at Oakland Mills, Pa., where
he can be found at all times. Teeth
extracted painlessly. All work guar
Uomeand Abroad-
It is the duty of everyone, whether
at home or travelling for pleasure or
business, to equip himself with the
remedy which will keep up strength
and prevent illness, and cure such
ills as are liable to come upon all in
every day life. Hood's Pills are
hand m.xde, and perfect ia propor
tion and appearance. 25c par box.
Tuscarora Valley Railroad.
Trains on the Tuscarora Valley
Railroad will run as follows:
Leave East Waterford at 8.00 a.
m., and 2 p. St., arriving at Port Roy
al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. m.
Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. x.
and 5.15 p. m., arriving at East Wa
terford at 11.45 a. h. and 6.30 p. m.
Mi. Luciilia of Ohio, is visiting in
Lewis Showers is visiting his pa
rents. Miss Myra Dinim 'is visiting tho
family of J C. Dimm.
Mrs. Will Richenbach of Altoona,
is visiting her parents in town.
Mrs. Young of Huntingdon is visit
ing G. W. Guss' family in Patterson.
Rev. T. W. McKinley of Wagner,
spent part of this week with Rev. M.
L. Drum.
Miss Mame Beaner of Millerstown,
is visiting .WisBes Clara and Belle
Miss Ackerman and neice Mias
Conner of 'ildletown are visiting
the Misses DiehL
Jtfr. Book of this county, visited
his neice Mrs. John Clay in Perry
county last week.
Mrs Harry Kauffman of Harris,
burg is visiting her mother Mrs
Sarah R, Bartley.
.Miss Lou .Mathers of Sydney, O.,
has been the guest of Miss Kate
Mathers, the past week.
Ezra Parker of Washington, D C ,
is spending his vacation on his fath
er's farm i this county.
Miss Bess Jfiddah has returned to
her home in Patterson, after a pleas
ant visit to Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Ella Pannebaker has retain
ed home after a pleasant visit to her
brother Cloyd in Coalport.
Mrs. Emit Schott and daughter
Gertrude rt-turned home last week
from a trip to Philadelphia.
Miss Rachel Henderson, spent a
couple of davs last week with Miss
Eleanor Campbell in Port Royal.
Miss Mary Patton ef Lewistown
and Mrs. Harry Dell of Reedsville,
visited the family of B. F. Schweier,
this week.
Bert T'omas who has been visit;
ing at the National House, returned
to his home in Washington, D. C,
on Monday.
Misses Ella and Mary Adams and
Mms Ruth McMeen of Walker Two..
started for Irwin College, Mechanics-
burg last week.
Have you tried South American
Nervine the gem of the oentnry f
Tne great cure for Indigestion, Dys
pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant.
ed the most wonderful Stomach and
Nerve Cure ever known, Trial bot
tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks &
Co., Druggists, Mifflin town, Pa.
Nor. 14, ly.
I)ut TliM Feeing
is a dangerous condition directly dne
to depleted or - impure blood. Jt
should not be allowed ta continue, as
in its debility the system is especial
ly liable to serious attacks of illness.
Hood's Ssrsaparilla-'is the remedy for
such a condition, and also for that
weakness which prevails at the
change of season, climate or life.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from the best in
gredients. 25c
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browns
valley, Ind., says: "I have been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Nervousness, Weakness of the
Stomache, Dyspepsia, and Indiges
tion until my health was gone. I
had been doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought . one bottle of
South American Nervine which done
mo more good than any $50 worth of
doctoring X ever did in my life. I
would advise every weakly person to
use this valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles or it has cured me
completely. I consider it the grand
est medicin in the world." War
ranted the most wonderful stomach
and nerve cure ever known. Trial
bottle 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks
& Co., Druggist, Mifflintown,' Pa.
Fob. 1, 93-ly.
A Good Apppetite.
always rccompanies good health, and
an absence of appetite is an indica
tion of something wrong. The uni
versal testimony given by those who
have used Hood's Sirsaparilla, as to
tfo mTir. in ratnrin(f rVtA aniutitd
and as a purifier of the blood, con-
i : i . . . ai - . i , .
Hiuuiea ius strongest recommenaa
tion that can bo urged by any medi
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bil
iousness, jaundice, indigestion, eick
headache. 23s.
Fauhf-stock Reed. On. Sep. 2nd,
by Absalom Barner, J. P., Henry
Fhn stock and Ida Reed, both of
Greenwood township.
Besdeis Hess. On the 28th ult.,
by Rev R. M. Campbell. Wm. M
Binder of this county and Harriet
Hess of Perry county.
Swu.rz Bellman. Oa Sep. 2nd
by Rev. Oscar Romig, Adam B.
Swartz and Artie Bellman, both of
Menroe township.
Jamison Lkacu. On Sep. 5tb, by
Rev. Rishell, Thos. H. Jamison of
Mehaffey, Clearfield Co., and Bertha
T Leach of this place.
Row Portzltxe. On the Gth inst.,
by Rev. J. C. Reighard, Chas. F. Row
and Majgie Portzline, both of this
Zimmeruax HoBxixo. On Sep. 6,
by Rev. H. C. Hollo way, D. D., A. W.
Zimmerman of Akron, Ohio, and Em
ma E. Horning of Milford Twp.
McWurssET Willett. On the
Gth inst , by Rev J. K. Lloyd. Wm.
W. McWhinney of Boone Grove,
Indiana and Myrtle M. Willett, of
Milford township.
Sheets Morrison. On Sep. 8th,
by J. B. Todd, J. P., J. N. Sheets
of Port Royal and Lizzie .Voirison of
Huntingdon county.
Shellesberoer Ritert. On Sep.
9tb, by Rev. Spencer S. Beaver, John
H. Shellenberger and Bertha J. Ru
pert, both of Fayette township.
Roberts Cameros. At the resi
dence of the bride's mother in
Thompson town, Pa., Sep. 14, 1894,
by Rev. J. C. Reighard, JVfr. Charles
A. Roberts of Steel ton, Pa., to Miss
Agnes C. Cameron of Harrisburg, Pa.
Mcrrat On August 9th, 1894, in
this town Miss Jane Murray, eldest
sister of James H. .Murray, aged 87
years, 7 months and 29 days.
Kiszeb On Sep. 14, 1894, of chol
era infantum, at the home of her pa
rents in East Salem, Jennie Ethel
Kinzer, aged 6 months and 26 days.
Ethel, we miss thee from our home,
Ko more we'll see her smiling face,
Jesus saw flt to take her.
Up to His heavenly place.
VirruXTOwv, Sep. 19. 1894.
Hntter 18
Errs IS
Ham 18
BhouMer 14
lrd. . .. . ..... 11
Wheat 60
Corn in ear... .... ...... 60
Oats, 85
Rve 60
Cloveroeed ......... . .... .... ..
Timothy seed 2.00
Fl 'X seed 60
Chot $1.20 a hundred
Middlings 1 10
Ground Alum Salt 1.00
n.enmn Salt...... .......80c to 76
Philadelphia Markets, September
17, 1894 Wheet 58 to 59c Corn
63 to 66c. Otts 35 to 38c Butter
13 to 39c. Eggs 16 to 17c Ducks
9 to 10c Chickens 11 to 12c Penn
sylvania washed wool 18 to 19c Po
tatoes 45 to 70c a basket. Onions
$1 50 to $1.75 a barrel. Cloverseed
9c a lb. Timothy seed $2.60 to $2 70
a bush.
Lancaster, Pa , Sep 13. Cattle
Receipts, 3000 head, the heaviest of
the season; market fairly active and
prices bad an upward tendency; good
fat, f4.9Ua5 15; medium fat, 94a4 75;
common fat, $3 25a$3.75; fair feedei-s,
$3 60a3.85; good stockers $3.25a3 50;
fair s'ockers, $3a3.25; common stock
erg, $3a3.25; common stockers, $2.60
East Liberty, Pa., Sap. 13. Cat
tlePrime, $5a5 25; good, $4 25a4 -
70; eood butchers, $3.60a4; rough
fat, $2.70a3.40; fair light steers, $2.-
30x3; good fat cowa and heifers, $2,
40a3- Hogs $6,55a6.65; Philadel-
phiaus, $6.40&6.50; best Yorkers and
mixed. $6.20a6.30: common to fair
Yorkers, 5.75a6; pigs, $5.50a5.70;
good sows, $5.25n5.75; stags and
rough sows, $4.25a4.75. Sheep
supply light; extre, I3&3.25; good,
$2.102.40; fair, $L25al.60; common,
50c to CI: vearlintro 1.50a3: lamba.
$2a.75. -.: Z
IW etwOJt stare and glon temtt,
Tfu linen collar ttarU the morn;
Hill oft al noontime it u mi
MM willed, wrinkled and forlorn.
That's what yoa must expect of
The stand-up collars won't stand c
np, and the turn-down collars will B
wui aown. i ne easy, cueap, ana
pleasant way out of this is to wear
" Celluloid " collars and
CUFFS. These goods are made
by coverine linen collars or cans
on both sides with "Celluloid,"
thus making them strong and
durable, and waterproof, not affec
ted by beat or moisture. There
are no other waterproof goods
made this way, consequently none
that can wear so well. When soiled
simply wipe them off with a wet
cloth. Every piece of the genuine
is stamped like tins :
Insist npon goods so marked
if you expect full satisfaction, and
if your dealer docs not keep them,
send direct to us enclosing amount
and we will mail sample. State
size, and whether a stand-up or
turned-down collar is wanted.
Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair.
427-29 Broadway, NawVerk.
THE MOST ATTRACTIVE and interest -ing
WAR BOOK published. Charming
descriptions of thrilling personal exper
iences Bv the Ret. J. B. Yovsa, Editor
' Central Christian Advocate." 1 00 Origi.
nal illustrations by Frank Board (the pic
lures are worth more than price of bonk).
Low in price. Extraordinary inducements.
Exclusive territory. Don't Delav; days are
AGENTS, worth dollars. Send 60 cents
WANTED, at once lor ont St. Satis
faction guaranteed or money refunded.
IIIJIIT h. EATON, 150 Firth Ave., N T
Spring and Sum
mer Clothing.
We are closing
our Spring
Summer Clothing
We will carry none over. Now is the time
for Bargains.
We handle no bankrupt Stock. All our
Stock is new.
S. S. Ruble,
Practical Embalmcr and Funer
al Director.
North Main Nt, Mifflintown, Pa
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lata pa
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavins, Curbs Splints, Sweeney,
Ring Bone, S trifles. Sprain es, all
Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc Save
$50 by use of one bottle. War
ranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by L Banks
& Co., Druggist Mifflintown, Pa.
Not. 22, -93.
ffvMsasMSfsl 1
raSMtast Try tt. SOc
Itch on human, mange on horses
dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min
utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by L. Banks
A Co., Druggist, Mifflintown.
Nov. 22nd 1894.
(Graduate or the Philadelphia Dental Col
lege,) formerly of Mifflinburg, Pa., baa lo
cated permanently in Mifflintown, as (ac
cessor to the lata Dr. O. L. Derr, and will
continue the denial business (established
by the latter in 1860) at tba well known of
fice on Bridge street opposite Conrt House.
JVe Chloroform, Ether, or Gas used.
No Sore Gums or Discomfort to patient,
either dormg extraction or afterwards
All Ibese are Guaranteed tr DO charge
will be made.
07 All work guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash.
Practical Dentist.
f crow best when Dlanted with 1
flioa Dna. A fertiliser that al-1
ways brings a crop, always 1m-:
proven tne soil, noia direct to lar- :
i 111 m 7 OH Mr tnn. ftln n tit. :
yg samples 1 roe.
Iff York Chemical Works, York, Pa.
Tra 11.1.1 ! "xxjTii
Wholesale f Retail Failure
As is a well known fact, we have always been and Btill are opposed to
baying bankrupt stocko, because they are usually not the kind of goods,
we would conscientiously recommend to our customers. The goods from
the Leopold Failure, however, were decidedly of a most excellent quality,
such as are handled by all First Class Houses.
Hence this sale which embraces our
As well as our own assortment of merchandise,
is the Biggest
We cannot of course mention even one hundredth part of the marvel
ous bargains, but these few ill give an idea what you can expect.
50c. Children's Cassimere Pants. 25c.
$4. Fine Children's Suits. $2.
$3.50 Children's Suits. S1.75.
$10.00 Men's Cassimere Suits. $5.00.
S1.75 Children's Suits. 87c.
Men's Suits.
Boys Suits
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
T88 PI88T
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Bnntriu ouadlttaa ara wanund. utaalto
cmtlaaclaa two boxes of anir other brand. Ndfc
Oactad br liM liTOiT THE OES V IX K.
Nnrserr Stock. Bala.', Ibienaes and
Steady Employment (ruaranf .d.
Dec. 8, T1. Rochester, N. T.
The 8emttmei amd Rtpnthrmm offlee is the
place to get ebwork doae.Try it. It wOl
PT u jvu men BDywaaa; m mat una.
It is needless to say now is tlv
timo to buy Clothing when yo't can
buy a Man's All Wool Suit for ?5.
and a fine All Wool Boy's Suit for ft
Stockholder! Individually Liable
T. VAN IRWIN, Canhtet
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Kothi-oek,
John Hertiler, Josiah L. P.irton,
Robert K. Parker, Lonia B. Atkriimea
T. V. Irwin.
arooKHOinsB :
George A. Kfpner, Annie X. Shelley,
Joseph Rotbrock, P. W. Manbeck,)
L. E. AtkioacB, R. E.Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmea Irwin.
Mary Knrts, Jerome. N. Thompson, Jr,
John Hertiler, T. V. Irwin.
Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L Barton,
John H . Blair, Robert H. Patterson,
F. M. M. Pennell, Levi Light,
Samnel 8. Rothrock, Wm. 8 waits.
Three and Fonr per cent, interest will be
paid on certificates of deposit.
fjan 23, 1894 U
Bolfci from the effect of yonthfal errors, rly
dsou. wasting weakness. lost manhood. eto I will
end a valuable treatise r sealed) containing- fall
particulars for horns care, FREE' chr(;s. 4
tplsodid medical work ; should be reed by erart
aaaa was la acrrons and debilitated. Addraav
Trmt, v. c. VOWLEB, Hooaas. Conaw
Consumption Surely OurexJ.
Xo In Xuttok: Keeee Inform your readers
that 1 hare m. nneitim Mflnedv 4n eh .Ka. A
sanaaa. By its timely use taumaands othopalaaa.
eases Bare been permanently oared. I shall be glad
to aand two bottles of ra-w mudv FRKS! fa . J
rear rssluis who have eonaamption if they will
sad m their Zsprees and P. O. address. Miiiiea
telly. T. A. SiOCCsI, L a. 1S1 Psarl H. I.